Rohan, Prince Louis de

Rohan, Prince Louis de, a profligate ecclesiastic of France who attained to the highest honours in the Church; became archbishop and cardinal, but who had fallen out with royalty; was debarred from court, tried every means to regain the favour of Marie Antoinette, which he had forfeited, was inveigled into buying a necklace for her in hope of thereby winning it back, found himself involved in the scandal connected with it, and was sent to the Bastille (1783-1803). See “Diamond Necklace” in Carlyle's “Miscellanies.”

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Roget, Peter Mark * Rohilkhand
[wait for the fun]
Rogation Days
Roger I.
Roger II.
Roger of Wendover
Rogers, Henry
Rogers, James E. Thorwold
Rogers, John
Rogers, Samuel
Roget, Peter Mark
Rohan, Prince Louis de
Rohlfs, F. Gerard
Rokitansky, Baron
Roland, Madame
Roland de la Platière, Jean Marie
Rollin, Charles