Steele, Sir Richard
, the first of a class of writers called the British Essayists, which is peculiar to this country, was born at Dublin in 1671. Mis family, of English extraction, was genteel. His father, who was a counsellor at law, and private secretary to James, the first duke of Ormond, sent his son, then very young, to London, where he was placed in the Charter-house by the duke, who was one of the governors of that seminary. From thence he was removed to Merton college, Oxford, and admitted a postmaster in 1691. In 1695 he wrote a poem on the funeral of queen Mary, entitled the “Procession.” His inclination leading him to the army, he rode for some time privately in the guards. He became an author first, as he tells us himself, when an ensign of the guards, a way of life exposed to much irregularity; and, emg thoroughly convinced of many things, of which he often repented, and which he more often repeated, he wrote for his own private use a little book called “The Christian Hero,” with a design principally to fix upon his own mind a strong impression of virtue and religion, in opposition to a stronger propensity towards unwarrantable pleasures. This secret admonition was too weak; and therefore, in 1701, he printed the book with his name, in hopes that a standing testimony against himself, and the eyes of the world upon him in a new light, might curb his desires, and make him ashamed of understanding and seeming to feel what was virtuous, and yet of living so contrary a life. This, he tells us, had no other effect, but that, from being thought a good companion, he was soou reckoned a disagreeable fellow. One or two of his acquaintance thought fit to misuse him, and try their valour upon him; and every body, he knew, measured the least levity in his words or actions with the character of “The Christian Hero.” Thus he found himself slighted, instead of being encouraged, for his declarations as to religion; so that he thought it incumbent upon him to enliven his character. For this purpose he wrote the comedy, called u The Funeral, or Grief a- la- Mode,“which was acted in 1702; and as nothing at that time made a man more a favourite with the public than a successful play, this, with some other particulars enlarged upon to -advantage, obtained the notice of the king; and his name, to be proTided for, was, he says, in the last table-book ever worn by the glorious and immortal William the Third. | He had before this obtained a captain’s commission in lord Lucas’s regiment of fusileers, by the interest of lord Cutts, to whom he had dedicated his” Christian Hero,“and who likewise appointed him his secretary. His next appearance as a writer, as he himself informs us, was in the office of Gazetteer; where he worked faithfully, according to order, without ever erring, he says, against the rule observed by all ministries, to keep that paper very innocent and very insipid. He received this appointment in consequence of being introduced by Addison to the acquaintance of the earls of Halifax and Sunderland. With Addison he had become acquainted at the Charter-house. His next productions were comedies;” The Tender Husband“being acted in 1703, and” The Lying Lover“in 1704. In 1709 he began” The Taller;“the first number of which was published April 12, 1709, and the last Jan. 2, 1711. This paper greatly increased his reputation and interest; and he was soon after made one of the commissioners of the Stamp-office. Upon laying down” The Tatler,“he b’egan, in concert with Addison,” The Spectator,“which began to be published March 1, 1711 after that,” The Guardian,“the first paper of which came out March 12, 1713; and then,” The Englishman,“the first number of which appeared Oct. 6, the same year. Besides these works, he wrote several political pieces, which were afterwards collected, and published under the title of” Political Writings," 1715, 12mo. Oneofthes6 will require to be mentioned particularly, because it was attended with remarkable consequences relating to himself.
Having a design to serve in the last parliament of queen Anne, he resigned his place of commissioner of the Stampoffice, in June 1713; and was chosen member for the borough of Stockbridge in Hampshire; but he did not sit long in the House of Commons, before he was expelled for writing “The Englishman,” being the close of a paper so called, and “The Crisis.” This last is one of his political writings, and the title at full length runs thus "The Crisis, or a Discourse representing, from the most authentic records, the just causes of the late happy Revolution, and the several settlements of the crown of England and Scotland on her majesty; and, on the demise of her majesty without issue, upon the most illustrious princess Sophia, electress and duchess-dowager of Hanover, and the heirs of her body being Protestants, by previous acts
| of both parliaments of the late kingdoms of England and
Scotland, and confirmed by the parliament of Great-Britain. With some seasonable remarks on the danger of a
popish successor.“He explains in his” Apology for himself,“the occasion of his writing this piece. He happened
one day to visit Mr. William Moore of the Inner-Temple;
where the discourse turning upon politics, Moore took notice
of the insinuations daily thrown out, of the danger the Protestant succession was in; and concluded with saying-, that
he thought Steele, from the kind reception the world gave
to what he published, might be more instrumental towards
curing that evil, than any private man in England. After
much solicitation, Moore observed, that the evil seemed
only to flow from mere inattention to the real obligations
under which we lie towards the house of Hanover: if,
therefore, continued he, the laws to that purpose were reprinted, together with a warm preface, and a well-urged
peroration, it is not to be imagined what good effects it
would have. Steele was much struck with the thought
and prevailing with Moore to put the law- part of it together, he executed the rest; yet did not venture to publish
it, till it had been corrected by Addison, Hoadly, afterwards bishop of Winchester, and others. It was immediately attacked with great severity by Swift, in a pamphlet published in 1712, under the title of,” The Public
Spirit of the Whigs set forth in their generous encouragement of the author of the Crisis:“but it was not till March
12, 1715, that it fell under the cognizance of the House
of Commons. Then Mr. John Hungerford complained to
the House of divers scandalous papers, published under
the name of Mr. Steele; in which complaint he was seconded by Mr. Auditor Foley, cousin to the earl of Oxford, and Mr. Auditor Harley, the earl’s brother. Sir
William Wyndham also added, that” some of Mr. Steele’s
writings contained insolent, injurious reflections on the
queen herself, and were dictated by the spirit of rebellion.“The next clay Mr. Auditor Harley specified some
printed pamphlets published by Mr. Steele,” containing
several paragraphs tending to sedition, highly reflecting
upon her majesty, and arraigning her administration and
government.“Some proceedings followed between this
and the 18th, which was the day appointed for the hearing of Mr. Steele; and this being come, Mr. Auditor
Folejr moved, that before they proceed farther, Mr. Steele
| should declare, whether he acknowledged the writings that
bore his name? Steele declared, that he” did frankly
and ingenuously own those papers to he part of his writings; that he wrote them in behalf of the house of Hanover, and owned them with the same unreservedness with
which he abjured the Pretender.“Then Mr. Foley proposed, that Mr. Steele should withdraw; but it was carried, without dividing, that he should stay and make his
defence. He desired, that he might be allowed to answer
what was urged against him paragraph by paragraph; but
his accusers insisted, and it was carried, that he should
proceed to make his defence generally upon the charge
against him. Steele proceeded accordingly, being assisted
by his friend Addison, member for Malmsbury, who sat
near him to prompt him upon occasion; and spoke for near
three hours on the several heads extracted from his pamphlets. After he had withdrawn, Mr. Foley said, that,” without amusing the House with long speeches, it is evident the writings complained of were seditious and scandalous, injurious to her majesty’s government, the church
and the universities;“and then called for the question. This
occasioned a very warm debate, which lasted till eleven
o’clock at night. The first who spoke for Steele, was
Robert Walpole, esq. who was seconded by his brother
Horatio Walpole, lord Finch, lord Lumley, and lord Hinchinbrook: it was resolved, however, by a majority of 245
against 152, that” a printed pamphlet, entitled l The
Englishman, being the close of a paper so called,‘ and
one other pamphlet, entitled * The Crisis,’ written by
Richard Steele, esq. a member of this House, are scandalous and seditious libels, containing many expressions
highly reflecting upon her majesty, and upon the nobility,
gentry, clergy, and universities of this kingdom; maliciously insinuating, that the Protestant succession in the
house of Hanover is in danger under her majesty’s administration; and tending to alienate the good affections of her
majesty’s good subjects, and to create jealousies and divisions among them:“it was resolved likewise, that Mr.
Steele,” for his offence in writing and publishing the said
scandalous and seditious libels, be expelled this House.“He afterwards wrote” An Apology for himself and his
writings, occasioned by his expulsion,“which he dedicated
to Robert Walpole, esq. This is printed among his” Political Writings/‘ 1715, I2i“.
A A 2
Soon after the accession of George I. he was appointed surveyor of the royal stables at Hampton-court, and governor of the royal company of comedians; and was put into the commission of the peace for Middlesex; and, April 1715, was knighted upon the presenting of an address to Ins majesty by the lieutenancy*. In the first parliament,
It was ou this occasion, that sir Hi hard, in oit‘fr to di$t’n<gni>h himself by tLe celebration of his majesty’s gcnikuitH and ladies, ai his licuse, ap birth-day, who then entered into the 56th vvarofbi* a i above 200
In Jan. 1720, he began a paper under the name of sir John Edgar, called “The Theatre;” which he continued every Tuesday and Saturday, till the 5th of April following. During the course of this paper, viz. on the 23d of January, his patent of governor of the roynl company of comedians was revoked by the king: upon which, he drew up and published, " A State of the Case between the lord
pointed for concerts, speeches, poems, to dance country-dances, which was
&c. " The en’fitainment consisted of done wiih all the decency and n-^ulapyratnids of all manner of sweetmeats, rity imaginable. We are likewise to
is witit-s, as burgundy, acquaint the reader, that an Ode of
champa gn, &u. and was ushered in by Horace was set to music and sung upon
a prologue written by Mr. Tirkell, this ocea^on, with several other very
under-secretary to Mr. Addison; and particular songs and performances,
concluded by an epilogue written by both vocal and instrumental; and that,
himself, which was very merry and Mrs. Younger spoke the prologue, and
free with his own character: after Mr. Wilks the epilogue, which, after
which, a large table, that was in the sir Richard’s way, was extremely diarea of the concert-house, was t-iken verting." Weekly- Miscellany, May
away, to make room for the company 28, 17tJ. | chamberlain of his majesty’s household and the governor of the royal company of comedians.“He tells us, in this pamphlet, that a noble lord, without any cause assigned, sends a message, directed to sir Richard Steele, Mr. Wilks, and Mr. Booth, to dismiss Mr. Gibber, who for some time submitted to a disability of appearing on the stage, during the pleasure of one who had nothing to do ’with it; and that, when this lawless will and pleasure was changed, a very frank declaration was made, that all the mortification put upon Mr. Gibber was intended only as a prelude to remote evils, by which the patentee was to be affected. Upon this, sir Richard wrote to two of the ministers of state, and likewise delivered a petition to the king, in the presence of the lord chamberlain: but these had no effect, for his patent was revoked, though it does not appear for what reason; and the loss he sustained upon this occasion is computed by himself at almost 10,000l. In 1722, his comedy, called” The Conscious Lovers," was acted with great success; and published with a dedication to the king, for which his majesty made him a present of 500l.
Some years before his death, he retired to his seat at Llangunnor, near Caermarthen, in Wales, with a view to (economise for the benefit of his creditors. Here he was seized with a paralytic disorder, of which he died Sept. I, 1729, and was privately interred according to his own desire. He had been twice married: his first wife was a lady of Barbadoes, with whom he had a valuable plantation upon the death of her brother; his second was the daughter of Jonathan Scurlock, of Llangunnor, esq. by whom he had one daughter and two sons; the latter both died young, but the daughter, Elizabeth, was in 1732 married to the hon. John Trevor, afterwards baron Trevor of Bromham. Steele was a man of quick and excellent parts, accomplished in all branches of polite literature; -and would have passed for a better writer than he does, though he is allowed to be a very good one, if he had not been so connected in literary productions, as well as in friendship, with Addison. He speaks himself of their friendship in the following terms: “There never was a more strict friendship than between these gentlemen; nor had they ever any difference, but what proceeded from their different way of pursuing the same thing. The one with patience, foresight, and temperate address, always waited and stemmed the torrent f while the other often plunged himself into it, and | was as often taken out by the temper of him who stood weeping on the bank for his safety, whom he could not dissuade from leaping into it. Thus these two men lived for some years last past, shunning each other, but still preserving the most passionate concern for their mutual welfare. But when they met, they were as unreserved as boys, and talked of the greatest affairs; upon which they saw where they differed, without pressing (what they knew impossible) to convert each other.” 1
Biog. Brit. British Essayists, vol. I. Mr. Nichols’s variorum editions of the Taller, Lover, &,<.-. And Epistolary Correspondence of Steele. Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian, with notes, 1807, 8vo.