Heidegger, John Henry
, a protestant divine of Switzerland, was born at Ursevellon, a village near Zurich, July 1, 1633. He was first a teacher of Hebrew and philosophy at Heidelberg, then of divinity and ecclesiastical history at Steinfurt; and lastly, of morality and divinity at Zurich, where he died Jan. 18, 1698. He published, 1. “Exercitationes selectee de Historia sacra Patriarcharum,” in 2 vols. 4to, the first of which appeared at Amsterdam in 1667, the latter in 1671. 2. “De ratione studiorum opuscula aurea,” &c. Zurich, 1670, 12mo. 3. “Tumulus Tridentini Concilii,” Zurich, 1690, 4to. 4. “Historia Papatfts,” Amst. 1698, 4to. There is also ascribed to him, 5. A tract “De peregrinationibus religiosis,” in 1670, 8vo. And, 6. “A System of Divinity,” 1700, folio. 2
Niceron, vol. Xvu. Mrori. Saicii Onomast.