The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Publication: “The Life of 'St. Cuthbert,” by Allan, George antiquary
Died: Alticozzi, Laurence of an illustrious family at Cortona
Publication: “Miscellaneous observations on planting and training Timber-trees, by Agricola,” by Anderson, James writer
Publication: “Observations on the means of exciting a spirit of National Industry,” by Anderson, James writer
Publication: “An enquiry into the nature of the Corn Laws, with a view to the new Corn Bill proposed for Scotland,” by Anderson, James writer
Publication: “Essays relating to Agriculture and rural affairs,” by Anderson, James writer
Publication: “Eloge de Charles V. empereur,” by Ansart, Andrew Joseph historian
Publication: “A C. W. Bampfylde, arm. Epistola,” by Anstey, Christopher poet
Publication: “Almunach litteraire, ou Etrennes d Apollon,” by Aquino De Chateau Lyon, Peter Louis and a bachelor of medicine
Publication: “De Fetat de l‘agriculture chez les Romains depuis le commencement de la Republique jusqu’au siecle de Jules Caesar relativement au gouvernment, aux mceurs, et au commerce,” by Arcere, Louis Etienne priest of the oratory
Died: Arckenholz, John historian
Died: Aubais, Charles De Baschi marquis of
Died: Bachaumont, Louis Petit De writer
Publication: “Entretiens sur I'etat de la Musique Grecque au quatrieme siecle,” by Barthelemi, John James writer
Publication: “De Telluris viriditate, dissertatio,” by Belgrado, James mathematician
Publication: “Delia Esistenza di Dio da' Teoremi Geometrici dimostrata, dissert.” by Belgrado, James mathematician
Died: Beraud, Laurence astronomer
Publication: “Dr. Cadogan’s dissertation on the Gout, examined and refuted” by Berkenhout, Dr. John writer
Died: Bertram, Philip-Ernest professor of law at Halle
Publication: “Histoire de Lorraine,” by Bexon, Gabriel-Leopold-Charles-Ame' writer
Publication: “Magazine for engineers and artillery-men,” by Boehm, Andrew privy- counsellor of the landgrave of Hesse
Died: Brosses, Charles De writer
Publication: “Burton upon Melancholy,” by Burton, Robert author of the “Anatomy of Melancholy
Publication: “Magazine of Modern History and Geography,” by Busching, Anthony Frederic an eminent geographer
Publication: “A Letter to George Hardinge, esq. on the subject of a passage in Mr. Steevens’s Preface to his impression of Shakspeare,” by Capell, Edward a gentleman well known by his indefatigable attention to the works of Shakspeare
Publication: “A Rural Ramble,” by Carey, George Savile son of the above
Publication: “Esprit de la Morale et de la Philosophic,” by Carra, John Lewis one of those French philosophers and statesmen to whom the revolution gave a shortlived importance
Publication: “A complete Treatise of Electricity in theory and practice, with original experiments,” by Cavallo, Tiberius philosopher
Publication: “Idylles de Theocrite,” by Chabanon, De writer
Died: Contant, Peter architect
Died: Coustou, William born at Paris in 1716
Died: Crebillon, Claude Prosper Joliot De was born at Paris February 12
Publication: “The Desolation of America,” by Day, Thomas writer
Publication: “The Rejoinder,” by De Courcy, Richard vicar of St
Publication: “Hints respecting the Utility of some Parochial Plan for suppressing the Profanation of the Lord’s Day,” by De Courcy, Richard vicar of St
Publication: “Thoughts in Prison.” by Dodington, George Bubb Lord Melcombe
Publication: “The Historical Account of Dr. Dodd’s Life,” by Duncombe, John was born 1730
Publication: “Letters from the late archbishop Herring, to William Buncombe, esq. deceased; from 1728 to 1757, with notes, and an appendix,” by Duncombe, John was born 1730
Publication: “Savage’s Works,” by Evans, Thomas bookseller
Publication: “Goldsmith’s Works,” by Evans, Thomas bookseller
Publication: “A Letter to Dr. Hurd, bishop of Worcester, wherein the importance of the prophecies of the New Testament, and the nature of the grand apostacy predicted in them, are particularly and impartially considered,” by Evanson, Edward one of the most determined opponents of revealed religion in modern times (?–1805)
Publication: “An impartial Inquiry into the case of the Gospel Demoniacs, with an Appendix, consisting of an essay on Scripture Demonology,” by Farmer, Hugh divine
Publication: “A brief Description of the Cities of London and Westminster, &c. To which are added, some Cautions against the Tricks of Sharpers,” by Fielding, Sir John was half brother
Publication: “Addresses to Young Men,” by Fordyce, James clergyman
Publication: “A Voyage round the World, in his Britannic majesty’s sloop Resolution, commanded by captain James Cook, during the years 1772, 3, 4, and 5,” by Forster, George was born at Dantzic in 1754
Publication: “Female Worthies, or the Lives and Memoirs of eminently pious’ women,” by Gibbons, Thomas divine
Publication: “A Catalogue of the Coins of Canute, king of Denmark and England, with specimens,” by Gough, Richard the Camden of the eighteenth century
Died: Gresset, John Baptist Lewis poet
Died: Gronovius, Laurence Theodore was born at Ley den in 1730
Publication: “Bibl. Botanica,” by Haller, Albert De one of the most eminent physicians and philosophers of the eighteenth century
Died: Hayes, William composer
Publication: “Letters” by Herring, Thomas prelate
Died: Hill, Robert was a man remarkable for his perseverance and talent in learning many languages by the aid of books alone
Publication: “The Resurrection of the body deduced from the Resurrection of Christ,” by Holmes, Robert divine
Born: Horsley, Samuel prelate
Died: Jablonowsky, Joseph Alexander Von a Polish prince
Died: Jussieu, Bernard was also a native of Lyons
Publication: “Semiramis” by Keate, George writer
Publication: “De Ira Divina.” by Lactantius, Firmian or Cæcilius
Died: Lambert, John Henry astronomer
Publication: “Italian Sonnets,” by Langhorne, John poet
Publication: “Essai philosophique sur le Monachisme,” by Linguet, Simon Nicholas Henry writer
Publication: “An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Medicine,” by Macbride, David physician
Publication: “Letters from Mahommed Ali Chan, nabob of Arcot, to the Court of Directors. To which is annexed, a state of facts relative to Tanjore, with an appendix of original papers,” by Macpherson, James an author whose fame rests chiefly on his being the editor of Ossian’s poems
Publication: “Bibliotheque des Amans,” by Marechal, Peter Sylvanus writer
Died: Meier, George Frederic writer
Publication: “Principes de morale politique et du droit public, ou Discours sur l'histoire de France,” by Moreau, Jacob Nicolas a French advocate (1717–1799)
Publication: “Sacramental Meditations” by Orton, Job divine
Publication: “Account of the most ancient German Bibles, printed in the fifteenth century, which are in the library at Nuremberg,” by Panzer, George Wolfgang Francis bibliographer
Died: Pombal, Sebastian Joseph Carvalho marquis of
Publication: “The Sublime and Beautiful of Scripture. Being Essays on select Passages of Sacred Compositions,” by Pratt, Samuel Jackson poet (1749–1814)
Publication: “An Apology for the Life and Writings of David Hume,” by Pratt, Samuel Jackson poet (1749–1814)
Publication: “Four Sermons on the Good Samaritan, and the nature of Christ’s kingdom,” by Pyle, Thomas divine
Publication: “The Repository,” by Reed, Isaac a gentleman eminently conversant in literary history
Publication: “History of America,” by Robertson, William one of the most illustrious names in modern literature
Publication: “System physique et moral de la Fernm?,” by Roussel, Peter physician
Publication: “History of Craven.” by Sheepshanks, William clergyman
Publication: “Miscellaneous works,” by Stanhope, Pinup Dormer fourth earl of Chesterfield
Publication: “De tussi convuUiva infantum,” by Strack, Charles physician
Publication: “The Me* moirs of the Town and County of Leicester,” by Throsby, John writer
Died: Townley, James a learned master of Merchant Taylors’ school
Publication: “Goat’s Beard,” by Whitehead, William poet (?–1785)
Publication: “An Impartial Enquiry into the Case of the Gospel-Demoniacs with an appendix, consisting of an Essay on Scripture-Demonology,” by Worthington, William divine