Evans, Thomas

, a bookseller of London, and deserving notice not only for spirit and integrity in business, but for considerable literary taste and talents, was born in. 1742, and served his apprenticeship with Mr. Charles Marsh, a bookseller of reputation in Round-court, Strand, and at Charing-cross. Mr. Evans soon after his apprenticeship had terminated, set up in business, and by his acquaintance with English literature, which he had assiduously cultivated, was enabled to strike out many of those | schemes of publication which do credit to the discernment of the trade, and as far as his own fortune permitted to embark alone in many republications which shewed the correctness of his judgment and his regard for the literary character of his country. Among these we may enumerate new editions of, 1. “Shakspeare’s Poems,1774. 2. “Buckingham’s Works,1775. 3. “Nicolson’s Historical Library,1776. 4. “Four volumes of Old Ballads, with notes,” l?7l 1784. Of this his son has lately published an improved edition. 5. “Cardinal de Retz’s Memoirs.” 6. “Savage’s Works,1777. 7. “Goldsmith’s Works,1777. 8. “Prior’s Works,1779. 9. “Rabelais’s Works.” 10. “History of Wales.” 11. “Peck’s Desiderata Curiosa,1779, in an advertisement to which he announced an intention of re-printing the “Notitia Monastica” of bishop Tanner, which has since been accomplished by Dr. Nasmith. To all these works Mr. Evans prefixed Dedications written with neatness and elegance, addressed to his literary patrons, Garrick, sir Joshua Reynolds, Mr. Sheridan, &c. He died in the prime of life, April 30, 1784, leaving a widow and son, the latter now a bookseller in Pall-mall, and the well-known and successful vendor of the most curious and valuable library ever sold in this, or perhaps, in some respects, in any other country, that of the late duke of Roxburgh.

Mr. Evans was much beloved, respected, and esteemed by his numerous acquaintance, friends, and relations by the latter, for his affectionate regard by his friends, for his readiness and activity in their service and by his acquaintance, for the pleasantness of his conversation, and his entertaining manner of displaying his wit and humour, of both of which he possessed a more than ordinary portion. Few persons in the middling rank of life had their company more courted, and few have been more successful in the exertion of social qualities; and there are not many to whom the public have been more obliged for a right use of professional powers. 1


Nichols’s Bowyer, vol. VI. —Gent. Mag. 1784.