Poor Luddy

Poor Luddy
b. 1826
By T. DIBDIN. Universal Songster, Vol. iii.

As I was walking down the Strand,
      Luddy, Luddy,
  Ah, poor Luddy, I. O.
As I was walking down the Strand,
The traps they nabbed me out of hand 1 police; arrested
      Luddy, Luddy,
  Ah, poor Luddy, I. O.
          As I was walking, etc.

Said I, kind justice, pardon me,
      Luddy, Luddy,
  Ah, poor Luddy, I. O.
Said I, kind justice, pardon me,
Or Botany-Bay I soon shall see
      Luddy, Luddy,
  Ah, poor Luddy, I. O.
          Said I, kind justice, etc.

Sessions and ’sizes are drawing nigh,
      Luddy, Luddy,
    Ah, poor Luddy, I. O.
Sessions and ’sizes are drawing nigh,
I’d rather you was hung than I.
      Luddy, Luddy,
  Ah, poor Luddy, I. O.
          Sessions and ’sizes, etc.


Thomas John Dibdin (1771-1841), the author of this song, was an actor and dramatist—an illegitimate son of Charles Dibdin the elder. He claimed to have written nearly 2000 songs.

Taken from Musa Pedestris, Three Centuries of Canting Songs and Slang Rhymes [1536―1896], collected and annotated by John S. Farmer.

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. . .
A Leary Mot
The Night Before Larry was Stretched
The Song of the Young Prig
The Milling Match
Ya-Hip, My Hearties!
Sonnets For The Fancy: After The Manner Of Petrarch
The True Bottom’d Boxer
Bobby And His Mary
Flashey Joe
My Mugging Maid
Poor Luddy
The Pickpocket’s Chaunt
On the Prigging Lay
The Lag’s Lament
Nix My Doll, Pals, Fake Away
The Game Of High Toby
The Double Cross
The Thieves’ Chaunt
The House Breaker’s Song
The Faking Boy To The Crap Is Gone
The Nutty Blowen
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