Newton, Richard
, D. D. founder of Hertford college, Oxford, was descended from a family that had long been of considerable repute, and of good fortune, but much injured during the civil wars. His father enjoyed a moderate estate at Lavendon Grange, in Bucks, (which is now in the family,) and lived in a house of lord Northampton’s in Yardlv-chase, where Dr. Newton is said to have been born about 1676. He was educated at Westminsterschool, and elected from that foundation in 1694 to a studentship of Christ-church, Oxford, where he executed the office of tutor very much to his own and the college’s honour and benefit. Here he became M. A. April 12, 1701; and B. D. March 18, 1707. He was inducted principal of Hart-hall, by Dr. Aldrich, in 1710, and took the degree of D. D. Dec. 7, that year. He was received into lord Pelham’s family, to superintend the education of the late duke of Newcastle, the minister, and his brother Mr. Pelham, who ever retained a most affectionate regard for him. Of this, however, he was long without any substantial proofs. Being a man of too independent and liberal principles ever to solicit a favour for himself, he was overlooked by these statesmen, till, in 1752, a short time before his death, when he was promoted to a canonry of Christ-church, which he held with his principalship of Hertford-college. He was honoured with the esteem of | the late lord Granville, than whom none at that timfe a better judge of merit and men of learning. He was aU lowed to be as polite a scholar and as ingenious a writer as any of the age. In closeness of argument, and perspicuity and elegance of language, he had not his equal. Never was any private person employed in more trusts, or discharged them with greater integrity. He was a true friend to religion, the university, and the clergy; a man of exemplary piety, and extensive charity. No one man was called forth so often to preach, in the latter end of queen Anne’s time, and in the beginning of king George I. as Dr. Newton.
Bp. Compton, who had a kind affection and just esteem for him, collated him to the rectory of Sudbury in Northamptonshire, where, during a residence of some years, he discharged the duties of his office with exemplary care and fidelity. Amongst other particulars, he read the eveningprayers of the liturgy at his church on the week-day evenings, at seven of the clock, hay-time and harvest excepted, for the benefit of such of his parishioners as could then assemble for public devotions. When he returned to Oxford, about 1724, he enjoined his respective curates successively, to keep up the same good rule; which they faithfully observed. He exerted also his best endeavours, from time to time, to prevail with the succeeding bishops of London (Gibson particularly) to bestow this rectory on his curate for the time being, and on each successively, and he would resign the charge; but these applications were without success. His lordship’s successor, Bp. Sherlock, however, readily consented to Dr. Newton’s proposal; and Mr. Saunders, one of his curates, accordingly succeeded the doctor in the rectory. Dr. Newton died at Lavendon Grange, April 21, 1753, aged about seventyseven.
The Mss. of Mr. Jones, published in the Gentleman’s Magazine for 1783, have furnished the following detached memoranda concerning him: " A very sensible, thoughtful, judicious, and a truly honest man. His writings shew his learning, judgment, and integrity; and his life exemplified every Christian virtue. He was my very good friend; and a promoter of my studies. I entirely loved and respected him living, and I shall always revere his memory now he is dead. Most orderly and exact in his family at Lavendon Grange (where I often visited him), as well as | In his college. Discreet and punctual in every part of his conduct. Highly and justly esteemed by all the wise and good. He lamented the indolence and inactivity, and was grieved to observe the secular views and ambitious schemes, of some of the heads of colleges and halls; but he, for his own part, resolved to do his duty, as became a good governor, and a friend to useful discipline and learning. An example of temperance and decency in every part of his behaviour; and of great moderation also, in respect of the different sentiments of his fellow-protestants. He valued, and occasionally visited, and would converse, and sometimes dine with, Dr. Doddridge, when he came to Northampton. He saw that they both aimed at the same great and good end, in fitting up hopeful young students for the Christian ministry. He usually made excursions, in the long vacations, into various parts of the kingdom, most commonly taking with him, for company and improvement, one or more young gentlemen of fortune in his college, at the request, and with the approbation, of their parents. He was himself, in every respect, a gentleman, and a mail of refined good breeding. You might see this in every part of his conversation. At evening, upon such journeys, he would, a little before bed-time, desire his young pupils to indulge him in a short vacation of about half an hour, for his own private recollections. During that little interval they were silent, and he would smoke his pipe with great composure, and then chat with them again in am useful manner for a short space, and, bidding them a good night, go to his rest.
“He died at Lavendon Grange, extremely lamented by
all the poor of that neighbourhood, to whom he was a kind
benefactor, and by all his friends and acquaintance throughout the kingdom. Upon his death-bed, he ordered all his
writings to be destroyed, as his worthy widow informed
me; and she was a conscientious person. His friend, Dr t
Hunt, advised her to be cautious, and to be sure she did
not mistake his meaning, especially with regard to some
articles. I also, to whom she paid a favourable regard,
presumed to suggest the same caution. How far that
good lady proceeded in the proposed destruction of the
worthy doctor’s papers, I am not able to say; but do hitherto suppose she reduced them to ashes.* His Sermons were excepted, and some of them published after his death, as
will be hereafter noticed.
Gent. Mag. see Index.—Chalmers’s Hist. of Oxford.