Rhodoman, Laurence

, a learned German, was born in 1546, at Sassowerf, belonging to the counts of Stolberg in Upper Saxony, who, induced by an early display of talents, bore the expence of his education at the college of Ilfield. He continued there six years; and made so great a progress in literature, that he was thought fit to teach in the most eminent schools and the most flourishing universities. He was especially skilled in the Greek tongue, and composed some Greek verses, which were much admired, but Scaliger did not think him equally happy in Latin poetry. He was very successful in a Latin translation of “Diodorus Siculus,” which Henry Stephens prevailed on him to undertake; and it was published in 1604, with Stephens^ text. He translated also into Latin the Greek poem of Quintus Calaber, concerning the taking of Troy; and added some corrections to it. At last, he was appointed professor of history in the university of Wittemberg, and died there in 1606. His other works were, 1. “Historia vitae & doctrincE Martini Lutheri carmine heroico descripta.” 2. “Descriptio Historian Ecclesiae, sive popult Dei, Politiae ejusdem, & rerum praecipuarum quae in illopopulo acciderum, Graeco carmine, cum versione Latina e regione textus Graeci,” Francof. 1581, 8vo. 3. “Poesis Christiana, id est, Palestine seu Historic sacra? Grseco-Latinae libri 9,” Marpnrgi, 15S9; Francof. 1590, 1630, 4to. 4. “Tabulae Etymologice Grseca?,” Francof. 1590, Svq. 5. “Memnonis Historia de Republica Heracliensium, & rebus Ponticis Eclogoe seu excerptae & abbreviates narrationes in Sermonem Latinum translatae,” Helmstadii, 1591, 4to. 6. “Epithalamia sacra,” Jenae, 1594, 4to. 7. “Ex Memnone, de Tyrannis Heracleae Ponticas Ctesia & Agatharchide excerptae Historiac Greece & Latine partim ex Laur. Rhodomani interpretatione,Geneva, 1593, 8vo. 8. “Theologiae Christianæ tyrocinia, carmine heroico Græco-Latino in 5 libros digesta,” Lips. 1597, 8vo. 2


Gen. Dict. Baillet Uiugemens. —Saxii Onomast.