Richard II., king of England from 1377 to 1399, son of the Black Prince, born at Bordeaux; succeeded his grandfather, Edward III.; during his minority till 1389 the kingdom was administered by a council; in 1381 the Peasants' Revolt broke out, headed by Wat Tyler, as a result of the discontent occasioned by the Statutes of Labour passed in the previous reign, and more immediately by the heavy taxation made necessary by the expense of the Hundred Years' War still going on with France; a corrupt Church called forth the energetic protests of Wycliffe, which started the Lollard (q.v.) movement; an invasion of Scotland (1385), resulting in the capture of Edinburgh, was headed by the young king; coming under French influence, and adopting despotic measures in the later years of his reign, Richard estranged all sections of his people; a rising headed by Henry of Lancaster forced his abdication, and by a decree of Parliament he was imprisoned for life in Pontefract Castle, where he died (probably murdered) soon after (1367‒1400).
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Richard I. * Richard III.Links here from Chalmers
Andrews, James Pettit
Arundel, Thomas
Bederic, Henry
Berners, Juliana
Berton, William
Beverly, John Of
Bilson, Thomas
Brady, Robert
Chaucer, Jeffery
Chrysoloras, Emanuel
[showing first 10 entries of 29]