Rogers, John (15051555)

Rogers, John, the first of the Marian martyrs, born at Birmingham; prepared a revised edition of the English Bible, preached at Paul's Cross against Romanism the Sunday after Mary's entrance into London, and was after a long imprisonment tried for heresy, and condemned to be burned at Smithfield (15051555).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Rogers, James E. Thorwold * Rogers, Samuel
[wait for the fun]
Roe, Edward Payson
Roebuck, John Arthur
Rogation Days
Roger I.
Roger II.
Roger of Wendover
Rogers, Henry
Rogers, James E. Thorwold
Rogers, John
Rogers, Samuel
Roget, Peter Mark
Rohan, Prince Louis de
Rohlfs, F. Gerard
Rokitansky, Baron
Roland, Madame
Roland de la Platière, Jean Marie