The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Publication: “Traites elementaires du Calcul differentiel et du Calcul integral,” by Agnesi, Maria Cajetana an Italian lady of great learning
Publication: “Eloge de Quesnoy,” by Albon, Claude Camille, Francois Count D' was born at Lyons in 1753
Died: Amort, Eusebius a canon regular of the order of St
Publication: “Contes mis en vers par un petit cousin de Rabelais,” by Aquino De Chateau Lyon, Peter Louis and a bachelor of medicine
Died: Ashton, Thomas divine
Publication: “Les Oracles de Cos,” by Aubry, John Francis physician
Publication: “Discourses on Education, delivered in the Royal college at Rouen, to which are subjoined, Reflections upon Friendship,” by Auger, Athanasius critic
Publication: “Letters and Journals, carefully transcribed by Robert Aiken containing an impartial account of public transactions, civil, ecclesiastical, and military, both in England and Scotland, from 1637 to 1662 a period, perhaps, the most remarkable that is to be met with in the British History. With an Account of the Author’s life, prefixed and a Glossary annexed,” by Baillie, Robert divine
Publication: “Remarks on Dr. Balguy’s Sermon, in a letter to that gentleman, by one of the petitioning clergy.” by Balguy, Thomas son of the above
Publication: “Tracts on the probability of reaching the North Pole,” by Barrington, The Hon. Daines was born in 1727
Publication: “Bibliotheque universelle des Romans,” by Bastide, John Francis De La writer
Died: Bate, James was born at Bocton Malherb in Kent in 1703
Publication: “Le Barbier de Seville,” by Beaumarchais, Peter Augustin Caron De writer
Publication: “Commentaire sur la Henriade,” by Beaumelle, Laurence Angliviel De La writer
Publication: “Varletes Litteraires,” by Beurieu, Gaspard Guillard De writer
Publication: “New Magazine of Police, &c.” by Bergius, John Henry Louis writer
Died: Bernard, Peter Joseph poet
Publication: “Pygmalion” by Berquin, Arnaud writer
Publication: “Les longitudes par la mesure du temps,” by Berthoud, Ferdinand an eminent French marine clock-maker
Publication: “Morale de l'Evangile,” by Bertrand, Elias writer
Died: Bianchi, John naturalist
Died: Bignicourt, Simon De a counsellor of the presklial of Rheims
Publication: “Guillaume de Nassau,” by Bitaube', Paul Jeremiah poet
Publication: “Recherches sur les maladies chroniques, leur rapports avec les maladies aigues,” by Bordeu, Francis brother to Theophilus
Publication: “On Illicit Love; written among the Ruins of Godstow Nunnery,” by Brand, John secretary to the society of antiquaries
Publication: “A Supplement to the Stemmata,” by Buckler, Benjamin antiquary
Publication: “Travels through the middle settlements in North America in the years 1759 and 1760, with observations upon the state of the colonies,” by Burnaby, Andrew archdeacon of Leicester and vicar of Greenwich
Died: Capperonnier, John was born at Mondidier in 1716
Publication: “Memoires pour servir a la Vie de Catinat,” by Cato, Marcu Portius the censor
Publication: “Vie de Dante,” by Chabanon, De writer
Publication: “Sabinus,” by Chabanon, De writer
Publication: “Epitre sur la manie des jardins Anglois,” by Chabanon, De writer
Died: Collingwood, Cuthbert, Lord a brave and excellent English admiral
Publication: “Travels in Italy and Holland,” by Coyer, L'Abbé who was born at Baumeles-Nones in Franche-Comtt;
Publication: “Lexicon Ægyptiaco-Latinum,” by Croze, Mathuiun Veyssiere La writer
Publication: “An historical relation of the several Expeditions, from Fort Marlbro' to the Islands off the West Coast of Sumatra,” by Dalrymple, Alexander an eminent hydrographer
Died: De Missy, Cæsar a man greatly distinguished in the learned world
Publication: “Loisirs du Chevalier D'Eon,” by Denton, William the youngest son of sir T
Born: Dermody, Thomas poet
Died: Durell, David divine
Publication: “Buckingham’s Works,” by Evans, Thomas bookseller
Publication: “Inquiry into the propriety of Blood-letting in Consumption,” by Farr, Samuel physician
Publication: “The Art of Drawing in Perspective made easy,” by Ferguson, James philosopher
Publication: “An Introduction to Electricity,” by Ferguson, James philosopher
Publication: “Two Letters to the Rev. Mr. John Kennedy,” by Ferguson, James philosopher
Publication: “A Third Letter to the Rev. Mr. John Kennedy,” by Ferguson, James philosopher
Publication: “An Inquiry into the. Astronomy and Anatomy of the Ancients,” by Francklin, Thomas chaplain in ordinary to his majesty
Publication: “Oratio Panegyrica in auspicium sseculi tertii Academic Batavse quae Leidse est,” by Gaubius, Jerome David physician
Publication: “Reports of Cases of controverted Elections,” by Glanvil, Sir John younger son of John Glanvil of Tavistock in Devonshire
Publication: “The Morality of Shakspeare’s Drama illustrated,” by Griffith, Elizabeth writer
Died: Guischard, Charles Gottlieb called Quintus Icilius
Publication: “De Magia,” by Haen, Anthony De professor of medicine in the university of Vienna
Publication: “Description concerning such mechanism as will afford a nice or true Mensuration of Time,” by Harrison, John a most accurate mechanic
Publication: “Memoirs of the late contested election for the county of Leicester,” by Heathcote, Ralph divine
Died: Hill, Sir John writer
Publication: “Cleonice,” by Hoole, John poet
Publication: “The Pilgrim, or a Picture of Life,” by Johnston, Charles author of <c Chrysal
Died: Lancaster, Nathaniel, D. D. was many years rector of Stamford Rivers
Publication: “Memorie idrostatico-storiche delle operazioni esequite nella inalveazione del Reno di Bologna, e degli altri minori torrenti per la linea di primaro al mare dalP anno 1765 al 1772,” by Lecchi, John Anthony a learned Italian mathe. matician
Publication: “L'homme moral,” by Levesque, Peter Charles writer
Publication: “Flora Scotica” by Lightfoot, Jofln botanist
Publication: “Theorie du Libelle,” by Linguet, Simon Nicholas Henry writer
Publication: “Letters on the Colonies,” by Long, Edward author of a valuable History of Jamaica
Publication: “Historical, Political, and Moral Miscellanies,” by Lynar, Rochus Frederic Count statesman
Publication: “Thoughts on the Causes of the Present Discontents;” by Macaulay, Catherine the name of her second husband
Born: Malus, Stephen Louis mathematician
Publication: “Life of the well-deserving prelate, Nicholas Steno, of Denmark,” by Mann I, Dominic Maria writer
Publication: “Memoirs of his own Life,” by Marolles, Michel De an industrious French translator
Publication: “Memoirs of Gray” by Mason, William divine
Publication: “Lettre sur la Pucelle D'Orleans,” by Mercier, Bartholomew bibliographer
Publication: “Commentationes resize soc. Scientiarum Goettingerrsis, per annos 1758 1762,” by Michaelis, John David critic
Publication: “De litteratura Faventinorum, sive de viris dociis, et scriptoribus urbis Faventinae (Faenza), appendix ad accessiones hist. Faventinas,” by Mittarelli, John Benedict historian
Died: Montague, Elizabeth a learned and ingenious English lady
Publication: “Devoirs d'un prince,” by Moreau, Jacob Nicolas a French advocate (1717–1799)
Publication: “Veterum Inscriptionum Gr. et Lat. novissimus thesaurus,” by Muratori, Lewis Anthony antiquary
Died: Nutt, Joseph a very ingenious man
Publication: “Critica Sacra examined, or an attempt to shew that a new method may be found to reconcile the seemingly glaring variations in parallel passages of Scripture, and that such variations are no proofs of corruptions,” by Owen, Henry divine
Publication: “Supplement to Critica Sacra; in which the principles of that treatise are fully confirmed, and the objections of Mr. Raphael Baruh are clearly answered,” by Owen, Henry divine
Publication: “A volume of Essays,” by Parsons, Philip divine
Publication: “A Father’s Instructions, consisting of tales, fables, and reflections, designed to promote the love of virtue, a taste for knowledge, and an early acquaintance with the works of nature,” by Percival, Thomas physician
Publication: “Reliques of Ancient Poetry” by Percy, Thomas prelate
Publication: “Chirurgical Observations relative to the Cataract, the Polypus of the Nose, the Cancer of the Scrotum, the different kinds of Ruptures, and the Mortification of the Toes and Feet,” by Pott, Percival surgeon (1713–1788)
Publication: “Liberal Opinions upon Animals, Man, and Providence,” by Pratt, Samuel Jackson poet (1749–1814)
Publication: “Six Olympic Odes of Pindar, being those omitted by Mr. West, translated into English verse, with notes,” by Pye, Henry James poet
Publication: “Reports,” by Raymond, Robert
Died: Riccati, Vincent mathematician
Publication: “An Essay on Psalmody,” by Romaine, William divine
Died: Rutty, John writer
Publication: “Traité complet d'Anatomie,” by Sabatier, Raphael - Bienvenu surgeon
Publication: “Letters,” by Sevigne', Mary De Rabutin, Lady De Chantal And Bourbilly, And Marchioness De was the only daughter of Celse Benigne de Rabutin
Publication: “Universal Magazine” by Stockdale, Percival writer
Publication: “De laudibus Legum Anglise,” by Topham, John antiquary
Publication: “The scheme of Christian and Philosophical necessity asserted, in answer to Mr. John Wesley’s tract on that subject,” by Toplady, Augustus Montague a strenuous champion for the Calvinism of the church of England
Publication: “Joy in Heaven, and the Creed of Devils: two Sermons, preached in London,” by Toplady, Augustus Montague a strenuous champion for the Calvinism of the church of England
Publication: “Instructions d'un pare a ses enfans sur la nature et la religion,” by Trembley, Abraham naturalist
Publication: “The History of Halifax,” by Watson, John historian
Died: Williams, Anna an ingenious English lady
Publication: “Irenicum; or, the Importance of Unity in the Church of Christ considered, and applied towards the healing of our unhappy differences and divisions,” by Worthington, William divine
Publication: “Essay on the Demoniacs,” by Worthington, William divine
Publication: “A concise historical Account of the present Constitution of the `Unitas Fratrum,' or Uniy of the Evangelical Brethren, &c.” by Zinzendorf, Nicholas Lewis count de