Guizot, François Pierre Guillaume

Guizot, François Pierre Guillaume, a celebrated French historian and statesman, born at Nîmes; his boyhood was spent at Geneva, and in 1805 he came to Paris to study law, but he soon took to writing, and in his twenty-fourth year had published several works and translated Gibbon's great history; in 1812 he was appointed to the chair of History in the Sorbonne; on the second restoration (1814) became Secretary-General of the Ministry of the Interior; the return of Napoleon drove him from office, but on the downfall of the Corsican he received the post of Secretary to the Ministry of Justice; in 1830 he threw in his lot with Louis Philippe, became Minister of Public Instruction, Foreign Minister, and Prime Minister; his political career practically closed with the downfall of Louis Philippe; his voluminous historical works, executed between his terms of office and in his closing years, display wide learning and a great faculty of generalisation; the best known are “The History of the English Revolution” and “The History of Civilisation”; as a statesman he was honest, patriotic, but short-sighted (1787-1874).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

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[wait for the fun]
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Guizot, François Pierre Guillaume
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