Benevoli, Anthony
, an Italian surgeon, was born in 1685 in the dutchy of Spoletta, and at the age of nine, was sent to Florence, where after going through a classical course, he studied philosophy, anatomy, and surgery, and acquired great reputation for his skill in disorders of the eyes and in ruptures. In 1755, he was appointed principal surgeon of the hospital of St. Mary in Florence, and died in that city, May 7, 1756. He wrote, 1. “Lettera sopra cataratta gleucomatosa,” Florence, 1722, 8vo. 2. “Nuova propozitione intorno alia caruncula dell' uretra della carnosita, &c.” ibid. 1724, 12mo. 3. “Manifesto sopra alcune accuse contenute in uno certo parere del signor P. P. Lupi,” ibid. 1734, 4to. 4. “Giustificatione delle replicati accuse del signor P.P. Lupi,” ibid. 1734, 4to. 5. “Dissertazioni sopra l‘origine deli’ ernia intestinale, &c.” ibid. 1747, 4to. 2