Events noted in 1794

The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.

1793 1795


Died: Abel, Frederick Gottfried physician

Died: Adam, Robert architect

Died: Almodovar, Duke D' a diplomatic character

Died: Alstroemer, Claude was born in 1736

Publication: “New Collection of Poetry,” by Alxinger, John Baptist D' poet

Died: Amiot, Father one of the most learned French missionaries in China

Publication: “A practical treatise on Peat Moss, in two essays,” by Anderson, James writer

Publication: “A general view of the Agriculture and rural œconomy of the county of Aberdeen; with observations on the means of its improvement. Chiefly drawn up for the Board of Agriculture; in two parts,” by Anderson, James writer

Publication: “An account of the different kinds of Sheep found in the Russian dominions, &c. By Dr. Pallas; with five appendixes, by Dr. Anderson,” by Anderson, James writer

Publication: “Malagmata hydropica, &c.” by Asclepiades physician

Died: Audiffredi, John Baptist astronomer

Publication: “Specimen historico-criticum editionum Italicarum ssGCuli 15,” by Audiffredi, John Baptist astronomer

Died: Bathurst, Allen earl (16841775)

Publication: “Letters from. Dr. Withering, Dr. E wart, Dr. Thornton, &c.” by Beddoes, Thomas a gentleman of Welch extraction

Publication: “A Guide for self-preservation and parental affection,” by Beddoes, Thomas a gentleman of Welch extraction

Publication: “A proposal for the improvement of Medicine,” by Beddoes, Thomas a gentleman of Welch extraction

Died: Berardier De Bataut, Francis Joseph a doctor of the Sorbonne

Publication: “The danger of violent innovations in the state, how specious soever the pretence, exemplified from the reigns of the two first Stuarts,” by Berkeley, George, Ll.D. Prebendary Of Canterbury by Anne

Died: Bernis, Francis Joachim De Pierres count of Lyons

Publication: “A history of plants used in arts and manufactures,” by Boehmer, George Ralph an eminent professor of botany and anatomy in the university of Wittetnberg

Died: Breitkopf, John Gottlieb Immanuel an ingenious printer

Died: Burger, Godfred Augustus poet

Publication: “Experience and observations,” by Busch, John George writer

Publication: “Biographia Navalis,” by Charnock, John writer

Publication: “Observations on the Copper-coinage wanted for the Circars. Printed for the use of the East India Company,” by Dalrymple, Alexander an eminent hydrographer

Publication: “Carmina qusedam,” by Denis, Michael bibliographer

Died: Dionis Du Sejour, Achilles Peter one of the first French astronomers of the last century

Publication: “Propriety’s Pocket Dictionary.” by Elphinston, James writer

Died: Fenn, Sir John antiquary

Publication: “Outline of a Commentary on Revelations xi. 114,” by Garnham, Rev. Robert Edward divine

Publication: “A Sermon preached in the chapel of Trinity-college, Cambridge, on Thursday, Dec. 19, 1793, the day appointed for the commemoration of the benefactors to that society,” by Garnham, Rev. Robert Edward divine

Publication: “A Norfolk Tale; or a Journal from London to Norwich,” by Geddes, Alexander divine

Publication: “Institutiones Theologies,” by Gurtler, Nicolas divine

Died: Harwood, Edward clergyman

Died: Heritier, Charles Louis L', De Brutelle botanist

Died: Hinchliffe, John prelate

Publication: “Hugh Trevor,” by Holcroft, Thomas writer

Publication: “History of Knowledge, Learning, and Taste, in Great Britain,” by Kippis, Andrew divine

Died: Linguet, Simon Nicholas Henry writer

Publication: “His manners were not of that obtrusive kind by which many men of the second or third order force themselves into notice. A very close observer might have passed many hours in Mr. Mickle’s company, without suspecting that he had ever written a line of poetry. A common physiognomist would have said that he had an unmasked face. Lavater would have said otherwise; but neither his countenance nor manners were such as attract the multitude. When his name was announced, he has been more than once asked if the translator of Camoens was any relation to him. To this he usually answered, with a good-natured smile, that they were of the same family. Simplicity, unaffected simplicity, was the leading feature in his character. The philosophy of Voltaire and David Hume was his detestation. He could not hear their names with temper. For the Bible he had the highest reverence, and never sat silent when the doctrines or precepts of the Gospel were cither ridiculed or of with contempt.” by Mickle, William Julius poet

Died: Newland, Peter a Dutch author

Died: North, Frederic, Second Earl Of Guilford more familiarly known as Lord North

Died: Okely, Francis a learned

Publication: “Monuments and Painted Glass in upwards of 100 churches, chiefly in the eastern part of Kent,” by Parsons, Philip divine

Died: Peck, Francis antiquary

Died: Petit, Anthony anatomist

Publication: “The Siege of Meaux, a tragedy, in three acts,” by Pye, Henry James poet

Died: Roebuck, John physician

Publication: “The L^fe of Thomas Ruddiman,” by Ruddiman, Thomas critic

Died: Sanderson, Robert antiquary

Publication: “Musei Leveriani explicatio Anglica et Latina, opera et studio Georgii Shaw, M.D. R.S.S. Adduntur figurae eleganter sculptse et coloratas. Irnpensis Jacobi Parkinson.” by Shaw, George naturalist

Publication: “Flora Oxoniensis,” by Sibthorp, John botanist

Publication: “Several pieces of poetry,” by Turner, Daniel a dissenting minister of the baptist persuasion

Died: Tyson, Michael artist

Died: Vicq-D'Azir, Felix -D‘Azir

Publication: “The Origination of the Greek Verb, an Hypothesis,” by Vincent, William dean

Publication: “Enquiry into the state of the Population in England and Wales,” by Wales, William astronomer

Died: Witherspoon, John divine