
, Baldi, or Baldius, a native of Florence, in the seventeenth century, was a very eminent physician and medical writer. He was reader on medicine in the university of Rome, where he held a canon’s place, and acquired the first reputation throughout Italy. His great ambition was to be physician to pope Innocent X. which he had no sooner obtained than he contracted a distemper which proved fatal a few months after his promotion. None of his biographers give the date of his death (probably about 164. ), but all attribute it to the luxurious change in the mode of living at court. He published many works which bear a high character, and among others: 1. “Praelectio de Contagione pestifera,Rome, 1631, 4to. 2. “Disquisitio iatrophysica de Aere,Rome, 1637, 4to, 3. “De loco affecto in pleuritide disceptationes,Paris, 1640, 8vo Rome, 1643, &c. 2

