Brancas Villeneuve, Andrew Francis
, abbe
d’Aulnay, who was born in the comtat Venaissin, and died
April 11, 1758, is known by several works in physics and
astronomy. The abundance of words, the frequent
repetitions, the great number of insignificant ideas perceived
in his writings, have disgusted many readers; though they
contain much excellent matter. The principal are, 1.
“Letters on cosmography,” 1744, 4to. 2. “Modern
system of cosmography and general physics,” 1747, 4to.
3. “Explication of the flux and reflux of the sea,” 1739,
4to. 4. “Cosmographical ephemerides,” 1750, 12mo,
5. “History or police of the kingdom of Gala,” 1754,
12mo, pretendedly translated from the Italian into English,
and from English into French. 1
Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
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The text was scanned and OCRd several times, and
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because I am still working on fixing errors.
Notes on automatic processing
Found born 1758 and died 1758 in the body of the article, but this does not seem right, so both were ignored.
Brancas Villeneuve, Andrew Francis (1758–?)
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