Chastelain, George
, a Flemish gentleman, who was educated at the court of the dukes of Burgundy, and esteemed as one of those by whom the French language was at that time best understood. John Molinet was his pupil. He died 1475, leaving in French verse, an account of all the extraordinary things which happened in his time, 1531, 4to; and at the end of the Legend of Fairfeu, 1723, 8vo; “Le Chevalier delibere, ou la Mort du Due de Bourgogne devant Nanci,” 1489, 4to. Some attribute this work to Oliver de la Marche. “Hist, du Chevalier Jaques de Lalain,” Antwerp, 1634, 4to; “Les Epitaphes d‘Hector et d’Achille,” 1525, 8vo. 3
L’Arc-cat. —Dict. Hist.—Moreri in Chatelain.