Langrish, Browne
, a physician of the last century, of.horn no memorial, except the present scanty one, has been p-eserved, distinguished himself as an advocate for the mechanical theories of physiology and me iicine, and by the numerous experiments with which he supported those doctrines, which a more accurate investigation of the nature of the animal economy has exploded. Dr. Langrish, however, cannot he denied the merit of as-> ceitainmg several interesting facts with respect to the nature of the circulating powers. He died in London, Nov. 29, 1759, and left the following works: “A new essay on Muscular Motion, founded on Experiments, &c.” 1733, 8vo; “Modern Theory of Physic,” 1738, 8vo; “Physical Experiments upon Brutes,” 1745, 8vo; “Croonian Lectures on Muscular Motion,” 1747, and a “Treatise on the Small-pox,” 1758. 2
Rees’s Cyclopædia, from —Eloy.