Gil Blas

Gil Blas, a romance by Le Sage, from the name of the hero, a character described by Scott as honestly disposed, but being constitutionally timid, unable to resist temptation, though capable of brave actions, and intelligent, but apt to be deceived through vanity, with sufficient virtue to make us love him, but indifferent to our respect.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Gigman * Gilbert, Sir Humphrey
[wait for the fun]
Gibson, John
Gibson, Thomas Milner
Giesebrecht, Wilhelm von
Gieseler, Johann Karl Ludwig
Gifford, Adam, Lord
Gifford, William
Gil Blas
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey
Gilbert, Sir John
Gilbert, William Schwenck
Gilbert Islands
Gilboa, Mount
Gilchrist, Alexander
Giles, St.
Gilfillan, George