Langius, John
, an eminent physician, was born at Loewenburg, in Silesia, in 14S5. After studying, with singular zeal, at Leipsic, Bologna, and Pisa, in the latter of which universities he was honoured with the degree of M. D. he began practice at Heidelberg, where he soon acquired the esteem of the public, and was nominated first physician to four successive electors palatine; one of whom, Frederic II., he accompanied in his travels through the greater part of Europe. He attained the age of eighty, notwithstanding his excessive use of cheese, which made a part of all his meals, asserting that physicians were mistaken in decrying it as indigestible. He died at Heidelberg in June 1565.
The most esteemed of his works is entitled “Medicinalium Epistolarum Miscellanea,” first published at Basle, in 1554, 4to, and reprinted with additional epistles. The work was full of the various learning of the times; and he in a great measure anticipated Sydenham in recommending the cool regimen in inflammatory diseases. His other works are, “De Syrmaismo et ratione purgandi per vomitum, ex Egyptiorum invento et formula,” 1572, 8vo. “De Scorbuto Epistolae duae,” 1624; together with the treatise of Sennertus on the same subject. “Consilia qu&dam et experimenta,” 1676, 4to, together with the Consilia Medicinalia of Velschius. 2
Rees’s Cyclopædia, from —Eloy.