
Roland, one of the famous paladins of Charlemagne, and distinguished for his feats of valour, who, being inveigled into the pass of Roncesvalles, was set upon by the Gascons and slain, along with the flower of the Frankish chivalry, the whole body of which happened to be in his train.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Rokitansky, Baron * Roland, Madame
[wait for the fun]
Rogers, Henry
Rogers, James E. Thorwold
Rogers, John
Rogers, Samuel
Roget, Peter Mark
Rohan, Prince Louis de
Rohlfs, F. Gerard
Rokitansky, Baron
Roland, Madame
Roland de la Platière, Jean Marie
Rollin, Charles
Romaine, William
Roman Empire, Holy
Romance Languages
Romanes, George John


Roland in Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable

Links here from Chalmers

Acuna, Fernando De
Bayard, Peter Du Terrail, Chevalier De
Brissot De Warville, James Peter
Chamfort, Sebastian Roche Nicolas
Everdingen, Aldret Van
Griffier, John
Piccini, Nicholas
Quin, James
Roland, Marie-Jeanne Philepon
Verstegan, Richard