Boot, Gerard
, of a noble family, was born at Gorcum, in Holland, in 1604. After taking his degree of doctor in medicine, he came to England, and was in such estimation for his skill in his profession, that he was made physician to king Charles I. On the death of that prince he settled in Dublin, but died soon after, viz. in 1650. In 1630 he published “Heures de Recreation,” 4to, in the Dutch language; and in 1640, “Philosophia Naturalis reformata,” which are not, however, much esteemed. His brother Arnold, likewise a physician, was well versed in the Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Syriac languages. After taking his degree of doctor in medicine, he came also to London; but on the breaking out of the troubles here, he removed to Ireland, where he practised with success and reputation for some years. Tired at length with the hurry and confusion incident to civil commotions, and having experienced some losses, he went to Paris, and there passed the remainder of his life in retirement and study. He died in 1653. He published, in 1649, “Observationes Medicae de affcctibus a veteribus omissis,” 12mo. Haller gives a particular account of this volume, which contains many interesting and curious observations. 2
Haller, Bibl. Med. —Rees’s Cyclopædia.—Moreri.