Ricasoli, Baron (18061880)

Ricasoli, Baron, Italian statesman, born at Florence; devoted to the cultivation of the vine, the olive, and the mulberry; was drawn into political life in 1847 in the interest of Italian unity, succeeded Cavour as Prime Minister, but retired from political life in 1866; his “Letters and Papers,” in 5 vols., were published posthumously (18061880).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Ricardo, David * Ricci, Lorenzo
[wait for the fun]
Rhumb Line
Rhymer, Thomas the
Rhys, John
Ribera, Jusepe
Ricardo, David
Ricasoli, Baron
Ricci, Lorenzo
Ricci, Matteo
Riccio, David
Rice, James
Rich, Edmund
Richard I.
Richard II.
Richard III.
Richard of Cirencester
Richards, Alfred Bate