ume, 1719, 12mo, and the ms. in the archbishop’s hand was then said to be in the hands of an eminent lawyer. 9. “A brief description of the whole World, wherein is particularly
His works are: 1. “Quæstiones Sex, totidem pralectionibus in Schola Theologica Oxoniae, pro forma habitis,
discussae et disceptatae anno 1597, in quibus e Sacra Scriptura & Patribus, quid statuendum sit definitur.” Oxon.
1598, 4to, & Francfort, 1616, 4to, published by Abraham
Scultetus. 2. “Exposition on the Prophet Jonah, contained in certaine Sermons, preached in S. Maries Church
in Oxford,” 4to, 1600. It appears by a postscript to the
reader, that these sermons or lectures were delivered on
Thursdays early in the morning, “sometimes before
daylight,” from 1594 to 1599. They were reprinted in
and form the most popular of his works. 3. His “Answer
to the questions of the Citizens of London in Jan. 1600,
concerniug Cheapside Cross,
” not printed until The reasons which Dr. Hill hath brought for the upholding of Papistry, unmasked and shewed to be very
weak, &c.
” Oxon. 4to. Quatron of Reasons
” in vindication
of his conduct, printed at Antwerp, 4to. 1600. 5. “A Preface to the examination of George Sprot,
” &c. noticed
before. 6. “Sermon preached at Westminster, May 26,
1608, at the funeral of Thomas earl of Dorset, late lord
high treasurer of England, on Isaiah xl. 6.
” 4to. Translation of a part of the New Testament,
” with
the rest of the Oxford divines, Some memorials, touching the Nullity between the earl-of Essex and
his lady, pronounced Sept. 25, 1613, at Lambeth; and
the difficulties endured in the same.
” To this is added
“some observable things since Sept. 25, 1613, when the
sentence was given in the cause of the earl of Essex, continued unto the day of the marriage, Dec. 26, 1613,
which appears also to have been penned by his grace, or
by his direction; and to it is annexed “the speech intended to be spoken at Lambeth, Sept. 25, 1613, by the
archbishop of Canterbury, &c.
” These were reprinted in
one volume, A brief description of the whole World,
wherein is particularly described all the monarchies, empires, and kingdoms of the same, with their academies,
&c. 4to. A short apology for archbishop Abbot,
touching the death of Peter Hawkins, dated Oct. 8, 1621.
11. “Treatise of perpetual visibility and succession of the
true Church in all ages,
” Lond. 4to. A narrative containing the
true cause of his sequestration and disgrace at Court: in
two parts, written at Ford in Kent,
” History of the
Massacre in the Valtoline,
” printed in the third volume of
Fox’s Acts and Monuments. 14. His “Judgment on
bowing at the name of Jesus,
” Hamburgh, 8vo. Cause of God,
” a work written
against the Pelagians.
, an eminent lawyer and historian of the fifteenth century, and the first of that
, an eminent lawyer and historian of the fifteenth century, and the first of that ancient
Tuscan family who acquired a name for literary talents,
was born at Arezzo, in 1415. His father was Michel
Accolti, a civilian of Florence, and his mother a daughter
of Roselli of Arezzo, also a lawyer. After a classical
education, he studied the civil law, and was made professor
at Florence, where his opinions acquired him much popularity. The Florentines, after conferring on him the rights
of citizenship, chose him in 1459 to be secretary of the
republic, in the room of Poggius, which office he retained
until his death in 1466. The account of his transactions
in public affairs are preserved in four books, with a great
collection of his letters to foreign princes, which evince
his sagacity as a statesman, and his politeness as a writer.
He married Laura Frederigi, the daughter of a lawyer and
patrician of Florence, by whom he had a numerous family,
of whom Bernard and Peter will be noticed hereafter. His
memory is said to have been so retentive, that on one
occasion, after hearing the Hungarian ambassador pronounce a Latin address to the magistrates of Florence, he
repeated the whole word for word. His inclination for the
Study of history made him relax in the profession of the
law, and produced: 1. “De bello a Christianis contra Barbaros gesto, pro Christi sepulchre et Judaea recuperandis,
libri quatuor,
” Venice, De praestantia
virorum sui aevi,
” Parma, Vitae summorum dignitate et eruditione
, an eminent lawyer, who first collected the various opinions and decisions of his
, an eminent
lawyer, who first collected the various opinions and decisions of his predecessors, in the Roman law, into one body,
was born at Florence, in 1151, or, according to some
writers, in 1182. He was the scholar of Azzo, and soon
became more celebrated than his master. Yet it is thought
that he did not begin the study of law before he was forty
years old. When professor at Bologna, he resigned his
office in order to complete a work on the explanation of
the laws, which he had long meditated, and in which he
was now in danger of being anticipated by Odefroy. By
dint of perseverance for seven years, he accumulated the
vast collection known by the title of the “Great Gloss,
or the “Continued Gloss
” of Accursius. He may be considered as the first of glossators, and as the last, since no one
has attempted the same, unless his son Cervot, whose
work is not in much esteem; but he was deficient in a
proper knowledge of the Greek and Roman historians,
and the science of coins, inscriptions, and antiquities,
which are frequently necessary in the explanation of the
Roman law. On this account, he was as much undervalued
by the learned lawyers of the fourteenth and sixteenth
centuries, as praised by those of the twelfth and thirteenth,
who named him the Idol of Lawyers. They even established it as a principle, that the authority of the Glosses
should be universally received, and that they should rally
round this perpetual standard of truth. The different studies pursued in the ages of Accursius’ friends and enemies,
will account for their different opinions of his merits; the
one consisted of accumulated learning, interpretation, and
commentary, the other approached nearer to nature and
facts, by adding the study of antiquities, and of the Greek
and Latin historians. Another reason probably was, that
Accursius, who has been careless in his mode of quotation,
became blamed for many opinions which belong to Irnerius, Hugolinus, Martinus Bulgarus, Aldericus, Pileus, &c.
and others his predecessors, whose sentiments he has not
accurately distinguished. The best edition of his great
work is that of Denis Godefroi, Lyons, 1589, 6 vols. fol,
Of his private life we have no important materials. He
lived in splendour at a magnificent palace at Bologna,
or at his villa in the country; and died in his 78th year, in
1229. Those who fix his death in 1260 confound him
with one of his sons of the same name. All his family,
without exception, studied the law; and he had a daughter, a lady of great learning, who gave public lectures ou
the Roman law in the university of Bologna. Bayle doubts
this; but it is confirmed by Pancirollus, Fravenlobius, and
Paul Freyer. The tomb of Accursius, in the church of
the Cordeliers at Bologna, is remarkable only for the
simplicity of his epitaph “Sepnlchrum Accursii glossatoris legum, et Francisci ejus filii.
, an English lawyer, and sometime recorder of London, was born in that city, and
, an English lawyer, and sometime recorder of London, was born in that city, and educated at Peter-house, Cambridge; where he took the degree of B. A. 1764, and of M. A. 1767. After prosecuting his lawstudies, he was admitted to the bar, and began to distinguish himself about the year 1770, when he took an active part in the political contentions of that period. Having sided with Mr. Wilkes in the memorable dispute between that gentleman and his co-patriot Mr. Home, Mr. Wilkes spoke of him at political meetings in such a manner as to draw the public eye upon him; and in 1779 he was chosen recorder of London, although not without a contest with his opponent Mr. Howarth. This situation he retained for some years, while his advancement at the bar was rapid, and highly honourable to his talents. The duties of the recordership he discharged with much ability, strict justice, and humanity. The situation, however, was rendered in some degree irksome by the changes of political sentiment which had taken place among his constituents, the members of the corporation. When he was chosen into this office, the city was out of humour with the court, and Mr. Adair probably owed his election to his being reputedly of Wilkes’s party, who was still rhe idol of the city. A great revolution, however, took place when the coalition-administration (that of lord North and Mr. Fox) was overthrown. Mr. Pitt and his friends, and by consequence the King and court, became highly popular in the city, while Mr. Adair retained his old opinions, took the part of the dismissed ministers, and became a zealous assertor of the whig principles which were then divulged from a newly-erected club, called the Whig club. This could not please his city friends; although such was his impartiality and integrity, that no fault could be found with the manner in which he discharged the duties of his office. The Common-council, however, requiring a closer attendance at their courts than he thought requisite, or was perhaps consistent with his numerous professional engagements in the court of Common pleas, he chose to resign the recordership in 1789; and upon this occasion received the thanks of the Court of Aldermen, and the freedom of the city in a gold box of one hundred guineas value, for his able and upright conduct in that office; and he was ordered to be retained, with the attorney and solicitorgeneral, in all causes in which the city was concerned.
Mr. Adair was not distinguished for luminous talents, but was esteemed an able constitutional lawyer; his eloquence was vigorous and impressive, but his voice was
Mr. Adair was not distinguished for luminous talents,
but was esteemed an able constitutional lawyer; his eloquence was vigorous and impressive, but his voice was harsh,
and manner uncourteous. He is said to have been the author
of “Thoughts on the dismission of Officers, civil and military, for their conduct in Parliament,
” Observations on the
power of alienation in the Crown before the first of queen
Anne, supported by precedents, and the opinions of many
learned judges; together with some remarks on the conduct of administration respecting the case of the duke of
, a lawyer, was born at Antwerp in 1486. He was educated under the care
, a lawyer, was born at
Antwerp in 1486. He was educated under the care of the
celebrated Erasmus, with whom he lived afterwards in close
friendship, as he did with the illustrious sir Thomas More,
and other eminent scholars of that age. More introduces
him in the prologue to his Utopi with high praise, as “a
man there in his country of honest reputation, and also preferred to high promotions, worthy truly of the highest.
For it is hard to say whether the young man be in learning
or in honesty more excellent. For he is both of wonderful virtuous conditions, and also singularly well learned,
and towards all sorts of people exceeding gentle.
” Sir
Thomas adds, that “the charms of his conversation abated
the fervent desire he had to see his native country, from
which sir Thomas had been absent more than four months.
He occurs also with high praise in the life and writings of
Erasmus. In 1510, on the death of Adrian Blict, first notary at Antwerp, he was unanimously elected into his place.
He died Nov. 29, 1533. His works are, 1. “Threnodiain
funus Maximiliani Caesaris, cum Epitaphiis aliquot et Epigrammatum libello,
” Antwerp, Hypotheses, sive Spectacula Carolo V. Caesari ab S. P. Q. Antver.
ib. 4to. 3. “Enchiridion Principis ac Magistratus Christiani,
” Colon. Titulos Legum ex
Codice Theodosiario,
” Louvain,
, a celebrated Roman lawyer, and author of the oldest work on jurisprudence, flourished
, a celebrated
Roman lawyer, and author of the oldest work on jurisprudence, flourished in the sixth century after the building
of Rome. He was successively aedile, consul, and censor.
When Cnaeus Flavius divulged his formula, the patricians,
who considered themselves as the depositories of the law,
composed novels, and endeavoured to conceal them with
the utmost care. But Ælius, when scdile, got access to
them, and published them. These last obtained the name
of theÆlian law, as what Flavius had published were called
the Flavian law. It appears also, that notwithstanding what
Grotius and Bertrand have advanced, he was the author of
a work entitled the “Tripartite,
” by far the oldest work
on the subject. It was so called as containing, 1. The
text of the Law; 2. Its interpretation; and 3. The forms
of procedure. He was appointed consul in A. U. C. 556,
at the end of the second Punic war; and was distinguished
for his homely diet, and simple manners, and his rejecting
of presents.
, an eminent lawyer, the grandson of Matthew Afflitto, counsellor-royal in 1409
, an eminent lawyer, the grandson of Matthew Afflitto, counsellor-royal in 1409 under Ladislaus, was born at Naples about 1430. Being attached to the study of law from his youth, he made great progress, and acquired so much reputation, that he was promoted to the council of state by king Ferdinand I. and shared the confidence of that prince and of his son, afterwards Alphonsus II. He was afterwards appointed president of the royal chamber, and was employed in public transactions of the greatest importance under five successive kings of Naples. To the knowledge displayed in his works, he joined the strictest probity and most amiable manners. Camerario, lieutenant of the royal chamber, and an eminent feudal lawyer, gives him the character of the most learned and excellent man of his own or the preceding age; nor are Ferron and Fontanella more sparing of their praises. Pancirollus only considers him as rather laborious than acute in his writings. Notwithstanding the distractions of the times in which he lived, and his numerous labours, he reached the age of eighty, and died in 1510. He was interred in the conventual church of Monte-Vergine in Naples, under a monument representing St. Eustachius, from whom his family derived their origin. He was twice married, and from his second wife, Diana Carmignana, are descended the Afflittos, barons of Rocca-Gloriosa.
, an eminent lawyer and law writer, the son of Anthony Agylæus, originally of an
, an eminent lawyer and law
writer, the son of Anthony Agylæus, originally of an
Italian family, was born at Bois-le-duc, about 1533, where
he was educated, and became a distinguished Greek
scholar. lu his youth he carried arms against the king of
Spain, was appointed a deputy to the States Genera], a
member of the supreme council, and advocate fiscal. But
he is less known by his share in the defence of his country,
than by his learning and writings. He published: 1. “Novellae Justiniani Imp. Constitutiones,
” with Holoander’s
translation corrected, Paris, Justiniani
edicta: Justini, Tiberii, Leonis philosophi constitutiones,
et Zenonis nna,
” Paris, Inauguratio Philippi II. Hisp.
regis, qua se juraraento ducatui Brabantige, &c. obligavit,
Utrecht, 1620, 8vo. He died April 1595.
, surnamed El-Razy, an Arabian lexicographer and lawyer, was the contemporary of the celebrated Djewhary. Besides some
, surnamed El-Razy, an Arabian lexicographer and lawyer, was the contemporary of
the celebrated Djewhary. Besides some works on the
vnbject of jurisprudence, he is the author of an “Arabic
” entitled “Moudjimi-Alloghat,
” of which
there is a manuscript copy in the Leyden library, and
another in the Bodleian. Golius, who made use of it in
his Arabic dictionary, thinks that it was prior to that. of
Djewhary. Ahmed died in Hamdan, about the year 999
of the Christian æra.
561, 4to. 3. “De Cardinalibus, et de douatione Constantini,” 1584, fol. Moreri gives an account of a lawyer of Bergamo, who wrote on these subjects, and is evidently the
, of the same family with the
preceding, born in 1504, at Bergamo, was the son of
count Francis Albani, and intended by his father for the
army, but preferred the study of the civil and canon law,
in which, as well as in polite literature, he attained
great eminence. At first, however, he bore arms in the
Venetian army, and afterwards went into the church.
Pope Pius V. was no sooner raised to that dignity, than
he made Albani a cardinal, in 1570. It is even said that
after the death of Gregory XIII. the conclave would have
elected him pope, but he was then a widower and had
children, a circumstance which interfered with their intentions. He died April 25, 1591. His principal works
are: 1. “De Immunitate ecclesiarum,
” De
potestate Papæ et concilii,
” Lyons, De Cardinalibus, et de douatione Constantini,
, a lawyer and antiquary, was born at Nismes, and not at Vivarais, as Castel
, a lawyer and antiquary,
was born at Nismes, and not at Vivarais, as Castel asserts
in his history of Languedoc. His family was noble, but
more famous for the talents of Poldo, and his father James.
He originally studied with a view to practice at the bar,
but Nismes becoming, in 1552, the seat of the presidial
court, he was appointed to the office of counsellor, which
he held during life with much reputation, and employed
his leisure hours in the cultivation of jurisprudence and
polite literature. His first work was a French translation,
of St. Julian, archbishop of Toledo, on death, and a future state. This was followed by a translation, from the
Latin of Æneas Sylvius (Pius II.) of a history of the Taborites of Bohemia; but his most curious work is his
“History of Nismes,
” fol.
, an Italian lawyer, the sort of Alberic Rosiati of Bergamo, one of the most learned
, an Italian lawyer, the sort
of Alberic Rosiati of Bergamo, one of the most learned
men of his time, was born at Arezzo, near Florence, in
the fourteenth century. He studied under the celebrated
Baldi, and made a rapid progress in philosophy, law, history, &c. He afterwards became an advocate at Arezzo,
but went to Florence in 1349. Here his learning, talents,
and integrity, procured him one of those titles which were
frequently bestowed at that time on men of celebrity. He
was called doctor solids veritatis. By the republic of Florence he was entrusted to negociate several very important
affairs, particularly with the Bolognese in 1558; and as
the recompense of his services, he was ennobled. He died
at Florence in 1376, leaving three sons; two eminent in,
the church, and one as a lawyer. His works are principally
“Commentaries on the Digest,
” on “some books of the
Civil Code,
” and consultations, much praised by Bartholi. His father, mentioned above, wrote on the sixth
book of the Decretals, a work much esteemed and often
reprinted, and a Dictionary of Law, with other professional treatises.
, a German lawyer of the 16th century, born at Widmanstadt, deeply learned in
, a German lawyer of the 16th century, born at Widmanstadt, deeply learned in the Oriental languages, gave an abridgment of the Koran, with critical notes, 1543, 4to; a work which procured him the title of chancellor of Austria, and chevalier of St. James. He published in 4to, in 1556, a New Testament in Syriac, from the manuscript used by the Jacobites, at the expence of the emperor Ferdinand I. It contains neither the second epistle of Peter, nor the second and third of John, nor that of Jude, nor the Apocalypse. Only 1000 copies were printed, of which five hundred remained in Germany, and the rest were sent to the Levant. It is impossible for any thing to be more elegant, or better proportioned, says pere Simon, than the characters of this edition. Some copies have the date of T562. He also composed a Syriac grammar, to which is prefixed a very curious preface. He died in 1559.
, a celebrated and learned lawyer, was the son of a rich merchant of Milan, according to Pancirolus,
, a celebrated and
learned lawyer, was the son of a rich merchant of Milan,
according to Pancirolus, and born in that city in 1492.
After having studied the liberal sciences under Janus Parrhasius at Milan, he attended the law-lectures of Jason at
Pavia, and those of Charles Ruinus at Bologna. Then taking a degree in law in his twenty-second year, he followed
his profession at the bar, in the city of Milan, till he was
called to the law-chair by the university of Avignon. He
discharged his office with so much capacity, that Francis I.
thought he would be a very proper person to promote the
knowledge of the law in the university of Bourges, and accordingly prevailed on him to remove thither in 1529; and
the next year he doubled his salary, which before was six
hundred crowns. Alciati acquired here great fame and reputation; he interspei’sed much polite learning in his explication of the law, and abolished that barbarous language,
which had hitherto prevailed in the lectures and writings of
the lawyers. Francis Sforza, duke of Milan, thought
himself obliged to bring back to his native country a man who
could do it so much honour; and this he compassed at last,
by giving him a large salary and the dignity of a senator.
Alciati accordingly went to teach the law at Pavia, but soon
after removed to the university of Bologna, where he continued four years, and then returned to Pavia; from whence
he went to Ferrara, being solicited thither by duke Hercules d'Este, who was desirous to render his university famous.
It resumed its reputation under a professor so much followed; but at the end of four years Alciati left it, and returned to Pavia. Paul III. gave him an honourable reception as he passed by Ferrara, and offered him ecclesiastical preferment; but Alciati was contented with that of
prothonotary, and would not give up his profession of the
law. He seems to rejoice that he had refused Paul’s offers,
in a letter to Paulus Jovius, whom the pope had a long
time amused with fallacious promises: “I am very glad,
says he, “that I did not suffer myself to be deceived by
this pope’s offers, who, under the promise of a great recompense, wanted to draw me to Rome.
” The emperor
created Alciati a count-palatin and a senator; and Philip,
afterwards king of Spain, presented him with a golden chain
as he passed by Pavia.
, born at Milan 1522, the nephew and heir of the preceding, was likewise a lawyer of considerable eminence, and a professor of law at Pavia, where
, born at Milan 1522, the nephew and heir of the preceding, was likewise a lawyer of considerable eminence, and a professor of law at Pavia, where cardinal Borromeo was his pupil. Pius VI. employed him as datary or chancellor of Rome, and afterwards made him a cardinal. His contemporaries, particularly Vettori and Muret, applaud him as a man of general learning, and the ornament of his age. He died at Rome in 1580, and left several works which have not been printed.
rms. He began his innovations at Geneva, in concert with a physician named Blandrata, and Gribaud, a lawyer, with whom Valentine Gentilis associated himself. The precautions,
, a native of Milan, was one of
those Italians who forsook their country in the sixteenth
century, to join with the Protestant church; but afterwards explained away the mystery of the Trinity in such a
manner as to form a new party, no less odious to the Protestants than to the Catholics. Alciati had borne arms. He
began his innovations at Geneva, in concert with a physician named Blandrata, and Gribaud, a lawyer, with whom
Valentine Gentilis associated himself. The precautions,
however, that were taken against them, and the severity of
the proceedings instituted against Gentilis, made the others
glad to remove to Poland, where they professed their heresies with more safety and success, and where they were soon
joined by Gentilis. It was indeed at Alciati’s request that
the bailiff of Gex had released him out of prison. From
Poland these associates went to Moravia; but Alciati retired
to Dantzick, and died there in the sentiments of Socinus,
although some report he died a Mahometan, which Bayle
takes pains to refute. Of his Socinianism, however, there
can bfe no doubt. He published “Letters to Gregorio
, a Neapolitan lawyer of great learning, who flourished towards the end of the fifteenth
, a Neapolitan lawyer of
great learning, who flourished towards the end of the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth century, was descended of the ancient and noble family of the Alexandri
of Naples. He was born according to some, in 1461. He
followed the profession of the law, first at Naples, and
afterwards at Rome; but devoted all the time he could
spare to the study of polite literature; and at length entirely left the bar, from scruples of conscience respecting
the practice of tke law, that he might lead a more easy
and agreeable life with the muses. “When I saw,
” says
he, “that the counsellors could not defend nor assist any
one against the power or favour of the mighty, I said it
was in vain we took so much pains, and fatigued ourselves
with so much study in controversies of law, and with
learning such a variety of cases so exactly reported, when
I saw the judgments passed according to the temerity of
every remiss and corrupt person who presided over the
laws, and gave determinations not according to equity, but
favour and affection.
” The particulars of his life are to
be gathered from his work entitled “Genialium Dierum:
It appears by it that he lodged at Rome in a house that
was haunted; and he relates many surprising particulars
about the ghost, which show him to have been credulous,
although perhaps not more so than his contemporaries.
He says also, that when he was very young, he went to
the lectures of Philetphus, who explained at Rome the
Tusculan questions of Ci'cero; he was there also when
Nicholas Perot and Domitius Calderinus read their
public lectures upon Martial. Some say that he acted
as prothonotary of the kingdom of Naples, and that
he discharged the office witn great honour; but this is
not mentioned in his work. Apostolo Zeno fixes his
death in 1523, and it is generally agreed that he died at
Rome, aged about sixty-two. His work, the “Genialium
” is a miscellany of learning and philology, somewhat on the model of the “Noctes Atticae
” of Aulus Gellius. The first edition was printed at Rome, 1522, fol.
under the title of “Alexandri de Alexandro dies Geniales.
Andrew-Tiraqueau bestowed a commentary on it, entitled
” Lyons, Alexandri J. C. Napolitani Dissertationes quatuor de rebus admirundis, &c.
” Rome, 4to, without date, or printer’s name. Mr. Roscoe, who has introduced him in his life of Leo as a member of the academy
of Naples, says that his works prove him to have been a
man of extensive reading, great industry, and of a considerable share of critical ability, and perhaps as little tinctured with superstition as most of the writers of the age in
which he lived.
, a celebrated Roman lawyer, was born in the year of Rome 713, at Cremona, from whence he
, a celebrated Roman lawyer, was born in the year of Rome 713, at Cremona, from whence he came to Rome and studied under Servius Sulpicius. His distinguished talents and probity of character raised him at length to the rank of consul. He was the first who made those collections of the civil law, which are called Digests; but none of his writings are now extant. There have been several persons of the same name, whose characters have been confounded, as may be seen by a reference to our authorities.
, an English lawyer and antiquary, was born at Great Hadham in Hertfordshire, about
, an English lawyer and antiquary, was born at Great Hadham in Hertfordshire, about the end of the seventeenth century, and was educated at Eton; whence he went to King’s college, Cambridge, and took his bachelor’s degree in 1707, and his master’s in 1711. He afterwards studied law, was called to the bar, and by the influence of Arthur Onslow, speaker of the house of commons, became a master in chancery. His reputation as a lawyer was inconsiderable, but he was esteemed a good classical scholar, and a man of wit and convivial habits. He became afterwards an alderman of the corporation of Guildford, and an useful magistrate in that neighbourhood. He died April 11, 1754, and was buried in the Temple church. He collected a biographical account of the members of Eton college, which by his will, dated 1753, he ordered to be placed in the libraries of the two colleges, and a third copy to be given to his patron, Mr. Onslow. He also compiled, at his leisure hours, or rather made collections for, an English dictionary of obsolete words, of words which have changed their meaning, as villain, knave, and of proverbial or cant words, as helter-skelter, which he derived from hiiariter cderiter. It is not known what became of this manuscript. He bequeathed his fortune, and probably his books, to a brother who was a Turkey merchant.
ject, which, with some other works, still remain in manuscript. He left four sons, one of whom was a lawyer, and another a physician, and the publisher of his father’s
His works, some of which are still held in esteem, were,
1. “De Medicina Egyptiorum, libri IV.
” Venice, 1591,
4to, Paris, 1645, and Leyden, 1735, 4to. 2. “De Balsamq
” Venice, De Plantis Egyptii liber,
” Venice, De Plantis exoticis, libri II.
” Venice, 1627, 1656, 4to. 5. “Historiae naturalis Egypti, libri IV.
” Leyden, 1735, 2 vols. 4to. 6. “De praesagienda
vita etmorte asgrotantium, libri VII.
” Padua, 4to, Leyden,
1710, edited by Boerhaave; the most considerable of all
his works, of which there have been various editions, and
an English translation by Dr. James, 2 vols. 8vo. 1746. 7.
“De Medicina methodica, libri XIII.
” Padua, fol. 1611,
Leyden, 1719, 4to, a work in which he evinces his predilection for the methodists. 8. “Dissertatio de Rhapontico,
” Padua,
, a German Protestant lawyer, was born about the middle of the sixteenth century, and became
, a German Protestant lawyer, was born about the middle of the sixteenth
century, and became law-professor p.t Herborn, and
syndic at Bremen. He wrote some treatises in the way of
his profession, “De Jurisprudentia Romana,
” and “De
civili conversatione;
” but what made him principally
known, was his “Politica methodice digesta,
” these strange opinions produced by the revolutionary spirit which prevailed in the sixteenth century,
have been revived in ours by the demagogues, who fancy
that they are advancing something new.
” Althusen died
in the early part of the seventeenth century.
, a celebrated lawyer of Padua, flourished in the fifteenth century. His family was
, a celebrated lawyer of Padua,
flourished in the fifteenth century. His family was originally of Hungary, and allied to the Speroni, both of which
have produced very eminent men. The subject of this
short article was very learned both in the civil and canon
law, which he had studied under Barthelemi Saliceti and
Francis Zabarella, who was afterwards cardinal. He then
became professor at Padua, where he wrote several treatises, and among them “Comtnentaria in Libros Feudorum,
” a work long held in estimation, and frequently
quoted by the Italian lawyers. He died June 27, 1452,
and was interred in the church of St. Anthony.
, a Spanish lawyer of great reputation in his country, was a native of Antequera,
, a Spanish lawyer of great reputation in his country, was a native of Antequera, and afterwards professor of law at Ossuna and Salamanca. He was
lastly a counsellor at Valladolid, where he died in 1640 or
1645. Rewrote “Observationes juris,
” Salamanca, Commentaria in posteriores libros codicis Justiniani,
” Lyons,
, an Italian lawyer and miscellaneous writer, was born at Naples in 1659, and for
, an Italian lawyer and miscellaneous writer, was born at Naples in 1659, and for the first
fourteen years of his life, was obliged to be confined in a
dark room, owing to a complaint in his eyes. On his recovery, he made very rapid progress in general science,
went through a course of law, and had very considerable
practice at Naples. His leisure hours he dedicated to polite literature, and particularly cultivated the Tuscan language, which he wrote with the greatest purity, and used
in all his works. He died at Naples, July 21, 1719. His
principal writings are, 1. Seven prose comedies, La Costanza, H Forca, la Fante, &c. which are, Baretti says, perhaps the wittiest we have in Italian; but the author makes
some of his actors appear masked and speak the different
dialects of Italy, especially the Neapolitan. 2. “Rapporti
di Parnasso,
” part I. the only one ever published, Naples,
Torto è il Diritto del non si puo, &c. esaminato da Ferrante
” i. e. father Daniel Bartoli, whose work is
here reprinted with. Amenta’s Observations, Naples, 1717,
8vo, 1728, 8vo; the latter edition has the remarks of the
abbe Cito. 4. “Delia lingua Nobile d'Italia, &c.
” another work on language divided into parts, Naples, 1723,
4to. 5. The lives of Scipio Pasquali, and Lionardo, a
Neapolitan poet. 6. Twenty-four “Capitoli,
” or satirical
pieces, in the style of the capitoli of Berni, and other burlesque poets, Naples, 1721, 12mo. 7. “Rime,
” or poetical
pieces, published in various collections.
, was a lawyer of much reputation in the fifteenth century. His origin was
, was a lawyer of
much reputation in the fifteenth century. His origin was
obscure, and on that account, it is said, he took the name
of Anania, a town of the ancient Latium, instead of that of
his family. He became afterwards professor of civil and
canon law at Bologna, and archdeacon,-and was highly esteemed for piety and learning. His “Commentaries on
the fifth Book of the Decretals,
” a volume of “Consultations,
” and his treatise on feudal rights, “De revocatrone
feudi alienati,
” Leyden, De magia et maleficiis
”, Leyden,
, a Danish lawyer of the eighteenth century, filled several situations of importance
, a Danish lawyer of the
eighteenth century, filled several situations of importance
in the Danish administration, and about the end of that
century bore the title of counsellor of conference. He
wrote many elementary works on the civil and criminal
law of Denmark, which differs from the Roman in many
particulars; but his principal and most learned and useful
work, is “The History of Danish law from the time of
king Harold to that of Christian V.
nd he directed the grand juries to inquire, that they might be punished. He was indeed a very strict lawyer, who governed himself entirely by statutes: this he shewed on
In the proceedings against those who endeavoured to set
up the Geneva discipline, Anderson shewed much zeal:
but in the case of Udal, a puritan minister, who was confined in 1589, and tried and condemned the year following,
we find him unjustly censured by Mr. Pierce in his “Indication of the Dissenters,
” and yet more unjustly by Neal,
in his History of the Puritans, who asserts that Anderson
tried and condemned Udal, which is a direct falsehood.
Still it cannot be denied that he was severe in suoh cases,
although from his conduct in other matters, it is evident
that he acted conscientiously. In 1596 we have an account
of his going the northern circuit, where he behaved with
the same rigour; declaring in his charges, that such persons as opposed the established church, opposed her majesty’s authority, and were in that light enemies to the
state and disturbers of the public peace, and he directed
the grand juries to inquire, that they might be punished.
He was indeed a very strict lawyer, who governed himself
entirely by statutes: this he shewed on many occasions,
particularly at the trial of Henry Cuffe, secretary to the
earl of Essex, where the attorney-general charging the
prisoner syllogistically, and Cuffe answering him in the
same style, lord chief justice Anderson said, “I sit here
to judge of law, and not of logic:
” and directed Mr.
attorney to press the statute of Edward III. on which
Mr. Cuffe was indicted. He was reputed severe, and strict
in the observation of what was taught in courts, and laid
down as law by reports; but this is another unfounded report to his discredit, for we have his express declaration
to the contrary, and that he neither expected precedents
in all cases, nor would be bound by them where he saw
they were not founded upon justice, but would act as if
there were no such precedents. Of this we have a proof
from the reports in his time, published by Mr. Goldesborough: “The case of Resceit was moved again; and Shuttleworth said, that he cannot be received, because he is
named in the writ; and added, that he had searched all
the books, and there is not one case where he who is named
in the writ may be received. What of that? said
Anderson; shall we not give judgment, because it is not
adjudged in the books before? we, will give judgment according to reason; and if there be no reason in the books,
I will not regard them.
” His steadiness was so great, that
he would not be driven from what he thought right, by
any authority whatever. This appeared in the case of
davendish, a creature of the earl of Leicester; who had
procured, by his interest, the queen’s letters patent for
making out writs of supersedeas upon exigents in the court
of common pleas, aiyd a message was sent to the judges to
admit him to that office: with which, as they conceived
the queen had no right to grant any such patent, they did
not comply. Upon this, Mr. Cavendish, by the assistance of his patron, obtained a letter from the queen to
quicken them, but which did not produce what was ex
pected from it. The courtier again pursued his point,
and obtained another letter under the queen’s signet and
sign manual; which letter was delivered in presence of
the lord chancellor and the earl of Leicester, in the beginning of Easter term. The judges desired time to consider it, and then answered, that they could not comply
with the letter, because it was inconsistent with their duty
and their oaths of office. The queen upon this appointed
the chancellor, the lord chief justice of the queen’s bench,
and the master of the rolls, to hear this matter; and the
queen’s serjeant having set forth her prerogative, it was
shewn by the judges, that they could not grant offices by
virtue of the queen’s letters, where it did not appear to
them that she had a power to grant; that as the judges
were bound by their oaths of office, so her majesty was
restrained by her coronation-oath from such arbitrary interpositions: and with this her majesty was satisfied. He
concurred also with his brethren in remonstrating boldly
against several acts of power practised in Elizabeth’s reign.
On the accession of king James he was continued in his
office, and held it to the time of his death, which happened August 1, 1605. He was interred at Eyworth in
Bedfordshire. The printed works of this great lawyer,
besides his “Readings,
” which are still in manuscript, are,
1. “Reports of many principal Cases argued and adjudged
in the time of queen Elizabeth, in the Common Bench,
London, Resolutions a-nd Judgements on,
the Cases and Matters agitated in all the courts of Westminster, in the latter end of the reign of queen Elizabeth,
published by John Goldesborough, esq. prothonotary of
the common pleas, London, 1653, 4to.
prove himself well qualified for the pursuit. In 1704, a book was published by Mr. William Atwood, a lawyer, entitled “The superiority and direct dominion of tl?e Imperial
, a Scotch antiquary, was the son
of the rev. Pat. Anderson, of Edinburgh, where he was
born Aug. 5, 1662. He had a liberal education at the university of that city, which was much improved by genius
and application. When he had finished his studies, he
was placed under the care of sir Hugh Paterson, of Bannockburn, an eminent writer to the signet, and made such
progress, that in 1690 he was admitted a member of that
society, and during his practice discovered so much knowledge joined with integrity, that he probably would have
made a very distinguished figure had he remained longer
in this branch of the law profession. The acquaintance
with ancient writings, however, which he had been obliged
to cultivate in the course of his practice, gratified a taste
for general antiquities and antiquarian research, which he
seems to have determined to pursue, and he happened to
have an early opportunity to prove himself well qualified
for the pursuit. In 1704, a book was published by Mr.
William Atwood, a lawyer, entitled “The superiority and
direct dominion of tl?e Imperial Crown and Kingdom of
England over the Crown and Kingdom, of Scotland.
” In
this, Mr. Anderson, although altogether unknown to Mr.
Atwood, was brought in by him as an evidence and eyewitness to vouch some of the most important original chai%
ters and grants by the kings of Scotland, which AtwoocJ
maintained were in proof of the point he laboured to establish. Mr. Anderson, in consequence of such an appeal,
thought himself bound in duty to his country to publish
what he knew of the matter, and to vindicate the memory
of some of the best of the Scottish kings, who were accused
by Atwood of a base and voluntary surrender of their sovereignty. Accordingly, in 1705, he published “An Essay, shewing that the Crown of Scotland is imperial and
” Edinburgh, 8vo, which was so acceptable
to his country that the parliament ordered him a reward,
ind thanks to be delivered by the lord chancellor in presence of her majesty’s high commissioner and the estates,
which was done, and at the same time they ordered Atwood’s hook to he burnt at Edinburgh by the hands of the
, a lawyer and professor at Basil, was rector of the university in 1471,
, a lawyer and professor at Basil,
was rector of the university in 1471, and many of his manuscripts are preserved in the library. His work, “De
Imperio Romano,
” was printed at Strasburgh,
n Italian historian of some reputation, was born at Ferrara in the sixteenth century. He was an able lawyer, and had the management of the affairs of the dukes of Ferrara.
, an Italian historian of some
reputation, was born at Ferrara in the sixteenth century.
He was an able lawyer, and had the management of the
affairs of the dukes of Ferrara. He afterwards settled at
Parma, and became the historian of the place. Clement,
in his “Bibliotheque curieuse,
” informs us, that Angeli
having collected materials from actual observation respecting the geography of Italy, with a view to correct the errors of Ptolomey, Pliny, and the modern geographers, took
Parma in his way, and was requested to write its history.
For this purpose Erasmus Viotto, the bookseller, accommodated him with his library, and the history was finished
within six months, but was not published until after his
death, if he died in 1576, as is asserted by Baruffaldi, in
the supplement to his history of the university of Ferrara,
and by Mazzuchelli in his “Scrittori Italiaui.
” The work
was entitled “Istoria della citta di Parma e descrizione del
Fiume Parma, lib. VIII.
” Parma, 1591, 4to. Each book
is dedicated to some one of the principal lords of Parma,
whose pedigree and history is included in the dedication.
The copies are now become scarce, and especially those
which happen to contain some passages respecting P. L.
Farnese, which were cancelled in the rest of the impression.
The year before, a work by the same author was published
which ought to be joined with his history, under the title
“Descrizione di Parma, suoi Fiumi, e lar^o terntorio.
” He
wrote also the “Life of Ludovico Catti,
” a lawyer, De non sepeliendis mortuis;
“Gli elogi degli eroi Estensi,
” and “Discorso intorno
l'origine de Cardinali,
” -
those nations. He had studied the laws of his country with such diligence, as to be esteemed a great lawyer. His writings which are extant, are proofs of his learning and
It was not however thought proper to remove him from his high office on this account; but the duke of Ormond was prevailed upon to exhibit a charge against him, on account of his reflections on the earl of Castlehaven’s Memoirs. This produced a sharp contest betwixt these two peers; which ended in the earl of Anglesey’s losing his place of lord privy seal, though his enemies were forced to confess that he was hardly and unjustly treated. After this disgrace, he remained 'pretty much at his country seat at Blechhlgdon in Oxfordshire, where he devoted his time to his studies, and meddled very little with public affairs. However, he got into favour again in the reign of James II. and it is generally believed he would have been appointed lord chancellor of England, if not prevented by his death, which happened April 6, 1686, in the 73d year of his age. He was perfectly versed in the Greek and Roman history, and well acquainted with the spirit and policy of those nations. He had studied the laws of his country with such diligence, as to be esteemed a great lawyer. His writings which are extant, are proofs of his learning and abilities; but the largest and most
of Antwerp, a very eminent lawyer, died in his 80th year in 1668, and left several works on civil
of Antwerp, a very eminent lawyer, died in his 80th year in 1668, and left several works
on civil law, written with method and perspicuity. These
are, “Codex Belgicus,
” Antwerp, Tribunianus Belgicus,
” Brussels, Edicts,
” Consultations,
” published at Antwerp in
, a miscellaneous French writer, was born at Paris, July 18, 1744, and at first was in practice as a lawyer, but afterwards was taken into the office of the comptroller
, a miscellaneous French
writer, was born at Paris, July 18, 1744, and at first was
in practice as a lawyer, but afterwards was taken into the
office of the comptroller general of finances, and became
successively receiver-general for Dauphiny, a member of
the central committee of receivers-general, a deputy of
the constituent assembly, and farmer of the post, which
last place he filled until his death, Nov. 20, 1810. During
the reign of terror, he was long concealed in the house of
one of the members of the Jacobin club, to whom he promised a pension for this service, which he afterwards paid
most punctually. He was considered as an able financier,
and a man of much taste in literature. He wrote, 1. “Anecdotes sur le famille de Le Fevre, de la branche d'Ormesson,
printed in the Journal Encyclopedique for Deux
memoires historiques sur les villes de Milly et de Nemours,
printed in the “Nouvelles recherches sur la France,” 1766,
2 vols. 12mo. 3. “Les deux seigneurs, ou l'Alchymiste,
a. comedy,
architect of the sixth century, was born at Tralles in Lydia. His father had five sons, Olympius, a lawyer, Dioscorus and Alexander, physicians, Metrodorus, a grammarian,
, an eminent architect of the sixth century, was born at Tralles in Lydia. His father had five sons, Olympius, a lawyer, Dioscorus and Alexander, physicians, Metrodorus, a grammarian, and our Anthemius, who was an excellent mathematician, and availed himself of that science in the works which he erected. It appears likewise that he was acquainted with the more modern secrets of philosophy and chemistry, as historians inform us that he could imitate thunder and lightning, and even the shock of an earthquake, In consequence of a trifling dispute with Zeuo, his neighbour, respecting the walls or windows of their contiguous houses, in which Zeno appeared to have the advantage, Anthemius played him a trick, which is thus described: he arranged several vessels or cauldrons of water, each of them covered by the wide bottom of a leathern tube which rose to a narrow top, and was artificially conveyed among the joists and rafters of the adjacent building. A fire was kindled beneath the cauldron, and the steam of the boiling water ascended through the tubes: the house was shaken by the efforts of the imprisoned air, and the trembling inhabitants wondered that the city was unconscious of an earthquake which they felt. At another time the friends of Zeno, as they sat at table, were dazzled by the intolerable light which flashed in their eyes from the reflecting mirrors of Anthemius; they were astonished by the noise which he produced from a collision of certain minute and sonorous particles: and Zeno declared to the senate, that a mere mortal must yield to the power of an antagonist who shook the earth with the trident of Neptune, and imitated the thunder and lightning of Jove himself. But the genius of Anthemius appeared to most advantage in the erection of the new church of St. Sophia at Constantinople. This he undertook by order of the emperor Justinian, and was assisted by ten thousand workmen, whose payment, we are told, doubtless as a hint to modern surveyors, was made in fine silver, and never delayed beyond the evening. It was completed in five years, eleven months, and ten days. Gibbon has given a splendid description of this edifice, now the principal Turkish mosque, which continues to excite the fond admiration of the Greeks, and the more rational curiosity of European travellers. Anthemius died about the year 534. He is said to have written on the subject of machinery, and Dupuy, secretary to the French academy of inscriptions, published a fragment of his in 1777, on mechanics and dioptrics, in which Anthemius endeavours to explain the burning mirrors employed by Archimedes in destroying the Roman ships.
, a celebrated German lawyer, was born at Frendenberg in Westphalia, and died in 1618, at
, a celebrated German lawyer, was born at Frendenberg in Westphalia, and died in
1618, at that time professor of civil law, and chancellor of
the university of Giessen, of which he was one of the
founders. The landgrave Lewis had a great esteem for
him, and employed him in various confidential matters.
On the subject of the constitutional rights of the emperor
of Germany, his opinions were more favourable to his imperial majesty than those of Herman Vullejus, with whom
he was consequently drawn into a controversy. He wrote
a great many treatises on almost every branch of the civil
law, of which a catalogue is given in Witten’s “Memoriæ
Jurisconsuitorum,” and in Strieder’s “Hesse savante.”
His principal works are, 1. “Disputationes Feudales,
Marburgh, De Cameræ imperialis jurisdictione,
” which
involved him in the dispute with Herman Vullejus, and
produced, 3. “Disp. Apolog. de potestate imperatoris
legibus soluta;
” and 4. “Disputationes anti-Vullejanæ,
, a lawyer, the contemporary of Luther, was one of the professors of the
, a lawyer, the contemporary of Luther, was one of the professors of the university of Wittemberg, and assisted in the reformation. He
was born at Nuremberg, in 1486, of which place his father
was a citizen. Having married a nun while canon of Wurzburgh, he was arrested by orders of the bishop, but protected by an imperial regiment in the garrison of^ Nuremberg. He was, however, obliged to resign all his preferments, in lieu of which he was afterwards appointed advocate of the republic of Nuremberg, and counsellor to the
elector of Brandenburgh. He died at Nuremberg in 1536.
He published a defence of his marriage, addressed to the
prince bishop of Wurzburgh, entitled l.“DefensioJo. Apelli
pro suo conjugio,
” with a preface by Luther, Wittemberg,
Methodica dialectices ratio, adjurisprudentiam accommodata,
” Norimb. Cynosura.
” 3. “Brachylogus juris civilisj sive corpus legum,
” an abridgment of the civil law,
which was long thought to be a production of the sixth
century, and was even attributed to the emperor Justinian.
rsation, had a good taste in poetry, was well versed in philosophy and the mathematics, eminent as a lawyer, no less eminent as a divine; neither wanted he considerable
A little after, he was appointed minister of Arbuthnot and
Logy-Buchan. The year following, viz. 1569, on a visitation of the King’s College at Aberdeen, Mr. Alexander
Anderson, principal, Mr. Andrew Galloway, sub-principal, and three regents, were deprived. Their sentence
was published on the third of July, and immediately Mr.
Arbuthnot was made principal of that college. He was
a member also of the general assembly which sat at St.
Andrew’s in 1572, when a certain scheme of
church-government was proposed and called the Book of Policy, an invention of some statesmen, to restore the old titles in the
church, but with a purpose to retain all the temporalities
formerly annexed to them, amongst themselves. The assemhly, being apprized of this, appointed the archbishop
of St. Andrew’s, and nineteen other commissioners, of
whom Mr. Arbuthnot was one, to confer with the regent
in his council; but these conferences either came to nothing, or, which is more probable, were never held. In
the general assembly which met at Edinburgh the sixth of
August 1573, Mr. Alexander Arbuthnot was chosen moderator. In the next assembly, which met at Edinburgh the
sixth of March 1574, he was named one of the commissioners for settling the jurisdiction of the church, which
seems to be no more than had been before done about the
book of policy. This business required much time and
pains, but at last some progress was made therein, and a
plan of jurisdiction proposed. In the general assembly,
which met at Edinburgh the first of April 1577, he was
again chosen moderator. At this time the assembly were
persuaded, upon some specious pretences, to appoint a
certain number of their members to confer in the morning
with their moderator, in order to prepare business. This
committee had the name of the Congregation, and in a
short time all matters of importance came to be treancd
there, and the assembly had little to do but to approve their
resolutions. At the close of this assembly, Mr. Arbuthnot, with other commissioners, was appointed to confer with
the regent, on the plan of church policy before mentioned.
In the general assembly held at Edinburgh the twenty-fifth
of October 1578, he was again appointed of the committee
for the same purpose, and in the latter end of the year,
actually conferred with several noblemen, and other laycommissioners, on that important business. In 1582, Mr.
Arbuthnot published Buchanan’s History of Scotland, in
which, though he acted only as an editor, yet it procured
him a great deal of ill-will, and in all probability gave his
majesty king James VI. a bad impression of him. The
practice of managing things in congregation still subsisting, the king forbad Mr. Arbuthnot to leave his college at
Aberdeen, that he might not be present in the assembly,
or direct, as he was used to do, those congregations which
directed that great body. This offended the ministers very
much, and they did not fail to remonstrate upon it to the
king, who, however, remained firm. What impression this
might make upon Mr. Arbuthnot’s mind, a very meek and
humble man, assisting others at their request, and not
through any ambition of his own, is uncertain; but a little
after he began to decline in his health, and on the 20th
of October 1583, departed this life in the forty -fifth year
of his age, and was buried in the college church of Aberdeen. His private character was very amiable: he was
learned without pedantry, and a great encourager of learning in youth, easy and pleasant in conversation, had a
good taste in poetry, was well versed in philosophy and
the mathematics, eminent as a lawyer, no less eminent as
a divine; neither wanted he considerable skill in physic.
In his public character he was equally remarkable for his
moderation and abilities, which gained him such a reputation, as drew upon him many calls for advice, which made
kim at last very uneasy. As principal of the college of
Aberdeen, he did great service to the church in particular,
and to his country in general, by bringing over many to
the former, and reviving that spirit of literature which was
much decayed in the latter. These employments took up
so much of his time, that we have nothing of his writing,
except a single book printed at Edinburgh, in 4to, 1572,
under this title, “Orationes de origine et dignitate Juris;
“Orations on the origin and dignity of the Law.
” It was
esteemed a very learned and elegant performance, as appears by a fine copy of Latin yerses on its publication, by
Mr. Thomas Maitland, who was equally admired as a poet
and a critic. Arbuthnot’s countryman and contemporary,
Andrew Melvil, wrote an elegant epitaph on him, (Delit. Poet. Scot. vol. II. p. 120.) which alone would have been
sufficient to preserve his memory, and gives a very just idea
of his character.
, chaplain to Louis XIV. was born at Riom in Auvergne in 1645, the son of a lawyer. As his father managed the affairs of the cardinal de Bouillon,
, chaplain to Louis XIV. was born
at Riom in Auvergne in 1645, the son of a lawyer. As
his father managed the affairs of the cardinal de Bouillon,
he obtained, by the interest of that prelate, a place of one
of the king’s chaplains, and that of keeper of the ornaments, which was created purposely for him. In 1678,
he was appointed to the abbey of St. Gilbert neuf-fontaines, in the diocese of Clermont, where he died in 1717.
He wrote the “History of the Chapel of the kings of
” Paris,
, a lawyer and macaronic poet in the sixteenth century, was born at Solliers,
, a lawyer and macaronic poet
in the sixteenth century, was born at Solliers, in the diocese of Toulon, of a family known from the thirteenth
century by the name of La Sable. After studying under
Alciatus at Avignon, he began his literary career by writing
some wretched books on jurisprudence, and comforted
himself for the little demand that was made for them by
the fame of his macaronic verses. This species of poetry,
which Merlin Coccaio brought into great vogue in Italy,
consisted in a confused string of words partly Latin, partly
French, partly Provencal, made into a medley of barbarous
composition. The principal performance of this kind by
our provengal poet is his “Description of the war carried
on by Charles V. in Provence,
” printed at Avignon, and
very scarce of that edition, in 1537; reprinted in 1717 in
8vo, at Paris, under the name of Avignon, and at Lyons,
1760. There are other pieces of macaronic poetry by the
same author, “De bragardissima villa de Soleriis, &c.
, an Italian lawyer, and a scholar of great learning, was born at Cremona, Feb.
, an Italian lawyer, and a scholar of
great learning, was born at Cremona, Feb. 3, 1657, the son
of Louis Arisi and Lucia Negri, both of distinguished families in that place. His infirm state of health in his infancy
made him be consigned, for some time, to the care of a private tutor; but he afterwards studied philosophy in the
Jesuits’ college. In 1674, his father sent him to Rome to
study law, from whence, in 1677, he went to Bologna with
a view to continue that pursuit, but the death of his father
obliged him next year to return to his own country. Still
desirous, however, to complete his course, he went first to
Pavia, where he obtained a doctor’s degree, and then to
Milan for six months, where he improved himself under an
able advocate. On his return to Cremona, he divided his
time between his professional studies, and that of polite
literature, particularly poetry, for which he had a very
early taste. Connecting himself, by correspondence or
personal acquaintance, with the most eminent scholars of
nis time, he became a member of many of the Italian academies; and the extensive knowledge and probity he displayed as a lawyer, occasioned his being employed in many
public transactions, in which he acquitted himself to the
entire satisfaction of the government of his country. He
died of a lingering disorder, Jan. 25, 1743. Mazzuchelli’s
list of his works, printed and manuscript, amounts to sixtyfour articles. The most esteemed of the printed works
are, 1. “La Tirranide soggiogata,
” an oratorio for St.
Anthony of Padua, Cremona, Cremona litterata, sen in Cremonenses, doctrina et
litterariis dignitatibus eminentiores, chronologic^ adnotationes,
” 3 vols. fol. The first two were published at Parma,
1702 and 1705, and the third at Cremona, 1741. 3. “Scnatorum Mediolanensium ex collegio judicum Cremonae ab
ipso erecto, usque ad hocc tempora continuata series,
” &c.
Cremona, Rime per le sacre stimate del
Santo Patriarca Francesco,
” &c. Cremona,
was a Roman lawyer of great celebrity, under the emperor Trajan, about the year
was a Roman lawyer of great celebrity, under the emperor Trajan, about the year 110. Pliny has bestowed the highest praises on him, as excelling in all manner of learning, public and civil law, history, and antiquities, and not less estimable for his integrity and personal virtues. It is a considerable deduction from his character, however, that he appears to have meditated suicide during an illness, provided the physicians should pronounce it incurable. He is said to have lived to an extreme old age after this, but the fact seems doubtful, and to have been the author of some books, which have not descended to us, but are mentioned by Aulus Gellius.
, an ingenious English writer and lawyer, who lived about the end of the seventeenth, and beginning of
, an ingenious English writer and lawyer, who lived about the end of the seventeenth, and beginning of the eighteenth century. He was entered of
the society of Lincoln’s inn, and having been recommended to Mr. Eyre, a very great lawyer, and one of the
judges of the king’s bench, in the reign of king William,
this gentleman gave him assistance in his studies. Under
so able a master, he quickly acquired a competent knowledge of the laws, and was soon noticed as a rising man in
his profession. He had an uncommon vein of wit and
humour, of which he afforded the world sufficient evidence
in two pamphlets; one intituled, “Several assertions
proved, in order to create another species of money than
gold and silver
” the second, “An essay on a registry
for titles of lands.
” This last is written in a very humorous style.
, or Avanzi Giammarie, a celebrated Italian lawyer, was born Aug. 23, 1564. He was educated with great care, and
, or Avanzi Giammarie, a
celebrated Italian lawyer, was born Aug. 23, 1564. He
was educated with great care, and discovered so much taste
for polite literature, that Riccoboni, his master, said, he
was the only youth he had ever known who seemed to be
born a poet and orator. His father wished him to study
medicine, but his own inclination led him to study law, in
which he soon became distinguished. At Ferrara he acquired an intimacy with Tasso, Guarini, Cremonini, and
other eminent characters of that time. He afterwards retired to Rovigo, and practised as a lawyer, but was singularly unfortunate in his personal affairs, not only losing a
considerable part of his property by being security for
some persons who violated their engagements, but having
his life attempted by assassins who attacked him one day
and left him for dead with eighteen wounds. He recovered, however, but his brother being soon after assassinated,
and having lost his wife, he retired, in 1606, to Padua,
where he died, March 2, 1622, leaving several children,
of whom Charles, his second son, became a learned physician and botanist. Avanzi wrote a poem “Il Satiro Favola Pastorale,
” Venice, Historia Ecclesiastica a Lutheri apostasia;
” and “Concilia
de rebus civilibus et criminalibus.
, a French lawyer, was born in 1642 and died in 1733, leaving his library to the
, a French lawyer, was born in 1642
and died in 1733, leaving his library to the city of Lyons,
on condition that it should be open for the use of the public. He published a new edition of the “Dictionnaire de
” in 3 vols. 1728, fol. which has been superseded
by more recent editions. He was also the editor of “Un
recueil de Factums,
” 2 vols. Lyons, 1710, 4to, and the
author of a little romance, entitled “Retour de l‘isle d’Amour,
” which he published at his father’s request, when
he was only sixteen years of age.
, a lawyer of Paris, born in 1617, became an indefatigable student, it
, a lawyer of Paris, born in 1617,
became an indefatigable student, it being his practice to
rise at five o'clock every morning, and study without intermission till six in the evening. He scarcely made any
visits, and received still fewer, and though he had taken
his oath as avocat au conseil, he preferred the silent commerce of his books to the tumult of affairs. The “Remarques de Vaugelas
” was his only book of recreation. He
died of a fall in 1695, at upwards of 78. Several works of
his are to be met with, very inferior in respect of style,
but they are not deficient in historical anecdotes and useful remarks. The chief of them are, 1. “Histoire generale des Cardinaux,
” 5 vels. 1642, 4to, composed from the
memoirs of Naud6 and of du Puy. 2. “Memoire pour
rhistoire du Cardinal de Richelieu,
” Histoire de me me ministre,
” The duchess of Aiguillon,
” says he, “has just had the history of her uncle the
cardinal de Richelieu printed, composed from the memoirs she has furnished herself, by M. Aubery; but it is
already fallen into contempt, being too much suspected
from the quarter from whence it originates, and on account of the bad style of the wretched writer, who, lucro
addictus & addductus, will not fail to play the mercenary, and
to prostitute his pen to the direction of that lady.
” It is
said that the queen-mother answered the bookseller Berthier, who expressed his fear that certain persons of the
court, of whom the historian spoke by no means advantageously, would bring him into trouble: “Go, pursue your
business in peace, and put vice so much to shame, that
nothing but virtue shall dare to be seen in France.
4ubery is one of those who doubt whether the Testament
published under the name of the cardinal de Richelieu be
really by him. 4. “Histoire du cardinal Mazarin,
” Traite historique de la preeminence des Rois de France/' 1649, 4to.
” Traite des justes pretensions du Roi de France sur
PEmpire," 1667, 4to, which caused him to be thrown into
the Bastille, because the princes of Germany thought the
ideas of Aubery to be the same with those of Louis XIV.
He was, however, soon set at liberty, and even his confinement was made easy.
, president in the election, or court of assessors of Orleans, was a learned lawyer, and esteemed an excellent Latin poet in the sixteenth century.
, president in the election, or
court of assessors of Orleans, was a learned lawyer, and
esteemed an excellent Latin poet in the sixteenth century.
He studied at Bologna under Alciat, and on his return to
France, wrote the greater part of his poems. The elogium
on Venice induced that republic to bestow upon him the
order of St. Mark, with the chain of gold of the order.
Henry III. of France also granted him letters of nobility,
and permitted him to add to his arms two fleur-de-lis of
gold. Notwithstanding these honours, he continued to
act as assessor at Orleans for the space of fifty years. He
died Dec. 24, 1598, aged about eighty years. “He wrote
” Roma, poema,“Paris, 1555, 4to. 2.
” Venetia, poema- r
Venice, Partenope,
” Paris,
, or Azo Portius, a celebrated lawyer of the twelfth century, distinguished himself first at Bologna,
, or Azo Portius, a celebrated lawyer of the
twelfth century, distinguished himself first at Bologna,
about 1193. He had studied under John Bosiani of Cremona, and acquired such reputation, that he was called
“Master of the Law,
” and “the Source of Law.
” The
envy, however, which such merit attracted, made him leave
Italy, and go to Montpellier, where he succeeded Placentinus. He was afterwards recalled to Bologna, and became
yet more celebrated. It is said that he had a thousand
auditors. In the warmth of dispute he threw a candlestick
at the head of his antagonist, who died in consequence.
Azon was then taken up, and tried, although the accident
happened without any evil intent The action, however,
might be pardoned according to the intent of the law ad
bestias de pœnis, which moderates the punishment to any
person who excels in any science or art. Azon, whether
from the length of his imprisonment, or from his mind being occupied or abstracted, cried out, ad bestias, ad bestias,
meaning that his acquittal would be found in that law. But
this being reported to the judges, who were ignorant of it,
they imagined that he insulted them, and treated them like
beasts, and not only condemned him to death, but deprived him of the honour of burial. This sentence was executed in 1200, or according to some, in 1225. Others
deny that this was the end of Azon, and treat the story as
what it very much resembles, a fiction. Contius published
his Law Commentaries" in 1577.
, an eminent lawyer and critic, was born in 1721 at Hohendorp, and sent in his twelfth
, an eminent lawyer and
critic, was born in 1721 at Hohendorp, and sent in his
twelfth year to Leipsic, where he was educated under
Gesner and Ernest, who was particularly fond of him, and
encouraged his studies with a fatherly care. Having gone
through a course of classical learning, philosophy, and mathematics, he applied to the study of law, and in 1750, he
was created doctor in that faculty and professor of law, to
which in 1753, was added the place of ecclesiastical assessor
at Leipsic. All these offices he discharged with the highest
public reputation and personal esteem, but was cut off by
a premature death in 1756. He was a man of extensive
learning, critically acquainted with Greek and Latin, and
well versed in history and antiquities. His principal publications were, 1. “Dissertatio de Mysteriis Eleusinis,
Leipsic, Divus Trajanus, sive de legibus Trajani cornmentarius,
” Historia jurisprudent! Romany, 1754, 8vo. 4.
” Xenophontis Oeconomicum,“1749, 8vo. 5.
” JBrissonius de formulis,“1754, fol. 6.
” Bergeri qeconomia Juris,“1755, 4tq.
” Opuscula ad historian! etjurisprudentiam spectantia,"
collected and published by Christ. Adolph. Klotz, Halle,
1767, 8vo.
, a very able lawyer of the seventeenth century, was the son of the preceding, and
, a very able lawyer of the seventeenth century, was the son of the preceding, and was born at Heidelberg, and probably educated there. He was, however, celebrated for his knowledge of the civil law, when Heidelberg was taken by count Tilly in 1622, and the university dissolved. This obliged him to leave the place, but he appears to have returned soon after, and to have endeavoured to support himself for some time by giving private lessons to the few pupils whom the siege had not driven away. In 1624, he published his " Exercitationes ad partem posteriorem Chiliados Antonii Fabri, de erroribus interpretum, et de interpretibus juris,' 7 fol. The same year he entered into a correspondence with the learned Cuueus of Leyden, to whom he communicated his intention of leaving Heidelberg, as the university, then about to be restored, was to be composed of catholics, while he was disposed towards the principles of the reformed religion. He intimated also to Cuneus that he had no higher ambition, should he come to Leyden, than to give private lessons. During this correspondence an offer was made to Cuneus of a professorship in the academy of Franeker, and as he could not accept it, he took this opportunity of recommending Bachovius, but the latter had rendered himself obnoxious there by writing against Mark Lycklama, formerly one of the professors, and still one of the curators of the academy.
erived from her majesty very little accession of fortune. As a candidate for court-preferment, and a lawyer already distinguished by acknowledged talents, it might be expected
His progress in his professional studies, however, was
rterer interrupted, and his practice became considerable.
In 1588, he discharged the office of reader at Gray’s Inn,
and such was his fame, that the queen honoured him by
appointing him her counsel learned in the law extraordinary, but whatever reputation he derived from this appointment, and to a young man of only twenty-eight years
of age, it must have been of great importance, it is said
he derived from her majesty very little accession of fortune.
As a candidate for court-preferment, and a lawyer already
distinguished by acknowledged talents, it might be expected
that the road to advancement would have been easy, especially if we consider his family interest, as the son of a lordkeeper, and nephew to William lord Burleigh, and first cousin to sir Robert Cecil, principal secretary of state. But it
appears that his merit rendered his court-patrons somewhat
jealous, and that his interest, clashing with that of the two
'Cecils, and the earls of Leicester and Essex, who formed
the two principal parties in queen Elizabeth’s reign, was
rather an obstruction to him, as he forsook its natural channel in the Cecils, and attached himself and his brother
Anthony to the earl of Essex. Sir Robert Cecil is consequently represented as preventing his attaining any very
high appointment, although, that he might not seem to
slight so near a relation, he procured him the reversion of
the place of register of the court of Star-chamber, which,
however, he did not enjoy until the next reign, nearly
twenty years after. This made him say, with some pleasantry,
that “it was like another man’s ground buttalling upon
his house, which might mend his prospect, but did not fill
his barn.
” It was in gratitude for obtaining for him thb
reversion that, in 1592, he published “Certain observations upon a libel entitled A Declaration of the true causes
of the great Troubles,
” in which he warmly vindicates the
lord treasurer particularly, and his own father; and the
rest of queen Elizabeth’s ministers occasionally. This is
thought to have been his first political production.
ve part in bringing that unfortunate nobleman to the block for he not only appeared against him as a lawyer for the crown, but after his death, endeavoured to perpetuate
His other patron, Robert earl of Essex, proved a warm, steady, and indefatigable friend, and earnestly strove to make him queen’s solicitor, in 1594, although unsuccessfully, from the superior influence of the Cecils. He endeavoured, however, to make him amends for his disappointment out of his own fortune. This, it might be supposed, demanded on the part of Mr. Bacon, a high sense of obligation, and. such he probably felt at the time but it is much to be lamented, that he afterwards sullied his character by taking a most forward and active part in bringing that unfortunate nobleman to the block for he not only appeared against him as a lawyer for the crown, but after his death, endeavoured to perpetuate the shame of it, by drawing a declaration of the treasons of the earl of Essex, which was calculated to justify the government in a very unpopular measure, and to turn the public censure from those who had ruined the earl of Essex, and had never done Mr. Bacon any good. It is but fair, however, that we should give the outline of the apology which he found it necessary to make for his conduct. It amounts to this, that he had given the earl good advice, which he did not follow that upon this a coldness ensued, which kept them at a greater distance than formerly that, however, he continued to give his advice to the earl, and laboured all he could to serve him with the queen that in respect to his last unfortunate act, which was, in truth, no better than an act of madness, he had no knowledge or notice whatever that he did no more than he was in duty bound to do for the service of the queen, in the way of his profession and that the declaration was put upon him altered, after he had drawn it, both by Uie ministers and the queen herself. Such an apology, however, did not satisfy the public at that time, and the utmost investigation of the affair since has only tended to soften some parts of his conduct, without amounting to a complete justification.
in 1693, at the age of 47. By his second wife, he left a son Christian Bagger, who became an eminent lawyer, and in 1737 rose to be grand bailly of Bergen, and a counsellor
, bishop of Copenhagen, was born at Lunden in 1646. His father Olaus Bagger taught theology in the school of Lunden, but sent his son to Copenhagen for education. He afterwards travelled to Germany, the Netherlands, and England, studying under the most able masters in divinity and the oriental languages, and then returned to Copenhagen. When Lunden became a part of the Swedish dominions, the king established an academy there, and Bagger was appointed to teach the oriental languages. He had scarcely begun to give lessons, however, when by the advice of his friends of Copenhagen, he solicited and obtained, in 1674, the office of first pastor of the church of the Holy Virgin in that metropolis. In 1675, after the usual disputation, he got the degree of doctor, and on the death of John Wandalin, bishop of Zealand or Copenhagen, he was appointed to succeed him, at the very early age of twenty-nine. His promotion is said to have been in part owing to his wife Margaret Schumacher, the widow of Jacob Fabri, his predecessor, in the church of the Holy Virgin at Copenhagen, and to the brother of this lady, the count de Griffenfeld, who had great interest at court. Bagger, however, filled this high office with reputation, as well as that of dean of theology, which is attached to the bishopric of Copenhagen. He revised the ecclesiastical rites which Christian V. had passed into a law, as well as the liturgy, epistles, and gospels, collects, &c. to which he prefixed a preface. He also composed and published several discourses, very learned and eloquent, some in Latin, and others in the Danish tongue. He died in 1693, at the age of 47. By his second wife, he left a son Christian Bagger, who became an eminent lawyer, and in 1737 rose to be grand bailly of Bergen, and a counsellor of justice.
is biographer supposes. Wood, indeed, tells us, that when at the house of gentlemen, he passed for a lawyer, a character which he supported in conversation by the knowledge
, an English Benedictine monk, and
ecclesiastical historian and antiquary, the son of William
Baker, gent, and nephew to Dr. David Lewes, judge of the
admiralty, was born at Abergavenny, Dec. 9, 1575, and
first educated at Christ’s hospital, London, whence he
went to Oxford, in 1590, and became a commoner of
Broadgate’s hall (now Pembroke college), which he left
without a degree, and joined his brother Richard, a barrister of the middle temple, where he studied law, and in
addition to the loose courses he followed, when at Oxford,
now became a professed infidel. After the death of his
brother, his father sent for him, and he was made recorder
of Abergavenny, and practised with considerable success.
While here, a miraculous escape from drowning recalled
him to his senses as to religion, but probably having no
proper advice at hand, he fell upon a course of Roman
catholic writings, and was so captivated with them that he
joined a small congregation of Benedictines then in London, and went with one of them to Italy, where, in 1605,
he took the habit, and changed his name to Augustin Baker. A fit of sickness rendering it necessary to try his
native air he returned to England, and finding his father oa
his death-bed, reconciled him to the Catholic faith. From
this time he appears to have resided in London and
different places in the country, professing his religion as
openly as could be done with safety. Some years before
his death he spent at Canjbray, as spiritual director ‘of the
English Benedictine nuns there, and employed his time in
making collections for an English ecclesiastical historj’, in
which, when at home, we are told, he was assisted by
Camden, Cotton, Spelman, Selden, and bishop Godwin,
to all of whom, Wood says, “he was most familiarly
” but not, we presume, so sufficiently as this biographer supposes. Wood, indeed, tells us, that when at
the house of gentlemen, he passed for a lawyer, a character
which he supported in conversation by the knowledge he
had acquired in the Temple. He died in Gray’s Inn lane
Aug. 9, 1641, and was buried in St. Andrew’s church. He
wrote a great many religious treatises, but none were published. They amounted to nine large folios in manuscript,
and were long preserved in the English nunnery at Cambray. His six volumes of ecclesiastical history were lost,
but out of them were taken father Reyner’s “Apostolatus
Benedictinorum in Anglia,
” and a good deal of Cressy’s
“Church History.
” Wood has given a prolix account of
this man, which was probably one of those articles in his
Athenee that brought upon him the suspicion of being himself attached to popery. It is certainly written with all the
abject submission of credulity.
form 4 vols. 8vo. He died Feb. 16, 1767. Mr. Baker’s other son, Henry, followed the profession of a lawyer, and occasionally appeared as a poet and miscellaneous writer.
Mr. Baker was a constant and useful attendant at the
meetings of the royal and antiquary societies, and in both
was frequently chosen one of the council. He was peculiarly attentive to all the new improvements which were
made in natural science, and very solicitous for the prosecution of them. Several of his communications are printed
in the Philosophical Transactions and, besides the papers
written by himself, he was the means, by his extensive
correspondence, of conveying to the society the intelligence and observations of other inquisitive and philosophical men. His correspondence was not confined to his
own country. To him we are obliged for a true history of the
coccus polonicus, transmitted by Dr. Wolfe. It is to Mr.
Baker’s communications that we owe the larger alpine
strawberry, of late so much cultivated and approved of in
England. The seeds of it were sent in a letter from professor Bruns of Turin to our philosopher, who gave them
to several of his friends^ by whose care they furnished an
abundant increase. The seeds likewise of the true rhubarb,
or rheum palmatum, now to be met with in almost every
garden in this country, were first transmitted to Mr. Baker
by Dr. Mounsey, physician to the empress of Russia.
These, like the former, were distributed to his various
acquaintance, and some of the seeds vegetated very kindly.
It is apprehended that all the plants of the rhubarb now in
Great Britain were propagated from this source. Two or
three of Mr. Baker’s papers, which relate to antiquities,
may be found in the Philosophical Transactions. The society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and
commerce, is under singular obligations to our worthy naturalist. As he was one of the earliest members of it, so
he contributed in no small degree to its rise and establishment. At its first institution, he officiated for some time
gratis, as secretary. He was many years chairman ^of the
committee of accounts and he took an active part in the
general deliberations of the society. In his attendance he
was almost unfailing, and there were few questions of any
moment upon which he did not deliver his opinion. Though,
fronl the lowness of his voice, his manner of speaking was
not powerful, it was clear, sensible, and convincing; what
he said, being usually much to the purpose, and always
proceeding from the best intentions, had often the good
effect of contributing to bring the society to rational determinations, when many of the members seemed to have lost
themselves in the intricacies of debate. He drew up a
short account of the original of this society, and of the
concern he himself had in forming it; which was read before the society of antiquaries, and would be a pleasing
present to the public. Mr*. Baker was a poetical writer in
the early part of his life. His “Invocation of Health
got abroad without his knowledge; but was reprinted by
himself in his “Original Poems, serious and humourous,
Part the first, 8vo, The Universe^
a poem, intended to restrain the pride of man,
” which has
been several times reprinted. His account of the water
polype, which was originally published in the Philosophical
Transactions, was afterwards enlarged into a separate treatise, and hath gone through several editions. In 1728 he
began, and for five years conducted the “Universal Spectator,
” a periodical paper, under the assumed name of
Henry Stonecastle a selection of these papers was afterwards printed in 4 vols. 12mo. In 1737 he published “Medulla Poetarum Romanorum,
” 2 vols. 8vo, a selection from
the Roman poets, with translations. But his principal publications are, “The Microscope made easy,
” and “Employment for the Microscope.
” The first of these, which
was originally published in 1742, or 1743, has gone through
six editions. The second edition of the other, which, to
say the least of it, is equally pleasing and instructive, appearedin 1764. These treatises, and especially the latter,
contain the most curious and important of the observations
and experiments which Mr. Baker either laid before the
royal society, or published separately. It has been said
of Mr. Baker, “that he was a philosopher in little things.
If it was intended by this language to lessen his reputation,
there is no propriety in the stricture. He was an intelligent, upright and benevolent man, much respected by
those who knew him best. His friends were the friends of
science and virtue and it will always be remembered by
his contemporaries, that no one was more ready than himself to assist those with whom he was conversant in their
various researches and endeavours for the advancement of
knowledge and the benefit of society. His eldest son, David Erskine Baker, was a young man of genius and learning, and, like his father, a philosopher, an antiquary, and
a poet. Being very partial to mathematical and geometrical studies, the duke of Montague, then master of the ordnance, placed him in the drawing-room in the Tower, to
qualify him for the royal engineers. In a letter to Dr.
Doddridge, dated 1747, his father speaks of him in these
terms: “He has been somewhat forwarder than boys usually
are, from a constant conversation with men. At twelve
years old he had translated the whole twenty-four books of
Telemachus from the French before he was fifteen, he
translated from the Italian, and published, a treatise on
physic, of Dr. Cocchi, of Florence, concerning the diet
and doctrines of Pythagoras and last year, before he was
seventeen, he likewise published a treatise of sir Isaac
Newton’s Metaphysics, compared with those of Dr. Leibnitz, from the French of M. Voltaire. He is a pretty
good master of the Latin, understands some Greek, is
reckoned no bad mathematician for his years, and knows
a great deal of natural history, both from reading and observation, so that, by the grace of God, I hope he will
become a virtuous and useful man.
” In another letter he
mentions a singular commission given to his son, that of
making drawings of all the machines, designs, and operations employed in the grand fire- works to be exhibited on
occasion of the peace of 1748. It is to be regretted, however, that his father’s expectations were disappointed by a
reverse of conduct in this son, occasioned by his turn for
dramatic performances, and his marrying the daughter of
a Mr. Clendon, a clerical empiric, who had, like himself,
a similar turn. In consequence of this unhappy taste, he
repeatedly engaged with the lowest strolling companies, in
spite of every effort of his father to reclaim him. The
public was, however, indebted to him for “The Companion to the Playhouse,
” Biographia Dramatica
”) been considerably improved,
first in 2 vols. 8vo, and left ready for the
press an arranged collection of all the statutes relating to
bankruptcy, with cases, precedents, &c. entitled
” The
Clerk to the Commission," a work which is supposed to
have been published under another title in 1768.
, a celebrated lawyer of the fourteenth century, was a native of Perugia, and the
, a celebrated lawyer of the fourteenth century, was a native of Perugia, and the son of Francis Ubaldi, a learned physician, who had him educated with great care. After studying philosophy and belles lettres, he became the pupil of Bartolus in law studies, and afterwards was his powerful rival. He taught law himself at Perugia, where he had for his scholar cardinal Peter Beaufort, afterwards pope Gregory XI. He next became professor at Padua, from which the duke of Milan invited him to the same office at Pavia. He died April 28, 1400, aged 76, of the consequences of the bite of a favourite cat, a circumstance thus expressed on his epitaph:
, a Swedish lawyer, was born at Norcopin, and was professor of civil law in the
, a Swedish lawyer, was born at
Norcopin, and was professor of civil law in the university
of Franeker for fifteen years, a place conferred upon him
on account of his high reputation when a scholar. He
died Oct. 13, 1662. In 1649 he published at Franeker a
work, “De tyrannide papae in reges et principes Christianos,
” and seven years after, “Roma triumphans, seu
inauguratio Innocentii X.
” also some writings, “de Bancse ruptoribus,
” “de Duellis,
” “de conciliis et consiliariis
” but his most celebrated work was an edition of
the Taxes of the Roman Chancery, on the sums paid for
absolution for crimes, even of the most atrocious kind.
It was published at Franeker in 1651, in 8vo, after he had
consulted the most ancient copies, printed or manuscript,
and by comparing them word for word, supplied by means
of one what was wanting in others. He made use of the
edition of Cologne in 1523, of that of Wittembergin 1538,
of that of Venice in 1584, and of a manuscript, which had
been communicated to him by John Baptista Sibon, a
Bernardine monk, and reader in the college of Rome. By
this means he has made his edition somewhat larger than
all that had been published before, and he has added notes,
in which he explains a great many terms, which are difficult to be understood it is a kind of glossary. He has
likewise joined to it a small Italian tract, which contains
the lax which was made use of under pope Innocent X.
and he has explained the value of the money as it was at
that time. It is almost unnecessary to add, that this work
was soon added to the list of prohibited books.
, a celebrated lawyer of the fifteenth century, was a native of Placentia, and professor
, a celebrated lawyer of
the fifteenth century, was a native of Placentia, and professor of feudal law at Pavia and Ferrara. He made a new
arrangement of the law of Lombardy, and sent it to the
duke of Mila,n, who placed it in the library of Pavia, and
ordered that the professors of Pavia should use it as a textbook. This manuscript, as well as the library in which it
was deposited, was removed to France under the reign of
Louis XII. Nicolas Rigault printed it at Paris in 1612,
under the title “De Feudis liber singularis,
” and John
Schilter reprinted it in Libeilus feudorum reformatus.
in 1730, to which he has added two circumstances, which prove that Barbier would have been as good a lawyer as a critic. The other writings of d’Aucour are more frivolous,
, advocate in the parliament of Paris, and member of the French academy, was
born at Langres, of poor parents, and drew himself out of
obscurity by his talents. He was at first repetiteur in the
college of Lisieux. He then applied himself to the bar
but his memory having failed him at the outset of his first
pleading, he promised never to attempt it again, though it
was thought he might have pleaded with success. Colbert having given him charge of fhe education of one of his sons, Barbier lengthened his name by the addition of d'Aucour. But
this minister dying without having done any thing for his
advancement, he was obliged to return to the bar. Here
he acquired great honour by the eloquent and generous
defence he made for a certain le Brun, the valet of a lady
in Paris, falsely accused of having assassinated his mistress,
but this was his last cause. He died Sept. 13, 1694, at
the age of 53, of an inflammation of the breast. The deputies of the academy, who went to see hirn in his last sickness, were concerned to find him so badly lodged “It is
my comfort,
” said he, “and a very great comfort it is, that
I leave no heirs of my misery.
” The abbe* de Choisi, one of
them, having said, “You leave a name that will never
” “Alas, T do not flatter myself on that score,
” returned cl'Aucour “if my works should have any sort of
value in themselves, I have been wrong in the choice of my
subjects. I have dealt only in criticism, which never lasts
long. For, if the book criticised should fall into contempt, the criticism falls with it, since it is immediately
seen to be useless and if, in spite of the criticism, the
book stands it ground, then the criticism is equally forgotten, since it is immediately thought to be unjust.
” He
was no friend to the Jesuits, and the greater part of his
works are against that society, or against the writers of it.
That which does him the most honour is entitled “Sentirnens de Cleanthe sur les Entretiens d‘Ariste et d’Eugene,
par le pere Bouhours,
” Jesuit, in 12mo. This book has
been often quoted, and with good reason, as a model of
just and ingenious criticism. D‘Aucour here distributes
his bon-mots and his learning, without going too great
lengths in his raillery and his quotations. Bouhours was
supposed never to have recovered this attack. The abbe
Granet gave an edition of this work in 1730, to which he
has added two circumstances, which prove that Barbier
would have been as good a lawyer as a critic. The other
writings of d’Aucour are more frivolous, “Les Gaudinettes, l'Onguent pour la brdlure,
” against the Jesuits
“Apollon vendeur de Mithridate,
” against Racine two
satires in miserable poetry. It is not easy to conceive that
he could rally Bouhours in so neat, and the others in so
coarse a manner. It is said that his antipathy to the Jesuits arose from his being one day in their church, when
one of the fathers told him to behave with decency, because locus erat sacer. D'Aucour immediately replied,
Si locus est sacrus. This unfortunate blunder was repeated
from mouth to mouth. The regents repeated it it was
echoed by the scholars and the nickname of Lawyer Sacrus was fixed upon him.
, a Portuguese lawyer, a native of Guimaraens, in the diocese of Brague, was king’s
, a Portuguese lawyer, a native
of Guimaraens, in the diocese of Brague, was king’s advocate in the province of Alentejo. In 1618, he published
at Lisbon, “Remissiones doctorum ad contractus, ultimas
voluntates, &c. constitutionum Lusitanarum,
” fol. and in
De postestate Episcopi.
” He died seven or eight
months after, in his ninetieth year.
t the end of the session he was appointed mayor of Grenoble, where he married the only daughter of a lawyer, who brought him a fortune of 700,000 livres but all this he
, one of the
active agents in the French revolution, was born in 1761,
the son of an opulent attorney of Grenoble. He was educated to the profession of the law, and being appointed
deputy to the States-General in 1789, became one of the
most implacable enemies of the court, and in other respects betrayed that sanguinary spirit which at that time
raised many more obscure men into popular reputation.
He joined in most of the extravagant measures of the assembly, and argued in particular for confiscating the property of the clergy, and abolishing religious orders. In
order to catch popularity from whatever quarter, he declared himself the advocate of protestants, actors, Jews,
and executioners, and solicited their admission to the rights
of citizenship. He was likewise for the suppression of all
feudal rights and titles, and in general for all the measures
of the Jacobin party but amidst all this violence, he ventured to think for himself on some points, which proved his
ruin. On one occasion, he insisted that no law shouJd be
passed concerning people of colour, until the motion had
been made by the colonies and pointed out the certain
resistance of the planters to innovations of this nature.
Such an appearance of justice could not be acceptable at
that time. It was even attributed to corruption, of which
a more direct proof appeared soon after. On the news of
the king’s being arrested in his flight, Barnave, with Petion, and another, were appointed to escort the royal family
to Paris. He returned in the carriage of their majesties,
and conducted himself with all proper respect and attention. What had happened to produce this change is not
known it might be compunction, or he might have discovered that the unfortunate monarch was not the monster
he had represented him but from this hour Barnave became a suspected character; and he increased this suspicion, by giving in the assembly a simple recital of his mission, without adding any reflection. He did worse he even
spoke for the inviolability of the king’s person, and repelled,
with looks of contempt, the hootings of the populace. He
still continued, however, to enjoy some influence in the
assembly, to which his talents justly entitled him, and even
was powerful enough to procure a repeal of the decree respecting the colonies, which he had before opposed against
the voice of the majority. At the end of the session he
was appointed mayor of Grenoble, where he married the
only daughter of a lawyer, who brought him a fortune of
700,000 livres but all this he did not enjoy long. When
the jacobin party obtained possession of the court, in consequence of the events of August 1792, they found, or
created, proofs of his connection with the cabinet of the
Thuileries. After a long imprisonment at Grenoble, he was
brought before the revolutionary tribunal of Paris, where
he made an able defence, and probably impressed even his
enemies with a favourable opinion of his conduct. He was,
however, condemned to be guillotined, which was executed Nov. 29, 1793. Barnave was unquestionably a man
of abilities, whatever may be thought of their direction.
Mirabeau, to whom he was a rival, and whom he often opposed, was astonished that a young man should speak so
rapidly, so long, and so eloquently and said of him, “It
is a young tree, which will mount high if it be let to grow.
and biographer, was born at Tournay, March 9, 1688. His father, Paul Joseph de la Barre, an eminent lawyer, sent him early to Paris, where he made great proficiency in
, a learned
French historian, antiquary, and biographer, was born at
Tournay, March 9, 1688. His father, Paul Joseph de la
Barre, an eminent lawyer, sent him early to Paris, where he
made great proficiency in classical studies, particularly
Greek, which he not only studied critically, but acquired
considerable skill in the collation of ancient manuscripts,
and the antiquities of the language. When Banduri came
to Paris, with some works for the press, young de la Barre
was recommended to him as an assistant in transcribing
and comparing manuscripts, and it was by his aid that Banduri was enabled to publish his “Imperiwm Orientate,' 12
vols. folio, and his
” Medals“(see Banduri) for which
services Banduri prevailed on the grand duke of Tuscany
to grant him a pension, which was punctually paid to de la
Barre, until the death of the last sovereign of the house of
Medici. As soon as de la Barre was at leisure from his
eugagements with Bandnri, the booksellers employed him
on a new edition of D'Acheri’s
” Spicilegium,“which he
accordingly undertook, and which was published in 1723,
3 vols. folio, in a very much improved state. He next contributed to the edition of Moreri’s dictionary of 1125. In
1727 he was admitted a member of the academy of inscriptions and belles lettres, a choice whjch the many learned
papers he published in their memoirs fully justified. In
the same year he undertook to continue the literary journal of Verdun, which he did during his life, and added
much to its character. In 1729 he published a work very
interesting to French historians,
” Mcmoircs pour servir a
l'histoire cie France et de Bourgogne.“In 1732 he published new editions of the
” Secretaire du Cabinet,“and
” Secretaire dn Cour,“2 vols. 12mo; improving both
very essentially, although we may be allowed to doubt
” Letter-writing“can be effectually taught by
models. In 1733 he revised and corrected an edition of
M. cie Larrey’s
” L'histoire de France, sous le regne de
Louis XIV." 12 mo. In 1735 appeared a new history of
Paris, in 5 vols, taken from that of father Lobineau, but la
Barre wrote only the fifth volume. A very few months before his death he had projected a dictionary of Greek and
Itoman antiquities, which was to form four folio volumes,
and had executed some parts of it with great care and accuracy, at the time of his death, May 23, 1738. Hiseloge
was pronounced by M. de Boze.
an application which shewed the opinion entertained of his abilities, and influenced by the greatest lawyer and statesman of the age, he readily sacrificed the opening
, first lord viscount
Harrington, a nobleman of considerable learning, and
author of several books, was the youngest son of Benjamin
Shute, merchant (youngest son of Francis Sbute, of Upton, in the county of Leicester, esq.) by a daughter of the
Kev. Jos. Caryl, author of the commentary on Job. He
was born at Theobalds in Hertfordshire, in 1678, and received part of his education at Utrecht, as appears from a
Latin oration which he delivered at that university, and
published there in 1698, in 4to, under the following title
“Oratio de studio Philosophise conjungendo cum studio
Juris Roman!; habita in inclyta Academia Trajectina Kalendis Junii, 1698, a Johanne Shute, Anglo, Ph. D. et
L. A. M.
” He published also three other academical exercises; viz. 1. “Exercitatio Physica, de Ventis,
” Utrecht,
Dissertatio Philosophica, de Theocratia
” Utrecht, Dissertatio Philosophica Inauguralis, de Theocratia civili,
” Utrecht, An essay upon the
interest of England, in respect to Protestants dissenting
from the Established Church,
” 4to. This was reprinted two
years after, with considerable alterations and enlargements,
and with the title of “The interest of England considered,
&c. Some time after this he published another piece in.
4to, entitled “The rights of Protestant Dissenters,
” in
two parts. During the prosecution of his studies in the
law, he was applied to by queen Anne’s whig ministry, at
the instigation of lord Sorners, to engage the Presbyterians in Scotland to favour the important measure then in
agitation, of an union of the two kingdoms. Flattered at
the age of twenty-four, by an application which shewed
the opinion entertained of his abilities, and influenced by
the greatest lawyer and statesman of the age, he readily
sacrificed the opening prospects of his profession, and undertook the arduous employment. The happy execution
of it was rewarded, in 1708, by the place of commissioner
of the customs, from which he was removed by the Tory
administration in 1711, for his avowed opposition to their
principles and conduct. How high Mr. Shute’s character
stood in the estimation even of those who differed most
widely from him in religious and political sentiments, apyears from the testimony borne to it by Dr. Swift, who
writes thus to archbishop Kitig, in a letter dated London,
Nov. 30, 1708. “One Mr. Shute is named for secretary
to lord Wharton. He is a young man, but reckoned the
shrewdest head in England, and the person in whom the
Presbyterians chiefly confide; and if money be necessary
towards the good work, it is reckoned he can command as
far as 100,000l. from the body of the dissenters here. As
to his principles, he is a moderate man, frequenting the
church and the meeting indifferently.
” In the reign of
queen Anne, John Wildman, of Becket, in the county of
Berks, esq. adopted him for his son, after the Roman custom, and settled his large estate upon him, though he was
no relation, and said to have been but slightly acquainted
with him. Some years after, he had another considerable
estate left him by Francis Harrington, of Tofts, esq. who
had married his tirst cousin, and died without issue. This
occasioned him to procure an act of parliament, pursuant
to the deed of settlement, to assume the name and bear the
arms of Barrington. On the accession of king George
he was chosen member of parliament for the town of Berwick-upon-Tvveed. July 5, 1717, he had a reversionary
grant of the office of master of the rolls in Ireland, which.
he surrendered Dec. 10, 1731. King George was also
pleased, by privy seal, dated at St. James’s, June 10, and
by patent at Dublin, July 1, 1720, to create him baron
Barrington of Newcastle, and viscount Barrington of Ardglass. In 1722 he was again returned to parliament as
member for the town of Berwick; but in 1723, the house
of commons, taking into consideration the affair of the Harburgh lottery, a very severe and unmerited censure of expulsion was passed upon his lordship, as sub-governor of
the Harburgh company, under the prince of Wales.
the law, and a bencher of the lion society of the Inner Temple, but, although esteemed a very sound lawyer, he never rose to any distinguished eminence as a pleader. He
, fourth son of the
preceding, was born in 1727, studied some time at Oxford,
which he quitted for the Temple, and after the usual course
was admitted to the bar. He was one of his majesty’s counsel
learned in the law, and a bencher of the lion society of the
Inner Temple, but, although esteemed a very sound lawyer,
he never rose to any distinguished eminence as a pleader. He
was for some time recorder of Bristol, in which situation
he was preceded by sir Michael Foster, and succeeded by
Mr. Dunning, afterwards lord Ashburton. In May 1751
he was appointed marshal of the high court of admiralty in
England, which he resigned in 1753, on being appointed
secretary for the affairs of Greenwich hospital; and was
appointed justice of the counties of Merioneth, Carnarvon,
and Anglesey, 1757, and afterwards second justice of Chester, which he resigned about 1785, retaining only the
place of commissary-general of the stores at Gibraltar.
Had it been his wish, he might probably have been promoted to the EngU&h bench, but possessed of an ample
income, having a strong bias to the study of antiquities,
natural history, &c. he retired from the practice of the law,
and applied his legal knowledge chiefly to the purposes of
investigating curious questions of legal antiquity. His first
publication, which will always maintain its rank, and has
gone through several editions, was his “Observations on
the Statutes,
” The Naturalist’s Calendar,
” which was also favourably received. In Tracts on the probability of reaching
the North Pole,
” Philosophical Transactions,
” were published separately. -It must be allowed that
the learned author bestowed much time and labour on this
subject, and accumulated an amazing-quantity of written,
traditionary, and conjectural evidence, in proof of the possibility of circumnavigating the pole; but when his testimonies were examined, they proved rather ingenious than
satisfactory. In 1781 he published “Miscellanies on various subjects,
” 4to, containing some of his papers in the
Philosophical Transactions, and other miscellaneous essays composed or compiled by him, on various subjects of
antiquity, civil and natural history, &c. His contributions
to the Philosophical Transactions and to the Archaologia
are numerous, as may be seen in the indexes of these
works. He was a -member of both societies, and a vicepresident of that of the antiquaries, which office he resigned
in his latter days on account of his bad state of health. He
died after a lingering illness, at his chambers in the King’s
Bench walk, Temple, March 11, 1SOO, aged 73, and
was interred in the vault of the Temple church. Mr. Barrington was a man of amiable character, polite, communicative, and liberal.
, or Bartholus, an eminent lawyer, was born in 1313, at Saxo Ferrato, in the march of Ancona.
, or Bartholus, an eminent lawyer, was
born in 1313, at Saxo Ferrato, in the march of Ancona.
He studied law under the ablest masters at Perugia and
Bologna; and when the university of Pisa was founded, he
was appointed one of its professors, although then only in
his twenty-sixth year. After remaining here eight or nine
years, he left Pisa for a professor’s chair at Perugia, where
he was honoured with the title and privileges of a citizen.
In 1355, when the emperor Charles IV. came to Italy,
Bartolo was appointed to make him a complimentary address at Pisa. Taking advantage of so favourable an opportunity, he obtained for that infant university the same
privileges enjoyed by more ancient establishments of the
kind; and the emperors bestowed many favours on Bartolo
himself, particularly his permission to use the arms of the
kings of Bohemia. Some authors are of opinion that these
honours were conferred upon him on account of the famous
Golden Bull, which Charles published the year after, and
in preparing which he had availed himself of Bartolo’s assistance. ButBartolo did not enjoy his honours long: on his
return to Perugia he died, according to the most probable
account, in his forty-sixth year. So short a life seems inadequate to the extensive learning he is acknowledged
to have accumulated, and particularly to the voluminous
works which he published. Gravina, who does ample justice to his learning, censures him for the introduction of
those subtleties which obscured the study of the civil law;
and from the specimen given by his biographers, of a cause
between the Virgin Mary and the Devil, gravely argued in
his works, we have perhaps now reason to rank him among
the deservedly forgotten quibblers of the fourteenth century. In his own days, however, he reached the highest
possible height of reputation; he was honoured with the
epithets of the “star and luminary of lawyers,
” “the master of truth,
” “the lanthern of equity,
” “the guide of the
” &c. His works were printed at Venice,
was a German lawyer and astronomer of the latter part of the sixteenth and beginning
was a German lawyer and astronomer
of the latter part of the sixteenth and beginning of the
seventeenth century, but in what particular year or place
he was born, is not certainly known; however, his name
will be ever memorable in the annals of astronomy, on account of that great and excellent work which he first published in 1603, under the title of “Uranometria,
” being a
complete celestial atlas, or large folio charts of all the constellations, with a nomenclature collected from all the tables
of astronomy, ancient and modern, with the useful invention of denoting the stars in every constellation by the letters of the Greek alphabet, in their order, and according
to the order of magnitude of the stars in each constellation.
By means of these marks, the stars of the heavens may,
with as great facility, be distinguished and referred to, as
the several places of the earth are by means of geographical tables; and as a proof of the usefulness of this method,
our celestial globes and atlasses have ever since retained it;
and hence it is become of general use through all the literary world; astronomers, in speaking of any star in the
constellation, denoting it by saying it is marked by Bayer,
a, or ft, or y, &c.
ssia, to exercise the profession of a comedian, that he might be dispensed from exercising that of a lawyer at Paris. Being returned to that capital in 1758, he brought
, of the
French academy, was born at St. Flour, in Ativergne, in
1727, and educated at Paris under one of his uncles, a
distinguished advocate of parliament. After having finished
his studies with applause at the College-Mazarin, he took
to the bar; or rather, in entering on this profession, he
followed his uncle’s inclinations in opposition to his own.
Captivated bv an ardent passion for literature, and despairing of ever being able to move his benefactor, a man
severe and absolute in all his determinations, he expatriated himself, and went to Russia, to exercise the profession of a comedian, that he might be dispensed from exercising that of a lawyer at Paris. Being returned to that
capital in 1758, he brought upon the stage his tragedy of
” imitated from the Clemenza di Tito of Metastasio. This copy of a piece barely tolerable, is only a
very faint sketch of the nervous manner of Corneille, whose
style the author strove to resemble. Du Belloi afterwards
wrote “Zelmire,
” wherein he accumulated the most
forced situations and the most affecting strokes of the dramatic art. It was attended with success in representation,
but will not bear examination in the closet. The “Siege
of Calais,
” a tragedy which he brought out in Gaston and Bayard,
” in the plan
of which are several faults against probability, did not excite so lively emotions as the mayor of Calais; yet still
the public admired the honest and steady character, and
the sublime virtues, of the “CheValier sans peur et sans
” His two pieces, “Peter the cruel,
” and “Gabrielle de Vergi,
” the former of which was immediately
condemned, and the latter applauded without reason, are
much inferior to Bayard. The author understood the proper
situations for producing a grand effect; but he wanted the
art to prepare them, and to bring them on in a natural
manner. He substituted extraordinary theatrical efforts for
the simple and true pathetic, and the little tricks of oratory
for the eloquence of the heart; and by this means he contributed not a little to degrade and debase the French drama. The fall of “Peter the cruel
” was a fatal stroke to
his extreme sensibility, and it is said hastened the term of
his life. He was attacked by a lingering distemper, which
lasted for several months, and exhausted his very moderate
share of bodily strength. A beneficent monarch (Louis XVI.)
before whom the Siege de Calais was performed the first
time, being informed of the lamentable condition of the author, sent him a present of fifty louis d'ors, and the players,
from motives of a laudable generosity, gave a representation of the same tragedy for the benefit of the dying poet.
He expired shortly after, on the 5th of March 1775, justly
regretted by his friends, who loved him for goodness of
disposition and warmth of friendship. M. Gaillard, of the
acaclemie Fransoise, published his works in 1779, in 6 vols.
8vo. In this edition are contained his theatrical pieces,
three of which are followed by historical memoirs of a very
superior kind, with interesting observations by the editor;
divers fugitive pieces in poetry, for the most part produced
in Russia, but very unworthy of his pen, and the life of
the author by M. Gaiilard.
, in Latin Marcus Mantua Benavidius, an eminent lawyer, the son of John Peter Benavidio, a physician, was born at Padua,
, in Latin Marcus Mantua Benavidius,
an eminent lawyer, the son of John Peter Benavidio, a physician, was born at Padua, in 1489. He
excelled in the study of polite literature and the civil and
canon law, which last he taught for sixty years at Padua,
with distinguished approbation. During this honourable
career, he was often solicited to leave his situation for
higher preferment, particularly by the university of Bologna, the king of Portugal, the pope, and other sovereigns, but he preferred living in his own country, where
he received and deserved so much respect. He was three
times honoured by the title of chevalier, by the emperor
Charles V. in 1545, by Ferdinand 1. in 1561, and by pope
Pius IV. in 1564. He died March 28, 1582, in the ninety-third year of his age. His principal works are: 1. “Dialogus de concilio,
” Venice, Epitome illustriumjurisconsultorum,
” Padua,
Illustrium jurisconsultorum
” Rome, Observationes legales,
” Venice, Polymatbise Libri duodecim,
” Venice, Collectanea super jus Csesareum,
” Venice, Observationes legales,
” is said to have been in compliment to
his father, who was a native or' that city.
, a learned lawyer, was born at Gera, Jan. 27, 1657, and studied at Halle, Leipsic,
, a learned lawyer, was born
at Gera, Jan. 27, 1657, and studied at Halle, Leipsic, and
Jena. He afterwards was appointed professor of law at
Wittemberg, and counsellor at Dresden. In 1713,
Charles VI. invited him to Vienna in quality of aulic
counsellor of the empire, and he died there November
25, 1732. Of his numerous works, which have been often
reprinted, the following are the principal: 1. “Electa
processus executivi, processorii, provocatorii et matrimonialis,
” Leipsic, Electa disceptationum
” the best edition of which is that of Th.
Hayme, Electa jurisprudentise
” Leipsic, Responsa ex omni
, a lawyer, philosopher, orator, and poet, of Ferrara, was born in 1610.
, a lawyer, philosopher, orator,
and poet, of Ferrara, was born in 1610. After having pursued his studies with great success, and taken his law degrees, in the university of his native city, he was chosen
professor of the belles lettres, then first secretary, and in
that quality was sent to compliment pope Innocent X. on
his election to the papal chair. He lived in considerable
favour with that pope, as well as with Alexander VII. and
Clement IX. his successors, and the dukes of Mantua,
Charles I. and II. who conferred upon him the title of
Count. His poetical talents were principally devoted to
the drama and one of his plays “Gli Sforzi del Desiderio,
represented at Ferrara in Accademia,
” Ferrara, 2 vols. 4to,
without date, and reprinted in 1658. Many of his lyric
poems are in the collections.
, an eminent lawyer, and law-professor at Ingolstadt, was born at Tubingen in 1577,
, an eminent
lawyer, and law-professor at Ingolstadt, was born at
Tubingen in 1577, and was professor of law in 1635, when he
turned Roman catholic, and left his place to become counsellor at the court of Austria, whence he went to Ingolstadt,
and died there Sept. 15, 1638. At this juncture the pope
was about to have offered him a professor’s chair at Bologna, with a pension of four thousand ducats. He was
the author of a great many works on subjects of law and
history, all which shew that he had accumulated a greater
stock of learning than he had time or judgment to methodize. 1. “Synopsis rerum ab orbe condito gestarum,
usque ad Ferdinandi imperium,
” Franeker r Synopsis doctriiwe politico.
” 3. “Historia imperil
Constantinopolitani et Turcici.
” 4. “Series et succinqta
narratio rerum a regibus Hierosolymarum, Neapoleos et
Siciliae gestarum.
” 5. “Dissertationes philologies,
” Monumenta typographical' 6.
” Prodromus vindiciarum ecclesiast. Wirtenbergicarum,“1636,
4to. 7.
” Documenta rediviva monasteriorum Wirtemb.“Tubing. 1636, 4to. These two works, although surreptitiously printed at Vienna in 1723 and 1726, fol. are uncommonly rare, as they were suppressed along with the
following articles. 8.
” Virginum sacrarum monumenta,
” Documenta concernentia ecclesiam collegiatarn Stuttgardiensem.“10.
” Documenta ecclesise Backhenang.“These last five, which the Germans enumerate
among their rarest bibliographical curiosities, are all in 4to,
and printed at Tubingen, 1636. Saxius mentions a work
omitted in the above list, and probably Besold’s first production,
” Discussiones quaestionum aliquot de usuris et
annuis reditibus," Tubing. 1598, 4to.
, another bibliographer, and a lawyer, was born at Leipsic in 1665, and died in 1714. He was the first,
, another bibliographer, and a lawyer, was born at Leipsic in 1665, and died in 1714. He
was the first, according to Camus, who gave a course of
lectures on legal bibliography, at Wittemberg, in 1698.
This produced, 1. “Notitiae auctorum juridicorum et juris
arti inservientium, tria specimina,
” Leipsic, Declinatio juris divini naturalis et positivi universalis,
” Wittemberg,
, an eminent lawyer, was born at Dockum in Holland, in 1546, or according to Foppen,
, an eminent lawyer, was born at
Dockum in Holland, in 1546, or according to Foppen,
in 1539. After having studied law, and taken a licentiate’s
degree at Orleans, he practised at Leuwarden, in Friesland, until, being suspected of Lutheranism, he was obliged
to retire into Germany, where he taught law at Wittemberg, for ten years. The times becoming more
favourable, he returned to his own country, and obtained the
law chair in the university of Leyden. After having
taught here with great success for fifteen years, he was,
in 1596, invited to Franeker, in the same office, but after
a year, he quitted the business of public instruction, being
appointed a counsellor at the court of Friesland. He died
in 1598, leaving a daughter, and two sons, who were both
educated in their father’s profession. He wrote several
dissertations on subjects of law, which were published in
1 vol. 4to, at Louvain, 1645. In 1598, the year of his death,
a collection of theses maintained by Beyma and his friend
Schotanus, appeared under the title “Disputationes juridicæ,
sociata cum collega H. Schotano opera, editæ,
” Franeker.
, an Italian lawyer, was born at Padua in 1498, and while eminent at the bar, and
, an Italian lawyer, was
born at Padua in 1498, and while eminent at the bar, and
in consultation, was not less distinguished for learning
and probity. In 1525 he was appointed, for the third time,
professor of imperial law in the university of Padua in
1532, a second time, professor of the decretals and lastly
in 1544 chief professor of criminal law, a situation which
he retained until his death, Oct. 8, 1548. Among his
works, which are all on professional subjects, and written
in Latin, are his, I. “Tractatus de indiciis homicidii ex
proposito conmiissi, &c.
” Venice, Practica criminalis aurea,
” with “Cautelse singulares
ad reorum defensam,
” ibid. Tractatus de
compromissis faciendis inter conjunctos, et de exceptionibus impeclientibus litis ingressum,
” Venice,
ero, whom our immortal countryman most remarkably resembled as an orator, a philosopher, a writer, a lawyer, and a statesman. Though this, perhaps, is speaking too highly
Having related the more personal and private circumstances of Dr. Birch’s history, we proceed to his various
publications. The first great work he engaged in, was
“The General Dictionary, historical and critical
” wherein
a new translation of that of the celebrated Mr. Bayle was
included and which was interspersed with several thousand lives never before published. It was on the 29th of
April, 1734, that Dr. Birch, in conjunction with the rev.
Mr. John Peter Bernard, and Mr. John Lockman, agreed
with the booksellers to carry on this important undertaking; and Mr. George Sale was employed to draw up the
articles relating to oriental history. The whole design
was completed in ten volumes, folio; the first of which
appeared in 1734, and the last in 1741. It is universally
allowed, that this work contains a very extensive and useful body of biographical knowledge. We are not told
what were the particular articles written by Dr. Birch
but there is no doubt of his having executed a great part
of the dictionary neither is it, we suppose, any disparagement to his coadjutors, to say, that he was superior
to them in abilities and reputation, with the exception of
Mr. George Sale, who was, without controversy, eminently
qualified for the department he had undertaken. The
next great design in which Dr. Birch engaged, was the
publication of “Thurloe’s State Papers.
” This collection,
which comprised seven volumes in folio, came out in 1742.
It is dedicated to the late lord chancellor Hardwicke, and
there is prefixed to it a life of Thurloe but whether it
was written or not by our author, does not appear. The
same life had been separately published not long before.
The letters and papers in this collection throw the greatest
light on the pe'riod to which they relate, and are accompanied with proper references, and a complete index to
each volume, yet was a work by which the proprietors
were great losers. In 1744, Dr. Birch published, in octavo,
a “Life of the honourable Robert Boyle, esq
” which
hath since been prefixed to the quarto edition of the works
of that philosopher. In the same year, our author began
his assistance to Houbraken and Vertue, in their design of
publishing, in folio, the “Heads of illustrious persons of
Great Britain,
” engraved by those two artists, but chiefly
by Mr. Houbraken. To each head was annexed, by Dr,
Birch, the life and character of the person represented.
The first volume of this work, which came out in numbers,
was completed in 1747, and the second in 1752. Our
author’s concern in this undertaking did not hinder his
prosecuting, at the same time, other historical disquisitions: for, in 1747, appeared, in octavo,“His inquiry
into the share which king Charles the First had in the
transactions of the earl of Glamorgan.
” A second edition
ef the Inquiry was published in Miscellaneous works of sir Walter Raleigh
” to which was prefixed the life of that unfortunate and injured man. Previously to this, Dr. Birch
published “An historical view of the negociations between
the courts of England, France, and Brussels, from 1592
to 1617; extracted chiefly from the ms State Papers of
sir Thomas Edmondes, knight, embassador in France, and
at Brussels, and treasurer of the household to the kings
James I. and Charles I. and of Anthony Bacon, esq. brother to the lord chancellor Bacon. To which is added, a
relation of the state of France, with the character of Henry
IV. and the principal persons of that court, drawn up by
sir George Carew, upon his return from his embassy there
in 1609, and addressed to king James I. never before
” This work, which consists of one volume, in
octavo, appeared in 1749; and, in an introductory discourse
to the honourable Philip Yorke, esq. (the late earl of Hardwicke), Dr. Birch makes some reflections on the utility of deducing history from its only true and unerring
sources, the original letters and papers of those eminent
men, who were the principal actors in the administration
of affairs; after which he gives some account of the lives
of sir Thomas Edmondes, sir George Carew, and Mr. Anthorry Bacon. The “Historical View
” is undoubtedly a
valuable performance, and hath brought to light a variety
of particulars relative to the subjects and the period treated
of, which before were either not at all, or not so fully
known. In 17.51, was published by our author, an edition,
in two volumes, 8vo, of the “Theological, moral, dramatic, and poetical works of Mrs. Catherine Cockburn
with an account of her life. In the next year came out
his “Life of the most reverend Dr. John Tillotson, lord
archbishop of Canterbury. Compiled chiefly from his
original papers and letters.
” A second edition, corrected
and enlarged, appeared in 1753. This work, which was
dedicated to archbishop Herring, is one of the most pleasing and popular of Dr. Birch’s performances; and he has
done great justice to Dr. Tillotsou’s memory, character,
and virtues. Our biographer hath likewise intermixed
with his narrative of the good prelate’s transactions, short
accounts of the persons occasionally mentioned; a method
which he has pursued in some of his other publications.
In 1753, he revised. the quarto edition, in two volumes, of
Milton’s prose works, and added a new life of that great
poet and writer. Dr. Birch gave to the world', in the following year, his “Memoirs of the reign of queen Elizabeth, from the year 1581, till her death. In which the
secret intrigues of her court, and the conduct of her favourite, Robert earl of Essex, both at home and abroad,
are particularly illustrated. From the original papers of
his intimate friend, Anthony Bacon, esq. and other manuscripts never before published.
” These memoirs, which
are inscribed to the earl of Hardwicke, give a minute account of the letters and materials from which they are
taken and the whole work undoubtedly forms a very valuable collection in which our author has shewn himself
(as in his other writings) to be a faithfnl and accurate compiler and in which, besides a full display of the temper
and actions of the earl of Essex, much light is thrown on
the characters of the Cecils, Bacons, and many eminent
persons of that period. The book is now becoming scarce,
and, as it may not speedily be republished, is rising in its
value. This is the case, likewise, with regard to the edition of sir Walter Raleigh’s miscellaneous works. Dr.
Birch’s next publication was “The history of the Royal
Society of London, for improving of natural knowledge,
from its first rise. In which the most considerable of those
papers, communicated to the society, which have hitherto
not been published, are inserted in their proper order, as
a supplement to the Philosophical Transactions.
” The
twq first volumes of this performance, which was dedicated
to his late majesty, appeared in 1756, and the two other
volumes in 1757. The history is carried on to the end of
the year 1687 and if the work had been continued, and
had been conducted with the same extent and minuteness,
it would have been a very voluminous undertaking. But,
though it may, perhaps, be justly blamed in this respect,
it certainly contains many curious and entertaining
anecdotes concerning the manner of the society’s proceedings
at their first establishment. It is enriched, likewise, with
a number of personal circumstances relative to the members, and with biographical accounts of such of the more
considerable of them as died in the course of each year.
In 1760, came out, in one volume, 8vo, our author’s “Life
of Henry prince of Wales, eldest son of king James I.
Compiled chiefly from his own papers, and other manuscripts, never before published.
” It is dedicated to his
present majesty, then prince of Wales. Some have objected to this work, that it abounds too much with trifling
details, and that Dr. Birch has not given sufficient scope
to such reflections and disquisitions as arose from his subject. It must, nevertheless, be acknowledged, that it affords a more exact and copious account than had hitherto
appeared of a prince whose memory has always been remarkably popular; and that various facts, respecting several other eminent characters, are occasionally introduced. Another of his publications was, “Letters, speeches,
charges, advices, &c. of Francis Bacon, lord viscount St.
AJban, lord chancellor of England.
” This collection,
which is comprised in one volume, 8vo, and is dedicated
to the honourable Charles Yorke, esq. appeared in 1763.
It is taken from some papers which had been originally in
the possession of Dr. Rawley, lord Bacon’s chaplain, whose
executor, Mr. John Rawley, having put them into the
hands of Dr. Tenison, they were, at length, deposited in
the manuscript library at Lambeth. Dr. Birch, speaking
of these papers of lord Bacon, says, that it can scarcely
be imagined, but that the bringing to light, from obscurity
and oblivion, the remains of so eminent a person, will be
thought an acquisition not inferior to the discovery (if the ruins of Herculaneum should afford such a treasure) of a
new set of the epistles of Cicero, whom our immortal
countryman most remarkably resembled as an orator, a
philosopher, a writer, a lawyer, and a statesman. Though
this, perhaps, is speaking too highly of a collection, which
contains many things in it seemingly not very material, it
must, at the same time, be allowed, that nothing can be
totally uninteresting which relates to so illustrious a man,
or tends, in any degree, to give a farther insight into his
character. To this catalogue we have still to add “Professor Greaves’s miscellaneous works,
” Intellectual System,
” (improved from the Latin edition of Mosheim) his discourse on the
true notion of the Lord’s Supper, and two sermons, with
an account of his life and writings, 1743, in two vols. 4to.
An edition of Spenser’s “Fairy Queen,
” Letters
between col. Robert Hammond, governor of the Isle of
Wight, and the committee of lords and commons at Derbyhouse, general Fairfax, lieut.-general Cromwell, commissary general Ireton, &c. relating to king Charles I. while
he was confined in Carisbrooke-castle in that island. Now
first published. To which is prefixed a letter from John
Ashburnham, esq. to a friend, concerning his deportment
towards the king, in his attendance on his majesty at
Hampton-court, and in the Isle of Wight,
” The life of Dr. Ward,
” which
was finished but a week before his death, was published
by Dr. Maty, in 1766.
, knight, and LL. D. an illustrious English lawyer, was born July 10, 1723, in Cheapside, in the parish of St.
, knight, and LL. D. an illustrious English lawyer, was born July 10, 1723, in Cheapside, in the parish of St. Michael-le-Querne, at the house of his father, Mr. Charles Blackstone, a silkman, and citizen and bowyer of London, who was the third son of Mr. John Blackstone, an eminent apothecary, in Newgate-street, descended from a family of that name in the west of England, at or near Salisbury. His mother was Mary, eldest daughter of Lovelace Bigg, esq. of Chilton Foliot, in Wiltshire. He was the youngest of four children, of whom, John died an infant, Charles, the eldest, and Henry, the third, were educated at Winchester-school, under the care of their uncle Dr. Bigg, warden of that society, and were afterwards both fellows of New college, Oxford. Charles became a fellow of Winchester, and rector of Wimering, in Hampshire; and Henry, after having practised physic for some years, went into holy orders, and died in 1778, rector of Adderbury, in Oxfordshire, a living in the gift of New-college. Their father died some months before the birth of the subject of this article, and their mother died before he was twelve years old. from his birth, the care both of his education and fortune was kindly undertaken by his maternal uncle, Mr. Thomas Bigg, an eminent surgeon in London, and afterwards, on the death of his eldest brothers, owner of the Chilton estate, which, if we mistake not, is still enjoyed by that family. The affectionate care of this uncle, in giving all his nephews a liberal education, supplied the great loss they had so early sustained, and compensated, in a great degree, for their want of more ample fortunes, and it was always remembered by them with the sincerest gratitude. In 1730, being about seven years of age, he was put to school at the Charter-house, and in 1735 was, by the nomination of sir Robert Walpole, on the recommendation of Charles Wither, of Hall, in Hampshire, esq, his cousin by the mother’s side, admitted upon the foundation.
on are admirably expressed in some verses since published in Dodsley’s poems, vol. IV. entitled “The Lawyer’s Farewell to his Muse,” in which the struggle of his mind is
Having -determined on his future plan of life, and made
choice of the law for his profession, he was entered in the
Middle Temple, Nov. 20, 1741, and found it necessary to
quit the more amusing pursuits of his youth for the severer studies to which he had dedicated himself, and betook himself seriously to reading law. His sensations on
this occasion are admirably expressed in some verses since
published in Dodsley’s poems, vol. IV. entitled “The
Lawyer’s Farewell to his Muse,
” in which the struggle of
his mind is expressed so strongly, so naturally, with such
elegance of language, and harmony of versification, as
must convince every reader, that his passion for the muses
was too deeply rooted to be laid aside without much reluctance and that if he had pursued that flowery path, he
would not, perhaps, have proved inferior to the best of
our modern poets. Several little fugitive pieces, besides
this, have at times been communicated by him to his
friends, and he left (but not with a view to publication) a
small collection of juvenile pieces, both originals and
translations, which do him no discredit, inscribed with this
line, from Horace,
Charter, and Charter of the Forest; which added much to his former reputation, not only as 'a great lawyer, but as an accurate antiquary, and an able historian. It must
In November 1759, he published a new edition of the
Great Charter, and Charter of the Forest; which added
much to his former reputation, not only as 'a great lawyer,
but as an accurate antiquary, and an able historian. It
must also be added, that the external beauties in the printing, the types, &c. reflected no small honour on him, as
the principal reformer of the Clarendon press, from whence
no work had ever before issued, equal in those particulars
to this. This publication drew him into a short controversy with the late Dr. Lyttelton, then dean of Exeter,
and afterwards bishop of Carlisle. The dean, to assist Mr.
Blackstone in his publication, had favoured him with the
collation of a very curious ancient roll, containing both the
Great Charter, and that of the Forest, of the 9th of Henry
III. which he and many of his friends judged to be an
original. The editor of the Charters, however, thought otherwise, and excused himself (in a note in hjs introduction)
for having made no use of its various readings, “as the
plan of his edition was confined to charters which had
passed the great seal, or else to authentic entries and enrolments of record, under neither of which classes the roll in
question could be ranked.
” The dean, upon this, concerned for the credit of his roll, presented to the Society
of Antiquaries a vindication of its authenticity, dated June
the 8th, 1761 and Mr. Blackstone delivered in an answer
to the same learned body, dated May the 28th, 1762, alleging, as an excuse for the trouble he gave them,
“that he should think himself wanting in that respect
which he owed to the society, and Dr. Lyttelton, if he did
not either own and correct his mistakes, in the octavo edition then preparing for the press, or subijiit to the society’s
judgment the reasons at large upon which his suspicions
were founded.
” These reasons, we may suppose, were
convincing, for here the dispute ended .
Mr. Blackstone’s reputation as a great andable lawyer was now so thoroughly established, that had he been possessed
Mr. Blackstone’s reputation as a great andable lawyer was now so thoroughly established, that had he been possessed of a constitution equal to the fatigues attending the most extensive business of the profession, he might probably have obtained its most lucrative emoluments and highest offices. The offer of the solicitor generalship, on the resignation of Mr. Dunning, in Jan. 1770, opened the most flattering prospects to his view. But the attendance on its complicated duties at the bar, and in the house of commons, induced him to refuse it. But though he declined this path, which so certainly, with abilities like Mr. Blackstone’s, leads to the highest dignities in the law, yet he readily accepted the office of judge of the common pleas, when offered to him on the resignation of Mr. Justice Clive; to which he was appointed on the 9th of February 1770. Previous however to the passing his patent, Mr. Justice Yates expressed an earnest wish to remove from the king’s bench to the court of common pleas. To this wish Mr. Blackstone, from motives of personal esteem, consented but on his death, which happened between the ensuing Easter and Trinity terms, Mr. Blackstone was appointed to his original destination in the common pleas; and on his promotion to the bench, he resigned the recordership of Wallingford.
, a French lawyer, and political writer, was born at Angers about 1530. In his
, a French lawyer, and political writer, was born at Angers about 1530. In his youth he was supposed, but not upon good foundation, to have been a monk. He studied first at Toulouse, and after taking his degrees, read lectures there with much applause, having a design to settle there as law- pro lessor, and with that view he pronounced an oration on public instruction in the schools but finding Toulouse not a sufficiently ample stage for his ambition, he removed to Pans, and began to practise at the bar, where his expectations being likewise disappointed, he determined to apply himself to literary occupations, and in this he had very considerable success. Henry III. who liked to have men of letters about him, admitted him into familiar conversation, and had such an opinion of him, that he sent to prison one John, or Michael de la Serre, who had written against Bodin, and forbid him under pain of death to publish his work but this courtly favour did not last. Thuanus ascribes the king’s withdrawing his countenance to the envy of the courtiers but others think it was occasioned by Bodin' s taking a political part in opposition to the king. He found an asylum, however, with the duke of Alene,on, who made him secretary of his commands, one of the masters of the requests of his palace, and grand master of his waters and forests. The insurgents in the Netherlands at this time intended to declare the duke their sovereign, and were said to be prompted to this by queen Elizabeth of England. Bodin, however, accompanied him into England and Flanders, but he had the misfortune to lose this patron in 1584.
, a very celebrated German lawyer, was born in 1674 at Hanover. He became professor of law at
, a very celebrated German lawyer, was born in 1674 at Hanover. He became professor of law at Halle, and afterwards director of the university and in 1743 was appointed chancellor of the duchy
of Magdeburgh, and chancellor in ordinary of the faculty
oflaw. He died Aug. 11, 1749. His chief study was the
canon law, but he was also equally distinguished for his
knowledge of the civil law and in all his writings displays
profound sense and learning. Among the most approved
of his works, we may enumerate: 1 “Tractatus ecclesiasticus de jure parochiali,
” Halle, Jus
Ecclesiasticum Protestantium,
” ibid. Corpus juris canonici,
Halle, De precavenda polyporum generatione.
” His next dissertation, which was published in Situs uteri gravidi, ac foetus, ac sede placentae in utero.
In this he has given a critical examination of the midwifery
forceps used in England, which he compares with and
prefers to Leuret’s. These pieces were added by the author to his edition of sir Richard Manningham’s “Compendium artis Obstetricoe,
” published in Institutiones Osteologicse, in usum prelectionum,
” 8vo. Haller particularly commends in this work
the engravings of the embryos, and some foetal skeletons.
His “Observationum Anatomicarum fasciculus primus,
folio, was published in
, the son of a lawyer of the same name, was born at Crema, in the Venetian state about
, the son of a lawyer of the
same name, was born at Crema, in the Venetian state
about 1584. In his thirtieth year he went to study at Padua,
and made such proficiency as to be created doctor of laws
at the age of eighteen. About two years after he was appointed law professor in the college of Rovigo, where he
first lectured on the institutes of Justinian. He afterwards
accompanied the pope’s nuncio Jerome Portia, as secretary, and was himself employed in some affairs of importance. On his return to Venice, he had several preferments, and among others that of archpriest of Rovigo. In
Oct. 1619, he was elected Greek and Latin professor at
Padua, but declined accepting the office. In 1620, he
assisted at Venice, in the establishment of an academy
for the education of the young nobility, and gave lectures
on the civil law. Pope Urban VIII. bestowed on him the
archdeaconry of Trevisa, which he held, with the office of
grand vicar of that diocese, under four successive bishops.
He assisted also very essentially in founding a new academy
at Padua for the Venetian nobility, in 1636, and was the
first director or president of it, and founded a similar establishment at Trevisa. In 1653 he was appointed bishop
of Capo d'Istria, which he held until his death in 165i).
He was a man of various learning, as appears by his “Historia Trevigiena,
” 4to, his “Historia Ludicra,
” Latin poems
” in
De Romanae Historian Scriptoribus excerpta ex Bodino, Vossio et aliis,
” Venice,
, an eminent Italian lawyer, poet, and historian, was born in 1547, at Rovigo in the state
, an eminent Italian lawyer, poet,
and historian, was born in 1547, at Rovigo in the state of
Venice, and educated at Padua, where, during his lawstudies, he composed some pieces for the theatre which
were much approved. After marrying at Trevisa, or Trevigni, Elizabeth Martinagi, the daughter and heiress of
Marc Antonio, he settled in that place, of which he wrote
the history, and acquired so much reputation that the republic of Venice bestowed on him the office of judge’s
counsellor or assessor, the duties of which he executed
with great probity; and during his holding it wrote his
law tracts. In 1588, he published his commentary on the
feudal law of Venice. After the death of his wife, he
married a lady of Padua, where he was admitted to the
rank of citizenship, and where he resided for the remainder of his life. He died June 23, 1635, at a very advanced age, and was buried in the church of St. James,
with a modest inscription written by himself in 1630. His
principal writings are, 1. “Storia Trevigiana,
” Trevisi,
Letiere Famigliari,
” Rovigo, Orazione
&c. per dirizzare una Statua a Celio Ricchiero Rodigino,
ibid. Lezione sopra im Sonetto del Petrarca,
” ibid. Lezione sopra un altro Sonetto del Petrarca,
” ibid. L'arte de
” Vicenza, Discorso del modo
di ben formare a questo tempo una Tragedia,
” Padua,
Discorso sopra la sua Impresa neli'
Accademia Filarmonica,
” ibid. La Re^
publica delle Api, con la quale si dimostra il modo di ben
formare un nuovo Governo Democratico,
” Rovigo, 1627,
4to. 10. “Comentario sopra la legge dell' Senato Veneta,
” ibid. Comment,
de Furtis, et de componendis Epitaphiis,
” but without
giving the exact titles or dates.
on in France, was born at Paris, April 16, 1719, of an honourable family. His father, who was also a lawyer, spared no expence in his education. From the age of sixteen
, a law-writer of
great reputation in France, was born at Paris, April 16,
1719, of an honourable family. His father, who was also
a lawyer, spared no expence in his education. From the
age of sixteen he studied jurisprudence with such perseverance and success as to be admitted to a doctor’s degree in
1747. Being employed to prepare the articles on jurisprudence and canon law for the Encyclopaedia, he wrote those
on council, decretals, &c. but, for what reason we are
not told, they gave offence to the encyclopedists, who became on that account his enemies, and prevented him for
some time from attaining the rank of professor, which wag
the object of his ambition. Bouchaud, however, consoied
himself by cultivating a taste for modem poetry. He
translated several of the dramas of Apostolo Zeno into
French, and published them in 1758, 2 vols. 12mo, and in
1764 he translated the English novel of “Lady Julia Mandeville.
” In the interval between these two, he published
“Essai sur la poesie rhythmique,
” Traité de Timpot
du vingtieme sur les successions, et de l'impot sur les marchandises chez les Romains,
” a very curious history of the
taxes which the ancient emperors imposed. In 1766, on
the death of M. Hardron, he was elected into the French
academy, notwithstanding the opposition of the encyclopedists, whose dislike seems not ill calculated to give us a favourable idea of the soundness of his principles. This was
followed by a law professorship, and some years after he
was advanced to the professorship of the law of nature and
nations in the royal college of France. He was nominated
to this by the king in 1774, and was the first professor, it
being then founded. On this he wrote in the memoirs of
the academy, a curious paper concerning the societies that
were formed hy the Roman publicans for the receipt of the
taxes. The body of the publicans was taken from the order of knights, and had great influence and credit. They
were called by Cicero “the ornament of the capital,
” and
the “pillars of the state.
” Th“knights, though rich, entered
into associations, when the taxes of a whole province were
farmed out by the senate, because no individual was opulent
enough to be responsible for such extensive engagements;
and the nature of these societies or associations, and the
various conventions, commercial a>id pecuniary engagements, occupations, and offices, to which they gave rise,
form the subject of this interesting paper, which was followed by various others on topics of the same nature. In
1777 he published his
” Theorie des traits de commerce
entre les nations,“the principles of which seem to be
founded on justice and reciprocal benefits. In 1784 appeared another curious work on the ancient Roman laws and
policy, entitled,
” Recherches historiques surla Police des
Romains, concernant les grands chemins, les rues, et les
” Commentaire sur les lois des clouze tables," first published in 1767, was reprinted in 1803, with
improvements and additions, at the expense of the French
government, and he was employed in some treatises intended for the national institute, when he died, Feb. 1,
1804, regretted as aprofound and enlightened law-writer. It
is remarkable that in his essay on commercial treaties abovementioned, he contends for our Selden’s Mare Clausum,
as the opinion of every man who is not misled by an immoderate zeal for his own country.
he words J’epie la mort “I am watching death.” Notwithstanding his business and high reputation as a lawyer, he contrived to employ much of his time in the cultivation
, president a mortier of the parliament of Dijon, and a member of the French academy, was
born March 16, 1673. He began his studies under the
direction of his father (who was also president a mortier of the same parliament) at the Jesuits’ college of Dijon, and
finished them in 1638 with great approbation. Being as
yet too young for the law schools, he studied the elements
of that science in private, and perfected himself at the
same time in the Greek language. He also learned Italian, Spanish, and acquired some knowledge of the Hebrew. After two years thus usefully employed, he went
through a course of law at Paris and Orleans; and in 1692
he became counsellor of the parliament of Dijon. In 1704
he was appointed president, the duties of which office he
executed until 1727, and with an assiduity and ability not
very common. In this latter year he was elected into the
academy, on the condition that he would quit Dijon and
settle at Paris, to which condition he acceded, but was
unable to perform his promise, for want of health. Though
remote, however, from the capital, he could not remain in
obscurity; but from the variety and extent of his learning‘,
he was courted and consulted by the literati throughout
Europe: and many learned men, who had availed themselves of his advice, dedicated their works to him. At
length, his constitution being worn out with repeated attacks of the gout, he died March 17, 1746. A friend approaching his bed, within an hour of his death, found him
in a seemingly profound meditation. He made a sign that
he wished not to be disturbed, and with difficulty pronounced the words J’epie la mort “I am watching death.
Notwithstanding his business and high reputation as a
lawyer, he contrived to employ much of his time in the
cultivation of polite literature, and wrote many papers on
Critical and classical subjects in the literary journals. Separately he published, 1. A poetical translation, not inelegant, but somewhat careless, of Petronius on the Civil
War between Coesar and Pompey, with two epistles of
Ovid, &c. Amst. 1737, 4to. Alluding to the negligence
which sometimes appears in his poetry, his wife, a very
ingenious lady, used to say, “Confine yourself to thinking, and let me write.
” 2. “Remarques sur les Tusculanes de Ciceron, avec une dissertation sur Sardanapale,
dernier roi d'Asyrie,
” Paris, Des Lettres sur les Therapeutes,
” Dissertations sur
” with memoirs of the life of Bouhier, Dissertation sur le grand pontifical des
empereurs Remains,
” Explications de
quelques marbres antiques,
” in the collection of M. Le
Bret, Observations sur la Coutume de
” Dijon, 2 vols. fol. A complete edition of
his law works was published in 1787, fol. by M. de Bevy.
He wrote a very learned dissertation on the origin of the
Greek and Latin letters, which is printed in Montfaucon’s
Palaeography, Paris, 1708, p. 553 and his “Remarques
sur Ciceron
” were reprinted at Paris in
solution I imparted to several of my protestant friends; and, among the rest, to sir Thomas Mostyn’s lawyer, and to sir Thomas himself, offering at the same time the a
By the emoluments arising from his tuition and his writings, it appears that in the year 1740 he had saved the sum
of 1100l. in the Old South Sea annuities, with which he
had resolved to purchase a life-annuity. In the disposition
of this money he was engaged in a negociation for the loan
of it, which afterwards proved fatal to his character. We
shall again have recourse to Mr. Bower’s own account.
Having determined to purchase this annuity, he proceeds
in this manner: “This resolution I imparted to several of
my protestant friends; and, among the rest, to sir Thomas
Mostyn’s lawyer, and to sir Thomas himself, offering at
the same time the above-mentioned sum to him, as he well
remembers, and is ready to attest. But neither sir Thomas, nor any of my other protestant friends, caring to
burthen their estates with a life-rent, I left my money in
the funds till August 1741, when being informed that an
act of parliament had passed for rebuilding a church in the
city of London, St. Botolph’s Aldgate , upon life-annuities, at seven per cent I went upon that information into
the city, with a design to dispose of my money that way.
That this was my intention, Mr. Norris, eldest son to the
late sir John Norris, with whom I advised about it at the
time, still remembers, and is ready if required to declare.
But I came too late, and found the subscription was closed.
This disappointment I mentioned to Mr. Hill, whom I accidentally met in Will’s coffee-house, near the Royal Exchange; and upon his offering me the same interest that
was given by the trustees of the above-mentioned church,
the bargain was concluded in a few meetings, and the sum,
of 1100l. transferred, Aug. 21, 1741, not to Mr. Sbirburn,
as is said in the letter from Flanders, p. 64, but to Mr.
Wright, Mr. Hill’s banker, as appears from the books of
the Old South Sea annuities. Mr. Hill was a Jesuit, but
transacted money matters as an attorney, and was in that
way a very noted man, bore the character of a fair dealer,
and dealt very largely in affairs of that nature with protestants as well as with papists. It was with him I immediately dealt; as is manifest from the orders on his banker
or cashier, Mr. Wright, in p. 72 of the libel, which were
all signed by him, and by nobody else; and he paid me so
punctually, that some time after I added 2501. to the sum
already in his hands, and received for the whole 94l. 10.s.
a year. I afterwards resolved to marry; and it was chiefly
upon that consideration, though not upon that alone, I
applied to Mr. Hill to know upon what terms he would
return me the capital. The terms ho proposed were as easy
as I could expect: for he agreed' at once to repay it, only
deducting what I had received over and above the common interest of four per cent, during the time it had been
in his hands; and he did so accordingly, as soon as he
conveniently could. Thus did this money transaction begin
wth Mr. Hill, was carried on by Mr. Hill, and with Mr.
Hill did it end.
im. Upon his reconciliation with his son, he determined to alter his will, and had even sent for his lawyer with that view, when the suddenness of his decease prevented
When the earl of Orrery was committed prisoner to the Tower on account of Layer’s plot, such was the filial piety of his son, that he earnestly entreated to be shut up with his noble father; but this indulgence was thought too considerable to be granted. Not long after he had completed the twenty-first year of his age, he married, on the 9th of May 1728, lady Harriet Hamilton, the third and youngest daughter of George earl of Orkney. Though this marriage had the entire approbation of lord Orrery, it unfortunately happened that a dissension arose between the two earls, which placed the young couple in a very delicate and difficult situation; but lord Boyle maintained at the same time the tenderest affection for his wife, and the highest attachment to his father. The earl of Orrery, however, was too much irritated by the family quarrel, to see at first his son’s conduct in a proper point of light, although his excellent understanding could not fail in the end to get the better of his prejudices, when a reconciliation took place, and the little coldness which had subsisted between them served but the more to endear them to each other. The earl of Orrery was now so much pleased with lord Boyle, that he could scarcely be easy without him; and when in town, they were seldom asunder. It is to be lamented, that this happiness was rendered very transient by the unexpected death of lord Orrery and that the stroke was embittered by circumstance peculiarly painful and affecting to his noble son and successor. The father, whilst under the impression of his dissension with the earl of Orkney, had made a will, by which he had bequeathed to Christ-church, Oxford, his valuable library, consisting of above ten thousand volumes, together with a very fine collection of mathematical instruments. The only exceptions in favour of lord Boyle were the Journals of the House of Peers, and such books as related to the English history and constitution. The earl of Orrery left, besides, though he was greatly in debt, several considerable legacies to persons nowise related to him. Upon his reconciliation with his son, he determined to alter his will, and had even sent for his lawyer with that view, when the suddenness of his decease prevented the execution of his just and reasonable design. The young lord Orrery, with a true filial piety and generosity, instead of suffering his father’s effects to be sold, took his debts upon himself, and fulfilled the bequests, by paying the legacies, and sending the books and mathematical instruments within the limited time to Christ-church. The loss, however, of a parent, thus aggravated and embittered, left a deep impression upon his mind, and was succeeded by a fit of illness which endangered his life, and obliged him to repair to Bath. Whilst he was in that city, he received a letter from a friend, with a copy of verses inclosed, exhorting him to dispel his grief by poetry r and to shew that Bath could inspire, as well as Tunbridge;. from which place he had written some humorous verses the year before. To this letter his lordship returned the following answer:
, a celebrated English lawyer in the thirteenth century, was, according to Mr. Prince, born
, a celebrated English lawyer
in the thirteenth century, was, according to Mr. Prince,
born in Devonshire; and studied at Oxford, where he took
the degree of LL. D. Applying himself afterwards to the
study of the laws of England, he rose to great eminence at
the bar; and, in 1244, was by king Henry III. made one
of the judges itinerant. At present he is chiefly known by
his learned work, “Delegibus et consuetudinibus Angliae,
the first printed edition of it was in Anciennes Loix des Francois.
” After this,
the admirers of Bracton will not apprehend much from this
determined enemy to his reputation as an English lawyer.
tion and temper not a little contributed to increase the number of his pupils. Besides his fame as a lawyer, he was not less esteemed for his acquaintance with Roman antiquities
, grandson of James, the
subject of the last article, followed the profession of the
law, in which he became very eminent. He was born at
Basil, Sept. 1617, and was educated partly in that city,
and partly at Montbeliard. After taking his master’s degree, in 1634, he applied particularly to the study of civil
law, but without neglecting philology and philosophy.
According to the custom of his countrymen, he travelled fot
some time in France, England, Holland, and Germany,
where he became acquainted, and established a correspondence with the literati of those countries, particularly
with Salmasius. In 1649 he was made doctor of laws, and in
1652 professor of the institutes at Basil: and fourteen
years afterwards professor of the Pandects. He was also
twice rector of the university. His reputation brought a
great concourse of students thither, particularly foreigners,
and his agreeable conversation and temper not a little
contributed to increase the number of his pupils. Besides
his fame as a lawyer, he was not less esteemed for his acquaintance with Roman antiquities and polite literature in
general. It is said he wrote verse with as great facility as
prose, but his talents in versification have probably been
over- rated. He had more reputation from his success as
a teacher, and the perspicuous manner in which he lectured on subjects of law. He died Sept. 1677, leaving
several professional works “Dispntationes de lege
“Manuductio ad jus canonicum et civile
” “Dubia Juridica,
” &c.
, a lawyer, poet, and historian, was born at Strasburgh, in 1448, and after
, a lawyer, poet, and
historian, was born at Strasburgh, in 1448, and after prosecuting his first studies in that city, removed to Basil,
where he took his master’s degree in arts, and superintended the education of youth, as public professor, both
at Basil and Strasburgh. Here he arrived at the highest
honours of the law, being made count Palatine, and counsellor and chancellor of Strasburgh. He died in 1520,
leaving a great many works on subjects of law and'divinity,
some volumes of poetry, and the celebrated “Ship of
” which has chiefly perpetuated his memory. It
was originally written in the German language. Locher,
his disciple, tran shite d it into Latin, Strasburgh, 1497, 4to.
A French translation of it by Bouchet and Riviere, was
published at Paris, in small folio, in the same year,
entitled “La nef des folz du monde.
” Our countryman
Alexander Barclay (See Barclay) was the author of the
English metrical version printed by Pynson in 1509.
The bibliographical history of Brandt’s work may be seen
in our authorities.
, a learned lawyer in the seventeenth century, was born at Little Wool ford, in
, a learned lawyer in the seventeenth century, was born at Little Wool ford, in Warwickshire, in 1573, being the son of Anchor Brent of that place, gent. In 1589, he became pordonist, or post-master, of Merton-college, in Oxford; and, on the 20th of June 1593, took the degree of bachelor of arts. The year following he was admitted probationer-fellow of the college. On the 3 1st of October 1598; he took the degree of master of arts and then entered upon law studies. In 1607, he was one of the proctors of the university. Some years after, in 1613, &c. he travelled into foreign parts, and became acquainted with several of the most learned men abroad. After his return, he married Martha daughter and heir of Dr. Robert Abbot, bishop of Salisbury, and niece to Dr. George Abbot, archbishop of Canterbury, which was the cause of his succeeding great preferments. About the year 1618, he was sent to Venice by archbishop Abbot, on purpose to get a copy of the History of the Council of Trent, then newly composed by the most renowned Padre Paolo Sarpi; in procuring of which he exposed himself to very great dangers. In 1621, he Was elected warden of Merton-college, through the archbishop’s recommendation; who also made him his vicar-general, commissary of the diocese of Canterbury, master of the faculties, and at length judge of the prerogative. On the llth of October, 1623, he accumulated the degrees of bachelor and doctor of law. The 23d of August, 1629, he received the honour of knighthood from king Charles I. at Woodstock, being then supposed well-affected to the church and hierarchy. But in the great disputes that arose between archbishop Abbot and bishop Laud, he entirely sided with the first, and his adherents, the puritan party; and grew so inveterate against Laud, that he was a frequent witness against him at his trial. He likewise deserted Oxford when king Charles I. garrisoned that place, and took the covenant: for which reason he was deprived of his wardenship of Merton-college, by his majesty’s command; but restored again when Oxford garrison was surrendered for the parliament’s use, in 1646. In 1647 and 1648, he was appointed chief visitor of that university, and countenanced all the violent and arbitrary proceedings there used, not sparing his own college. When an order was made against pluralities, he was forced to leave Mertoncollege, on the 27th of November, 1651; at which time he refused also the oath called the Engagement. Upon this, retiring to his house in Little Britain, in London, he died there November 6, 1652, aged 79; and was buried, the seventeenth of the same month, with great solemnity, in the church of St. Bartholomew the Less.
, a lawyer of considerable eminence, was the son of Dr. John Bridgeman,
, a lawyer of considerable eminence, was the son of Dr. John Bridgeman, bishop
of Chester, and educated to the profession of the law, in
which, as he disapproved of the usurpation, he made no
figure until the restoration, when on May 13, 1660, he was
called to be a serjeant by the king’s special writ, and on
June 1, was advanced to be lord chief baron of the exchequer, from which, Oct. 22, he was removed to be lord chief
justice of the common pleas. While he presided in this’
court, his reputation was at its height for equity and moderation. In 1667, when the great seal was taken from
lord Clarendon, the king delivered it, August 13, to sir
Orlando, with the title of Keeper. After this, his good
name began to decline: he was timid and irresolute, and
his timidity still increased with his years: nor was his
judgment equal to all the difficulties of his office. His
Jady, a woman of cunning and intrigue, was too apt to interfere in chancery suits; and his sons, who practised under him, did not bear the fairest characters. He was desirous of an union with Scotland, and a comprehepsion
with the dissenters: but was against tolerating the papists.
He is said to have been removed from his office for refusing
to affix the seal to the king’s declaration for liberty of conscience, Nov. 17, 1672. The time of his death we have
not been able to ascertain, but a singular account of his
son sir Orlando, may be seen in the Biog. Brit. vol. VI.
p. 3740. The lord-keeper is known as a law writer, by his
“Conveyances, being select precedents of deeds and instruments concerning the most considerable estates in
, president of the parliament of Paris, and an eminent lawyer, was born at Fontenay in Poictou, about the middle of the sixteenth
, president of the parliament of
Paris, and an eminent lawyer, was born at Fontenay in
Poictou, about the middle of the sixteenth century. He
appeared at first with great eclat at the bar of the parliament; and, by his knowledge and skill in the law, recommended himself so powerfully to Henry III. of France,
that this prince first made him his advocate general, then
counsellor of state, and in 1580, honoured him with the
dignity of president of the parliament. Scsevola Sammarthanus relates, that Henry III. declared in his hearing,
that there was not a prince in Christendom, who could
boast of so learned a man as Barnaby Brisson. The king
employed him in several negociations, and sent him ambassador into England. At his return, he employed him to
make a collection of his own ordinances, and of those of
his predecessors; which he performed with wonderful expedition. He wrote some works in law: “De verbormxi,
qua) ad jus pertinent, significatione.
” “De formulis et
solemnibus populi Romani verbis,
” Paris, De
regip Persarum principatu,
” &c. 1580, 1590, 1599, 8voj
1606, 4to; but the best edition is that of Strasburgh, 1710,
8vo, with Sylburgius’ notes. H gave an expectation of
more considerable performances; but his life was shortened
by a very unfortunate accident. Living at Paris when
that rebellious city was besieged by Henry IV. he remonstrated against the treasonable practices of the leaguers,
who, under pretence of the holy union, contemned the
royal authority, which was much more sacred. These religious traitors, being dissatisfied with his loyalty, fell violently upon him, dragged him to prison, and cruelly
strangled him the 15th of Nov. 1591.
, a German lawyer and poet, was born at Lubeck, Sept. 22, 1680, and after having
, a German lawyer
and poet, was born at Lubeck, Sept. 22, 1680, and after
having studied and taken his degrees in the civil and canon
law, settled and practised at Hamburgh, where his merit
soon raised him to the senatorial dignity, to which the
emperor, without any solicitation, added the rank of Aulic
counsellor, and count Palatine. These counts Palatine
were formerly governors of the imperial palaces, and had
considerable powers, being authorized to create public
notaries, confer degrees, &c. Brockes published in five
parts, from 1724 to 1736, 8vo, “Irdisches Vergnugen in
Gott, &c.
” or “Earthly Contentment in God,
” consisting
of philosophical and moral poems, which were much
praised by his countrymen. He also published translations
from Marini, and other Italian poets, into German, and had
some thoughts of translating Milton, as he had done Pope’s
Essay on Man, a proof at least of his taste for English
poetry. His works form a collection of 9 vols. 8vo, and
have been often reprinted. He appears to have carefully
divided his time between his public duties and private
studies, and died much esteemed and regretted, Jan. 16,
ar 1552, says he was of Gray’s-inn. By his prodigous application and judgment he became the greatest lawyer of his time. In 1542 he was elected autumn or summer reader
, lord chief justice
of the common pleas in the reign of queen Mary, and
author of several books in the law, was son of Thomas
Brooke of Claverly in Shropshire, by Margaret his wife,
daughter of Hugh Grosvenor of Farmot in that county.
He was born at Claverly, and studied in the university of
Oxford, which was of great advantage to him when he
studied the law in the Middle Temple, according to Mr.
Wood, though Mr. Stow, in his Annals under the year
1552, says he was of Gray’s-inn. By his prodigous application and judgment he became the greatest lawyer of his
time. In 1542 he was elected autumn or summer reader
of the Middle Temple, and in Lent, 1550, he was chosen
double reader. In 1552 he was by 'writ called to be serj ear* at law; and in 1553, which was the first of queen
Mary’s reign, he was appointed lord chief justice of the
common pleas, and not of the king’s bench, as some have
affirmed; and about that time he received the honour of
knighthood from the queen, in whose reign he was highly
^valued for his profound skill in the law, and his integrity in
all points relating to the profession of it. Mr. Wood mentions a manuscript in the Ashmolean library at Oxford,
which informs us, that he had likewise been common serjeant and recorder of the city of London, and speaker of
the house of commons; and that he died as he was visiting
his friends in the country, September 5, 1558, and was interred in the chancel of Claverly church, with a monument erected to him. In his last will, proved October 12
the same year, he remembers the church and poor of Putney near London. He left his posterity a good estate at
Madeley in Shropshire, and at one or two places in Suffolk. He wrote “La Graunde Abridgement,
” which contains, according to Mr. Wood, an abstract of the Yearbooks to the reign of queen Mary; and Nicolson, in his
“English Historical Library,
” tells us, that in this work
he followed the example of Nicholas Statham, one of the
barons of the exchequer in the time of Edward IV. who
t abridged the larger arguments and tedious reports of
the Year-books into a short system under proper heads and
common places to the reign of king Henry VI.; and that
our author, sir Robert Brooke, made in his “Graunde
” an alphabetical abstract of all the choice
matters in our law, as contained in such commentaries, records, readings, &c. and that this work is a general epitome
of all that could be had upon the several heads’ there treated
upon. It has had several editions, particularly in London
in a small folio, 1573, 1576, 1586, &c. amongst which editions, says Nicolson, (as it commonly fares with the authors of that professsion) the eldest are still reckoned the best.
He collected likewise the most remarkable cases adjudged
in.*the court of common pleas from the sixth year of king
Henry VIII. to the fourth of queen Mary, which book is
entitled “Ascuns novelCases, c.
” and frequently printed,
particularly at London, A Reading on the Statute of Limitations
32 Henry VIII. cap. 2,
” London, 1647, 8vo. Mr. Wood
supposes that it had been printed likewise before that
tations were directed to the succession to the high office so long and ably filled by that venerable lawyer, but, for various reasons, sir Lloyd Kenyon was preferred. In
, bart. a judge of the court of king’s-bench and common-pleas, the son of James Buller, esq. member of parliament for the county of Cornwall, by Jane, his second wife, one of the daughters of Allen earl Bathurst, was born in 1745, and educated at a private school in the west of England. After this he removed ta London, and was admitted of the Inner Temple, Feb. 1763, and became a pupil of sir William Ashurst, who was at that time a very eminent spe'cial-pleader, but whom, it has been thought, he excelled. He was always ranked among the most eminent of the profession in this branch, and his business, as a common -law draughtsman, was immediate, and immense. His practice also at the bar, to which he was called by the honourable society of the Middle Temple in Easter Term, 1772, was at first considerable, and in a very short period, became equal to that of almost any of his brethren. Devoting himself entirely to it, he never came into parliament. On Nov. 24, 1777, he was appointed king’s-counsel, and on the 27th of the same month, second judge of the Chester circuit. In Easter term, May 6, 1778, by the patronage of lord Mansfield, who had a high opinion of his talents, he was made a judge of the king’s-bench, in the room of sir Richard Aston. During the indisposition of lord Mansfield, for the last three or four years that he held the office of chief justice, sir Francis Buller executed almost all the business at the sittings ap nisi prius, with great ability, and lord Mansfield left him 2000l. in his will, which, it is said, Mr. justice Buller declined receiving of his lordship, when offered as a compensation for his trouble. On the resignation of lord Mansfield, his expectations were directed to the succession to the high office so long and ably filled by that venerable lawyer, but, for various reasons, sir Lloyd Kenyon was preferred. In 1794, in consequence of his declining state of health, which rendered him unequal to the laborious duties of that court, he was, on the death of judge Gould, removed to the court of common-pleas, but his health still continuing to decay, he was about to have obtained his majesty’s leave to resign, when he died suddenly, at his house in Bedford-square, June 4, 1800, and was interred in a vault in St. Andrew’s burying-ground. He was created a baronet in 1789, and was succeeded in titles and estate by his son sir F. Buller Yarde, which last name he took for an estate. Sir Francis Buller was allowed to be ably and deeply versed in the law, and was certainly more distinguished for substantial than showy talents. His eloquence at the bar was seldom admired, but his addresses from the bench were perspicuous, dignified, and logical. He possessed great quickness of perception, saw the consequences of a fact, and the drift of an argument at its first opening, and could immediately reply to an unforeseen objection, but was on some occasions thought rather hasty. He seldom, however, formed his opinions without due ^consideration, and was particularly tenacious of what he had thus considered.
, a lawyer of some note during the usurpation, was the second son of Edward
, a lawyer of some note during the usurpation, was the second son of Edward Buistrode of Hughley or Hedgley, near Beaconsfield in Buckinghamshire, and was born in 1588. 'In 1603 he became a
commoner of St. John’s college, Oxford, but left it without
a degree, and removed to the Inner Temple, London,
where he studied law, under the patronage of sir James
Whitlock, whose learning Bulstrode celebrates in high
terms. After being called to the bar, he was in 8 Car. I.
Lent-reader, and taking part with the presbyterians in the
rebellion, was promoted to be one of the justices of North
Wales in 1649, by the interest of his nephew the celebrated Bulstrocle Whitlock. He was also an itinerant
justice, particularly at Warwick in 1653, in which county
he had an estate at Astley. He died at the Inner Temple,
of which he was a bencher, in April 1659, and was buried
in the Temple church. He published “A Golden Chain,
or Miscellany of divers sentences of the sacred scriptures,
and of other authors, &c.
” London, Reports of Cases in B. R.
regn. Jac. 1. & Car. I.
” which were first published in
as still solemnly and indefatigably diligent in these engagements, in preference to all others. As a lawyer, his arguments. opinions, and decisions, were sound, learned,
Amidst this progress of his literary and philosophical studies, lord Monboddo neglected not his duties as a judge. Whether officiating singly, in the character of lord ordinary or reporting judge; assisting his brother judges in full court; or attending to those parts of his judicial duty which were to be discharged by private study, he was still solemnly and indefatigably diligent in these engagements, in preference to all others. As a lawyer, his arguments. opinions, and decisions, were sound, learned, marked with acute discrimination, and free from fantastic peculiarity. He was no favourer of the rich in preference to the poor; nor yet of the poor, at the expence of injustice to the rich. All his whimsies and partialities as a scholar disappeared, when he came to determine concerning the rights of his fellow subjects.
e reports have therefore been considered as a work of the first necessity in the library of a modern lawyer. They have passed through four editions, the last of which was
, born in 1701, was made master of the crown-office in 1724, and was elected F. R. S.
1737, F. A. S. 1751. On the death of Mr. West in 1772,
he was prevailed on to fill the president’s chair at the royal
society till the anniversary election, when he resigned it
to sir John Pringle; and Aug. 10, 1773, when the society
presented an address to his majesty, he received the honour of knighthood. He retained his mastership of the
'crown-office till his death, Nov. 5, 1782. An elegant
whole-length portrait of sir James Burrow was engraved,
after Devis, by Basire, in 1780. During the memorable
presidency of the great earl of Mansfield, sir James seems
to have been the first reporter of law cases. From a series
of many years’ attendance on the court of king’s bench
officially, and from a constant habit and attention to accuracy in preserving notes of the business in that court, and
being further assisted by the records which passed through
his hands in the cpurse of his office, he was particularly
enabled to give a collection of the Cases from 26 George II.
to 12 George III. in which generally the arguments of the
counsel as well as those of the court, are related in a very
full and accurate manner, and in a method adapted to give
a regular view of the actual progress of the cause as it occurred in court, which of course led the reporter into a
more diffuse and circumstantial detail of the arguments
than has in general been thought necessary by other reporters, but which appears to have been considered by the
author as essential to an exact report of tfhe case, as well as
conducive to the improvement of the student. These reports have therefore been considered as a work of the first
necessity in the library of a modern lawyer. They have
passed through four editions, the last of which was printed
with “additional notes and references in 1790, 5 vols. royal
8vo. He also published a separate collection of his
” Reports of the Decisions of the Court of King’s Bench, upon
Settlement cases, from the year 1732 to 1776,“having
during the whole of that period uniformly attended that
court, and made it a part of his employment to record the
proceedings of it; and in this part of his labours he had
the satisfaction of being greatly instrumental in promoting
the knowledge of this much litigated branch of the law,
and his work seems to have had the effect of lessening the
number of appeals to the court of king’s bench. These
decisions have been twice printed, first in 4to, 1768, 1772,
and 1776, to which were subjoined a few thoughts on
pointing (published separately in 1769 and 1772), and secondly in 1786, with marginal notes and references. It is
said that he intended to have published his reports of the
cases decided in the court of king’s bench, during the
time of the three chief justices immediately preceding lord
Mansfield, and that the manuscripts of such cases were in
the hands of Robert Burrow, esq. his nephew, lately deceased. Sir James also published, without his name, a
” Anecdotes and observations relating to Oliver Cromwell and his family, serving to rectify several errors
concerning him, published by Nicol. Comnenus Papadopoli,
in his “Historia gymnasii Patavini,
rtner might be assigned or admitted thereto, there is no study or learning so fit or necessary for a lawyer, as the study of antiquities.” He was assisted in this undertaking
, author of the “History of Leicestershire,
” and eldest son of Ralph Burton, esq. of
Lindley in Leicestershire, was born August 24, 1575, educated
at the school of Nuneaton in Warwickshire, and while
there distinguished himself by no common taste and skill in
Latin poetry. He was admitted of Brazen-nose college,
Oxford, 1591, and of the Inner Temple May 20, 1593,
B. A. June 22, 1594, and was afterwards a barrister and
reporter in the court of common pleas. But “his natural
” says Wood, “leading him to the studies of heraldry, genealogies, and antiquities, he became excellent
in those obscure and intricate matters; and, look upon him
as a gentleman, was accounted by all that knew him to be
the best of-his time for those studies, as may appear by his
description of Leicestershire.
” The author himself says, he
began his History of Leicestershire in 1597, not many ): ears
after his coming into the Inner Temple. In 1602 he corrected Saxton’s map of that county, with the addition of
eighty towns. His weak constitution riot permitting him
to follow his business, he retired into the country; and his
great work, the “Description of Leicestershire,
” was published in folio, he has undertaken to remove an eclipse from the sun without art or astronomical
dimension, to give light to the county of Leicester, whose
beauty has long been shadowed and obscured;
” and in his
preface declares himself one of those who hold that “gloria
totius res est vanissima mundi;
” and that he was unfit and
unfurnished for so great a business: “unfit,
” to use his
own words, “for that myself was bound for another study,
which is jealous, and will admit no partner; for that all
time and parts of time, that could possibly be employed
therein, were not sufficient to be dispensed thereon, by
reason of the difficulty of getting, and multiplicity of kinds
of learning therein. Yet if a partner might be assigned or
admitted thereto, there is no study or learning so fit or
necessary for a lawyer, as the study of antiquities.
” He
was assisted in this undertaking by his kinsmen John Beaumont of Gracedieu, esq. and Augustus Vincent, rougecroix; but the church notes were taken by himself. He
drew up the corollary of Leland’s life, prefixed to the
” with his favourite device, the sun recovering from an eclipse, and motto “Rilucera,
” dated Faledi
Antiquitates de Dadling-ton, manerio com. Leic, sive exemplificatio scriptorum,
cartarum veterum, inquisitionum, rotulorum curiarum, recordorum, et evidentium probantium antiquitates dicti
manerii de Dadlingtori, et hsereditatem de Burton in dicto
manerio de Dadlington, quoe mine sunt penes me Will'mum
Burton de Lindley com. Leic. modernum dominum dicti
manerii de Dadlington. Lahore et studio mei Will 1 mi
Burton de Lindley, apprenticii legum Angliae, et socii
Interioris Templi Londini; nuper habitatitis apud Falde
com. Staff, nunc apud Lindley, 25 Aug. 1625, set, 50.
He died at Falde, after suffering much in the civil wars
April 6, 1645, and was buried in the parish church thereto
belonging, called Hanbury. He left several notes, collections of arms and monuments, genealogies, and other
matters of antiquity, which he had gathered from divers
churches and gentlemen’s houses. Derby collections are
mentioned in Gascoigne’s notes, p. 53, probably by himself. In Osborne’s Catalogue, 1757, was “Vincent on
” with ms notes by William Burton, probably not
more than those on Cornwall, which Dr. Rawlinson had.
He was one of sir Robert Cotton’s particular friends, and
had the honour to instruct sir William Dugdale. He was
acquainted with Somner; and Michael Drayton, esq. was
his near countryman and acquaintance, being descended
from the Draytons of Drayton, or Fenny Drayton, near
Lindley. He married, 1607, Jane, daughter of Humphry
Adderley, of Wedington, Warwickshire; by whom he had
one son, Cassibelan, born 1609, heir of his virtues as well
as his other fortunes, who, having a poetical turn, translated Martial into English, which was published 1658. He
consumed the best part of his paternal estate, and died
Feb. 28, 1681, having some years before given most, if
not all, his father’s collections to Mr. Walter Chetwynd, to
be used by him in writing the antiquities of Staffordshire.
Several printed copies of Burton’s Leicestershire, with ms
notes by different persons, are existing in various collections *. “The reputation of Burton’s book,
” as Mr.
Gough justly observes, “arises from its being written early,
and preceded only by Lambarde’s Kent 1576, Carew’s Cornwall 1602, and Norden’s Surveys; and it is in comparison
only of these, and not of Dugdale’s more copious work,
that we are to understand the praises so freely bestowed
on it, and because nobody has treated the subject more remotely and accurately; for Dugdale, says Burton, as well
as Lambarde and Carevv, performed briefly. The present
volume, though a folio of above 300 pages, if the unnecessary digressions were struck out, and the pedigrees reduced
into less compass, would shrink into a small work. The
typographical errors, especially in the Latin, are so numerous, and the style, according to the manner of that time,
so loose, that the meaning is often doubtful. The description is in alphabetical order, and consists chiefly of pedigrees and moot-cases.
” The author, sensible of its defect,
greatly enlarged and enriched it with the addition of Roman, Saxon, and other antiquities, as appears from his letter
to sir Robert Cotton, dated Lindley, June 9, 1627, still extant among Cotton’s correspondences, in his library, Jul.
C. iii. This book, thus augmented, was, with other Mss.
by the same author, in the possession of Mr. Walter Chetwynd, of Ingestry, in Staffordshire, whom Camden in
Staffordshire calls “venerandae antiquitatis cultor maximus;
” and afterwards came to, or was borrowed by, Mr.
Charles King, tutor to Mr. Chetwynd, in whose hands
Brokesby mentions it, and says Mr. Chetwynd made considerable additions to it. He died in 1693. Lord Chetwynd
lent it to sir Thomas Cave, in whose hands Mr. Ashby saw
it in 1763 f. It is continued to 1642. It is not necessary to
say more of a work now so totally eclipsed, and rendered
useless, by the more elaborate, accurate, and satisfactory
“History of Leicestershire
” lately published by Mr.
Nichols, to which we may refer for many curious particu* These are particularized in the History of Hinckley, p. 131. A new edition
of the Description of Leicestershire was absurdly printed in 1777, without the
least improvement.
lars of Burton’s life, and especially an account by himself
in the form of a diary.
e Romish church, and an English bishop, was a native of Bologna, the son of John Campegio, a learned lawyer, and was himself professor of law at Padua. After the death
, an eminent cardinal of the Romish church, and an English bishop,
was a native of Bologna, the son of John Campegio, a learned
lawyer, and was himself professor of law at Padua. After
the death of his wife, he went into the church, and in
1510 became auditor of the Rota, and in 1512 bishop of
Feltria. Being afterwards, in 1517, created cardinal, he
was sent as pope’s legate into England in the following
year. His chief business at the English court was to persuade Henry VIII. to join the confederation of Christian
princes against the Turks. He was very favourably received on this occasion, and had several spiritualities bestowed upon him, among which was the bishoprick of Salisbury, but not having been able to accomplish the business of his mission, he returned to Rome. When the controversy respecting Henry’s divorce began, in 1527, -cardinal Campegio was sent a second time into England, to
call a legantine court, where he and his colleague cardinal
Wolsey were to sit as judges. Having arrived in London
Oct. 1528, the first session began at Blackfriars, May 31,
1529, and the trial lasted until July 23, when the queen
Catherine appealing to the pope, the court was adjourned
until Sept. 28, and was then dissolved. Afterwards Campegio was recalled to Rome, the king making him considerable presents upon his departure; but a rumour being
spread, that he carried along with him a treasure belonging to cardinal Wolsey, whose downfall was at this time
contrived, and who, it was suspected, intended to follow
him to Rome, he was pursued by the king’s orders, and
overtaken at Calais. His baggage was searched, but nothing being found of the kind suspected, he complained
louilly of this violation of his sacred character. In this,
however, he obtained no redress, and when king Henry
understood that the see of Rome was not disposed to favour
him with a divorce from his queen, he deprived Campegio
of his see of Salisbury. He died at Rome in August 1539,
leaving the character of a man of learning, and a patron of
learned men, and much esteemed by Erasmus, Sadolet,
and other eminent men of that time. His letters only remain, which contain many historical particulars, and were
published in “Epistolarum miscellanearum, libri decem,
of the Jesuits in Germany, who died in 1597, was born at Nimeguen, and became not only a celebrated lawyer, but a general scholar of great reputation, particularly in
, or De Hondt, the nephew of
Peter Canisius, first provincial of the Jesuits in Germany,
who died in 1597, was born at Nimeguen, and became not
only a celebrated lawyer, but a general scholar of great
reputation, particularly in ecclesiastical antiquities. After
studying at the university of Louvain, he was appointed
professor of canon law in that of Ingolstadt, which situation he retained until his death in 1610. His professional
writings were principally, 1. “Summa juris Canonici.
2. “Commentarium in regulas juris.
” 3. “Praelectiones
” &c. all collected and republished by Andrew
Bouvet in “Opera Canonica Canisii,
” Louvain, Antiqute lectiones,
” Thesaurus monumentorum ecclesiasticorum &
” &c. Amsterdam,
, a Genoese advocate, who lived in the seventeenth century, and acquired much fame as a lawyer, is now only known as a historian. His Italian history comprehends
, a Genoese advocate, who lived in the seventeenth century, and acquired much fame as a lawyer, is now only known as a historian. His Italian history comprehends the transactions that occurred in Italy during his own time, which he has related with clearness, and with sagacity traced to their causes; maintaining at the same time, as he says, a perfect impartiality between the powers of France and Spain, that were concerned in them. The two first parts of this history were published by Capriata in his life-time, from 1613 to 1644; and the third part, extending to 1660, was published by his son after his death. The whole was translated into English by Henry earftrfTVloninoutb, and published Lond. 1663, fol.
avoured to destroy him by procuring abortion. He was, however, safely born, and his father who was a lawyer by profession, at Milan, and a man well skilled in what were
, an Italian physician, mathematician, and philosopher, was born at Pa via,
Sept. 24, 1501. It appears that his father and mother
were not married, and the latter, a woman of violent passions, endeavoured to destroy him by procuring abortion.
He was, however, safely born, and his father who was a
lawyer by profession, at Milan, and a man well skilled in
what were then called secret arts, instructed him very early
in the mysteries of numbers, and the precepts of astrology,
He taught him also the elements of geometry, and was
desirous to have engaged him in the study of jurisprudence. But his own inclination being rather to medicine
and mathematics, at the age of twenty he went to the university of Pavia, where, two years after, he explained
Euclid. He then went to Padua, and, in 1524, was admitted to the degree of master of arts, and in the following year to that of doctor in medicine. In 1529, he returned to Milan, where although he obtained little fame as
a physician, he was appointed professor of mathematics,
for which he was better qualified; and in 1539, he became
one of the medical college in Milan. Here he attempted
to reform the medical practice by publishing his two first
works, “De malo recentiorurn medicorum medendi usu,
Venice, Contradicentium Medicorum libri
” Lyons,
engaged him in a controversy with Calvin, who thought that it was written by Baudouin, a celebrated lawyer; and although the true author was discovered, the controversy
, a learned popish divine of
conciliatory principles, was born in 1515, in the isle of
Cadsand, near Bruges, whence he took his name. He was
deeply skilled in the languages, polite literature, civil law,
and divinity; and taught the belles lettres at Ghent, Bruges,
and other places with great reputation. He afterwards directed almost his sole attention to theological studies, and
retiring to Cologne, prosecuted his favourite idea of forming an union and reconciliation between the Roman catholics and protestants. With this view he published without
his name in 1562, a small work, entitled “De Officio Viri
pii, &c.
” which favouring the Roman catholic church, on
the general ground of authority, engaged him in a controversy with Calvin, who thought that it was written by Baudouin, a celebrated lawyer; and although the true author
was discovered, the controversy went on. The sentiments
of Cassander, however, appeared in so favourable a light to
the German princes, that they fixed upon him as a mediator in the religious disputes. Under this character he composed his famous piece entitled “Consultatio Cassandri,
in which he discusses the several articles of the Augsburg
confession, stating their difference from the doctrines of
the catholic church, and the concessions that might be
safely made with respect to them. This work, which was
written with great liberality, was much applauded by those
who were desirous of a coalition, but who were soon convinced that every attempt of this kind was nugatory. Cassander died in 1566. M. De Thou represents him as modest, void of arrogance and acrimony; and he was as ardent
in his wishes for a religious union, and made as many
concessions for the accomplishment of this object, as could be
expected from a person who continued in the catholic
communion. Others, his contemporaries, speak highly of
him, but many of his works were censured or condemned
by the council of Trent. His works were first printed separately, and afterwards collected in a folio volume, Paris,
1616. Dupin bestows a prolix, but interesting article on
, a lawyer of Italy, who acquired considerable reputation in the sixteenth
, a lawyer of Italy, who acquired considerable reputation in the sixteenth century,
by his poetical compositions in Latin and Italian, was born
at Feltri about 1480, of a noble family. He studied philosophy ai>d the arts at Padua, where he received his doctor’s degree in 1503. He afterwards studied law, and
amidst the fatigues of his profession, found leisure to
cultivate the muses. The town of Feltri employed him as
their agent at Venice, where, as well as at Padua, he
formed an intimacy with many eminent scholars and persons of rank. He died in 1537, lamented by his friends
and by his country, to which he had rendered important
services. Both during his life and after his death, he was
celebrated by the contemporary poets, and a medal was
struck to his memory. He was married, but having no
children, he founded a college or academy at Padua, with
three scholarships, one of civil and canon law, another of
medicine, and the third of arts; and whoever enjoyed these
was obliged to teach poor scholars gratis for a certain
period. His poetical works remained unpublished, and
indeed unknown until 1757, when they were printed in a
small quarto volume, “Poesi volgari e Latine di Cornelio
” &c. with his life by Thomas Joseph Farsetti, a
patrician of Venice. His Italian poems are written with
ease, and abound in imagery, and in his Latin ' efforts he
has imitated the ancients with success. M. Conti was the
editor of the collection.
, a lawyer and Latin poet, was born of the noble family of Alba in Lombardy,
, a lawyer and Latin
poet, was born of the noble family of Alba in Lombardy,
in 1485, and died in 1541. He composed a heroic poem
in three books, entitled “De Virginitate,
” Paris, Epithalamium
” of Delicise Poetarum Ital.
” but were more recently published separately
by Vernazza in 1778, with a life of the author.
, a Scotch historian, priest, and lawyer, was born in the shire of Ross about the year 1530, and educated
, a Scotch historian, priest, and lawyer, was born in the shire of Ross
about the year 1530, and educated in the university of
Aberdeen. From thence he went to France and Italy,
and continued some time, particularly at Bologna, where
in 1556 he was a pupil of Marianus Sozenus. After his
return to Scotland he was appointed by queen Mary, parson of Suddy, and chancellor of Ross. He was soon after
employed in digesting the laws of Scotland, and was principally concerned in publishing the acts of parliament of
that kingdom by authority in 1566, which, from the type,
were commonly called the “Black Acts.
” Not long after
this he was appointed one of the lords of session, by the
title of lord Ormond, and continued attached to the queen
until the decline of her power, when he and her other adherents were obliged to go abroad. He then went into
Spain, and to France, in both which countries he was
kindly received by their respective sovereigns, Philip and
Charles IX. to which last in 1572 he presented his “Abridgment of the History of Scotland, France, and Ireland.
” He
died at Paris in Histoire abrege de tous les Roys c'e France, Angleterre, et
” 2. “La recherche des singularitez plus remarkables concernant le estat d'Ecosse.
” 3. “Discours
de la legitime succession des femmes aux possessions de
leurs parens, et du government des princesses aux empires
et royaumes.
” Machenzie gives a full analysis of all these,
but bishop Nicolson has not so high an opinion of the
soundness of the author’s principles. Dempster and others
highly extol his learning and character.
, an eminent lawyer, born 1537, at Bailleul in Anjou, was counsellor to the parliament
, an eminent lawyer, born 1537, at
Bailleul in Anjou, was counsellor to the parliament of
Paris, in which situation he pleaded with great reputation
a long time, and afterwards, confining himself to his study,
composed a considerable number of works, printed in 1663,
5 vols. folio; and there is a Latin edition of them in 4 vols.
He was consulted from all parts, and was ennobled by Henry
III. in 1578, for his treatise “De Domanio.
” What he
wrote on the custom of Anjou, is esteemed his best work,
and gained him the title and honours of sheriff of the city
of Angers. His books “De sacra Politia Monastica,
” and
“De Privilegiis Rusticorum,
” are also much valued. Chopin’s attachment to the league drew upon him a macaronic
satire, entitled “Anti-Chopinus,
” Oratio de Pontificio Gregorii XIV. ad Gallos Diplomate
a criticis notis vindicate,
” Paris, 1591, 4to, which is not
among Chopin’s works. On the day that the king entered
Paris, Chopin’s wife lost her senses, and he received orders
to leave the city; but remained there through the interest
of his friends, upon which he wrote the eulogy of Henry IV.
in Latin, 1594, 8vo, which is also omitted in his works, as
well as “Bellum Sacrum Gallicum, Poema,
introduced into the forum, was placed under the care of Q. Mucius Scoevola the augur, the principal lawyer as well as statesman of that age; and after his death under
After finishing the course of his juvenile studies, he took
the manly gown, or the ordinary robe of the citizens, at
the accustomed age of sixteen: and being then introduced
into the forum, was placed under the care of Q. Mucius
Scoevola the augur, the principal lawyer as well as statesman of that age; and after his death under that of Scaevola,
who had equal probity and skill in the law. Under these
masters he acquired a complete knowledge of the laws of
his country; which was thought to be of such consequence
at Rome, that boys at school learned the laws of the twelve
tables by heart, as a school exercise. In the mean time
he did not neglect his poetical studies, which he had pur'sued under Archias: for he now translated “Aratus on the
phenomena of the Heavens,
” into Latin verse, of which
many fragments are still extant; and published also an
original poem of the heroic kind, in honour of his countryman C. Marius. This was much admired and often read
by Atticus; and old Sca3vola was so pleased with it, that
in the epigram, which he seems to have made upon it, he
fondly declares, that it would live as long as the Roman
name and learning subsisted. But though some have said,
that Cicero’s poetical genius would not have been inferior
to his oratorial, if it had been cultivated with the same
diligence, it is more generally agreed that his reputation
is least of all indebted to his poetry. He may, however,
have been a critic, and it is certain jhat Lucretius submitted his poem to him for correction.
ted candidates, S. Sulpicius, a person of distinguished worth and character, and the most celebrated lawyer of the age; for whose service, and at whose instance, Cicero’s
In the midst of all this hurry, and soon after Catiline’s
flight, Cicero found leisure, according to his custom, to
defend L. Muraena, one of the consuls elect, who was now
brought to a trial for bribery and corruption. Catb had
declared in the senate, that he would try the force of Cicero’s late law upon one of the consular candidates; and
he was joined in the accusation by one of the disappointed
candidates, S. Sulpicius, a person of distinguished worth
and character, and the most celebrated lawyer of the age;
for whose service, and at whose instance, Cicero’s law
against bribery was chiefly provided. Muraena was unanimously acquitted: but the parties in this trial were singularly opposed to each other. Cicero had a strict intimacy
all this while with Sulpicius, whom he had supported in
this very contest for the consulship; and he had a great
friendship also with Cato, and the highest esteem of his
integrity. Yet he not only defended this cause against
them both, but, to take off the prejudice of their authority,
laboured even to make them ridiculous; rallying the profession of Sulpicius as trifling and contemptible, the principles of Cato as absurd and impracticable, with so much
humour and wit, that he not only amused his audience, but
forced Cato to cry out, “what a facetious consul have we!
This, however, occasioned no interruption to their friendship. Cicero, who survived both, procured public honours for the one, and wrote the life and praises of the
, a celebrated Italian lawyer and poet of the fourteenth century, who usually is known by
, a celebrated Italian lawyer and
poet of the fourteenth century, who usually is known by
that name, although he was of the ancient family of the
Sinibaldi or Sinibuldi, and his first name was Guittoncino
(not Ambrogino, as Le Quadrio says), the diminutive of
Cuittone, and by abbreviation Cino. Much pains were
bestowed on his education, and according to the fashion of
the times, he studied law; but nature had made him a poet,
and he cultivated that taste in conjunction with his
academical exercises. He took his first degree in civil law at
Bologna, and in 1307 was appointed assessor of civil causes
but at that time was obliged to leave Pistoia, owing to the
civil commotions. Cino was a zealous Ghibelin, and was
now glad to seek an asylum in Lombardy, whither he followed his favourite Selvaggia, whose charms he so often
celebrates in his poems, but where he had the misfortune
to lose her. After her death he travelled for some time in
Lombardy, and is thought to have visited Paris, the university of which was at that time the resort of many foreigners. On his return, however, to Bologna in 1314, he
published his “Commentary on the first nine Books of the
” a very learned work, which placed him among the
ablest lawyers of his time, and has been often printed, first
at Pavia in 1483; the best edition is that improved by
Cisnez, Franefort, 1578. He now took his doctor’s degree,
ten years after he had received that of bachelor, and his
reputation procured him invitations to become law-professor, an office which he filled for three years at Trevisa,
and for seven years at Perugia. Among his pupils in the
latter place was the celebrated Bartolo, who studied under
him six years, and declared that he owed his knowledge
entirely to the writings and lessons of Cino. From Perugia
he went to Florence, but his reputation was confined to the
civil law. At this time the canonists and legists were sworn
enemies, and Cino, not only in his character as a legist,
but as a Ghibelin, had a great aversion to decretals, canons,
and the whole of papal jurisprudence. It is not true, however, as some have asserted, that he taught civil law to
Petrarch, or canon law to Boccaccio, although he communicated with Petrarch on poetical matters, and exhibited to
him a style which Petrarch did not disdain to imitate.
m, was the immediate cause of his death. When informed of the prosecution, he consulted a celebrated lawyer on the subject, and asked him if he thought he would lose his
In 1754, the bishop of Clogher favoured the literary
world with the second part of his “Vindication of the
Histories of the Old and New Testament,
” but written
with more ingenuity than judgment. His account of the
formation of the earth and of the deluge, was successfully
attacked by Mr. Alexander Catcott. Our prelate’s next
publication was in 1755, and consisted only of some letters
which had passed between his lordship, when bishop of
Cork, and Mr. William Penn, on the subject of baptism,
in which he contended that the true Christian baptism is
to continue to the end of the world; whereas the baptism
of the Holy Ghost ceased with the ceasing of miracles.
We have already noticed that his object in publishing the
“Essay on Spirit
” was to recommend Arianism, and consequently, alterations in the Liturgy. He now determined
to avow the same sentiments in his legislative capacity;
and accordingly, on Monday the 2d of February, 1756, he
proposed in the Irish house of lords, that the Nicene and
Athanasian Creeds should for the future be left out of the
Liturgy of the church of Ireland. The speech which our
prelate delivered upon this occasion being taken down in
short-hand, was afterwards published, and passed through
several editions. Though so declared and avowed an attack upon the establishment was regarded in a very unfavourable light, no measures were taken for calling Dr.
Clayton to an account for it till he had published the third
part of his “Vindication of the Histories of the Old and
New Testament,
” My lord,
” he
answered, “I believe you will.
” “Sir,
” he replied, “you
have given me a stroke I'll never get the better of.
” What
followed is surely very inconsistent with the story reported
by his biographer, namely, that after he had delivered hi$
speech in the house of lords, the bishop declared “that
his mind was eased of a load which had long lain upon it
and that he now enjoyed a heart- felt pleasure, to which he
had been a stranger for above twenty years before.
, an eminent lawyer, was born March 25, 1644, at Bremen. He was professor of law
, an eminent lawyer, was born
March 25, 1644, at Bremen. He was professor of law at
Heidelberg, Utrecht, and Francfort on the Oder, where
he died August 18, 1719, aged seventy-six, leaving several
children. In 1670 the degree of LL. D. was conferred on
him by the university of Oxford, at the same time with
the prince of Orange, afterwards William III. He was
employed in various affairs of importance, and received
the dignity of baron of the empire from the emperor,
1713, as a reward for his services. He left several works
on the science he professed, among which are “Juris
publici prndentia,
” Francfort, Hypomnemata Juris,
, an eminent French lawyer, was born at Paris June 10, 1687, and admitted a counsellor
, an eminent French lawyer, was born at Paris June 10, 1687, and admitted a counsellor in 1706, in the grand council, where he acquired such reputation, that at the age of thirty, he was looked upon as one of the ablest canonists, and he now determined, with the advice of his friends and clients, to plead in the parliament. He was heard there with universal applause, and, from that time till his death, there was scarce any affair of importance at the palace but the public crowded to hear him, and returned convinced that M. Cochin possessed all the extraordinary talents which characterise a great orator. He was consulted from every part of the kingdom, and never ceased to serve the public by his assiduous and unremitted labours. He died at Paris, after several attacks of an apoplexy, February 24, 1747, aged 60. His works were published at Paris, 1751, and the following year, 6 vols. 4to, with his life. These, however, have not preserved his reputation undiminished; and M. la Cretelle, in along article on them in the French Mercure for April 1782, concludes with asserting that Cochin was an advocate of great merit, but a genius of the second order. This sen*tence, however, seems in some measure to proceed from an opinion that no man can be a genius who does not introduce novelties in his profession. France has unfortunately abounded of late years in such geniuses.
e; each aiming to be admired particularly in that in which the other excelled. Coke was the greatest lawyer of his time, but could be nothing more. If Bacon was not so,
In May 1603, he was knighted by king James; and the
same year managed the trial of sir W. Raleigh, at Winchester, whither the term was adjourned, on account of
the plague being at London; but he lessened himself
greatly in the opinion of the world, by his treatment of
that unfortunate gentleman; as he employed a coarse and
scurrilous language against him hardly to be paralleled.
The resentment of the public was so great upon this occasion, that as has been generally believed, Shakspeare, in
his comedy of the “Twelfth Night,' 7 hints at this strange
behaviour of sir Edward Coke at Raleigh’s trial. He was
likewise reproached with this indecent behaviour in a letter
which sir Francis Bacon wrote to him after his own fall;
wherein we have the following passage:
” As your pleadings
were wont to insult our misery, and inveigh literally
against the person, so are you still careless in this point
to praise and disgrace upon slight grounds, and that suddenly; so that your reproofs or commendations are for the
most part neglected and contemned, when the censure of
a judge, coming slow, but sure, should be a brand to the
guilty, and a crown to the virtuous. You will jest at any
man in public, without any respect to the person’s dignity,
or your own. This disgraces your gravity more than it
can advance the opinion of your wit; and so do all your
actions, which we see you do directly with a touch of vainglory. You make the laws too much lean to your opinion;
whereby you shew yourself to be a legal tyrant, &c.“January 27, 1606, at the trial of the gun-powder conspirators, and March 28 following, at the trial of the Jesuit
Garnet, he made two very elaborate speeches, which were
soon after published in a book entitled
” A true and perfect relation of the whole Proceedings against the late most
barbarous traitors, Garnet, a Jesuit, and his confederates,
&c.“1606, 4to. Cecil earl of Salisbury, observed in his
speech upon the latter trial,
” that the evidence had been
so well distributed and opened by the attorney-general,
that he had never heard such a mass of matter better contracted, nor made more intelligible to the jury.“This
appears to have been really true; so true, that many to
this day esteem this last speech, especially, his masterpiece.
It was probably in reward for this service, that he was
appointee! lord chief justice of the common-pleas the same
year. The motto he gave upon his rings, when he was
called to the degree of serjeant, in order to qualify him for
this promotion, was,
” Lex est tutissima cassis;“that is,
” The law is the safest helmet.“Oct. 25, 1613, he was
made lord chief justice of the kingVbench; and in Nov.
was sworn of his majesty’s privy-council. In 1615 the
king deliberating upon the choice of a lord- chancellor,
when that r-ost should become vacant, by the death or resignation of Egerton lord Ellesmere, sir Francis Bacon
wrote to his majesty a letter upon that subject, wherein
he lias the following passage, relating to the lord chiefjustice:
”If you take my lord Coke, this will follow: First,
your majesty shall put an over-ruling nature into an overruling place, which may breed an extreme. Next, you
shall blunt his industries in matter of finances, which
seemeth to aim at another place. And lastly, popular men
are no sure mounters for your majesty’s saddle." The
disputes and animosities between these two great men are
well known. They seem to have been personal; and they
lasted to the end of their lives. Coke was jealous of Bacon’s reputation in many parts of knowledge; by whom,
again, he was envied for the high reputation he had acquired in one; each aiming to be admired particularly in
that in which the other excelled. Coke was the greatest
lawyer of his time, but could be nothing more. If Bacon
was not so, we can ascribe, it only to his aiming at a more
exalted character; not being able, or at least not willing,
to confine the universality of his genius within one inferior
province of learning.
, an English lawyer, and legal antiquary, was born in the Isle of Ely in 1722, and
, an English lawyer, and legal antiquary, was born in the Isle of Ely in 1722, and
educated at St. John’s college, Cambridge, which he left
after taking his bachelor’s degree in 1743; and having
studied law in the Inner Temple, was admitted to the bar.
He became afterwards Registrar to the corporation of Bedford Level, and published “A Collection of Laws which
form the constitution of the Bedford Level Corporation,
with an introductory history thereof,
” History of embanking and drayning of divers terms and
marshes, &c.
” originally printed
the middle of the fifteenth century. We have few particulars of his life. He appears to have been a lawyer by profession, and being at Bologna in 1409, he fell in love
, an Italian poet, of an ancient family, was born about the end of the fourteenth, and died
at Rimini about the middle of the fifteenth century. We
have few particulars of his life. He appears to have been
a lawyer by profession, and being at Bologna in 1409, he
fell in love with the beauty whom he has celebrated in his
verses. There is a collection of his poems, much esteemed,
under the title of “La bella Mano,
” Paris,
, a learned antiquary, born in 1660, was first a lawyer, and in that profession so distinguished, as to attract the
, a
learned antiquary, born in 1660, was first a lawyer, and in
that profession so distinguished, as to attract the notice of
pope Clement XI. who appointed him to honourable and
confidential offices. Disgusted, however, by the intrigues
of the court, he gave himself up to retirement, for the purpose of applying to literary pursuits. Here he remained till
he was created cardinal by pope Innocent XIII. which dignity he enjoyed more than twenty years, and died at Rome
in 1743. He wrote a learned and curious work, entitled
“VetusLatium,profanum et sacrum,
” Rome, De civitate et ecclesia Settina;
” Rome, De jure precum primariarum,
ates descended, concurred with her nephew in this claim. George Carew, who was both a courtier and a lawyer, seems to have exerted his utmost address and professional skill
Soon after his arrival in England, in concert with his friends, William Courten began his litigations in behalf of himself and his sister. The first object he aimed at was to set aside the letters that, in his absence and minority, Carew had surreptitiously obtained, and to get himself legally invested with the administration of the estate and effects of his ancestors. He contended that George Carew was an officious intruder, under false pretexts of being a sufferer, and an agent for other sufferers by the losses of his father and grandfather; and urged that this man’s intermeddling with the wrecks of their fortunes, had been equally t > the prejudice of the rightful heirs, and to the detriment of the legal creditors of the family. He claimed therefore for himself, as his natural right, the administration of the Courten estates and his aunt, lady Knightly, who seems to have been then the only surviving child of sir William, from whom the estates descended, concurred with her nephew in this claim. George Carew, who was both a courtier and a lawyer, seems to have exerted his utmost address and professional skill to stop or frustrate these proceedings. He expressly owns in one of his papers that he had indeed paid indefinite sums of money to William Courten, esq. after he came of age, though he says at the same time that he did not pay the monies because William Courten had a right to them, but solely to prevent and terminate debates. The causes here assigned for the payments to William Courten, esq. after he came of age, are very questionable; for Carew does not appear a man likely to have parted with money on such principles merely to prevent or terminate debates.
with him sixteen years; and by her he had several children; two of whom, namely, William, an eminent lawyer at the Scottish bar, and John, a merchant in Glasgow, survived
Craig about this time married the daughter of Mr. Anderson, a considerable merchant in Glasgow. She lived with him sixteen years; and by her he had several children; two of whom, namely, William, an eminent lawyer at the Scottish bar, and John, a merchant in Glasgow, survived their father. But the excellent understanding and amiable dispositions of his wife, which rendered his married state happy, contributed, by their painful recollection, to embitter the sufferings of his declining age. She died in 1758 and though he afterwards formed a very happy marriage with the daughter of Gilbert Kennedy, esq. of Auchtifardel, he scarcely ever recovered the shock of his first separation. Several years before he died, his strength and health gradually declined; his spirits were overwhelmed with melancholy; he seemed to have lost the power of enjoying happiness-; no amusement could relieve his depressions; he lamented that he was become useless; and that he felt, not only his body, but the faculties of his soul impaired. His sufferings were heightened by many additional afflictions; particularly by the death of his son Alexander, a very agreeable young man, who had been bred a merchant, but who was strongly inclined to the study of polite literature: and soon after by the death of his second wife, whose affectionate assiduities had been invariably employed in endeavouring to solace and support his infirmities. In this state of feebleness and dejection, notwithstanding the unwearied attention of, his surviving sons, he continued to languish: and, at length, in 1784, in the seventy-fifth year of his age, he was released by an easy death. Great sensibility seems to have given the general and prevailing colour to his character. It rendered his piety devout, his benevolence tender, and his friendship affectionate. In the culture of his understanding it inclined him to those studies that please by their beautiful imagery, or touch the heart with agreeable feelings. He was therefore very early addicted to classical learning; and cherished those views of religion that represent both God and man in a favourable light. Such sentiments and propensities, though not altogether singular at the time that he commenced his studies, were, however, so rare among students of theology, that, speaking figuratively, we may call them singular. But singularity of disposition or opinion is usually disliked or opposed. The man of fortitude and strong nerves encounters the opposition; and either makes converts, or, by a bold authoritative tone, though he fails to conciliate affection, imposes respect. But the man of extreme sensibility, yielding to his native bias, is afraid of the struggle, declines the contest; and, excepting in the retirements of confidential friendship, not only appears, but really becomes shy and reserved. This disposition is nearly allied to modesty, and even humbleness of mind; yet the appearance of distance it so often assumes, is misrepresented by the undiscerning multitude; and, by a violent misapplication of terms, is misconstrued into pride. Effects almost of an opposite appearance are produced by the same principle, yet tend in their final issue to confirm this mistaken reserve. The man of sensibility, conscious of powers, exerts them; and, conscious of his own candour, expects suitable returns. He is disappointed. The observation of men is otherwise engaged: accidental circumstances, and other causes than such as arise from perversion of mind, carry away their attention from the merit that claims and deserves their notice. Of these the man of shy and retired sensibility is not aware; he becomes still more cautious in his intercourse with mankind; more shy, and more retired. But Craig, under the sacred shade, and in the retirements of intimate and confidential friendship, was unreserved, open, and even ardent. The spirit of real enjoyment, with which in his better days he engaged in familiar and literary conversation with his friends, displayed the most interesting view of his character. Conversations on the merits of elegant authors, both ancient and modern, but, above all, the liberal discussion of moral and religious topics, were the joy of his soul. On these occasions, his eyes, naturally animated, sparkled with additional lustre; his voice, naturally musical, became delightfully mellow; his features brightened, for his heart glowed. These were blessed intervals, anticipations, perhaps, of what he now enjoys. By degrees, this glowing mood became tinged with melancholy: at first it was amiable and interesting; but became at last distressful. The sensibility which gave him such moments of rapture, had not, perhaps, been duly managed; and contributed to or occasioned his sufferings. It had rendered him averse to indiscriminate society, and thus precluded him from many innocent means of relieving the lassitude, or alleviating the weight of declining age. It quickened his sense of misfortune, and rendered his affliction for the loss of friends too poignant. It overwhelmed him with too much sorrow, if at any time he apprehended that the affection of those in whose love he trusted had suffered change. His sense of deity was strong and lively. Even though the dejection and the despondency of affliction might at times have brought a gloomy cloud between him and the radiance of heaven, the cloud was transient: his religious opinions, founded not merely on feeling, but on conviction, were permanent: and even in the earlier periods of his life he often lamented that men of worth and integrity were not pious; and though they performed many charitable and disinterested actions from very laudable motives, yet that their conduct did not seem to be founded on any principles of religion. It might be friendship, it might be compassion, it might be beneficence; but it wanted those aids, those supports and comforts, which alone could arise from hope and trust in God. It is unnecessary to say of such a character, that he was just, charitable, and temperate. His virtues were those of a Christian, his failings were those incident to the weakness of human nature; and his sufferings were occasioned, or much aggravated by his feelings.
, an Italian poet, and poetical historian, the son of John Philip Crescimbeni, a lawyer, and Anna Virginia Barbo, was born Oct. 9, 1663, at Macerata
, an Italian poet, and
poetical historian, the son of John Philip Crescimbeni, a
lawyer, and Anna Virginia Barbo, was born Oct. 9, 1663,
at Macerata in the marche ofAncona. Jerome Casanati,
afterwards cardinal, was his godfather, and gave him the
names of John-Maria-Ignatius-Xavier-Joseph-Antony, of
which he retained only John Maria, and afterwards changed
the latter into Mario. After receiving grammatical education at home, his uncle Antony-Francis, an advocate, invited him to Rome in 1674; hut the following year his
father and mother recalled him to Macerata, where he engaged in a course of study among the Jesuits. His
teacher of rhetoric was Charles d' Aquino, under whom he
made great progress in eloquence and poetry. Among his
early attempts, he wrote a tragedy in the style of Seneca,
“The Defeat of Darius, king of Persia,
” and translated
the first two hooks of Lucan’s Pharsalia into Italian verse
from which performances he derived so much reputation, as
to be admitted a member of the academy of the Disposti,
in the town of Jesi, although only in his fifteenth year.
About that time he continued his classical studies for eight
months under Nicolas Antony Raffaelli, and entered upon
a course of philosophy. His father now recommending the
law as a profession, Crescimbeni took his doctor’s degree
Oct. 3, 167 y, and was appointed to lecture on the institutes,
which he did for a year. His uncle before mentioned,
aoain inviting him to Rome, he divided his time there between law and polite literature, and in 1685, the academy
of the Infecondi admitted him a member. Hitherto his
studies in Italian poetry had not been conducted so as to
inspire him with a very pure taste; but about 1687, he
entered on a course of reading of the best Italian poets,
which not only enabled him to correct his own taste and
style, but gave him hopes that tie might improve those of
his countrymen. With this intention he endeavoured to
form a new society, or, as they are called in Italy, academy, rindcr the name of Arcadia, the members to be called
the shepherds of Arcadia, and each to take the name of a
shepherd, and that of some place in ancient Arcadia, and
his own name accordingly was Alfesibeo Cario. Such was
the origin of this celebrated academy, and surely no origin
was ever mure childishly romantic, or unpromising as to
any beneficial e licet on solid or elegant literature, to which
purposes, however, we are told it has eminently contributed. It was established Oct. 5, 1690. A short account
of it, written in 1757, informs us that the first members
were those itained persons chiefly who were about queen
Christina of Sweden. (See Christina, vol. IX.) It admits all sciences, all arts, all nations, all ranks, and
both sexes. The number of its members is not determined; they are said at present to be upwards of two thousand, but we have heard a much larger number assigned,
for they sometimes aggregate whole academies. At Home,
the academicians assemble in pastoral habits, in a most
agreeable garden, called Bosco Parrhasia. The constitution
of the society being democratic, they never chusje a prince
for their protector. At the end of each olympiad, for that
is the method of computing adopted by the Arcadians,
they cbuse a custode, who is the speaker, and has the sole
right of assembling the society, who are also represented
by him alone, when they are not assembled. In order to
be admitted a member, it is requisite that the person
should be twenty-four years of age complete, of a reputable family, and to have given some specimen of abilities
in one or more branches of education. As to the ladies, a
poem, or a picture, is a testimony of genius that is held
sufficient. The stated assemblies of this academy are fixed
to seven different days, between the first of May and the
seventh of October. In the first six they read the works
of the Roman shepherds, the productions of strangers being
reserved for the seventh and last. Each author reads his
own compositions, except ladies and cardinals, who are
allowed to employ others.
poetry. Crescimbeni, however, was so intent on this establishment, as to neglect his profession as a lawyer, and now embraced, as it is termed, the ecclesiastical state.
Crescimbeni was the first custode, or president of this academy, and retained that office for thirty-eight years, during which the academy is said to have produced very beneficial effects on public taste, and on the style of Italian poetry. Crescimbeni, however, was so intent on this establishment, as to neglect his profession as a lawyer, and now embraced, as it is termed, the ecclesiastical state. In 1705, pope Clement XI. bestoweu on him a canonry of St. Mary in Cosmedino, and in 1719 appointed him archpriest of the same city, at which time he took the regular orders of the priesthood. In 1728, during a fit of sickness, he took the vows of the Jesuits, but died March 8, of that year. He appears to have enjoyed great literary reputation in his time, and was a member of most of the Italian, academies, and of the Naturae Curiosorutn in Germany.
ers in the representation of his own play. Among the rest, he acted the divine, the philosopher, the lawyer, the mathematician, the physician, and the soldier, with such
The next account we have of Crichton, and which appears to have been transmitted, through sir Thomas Urquharr, to later biographers, is of an extraordinary instance of bodily courage and skill. It is said, that at Mantua there was at this time a gladiator, who had foiled, in his travels, the most famous fencers in Europe, and had lately killed three persons who had entered the lists with him. The duke of Mantua was much grieved at having granted this man his protection, as he found it to be attended with such fatal consequences. Crichton, being informed of his highness’s concern, offered his service, not only to drive the murderer from Mantua, but from Italy, and to fight him for fifteen hundred pistoles. Though the duke was unwilling to expose such an accomplished gentleman to so great a hazard, yet, relying upon the report he had heard of his warlike achievements, he agreed to the proposal; and, the time and place being appointed, the whole court attended to behold the performance. At the beginning of the combat, Crichton stood only on his defence; while the Italian made his attack with such eagerness and fury, that, having over-acted himself, he began to grow weary. Our young Scotchman now seized the opportunity of attacking his antagonist in return; which he did with so much dexterity and vigour, that he ran him through the body in three different places, of which wounds he immediately died. The acclamations of the spectators were loud and extraordinary upon this occasion; and it was acknowledged by all of them, that they had never seen art grace nature, or nature second the precepts of art, in so lively a manner as they had beheld these two things accomplished on that day. To crown the glory of the action, Crichton bestowed the prize of his victory upon the widows of the three persons who had lost their lives in fighting with the gladiator. It is asserted, that, in consequence of this, and his other wonderful performances, the duke of Mantua made choice of him for preceptor to his son Vincentio di Gonzaga, who is represented as being of a riotous temper and a dissolute life. The appointment was highly pleasing to the court. Crichton, to testify his gratitude to his friends and benefactors, and to contribute to their diversion, framed, we are told, a comedy, wherein he exposed and ridiculed all the weaknesses and failures of the several employments in which men are engaged. This composition was regarded as one of the most ingenious satires that was ever made upon mankind. But the most astonishing part of the story is, that Crichton sustained fifteen characters in the representation of his own play. Among the rest, he acted the divine, the philosopher, the lawyer, the mathematician, the physician, and the soldier, with such inimitable grace, that every time he appeared upon the stage he seemed to be a different person . From being the principal actor in a comedy, Crichton soon became the subject of a dreadful tragedy. One night, during the time of carnival, as he was walking along the streets of Mantua, and playing upon his guitar, he was attacked by half a dozen people in masks. The assailants found that they had no ordinary person to deal with; for they were not able to maintain their ground against him. In the issue, the leader of the company, being disarmed, pulled off his mask, and begged his life, telling him that he was the prince his pupil. Crichton immediately fell on his knees, and expressed his concern for his mistake; alleging, that what he had done was only in his own defence, and that if Gonzaga had any design upon his life he might always be master of it. Then, taking his own sword by the point, he presented it to the prince, who immediately received it, and was so irritated by the affront which he thought he had sustained in being foiled with all "his attendants, that he instantly ran Crichton through the heart. Various have been the conjectures concerning the motives which could induce Vincentio di Gonzaga to be guilty of so ungenerous and brutal an action. Some have ascribed it to jealousy, asserting that he suspected Crichton to be more in favour than himself with a lady whom he passionately loved; and sir Thomas Urqnhart has told a story upon this head which is extravagant and ridiculous in the highest degree. Others, with greater probability, represent the whole transaction as the result of a drunken frolic; and it is uncertain, according to Imperiaiis, whether the meeting of the prince and Crichton was by accident or design. However, it is agreed on all hands, that Crichton lost his life in this rencontre. The time of his decease is said, by the generality of his biographers, to have been in the beginning-of July 1583; but lord Buchan, most likely in consequence of a more accurate immiry, fixes it to the same month in the preceding year. There is a difference likewise with regard to the period of life at which Crichton died. The common accounts declare that he was killed in the thirty-second year of his age; but Imperialis asserts that he was only in his twenty-second when that calamitous event took place; and this fact is confirmed by lord Buchan. Criehton’s tragical end excited a very great and general lamentation. If the foolish ravings of sir Thomas Urquhart are to be credited, the whole court of Mantua went three quarters of a year into mourning for him; the epitaphs and elegies that were composed upon his death, and stuck upon his hearse, would exceed, if collected, the bulk of Homer’s works; and, for a long time afterwards, his picture was to be seen in most of the bed-chambers and galleries of the Italian nobility, representing him on horseback, with a lance in one hand and a book in the other. From all this wonderful account we can only infer, with any degree of confidence, that Crichton was a youth of such lively parts as excited great present admiration, and high expectations with regard to his future attainments. He appears to have had a fine person, to have been adroit in his bodily exercises, to have possessed a peculiar facility in learning languages, to have enjoyed a remarkably quick and retentive memory, and to have excelled in a power of declamation, a fluency of speech, and a readiness of reply. His knowledge likewise was probably very uncommon for his years; and this, in conjunction with his other qualities, enabled him to shine in public disputation. But whether his knowledge were accurate or profound, may justly be questioned; and it may equally be doubted whether he would have arisen to any extraordinary degree of eminence in the literary world, which, however, his early and untimely death prevented from being brought to the test of experiment.
or not pleading before one of them, though he ottered to plead, if any one that sat there, and was a lawyer, would give it under his hand, that it was a legal jurisdiction;
In his public way of living, there was a strange kind of splendour at Whitehall; for sometimes his court wore an air of stately severity; at other times he would unbend himself, and drink freely never indeed to excess, but only so far as to have an opportunity of sounding men’s thoughts in their unguarded moments. Sometimes, in the midst of serious consultations, he started into buffoonery; sometimes the feasts that were prepared for persons of the first distinction, were, by a signal of drums and trumpets, made the prey of his guards. There was a kind of madness in his mirth, as well as of humour in his gravity, and much of design in all. Some have commended him for keeping up a great face of religion in his court and through the nation: but it is not easy to know what they mean: certain it is, that religion never wore so many faces as in his time; nor was he pleased to discover which face he liked best. The presbyterians he hated; the church of England he persecuted; against the papists he made laws; but the sectaries he indulged. Yet some of the presbyterian divines he courted affected kindness to a few of the ministers of the church of England and entered into some very deep intrigues with the papists. This made sir Kenelm Digby’s favourite father White write in defence of his government, and even of his conduct; and the popish primate of Ireland sent precepts through all his province under his seal, to pray for the health, establishment, and prosperity of the protector Cromwell and his government. With regard to personal religion, it would be difficult to find, or even to conceive, an instance of more consummate, impudent hypocrisy than Cromwell exhibited, or a more unfeeling contempt for every thing that deserves the name of religion, when it interfered with the purposes of his ambition. As for the judges in Westminster-hall, he differed with St. John, and was sometimes out of humour with Hale. He set up high courts of justice unknown to the law, and put Dr. Hewett to death for not pleading before one of them, though he ottered to plead, if any one that sat there, and was a lawyer, would give it under his hand, that it was a legal jurisdiction; and Whitlocke himself owns, that, though he was named in the commission, he would never sit, because he knew it was not lawful. His majors-general, while they acted, superseded all law; and thv protector himself derided Magna Charta, so much respected by our kings. He was indeed kind to some learned men. Milton and Marvel were his secretaries. He would have hired Meric Casaubon to have written his history; and have taken the famous Hobbes into his service for writing the Leviathan, probably because in that celebrated work power is made the source of right and the basis of religion the foundation on which Cromwell’s system, as well as Hobbes’s, was entirely built. He gave archbishop Usher a public funeral in Westminster-abbey; yet he paid but half the expence, and the other half proved a heavy burden upon that prelate’s poor family. And when all this is allowed to so inflexible a tyrant, how much is deducted from the infamy that attaches to his character? The most execrable of mankind are never uniform in villainy.
, a celebrated lawyer, was born at Thoulouse about 1520. His parents were mean; but
, a celebrated lawyer,
was born at Thoulouse about 1520. His parents were
mean; but nature compensated for the favours of fortune,
by the great talents she bestowed upon him. In his education he was independent of the assistance of teachers.
He taught himself Greek and Latin, and every thing else
which related to polite literature: and he arrived to so
profound a knowledge of law in general, and of civil law
in particular, that he is supposed of all the moderns to
hare penetrated the farthest into the origin and mysteries
of it. The means by which he succeeded in these refcearches, were the same which the ancient lawyers pursued; the etymology of words, and the lights of history.
Indeed he was some little time under Arnoldus: but it
was so little, that it can be esteemed of no account to him.
With such talents and acquirements he had some reason
to complain of his country, for refusing him the professor’s
chair when it was vacant, and presenting one to it who
was not capable of filling it xvith half the honour. Foreigners, however, did justice to his merit, came from all
parts, and studied under his direction, and the ablest
magistrates, which France then had, were formed by the
instructions of this lawyer. From Thoulouse he was invited to the university of Cohors, and thence to Bourges.
The king of France shewed him every honour, and permitted him to sit amongst his counsellors of parliament.
Emanuel Philibert, duke of Savoy, invited him to Turin;
and pope Gregory XIII. endeavoured to draw him to Bologna, his own native country, a very advantageous offer,
which his age and infirmities did not permit him to accept.
He continued to teach at Bourges, where he took the
greatest pleasure in communicating familiarly to his friends
and scholars whatever he had discovered in the law, and
shewed them the shortest and easiest way to come to a
perfect knowledge of that science. He was remarkable
for his friendly manner of treating his scholars. He used
to eat and drink with them; and, to encourage them in
their studies, lent them money and books, which procured him the name of “Father of his scholars.
” He died
at Bourges Nil hoc
ad edictum prsetoris:
” which Gallio-like answer subjected
him to the suspicion of indifference in religious matters.
, a very learned lawyer, and professor in the university of Leyden, was born at Flushing,
, a very learned lawyer, and professor in the university of Leyden, was born at Flushing, in
Zealand, 1586. He was sent to Leyden at the age of
fourteen, where he made great progress in the Greek,
Latin, Hebrew, Chaldaic, and Syriac languages, under
Drusius; and, with his assistance, gained a deep knowledge in the Jewish antiquities. In the early part of his
life he was in England, whither he had attended Ambrose
llegemortes, his kinsman; and during his stay here, he,
in one summer, accurately read over Homer, and most of
the Greek poets. It appears that he was at first designed
for divinity, by his maintaining theological theses under
Arminius in 1605; but religious disputes running high at
that time, he conceived a disgust to it, and applied himself to the belles lettres and the law. He was created
LL. D. at Leyden in 161), at which time he was chosen
professor of eloquence. He was afterwards made professor
of politics; and in 1615 of civil law, which employment
he held to his death, which happened in 1638. He was
the author of several ingenious and learned works; and his
little book, “Derepublica. Hebrceorum,
” which is still held
in high esteem, was made a text-book by the most celebrated professors. Nicolai, Goree, and Basnage have all
published editions of it with notes and comments. His
“Satyra Menippara in sui saeculi homines inepte erudites
was printed at Leyden in Dionysiaca,
” and some inauguration and other
speeches; with a translation of Julian’s Caesars. He was
a man of great parts and learning; and we find Vossius,
Casaubon, and other great men, speaking of him in the
highest terms of applause, and paying the profoundest deference to his judgment. Scaliger says, that he was extremely learned, but of a melancholy humour. Burman
published a volume of his “Epistolag,
” which contain literary information and remarks, Leyden, 1725, 8vo.
, an eminent Scotch lawyer and antiquary, and brother to the preceding, was born in Edinburgh
, an eminent Scotch lawyer and antiquary, and brother to the preceding, was born in Edinburgh on the 28th of October 1726, and was educated at Eton school, where he was distinguished no less for his acquisitions in literature-than for the regularity of his manners. From Eton he was removed, to complete his studies at Utrecht, where he remained till 1746. In 1748 he was called to the Scotch bar, where, notwithstanding the elegant propriety of the cases which he drew, his success did not answer the expectations which had been formed of him. This was not owing either to wajjt of science or to want of industry, but to certain peculiarities, which, if not inherent in his nature, were the result of early and deep-rooted habits. He possessed on all occasions a sovereign contempt, not only for verbal antithesis, but for well-rounded periods, and every thing which had the semblance of declamation; and indeed he was wholly unfitted, by an ill-toned voice, and ungraceful elocution, for shining as an orator. It is not surprizing, therefore, that his pleadings, which were never addressed to the passions, did not rival those of some of his opponents, who, possessed of great rhetorical powers, did not, like him, employ strokes of irony too fine to be perceived by the bulk of any audience, but expressed themselves in full, clear, and harmonious periods. Even his memorials, though classically written, and often replete with valuable matter, did not on every occasion please the court; for they were always brief, and sometimes, it was said, indicated more attention to the minutiye of forms than to the merits of the cause. Yet on points which touched his own feelings, or the interests of truth and virtue, his language was animated, his arguments forcible, and his scrupulous regard to form thrown aside. He was on all occasions incapable of misleading the judge by a false statement of facts, or his clients, by holding out to them fallacious grounds of hope. The character indeed which he had obtained for knowledge and integrity in the Scotch law, soon raised him to an eminence in his profession. Accordingly, in March 1766, he was appointed one of the judges of the court of session with the wannest approbation of his countrymen; and in May 1776 he succeeded to the place of a lord commissioner of the justiciary on the resignation of lord Coalston, his wife’s father. Upon taking his seat on the bench he assumed the title of lord Hailes, in compliance with the usage established in the court of session: this is the name by which he is generally known among the learned of Europe.
onfidence and approbation. But he was not only conspicuous as an able and upright judge, and a sound lawyer; he was also eminent as a profound and accurate scholar; being
As a judge of the supreme, civil, and criminal courts, he acted in the view of his country; from which he merited and obtained high confidence and approbation. But he was not only conspicuous as an able and upright judge, and a sound lawyer; he was also eminent as a profound and accurate scholar; being a thorough master of classical learning, the belles lettres, and historical antiquities particularly of his own country, to the study of which he was led by his profession. Indefatigable in the prosecution of these studies, his time was sedulously devoted tq the promotion of useful learning, piety, and virtue. Numerous are the works that have issued from his pen, ali of them distinguished by uncommon accuracy, taste, and learning. Besides some occasional papers, both serious and humorous, of his composing, that appeared in the World , and a variety, of communications, critical and biographical, in the Gentleman’s Magazine , and other publications of like nature, he allotted some part of his time to the illustration and defence of primitive Christianity.
he affairs of Scotland attracted the talents of so able a writer, who to the learning and skill of a lawyer, joined the industry and curiosity of an antiquary; to whom
In 1771 he composed a very learned and ingenious paper,
or law-case, on the disputed peerage of Sutherland. He
was one of the trustees of the lady Elizabeth, the daughter
of the last earl, and being then a judge, the names of two
eminent lawyers were annexed to it. In that case, he displayed the greatest accuracy of research, and the most
profound knowledge of the antiquities and rules of descent,
in that country; which he managed with such dexterity of
argument, as clearly established the right of his pupil, and
formed a precedent, at the same time, for the decision of
all such questions in future. In 1773 he published a small
volume, entitled “Remarks on the History of Scotland.
Tnese appeared to be the gleanings of the historical research which he was making at that time, and discovered
his lordship’s turn for minute and accurate inquiry into
doubtful points of history, and at the same time displayed
the candour and liberality of his judgment. This publication prepared the public for the favourable reception of
the Annals of Scotland, in 2 vols. 4to, the first of which
appeared in 1776, and the second in 1779, and fully answered the expectations which he had raised. The difficulties attending the subject, the want of candour, and
the spirit of party, had hitherto prevented the Scotch from
having a genuine history of their country, in times previous to those of queen Mary. Lord Hailes carried his attention to this history, as far back as to the accession of
Malcolm Canmore, in 1057, and his work contains the
annals of 14 princes, from Malcolm III. to the death of David II. Aiul happy it was that the affairs of Scotland attracted the talents of so able a writer, who to the learning
and skill of a lawyer, joined the industry and curiosity of
an antiquary; to whom no object appears frivolous or unimportant that serves to elucidate his subject.
, an English lawyer, was born somewhere in the county of Cambridge, in 1554, and
, an English lawyer, was born
somewhere in the county of Cambridge, in 1554, and bred
to his profession in Lincoln’s-inn, or Gray’s-inn, and was
formerly as well known for his book on the office of justice
of the peace, as Burn is at present: his “Duty of Sheriffs
was also a book in good esteem. In Neal’s “History of the
” mention is made of Mr. Dalton the queen’s
counsel, who, in 1590, pleaded against Mr. Udal, who
was condemned for writing a libel called “A demonstration of Discipline:
” this was probably our Dalton, who
also in A Breviary or Chronology of the state of the lioinan or Western church or Empire; the decay of true religion, and the rising of papacy, from the time of our
Saviour till Martin Luther.
” In this he is styled Michael
Dalton of Gray’s-inn, esq. It is supposed that he died
before the commencement of the civil war.
ount, and professor of law at Padua, was born at Ancona in 1696, and arrived at high reputation as a lawyer. Among his works are, 1. “De Forensi scribendi ratione.” 2.
, count, and professor
of law at Padua, was born at Ancona in 1696, and arrived
at high reputation as a lawyer. Among his works are, 1.
“De Forensi scribendi ratione.
” 2. “De servitutibus
praediorum interpretationes per epistolas,
” &c. He died
in November
, a learned lawyer, was born 1572, at Cahors, and after studying there, at Rhodez,
, a learned lawyer, was born 1572, at Cahors, and after studying there, at Rhodez, and Toulouse, went to Paris with the president de Verdun, and succeeded Nicholas Oudin as professor of law, 1618. He was afterwards professor of common law at the royal college, and died April 2, 1651. It appears from his works, which were published at Paris, 1656, fol. that he was well acquainted with the ancient church discipline, and a very useful compiler, if not a profound scholar. He published some separate tracts besides those included in the above volume, which are enumerated in our authorities.
, a learned Italian writer, the son of a lawyer at Sienna, was born at that place in 1420, and after acquiring
, a learned Italian writer, the son of
a lawyer at Sienna, was born at that place in 1420, and
after acquiring some knowledge of the Latin language,
was put under the care of Francis Philelphus, an eminent
teacher at Sienna, who at the end of two years declared
he was his best scholar. Dati, however, at this time suffered not a little from the ridicule of his schoolfellows,
owing to a hesitation in his speech, which he is said to
have cured by the means which Demosthenes adopted, that
of speaking with small pebbles in his mouth. After
finishing his classical studies, he learned Hebrew of some
Jews, and then entered on a course of philosophy, jurisprudence, and theology. During his application to these
branches, Odo Anthony, duke of Urbino, from the very
favourable account he had of him, invited him to Urbino
to teach the belles lettres. Dati accordingly set out for
that city in April 1442, where he was received with every
mark of honour and friendship by the duke, but this prosperity was not of long duration. He had not enjoyed it
above a year and a half, when the duke, whose excesses
and tyranny had rendered him odious, was assassinated in
a public tumult, with two of his favourites; and Dati, who
was hated by the populace merely because he was respected
by the duke, was obliged to take refuge for his life in a
church, while the mob pillaged his house. The successor
of Odo, prince Frederick, endeavoured to console Dati for
this misfortune, and offered him a pension, besides recompense for all he had lost; but Dati could not be reconciled
to a residence so liable to interruption, and in 1444 returned to Sienna. Here, after refusing the place of secretary of the briefs, offered to him by pope Nicholas V. he
opened a school for rhetoric and the classics, and acquired
so much reputation, that the cardinal of Sienna, Francis
Piccolomini, formally granted him permission to lecture on
the Holy Scriptures, although he was a married man; and
at the same time gave him a similar licence to teach and
lecture on any subject, not only in his college, but in all
public places, and even in the church, where, his son informs us, he once preached during Lent. He was also
much employed in pronouncing harangues on public
occasions in Latin, many of which are among his works.
Nor were his talents confined to literature, but were the
means of advancing him to the first offices of the magistracy, and the republic of Sienna entrusted him with the
negociation of various affairs of importance at Rome and
elsewhere. In 1 J-57 he was appointed secretary to the republic, which he held for two years. Towards the close
of his life he laid aside the study of profane authors for
that of the Scriptures and ecclesiastical historians. He
died of the plague at Sienna, April 6, 1478. His son
Nicolas collected his works for publication, “Augustini
Dathi, Senensis, opera,
” of which there are two editions,
that printed at Sienna, 1503, fol. and an inferior in correctness, printed at Venice, 1516. They consist of treatises on the immortality of the soul letters; three books
on the history of Sienna; a history of Piombinoj on grammar, &c. &c.
red any landed property in Ireland from his great employments. The character of sir John Davies as a lawyer, is that of great ability and learning. As a politician he stands
He married, while in Ireland, Eleanor, the third daughter
of lord Audley, by whom he had one son, who was an
idiot and died young, and a daughter, Lucy, who was
married to Ferdinando lord Hastings, afterwards earl of
Huntingdon. Sir John’s lady appears to have been an
enthusiast; a volume of her prophecies was published in
1649, 4to. Anthony Wood informs us that she foretold
the death of her husband, who turned the matter off with
a jest. She was harshly treated during the republic for
her officious prophecies, and is said to have been confined
several years in Bethlem hospital, and in the Tower of
London, where she suffered all the rigour that could be
inflicted by those who would tolerate no impostures but
their own. She died in 1652, and was interred near her
husband in St. Martin’s church. The late earl of Huntingdon informed lord Mountmorres the historian of the Irish
parliament, that sir John Davies did not appear to have
acquired any landed property in Ireland from his great
employments. The character of sir John Davies as a lawyer, is that of great ability and learning. As a politician
he stands unimpeached of corruption or servility, and his
” are valued as the result of profound knowledge
and investigation. They were republished with some originals in 1786 by Mr. George Chalmers, who prefixed a Life of
the Author, to which the present sketch is greatly indebted.
ous mechanic, a wellinformed chemist, a learned theoretical physician, 'and an expert constitutional lawyer. But though his comprehensive genius embraced almost the whole
In the very flattering, and by no means just or discriminative, character of Mr. Day, given in the Biographia
Britannica, his life is represented to have been “one uniform system of exertions in the cause of humanity. He
thought nothing mis-spent or ill-bestowed, which contributed, in any degree, to the general sum of happiness. In
his pursuit of knowledge, though he deemed it highly
valuable as a private and personal acquisition, he had a
particular view to the application of it to the purposes of
philanthropy. It was to be able to do good to others, as
well as to gratify the ardent curiosity and activity of his
own mind, that he became an ingenious mechanic, a wellinformed chemist, a learned theoretical physician, 'and an
expert constitutional lawyer. But though his comprehensive genius embraced almost the whole range of literature,
the subjects to which he was the most attached, and which he
regarded as the most eminently useful, were those that are
comprehended in historical and ethical science. Indeed,
every tiling was important in his eyes, not merely as it
tended to advance the individual, but in proportion to its
ability in disclosing the powers, and improving the general
interests, of the human species.
cts we have exhibited, it will not be necessary to offer any remarks. As the epithet “constitutional lawyer” is here employed, it remains to be mentioned, that he was admitted
On this high character, after the facts we have exhibited,
it will not be necessary to offer any remarks. As the
epithet “constitutional lawyer
” is here employed, it remains to be mentioned, that he was admitted of the Middle
Temple in 1765, and called to the bar in 1779. Much of
this time, we have seen, elapsed in his travels, and pursuits of another kind; nor, although his name remained on
the books of the society, did he ever enter seriously into
the business of the profession. In politics he attached
himself to no party, properly so called; he was neither
whig nor tory; but joined many of the popular associations
about the close of the American war, to which he was a
decided opponent, and wrote some political pamphlets on
peace, reform of parliament, and other topics which agitated the nation at that period.
icious, and the rather because he was not allowed to justify himself'. That accomplished scholar and lawyer, Mr. Charles Yorke, is said to have written a dissertation upon
With respect to his character as a man of integrity and a patriot, Philip was not wanting in endeavours to corrupt him, as he had endeavoured to corrupt, and with success, most of the other leading men in Greece; but Demosthenes withstood all his offers; and Plutarch says, that all the gold of Macedonia could not bribe him. And yet, as inflexible as he was to Philip, he became more pliable in the reign of his successor, and gave occasion to his enemies to accuse him of bribery; for which he was fined and imprisoned, and afterwards banished; but the charge has by some been thought groundless and malicious, and the rather because he was not allowed to justify himself'. That accomplished scholar and lawyer, Mr. Charles Yorke, is said to have written a dissertation upon this subject, in which all the evidence supplied by the writers of antiquity is carefully collected, and judiciously examined, and in which Mr. Yorke’s decision is in favour of Demosthenes. It is to be regretted that this curious dissertation is still allowed to remain unpublished. Another circumstance in. the character of Demosthenes is more singular. He who with such constancy and intrepidity opposed all the measures of the foreign and domestic enemies of his country, and who so often at the hazard of his life braved the madness of the people in their assemblies, was yet unable to stand an enemy in the field. He chose, says Plutarch, to swear by those who fell at Marathon, though he could not follow their example; yet he afterwards refused life when it was offered him, and died with great fortitude. With all this mixture of character, however, Demosthenes did more service to the state than any of his contemporaries, and was the chief bulwark, not only of Athens, but of Greece in general, and almost the only obstacle to Philip’s designs of enslaving it.
, an eminent French lawyer, and a protestant, was born at Montpelier, in 1594. Being admitted
, an eminent French lawyer,
and a protestant, was born at Montpelier, in 1594. Being
admitted to the bar, he pleaded in the parliament of Paris.
Having communicated his ideas on the subject to his friend
and countryman Charles de Bouques, they resolved to labour conjointly in the explanation and illustration of the
civil law, and the first fruits of their labours was a “Traittdes successions testamentaires et ab intestat,
” Paris, 1G23,
fol. dedicated to the son of the chancellor de Sillery, who
patronized both authors, and encouraged them in the prosecution of their work. De Bouques was removed by death,
and the undertaking would have been discontinued, had
not Despeisses taken the whole upon himself, and made it
the employment of nearly forty years of his life. He was
about to have sent it to press, when he died almost suddenly, in 1658. The work, however, appeared under the
title, “Les OEuvres d‘Antoine Despeisses, ou toutes les
matieres les plus importantes du clroit Remain sont expliquees et accommode’es au droit Francois,
” 4 vols. fol.
The last edition was printed in 1750, 3 vols. fol. It is a
work of vast labour, but according to Bretonnier, not
exact in the quotations. It is recorded of Despeisses, that
at one time of his life he returned to Montpellier, with a
view to practice at the bar, but was diverted from it by
an incident very trifling in itself. As he was addressing
the court, with many digressions from the main subject,
which was then the fashion, he happened to say something
of Ethiopia, on which an attorney, loud enough to be
heard, said, “He is now got to Ethiopia, and he will
never come back.
” Despeisses was so much hurt at this,
and probably at the laugh which it occasioned, as to confine himself afterwards to chamber-practice, and the compilation of his great work.
be either a Jesuit or a canon, sent him to Paris to prosegute his studies. He then placed him with a lawyer, to whose instructions young Diderot paid little attention,
, of the academy of Berlin, an eminent French writer, was the son of a cutler, and was bora
at Langres, in 1713. The Jesuits, with whom he went
through a course of study, were desirous of having him in
their order, and one of his uncles designing him for a canonry which he had in his gift, made him take the tonsure. But his father, seeing that he was not inclined to
be either a Jesuit or a canon, sent him to Paris to prosegute his studies. He then placed him with a lawyer, to
whose instructions young Diderot paid little attention, but
employed himself in general literature, which not coinciding with the views of his father, he stopped the remittance of his pecuniary allowance, and seemed for some
time to have abandoned him. The talents of the young
man, however, supplied him with a maintenance, and
gradually made him known. He had employed his mind
on physics, geometry, metaphysics, ethics, belles-lettres,
from the time he began to read with reflection, and although a bold and elevated imagination seemed to give him
a turn for poetry, he neglected it for the more serious
sciences. He settled at an early period at Paris, where
the natural eloquence which animated his conversation
procured him friends and patrons. What first gave him
reputation among a certain class of readers, unfortunately for France, too numerous in that country, was
a little collection of “Pensees philosophiques,
” reprinted
afterwards under the title of “Etrennes aux esprits-forts.
This book appeared in Pensees de Pascal.
” But
the aim of the two authors was widely different. Pascal
employed his talents, and erudition, which was profound
and various, in support of the truths of religion, which
Diderot attacked by all the arts of an unprincipled sophist.
The “Pensées philosophiques,
” however, became a toiletbook. The author was thought to be always in the right,
because he always dealt in assertions. Diderot was more
usefully employed in 1746, in publishing a “Dictionnaire
universelle de Medecine,
” with Messrs. Eidous and Toussaint, in G vols. folio. Not that this compilation, says his
biographer, is without its defects in many points of view,
or that it contains no superficial and inaccurate articles;
but it is not without examples of deep investigation; and
the work was well received. A more recent account, however, informs us that this was merely a translation of Dr.
James’s Medical Dictionary, published in this country in
1743; and that Diderot was next advised to translate
Chambers’ s Dictionary; but instead of acting so inferior a
part, he conceived the project of a more extensive undertaking, the “Dictionnaire Encyclopedique.
” So great a
monument not being to be raised by a single architect,
D'Alembert, the friend of Diderot, shared with him the
honours and the dangers of the enterprise, in which they
were promised the assistance of several literati, and a variety of artists. Diderot took upon himself alone the description of arts and trades, one of the most important
parts, and most acceptable to the public. To the particulars of the several processes of the workmen, he sometimes added reflections, speculations, and principles
adapted to their elucidation. Independently of the part
of arts and trades, this chief of the encyclopedists furnished in the different sciences a considerable number of
articles that were wanting; but even his countrymen are
inclined to wish that in a work of such a vast extent, and
of such general use, he had learned to compress his matter, and had been less verbose, less of the dissertator, and
less inclined to digressions. He has also been censured for
employing needlessly a scientific language, and for having
recourse to metaphysical doctrines, frequently unintelligible, which occasioned him to be called the Lycophron.
of philosophy; for having introduced a number of definitions incapable of enlightening the ignorant, and which
he seems to have invented for no other purpose than to
have it thought that he had great ideas, while in fact, he
had not the art of expressing perspicuously and simply
the ideas of others. As to the body of the work, Diderot
himself agreed that the edifice wanted an entire reparation; and when two booksellers intended to give a new
edition of the Encyclopedic, he thus addressed them on
the subject of the faults with which it abounds: “The
imperfection of this work originated in a great variety of
causes. We had not time to be very scrupulous in the
choice of the coadjutors. Among some excellent persons,
there were others weak, indifferent, and altogether bad.
Hence that motley appearance of the work, where we see
the rude attempt of a school-boy by the side of a piece
from the hand of a master; and a piece of nonsense next
neighbour to a sublime performance. Some working for
no pay, soon lost their first fervour; others badly recompensed, served us accordingly. The Encyclopedic was a
gulf into which all kinds of scribblers promiscuously threw
their contributions: their pieces were ill-conceived, and
worse digested; good, bad, contemptible, true, false, uncertain, and always incoherent and unequal; the references
that belonged to the very parts assigned to a person, were
never filled up by him. A refutation is often found where
we should naturally expect a proof; and there was no exact
correspondence between the letter-press and the plates.
To remedy this defect, recourse was had to long explications. But how many unintelligible machines, for want
of letters to denote the parts!
” To this sincere confession Diderot added particular details on various parts; such
as proved that there were in the Encyclopedic subjects
to be not only re-touched, but to be composed afresh;
and this was what a new company of literati and artists undertook, but have not yet completed. The first edition,
however, which had been delivering to the public from
1751 to 1767, was soon sold off, because its defects were
compensated in part by many well-executed articles, and
because uncommon pains were taken to recommend it to
the public.
, or Ding, a native of Mugello in Tuscany, was a very learned lawyer and professor of law at Bologna, in the thirteenth century,
, or Ding, a native of Mugello in Tuscany,
was a very learned lawyer and professor of law at Bologna,
in the thirteenth century, and indeed accounted the first
man of his time for knowledge, eloquence, and style both
of speaking and writing. Pope Boniface VIII. employed
him in compiling the fourth book of the Decretals,
called the Sextus. He died at Bologna in 1303, as it is
said, of chagrin. He had entered into the church, and
been disappointed of rising according to what he thought
his deserts. Of his works, his “Commentarium in regulas
juris Pontificii,
” 8vo, was so valuable that Alciat reckoned
it one of those books which a student ought to get by
heart, a character which it ceased to support when Charles
du Moulin pointed out a great many errors in it. His
other publication is entitled “De glossis contrariis,
” 2
vols. fol.
, an eminent English lawyer, the son of Richard Doddridge, of a Devonshire family, was born
, an eminent English lawyer, the son of Richard Doddridge, of a Devonshire family, was born at Barnstaple in 1555. In 1572 he was entered of Exeter college, Oxford, where he studied four years; after which he was removed to the Middle Temple, London, where he became a great proficient in the law, and a noted counsellor. In the forty-fifth year of the reign of queen Elizabeth he was Lent reader of that house; and on the 20th of January, 1603-4, he was called to the degree of serjeant-at-law, at which time he had the honour of being appointed serjeant to Henry prince of Wales. From this employment he was raised, in the succeeding year, to be solicitor-general to the king, and on the 25th of June 1607, he was constituted his majesty’s principal serjeantat-law, and was knighted on the fifth of July following. In February 1612-13, he was created M. A. at his chambers in Serjeants Inn by the vice-chancellor, the two proctors, and five other members of the university of Oxford. This peculiar honour was conferred upon him in gratitude for the great service he had done to the university in several law-suits depending between the city of Oxford and the university. On the 22d of April 1013, he was appointed one of the judges of the court of king’s bench, in which, office he continued till his death. In this station he appears to have conducted himself with great integrity as well as ability. However, in April, 162, he and the other judges of the court were called upon to assign their reasons in the house of lords, for having given judgment against admitting five gentlemen to bail, who had been imprisoned for refusing the loan which had lately been demanded by the crown. Sir Nicholas Hyde, lord chief justice, sir John Doddridge, Mr. Justice Jones, and Mr. Justice Whitlocke, each of them spoke upon the occasion, and made the best defence which the nature of the case would admit. If they were guilty of a mistake, which cannot now reasonably be doubted, they seem to have been led into it in the sincerity of their hearts, from the notions they entertained of regal power, and probably from their perceiving the drift of parliament in these proceedings. Sir John Doddridge, in his speech, asserts the,
f him, that it was difficult to determine whether he were the better artist, divine, civil or common lawyer. Among his other studies, he was a great lover of antiquities,
index. Faulkner’s Hist, of Fulham. Park’s Royal and Noble Authors. Cumberland’s Life. Some account of his uncle, Knight’s Life ofColet. Hawkins’s
Life of Johnson. Dodsley’s, Pcareh’s, and NiclioU's Poems. Bowles’s edition
of Pope’s Works, Louoj^r’s Common-place li^ok, vol. 1. Cose’s Life of
purity of his own character in the following terms: “It is
no more fit for a judge to decline to give an account of his
doings than for a Christian of his faith. God knoweth I
have endeavoured always to keep a good conscience; for
a troubled one who can bear? I have now sat in this court
fifteen years, and I should know something. Surely, if I
had gone in a mill so long, dust would cleave to my clothes.
I am old, and have one foot in the grave; therefore I will
look to the better part as near as 1 can. But omnia haberc
in memoria, et in nullo errarc, divinum potius est quain
human um.
” He died Sept. 13, 1628, in the seventy-third
year of his age, and was buried in the ambulatory before
the door of the library, formerly called Lady Mary’s Chapel, in the cathedral church of Exeter. Within that
library is a very sumptuous monument erected to his memory, containing his figure and that of his wife, cut in
alabaster, under a stately arch supported by marble pillars.
This learned judge, by his happy education, accompanied
with excellent natural parts and unremitted industry, became so general a scholar, that it was said of him, that it
was difficult to determine whether he were the better
artist, divine, civil or common lawyer. Among his other
studies, he was a great lover of antiquities, and attained
to such an eminence of knowledge and skill in that department of literature, that he was regarded as one of the
ablest members of the famous society of antiquaries, which
may be said to have begun in 1571, but which more particularly flourished from 1590 to 1614. Rewrote, I. “The
Lawyer’s Light; or, due direction for the study of the
” London, A complete Parson, or a
description of advowsons and church livings, delivered in
several readings, in an inn of chancery called the New
” printed The History
of the ancient and modern estate of the principality of
Wales, duchy of Cornwall, and earldom of Chester,
” The English Lawyer, a treatise describing a method for the managing of the Laws of this Land, and expressing the best qualities requisite in the student, practiser, judges, &c.
” London, Opinion
touching the antiquity, power, order, state, manner, persons, and proceedings, of the High Courts of Parliament
in England,
” London, A Treatise of
particular Estates,
” London, The Ground and Maxims of the Law.
” 7. “A
true representation of forepassed Parliaments to the view
of the present times and posterity.
” This still remains in
manuscript. Sir John Doddridge also enlarged a book
called “The Magazine of Honour,
” London, The Law of Nobility and Peerage,
” Lond. 16S7,
1658, 8vo. In the Collection of curious Discourses, written by eminent antiquaries, are two dissertations by our
judge; one of which is on the dimensions of the land of
England, and the other on the office and duty of heralds
in this country. Mr. Bridgman, in his “Legal Bibliography,
” informs us that many valuable works have been
attributed to sir John Doddridge, which in their title-pages
have borne the names of others. He mentions particularly
Sheppard’s “Law of Common Assurances touching Deeds
in general,
” and “Wentworth’s office and dutie of Executors;
” both which are said to have been written by
mployment, or choice of profession. He became, however, clerk to the late Mr. Bower, a very profound lawyer, where, with assiduous study, he acquired a knowledge of special
, an eminent special pleader
and law writer, was born in Ireland, and educated at a
country school. He came to England early in life, with
an able capacity and habits of industry, but without any
direct prospect of employment, or choice of profession.
He became, however, clerk to the late Mr. Bower, a very
profound lawyer, where, with assiduous study, he acquired
a knowledge of special pleading, and the law connected
with that abstruse science; and such was his diligence, that
in a comparatively short time, he accumulated a collection
of precedents and notes that appeared to his employer an
effort of great labour and ingenuity. After having been
many years with Mr. Bower, the latter advised him to commence special pleader, and in this branch of the profession
he soon acquired great reputation; his drafts, which were
generally the work of his own hand, being admired as
models of accuracy. They were formed according to the
neat and concise system of Mr. Bower, and his great friend
and patron sir Joseph Yates, many of whose books, notes,
and precedents, as well as those of sir Thomas Davenport,
Mr. Dogherty possessed. This intense application, however, greatly impaired his health, which was visibly on the
decline for many months before his decease. This event
took place at his chambers in Clifford’s-inn, Sept. 29, 1805,
and deprived the profession of a man of great private
worth, modest and unassuming manners, independent mind,
and strict honour and probity. Mr. Dogherty was the
author and editor of some valuable works on criminal law.
He published a new edition of the “Crown Circuit Companion;
” and an original composition, in The
Crown Circuit Assistant,
” which is a most useful supplement to the former. In 1800 he edited a new edition of
Hale’s “Historia Placitorum Coronae,
” in 2 vols. 8vo,
with an abridgment of the statutes relating to felonies,
continued to that date, and with notes and references.
His common-place and office-books, still in manuscript,
are said to be highly valuable.
, a French lawyer, was born of a good family, at Clermont, in Auvergne, in 1625.
, a French lawyer, was born of a good
family, at Clermont, in Auvergne, in 1625. Father Sirmood, who was his great uncle, had the care of his education, and sent him to the college at Paris, where he learned
the Latin, Greek, Italian, and Spanish tongues, applied
himself to the study of philosophy and the belles-lettres,
and made himself a competent master in the mathematics.
Afterwards he went to study the law, and to take his degrees at Bourges, where professor Emerville made him an
offer of a doctor’s hood, though he was but twenty years of
age. Upon his return from Bourges, he attended the bar of
the high court of judicature at Clermont, and began to plead
with extraordinary success. In 1648 he married, and by
that marriage had thirteen children. Three years before he
had been made advocate to the king, in the high court of
Clermont; which place he filled for thirty years with such
uncommon reputation for integrity as well as ability, that he
became arbiter, in a great measure, of all the affairs of the
province. The confusion which he had observed in the laws,
put him upon forming a design of reducing them to their
natural order. He drew up a plan for this purpose, and communicated it to his friends, who approved of it so much, and
thought it so useful, that they persuaded him to shew it to
some of the chief magistrates. With this view he went to
Paris in 1685, where the specimen of his work, which he
carried along with him, was judged to be so excellent, that
Lewis XIV. upon the report which Pelletier, then comptroller general, made to him of it, ordered Domat to continue at Paris, and settled upon him a pension of 2000
livres. Henceforward he employed himself at Paris, in
finishing and perfecting his work; the first volume of which,
in 4to, was published there, under the title of “Les Lois
civiles, dans leur ordre naturel,
” Legum
” which is a part of this great work, was printed
separately, and very elegantly by Wetstein; and in 1806,
M. d'Agard published the first volume of a translation of
this “Delectus,
” with notes, &c.
an English translation of Herodotus, which was never published. He wrote a comedy called “The Sham- Lawyer, or the Lucky Extravagant” which was acted at the theatre royal
Besides the performances already mentioned, he made
an English translation of Herodotus, which was never published. He wrote a comedy called “The Sham- Lawyer,
or the Lucky Extravagant
” which was acted at the theatre
royal in The Spanish Curate,
” and “Wit without
” He was the editor of Historia Anglo-Scotica,
upon a diligent revisal, in order, if possible, to discover the name
of the author, and the age of his writing, he found, that
it was written in, or at least not finished till, the time of
king Charles I.
” But he says nothing more ol? the ms. nor
how it came into his hands. But whatever merit there
might be in his political writings, or however they might
distinguish him in his life-time, he is chiefly known now by
his medical works: by his new “System of Anatomy
particularly, which was finished a little before his decease,
and published in 1707, with a preface by W. Wagstaffe,
M. D. reader of anatomy at Surgeons’-hall. Dr. Wagstaffe
tells us, that Drake “eminently excelled in giving the
rationale of tilings, and inquiring into the nature and
causes of phsenomena. He does not,
” says he, “behave
himself like a mere describer of the parts, but like an unprejudiced inquirer into nature, and an absolute master of
his profession. And if Dr. Lower has been so much and
so deservedly esteemed for his solution of the systole of
the heart, Dr. Drake, by accounting for the diastole, ought
certainly to be allowed his share of reputation, and to be
admitted as a partner of his glory.
” A second edition of
this work was published in 1717, in 2 vols. 8vo; and an
appendix in 1728, 8vo, which is usually bound np with
the second volume. The plates, which are very numerous,
are accurately drawn, and well engraved. Some of them
are taken from Swammerdam. Dr. Drake added notes to
the English translation of Le Clerc’s “History of Physic,
printed in Memorial of the Church of England,
&c. was reprinted in 8vo, in
hat if Mr. Drummond had followed the practice of the law, “he might have made the best figure of any lawyer in his time.” After a residence abroad of nearly four years,
, an elegant and ingenious
poet, a descendant of the ancient family of the Drummonds
of Carnock, and the son of sir John Drummond of llawthornden, was born, probably at Hawthornden, his father’s
seat in Scotland, on the 13th of December, 1585. He received his school education at Edinburgh, and afterwards
studied at the university of that city, where he took the
degree of master of arts. At the age of twenty-one he
went to France, in compliance with his father’s views, and
attended lectures on the civil law, a subject on which he
left sufficient documents to prove that his judgment and
proficiency were uncommon. The president Lockhart, to
whom these manuscripts were communicated, declared,
that if Mr. Drummond had followed the practice of the
law, “he might have made the best figure of any lawyer
in his time.
” After a residence abroad of nearly four
years, he returned to Scotland in 1610, in which year his
father died. Instead, however, of prosecuting the study
of the law as was expected, he thought himself sufficiently
rich in the possession of his paternal estate, and devoted
his time to the perusal of the ancient classics, and the cultivation of his poetical genius. Whether he had composed
or communicated any pieces to his friends before this period, is uncertain. It was after a recovery from a dangerous illness that he wrote a prose rhapsody, entitled
“Cypress Grove,
” and about the same time his “Flowers
of Zion, or Spiritual Poems,
” which, with the “Cypress
” were printed at Edinburgh in
, a celebrated lawyer and statesman, in the reign of Henry VII. was born in 1462.
, a celebrated lawyer and statesman, in the reign of Henry VII. was born in 1462. Some
have said, that he was the son of a mechanic: but this notion probably took its rise from prejudices conceived
against him for his mal-administrations in power; for he
was of the ancient family of the Dudleys, and his father
was sir John Dudley, second son of John Dudley, baron
of Dudley, and knight of the garter. About the age of
sixteen he was sent to Oxford, where he spent some time
and afterwards removed to Gray’s-inn in London, in order
to prosecute the study of the law. This he did with great
diligence, and came at length to be considered as so able
a person in his profession, as to induce Henry VII. to take
him very early into his service. It is said that for his singular prudence and fidelity he was sworn of the king’s
privy-council in his 23d year, which some think too early
a period: it is, however, asserted by Polydore Vergil, who
was then in England. In 1492 we find him one of those
great men in the king’s army near Boiogne, who were
chiefly instrumental in making a peace with France; and
that two years after he obtained the wardship and marriage
of Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Grey, viscount L‘lsle,
sister and coheiress of John viscount L’lsle, her brother.
In 1499 he was one of those who signed the ratification of
the peace just mentioned, by the authority of parliament;
which shows that he was, if not in great credit with his
country, at least in high favour with his prince, whom he
particularly served in helping to fill his coffers, under the
colour of law, though with very little regard to equity and
justice. All our general histories have handled this matter
so in the gross, that it is very difficult to learn from them
wherein the crimes of Empson and Dudley consisted: but
Bacon, who understood it well, relates every circumstance
freely and fully in the following manner: “As kings do
more easily find instruments for their will and humour,
than for their service and honour, he had gotten for his
purpose, or beyond his purpose, two instruments, Empson
and Dudley, bold men, and careless of fame, and that took
toll for their master’s grist. Dudley was of a good family,
eloquent, and one that could put hateful business into
good language; but Empson, that was the son of a sievemaker, triumphed always in the deed done, putting off all
other respects whatsoever. These two persons, being
lawyers in science, and privy-counsellors in authority,
turned law and justice into wormwood and rapine. For,
first, their manner was to cause divers subjects to be indicted for sundry crimes, and so far forth to proceed in
form of law; but, when the bills were found, then presently to commit them: and, nevertheless, not to produce
them in any reasonable time to their answer, but to suffer
them to languish long in prison, and, by sundry artificial
devices and terrors, to extort from them great fines and
ransoms, which they termed compositions and mitigations.
Neither did they, towards the end, observe so much as the
half face of justice in proceeding by indictment, but sent
forth their precepts to attach men, and convent them before themselves and some others, at their private houses,
in a court of commission; and there used to shuffle up a
summary proceeding by examination, without trial of jury,
assuming to themselves there, to deal both in pleas of the
crown and controversies civil. Then did they also use to
enthral and charge the subjects’ lands with tenures in capite, by finding false offices, and thereby to work upon
them by wardships, liveries, premier seisins, and alienations, being the fruits of those tenures, refusing, upon
divers pretexts and delays, to admit men to traverse those
false offices according to the law. Nay, the king’s wards,
after they had accomplished their full age, could not be
suffered to have livery of their lands, without paying excessive fines, far exceeding all reasonable rates. They did
also vex men with informations of intrusion, upon scarce
colourable titles. When men were outlawed in personal
actions, they would not permit them to purchase their
charters of pardon, except they paid great and intolerable
sums, standing upon the strict point of law, which, upon
outlawries, giveth forfeiture of goods: nay, contrary to all
law and colour, they maintained the king ought to have the
half of men’s lands and rents, during the space of full two
years, for a pain, in case of outlawry. They would also
ruffle with jurors, and enforce them to find as they would
direct and, if they did not, convent them, imprison them,
and fine them.
t the original title of it was, but supposed to be “A Dialogue between a scholar, a gentleman, and a lawyer;” though it was afterwards called “Leicester’s Commonwealth.”
In 1576 happened the death of Walter, earl of Essex,
which drew upon lord Leicester many suspicions, after his
marriage with the countess of Essex took place, which,
however, was not until two years after. In 1578, when
the duke of Anjou pressed the match that had been proposed between himself and the queen, his agent, believing
lord Leicester to be the greatest bar to the duke’s pretensions, informed the queen of his marriage with lady Essex;
upon which her majesty was so enraged, that, as Camden
relates, she commanded him not to stir from the castle of
Greenwich, and would have committed him to the Tower,
if she had not been dissuaded from it by the earl of Sussex.
Lord Leicester being now in the very height of power and
influence, many attempts were made upon his character,
in order to take him down: and in 1584 came out a most
virulent book against him, commonly called “Leicester’s
” the purpose of which was to shew, that
the English constitution was subverted, and a new form
imperceptibly introduced, to which no name could be so
properly given, as that of a “Leicestrian Commonwealth.
In proof of this, the earl was represented as an atheist in
point of religion, a secret traitor to the queen, an oppressor of her people 1 an inveterate enemy to the nobility, a
complete monster with regard to ambition, cruelty, and
Just; and not only so, but as having thrown all offices of
trust into the hands of his creatures, and usurped all the
power of the kingdom. The queen, however, did not fail
to countenance and protect her favourite; and to remove
as much as possible the impression this performance made
upon the vulgar, caused letters to be issued from the privycouncil, in which all the facts contained therein were declared to he absolutely false, not only to the knowledge of
those who signed them, but also of the queen herself.
Nevertheless, this book was universally read, and the contents of it generally received for true: and the great
secrecy with which it was written, printed, and published,
induced a suspicion, that some very able heads were concerned either in drawing it up, or at least in furnishing the
materials. It is not well known what the original title of
it was, but supposed to be “A Dialogue between a scholar, a gentleman, and a lawyer;
” though it was afterwards
called “Leicester’s Commonwealth.
” It has been several
times reprinted, particularly in 1600, 8vo; in 1631, 8vo,
the running-title being “A letter of state to a scholar of
” in Leicester’s Ghost;
” and again in Secret Memoirs of Robert Dudley earl of Leicester,
” with a preface by Dr. Drake, (see Drake) who
pretended it to be printed from an old manuscript. The
design of reprinting it in 1641, was, to give a bad impression of the government of Charles I.; and the same was
supposed to be the design of Dr. Drake in his publication.
In Dec. 1585, lord Leicester embarked for the protestant Low Countries, whither he arrived in quality of governor. At this time the affairs of those countries were in
a perplexed situation; and the States thought that nothing
could contribute so much to their recovery, as prevailing
upon queen Elizabeth to send over some person of great
distinction, whom they might set at the head of their concerns civil and military: which proposition, says Camden,
so much flattered the ambition of this potent earl, that he
willingly consented to pass the seas upon this occasion, as
being well assured of most ample powers. Before his departure, the queen admonished him to have a special regard to her honour, and to attempt nothing inconsistent
with the great employment to which he was advanced:
yet, she was so displeased with some proceedings of his
and the States, that the year after she sent over very severe
letters to them, which drew explanations from the former,
and deep submissions from the latter. The purport of the
queen’s letter was, to reprimand the States “for having
conferred the absolute government of the confederate provinces upon Leicester, her subject, though she had refused
it herself;
” and Leicester, for having presumed to take it
upon him. He returned to England Nov. 1585; and,
notwithstanding what was past, was well received by the
queen. What contributed to make her majesty forget his
offence in the Low Countries, was the pleasure of having
him near her, at a time when she very much wanted his
counsel: for now the affair of Mary queen of Scots was
upon the carpet, and the point was, how to have her taken
off with the least discredit to the queen. The earl according to report, which we could wish to be able to contradict, thought it best to have her poisoned; but that scheme
was not found practicable, so that they were obliged to
have recourse to violence. The earl set out for the Low
Countries in June 1587; but, great discontents arising on
all sides, he was recalled in November. Camden relates,
that on his return, finding an accusation preparing against
him for mal-administration there, and that he w^as summoned to appear before the council, he privately implored
the queen’s protection, and besought her “not to receive
him with disgrace upon his return, whom at his first departure she had sent out with honour; nor bring down
alive to the grave, whom her former goodness had raised
from the dust.
” Which expressions of humility and sorrow wrought so far upon her, that he was admitted into
her former grace and favour.
e characters, &c. of this period, to find Dunbar’s name; but suspects that it was never written by a lawyer. Mr. Warton, in characterising the Scottish poets of this time,
, an eminent Scotch poet, was
born about the year 1465, and, as it is generally supposed,
although without much foundation, at Salton, a village on
the delightful coast of the Forth in East Lothian. This is
collected from what Kennedy, a contemporary poet, says
in one of his satires; who mentions likewise his own wealth,
and Dunbar’s poverty. If we are to credit the same author,
Dunbar was related to the earls of March; but of this there
is no satisfactory evidence. In his youth he seems to have
been a travelling noviciate of the Franciscan order; but
this mode of life not being agreeable to his inclination, he
resigned it, and returned to Scotland, as is supposed, about
1490, when he might be 25 years of age. In his “Thistle
and Rose,
” which was certainly written in The twa marrit wemen and the wedo;
and, “The freirs of Bervvik,
” (if the last be his) were
written before his “Thistle and Rose.
” However tin’s
may have been, Dunbar, after being the author of “The
gold in Terge,
” a poem rich in description, and of many
small pieces of the highest merit, died in old age about
1530. In his younger years, our poet seems to have had
great expectations that his abilities would have recommended him to an ecclesiastical benetice; and in his
smaller poems he frequently addresses the king lor that
purpose: but there is no reason to believe that he was successful, although it may be thought that the “Thistle and
” which was occasioned by the marriage of James IV.
king of Scotland, with Margaret Tudor, eldest daughter
of Henry VII. king of England, deserved better treatment at the hands of the young royal pair. Mr. Pinkerton,
in his list of Scottish poets, tells us, he has looked in vain
over many calendars of the characters, &c. of this period,
to find Dunbar’s name; but suspects that it was never
written by a lawyer. Mr. Warton, in characterising the
Scottish poets of this time, observes that the writers of that
nation have adorned the period with a degree of sentiment
and spirit, a command of phraseology, and a fertility of
imagination, not to be found in any English poet since
Chaucer and Lydgate. “He might safely have added,
says Mr. Pinkerton, “not even in Chaucer or Lydgate.
Concerning Dunbar, Mr. Warton says, that the natural
complexion of his genius is of the moral and didactic cast.
This remark, however, Mr. Pinkerton thinks, must not be
taken too strictly. “The goldin Terge,
” he adds, “is
moral; and so are many of his small pieces: but humour,
description, allegory, great poetical genius, and a vast
wealth of words, all unite to form the complexion of Dunbar’s poetry. He unites, in himself, and generally surpasses the qualities of the chief old English poets; the
morals and satire of Langland; Chaucer’s humour, poetry,
and knowledge of life; the allegory of Gower; the description of Lydgate.
” This is a very high character, but
surely the morality of his poems may be questioned. Several of his compositions contain expressions which appear
to us grossly profane and indecent; and one of his addresses
to the queen would not now be addressed to a modern courtezan. Even the most sacred observances of the church
are converted into topics of ridicule; and its litanies are
burlesqued in a parody, the profaneness of which is almost
unparalleled. The notes added to the collection published
by sir David Daly rm pie in 1770 are peculiarly valuable;
for they not only explain and illustrate the particular
expressions and phrases of the pieces in question, but contain
several curious anecdotes, and throw considerable light on
the manners of the times.
lord-president of the court of session, was the second son of Robert Dundas, esq. an eminent Scotch lawyer, and was born Dec. 9, 1685. Though in no period of his life
, of Arniston, lord-president of the court of session, was the second son of Robert Dundas, esq. an eminent Scotch lawyer, and was born Dec. 9, 1685. Though in no period of his life distinguished for laborious application to study, he had in his earlier years improved his mind by an acquaintance with general literature; and he gained by practice, aided by uncommon acuteness of talents, a profound knowledge of the law. He had been but eight years at the bar, when his reputation pointed him out as the fittest person to hold the office of solicitor general, to which he was appointed by king George I. in 1717, and which was preparatory to that of lord advocate for Scotland, to which he was appointed in 1720. In 1722 he was elected member of parliament for the county of Edinburgh; and in that situation, he distinguished himself by a most vigilant attention to all public measures, in which the welfare of his country was concerned, and by a steady and patriotic regard for its interests. On the change of ministry, which took place in 1725, when sir Robert Walpole and the Argyle party came into power, Mr. Dundas was removed from his office of king’s advocate, and resumed his station without the bar, distinguished only by the honourable title of dean of the faculty of advocates, till he was raised to the bench, in 1737. For nine years he filled the seat of an ordinary judge of the court of session, by the title of lord Arniston, till 1748, when, on the death of Mr. Duncan Forbes, of Culloden, he was appointed to succeed him in the honourable and important office of president of the court.
y his strict principles of honour and inflexible integrity. His own idea of the character, both of a lawyer and of a judge, remains, penned by himself, in that admirable
As a judge, lord Arniston distinguished himself no less by the vigour of his talents, and his knowledge of the laws, than by his strict principles of honour and inflexible integrity. His own idea of the character, both of a lawyer and of a judge, remains, penned by himself, in that admirable euiogiuin on lord Newhall, which stands upon the records of the faculty of advocates; and many of those various talents and accomplishments which he there applied to another, were in a peculiar manner his own. Although he inherited neither the ample stores of various knowledge, nor the enlarged and philosophic mind of his predecessor Forbes, yet he possessed a sound and discriminating judgment, and the manner in which he filled the high offices of the law in times of much difficulty, from the prevalence of party spirit, reflects great honour on his moderation and humanity. This eminent lawyer, after a life devoted to the public good, died August 26, 1753, leaving by his first wife, Elizabeth, the daughter of Robert Watson, esq. of Muirhouse, a son, Robert, the subject of our next article, and by his second wife Anne, the daughter of sir Robert Gordon of Invergordon, bart. five sons and a daughter, one of the sons, the late Henry Dundas, viscount Melville.
America, and from this time appears to have abandoned all thoughts of rising in his profession as a lawyer. In his new pursuit as a statesman, he was highly favoured by
, Lord Viscount Melville, brother to the preceding, by a different mother, was born about 1741, and was educated at the high school and university of Edinburgh. Having studied the law, he was, in 1763, admitted a member of the faculty of advocates, and soon rose to a considerable degree of eminence, and very extensive practice. In 1773 he was appointed solicitorgeneral, and in 1775, lord advocate of Scotland, which office he retained till 1783. In March 1777, he was appointed joint keeper of the signet for Scotland. His office as lord advocate necessarily requiring a seat in parliament, he was elected for the county of Mid- Lothian, and soon distinguished himself as a supporter of administration in all the measures which were pursued in the conduct of the war with America, and from this time appears to have abandoned all thoughts of rising in his profession as a lawyer. In his new pursuit as a statesman, he was highly favoured by natural sense and talents, which were indeed so powerful as to form a balance to his defects in elocution, which were striking. He had taken no
, Lord Ashburton, an eminent lawyer, was the second son of Mr. John Dunning, of Ashburton, Co. Devon,
, Lord Ashburton, an eminent lawyer, was the second son of Mr. John Dunning, of Ashburton, Co. Devon, attorney at law, by Agnes, daughter of Henry Judsham, of Old Port, in the parish of Modbury, in the same county. He was born at Ashburton, Oct. 18, 1731. At the age of seven he was sent to the free grammar-school of his native place, where, during five years, he made an astonishing progress in the classic languages. A book in Homer, or in the Æneid of Virgil, he would get by heart in the course of two hours, and on the top of the school-room, which was wainscotted, he drew out the diagrams of the first book of Euclid, and solved them at the age of ten. He has often been heard to say that he owed all his future fortune to Euclid and sir Isaac Newton. When he left school he was taken into his father’s office, where he remained until his attaining the age of nineteen, at which time sir Thomas Clarke, master of the rolls, (to whom his father had been many years steward) took him under his protection, and sent him to the Temple.
causes, distinguished himself in a manner which procured him the character of a sound constitutional lawyer; and the name of Dunning was frequently and distinctly heard
In 1763 an opportunity occurred of signalizing himself
in an affair which could not fail to make him popular.
Wilkes had now begun to make a figure in the political
world, and by the injudicious conduct of the administration, was rendered a man of that consequence which neither his character nor abilities could have otherwise made
him. His papers being illegally seized by a general warrant, he commenced actions against the then secretaries of
state, and Mr. Dunning being retained counsel in all the
causes, distinguished himself in a manner which procured
him the character of a sound constitutional lawyer; and
the name of Dunning was frequently and distinctly heard
in the popular cry of “Wilkes and Liberty.
” His business from this time gradually increased, and in 1776 was
nearly equal to the sum of 10,000l. per annum.
his profession, when an absolute necessity called him out (his praise being that of the best common lawyer as well as the best orator of his time); but his general eloquence
Few men, in a career requiring the gifts of voice, person, and manner, had ever more difficulties to struggle with than the late lord Ashburton. He was a thick, short, compact man, with a sallow countenance, turned-up nose, a constant shake of the head, with a hectic cough which so frequently interrupted the stream of his eloquence, that to any other man this single defect would be a material impediment in his profession; and yet, with all these personal drawbacks, he no sooner opened a cause which required any exertion of talent, than his mind, like the sun, broke forth in the full meridian of its brightness. His elocution was at once fluent, elegant, and substantial, and partook more of the knowledge of constitutional law than that derived from the old books and reporters; not that he wasdeficient in all the depths of his profession, when an absolute necessity called him out (his praise being that of the best common lawyer as well as the best orator of his time); but his general eloquence partook more of the spirit than the letter of laws. His diction was of the purest and most. classical kind not borrowed from any living model of his time, either in the senate or at the bar it was his own particular formation and if it had any shade, it was perhaps its not being familiar enough, at times, to the common ear: he was, however, master of various kind of styles, and possessed abundance of wit and humour, which often not only '; set the court in a roar," but drew smiles from the gravity of the bench. His more finished speeches in the house of commons, and as a pleader before the bar of the house of lords, were many of them fine models of eloquence: he possessed the copia verbprum so fully that he seldom wanted a word; and when he did, he had great Jinesse in concealing it from his auditory, by repeating some parts of his last sentences by way of illustration: nobody had this management better, as by it he recovered the proper arrangement of his ideas, without any visible interruption in his discourse.
Though in the meridian of this celebrated lawyer’s fame he was far from being deficient in confident boldness,
Though in the meridian of this celebrated lawyer’s fame
he was far from being deficient in confident boldness, he
originally had a very considerable degree of diffidence.
Practice, however, and intimacy with the manner of the
bar, enabled him to overcome this, as far as it was a hindrance, and perhaps a little farther, for often, in the latitude of cross-examination, he indulged himself in sarcasms
on the names and professions of individuals, on provincial
characters, &c. together with those of whole nations; all
of which were much below his learning, his taste, and
general manners: nor can we any other way account for
it, than from that contagion which is sometimes caught
from mixing with narrow men in the profession, who have
no other way of shewing their own importance, than by
endeavouring to raise it on the diffidence, the weakness,
or modesty, of others. He did not, however, always escape
unhurt in these sallies; and one of the poets of that day
rallied him on this unmanly practice. He got another rub
from his friend counsellor Lee (better known by the name of honest Jack Lee) on this account: he was telling Lee
that he had that morning purchased some manors in Devonshire. “I wish,
” said the other, “you could bring
them to Westminster-hall.
No lawyer of his time understood the English constitution better than
No lawyer of his time understood the English constitution better than Dunning. He knew it in spirit as well as
in law; and it was this profound knowledge that kept him
from countenancing the many theoretical systems of reform
that were started at that time, and by several of his friends.
When he was shewn the copy of the duke of Richmond’s
bill for an annual parliament, and a free right of voting
allowed to all over the age of twenty-one (women and lunatics excepted), he observed in his dry way, “The best
thing about the bill was its impracticability.'
” Though so
great an adept in jurisprudence, he was very little inclined
to enter into a lawsuit himself (a caution we have observed peculiar to all great lawyers): one night, on his return to
his house at Fulham, his steward came in to tell him that a
neighbouring farmer had just cut down two great trees on
his premises. “Well,
” says he, “and what did you say
to him?
” “Say to him! Why I told him we should
trounce him severely with a lawsuit.
” “Did you so? then
you must carry it on yourself; for I sha‘n’t trouble my
head about it.
, an eminent English lawyer, was descended from an ancient and honourable family in Somersetshire,
, an eminent
English lawyer, was descended from an ancient and honourable family in Somersetshire, of the same family with
sir Edward Dyer, the poet, who was fourth in descent from
sir James Dyer’s great-grandfather. Sir James was the
second son of Richard Dyer, esq. of Wincalton and Roundhill in Somersetshire, at the latter of which places he was
born about the year 1512. Wood says he was a commoner
of Broadgate-hall (now Pembroke college), Oxford, and
that he left it, without taking a degree, probably about
1530, when he went to the Middle Temple. Here he
appears to have rendered himself conspicuous for learning
anil talents, as in 1552 he performed the office of autumnal
reader to that society; a distinction which was at that time
conferred only upon such as were eminent in their profession. He had, on May 10 preceding, been called to
the degree of serjeant at law, and in the following November his abilities were rewarded with the post of king’s
Serjeant. On the meeting of the last parliament of Edward VI. 1552-3, Dyer was chosen speaker of the house
of commons (that office being considered in those days as peculiarly appropriated to lawyers of eminence), and in
this capacity, on Saturday afternoon, March 4, made “an
ornate oration before the king.
” This is the only particular concerning the speaker which occurs in the Journals of
that short parliament, which sat only for one month; and
the dissolution of which was quickly followed by the death
of that excellent young prince; whose successor, though
in most respects she pursued measures totally opposite to
those of his reign, continued the royal favour to Dyer,
whom, Oct. 19, 1553, she appointed one of her serjeants,
In this office his name appears as one of the commissioners.
on the singular trial of sir Nicholas Throckmorton; when
his jury, with a freedom rarely exercised in that unhappy
period, ventured to acquit the prisoner. Our author’s
behaviour on that occasion is not disgraced by any servile
compliances with the views of the court; yet his regard for
his own character was tempered with so much discretion,
as not to occasion any diminution of her majesty’s protection; for on May 20, 1557, being at that time recorder of
Cambridge, and a knight, he was appointed a judge of the
common pleas, whence on April 23 of the next year, he
was promoted to the queen’s bench, where he sat (though of the reformed religion) during the remainder of this
reign as a puisne judge.
everal select matters and resolutions of the reverend judges and sages of the law, &c.” That eminent lawyer sir Edward Coke recommends to all students in the. law these
Sir James Dyer was the author of a large book of Reports, which were published after his decease, and have
been highly esteemed for their succinctness and solidity.
They were printed in 1585, 1592, 1601, 1606, 1621, and
1672. That of 1688 is enriched by the marginal notes
and references of lord chief justice Treby, and bears the
following title, literally translated from the French: “Reports of several select matters and resolutions of the reverend judges and sages of the law, &c.
” That eminent
lawyer sir Edward Coke recommends to all students in the.
law these Reports, which he calls “The summary and
fruitful observations of that famous and most reverend
judge and sage of the law, sir James Dyer.
” They are
indeed a valuable treasure to the profession. The best
edition is that by John Vaillant, esq. 1794, 3 vols. 8vo,
with a life of the author from an original ms. in the Inner
Temple library. He left behind him also “A Reading
upon the statute of 32 Hen. VIII. cap. 1. of Wills; and
upon the 34th and 35th Hen. VIII. cap. 5. for the explanation of the statute,
” printed at London in 1648, 4to.
, lord Ellesmere, an eminent English statesman and lawyer, the son of Richard Egerton, of Ridley, in Cheshire, was born
, lord Ellesmere, an eminent English statesman and lawyer, the son of Richard Egerton, of Ridley, in Cheshire, was born in Cheshire, about the year 1540. In 1556 he was admitted a commoner of Brasencse college, in Oxford, where he continued about three years; and having laid a good foundation of classical and logical learning, he removed thence to Lincoln’s-inn, and applied himself with such success to the study of the law, that he soon became a noted counsellor. The superior abilities he displayed in the line of his profession, and his distinguished eminence at the bar, attracted the notice of queen Elizabeth, and on June 28, 1581, she appointed him her solicitor-general: the year after he was chosen Lent reader of the society of Lincoln’s-inn, and was made also one of the governors of that society, in which office he continued for twelve years successively. His conduct and proficiency in the law, promoted him on June 2, 1594, to the office of attorney-general, and he was knighted soon after. On the 10th of April, 1593, he was appointed master of the rolls, when he shewed his great friendship to Mr. Francis Bacon, afterwards lord Verulam, by assisting him with his own observations in regard to the office of solicitor-general, then likely to become vacant by the advancement of Mr. Edward Coke to that of attorneygeneral, which was acknowledged by sir Robert Cecil as a favour done personally to himself. Upon the death of sir John Puckering, he had the great eal of England delivered to him at Greenwich on the 6th of May, 1596, with the title of lord keeper, by the special choice and favour of the queen, without any mediator or competitor, and even against the interest of the prime minister and his son; and at the same time he was sworn of her majesty’s privycouncil. He was permitted to hold the mastership of the rolls till May 15, 1603, when James I. conferred it on Edward Bruce, afterwards baron of Kmloss.
lor being much indisposed, and novr in his seventy-fifth year, a professional attack from that great lawyer the lord chief justice Coke, though unable to damp the firmness
Neither the infirmities of. old age, nor the active exertions of a long and laborious life, devoted to the service of
their country, are always a privilege which can shelter
men from unmerited persecution. On the 19th of January,
1615, the lord chancellor being much indisposed, and novr
in his seventy-fifth year, a professional attack from that
great lawyer the lord chief justice Coke, though unable to
damp the firmness of his spirit, threw an additional weight
of anxiety upon his minfl. Sir Edward Coke had heard
and determined a cause at common law, but there was
some collusion in the matter; for, the witness that knew,
and should have related the truth, was prevailed upon to
absent himself, on condition that some person would undertake to excuse his non-appearance. A fellow of the party
undertook it, in a whimsical manner: he went with the
witness to a tavern, called for a gallon of sack, and bade
bim drink; and, leaving him in the act of drinking, went
immediately into court. This witness was called for, on,
whose evidence the issue of the cause depended, when the
fellow answered upon oath, “that he left him in such a
condition, that, if be continued in it but a quarter of an
hour, he was a dead man.
” This evidence of the witness’s
incapacity to appear in court lost the cause. The plaintiffs
removed it into chancery; and the defendants, having
ajreadj ha4 judgment at common law, refused to obey tUe
orders of that court; on which the chancellor, for contempt of cdurt, committed them to prison. Thejr preferred two indictments against his Jordship the last day of
Hilary term, and he was threatened with a preemunire in
the star-chamber upon the statutes 27 Edw. III. and
4 Hen. IV. The lord chancellor being recovered of his
indisposition, pursued this affair in Easter Term with great
spirit and alacrity; and, it being brought to a hearing
before the king as supreme judge of the jurisdiction of
courts, he referred the matter to sir Francis Bacon and sir
Henry Yelverton, his attorney and solicitor, sir Henry
Montague and sir Ranulph Crewe, his Serjeants, and Mr.
Walter, the prince’s attorney, all eminent men in their
profession, who, upon a serious consideration of the statutes, and the occasion of making them, and of the precedents since that tirne^ in April 1616 presented the king
with their opinions and reasons why they conceived these
statutes did not extend to the court of chancery. Consonant to this resolution^ his majesty, upon farther advice,
gave judgment in July following. “That the statute of
27 E. III. ch. 1. and 4 Hen. IV. did not extend to the
court of chancery: for the first was enacted against those
who sued at Rome, and the latter was 'designed to settle
possessions against disturbances, and not to take away
remedy in equity.
” Upon this, his majesty ordered the
case, the certificate, and the transactions thereupon, to
be enrolled in the court of chancery.
deep and sound, his reason clear and comprehensive, his method and elocution elegant and easy. As a lawyer, he was prudent in counsel, extensive in information, just and
His person, as to its exterior, was possessed of such
grave and striking dignity, as to excite the curiosity of
many to go to the chancery in order to see and admire
his venerable presence. His apprehension was keen and
ready, his judgment deep and sound, his reason clear and
comprehensive, his method and elocution elegant and easy.
As a lawyer, he was prudent in counsel, extensive in information, just and honest in principle; so that, while be
lived, he was excelled by none, and, when he died, he
vyas lamented by all. As a statesman, he was able, faithful, and sincere, on all occasions; and, as a judge, impartial and incorrupt. In his private character he was generous, beneficent, and condescending to his friends; and
to his enemies, who were tew, he was merciful and forgiving; and the same spirit of benevolence and affection
which distinguished the whole of his public character,
pervaded his more intimate and domestic connections, and
displayed themselves in every act of his private life.
Though uncommonly successful in every occurrence of his
life, and promoted through the merit of superior parts and
application to the highest honours, neither the insolence
of fortune, nor the splendour of these honours, could, in
his enlarged and exalted mind, efface the sentiments of
the Christian, nor deaden the feelings of the man. Fine
sensibility, the inseparable attendant on fine genius, cultivated by philosophy and religion, was his privilege and
ornament and the pain which it necessarily and
occasionally experienced from the feelings and distresses of
humanity, was abundantly repaid, and often heightened
into enjoyment, by the exercise of a benevolent, and by
the reflections of a Christian and conscientious mind. His
heart was full of faith, and his hope of immortality was
frequently expressed in the apostolic language, “Cupio
dissolvi et ease cuin Christo.
tury, and acquired great reputation for his knowledge of the oriental languages. He was also an able lawyer and divine, and took his degree of doctor in the latter faculty.
, of Oppyck, in Holland,
was born there in the latter part of the sixteenth century,
and acquired great reputation for his knowledge of the
oriental languages. He was also an able lawyer and divine, and took his degree of doctor in the latter faculty.
He studied the oriental languages under Drusius and Erpenius, and after having been professor of theology and
Hebrew at Harderwich for eight years, was, in 1627, made
professor of Hebrew at Leyden, on which occasion he delivered an harangue on the dignity and utility of the Hebrew language, and it was his constant endeavour to diffuse a knowledge of that language, and of the Arabic and
jSyriac, among his countrymen, that they might be the better enabled to combat the objections of the Jews to the
Christian religion. In 1639, count Maurice, governor of
Bresil, appointed him his counsellor. He died in June
1648, very soon after he had begun a course of theology
at Leyden. He lived in much intimacy with Lewis de
Dieu, Daniel Heinsius, and the Buxtorfs, who speak very
highly of him. He offered at one time to superintend the
printing of a Talmudical dictionary in Holland, and endeavoured to bring the younger Buxtorf to Leyden, who had
undertaken to defend the vowel points against Lewis Cappel. We also find him corresponding with our excellent
archbishop Usher. Constantine’s works are, 1 “Coinmentarius ad codicem Babylouicum, seu Tractatus Thalmudicus de mensuris Templi,
” Leyden, Versio et Notae ad Paraphrasin Joseph! Jachiadae in
” Amst. Itinerarium D. Benjaminis,
” Heb. and Lat. Leyden, 8vo. 4. “Moysis Kimchi
Grammatica Chaldaica,
” ibid. 8vo. 5. “Confutatio Abarbanelis et Alscheichi in caput liii. Isaia-,
” ibid. Commentarius in Tractatum Thaimudicum, qui dicitur Porta, de legibus Hebraeorum forensibus,
” Heb. and Lat ibid. Commentariuf
ad Betramum de Republica Hebrseorum,
, a celebrated lawyer, was born at Roorda, in Friesland, in 1529. He studied at Cologne
, a celebrated lawyer, was born at
Roorda, in Friesland, in 1529. He studied at Cologne
and Louvain, and made such rapid progress in the acquisition of the learned languages, that at the age of twenty
he gave public lectures on Homer. He afterwards taught,
not only at Louvain but at Paris, jurisprudence, the belles
lettres, and theology, and afterwards went to Geneva with
a view to inquire if the religious principles of Calvin were
worthy of the reputation they had gained. Not satisfied,
however, with them, -tie returned to the church of Rome
in which he had been educated, and confining his studies
to the civil and canon law, took the degree of doctor in.
1561, at Toulouse, where he had studied under Berenger
Ferdinand, one of the most learned lawyers of his time.
He then returned to Louvain, where he lectured until he
was chosen one of the professors of the new university of
Douay, an office which he held for twenty-seven years,
He died Nov. 16, 1599. He wrote a great many works
on law, ecclesiastical history, &c. among which are, 1.
“Juliani Archiepiscopi Prognosticon, sive de futuro seculo, libri tres,
” Antiquitatum Ecclesiasticarum Syntagmata,
” Heroicarum et
Ecclesiasticarum Q.uestionum libri sex.
” 4. “De Jure
sacro, vel principiorum Juris pontificii, libri tres,
, a Spanish poet, was the son of a celebrated lawyer, and was born at Madrid in 1533. He was brought up in the palace
, a Spanish
poet, was the son of a celebrated lawyer, and was born at
Madrid in 1533. He was brought up in the palace of
Philip II. and fought under him at the famous battle of
Saint Quentin in 1557, after which being desirous to acquire the knowledge of different countries and their inhabitants, he travelled over France, Italy, Germany, and
England. Having heard, while at London, that some provinces of Peru and Chili had revolted against the Spaniards,
their conquerors and their tyrants, he was seized with an
ardent longing to signalize his courage on this new scene
of action. Accordingly he set out on the voyage; and soon
after his arrival, he passed the frontiers of Chili into a little
mountainous region, where he maintained a long and
painful war against the rebels, whom at length he defeated.
It is this war which makes the subject of his poem of the
” so called from the name of the country, and
which has very considerable merit, and several passages
glow with all the charms of animated verse. The descriptions are rich, though defective in variety; but we can
trace no plan, no unity of design, no probability in the
episodes, nor harmony in the characters. This poem
consists of more than 36 cantos, the length of which is
produced by many repetitions and tedious details. Mr.
Hayley, however, has bestowed considerable attention on
it in his “Essay on Epic poetry,
” with a view to recommend it to the English reader. It was printed, for the first
time, in 1597, 12mo; but the best edition is that of
Ma1632, 2 vols. 12mo. The time of his death is hot
known, nor can he be traced beyond 1596.
, lord Dun, an eminent Scotch lawyer, was born at Dun, co. Angus, 1670, and brought up to the law,
, lord Dun, an eminent Scotch lawyer, was born at Dun, co. Angus, 1670, and brought up
to the law, partly in the university of St. Andrew’s, and
partly in that of Paris. In 1696 he was called to the bar
in the court of session, and became a famous pleader. He
opposed the union in the Scottish parliament, and was a
munificent benefactor to the persecuted episcopal clergy.
In 1711 he took his seat on the bench in the court of session, under the title of lord Dun. In 1713 he was appointed one of the commissioners of the court of justiciary,
which he held till 1750, when he retired; and in 1752,
published a most excellent volume in 12mo, under the title
of “Lord Dun’s Advices.
” He died at Dun,
as registered among the advocates, whence he obtained the name of ScholasTicus, a term signifying a lawyer. He practised Jaw at Antioch, where he gained the friendship
, an ancient ecclesiastical historian, was born at Epiphania, a city of Syria,
about the year 536. He was sent to a grammar school at
four years, of age; and two years after, was seized with
the plague, as he himself informs us. He says, that
this pestilence raged two and fifty years, and in a
manner desolated the earth; and that he afterwards lost,
during the several stages of it, many of his children, his
wife, and several of his relations and servants. Quitting
the. grammar-school, he applied himself to rhetoric; and
making a great progress in that art, was registered among
the advocates, whence he obtained the name of ScholasTicus, a term signifying a lawyer. He practised Jaw at
Antioch, where he gained the friendship of George the
patriarch of that city, and was made his counsellor and
assessor. His authority appears to have been great in that
city for, in the year v>92, when deprived of his wife and
children, he married again, an holiday was kept, and a
public marriage festival celebrated in pompous shows. In
jthe reign of Tiberias Constantinus, he had the dignity of
qusestor conferred upon him; and not long after, when he
had made an oration in praise of Mauricius Augustus, upon,
the birth of Theodosius, he was appointed prefect by Mauricius. In the year 589 he attended Gregory, patriarch
of Antioch, to Constantinople, in quality of counsellor,
when he appealed to the emperor and synod upon an accusation of incest, brought against him by a silversmith.
After this he published “Six Books of Ecclesiastical History,
” beginning with the year Letters, relations, decrees, orations, and disputations,
” written chiefly
in the name of Gregory of Antioch; but these are now lost;
as is likewise his “Panegyric to the emperor Mauricius,
upon the birth of Theodosius.
, a very eminent lawyer, and upright magistrate, was born at Gripskerque, in the island
, a very eminent lawyer, and
upright magistrate, was born at Gripskerque, in the island
of Walcheren, in 1462, and studied law at Louvain under
Arnold de Bek, and Peter de Themis, whose praises for
profound knowledge he has celebrated in his “Topica
” In Topica juris, sive loci argumentorum
” of which he printed the first part or century, at
Louvain, in 1516, fol. This he afterwards reviewed and
enlarged, and it was published by his sons in 1552, at
Louvain, and reprinted in 1568 and 1579, at Lyons, and
in 1591 at Francfort. It was afterwards abridged by Abraham Marconet, and published in that form at Magdeburgh,
1655, 12mo. 2. “Consilia, sive responsa juris,
works are an incontestable proof of his learning, which was by no means confined. He. was an orator, lawyer, historian, and poet, a man of excellent private character,
, president of the parliament of
Grenoble, was born Dec. 22, 1561, at Voiron in Dauphiny.
His father Claude Expilli had acquired great reputation in
the army. This his son studied first at Turin, and in 1581
and 1582 went through a course of law studies at Padua,
where he became acquainted with many of the most learned
men of his time, particularly Speroni, Torniel, Decianus,
I'ancirollus, Pinelli, Zabarella, Picolomini, &c. On his
return to France, he took his doctor’s degree at Bourges,
where the celebrated James Cujas bestowed high praise on.
him. He then settled at Grenoble, and acquired such distinction among the advocates of the parliament, that the
king Henry IV. considered him as fit for the highest offices
in law. Expilli was accordingly promoted to that of king’s
procurator in the chamber of finances, king’s advocate in
parliament, and lastly that of president. The same monarch, as well as Louis XIII. employed him in many important affairs in thecomte Venaissin, Piedmont, and Savoy,
where he was first president of the parliament of Chamberi, after that city was taken in 1C 30. Three years after,
the king made use of his services at Piguerol; but on his
return to Grenoble, he died July 22 or 23, 1636, in the
seventy- fifth year of his age. James Philip Thomasini,
bishop of Citta Nova, wrote his eloge, and his life was
written by Antony Boniel de Catilhon, his nephew, and
advocate general of the chamber of accounts in Dauphiny.
It was printed at Grenoble in 1660, 4to. Cherier, in his
History of that province, says of him, that his works are an
incontestable proof of his learning, which was by no means
confined. He. was an orator, lawyer, historian, and poet,
a man of excellent private character, and a liberal patron
of merit, which alone was a sure introduction to his favour.
His works are both in prose and verse. His “Pleadings
” were printed at Paris, French orthography,
” Lyons,
, an eminent lawyer, descended from an ancient and noble family in East Friesland,
, an eminent lawyer, descended
from an ancient and noble family in East Friesland, was
bora at Norden, Nov. 20, 1629. He had the misfortune
to lose his father, when he was in his sixth year, but by
the care of his mother and relations, he was sent to college, where he made great progress in the earlier classical
studies. He then went to Rintelin, and began a course of
law. In 1651 he removed to Marpurg, about the time when
the academy in that city was restored, and here he recounts
among the most fortunate circumstances of his life that he
had au opportunity of studying under Justus Siriold, or
Schutz, and John Helvicus his son, the former of whom
was chancellor of the academy, and the latter was counsellor to the landgrave of Hesse, and afterwards a member
of the imperial aulic council. Under their instructions he
acquired a perfect knowledge of the state of the empire,
and took his doctor’s degree in 1655. Soon after he was
appointed by George II. landgrave of Hesse, to be professor of law, and his lectures were attended by a great
concourse of students from every part of Germany. In
1669 he was invited by the dukes of Brunswick and Lunenburgh to Helmstadt, where he filled the offices of counsellor and assessor with great reputation. He was also appointed by the circle of Lower Saxony a judge of the imperial chamber of Spire, and in 1678 was received among
the number of its assessors. The emperor Leopold, hearing of his eminent character and talents, engaged him to
come to his court in the rank of aulic counsellor, and to
reward his services, restored the rank of nobility which had
been in his family. Eyben died July 25, 1699. His works
were collected into a folio volume, and printed at Strasburgh in 1708. They are all on subjects of law.
His son, Christian William, who was born in 1663, and died in
1727, was also a lawyer and classical antiquary. He published at Strasburgh, in 1684, “Dissertatio de ordine
equestri veterum Romanorum,
” folio, which was afterwards
inserted in Sallengre’s “Thesaurus.
ty in his judicial station, appears from his successive advancements. In 1787 he succeeded that able lawyer and excellent man sir John Skynner, as chief baron of his own
The resolution of the recorder was, however, attended with considerable mortification and some danger. He was summoned to justify his conduct before the common council, and his speech on that occasion was not calculated to avert the vote of censure which followed it. He was not only treated with great acrimony, but it was in the view of the powerful party to deprive him of his office. They, however, contented themselves with holding him forth, not only in their speeches, but in publications and caricatures, as an offensive character, and a city mob at that time was a very unpleasant enemy. In the temper and disposition of administration at this period, such conduct was certain of a reward; and the recorder was, in 1772, appointed a baron of his majesty’s exchequer. In a short time subsequent to his possession of the ermine, on a question proposed to the twelve judges by the house of lords, baron Eyre was distinguished by his argument on that occasion. That he conducted himself with honour and ability in his judicial station, appears from his successive advancements. In 1787 he succeeded that able lawyer and excellent man sir John Skynner, as chief baron of his own court. On the resignation of lord Thurlow in 1792; he was appointed first commissioner of the great seal; and on the removal of lord Loughborough, in the succeeding year, to the chancery bench, he succeeded that noble judge as chief justice of the common pleas, in which situation he continued until his death, at his seat, Ruscombe, in Berkshire, July 6, 1799, in the sixty-fifth year of his age.
, a very learned lawyer and scholar, was born in 1580, at Aix in Provence, whither his
, a very learned lawyer
and scholar, was born in 1580, at Aix in Provence, whither
his father, a native of Nismes in Languedoc, had retired
during the civil wars. After making very distinguished
progress in Greek and Latin, the belles lettres, and
jurisprudence, he was admitted doctor of laws in 1606, and
then became an advocate in the parliament of Aix. Among
the many friends of distinction to whom his talents recommended him, were M. de Peiresc, a counsellor of that parliament, and William de Vair, first president. By the
interest of this last-mentioned gentleman, he was promoted
to the law-professorship at Aix, which office he filled until
1617, when Du Vair being made keeper of the seals, invited him to Paris. On Du Vair’s death in 1621, Fabrot
resumed his office in the university of Aix, where he was
appointed second professor in 1632, and first professor in
1638. At this time he was absent, having the preceding
year gone to Paris to print his notes on the institutes of
Theophilus, an ancient jurist. This work he dedicated to
the chancellor Seguier, who requested him to remain in
Paris, and undertake the translation of 1 the Basilics, or
Constitutions of the Eastern emperors, and gave him a
pension of 2000 livres. This work, and his editions of
some of the historians of Constantinople, which he published afterwards, procured him from the king the office of
counsellor of the parliamentof Provence, but the intervention
of the civil wars rendered this appointment null. During
his stay at Paris, however, several of the French universities were ambitious to add him to the number of their
teachers, particularly Valence and Bourges, offers which
his engagements prevented his accepting. His death is
said to have been hastened by the rigour of his application
in preparing his new edition of Cujas; but his life had already been lengthened beyond the usual period, as he was
in his seventy-ninth year when he died, Jan. 16, 1659.
His works are: 1. “Antiquite’s de la ville de Marseille,
Lyons, Ad tit. Codicis
Theodosiani de Paganis, Sacrificiis, et Templis notae,
Paris, Exercitationes duae de tempore
humani partus et de numero puerperii,
” Aix, Car. Ann. Fabroti Exercitationes XII. Accedunt leges XIV. quae in libris digestarum
deerant, Gr. et Lat. mine primum ex Basilicis editnc,
Paris, 1639, 4to. 5. rt Thcophili Antecessoris InstituiK-iies,“Gr. et Lat. Paris, 1638 and 1657, 4to. 6.
” Inatiuuiones Justiniani, cum notis Jacobi Cujacii,“ibid.
I, 12mo. 7.
” Epistolae de Mutuo, cum responsionc
Claudii Salmasii ad ^gidium Menagium,“Leyden, 1645,
8vo. 8.
” Replicatio adversus C. Salmasii refutationem,“&c. Paris, 1647, 4to. 9.
” Basilicorum libri sexaginta,“Gr. et Lat. ibid. 1647, 7 vols. folio. The whole of the
translation of this elaborate collection of the laws and constitutions of the Eastern emperors, was performed by Fabrot,
except books 38, 39, and 60, which had been translated
by Cujas, whose version he adopted. 10.
” Nicetae Acominati Choniatoe Historia,“ibid. 1647, fol. 11.
” Georgii
Cedreni Compendium historiarum,“Gr. et Lat. ibid. 1647,
2 vols. fol. 12.
” Theophylacti Simocattse Hist, libri octo,“ibid. 1647, fol. 13.
” Anastasii Bibliothecarii Hist. Ecclesiastica,“ibid. 1649, fol. 14.
” Laonici Chalcondyla? Hist.
de origine ac rebus gestis Turcarum, libri decem,“ibid.
1650. fol. 15.
” Praelectio in tit. Decret. Gregorii IX. de
vitaet honestate Clericorum,“ibid. 1651, 4to. 16.
” Constantini Manassis Breviarium Historicum,“Gr. et Lat. ibid,
1655, fol. 17.
” Cujacii Opera omnia,“ibid. 1658, 10
vols. fol. 15.
” J. P. de Maurize Juris Canonici Selecta,“ibid. 1659, 4to. 19.
” Notae in T. Balsamonis collectionem
constitutionum Ecclesiasticarum." This is inserted in the
second volume of Justel and VoePs Bibliotheca of Canon
law. Ruhnkenius published a supplementary volume to
his edition of Cujas at Leyden in 1765.
, an eminent lawyer, was born October 30, 1554, at Rome. He was a Roman advocate,
, an eminent lawyer, was born
October 30, 1554, at Rome. He was a Roman advocate,
and fiscal procurator ^ took pleasure in defending the least
supportable causes, and is said to have acted with extreme
rigour and severity in his office of fiscal procurator. This
conduct drew him into very disagreeable situations, and
would have proved his ruin, had not some cardinals, who
admired his wit and genius, interceded for him with Clement VIII. who said, alluding to the name of Farinaccio,
that “the farina was excellent, but the sack which contained it was good for nothing.
” Farinaccio died at Rome
October 30, 1618, aged sixty-four. His works have been
printed at Antwerp, 1620 and the following make 13 vols.'
folio “Decisiones Rotse,
” 2 vols. “Decisiones Rotas
” 1 vol. “Decisiones Rotae recentissimae,
” 1
vol.; “Repertorium Judiciale,
” 1 vol.; “De Haeresi,
” i
Tol.; “Consilia,
” 2 vols. “Praxis Criminalis,
” 4 vols.
“Succus praxis criminalis,
” 1 vol. All these were considered as valuable works by the Roman lawyers.
, according to a tradition still current at Halifax, was a good divine, a good physician, and a good lawyer, was born at Southampton, and was prepared for the university,
, who, according to a tradition still current at Halifax, was a good divine, a good physician, and
a good lawyer, was born at Southampton, and was prepared for the university, partly there and partly at Winchester-school. From this seminary he was elected
probationer fellow of New-college, Oxford, in 1576, and two
years afterwards was made complete fellow. On June 5,
1592, he proceeded LL. D. and, as Wood says, was made
vicar of Halifax in Yorkshire, Jan. 4, 1593. In August
1608, according to Thoresby, but in March 1618, according to Wood, he was made warden or master of St. Mary
Magdalen’s hospital at Ripon. In March 1616, he was
collated to the prebend of Driffield, and to the chantership of the church of York. He was also chaplain to the
archbishop, and residentiary. He appears to have spent
much of his time in the discharge of the duties of the three
learned professions. In an epistle to the reader, prefixed
to a work we are about to mention, he gives as impediments
to its progress, “preaching every Sabbath-day, lecturing
every day in the week, exercising justice in the commonwealth, and practising physic and chirurgery.
” Amidst
all these engagements, however, he produced a large 4to
volume, printed at London in 1619, entitled “Antiquitie
triumphing over Noveltie; whereby it is proved, that Antiquitie is a true and certain note of the Christian catholicke church and veritie, against all new and upstart heresies, advancing themselves against the religious honour of
Old Rome, &g.
” This is dedicated to archbishop Matthews, and it appears that it was begun by the author,
when he was sixty years old, at the desire, and carried on
under the encouragement of the archbishop. Dr. Favour
died March 10, 1623, probably at an advanced age, and
was buried in Halifax church, where there is an inscription
to his memory.
, in Latin Faber, was a profound lawyer and an author; in a few instances, a poet, for some quatrains
, in Latin Faber, was a profound lawyer and an author; in a few instances, a poet, for some
quatrains by him remain among those of Pi brae, and there
is a tragedy of his e.ytant, entitled “The Gortlians, or
” He was born in
, a very celebrated French mathematician, though by profession a lawyer, was considered by the writers of his own country as having
, a very celebrated French mathematician, though by profession a lawyer, was considered by the writers of his own country as having rendered no less service to mathematical science than Descartes, and as having even prepared the way for the doctrine of infinites, afterwards discovered by Newton and Leibnitz. He was not only the restorer of the ancient geometry, but the introducer of the new. He was born at Toulouse in 1590, educated to the law, and advanced to the dignity of counsellor to the parliament of Toulouse. As a magistrate, his knowledge and integrity were highly esteemed. As a mani of science he was connected with Descartes, Huygens, Pascal, and many others. He is said also to have cultivated poetry. He died in 1664. His mathematical works were published at Toulouse in 1679, in two volumes, folio. The first volume contains the treatise of arithmetic of Diophantus, with a commentary, and several analytical inventions. The second comprises his mathematical discoveries, and his correspondence with the most celebrated geometricians of his age. His son, Samuel Fermat, was also eminent as a literary man, and wrote some learned dissertations.
, a French lawyer, born at Toulon, in 1645, became an advocate in the parliament
, a French lawyer, born at Toulon,
in 1645, became an advocate in the parliament of Paris,
and died in that city, in 1699. Though a layman, he
lived with the rigour of a strict ecclesiastic; and though a
lawyer, his works turn chiefly upon subjects of sacred
learning. They are full of erudition, but not remarkable
for brilliancy or clearness. They are, 1. “A large Commentary on the Psalms,
” in Latin, Reflections on the Christian Religion,
” A Psalter,
” in French and Latin. 4. Some controversial writings against the Calvinists, and others. 5. “A
Letter and Discourse to prove that St. Augustin was a
” an opinion which several learned men have rejected.
, a learned lawyer, a good historian, a celebrated poet, and a most accomplished
, a learned lawyer, a good historian, a celebrated poet, and a most accomplished courtier,
in the reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. Mary, and Elizabeth, was descended from an ancient family in Hertfordshire, and born in a village near St. Alban’s, about
1512. He was bred at Oxford, and removed thence to
Lincoln’s-inn, where he applied himself with so much success to the study of the law, that he was soon taken notice of in Westminster-hall as an advocate, at the same
time that he was much admired at court for his wit and
good-breeding. His first rise in his profession, and at
court, was owing to Cromwell earl of Essex, who was
himself a man of great parts, and took a pleasure in countenancing and advancing others who had talents. Upon
the fall of this patron, he quitted the public exercise of his
profession as a lawyer; not, however, before he had given
evident testimonies of his knowledge and learning, as appears from, 1. “The double translation of Magna Charta
from French into Latin and English.
” 2. “Other laws enacted in the time of Henry III. and Edw. I. translated into
Grafton, was actually written by Ferrars as Stow expressly tells us. Our author was an historian, a lawyer, and a politician, even in his poetry as appears from pieces
But although he made so great a figure in the diversions
of a court, he preserved at the same time his credit with
all the learned world, and was no idle spectator of political
affairs. This appears from the history of the reign of Mary,
which though inserted in the chronicle, and published under the name of Richard Grafton, was actually written by
Ferrars as Stow expressly tells us. Our author was an
historian, a lawyer, and a politician, even in his poetry
as appears from pieces of his, inserted in the celebrated
work entitled * The Mirror for Magistrates,“&c. The
first edition of this work was published in 1559, by William Baldwin, who prefixed an epistle before the second
part of it, wherein he signifies, that it had been intended
to reprint
” The Fall of Princes,“by Boccace, as translated into English by Lidgate the monk; but that, upon
communicating his design to seven of his friends, all of
them sons of the Muses, they dissuaded him from that, and
proposed to look over the English Chronicles, and to pick
out and dress up in a poetic habit such stories as might
tend to edification. To this collection Ferrars contributed
the following pieces: 1.
” The Fall of Robert Tresilian,
Chief Justice of England, and other his fellows, for misconstruing the Laws, and expounding them to serve the
Prince’s affections.' 7 2. “The Tragedy, or unlawful murder of Thomas of Woodstock, duke of Gloucester.' 13.
” Tragedy of king Richard II.“4.
” The Story of dame
Eleanor Cobham, dutchess of Gloucester,“much altered
and augmented in the second edition of 1587, in which are
added, to the four already mentioned, 5.
” The Story of
Humphrey Plantagenet, duke of Gloucester, protector of
” The Tragedy of Edmund duke of Somerset." A farther account will be given of this work when
we come to the article Sackville.
, an eminent lawyer, called sometimes the Cato of France, was born at Toulouse in
, an eminent lawyer, called sometimes the Cato of France, was born at
Toulouse in 1506. He was admitted a doctor of law at
Padua; and from a professor in the university of Toulouse,
was raised to be a counsellor in the parliament of the same
city. It is remarkable of him, that though he was a protestant in his heart for a good part of his life, he did not
profess himself to be so till a little before his death. He
had indeed often discovered that he was no bigotted papist;
and was so strongly suspected of heresy in 1559, that he
would have been imprisoned if he had not made his escape.
He harangued, in 1562, in the council of Trent, whither
he was sent ambassador by the French king; and he expressed himself in so bold a manner in favour of the interests of France, that the Italian priests were highly
offended at him. He went afterwards ambassador to Venice, where he continued several years; and took occasion
to assist father Paul in collecting materials for his “History of the Council of Trent.
” On his return from Venice,
Du Plessis Mornay, who knew his thoughts, pressed him
so earnestly to declare the truth, that Ferrier openly professed himself a protestant, and the king of Navarre made
him his chancellor. He was about seventy-six years old
at the time of his renouncing popery; and he only lived to
seventy-nine. He died in 1585. It has been said that he
conspired with the chancellor de l'Hospital to break the
knot which united the French king with the holy see; to
assemble a national council, in which the king of France,
after the example of the king of England, should be declared head of the Gallican church; and to usurp all the
estates of the church of France. He was reckoned among
the greatest men in Europe, and was the author of some
literary works.
, a French lawyer, was born in 1515, and was a counsellor of the parliament of
, a French lawyer, was born
in 1515, and was a counsellor of the parliament of Bourdeaux. He was an elegant writer in Latin, an imitator of
the style of Terence, admired by Scaliger, and honoured
by him with the name of Atticus. --He continued the history of France in Latin (which Paulus Æmilius, a writer of Verona, had given from the reign of Pharamond to 1488) as far as the end of the reign of Francis I. This
work was published at Paris, by Vascosan, in 1554, fol.
and 1555, 8vo. It is copious, but not too long, and
abounds with curious anecdotes and very exact details.
He wrote also “Observations sur la Coutume de Bourdeaux,
” Lyons,
ertations on subjects of law and philology, and a discourse on the death of Brandmuller, the learned lawyer.
, an able antiquary, doctor and lawprofessor at Basil, and afterwards secretary of that city,
was born July 6, 1647. His regular studies were philosophy and law, to which he joined a knowledge of Greek
and Roman antiquities, induced at first by a tine museum
which his father had, and which he afterwards greatly
enriched. In 1667 he went to Grenoble and Lyons, where
be contracted an acquaintance with Spoil; and after visiting some other parts of France, arrived in England, and
formed an intimacy with many of its learned men, particularly Dr. Thomas Gale, who was then employed on his
edition of Jamhlicus; and Fesch supplied him with some
useful observations from an ancient manuscript in his library, an obligation which Gale has politely acknowledged.
After his return to Basil, in 1672, he supported some
theses “De Insignibus,
” in which he displayed much
learning, and which were reprinted in German in the form
of a treatise. In 1678 he set out on a tour in search of
antiquary lore, to Austria, Carinthia, and Italy, making
some stay at Padua with his friend Charles Patin, who was
then professor of medicine. He was unanimously admitted a member of the society of the Ricovrati, and pronounced on that occasion a panegyric on the republic of
Venice, in Greek and Latin verse, before the principal
personages of the city of Padua, and it was afterwards
printed. At Rome he visited every object of curiosity,
and made considerable additions to his collection of Greek
and other rare medals. Having examined the very rare
piece of Pylaemon Euergetes, king of Paphlagonia, he
wrote a dissertation on it, which Gronovius reprinted in his
Greek Antiquities. On his return home he took the degree of doctor in law, and was soon after chosen syndic of
the city of Basil, and secretary, and regent of the schools.
He died May 27, 1712. Besides the works above-mentioned, he published some dissertations on subjects of law
and philology, and a discourse on the death of Brandmuller, the learned lawyer.
, was a lawyer of Frankfort on the Maine, and syndic of that town, where he
, was a lawyer of Frankfort on the
Maine, and syndic of that town, where he died in 1581,
at the age of sixty-nine. He was the author of several
works, of winch the most famous was his “Virorum qui
superiori nostroque steculo eruditione et doctrina illustres
atque memorabiles fuerunt, Vitae,
” Francfort, Vitae
recentiorum jurisconsultorum,
” Padua, Onomasticon philosophico-medico synonymum,
” De
” Concilium Matrimoniale,
, earl of Clare, and lord high chancellor of Ireland, the son of John Fitzgibbon, esq. an eminent lawyer at the Irish bar, who died in 1780, was born in 1749, educated
, earl of Clare, and lord high chancellor of Ireland, the son of John Fitzgibbon, esq. an eminent lawyer at the Irish bar, who died in 1780, was born in 1749, educated at the universities of Dublin and Oxford, and afterwards entered upon the study of the law, of which profession he became the great ornament in his native country. In 1784 he was appointed attorney-general on the elevation of Mr. Scott to the bench, and on the decease of lord chancellor Lifford in 1789, his lordship received the seals, and was raised to the dignity of the peerage by the title of baron Fitzgibbon of Lower Connello. To these dignities were added the titles of viscount Clare, Dec. 20, 1793, and earl of Clare, June 10, 1795; and the English barony of Fitzgibbon of Sidbury, in Devonshire, Sept. 24, 1799. In 1802 his health appeared to be so seriously affected, that his physicians thought proper to recommend a more genial climate; and he had arrived at Dublin from his country seat at Mountshannon, designing to proceed immediately to Bath, or if his strength permitted to the south of France. The immediate cause of his death was the loss of a great quantity of blood, while at Mountshannon, which was followed by such extreme weakness, that upon his arrival at Dublin on the 25th, there was reason to fear he could not survive the ensuing day; on Wednesday these alarming appearances increased so much, that upon a consultation of physicians, he was given over. On being made acquainted with this melancholy truth, the firmness of his lordship’s mind did not forsake him. To prevent any impediment to the public business, he directed the new law officers to be called, and from his bed administered to them the necessary oaths. Soon after, his lordship fell into a lethargic slumber, and continued motionless until Thursday Jan. 28, 1802, when he ceased to breathe.
, a very learned lawyer in the reign of Henry VIII. was descended from an ancient family,
, a very learned lawyer in the reign of Henry VIII. was descended from an ancient family, and was the younger son of Ralph Fitzherbert, esq. He was born at Norbury, co. Derby , but it is not known in what year. After he had been properly educated in the country, he was sent to Oxford, and from thence to one of the inns of court; but we neither know of what college, nor of what inn he* was admitted. His great parts, judgment, and diligence, soon distinguished him in his profession; and in process of time he became so eminent, that on Nov. 18, 1511, he was called to be a serjeant at law. In 1516 he received the honour of knighthood, and the year after was appointed one of his majesty’s Serjeants at law. He began now to present the world with the product of his studies; and published from time to time several valuable works. In 1523, which was the fifteenth year of Henry the Eighth’s reign, he was made one of the justices of the court of common pleas, in which honourable station he spent the remaining part of his life; discharging the duties of his office with such ability and integrity, that he was universally respected as the oracle of the law. Two remarkable things are related of his conduct; one, that he openly opposed cardinal Wolsey in the height of his power, although chiefly on the score of alienating the church lands; the other, that on his death-bed, foreseeing the changes that were likely to happen in the church as well as state, he pressed his children in very strong terms to promise him solemnly neither to accept grants, nor to make purchases of abbey-lands. He died May 27, 1515—8, and was buried in his own parish church of Norbury. He left behind him a very numerous posterity; and as he became by the death of his elder brother John possessed of the family estate, he was in a condition to provide very plentifully for them. The Fitzherbert family, in the different branches of it, continues to flourish, chiefly in Derbyshire and Staffordshire.
This learned lawyer’s works are, 1. “The Grand Abridgment collected by that most
This learned lawyer’s works are, 1. “The Grand Abridgment collected by that most reverend judge, Mr. Anthony
Fitzherbert, lately conferred with his own manuscript corrected by himself, together with the references of the cases
to the books, by which they may be easily found; an improvement never before made. Also in this edition the
additions or supplements are placed at the end of their
respective titles.
” Thus runs the title of the edition of
” Ames also
mentions an edition by Wynken de Worde, in 1516, and dates,
Pynson’s edition 1514, but it is questionable whether this
edition attributed to Wynken de Worde be not the production of a foreign printer. To the edition of 1577, is
added a most useful and accurate table, by the care of
William Rastall, serjeant at law, and also one of the jus
tices of the common pleas, in the reign of queen Mary;
which table, as well as the work, together with its author,
is very highly commended by the lord chief justice Coke.
It is indeed one of our most ancient and authentic legal
records, as it contains a great number of original authorities quoted by different authors, which are not extant in
the year-books, or elsewhere to be found in print. 2.
“The Office and Authority of Justices of Peace, compiled
and extracted out of the old books, as well of the Common
Law, as of the Statutes, 1538,
” and reprinted often, the
last edition in The Office of Sheriffs, Bailiffs
of Liberties, Escheators, Constables, Coroners,
” &c. Of the. Diversity of Courts,
” Mirrour of Justices.
5. “The New Natura Brevium,
” Of the Surveying
of Lands,
” The Book of Husbandry, very
profitable and necessary for all persons,
” Of Measuring Lands,
” he mentions his
book “Of Agriculture,
” and in the advertisement prefixed
to the same book, it is expressly said, that the author of
that treatise of “Measuring,
” was the author likewise of
the book “Concerning the Office of a Justice of Peace.
Whence it appears, that both those books were written by
this author, who perhaps in the seasons which allowed him
leisure to go into the country, might apply himself as vigorously to husbandry in the country, as to the law when
in town; and commit his thoughts to paper. He appears
to have been the first Englishman who studied the nature
of soils, and the laws of vegetation, with philosophical attention. On these he formed a theory confirmed by experiments, and rendered the study pleasing as well as
profitable, by realizing the principles of the ancients, to
the honour and advantage of his country. These books
being written at a time when philosophy and science were
but just emerging from that gloom in which they had long
been buried, were doubtless replete with many errors; but
they contained the rudiments of true knowledge, and revived the study and love of agriculture.
, an English lawyer, and recorder of London in the reign of Elizabeth, was the natural
, an English lawyer, and recorder of London in the reign of Elizabeth, was the natural son of Robert Fleetwood, esq. who was the third sou
of William Fleetwood, esq. of Hesketh in Lancashire. He
had a liberal education, and was for some time of Oxford,
whence he went to the Middle Temple, to study the law;
and having quick as well as strong parts, became in a
short time a very distinguished man in his profession. In
1562 he was elected summer reader, and in 1568 double
reader in Lent. His reputation was not confined to the
inns of court; for when it was thought necessary to appoint
commissioners in the nature of a royal visitation in the
dioceses of Oxford, Lincoln, Peterborough, Coventry, and
Litchtield, Fleetwood was of the number. In 1569 he
became recorder of London. It does not appear whether
his interest with the earl of Leicester procured him that
place or not; but it is certain that he was considered as a
person entirely addicted to that nobleman’s service, for he
is styled in one of the bitterest libels of those times, “Leicester’s mad recorder;
” insinuating, that he was placed
in his office to encourage those of this lord’s faction in the
city. He was very zealous against the papists, active in
disturbing mass-houses, committing popish priests, and
giving informations of their intrigues: so zealous, that
once rushing in upon mass at the Portuguese ambassador’s
house, he was, for breach of privilege, committed prisoner
to the Fleet, though soon released. In 1580 he was made
serjeant at law, and in 1592, one of the qneen’s Serjeants;
in which post, however, he did not continue long, for he
died at his house in Noble-street, Aldersgate, February
28, 1594, and was buried at Great Missenden in Buckinghamshire, where he had purchased an estate. He was
married, and had children. Wood says that “he was a
learned man, and a good antiquary, but of a marvellous
merry and pleasant conceit,
” He was farther esteemed
an acute politician; which character was most likely to
recommend him to his patron Leicester. He was a good
popular speaker, and wrote well upon subjects of government. He made a great figure in his profession, being
equally celebrated for eloquence as an advocate, and for
judgment as a lawyer.
, a very eminent Scottish lawyer, was born at Culloden, in the county of Inverness, in 1685,
, a very eminent Scottish lawyer,
was born at Culloden, in the county of Inverness, in 1685,
and educated in the university of Edinburgh, whence he
removed to Utrecht, and afterwards to Paris, where he
studied the civil law. He returned, in 1710, to Scotland,
and was called to the bar in the court of session. His
abilities as an advocate were soon noticed, and he obtained
great practice. In 1717, he was appointed solicitor-general of Scotland. In 1722, he was returned member for
the county of Inverness; and in 1725, was promoted to
the dignity of lord-advocate. He was further advanced in
1742, to be lord-president of the court of session, in which
high station he acted with such integrity, that he was
esteemed and honoured by his country. During the rebellion in 1745 and 6, he used the utmost of his power to
oppose the pretender, and mortgaged his estate to support
the government. With great reason he applied to the
ministry for a repayment of those expences which he had
incurred by his loyalty, and their refusal, undoubtedly a
stain on the history of the times, is said to have operated
so strongly upon his mind, as to produce a fever, of which
he died in 1747, at the age of 62. His writings were
chiefly on theological subjects, without any reference to
his profession; they are, 1. “Thoughts on Religion.
2. “A Letter to a Bishop.
” 3. “Reflections on Incredulity,
, an Austrian lawyer, was born in 1598. He published a political work at the age
, an Austrian lawyer, was
born in 1598. He published a political work at the age of
nineteen, entitled “Hypomnemata politica,
” and spoke
a congratulatory harangue at Padua in the name of the
German youth, in the presence of John Cornaro, who was
just elected doge of Venice, with which the latter was so
much pleased, that he honoured Forstner with the order of
St. Mark. Forstner went afterwards into France, and returned to Germany, where, having been some time counsellor to the count de Hohenloe, and his envoy at Vienna,
he became vice-chancellor, then chancellor of Montbeliard.
He was afterwards employed in the negociations for the
peace of Munster, and discovered so much prudence, and
such great abilities, that the count de Traumandorf, the
emperor’s plenipotentiary, procured him the rank of aulic
counsellor. He died October 28, 1667, and left, besides
his “Hypomnemata politica,
” De principatu Tiberii, Notæ politicæ ad Taciturn,
” a collection of
his Letters on the Peace of Munster; “Omissorum Liber;
“Epistola apologetica ad amicum, contra secreti Temeratores, et Epistola de moderno Imperii statu;
” and two
historical letters, in tom. XIV. of Schelhorn’s Amœnitates
, an eminent English lawyer in the reign of Henry VI. was descended from an ancient family
, an eminent English lawyer
in the reign of Henry VI. was descended from an ancient
family in Devonshire: but we cannot learn either the
place or time of his birth. It is also uncertain in which
^university he studied, or whether he studied in any. Prince,
in his -Worthies of Devonshire, supposes him to havebeen
educated at Oxford, and bishop Tanner fixes him to Exeter, college: and the great learning every where shewn in
his writings makes these conjectures probable. When he
turned his thoughts to the municipal laws of the land, he
settled at Lincoln’s Inn, where he quickly distinguished
himself by his knowledge of civil as well as common law.
The first date that occurs, with respect to his preferments,
is the fourth year of Henry VI.; when, as Dugdale informs
us, he was made one of the governors of Lincoln’s Inn,
and honoured with the same employment three years after.
In 1430 he was made a serjeant at law; and, as himself tells
us, kept his feast on that occasion with very great splendour,
In 1441 he was made a king’s serjeant at law; and, the year
after, chief justice of the king’s bench. He is highly commended by our most eminent writers, for the wisdom, gravity, and uprightness, with which he presided in that court
for many years. He remained in great favour with the king,
of which he received a signal proof, by an unnsual augmentation of his salary. He held his office through the reign
of Henry VI. to whom he steadily adhered, and served
him faithfully in all his troubles; for which, in the first
parliament of Edward IV. which began at Westminster,
Nov. 1461, he was attainted of high treason, in the same
act by which Henry VI. queen Margaret, Edward their
son, and many persons of the first distinction, were likewise attainted. After this, Henry fled into Scotland, and
it is generally believed, that he then made Fortescne chancellor of England. His name, indeed, upon this occasion,
is not found recorded in the patent rolls; because, as
Selden says, “being with Henry VI. driven into Scotland
by the fortune of the wars wijth the house of York, he was
made chancellor of England while he was there.
” Several
writers have styled him chancellor of England; and, in
his book “De laudibus legum Anglia;,
” he calls himself
“Cancellarius Angliae.
, an eminent lawyer, was born at Marlborough in Wiltshire, Dec. 16, 1689. His father
, an eminent lawyer, was born
at Marlborough in Wiltshire, Dec. 16, 1689. His father
Michael, and his grandfather John, were attornies in that
place. After attending the free-school there, Mr. Foster
was matriculated at Oxford May 7, 1705, and studied
about two years at Exeter college, but like many eminent
men in the profession of the law, left it without taking a
degree. On May 23, 1707, he was admitted into the society of the Middle Temple, and in due time was called to
the bar, but not having much success as an advocate,
he retired into the country, and settled in his native town.
Here he contracted an intimacy with Algernon, earl of
Hertford, afterwards duke of Somerset, which continued
many years, and until the death of the noble duke, who
by his will appointed his friend executor in trust with his
son-in-law Hugh, earl (afterwards duke) of Northumberland. In 1725 he married Martha, the eldest daughter of
James Lyde, esq. of Stantonwick in Somersetshire; and
in a few years afterwards he removed to Bristol, where he
exercised his profession with great reputation and considerable success; and in August 1735 he was chosen rer
corder of the city, which office he retained many years.
Soon after accepting this office in Easter term, 1736, he
took on him the degree of serjeant at law. In 1720 he
had published “A Letter of Advice to protestant Dissenters,
” in which he is said to discover the most liberal and
enlarged views; and in 1735 he published a pamphlet
which engaged the public attention very much, entitled
“An Examination of the scheme of Church power laid
down in the Codex juris ecclesiastici Anglicani, &c.
” In
this he controverted the system of church power vested in
the clergy, and which forms the ground-work of bishop
Gibson’s “Codex.
” Several answers, however, were published to Mr. Foster’s pamphlet, the principal one by Dr.
Andrews, a civilian. Mr. Foster seems to have promised
a continuation, in reply to him and others, but did not
pursue the subject. In the postscript, however, to the
third edition of his pamphlet, he adverts to “the personal
” with which Dr. Andrews had treated him; and
adds, “It is not in my nature to make any return of that
kind. I forgive him with all my heart. If, upon poor
reflection, he can forgive himself, I pity him.
and an Art of Poetry, was born of a noble family at Fresnaye, near Falaise, iiv 1534-. He was bred a lawyer, and became the king’s advocate for the bailliage of Caen, and
, an early poet of
France, father of the celebrated Iveteaux, and the first
who wrote satires in French, and an Art of Poetry, was
born of a noble family at Fresnaye, near Falaise, iiv
1534-. He was bred a lawyer, and became the king’s advocate for the bailliage of Caen, and afterwards lieutenantgeneral and president of that city, where he died at the
age of seventy-two, in 1606. He wrote, 1. “Satires,
which though esteemed less strong than those of Regnier,
and less witty than those of Boileau, have truth and nature, and contain simple narratives, the style of which has,
something pleasing. 2. “The Art of Poetry.
” Copious
specimens of this performance may be seen in the notes
of St. Marc, on Boileau’s Art of Poetry. It has
considerable merit, but a merit which haa been superseded by later
efforts. 3. Two books of Idyllia, and three of epigrams,
epitaphs, and sonnets. 4. A poem on the monarchy. All
these were collected by himself in an edition of poems,
published at Caen in 1605.
iversity of Ingoldstadt being committed, by William duke of Bavaria, to Leonard Eccius, a celebrated lawyer, acquainted with the merit of Fuchs, he procured his return
, an eminent German physician and botanist, was born at Wembding, in Bavaria, in 1501. After a classical education at Hailbrun and Erfurt, he went in his nineteenth year to Ingoldstadt, where he pursued the study of the learned languages under Capnius and Ceporinus, two eminent professors, who had embraced the doctrines of the reformation, which they imparted to their pupil. He received the degree of master of arts in 1521, and having also studied medicine, was admitted to his doctor’s degree in 1524. He first practised at Munich, where he married, and had a large family, and in 1526 he removed to Ingoldstadt, and was made professor of medicine; but his religion occasioning some trouble, he settled at Onoltzbach about two years afterwards, under the patronage and protection of George, margrave of Bayreuth. Here he was very successful as a practitioner, and published some treatises on the healing art. In 1533, the management of the university of Ingoldstadt being committed, by William duke of Bavaria, to Leonard Eccius, a celebrated lawyer, acquainted with the merit of Fuchs, he procured his return to his former professorship; but his zeal for the reformed religion was still too prominent not to give offence, especially, we should suppose, to John Eccius (see Eccius), then a professor there, and he returned to Onoltzbach. Two years after, however, he found an honourable asylum in the university of Tubingen, which Ulric, duke of Wirtemberg, had determined to supply with protestant professors, and where he provided Fuchs with an ample salary, and every encouragement. In this place he remained until his death, May 10, 1566. He died in the arms of his wife and children, full of faith and fortitude, having in the course of his illness been observed to experience no relief from his sufferings, but while conversing with his friends on the subjects of religion and a future state, which made him forget every thing else, and he expressed himself with all his usual energy and perspicuity. He was interred, the day after his death, in a burying-ground adjoining to the town, where his first wife had been deposited but little more than three years before.
, an ingenious and learned lawyer, was born at Paris in 1620; and, after a liberal education,
, an ingenious and learned lawyer, was born at Paris in 1620; and, after a liberal education, became eminent in the civil and canon law. He
was first an advocate in the parliament; and afterwards,
taking orders, was presented to the abbey of Chalivoy,
and the priory of Chuines. Many works of literature recommended him to the public; but he is chiefly known
and valued for his “Universal Dictionary of the French
” in which he explains the terms of art in all
sciences. He died in 1688. He was of the French academy, but, though a very useful member, was excluded
in 1685, on the accusation of having composed his
dictionary, by taking advantage of that of the academy, which
was then going on. He justified himself by statements,
in which he was very severe against the academy; but
wished, a little before his death, to be re-admitted; and
he offered to give any satisfaction, which could reasonably
be expected from a man, who owned he had been carried
too far by the heat of disputation. His dictionary was not
printed till after his death, in 2 vols. fol. Basnage de
Beauval published an edition at Amsterdam, 1725, 4 vols.,
fol. This dictionary was the foundation of that known by
the name of Trevoux, the last edition of which is, Paris,
1771, 8 vols. fol. His other works are: “Facta,
” and.
other pieces, against his brother academicians. “Relation
des Troubles arrives au Ro‘iaume d’Eloquence;
” a tolerably good critical allegory. “Le Roman Bourgeois,
” 12mo
or 8vo; a book esteemed in its time. Five “Satires
” in
verse, 12mo, which are not valued. “Paraboles Evangeliques,
” inverse, Furetieriana,
” in which there are some amusing anecdotes.
, a Protestant lawyer, and an able defender of the reformed religion against the Roman
, a Protestant lawyer, and
an able defender of the reformed religion against the Roman catholics and Socinians, was born at Vienne, in
Dauphiny, in the sixteenth century; but we have no dates
of his birth or death. Some of the works we are about to
mention have been attributed to his son Vincent, although
improperly, and he is with equal impropriety called Valentine in some biographical works. He was president of
the chamber of the edict at Grenoble, established in 1576;
and published an Apology for the Protestant Religion, in
Latin; the best edition of which is that of Geneva, 1588,
8vo, and several other works; the principal of which are,
“Le Bureau du Concile deTrente,
” Geneva, L'Anti Machiavel,
Leyden, Anti Socinus,
, an eminent German lawyer, was a native of Pforzeim. He was a professor of law at Strasburg,
, an eminent German lawyer,
was a native of Pforzeim. He was a professor of law at
Strasburg, where he died very old, Jan. 20, 1560. He
was greatly distinguished and respected in his day. Thuanus
calls him, 4t Virum optimum, & pariter doctrina ac morum suavitate excellentem.“His principal work is an excellent description of Greece, under the title of
” Isagoge
in tabulam Graeciae Nicolai Sophiani,“Basil, 1550, folio.
There are besides of Gerbelius, 1.
” Vita Joh. Cuspixiiani.“2.
” De Anabaptistorum ortu & progressu" a
curious work. He published also a New Testament, in
1521, 4to, an extremely rare edition, printed at Haguenau.
evots indiscrets.” This last is a translation of the “Monita Salutaria” of Adam Windelfels, a German lawyer* Many others are enumerated by Moreri.
, a famous writer in favour of
Jansenism, was born at Saint Calais, in the French province of Maine, in 1628, and was first of the oratory, and
then became a Benedictine in the congregation of St.
Maur, in 1649. He there taught theology for some years
with considerable success, but being too free in his opinions
in favour of the Jansenists, was ordered to be arrested by
Louis XIV. in 1682, at the abbey of Corbie. He contrived,
however, to escape into Holland, but the air of that country
disagreeing with him, he changed his situation for the Low
Countries. In 1703 he was taken into custody by the
bishop of Mechlin, and being condemned for errors on the
doctrine of grace, suffered imprisonment at Amiens, and
in the castle of Vincennes. No sufferings could shake his
zeal for what he thought the truth, and in 17 10 he was
given up to the superiors of his own order, who sent him
to the abbey of St. Denis, where he died in 1711. He
was author of many works on the subjects of controversy
then agitated, particularly a general History of Jansenism,
3 vols. 12mo, Amsterdam, 1703, for which he was called
a violent Jansenist. His other principal works were, edi->
tions of Marius Mercator, St. Anselm, and Baius; the
Apology of Rupert, abbot of Tuy, respecting the Eucharist, in Latin, 8vo; “Le veritable Penitent, ou Apologie
cte ja Penitence,
” 12mo, against P. Hazard, a Jesuit
“La verit6 Catholique victorieuse, sur la Predestination
et la Grace efficase
” “Traité historique sur la Grace
“Lettres a M. Bossuet, Eveque de Meaux
” “La confiance Chretienne
” “Le Chretien disabuse
”“” La Regie
des Moeurs contre les fausses Maximes de la Morale corrompue,“12mo;
” La Defense de l‘Eglise Romaine’.'
and “Avis salutaires de la Sainte Vierge a ses Devots indiscrets.
” This last is a translation of the “Monita Salutaria
” of Adam Windelfels, a German lawyer* Many others
are enumerated by Moreri.
, an eminent lawyer, whose writings are much valued both for matter and manner,
, an eminent
lawyer, whose writings are much valued both for matter
and manner, was born at Turin in 1551, of a noble Piedmontese family. For some reasons, not explained, his
education was neglected until he had attained the age of
twenty-two, but he then applied with great diligence to
the study of the law, and after taking his degrees at Turin,
was appointed professor of the canon-law. This was so
much to his inclination, that he continued in the office,
although promoted to be archdeacon of Turin, and apostolical prothonotary. As archdeacon he accompanied the
archbishop of Turin to Rome, and acquired the esteem of
the popes Sixtus V. Urban VII. Gregory XIV. and Clement VIII. By the last he was employed in compiling
part of the Decretals, with notes and illustrations. After
other honours and preferments had been bestowed on him,
he was made archbishop of Tarantesia in Savoy. He died
on an embassy at the court of Madrid in 1627. Besides
his notes on the decretals, and other smaller pieces on the
digest and code, he published “De Sacrorum immunitatibus lib. tres, &c.
” Rome, Pomeiidianae
sessiones in quibus Latin Linguse dignitas defenditur,
Turin, Opera
Omnia ab ipso recognita,
” Rome,
, a learned critic, was the son of an eminent lawyer, and born at Antwerp, Aug. 6, 1593. Many authors have called
, a learned critic, was the
son of an eminent lawyer, and born at Antwerp, Aug. 6,
1593. Many authors have called him simply John Caspar,
and sometimes he did this himself, whence he was at one
time better known by the name of Caspar than of Gevartius.
His first application to letters was in the college of Jesuits
at Antwerp, whence he removed to Louvain, and then to
Douay. He went to Paris in 1617, and spent some years
there in the conversation of the learned. Returning to the
Low Countries in 1621, he took the degree of LL. D.
in the university of Douay, and afterwards went to Antwerp,' where he was made town-clerk, a post he held to
the end of his life. He married in 1625, and died in 1666.
He had always a taste for classical learning, and devoted a
great part of his time to literary pursuits. In 1621 he
published at Leyden, in 8vo, “Lectionum Papinianarum
Libri quinque in Statii Papinii Sylvas;
” and, at Paris in
Electorum Libri tres, in quibus plurima veterum Scriptorum loco obscura et controv.ersa explicantur,
illustrantur, et emendantur.
” These, though published
when he was young, have established his reputation as a
critic. He derived also some credit from his poetical attempts, particularly a Latin poem, published at Paris,
1618, on the death of Thuanus. He kept a constant correspondence with the learned of his time, and some of his
letters have been printed in the “Sylloge Epistolarum,
by Burman. Our Bentley mentions Caspar Gevartius as a
man famous in his day; and tells us, that “he undertook
an edition of the poet Manilius, but was prevented by
” from executing it.