Angelis, Stephen De

, an Italian mathematician, was educated under Bonaventure Cavalieri, the most eminent Italian scholar in that science in the seventeenth century. He was at first a Jesuit, but that order being suppressed in 1668, he applied closely to the study of mathematics, and taught at Padua with great success, publishing various works, and carrying on a controversy on the opinions of Copernicus with Riccioli and others. Moreri, from a manuscript account of the learned men of Italy, written by father Poisson, gives a numerous list of his publications, some of which were in Latin, and some in Italian. We have only seen his “Miscellaneum hyperbolicum et parabolicum,Venice, 1659, 4to, and “Delia gravita dell' Aria e Fluidi, Dialogi V.Padua, 1671—2, 4to. His controversy on Copernicus was begun in “Considerazioni sopra la forza d’alcune cagioni fisiche matematiche addote dal Pad. Riccioli, &c.Venice, 1667, 4to, and continued in a second, third, and fourth part, 1669—9, 4to. 2


Moreri.—Haym’s Biblioteca Italiana.