Abbot, a clothworker in that town, and Alice March, who, having been sufferers by the persecution in queen Mary’s reign, educated their children in a steady zeal for the
, archbishop of Canterbury, was born at Guildford, in Surrey, Oct. 29, 1562, the son of Maurice Abbot, a clothworker in that town, and Alice March, who, having been sufferers by the persecution in queen Mary’s reign, educated their children in a steady zeal for the Protestant religion. George was sent, with his elder brother Robert, to the free-school of Guildford, where he was educated under Mr. Francis Taylor, and in 1578 was entered of Baliol college, Oxford. On April 31, 1582, he took the degree of bachelor of arts, and Nov. 29, 1583, was elected probationer fellow of his college. After taking his master’s degree, Dec. 17, 1585, he entered into holy orders, became a celebrated preacher in the University, and was sometime chaplain to Thomas lord Buckhurst. In 1593, March 4, he commenced bachelor of divinity, and proceeded doctor of that faculty May 9, 1597. On September 6 he was elected master of University college, to which he afterwards proved a benefactor. About this time some differences took place between him and Dr. Laud, which subsisted as long as they lived.
on a collection of songs in several languages, with a dedication to king William. Towards the end of queen Anne’s reign he was at Cambridge with his lute, but met with
After having rambled for many years, he probably returned to England; for, in 1701, he published at London a collection of songs in several languages, with a dedication to king William. Towards the end of queen Anne’s reign he was at Cambridge with his lute, but met with little encouragement. How long he lived afterwards is not known. This artist is said to have possessed some secrets, by which he preserved the natural tone of his voice to an extreme old age.
modern languages. These qualifications introduced him at court, where he became domestic chaplain to queen Catherine, wife of Henry VIII. and tauoht her music and grammar.
, an English divine, was
educated at Oxford, where he took the degree of B. A.
July 4, 1513, and that of M. A. June 27, 1516, and afterwards proceeding in divinity, became doctor of that faculty. He was not only a man of learning, but a great
master of instrumental music, and well skilled in the modern languages. These qualifications introduced him at
court, where he became domestic chaplain to queen Catherine, wife of Henry VIII. and tauoht her music and grammar. Strype calls him “the lady Marie’s chaplain.
” In
Tractatus de
non dissolvendo Henrici et Catherinæ matrimonio.
” Tanner mentions this, or perhaps another tract, by the name
of “Invicta Veritas: An answer, that by no manner of
Jaw it may be lawful for the king to be divorced from the
queen’s grace, his lawful and very wife.
” It is not improbable that this was a distinct tract from the former, as in
the Stat. 25 Henry VIII. c. 12, he is mentioned as having
“caused to be printed divers books against the said divorce and separation animating the said lady Catherine
to persist in her opinion against the divorce procured
divers writings to be made by her by the name of Queen-abetted her servants to call her Queen.
” In 1534 he was
prosecuted for being concerned in the affair of Elizabeth
Barton, called the Holy Maid of Kent, and was found
guilty of misprision of treason. He was also one of those
who denied the king’s supremacy over the church; for
which he was imprisoned, and afterwardshanged, drawn,
and quartered in Smithfield, July 30, 1540. In a room in
Beauchamp’s Tower, in the Tower of London, anciently a
place of confinement for state prisoners, are a great number of inscriptions on the wall, written by the prisoners,
and among others, under the word Thomas a great A upon
a bell, a punning rebus on his name.
ye of his aunt, lady Bromley, widow of sir Edward Bromley, a baron of the Exchequer in the reigns of queen Elizabeth and James I. At what time he came to London, we are
, an eminent magistrate of the
city of London, was one of the younger sons of James
Abney, esq. of Willesley, in the county of Derby, where
his ancestors had resided for upwards of five hundred years.
He was born January 1639; and, as his mother died in his
infancy, his father placed him at Loughborough school, in
Leicestershire; to be under the eye of his aunt, lady Bromley, widow of sir Edward Bromley, a baron of the Exchequer in the reigns of queen Elizabeth and James I. At
what time he came to London, we are not told; but he
appears to have carded on business with success and reputation, as in 1693 he was elected sheriff of London, and
in the following year he was chosen alderman of Vintry
ward, and about the same time received the honour of
knighthood from king William. In 1700, some years before
his turn, he was chosen lord mayor, and employecd his
influence in favour of the Protestant religion with much
zeal. He had the courage, at this critical juncture, when
the king of France had proclaimed the Pretender king of
Great Britain, to propose an address from the Corporation
to king William, although opposed by the majority of his
brethren on the bench; and he completely succeeded. The
example being followed by other corporations, this measure
proved of substantial service to the king, who was thereby
encouraged to dissolve the Parliament, and take the sense
of the people, which was almost universally in favour of
the Protestant succession. The zeal sir Thomas had displayed in this affair, as well as his steady adherence to the
civil and religious privileges established by the Revolution,
rendered him so popular, that his fellow-citizens elected
him their representative in parliament. He was also one of
the first promoters of the Bank of England, and for many
years before his death was one of its directors. He died
Feb. 6, 1721-2, aged 83, after having survived all his
senior brethren of the court of Aldermen, and become the
father of the city. He was a man of strict piety and independence of mind, and munificent in his charities. Having
been educated among the dissenters, he attended their
places of worship in common, but in his magistracy attended the church, on all public occasions, and. wjien solicited to support pubirc charities. The most remarkable
circumstance of his hospitality, is the kind and lasting asyr
lum which he provided for the celebrated Dr. Watts at his
house at Stoke Newington. That eminent divine was attacked by an illness in 1712, which incapacitated him for
public service. “This calamitous state,
” says Dr. Johnson,
“made the compassion. of his friends necessary, and drew
upon him the attention of sir Thomas Abney, who received
him into his house; where, with a constancy of friendship
and uniformity of conduct not often to be found, he was
treated for thirty-six years with all the kindness that friendship could prompt, and all the attention that respect could
dictate. Sir Thomas died about eight years afterwards,
but he continued with the lady and her daughters to the end
of his life.
D. an English divine and civilian, of whose birth and family we have no account. During the reign of queen Mary, he travelled in France and Italy, where he studied the
, LL. D. an English divine and civilian, of whose birth and family we have no account. During the reign of queen Mary, he travelled in France and Italy, where he studied the civil law. In 1560, he was public orator at Cambridge; and, in the following year, created doctor of laws. In 1562, he was admitted an advocate in the Arches court; and afterwards lived in the family of archbishop Parker, who gave him a prebend, probably that of Southwell. In 1567, he was vicar-general to Home, bishop of Winchester; and, in 1575, the archbishop of Canterbury permitted him to hold the rectory of Elington, alias Wroughton, in the diocese of Sarum, with any other benefice. In 1576, he was appointed master of the faculties, and judge of the prerogative court, in Ireland, after he had been turned out of all the situations he held in England, on account of his dissolute conduct. When, he died is not known. He wrote, in his better days:
Calvin. From thence he went to Strasburgh, and lastly to England, where he was hospitably received. Queen Elizabeth gave him a pension, not as a divine, but as an engineer.
, a divine, philosopher, and civilian of the sixteenth century, was born at
Trent, where he was afterwards in orders; but, being disposed to a liberality of sentiment not tolerated there, he
went to Switzerland in 1557, and made profession of the
Protestant religion on the principles of Calvin. From
thence he went to Strasburgh, and lastly to England,
where he was hospitably received. Queen Elizabeth gave
him a pension, not as a divine, but as an engineer. In
gratitude, he addressed to her his book on the “Stratagems
of Satan,
” a work in which are unquestionably many sentiments of greater liberality than the times allowed, but, at
the same time, a laxity of principle which would reduceill
religions into one, or rather create an indifference about
the choice of any. It was first printed at Basle, in 1565,
under the title of “De stratagematibus Satanae in religionis negotio, per superstitionem, errorem, heresim,
odium, calumniam, schisma, &c. libri VIII.
” It was afterwards often reprinted and translated into most European
languages. His latest biographer says, that this work may
be considered as the precursor of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, and thoso other English philosophers who have reduced the articles of religion to a very small number, and
maintain that all sects hold its essential principles. Acontius, however, had his enemies and his supporters; and
even the former could allow that, in many respects, he
anticipated the freedom and liberality of more enlightened
times, although he was, in many points, fanciful and unguarded. A better work of his is entitled “De methodo sive
recta investigandarum, tradendarumque artium, ac scientiarum ratione, libellus,
” Basle, De Studiis bene instituejulis,
” Utrecht, Ars muniendorum oppidorum,
” in Italian and Latin, was published
at Geneva in Stratagemata,
” is an excellent epistle by him, on the method of
editing books. He had also made some progress in a treatise on logic, as he mentions in the above epistle, and predicts the improvements of after-times.
we find attributed to him, “Observations on the power of alienation in the Crown before the first of queen Anne, supported by precedents, and the opinions of many learned
Mr. Adair was not distinguished for luminous talents,
but was esteemed an able constitutional lawyer; his eloquence was vigorous and impressive, but his voice was harsh,
and manner uncourteous. He is said to have been the author
of “Thoughts on the dismission of Officers, civil and military, for their conduct in Parliament,
” Observations on the
power of alienation in the Crown before the first of queen
Anne, supported by precedents, and the opinions of many
learned judges; together with some remarks on the conduct of administration respecting the case of the duke of
cardinal de Fleury, and the public adjudged him the prize; but Lemoyne was employed. The tomb of the queen of Poland, wife of Stanislaus, is esteemed one of his best works.
, brother of the preceding, and likewise an eminent artist, was born at Nancy,
March 22, 1705. He studied under his father at Paris, and
in 1726 went to Rome. Two years after he gained one of
the prizes of the academy of St. Luke. At this time his
brother, the subject of the preceding article, and Francis,
a younger brother, were at Rome, and assisted each other
in their labours. After a residence of nine years, he returned to Paris, and with some opposition was admitted
into the academy, where he exhibited his model of “Prometheus,
” but did not execute it until long after. Next
year he executed the “martyrdom of St. Victoria,
” a bas-relief in bronze, for the royal chapel at Versailles. For
some time he assisted his brother in “the Neptune;
” but,
a disagreement occurring, quitted this, and employed
himself at the hotel Soubise, the chamber of accounts, and
the abbey of St. Dennis. He was a candidate for the
mausoleum of the cardinal de Fleury, and the public adjudged him the prize; but Lemoyne was employed. The
tomb of the queen of Poland, wife of Stanislaus, is esteemed
one of his best works. His Prometheus was finished in
1763, and the king of Prussia offered him 30,000 franks
for it; but Adam said it was executed for his master, and
no longer his own property. He died March 27, 1778, in
his 75th year. His merits as a sculptor have been thought
equal to those of his brother. It is said to have been his
constant prayer that he might be neither the first northe
last in his art, but attain an honourable middle rank, as
the surest way to avoid jealousy on the one hand, or contempt on the other; and his last biographer thinks his
prayer was heard. The younger brother, Francis-Gaspard,
exercised his profession as a sculptor for some years with
considerable reputation, and obtained a prize from the
French academy, but no important works of his are mentioned; he died at Paris in 1759.
ed by Lord Harcourt, the chancellor. He was also a prebendary of Canterbury, chaplain in ordinary to Queen Anne, and in 1708, canon of Windsor. In 1711 he was presented
, D. D. Provost of King’s College, Cambridge, was born in London, and educated at Cambridge, where he was admitted of King’s College in 1678; took the degree of A. B. 1682, and A. M. 1686. He afterwards travelled into Spain, Italy, France, and Ireland; and in 1687 was presented by the lord chancellor Jeffries to the living of Hickam in Leicestershire. In London, he was lecturer of St. Clement’s; rector of St. Alban’s Woodstreet, in the gift of Eton College; and Rector of St. Bartholomew, presented by Lord Harcourt, the chancellor. He was also a prebendary of Canterbury, chaplain in ordinary to Queen Anne, and in 1708, canon of Windsor. In 1711 he was presented to the living of Hornsey, by Compton, bishop of London; and in the following year elected provost of King’s College, which he held until his death in 1719. He was considered as an eloquent preacher, and often employed on public occasions. Fifteen of his sermons were printed from 1695 to 1712.
566 he set out for Paris, as tutor to a young gentleman. In the month of June in the same year, Mary queen of Scots being delivered of a son, afterwards James VI. of Scotland,
, a Scottish prelate, archbishop of St. Andrew’s. He was born 1543, in the town of Perth, where he received the rudiments of his education, and afterwards studied philosophy, and took his degree of M. A. at the university of St. Andrew’s. In the year 1566 he set out for Paris, as tutor to a young gentleman. In the month of June in the same year, Mary queen of Scots being delivered of a son, afterwards James VI. of Scotland, and first of England, Mr. Adamson wrote a Latin poem on the occasion, in which he styled him king of England and France. This proof of his loyalty involved him in some difficulties, causing him to be arrested in France, and confined for six months; but he escaped by the intercession, of queen Mary, and some of the principal nobility. As soon as he recovered his liberty, he retired with his pupil to Bourges. He was in this city during the massacre at Paris; and, the same bloody persecuting spirit prevailing amongst the Catholics at Bourges as at the metropolis, he lived concealed for seven months at a public-house, the master of which, upwards of 70 years of age, was thrown from the top of the building, and had his brains dashed out, for his charity to heretics. Whilst Mr. Adamson lay thus in his sepulchre, as he called it, he wrote his Latin poetical version of the book of Job, and his tragedy of Herod, in the same language. In 1573, he returned to Scotland; and, having entered into holy orders, became minister of Paisley. In 1575, he was appointed one of the commissioners, by the general assembly, to settle the jurisdiction and policy of the church; and the following year he was named, with Mr. David Lindsay, to report their proceedings to the earl of Moreton, then regent. About this time, the earl made him one of his chaplains, and, on the death of bishop Douglas, promoted him to the archiepiscopal see of St. Andrew’s, a dignity which brought upon him great trouble and uneasiness; for he was extremely obnoxious to the Presbyterian party, and many inconsistent absurd stories were propagated about him. Soon after his promotion, he published his Catechism in Latin verse, a work highly approved, even by his enemies; who, nevertheless, continued to persecute him with great violence. In 1578, he submitted himself to the general assembly, which procured him peace but for a very little time; for, the year following, they brought fresh accusations against him. In the year 1582, being attacked with a grievous disease, in which the physicians could give him no relief, he happened to take a simple medicine from an old woman, which did him service. The woman, whose name was Alison Pearsone, was immediately charged with witchcraft, and committed to prison, but escaped out of her confinement: however, about four years afterwards, she was again found, and burnt for a witch. In 1583, king James came to St. Andrew’s; and the archbishop, being much recovered, preached before him, and disputed with Mr. Andrew Melvil, in presence of his Majesty, with great reputation, which drew upon him fresh calumny and persecution. The king, however, was so well pleased with him, that he sent him ambassador to queen Elizabeth, at whose court he resided for some years. His conduct, during his embassy, has been variously reported by different authofsV Two things he principally laboured, viz. the recommending the king, his master, to the nobility and gentry of England, and the procuring some support for the episcopal party in Scotland. By his eloquent preaching he drew after him such crowds of people, and raised in their minds Such a high idea of the young king, his master, that queen Elizabeth forbade him to enter the pulpit during his stay in her dominions. In 1584 he was recalled, and sat in the parliament held in August at Edinburgh. The Presbyterian party were still very violent against the archbishop. A provincial synod was held at St. Andrew’s in April 1586; where the archbishop was accused and excommunicated: he appealed to the king and the states, but this availed him but little; for the mob being excited against him, it became dangerous to appear in public in the city of St. Andrew’s. At the next general assembly, a paper being produced, containing the archbishop’s submission, he was absolved from the excommunication. In 1588, fresh accusations were brought against him. The year following, he published the Lamentations of the prophet Jeremiah, in Latin verse, which he dedicated to the king, complaining of his hard usage. In the latter end of the same year, he published a translation of the Apocalypse in Latin verse, and a copy of Latin verses, addressed also to his Majesty, when he was in great distress. The king, however, was so far from giving him assistance, that he granted the revenue of his see to the duke of Lenox so that the remaining part of this prelate’s life was very wretched — he having hardly subsistence for his family, notwithstanding his necessities compelled him to deliver to the assembly a formal recantation of all his opinions concerning church government. He died in 1591. His works were printed in a 4to volume in London in 1619, with his Life by Thomas Volusenus, or Wilson. Besides the contents of this volume, our author wrote many things which were never published: such as, six books on the Hebrew republick, various translations of the prophets into Latin verse, Praelections on St. Paul’s Epistles to Timothy, various apologetical and funeral orations; and, what deserves most to be regretted, a very candid history of his own times. His character has. been variously represented, as may be seen in Calderwood and Spotiswood’s Histories, Mackenzie’s Lives of Scottish Authors, and the last edition of the Biographia Britannica. He appears to have been one of those men of whom no just estimate can be formed, without taking into the account the distraction of the times in which he lived.
orth in Westmoreland, in 1632, was educated at the grammar school of Appleby, and afterwards sent to Queen’s college, Oxford, upon the foundation. He was admitted B. A.
, son of Lancelot Addison a.
clergyman, born at Mauldismeaburne in the parish of
Crosby Ravens worth in Westmoreland, in 1632, was educated at the grammar school of Appleby, and afterwards
sent to Queen’s college, Oxford, upon the foundation. He
was admitted B. A. Jan. 25, 1654, and M. A. July 4, 1657.
As he now had greatly distinguished himself in the univer?
sity, he was chosen one of the terras filii for the act celebrated in 1658; but, his oration abounding in personal
satire against the ignorance, hypocrisy, and avarice of those
then in power, he was compelled to make a recantation,
and to akk pardon on his knees. Soon after he left Oxford, and retired to Petworth in Sussex, where he resided
till the restoration. The gentlemen of Sussex having recommended him to Dr. King, bishop of Chester, as a man
who had suffered for his loyalty and attachment to th.e constitution of church and state; the bishop received him
kindly, and in all probability would have preferred him,
had he not, contrary to his lordship’s approbation, accepted of the chaplainship at Dunkirk; where he continued till
1662, when, the place being delivered up to the French,
he returned to England. The year following he went
chaplain to the garrison at Tangier, where he resided some
years; and came back to England in 1670, with a resolution to return to Tangier. He was appointed chaplain in
ordinary to his majesty soon after his coming over; but had
no thoughts, however, of quitting his chaplamship at Tangier, until it was conferred upon another, by which Mr.
Addison became poor in his circumstances. In this situation of his affairs, a gentleman in Wiltshire bestowed on
him the rectory of Milston, in Wilts, worth about 120l. per
annum. Soon after he was also made prebendary of Minor
pars altaris, in the cathedral of Sarum; and took the degrees of B. and D. D. at Oxford, July 6, 1675. His preferments, though not very considerable, enabled him to
live in the country with great decency and hospitality; and
he discharged his duty with a most conscientious diligence.
In 1683 the commissioners for ecclesiastical affairs, in consideration of his former service at Tangier, conferred upon
him the deanry of Lichfield, in which he was installed July
3; was collated to the archdeaconry of Coventry Dec. 8,
1684, and held it with his deanry in commendam. In the
convocation, which met Dec. 4, 1689, dean Addison was
one of the committee appointed by the lower house to acquaint the lords, that they had consented to a conference
on the subject of an address to the king. He died April
20, 1703, and was buried in the church-yard of Lichfield,
at the entrance of the west door, with the following epitaph
“Hie jacet Lancelotus Addison, S. T. P. hujus ecclesiae
decanus, necnon archidiaconus Coventrise, qui obiit 20
die Aprilis, ann. Dom. 1703, aetatis suae 71.
” He was
twice married; first to Jane, daughter of Nathaniel Gulston, esq., and sister to Dr. William Gulston, bishop of
Bristol, by whom he had, Jane, who died in her infancy;
Joseph, or whom in thenext article; Gulston, who died governor of Fort St. George in the East Indies; Dorothy,
married first to Dr. Sartre, prebendary of Westminster, secondly to Daniel Combes, esq.; Anne, who died young;
and Lancelot, fellow of Magdalen college, Oxford, an
able classical scholar.
sir Rich. Steele, which their joint labours have so effectually recorded. In 1687 he was entered of Queen’s college in Oxford; where, in 1689, the accidental perusal
, son of Dr. Addison mentioned in
the last article, and one of the most illustrious ornaments
of his time, was born May 1, 1672, at Milston near Ambrosbury, Wiltshire, where his father was rector. Appearing
weak and unlikely to live, he was christened the same day.
Mr. Tyers says, that he was laid out for dead as soon as he
was born. He received the first rudiments of his education
at the place of his nativity, under the rev. Mr. Naish; but
was soon removed to Salisbury, under the care of Mr. Taylor; and thence to Lichfield, where his father placed him
for some time, probably not long, under Mr. Shaw, then
master of the school there. From Lichfield he was sent to
the Charter-house, where he pursued his juvenile studies
under the care of Dr. Ellis, and contracted that intimacy
with sir Rich. Steele, which their joint labours have so effectually recorded. In 1687 he was entered of Queen’s
college in Oxford; where, in 1689, the accidental perusal
of some Latin verses gained him the patronage of Dr. Lancaster, by whose recommendation he was elected into
Magdalen college as demy. Here he took the degree of
M. A. Feb. 14, 1693; continued to cultivate poetry and
criticism, and grew first eminent by his Latin compositions,
which are entitled to particular praise, and seem to have had
much of his fondness; for he collected a second volume of
the Musæ Anglicanæ, perhaps for a convenient receptacle;
in which all his Latin pieces are inserted, and where his
poem on the Peace has the first place. He afterwards
presented the collection to Boileau, who from that time
conceived an opinion of the English genius for poetry. In
his 22d year he first shewed his power of English poetry, by
some verses addressed to Dryden; and soon afterwards
published a translation of the greater part of the fourth
Georgic upon Bees. About the same time he composed
the arguments prefixed to the several books of Dry den’s
Virgil; and produced an essay on the Georgics, juvenile,
superficial, and uninstructive, without much either of the
scholar’s learning or the critic’s penetration. His next paper
of verses contained a character of the principal English
poets, inscribed to Henry Sacheverell, who was then, if
not a poet, a writer of verses; as is shewn by his version of
a small part of Virgil’s Georgics, published in the Miscellanies, and a Latin encomium on queen Mary, in the Musae
Anglicana?. At this time he was paying his addresses to
SacheverelPs sister. These verses exhibit all the fondness
of friendship; but, on one side or the other, friendship was
too weak for the malignity of faction. In this poem is a
very confident and discriminative character of Spenser,
whose work he had then never read. It is necessary to inform the reader, that about this time he was introduced by
Congreve to Montague, then chancellor of the exchequer:
Addison was now learning the trade of a courtier, and subjoined Montague as a poetical name to those of Cowley and
of Dryden. By the influence of Mr. Montague, concurring
with his natural modesty, he was diverted from his original
design of entering into holy orders. Montague alleged the
corruption of men who engaged in civil employments without liberal education; and declared, that, though he was
represented as an enemy to the church, he would never do
it any injury but by withholding Addison from it. Soon
after, in 1695, he wrote a poem to king William, with a
kind of rhyming introduction addressed to lord Somers.
King William had no regard to elegance or literature; his
study was only war; yet by a choice of ministers whose disposition was very different from his own, he procured,
without intention, a very liberal patronage to poetry. Addison was caressed both by Somers and Montague. In 1697
he wrote his poem on the peace of Ryswick, which he dedicated to Montague, and which was afterwards called by
Smith “the best Latin poem since the Æneid.
” Having
yet no public employment, he obtained in distressed by indigence, and
compelled to become the tutor of a travelling squire.
” At
his return he published his travels, with a dedication to
lord Somers. This book, though a while neglected, is said
in time to have become so much the favourite of the publick, that before it was reprinted it rose to five times its price.
When he returned to England in 1702, with a meanness of
appearance which gave testimony to the difficulties to which
tie had been reduced, he found his old patrons out of
power; but he remained not long neglected or useless.
The victory at Blenheim 1704 spread triumph and confidence over the nation; and lord Godolphin, lamenting to
lord Halifax that it had not been celebrated in a manner
equal to the subject, desired him to propose it to some better poet. Halifax named Addison; who, having undertaken the work, communicated it to the treasurer, while it
was yet advanced no further than the simile of the angel,
and was immediately rewarded by succeeding Mr. Locke
in the place of commissioner of appeals. In the following
year he was at Hanover with lord Halifax; and the year
after was made under-secretary of state, first to sir Charles
Hedges, and in a few months more to the earl of Sunderland. About this time the prevalent taste for Italian operas
inclining him to try what would be the effect of a musical
drama in our own language; he wrote the opera of Rosajnond, which, when exhibited on the stage, was either
hissed or neglected; but, trusting that the readers would
do him more justice, he published it, with an inscription to
the duchess of Marlborough. His reputation had been
somewhat advanced by The Tender Husband, a comedy,
which Steele dedicated to him, with a confession that he
owed to him several of the most successful scenes. To this
play Addison supplied a prologue. When the marquis of
Wharton was appointed lord lieutenant of Ireland, Addison
attended him as his secretary; and was made keeper of the
records in Bermingham’s tower, with a salary of 300l. a
year. The office was little more than nominal, and the
salary was augmented for his accommodation. When he
was in office, he made a law to himself, as Swift has recorded, never to remit his regular fees in civility to his friends
“I may have a hundred friends; and if my fee be two
guineas, I shall by relinquishing my right lose 200 guineas,
and no friend gain more than two.
” He was in Ireland
when Steele, without any communication of his design,
began the publication of the Tatler; but he was not long
concealed: by inserting a remark on Virgil, which Addison
had given him, he discovered himself. Steele’s first Tatler
was published April 22, 1709, and Addison’s contribution
appeared May 26. Tickell observes, that the Tatler began and was concluded without his concurrence. This is
doubtless literally true; but the work did not suffer much
by his unconsciousness of its commencement, or his absence at its cessation; for he continued his assistance to
Dec. 23, and the paper stopped on Jan. 2. He did not
distinguish his pieces by any signature.
choed every clap, to shew that the satire was unfelt. When it was printed, notice was given that the queen would be pleased if it was dedicated to her; “but as he had
The year 1713, in which Cato came upon the stage,
was the grand climacteric of Addison’s reputation. Upon
the death of Cato, he had, as is said, planned a tragedy in
the time of his travels, and had for several years the four
first acts finished, which were shewn to such as were likely
to spread their admiration. By a request, which perhaps
he wished to be denied, he desired Mr. Hughes to add a
fifth act. Hughes supposed him serious; and, undertaking
the supplement, brought in a few days some scenes for his
examination; but he had in the mean time gone to work
himself, and produced half an act, which he afterwards
completed, but with brevity irregularly disproportionate to
the foregoing parts. The great, the important day came
on, when Addison was to stand the hazard of the theatre.
That there might, however, be left as little to hazard as
was possible, on the first night Steele, as himself relates,
undertook to pack an audience. The danger was soon
over. The whole nation was at that time on fire with faction. The whigs applauded every line in which liberty
was mentioned, as a satire on the tories; and the tories
echoed every clap, to shew that the satire was unfelt. When
it was printed, notice was given that the queen would be
pleased if it was dedicated to her; “but as he had designed that compliment elsewhere, he found himself obliged,
says Tickell, “by his duty on the one hand, and his honour on the other, to send it into the world without any
was made secretary to the regency, and was required by his office to send notice to Hanover that the queen was dead, and that the throne was vacant. To do this would not
When the house of Hanover took possession of the throne, it was reasonable to expect that the zeal of Addisoti would be suitably rewarded. Before the arrival of king George he was made secretary to the regency, and was required by his office to send notice to Hanover that the queen was dead, and that the throne was vacant. To do this would not have been difficult to any man but Addison, who was so overwhelmed with the greatness of the event, and so distracted by choice of expression, that the lords, who could not wait for the niceties of criticism, called Mr. Southwell, a clerk in the house, and ordered him to dispatch the message. Southwell readily told what was necessary, in the common style of business, and valued himself upon having done what was too hard for Addison. He was better qualified for the Freeholder, a paper which he published twice a week, from Dec. 23, 1715, to the middle of the next year. This was undertaken in defence of the established government, sometimes with argument, sometimes with mirth. In argument he had many equals; but his humour was singular and matchless.
son Harold, alleging that the late king had enjoined him to set the crown upon none but the issue of queen Emma; that he had given the king a promise upon this head, and
, or Egelnoth, or Æthelnoth, in Latin Achelnotus, archbishop
of Canterbury in the reign of
Canute the Great, succeeded to that see in the year 1020.
This prelate, surnamed the Good, was son of earl Agilmer,
and, at the time of his election, dean of Canterbury.
After his promotion he went to Rome, and received his
pall from pope Benedict VIII. In his way thither, as he
passed through Pavia, he purchased, for an hundred talents
of silver and one of gold, St. Augustine’s arm, which was
kept there as a relic; and sent it over to England, as a
present to Leofric, earl of Coventry. Upon his return, he
is said to have raised the see of Coventry to its former
lustre. He was much in favour with king Canute, and
employed his interest with that monarch to good purposes.
It was by his advice the king sent over large sums of money
for the support of the foreign churches: and Malmsbury
observes, that this prince was prompted to acts of piety,
and restrained from excesses, by the regard he had for the
archbishop. King Canute being dead, Agelnoth refused
to crown his son Harold, alleging that the late king had
enjoined him to set the crown upon none but the issue of
queen Emma; that he had given the king a promise upon
this head, and that he was resolved to be true to his engagement. Having declared himself with this freedom, he
iaid the crown upon the altar, with an imprecation against
those bishops who should venture to perform the ceremony.
Harold, who was greatly chagrined at this disappointment,
endeavoured, both by menaces and large offers, to prevail
upon the archbishop, but in vain: and whether he was
afterwards crowned by any other person is uncertain.
Agelnoth, after he had held the see of Canterbury seventeen years, died Oct. 29, 1038. Three works have been
attributed to him “A panegyric on the blessed Virgin
” “A letter to Earl Leofric, concerning St, Augustine;
” and “Letters to several persons.
cian and Latin poet. He was afterwards a justice of peace in Warwickshire. He wrote the genealogy of Queen Elizabeth, for which she gave him an animal pension of live
, educated at Eton, and in 1536
elected to King’s College, Cambridge, of which he afterwards became a fellow and M. A. was esteemed a very good
Grecian and Latin poet. He was afterwards a justice of
peace in Warwickshire. He wrote the genealogy of Queen
Elizabeth, for which she gave him an animal pension of
live pounds and a Latin poem “in obitum duorum Suffolciensium fratrum,
” which is printed in Wilson’s “Epigrammata,
y), the son of Edward Aglionby, esq. and Elizabeth Musgrave of Crookdayke, was admitted a student of Queen’s College, Oxford, in 1583. Being elected fellow, he went into
, an eminent divine of a very ancient family in Cumberland (whose name was de Aguilon, corruptly Aglionby), the son of Edward Aglionby, esq. and
Elizabeth Musgrave of Crookdayke, was admitted a student
of Queen’s College, Oxford, in 1583. Being elected fellow, he went into orders, and became an eloquent and
learned preacher. Afterwards he travelled abroad, and
was introduced to the acquaintance of the famous cardinal
Bellarmin. On his return he was made chaplain in ordinary to Queen Elizabeth, and in 1600 took the degree of
D. D. About that time he obtained the rectory of Islip,
near Oxford, and in 1601 was elected principal of St. Edmund’s hall. He was likewise chaplain in ordinary to
king James I. and, according to Wood, had a considerable
share in the translation of the New Testament ordered by
the king in 1604. The Biog. Brit, says, that Wood mentions no authority for this assertion; but Wood, in his
Annals, gives his name among the other Oxford divines
who were to translate the Gospels, Acts, and Apocalypse.
Dr. Aglionby died at Islip, Feb. 6, 1609-10, aged fortythree, and was buried in the chancel of the parish church.
He was eminent for his learning, deeply read in the Fathers,
and a distinguished critic in the languages. His son
George Aglionby was eighth dean of Canterbury, byappointment of Charles I. but was never installed, nor
reaped any advantage by it, as the parliament had then
(1642) seized on the profits of those capitular bodies,
which were within the power of their arms, and he survived his nomination but a few months, dying at Oxford
Nov. 1643, aged forty. From this family probably descended William Aglionby, a gentleman of polite learning, who was envoy from Queen Anne to the Swiss Cantons, and author of a book entitled “Painting illustrated,
in three dialogues, with the lives of the most eminent
painters from Cimabue to Raphael,
” Lond. He has abundance
of wit, and understands most of the languages well knows
how to tell a story to the best advantage; but has an affected manner of conversation is thin, splenetic, and tawny
complexioned, turned of sixty years old;
” to which Swift
added in manuscript, “He had been a Papist.
” In a collection of letters published some years ago, there are several from Dr. William Aglionby, F. R. S. dated from 1685
to 1691, principally written from different parts of the
continent, and probably by the same person, who is styled
Doctor in Swift’s Works.
he ambassador of the emperor at London wrote to Agrippa, desiring him to support the interest of the queen: Agrippa replied, that he would readily engage, if the emperor
Agrippa had been twice married. Speaking of his first
wife, lib. II. ep. 19. “I have (says he), the greatest reason
to return thanks to Almighty God, who has given me a
wife after my own heart, a virgin of a noble family, well behaved, young, beautiful, and so conformable to my disposition, that we never have a harsh word with each other;
and what completes my happiness is, that in whatever situation my affairs are, whether prosperous or adverse, she still
continues the same, equally kind, affable, constant, sincere,
and prudent, always easy, and mistress of herself.
” This
wife died in I am
not ignorant (says he), by what arts this affair was carried
on in the Sorbonne at Paris, who by their rashness have
given sanction to an example of such wickedness. When
I consider it, I can scarce contain myself from exclaiming,
in imitation of Perseus, Say, ye Sorbonnists, what has gold
to do with divinity What piety and faith shall we imagine
to be in their breasts, whose consciences are more venal
than sincere, and who have sold their judgments and decisions, which ought to be revered by all the Christian world,
and have now sullied the reputation they had established
for faith and sincerity, by infamous avarice.
” Agrippa was
accused of having been a magician and sorcerer, and in.
compact with the devil; but it is unnecessary to clear him,
from this imputation. Bayle justly says, that if he was a
conjuror, his art availed him little, as he was often in want
of bread.
es of the family on a very large canvas, and on one hand above the door a half length of her majesty queen Caroline; the picture of the king was intended to fill the niche
In this society he soon became known to and patronized by people of the first rank, and was in habits of intimacy with many of them; particularly the earl of Burlington, so well known for his taste in the fine arts, especially architecture. For him he painted, among others, a large picture of the royal family of England: in the middle compartment are all the younger branches of the family on a very large canvas, and on one hand above the door a half length of her majesty queen Caroline; the picture of the king was intended to fill the niche opposite to it, but Mr. Aikman’s death happening before it was begun, the place for it is left blank. This picture came into the possession of the duke of Devonshire, whose father married lady Mary Boyle, daughter and only child to the earl of Burlington. Towards the close of his life he painted many other piclures of people of the first rank and fashion in England. At Blickling in Norfolk, the seat of Hobart earl of Buckinghamshire, are a great many full length pictures by Mr. Aikman, of noblemen, gentlemen, and ladies, relations and friends of the earl. These, with the royal family above named, were his last works; and but a few of the number he painted in London. He died June 7, 1731.
ountry, and fled to Holland, whither most of the nonconformists, who had incurred the displeasure of queen Elizabeth’s government, had taken refuge. At Amsterdam Mr. Johnson
, an eminent English nonconformist divine, who flourished in the latter end of the sixteenth, and beginning of the seventeenth centary, but it
is not known when or where he was born. In 1590 he
joined the Brownists, and by his adherence to that sect
shared in their persecutions. He was well versed in the
Hebrew language, and wrote many excellent commentaries
on the holy scriptures which gained him great reputation.
The Brownists having fallen into great discredit in England, they were involved in many fresh troubles and difficulties; so that Ainsworth at length quitted his country,
and fled to Holland, whither most of the nonconformists,
who had incurred the displeasure of queen Elizabeth’s
government, had taken refuge. At Amsterdam Mr. Johnson and he erected a church, of which Ainsworth was the
minister. In conjunction with Johnson he published, in
1602, “A confession of faith of the people called Brownists;
but being men of violent spirits, they split into parties
about certain points of discipline, and Johnson excommunicated his own father and brother: the presbytery of
Amsterdam offered their mediation, but he refused it.
This divided the congregation, half of which joining Ainsworth, they excommunicated Johnson, who made the like
return to that party. The contest grew at length so violent, that Johnson and his followers removed to Embden,
where he died soon after, and his congregation dissolved.
Nor did Mr. Ainsworth and his adherents live long in harmony, for in a short time he left them, and retired to Ireland;
but when the heat and violence of his party subsided, he
returned to Amsterdam, and continued with them until his
death. Dr. Heylyn’s account of their contentions at Amsterdam, sufficiently shows what implicit obedience some
men expect who are not much inclined to pay it, either to
the church or the state.
, vicar of Milford in Hampshire, was born at Clifton in Westmoreland, and admitted a student in Queen’s college, Oxford, in 1621; where having passed the servile
, vicar of Milford in Hampshire,
was born at Clifton in Westmoreland, and admitted a student in Queen’s college, Oxford, in 1621; where having
passed the servile offices, and taken the degree of M. A.
Jie was elected a fellow. Soon after he went into holy orders, and in 1642 took the degree of B. D. He wrote
“Fasciculus prseceptorum logicalium in gratiam Juventutis
Academicse compositus;
” besides a few other small pieces,
the titles of which Wood has not recovered. He died the
18th of October, 1670, aged 69, and was buried in the
chancel of his church of Milford, with an epitaph, which
praises him as a vigilant vicar of that church, a gentleman
of the greatest integrity, judgment, and learning, and who
in the most difficult and troublesome times, adhered faithfully to his principles. Wood speaks of a Christopher
Airay, nephew to Dr. Adam Airay, principal of Edmund
hall, who ia 1660 contributed to enlarge the buildings of
old Queen’s college. They were probably both related to
the subject of the following article.
, provost of Queen’s college, Oxford, was born in Westmoreland in 1559, educated
, provost of Queen’s college, Oxford,
was born in Westmoreland in 1559, educated in grammatical learning under the care of Bernard Gilpin, usually called the Northern Apostle, and by him sent to St. Edmund’s
hall, Oxford, in 1579. He was then 19 years of age, and
was maintained at the university by Gilpin, who afterwards
left him a handsome legacy by his last will. Mr. Airay
soon removed from St. Edmund’s hall to Queen’s college,
and in 1583, took his bachelor’s degree, was made tabarder,
and in 1586 he commenced master of arts and was chosen
fellow. About this time he went into orders, and became a
constant preacher in the university, particularly in the
church of St. Peter in the east. In 1594, he took the degree of B. D. and March 9, 1598-9, was elected provost of
his college; and in 1606 he was appointed vice-chancellor.
He wrote the following pieces: 1. “Lectures upon the
whole Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians,
” London, The just and necessary Apology touching his
Suit in Law, for the Rector of Charlton on Otmore, in Oxfordshire,
” London, A Treatise against
bowing at the Name of Jesus.
” The lectures were preached
in the church of St. Peter in the east, and were published
by Christopher Potter, fellow, and afterwards provost of
Queen’s college, with an epistle of his own composition
prefixed to them. Airay ranks among the zealous Puritans,
who were mostly Calvinists, and was a great supporter of
his party in the university, where he was considered as a
man of sincere piety, integrity, and learning. In 1602 when
Dr. Howson, then vice-chancellor, wished to repress the
practice of some Puritan divines of Oxford who preached
against the ceremonies and discipline of the church, Dr.
Airay and one or two otherlj were ordered to make submission by the queen’s commissioners who had investigated the
matter; and this the others did, but Dr. Airay, according
to Ant. Wood, appears to have been excused. In 1604,
when king James, in commemoration of his escape from the
Gowrie conspiracy, not only appointed an anniversary, but
that there should always be a sermon and service on Tuesdays throughout the year, Dr. Airay introduced this last
custom into Oxford, first at All Saints church, and then at
St. Mary’s, with a rule that the sermons should be preached
by the divines of the colleges in their respective turns. In
1606, when vice-chancellor, he was one of the first to call
Mr. Laud, afterwards the celebrated archbishop, to task for
preaching sentiments which were supposed to favour popery.
He died in Queen’s college, Oct. 10, 1616, aged fiftyseven, and was buried in the chapel. He bequeathed to
the college some lands lying in Garsington, near Oxford.
f Physicians, and one of the physicians at St. Thomas’s Hospital; and, upon the establishment of the queen’s household, appointed one of the physicians to her majesty.
Having commenced his career in medicine, our author distinguished himself by various publications in his profession; and having read the Gulstonian lectures on anatomy, he began the Cronia,n lecture, in which he intended to give a history of the revival of learning, but soon desisted. He was admitted to a doctor’s degree at Cambridge, after having taken it at Edinburgh and Leyden; was elected a fellow of the College of Physicians, and one of the physicians at St. Thomas’s Hospital; and, upon the establishment of the queen’s household, appointed one of the physicians to her majesty. His discourse on the Dysentery, 1764, was admired for its pure and elegant Latinity; and he might probably have attained a still greater eminence in his profession if his life had been longer. He died of a putrid fever, June 23, 1770, in the 59th year of his age; and is buried in the parish church of St. James, Westminster.
s Roxana.” He also began to describe, in a Latin poem entitled “Elisceis,” the chief transactions Of queen Elizabeth’s reign, but left it unfinished at the time of his
, an English divine, was born
in Suffolk, and educated in Trinity college, Cambridge,
where he took the degree of M. A. and was afterwards incorporated of the university of Oxford, June 7, 1592.
Wood says, he was the rarest poet and Grecian that any one
age or nation produced. He attended the unfortunate earl
of Essex in his voyage to Cadiz, as his chaplain; and entertaining some doubts on religion, he was prevailed upon
to declare himself a Roman Catholic, and published “Seven
Motives for his Conversion,
” but he soon discovered many
more for returning to the church of England. He applied
himself much to caballistic learning, the students of which
consider principally the combination of particular words,
letters, and numbers, and by this, they pretend to see clearly
into the sense of scripture. In their opinion there is not
a word, letter, number, or accent, in the law, without some
mystery in it, and they even venture to look into futurity
by this study. Alabaster made great proficiency in it, and
obtained considerable promotion in the church. He was
made prebendary of St. Paul', doctor of divinity, and rector of Thai-field in Hertfordshire. The text of the sermon
which he preached for his doctor’s degree, was the first
verse of the first chapter of the first book of Chronicles,
namely “Adam, Seth, Enoch,
” which he explained in the
mystical sense, Adam signtfying misery, &c. He died April
1640. His principal work was “Lexicon Pentaglotton,
Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, &c.
” Lond. Commentarius de bestia Apocalyptica,
” and other works of that stamp. As a
poet he has been more highly applauded. He wrote the
Latin tragedy of “Roxana,
” which bears date If,
” says Dr. Johnson, in his
life of Milton, “we produced any thing worthy of notice
before the elegies of Milton, it was perhaps Alabaster’s
” He also began to describe, in a Latin poem entitled “Elisceis,
” the chief transactions Of queen
Elizabeth’s reign, but left it unfinished at the time of his death.
The manuscript was for some time in the possession of
Theodore Haak, and some manuscript verses of his are in
the library of Gonvil and Caius college, Cambridge, and
the Elisceis is in that of Emmanuel.
t two sons, who shared in the good fortune due to his talents and reputation. Baptist was almoner to queen Catherine de Medicis, afterwards king’s counsellor, abbot of
Alamanni left two sons, who shared in the good fortune
due to his talents and reputation. Baptist was almoner to
queen Catherine de Medicis, afterwards king’s counsellor,
abbot of Belle-ville, bishop of Bazas, and afterwards of
Macon; he died in 1581. Nicholas, the other son, was a
knight of St. Michael, captain of the royal guards, and
master of the palace. Two other persons of the name of
Louis Alamanni, likewise natives of Florence, were
distinguished in the republic of letters. One was a colonel in
the French service, and in 1591 consul of the academy of
Florence. Salvino Salvini speaks of him in “Fastes Consulaires.
” The other lived about the same time, and was
a member of the same academy. He wrote three Latin
eclogues in the “Carmina illustrium Poetarum Italorum,
and a funeral oration in the collection of “Florentine
” vol. IV. He was the grandson of Ludovico Alemanni, one of the five brothers of the celebrated poet.
me year he served the office of proctor. In 1558, he was made canon of York; but on the accession of queen Elizabeth, when the reformed religion was again established,
, cardinal priest of the Roman church, and styled Cardinal of England, was the son of John Allen, by Jennet Lyster, sister to Thomas Lyster, of Westby, in Yorkshire, and was born at Rossal in Lancashire, in 1532. His father, according to Camden, was a gentleman of a reputable family, and had him educated at home until his fifteenth year, 1547, when he was entered of Oriel college, Oxford, and had for his tutor Morgan Philips, or Philip Morgan, a zealous Roman Catholic, and usually called the Sophister, which was a title, in the learning of those times, highly honourable. Young Alan made a rapid progress both in logic and philosophy, and was elected a fellow of his college, and took his bachelor’s degree in 1550. In the Act celebrated July 16, he went out junior of the act, having completed his degree of M. A. with the distinguished reputation of great parts, learning, and eloquence. Of this we have a proof in his being chosen principal of St. Mary hall, in 1556, when only twenty-four years of age, and the same year he served the office of proctor. In 1558, he was made canon of York; but on the accession of queen Elizabeth, when the reformed religion was again established, although he remained for a short time at Oxford, yet, as he refused to comply with the queen’s visitors in taking the oaths, &c. his fellowship was declared void; and in 1560 he found it necessary to leave England, and retire to Louvain, then a general receptacle of the expatriated English Catholics, and where they had erected a college. Here his talents and zeal recommended him to his countrymen, who looked up to him as their supporter, while they were charmed with his personal appearance, and easy address, chastened by a dignified gravity of manners.
swer the books written in defence of the church of England, which occasioned a proclamation from the queen, forbidding the Doway books to be either sold or read; and we
In this seminary of Doway, many books were composed to justify the Popish religion, and to answer the books written in defence of the church of England, which occasioned a proclamation from the queen, forbidding the Doway books to be either sold or read; and we shall soon see that they were not merely books of religious controversy. In 1569, Alan appointed one Bristow to be moderator of studies at Doway, the same, it is supposed, whom he gained over when in the neighbourhood of Oxford. Not long after, Alan was appointed canon of Rheims, through the interest of the Guises, and to this city he transferred the seminary which had been settled at Doway; a matter, however, not of choice, as the then governor of the Netherlands, Don Lewis de Requesens, had obliged the English fugitives to withdraw out of his government. In the mean time, Alan laboured incessantly in the service of his party, by writing various treatises in defence of the doctrines or practices of the Papists, by licensing and recommending many books written by others, and by many journeys into Spain and Italy. He also procured a seminary to be established in Rome, and two in Spain, for the education and support of the English youth.
this work he insinuates, in language which, in those days, must have been very well understood, that queen Elizabeth, by reason of her heresy, had fallen from, her sovereignty.
In England, he was justly reputed an enemy to the state,
and all correspondence with him was considered as a species of high treason; and Thomas Alfield, 'a Jesuit, was
executed for bringing some of his writings into England,
and particularly his “Defence of the Twelve Martyrs in
one Year.
” In this work he insinuates, in language which,
in those days, must have been very well understood, that
queen Elizabeth, by reason of her heresy, had fallen from,
her sovereignty. The indictment of Alfield, taken from
the treasonable expressions in these writings, was among
the papers of the lord treasurer Burleigh.
st of England. To facilitate this, the pope, Sixtus V. renewed the excommunication thundered against queen Elizabeth by his predecessor Pius V. While this was in agitation,
Alan therefore, having overstepped the bounds of religious controversy, was now determined to measures of
more open hostility. The celebrated Parsons, the Jesuit,
who was his great friend and counsellor, is supposed to
have suggested to him the project of invading England.
For many years there had been differences, discontents,
and even injuries committed between the English and
Spaniards; and now Alan, and some fugitive English noblemen, persuaded Philip II. to undertake the conquest of
England. To facilitate this, the pope, Sixtus V. renewed
the excommunication thundered against queen Elizabeth
by his predecessor Pius V. While this was in agitation,
sir William Stanley, commander of the English and Irish
garrison at Daventer, betrayed it to the Spaniards, and
went into their service with 1200 men; and Rowland York,
who had been intrusted with a strong fort in the same
country, performed the same act of treachery. Alan, no
longer the conscientious controversialist, wrote a defence
of this base proceeding, and sent several priests to Stanley,
in order to instruct those he had drawn over to the king of
Spain’s service. Alan’s defence, which appeared the year
after these transactions, 1588, was first printed in English
in the form of a letter, and afterwards in Latin, under the
title of “Epistola de Daventrise ditione,
” Cracov. His
only argument, if it deserve the name, was, that sir William Stanley was no traitor, because he had only delivered
to the king of Spain a city which was his own before; and
he exhorts all Englishmen, in the service of the states, to
follow his example.
sisted of two parts; the first explaining the pope’s bull for the excommunication and deprivation of queen Elizabeth; the second, exhorting the nobility and people of
Such writings, however, were too valuable to the popish cause, to go unrewarded. Accordingly on July 28, 1587, Alan was created cardinal by the title of St. Martin in Montibus; and soon after, the king of Spain gave him an abbey of great value in the kingdom of Naples, with assurances of greater preferment. In April 1588, he composed that work, entitled The Admonition, which rendered him most famous abroad, and infamous at home. It consisted of two parts; the first explaining the pope’s bull for the excommunication and deprivation of queen Elizabeth; the second, exhorting the nobility and people of England to desert her, and take up arms in favour of the Spaniards. It contains the grossest abuse of the queen, and threatens the nobility with judgments from heaven, and devastation by the Spaniards, unless they joined the forces of Philip; it boasts of the vast strength of these forces, and asserts that they had more good captains than Elizabeth had soldiers; that the saints in heaven all prayed for victory, and that the holy angels guarded them. Of this libel, well calculated at that time to effect its purpose, many thousand copies were printed at Antwerp, in order to have been put on board the Armada, and circulated in England. But the Armada, it is well known, completely failed, and covered its projectors with disgrace and destruction; and these books were so carefully destroyed, that a genuine copy waa scarcely to be found.
19. 2. “Reports of Select Cases in all the courts of Westminster hall, tempore William the Third and queen Anne; also the opinion of all the judges of England relating
The juridical writings of sir John Fortescue Aland are:
1. “The Difference between an absolute and limited
Monarchy, as it more particularly regards the English constitution; being a treatise written by sir John Fortescue,
knight, lord chief justice, and lord high chancellor of
England, under king Henry VI. faithfully transcribed
from the ms copy in the Bodleian library, and collated
with three other Mss. published with some remarks by
John Fortescue Aland, of the Inner Temple, esq. F. R. S.
Lond. 1714: reprinted, 1719. 2. “Reports of Select
Cases in all the courts of Westminster hall, tempore William the Third and queen Anne; also the opinion of all
the judges of England relating to the grandest prerogative
of the royal family, and some observations relating to the
prerogatives of a queen-consort,
” London,
ame time, which proves his high rank, he was the correspondent of Margaret, sister to Francis I. and queen of Navarre. Erasmus highly commends him wherever he has occasion
After receiving an education suitable to his birth and
talents, his thirst for knowledge induced him to travel into
various countries, where he acquired considerable distinction. In 1525 he was at Basil, lodging and boarding with
Erasmus, and at the same time, which proves his high rank,
he was the correspondent of Margaret, sister to Francis I.
and queen of Navarre. Erasmus highly commends him
wherever he has occasion to introduce his name, as we
shall notice hereafter. Alasco probably chose to dwell
with Erasmus, that he might improve in literature by having free access to him; and the biographer of Erasmus remarks that many of his friends were led by his conversation and writings to embrace the principles of Luther and
the other reformers, although he himself did not go scrfar.
While under the roof of this eminent scholar, Alasco appears to have contributed to keep up a liberal domestic
establishment, which occasioned Erasmus to observe to
him in a letter, that “his departure was unfortunate in
many respects; for, omitting other matters, it cost him,
some months labour to reduce the grand establishment,
Alasco had introduced, to the former frugal system pursued.
ly happy in his single friendship.” Nor was Melanchthon less warm in his praise. On the accession of queen Elizabeth, although he did not return to England, he corresponded
After an absence of nearly twenty years, Alasco returned to his native country, where he was protected from
the hostility of the ecclesiastics, by the king, who employed him in various important affairs; and when addressed by the popish clergy to remove him, answered
that “he had indeed heard, that the bishops had pronounced him a heretic, but the senate of the kingdom had
determined no such matter; that John Alasco was ready
to prove himself untainted with heretical pravity, and
sound in the Catholic faith.
” This answer, however, so
unfavourable to their remonstrances, did not prevent their
more secret efforts to injure him; but we do not find that
these were effectual, and he died in peace at Franckfort,
Jan. 13, 1560, after a short illness. His piety, extensive
learning, liberality, and benevolence, have been celebrated
by all his contemporaries, and the bigoted part of the
Lutherans were his only enemies; and even of these some
could not bring any other accusation against him than that
he differed from their opinion respecting the corporal presence in the sacrament; a subject which unfortunately
split the early reformers into parties, when they should
have united against the common enemy. We have already
quoted Erasmus’s opinion of him when a very young man;
and it may be added (from ep. iii. lib. 28.) that he pronounced him “young, but grave beyond his years; and
that himself was huppy in his conversation and society,
and even became better by it; having before him, in
Alasco, a striking example of sobriety, moderation, modesty, and integrity.
” In another letter he calls him, “a
man of so amiable a disposition, that he should have
thought himself sufficiently happy in his single friendship.
Nor was Melanchthon less warm in his praise. On the
accession of queen Elizabeth, although he did not return
to England, he corresponded with her on affairs of the
church; and according to Zanchius, had much influence
both with her, and the leading ministers of her court. It
may here be noticed that the congregation he had settled
in Austin Friars were tolerated again under her reign, and
that bishop Grindall was appointed superintendant of this
foreign church, the last of whom we have any account as
holding that office. The church is to this day vested in
a congregation of Dutch Calvinistic protestants, and the
library belonging to it contains a vast collection of the
manuscript letters and memorials of the reformers, and
particularly of Alasco, whose portrait was there before the
fire of London.
o, who was most magnificently entertained by the university of Oxford in 1583, by special command of queen Elizabeth. “Such an entertainment it was,” says Wood, “that
Alasco was twice married: his first wife died in
1552, and the second survived him; he appears to have
had children by both. It was probably a descendant of
his, Albertus Alasco, who was most magnificently entertained by the university of Oxford in 1583, by special
command of queen Elizabeth. “Such an entertainment
it was,
” says Wood, “that the like before or since was
never made for one of his degree, costing the university,
with the colleges, about c350. And, indeed, considering the worthiness of the person for whom it was chiefly
made, could not be less. He was one tarn Marti quam
Mercuric: a very good soldier, and a very good scholar,
an admirable linguist, philosopher, and mathematician.
ended, and who of course would think herself highly obliged to him for her exalted situation, became queen of Spain, caused the messenger to be stopped at one day’s journey
M. de Vendome first employed him in discovering where the people in his neighbourhood had concealed their grain; an undertaking which rendered Alberoni’s departure for Spain, with Vendome, as prudent as it turned out to be advantageous. By degrees he obtained the marshal’s confidence, and ventured to propose the daughter of his sovereign, the duke of Parma, to him, as a fit match for the king of Spain. Alberoni’s proposal was attended to, and the princess was demanded in marriage by that monarch, then Philip V. The duke of Parma consented with great readiness to a match that was to procure for his daughter the sovereignty of so great a kingdom as that of Spain, When every thing was settled, and immediately before the princess was to set out for her new dominions, the ministers of Spain had heard that she was a young woman of a haughty imperious temper, and extremely intriguing and ambitious. They therefore prevailed upon the king to write to the duke, requesting another of his daughters in marriage, to whose quiet disposition they could not possibly have any objections,. The king did as he was desired, and sent his letter by a special messenger. Alberoni, who was then at Parma, hearing of this, and afraid that all his projects of ambition would come to nothing, unless the princess whom he recommended, and who of course would think herself highly obliged to him for her exalted situation, became queen of Spain, caused the messenger to be stopped at one day’s journey from Parma, and gave him his choice, either to delay his coming to Parma for a day, or to be assassinated. He of course chose the first, and the princess set out upon her journey to Spain, and became queen.
their father was driven from his throne by Swane, king of Denmark, he conducted them, together with queen Emma, into Normandy, to duke Richard the queen’s brother. This
Aldhun had a daughter named Ecgfrid, whom he gave in marriage to Ucthred, son of Waltheof earl of Northumberland, and with her, six towns belonging to the episcopal see, upon condition that he should never divorce her. But that young lord afterwards repudiating her, with a view to a nobler alliance, Aldhun received back the church lands he had given with her. This prelate educated king Ethelred’s two sons, Alfred and Edward; and, when their father was driven from his throne by Swane, king of Denmark, he conducted them, together with queen Emma, into Normandy, to duke Richard the queen’s brother. This was in the year 1017, a little before bishop Aldhun’s death; for the next year, the English having received a terrible overthrow in a battle with the Scots, the good bishop was so affected with the news, that he died a few days after, having enjoyed the prelacy twenty-nine years. RaduU phus de Diceto calls this bishop Alfhunus, and bishop Godwin, Aldwinus.
, bishop of Carlisle in the reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. and queen Mary, was born at Burnham in Buckinghamshire; was educated at
, bishop of Carlisle in the reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. and queen
Mary, was born at Burnham in Buckinghamshire; was
educated at Eton, and elected a scholar of King’s college,
Cambridge in 1507, where he took the degree of M. A.
afterwards became proctor of the university, schoolmaster
of Eton, fellow of the college, and at length provost. In
1529 he retired to Oxford, where he was incorporated
B. D. About the same time he was made archdeacon of Colchester. In 1534 he was installed canon of Windsor, and
the same year he was appointed register of the most noble
order of the garter. July 18, 1537, he was consecrated
bishop of Carlisle. He wrote several pieces, particularly
1. “Epistola ad Gulielmum Hormannum.
” 2. “Epigrammata varia.
” 3. “Several Resolutions concerning the
” 4. “Answers to certain Queries concerning the Abuses of the Mass.
” He wrote also resolutions
of seme questions relating to bishops and priests, and other
matters tending to the reformation of the church begun by
king Henry VIII. Leland was his familiar acquaintance,
and gives him a 'high character for parts and learning.
The prelate died March 25, 1555, at Horncastle, in Lincolnshire, which was a house belonging to the bishops of
sophical, Historical, and Philological Miscellanies: these were followed by the Memoirs of Christina queen of Sweden; in which M. d’Alembert brought forward those abstract
Some time after this, d‘Alembert published his Philosophical, Historical, and Philological Miscellanies: these
were followed by the Memoirs of Christina queen of Sweden; in which M. d’Alembert brought forward those abstract and impracticable notions respecting the natural
rights of mankind which desolated his country; and was
bold. enough to assert them as unanswerable propositions.
His Essay on the Intercourse of Men of Letters with Persons high in rank and office, was intended, and too well
calculated, to excite popular contempt for the privileged
orders, of, in the language of Condorcet, to “expose to
the eyes of the public the ignominy of those servile chains,
which they feared to shake off, or were proud to wear.
A lady of the court, hearing one day the author accused of
having exaggerated the despotism of the great, and the
submission they require, answered slyly, “If he had consulted me, I would have told him still more of the matter.
e reformers. This extraordinary merit, while it obliged him to continue an exile during the reign of queen Mary, recommended him powerfully to the favour of her sister
, a native of Norfolk, was
elected fellow of C. C. C. Cambridge in 1536, proceeded
M. A. the year following, became their steward in 1539,
and not long after obtained leave of the society to go and
study abroad for a limited time; which he afterwards procured to be extended for two years more. By assiduous
application he became, as Strype informs us, not only a
great proficient in the Greek and Latin tongues, but an
“eminent Protestant divine, and a learned minister of the
” His works, indeed, which are written with much
plainness and simplicity, but at the same time with great
strength of reasoning and argument, sufficiently shew that
he ought to be ranked in the list of the most considerable
reformers. This extraordinary merit, while it obliged him
to continue an exile during the reign of queen Mary, recommended him powerfully to the favour of her sister Elizabeth; who no sooner came to the crown than she appointed him one of her chaplains, gave him a commission
to act under her as an ambassador, and nominated him to
the vacant see of Rochester; but after a long absence, he
either died on his return, or soon after, and never became
possessed of the bishopric. It is said he was buried in the
church of St. Thomas Apostle, in London, Aug. 30, 1559.
e earl of Leicester’s schemes, and endeavouring, by the black art, to effect a match betwixt him and queen Elizabeth. It is more certain the earl placed such confidence
, an eminent mathematician of the
sixteenth century, was born at Uttoxeter in Staffordshire,
Dec. 21, 1542, and was a descendant, through six generations, of Henry Allen, or Alan, lord of the manor of
Buckenhall in that county. He was admitted scholar of
Trinity college, Oxford, June 4, 1561, became fellow in
1565, and in 1567, took his master’s degree. From a
strong inclination to a retired life, and a dislike to entering
into holy orders, to which, according to the statutes, he
ftmst have been called, he quitted the college, resigned his
fellowship, and went to Gloucester-hall (now Worcester college), in 1570. Here he studied very closely, and acquired
a high reputation for his knowledge in antiquity, philosophy, and mathematics. Having received an invitation from
Henry earl of Northumberland, a great friend and patron
of the mathematicians, he spent some time at the earl’s
house, where he became acquainted with those celebrated
mathematicians Thomas Harriot, John Dee, Walter Warner, and Nathanael Torporley. Robert earl of Leicester
had a particular esteem for Mr. Allen, and would have conferred a bishopric upon him, but his love of solitude and
retirement made him decline the offer. He was also highly
respected by other celebrated contemporaries, sir Thomas
Bodley, sir Henry Savile, Mr. Camden, sir Robert Cotton,
sir Henry Spelman, Mr. Selden, &c. His great skill in
the mathematics made the ignorant and vulgar look upon
him as a magician or conjuror: and the author of a book,
intituled “Leicester’s Commonwealth,
” has absurdly accused him of using the art of figuring, to bring about the
earl of Leicester’s schemes, and endeavouring, by the
black art, to effect a match betwixt him and queen Elizabeth. It is more certain the earl placed such confidence in
Allen, that nothing material in the state was transacted
without his knowledge, and he had constant information,
by letter from Allen, of what passed in the university.
Allen was very curious and indefatigable in collecting scattered manuscripts relating to history, antiquity, astronomy,
philosophy, and mathematics, which collections have been
quoted by several learned authors, &c. There is a catalogue of them, bearing date 1622, among Anthony Wood’s
papers in the Ashmolean museum. He published in Latin
the second and third books of Ptolemy, “concerning the
Judgment of the Stars,
” or, as it is commonly called, of
the quadripartite construction, with an exposition. He
wrote also notes on many of Lilly’s books, and some on
John Bale’s work, “De scriptoribus Maj. Britanniae.
Having lived to a great age, he died at Gloucester-hall, Sept.
30, 1632, and was buried with a solemnity suited to the
greatness of his character. He bequeathed a valuable portrait of himself, which has since been engraven, to the
president of Trinity college and his successors. Mr. Burton, the author of his funeral oration, calls him not only
the Coryphaeus, but the very soul and sun of all the mathematicians of his time. Mr. Selden mentions him as “omni
eruditionis genere summoque judicio ornatissimus, cele-
berrimae academies Oxoniensis dec us insignissimum; a
person of the most extensive learning and consummate
judgment, the brightest ornament of the university of Oxford.“Camden says, he was
” Plurimis optimisque artibus Ornatissimus; skilled in most of the best arts and sciences.“Mr. Wood has transcribed part of his character
from a manuscript in the library of Trinity college, in these
” He studied polite literature with great application; he was strictly tenacious of academic discipline, always highly esteemed both by foreigners and those of the
university, and by all of the highest stations in the church
of England and the university of Oxford. He was a sagacious observer, and an agreeable companion.
, bishop of Exeter in the reign of queen Elizabeth, was born at Great Wycomb in Buckinghamshire, and
, bishop of Exeter in
the reign of queen Elizabeth, was born at Great Wycomb
in Buckinghamshire, and educated at Eton school. In
1528 he went from thence to King’s college, Cambridge,
where he took a bachelor’s degree, but removed to Oxford,
and spent some time in the academical studies of that unitersity. He afterwards married, was presented to a living,
and became a zealous reformer. On queen Mary’s accession he left his cure, and retired into the north of Epgland, where he maintained himself by keeping a school
and practising physic. On queen Elizabeth’s accession,
when he could avow his principles with safety, he went to
London, and was appointed to read the divinity lecture at
St. Paul’s, in which he acquired great reputation; and in
July 1560, was consecrated bishop of Exeter. He was
not created doctor of divinity until November 1561. He
died April 15, 1570, and was buried at Exeter. He wrote,
I. “The Poor Man’s Library,
” 2 vols. folio, 1571. These
volumes contain his twelve lectures at St. Paul’s, on the
first epistle of St. Peter. 2. “A Hebrew Grammar,
” but
it is uncertain whether it was ever published. He translated
the Pentateuch in the version of the Bible undertaken by
command of queen Elizabeth. Three epistles of Alley to
Matthew Parker, in Latin, are preserved among the Mss.
of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. His “Judgment
concerning the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church
” is in
Strype’s Annals. Wood and Godwin agree in placing
b shop Alley’s death in 1570; but Tanner says, that it
was on April 15, 1571, and Fuller carries it down so low
as 1576. He left a son, Roger Alley, who was archdeacon of Cornwall; and his great grandson, the rev. Peter
Alley, died so lately as August 1763, at the very
extraordinary age of one hundred and ten years and two months.
He was for seventy-three years rector of Donamow, in
Queen’s County, Dublin, and served his own cure till
within a few days of his death.
he waxed somewhat gross, and his body was full of humours, which abated much of his wonted exercise. Queen Elizabeth, out of the great respect she had for this bishop,
The following particulars of bishop Alley’s personal history are given by a contemporary. He was well stored, and his library well replenished with all the best writers which most gladly he did impart, and lay open to every good scholar and student requesting the same, whose company and conference he did desire and embrace. He seemed at the first appearance to be a rough and austere man, but in truth was a very courteous, gentle, and affable man; at his table full of honest speeches, joined with learning and pleasantness, according to the time, place, and company; at his exercises, which for the most part were at bowls, very merry and pleasant, void of all sadness, which might abate the benefit of recreation, loth to offend, ready to forgive, void of malice, full of love, bountiful in hospitality, liberal to the poor, and a succourer of the needy; faithful to his friend, and courteous to all men; a hater of covetousness, and an enemy to all evil and wicked men; and lived an honest, godly, and virtuous life. Finally, he was endued with many notable good gifts and virtues; only he was somewhat credulous, of a hasty belief, and light of credit, which he did oftentimes mislike and blame in himself. In his latter time he waxed somewhat gross, and his body was full of humours, which abated much of his wonted exercise. Queen Elizabeth, out of the great respect she had for this bishop, sent him, yearly, a silver cup for a new year’s gift. The mayor of Exeter much opposed him, on his obtaining a commission to be a justice of the peace within the same, contrary to the charters and liberties thereof.
, a celebrated comedian in the reigns of queen Elizabeth and king James, but more justly celebrated as the
, a celebrated comedian in the reigns of queen Elizabeth and king James, but more justly celebrated as the founder of the college at Dulwich, in Surrey, was born in London, in the parish of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate, Sept. 1, 1566, as appears from a memorandum of his own writing. Dr. Fuller says, that he was bred a stage-player; and that his father would have given him a liberal education, but that he was ntft turned for a serious course of life. He was, however, a youth of good capacity, of a cheerful temper, and tenacious memory, and in his person of a stately port and aspect; all which advantages are qualifications for, and sometimes incitements to, the theatrical profession. By several authorities we find he must have been on tue stage some time before 1592; for at this time he was in high favour with the town, and greatly applauded by the best judges, particularly by Ben Jonson. Haywood, in his prologue to Mariow’s -Jew of Malta, calls him Proteus for shapes, and Roscius for a tongue. He usually played the capital parts, and was one of the original actors in Sluikspeare’s plays; in some of Ben Jonson’s he was also a principal performer: but what characters he personated in either of these poets, is difficult now to determine. This is owing to the inaccuracy of their editors, who did not print the names of the players opposite to the characters they performed, as the modern custom is, but gave one general list of actors to the whole set of plays, as in the old folio edition of Shakspeare; or divide one from the other, setting the dramatis personae before the plays, and the catalogue of performers after them, as in Jonson’s.
the right hon. George Grenville;” “An history of the Parliament of Great Britain, from the death of queen Anne to the death of George II.;” “An impartial history of the
, a bookseller, author, and editor, was
born at Liverpool, about the year 1738, and was educated
at Warrington. About 1748 he was put apprentice to a
bookseller at Liverpool, but in 1756 he went to sea, as a
common seaman. In 1758 or 1759, he returned to England, and came to London, where, it is said, he soon became known to several wits of the day, as Dr. Goldsmith,
Churchill, Lloyd, and Wilkes. His turn, however, was
for political writing; and in 1759 he published “The
conduct of a late noble commander (lord George Sackville)
” This was followed by a compilation, in sixpenny numbers, of “A Military Dictionary,
” or an account of the most remarkable battles and sieges from the
reign of Charlemagne to the year 1760. Soon after, he
wrote various political letters in the Gazetteer newspaper,
which he collected and published under the title of “A
collection of interesting letters from the public papers.
About the same time he published “A Review of his Majesty (George II.'s) reign
” and when Mr. Pitt resigned in
1761, he wrote “A Review of his Administration.
” His
other publications were, “A Letter to the right hon.
George Grenville;
” “An history of the Parliament of
Great Britain, from the death of queen Anne to the death
of George II.;
” “An impartial history of the late War
from 1749 to 1763;
” “A Review of lord Bute’s administration.
” When Wilkes’s infamous essay on woman was
brought to light, Mr. Almon wrote an answer to Kidgell,
the informer’s, narrative. In 1763, he commenced bookseller in Piccadilly, and published “A Letter concerning
libels, warrants, and seizure of papers, &c.;
” “A history
of the Minority during the years 1762 1765;
” “The
Political Register,
” a periodical work, and the general receptacle of all the scurrility of the writers in opposition to
government; “The New Foundling Hospital for Wit,
” a
collection of fugitive pieces, in prose and verse, mostly of
the party kind: “An Asylum,
” a publication of a similar
sort; “Collection of all the Treaties of Peace, Alliance,
and Commerce, between Great Britain and other powers,
from the revolution in 1688 to the present time;
” “The
Parliamentary Register,
” an account of the debates in parliament; “The Remembrancer,
” another monthly collection of papers in favour of the American cause; “A collection of the Protests of the House of Lords;
” “Letter to
the earl of Bute,
” Free Parliaments, or a vindication of the parliamentary constitution of England, in
answer to certain visionary plans of modern reformers;
“A parallel between the siege of Berwick and the siege
of Aquilea,
” in ridicule of Home’s tragedy, the Siege of
Aquilea; “A Letter to the right hon. Charles Jenkinson,
ool at Wapping. At the age of fifteen, it is said, he was put apprentice to a plane-maker in King or Queen-street near Guildhall, London; and it is added that after serving
, the celebrated typographical historian, was descended from an ancient family in Norfolk, where they are to be traced back as far as the middle of the sixteenth century. He was born at Yarmouth, Jan. 23, 1688-9, and removed by his father, who appears to have been the master of a merchant ship trading from Yarmouth to London, and placed at a little grammar-school at Wapping. At the age of fifteen, it is said, he was put apprentice to a plane-maker in King or Queen-street near Guildhall, London; and it is added that after serving out his time with reputation, he took up his freedom, and became a liveryman of the Joiners’ Company, but on inquiry both at Joiners’ hall and at the Chamberlain’s office, it does not appear that he ever took up his freedom: he settled, however, near the Hermitage, in Wapping, in the business of a ship-chandler, or ironmonger, and continued there till his death.
rred upon him the abbey of St. Cornelius de, Compeigne, although much against the inclination of the queen, who had another person in her eye; and he also made him grand
By what means he was educated is not certainly known,
but he studied philosophy at Paris in the colUge of the
cardinal ie Moine, and although naturallyof slow capacity,
his uncommon diligence enabled him to accumulate a large
stock of classical and general knowledge. Having taken
the degree of master of arts at nineteen, he pursued his
studies under the royal professors established by Francis I.
viz. James Tusen, who explained the Greek poets; Peter
Dones, professor of rhetoric; and Oronce Fine, professor
of mathematics. He left Paris at the age of twenty-three,
and went to Bourges with the sieur Colin, who had the
abbey of St. Ambrose in that city. At the recommendation
of this abbot, a secretary of state took Amyot into his
house, to be tutor to his children. The great improvements they made under his direction induced the secretary to recommend him to the princess Margaret duchess
of Berry, only sister of Francis I.; and by means of this
recommendation Amyot was made public professor of Greek
and Latin in the university of Bourges: he read two lectures a day for ten years; a Latin lecture in the morning,
and a Greek one in the afternoon. It was during this time
he translated into French the “Amours of Theagenes and
” with which Francis I. was so pleased, that he
conferred upon him the abbey of Bellosane. The death of
this prince happening soon after, Amyot thought it would
be better to try his fortune elsewhere, than to expect any
preferment at the court of France; he therefore accompanied Morvillier to Venice, on his embassy from Henry II.
to that republic. When Morvillier was recalled from his
embassy, Amyot would not repass the Alps with him;
choosing rather to go to Rome, where he was kindly received by the bishop of Mirepoix, at whose house he lived
two years. It was here that, looking over the manuscripts
of the Vatican, he discovered that Heliodorus, bishop of
Tricca, was the author of the Amours of Theagenes; and
finding also a manuscript more correct and complete than,
that which he had translated, he was enabled to give a
better edition of this work. His labours, however, in this
way, did not engage him so as to divert him from improving his situation, and he insinuated himself so far into
the favour of cardinal de Tournon, that his eminence recommended him to the king, to be preceptor to his two
younger sons. While he was in this employment he finished his translation of “Plutarch’s Lives,
” which he dedicated to the king; and afterwards undertook that of “Plutarch’s Morals,
” which he finished in the reign of Charles
IX. and dedicated to that prince. Charles conferred upon
him the abbey of St. Cornelius de, Compeigne, although
much against the inclination of the queen, who had another
person in her eye; and he also made him grand almoner of
France and bishop of Auxerre; and the place of grand
almoner and that of curator of the university of Paris happening to be vacant at the same time, he was also invested
in both these employments, of which Thuanus complains.
Henry III. perhaps would have yielded to the pressing solicitations of the bishop of St. Flour, who had attended him
on his journey into Poland, and made great interest for
the post of grand almoner; but the duchess of Savoy, the
king’s aunt, recommended Amyot so earnestly to him, when
he passed through Turin, on his return from Poland, that
he was not only continued in his employment, but a new
honour was added to it for his sake: for when Henry III.
named Amyot commander of the order oiF the Holy Ghost,
he decreed at the same time, as a mark of respect to him,
that all the grand almoners of France should be of course
commanders of that order. Amyot did not neglect his
studies in the midst of his honours, but revised all his translations with great care, compared them with the Greek
text, and altered many passages: he designed to give a
more complete edition of them, with the various readings
of divers manuscripts, but died before he had finished that
work. He died the 6th of February, 1593, in the 79th
year of his age.
mple, where he read law with great assiduity, and in due time was called to the bar. In the ninth of queen Elizabeth, he was both Lent and Summer reader; in the sixteenth
, a younger brother of a good family, either of Broughton, or of Flixborough in Lincolnshire, descended originally from Scotland. He received the first part of his education in the country, and went afterwards to Lincoln college in Oxford: from thence he removed to the Inner Temple, where he read law with great assiduity, and in due time was called to the bar. In the ninth of queen Elizabeth, he was both Lent and Summer reader; in the sixteenth of that queen, double reader, notes of which readings are yet extant in manuscript; and in the nineteenth year of queen Elizabeth, he was appointed one of the queen’s Serjeants at law. Some time after, he was made a judge; and, in 1581, being upon the Norfolk circuit at Bury, he exerted himself against the famous Browne, the author of those opinions which were afterwards maintained by a sect called from him Brownists: for this conduct of judge Anderson, the bishop of Norwich wrote a letter to treasurer Burleigh, desiring the judge might receive the queen’s thanks. In 1582, he was made lord chief justice of the common pleas, and the year following received the honour of knighthood. In 1586, he was appointed one of the commissioners for trying Mary queen of Scots; on the 12th of October, the same year, he sat in judgment upon her; and on the 25th of the same month, he sat again in the star-chamber, when sentence was pronounced against this unhappy queen. In 1587, he sat in the star-chamber on secretary Davison, who was charged with issuing the warrant for the execution of the queen of Scots, contrary to queen Elizabeth’s command, and without her knowledge. After the cause had been heard, sir Roger Manwood, chief baron of the exchequer, gave his opinion first, wherein he extolled the queen’s clemency, which he said, Davison had inconsiderately prevented; and therefore he was for fining him ten thousand pounds, and imprisonment during the queen’s pleasure. Chief justice Anderson spoke next, and said that Davison, had done justum, non juste,—that is, he had done what was right, but not in a right manner, which, Granger observes, is excellent logic for finding an innocent man guilty.
n the case of davendish, a creature of the earl of Leicester; who had procured, by his interest, the queen’s letters patent for making out writs of supersedeas upon exigents
In the proceedings against those who endeavoured to set
up the Geneva discipline, Anderson shewed much zeal:
but in the case of Udal, a puritan minister, who was confined in 1589, and tried and condemned the year following,
we find him unjustly censured by Mr. Pierce in his “Indication of the Dissenters,
” and yet more unjustly by Neal,
in his History of the Puritans, who asserts that Anderson
tried and condemned Udal, which is a direct falsehood.
Still it cannot be denied that he was severe in suoh cases,
although from his conduct in other matters, it is evident
that he acted conscientiously. In 1596 we have an account
of his going the northern circuit, where he behaved with
the same rigour; declaring in his charges, that such persons as opposed the established church, opposed her majesty’s authority, and were in that light enemies to the
state and disturbers of the public peace, and he directed
the grand juries to inquire, that they might be punished.
He was indeed a very strict lawyer, who governed himself
entirely by statutes: this he shewed on many occasions,
particularly at the trial of Henry Cuffe, secretary to the
earl of Essex, where the attorney-general charging the
prisoner syllogistically, and Cuffe answering him in the
same style, lord chief justice Anderson said, “I sit here
to judge of law, and not of logic:
” and directed Mr.
attorney to press the statute of Edward III. on which
Mr. Cuffe was indicted. He was reputed severe, and strict
in the observation of what was taught in courts, and laid
down as law by reports; but this is another unfounded report to his discredit, for we have his express declaration
to the contrary, and that he neither expected precedents
in all cases, nor would be bound by them where he saw
they were not founded upon justice, but would act as if
there were no such precedents. Of this we have a proof
from the reports in his time, published by Mr. Goldesborough: “The case of Resceit was moved again; and Shuttleworth said, that he cannot be received, because he is
named in the writ; and added, that he had searched all
the books, and there is not one case where he who is named
in the writ may be received. What of that? said
Anderson; shall we not give judgment, because it is not
adjudged in the books before? we, will give judgment according to reason; and if there be no reason in the books,
I will not regard them.
” His steadiness was so great, that
he would not be driven from what he thought right, by
any authority whatever. This appeared in the case of
davendish, a creature of the earl of Leicester; who had
procured, by his interest, the queen’s letters patent for
making out writs of supersedeas upon exigents in the court
of common pleas, aiyd a message was sent to the judges to
admit him to that office: with which, as they conceived
the queen had no right to grant any such patent, they did
not comply. Upon this, Mr. Cavendish, by the assistance of his patron, obtained a letter from the queen to
quicken them, but which did not produce what was ex
pected from it. The courtier again pursued his point,
and obtained another letter under the queen’s signet and
sign manual; which letter was delivered in presence of
the lord chancellor and the earl of Leicester, in the beginning of Easter term. The judges desired time to consider it, and then answered, that they could not comply
with the letter, because it was inconsistent with their duty
and their oaths of office. The queen upon this appointed
the chancellor, the lord chief justice of the queen’s bench,
and the master of the rolls, to hear this matter; and the
queen’s serjeant having set forth her prerogative, it was
shewn by the judges, that they could not grant offices by
virtue of the queen’s letters, where it did not appear to
them that she had a power to grant; that as the judges
were bound by their oaths of office, so her majesty was
restrained by her coronation-oath from such arbitrary interpositions: and with this her majesty was satisfied. He
concurred also with his brethren in remonstrating boldly
against several acts of power practised in Elizabeth’s reign.
On the accession of king James he was continued in his
office, and held it to the time of his death, which happened August 1, 1605. He was interred at Eyworth in
Bedfordshire. The printed works of this great lawyer,
besides his “Readings,
” which are still in manuscript, are,
1. “Reports of many principal Cases argued and adjudged
in the time of queen Elizabeth, in the Common Bench,
London, Resolutions a-nd Judgements on,
the Cases and Matters agitated in all the courts of Westminster, in the latter end of the reign of queen Elizabeth,
published by John Goldesborough, esq. prothonotary of
the common pleas, London, 1653, 4to.
onson. As for the sons, Edward the eldest died without issue. Francis the second son was knighted by queen Elizabeth, and his youngest son by his second wife, sir John
Chief justice Anderson married Magdalen, daughter of Nicholas Smith of Aunables in Hertfordshire, by whom he had three sons, Edward, Francis, William, and six daughters, two of which died young. Of those that survived, Elizabeth married Sir Hatton Farmer, knt. ancestor to the earl of Pontefract; Griselda espoused sir John Shefeld, knt. from whom descended the late duke of Buckinghamshire. Catherine became the wife of sir George Booth, bart. ancestor to the earls of Warrington; and Margaret, by sir Thomas Monson, bart. established the family of the lords Monson. As for the sons, Edward the eldest died without issue. Francis the second son was knighted by queen Elizabeth, and his youngest son by his second wife, sir John Anderson, of St. Ives, in the county of Huntingdon, was created baronet in 1628. William, the chief justice’s youngest son, left one son Edmond, who was created baronet by king Charles H. and his family still flourishes at Kilnwick Piercy, in the east-riding of Yorkshire. Stephen Anderson, esq. eldest son and heir of Stephen Anderson, esq. son and heir of sir Francis Anderson before mentioned, was likewise raised to the dignity of a baronet, in the sixteenth of Charles II. and his honour was lately possessed by his direct descendant, sir Stephen Anderson, of Broughton in Lincolnshire, and Eyworth in Bedfordshire, but the title is now extinct.
als down to the Union in 1707; promising to defray the expences of the work, and to recommend him to queen Anne, as a person meriting her royal favour for any office or
In the course of this inquiry, Mr. Anderson had made large collections of ancient charters, and was now esteemed so well acquainted with antiquities of that kind, that the parliament ordered him to collect and publish a series of the charters and seals of the kings of Scotland (in their original characters, or fac simile) preceding king James the first of that kingdom, with the coins and medals down to the Union in 1707; promising to defray the expences of the work, and to recommend him to queen Anne, as a person meriting her royal favour for any office or place of trust in lieu of his employment. On this, in 1707, he gave up his professional engagements, and came to London to superintend the execution of the work. In 1715 he was made postmaster general of Scotland, which he enjoyed, for whatever reason, only to 1717.
he happened to meet with respecting the conduct and character of the beautiful and unfortunate Mary queen of Scotland. But, without engaging on either side in this contested
During his inspection of the records and archives necessary to be consulted for his work, he was induced by a curiosity which is not yet satiated in his countrymen, to examine
what he happened to meet with respecting the conduct and
character of the beautiful and unfortunate Mary queen of
Scotland. But, without engaging on either side in this
contested part of history, he contented himself with publisping what might be serviceable to others, “Collections
relating to the history of Mary, queen of Scotland,
” 4 vols.
4to, Edinb. 1727. He had then very nearly finished, and
meant soon to have published, the diplomatic work recommended by parliament, when he was prevented by a stroke
of apoplexy, of which he died, April 3, 1728. The work,
however, was at length given to the publick in 1739, under
the title of “Selectus Diplomatum et Numismatum Scotiæ
” a most splendid folio volume, enriched with
fac similes of charters, &c. beautifully engraven by Sturt,
and a very elaborate preface in Latin from the classical
pen of Thomas Ruddiman, A. M. The copper plates were
sold by auction, Dec. 4, 1729, for the sum of 530l. but
the price of the book, originally four guineas the common
paper, and six guineas the fine, is now raised to more than
to the way of salvation. After this, I was sent for by the most catholic princes king Fex-dinand and queen Isabella, in order to preach in Grenada to the Moors of that
, was born a Mahometan, at Xativa, in
the kingdom of Valencia, and succeeded his father in the
dignity of alfaqui of that city. He embraced Christianity on
being present at a sermon in the great church of Valencia the
day of the assumption of the blessed Virgin, in 1487. Upon
this he desired to be baptised, and in memory of the calling of St. John and St. Andrew, he took the name of John
Andreas. “Having received holy orders,
” says he, “and
from an alfaqui and a slave of Lucifer become a priest and
minister of Christ, I began, like St. Paul, to preach and
publish the contrary of what I had erroneously believed and
asserted; and, with the assistance of almighty God, I converted at first a great many souls of the Moors, who were
in danger of hell, and under the dominion of Lucifer, and
conducted them into the way of salvation. After this, I
was sent for by the most catholic princes king Fex-dinand
and queen Isabella, in order to preach in Grenada to the
Moors of that kingdom, which their majesties had conquered;
and by God’s blessing on my preaching, an infinite number
of Moors were brought to abjure Mahommed, and to turn
to Christ. A little after this, I was made a canon by their
graces; and sent for again by the most Christian queen
Isabella to Arragon, that I might be employed in the conversion of the Moors of those kingdoms, who still persisted
in their errors, to the great contempt and dishonour of our
crucified Saviour, and the prodigious loss and danger of all
Christian princes. But this excellent and pious design of
her majesty was rendered ineffectual by her death.
” At
the desire of Martin Garcia, bishop of Barcelona, he undertook to translate from the Arabic, into the language of
Arragon, the whole law of the Moors; and after having
finished this undertaking, he composed his famous work of
“The Confusion of the Sect of Mahommed;
” it contains
twelve chapters, wherein he has collected the fabulous stories,
impostures, forgeries, brutalities, follies, absurdities, and contradictions, which Mahommed, in order to deceive the simple
people, has dispersed in the writings of that sect, and especially in the Koran. Andreas tells us, he wrote this work,
that not only the learned among Christians, but even the
common people, might know the different belief and doctrine of the Moors; and on the one hand might laugh at
and ridicule such insolent and brutal notions, and on the
other might lament their blindness and dangerous condition. This book, which was published at first in Spanish
at Seville, 1537, 4to, has been translated into several languages, and is frequently quoted as authority in writings
against the Mahometan religion.
In France, whither she made a tour, she met with the most flattering reception from the king, the queen, and the court. She composed several sonnets in praise of her
In France, whither she made a tour, she met with the
most flattering reception from the king, the queen, and the
court. She composed several sonnets in praise of her royal
patrons, which are inserted in the second volume of her
poems. She married Francis Andreini, whom we have just
noticed, and died at Lyons, June 10th, 1604, in consequence of a premature delivery during a state of pregnancy,
in the forty -second year of her age. Her husband, whom
her loss overwhelmed with affliction, had her interred in
the city in which she expired, and erected a monument to
her memory, on which he caused an epitaph to be inscribed, enumerating her virtues, her piety, and her talents. Her death was lamented in many Latin and Italian
elegies and panegyrics, and even a medal was struck to her
memory, with the inscription, “JEterna Fama.
” The justice of these high praises may still be appreciated by a
perusal of her works 1. “Mirtilla, favola pastorale,
” Verona, Rime,
” Milan,
Componimenti poetici delle piu illustri rimatrici d'ogni seculo,
” Venice, Lettere,
Venice, Fragmenti d'alcune
” &c. a collection of fragments, dialogues, &c. on
love subjects, published by her husband, Venice, 1616, the
date of the preface, but in the frontispiece, 1625, 8vo.
etry and philosophy, and Lewis XII. of France made him his poet-laureat. He was likewise poet to the queen. His pen, however, was not wholly employed in making verses,
, or Publius Faustus Andrelinus, a modern Latin poet, was born at Forli, in
Romagnia, about the middle of the fifteenth century.
Having composed in his youth, at Rome, four books of
poetry under the name of “Amours,
” he was honoured
with the poetic crown; in
to which he added that of “poeta regius et regineus,” as he was poet to Charles VIII. Lewis XII. and queen Anne IV. The distichs of Faustus (continues the same author)
The poems of Andrelini, which are chiefly in Latin,
are inserted in the first tome of the “Deliciæ poetarum
” Mr. de la Monnoie tells us, that his love-verses, divided into four books, entitled “Livia,
” from the
name of his mistress, were esteemed so fine by the Roman
academy, that they adjudged the prize of the Latin elegy
to the author.—It is upon this account, that when he printed
his Livia, in quarto, at Paris, in 1490, and his three books
of Elegies four years after, in the same city, he took
upon him the title of poet-laureat, to which he added that
of “poeta regius et regineus,
” as he was poet to Charles
VIII. Lewis XII. and queen Anne IV. The distichs of
Faustus (continues the same author) are not above two
hundred) and consequently but a very small part of his
poems, since, besides the four books of Love, and three
books of Miscellaneous Elegies, there are twelve Eclogues
of his printed in octavo, in 1549, in the collection of thirtyeight Bucolic Poets, published by Oporinus. The death
of Andrelini is placed under the year 1518. The letters
which he wrote in proverbs have been thought worth a new
edition at Helmstadt in 1662, according to that of Cologn
of 1509. The manner of life of this author was not very
exemplary; yet he was so fortunate, says Erasmus, that
though he took the liberty of rallying the divines, he was
never brought into trouble about it.
nd nobility, for which he was liberally rewarded. While employed on a picture of St. Jerome, for the queen dowager, he received letters from his wife, soliciting his return
, or more properly Andrea Del Sarto, so called from his father’s trade, that of a tailor, but whose family name was Venucci, was born at Florence in 1488, and at first instructed in his art by Barile, a mean painter, with whom he spent three years, at the end of which Barile placed him with Peter Cosimo, then accounted one of the best painters in Italy. Under him, he made astonishing proficiency, and his abilities began to be acknowledged, but Cosimo' s morose temper obliged him to leave him, and seek instruction in the works of other artists. As he had, while with Cosimo, employed himself in designing after Vinci, Raphael, and Buonaroti, to whose works he had access at Florence, he persisted in the same practice, formed an admirable taste, and excelled his young rivals at home or abroad, in correctness, colouring, and knowledge of his art. Having contracted a friendship with Francesco Bigio, they determined to live together, and painted a great many works in the churches and convents of Florence, jointly, but Andrea’s reputation began to predominate, and seemed fixed by his representation of the preaching of St. John, executed for the Carmelites at Florence. Some time after this, he went to Rome to study the models of art in that city, but it is thought he did not remain there long enough to reap all the benefit which he might. The excellence of his pencil, and his power of imitation, were remarkably displayed in the copy he made of Leo X. between cardinal Medici and cardinal Rom, the head and hands by Raphael, and the draperies by Julio Romano. The imitation was so exact, that Julio, after the most minute inspection, and being told that it was a copy, could not distinguish it from the original. His superior talents might have raised him to opulence, if his imprudence had not reduced him to shame and poverty. The French king, Francis I. who was extremely partial to his works, invited him to his court, defrayed the expences of his journey, and made him many valuable presents. For a portrait, only, of the Dauphin, an infant, he received tjjree hundred crowns of gold, and he painted many other pictures for the court and nobility, for which he was liberally rewarded. While employed on a picture of St. Jerome, for the queen dowager, he received letters from his wife, soliciting his return to Florence, and, to indulge her, of whom he was excessively fond, he asked, and obtained a few months absence. It was on this occasion that the king, confiding in his integrity, made him several princely presents, and intrusted him with large sums of money to purchase statues, paintings, &c.; but Andrea instead of executing his commission, squandered away not only his own, but the money intrusted to him, became poor, and despised, and at last died of the plague, in his forty-second year, abandoned by his wife, and by all those friends who had partaken of his extravagance. His principal works were at Florence, but there were formerly specimens in many of the palaces and churches of Italy and France. All the biographers and critics of painters, except perhaps Baldinucci, have been lavish in their praises of Andrea. Mr. Fuseli, in his much improved edition of Pilkington, observes, that, on comparing the merits of his works, they seem to have obtained their full share of justice. As a Tuscan, says that judicious critic, the suavity of his tone, and facility of practice, contrast more strikingly with the general austerity and elaborate pedantry of that school, and gain-him greater praise than they would, had he been a Bolognese or Lombard. It cannot, however, be denied, that his sweetness sometimes borders on insipidity; the modesty, or rather pusillanimity of his character, checked the full exertion of his powers; his faults are of the negative kind, and defects rather than, blemishes. He had no notions of nature beyond the model, and concentrated all female beauty in his Lucrezia (his wife), and if it be true that he sacrificed his fortune and Francis I. to her charms, she must at least have equalled in form and feature his celebrated Madonna del Sacco; hence it was not unnatural that the proportions of Albert Durer should attract him more than those of Michael Angelo. His design and his conceptions, which seldom rose above the sphere of common or domestic life, kept pace with each other; here his observation was acute, and his ear open to every whisper of social intercourse or emotion. The great peculiarity, perhaps the great prerogative, of Andrea appears to be that parallelism of composition, which distinguishes the best of his historical works, seemingly as natural, obvious, and easy, as inimitable. In solemn effects, in alternate balance of action and repose, he excels all the moderns, and if he was often unable to conceive the actors themselves, he gives them probability and importance, by place and posture. Of costume he was ignorant, but none ever excelled, and few approached him in breadth, form, and style of that drapery which ought to distinguish solemn, grave, or religious subjects.
new system of London police, Mr. Andrews was appointed one of the commissioners for the district of Queen’s square and St. Margaret’s Westminster, and discharged the
On the institution of the new system of London police, Mr. Andrews was appointed one of the commissioners for the district of Queen’s square and St. Margaret’s Westminster, and discharged the duties of that office with great industry and integrity, until his death, which happened at his house in London, August 6, 1797, in his sixtieth year. He was buried at Hampstead. He marrried Miss Anne Penrose, daughter of the rev. Mr. Penrose, late rector of Newbury. By this lady, whom he survived twenty years, he had two sons and a daughter: one of the former is dead; the other in 1800 succeeded to the title and estates of his uncle, sir Joseph Andrews, bart. a man of a most amiable and exalted character.
gion. From that time he began to be taken notice of by sir Francis Walsingham, secretary of state to queen Elizabeth. That minister, who was unwilling so fine a genius
, an eminent divine, and bishop
of Winchester in the reigns of James I. and Charles I. was
born at London, in 1555, in the parish of Allhallows
Barking, being descended from the ancient family of the
Andrews in Suffolk. He had his education in grammarlearning, first in the Coopers’ free-school at Ratcliff under
Mr. Ward, and afterwards in Merchant Taylors’ school at
London, under Mr. Muleaster. Here he made such a proficiency in the learned languages, that Dr. Watts, residentiary of St. Paul’s, and archdeacon of Middlesex, who about
that time had founded some scholarships at Pembroke hall
in Cambridge, sent him to that college, and bestowed on
him the first of those exhibitions. After he had been
three years in the university, his custom was to come up
to London once a year, about Easter, to visit his father
and mother, with whom he usually stayed a month; during
which time, with the assistance of a master, he applied
himself to the attaining some language or art, to which he
was before a stranger: and by this means, in a few years,
he had laid the foundation of all the arts and sciences, and
acquired a competent skill in most of the modern languages. Having taken the degree of bachelor of arts, he
was, upon a vacancy, chosen fellow of his college, in preference upon trial to Mr. Dove, afterwards bishop of Peterborough. In the mean time Hugh Price, having founded
Jesus college in Oxford, and hearing much of the fame of
young Mr. Andrews, appointed him one of his, first, orhonorary fellows on that foundation. Having taken the
degree of master of arts, he applied himself to the study
of divinity, in the knowledge of which he so greatly excelled, that being chosen catechist in the college, and having undertaken to read a lecture on the Ten Commandments every Saturday and Sunday at three o'clock in the
afternoon, great numbers out of the other colleges of the
university, and even out of the country, duly resorted to
Pembroke chapel, as to a divinity lecture. At the same
time, he was esteemed so profound a casuist, that he was
often consulted in the nicest and most difficult cases of
conscience; and his reputation being established, Henry,
earl of Huntington, prevailed upon him to accompany him
into the North, of which he was president; where, by his
diligent preaching, and private conferences, in which he
used a due mixture of zeal and moderation, he converted
several recusants, priests, as well as others, to the protestant religion. From that time he began to be taken notice
of by sir Francis Walsingham, secretary of state to queen
Elizabeth. That minister, who was unwilling so fine a
genius should be buried in the obscurity of a country benefice, his intent being to make him reader of controversies
in the university of Cambridge, assigned him for his maintenance the lease of the parsonage of Alton in Hampshire,
and afterwards procured for him the vicarage of St. Giles’s,
Cripplegate, in London. Afterwards he was chosen a prebendary and residentiary of St. Paul’s, as also prebendary
of the collegiate church of Southwell. Being thus preferred to his own contentment, he distinguished himself as
a diligent and excellent preacher, and read divinity lectures
three times a week at St. Paul’s, in term time. Upon the
death of Dr. Fulke, he was chosen master of Pembrokehall, of which he had been scholar and fellow, a place of
more honour than profit, as he spent more upon it than he
received from it, and was a considerable benefactor to that
college. He was appointed one of the chaplains in ordinary to queen Elizabeth, who took such delight in his
preaching, that she first made him a prebendary of Westminster, in the room of Dr. Richard Bancroft promoted to
the see of London; and afterwards dean of that church, in
the room of Dr. Gabriel Goodman deceased. But he refused to accept of any bishopric in this reign, because he
would not basely submit to an alienation of the episcopal
revenue . Dr. Andrews soon grew into far greater esteem
with her successor king James I. who not only gave him
the preference to all other divines as a preacher, but likewise made choice of him to vindicate his sovereignty
against the virulent pens of his enemies. His majesty
having, in his “Defence of the rights of Kings,
” asserted
the authority of Christian princes over causes and persons
ecclesiastical, cardinal Bellarmin, under the name of Matthew Tortus, attacked him with great vehemence. The
king requested bishop Andrews to answer the cardinal,
which he did with great spirit and judgment, in a piece
entitled “Tortura Torti: sive, ad Matthaei Torti librutn
responsio, qui nuper editus contra Apologiam serenissimi
potentissimique principis Jacobi, Dei gratia Magnae Britannias, Franciae, & Hiberniae Regis, pro juramento fidelitatis.
” It was printed at London by Roger Barker, the
king’s printer, in 1609, in quarto, containing 402 pages,
and dedicated to the king. The substance of what the
bishop advances in this treatise, with great strength of reason and evidence, is, that kings have power both to call
synods and confirm them; and to do all other things, which
the emperors heretofore diligently performed, and which
the bishops of those times willingly acknowledged of rio-ht
to belong to them. Casaubon gives this work the character of being written with great accuracy and research. That
king next promoted him to the bishopric of Chichester, to
which he was consecrated, November 3, 1605. At the
same time he made him his lord almoner, in which place
of great trust he behaved with singular fidelity, disposing
of the royal benevolence in the most disinterested manner,
and not availing himself even of those advantages that he
might legally and fairly have taken. Upon the vacancy of
the bishopric of Ely, he was advanced to that see, and
consecrated September 22, 1609. He was also nominated
one of his majesty’s privy counsellors of England; and
afterwards of Scotland, when he attended the king in his
journey to that kingdom. After he had sat nine years in
that see, he wus advanced to the bishopric of Winchester,
and deanery of the king’s chapel, February 18, 1618;
which two last preferments he held till his death. This
great prelate was in no less reputation and esteem with
king Charles I. than he had been with his predecessors.
At length he departed this life, at Winchester-house in
Southwark, September 25, 1626, in the seventy-first year
of his age; and was buried in the parish church of St. Saviour’s, Southwark; where his executors erected to him a
very fair monument of marble and alabaster, on which is
an elegant Latin inscription, written by one of his chaplains .
and which, his own collection being now sold and dispersed, were taken from the museum of Christina, queen of Sweden. Angeioni published also the history of his native
, a learned antiquary of the
seventeenth century, was born at Terni, in the duchy of
Spalatto, and became secretary to the cardinal Hippolito
Aldobrandini, and apostolic prothonotary. He was also a
member of the academy of the Insensati at Perugia, and
made so extensive a collection of curiosities of art of every
kind, that it was thought worthy of the name of the Roman
museum. The marquis Vincenzo Giustiniani engaged Angeloni to publish his series of imperial medal’s, which accordingly appeared under the title “L'Istoria Augusta da
Giulio Cesare Costatino il magno,
” Rome, Storia di Terni,
” Rome,
r of that court, who was returning home. By him he was presented to Ferdinand and Isabella, king and queen, and served in two campaigns, but quitted the army for the church,
, an Italian scholar,
was born in 1455, at Arona, on the Lake Major. His family, one of the most illustrious in Milan, took the name of
Anghiera, from the same lake, which is partly in the county
of Anghiera. In 1477, he went to Rome, and entered
into the service of the cardinal Ascanio Sforza Visconti,
and afterwards into that of the archbishop of Milan.
During a residence there of ten years, he formed an acquaintance with the most eminent literary men of his time,
and among others, with Pomponio Leto. In 1487, he
went into Spain in the suite of the ambassador of that
court, who was returning home. By him he was presented
to Ferdinand and Isabella, king and queen, and served in
two campaigns, but quitted the army for the church, and
was appointed by the queen to teach the belles lettres to
the young men of the court, in which employment he continued for some time. Having on various occasions shown
a capacity for political business, Ferdinand, in 1501, employed him on an errand of considerable delicacy, to the
sultan of Egypt, in which he acquitted himself greatly to
his majesty’s satisfaction. While engaged in this business,
he took the opportunity of visiting some part of Egypt,
particularly the pyramids, and returned to Spain in the
month of August 1502. From this time he became attached to the court, and was appointed a member of the
council for the affairs of India. The pope, at the king’s
request, made him apostolical prothonotary, and in 1505,
prior of the church of Grenada, with a valuable benefice.
After the death of Ferdinand, Anghiera remained as much
in favour with the new king, and he also was presented
by Charles V. to a rich abbey. He died at Grenada in
1526, leaving several historical works, which are often
quoted by the name of Peter Martyr, as if that were his
family name; and in the Diet. Hist, he is recorded under
Martyr. His principal works are, 1. “Opus Epistolarum
Petri Martyris Anglerii, Mediolanensis,
” De
rebus Oceanicis etorbe novo Decades,
” a history of the discovery of the New World, compiled from the manuscripts of
Columbus, and the accounts he sent to Spain to the India
council, of which our author was a member. These Decades
were at first printed separately; the first edition of the whole
is that of Paris, 1536, fol. which has been often reprinted.
3. “De insulis nuper in vends et incolarum moribus,
” Basil, De legation e Baby lonica,
libri tres,
” printed with the Decades, which contains an account of his embassy to the sultan of Egypt. Some other
works, but rather on doubtful authority, have been attributed to him.
een born. This appears incontestabiy from Vasari, who tells us, that she painted the portrait of the queen of Spain, by order of Pope Paul IV. in 1561; and to prove this
, an eminent Italian paintress, was born at Cremona in 1533, of a distinguished family. The author of the Museum Fforentinum is guilty of a very remarkable anachronism, in regard to Sophonisba; for he hxes her birth in 1559, in which year it w absolutely impossible she could have been born. This appears incontestabiy from Vasari, who tells us, that she painted the portrait of the queen of Spain, by order of Pope Paul IV. in 1561; and to prove this fact, he inserts the letter which she sent along with the picture to the Pope, and also the Pope’s answer, both dated in 1561; Sophonisba’s from Madrid the 16th of September, and the Pope’s from Rome the 15th of October; at which time, according to the Museum Florentinum, she could have been only two years old, if born in 1559. The first instructor of this eminent paintress was Bernardini Campo of Cremona; but she learned colouring and perspective from Bernardo Gatti, called Soiaro. One of her first performances was the portrait of her father, placed between his two children, with such strong characters of life and nature, with a pencil so free and firm, and so lively a turn of colour, that her work was universally applauded, and she was acknowledged an incomparable painter of portraits. Through every part of Italy she is distinguished by no other name than that of Sophonisba. But although portraits engrossed the greatest part of her time, yet she designed several historical subjects, with figures of a small size, touched with abundance of spirit, and with attitudes easy, natural, and graceful. By continual application to her profession she lost her sight; and it is recorded thatVandyck, having had an opportunity of conversingjwith Sophonisba, used to say, that he received more beneficial knowledge of the two principles of his art from one blind woman, than by studying all the works of the greatest masters of Italy. At Lord Spencer’s, at Wimbledon, there is a portrait of Sophonisba, playing on the' harpsichord, painted by herself; an old woman appears as her attendant; and on the picture is written, Jussu Patris. And at Wilton, in the Pembroke collection, is the marriage of St. Catherine, painted by Sophonisba. One of her sisters, named Lucia Angusciola, painted portraits, and gained by her performances a reputation not inferior to Sophonisba, as well in regard to the truth and delicacy of her colouring, as the justness of the resemblance. And another of her sisters, named Europa Angusciola, from her infancy manifested an extraordinary turn for painting, and shewed such taste and elegance in her manner of design, as to procure a degree of applause almost equal to Lucia or Sophonisba.
ge from the arts and sciences, he was deservedly lamented by person’s of real knowledge. The empress- queen, whose subject he was, and who had granted him a pension of
, astronomer, geometrician, and mechanic, was the son of a labourer employed in agriculture.
He was born Feb. 22, 1723, at Oberperfuss, a village
about 12 miles from Inspruck, and died Sept. 1, 1766.
While engaged in the menial employments of labourer
and shepherd, he felt an irresistible impulse towards astronomy and geometry. Pere Hill, a Jesuit, professor in the
university of Inspruck, discovered his talents, and enabled
him to cultivate them with such success, that in a short
time he became an able astronomer, and one of the best
mechanics in Europe. He made a pair of globes for the
university of Inspruck, which are acknowledged to be
masterpieces in their kind. He constructed and completed
a great variety of mathematical instruments, and drew
maps and charts of admirable accuracy and neatness.
Snatched away in the flower of his age from the arts and
sciences, he was deservedly lamented by person’s of real
knowledge. The empress-queen, whose subject he was,
and who had granted him a pension of 200 florins, which
he enjoyed but two months, settled a pension of 50 florins
on his sister, to testify her consideration for the deceased.
The maps which he left were published at Vienna in 1774,
“Tyrolis chorographia delineata e Petro An-ich et BlasioHueber, curante Ign. Weinhart.
” His life was published
in German, at Munich,
e possessed of a good estate, and was born about the year 1620. In 1635 he was admitted a student in Queen’s college, Oxford, where he took his bachelor’s and master’s
, a very eminent
nonconformist minister, was the son of John Aneley, of
Hareley, in Warwickshire, where his family were possessed of a good estate, and was born about the year 1620.
In 1635 he was admitted a student in Queen’s college, Oxford, where he took his bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
At the university he was distinguished by extreme temperance and industry. His inclination leading him to the
church, he received holy orders, but it is uncertain whether from the hands of a bishop, or according to the Presbyterian way; Wood inclines to the former, and Calamy
to the latter. In 1644, however, he became chaplain to
the earl of Warwick, then admiral of the parliament’s fleet,
and afterwards succeeded to a church at Clift'e, in Kent,
by the ejectment, for loyalty, of Dr. Griffith Higges, who
was much beloved by his parishioners. On July 26, 1648,
he preached the fast sermon before the house of commons,
which, as usual, was ordered to be printed. About this
time, also, he was honoured with the title of LL. D. by
the university of Oxford, or rather by the peremptory
command of Philip earl of Pembroke, chancellor of the
university, who acted there with boundless authority.
The same year, he went to sea with the earl of Warwick,
who was employed in giving chase to that part of the
English navy which went over to the then prince, afterwards king Charles II. Some time after this, he resigned
his Kentish living, although he had now become popular
there, in consequence of a promise he made to his parishioners to “resign it when he had fitted them for the
reception of a better minister.
” In 1657, he was nominated by Cromwell, lecturer at St. Paul’s; and in 1658
was presented by Richard, the protector, to the vicarage
of St. Giles’s, Cripplegate. But this presentation becoming soon useless, he, in 1660, procured another from
the trustees for the approbation and admission of ministers
of the gospel, after the Presbyterian manner. His second
presentation growing out of date as the first, he obtained,
in the same year, a third, of a more legal stamp, from
Charles II.; but in 1662, he was ejected for nonconformity. He was offered considerable preferment, if he
would conform, but refused it, and continued to preach
privately during that and the following reign. He died
in 1696, with a high reputation for piety, charity, and
popular talents. His works, which are enumerated by
Calamy, consist of occasional sermons, and some funeral
sermons, with biographical memoirs. He was the principal support, if not the institutor, of the morning lecture,
or course of sermons preached at seven o'clock in the
morning, at various churches, during the usurpation, and
afterwards at meeting-houses, by the most learned and
able nonconformists. Of these several volumes have been
printed, and of late years have risen very much in price.
Collectors inform us that a complete set should consist of
six volumes.
he embarked for England, and landing at Dover, was received with extraordinary marks of welcome, the queen herself travelling before him upon the road, to provide for
The king had an interview with the archbishop about mid-lent, 1103, in which he laboured both by threats and promises, to bring him to do homage for the temporalities of his see, but when he found him inflexible, he joined with the bishops and nobility in desiring Anselm to take a journey to Rome, to tiy if he could pe; suade the pope to relax, and Anselm accordingly set out, April 29. At the same time, the king dispatched one William Warelwast to Home, who, arriving there before Anselm, solicited-for the king his master, but to no purpose, as the pope persisted in refusing to grant the king the right of investiture. But, at the same time, his Holiness wrote a very ceremonious letter to the king of England, entreating him to wave‘ the contest, and promising all imaginable, compliance in other matters. Anselm, having taken leave of the court of Rome, returned to Lyons, where he received a sharp and reprimanding letter from a monk, acquainting him with the lamentable condition of the province of Canterbury, and blaming him for absenting himself at such a critical time. During the archbishop’s stay at Lyons, the king sent another embassy to Rome, to try if he could prevail with the pope to bring Anselm to a submission. But the pope, instead of being gained, excommunicated some of the English court, who had dissuaded the king from parting with the investitures, yet he declined pronouncing any censure against the king. Anselm, perceiving the court of Rome dilatory in its proceedings, removed from Lyons, and made a visit to the countess Adela, the conqueror’s daughter, at her castle in Blois. This lady inquiring into the business of Anselm’s journey, he told her that, after a great deal of patience and expectation, he must now be forced to excommunicate the king of England. The countess was extremely concerned for her brother, and wrote to the pope to procure an accommodation. The king, who was come into Normandy, hearing that Anselm designed to excommunicate him, desired his sister to bring him with her into Normandy, with a promise of condescension in several articles. To this Anselm agreed, and waited upon the king at a castle called L’Aigle, July 1105, where the king restored to him the revenues of the archbishopric, but would not permit him to come into England, unless he would comply in the affair of the investitures, which Anselm refusing, continued in France, till the matter was once more laid before the pope. But now the English bishops, who had taken part with the court against Anselm, began to change their minds, as appears by their letter directed to him in Normaiuly, in which, after having set forth the deplorable state of the church, they press him to come over with all speed, promising to stand by him, and pay him the regard due to his character. This was subscribed by Gerrard archbishop of York, Robert bishop of Chester, Herbert bishop of Norwich, Ralph bishop of Chichester, Samson bishop of Worcester, and William elect of Winchester. Anselm expressed his satisfaction at this conduct of the bishops, but acquainted them that it was not in his power to return, till he was farther informed of the proceedings of the court of Rome. In the mean time, being told, that the king had fined some of the clergy for a late breach of the canons respecting marriage, he wrote to his highness to complain of that stretch of his prerogative. At length the ambassadors returned from Rome, and brought with them a decision more agreeable than the former, for now th pope thought fit to make some advances towards gratifying the king, and though he would not give up the point of investitures, yet he dispensed so far as to give the bishops and abbots leave to do homage for their temporalities. The king, who was highly pleased with this condescension in the pope, sent immediately to invite Anselm to England; but the messenger finding him sick, the king himself went over into Normandy, and visited him at the abbey of Bee, where all differences between them were completely adjusted. As soon as Anselm. recovered, he embarked for England, and landing at Dover, was received with extraordinary marks of welcome, the queen herself travelling before him upon the road, to provide for his better entertainment. From this time very little happened in the life of this celebrated prelate, excepting only his contest with Thomas, archbishop elect of York, who endeavoured to disengage himself from a dependency on the see of Canterbury; but although Anselm died before the point was settled, Thomas was obliged to comply, and make his submission as usual to the archbishop of Canterbury. Anselm died at Canterbury, in the seventy-sixth year of his age, and the seventeenth of his prelacy, April 21, 1109.
beautiful medal for a poem which he had composed on occasion of the jubilee celebrated in 1650, and queen Christina gave him a gold chain for a poem in Dutch which he
, a Dutch poet of considerable celebrity in his own country, was born at Amsterdam in 1622.
In 1649 he travelled to Italy, where he acquired great reputation as a writer of Latin verse. Pope Innocent X.
gave him a beautiful medal for a poem which he had composed on occasion of the jubilee celebrated in 1650, and
queen Christina gave him a gold chain for a poem in Dutch
which he addressed to her. Some have discovered in his
poems an inclination for the Roman catholic religion. He
died at Perouse in Italy, May 16, 1669. The collection
of his works was printed at Rotterdam, 1715, 8vo; and
contains the “Crown of St. Stephen the martyr,
” published in Parisian nuptials,
or the massacre of St. Bartholomew,
” which first appeared
te yacht, to convoy her present majesty to England, in 1762, he went to Portsmouth, to accompany the queen’s brother, prince Charles of Mecklenburgh, and to show him the
On the 12th of July 1749, his lordship was made viceadmiral of Great Britain, an appointment that is more of a civil than a military nature; but which, nevertheless, is always given to a military man. On the 12th of June 1751, he was preferred to be first commissioner of the admiralty, in the room of the earl of Sandwich; and in the years 1752 and 1755, he was one of the lords justices of the kingdom, during his majesty’s absence. The affair of Minorca occasioned him to be much blamed by the party writers of the time, in his character of first lord of the admiralty; but when this was inquired into, the resolutions of the House of Commons acquitted him and his colleagues of any neglect of duty. On the 16th of November 1756, upon a change of administration, he resigned his office in the admiralty; but, having been in the interval made an admiral, he was again placed at the head of the board, where he continued during the remainder of his life. He came in with his old friends, the duke of Newcastle and the earl of Hardwicke, and in the most honourable manner; for he resumed his seat with the concurrence of every individual in the ministry, Mr. Pitt resuming the seals as secretary of state, and with the particular approbation of king George II. All the rest of his conduct, as first commissioner of the admiralty, was crowned with success, under the most glorious administration which this country ever saw. The last time that he commanded at sea, was in 1758, to cover the expedition against the coast of France. Being then admiral of the white, and having hoisted his flag on board the Royal George, of 100 guns, he sailed from Spithead, on the first of June, with a formidable fleet, sir Edward Hawke serving under him; and by cruizing continually before Brest, he protected the descents which were made that summer at St. Malo’s, Cherbourg, &c. The French fleet not venturing to come out, he kept his own squadron and seamen in constant exercise; a thing which he thought had been too much disregarded. On the 30th of July 1761, his lordship was raised to the dignity of admiral and commander in chief of the fleet; and in a few days he sailed from Harwich, in the Charlotte yacht, to convoy her present majesty to England, in 1762, he went to Portsmouth, to accompany the queen’s brother, prince Charles of Mecklenburgh, and to show him the arsenal, and the fleet which was then upon the point of sailing, under the command of sir George Pocock, for the Havannah. In attending the prince, however, he caught a violent cold, that was accompanied with a gouty disorder, under which he languished two or three months. This cold, at length, settled upon his lungs, andrwas the immediate occasion of his death. He died, at his seat at Moor Park, in Hertfordshire, on the 6th of June 1762, and was buried in the family vault at Colwich. His character may be justly estimated from the particulars we have given. In his official department, he acted with great judgment, and was a steady friend to merit. Of his private virtues, it is a sufficient test that he was never the object of slander or blame. It has, indeed, been asserted that he was addicted to gaming; but the author of the life we have followed in this account denies the charge, admitting only that he played for amusement. He left his fortune to his brother Thomas Anson, esq. who was member of parliament for Lichfield, a gentleman well known for his liberal patronage of, and his exquisite skill in, the fine arts. On his decease, the united fortunes of the family devolved to his nephew, by his eldest sister, George Adams, esq. who assumed the name of Anson.
, and the borough of St. Germain returned him one of their members in the first parliament called by queen Anne. Opposing what was called the Whig interest, he distinguished
, a learned heraldic writer, was of a
Cornish family, seated at St. Neot’s, being son of John
Anstis of that place, esq. by Mary, daughter and coheir
of George Smith. He was born September 28th or 29th,
1669, admitted at Exeter College in Oxford in 1685, and
three years afterwards entered of the Middle Temple. As
a gentleman of good fortune, he became well known in
his county, and the borough of St. Germain returned him
one of their members in the first parliament called by
queen Anne. Opposing what was called the Whig interest,
he distinguished himself by his voting against the bill for
occasional conformity: for which his name appeared amongst
the “Tackers
” in the prints of that time. He was appointed in I have a certain information it
would be ended forthwith, if the lord treasurer would honour
me by speaking to her majesty at this time, which, in behalf of the duke of Norfolk, I most earnestly desire, and
humbly beg your lordship’s assistance therein. If it be
delayed for some days, I shall then be back as far as the
delivery of my petition. I am obliged to attend this morning at the exchequer, about the tin affair, and thereby
prevented from waiting upon your lordship.
” If it does
relate to the reversionary patent, it is evident that he long
wished, and with difficulty obtained it. In the last parliament of Anne he was returned a member for Dunheved, or
Launceston, and he sat in the first parliament of George I.
He fell under the suspicion of government, as favouring
a design to restore the Stuarts, was imprisoned, and at
this critical time Garter’s place became vacant, by the
death of the venerable sir Henry St. George. He immediately claimed the office, but his grant was disregarded;
and, October 26,1715, sir John Vanbrugh, Clarenceux,
had the appointment. Unawed by power, fearless of danger, and confident in innocence, he first freed himself
from all criminality in having conspired against the succession of the illustrious house of Brunswick, and then prosecuted his claim to the office of garter, pleading the right
of the late queen to give him the place. It was argued,
that in a contest about the right of nomination in the reign
of Charles II. the sovereign gave it up, only retaining the
confirmation of the earl marshal’s choice: Mr. Anstis
urged, that Charles only waved his claim. The matter
came to a hearing April 4, 1717, and the competitors
claimed under their different grants; but the controversy
did not end until April 20, 1718, when the right being
acknowledged to be in Mr. Anstis, he was created Garter.
He had, for some time previous to this decision in his
favour, resided in the college, and by degrees gained the
good opinion and favour of the government. He even
obtained a patent under the great seal, giving the office
of garter to him, and his son John Anstis junior, esq. and
to the survivor of them: this passed June 8, 1727, only
two days before the death of George I. He died at his
seat, at Mortlake in Surrey, on Sunday, March 4, 1744-5,
and was buried the 23d of that month, in a vault in the
parish church of Dulo in Cornwall. In him, it is said, were
joined the learning of Camden and the industry, without the
inaccuracy, of sir William Dugdale. He was certainly a most
indefatigable and able officer at arms; and though he lived
to the age of seventy-six, yet there is room to wonder at
the extent of his productions, especially as he was a person
of great consequence, and busied with many avocations
out of the college. In 1706, he published a “Letter concerning the honour of Earl Marshal,
” 8vo. “The form
of the Installation of the Garter
” The
Register of the most noble Order of the Garter, usually
called the Black-Book, with a specimen of the Lives of
the Knights Companions,
” Observations introductory to an historical Essay on the Knighthood
of the Bath,
” Aspilogia,
” a discourse on seals in England, with beautiful
draughts, nearly fit for publication, from which Mr. Drake
read an abstract to the Society in 1735-6, and two folip
volumes of Sepulchral Monuments, Stone Circles, Crosses,
and Castles, in the three kingdoms, from which there are
extracts in the Archa?ologia, vol. XIII. were purchased,
with many other curious papers, at the sale of Mr. Anstis’s
library of Mss. in 1768, by Thomas Astle, esq. F. R. and
A. S. Besides these he left five large folio volumes on the
“Office, &c. of Garter King at Arms, of Heralds and
Pursuivants, in this and other kingdoms, both royal, princely, and such as belonged to our nobility,
” now in the pos
session of George Nayler, esq. York herald, and genealogist of the Order of the Bath, &c. “Memoirs of the
Families of Talbot, Carew, Granvile, and Courtney.
” “The
Antiquities of Cornwall.
” “Collections, relative to the
parish of Coliton, in Devonshire,
” respecting the tithes,
owing to a dispute which his son, the Rev. George Anstis,
the vicar, then had with the parishioners, in the court of
exchequer in 1742. The late Dr. Ducarel possessed it.
“Collections relative, to All Souls’ college, in Oxford.
These were very considerable, and purchased by the colllege. Sixty-four pages of his Latin Answer to “the Case
of Founders’ Kinsmen,
” were printed in 4to, with many
coats of arms. His “Curia Militaris, or treatise on the
Court of Chivalry, in three books:
” it is supposed that no
more than the preface and contents were ever published.
Mr. Reed had those parts; the whole, however, was
printed in 1702, 8vo; probably only for private friends.
Mr. Prior mentions this Garter in an epigram:
e city of London, who had an employment of considerable value in the jewel-office undef the reign of queen Elizabeth. He was born April 16, 1550; and having been carefully
, a noted empiric and chemist in the latter end of the sixteenth and the
beginning of the seventeenth centuries, was the son of an
eminent goldsmith in the city of London, who had an employment of considerable value in the jewel-office undef
the reign of queen Elizabeth. He was born April 16,
1550; and having been carefully instructed in the first
rudiments of learning while at home, was, about the year
1569, sent to the university of Cambridge, where he studied with great diligence and success, and some time in
the year 1574 took the degree of master of arts. It appears from his own writings, that he applied himself for
many years in that university, to the theory and practice
of chemistry, with sedulous industry. He came up to
London, probably before he attained the age of forty, and
began soon after his arrival to publish to the world the
effects of his chemical studies. In the year 1598, he sent
abroad his first treatise, concerning the excellency of a
medicine drawn from gold; but, not having taken the necessary precautions of applying to the college of physicians for their licence, he was, some time in the year 1600,
summoned before the president and censors. Here he
confessed that he had practised physic in London at least
more than six months, and had cured twenty persons of
several diseases, to whom he had given purging and vomiting physic, and to others, a diaphoretic medicine, prepared from gold and mercury, as their case required; but
acknowledged that he had no licence, and being examined,
in several parts of physic, and found inexpert, he was interdicted practice. About a month after, he was committed to the Counter-prison, and fined in the sum of five
pounds “propter illicitam praxin
” that is, for prescribing
physic against the statutes and privilege of the college;
but upon his application to the lord chief justice, he was
set at liberty, which gave so great umbrage to the college,
that the president and one of the censors waited on the
chief justice, to request his favour in defending and
preserving the college privileges; upon which Mr. Anthony
submitted himself, promised to pay his fine, and was forbidden practice. But not long after he was accused again
of practising physic, and upon his own confession was
fined five pounds; which, on his refusing to pay it, was
increased to twenty pounds, and he committed to prison
till he paid it; neither were the college satisfied with this,
but commenced a suit at law against him in the name of
the queen, as well as of the college, in which they succeeded, and obtained judgment against him; but after some
time, were prevailed upon by the intreaties of his wife, to
remit their share of the penalty, as appears by their warrant to the keeper of the prison for his discharge, dated
under the college seal, the 6th of August, 1602. After
his release, he seems to have met with considerable patrons, who were able to protect him from the authority of
the college; and though Dr. Goodall tells us, that this
learned society thought him weak and ignorant in physic,
yet he contrived to obtain the degree of doctor of physic
in some university. This did not hinder new complaints
being brought against him, by Dr. Taylor, and another
physician, who grounded their proceedings chiefly on his
giving a certain nostrum, which he called “Aurum potabilt!,
” or potable gold, and which he represented to the
world as an universal medicine. There were at this time
also several things written agaiust him, and his manner of
practice, insinuating that he was very inaccurate in his
method of philosophizing, that the virtues of metals as to
physical uses were very uncertain, and that the boasted
effects of his medicine were destitute of proof. Dr. Anthony, upon this, published a defence of himself and his
Aurum potabile in Latin, written with a plausible display
of skill in chemistry, and with an apparent knowledge of
the theory and history of physic. This book, which he
published in 1610, was printed at the university press of
Cambridge, and entitled “Medicinac Chymicae, et verj
potabilis Auri assertio, ex lucubrationibus Fra. Anthonii
Londinensis, in Medicina Doctoris. Cantabrigise, ex
officina Cantrelli Legge celeberrimae Academics Typographi,
” 4to. It had a very florid dedication to king James
prefixed. He, likewise, annexed certificates of cures, under the hands of several persons of distinction, and some
of the faculty; but his book was quickly answered, and
the controversy about Aurum potabile grew so warm, that
he was obliged to publish another apology in the Englis
language, which was also translated into Latin, but did not
ans.wer the doctor’s expectation, in conciliating the opinion
of the faculty, yet, what is more valuable to an empiric, it
procured the genera' good-will of ordinary readers, and
contributed exceedingly to support and extend his practice, notwithstanding all the pains taken to decry it. What
chiefly contributed to maintain his own reputation, and
thereby reflected credit on his medicine, was that which is
rarely met with among quacks, his unblemished character
in private life. Dr. Anthony was a man of unaffected piety,
untainted probity, of easy address, great modesty, and
boundless charity; which procured him many friends, and
left it not in the power of his enemies to attack any part of
his conduct, except that of dispensing a medicine, of
which they had no opinion. And though much has been
said to disgredit the use of gold in medicine, yet some very
able and ingenious men wrote very plausibly in support of
those principles on which Dr. Anthony’s practice was
founded, and among these the illustrious Robert Boyle.
The process of making the potable gold is given in the
Biog. Britannica, but in such a contused and ignorant
manner that any modern chemist may easily detect the
fallacy, and be convinced that gold does not enter into the
preparation. The time Jn which Anthony flourished, if
that phrase may be applied tq him, was very favourable to
his notions, chemistry being then much admired and very
little understood. He had therefore a most extensive and
beneficial practice, which enabled him to live hospitably
at his house in Bartholomew close, and to be very liberal
in jiis alms to the poor. He died May 26, 1623, and was
buried in the church of St. Bartholomew the Great, where
a handsome monument was erected to his memory. His
principal antagonists were, Dr. Matthew Gwinne, of the
college of physicians, who wrote “Aurum non Aurum,
sive adversaria in assertorem Chymiæ, sed veræ Medicinæ
desertorem Franciscum Anthonium,” Lond. 1611, 4to,
and Dr. Cotta, of Northampton, in 1623, in a work entitled, “Cotta contra Antonium, or an Ant-Antony, or an
Ant-Apology, manifesting Dr. Anthony his Apology for
Aurum potabile, in true and equal balance of right reason,
to be false and counterfeit,
” Oxford, 4to.
Dr. Anthony by his second wife had two sons: Charles,
a physician of character at Bedford, and John, the subject
of the following article.
s knighted, with many others, by Edward, lord protector of England, and that he died in the reign of queen Mary. Pitts gives him the character of a learned and elegant
, an English writer of
the sixteenth century, descended from an ancient and
honourable family in Wales. He was educated at Oxford,
but in what hall or college is uncertain: probablyin the
ancient hotel, now Pembroke college, in which several of
his name were educated about the same period. In 1534,
he was admitted bachelor of civil law. Patronised by
William earl of Pembroke, he pursued his studies with
alacrity, and became eminently learned, particularly in
the history and antiquities of his own country. Wood says,
that in 1046-7 he was knighted, with many others, by Edward, lord protector of England, and that he died in the
reign of queen Mary. Pitts gives him the character of a
learned and elegant writer. He wrote, 1. “Fides historiae Britannia, contra Polyd. Virgilium,
” a manuscript in
the Cotton library. 2. “Defensio regis Arthuri.
” 3. “Historic Brifanniae defensio,
” 1,573. 4. “Cambria? descriptio,
” corrected and augmented by Humph. Lhuyd, and
translated into English by David Powel, Oxon. 1663, 4to.
5. De Variis antiquitatibus Tractatum de Eucharistia
of the restitution of the Coin, written in 1553, all in manuscript in New College library.
, commonly called the lady Arabella, was so often talked of for a queen, that custom seems to have given her a right to an article in
, commonly called the lady Arabella, was so often talked of for a queen, that custom seems
to have given her a right to an article in this manner under
her Christian name, as that by which our historians distinguish her. She was the daughter of Charles Stuart, earl
oY Lenox, who was younger brother to Henry lord Darnley,
father to king James VI. of Scotland, and First of England,
by Elizabeth, daughter of sir William Cavendisu, km. She
was born, as near as can be computed, in 1577, and educated at London, under the eye of the eld countess of
Lenox, her grand-mother. She was far from being either
beautiful in her person, or from being distinguished by
any extraordinary qualities of mind; and yet she met with
many admirers, on account of her royal descent and near
relation to the crown of England. Her father dviug in
1579, and leaving her thereby sole heiress, as some understood, of the house of Lenox, several matches were projected for her at home and abroad. Her cousin, king
James, inclined to have married her to lord Esme Stuart,
whom he had created duke of Lenox, and whom before his
marriage he considered as his heir; but this match was
prevented by queen Elizabeth, though it was certainly a
very fit one in all respects. As the English succession was
at this time very problematical, the great powers on the
Continent speculated on many husbands for the lady Arabella, such as the duke of Savoy, a prince of the house of
Farnese, and others. In the mean time, this lady had some
thoughts of marrying herself at home, as Thuanus relates,
to a son of the earl of Northumberland, but it is not credible that this took effect, though he says it did privately.
The very attempt procured her queen Elizabeth’s displeasure, who confined her for it. In the mean time her title
to the crown, such as it was, became the subject, amongst
many others, of father Persons’ s famous book, wherein are
all the arguments for and against her, and which served to
divulge her name and descent all over Europe; and yet
this book was not very favourable to her interest. On the
death of the queen, some malcontents framed an odd design of disturbing the public peace, and amongst other
branches of their dark scheme, one was to seize the lady
Arabella, and to cover their proceedings by the sanction of
her title, intending also to have married her to some
English nobleman, the more to increase their interest, and
the better to please the people. But this conspiracy was
fatal to none but its authors, and those who conversed with
them; being speedily defeated, many taken, and some executed. As for the lady Arabella, it does not appear that
she had any knowledge of this engagement in her behalf,
whatever it was; for domestic writers are perplexed, and
foreign historians ruu into absurdities, when they
endeadeavour to explain it. She continued at liberty, and in
apparent favour at court, though her circumstances were
narrow till the latter end of the year 1608, when by
some means she drew upon her king James’s displeasure.
However, at Christmas, when mirth and good-humour prevailed at court, she was again taken into favour, had a service of plate presented to her of the value of two hundred
pounds, a thousand marks given her to pay her debts, and
some addition made to her annual income. This seems to
have been done, in order to have gained her to the interest
of the court, and to put the notions of marriage she had
entertained out of her head; all which, however, proved
ineffectual; for in the beginning of the month of February
1609, she was detected in an intrigue with Mr. William
Seymour, son to the lord Beauchamp, and grandson to the
earl of Hertford, to whom, notwithstanding, she was. privately married some time afterwards. Upon this discovery,
they were both carried before the council, and severely reprimanded, and then dismissed. In the summer of 1610,
the marriage broke out, on which the lady was sent into
close custody, at the house of sir Thomas Parry, in Lambeth; and Mr. Seymour was committed to the Tower for
his contempt, in marrying a lady of the royal family without the king’s leave. It does not appear that this confinement was attended with any great severity to either; for
the lady was allowed the use of sir Thomas Parry’s house
and gardensj and the like gentleness, in regard to his high
quality, was shewn to Mr. Seymour. Some intercourse
they had by letters, which after a time was discovered,
and a resolution taken thereupon to send the lady to Durham, a resolution which threw her into deep affliction.
Upon this, by the interposition of friends, she and her
husband concerted a scheme for their escape, which was
successfully executed in the beginning, though it ended
unluckily. The lady, under the care of sir James Crofts,
was at the house of Mr. Conyers, at Highgate, from whence
she was to have gone the next day to Durham, on which
she put a fair countenance now, notwithstanding the trouble
she had before shewn. This made her keepers the more
easy, and gave her an opportunity of disguising herself,
which she did on Monday the 3d of June, 1611, by drawing over her petticoats a pair of large French-fashioned
hose, putting on a man’s doublet, a peruke which covered
her hair, a hat, black cloak, russet boots with red tops, and
a rapier by her side. Thus equipped, she walked out between three and four with Mr. Markham. They went a
mile and half to a little inn, where a person attended with
their horses. The lady, by that time she came thither, was
so weak and faint, that the hostler, who held the stirrup
when she mounted, said that gentleman would hardly hold
out to London. Riding, however, so raised her spirits,
that by the time she came to Blackwall, she was pretty well
recovered. There they found waiting for them two men,
a gentlewoman, and a chambermaid, with one boat full of
Mr. Seymour’s and her trunks, and another boat for their
persons, in which they hasted from thence towards Woolwich. Being come so far, they bade the watermen row on
to Gravesend. There the poor fellows were desirous to
land, but for a double freight were contented to go on to
Lee, yet being almost tired by the way, they were forced
to lie still at Tilbury, whilst the rowers went on shore to
refresh themselves; then they proceeded to Lee, and by
that time the day appeared, and they discovered a ship
at anchor a mile beyond them, which was the French
bark that waited for them. Here the lady would have lain
at anchor, expecting Mr. Seymour, but through the importunity of her followers, they forthwith hoisted sail and put
to sea. In the mean time Mr. Seymour, with a peruke and
beard of black hair, and in a tawny cloth suit, walked alone
without suspicion, from his lodging out at the great west
door of the Tower, following a cart that had brought him
billets. From thence he walked along by the Towerwharf, by the warders of the south gate, and so to the iron
gate, where one Rodney was ready with a pair of oars to
receive him. When they came to Lee, and found that the
French ship was gone, the billows rising high, they hired
a fisherman for twenty shillings, to put them on board a
certain ship that they saw under sail. That ship they
found not to be it they looked for, so they made forwards
to the next under sail, which was a ship from Newcastle.
This with much ado they hired for forty pounds, to carry
them to Calais, and the master performed his bargain, by
which means Mr. Seymour escaped, and continued in Flanders. On Tuesday in the afternoon, my lord treasurer being advertised that the lady Arabella had made an escape,
sent immediately to the lieutenant of the Tower to set
strict guard over Mr. Seymour, which he promised, after
his yxrt manner, “he would thoroughly do, that he would;
but, coming to the prisoner’s lodgings-, he found, to his great
amazement, that he was gone from thence one whole day
before. A pink being dispatched from the Downs into
Calais road, seized the French bark, and brought back the
lady and those with her; but, before this was known, the
proclamation issued for apprehending them. As soon as
she was brought to town, she was, after examination, committed to the Tower, declaring that she was not so sorry for
her own restraint, as she should be glad if Mr. Seymour
escaped, for whose welfare, she affirmed, she was more concerned than for her own. Her aunt, the countess of Shrewsbury, was likewise committed, on suspicion of having
prompted the lady Arabella, not only to her escape, but to
other things, it being known that she had amassed upwards
of twenty thousand pounds in ready money. The earl of
Shrewsbury was confined to his house, and the old earl of
Hertford sent for from his seat. By degrees things grew
cooler, and though it was known that Mr. Seymour continued in the Netherlands, yet the court made no farther
applications to the archduke about him. In the beginning of 1612, a new storm began to break out; for the
lady Arabella, either pressed at an examination, or of her
own free will, made some extraordinary discoveries, upon
which some quick steps would have been taken, had it not
shortly after appeared, that her misfortunes had turned her
head, and that, consequently, no use could be made of her
evidence. However, the countess of Shrewsbury, who before had leave to attend her husband in his sickness, was,
very closely shut up, and the court was amused with abundance of strange stories, which wore out by degrees, and
the poor lady Arabella languished in her confinement till
the 27th of September, 1615, when her life and sorrows
ended together. Even in her grave this poor lady was not
at peace, a report being spread that she was poisoned, because she happened to die within two years of sir Thomas
Overbury. Sir Bull. Whitlocke has put this circumstance
in much too strong a light; for it was a suspicion at most,
and never had the support of the least colour of proof. As
for her husband, sir William Seymour, he soon after her
decease, procured leave to return, distinguished himself
by loyally adhering to the king during the civil wars,
and, surviving to the time of the Restoration, was restored to his great-grandfather’s title of duke of Somerset, by an act of parliament, which entirely cancelled
his attainder and on the giving his royal assent to this act,
king Charles II. was pleased to say in full parliament, what
perhaps was as honourable for the family as the title to
which they are restored, flis words were these: “As this
is an act of an extraordinary nature, so it is in favour of a
person of no ordinary merit: he has deserved of my father,
and of myself, as much as any subject possibly could do;
and I hope this will stir no man’s envy, because in doing it
I do no more than' what a good master should do for such a
” By his lady Arabella, this noble person had no
issue: but that he still preserved a warm affection for her
memory, appears from hence, that he called one of his
daughters by his second wife, Frances, daughter and coheiress of Robert Devereux, earl of Essex, Arabella Seymour.
he returned home in 1563, and appeared very warmly in support of the reformed religion. At this time queen Mary was resident in her kingdom; but the earl of Murray having
, principal of the university of Aberdeen, was the son of the baron of Arbuthnot,
and was born in the year 1538. He studied philosophy
and the classics in the university of Aberdeen, and civil
law in France, where he was five years under the care of
the famous Cujacius. Having taken the degree of licentiate, he returned home in 1563, and appeared very warmly
in support of the reformed religion. At this time queen
Mary was resident in her kingdom; but the earl of Murray
having the supreme direction of all things, the reformed
church of Scotland was in a very flourishing condition.
The friends of Mr. Arbuthnot prevailed upon him to take
orders, but whether he received them from a bishop or
from presbyters is uncertain. In 1568, he assisted as a
member of the general assembly, which was held in the
month of July at Edinburgh. By this assembly he was
intrusted with the care of revising a book which had given
offence, entitled “The Fail of the Roman Church,
” printed by one Thomas Bassenden, in Edinburgh. The exception taken to it was, that the king had the style of the
supreme head of the church: at the s,ame time there was
another complaint against this Bassenden, for printing a
lewd song at the end of the Psalm book. On these matters an order was made, forbidding the printer to vend
any more of his books till the offensive title was altered,
and the lewd song omitted. The assembly also made an
order, that no book should be published for the future, till
licensed by commissioners of their appointment.
, a celebrated wit and physician in queen Anne’s reign, was the son of an episcopal clergyman of Scotland,
, a celebrated wit and physician in queen Anne’s reign, was the son of an episcopal
clergyman of Scotland, nearly allied to the noble family
of that name. He had his education in the university of
Aberdeen, where he took the degree of doctor of physic.
The revolution deprived the father of his church preferment; and though he was possessed of a small paternal
estate, vet necessity obliged the son to seek his fortune
abroad. He came to London, and at first, as it is said,
for his support taught the mathematics. About this time,
viz. 1695, Dr. Woodward’s “Essay towards a natural
history of the Earth
” was published, which contained such
an account of the universal deluge, as our author thought
inconsistent with truth: he therefore drew up a work, entitled “An examination of Dr. Woodward’s account of
the Deluge, &c. with a comparison between Steno’s philosophy and the doctor’s, in the case of marine bodies dug
up out of the earth, &c.
pecies of satire, under the history of feigned adventures. But this project was put a stop to by the queen’s death, when they had only drawn out an imperfect essay towards
His gentle manners, polite learning, and excellent talents, entitled him to an intimate correspondence and friendship with the celebrated wits of his time, Pope, Swift,
Gay, and Parnell, whom he met as a member of the Scriberus club. In 1714 he engaged with Pope and Swift in a
design to write a satire on the abuse of human learning in.
svery branch, which was to have been executed in the humorous manner of Cervantes, the original author of this
species of satire, under the history of feigned adventures.
But this project was put a stop to by the queen’s death,
when they had only drawn out an imperfect essay towards
it, under the title of the first book of the “Memoirs of
Martinus Scriblerus .
” “These Memoirs,
” says Dr. Johnson, “extend only to the first part of a work, projected in
concert by Pope, Swift, and Arbuthnot. Their purpose
was to censure the abuses of learning by a fictitious life
of an infatuated scholar. They were dispersed; the design was never completed; and Warburton laments its
miscarriage, as an event very disastrous to polite letters.
If the whole may be estimated by this specimen, which
seems to be the prooduction of Arbuthnot, with a few touches
perhaps by Pope, the want of more will not be much lamented; for the follies which the writer ridicules are so
little practised, that they are not known; nor can the satire
be understood but by the learned; he raises phantoms of
absurdity, and then drives them away. He cures diseases
that were never felt For this reason, this joint production
of three great writers has never attained any notice from,
The queen’s death, and the disasters which fell upon his friends on that
The queen’s death, and the disasters which fell upon his
friends on that occasion, deeply affected our author’s spirits;
and to divert his melancholy, he paid a visit to his brother,
a banker at Paris. His stay there, however, was but very
short; he returned to London, and having lost his former
residence at St. James’s, took a house in Dover-street. In
1727, he published “Tables of ancient Coins, Weights,
and Measures,
” 4to. He continued to practise physic with
good reputation, and diverted his leisure hours in writing
papers of wit and humour. He contributed in 1732 towards detecting and punishing the scandalous frauds and
abuses that had been carried on under the specious name
of the “The Charitable Corporation.
” The same year he
published his “Essay concerning the nature of Aliments,
the choice of them, &c.
” which was followed the year alter
by the “Effects of Air on Human Bodies.
” He was apparently led to the subjects of these treatises by the consideration of his own case; an asthma, which gradually
increasing with his years, became shortly after desperate
and incurable. In 1734 he retired to Hampstead, in hopes
of finding some small relief for this affliction, but died at his
house in Cork-street, Burlington-gardens, Feb. 27, 1734-5.
He was married, and had children, particularly George
and Anne; the former enjoyed a place of considerable
profit in the exchequer-office, and was one of the executors to Pope’s will, and the other a legatee.
proved from the Mss. of M. Arckenholz. He published in his life-time, “Memoirs concerning Christina, queen of Sweden,” 4 vols. 4to, Amst. 1751—1760, a work which may be
, a Swedish historian, was born
at Helsingfors, Feb. 9, 1695, and died July 14, 1777.
He published various political works, principally relating
to the history of his own country, none of which have been
very highly esteemed. He was, however, indefatigable in
his researches for the materials of history and biography;
and about the time of his death, a “History of Gustavus
Adolphus, king of Sweden,
” was published at Breslaw in
2 vols. 8vo. originally written by Mauvillon, a Frenchman; but now much improved from the Mss. of M. Arckenholz. He published in his life-time, “Memoirs concerning Christina, queen of Sweden,
” 4 vols. 4to, Amst.
1751—1760, a work which may be consulted with advantage, although it has few of the charms of elegance or conciseness. A long account of this writer may be seen in
Adelung’s continuation of Jocher’s Lexicon.
ought a little insane. He was drawn in a strange manner to plot (if it may be so called) against the queen’s life; and thus the treason is alleged to have been transacted.
was descended of a most ancient and honourable family, seated at Parkhall, in Warwickshire. He was born' in 1532, and his father dying when he was an infant of two years old, he became, before he inherited the estate of the family, the ward of sir George Throkmorton, of Coughton, whose daughter Mary he afterwards married. In all probability, it was his engagement with this family, and being bred in it, that made him so firm a papist as he was. However, succeeding his grandfather, Thomas Arden, esq. in 1562, in the familyestate, he married Mary (Throkmorton), and settled in the country, his religion impeding his preferment, and his temper inclining him to a retired life. His being a near neighbour to the great earl of Leicester, occasioned his having some altercations with him, who affected to rule all things in that county, and some persons, though of good families, and possessed of considerable estates, thought it no discredit to wear that nobleman’s livery, which Mr. Arden disdained. In the course of this fatal quarrel, excessive insolence on one side produced some warm expressions on the other; insomuch that Mr. Arden npenly taxed the earl with his conversing criminally with the countess of Essex in that earl’s lite-time; and also inveighed against his pride, as a thing more inexcusable in a nobleman newly created. These taunts having exasperated that minister, he projected, or at least forwarded, his destruction. Mr. Arden had married one of his daughters to John Somerville, esq. a young gentleman of an old family and good fortune, in the same county, but who was a man of a hot rash temper, and by many thought a little insane. He was drawn in a strange manner to plot (if it may be so called) against the queen’s life; and thus the treason is alleged to have been transacted. In the Whitsun-holidays, 1583, he with his wife was at Mr. Arden’s, where Hugh Hall, his father-in-law’s priest, persuaded him that queen Elizabeth being an incorrigible heretic, and growing daily from bad to worse, it would be doing God and his country good service to take her life away. When the holidays were over, he returned to his own house with his wife, where he grew melancholy and irresolute. Upon this his wife wrote to Hall, her father’s priest, to come and strengthen his purpose. Hall excused his coming, but wrote at large, to encourage Somerville to prosecute what he had undertaken. This letter induced Somerville to set out for London, but he proceeded no farther than Warwick, where, drawing his sword and wounding some protestaats, he was instantly seized. While he was going to Warwick, his wife went over to her father’s, and shewed him and her mother Hall’s treasonable letter, which her father threw into the fire; so that only the hearsay of this letter could be alleged against him and his wife, by Hall who wrote it, who was tried and condemned with them. On Somerville’s apprehension, he said somewhat of his father and mother-in-law, and immediately orders were sent into Warwickshire for their being seized and imprisoned. October 30, 1583, Mr. Somerville was committed to the Tower for high-treason. November 4, Hall, the priest, was committed also; and on the seventh of the same month, Mr. Arden. On the sixteenth, Mary the wife of Mr. Arden, Margaret their daughter, wife to Mr. Somerville, and Elizabeth, the sister of Mr. Somerville, were committed. On the twenty-third Mr. Arden was racked in the Tower, and the next day Hugh Hall the priest was tortured likewise. By these methods some kind of evidence being brought out, on the sixteenth of December Edward Arden, esq. and Mary his wife, John Somerville, esq. and Hugh Hall the priest, were tried and convicted of high-treason at Guildhall, London; chiefly on Hall’s confession, who yet received sentence with the rest. On the nineteenth of December, Mr. Arden and his son-in-law, Somerville, were removed from the Tower to Newgate, for a night’s time only. In this space Somerville was strangled by his own hands, as it was given out; but, as the world believed, by such as desired to remove him silently. The next day, being December 20, 1583, Edward Arden was executed at Smithfield with the general pity of all spectators. He died with the same high spirit he had shewn throughout his life. After professing his innocence, he owned himself a papist, and one who died for his religion, and want of flexibility, though under colour of conspiring against the state. He strenuously insisted, that Somerville was murdered, to prevent his shaming his prosecutors; and having thus extenuated things to such as heard him, he patiently submitted to an ignominious death. His execution was according to the rigour of the law, his head being set (as Somerville’s also was) upon London-bridge, and his quarters upon the city gates; but the body of his son-in-law was interred in Moornelds. Mrs. Arden was pardoned; but the queen gave the estate which fell to her, by her and her husband’s attainder, to Mr. Darcy. Hugh Hall, the priest, likewise was pardoned; but Leicester, doubting his secrecy, would have engaged chancellor Hatton to send him abroad; which he refusing, new rumours, little to that proud earl’s honour, flew about. Holinshed, Stowe, and other writers, treat Mr. Arden as a traitor fairly convicted; but Camden. was too honest to write thus, and it may be probable, that he died for being a firm Englishman, rather than a bad subject. His son and heir Robert Arden, esq. being bred in one of the inns of court, proved a very wise and fortunate person: insomuch that by various suits he wrung from Edward Darcy, esq. the grantee, most of his father’s estates, and by marrying Elizabeth, daughter of Reginald Corbet, esq. one of the justices of the king’s bench, he restored the credit and splendour of this ancient family, and was so happy as to see Henry Arden, esq. his eldest son, knighted by king James, and married to Dorothy the daughter of Basil Fielding of Kewnham, esq. whose son became earl of Denbigh. On this account, the last editor of the Biographia Britannica remarks, that the conduct of lord Burleigh in Mr. Arden’s fate is somewhat equivocal. If that great man. was convinced of Mr. Arden’s innocence, it was totally unworthy of his character to charge him with having been a traitor. It is more 'honourable, therefore, to lord Burleigh’s reputation, and more agreeable to probability, to suppose that he believed Mr. Arden to be guilty, at least in a certain degree, of evil designs against the queen. Indeed, Arden was so bigoted a papist, that it is not unlikely but that by some imprudent words, if not by actions, he might furnish a pretence for the accusations brought against him. We can scarcely otherwise imagine how it would have been possible for the government to have proceeded to such extremities. We do not mean, by these remarks, to vindicate the severity with which this unfortunate gentleman was treated; and are sensible that, during queen Elizabeth’s reign, there was solid foundation for the jealousy and dread which were entertained of the Roman catholics.
l. He was born in London, and entered a student in Christ-church in Oxford towards the latter end of queen Mary’s reign. He took the degree of master of arts in 1565,
, an English writer, was the third son
of Thomas Argall by Margaret his wife, daughter of John
Talkarne of the county of Cornwall. He was born in London, and entered a student in Christ-church in Oxford towards the latter end of queen Mary’s reign. He took the
degree of master of arts in 1565, and was senior of the act
celebrated the eighteenth of February the same year. Afterwards he applied himself to the study of divinity, and,
having taken holy orders, obtained the living of Halesvvorth
in Suffolk. Being at a feast at Cheston, a mile distant
from that town, he died suddenly at the table, and was
buried at Halesworth, Octobers, 1606. During his stay
at the university, he was a noted disputant, and a great
actor of plays at Christ-church, particularly when the
queen was entertained there in 1566. He was esteemed a
very good scholar, and was so much devoted to his studies
that he lived and died like a philosopher, with a thorough
contempt for the things of this world. He wrote “De
veva Pctnitentia,
” Lond. Introductio ad
artem Dialecticam,
” ibid. very facete and pleasant,
” the author
says of himself, that “whereas God had raised many of
his companions and contemporaries to high dignities in
the church, as Dr. Thomas Bilson to the see of Winchester,
Dr. Martin Heton to that of Ely, Dr. Henry Robinson to
that of Carlisle, Dr. Tobias Mathews to that of Durham,
&c. yet he, an unworthy and poor old man, was still detained in the chains of poverty for his great and innumerable sins, that he might repent with the prodigal son,
and at length by God’s favour obtain salvation.
ed the whole with a Latin version and notes at the Elzivir press, Amst. 1652, dedicated to Christina queen of Sweden. Aristoxenus is said by Suidas to have written 452
, the most ancient musical writer of
whose works any remains are come down to us, flourished
in the fourth century B. C. He was born at Tarentum, a
city in that part of Italy called Magna Graecia, now Calabria. He was the son of a musician, whom some call
Mnesias, others Spintharus. He had his first education at
Mantinrea, a city of Arcadia, under his father and Lampyrus of Erythrse; he next studied under Xenophilus, the
Pythagorean, and lastly, under Aristotle. Suidas, from
whom these particulars are taken, adds, that Aristoxenus
took offence at Aristotle’s bequeathing his school to Theophrastus, and traduced him ever after, but this has been
contradicted by other writers. His “Harmonics,
” the
defects of which have been very ably pointed out by Dr.
Burney, are all that are come down to us, and together
with Ptolemy’s Harmonics, were first published by Gogavinus, but not very correctly, at Venice, 1562, 4to, with a
Latin version. John Meursius next translated the three
books of Aristoxenus into Latin, from the manuscript of
Jos. Scaliger, but, according to Meibomius, very
negligently. With these he printed at Leyden, 1616, 4to,
Nicomachus and Alypius, two other Greek writers on
music. After this Meibomius collected these musical
writers together, to which he added Euclid, Bacchius senior, Aristides Quintilianus; and published the whole
with a Latin version and notes at the Elzivir press, Amst.
1652, dedicated to Christina queen of Sweden. Aristoxenus is said by Suidas to have written 452 different
works, some of which are frequently quoted by ancient
authors. The titles of several of them, quoted by Athenaeus and others, have been collected by Meursius in his
notes upon this author, and by Tonsius and Menage, all
which Fabricius has digested into alphabetical order.
ommendatory letters to the court of Great Britain, particularly to the princess of Wales, afterwards queen Caroline. Her portrait was universally admired, and celebrated
, a celebrated painter, was born at Geneva, May 18, 1668. He was originally educated for the church, but his inclination soon led him to painting, in which he made a rapid progress. He painted miniature with success, and when he came to Paris in 1688, he obtained the favour of the duke of Orleans, who chose him for an instructor in the art, and gave him an apartment at St. Cloud, that he might be with him more frequently. He was likewise highly favoured by the princess Palatine, the duke’s mother, who presented him with her own picture set with diamonds; and also gave him recommendatory letters to the court of Great Britain, particularly to the princess of Wales, afterwards queen Caroline. Her portrait was universally admired, and celebrated by several of the poets; and, at his return to Paris, he was loaded with presents, among which were many medals of gold. Having copied a Leda, perhaps the famous Leda of Corregio, destroyed by the bigotry of the regent’s son, all Paris was struck with the performance. The due de la Force gave 12,000 livres for it, but being a sufferer, by the Missisippi (probably before the picture was paid for) restored it to the artist with 4,000 livres for the use of it. In 1721, Arlaud brought this masterpiece to London, and sold a copy of it for 600l. sterling, but would not part with the original. While in England he received many medals as presents, which are still in the library of Geneva. But Leda was again condemned to be the victim of devotion.
avoy on purpose to hear him plead in, parliament. He was appointed counsellor and attorneygeneral to queen Catherine of Medicis. Mr. Marion, afterwards advocate-general,
, eldest son of Anthony Arnauld,
and advocate-general to Catherine de Medicis, was born at
Paris in 1550, or, according to some, in 1560, and in that
city he was educated, and took his degree of M. A. in 1573.
Some time after, he was admitted advocate of the parliament of Paris, in which capacity he acquired great reputation by his integrity and extraordinary eloquence. Henry
IV. had great esteem for Arnauld; and his majesty once
carried the duke of Savoy on purpose to hear him plead in,
parliament. He was appointed counsellor and attorneygeneral to queen Catherine of Medicis. Mr. Marion, afterwards advocate-general, was one day so pleased with hearing him, that he took him into his coach, carried him home
to dinner, and placed him next his eldest daughter, Catherine, and afterwards gave her to him in marriage. One
of the most famous causes which Arnauld pleaded, was that
of the university against the Jesuits, in 1594. There was
published about this time a little tract in French, entitled
“Franc et veritable discours,
” &c. or, A frank and true
discourse to the king, concerning the re-establishment of
the Jesuits, which they had requested of him. Some have
ascribed this to Arnauld, but others have positively denied him to be the author. Some have supposed that Arnauld was of the reformed religion; but Mr. Bayle has
fully proved this to be a mistake. His other works were,
1. “Anti-Espagnol,
” printed in a collection of discourses
on the present state of France, 1606, 12mo, and in the
“Memoires de la Ligue, vol. IV. p. 230. 2.
” La Fleur
de Lys,“1593, 8vo. 3.
” La Delivrance de la Bretagne.“4.
” La Premiere Savoisienne,“8vo. 1601, 1630. 5.
” Avis
au roi Louis XIII. pour bien regner,“1615, 8vo. 6. The
first and second
” Philippics" against Philip II. of Spain,
1592, 8vo. He died Dec. 29, 1619, leaving ten children
out of twenty-two, whom he had by his wife Catherine.
ch perfection, and had such excellent fruit from them, that he used to send some of it every year to queen Anne of Austria, which this princess liked so well, that she
, eldest son of the preceding, was born at Paris in 1589. He was introduced at
Court when very young, and employed in many considerable
offices, all which he discharged with great reputation and
integrity. No man was ever more esteemed amongst the
great, and none ever employed more generously the influence he had with them, in defence of truth and justice.
He quitted business, and retired to the convent of Port
Royal des Champs, at fifty-five years of age; where he
passed the remainder of his days in a continual application
to works of piety and devotion. He enriched the French
language with many excellent translations: he also wrote
poems on sacred and other subjects. Mr. Arnauld, during
his retirement at Port Koyal des Champs, after seven or
eight hours study every day, used to divert himself with
rural amusements, and particularly with cultivating his
trees, which he brought to such perfection, and had such
excellent fruit from them, that he used to send some of it
every year to queen Anne of Austria, which this princess
liked so well, that she always desired to be served with it
in the season. He died at Port Royal, Sept. 27, 1674, in
his 86th year. He married the daughter of the sieur le
Fevre de la Boderie, famous for his embassy to England,
and had by her three sons and five daughters. He wrote
a great many devotional works, of which there is a catalogue in Moreri, and in the Journal de Savans for Sept. 9,
1695. He also enriched the French language by some
translations of the “Confessions of St. Augustine,
” 8vo and
12 mo; a translation, rather elegant than faithful, of “Josephus,
” 5 vols. 8vo; “Lives of the Saints,
” 3 vols. 8vo;
the “Works of St. Theresa,
” Memoirs
of his own Life,
” 2 vols. 12mo, 1734.
e de la Tremouille his father. The city of Angers having revolted in 1652, this prelate appeased the queen-mother, who was advancing with an army to take vengeance on
, brother of Robert and Anthony,
was born at Paris in 1597. After the death of Gournay,
bishop of Toul, the chapter of that city tin; mously
elected the abbé Arnauld, then dean of that cathedral, his
successor. The kinsr confirmed his nomination, at the entreaty of the famous capuchin, pere Joseph; but a dispute
about the right of election prevented him from accepting it. In 1645, he was sent on an extraordinary embassy from France to Rome, for quieting the disputes that
had arisen between the Barbarini and Innocent X. On
his return to France he was made bishop of Angers in
1649. He never quitted his diocese but once, and that
vas to give advice to the prince of Tarento, in order to a
reconciliation with the duke de la Tremouille his father.
The city of Angers having revolted in 1652, this prelate
appeased the queen-mother, who was advancing with an
army to take vengeance on it, by saying to her, as he administered the sacrament: “Take, madam, the body of
him who forgave his enemies, as he was dying on the
” This sentiment was as much in his heart as it was
on his lips. He was the father of the poor, and the comforter of the afflicted. His time was divided between
prayer, reading, and the duties of his episcopal function.
One of his intimates telling him that he ought to take one
day in the week for some recreation from fatigue, “Yes,
said he, “that I will do with all my heart, if you will
point me out one day in which I am not a bishop.
” He
died at Angers, June 8, 1692, at the age of 95. His negotiations at the court of Rome, and in various courts of
Italy, were published at Paris in 5 vols, 12 mo. a long
time after his death (in 1748). They are interspersed with,
a great number of curious anecdotes and interesting particulars related in the style peculiar to all the Arnaulds.
Scripture, 1646, 12mo; and afterwards the whole was published at London 1712, 8vo, and dedicated to queen Anne, by Mr. Boehm; but the editions of 1720, one of which is
The most famous work of Arndt, is his “Treatise of
true Christianity,
” in the German language. The first
book of it was printed separate in 1605 at Jena, by Stegman: he published the three others in 1608. The first is
called the “Book of Scripture:
” he endeavours in it to
shew the way of the inward and spiritual life, and that
Adam ought to die every day more and more in the heart
of a Christian, and Christ to gain the ascendant there.
The second is called “The Book of Life:
” he proposes
in it to direct the Christian to a greater degree of perfection, to give him a relish for sufferings, to encourage him
to resist his enemies after the example of his Saviour.
The third is entitled “The Book of Conscience:
” in this
he recalls the Christian within himself, and discovers to
him the kingdom of God seated in the midst of his own
heart. The last book is entitled “The Book of Nature:
the author proves here, that all the creatures lead men to
the knowledge of their Creator. This work was translated
into many different languages, and among the rest into
English, the first part, or the Book of Scripture, 1646,
12mo; and afterwards the whole was published at London
1712, 8vo, and dedicated to queen Anne, by Mr. Boehm;
but the editions of 1720, one of which is in 3, and the
other in 2 vols. 8vo, are the most complete.
e, upholsterer, of Kingstreet, Covent-garden, at whose house the Indian kings lodged in the reign of queen Anne, as mentioned in the Spectator, No. 50, and who had been
, an eminent English musician, was the son of Thomas Arne, upholsterer, of Kingstreet, Covent-garden, at whose house the Indian kings lodged in the reign of queen Anne, as mentioned in the Spectator, No. 50, and who had been before pleasantly depicted by Addison, in the Tatler, Nos. 155 and 160, as a crazy politician. He sent this son, who was born May 28, 1710, to Eton school, and intended him for the profession of the law; but even at Eton his love for music interrupted his studies and after he left that school, such was his passion for his favourite pursuit, that he used to avail himself of the privilege of a servant, by borrowing a livery, and going into the upper gallei'y of the opera, which was then appropriated to domestics. At home he had contrived to secrete a spinet in his room, upon which, after muffling the strings with a handkerchief, he used to practise in the night while the rest of the family were asleep, His father, who knew nothing of this, bound him to a three years’ clerkship, during which this young votary of Apollo dedicated every moment he could obtain fairly, or otherwise, to the study of music. Besides practising on the spinet, and studying composition, by himself, he contrived to acquire some instructions on the violin, of Festing, a performer of much fame at that time; and upon this instrument he had made so considerable a progress, that soon after he quitted his legal master, his father accidentally calling at a gentleman’s house in the neighbourhood, was astonished to find a large party, and a concert, at which his son played the first fiddle. His father was at first much irritated at this disappointment of his hopes, but was soon prevailed upon to let his son follow the bent of his inclinations; and the young man was no sooner at liberty to play aloud in his father’s house, than he bewitched the whole family. In particular, he cultivated the voice of one of his sisters, who was fond of music, by giving her such instruct tions as enabled her to become a favourite public performer. For her and for a younger brother, who performed the character of the page, he set to music Addison’s opera of Rosamond, which was performed at Lincoln’s Inn Fields, ten nights successively, and with great applause.
e chapel. He also printed three sermons; and in 1659 his friends, Horton and Dillingham, masters’ of Queen’s and Emanuel colleges, published a collection pf his theological
Dr. Arrowsmith is represented as a learned and able
divine, but somewhat stiff-and narrow; his natural temper
is said to have been incomparably better than his principles, and all agree that he was a man of a most sweet and
engaging disposition. This, says Dr. Salter, appears
through all the sourness and severity of his opinions, in
his “Tactica Sacra,
” a book written in a clear style, and
with a lively fancy in which is displayed at once much
weakness and stiffness, but withal great reading and a
very amiable candour towards the persons and characters
of those, from whom he found himself obliged to differ.
This book he dedicated to the fellows and students of his
college, and published it in 1657, to supply the place of
his sermons, which his ill health would not permit him to
preach in the chapel. He also printed three sermons;
and in 1659 his friends, Horton and Dillingham, masters’
of Queen’s and Emanuel colleges, published a collection
pf his theological aphorisms in quarto, with the title of
"Armilla Catechetical Dr. Whichcote, in one of his
letters, speaks of him with high respect, although he had
no agreement with him in his principles, which were Calvinistic. Mr. Cole praises him for being remote from the
latitudinarian principles of modern times.
me time discontinued, but at length restored to him, during pleasure, by Edward VI. and confirmed by queen Mary, with an additional ten pounds per annum. Among other
The master of St. John’s college at this time, Nicholas
Medcalf, was a great encourager of learning, and his tutor,
Mr. Hugh Fitzherbert, had not only much knowledge, but
also a graceful and insinuating method of imparting it to his
pupils. To a genius naturally prone to learning, Mr. Ascham
added a spirit of emulation, which induced him to study so
hard, that, while a mere boy, he made a great progress in polite learning, and became exceedingly distinguished amongst
the most eminent wits in the university. He took his degree of B. A. on the twenty-eighth of February, 1534,
when eighteen years* of age; and on the twenty-third of
March following, was elected fellow of his college by the
interest of the master, though Mr. Ascham’s propensity to
the reformed religion had made it difficult for Dr. Medcalf,
who, according to Ascham' s account, was a man of uncommon liberality, to carry his good intention into act. These
honours served only to excite him to still greater vigilance
in his studies, particularly in that of the Greek tongue,
wherein he attained an excellency peculiar to himself, and
read therein, both publicly for the university, and privately
in his college, with universal applause. At the commencement held after the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, in
1536, he was inaugurated M. A. being then twenty-one
years old. By this time many of his pupils came to be
taken notice of for their extraordinary proficiency, and
William Grindall, one of them, at the recommendation of
Mr. Ascham, was chosen by sir John Cheke, to be tutor to
the lady Elizabeth. As he did not accept this honour
himself, he probably was delighted with an academical life,
and was not very desirous of changing it for one at court.
His affection for his friends, though it filled him with a
deep concern for their interests, and a tender regard for
their persons, yet could not induce him to give up his
understanding, especially in points of learning. For this
reason he did not assent to the new pronunciation of the
Greek, which his intimate friend, sir John Cheke, laboured, by his authority, to introduce throughout the
university; yet when he had thoroughly examined, he
came over to his opinion, and defended the new pronunciation with that zeal and vivacity which gave a peculiar
liveliness to all his writings. In July 1542, he supplicated
the university of Oxford to be incorporated M. A. but it &
doubtful whether this was granted. To divert him after
the fatigue of severer studies, he addicted himself to archcry, which innocent amusement drew upon him the censure
of some persons, against whose opinion he wrote a small
treatise, entitled “Toxophilus,
” published in Schoolmaster,
” which he lived to finish, but not to publish. His
application to study rendered him infirm throughout his
whole life, and at last he became so weak, that he was unable to read in the evenings or at night; to make amends
for which, he rose very early in the morning. The year
before his death he was seized with a hectic, which brought
him very low and then, contrary to his former custom,
relapsing into night-studies, in order to complete a Latin
poem with which he designed to present the queen on the
new year, he, on the 23d of December 1568, was attacked
by an aguish ‘distemper, which threatened him with immediate death. He was visited in his last sickness by Dr.
Alexander Nowell, dean of St. ’Paul’s, and Graves, vicar
of St. Sepulchre’s, who found him perfectly calm and
chearful, in which disposition he continued to the 30th of
the same month, when he expired. On the 4th of January
following, he was interred according to his own directions,
in the most private manner, in St. Sepulchre’s church, his
funeral sermon being preached by the before-mentioned
Dr. Nowell. He was universally lamented, and even the
queen herself not only shewed great concern, but was also
pleased to say, that phg had rather have lost ten thousand
pounds than her tutor Ascham. His only failing was too
great a propensity to dice and cock-fighting, which the
learned bishop Nicolson would persuade us to be an unfounded calumny; but as it is mentioned by Camden, as
well as some other contemporary writers, it seems impossible to deny it. It is certain that he died in very indifferent circumstances, as may appear from the address of his
widow to sir William Cecil, in her dedication of his
” wherein she says expressly, that Mr.
Ascham left her a poor widow with many orphans; and Dr.
Grant, in his dedication of Ascham’s letters to queen Elizabeth, pathetically recommends to her his pupil, Giles
Ascham, the son of our author, representing, that be had
lost his father, who should have taken care of his education, and that he was left poor and without friends. Besides
this son he had two others, Dudley and Sturmur, of whom
we know little. Lord Burleigh took Giles Ascham under
his protection, by whose interest he was recommended to
a scholarship of St. John’s, and afterwards by the queen’s
mandate, to a fellowship of Trinity college in Cambridge,
and was celebrated, as well as his father, for his admirable
Latin style in epistolary writings.
ned critics of his age, was a native of Derbyshire, where he was born about 1665. He was admitted of Queen’s college, Cambridge, May 18, 1682, and having taken his degree
, one of the most learned critics
of his age, was a native of Derbyshire, where he was born
about 1665. He was admitted of Queen’s college, Cambridge, May 18, 1682, and having taken his degree of B. A.
was elected fellow of that college, April 30, 1687, to be
admitted to profits upon a future vacancy, which did not
happen till April 9, 1690. He became chaplain to bishop
Patrick, by whom he was presented to the rectory of Rattenden in Essex, March 10, 1698-9, which living he exchanged, in June following, for a chaplainship of Chelseacollege or hospital and that preferment also he soon after
quitted, on being collated by his patron to a prebendal
stall in the cathedral of Ely, July 3, 1701, and the next
day to the mastership of Jesus’ college, Cambridge, both
vacant by the death of Dr. Say well the same year he proceeded to his degree of D. D. and was elected vice-chancellor of the university in 1702. His mastership and
prebend (both of which he was in possession of above fifty years) were the only preferments he held afterwards, not
choosing to accept of any parochial benefice, but leading a
very retired and studious life in his college, except when
statutable residence, and attendance at chapters, required
his presence at Ely, on which occasions he seldom or never
failed to be present, till the latter part of his life. He died
in March 1752, in the eighty-seventh year of his age, and
was buried in Jesus’ college chapel. He had great knowledge in most branches of literature, but particularly in
ecclesiastical antiquities and in chronology. In the classics he was critically skilled. Dr. Taylor always spoke
with rapture of his correction of the inscription to Jupiter
Urios, which he considered as uncommonly felicitous anct
Mr. Chishull on the same occasion calls him “Aristarchus
Cantabrigiensis summe eruditus.
” There were many valuable pieces of his published in his life-time, but without
his name, among which are “Locus Justini Martyris emendatus in Apol. I. p. 11. ed. Thirlby,
” in the Bibliotheca
Literaria, published by the learned Mr. Wasse of Aynho,
Northamptonshire, 1744, No. VIII. “Tully and Hirtius
reconciled as to the time of Caesar’s going to the African
war, with an account of the old Roman year made by
” ib. No. III. p. 29. “Origen de Oratione,
” 4to,
published by the Rev. Mr. Reading, keeper of Sion college library“and he is also supposed to have contributed
notes to Reading’s edition of the Ecclesiastical Historians,
3 vols. fol.
” Hierpclis in Aurea Carmina Pythagorea
Comment." Lond. 1742, 8vo, published with a preface by
Dr. Richard Warren, archdeacon of Suffolk. Dr. Harwood
pronounces this to be the best edition of a most excellent
work that abounds with moral and devotional sentiments.
After his death a correct edition of Justin Martyr’s Apologies was published from his Mss. by the Rev. Mr. Keller,
fellow of Jesus’ college, Cambridge, and rector of Kelshali
in Herefordshire. It is too honourable for the parties not
to be mentioned, that it used to be observed, that all the
other colleges, where the fellows chuse their master, could
not show three such heads, as the only three colleges
where the masters are put in upon them: viz. Bentley
of Trinity, by the crown; Ashton of Jesus, by the bishop
of Ely; and Waterland of Magdalen, by the earl of Suffolk.
she came to London, where she was favourably received by some of the ladies of the court, and by the queen, who secretly favoured the reformed religion. But at length
, daughter of sir William Askew, of Kelsay, in Lincolnshire, knight, was born in 1529. She received a liberal and learned education, and manifested in early life a predilection for theological studies. Her eldest sister, after having been contracted in marriage to the son of Mr. Kyme, of Lincolnshire, died before the nuptials were completed. Her father, on this event, unwilling to lose a connection which promised pecuniary advantages, compelled his second daughter Anne, notwithstanding her reluctance, to become the wife of Mr. Kyme, a marriage which probably laid the foundation of her future misfortunes. Her husband was a bigoted Roman Catholic, while she, by studying the scriptures and the opinions of the reformers, became a convert, which so disgusted him that he turned her out of doors. Conceiving herself, by this treatment, at liberty to sue for a separation, she came to London, where she was favourably received by some of the ladies of the court, and by the queen, who secretly favoured the reformed religion. But at length she was accused, by her husband and the priests, of holding heretical opinions respecting the sacrament and, in 1545, was apprehended, and repeatedly examined by Christopher Dare, the lord mayor, the bishops, chancellor, and others, to whose questions she replied in a firm, easy, and unconstrained manner, and even with some degree of wit and ridicule. She was then committed to prison for eleven days, and prohibited from any communication with her friends. During this confinement, she employed herself in composing prayers and meditations, and in fortifying her resolution to endure the trial of her principles.
scheme, indeed, in her proposal, seemed so rational, that a certain opulent lady, supposed to be the queen, intended to have given 10,000l. towards the erecting a sort
, a learned and ingenious lady, was
the daughter of Mr. Astell, a merchant at Newcastle-uponTyne, where she was born about 1668. Her uncle, who
was a clergyman, having discovered her superior capacity,
generously undertook to be her preceptor and, under his
tuition, she learned Italian and French, and made a considerable progress in logic, philosophy, and the mathematics. At the age of twenty, she left Newcastle and
went to London, where, and at Chelsea, she spent the
remaining part of her life. Here she assiduously prosecuted her studies, and acquired very considerable attainments in all the branches of polite literature. When the
Rev. John Morris published his “Practical Discourses
upon divine subjects,
” several excellent letters passed
between him and Mrs. Astell upon the love of God, which,
at the request of Mr. Morris, she suffered him to publish
in 1695, without her name, a precaution which their merit rendered useless. Having often observed and lamented
the defects in the education of her sex, which, she said,
were the principal causes of their running into so many
follies and improprieties, she published in 1696, an ingenious treatise, entitled, “A serious Proposal to the Ladies,
for the advancement of their true and greatest interest,
&c. and, some time after, a second part, under the same
title, with this addition “wherein a Method is offered
for the Improvement of their Minds.
” Both these performances were published together in 1696, and had, in
some measure, the desired effect. The scheme, indeed,
in her proposal, seemed so rational, that a certain opulent
lady, supposed to be the queen, intended to have given
10,000l. towards the erecting a sort of college for the education and improvement of the female sex and as a retreat to those ladies who preferred retirement and study to
the noise and hurry of the world. Bishop Burnet, hearing
of the design, went to the lady, and powerfully remonstrated against it, telling her it would look like paving the
way for popish orders, and that it would be reputed a nunnery; in consequence of which the design was relinquished. About seven years after, she printed “An Essay
in Defence of the Female Sex. In a Letter to a Lady.
Written by a Lady.
” These publications did not prevent
her from being as intent on her studies as ever and when,
she accidentally saw needless visitors coming, whom she
knew to be incapable of conversing on useful subjects, instead of ordering herself to be denied, she used to look out
at the window, and jestingly tell them, “Mrs. Astell was
not at home.
” In the course of her studies she became
intimately acquainted with many classic authors. Those
she admired most were Xenophon, Plato, Hierocles, Tully,
Seneca, Epictetus, and M. Antoninus. In 1700, she published a book entitled “Reflections-on Marriage,
” occasioned, as it is said, by a disappointment she experienced
in a marriage-contract with an eminent clergyman. However that might be, in the next edition of her book, 1705,
she added a preface, in answer to some objections, which
perhaps is the strongest defence that ever appeared in
print, of the rights and abilities of her own sex.
s jacobite, whether a clergyman or a layman but by a very moderate person and dutiful subject of the queen,” 1704. “The Christian Religion, as practised by a daughter
When Dr. D' Avenant published his “Moderation a Virtue,
” and his “Essay on Peace and War,
” she answered
him in Moderation truly stated.
The same year D' Avenant published a new edition of his
works, with remarks on hers, to which she immediately
replied in a postscript, and although without her name, she
was soon discovered, and distinguished with public approbation. Some eminent men of the time bear testimony to
the merit of her works, as Hickes, Walker, Norris, Dodwell, Evelyn, and bishop Atterbury, who praises her controversial powers, but with a hint that a little more urbanity
of manner would not have weakened her arguments.
Among her other works was “An impartial Inquiry into
the Causes of Rebellion and Civil Wars in this kingdom, in
an examination of Dr. Rennet’s Sermon, Jan. 30, 1703-4.
“A fair way with Dissenters and their Patrons, not writ by
Mr. Lindsay, or any other furious jacobite, whether a clergyman or a layman but by a very moderate person and
dutiful subject of the queen,
” The Christian Religion, as practised by a daughter of the Church of England,
” Six familiar Essays upon Marriage, Crosses in
Love, and Friendship,
” Bart'lemy Fair, or an
Inquiry after Wit,
physic and acquiring considerable skill, practised it gratis among his poor neighbours. In 1707, the queen presented him to the rectory of Shepperton in Middlesex and
, eldest son of the preceding,
was born at Caldecot, in the parish of Newport Pagnel, in
Bucks, on May 2, 1656. He was educated at Westminsterschool under Dr. Busby, and sent to Christ-church, Oxford, at the age of eighteen. He was ordained deacon in
Sept. 1679, being then B. A. and priest the year following,
when also he commenced M. A. In 1683, he served the
office of chaplain to sir William Pritchard, lord mayor of
London. In Feb. 1684 he was instituted rector of Symel
in Northamptonshire, which living he afterwards resigned
upon his accepting of other preferments. July 8, 1687, he
accumulated the degrees of bachelor aud doctor of civil law.
In 1691 we find him lecturer of St. Mary Hill in London.
Soon after his marriage he settled at Highgate, where he
supplied the pulpit of the reverend Mr. Daniel Lathom,
who was very old and infirm, and had lost his sight and,
upon the death of this gentleman, was in June 1695 elected
by the trustees of Highgate chapel to be their preacher.
He had a little before been appointed one of the six preaching chaplains to the princess Anne of Denmark at Whitehall and St. James’s, which place he continued to supply
after she came to the crown, and likewise during part of
the reign of George I. When he first resided at Highgate,
observing what difficulties the poor in the neighbourhood
underwent for want of a good physician or apothecary, he
studied physic and acquiring considerable skill, practised
it gratis among his poor neighbours. In 1707, the queen presented him to the rectory of Shepperton in Middlesex and
in March 1719, the bishop of London collated him to the
rectory of Hornsey, which was the more agreeable to him,
because the chapel of Highgate being situate in that parish,
many of his constant hearers became now his parishioners.
In 1720, on a report of the death of Dr. Sprat, archdeacon of Rochester, he applied to his brother, the celebrated bishop, in whose gift this preferment was, to be appointed to succeed him. The bishop giving his brother
some reasons why he thought it improper to make him his
archdeacon the doctor replied, “Your lordship very well
knows that Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury, had a
brother for his archdeacon and that sir Thomas More’s
father was a puisne judge when he was lord chancellor.
And thus, in the sacred history, did God himself appoint
that the safety and advancement of the patriarchs should
be procured by their younger brother, and that they with
their father should live under the protection and government of Joseph.
” In answer to this, which was not very
conclusive reasoning, the bishop informs his brother, that
the archdeacon was not dead, but well, and likely to continue so. He died, however, soon after; and, on the 20tli
of May 1720, the bishop collated Dr. Brydges, the duke
of Chandos’s brother, to the archdeaconry, after writing
thus in the morning to the doctor “I hope you are convinced by what I have said and written, that nothing could
have been more improper than the placing you in that post
immediately under myself. Could I have been easy under
that thought, you may be sure no man living should have
had the preference to you.
” To this the doctor answered:
“There is some shew of reason, I think, for the non-acceptance, but none for the not giving it. And since your
lordship was pleased to signify to me that I should overrule you in this matter, I confess it was some disappointment to me. I hope I shall be content with that meaner
post in which I am my time at longest being but short in
this world, and my health not suffering me to make those
necessary applications others do nor do I understand the
language of the present times for, I find, I begin to grow
an old-fashioned gentleman, and am ignorant of the weight
and value of words, which in our times rise and fall like
” In this affecting correspondence there is evidently
a portion of irritation on the part of Dr. Lewis, which is not
softened by his brother’s letters but there must have been
some reasons not stated by the latter for his refusal, and it
is certain that they lived afterwards in the strictest bonds
of affection.
, bishop of Rochester in the reigns of queen Anne and king George I. was born March 6, 1662-3, at Milton
, bishop of Rochester in the
reigns of queen Anne and king George I. was born March
6, 1662-3, at Milton or Middleton Keynes, near Newport- Pagnel, Bucks. He was admitted a king’s scholar in
1676 at Westminster-school; and thence, in 1680, was
elected a student of Christ-Church college, Oxford, where
he soon distinguished himself by his wit and learning and
gave early proofs of his poetical talents, in a Latin version
of Dryden’s “Absalom and Achitophel,
” published in
Ανθολογια, seu selecta
quædam poematum Italorum qui Latin escripserunt,
” which
was afterwards enlarged and published by Pope in 1740,
with the omission, however, of Atterbury’s excellent preface. In 1687 he made his first essay in controversial
writing, and shewed himself as an able and strenuous advocate for the Protestant religion, in “An Answer to
some Considerations on the spirit of Martin Luther, and the
original of the Reformation.
” These Considerations were
published under the name of Abraham Woodhead, who
was a popish writer, but were really written by Obadiah
Walker, master of University college, Oxford. Mr. Atterbury’s answer was soon after animadverted upon by Mr.
Thomas Deane, fellow of University college, at the end of
“The Religion of Martin Luther, whether Catholic or
Protestant, proved from his own works.
” This spirited
performance of Atterbury induced bishop Burnet to rank
the author among the eminent divines who had distinguished
themselves by their admirable defences of the Protestant
religion. Atterbury also pleads this pamphlet in his speech
at his trial, as a proof of his zeal in that cause, and the
same was urged by his counsel.
ts, should remain long unnoticed and we find that he was soon appointed chaplain to king William and queen Mary. The earliest of his sermons in print was preached before
The time of his entering into the church is not exactly
known but may be very nearly ascertained by his “Epistolary Correspondence;
” where a letter to his father in pinned down,
” he says, “it is his hard luck to be, to this scene.
This restlessness appears to have broken out in October
1690, when he was moderator of the college, and had had
Mr. Boyle four months under his tuition, who a took up
half his time,“and whom he never had a thought of parting with till he should leave Oxford; but wished he
” could
part with him to-morrow on that score.“The father tells
him in November,
” You used to say, when you had your
degrees, you should be able to swim without bladders.
You used to rejoice at your being moderator, and of the
quantum and sub-lecturer but neither of these pleased
you; nor was you willing to take those pupils the house
afforded you when master nor doth your lecturer’s place,
or nobleman satisfy you.“In the same letter the father
advises his marrying into some family of interest,
” either
bishop’s or archbishop’s, or some courtier’s, which may be
done, with accomplishments, and a portion too.“And to
part of this counsel young Atterbury attended for he soon
after married Miss Osborn, a relation (some say a niece) of
the duke of Leeds, a great beauty, who lived at or in the
neighbourhood of Oxford, and by whom he had a fortune
ofTOOO/. In February 1690-1, we find him resolved
” to
bestir himself in his office in the house,“that of censor
probably, an officer (peculiar to Christ Church) who presides over the classical exercises he then also held the
catechetical lecture founded by Dr. Busby. About this
period he probably took orders, and entered into
” another
scene, and another sort of conversation;“for in 1691 he
was elected lecturer of St. Bride’s church in London, and
in October 1693, minister and preacher at Bridewell chapel. An academic life, indeed, must have been irksome
and insipid to a person of his active and aspiring temper.
It was hardly possible that a clergyman of his fine genius,
improved by study, with a spirit to exert his talents, should
remain long unnoticed and we find that he was soon appointed chaplain to king William and queen Mary. The
earliest of his sermons in print was preached before the
queen at Whitehall, May 29, 1692. In August 1694 he
preached his celebrated sermon before the governors of
Bridewell and Bethlem,
” On the power of charity to cover
sins“to which Mr. Hoadly (afterwards bishop) published
” Exceptions“in the postscript to his
” Second Letter to Dr. Atterbury,“mentioned hereafter. In this he
accuses Atterbury, and not without reason, of endeavouring to maintain the proposition that
” God will accept
one duty (charity) in lieu of many others.“In
” October
that year he preached before the queen p “The scorncr
incapable of true wisdom
” which was also warmly attacked by a friend of sir Robert Howard, author of “The
History of Religion,
” supposed to be alluded to in this
sermon. The pamphlet was entitled “A two-fold Vindication of the late archbishop of Canterbury, and the
Author of the History of Religion, &c.
bilities, in 1698, when he resigned JBridewell, which he had obtained in 1693. Upon the accession of queen Anne, in 1702, Dr. Atterbury was appointed one of her majesty’s
In 1700, a still larger field of activity opened, in which
Atterbury was engaged four years with Dr. Wake (afterwards archbishop of Canterbury) and others, concerning
the rights, powers, and privileges of convocations in which
he displayed so much learning and ingenuity, as well as
zeal for the interests of his order, that the lower house of
convocation returned him their thanks; and in consequence
of this vote a letter was sent to the university of Oxford,
expressing, that, “whereas Mr. Francis Atterbury, late of
Christ Church, had so happily asserted the rights and privileges of an English convocation, as to merit the solemn
thanks of the lower house for his learned pains upon that
subject; it might be hoped, that the university would be
no less forward in taking some public notice of so great a
piece of service to the church and that the most proper
and seasonable mark of respect to him, would be to confer
on him the degree of doctor in divinity by diploma, without doing exercise, or paying fees.
” The university approved the contents of this letter, and accordingly created
Mr. AtterburyD.D. Out author’s work was entitled, “The
Rights, Powers, and Privileges of an English Convocation
stated and vindicated, in answer to a late book of Dr.
Wake’s, entitled ‘ The Authority of Christian Princes over
their Ecclesiastical Synods asserted,’ &c. and several other
” 8vo. The fame of this work was very great; but
it was censured by Burnet, and in November the judges
had a serious consultation on it, as being supposed to affect the royal prerogative. Holt, then chief justice, was
strongly of that opinion, and the same idea was encouraged
by archbishop Tenison, Dr. Wake, and others. Endeavours were made to prejudice king William against him,
but his majesty remained indifferent; and on the other
hand, Atterbury gained the steady patronage of sir Jonathan Trelawny, bishop of Exeter, of Lawrence earl of
Rochester, and of bishop Sprat. In December 1700, he
published a second edition of “The Rights,
” considerably
enlarged, and with his name, and a dedication to the two
archbishops. This was immediately answered by Drs. Kennet, Hody, and Wake. Another controversy of some importance was at this time also ably agitated by Atterbury,
the execution of the prtemunienles, a privilege enjoyed by
the several bishops of issuing writs to summon the inferior
clergy to convocation. Bishops Compton, Sprat, and Trelawny, were his strenuous supporters on this occasion, and
by the latter he was presented to the archdeaconry of
Totness, in which he was installed Jan. 29, 1700-1. His
attendance in convocation was regular, and his exertions
great. In placing Dr. Hooper in the prolocutor’s chair,
as the successor of Dr. Jane in the examination of obnoxious books in the controversy between the lower and
upper houses in considering the methods of promoting
the propagation of religion in foreign parts and in preparing an address to the king, his zeal distinguished itself.
About this time he was engaged, with some other learned
divines, in revising an intended edition of the Greek Testament, with Greek Scholia, collected chiefly from the
fathers, by Mr. archdeacon Gregory. On the 29th of May
he preached before the House of Commons; and on Aug. 16,
published “The power of the Lower House of Convocation
to adjourn itself,
” which was a sort of analysis of the whole
controversy. He also published “A letter to a clergyman in the country, concerning the Choice of Members,
” Nov. 17, 1701; a second, with a similar title, Dec.
10, 1701; and a third, in defence of the two former, Jan. 8,
1701-2. In October he published “The parliamentary
origin and rights of the Lower House of Convocation,
cleared, &c.
” At this period he was popular as preacher
at the Rolls Chapel, an office which had been conferred on
him by sir John Trevor, a great discerner of abilities, in
1698, when he resigned JBridewell, which he had obtained
in 1693. Upon the accession of queen Anne, in 1702,
Dr. Atterbury was appointed one of her majesty’s chaplains
in ordinary and, in July 1704, was advanced to the deanery of Carlisle but, owing to the obstacles thrown in his
way by bishop Nicolson, he was not instituted tintil Oct.
12, and the same year Sir Jonathan Trelawny bestowed on
him a canonry of Exeter. About two years after this, he
was engaged in a dispute with Mr. Hoadly, concerning the
advantages of virtue with regard to the present life, occasioned by his sermon, preached August 30, 1706, at the
funeral of Mr. Thomas Bennet, a bookseller. The doctrine of this sermon Mr. Hoadly examined, in “A letter
to Dr. Francis Atterbury, concerning Virtue and Vice,
published in Preface,
” Mr. Hoadly published in Asecond letter,
” &c. and in the Preface to his “Tracts,
tells us, these two letters against Dr. Atterbury were designed to vindicate and establish the tendency of virtue and
morality to the present happiness of such a creature as
man is which he esteems a point of the utmost importance
to the Gospel itself. In Jan. 1707-8 he published a volume
of Sermons, 8vo, and in the same year “Reflections on a
late scandalous report about the repeal of the Test Act.
In Concio ad Clerum Londinensem,
habita in Ecclesia S. Elphegi.
” Atterbury, in his pamphlet
entitled “Some proceedings in Convocation, A. D. 1705,
faithfully represented,
” had charged Mr. Hoadly (whom he sneeringly calls “the modest and moderate Mr. Hoadly
with treating the body of the established clergy with language more disdainful and reviling than it would have become him to have used towards his Presbyterian antagonist,
upon any provocation, charging them with rebellion in the
church, whilst he himself was preaching it up in the state.“This induced Mr. Hoadly to set about a particular examination of Dr. Atterbury' s Latin Sermon; which he did in a
piece, entitled
” A large Answer to Dr. Atterbury’s Charge
of Rebellion, &c. London a 1710,“wherein he endeavours
to lay open the doctor’s artful management of the controversy, and to let the reader into his true meaning and design which, in an
” Appendix“to the
” Answer,“he
represents to be
” The carrying on two different causes,
upon two sets of contradictory principles“in order to
” gain himself applause amongst the same persons at the
same time, by standing up for and against liberty; by depressing the prerogative, and exalting it by lessening the
executive power, and magnifying it by loading some
with all infamy, for pleading for submission to it in one
particular which he supposeth an mcroachment, and by
loading others with the same infamy for pleading against
submission to it, in cases that touch the happiness of the
whole community.“” This,“he tells us,
” is a method
of controversy so peculiar to one person (Dr. Atterbury) as
that he knows not that it hath ever been practised, or attempted by any other writer.“Mr. Hoadly has likewise
transcribed, in this Appendix, some remarkable passages
out of our author’s
” Rights, Powers, and Privileges, &c."
which he confronts with others, from his Latin Sermon.
ouse. This we learn from bishop Burnet.In his account of this convocation, having observed, that the queen, in appointing a committee of bishops to be present, and consenting
In 1710 came on the celebrated trial of Dr. Sacheverell,
whose remarkable speech on that occasion was generally
supposed to have been drawn up by our author, to whom
Sacheverell, in his last will, bequeathed 500l. in conjunction
with Smalridge and Freind. The same year Dr. Atterbury
was unanimously chosen prolocutor of the lower house of
convocation, and had the chief management of affairs in
that house. This we learn from bishop Burnet.In his
account of this convocation, having observed, that the
queen, in appointing a committee of bishops to be present,
and consenting to their resolutions, not only passed over all
the bishops made in king William’s reign, but a great many
of those named by herself, and set the bishops of Bristol
and St. David’s, then newly consecrated, in a distinction
above all their brethren, by adding them to the committee,
upon the indisposition of the archbishop and others, he adds
“All this was directed by Dr. Atterbury, who had the confidence of the chief minister and because the other bishops
had maintained a good correspondence with the former
ministry, it was thought fit to put the marks of the queen’s
distrust upon them, that it might appear with whom her
royal favour and trust wa^ lodged.
” May 11, 1711, he was
appointed, by the convocation, one of the committee for
comparing Mr. Whiston’s doctrines with those of the
church of England and, in June following, he had the
chief hand in drawing up “A Representation of the present State of Religion.
” In no sooner was he settled
” says Stackhouse, “than all ran into disorder and confusion. The canons had been long accustomed to the mild and
gentle government of a dean, who had every thing in him
that was endearing to mankind, and could not therefore
brook the wide difference that they perceived in Dr. Atterbury. That imperious and despotic manner, in which he
seemed resolved to carry every thing, made them more
tenacious of their rights, and inclinable to make fewer
concessions, the more he endeavoured to grasp at power,
and tyrannize. This opposition raised the ferment, and,
in a short time, there ensued such strife and contention,
such bitter words and scandalous quarrels among them, that
it was thought adviseable to remove him, on purpose to
restore peace and tranquillity to that learned body, and that
tether colleges might not take the infection a new method
of obtaining preferment, by indulging such a temper, and
pursuing such practices, as least of all deserve it In a
” adds this writer, “wherever he came, under one pretence or other, but chiefly under the notion of asserting his
rights and privileges, he had a rare talent of fomenting
discord, and blowing the coals of contention which made
a learned successor (Dr. Smalridge) in two of his preferments complain of his hard fate, in being forced to carry
water after him, to extinguish the flames, which his litigiousness had every where occasioned.
” The next year
saw him at the top of his preferment, as well as of his reputation for, in the beginning of June 1713, the queen,
at the recommendation of lord chancellor Harcourt, advanced him to the bishopric of Rochester, with the deanery
of Westminster in commendam he was confirmed July 4,
and consecrated at Lambeth next day.
leaving the old ministry, provoked Atterbury’s abusive tongue. He, in return, declared, that on the queen’s death, the bishop came to him and to lord Bolingbroke, and
At the beginning of the succeeding reign, his tide of
prosperity began to turn and he received a sensible mortification presently after the coronation of king George I.
Oct. 20, 1714, when, upon his offering to present his majesty (with a view, no doubt, of standing better in his favour) with the chair of state and royal canopy, his own
perquisites as dean of Westminster, the offer was rejected,
not without some evident marks of dislike to his person.
At the close of this year he is supposed to have written a
pamphlet, deemed a libel by government, “English Advice
to the Freeholders of England.
” Bolingbroke and Swift
were also supposed to have had a hand in it. During the
rebellion in Scotland, which broke out in the first year of
this reign, Atterbury gave an instance of his growing disaffection to the established government, in refusing to sign
the “Declaration
” of the bishops. In that juncture of
affairs, when the Pretender’s declaration was posted up in
most market towns, and, in some places, his title proclaimed, it^was thought proper, by most bodies of men, to
give the government all possible assurance of their fidelity
iand allegiance and accordingly there was published “A
Declaration of the archbishop of Canterbury, and the
bishops in and near London, testifying their abhorrence of
the present rebellion and an exhortation to the clergy,
and people under their care, to be zealous in the discharge
of their duties to his majesty king George.
” This paper
both Atterbury and Smalridge refused to sign, on pretence
of a just offence taken at some unbecoming reflections cast
on a party, not inferior to any, they said, in point of loyalty. But Atterbury' s refusal of signing the declaration of
his episcopal brethren, during the rebellion in Scotland,
was not the only testimony he at that time afforded of his
disaffection to government. Another remarkable proof of
it was his conduct to an ingenious and learned clergyman,
Mr. Gibbin, curate of Gravesend. When the Dutch troops,
which came over to assist in subduing the rebellion, were
quartered at that place, the officers requested of Mr. Gibbin
the use of his church one Sunday morning for their chaplain to preach to their soldiers, alleging that the like favour
had been granted them in other parishes, and promising
that the service should begin at six in the morning, that it
might not interfere with that of the town. The request was
granted, the chaplain preached, and his congregation was
dismissed by nine o'clock. But Dr. Atterbury was so in^
censed at this transaction, that he suspended Mr. Gibbiu
for three years. The suspension, however, was deemed
so injurious by the inhabitants of Gravesend, that they
subscribed a sum to Mr. Gibbin more than double the
income of his church and the affair being represented
to the king, his majesty* gave him the rectory of NorthFleet in Kent, which living he afterwards exchanged for
Birch, near Colchester in Essex, where he died July 29,
1752. He was a very ingenious, learned, and worthy
clergyman, who had greatly improved and enlarged his
mind, by his travels into France, Italy, and other countries, with Mr. Addison. A farther striking instance (if true) of bishop Atterbury’s attachment to the Pretender,
is related, by the author of the “Memoirs of lord Chesterfield,
” from Dr. Birch’s manuscript papers, and was
often mentioned by the late bishop Pearce (who appears to have been always severe on the memory of Atterbury)
“Lord Harcourt leaving the old ministry, provoked Atterbury’s abusive tongue. He, in return, declared, that
on the queen’s death, the bishop came to him and to lord
Bolingbroke, and said, nothing remained but immediately
to proclaim king James. He further offered, if they would
give him a guard, to put on his lawn sleeves, and head
the procession.
” Whatever may be in this, it is certain
that from the time he perceived himself slighted by tile
king he constantly opposed the measures of the court in
the House of Lords, and drew up some of the most violent
protests with his own hand. In 1716, we find him advising dean Swift in the management of a refractory
to play the mercenary, and to prostitute his pen to the direction of that lady.” It is said that the queen-mother answered the bookseller Berthier, who expressed his fear
, a lawyer of Paris, born in 1617,
became an indefatigable student, it being his practice to
rise at five o'clock every morning, and study without intermission till six in the evening. He scarcely made any
visits, and received still fewer, and though he had taken
his oath as avocat au conseil, he preferred the silent commerce of his books to the tumult of affairs. The “Remarques de Vaugelas
” was his only book of recreation. He
died of a fall in 1695, at upwards of 78. Several works of
his are to be met with, very inferior in respect of style,
but they are not deficient in historical anecdotes and useful remarks. The chief of them are, 1. “Histoire generale des Cardinaux,
” 5 vels. 1642, 4to, composed from the
memoirs of Naud6 and of du Puy. 2. “Memoire pour
rhistoire du Cardinal de Richelieu,
” Histoire de me me ministre,
” The duchess of Aiguillon,
” says he, “has just had the history of her uncle the
cardinal de Richelieu printed, composed from the memoirs she has furnished herself, by M. Aubery; but it is
already fallen into contempt, being too much suspected
from the quarter from whence it originates, and on account of the bad style of the wretched writer, who, lucro
addictus & addductus, will not fail to play the mercenary, and
to prostitute his pen to the direction of that lady.
” It is
said that the queen-mother answered the bookseller Berthier, who expressed his fear that certain persons of the
court, of whom the historian spoke by no means advantageously, would bring him into trouble: “Go, pursue your
business in peace, and put vice so much to shame, that
nothing but virtue shall dare to be seen in France.
4ubery is one of those who doubt whether the Testament
published under the name of the cardinal de Richelieu be
really by him. 4. “Histoire du cardinal Mazarin,
” Traite historique de la preeminence des Rois de France/' 1649, 4to.
” Traite des justes pretensions du Roi de France sur
PEmpire," 1667, 4to, which caused him to be thrown into
the Bastille, because the princes of Germany thought the
ideas of Aubery to be the same with those of Louis XIV.
He was, however, soon set at liberty, and even his confinement was made easy.
e proceeded to Berlin, to Poland, and to Rome. On his return to Paris, he acquired the favour of the queen-mother; but this not being followed by promotion, he relinquished
, sieur du Maurier, accompanied
his father on his embassy into Holland, from whence he
proceeded to Berlin, to Poland, and to Rome. On his return to Paris, he acquired the favour of the queen-mother;
but this not being followed by promotion, he relinquished
his attendance at court, and retired to his estate to pass
the remainder of his days in reading and compilation, and
there he died in 1687. His “Memoires pour servir a
l'histoire de Hollande,
” 2 vols. 12mo, have been and are
still quoted by all historians, though the facts related in
them greatly displeased the Dutch. His grandson published in 1737, “Memoirs of Hamburgh,
” in 12mo, also
by him. We are likewise indebted to him for a relation
of the execution of Cabrieres and Merindol, Paris, 1645,
in 4to.
, an eminent civilian in queen Elizabeth’s reign, is said to have been a native of Cantre in
, an eminent civilian in queen Elizabeth’s reign, is said to have been a native of Cantre in Brecknockshire. He was educated at Oxford, where he took* his bachelor’s degree in law, and was elected fellow of All Souls college in 1547. He was made regius professor of civil law, Oct. 7, 1553, and proceeded D. C. L. in 1554. He was also principal of New Inn hall, Oxford, from 1550, probably to 1560, but the exact year has not been ascertained. He executed the office by deputies, as he was about that time judge advocate of the queen’s army at St. Quintin in France. He also was successively, advocate in the court of arches, master in Chancery, chancellor to archbishop Whitgift, and lastly, by the special favour of queen Elizabeth, he was made one of the masters of requests in ordinary. He died July 23, 1595, aged 66, and was buried in St. Paul’s cathedral under a monument which perished in the destruction of that church in 1666. Dr. Aubrey was a man of high character in his time, and is mentioned with great respect by Thuanus. His only writings remain in manuscript, except a few letters published in Strype’s Life of Grindal. He wrote some letters to Dr. Dee respecting the dominion of the seas and something respecting the reformation of the court of Arches in 1576.
e of the month, one Mr. Themse moved, That the house would intercede with the king, to take back his queen again. The king, extremely alarmed at this, on the 30th of April,
, descended of an
ancient and honourable family, of the county of Essex,
was born in 1488. He was by nature endowed with great
abilities, from his ancestors inherited an ample fortune,
and was happy in a regular education, but whether at
Oxford or Cambridge is not certain. At what time he was
entered of the Inner-Temple, does not appear, but in
1526 he was autumn reader of that house, and is thought
to have read on the statute of privileges, which he handled
with so much learniag and eloquence, as to acquire great
reputation. This, with the duke of Suffolk’s recommendation, to whom he was chancellor, brought him to the'
knowledge of his sovereign, who at that time wanted men
of learning and some pliability he was, accordingly, by
the king’s influence, chosen speaker of that parliament,
which sat first on the third of November, 1529, and is by
some styled the Black Parliament, and by others, on account of its duration, the Long Parliament. Great complaints were made in the house of commons against the
clergy, and the proceedings in ecclesiastical courts, and
several bills were ordered to be brought in, which alarmed
some of the prelates. Fisher, bishop of Rochester,
inveighed boldly against these transactions, in the house of
lords, with which the house of commons were so much
offended, that they thought proper to complain of it, by
their speaker, to the king, and Fisher had some difficulty
in excusing himself. The best historians agree, that great
care was taken by the king, or at least by his ministry, to
have such persons chosen into this house of commons as
would proceed therein readily and effectually, and with
this view Audley was chosen to supply the place of sir
Thomas More, now speaker of the lords’ house, and chancellor of England. The new house and its speaker justified
his majesty’s expectations, by the whole tenor of their behaviour, but especially by the passing of a law, not nowfound among our statutes. The king, having borrowed
very large sums of money of particular subjects, and entered into obligations for the repayment of the said sums,
the house brought in, and passed a bill, in the preamble of
which they declared, that inasmuch as those sums had been
applied by his majesty to public uses, therefore they cancelled and discharged the said obligations, &c. and the
king, finding the convenience of such a parliament, it sat
again in the month of January, 1530-1. In this session
also many extraordinary things were done amongst the
rest, there was a law introduced in the house of lords, by
which the clergy were exempted from the penalties they
had incurred, by submitting to the legatine power of
Wolsey. On this occasion the commons moved a clause in
favour of the laity, many of themselves having also incurred the penalties of the statute. But the king insisted
that acts of grace ought to flow spontaneously, and that this
was not the method of obtaining what they wanted; and the
house, notwithstanding the intercession of its speaker, and
several of its members, who were the king’s servants, was
obliged to pass the bill without the clause, and immediately
the king granted them likewise a pardon, which reconciled
all parties. In the recess, the king thought it necessary
to have a letter written to the pope by the lords and commons, or rather by the three estates in parliament, which
letter was drawn up and signed by cardinal Wolsey, the
archbishop of Canterbury, four bishops, two dukes, two
marquisses, thirteen earls, two viscounts, twenty-three
barons, twenty-two abbots, and eleven members of the
house of commons. Thepurport of this letter, dated
July 13, above three weeks after the parliament rose, was
to iMigage the pope to grant the king’s desire in the divorce
business, for the sake of preventing a civil war, on account of the succession, and to threaten him if he did not,
to take some other way. To gratify the speaker for the
great pains he had already taken, and to encourage him to
proceed in the same way, the king made him this year
attorney for the duchy of Lancaster, advanced him in
Michaelmas term to the state and degree of a serjeant at
law, and on the 14th of November following, to that of
his own serjeant. In January, 1531-2, the parliament had
its third session, wherein the grievances occasioned by the
excessive power of the ecclesiastics and their courts, were
regularly digested into a book, which was presented by
the speaker, Audley, to the king. The king’s answer was,
He would take advice, hear the parties accused speak, and
then proceed to reformation. Jn this session, a bill was
brought into the house of lords, for the better securing the
rights of his majesty, and other persons interested in the
eare of wards, which rights, it was alleged, were injured
by fraudulent wills and contracts. This bill, when it came
into the house of commons, was violently opposed, and the
members expressed a desire of being dissolved, which the
king would not permit but after they had done some
business, they had a recess to the month of April. When
they next met, the king sent for the speaker, and delivered
to him the answer which had been made to the roll of
grievances, presented at their last sitting, which afforded
very little satisfaction, and they seemed now less subset
viciit. Towards the close of the month, one Mr. Themse
moved, That the house would intercede with the king, to
take back his queen again. The king, extremely alarmed
at this, on the 30th of April, 1532, sent for the speaker, to
whom he repeated the plea of conscience, which had induced him to repudiate the queen, and urged that the
opinion of the learned doctors, &c. was on his side. On
the 11th of May the king sent for the speaker again, and
told him, that he had found that the clergy of his realm
were but half his subjects, or scarcely so much, every
bishop and abbot at the entering into his dignity, taking
an oath to the pope, derogatory to that of their fidelity
to the king, which contradiction he desired his parliament to take away. Upon this motion of the king’s, the
two oaths he mentioned were read in the house of commons and they would probably have complied, if the plague
bad not put an end to the session abruptly, on the 14th
of May; and two days after, sir Thomas More, knt. then
lord chancellor of England, went suddenly, without acquainting any body with his intention, to court, his majesty being then at York Place, and surrendered up the
seals to the king. The king going out of town to EastGreenwich, carried the seals with him, and on Monday,
May 20, delivered them to Thomas Audley, esq, with the
title of lord keeper, and at the same time conferred on him
the honour of knighthood. September 6, sir Thomas delivered the old seal, which was much worn, and received a
new one in its stead, yet with no -higher title: but on
January 26, 1533, he again delivered the seal to the king,
who kept it a quarter of an hour, and then returned it with
the title of lord chancellor. A little after, the king
granted to him the site of the priory of Christ Church,
Aldgate, together with all the church plate, and lands belonging to that house. When chancellor he complied with
the king’s pleasure as effectually as when speaker of the
house of commons. For in July 1535, he sat in judgment
on sir Thomas More, his predecessor, (as he had before on bishop Fisher,) who was now indicted of high-treason upon
which indictment the jury found him gnilty, and the lord
chancellor, Audley, pronounced judgment of death upon
him. This done, we are told, that sir Thomas More said,
that he had for seven years bent his mind and study upon
this cause, but as yet he found it no where writ by any
approved doctor of the church, that a layman could be
head of the ecclesiastical state. To this Audley returned,
“Sir, will you be reckoned wiser, or of a better conscience,
than all the bishops, the nobility, and the whole kingdom
” Sir Thomas rejoined, “My lord chancellor, for
one bishop that you have of your opinion, I have a hundred
of mine, and that among those that have been saints and
for your one council, which, what it is, God knows, I have
on my side all the general councils for a thousand years
past; and for one kingdom, I have France and all the
ether kingdoms of the Christian world.
” As our chancellor
was very active in the business of the divorce, he was no
less so in the business of abbies, and had particularly a
large hand in the dissolution of such religions houses as
had not two hundred pounds by the year. This was in the
twenty-seventh of Henry VIII, and the bill being delayed
long in the house of commons, his majesty sent for the
members of that house to attend him in his gallery, where
he passed through them with a stern countenance, without
speaking a word the members not having received the
king’s command to depart to their house, durst not return
till they knew the king’s pleasure so they stood waiting in
the gallery. In the mean time the king went a hunting,
and his ministers, who seem to have had better manners
than their master, went to confer with the members to
some they spoke of the king’s steadiness and severity to
others, of his magnificence and generosity. At last the
king came back, and passing through them again, said,
with an air of fierceness peculiar to himself, That if his
bill did not pass, it should cost many of them their heads.
Between the ministers’ persuasions and the king’s threats,
the matter was brought to an issue the king’s bill, as he
called it, passed and by it, he had not only the lands of
the small monasteries given him, but also their jewels, plate,
and rich moveables. This being accomplished, methods
were used to prevail with the abbots of larger foundations
to surrender. To this end, the chancellor sent a special
agent to treat with the abbot of Athelny, to offer him an
hundred marks per annum pension which he refused, insisting on a greater sum. The chancellor was more successful with the abbot of St. Osithes in Essex, with whom
he dealt personally and, as he expresses it in a letter to
Cromwell, the visitor-general, by great solicitation prevailed with him but then he insinuates, that his place of
lord chancellor being very chargeable, he desired the king
might be moved for addition of some more profitable offices
unto him. In suing for the great abbey of Walden, in the
same county, which he obtained, besides extenuating its
worth, he alleged under his hand, that he had in this
world sustained great damage and infamy in serving the
king, which the grant of that should recompense. But if
the year 1536 was agreeable to him in one respect, it was
far from being so in another; since, notwithstanding the
obligations he was under to queen Anne Bullen, he was
obliged, by the king’s command, to be present at her apprehension and commitment to the Tower. He sat afterwards with Cranmer archbishop of Canterbury, when he
gave sentence of divorce on the pre-contract between the
queen and the lordPiercy and on the 15th of May, in the
same year, he sat in judgment on the said queen, notwithstanding we are told by Lloyd, that with great address he
avoided it. The lengths he had gone in serving the king,
and his known dislike to popery, induced the northern,
rebels in the same year, to name him as one of the evil
counsellors, whom they desired to see removed from about
the king’s person which charge, however, his majesty,
as far as in him lay, wiped off, by his well- penned answer
to the complaints of those rebels, wherein an excellent
character is given of the chancellor. When the authors of
this rebellion came to be tried, the chancellor declined
sitting as lord high steward, which high office was executed
by the marquis of Exeter, on whom shortly after, viz. in
1538, Audley sat as high-steward, and condemned him,
his brother, and several t other persons, to suffer death as
traitors. In the latter end of the same year, viz. on the
29th of November, 30 Hen. VIII. the chancellor was created
a baron, by the style of lord Audley of Walden in the
county of Essex, and was likewise installed knight of the
garter. In the session of parliament in 1539, there were
many severe acts made, and the prerogative carried to an
excessive height, particularly by the six bloody articles,
and the giving the king’s proclamation the force of a law.
It does not very clearly appear who were the king’s principal counsellors in these matters but it is admitted by
the best historians, that the rigorous execution of these
laws, which the king first designed, was prevented by the
interposition of the lord Audley, in conjunction with Cromwell, who was then prime minister, and the duke of Suffolk,
the king’s favourite throughout his whole reign. In the
beginning of 1540, the court was excessively embarrassed.
What share Audley had in the fall of Cromwell afterwards
is not clear, but immediately after a new question was
stirred in parliament, viz. How far the king’s marriage with
Anne of Cleves, was lawful This was referred to the
judgment of a spiritual court and there are yet extant the
depositions of Thomas lord Audley, lord chancellor, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas, duke of Norfolk,
Charles, duke of Suffolk, and Cuthbert, lord bishop of
Durham, wherein they jointly swear, that the papers produced to prove the retraction of the lady Anne’s contract
with the duke of Lorrain, were inconclusive and unsatisfactory. Other lords and ladies deposed to other points,
and the issue of the business was, that the marriage was
declared void by this court, which sentence was supported
by an act of parliament, affirming the same thing, and
enacting, That it should be high-treason to judge or believe otherwise. This obstacle removed, the king married
the lady Catherine Howard, niece to the duke of Norfolk,
and cousin -german to Anne Bullen. Nothing is clearer
from history, than that the chancellor was closely attached
to the house of Norfolk and yet in the latter end of the
year 1541, he was constrained to be an instrument in the
ruin of the unfortunate queen information of her bad life
before her marriage, being laid first before the archbishop
of Canterbury, and by him communicated to the chancellor. The king then appointed lord Audley one of the
commissioners to examine her, which they did, and there
is yet extant a letter subscribed by him and the other
lords, containing an exact detail of this affair, and of the
evidence on which, in the next session of parliament, the
queen and others were attainted. The whole of this business was managed in parliament by the chancellor, and
there is reason to believe, that he had some hand in another
business transacted in that session which was the opening
a door for the dissolution of hospitals, the king having now
wasted all that had accrued to him by the suppression of
abbies. Some other things of the like nature were the
last testimonies of the chancellor’s concern for his master’s
interest but next year a more remarkable case occurred.
Jn the 34th of Henry VIII. George Ferrers, esq. burgess
for Plymouth, was arrested, and carried to the compter,
by virtue of a writ from the court of king’s bench. The
house, on notice thereof, sent their serjeant to demand
their member in doing which, a fray ensued at the compter, his mace was broke, his servant knocked down, and
himself obliged to make his escape as well as he could.
The house, upon notice of this, resolved they would sit
no longer without their member, and desired a conference
with the lords where, after hearing the mutter, the lord
chancellor Audley declared the contempt was most flagrant,
and referred “the punishment thereof to the house of commons whereupon Thomas Moyle, esq. who was then
speaker, issued his warrant, and the sheriff of London,
and several other persons, were brought to the bar of the
house, and committed, some to the Tower, and some to
Newgate. This precedent was gained by the king’s want
of an aid, who at that time expected the commons would
offer him a subsidy the ministry, and the house of lords,
knowing the king’s will gave the commons the
complimerit of punishing those who had imprisoned one of their
members. Dyer, mentioning this case, sap,
” The sages
of the law held the commitment of Ferrers legal, and
though the privilege was allowed him, yet was it held unjust.“As the chancellor had led a very active life, he
grew now infirm, though he was not much above fifty years
old, and therefore began to think of settling his family and
affairs. But, previous to this, he obtained from the king a
licence to change the name of Buckingham college in
Cambridge, into that of Magdalen, or Maudlin some will
have it, because in the latter word his own name is included. To this college he was a great benefactor, bestowed on it his own arms, and is generally 'reputed its
founder, or restorer. His capital seat was at Christ-Christ
in town, and at Walden in Essex and to preserve some
remembrance of himself and fortunes, he caused a magnificent tomb to be erected in his new chapel at Walden.
About the beginning of April, 1544, he was attacked by
his last illness, which induced him to resign the seals but
he was too weak to do it in person, and therefore sent them
to the king, who delivered them to sir Thomas Wriothesley,
with the title of keeper, during the indisposition of the
chancellor a circumstance not remarked by any of our
historians. On the 19th of April, lord Audi ey made hU
will, and, amongst other things, directed that his executors
should, upon the next New-year’s day after his decease,
deliver to the king a legacy of one hundred pounds, from
whom, as he expresses it,
” he had received all his reputations and benefits." He died on the last of April, 1544,
when he had held the seals upwards of twelve years, and
in the fifty-sixth of his life, as appears by the inscription
on his tomb. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas
iGrey, marquis of Dorset, by whom he had two daughters,
Margaret and Mary; Mary died unmarried, and Margaret
became his sole heir. She married first lord Henry Dudley,
a younger son of John duke of Northumberland, and he
being slain at the battle of St. Quintin’s, in Picardy, in
1557, she married a second time, Thomas duke of Norfolk, to whom she was also a second wife, and had by him
a son Thomas, who, by act of parliament, in the 27th of
Elizabeth, was restored in blood; and in the 39th of the
same reign, summoned to parliament by his grandfather’s
title, as baron of Walden, In the 1st of James I. he was
created earl of Suffolk, and being afterwards lord
hightreasurer of England, he built on the ruins of the abbey of
Walden, that nee noble palace, which, in honour of our
chancellor, he called Audley-End.
It is easy to suppose that a queen, thus sincere in her principles, would be very earnest in persuading
It is easy to suppose that a queen, thus sincere in her
principles, would be very earnest in persuading her husband to give Augustine and his followers a hospitable reception, and Ethelbert accordingly assigned Augustine an
habitation in the isle of Thanet. By means of French interpreters, whom the missionaries brought with them, they
informed the king that they were come from Rome, and
brought with them the best tidings in the world eternal
life to those who received them, and the endless enjoyment
of life hereafter. After some days, Ethelbert paid them a
visit but being afraid of enchantments, things which, true
or false, were then objects of terror, chose to receive them
in the open air. The missionaries met him, singing litanies
for their own salvation, and that of those for vvhojse sake
they came thither; and then, by the king’s direction, unfolded the nature of their mission, and of the religion they
wished to preach. The substance of the king’s answer was,
that he could not, without further consideration, abandon
the religion of his forefathers, but as they had come so
far on a friendly errand, he assigned them a place of residence in Canterbury, and allowed them to use their best
endeavours to convert his subjects. The place assigned
them was in the parish of St. Alphage, on the north side of
the High or King’s street, where, in Thorn’s time, the archbishop’s palace stood, now called Stable-gate. Accordingly they entered the city, singing in concert a short
litany, recorded by Becle, in these words “We pray thee,
O Lord, in all thy merc^, that thine anger and thy fury
may be removed from this city, and from thy holy house,
for we have sinned. Alleluia.
tutor to prince Edward, afterwards king Edward III. Being treasurer of Guienne in 1325, he supplied queen Isobel, when she was plotting against her husband king Edward
, commonly known by the name of Richard de Bury, was born at St. Edmundsbury, in Suffolk, in 1281. His father, sir Richard Aungervyle, knt. dying when he was young, his uncle John de Willowby, a priest, took particular care of his education and when he was fit sent him to Oxford, where he studied philosophy and divinity, and distinguished himself by his learning, and regular and exemplary life. When he had finished his studies there, he became a Benedictine monk at Durham. Soon after he was made tutor to prince Edward, afterwards king Edward III. Being treasurer of Guienne in 1325, he supplied queen Isobel, when she was plotting against her husband king Edward II. with a large sum of money out of that exchequer, for which being questioned by the king’s party, be narrowly escaped to Paris, where he was forced to hide himself seven days in the tower of a church. When king Edward III. came to the crown, he loaded his tutor Aungervyle with honours and preferments, making him, first, his cofferer, then treasurer of the wardrobe, archdeacon of Northampton, prebendary of Lincoln, Sarum, and Lichfield, and afterwards keeper of the privy seal. This last place he enjoyed five years, and was in that time sent twice ambassador to the pope. In 1333 he was promoted to the deanery of Wells, and before the end of the same year, being chosen bishop of Durham, he was consecrated about the end of December, in the abbey of the black canons of Chertsey in Surrey. He was soon afterwards enthroned at Durham, on which occasion he made a grand festival, and entertained in the hall of his palace at Durham, the king and queen of England, the queen-dowager of England, the king of Scotland, the two archbishops, and five bishops, seven earls with their ladies, all the nobility north of Trent, with a Tast concourse of knights, esquires, and other persons of distinction. The next year he was appointed high-chancellor, and in 1336, treasurer of England. In 1338 he was twice sent with other commissioners to treat -of a peace with the king of France, though to no purpose.
where he became tutor to his children, amongst whom was the lady Jane, who for some days was styled queen, and who, under Aylmer’s tuition, acquired the Latin and Greek
, an eminent English
prelate, descended from a very ancient and honourable family, seated at Aylmer-hall, in Norfolk, was born in 1521,
and being a younger brother, was either recommended by
his relations, or recommended himself by his pregnant
parts, to the marquis of Dorset (Henry Grey), afterwards
duke of Suffolk, who honoured him with the title of his
Scholar, and gave him an exhibition at the university of
Cambridge. When he had there attained competent
learning, the marquis took him home, where he became
tutor to his children, amongst whom was the lady Jane,
who for some days was styled queen, and who, under
Aylmer’s tuition, acquired the Latin and Greek tongues,
reading and writing in the latter with ease and elegance,
By his care also, she received right principles of religion,
as he imbibed the opinions of the primitive reformers and
having for his patrons the duke of Suffolk and the carl of
Huntingdon, in the reign of Edward VI., was for some time
the only preacherin Leicestershire; where he had great success in inculcating the, Protestant religion. When the
celebrated Ascliam, in a visit to lady Jane in 1550, asked her
how so young a lady (not then ahove fourteen) could have
arrived at such perfection both in philosophy and the
Greek language, she bore the following testimony to the
merit of her tutor “1 will tell you,
” said she, “and tell
you truth, which, perchance, you will marvel at. One of
the greatest benefits which ever God gave me, is that he
sent so sharp and severe parents, and so gentle a schoolmaster. For when I am in presence either of father or
mother, whether I speak, keep silence, sit, stand, or go
eat, drink, be merry or sad be sewing, placing, dancing,
or doing any thing else, I must do it, as it were, in such
weight, measure, and number, and even so perfectly, as
God made the world, or else, I am so sharply taunted, so
cruelly threatened, yea, presently sometimes with pinches,
nips, and bobs (or other ways, which I will not name, for the honour I bear them), so without measure misordereo
that I think myself in hell, till time come that I must go
to Mr. Elmer, who teachfeth me so gently, so pleasantly,
with fair allurements to learning, that I think all the time
nothing while I am with him and when I am called from
him, 1 fall a weeping, because whatsoever I do else but
learning, is full of grief, trouble, fear, and wholly misliking unto me and this my book hath been so much my
pleasure, and bringeth daily to me more pleasure, and
more yet, in respect to it, all other pleasures, in very
deed, be but trifles and troubles unto me." Mr. Ascharn
was so affected with this interview, that in a letter to lady
Jane, dated the eighteenth of January, 1551, he speaks of
it in rapture, and by a beautiful apostrophe, addressing
himself to Mr. Ay liner, felicitates him on his having so ingenious a scholar, in a strain of compliment, which he
says the great Sturmius made use of to him, speaking of
his happiness, in having the lady Elizabeth for his pupil.
In this letter it is, that he desires Mr. Aylmer, to whom
be foresaw it would be shewn, to engage the lady Jane,
to write a letter in Greek to himself, and another to Sturmius, and also desires they might continue to live in the
same learned friendship and intercourse, which they had
hitherto done.
ow, in the diocese of Lincoln, which giving him a seat in the convocation, held in the first year of queen Mary, he boldly opposed that return to Popery, which he saw
The first preferment bestowed upon Aylmer, was the
archdeaconry of Stow, in the diocese of Lincoln, which
giving him a seat in the convocation, held in the first year
of queen Mary, he boldly opposed that return to Popery,
which he saw approaching. He was one of six$ who, in
the midst of all the violence of that assembly, offered to
dispute all the controverted points in religion, against the
most learned champions, of the Papists. But when the supreme power began to employ force, archdeacon Aylmer
withdrew^ and escaped abroad in almost a miraculous manner*. He resided first at Strasbourg, afterwards at Zurick in Switzerland, and there in peace followed his studies,
employing all his time in acquiring knowledge, or in assist^
ing other men of study. His thoughts, though in a distant
country, were continually employed in the service of England, and of Englishmen. He published (as Strype supposes) lady Jane Grey’s letter to Harding, who had been
her father’s chaplain, and who apostatized. He assisted
Fox in translating the History of English Martyrs into
Latin, and also in the version of archbishop Cranmer’s
Vindication of the book on the Sacrament, against Gardiner, bishop of Winchester, which, however, was never
printed. During these employments he found leisure to
visit most of the universities of Italy and Germany, and
had an offer from the duke of Saxony, of the Hebrew professorship of Jena, which he refused, on the prospect of
speedily returning home* It was during his exile likewise
that he wrote the only work of consequence which he ever
published, in answer to the famous Scotch reformer, John
Knox. In 1556, John Knox printed, at Geneva, a treatise under this title “The first Blast against the monstrous regiment and empire of Women,
” to shew that,
by the laws of God, women could not exercise sovereign
authority. The objects of this attack were the two queens,
Mary of Lorrain, then regent of Scotland, and Mary queen
of England. It was violent, but not unargumentative, and
he could appeal with effect to the laws of France, and to
the recent proposal of Edward VI. to adopt the same laWi
He intended a second, and a third part; but finding it
gave offence to many of his brethren, and being desirous
to strengthen rather than invalidate the authority of Elizabeth, he relinquished his design. Still as this first tended
to injure the Protestant religion in the minds of Princes,
and those in authority, Mr. Aylmer resolved to employ his
ed to the earl of Bedford, and lord Robert Dudley (afterwards earl of Leicester, then) master of the queen’s horse. This book is written with great vivacity, and at the
sel, with a partition in the middle other.
pen in the performance of a duty incumbent upon him, as
a Christian divine, and a good subject. His piece was entitled, “An Harborowe for faithfull and trewe subjects,
against the late blowne Blaste, concerning the government
of Women. Wherein bee confuted al such reasons as a
straunger of late made in that behalfe. With a briefe Exhortation to obedience.
” Strasbourg, April 26, 1559, dedicated to the earl of Bedford, and lord Robert Dudley
(afterwards earl of Leicester, then) master of the queen’s
horse. This book is written with great vivacity, and at
the same time discovers its author’s deep and general learning. It contains, however, some sentiments rather more
in favour of the Puritan* than he afterwards held, a circumstance which was objected to him by some of that
party, when in discharge of his episcopal duty he found
it necessary to repress their endeavours to assimilate the
church of England with that of Geneva.
After the accession of queen Elizabeth, Aylmer returned home, and was one of the eight divines
After the accession of queen Elizabeth, Aylmer returned
home, and was one of the eight divines appointed to dispute with as many popish bishops at Westminster, in the
presence of a great assembly. In 1562, he obtained the
archdeaconry of Lincoln, by the favour of Mr. secretary
Cecil and in right of this dignity, sat in the famous synod held the same year, wherein the doctrine and discipline of the church, and its reformation from the abuses of
popery, were carefully examined and settled. In this
situation he continued for many years, and discharged the
duty of a good subject to the government under which he
lived, in church and state being one of the -queen’s justices of the peace, as also an ecclesiastical commissioner.
In October, 1573, he accumulated the degrees of bachelor
and doctor in divinity, in the university of Oxford. The
next year the archbishop of Canterbury made choice of
him, to answer a book written in Latin against the government of the church of England but after thoroughly considering it, Dr. Aylmer declined the task, which some in
those days (perhaps unjustly) attributed to discontent, because he was not made a bishop. To this dignity he had
been often named by Parker, then archbishop of Canterbury, but always prevented either by the interest of the
archbishop’s enemies, or his own, the latter never failing
to suggest, that in the same book where Aylmer had made
his court to the queen, he had also shewn his spleen
against episcopacy. At last, in the year 1576, on Dr.
Edwin Sandys being promoted to the archbishopric of York/
Dr. Ayltner was made bishop of London, not without the
furtherance of his predecessor, who was his intimate friend,
and had beeii his fellow-exile. Yet, immediately after his
promotion, bishop Aylmer found, or thought he found,
cause to complain of the archbishop and although his
grace assisted at his consecration, on the 24th of March,
3576, bishop Aylmer sued him for dilapidations, which
after some years prosecution he recovered. In 1577, our
bishop began his first visitation, wherein he urged subscriptions, which some ministers refused, and reviled such
as complied, calling them dissemblers, and comparing
them to Arians and Anabaptists, he was also extremely
assiduous in public preaching, took much pains in examining such as came to him for ordination, and kept a
strict eye over the Papists and Puritans in which he acted
not only to the extent of episcopal authority, but wrote
freely to the treasurer Burleigh, as to what he thought
farther necessary. When the plague rageed in London, in
the year 1578, our bishop shewed a paternal care of his
clergy and people, and without exposing the former to
needless perils, took care that these last should not be
without spiritual comforts. In 1581 came out Campion’s
book, shewing the reasons why he had deserted the reformed, and returned to the popish communion. It was
written in very elegant Latin, and dedicated to the scholars of both universities and the treasurer Burleigh thought
that it should be answered, and referred the care thereof
to our bishop, who though he gave his opinion freely upon
the subject, as to the mode in which it should be done, yet
declined the task himself on account of the great business
he had upon his hands, and it was undertaken and ably
executed by Dr. Whitaker. Aylmer was indeed no great
friend to controversy, which he thought turned the minds
of the people too much from the essence of religion, made
them quarrelsome and captious, indifferent subjects, and
not very good Christians. On this account, he was more
severe with the Puritans than the Papists, imprison ing one
Woodcock, a stationer or bookseller, for vending a treatise, entitled “An Admonition to Parliament,
” which
tended to subvert the church as it was then constituted.
He had likewise some disputes with one Mr. Welden, a
person of a good estate and interest, in Berkshire, whom
he procured to be committed by the ecclesiastical
imssioners. These proceedings roused the Puritans, who
treated him as a persecutor, and an enemy to true religion but this did not discourage the bishop, who thought
the peace of the church was to be secured by the authority
of its fathers, and therefore he executed his episcopal
power, as far and as often as he thought necessary. Thus
he suddenly summoned the clergy of London to his palace on Sunday, September 27, 1579, at one o'clock. On
this summons forty appeared and the dean being likewise
present, the bishop cautioned them of two things, one was,
not to meddle with the Ubiquitarian controversy the
other, to avoid meddling with the points treated in Stubb’s
book, entitled “The Dfscovery of a gaping Gulph,
” &c.
written against the queen’s marriage with Monsieur, the
French king’s brother, and in which it was suggested, that
the queen wavered in her religion. This method being
found very effectual, he summoned his clergy often, and
made strict inquiries into their conduct, a practice as
much approved by some, as censured by others and his
unpopularity, perhaps, might occasion, in some measure,
that violence with which he was prosecuted before the
council, in May 1579, for cutting down his woods, when
he was severely checked by the lord treasurer but notwithstanding his angry letters to that great nobleman, and
his long and laboured defence of himself, he was, at
length, by the queen’s command, forbidden to fell any
ated Puritan minister, who had written against the hierarchy. Yet for this his lordship incurred the queen’s displeasure and a little after was informed that he stood
On the 6th of April, in the same year, there was a dreadful earthquake and in the dead of the night of the 1 st of
May, it was felt again, which, as it exceedingly terrified
the people, so the bishop, that he might turn their concern to a proper object, and at the same time exhibit to
them reasonable grounds of comfort, composed certain
prayers to be made use of in the public service. In 1581,
the bishop had an angry contest with the lord Rich, who
kept one Wright a puritan minister in his house, and would
have compelled the bishop to license him to preach in his
diocese but on a hearing before the ecclesiastical commissioners, Wright was committed to the Fleet, and others
who had interfered in this affair, to other prisons. This
increased the number of his enemies, of whom he had not
a few before, who daily suggested that he was a violent
man, and sought to vest too great a power in churchmen
and these representations had such effect, that sometimes
messages were sent to him, to abate somewhat of the rigour
of his proceedings. His lordship, however, still supported
the ecclesiastical commission, by his presence and authority; and though a milder course might have made him
more popular, yet he thought it better to suffer himself,
than that the church should. He began, however, to have
many doubts concerning the treasurer, from whose hands
his reproofs usually came but upqn the winding up of his
cause before the council about felling of woods, he saw
clearly, that he had no friend equal to the treasurer, who,
though he endeavoured by his admonitions to prevent his
falling into difficulties, yet generously exerted his utmost
power to help him out of them, so far as was consistent
with equity, and the good of the common weal. From this
time forward, therefore, thebishop applied chiefly to the
treasurer, for any favours he expected from court, particularly with regard to the business of his translation. He
became exceedingly solicitous to be removed from London, either to Winchester or Ely; but, though he had
many fair promises, his interest was insufficient, and in the
mean time new informations, some with little, many with
no cause at all, were exhibited against him, and gave him
not a little uneasiness, although, on a thorough examination, his conduct escaped the censure of his superiors. In
1583 he performed his triennial visitation, and having discovered many scandalous corruptions in the ecclesiastical
courts, especially in the business of commuting penances,
he honestly represented what came to his knowledge to
the privy council. About this time also he suspended
certain ministers, accused of nonconformity and it appears, that upon a thorough examination of the matter, his
lordship did impartial justice, in restoring one Mr. Giffard,
whom he had twice suspended, when those who had
charged him were able to make nothing out. In this year
also he committed Mr. Thomas Cartwright, the celebrated
Puritan minister, who had written against the hierarchy.
Yet for this his lordship incurred the queen’s displeasure
and a little after was informed that he stood accused to her
majesty, for impairing the revenues of his bishopric, of
which he purged himself, by exhibiting a state of the
bishopric as it then stood, compared with the condition it
was in when he became bishop. Other difficulties. he met
with, on account of the share he had in executing her
majesty’s ecclesiastical commission, from which there were
Continual appeals to the privy council, where the lords
who favoured the Puritans, did not fail to object to the
bishop’s conduct, which contributed not a little to irritate
his warm temper. In 1585 he composed a prayer to be
used on account of the rainy unseasonable weather, which
he recommended to private families, as well as directed to
be read with the public prayers. He also used his interest
to quiet the murmurs of the common people in London,
against the crowds of strangers who fled hither, to avoid
the persecutions raised against them, for embracing the
Protestant religion. In the summer of the year 1586, the,
bishop went his next triennial visitation, and at Maiden in
Essex, narrowly escaped an outrageous insult, intended
against him by some disaffected persons. In 1587, the
bishop entered into a new scene of trouble, on account of
one Mr. Robert Cawdry, schoolmaster, whom the lord
Burleigh had presented to the living of South LufFenhara
in Rutlandshire, where, after preaching sixteen years, he
was convened before the ecclesiastical commission, and at
length, the bishop sitting as judge, deprived. Cawdry
would not submit to the sentence upon which the matter was re-examined by the ecclesiastical commission, at
Lambeth, where to deprivation, degradation was added.
Cawdry, however, still refusing to submit, made new and
warm representations to the lord Burleigh, who favoured
him as much as with justice he could but after near five
years contest, the bishop’s and archbishop’s sentences were
supported, both by the civil and common lawyers. In
1588, his lordship restored one Mr. Henry Smith, a very
eloquent and much admired preacher, whom he had suspended for contemptuous expressions against the book of
Common Prayer, which Smith denied. In 1589, he expressed his dislike of certain libels against the king of
Spain, giving it as his reason, that on so glorious a victory,
it was better to thank God, than insult men, especially
princes. That year also he visited his diocese, though he
was grown old and very infirm, and suspended one Dyke
at St. Alban’s, though he had been recommended by the
lord treasurer. In 1591 he caused the above-mentioned
Mr. Cartwright to be brought before him out of the Fleet,
and expostulated with him roundly, on the disturbance he
had given the church. In 1592, he strongly solicited in
favour of Dr. Bullingham, and Dr. Cole, that they might
be preferred to bishoprics, but without success, which his
lordship foresaw. For he observed when he applied for
them, that he was not so happy as to do rmieh good for his
friends yet he added, he would never be wanting in shewing his good will, both to them and to the church. About
this time, casting his eye on Dr. Bancroft, a rising and very
active man, he endeavoured to obtain leave to resign his
bishopric to him, as a man every way fit for such a charge
but in this also he was disappointed, which it seems lay
heavy at his heart for even on his death-bed, he expressed his earnest desire that Bancroft might succeed him.
In 1592, the bishop assisted at his son’s visitation, as archdeacon of London, and exerted himself with as much zeal
and spirit as he had ever shewn in his life. His great age,
and great labours, however, weighed him down by degrees,
and he died June 3, 1594, and his body being brought
from his palace at Fulham, was interred in St. Paul’s cathedral before St. George’s chapel, under a fair stone of
grey marble, with an inscription which was demolished by
the republicans in Cromwell’s time. Bishop Aylmer married Judith Bure&, or Buers, of a very good family in Suffolk, by whom he had a very numerous offspring, viz. seven
sons, and two or three daughters. As to the personal
qualities of the bishop, they were, as those of most men
are, good and bad, the former, perhaps, too much magnified by his friends, as the latter were by his enemies. He
was solidly and extensively learned in all things that became either a great churchman, or a polite man, to know.
He was very well versed in the three learned languages,
had read much history, was a good logician, and very well
skilled in the civil law. As a divine, he had studied, and
understood the scripture thoroughly could preach, not
only rhetorically but pathetically and in the course of his
life-time, never buried his talent . He was in his heart,
from the conviction of his head, a Protestant, and opposed
Popery warmly, from a just sense of its errors, which he
had the courage to combat openly in the days of queen
Mary, and the honesty to suppress in the reign of queen
Elizabeth. With all this, and indeed with a temper occasionally soured and irritable, he was a good-natured, facetious man, one extremely diligent and painful in the several employments he went through of too generous a temper to be corrupted, and of much too stout a one to be
brow-beaten. He was a magnificent man in his house, as
appears by his household, which consisted of fourscore
persons, to whom he was a liberal and kind master. After
his fatigues he was wot to refresh himself, either with
conversation or at bowls. As to his failings, his temper
was without doubt warm, his expressions sometimes too
blunt, and his zeal not guided by wisdom. His enemies
charged him with an exorbitant love of power, which displayed itself in various extraordinary acts of severity, with
covetousness, which prompted him to spoil his see, and
injure a private man; with intemperate heat against Puritans, with a slight regard of the Lord’s day, and with indecencies in ordinary speech some of which charges must
be allowed a foundation, while on the other hand they
appear to have been greatly exaggerated. But upon the
whole there must have been many errors in a conduct which
his superiors so often reproved. At the time of his decease
he left seven sons, and either two or three daughters. His
sons were, first, Samuel, who was bred to the law. He
was stiled, of Claydon-hall in the county of Suffolk, and
was high-sheriff of that county in the reign of king Charles
I. and by two wives left a numerous posterity. His second,
Theophilus, a most worthy divine, archdeacon of London, rector of Much-Hadham in Hertfordshire, and doctor
of divinity. He was chaplain to king James, an able and
zealous preacher, and, like his father, zealous against the
Puritans, but so charitable, that he left his own family in
indifferent circumstances. He lived a true pattern of
Christian piety, and died heroically, closing his own eyelids, and with these words in his mouth, “Let my people
know that their pastor died undaunted, and not afraid of
death I bless my God, I have no fear, no doubt, no
reluctancy, but a sure confidence in the sin-overcoming itierits of Jesus Christ.
” This happened January 1625. He
was buried in his own parish church, and the excellent primate Usher preached his funeral sermon, no inconsiderable
proof of his merit. His third, John, who for some eminent
service was knighted, and styled sir John Aylmer, of Rigby
in the county of Lincoln, knt. Fourth, fifth, and sixth,
Zachary, Nathaniel, and Edmund, of whom we know nothing particularly, except that Zachary and Edmund were
the warmest friends that age produced. When Edmund
lay sick, Zachary continued with him night and day till his
death, and when a person came to measure the body, in
order to make a coffin, Zachary would be measured also,
and in a very short space took possession of the coffin made
for him at the same time with that of his deceased brother.
These gentlemen seem to have been divines. His seventh,
Tobel, i.e. God is good. Archbishop Whitgift was his
godfather, and the reason he was thus named, was his mother’s being overturned in a coach, without receiving any
hurt, when she was big with child. He wrote himself Tobel Aylmer, of Writtle, in the county of Essex, gentleman.
He married a gentleman’s daughter in that county, and had
by her several children. As to the bishop’s daughters, Judith, the eldest, married William Lynch, of the county of
Kent, esq. the second, Elizabeth, married sir John Foliot
of Perton, in the county of Worcester, knt. Either a third
daughter, or else lady Foliot, took for her second husband
Mr. Squire, a clergyman, a man of wit, but very debauched,
and a great spendthrift, though he had large preferments.
He made a very unkind husband to his wife, which her
father, the bishop, so much resented, that, as Martin MarPrelate phrasss it, “He went to buffets with his son-inlaw, for a bloody-nose .
” This Squire died poor, lerving
a son named John, who was well educated, and provided
for as a clergyman, at the ex pence, and by the procurement of his uncle, Dr. Theophilus Aylmer, which he repaid
with the utmost gratitude. To all his children our bishop,
by his will, bearing date the 22d of April, 1594, bequeathed
large legacies, as also some to his grand-children, appointing his two sons, Samuel and Theophilus, his executors,
with Dr. Richard Vaughan, who was also his relation.
ubraken says he xvas invited by Charles II. to come to England, where he made portraits of the king, queen,- and principal nobility at court, and was much admired for
, an eminent Dutch painter, was born at Haerlem, Feb. 20, 1633, and at a very early age placed under the care of his uncle Piemans, who painted in the manner of Velvet Bruegfcel, and soon inspired his nephew with a taste for the art. Baan afterwards studied under Bakker at Amsterdam, with whom he practised assiduously every particular from which he could receive improvement, spending the whole day at the pencil, and the evenings in designing. At that time the works of Vandyck and Rembrandt were in great vogue, and after much consideration he appears td have leaned towards an imitation of Vandyck, whom, some thought, he equalled. Houbraken says he xvas invited by Charles II. to come to England, where he made portraits of the king, queen,- and principal nobility at court, and was much admired for the elegance of his attitudes, and for his clear, natural, and lively tone of colouring. After continuing some time in England, he went to the Hague, and there painted a noble portrait of the duke of Zell, for which he received a thousand Hungarian ducats, amounting to near 500l. He then painted for the, duke of Tuscany, who placed his portrait among those of other famous painters in the Florence gallery. When Louis XIV. was at Utrecht, he sent for him, but Baan declined the invitation for political reasons. This did not lessen him, however, in the opinion of that monarch, who frequently consulted him on the purchase of pictures. These, marks of distinction, and his fame as a painter, created him. many enemies, one of whom, an artist of Friesland, formed the execrable design of assassinating him, and came to Amsterdam for that purpose. After being long disappointed in an opportunity in the streets, he asked permission to see Baan’s paintings, and while the latter was showing them, drew a poignard to stab him, but a friend of Baan’s, who happened to enter the room at the instant, laid hold of his arm the villain, however, escaped, and could not afterwards be found. Baan was of an amiable disposition, Soncial and obliging. He died at Amsterdam in 1702.
of Crediton in Devonshire. In 1597 he was translated to Worcester, and was likewise made one of the queen’s council for the marches of Wales. To the library of Worcester
, a learned English prelate in the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth century, was born in Nottinghamshire, according to Fuller, but in Devonshire, according to Izacke and Prince. After having received the first rudiments of learning, he was sent to Trinity college, Cambridge, of which he became fellow. On the 15th of July, 1578, he was incorporated M.A. at Oxford, as he stood in his own university. After studying other branches of learning, he applied to divinity, and became a favourite preacher in Cambridge, the place of his residence. When he was D. D. he was made domestic chaplain to Henry earl of Pembroke, president of the council in the marches of Wales, and is supposed to have assisted lady Mary Sidney, countess of Pembroke, in her version of the psalms into English metre. By his lordship’s interest, however, he was constituted treasurer of the church of Landaff, and in 1588 was installed into the prebend of Wellington, in the cathedral of Hereford. Through his patron’s further interest, he was advanced to the bishopric of Landaff, and was consecrated Aug. 29, 1591. In Feb. 1594, he was translated to the see of Exeter, to which he did an irreparable injury by alienating from it the rich manor of Crediton in Devonshire. In 1597 he was translated to Worcester, and was likewise made one of the queen’s council for the marches of Wales. To the library of Worcester cathedral he was a very great benefactor, for he not only fitted and repaired the edifice, but also bequeathed to it all his books. After having continued bishop of Worcester near thirteen years, he died of the jaundice, May 17, 1610, and was buried in the cathedral of Worcester, without any monument.
try is evident from Beza’s dedication to her of his Meditations. In Birch’s” Memoirs of the reign of queen Elizabeth," her name frequently occurs, and he has given some
, the second daughter of sir Anthony Cooke, was born about the year 1528. She was
liberally educated by her father, and having added much
acquired knowledge to her natural endowments, she became highly distinguished among the learned personages
of the time, and, it is even said, was constituted governess
to king Edward VI. She was, however, eminent for piety,
virtue, and learning, and well versed in the Greek, Latin,
and Italian tongues. She gave an early specimen of her
industry, piety, and learning, by translating out of Italian
into English twenty-five sermons, written by Barnardine
Ochine, concerning “The Predestination and Election of
” this was published about the year Apology for
the Church of England,
” which had a considerable effect
in quieting the clamours of the Roman Catholic writers
against the reformed religion, this lady undertook to translate it from the Latin into English, that it might be accessible to the common people, and considering the style of
the age, her translation is both faithful and elegant. Mr.
Strype informs us that after she had finished the translation
she sent the copy to the author, accompanied with an
epistle to him in Greek, which he answered in the same
language, and was so satisfied with her transjation that he
did not alter a single word. The archbishop Parker, to
whom she had likewise submitted her work, bestowed the
highest praise on it, which he confirmed by a compliment
of much elegance. Pie returned it to her printed, Ci knowing,“as he said in his letter to her,
” that he had thereby
done for the best, and in this point used a reasonable policy that is, to prevent such excuses as her modesty would
have made in stay of publishing it.“It was printed in
1564, 4 to, and in 1600, 12mo. That her literary reputation extended beyond her own country is evident from
Beza’s dedication to her of his Meditations. In Birch’s
” Memoirs of the reign of queen Elizabeth," her name
frequently occurs, and he has given some of her letters at
full length, and extracts from others, which confirm her
character for learning. Her temper in her latter years
Appears to have been affected by ill health. At what time
she was married to sir Nicholas Bacon cannot be ascertained. It is a more important record, however, that sbe
was mother of the illustrious sir Francis Bacon, lord-Verulam. The time of her death, too, has escaped the
researches of her biographers. She appears to have been
living in 1596, and Ballard conjectures that she died about
the beginning of the reign of James I. at Gorhambury,
near St. Alban’s, and, according to Dr. Rawley, was buried
at St. Michael’s church in that town, but neither monument nor inscription have been discovered.
en a mere boy, was distinguished by persons of worth and dignity for something far beyond his years. Queen Elizabeth, a very acute discerner of merit, was so charmed with
, Viscount St. Alban'S, and highchancellor of England in the reign of James I. justly styled
the glory and ornament of his age and nation, was the son
of sir Nicholas Bacon, and Anne, the subject of the preceding article, and was born at York House, in the Strand,
on the 22d of January 1560-1. He gave early proofs of a
surprizing strength and pregnancy of genius, and when a
mere boy, was distinguished by persons of worth and dignity for something far beyond his years. Queen Elizabeth,
a very acute discerner of merit, was so charmed with the
solidity of his sense and the gravity of fais behaviour, that
she would often call him “her young lord keeper,
” an
office which he eventually reached, although not in her
reign. When qualified for academicalstudies, he was sent
to the university of Cambridge, where,. June 10, 1573, he
was entered of Trinity college, under Dr. John Whitgift,
afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, Such was his progress under this able tutor, and such the vigour of his intellect, that before he had completed his sixteenth year,
he had not only run through the whole circle of the liberal
arts, as they were then taught, but began, to perceive the
imperfections of the reigning philosophy, and meditated
that change of system which has since immortalized his
name, and has placed knowledge upon its most firm foundation. Extraordinary as this may -appear, he was heard
even at that early age, to object to the Aristotelian system,
the only one then in repute, and to say, that his “exceptions against that great philosopher were not founded upon
the worthlessness of the author, to whom he would ever ascribe all high attributes, but for the unfruitfulness of the
way being a philosophy only for disputations and contentions, but barren in the production of works for the benefit
of the life of man.
ance, that he might improve himself under that able and honest statesman, sir Amias Powlet, then the queen’s ambassador at Paris, and his behaviour while tinder the roof
Such early judgment determined his father to send him
to France, that he might improve himself under that able
and honest statesman, sir Amias Powlet, then the queen’s
ambassador at Paris, and his behaviour while tinder the
roof of that minister, was so prudent as to induce sir Amias
to intrust him with a commission of importance to the
queen, which required both secrecy and dispatch and this
he executed so as to gain much credit both to the ambassador and to himself. He afterwards returned to Paris,
but made occasional excursions into the provinces, where
his attention appears to have been principally directed towards men and manners. He applied also with great assiduity to such studies as he conceived came within his
father’s intention, and when he was but nineteen, wrote a
very ingenious work, entitled, “A succinct view of the
state of Europe,
” which, it is plain, he had surveyed not
only with the eye of a politician, but also of a philosopher.
This work, it is probable, he improved on his return, when
he was settled in Gray’s Inn. While thus employed
abroad, the death of his father obliged him to return, and
apply to some profession for his maintenance, as the money he inherited formed a very narrow provision. Accordingly, on his return, he resolved on the study of the common law, and for that purpose entered himself of the honourable society of Gray’s Inn, where his superior talents
rendered him the ornament of the house, and the gentleness and affability of his deportment procured him the affection of all its members. The place itself was so agreeable
to him, that he erected there a very elegant structure,
which many years after was known by the name of “Lord
Bacon’s Lodgings,
” which he inhabited occasionally through
the greatest part of his life. During the first years of his
residence here, he did not confine his studies entirely to
law, but indulged his excursive genius in a survey of the
whole circle of science. It was here, and at that early
age, where he formed, at least, if he did not mature, the
plan of that great philosophical work, which has distinguished his name with such superior honour. Whether
this first plan, or outlines, have descended to us, is a point
upon which his biographers are not agreed. It was probably, however, the “Temporis Partus Masculus,
” some
part of which is preserved by Gruter in the Latin works of
Bacon, which he published. The curious reader may receive much satisfaction on this subject from note D. of the
Life of Bacon in the “Biographia Britannica.
iderable. In 1588, he discharged the office of reader at Gray’s Inn, and such was his fame, that the queen honoured him by appointing him her counsel learned in the law
His progress in his professional studies, however, was
rterer interrupted, and his practice became considerable.
In 1588, he discharged the office of reader at Gray’s Inn,
and such was his fame, that the queen honoured him by
appointing him her counsel learned in the law extraordinary, but whatever reputation he derived from this appointment, and to a young man of only twenty-eight years
of age, it must have been of great importance, it is said
he derived from her majesty very little accession of fortune.
As a candidate for court-preferment, and a lawyer already
distinguished by acknowledged talents, it might be expected
that the road to advancement would have been easy, especially if we consider his family interest, as the son of a lordkeeper, and nephew to William lord Burleigh, and first cousin to sir Robert Cecil, principal secretary of state. But it
appears that his merit rendered his court-patrons somewhat
jealous, and that his interest, clashing with that of the two
'Cecils, and the earls of Leicester and Essex, who formed
the two principal parties in queen Elizabeth’s reign, was
rather an obstruction to him, as he forsook its natural channel in the Cecils, and attached himself and his brother
Anthony to the earl of Essex. Sir Robert Cecil is consequently represented as preventing his attaining any very
high appointment, although, that he might not seem to
slight so near a relation, he procured him the reversion of
the place of register of the court of Star-chamber, which,
however, he did not enjoy until the next reign, nearly
twenty years after. This made him say, with some pleasantry,
that “it was like another man’s ground buttalling upon
his house, which might mend his prospect, but did not fill
his barn.
” It was in gratitude for obtaining for him thb
reversion that, in 1592, he published “Certain observations upon a libel entitled A Declaration of the true causes
of the great Troubles,
” in which he warmly vindicates the
lord treasurer particularly, and his own father; and the
rest of queen Elizabeth’s ministers occasionally. This is
thought to have been his first political production.
ert earl of Essex, proved a warm, steady, and indefatigable friend, and earnestly strove to make him queen’s solicitor, in 1594, although unsuccessfully, from the superior
His other patron, Robert earl of Essex, proved a warm, steady, and indefatigable friend, and earnestly strove to make him queen’s solicitor, in 1594, although unsuccessfully, from the superior influence of the Cecils. He endeavoured, however, to make him amends for his disappointment out of his own fortune. This, it might be supposed, demanded on the part of Mr. Bacon, a high sense of obligation, and. such he probably felt at the time but it is much to be lamented, that he afterwards sullied his character by taking a most forward and active part in bringing that unfortunate nobleman to the block for he not only appeared against him as a lawyer for the crown, but after his death, endeavoured to perpetuate the shame of it, by drawing a declaration of the treasons of the earl of Essex, which was calculated to justify the government in a very unpopular measure, and to turn the public censure from those who had ruined the earl of Essex, and had never done Mr. Bacon any good. It is but fair, however, that we should give the outline of the apology which he found it necessary to make for his conduct. It amounts to this, that he had given the earl good advice, which he did not follow that upon this a coldness ensued, which kept them at a greater distance than formerly that, however, he continued to give his advice to the earl, and laboured all he could to serve him with the queen that in respect to his last unfortunate act, which was, in truth, no better than an act of madness, he had no knowledge or notice whatever that he did no more than he was in duty bound to do for the service of the queen, in the way of his profession and that the declaration was put upon him altered, after he had drawn it, both by Uie ministers and the queen herself. Such an apology, however, did not satisfy the public at that time, and the utmost investigation of the affair since has only tended to soften some parts of his conduct, without amounting to a complete justification.
ws and customs of this land,” a work of great value to students. His “Maxims of Law” he dedicated to queen Elizabeth, but, for whatever reason, the work was not published
Enemies he certainly had, whether from this cause, or
from a jealousy of his high talents; and among other accusations, they represented him as a man, who, by applying too much of his time to other branches of knowledge,
could not but neglect that of his profession but this appears to have been a foolish calumny. Most of his works
on law were written, although not published, in this reign.
About the year 1596, he finished his “Maxims of the
” As these are now published, they make only the
first part of what are styled “The Elements of the Common Law of England.
” The second treatise was entitled
“The Use of the Law for preservation of our persons,
goods, and good name, according to the laws and customs of this land,
” a work of great value to students. His
“Maxims of Law
” he dedicated to queen Elizabeth, but,
for whatever reason, the work was not published in his
lifetime. The next year he published a work of another kind,
entitled “Essays, or Counsels Civil and Moral.
” This
work is well known, and has been often reprinted. The
author appears to have had a high opinion of its utility
and of the excellent morality and wisdom it inculcates
there probably never has been but one opinion. Some of
these essays had been handed about in manuscript, which
he assigns as the reason why he collected and published
them in a correct form. About the close of the succeeding year, 1598, he composed his “History of the Aliena
tion Office,
” which was not published till many years after
his decease, indeed not until the publication of his works
in 1740, when it was copied from a ms. in the Inner Temple library. It is needless to mention some smaller instances of his abilities in the law, which, nevertheless, were
received by the learned society of which he was a member,
with all possible marks of veneration and esteem, and which
they have preserved with the reverence due to so eminent
an ornament of their house. As a farther proof of their respect, they chose him double reader in the year 1600, which
office he discharged with his usual ability. He distinguished
himself likewise, during the latter part of the queen’s
reign, in the house of commons, where he spoke often,
and with so much impartiality as to give occasional umbrage to the ministers. To the queen, however, he preserved a steady loyalty, and after her decease, composed
a memorial of the happiness of her reign, which did equal
honour to her administration, and to the capacity of its
author. He transmitted a copy of this to Thuanus, who
made use of it in his history, but Mr. Bacon contented
himself with enjoining that it should be printed after his’
decease. It is a work of much elegance and ability.
l, and received the honour of knighthood. He was also continued in the same office he held under the queen, but a representation respecting the grievous exactions of purveyors,
On the accession of king James I. Mr. Bacon appears to have paid court to him, by the intervention of some of his English and some of his Scotch friends, and by drawing up the form of a proclamation, which, though it was not used, was considered as an instance of his duty and attachment. Accordingly, on July 23, 1603, he was introduced to the king at Whitehall, and received the honour of knighthood. He was also continued in the same office he held under the queen, but a representation respecting the grievous exactions of purveyors, which the house of commons employed him to draw up, attracted the king’s more particular attention, and on Aug. 25, 1604, his majesty constituted him, by patent, one of his counsel learned in the law, with a fee of forty pounds a year, which is said to have been the first act of royal power of that nature. He granted him the same day, by another patent, a pension of sixty pounds a year, for special services received from his brother Anthony Bacon and himself. His farther promotion, however, was still retarded by his old antagonist, sir Robert Cecil, now created earl of Salisbury, and by sir Edward Coke, the attorney-general, who affected to undervalue his talents, and who certainly had reason to fear his reputation. To these, however, he contrived to carry himself with decent respect, although not without occasional expostulations with both,
, lord keeper of the great seal in the reign of queen Elizabeth, descended from an ancient and honourable family in
, lord keeper of the great seal
in the reign of queen Elizabeth, descended from an ancient and honourable family in Suffolk. His rather was
Robert Bacon of Drinkstxm in that county, esq. and his
mother was Isabel, the daughter of John Gage of Pakenhain in the said county, esq. Nicholas, their second son,
was born in 1510, at Chislehurst in Kent. After having
received the first rudiments of learning, probably at home,
or in the neighbourhood, he was sent when very young to
Corpus Christi college in Cambridge, where having improved in all branches of useful knowledge, he went to
France, in order to give the last polish to his education.
On his return he settled in Gray VInn, and applied himself with such assiduity to the study of the law, that on the
dissolution of the monastery of St. Edmund’s-Bury in Suffolk, he had a grant from king Henry VIII. in the thirty-sixth year of his reign, of the manors of Redgrave, Botesdale, and Gillingham, with the park of Redgrave, and six
acres of land in Worthanf, as also the tithes of Redgrave
to hold in capite by knight’s service, a proof of the estimation in which he was held by his majesty. In the thirtyeighth of the same king, he was promoted to the office of
attorney in the court of wards, a place both of honour and
profit, and his patent was renewed in the first year of Edward VI. and in 1552, which was the last year of his reign,
Mr. Bacon was elected treasurer of Gray’s-Inn. His great
moderation and consummate prudence, preserved him
through the dangerous reign of queen Mary. In the very
dawn of that of Elizabeth he was knighted, and the great
seal of England being taken from Nicholas Heath, archbishop of York, was delivered to sir Nicholas Bacon, on
the 22d of December 1558, with the title of lord keeper.
He was also of the privy council to her majesty, who had
much regard to his advice. The parliament met Jan. 23,
but was prorogued on account of the queen’s indisposition to the 25th, when the lord keeper opened the session
with a most eloquent and solid speech. Some of the
queen’s counsellors thought it necessary that the attainder of the queen’s mother should be taken off; but the
lord keeper thought the crown purged all defects, and in
compliance with his advice, two laws were made, one for
recognizing the queen’s title, the other for restoring her
in blood as heir to her mother. The principal business of
this session was the settlement of religion, in which no
man had a greater share than the keeper, and he acted
with such prudence as never to incur the hatred of any
party. On this account he was, together with the archbishop of York, appointed moderator in a dispute between
eight Protestant divines, and eight Popish bishops and
the latter behaving very unfairly in the opinion of both
the moderators, and desiring, to avoid a fair disputation,
to go away, the lord keeper put that question to each of
them, and when all except one insisted on going, his lordship dismissed them with this memorandum, “For that ye
would not that we should hear you, perhaps you may shortly hear of us
” and accordingly for this contempt, the
bishops of Winchester and Lincoln were committed to the
tower, and the rest were bound to appear before the council, and not to quit the cities of London and Westminster
without leave. The whole business of the session, than
which there was none of greater importance during that
reign, was chiefly managed by his lordship, according to
his wise maxim, “Let us stay a little, that we may have
done the sooner.
” From this time he stood as high in the
favour of the queen as any of her ministers, and maintained
a cordial interest with other great men, particularly with
those eminent persons, who had married into the same
family with himself, viz. Cecil, Hobby, Rowlet, and Killigrew. By their assistance he preserved his credit at court,
though he sometimes differed in opinion from the mighty
favourite Leicester, who yet once bad fair his ruin, when
certain intrigues were carried on respecting the succession.
Some statesmen, and particularly the earl of Leicester,
pretended to favour the title of the queen of Scots, but
others were more inclined to the house of Suffolk. The
queen sometimes affected a neutrality, and sometimes
shewed a tenderness for the title of the Scottish queen.
In 1564, when these disputes were at the height, Mr. John
Hales, clerk of the Hanaper, published a treatise which
seems to have been written a considerable time before,
in favour of the Suffolk line, and against the title of the
queen of Scots. This book was complained of by the
bishop of Ross, ambassador from the queen of Scots, and
Ross being warmly supported by the earl of Leicester,
Hales was committed to prison, and so strict an inquiry
made after all who had expressed any favour for this piece,
that at last the lord-keeper came to be suspected, which
drew upon him the queen’s displeasure, and he was forbidden the court, removed from his seat at council, and
prohibited from meddling with any affairs but those of the
chancery nay, Camden says he was confined . At last,
however, Cecil, who is suspected to have had some share
in the above treatise, with much difficulty restored him to
the queen’s good opinion, as appears by her setting him at
the head of that commission, granted in the year 1568, for
hearing the difference between the queen of Scots, and her
rebellious subjects; and in 1571, we find him again acting
in the like capacity, though very little was done before the
commissioners at either time, which was what queen Elizabeth chiefly desired, and the covering her inclination with
a decent appearance of justice, was perhaps not a little
owing to the address of the lord-keeper. Afterwards he
continued at the head of her majesty’s councils, and had a
great hand in preventing, by his moderation, some violent measures afterwards proposed. The share, however,
that he had in the business of the duke of Norfolk, and his
great care for promoting the Protestant religion, created
him many bitter enemies among the Papists both at home
and abroad, who though they were able to do him no great
hurt, yet published some libels, particularly “A Detection of certain practices, &c.
” printed in Scotland, about
A treatise of Treason,
” both which gave him
considerable uneasiness, although the queen expressed her
opinion, by a proclamation, ordering them to be burnt.
As a statesman, he was remarkable for a clear head, and
acute understanding; and while it was thought of some
other great men that they seemed wiser than they were,
yet the common voice of the nation pronounced, that sir
Nicholas Bacon was wiser than he seemed. His great skill
lay in balancing factions, and it is thought he taught the
queen that secret, the more necessary to her because the
last of her family, and consequently without many of the
usual supports of princes. In the chancery he distinguished himself by a very moderate use of power, and the
respect he shewed to the common law. At his own request,
an act of parliament was made, to settle and establish the
power of a lord -keeper, though he might probably have
taken away all need of this, by procuring the title of lord
chancellor: but according to his motto, which was Mediocra firma, he he was content to be safe, and did not desire
to be great*. In that court, and in the star-chamber, he
made use, on proper occasions, of set speeches, in which
he was peculiarly happy, and gained the reputation of a
witty and a weighty speaker. His great parts and great preferment were far from raising him in his own opinion, as
appears from the modest answer he gave* queen Elizabeth,
when she told him his house at Redgrave was too little
for him, “Not so, madam,
” returned he, “but your majesty has made me too great for my house.
” Yet to shew
his respect for her majesty’s judgment, he afterwards added
wings to this house. His modesty in this respect was so
much the greater, since he had a great passion for building,
and a very fine taste, as appeared by his house and gardens at Gorhambury near St. Alban’s, now the seat of lord
viscount Grimston. Towards the latter end of his life, he
became very corpulent, which made queen Elizabeth say
merrily, that “sir Nicholas’s soul lodged well. To himself, however, his bulk was very inconvenient after walking from Westminster-hall to the star-chamber, which was
but a very little way, he was usually so much out of breath,
that the lawyers forbore speaking at the bar till he recocovered himself, and gave them notice by knocking
” with
his staff. After having held the great seal more than
twenty years, this able statesman and faithful counsellor
was suddenly removed from this life, as Mallett informs us,
by the following accident “He was under the hands of
his barber, and the weather being sultry, had ordered a
window before him to be thrown open. As he was become very corpulent, he presently fell asleep, in the cur* After he had been some monthsact of parliament, which declares,
in office, as keeper of the great seal,
” That the common law always was,
he began to doubt to what degree his that the keeper of the great seal always
authority extended, which seems to had, as of right belonging to his office,
have been owing to the general terms the same authority, jurisdiction, excused upon the delivery of the great cution of laws, and all other customs,
Heal, of which we have various in- as the lord chancellor of England lawstances in Rymer’s Foedera. Upon fully used.“What the true reason
this, he first applied himself to the was that made his lordship so uneasy,
queen, from whom he procured a pa- is not perhaps known to posterity.
tent, bearing date at Westminster, the But sir Henry Spelman has observed,
14th of April, in the first year of her that for the benefit of that wise counreign, whereby she declares him te seller sir Nicholas Bacon, the authobare as full powers as if he were rity of the keeper of the great seal
hancellor of England, and ratifies all was by this law declared to be in all
that he had already done. This, how- respects the same with that of th
ever, did not fully satisfy him but chancellor,
four years afterwards he procured an
rent of fresh air that was blowing in upon him, and awaked
after some time distempered all over. c Why,‘ said he to
the servant, < did you suffer me to sleep thus exposed’
The fellow replied, ‘ That he durst not presume to disturb
him.’ * Then,‘ said the lord keeper, * by your civility I
lose my life,’ and so removed into his bed-chamber, where
he died a few days after.
” But this story seems doubtful,
for all writers agree, that sir Nicholas Bacon died Feb. 20,
1579, when the weather could not be very sultry. On the
9th of March following he was buried with great solemnity,
under a sumptuous monument erected by himself in St.
Paul’s church, with an inscription written by the celebrated
Buchanan. Camden’s character of him is just and plain
“Vir praepinguis, ingenio acerrimo, singulari prudentia,
summa eloquentia, tenaci memoria, et sacris conciliis alterum columen
” i. e. A man of a gross body, but most quick
wit, singular prudence, supreme eloquence, happy memory,
and for judgment the other pillar of the state. His son’s
pharacter of him is more striking. He was “a plain man,
direct and constant, without all finesse and doubleness
and one that was of a mind that a man, in his private proceedings and estate, and in the proceedings of state, should
rest upon the soundness and strength of his own courses,
and not upon practice to circumvent others, according to
the sentence of Solomon, * Vir prudens advertit ad gressus suos stultus autem divertit ad dolos’ insomuch that
the bishop of Ross, a subtle and observing man, said of him,
that he could fasten no words upon him, and that it was
impossible to come within him, because he offered no play;
and the queen mother of France, a very politic princess,
said of him, that he should have been of the council of
Spain, because he despised the occurrents, and rested
upon the first plot.
” Nor is Puttenham’s short account to
be overlooked “I have come to the lord keeper, and
found him sitting in his gallery alone, with the works of
Quintilian before him. Indeed he was a most eloquent
man, of rare wisdom and learning, as ever I knew England
to breed, and one that joyed as much in learned men and
0'.;d wits, from whose lippes Ihave seen to proceed more
i;rave and natural eloquence than from all the orators of
Oxford and Cambridge.
n account of the following pieces, preserved in different manuscript collections. “An oration to the queen, exhorting her to Marriage;” “a speech to the lord mayor of
Bishop Tanner has enrolled sir Nicholas Bacon among
the writers of this country, on account of the following
pieces, preserved in different manuscript collections. “An
oration to the queen, exhorting her to Marriage;
” “a
speech to the lord mayor of London
” “a speech to the
serjeant called to a judge
” “an oration touching the
queen’s Marriage and Succession to the Crown
” “his
speech to the queen, when she made him lord keeper
“his speech in the star-chamber, 1568
” “his speech to
sir Thomas Gargrave, elected speaker for the commons
house of parliament;
” “his speech at the council table,
concerning aid required by the Scots to expel the French
out of Scotland
” “his speech concerning an Interview
between queen Elizabeth and the Scottish queen, 1572;
“his speech to the lords and commons in parliament, in
the beginning
” “his speech to Mr. Bell when he was
called to be judge.
” All these are in the Norwich manuscripts of More, 228 and are, we suppose, at present, in
the public library of Cambridge. “Several speeches of
lord keeper sir Nicholas Bacon, from 1558 to 1571 inclusive,
” in Mr. Ralph Thoresby’s collection “a discourse
upon certain points touching the Inheritance of the Crown,
conceived by sir Anthony Brown, and answered by sir
Nicholas Bacon,
” published in 1723. “Three letters to
Dr. Parker,
” in Corpus Christi college, Cambridge
mentioned by Strype, in his life of the archbishop. One of
these, entitled “a letter of Mr. Nicholas Bacon, counsellor
at law, to Parker, dean of Stoke college, in answer to certain cases put to him relating to the said college,
” Mr.
Strype has published at length. Holinshed, at the end of
his second volume, p. 1589, ranks sir Nicholas Bacon in
the catalogue of those who have written something concerning the history of England. Mr. Masters refers to a
comment of sir Nicholas’s on the twelve minor prophets,
dedicated to his son Anthony. And Mr. Strype has printed
an excellent letter of advice, which was written by the lord
keeper, a little before his death, to the queen, on the situation of her affairs. Many of his apophthegms are among
those of lord Verulam, and many of his speeches are in
the Parliamentary History.
proved fatal on the 19th of that month, while on a visit to his friend sir John Chichester, bart. in Queen- street, May-Fair.
It has been supposed that his acquaintance with the bishop of Exeter, Dr. Ross, and the most respectable clergymen of his diocese, might have led him to examme the foundation of dissent audit might have appeared to him, as it has to very many of sound judgment and acknowledged abilities, that this foundation was groundless. He was led to conform by no promise, and, at best, by very distant views of advancement. It is, indeed, impossible to read the heart of man but, if it can be read by an intimate acquaintance, his conformity was sincere. But whatever were his views, or the views of those who wished to see him among the defenders of the established church, they were disappointed by a premature death, In the spring of 1787, he was ordained deacon by bishop Ross, and, by a very distinguished compliment, received priest’s orders the following week. The title upon which he was ordained was the curacy of Broad Clyst, near Exeter, and he afterwards preached, as assistant to Dr. Gabriel, in the Octagon chapel, Bath. He was much afflicted with head-aches, which frequently interrupted his public services. In May, 1788, he was attacked by an illness which proved fatal on the 19th of that month, while on a visit to his friend sir John Chichester, bart. in Queen- street, May-Fair.
ery probable that he saw his error when too late, and when summoned as a witness on the trial of the queen, he had the courage to declare that the facts in the act of
Such is the life and character of Bailly, as given by La Lande in his eloge, and as far as respects his learning and private life seems to admit of no deduction. It is evident, however, that he was ill qualified for the transition he made from the calm pursuits of study to the wild enthusiasm of a revolution conducted, almost throughout, by the vilest and most worthless of mankind, at the expence of the wise, the learned, and the honest part of the French nation, many of whom were unfortunately seduced to be their auxiliaries. It is very probable that he saw his error when too late, and when summoned as a witness on the trial of the queen, he had the courage to declare that the facts in the act of accusation drawn up against this princess, were false and forged.
est honours of his faculty, being appointed physician in ordinary to the Jking, and physician to the queen. He was also a fellow of the Royal and Antiquary Societies,
, an eminent physician, was the son of the Rev. George Baker, who died in 1743, being then archdeacon and registrar of Totness. He was born in 1722, educated at Eton, and was entered a scholar of King’s college, Cambridge, in July 1742, where he took his degree of B. A. 1745, and M. A. 1749. He then began the study of medicine, and took the degree of doctor in 1756. He first practised at Stamford, but afterwards settled in London, and soon arrived at very extensive practice and reputation, and the highest honours of his faculty, being appointed physician in ordinary to the Jking, and physician to the queen. He was also a fellow of the Royal and Antiquary Societies, created a baronet Aug. 26, 1776, and in 1797 was elected president of the College of Physicians, London. Besides that skill in his profession, and personal accomplishments, which introduced him into the first practice, and secured him a splendid fortune, he was a good classical scholar and critic, and his Latin works are allowed to be written in a chaste and elegant style. He died June 15, 1809, in his eighty-eighth year, after having passed this long life without any of the infirmities from which he had relieved thousands.
to his memory, but owing to some particular regulations annexed to the new churches under the act of queen Anne, leave for this could not be obtained. “An inscription
In April 1729, he married Sophia, youngest daughter
of the famous Daniel Defoe, who brought him two sons,
both of whom he survived. On the 29th of January 1740,
Mr. Baker was elected a fellow of the society of antiquaries; and, on the 12th of March following, the same
honour was conferred upon him by the royal society. In
1744, sir Godfrey Copley’s gold medal was bestowed upon
him, for having, by his microscopical experiments on the
crystallizations and configurations of saline particles, produced the most extraordinary discovery during that year.
This medal was presented to him by sir Hans Sloane, thjen
president of the royal society, and only surviving trustee
of sir Godfrey Copley’s donation, at the recommendation
of sir Hans’s worthy successor, Martin Folkes, esq. and of
the council of the said society. Having led a very useful
and honourable life, he died, at his apartments in the
Strand, on the 25th of Nov. 1774, aged seventy-seven.
His wife died in 1762; and he left only one grandson,
William Baker, who was born Feb. 17, 1763, and to whom,
on his living to the age of twenty-one, he bequeathed the
bulk of his fortune, which he had acquired by his profession of teaching deaf and dumb persons to speak. This
gentleman is now rector of Lyndon and South Luffenham,
in the county of Rutland. He gave also by his will a hundred pounds to the royal society, the interest of which
was to be applied in paying for an annual oration on natural
history or experimental philosophy, now known by the
name of the Bakerian oration. He gave to each of his two
executors one hundred pounds and his wife’s gold watch
and trinkets in trust to his daughter-in-law Mary Baker for
her life, and to be afterwards given to the future wife of
his grandson. To Mrs. Baker he gave also an annuity of
fifty pounds. His furniture, printed books, curiosities, and
collections of every sort, he directed should be sold, which
was accordingly done. His manuscripts are in the possession of his grandson. His fine collection of native and
foreign fossils, petrifactions, shells, corals, vegetables, ores,
&c. with some antiquities and other curiosities, were sold
by auction, March 13, 1775, and the nine following days,
He was buried, as he desired, in an inexpensive mannef,
in the church-yard of St. Mary le-Strand within which
church, on the south wall, he ordered a small tablet to be
erected to his memory, but owing to some particular regulations annexed to the new churches under the act of
queen Anne, leave for this could not be obtained. “An
inscription for it,
” he said, “would probably be found
among his papers if not, he hoped some learned friend
would write one agreeably to truth.
e time of his death is not specified, but he appears to have lived some years after the accession of queen Elizabeth.
, according to Wood, was born
in the west of England, and spent several years at Oxford
in the study of logic and philosophy there he supposes
him to have been the same William Baldwin, who supplicated the congregation of regents for a master’s degree in
1532, but it does not appear by the register that it was
granted. He afterwards became a schoolmaster and a
minister, and was one of those scholars who followed printing, in order to promote the reformation. In this character, we find him employed by Edward Whitchurch, probably as the corrector of the press, though he modestly
styles himself “seruaunt with Edwarde Whitchurche.
This, however, seems to have been his employment at
first, and chiefly: yet he afterwards appears to have qualified himself for a compositor. As an author, Bale and
Pits ascribe some comedies to him, which were probably
mysteries or moralities now unknown, but he compiled
“A treatise of moral Philosophy,
” which was printed by
Edw. Whitchurch, in The Canticles or Balades of Solomon, phraselyke declared in English metres,
” printed by himself, The Funeralles of king Edward VI.
” in
verse, printed in 1560, 4to. But he is perhaps best known
now by the share he had in the publication of “The Mirror of Magistrates,
” originally projected by Thomas Sackville, first lord Buckhurst, and afterwards earl, of Dorset,
who wrote the poetical preface, and the legend of Henry
Stafford, duke of Buckingham, and recommended the
completion of the whole to our William Baldwin and
George Ferrers. The time of his death is not specified,
but he appears to have lived some years after the accession
of queen Elizabeth.
duce the reformed religion, were not only frustrated by the death of Edward VI. and the accession of queen Mary, but in the mean time exasperated the savage fury of his
, in Latin Baleus or Balæus, bishop of Ossory in Ireland, about the middle of the sixteenth century, was born the 21st of November 1495, at Cove, a small village in Suffolk, near Dunwich. His parents, whose names were Henry and Margaret, being incumbered with a large family, young Bale was entered, at twelve years of age, in the monastery of Carmelites at Norwich, and from thence was sent to Jesus college in Cambridge. He was educated in the Romish religion but afterwards, at the instigation of the lord Wentworth, turned Protestant, and gave a proof of his having renounced one of the errors of popery (the celibacy of the clergy) by immediately marrying his wife Dorothy. This, as may be conjectured, exposed him to the persecution of the Romish clergy, against whom he was protected by lord Cromwell, favourite of king Henry VIII. But, on Cromwell’s death, Bale was forced to retire into the LowCountries, where he resided eight years; during which, time he wrote several pieces in English. He was then recalled into England by king Edward VI. and obtained the living of Bishop’s Stocke in the county of Southampton. The 15th of August 1552, he was nominated by king Edward, who happened to be at Southampton, to the see of Ossory. This promotion he appears to have owed to his accidentally waiting on his majesty to pay his respects to him. Edward, who had been told he was dead, expressed his surprize and satisfaction at seeing him alive, and immediately appointed him to the bishopric, which he refused at first, alleging his poverty, age, and want of health. The king, however, would not admit of these excuses, and Bale set off for Dublin, where Feb. 2, 1553, he was consecrated by the archbishop. On this occasion, when he found that it was become a question whether the common prayer published in England should be used, he positively refused to be consecrated according to the old popish form, and remaining inflexible, the new form was used. He underwent, however, a variety of persecutions from the popish party in Ireland, and all his endeavours to reform the people and priesthood in his diocese, and to introduce the reformed religion, were not only frustrated by the death of Edward VI. and the accession of queen Mary, but in the mean time exasperated the savage fury of his enemies so much, that he found it necessary to withdraw from his see, and remain concealed in Dublin. Afterwards, endeavouring to make his escape in a small trading vessel in that port, he was taken prisoner by the captain of a Dutch man of war, who rifled him of all his money, apparel, and effects. This ship was driven by stress of weather into St. Ives in Cornwall, where our prelate was taken up on suspicion of treason, but was soon discharged. From thence, after a cruize of several days, the ship arrived in Dover road, where he was again in danger by a false accusation. Arriving afterwards in Holland, he was kept a prisoner three weeks, and then obtained his liberty on the payment of thirty pounds. From Holland he retired to Basil in Switzerland and continued abroad during the short reigu of queen Mary. On the accession of queen Elizabeth, he returned to England, but not to his bishopric in Ireland, contenting himself with a prebend in the cathedral church of Canterbury, to which he was promoted the 15th of January, 1560. He died Nov. 1563, in the 68th year of his age, at Canterbury, and was buried in the cathedral of that place.
ne Luther, &c.” 1546, 8vo. 3. “A godly Medytacyon of the Christen Soule, from the French of Margaret queen of Navarre,” London, probably, 1548, 5vo. Tanner has given a
Bishop Bale’s fame now principally rests on his valuable
collection of British biography, which was first published,
under the title of “lllustrium Majoris Britanniae scriptorum, hoc est, Anglic, Cambriae et Scotia?, Summarium,
Ipswich, 1549, 4to, containing only five centuries of writers. To these he added afterwards four more centuries,
with many additions and improvements on the first edition,
the whole printed in a large folio, at Basil, by Oporinus,
1559. The title is greatly enlarged, and informs us, that
the writers, whose lives are there treated of, are those of
the Greater Britain, namely, England and Scotland that
the work commences from Japhet, one of the sons of Noah,
and is carried down through a series of 3618 years, to the
year of our Lord 1557, at which time the author was an exile
for religion in Germany that it is collected from a great
variety of authors, as Berosus, Gennadius, Bede, Honorius,
Boston of Bury, Fruaientarius, Capgrave, Bostius, BureU
lus, Trithemius, Gesner, and our great antiquary John
Leland that it consists of nine centuries, comprises the
antiquity, origin, annals, places, successes, the more remarkable actions, sayings, and writings of each author; in
all which a due regard is had to chronology the whole
with this particular view, that the actions of the reprobate
as well as the elect ministers of the church may historically
and aptly correspond with the mysteries described in the
Revelation, the stars, angels, horses, trumpets, thunder ings, heads, horns, mountains, vials, and plagues, through
every age of the same church. There are appendixes to
many of the articles, and an account of such actions of the
contemporary popes as are omitted by their flatterers, Cargulanus, Platina, &c. together with the actions of the monks,
particularly those of the mendicant order, who (he says)
are meant by the locusts in the Revelation, ch. ix. ver. 3
and 7. To these Appendixes is added a perpetual succession both of the holy fathers and the antichrists of the
church, with curious instances from the histories of various
nations and countries in order to expose their adulteries,
debaucheries, strifes, seditions, sects, deceits, poisonings,
murders, treasons, and innumerable impostures. The book
is dedicated to Otho Henry, prince palatine of the Rhine,
duke of both the Bavarias, and elector of the Roman empire and the epistle dedicatory is dated from Basil in
September, 1557. Afterwards^ in 1559, appeared a continuation of the workj with the addition of five more centuries (which the editors of the Biog. Brit, call a new edition). His other works are divided by Fuller into two parts,
those he wrote when a papist, and those when a protestant:
but Fuller’s list containing only the subjects of his works,
and not the titles or dates, we shall prefer the following list
from Ames and Herbert; premising, that, according to
Fox, in his Acts and Monuments, Bale wrote some books
under the name of John “Harrison. He was the sou of
Henry Bale, and on that account, perhaps, took the name
of Harrison l.
” The Actes of Englysh Votaries, comprehending their unchast practyses and examples by all ages >
from the world’s beginning to this present year, collected
out of their own legendes and chronicles, 8vo, 1546> 1548,
1551, and 1560. 2. “Yet a course at the Homy she Fox,
by John Harrison, i. e. Bale, Zurich, Declaration of William Tolwyn,
” London, date uncertain, Ames says The Apology of JohanBale agaynste a ranke
Papyst, answering both hym and hys doctours, that neyther their vowes nor yet their pricsthotic are of the gospel,
but of Antichrist;
” with this, “A brefe exposycion upon,
the xxx chapter of Numeri,
” London, 15,50, 8vo. 4. “An
Expostulation or Coinplaynt, agaynste the blasphemy es of
a frantic Papyst of Hamshyrc,
” with metrical versions ef
the 23d and 130th Psalms,“London, 1552, and 1584, 8vo.
” The Image of both Churches, after the most wonderiul and heavenly Revelation of Sainct John the Evangelist,
contayning a very fruitefull exposicion or paraphrase upon
the same,“first, second, and third parts, London, 1550, and
1584, 8vo. 6. A brefe Chronicle concerning the examination and death of the blessed Martir of Christ, Sir Johan
Oldecastle, Lord Cobham,
” 1544 and 1576, 8vo, reprinted
also in 1729. 7. “The vocacyon of Johan Bale to the
Bishoprick of Ossorie in Ireland, his persecucions in the
same, and final deliveraunce,
” London, A Declaration
of Edmonde Bonner’s Articles, concerning the Cleargye
of London Dyocese, whereby that execrable amychriste is
in his righte colours reueled in the year of our Lord 1554.
Newlye set fourth and allowed,
” London, 1561, 8vo. 9,
“The Pageant of Popes, containing the lyves of all the
bishops of Rome from the beginninge of them to the yeare
of grace 1555, London, 4to, 1574. This is a translation
from Bale’s Latin edition, by J. S. i. e. John Stu'dley. 10.
” A new Comedy or Interlude, concerning the Laws of
Nature, Moises, and Christ,“London, 1562, 4to. This
was written in 1532, and first printed in the time of Edward VI. 11.
” A Tragedie or Enterlucle, manifesting the
chief promises of God unto man, by all ages in the olde
lawe, from the fall of Adam to the incarnation,“London,
1577, 4to. 12.
” A Mystereye of Inyquyte contayned
within the heretycall genealogye of Ponce Pantolabus, is
here both dysclosed and confuted,“Geneva, 1545, 16mo.
” The First Examination of the worthy servaunt of God
Mastres Anne Askew,“Marpurg, 1546, 16mo, and the
” Lattre Examinacion“of the same, ibid. 1547. 14.
” A
brife and fay th full declaration of the true Faith in Christ,“1547, IGmo. Mr. Herbert conjectures this to be Bale’s.
The initials only of the author are given. 15.
” The laboryouse journey and serche of Johan Leylande, for En glandes Antiquitees, &c.“London, 1549, 16mo, reprinted
in the Life of Leland (with those of Wood and Hearne)
1772, and followed there by a memoir of Bale. 16.
” The
confession -of the synner after the sacred scriptures, 1549,
8vo. 17. “A Dialogue or Communycacyon to be had at
a table between two chyldren gathered out of the Holy
Scriptures, by John Bale for his two yonge sonnes, Johan
acid Paule,
” London, Bapt.
Mantuanus’s treatise on Death,
” London, The true hystorie of the Christen departynge of the reverend man D. Martyne Luther, &c.
” A
godly Medytacyon of the Christen Soule, from the French
of Margaret queen of Navarre,
” London, probably, Acts of.
the English Votaries,
” and other pieces written against the
Papists, are best known, although censured for their intemperance and partiality. The character, indeed, of few
writers has been more variously represented., Gesner,
in his Bibliotheca, calls him a writer of the greatest diligence, and bishop Godwin gives him the character of a
laborious inquirer into British antiquities. Similar praise
is bestowed on him by Humphrey in his “Vaticinium de
” and by Vogler in his “Introduct. Universal, in
notit. Scriptor.
” who also excuses his asperity against the
Papists, from what England had suffered from them, and
adds, that even the popish writers cannot help praising his
great biographical work. On the other hand, bishop Montague, Andreas Valerius, and Vossius, while they allow his
merit as a writer, object to his warmth and partiality. Pitts,
his successor in British biography, and a bigotted Papist,
rails against him without mercy, or decency, but may be
forgiven on account of the pains he took to give us a more
correct book, or at least, what could be alleged on the
other side of the question. Even Fuller imputes intemperance of mind to him, and calls him “Biliosus Balseus,
imputing his not being made a bishop, on his return, by
queen Elizabeth, to this cause but it is equally probable,
that he had conceived some prejudices against the hierarchy,
while residing with the Geneva reformers abroad. We
know this was the case with Coverdale, a man of less equivocal character. Wharton, in his “Anglia Sacra,
” and
Nicolson, in his “Historical Library,
” censure those
errors which in Bale were either unavoidable, or wilful, in
dates, titles of books,- and needlessly multiplying the latter. After all these objections, it will not appear surprising that Bale’s work was speedily inserted among the
prohibited books, in the Index Expurgatorius. Such a
writer was naturally to be forbidden, as an enemy to the
see of Rome. From one accusation, the late Dr. Pegge has
amply defended him in his “Anonymiana
” It was said
that after he had transcribed the titles of the volumes of
English writers which fell into his hands, he either burnt
them or tore them to pieces. This calumny was first pub^
lished by Struvius in his “Acta Literaria,
” upon the authority of Barthius. Upon the whole, with every deduction that can be made from his great work, it must ever be
considered as the foundation of English biography, and as
such, men of all parties have been glad to consult it, although with the caution necessary in all works written in
times of great animosity of sentiment, and political and
religious controversy.
e, with two short Latin prayers, his own name, motto, day of the month, year of our Lord, and of the queen’s reign, to whom he presented it at Hampton court, all within
, the most famous master in the art of
penmanship, and all its relative branches, of his time, in
our country, was born in 1547. Anthony Wood says he
was a most dextrous person in his profession, to the great
wonder of scholars and others, and adds, “That he spent
several years in sciences among the Oxonians, particularly,
as it seems, in Gloucester hall but that study which he
used for a diversion only, proved at length an employment
of profit.
” It seems probable, however, that he resided
at that university to teach his own art, for profit. The
earliest account we have of his skill, mentions a micrographical performance, in which the writing was so wonderfully small, yet so very legible, that it surprised all who
saw it, and advanced his name into Holinshed’s Chronicle.
This delicate specimen of his art is also thus celebrated by
Mr. Evelyn. “Adrian Junius speaks of that person as a
miracle (F. Alumnus), who wrote the apostles’ creed, and
beginning of St. John’s gospel, in the compass of a farthing.
What would he have thought of our famous Bales, who, in
1557, wrote the Lord’s prayer, creed, decalogue, with two
short Latin prayers, his own name, motto, day of the month,
year of our Lord, and of the queen’s reign, to whom he
presented it at Hampton court, all within the circle of a
single penny, enchased in a ring and border of gold, and
covered with crystal, so nicely wrote as to be plainly legible, to the admiration of her majesty, her privy council,
and several ambassadors who then saw it.
” He wasalso
skilled in other excellencies of the pen, which seem to have
recommended him to employment, upon certain particular
emergencies, under the secretary of state, about 1586,
when the conspiracies of Mary queen of Scots with the
Popish faction were discovered. And as sir Francis Walsingham had other able instruments to unveil the disguised
correspondence which passed between them, he had also
need of some one who was expert in the imitation of hands,
and could add, according to instruction, any postscript, or
continuation of one, in the very form and turn of letters
wherein the rest of the epistle was written, to draw out such
farther intelligence as was wanted for a complete discovery
from the traitors themselves, of their treasonable
intercourse. Mr. Bales was famous for this dangerous talent,
and was employed to exercise the same, sometimes, for the
service of the state. A few years after, about 1589, and
not long before the death of the said secretary, Bales, by a
friend, complained that some preferment which he had
been led to expect, had not been settled upon him, for what
he had formerly performed in behalf of the government before the said queen’s death and, upon the merit of this
service, he was several years after in quest of a place at
court, though we cannot find that he ever obtained it. It
appears also, that he had some occasion given him to write
er speak something in defence of accurate penmen, or those
who were masters in the art of writing, against the unreasonable and illiberal insinuations of some supercilious courtier, who would have objected his profession against his
promotion, as if writing were but a mechanic art, and the
masters of it fitter to guide the hands of boys than the
heads of men. Bales took much pains to confute these
objections, and although disappointed, he continued to follow his business, teaching the sons and daughters of many
persons of distinction, some at their own houses, others at
his school, situated at the upper end of the Old Bailey,
where also some of the best citizens sent their children.
Here we find him in 1590, publishing the first fruits of his
pen, as he observes in his epistle, his “Writing Schoolmaster, in three parts.
” From the first of which, shewing
how, by the contraction of words into literal abbreviations,
the pen of a writer may keep pace with the tongue of a
moderate speaker, Mr. Evelyn conceived he was the inventor of short-hand, but he was rather the improver of a
scheme published about two years before (1588) by Dr. Timothy Bright, a physician of Cambridge yet his improvement was so great as perhaps to constitute him the founder
of all those successive systems of short-hand which have
since led to perfection in this useful art.
ingenious compositions of some honourable authors, which they designed as presentation-books to the queen, or others their friends or patrons, of high dignity; some of
In or not long after 1592, he was employed in writing for
or to sir John Puckering, lord keeper of the great seal,
whose servant he styles himself; and it is certain there were
several petitions, letters, &c. about that time, written in
the fine small secretary and Italian hands, by Bales, among
that lord keeper’s, papers, many of which are still in being.
Among the rest there are several letters written by one
TopclilFe, who was much employed about the country in
marching out the Popish priests and their plots, and he
made some discoveries which it was necessary to communicate in a secret manner but disliking the use of multiplied
alphabets, as a method too tedious, preferred an invention
of Bales’Sj which is called his lineal alphabet, or character
of dashes, as the shortest and simplest he had heard of,
wherein every letter was expressed by a single straight
stroke, only in different postures and places. Bale was
also one of the earliest writing-masters who had his specimens engraven on copper-plates, and one of those occurs
in Hondius’s “Theatrum Artis Scribendi,
” fol. Writing Schoolmaster,
” he was in such high reputation for it,
that no less than eighteen copies of commendatory verses,
composed by learned and ingenious men of that time, were
printed before it. He also, by other exercises of his pen,
recommended himself to many other persons of knowledge
and distinction, particularly by making fair transcripts of
the learned and ingenious compositions of some honourable
authors, which they designed as presentation-books to the
queen, or others their friends or patrons, of high dignity;
some of which manuscripts have been, for the beauty of
them, as well as for their instructive contents, preserved as
curiosities to these times. “Among the Harleian Mss.
(now in the British Museum) No. 2368, there is a thin vellum book in small 4to, called Archeion. At the end of that
treatise is a neat flourish, done by command of hand,
wherein are the letters P. B. which shews, says a note in
that book, that this copy was written by the hand po Peter
Bales, the then famous writing-master of London,
” We
know not very particularly what other branches of the art
he cultivated, but he was distinguished also with the title
of a scrivener, as if he had some time professed the business
of writing contracts, or drawing deeds, or other instruments,
unless the signification of that word was not then confined,
as it is now, to that particular business.
r Dulcot in the church of Wells, which preferment he resigned in 1579. In 1561, he was appointed the queen’s professor of physic in the university of Oxford. Two years
, an English physician,
the son of Henry Baley of Warnweli in Dorsetshire, was
born in 1529, at Portsham in that county, educated at Winchester school, and admitted perpetual fellow of New college in Oxford, in 1550, after having served two years of
probation. Having taken the degrees of B. A. and M. A.
he studied physic, and was admitted to practise in that
faculty in 1558, being at that time proctor of the university, and prebendary of Dultingcote or Dulcot in the church
of Wells, which preferment he resigned in 1579. In 1561,
he was appointed the queen’s professor of physic in the
university of Oxford. Two years after he took the degree
of doctor in that faculty, and at last was appointed physician in ordinary to her majesty. He was esteemed to be
very skilful in theory and successful in practice. He died
March 3, 1592, at sixty-three years of age, and was buried
in the inner chapel of New college, Oxford. His posterity, Mr. Wood tells us, subsisted at Ducklington near
Whitney in Oxfordshire, and some of them had been justices of the peace for the said county. His works were,
1. “A discourse of three kinds of Pepper in common use,
A brief treatise of the preservation of the
” printed in queen Elizabeth’s reign in 12mo,
and at Oxford in 1616 and 1654, 8vo. In the edition of
1616 there is added another “Treatise of the Eye-sight,
collected from Fernelius and lliolanus, but by what hand
we are not told. They both pass under Dr. Baley’s name.
3. “Directions for Health, natural and artificial, with medicines for all diseases of the Eye,
” Explicatio Galeni de potu convalescentium et senum, et
praecipue de nostree alae et biriae paratione,
” &c. in ms.
4to, in the library of Robert earl of Aylesbury.
regation, he was appointed one of the commissioners to treat with the duke of Norfolk on the part of queen Elizabeth. In 1563 he was made one of the lords of session,
, one of the promoters of the
reformation in Scotland, was born at Kircaldy, in the
county of Fife, in the reign of James V. and educated at
the university of St. Andrew’s. He afterwards went to
France, in order to complete his studies and, returning
to Scotland, was admitted into the family of the earl of
Arran, who at that time governed the kingdom; but in
the year 1542 the earl dismissed him, for having embraced
the Protestant religion. In 1546 he joined the murderers
of cardinal Beaton, although without having been concerned in that act, yet for this he was declared a traitor,
and excommunicated. Whilst that party were besieged
in the castle of St. Andrew’s, they sent Balnaves lo England, who returned with a considerable supply of provisions
and money but, being at last obliged to surrender to the
French, he was sent, with the rest of the garrison, to
France. He returned to Scotland about the year 1559,
and having joined the congregation, he was appointed one
of the commissioners to treat with the duke of Norfolk on
the part of queen Elizabeth. In 1563 he was made one
of the lords of session, and appointed by the general assembly, with other learned men, to revise the book of
discipline. The celebrated reformer Knox, his contemporary, gives him the character of a very learned and
pious divine, and we learn from Calderwood’s ms history,
and from Sadler’s State Papers, that he raised himself by
his talents and probity, from an obscure station to the
first honours of the state, and was justly regarded as one
of the principal supporters of the reformed cause in Scotland. It is added, that when a boy, he travelled to the
continent, and hearing of a free school at Cologne, procured admission to it, and received a liberal education.
He died at Edinburgh in 1579. It was during his confinement at Rouen in France that he wrote a treatise on
justification, and the works and conversation of a justified
man, which was revised hy Knox, who added a recommendatory dedication, and desired it might he printed.
The ms. however, was not discovered until after Knox’s
death, when it was published in 1584, 8vo, with the title
of “Confession of Faith, &c. by Henry Balnaves, of Halhill, one of the lords of council, and lords of session.
According to Irvine, it was printed at Edinburgh, but
M'Rie speaks of a London edition of the same date. Mackenzie erroneously divides it into two works, one “A
treatise concerning Justification,
” Edin. A Catechism or Confession of Faith,
” ib.
sent this musician to the king, together with the whole band of violins, of which he was chief. The queen conferred on him the place of her valet-de-chambre and Henry,
, a famous
Italian musician, lived in the reign of Henry III. of France.
The marechal de Brissac, governor in Piedmont, sent this
musician to the king, together with the whole band of
violins, of which he was chief. The queen conferred on
him the place of her valet-de-chambre and Henry, after
her example, gave him the same office in his house.
Balthazarini was the delight of the court, as well by his
skill on the violin, as by his invention of ballets, of pieces
of music, festivities, and representations. It was he who
composed in 1581 the ballet of the nuptials of the due de
Joyeuse with mademoiselle de Vaudemont, sister of the
queen, a ballet that was represented with extraordinarypomp it was printed under the title of “Ballet Comique
de la Heine, fait aux Noces de M. le due de Joyeuse et
de Mademoiselle de Vaudemont,
” Paris,
cardinal-priest of the Roman church, was born at Hilton near Appleby in Westmorland, and educated at Queen’s college in Oxford. Having taken holy orders, he became rector
, archbishop of York, and cardinal-priest of the Roman church, was born at Hilton near Appleby in Westmorland, and educated at Queen’s college in Oxford. Having taken holy orders, he became rector of Aller in the diocese of Bath and Wells. He enjoyed three prebends successively in the cathedral church of Salisbury that of South-Grantham in 14&5, that of Chardstock the same year, and that of Horton in 1486i He was elected provost of Queen’s college in 1495, and about the same time created doctor of laws. On September 28, 1503, he was admitted prebendary of Strenshall in the cathedral church of York, void by the consecration of Jeoffrey Blyth to the see of Litchfield and Coventry and on the 2 1st of December following, he was installed in the deanery of that church, in the room of the said Blyth. In 1505 he was made dean of Windsor, and the same year master of the rolls, and one of the king’s privy council. In 1507, he was advanced to the see of Durham, and received the temporalities the 1.7th of November. The next year he was translated to the archbishopric of York, and received the temporalities the 12th of December. Pits assures us, that Bambridge had been very intimate with Morton archbishop of Canterbury, and shared in that prelate’s sufferings during the usurpation of Richard III. after whose death, his affairs took a more prosperous turn, as he was appointed almoner to king Henry VII. and employed by that prince on several embassies to the emperor Maximilian, Charles VIII. king of France, and other potentates of Europe. But he distinguished himself chiefly by his embassy from king Henry VIII. to pope Julius II. who created him a cardinal, with the title of St. Praxede, in March 1511, and, eight days after, appointed him legate of the ecclesiastical army, which had been sent into the Ferrarese, and were then besieging the fort of Bastia. In return for which marks of honour, our new cardinal and legate prevailed with the king his master, to take part with his holiness against the king of France, nor was he less zealous in the service of that pontiff during his life, than in honouring and defending his memory after his death. There are extant in Rymer’s Fœdera, &c, two letters; one from cardinal Barnbridge, during his residence at Home, to king Henry VIII. concerning the pope’s bull giving him the title of mostChristian king and another from the cardinal de Sinigallia, to the king, acquainting his highness that he had delivered that instrument to cardinal Bamhridge. This prelate died at Rome July 14, 1514, being poisoned by one of his domestics, whom he had chastised, and was buried there in the English church of St. Thomas. Pits commends him for his extensive learning, and adds, that he wrote some treatises on subjects of civil law, but that biographer erroneously calls him Urswic, which was the name of his predecessor in the deanery of.Windsor.
ended one thousand marks in the repair of his house in London. In 1600, he, with others, was sent by queen Elizabeth to Embden, to put an end to a difference between the
, archbishop of Canterbury in,
the reign of king James I. the son of John Bancroft, gentleman, and Mary daughter of Mr. John Curvvyn, brother of
Dr. Hugh Curvvyn, archbishop of Dublin, was born at Farnworth in Lancashire, in September 1544. After being
taught grammar, he became a student of Christ college,
Cambridge, where, in 1566-7, he took the degree of B. A.
and thence he removed to Jesus’ college, where, in 1570,
he commenced M. A. Soon after, he was made chaplain to
Dr. Cox, bishop of Ely, who, in 1575, gave him the rectory of Teversham in Cambridgeshire. The year following he was licensed one of the university preachers, and in
1580 was admitted B. D. September 14th, 1584, he was
instituted to the rectory of St. Andrew, Holborn, at the
presentation of the executors of Henry earl of Southampton. In 1585 he commenced D. D. and the same year was
made treasurer of St. Paul’s cathedral in London. The
year following he became rector of Cottingham in Northamptonshire, at the presentation of sir Christopher Hatton, lord chancellor, whose chaplain he then was. Feb.
25th, 1589, he was made a prebendary of St. Paul’s, in
1592 advanced to the same dignity in the collegiate church
of Westminster, and in 1594 promoted to a stall in the
cathedral of Canterbury. Not long before, he had distinguished his zeal for the church of England by a learned and
argumentative sermon against the ambition of the Puritans,
preached at St. Paul’s cross. In 1597, Dr. Bancroft, being
then chaplain to the archbishop of Canterbury, Whitgift, was
advanced to the see of London, in the room of Dr. Richard
Fletcher, and consecrated at Lambeth the 8th of May.
From this time he had, in effect, the archiepiscopal power:
for the archbishop, being declined in years, and unfit for
business, committed the sole management of ecclesiastical
affairs to bishop Bancroft. Soon after his being made
bishop, he expended one thousand marks in the repair of
his house in London. In 1600, he, with others, was sent
by queen Elizabeth to Embden, to put an end to a difference between the English and Danes but the embassy had
no effect. This prelate interposed in the disputes between
the secular priests and the Jesuits, and furnished some of
the former with materials to write against their adversaries.
In the beginning of king James’s reign^ he was present at
the conference held at Hampton court, between the bishops
and the Presbyterian ministers. The same year, 1603, he
was appointed one of the commissioners for regulating the
affairs of the church, and for perusing and suppressing
books, printed in England, or brought into the realm without public authority. A convocation being summoned to
meet, March 20, 1603-4, and archbishop Whitgift dying in
the mean time, Bancroft was. by the king’s writ, appointed
president of that assembly. October 9tb, 1604, he was
nominated to succeed the archbishop in that high dignity,
to which he was elected by the dean and chapter, Nov. 17,
and confirmedin Lambeth chapel, Dec. 10. Sept. 5, 1605,
he was sworn one of his majesty’s most honourable privy
council. This year, in Michaelmas term, he exhibited
certain articles, to the lords of the council, against the
judges. This was a complaint of encroachment, and a
contest for jurisdiction between the temporal and ecclesiastical judges, and as Collier has well observed, ought
to be decided by neither side but the decision was against
him. In 1608 he was elected chancellor of the university
of Oxford, in the room of the earl of Dorset. In ] 6 10 thisarchbishop offered to the parliament a project for the better providing a maintenance for the clergy, but without
success. One of our historians pretends, that archbishop
Bancroft set on foot the building a college near Chelsea,
for the reception of students, who should answer all Popish
and other controversial writings against the church of England. This prelate died Nov. 2, 1610, of the stone, in his
palace at Lambeth. By his will he ordered his body to be
interred in the chancel of Lambeth church, and besides
other legacies, left all the books in his library to the archbishops his successors for ever. He was a rigid disciplinarian, a learned controversialist, an excellent preacher, a
great statesman, and a vigilant governor of the church, and
filled the see of Canterbury with great reputation but as
he was most rigid in his treatment of the Puritans, it is not
surprising that the nonconformist writers and their successors have spoken of him with much severity; but whatever
may be thought of his general temper and character, his
abilities appear to have been very considerable. In his famous sermon against the Puritans, there is a clearness,
freedom, and manliness of style, which shew him to have
been a great master of composition. It was printed with a,
tract of his, entitled “Survey of the pretended Holy Discipline.
” He wrote also another tract, entitled “Dangerous Positions,
” and there is extant, in the Advocates’
library at Edinburgh, an original letter from him to king
James I. containing an express vindication of pluralities.
This letter has been printed by sir David Dalrymple, in
the first volume of his Memorials. Dr. Bancroft is also the
person meant as the chief overseer of the last translation of
the Bible, in that paragraph of the preface to it beginning
with “But it is high time to leave them,
” &c. towards the
mand. He was promoted to the doctorship in the same faculty in 1653, in the presence of the king and queen. In 1656 he was* appointed librarian of the academy. He died
, doctor and professor of divinity in
the university of Copenhagen, was born in 1600, and was
educated first in the college of Ottensee in the isle of Funen, and then at Copenhagen. Caspar Brochmand, professor of divinity and bishop of Selande, made him tutor to
his son and he was preceptor at the same time to Christian
Friis, eldest son to the chancellor of Denmark. After he
had continued in that employment above five years, he obtained a pension from the king, and went to Rostoch, from
whence he returned to Copenhagen, when the emperor’s
troops drew near to the Baltic sea. He finished his course
of divinity under professor Brochmand, and afterwards went
to Franeker, where he learned rabbinical and Chaldee
learning under Sixtinus Amama, by whom he was greatly
esteemed. He studied afterwards at Wittemberg, and received there, in 1630, a letter from the rector and academical council of Copenhagen, with an offer of the professorship in Hebrew, which he accepted, on condition that he
should be permitted to employ the revenue of that place
in studying for some years the Arabic and Syriac tongues
under Gabriel Sionita. He discharged the professorship
with great advantage to students till 1652, when he was
raised to the professorship of divinity, vacant by the death
of Mr. Brochmand. He was promoted to the doctorship in
the same faculty in 1653, in the presence of the king and
queen. In 1656 he was* appointed librarian of the academy. He died Oct. 27, 1661, of an illness of only six
days, leaving a widow atid fourteen children. He was the
author of several learned works on the Hebrew language
and criticism, among which are, “Observationes Philologicce,
” Copenhagen, Hebrew Lexicon,
t of his education he received at a grammar-school in his own county, whence, in 1604, he removed to Queen’s college, in Oxford, being then about fifteen, -and there,
, lord chief justice of the common pleas, in the reign of king Charles I. was descended from a good family seated at Keswick, in Cumberland, where he was born, in A. D. 1589. The first part of his education he received at a grammar-school in his own county, whence, in 1604, he removed to Queen’s college, in Oxford, being then about fifteen, -and there, for spine time, pursued his studies. He left the university without a degree, and taking chambers in Grays inn, he applied himself to the law, in which science he quickly became eminent. His extraordinary diligence in his profession, his grave appearance, and excellent reputation, recommended him early to his sovereign, Charles I. by whom he was firsi made attorney to the prince. He was next year, 1630, lent-reader at Gray’s inn, and in 1631, treasurer of that society. In August 1634, he was knighted, and made attorney -general, in the place of Mr. Noy, deceased. He discharged this arduous employment, in those perilous times, with great reputation, till in hilary term 1640, he was made chief justice of the common, in the room of Sir Edward Littleton, now lord keeper. In this high station he acted also with universal approbation, remaining at London after the king was compelled to leave it, in order to discharge the duties of his office. But when he once understood that his continuance amongst them was looked on by some as owning the cause of the Parliamentarians, he retired to York. So just an idea the king had of this act of loyalty, that when he had thoughts of removing the lord-keeper, he at the same time was inclined to deliver the great seal to the lord chief-justice Bankes, whose integrity was generally confessed; but he was by some suspected (though wrongfully as it afterwards appeared) in point of courage. He subscribed the declaration made June 15, 1642, by the lords and gentlemen then with his majesty at York; and yet his conduct was so free from aspersion, that even the Parliament in their proposals to the king, in January 1643, desired he might be continued in his office. Beforethis, viz January 31, 1642, the university of Oxford, to manifest their high respect for him, created him LL. D. His majesty also caused him to be sworn of his privy council, and always testified a great regard for his advice. In the summer circuit he lost all his credit at Westminster, for having declared from the bench at Salisbury, that the actions of Essex, Manchester, and Waller, were treasonable, the commons voted him, and the rest of the judges in that sentiment, traitors. In the mean time, lady Bankes with her family being at Sir John’s seat, Corffe-castle, in the Isle of Purbeck, in Dorsetshire, the friends of the Parliament, who had already reduced all the sea coasts but that place, resolved tft reduce it likewise. The courageous lady Bankes, though she had about her only her children, a few servants and tenants, and little hopes of relief, yet refused to surrender the fortress. Upon this*, sir W. Earl, and Thomas Trenchard, esq. who commanded the Parliament forces, had recourse to very rough measures. Thrice they attempted the place by surprize, and as often were repulsed with loss, though the first time lady Bankes had but five men in the place, and during the whole time her garrison never exceeded forty. Then they interdicted her the markets, and at length formally besieged the house with a very considerable force, a train of artillery, and a great quantity of ammunition. This forced the little town dependant on the castle to surrender, which inclined the besiegers to be remiss, of which lady Bankes taking advantage, procured a supply of provision an-d ammunition, which enabled her still to hold out. At last, the gallant earl of Carnarvon, having with a considerable body of horse and dragoons, cleared a great part of the west, came into the neighbourhood of Purbeck, and sir W. Earl raised his siege, August 4, 1643, so precipitately, that he left his tents standing, together with his ammunition and artillery, all which fell into the hands of lady Bankes’s household. There is no question but this action was very pleasing to the king, at Oxford, where sir John continued in the discharge of his duty, as a privy counsellor, till the last day of his life, vis. December 28, 1644. But that be ever had any other preferment, much less was chief-justice of the king’s bench, as Wood has affirmed, is certainly erroneous. He was interred with great solemnity in the cathedral of Christ-church, and a monument erected to his memory, with an inscription, signifying his titles, &c. and that he was distinguished by his knowledge, integrity, and fidelity. He left a numerous posterity, both male and female. By his will, he gave Carious sums to pious and charitable uses.
is a looking-glass preserved in Kensington palace, which he decorated with a garland of flowers, for queen Mary and it is mentioned as a remarkable circumstance, that
, who was also surnamed Monnoyer,
a painter of some note, who resided many years in England, was born at Lisle, in Flanders, in 1635. He was
brought up at Antwerp, where his business was 'history
painting but finding that his genius more strongly inclined him to the painting of flowers, he applied his talents, and in that branch became one of the greatest
masters. When Le Brim had undertaken to paint the
palace of Versailles, he employed Baptist to do the flower
part, in which he displayed great excellence. The duke
of Montague being then ambassador in France, and observing the merit of Baptist’s performances, invited him
over into England, and employed him, in conjunction
with La Fosse and Rousseau, to embellish Montague
house, which is now the British museum and contains
many of the finest productions of Baptist. “His pictures
(says Mr. Pilkington in his Dictionary of Painters) are not
so exquisitely finished as those of Van Huysum, but his
composition and colouring are in a bolder style. His
flowers have generally a remarkable freedom and looseness, as well in the disposition, as in pencilling together
with a tone of colouring, that is lively, admirable, and
nature itself. The disposition of his objects is surp'risingly
elegant and beautiful and in that respect his compositions
are easily known, and as easily distinguished from the
performances of others.
” A celebrated performance of
this artist is a looking-glass preserved in Kensington palace, which he decorated with a garland of flowers, for
queen Mary and it is mentioned as a remarkable circumstance, that her majesty sat by him during the greatest
part of the time that he was employed ia painting it. He
painted, for the duke of Ormond, six pictures of East
India birds, after nature, which were in that nobleman’s
collection at Kilkenny in Ireland, and afterwards came
into the possession “of Mr. Pilkington. He died in Pall
Mall, in the year 1699. There is a print of Baptist, from
a painting of sir Godfrey Kneller, in Mr. Walpole’s
” Anecdotes." He had a son, named Anthony Baptist,
who also painted flowers and, in the style and manner of
his father, had great merit. There was also another
painter known by the name of John Baptist, whose surname was Caspars, and who was commonly called Lely’s
Baptist. He was born at Antwerp, and was a disciple of
Thomas Willebores Boschaert. During the civil war he
came to England, and entered into the service of general
Lambert; but after the restoration he was employed by
sir Peter Lely, to paint the attitudes and draperies of his
portraits. He was engaged in the same business under
Riley and sir Godfrey Kneller. The portrait of Charles
II. in Painters’ Hall, and another of the same prince, with
mathematical instruments, in the hall of St. Bartholomew’s
Hospital, were painted by this Baptist, who died in 1691,
and was buried at St. James’s.
nshire, in 1541, and descended from one of the best families in Scotland. He was in favour with Mary queen of Scots but, after that princess was dethroned, and detained
, a learned and eminent Civilian,
was born in Aberdeenshire, in 1541, and descended from
one of the best families in Scotland. He was in favour
with Mary queen of Scots but, after that princess was
dethroned, and detained in captivity in England, finding
that he had no prospect of making his fortune in the court
of her son James, he resolved to retire into France, which.
he did about 1573. He was then more than thirty years
of age, and went to Bourges, in order to study law. He
there took his doctor’s degree in that faculty, and had
applied himself so closely to his books, that he was qualified
to fill a chair. Edmund Hay, the Jesuit, who was his
countryman, and is said to have been related to him, procured him accordingly a professorship in civil law in the
university of Pontamousson, by his interest with the duke
of Lorrain, who had lately founded that seminary. And
the duke not only conferred upon Barclay the first professorship, but also appointed him counsellor of state, and
master of requests. In 1581, Barclay married Anne de
Malleville, a young lady of Lorrain, by whom he had his
son John, who afterwards became a writer of considerable
note, and whom the Jesuits endeavoured to prevail on to
enter into their society. But Barclay opposing their
scheme, the Jesuits resented it so highly, and did him so
many ill offices with the duke, that he was obliged to leave
Lorrain. He then went to London, where king James I.
is said to have offered him a place in his council, with a
considerable pension but he declined these offers, because
it was made a necessary condition of his accepting them,
that he should embrace the protestant religion. In 1604,
he returned into France, and accepted the professorship
of the civil law, which was offered him by the university
of Angers. He taught there with reputation, and is said
to have been fond of making a splendid appearance in his
character of professor. But he did not hold this office
long, dying in 1606. He was buried in the church of the
Franciscans. He appears to have been much prejudiced
against the Protestants and was a zealous advocate for
passive obedience, and the divine right of kings, as appears from his writings, of which the following are “the
principal, 1.
” De Reguo et llegali Potestate ad versus
Buchananum, Brutum, Boucherium, et reliquos Monarchoniachos,“Paris, 1600, dedicated to Henry IV. 2.
” De
Potestate Papse, quatenus in Reges et Principes seculares
Jus et Imperium habeat,“Franco!'. 1609, 1613, 1621, Hannovias, 1612, in 8vo, and Lond. in English, 1611, in 4to,
Mussiponti, 1610, 8vo, and Parisiis, 1600, 4to. In this
he proves that the pope has no power, direct or indirect,
over sovereigns in temporals, and that they who allow him,
any such power, whatever they may intend, do very great
prejudice to the Roman catholic religion. 3.
” A commentary
upon the Title of the Pandects de Rebus creditis et de Jure] urando,“Paris, 1605, 8vo. 4.
” Prcemetia in vitam
Agricolse," Paris, 1599, 2 vols. 8vo. This last is said to
be an excellent commentary on Tacitus. There are two
letters from him to Lipsius in Burman’s Sylloges Epistolarum, and four from Lipsius to him.
with the duke of Guise at their head. Some features of Hyanisbe’s character are supposed to resemble queen Elizabeth of England Radirobanes is the king of Spain, and his
Barclay’s Latin style, in his Argenis, has been much
praised, and much censured but upon the whole it is
elegant. It is said, that cardinal Richelieu was extremely
fond of reading this work, and that from thence he derived
many of his political maxims. It is observed in the preface to the last English translation, that “Barclay’s Argenis affords such variety of entertainment, that every kind
of reader may find in it something suitable to his own taste
and disposition the statesman, the philosopher, the soldier, the lover, the citizen, the friend of mankind, each
may gratify his favourite propensity while the reader, who
comes for his amusement only, will not go away disappointed.
” It is also remarked of this work in the same
preface, that “it is a romance, an allegory, and a system
of politics. In it the various forms of government are investigated, the causes of faction detected, and the remedies
pointed out for most of the evils that can arise in a state.
Cowper, the celebrated poet, pronounced it the most amusing romance ever written. “It is,
” he adds in a letter to
Sam. Rose, esq. “interesting in a high degree; richer'trt
incident than can be imagined, full of surprizes, which the
reader never forestalls, and yet free from all entanglement
and confusion. The style too appears to me to be such as
would not dishonour Tacitus himself.
” In this political
allegory, “by the kingdom of Sicily, France is described
during the time of the civil wars under Henry the Third.
and until the fixing the crown upon the head of Henry the
Fourth. By the country over-against Sicily, and frequently
her competitor, England is signified. By the country, formerly united under one head, but now divided into several
principalities, the author means Germany; i. e. Mergania.
Several names are disguised in the same manner, by transposing the letters.
” As to the principal persons designed,
“by Aquilius is meant the emperor of Germany, Calvin is
Usinulca, and the Hugenots are called Hyperephanii, Under the person and character of Poliarchus, Barclay undoubtedly intended to describe that real hero, Henry of
Navarre, as he has preserved the likeness even to his features and complexion. By his rivals are meant the leaders
of the different factions’; by Lycogenes and his friends,
the Lorrain party, with the duke of Guise at their head.
Some features of Hyanisbe’s character are supposed to resemble queen Elizabeth of England Radirobanes is the
king of Spain, and his fruitless expedition against Mauritania is pointed at the ambitious designs of Philip the Second, and his invincible armada. Under Meleander, the
character of Henry the Third of France seems intended
though the resemblance is very flattering to him.
lved in the controversy respecting Frequent Communion. Upon the death of the abbot de St. Cyran, the queen mother gave that abbey to M. de Barcos, who took possession
, a native of Bayonne, of the seventeenth century, descended from one of the first families in that city. The celebrated abbot of St. Cyran, who
was his mother’s brother, educated him, sent him to Louvain, that he might study under the famous Jansenius
and some years after entrusted him with the tuilion of the
son of M. Arnauid d'Andilly. M. de Barcos at last returned with the abbot de St. Cyran, who employed him as
a secretary, undertook nothing without consulting him,
and they jointly composed the book, entitled “Petrus
” It was at this time that the abbot de Barcos
formed a strict friendship with M. Arnauid the doctor,
with whom he was afterwards involved in the controversy
respecting Frequent Communion. Upon the death of
the abbot de St. Cyran, the queen mother gave that abbey
to M. de Barcos, who took possession of it, May 9, 1644,
went to reside there, re-established and reformed it he
nevertheless always retained his ecclesiastical habit, and
took no solemn vows. He died there, August 22, 1678.
His works are: 1. “A censure of- the Predestinatus of
pere Sirmond,
” 8vo. 2. “La grandeur de TEglise Romaine, etablie sur Fautorite de St Pierre et de St. Paul,
” 4to. 3. “Traitc de Pautorite* de St. Pierre et de
St. Paul, qui reside dans le Pape, successeur de ces deux
” Eclaircissemens de quelques
Objections, que l‘on a forme’es contre la Grandeur de
TEglise Romaine,
” St. Peter and St. Paul are two heads of the
Roman church, which form but one.
” This proposition
he had inserted in the preface to M. Arnauld’s book on
Frequent Communion, without his consent. He also left
“De la Foi, de I'Esperance, et de la Charite,
” 2 vols.
12mo. “Exposition de la Foi de l'Eglise Romaine, touchant la Grace et la Predestination,
” 8vo. or 12 mo. and
several other anonymous works. This last was condemned
by de Noailles, archbishop of Paris
hool at Appleby, in his own country. From thence being removed, in the sixteenth year of his age, to Queen’s college in Oxford, he took his degrees in arts, that of master
, a very learned divine and bishop
in the seventeenth century, was born at Langhill, in the
parish of Orton, in Westmorland, in 1607; being the son
<*f Mr. Richard Barlow, descended from the ancient family
of Barlow-moore in Lancashire. He had his first education at the free-school at Appleby, in his own country.
From thence being removed, in the sixteenth year of his
age, to Queen’s college in Oxford, he took his degrees in
arts, that of master being completed the 27th of June,
1633, and the same year was chosen fellow of his college.
In 1635, he was appointed metaphysic-reader in the university; and his lectures being much approved of, were
published in 1637 for the use of the scholars. When
the garrison of Oxford surrendered to the parliament
in 1646, he submitted to the persons then in power and
by tb-^ interest of colonel Thomas Kelsey, deputy governor of that garrison, or more likely by that of Selden or
Dr. Owen, preserved his fellowship, notwithstanding the
parliamentary visitation, of which he gave a ludicrous account, in a pamphlet entitled “Pegasus.
” In The case of a Toleration in matters of religion,' 7 addressed to the famous Rob. Boyle, esq. in which
that subject fs handled with great candour. In 1661, he was
appointed archdeacon of Oxford, in the room of Dr. Barten Holiday, deceased but he was not installed till June 13,
1664, owing to a contest between him and Dr. Thomas
Lamplugh about thut dignity, which, after having lasted
some time, was at length decided in favour of Dr. Barlow, at the assizes held at Oxford, March 1, 1663-4. Being eminent for his skill in the civil and canon law, he was
often applied to as a casuist, to resolve cases of conscience,
about marriage, &c. And on one of these occasions, in
1671, he wrote
” Mr. Cottington’s case of Divorce,“in
which is discussed the validity of his marriage with a lady
whose former husband was living and some years after,
another case of marriage, inserted in his
” Genuine remains.“Upon the death of Dr. W. Fuller, bishop of
Lincoln, which happened April 22, 1675, he obtained, the
same day, a grant of that bishopric, at the recommendation of some of the nobility, and chiefly through the interest of the two secretaries of state, Henry Coventry, esq.
and sir Joseph Williamson, both some time of his college,
and the first formerly his pupil. The 27th of June following, he was consecrated at Ely-house chapel. Archbishop
Sheldon opposed his promotion, though the reasons of it
are not assigned. After his advancement to this see,
bishop Barlow wrote several curious things. They were
generally short, and most of them by way of letter. The
most considerable are these: In 1676,
” The original of
Sine Cures >“concerning
” Pensions paid out of Churchlivings“and a” Survey of the numbers of Papists within
the province of Canterbury
” in 1679, “A letter concerning the Canon Law, allowing the whipping of heretics.
But he was most distinguished by his writings against
popery the chief of which were, “Popery, or the principles and positions approved by the Church of Rome, &c.
are very dangerous to all,
” and “A discourse concerning
the Laws ecclesiastical and civil, made against heretics by
popes, emperors, and kings, provincial and general councils, approved by the Church of Rome,
” evidently levelled
against the duke of York. He expressed his zeal against
the papists, not only in writing, but in action. For when,
in 1678, after the discovery of the popish plot, a bill was
brought into parliament, requiring all members of either
house, and all such as might come into the king’s court, or
presence, to take a test against popery our bishop appeared for that bill in the house of lords, and spoke in favour of it. Notwithstanding which we are told, that after
king James II.'s accession to the throne, bishop Barlow
took all opportunities to express his affection, or submission, to him for he sent up an address of thanks to him,
for his first declaration for liberty of conscience, signed by
six hundred of his clergy. He wrote reasons for reading
that king’s second declaration for liberty of conscience
he caused it to be read in his diocese , nay, he was
prevailed upon to assert and vindicate the regal power of dispensing with penal laws, in an elaborate tract, with numerous quotations from canonists, civilians, and divines.
And yet, after the revolution, he was one of those bishops
who readily voted that king James had abdicated his kingdoms. He took the oaths to his successors and no bishop
was more ready than he, to fill the places of such clergymen as refused to take the oaths to king William and queen
Mary. There was nothing in this, however, inconsistent
in one who held his sentiments *in favour of toleration. It
is more doubtful that he was entirely addicted to the Aristotelian philosophy, and a declared enemy to the improvements made by the royal society, and to what he called in
general the new philoso'phy. He was, however, a rigid
Calvinist, and the school divinity was that which he most
admired but when his attachment to Calvin’s notions engaged him in a public opposition to some of Mr. Bull’s
works, he declined a public disputation on the subject.
He has also been blamed for never appearing in his cathedral, nor visiting his diocese in person, but residing constantly at his manor of Bugden but against this he appears to have vindicated himself. His enemies are willing
to allow that he was a good casuist, a man of very exten^
sive learning, an universal lover and favourer of learned
me if, of what country or denomination soever, and a great
master of the whole controversy between the Protestants
and Papists. He died at Bugden, October 8, 1691, in the
eighty-fifth year of his age; and was buried the llth of
the said month, on the north side of the chancel belonging to
that church, near the body of Dr. R. Sanderson, some time
bishop of Lincoln, and, according to his own desire, in the
grave of Dr. William Barlow, formerly bishop of the same
see to whose memory, as well as his own, is erected a
monument, with an inscription which he composed himself
a few days before his death. He bequeathed to the
Bodleian library, all such books of his own, as were not in that
noble collection at the time of his death and the remainder he gave to Queen’s college in Oxford, on which the
society erected, in 1694, a noble pile of buildings, on the
west side of their college, to receive them. All his manuscripts, of his own composition, he left to his two domestic
chaplains, William Otfley and Henry Brougham, prebendaries of Lincoln, with a particular desire that they
would not make any of them public after his decease.
Besides the works already mentioned, he wrote against
popery, 1.'“Confutation of the infallibility of the church
of Rome,
” written in 167S. 2. “A letter to J. Evelyn,
esq. concerning invocation of Saints, and adoration of the
” London, The Gun-powder Treason, with a discourse of the manner of its discovery, &c.
” printed at first
in A preface
touching that horrid conspiracy, dated Feb. 1, 1678-9.
4. “Brutum Fulmen, or the bull of pope Pius Sextus
against queen Elizabeth,
” Whether the
pope be Antichrist, &c.
” 6. “A few plain reasons why
a Protestant of the church of England should not turn
Roman catholic,
” Pietas in Patrem, or a few tears upon
the lamented death of his most dear and loving Father
Richard Barlow, late of Langhill in Westmorland, who
died December 29, 1636,
” Oxford, A
letter to Mr. John Goodwin, concerning Universal Redemption, by J. Christ,
” For toleration of the Jews,
3655. 10. “A letter to Mr. John Tombes in defence of
Anabaptism, inserted in one of Tombes’s books.
” 11. “A
tract to prove that true grace doth not lie so much in the
degree, as in the nature.
” This also is inserted in a book,
entitled Sincerity and Hypocrisy, &c. written by William
Sheppard, esq. 12. “The Rights of the Bishops to judge
in capital eases in parliament cleared, &c.
” Lond. A letter (to his clergy) for the putting in execution the Laws against
Dissenters, written in concurrence to that which was drawn
up by the justices of the peace of the county of Bedford,
at the quarter-sessions held at Ampthill for the said county,
Jan. 14, 1684.
” After his decease, sir Peter Pett
lisbed in Several miscellaneous and weighty
cases of conscience, learnedly and judiciously resolved by
the right rev. father in God, Dr. T ho. Barlow, late lord
bishop of Lincoln.
” Sir Peter published also in The genuine Remains of that learned
prelate, Dr. Thomas Barlow, late lord bishop of Lincoln,
containing divers discourses, theological, philosophical,
historical, &c. in letters to several persons of honour and
” But these two volumes being published without
the knowledge or consent of the bishop’s two chaplains
above-mentioned, to whom he had left all his manuscripts,
with orders that they should not be published, they severely
Reflected upon the publisher, for the unwarrantable liberty
he had taken.
a native of Lancashire, and became fellow of Trinity hall, Cambridge. He was afterwards chaplain to queen Elizabeth, and to archbishop Whitgift, who collated him to the
, bishop of Rochester and Lincoln, was a native of Lancashire, and became fellow of Trinity hall, Cambridge. He was afterwards chaplain to queen Elizabeth, and to archbishop Whitgift, who collated him to the rectory of St. Dunstan’s in the East, and he occurs likewise as a prebendary of St. Paul’s. He was installed prebendary of Westminster, in 1601, and the next year, dean of Chester, and in 1605, a prebendary of Canterbury. In the same year, May 23, he was elected bishop of Rochester, which he held for three years, and was translated to Lincoln, May 21, 1608. He died suddenly at his palace at Buckden, Sept. 7, 1613, where he was buried. In his will he appointed to be buried in Lincoln cathedral, or Westminster abbey, if he died near them, and gave several charities, and was, according to Wood, a benefactor to St. John’s college, Cambridge, where he founded the London fellowships and scholarships, but his will, in this respect, being only conditional, St. John’s college never derived any benefit from it. He was reputed a learned and excellent preacher, and when dean of Chester, was employed by archbishop Whitgift to draw up an authentic relation of the famous conference between the bishop and the Puritans, held at Hampton court, Jan. 14, 15, 16, 1603, before king James, which was published at London, 1604, 4to, and 1638, and reprinted in the Phoenix, vol. I. He published also some controversial tracts, and a life of Dr. Richard Cosin, an eminent civilian, in whose house he had been brought up in his youth.
venues; but being a zealous professor and preacher of the Protestant religion, he was, in 1553, upon queen Mary’s accession to the throne, deprived of his bishopric, on
, a learned bishop in the sixteenth century, descended of the ancient family of the Barlowes in Wales, and was born in the county of Essex. He was at first a monk in the Augustin monastery of St. Osith in Essex, and was educated there, and at Oxford, where the religious of that order had an abbey and a priory and, arriving to a competent knowledge of divinity, Was made doctor in that faculty. He was afterwards prior of the canons of his order at Bisham in Berkshire, and by that title was sent on an embassy to Scotland, in 1535. At the dissolution of the monasteries, he readily resigned his house, and prevailed upon many abbots and priors to do the same. Having by this means ingratiated himself with the king, he was appointed bishop of St. Asaph and the temporalities being delivered to him on February 2, 1535, he was consecrated the 22d of the same month. Thence he was translated to St. David’s, in April 1536, where he formed the project of removing the episcopal see to Caerniardhyn, as being more in the midst of the diocese, but without success. In 1547, he was translated to Bath and Wells, of which he alienated most of the revenues; but being a zealous professor and preacher of the Protestant religion, he was, in 1553, upon queen Mary’s accession to the throne, deprived of his bishopric, on pretence of his being married. He was, likewise, committed to the Fleet, where he continued prisoner for some time at length, finding means to escape, he retired, with many others, into Germany, and there lived in a poor condition, till queen Elizabeth’s happy inauguration. Tanner says that he went early in life to Germany, and heard Luther, and some other of the reformers. On his return now to his native country, he was not restored to his see, but advanced to the bishopric of Chichester, in December 1559; and, the next year, was made the first prebendary of the first stall in the collegiate church of Westminster, founded by queen Elizabeth which dignity he held five years with his bishopric. He died in August, 1568, and was buried in Chichester cathedral. What is most particularly remarkable concerning him is, that by his wife Agatha Wellesbourne, he had five daughters, who were all married to bishops, namely, 1. Anne, married first to Austin Bradbridge, anc| afterwards to Herbert Westphaling, bishop of Hereford, 2. Elizabeth, wife of William Day, dean of Windsor, afterwards bishop of Winchester. 3. Margaret, wife of William Overtoil, bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. 4. Frances, married first to Matthew Parker, younger son of Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury, and afterwards to Toby Matthew, archbishop of York. 5. Antonia, wife of William Wick ham, bishop of Winchester. He had also a son, of whom we shall give an account in the next article; and five more, of whom nothing memorable is recorded.
e grammar-school of that place; from whence he was sent to Cambridge, where he became a pensioner of Queen’s college. After that he went to Oxford, to obtain preferment
, an English divine, was the son of
Mr. John Barnard, of Castor, a market town in Lincolnshire. He had his education in the grammar-school of
that place; from whence he was sent to Cambridge, where
he became a pensioner of Queen’s college. After that he
went to Oxford, to obtain preferment from the visitors appointed by act of parliament, and there took the degree of
B.A.April 15, 1648; and on Sept. 29 following, was, by order
of the said visitors, made fellow of Lincoln college. Feb.
20, 1650, he took the degree of M. A. At length, having
married the daughter of Dr. Peter Heylyn, then living at
Abingdon, he became rector of Wadding-ton, near Lincoln, the perpetual advowson of which he purchased, and
held it for some time, together with the sinecure of
Gedney, in the same county. After the restoration he conformed, and was made prebendary of Asgarby in the
church of Lincoln. July 6, 1669, he took the degree of
B. D. and the same year was created D. D. being then in
good repute for his learning and orthodoxy. He died at
Newark, on a journey to Spa, Aug. 17, 1683, and was
buried in his own church of Waddington. His works
are: 1. “Censura Cleri, against scandalous ministers, not
fit to be restored to the church’s livings, in point of prudence, piety, and fame,
” Lond. TheoJogo-historicus, or the true life of the most reverend divine and excellent historian Peter Heylyn, D. D. subdean of Westminster,
” Lond. An Answer to Mr. Baxter’s
false accusation of Mr. Heylyn.
” 4. “A catechism for
the use of his parish.
” The purpose of the “Censura
” was to prevent some clergymen from being restored to their livings who had been ejected during the
interregnum, but, according to Wood, when affairs took a
different turn, he did not wish to be known as the author.
gist, or the English Valour; an heroic poem in English, in seven books. 17. Landgarth, or the Amazon Queen of Norway and Denmark an English dramatic poem in heroic verse,
There is subjoined to the first edition of his Anacreon at Cambridge, 1705, a catalogue of works, which Mr. Barnes had either published, or intended to publish; which is omitted in the second edition of that poet, printed after his death in 1721, though it is mentioned in the contents and the prolegomena. In this catalogue, besides the books already mentioned, we find the following 1. The Warlike Lover, or the Generous Rival; an English dramatic piece upon the war between the English and Dutch, and the death of the earl of Sandwich, an. 1672. 2. ψονθομφανεὰχ, or Joseph the Patriarch a Greek heroic poem in one book. The author designed twelve books, but finished only one. 3. Ὀρειολογία, or our Saviour’s Sermon upon the Mount, the Decalogue, the Apostles Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the Magnificat, with other hymns from the Old and New Testament, in Greek verse. 4. Thuribuluna, or the hymns and festivals in Greek verse. 5. Miscellanies and epigrams in Latin and Greek verse. 6. Αγγλα Βελγομαχία, or the death of Edward Montague, earl of Sandwich, in Greek, Latin, and English verse. 7. Ἀγεκτρυομαχία, or a poem upon Cock-fighting, an, 1673. 8. The Song of Songs, containing an hundred Hexastics in English heroic verse, an. 1674. 9. Σῶειδηριάδος; a ludicrous poem, in Greek macaronic verse, upon a battle between a Spider and a Toad, an. 1673. 10. Φληϊάδος, or a supplement to the old ludicrous poem under that title, at Trinity-house in Cambridge, upon a battle between the Fleas and a Welshman. 11. A Poetical Lexicon, Greek and Latin to which is added a Lexicon of proper names, 1675, fol. 12. A treatise on the Greek Accents, in answer to Henry Christian Heninius and others, with a discourse upon the Points now in use. 13. Humorous Poems upon the 9th by ok of the; Iliad, and the ninth of the Odyssey, in English published in 1681. 14. Franciados an heroic poem, in Latin, upon the Black Prince. The whole was to consist of twelve books, eight of which were finished. 15. The Art of War, in four books, in English prose, 1676. 16. Hengist, or the English Valour; an heroic poem in English, in seven books. 17. Landgarth, or the Amazon Queen of Norway and Denmark an English dramatic poem in heroic verse, designed in honour of the marriage between prince George of Denmark and princess Anne. 18. An Ecclesiastical History from the beginning of the world to the ascension of our Saviour, in Latin, to I. 19. Miscellaneous Poems in English. 20. Philosophical and Divine Poems, in Latin, published at different 'times at Cambridge. 21. Poems, and sacred daily Meditations, continued for several years in English. 22. A dissertation upon Pillars, Obelisks, Pyramids, &c. in Latin, 1692. 23. A discourse upon the Sibyls, in three books, in Latin. 24. The Life of Pindar in four lectures, and thirty-two lectures upon his first Olympic Ode. 25. The Life of Theocritus, and lectures upon that poet. 26. The Lives of David, Scanderbeg, and Tamerlane. These lives, he tells us, he never actually begun, but only made considerable collections for them. 27. The Life of Edward the Black Prince. 28. The University- Calendar, or directions for young students of all degrees, with relation to their studies, and general rules of ethics, and a form of prayer, anno 1685. 29. Thirty-two lectures upon the first book of the Odyssey. 30. Above fifty lectures upon. Sophocles. 31. Lectures upon Bereshith, with an oration recommending the study of the Hebrew language. 32. Three Discourses in Jtnglish. I. The Fortunate Island, or the Inauguration of Queen Gloriana. II. The Advantage of England, or a sure way to victory. III. The Cause of the Church of England defended and explained published in 1703. 33. Concio ad Clerum, for his degree of bachelor of divinity, at St. Mary’s in Cambridge, 1686. 3*. Occasional Sermons, preached before the lord-mayor, &c. 35. An Oration, recommending the study of the Greek language, spoken in the public schools at Cambridge before the vice-chancellor, March 28, 1705. 36. A Greek Oration, addressed to the most reverend father Neophytus, archbishop of philippopolis, spoken in the Regent-house at Cambridge, September 13, 1701, 37. A Prevaricator’s Speech, spoken at the commencement at Cambridge, 1680. 38. A Congratulatory Oration in Latin, spoken at St. Mary’s, September 9, 1683, upon the escape of king Charles Ji. and the duke of York from the conspiracy. 39. Sermons, orations, declamations, problems, translations, letters, and other exercises, in English, Latin, and Greek. 40. A Satire in English verse upon the poets and critics. 41. An imitation of Plautus’s Trinummi in English. 42. Interpretations, illustrations, emendations, and corrections of many passages, which have been falsely translated, with explications upon various passages of scripture, from Genesis to Revelations. 43. Common-places in divinity, philology, poetry, and criticism and emendations of various Greek and Latin authors, with fragments of many of the poets.
rom Holbein; the equestrian figure of Charles I. by Vandyke, at Kensington; its companion, the king, queen, and two children; and king William on horseback with emblematic
, an engraver of considerable fame in this country, was a native of France, and there first learned his art. He was brought into England by Duhosc, with whom he went to law respecting the plates for the storyof Ulysses, engraven from die designs of Rubens in the collection of Dr. Meacle. Being afterwards reconciled, Baron accompanied Dubosc to Paris in 1729, and engraved a plate from Watteau, and engaged to do another from Titian in the king’s collection, for Mons. Crozat, for which he was to receive 60l. sterling. While at Paris, they both sat to Vanloo. How soon afterwards he returned to England, is not known, but he died in Panton-square, Piccadilly, Jan. 24, 1762. His manner of engraving seems to have been founded on that of Nicholas Dorigny. It is slight and coarse, 2 without any great effect; and his drawing is frequently very defective. He executed, however, a great number of works, a few portraits, and some considerable pictures after the best masters; as the family of Cornaro, at Northumberland house; Vandyke’s family of the earl of Pembroke, at Wilton; Henry VIII. giving the charter to the barber surgeons, from Holbein; the equestrian figure of Charles I. by Vandyke, at Kensington; its companion, the king, queen, and two children; and king William on horseback with emblematic figures, at Hampton-court. His last considerable work was the family of Nassau, by Vandyke. This, and his St. Cecilia from Carlo Dolce, he advertised in 1759, by subscription, at a guinea the pair.
eral as commissary to Portugal, upon important affairs, which he managed with such success, that the queen, the court, and all the monks gave testimony of his merit by
, a learned father
of the Romish church, and a monk of the Benedictine order, was born at Martres in the diocese of Rieux in Gascony, and entered into the order of the preaching friars
at Toulouse in 1622. He taught divinity several years
with applause in the convent of the same city, and was
made prior there; as he was likewise at Avignon, and in
the general novitiate of the suburb of St. Germain at Paris.
He was definitor for his province in the general chapter
held in 1656, in which he presided at the theses dedicated
to pope Alexander VII. which gained him the esteem of all
the city and his whole order. He was present at the assembly, in which the pope ordered the definitors and
fathers of the chapter to be told, from him, that he was
extremely grieved to see the Christian morality sunk into
such a deplorable relaxation, as some of the new casuists
had reduced it to, and that he exhorted them to compose
another system of it, which should be conformable to the
doctrine of St. Thomas. This was what engaged father
Baron to undertake the works which he wrote upon that
subject. He was again chosen provincial; and afterwards
sent by the father general as commissary to Portugal, upon
important affairs, which he managed with such success,
that the queen, the court, and all the monks gave testimony of his merit by a public act. He returned to Paris
to the general novitiate, and died there, Jan. 21, 1674,
aged seventy years. Besides several Latin poems, which
he left as instances of his capacity in polite literature, he
published the following works: 1. “Theologia Moralis,
Paris, Libri
Apologetici contra Theophilum Rainaudum,
” Paris, Mens sancti Augustini & Thorn ae de
Gratia & Libertate,
” Ethica Christiana,
Paris, Responsio ad Librum Cardense,
” ibid, in 8vo. 6. “L'Heresie Convaincue,
” Paris,
Panegyriques des Saints,
” ibid.
ret’s life we have not been able to discover any particulars. In the Ashmole Museum is his patent by queen Elizabeth, for printing this dictionary for fourteen years.
, a scholar of Cambridge
of the sixteenth century, who had travelled various countries for languages and learning, is known now principally
as the author of a triple dictionary in English, Latin, and
French, which he entitled an “Alvearie,
” as the materials were collected by his pupils in their daily exercise, like
so many diligent bees gathering honey to their hive.
When ready for the press, he was enabled to have it printed
by the liberality of sir Thomas Smith, and Dr. Nowell,
dean of St. Paul’s, whose assistance he gratefully acknowledges. It was first printed by Denham in 1573, with a
Latin dedication to the universal Maecenas, lord Burghlev,
and various recommendatory verses, among which the Latin of Cook and Grant, the celebrated masters of St. Paul’s
and Westminster schools, and the English of Arthur Golding, the translator of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, have chief
merit. This book was more commodious in size than in
form, for as there is only one alphabet, the Latin and French
words are to be traced back by means of tables at the end
of the volume. In the then scarcity of dictionaries, however, this must have been an useful help, and we find that
y, second and improved edition, with the title of a “Quadruple Dictionarie,
” (the Greek, thinly scattered in the first impression, being now added) came out after the decease of the author in 1580, and is the only edition of which
Ames and Herbert take any notice, nor does Ainsworth,
who speaks of it in the preface to his dictionary, seem to
be aware of a prior edition. Of Baret’s life we have not
been able to discover any particulars. In the Ashmole
Museum is his patent by queen Elizabeth, for printing this
dictionary for fourteen years.
nt Dissenters,” in two parts. During the prosecution of his studies in the law, he was applied to by queen Anne’s whig ministry, at the instigation of lord Sorners, to
, first lord viscount
Harrington, a nobleman of considerable learning, and
author of several books, was the youngest son of Benjamin
Shute, merchant (youngest son of Francis Sbute, of Upton, in the county of Leicester, esq.) by a daughter of the
Kev. Jos. Caryl, author of the commentary on Job. He
was born at Theobalds in Hertfordshire, in 1678, and received part of his education at Utrecht, as appears from a
Latin oration which he delivered at that university, and
published there in 1698, in 4to, under the following title
“Oratio de studio Philosophise conjungendo cum studio
Juris Roman!; habita in inclyta Academia Trajectina Kalendis Junii, 1698, a Johanne Shute, Anglo, Ph. D. et
L. A. M.
” He published also three other academical exercises; viz. 1. “Exercitatio Physica, de Ventis,
” Utrecht,
Dissertatio Philosophica, de Theocratia
” Utrecht, Dissertatio Philosophica Inauguralis, de Theocratia civili,
” Utrecht, An essay upon the
interest of England, in respect to Protestants dissenting
from the Established Church,
” 4to. This was reprinted two
years after, with considerable alterations and enlargements,
and with the title of “The interest of England considered,
&c. Some time after this he published another piece in.
4to, entitled “The rights of Protestant Dissenters,
” in
two parts. During the prosecution of his studies in the
law, he was applied to by queen Anne’s whig ministry, at
the instigation of lord Sorners, to engage the Presbyterians in Scotland to favour the important measure then in
agitation, of an union of the two kingdoms. Flattered at
the age of twenty-four, by an application which shewed
the opinion entertained of his abilities, and influenced by
the greatest lawyer and statesman of the age, he readily
sacrificed the opening prospects of his profession, and undertook the arduous employment. The happy execution
of it was rewarded, in 1708, by the place of commissioner
of the customs, from which he was removed by the Tory
administration in 1711, for his avowed opposition to their
principles and conduct. How high Mr. Shute’s character
stood in the estimation even of those who differed most
widely from him in religious and political sentiments, apyears from the testimony borne to it by Dr. Swift, who
writes thus to archbishop Kitig, in a letter dated London,
Nov. 30, 1708. “One Mr. Shute is named for secretary
to lord Wharton. He is a young man, but reckoned the
shrewdest head in England, and the person in whom the
Presbyterians chiefly confide; and if money be necessary
towards the good work, it is reckoned he can command as
far as 100,000l. from the body of the dissenters here. As
to his principles, he is a moderate man, frequenting the
church and the meeting indifferently.
” In the reign of
queen Anne, John Wildman, of Becket, in the county of
Berks, esq. adopted him for his son, after the Roman custom, and settled his large estate upon him, though he was
no relation, and said to have been but slightly acquainted
with him. Some years after, he had another considerable
estate left him by Francis Harrington, of Tofts, esq. who
had married his tirst cousin, and died without issue. This
occasioned him to procure an act of parliament, pursuant
to the deed of settlement, to assume the name and bear the
arms of Barrington. On the accession of king George
he was chosen member of parliament for the town of Berwick-upon-Tvveed. July 5, 1717, he had a reversionary
grant of the office of master of the rolls in Ireland, which.
he surrendered Dec. 10, 1731. King George was also
pleased, by privy seal, dated at St. James’s, June 10, and
by patent at Dublin, July 1, 1720, to create him baron
Barrington of Newcastle, and viscount Barrington of Ardglass. In 1722 he was again returned to parliament as
member for the town of Berwick; but in 1723, the house
of commons, taking into consideration the affair of the Harburgh lottery, a very severe and unmerited censure of expulsion was passed upon his lordship, as sub-governor of
the Harburgh company, under the prince of Wales.
, is in his works. The same year, 1662, he wrote an epithalamium on the marriage of king Charles and queen Catherine, in Greek verse. About this time, Mr. Barrow was offered
However, he wrote an ode upon that occasion, in which
he introduces Britannia congratulating the king upon his
return. In 1660, he was chosen, without a competitor,
Greek professor of the university of Cambridge. His oration, spoken upon that occasion, is preserved among his
Opuscula. When he entered upon this province, he designed to have read upon the tragedies of Sophocles: but,
altering his intention, he made choice of Aristotle’s rhetoric. These lectures, having been lent to a person who
never returned them, are irrecoverably lost. The year
following, which was 1661, he took the degree of bachelor
in divinity. July the 16th, 1662, he was elected professor
of geometry in Gresham-college, in the room of Mr. Lawrence Rooke, chiefly through the interest and recommendation of Dr. Wilkins, master of Trinity-college, and afterwards bishop of Chester. In this station, he not only
discharged his own duty, but supplied, likewise, the
absence of Dr. Pope the astronomy professor. Among his
lectures, some were upon the projection of the sphere
which being borrowed and never returned, are lost but
his Latin oration, previous to his lectures, is in his works.
The same year, 1662, he wrote an epithalamium on the
marriage of king Charles and queen Catherine, in Greek
verse. About this time, Mr. Barrow was offered a valuable living, but the condition annexed of teaching the patron’s son, made him refuse it, as too like a simouiacal
contract. Upon the 20th of May 1663, he was elected a
fellow of the royal society, in the first choice made by the
council after their charter. The same year, Mr. Lucas
having founded a mathematical lecture at Cambridge, Mr.
Barrow was so powerfully recommended, by Dr. Wilkins,
to that gentleman’s executors Mr. Raworth and Mr. Buck,
that he was appointed the first professor; and the better to
secure the end of so noble and useful a foundation, he
took care that himself and his successors should be obliged
to leave yearly to the university ten written lectures. We
have his prefatory oration, spoken in the public mathematical school, March the 14th, 1664. Though his two
professorships were not incompatible, he resigned that of
Gresham-college, May the 20th, 1664. He had been invited to take the charge of the Cotton library; but, after
;a short trial, he declined it, and resolved to settle in the
university. In 1669, he resigned the mathematical chair
to his very worthy friend the celebrated Isaac Newton,
being now determined to exchange the study of the mathematics for that of divinity, partly from a strong inclination for the latter, and partly because his mathematical
works were less favourably received than he thought they
deserved. In 1670, he wrote a Latin poem upon the
death of the duchess of Orleans, an epicedium upon the
duke of Albemarle, and a Latin ode upon the Trinity.
He was only a fellow of Trinity-college, when he was collated by his uncle, the bishop of St. Asaph, to a small
sinecure in Wales, and by Dr. Seth Ward, bishop of
Salisbury, to a prebend in that cathedral; the profits of
both which he applied to charitable uses, and afterwards
resigned them, when he became master of his college. In
the same year he was created doctor in divinity by mandate. In 1672, Dr. Pearson, master of Trinity-college,
being, upon the death of bishop Wilkins, removed to the
bishopric of Chester, Dr. Barrow was appointed by the
king to succeed him; and his majesty was pleased to say
upon that occasion, “he had given it to the best scholar
in England.
” His patent hears date February the 13th,
1672, with permission to marry, which he caused to be
erased, as contrary to the statutes, and he was admitted
the 27th of the same month. He gave the highest satisfaction to that society, whose interest he constantly and
carefully consulted. In 1675, he was chosen vice-chancellor of the university. This great and learned divine
died of a fever, the 4th of May 1677, and was buried in
Westminster-abbey, where a monument was erected to
him by the contribution of his friends. His epitaph was
written by his friend Dr. Mapletoft. He left his manuscripts to Dr. Tillotson and Mr. Abraham Hill, with permission to publish what they should think proper. He left
little behind him, except books, which were so well
chosen, that they sold for more than the prime cost.
Though he could never be prevailed to sit for his picture,
some of his friends contrived to have it taken without his
knowledge, whilst they diverted him with such discourse
as engaged his attention. As to his person, he was low of
stature, lean, and of a pale complexion, and negligent of
his dress to a fault; of extraordinary strength, a thin skin,
and very sensible of cold; his eyes grey, clear, and somewhat short-sighted; his hair a light brown, very fine, and
curling. He was of a healthy constitution, very fond of
tobacco, which he used to call his panpharmacon, or universal medicine, and imagined it helped to compose and
regulate his thoughts. If he was guilty of any intemperance, it seemed to be in the love of fruit, which he thought
very salutary. He slept little, generally rising in the
winter months before day. His conduct and behaviour
were truly amiable; he was always ready to assist others,
open and communicative in his conversation, in which he
generally spoke to the importance, as well as truth, of any
question proposed; facetious in his talk upon fit occasions,
and skilful to accommodate his discourse to different capacities; of indefatigable industry in various studies, clear
judgment on all arguments, and steady virtue under all
difficulties; of a calm temper in factious times, and of
large charity in mean estate; he was easy and contented
with a scanty fortune, and with the same decency and moderation maintained his character under the temptations of
prosperity. In short, he was, perhaps, the greatest scholar of his times and, as an ingenious writer expresses it,
“he may be esteemed as having shewn a compass of invention equal, if not superior, to any of the moderns, sir
Isaac Newton only excepted.
ther works by the seigneur du Bartas. The most extraordinary is a little poem, composed to greet the queen of Navarre on making her entry into Nerac. Three nymphs contend
, the son of a
treasurer of France, was born in the year 1544-, at Monfort in Armagnac, and not on the estate de Bartas, which
is in the vicinity of that little town. Henry IV. whom he
served with his sword, and whom he celebrated in his
verses, sent him on various commissions to England, Denmark, and Scotland. He had the command of a company
of cavalry in Gascony, under the marechal de Matignon.
He was in religious profession a Calvinist, and died in
1590 at the age of 46. The work that has most contributed to render his name famous, is the poem entitled
“Commentary of the Week of the creation of the world,
in seven hooks. Pierre de l'Ostal, in a miserable copy of
verses addressed to du Bartas, and prefixed to his poem,
says that this hook is “greater than the whole universe.
This style of praise on the dullest of all versifiers, was
adopted at the time, but has not descended to ours. The
style of du Bartas is incorrect, quaint, and vulgar; his
descriptions are given under the most disgusting images.
In his figures, the head is the lodging of the understanding; the eyes are two shining casements, or twin stars;
the nose, the gutter or the chimney; the teeth, a double
pallisade, serving as a mill to the open gullet; the hands,
the chambermaids of nature, the bailiffs of the mind, and
the caterers of the body; the bones, the posts, the beams, and
the columns of this tabernacle of flesh. We have several
other works by the seigneur du Bartas. The most extraordinary is a little poem, composed to greet the queen of
Navarre on making her entry into Nerac. Three nymphs
contend for the honour of saluting her majesty. The
first delivers her compliments in Latin, the second in
French, and the third in Gascon verses. Du Bartas, however, though a bad poet, was a good man. Whenever
the military service and his other occupations left any leisure time, he retired to the chateau de Bartas, far from
the tumult of arms and business. He wished for nothing
more than to be forgotten, in order that he might apply
more closely to study, which he testifies at the conclusion
of the third day of his week. Modesty and sincerity
formed the character of du Bartas, according to the account of him by the president de Thou. “I know (says that famous historian) that some critics find his style extremely figurative, bombastic, and full of gasconades. For
my part,
” adds he, “who have long known the candour of
his manners, and who have frequently discoursed with
him, when, during the civil wars, I travelled in Guienne
with him, I can affirm that I never remarked any thing of
the kind in the tenor of his behaviour; and, notwithstanding his great reputation, he always spoke with singular modesty of himself and his works.
” His book of the “Week,
whatever may now be thought of it, was attended with a
success not inferior to that of the best performances.
Within the space of five or six years, upwards of thirty
editions were printed of it. It found in all places, commentators, abbreviators, translators, imitators, and adversaries. His works were collected and printed in 1611,
folio, at Paris, by Rigaud. His “Week,
” and other
poems, were translated into English by Joshua Sylvester,
1605, 4to, and have been frequently reprinted, although
not of late years.
was directed publicly to announce, howGod had revealed to her, that “in case the king should divorce queen Catherine of Arragon, and take another wife during her life,
, commonly called “The holy-Maid of Kent,
” a religious impostor in the reign of Henry
VIII. was a servant at Aldington in Kent, and had long
been troubled with convulsions, which distorted her limbs
and countenance, and threw her body into the most violent
agitations; and the effect of the disorder was such, that,
even after she recovered, she could counterfeit the same
appearance. Masters, the minister of Aldington, with
other ecclesiastics, thinking her a proper instrument for
their purpose, persuaded her to pretend, that what she
said and did was by a supernatural impulse, and taught her
to act her part in a manner well calculated to deceive the
public. Sometimes she counterfeited a trance; then coming to herself, after many strange contortions, would break
out into pious ejaculations, hymns, and prayers, sometimes
delivering herself in set speeches, sometimes in uncouth
monkish rhymes. She pretended to be honoured with visions and relations, to hear heavenly voices, and the most
ravishing melody. She declaimed against the wickedness
of the times, against heresy and innovations, exhorting the
people to frequent the church, to hear masses, to use frequent confessions, and to pray to our lady and all the saints.
All this artful management, together with great exterior
piety, virtue, and austerity of life, not only deceived the
vulgar, but many far above the vulgar, such as sir Thomas
More, bishop Fisher, and archbishop Warham, the last of
whom appointed commissioners to examine her. She was
now instructed to say, in her counterfeit trances, that the
blessed Virgin had appeared to her, and assured her that
she should never recover, till she went to visit her image,
in a chapel dedicated to her in the parish of Aldington.
Thither she accordingly repaired, processionally and in
pilgrimage, attended by above three thousand people and
many persons of quality of both sexes. There she fell into one of her trances, and uttered many things in honour of
the saints and the popish religion; for herself she said, that
by the inspiration of God she was called to be a nun, and
that Dr. Bocking was to be her ghostly father. This Dr.
Bocking was a canon of Christ church in Canterbury, and an
associate in carrying on the imposture. In the mean time
the archbishop was so satisfied with the reports made to
him about her, as to order her to be put into the nunnery
of St. Sepulchre, Canterbury, where she pretended to have
frequent inspirations and visions, and also to work miracles
for all such as would make a profitable vow to our lady at
the chapel in the parish of Aldington. Her visions and
revelations were also carefully collected and inserted in a
book, by a monk called Deering.
The priests, her managers, having thus succeeded in the
imposture, now proceeded to the great object of it;
Elizabeth Barton was directed publicly to announce, howGod had revealed to her, that “in case the king should
divorce queen Catherine of Arragon, and take another
wife during her life, his royalty would not be of a month’s
duration, but he should die the death of a villain.
” Bishop
Fisher, and others, in the interest of the queen, and of the
Romish religion, hearing of this, held frequent meetings
with the nun and her accomplices, and at the same time
seduced many persons from their allegiance, particularly
the fathers and nuns of Sion, the Charter-house, and
Sheen, and some of the observants of Richmond, Greenwich, and Canterbury. One Peto, preaching before the
king at Greenwich, denounced heavy judgments upon him
to his face, telling him that “he had been deceived by
many lying prophets’, while himself, as a true' Micaiah,
warned him that the dogs should lick his blood, as they had
licked the blood of Ahab.
” Henry bore this outrageous
insult with a moderation not very usual with him; but, to
undeceive the people, he appointed Dr. Cunvin to preach
before him the Sunday following, who justified the king’s
proceedings, and branded Peto with the epithets of “rebel, slanderer, dog, and traitor.
” Cur win, however, was
interrupted by a friar, and called “a lying prophet, who
sought to establish the succession to the crown by adultery;
” and proceeded with such virulence, that the king
was obliged to interpose, and command him to be silent;
yet though Peto and the friar were afterwards summoned
before the council, they were only reprimanded for their
ated them to thepope’s ambassadors, to whom they also introduced the maid of Kent; and they exhorted queen Catherine to persist in her resolutions. At length this confederacy
Encouraged by this lenity of the government, the ecclesiastics in this conspiracy resolved to publish the revelations of the nun, in their sermons, throughout the kingdom they had communicated them to thepope’s ambassadors, to whom they also introduced the maid of Kent; and they exhorted queen Catherine to persist in her resolutions. At length this confederacy becoming politically serious, Henry ordered the maid and her accomplices to be examined in the star-chamber. Here they confessed all the particulars of the imposture, and afterwards appeared upon a scaffold erected at St. Paul’s Cross, where the articles of their confession were publicly read in their hearing. Thence they were conveyed to the Tower, until the meeting of parliament, when the whole affair was pronounced a conspiracy the king’s life and crown. The nun, with her confederates, Bocking, Deering, &c. were attainted of high treason, and executed at Tyburn, April 20, 1534; Elizabeth confessed the imposture, laying the blame on her accomplices, the priests, and craving pardon of God and the king.
, being chosen assistant moderator to the national synod of Charenton, he was deputed by them to the queen-dowager, who received him with marks of favour. He entered into
, the first of a family of French
Calvinists, celebrated for learning and piety, was the son
of N. Basnage, minister of Norwich in England, and afterwards of Carentan in Normandy, and was born in 1580.
After studying divinity, he succeeded his father as minister
of Carentan, and remained in that sacred charge the whole
of his life, although invited to Roan, and some other more
considerable churches, and even permitted by the national
synod of Charenton to change his situation. He used to
say that his first church was his spouse, from which he
ought not to be separated unless by death. At the abovementioned synod, he satin 1623, as deputy from the
province of Normandy, but when named again in 1631, by
the same province, the king forbad his going to the synod,
and deprived him of his church, until the remonstrances of
the assembly induced his majesty to restore him. In 1637,
he presided as moderator of the national synod of Alenc.on,
and contributed very essentially to preserve moderation during a crisis peculiarly important to the reformed church
of France. In 1644, being chosen assistant moderator to
the national synod of Charenton, he was deputed by them
to the queen-dowager, who received him with marks of
favour. He entered into the usual controversies with Lescrivain, Draconis, and other adherents of the church of
Rome. His principal work, “Treatise on the Church,
printed at Rochelle in deputy
from all the churches of France.
hing but dissembling and secret hatred, for a while; and at length, captivity and utter wreck to our queen from England.” He added, “that the kingdom of England at length
, a Scotch astronomer in the sixteenth century, whose writings have deservedly transmitted
his memory to posterity, was the son of the laird of Bassantin in the Merse, and born some time in the reign of
king James IV. He was sent while young to the university of Glasgow where, instead of applying himself to
words, he studied things; and, while other young men of
his age were perfecting themselves in style, he arrived at
a surprising knowledge, for that time, in almost all branches
of the mathematics. In order to improve himself in this
science, and to gratify his passion for seeing other countries, he travelled, soon after he quitted the college of
Glasgow, through the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy,
and Germany, fixing himself at last in France, where he
taught the mathematics with applause, in the university
of Paris. He fell in there with the common notions of the
times, and was either credulous enough to entertain a good
opinion of judicial astrology, or had so much address as to
make the credulity of others useful to him, by supporting
an erroneous system, then in too great credit for him to
demolish, if he had been disposed, as the humour of believing such kind of predictions never ran so strong as at
this time, nor any where stronger than in that country.
At last, having a desire to see his relations, and spend his
remaining days in his own country, he resolved to quit
France, where he had acquired a high reputation, and
some fortune, and returned home in the year 1562. It
was doubtless to our author that sir James Melvil alludes
in his Memoirs, when he says that his brother, sir Robert,
while he was using his endeavours to reconcile the two
queens, Elizabeth and Mary, met with one Bassantin, a
man learned in the high sciences, who told him “that all
his travel would be in vain; for, said he, they will never
meet together: and next, there will never be anything
but dissembling and secret hatred, for a while; and at
length, captivity and utter wreck to our queen from England.
” He added, “that the kingdom of England at
length shall fall, of right, to the crown of Scotland; but
it shall cost many bloody battles; and the Spaniards shall
be helpers, and take a part to themselves for their labour.
A prediction in which Bassantin partly guessed right, which
it is likely he was enabled to do from a judicious consideration of probable circumstances and appearances.
. On his coming out of the Bastille, as he was become extremely corpulent, for want of exercise, the queen asked him, “Quand il accoucheroit?” “Quand j'aurais trouve une
, colonel-general of
the Swiss guards, and marshal de France in 1622, was
born in Lorraine of a family of distinction, April 22, 1579.
He served in the war of the Savoy in 1600, and in 1603
went into Hungary, where he was solicited to serve under
the emperor, but he preferred the service of France. In
1617 he commanded the ordnance at the siege of ChateauPorcien, and a short time after was wounded at the siege
of Rhetel. He served afterwards, as marshal of the camp,
at the battle of Pont-de-Ce, the sieges of St. John d'Angeli, of Montpellier, &c. In 1622, when made a marshal
of France, he was colonel of the Swiss, and at the same
time sent as ambassador extraordinary to Spain. In 1625
he served in the same capacity in Swisserland, and in 1626
in England. He was also at the siege of Rochelle, and,
as on all other occasions, was distinguished for skill and
bravery, but the cardinal de Richelieu, who had to complain of his caustic tongue, and who dreaded all those by
whom he thought he might one day be eclipsed, caused
him to be imprisoned in the Bastille in 1631. Bassompierre
had foreseen the ascendancy which the capture of Rochelle,
the bulwark of the Protestants, would give to that minister;
and therefore was heard to say on that occasion: “You
will see that we shall be fools enough to take Rochelle.
He passed the time of his confinement in reading and
writing. One day as he was busily turning over the leaves
of the Bible, Malleville asked him what he was looking for
“A passage that I cannot find,
” returned the marechal, “a
way to get out of prison.
” Here also he composed his
” printed at Cologne in Relation of
his embassies,
” much esteemed, Remarks on the history of Louis XIII.
by Dupleix, in 12mo, a work somewhat too satirical, but
curious. Bassompierre lived till the 12th of October 1646,
when he was found dead in his bed. He was a great dealer
in bons mots, which were not always delicate. On his
coming out of the Bastille, as he was become extremely corpulent, for want of exercise, the queen asked him, “Quand
il accoucheroit?
” “Quand j'aurais trouve une sage
” answered he; which will not bear a translation,
as the wit turns on the double meaning of sage femme,
which signifies either a midwife, or a sensible woman,
Louis XI II. asked him his age, almost at the same time:
he made himself no more than fifty. The king seeming
surprised: “Sir,
” answered Bassompierre, I subtract ten
years passed in the Bastille, because I did not employ
them in your service.“Although he had been employed
in embassies, negociation was not his principal talent; but
he possessed other qualities’that qualified him for an ambassador. He was a very handsome man, had great presence of mind, was affable, lively, and agreeable, very polite and generous. After his liberation from the Bastille,
the duchess of Aiguillon, niece of the cardinal de Richelieu, offered him five hundred thousand livres to dispose of
as he should think proper:
” Madam,“said Bassompierre,
as be thanked her,
” your uncle has done me too much
harm, to allow me to receive so much good of you." he
spoke all the languages of Europe with the same facility as
his own. Play and women were his two predominant passions. Being secretly informed that he was to be arrested,
he rose before day, and burnt upwards of six thousand
letters, which he had received from ladies of the city and
the court.
met with in his collection of libels or lampoons, written by several Oxford students in the reign of queen Elizabeth. One of them is entitled “An admonition to the city
His poetical, performances are, 1. “Chrestoleros; seven
bookes of Epigrames,
” London, Magna Britannia,
” a Latin poem in three books, dedicated to king James I. London, 1605, 4to. Besides
which, there is in the king’s library, “Jacobo regi I. carmen gratulatorium.
” Under this head we may mention
his libels, two of which Mr. Wood met with in his collection of libels or lampoons, written by several Oxford students in the reign of queen Elizabeth. One of them is
entitled “An admonition to the city of Oxford,
” or his libel entitled “Mar-prelate’s Bastavdini
” wherein he reflects upon all persons of note in Oxford, who were suspected of criminal conversation with other men’s wives, or
with common strumpets. The other, made after his expulsion, and in which he disclaims the former, begins thus:
“Jenkin, why man why Jenkin fie for shame,
” &c. But
neither of these were printed. He also published “Five
” Lond. Twelve Sermons,
” 4to. Warton speaks of him
as an elegant classical scholar, and better qualified for that
species of occasional pointed Latin epigram, established by
his fellow collegian, John Owen, than for any sort of English versification.
en years of age he became one of the clerks of New college, in Oxford; from whence he was removed to Queen’s college, and afterwards to St. Edmund’s hall. When he had
, an eminent physician, was born at Maid’s Morton near Buckingham, 160S. At fourteen years of age he became one of the clerks of New college, in Oxford; from whence he was removed to Queen’s college, and afterwards to St. Edmund’s hall. When he had taken the degrees of bachelor and M. A. he entered on the study of physic; and having taken a bachelor’s degree in that faculty in 1629, he obtained a licence, and for some years practised in and about Oxford, chiefly amongst the Puritans, who at that time considered him as one of their party. In 1637 he took his degree of doctor in physic, and became so eminent in his profession, that when king Charles kept his court at Oxford, he was his principal physician. When the king’s affairs declined, Dr. Bate removed to London, where he accommodated himself so well to the times, that he became physician to the Charterhouse, fellow of the college of physicians, and afterwards principal physician to Oliver Cromwell, whom he is said to have highly flattered. Upon the restoration he got into favour with the royal parly, was made principal physician to the king, and fellow of the royal society; and this, we are told, was owing to a report raised on very slender foundation, and asserted only by his friends, that he gave the protector a dose which hastened his death. He died at his house in Hatton-garden, April 19, 1668, and not 1669, as in the Biog. Brit. and was buried at Kingstonupon-Thames.
of indemnity, which passed in 1690. When the dissenters presented their address to king William and queen Mary, on their accession to the throne, the two speeches to
, an eminent nonconformist divine of
the seventeenth century, was born in November 1625,
and after a suitable school education, was sent to Cambridge, where he was admitted of Emanuel college, from
which he removed to King’s, in 1644. He commenced
bachelor of arts in 1647, and applying himself to the study
of divinity, became a distinguished preacher among the
Presbyterians. He was afterwards appointed vicar of
St. Dunstan’s in the West, London; and joined with several other divines in preaching a morning exercise at Cripplegate church. At this exercise Dr. Tillotson preached,
in September 1661, the first sermon which was ever
printed by him. Upon the restoration of Charles II.
Mr. Bates was made one of his majesty’s chaplains; and,
in the November following, was admitted to the degree of
doctor in divinity in the university of Cambridge, by royal
mandate. The king’s letter to this purpose was dated on
the 9th of that month. About the same time, he was
offered the deanery of Lichfield and Coventry, which he
refused; and it is said that he might afterwards have been
raised to any bishopric in the kingdom, if he would have
conformed to the established church. Dr. Bates was one
of the commissioners at the Savoy conference in 1660, for
reviewing the public liturgy, and was concerned in drawing
up the exceptions against the Common Prayer. He was,
likewise, chosen on the part of the Presbyterian minfoters,
together with Dr. Jacomb and Mr. Baxter, to manage the
dispute with Dr. Pearson, afterwards bishop of Chester,
Dr. Gunning, afterwards bishop of Ely, and Dr. Sparrow,
afterwards bishop of Ely. In 1665, he took the oath required of the nonconformists by the act commonly called
the Five Mile Act, and which had passed in the parliament
held that year at Oxford, on account of the plague being
in London. When, about January 1667-8, a treaty
was proposed by sir Orlando Bridgman, lord keeper of
the great seal, and countenanced by the lord chief baron
Hale, for a comprehension of such of the dissenters as
could be brought into the communion of the church, and
for a toleration of the rest, Dr. Bates was one of the divines
who, on the Presbyterian side, were engaged in drawing
up a scheme of the alterations and concessions desired by
that party. He was concerned, likewise, in another fruitless attempt of the same kind, which was made in 1674.
His good character recommended him to the esteem and
acquaintance of lord keeper Bridgman, lord chancellor
Finch, and his son, the earl of Nottingham. Dr. Tillotson had such an opinion of his learning and temper, that it
became the ground of a friendship between them, which
continued to the death of that excellent prelate, and Dr.
Bates, with great liberality, used his interest with the archbishop, in procuring a pardon for Nathaniel lord Crewe,
bishop of Durham, who, for his conduct in the ecclesiastical commission, had been excepted out of the act of
indemnity, which passed in 1690. When the dissenters presented their address to king William and queen Mary, on
their accession to the throne, the two speeches to their
majesties were delivered hy Dr. Bates, who was much respected by that monarch; and queen Mary often entertained herself in her closet with his writings. His residence, during the latter part of his life, was at Hackney,
where he preached to a respectable society of Protestant
dissenters, in an ancient irregular edifice in Mare-street,
which was pulled down in 1773. He was also one of the
Tuesday lecturers at Salter’s hall. He died at Hackney,
July 14, 1699, in the 74th year of his age. After his death,
his works, which had been separately printed, were collected into one volume fol. besides which a posthumous
piece of his appeared in 8vo, containing some “Sermons
on the everlasting rest of the Saints.
” He wrote, likewise,
in conjunction with Mr. Howe, a prefatory epistle to Mr.
Chaffy’s treatise of the Sabbath, on its being reprinted;
and another before lord Stair’s vindication of the Divine
Attributes. Dr. Bates is universally understood to have
been the politest writer among the nonconformists of the
seventeenth century. It is reported, that when his library
came to be disposed of, it was found to contain a great
number of romances; but, adds his biographer, it should
be remembered that the romances of that period, though
absurd in several respects, had a tendency to invigorate
oned, by the interest of the duke of Devonshire. In April 1691, he was nominated by king William and queen Mary, through the interest of lord Somers, to the bishopric
, a distinguished wit, and Latin
poet, was descended of an ancient family, and was born at
Howthorpe, a small hamlet in Northamptonshire, in the parish of Thedingworth, near Market-Harborough in Leicestershire, in 1620. He received the first part of his education at the free-school in Coventry, where his father
seems to have resided in the latter part of his life. His
mother was Elizabeth Villiers, daughter and coheir of Edward Villiers, esq. of the same place. They had issue
thirteen sons, and four daughters. Six of the sons lost
their lives in the service of king Charles I. during the grand
rebellion: the rest, besides one who died young, were
Ralph (of whom we now treat), Villiers, Edward, Moses,
Henry, and Benjamin, father of the late earl Bathurst, the
subject of the preceding article. At Coventry school our
author made so quick a progress in the classics, that at the
age of fourteen he was sent to Oxford, and entered October 10, 1634, in Gloucester hall, now Worcester college;
but was removed in a few days to Trinity college, and probably placed under the immediate tuition of his grandfather Dr. Kettel, then president, in whose lodging he
resided (still known by the name of Kettel-hall), and at
whose table he had his diet, for two years. He was elected
scholar of the house, June 5., 1637, and having taken the
degree of A. B. January 27th following, he was appointed
fellow June 4, 1640. He commenced A. M.April 17, 1641,
and on March 2, 1644, conformably to the statutes of his
college, he was ordained priest by Robert Skinner, bishop
of Oxford, and read some theological lectures in the college hall in 1649. These, which he called “Diatribae
theologicEc, philosophies, et philological,
” are said to discover a spirit of theological research, and an extensive
knowledge of the writings of the most learned divines. He
likewise kept his exercise for the degree of B. D. but did
not take it. The confusion of the times promising little
support or encouragement to the ministerial function, like
his friend, the famous Dr. Willis, he applied himself to
the study of physic, and accumulated the degrees in that
faculty, June 21, 1654. Before this time he had sufficiently recommended himself in his new profession, and
had not been long engaged in it, when he was employed
as physician to the sick and wounded of the navy, which
office he executed with equal diligence and dexterity, to
the full satisfaction of the sea-commanders, and the commissioners of the admiralty. We find him soon after settled at Oxford, and practising physic in concert with his
friend Dr. Willis, with whom he regularly attended Abingdon market every Monday. He likewise cultivated every
branch of philosophical knowledge: he attended the lectures of Peter Sthael, a chymist and rosicrucian, who had
been invited to Oxford by Mr. R. Boyle, and was afterwards operator to the royal society about 1662. About the
same time he had also a share in the foundation of that society; and when it was established, he was elected fellow,
and admitted August 19, 1663. While this society was at
Gresham college in London, a branch of it was continued
at Oxford, and the original society books of this Oxford
department are still preserved there in the Ashmolean Museum, where their assemblies were held. Their latter Oxford meetings were subject to regulations made among
themselves; according to which Dr. Bathurst was elected
president April 23, 1688, having been before nominated
one of the members for drawing up articles, February
29, 1683-4. Nor was he less admired as a classical scholar;
at the university a.cts, in the collections of Oxford verses,
and on every public occasion, when the ingenious were
invited to a rival display of their abilities, he appears to
have been one of the principal and most popular performers. Upon the publication of Hobbes’s treatise of “Human Nature,
” &c. Splendid Shilling
” was a piece of solemn ridicule suited to his
taste. Among his harmless whims, he delighted to surprize the scholars, when walking in the grove at unseasonable hours; on which occasions he frequently carried a
whip in his hand, an instrument of academical correction,
then not entirely laid aside. But this he practised, on account of the pleasure he took in giving so odd an alarm,
rather than from any principle of reproving, or intention
of applying an illiberal punishment. In Latin poetry, Ovid
was his favourite classic. One of his pupils having asked
him what book among all others he chose to recommend
he answered, “Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
” The pupil, in
consequence of this advice, having carefully perused the
Metamorphoses, desired to be informed what other proper
book it wouldbe necessary to read after Ovid, and Dr.
Bathurst advised him to read “Ovid’s Metamorphoses
” a
second time. He had so mean an opinion of his performances in divinity, that in his will he enjoins his executors
entirely to suppress all his papers relating to that subject,
and not to permit them to be perused by any, excepting
a very few such friends as were likely to read them with
candour. We are told, however, that on Sunday, March
20, 1680, he preached before the house of commons at St.
Mary’s, the university church, and gave much satisfaction.
His manner was nearly that of Dr. South, but with more
elegance and felicity of allusion. His Life, written by
Mr. Thomas Warton, is perhaps one of the most correct
of that author’s performances, and contains Dr. Bathurst’s
miscellaneous works, which, though they have great merit
in their particular way, and may be read with much pleasure, are not written in such a taste as entitles them to
imitation. This is acknowledged by Mr. Warton. “His
Latin orations,
” says that ingenious Biographer, “are wonderful specimens of wit and antithesis, which were the delight of his age. They want upon the whole the purity
and simplicity of Tully’s eloquence, but even exceed the
sententious smartness of Seneca, and the surprising turns
of Pliny. They are perpetually spirited, and discover an
uncommon quickness of thought. His manner is concise
and abrupt, but yet perspicuous and easy. His allusions
are delicate, and his observations sensible and animated.
His sentiments of congratulation or indignation are equally
forcible: his compliments are most elegantly turned, and
his satire is most ingeniously severe. These compositions
are extremely agreeable to read, but in the present improwriiient of classical taste, not so proper to be imitated.
They are moreover entertaining, as a picture of the times,
and a history of the state of academical literature. This
smartness does not desert our author even on philosophical
” Among Dr. Bathurst’s Oratiuncuhe, his address to the convocation, about forming the barbers of Oxford into a company, is a most admirable specimen of his
humour, and of that facetious invention, with which few
vice-chancellors would have ventured to enforce and
eiiliven such a subject. We doubt, indeed, whether a parallel to this exquisite piece of humour can be found. With
regard to the doctor’s Latin poetry, though his hexameters
have an admirable facility, an harmonious versification,
much terseness and happiness of expression, and a certain
original air, they will be thought, nevertheless, too pointed
and ingenious by the lovers of Virgil’s simple beauties.
The two poems which he hath left in iambics make it to
be wished tiiat he had written more in that measure. “That
pregnant brevity,
” says Mr. Warton, “/which constitutes
the dignity and energy of the iambic, seems to have been
his talent.
” Dr. Bathurst’s English poetry has that roughness of versification which was, in a great degree, the fault
of the times.
r that of novelty to recommend them. Moreri informs us that he wrote a history of Margaret of Anjou, queen of Henry VI. of England, that the manuscript was in the library
, of Langnedoc, historiographer
of France under Louis XIII. was one of the most fertile
and heavy writers of his time, but we have no particulars
of his life. He left behind him many works composed
without either method or taste, but which Abound in particulars not to be found elsewhere. 1. “Histoire generale
tie la Religion desTurcs, avec la Viede leurpropht-te Mahomet, et des iv premiers califes;
” also, “Le Livre et la
Theologie de Mahomet,
Histoire du Cardinal d'Amboise,
” Paris, 1651, in 8vo. Sirmond, of the Academie Franchise, one of the numerous
flatterers of the cardinal de Richelieu, formed the design
of elevating that minister at the expence of all those who
had gone before him. He began by attacking d'Amboise,
and failed not to sink him below Richelieu. Baudier, by
no means a courtier, avenged his memory, and eclipsed
the work of his detractor. 3. “Histoire du Marechal de
” The Lives of the Abbé Suger, and of
Cardinal Ximenes, &c.
” The facts that Baudier relates in
these different works are almost always absorbed by his reflections, which have neither the merit of precision nor
that of novelty to recommend them. Moreri informs us
that he wrote a history of Margaret of Anjou, queen of
Henry VI. of England, that the manuscript was in the
library of the abbey of St. Germain des Pres, at Paris,
among the collection of M. de Coislin, bishop of Metz;
and that this history was translated and published in English, without any acknowledgment by the translator, or any
notice of the original author.
iderable traveller, but afterwards settled for the rest of his life at Paris, where he was reader to queen Margaret. He made translations from Tacitus, Suetonius, Lucian,
, a member of the French academy, was a native of Pradelle in Vivarais, where he was
born in 1590. In his youth he was a considerable traveller, but afterwards settled for the rest of his life at Paris,
where he was reader to queen Margaret. He made translations from Tacitus, Suetonius, Lucian, Sallust, Dion Cassius, Tasso, and many other established writers, but which
contributed little to his fame. When hard pressed by his
employers, he contented himself with retouching former
translations, without looking into the originals. He also
wrote a “History of Malta,
” Emblems,
” with moral explanations, Paris, Iconologie
” is also in request with collectors. It was printed at
Paris, 1636, fojio, and 1643, 4to. Baudouin died at Paris
in 1650, according to Moreri, or 1656, as in the Diet.
ent of his affairs in Germany, and also went to England with the duchess of York, who was afterwards queen of England. His travels were of great advantage to linn in furnishing
, a celebrated French geographer, was born at Paris the 28th of July, 1633. His father, Stephen Baudrand, was first deputy of the procurator-general of the court of aids, treasurer of France for Montauban, and master of the requests of his royal highness Gaston of France, and his mother’s name was Frances Caule. He began his studies in the year 1640. His inclination for geography was first noticed when he studied at the Jesuits college of Clermont under father Briet, who was famous for his geography, which was then printing, the proof sheets of which were corrected by our author. After he had finished his course of philosophy at the college of Lisieux under Mr. Desperier, cardinal Antonio Barberini took him as his secretary at Rome, and he was present with his eminence at the conclave, in which pope Alexander VII. was elected; and afterwards at thaHn which Clement IX. was chosen pope. Upon his return to France, he applied himself to the revisal of Ferrarius’s Geographical Dictionary, which he enlarged by one half, and published at Paris, 1671, fol. In the same year he attended the marquis of Dangeau, who was employed by the king in the management of his affairs in Germany, and also went to England with the duchess of York, who was afterwards queen of England. His travels were of great advantage to linn in furnishing him with a variety of observations in geography. He returned to France in 1677, and composed his geographical dictionary in Latin. In 1691 he attended the cardinal of Camus, who was bishop of Grenoble, to Rome, and went with him into the conclave on the 27th of March, where he continued three months ancha half, till the election of pope Innocent XII. on July 12th, the same year. Upon his return to Paris he applied himself to the completing of his French geographical dictionary, but he was prevented from publishing it by his death, which happened at Paris the 29th of May 1700. He had been prior of Rouvres and Neuf-Marche. He left all his books and papers to the Benedictine monks of the abbey of St. Germain des Prez.
urgeon, and acquired such reputation as to be frequently consulted by persons of the first rank; and queen Catherine of Navarre bestowed on him the title of her physician.
, the first of a family of men of learning and fame, was born at Amiens, Aug. 24, 1511, and educated in the profession of medicine and surgery. In his eighteenth year he began practice as a surgeon, and acquired such reputation as to be frequently consulted by persons of the first rank; and queen Catherine of Navarre bestowed on him the title of her physician. His connections with the ct new heretics," as Moreri calls the Protestants, induced him to adopt their opinions. In 1532 he went to England, we are not told why, and practised there, for three years, after which he returned to Paris, and married; but having avowed his principles with boldness, and afforded assistance and protection to those of the reformed religion, he was thrown into prison in the reign of Francis I. and condemned to be burnt; but queen Margaret, who was sister to that prince, obtained his pardon and release, and appointed him her physician and surgeon in ordinary. Some time after, not thinking himself secure, even under her protection, he went to Antwerp and practised medicine, but even here the dread of the Spanish inquisition obliged him to retire to Germany, and at length he obtained an asylum at Basil, and for some time was corrector of the Froben press. He then resumed his profession, and was made assessor, and afterwards dean of the faculty. He died in 1582, leaving two sons, the subjects of the following articles.
In 1686, he was drawn into a dispute respecting the famous Christina queen of Sweden: in his Journal for April, he took notice of a printed
In 1686, he was drawn into a dispute respecting the famous Christina queen of Sweden: in his Journal for April,
he took notice of a printed letter, supposed to have been
written by her Swedish majesty to the chevalier de Terlon,
wherein she condemns the persecution of the protestants
in France. He inserted the letter itself in his Journal for
May; and in that of June following he says: “What we
hinted at in our last month, is confirmed to us from day to
day, that Christina is the real author of the letter concerning the persecutions in France which is ascribed to her:
it is a remainder of protestantism.
” Mr. Bayle received
an anonymous letter, the author of which says, that he
wrote to him of his own accord, being in duty bound to it,
as a servant of the queen. He complains that Mr. Bayle,
speaking of her majesty, called her only Christina, without any title; he finds also great fault with his calling the
letter, “a remainder of protestantism.
” He blames him
likewise for inserting the words “I am,
” in the conclusion of the letter. “These words, says this anonymous
writer, are not her majesty’s; a queen, as she is, cannot
employ these words but with regard to a very few persons,
and Mr. de Terlon is not of that number.
” Mr. Bayle
wrote a vindication of himself as to these particulars, with
which the author of the anonymous letter declared himself
satisfied, excepting as to what related to “the remainder
of protestantism.
” He would not admit of the defence
with regard to that expression; and, in another letter, advised him to retract it. He adds in a postscript, “You
mention in your Journal of August, a second letter of the
queen, which you scruple to publish. Her majesty would
be glad to see that letter, and you will do a thing agreeable to her, if you would send it to her. You might take
this opportunity of writing to her majesty. This counsel
may be of some use to you; do not neglect it.
” Mr. Bayle
took ithe hint, and wrote a letter to her majesty, dated the
14th of November 1686; to which the queen, on the 14th
of December, wrote the following answer:
ournal of January, 1687. “We have been informed, to our incredible satisfaction,” says he, “that the queen of Sweden having seen the ninth article of the Journal of August,
It now only remained that Mr. Bayle should acquaint
the public with the mistake he had made, and his regret
for it, in order to merit that princess’s entire satisfaction.
This he did in his Journal of January, 1687. “We have
been informed, to our incredible satisfaction,
” says he,
“that the queen of Sweden having seen the ninth article
of the Journal of August, 1686, has been pleased to be
satisfied with the explanation we gave there. Properly, it
was only the words f remainder of protestanism,' which
had the misfortune to offend her majesty; for, as her majesty is very delicate on that subject, and desires that all
the world should know, that after having carefully examined the different religions, she had found none to be
true but the Roman catholic, and that she has heartily
embraced it; it was injurious to her glory to give occasion
for the least suspicion of her sincerity. We are therefore
very sorry that we have made use of an expression, which
has been understood in a sense so very different from our
intention; and we would have been very far from making
use of it, if we had foreseen that it was liable to any ambiguity: for, besides the respect which, we, together with
all the world, owe to so great a queen, who has been the
admiration of the universe from her earliest days, we join
with the utmost zeal in that particular obligation which all
men of letters are under to do her homage, because of the
honour she has done the sciences, by being pleased thoroughly to examine their beauties, and to protect them in
a distinguishing manner.
ng the latter part of the reign of Henry VIII. and the whole of Edward VI. but upon the accession of queen Mary, with whose principles he coincided, he was consecrated
, an English prelate, was a native of
Yorkshire, and educated in St. John’s college, Cambridge,
where he attained considerable reputation, as an expounder
of the Scriptures, and as a Greek and Hebrew scholar.
Having taken his degree of D. D. he went over to Paris,
and was for some time royal professor of Hebrew. He
remained abroad during the latter part of the reign of
Henry VIII. and the whole of Edward VI. but upon the
accession of queen Mary, with whose principles he coincided, he was consecrated bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. When queen Elizabeth succeeded, he was deprived, and for some time imprisoned, but lived afterwards
in the bishop of London’s house. He died in 1559, of
the stone. Fuller says, in allusion to the persecutions he
occasioned in his diocese, that although he was as bad as
Christopherson, he was better than Bonner. He wrote
“Prima Rudimenta in linguam Hebraicam,
” Paris, Comment, in proverbia Salomonis, lib. III.
ibid, and same year, fol.
7, to the rectory of St. Stephen Walbrook, ol which he was deprived in 1554, and imprisoned twice in queen Mary’s time, but escaped to Marpurg. From Strasburgh, in the
, one of the English
reformers, was a native of Norfolk, or Suffolk, and educated at Cambridge, where he took his bachelor’s degree
in 1530. He was presented on May 24, 1547, to the
rectory of St. Stephen Walbrook, ol which he was deprived in 1554, and imprisoned twice in queen Mary’s
time, but escaped to Marpurg. From Strasburgh, in the
same year, we find him addressing an “Epistle to the
Faithful in England,
” exhorting them to patient perseverance in the truth. After queen Mary’s death, he returned to England, and in 1560 was preferred to the rectory of Buckland, in Hertfordshire, and in 1563 to that of
St. Dionis Backchurch, in London. He was also a prebend of the fourth stall in Canterbury cathedral, and had
been, in Cranmer’s time, chaplain to that celebrated prelate. Tanner’s account of his promotions is somewhat different. We learn from Strype, in his life of Grindall,
that he objected at first, but afterwards conformed to the
clerical dress, some articles of which at that time were
much scrupled by the reformers who had lived abroad.
He died at Canterbury, about 1570, in his sixtieth year.
In the Heerologia, a work not much to be depended on,
it is said that he was professor of divinity at Oxford, an
assertion contrary to all other authority. He wrote:
en educated to the profession of the civil and canon law. He was an exile on account of religion, in queen Mary’s days, but some time after his return, married Editha,
, or Belus, who was the eldest sou
of Robert Beale, a descendant from the family of Beale,
of Woodbridge, in Suffolk, appears to have been educated
to the profession of the civil and canon law. He was an
exile on account of religion, in queen Mary’s days, but
some time after his return, married Editha, daughter of
Henry St. Barbe, of Somersetshire, and sister to the lady
of sir Francis Walsingham, under whose patronage he first
appeared at court. In 1571 he was secretary to sir Francis
when sent ambassador to France, and himself was sent in
the same character, in 1576, to the prince of Orange.
Heylin and Fuller inform us that he was a great favourer
of the Puritans, and wrote in defence of their principles.
About the year 1564 he wrote in defence of the validity of
the marriage between the earl of Hertford and lady Catherine Grey, and against the sentence of the delegates,
which sentence was also opposed by the civilians of Spire,
and of Paris, whom Beale had consulted. Strype, in his
life of Parker, mentions his “Discourse concerning the
Parisian massacre by way of letter to the lord Burghley.
His most considerable work, however, is a collection of
some of the Spanish historians, under the title “Rerum
Hispanicarum Scriptores,
” Francf.
returned to Scotland with their majesties, where they arrived the 29th of May; but the death of the queen happening the July following, he was sent over again to Paris,
, archbishop of St. Andrew’s in Scotland, and cardinal of the Roman church, was born 1494, and educated in the university of St. Andrew’s. He was afterwards sent over to the university of Paris, where he studied divinity; and when he attained a proper age, entered into orders. In 1519 he was appointed resident at the court of France; about the same time his uncle James Beaton, archbishop of Glasgow, conferred upon him the rectory of Campsay; and in 1523 this uncle, being then archbishop of St. Andrew’s, gave him the abbacy of Aberbrothock, or Arbroath. David returned to Scotland in 1525, and in 1528 was made lord privy seal. In 1533 he was sent again to France, in con-junction with sir Thomas Erskine, to confirm the leagues subsisting between the two kingdoms, and to bring about a marriage for king James V. with Magdalene, daughter of the king of France; but the princess being in a very bad state of health, the marriage could not then take effect. During his residence, however, at the French court, he received many favours from his Christian majesty. King James having gone over to France, had the princess Magdalene given him in person, whom he espoused on the first of January 1537. Beaton returned to Scotland with their majesties, where they arrived the 29th of May; but the death of the queen happening the July following, he was sent over again to Paris, to negotiate a second marriage for the king with the lady Mary, daughter to the duke of Guise and during his stay at the court of France, he was consecrated bishop of Mirepoix. All things being settled in regard to the marriage, in the month of June, he embarked with the new queen for Scotland, where they arrived in July: the nuptials were celebrated at St. Andrew’s, and the February following the coronation was performed with great splendour and magnificence in the abbey church of Holyrood -house.
excluded from the government, and the earl of Arran was declared sole regent during the minority of queen Mary. This was chiefly effected by the noblemen in the English
When the king died, there being none so near him as
the cardinal, it was suggested by his enemies that he forged
his will; and it was set aside, notwithstanding he had it
proclaimed at the cross of Edinburgh, in order to establish
the regency in the earls of Argyle, Huntley, Arran, and
himself. He was expressly excluded from the government,
and the earl of Arran was declared sole regent during the
minority of queen Mary. This was chiefly effected by the
noblemen in the English interest, who, after having-sent
the cardinal prisoner to Blackness-castle, managed the
public affairs as they pleased. Things did not remain long,
however, in this situation for the ambitious enterprising“cardinal, though confined, raised so strong a party, that
the regent, not knowing how to proceed, began to dislike
his former system, and having at length resolved to abandon it, released the cardinal, and became reconciled to
him. Upon the young
” queen’s coronation, the cardinal
was again admitted of the council, and had the high office
of chancellor conferred upon him; and such was now his
influence with the regent, that he got him to solicit the
court of Rome to appoint him legate a latere from the
pope, which was accordingly done.
the kingdom. In 1557, he was one of the commissioners appointed to witness the marriage of the young queen Mary to the dauphin of France, a commission to which the historians
, another nephew of the preceding, and archbishop of Glasgow, was educated chiefly at Paris, and was early employed in political affairs but we have no account of the various steps by which he arrived at the archbishopric of Glasgow, to which he was consecrated in 1552, as some writers report, at Rome, whither he was very probably sent, to lay before the pope an acco.unt of the ecclesiastical affairs in Scotland after the murder of his uncle. He was, however, no sooner advanced to this dignity than he began to be considered as one of the ablest as well as most powerful persons in the kingdom. In 1557, he was one of the commissioners appointed to witness the marriage of the young queen Mary to the dauphin of France, a commission to which the historians of the ti-ue affix great importance. After his return, he acted as a privy-counsellor to the queen dowager, who was appointed by her daughter regent of Scotland, and laboured, although in vain, to preserve internal peace. When the reformers became powerful enough to make a successful stand against the court, our archbishop retired to France, carrying with him the treasures and records or' the archiepiscopal see, and carefully deposited them in the Scots college in Paris. On his arrival in France, he was extremely well received by queen Mary, then sovereign of that country, and by the court of France. Immediately after his departure, the reformers in Scotland appointed a preacher at Glasgow, seized all the revenues of the archbishopric, and would no doubt have proceeded against his person had he appeared.
n 1645, was the son of a player, and was considered as a poet when no more than eight years old. The queen, mother of Louis XIV. cardinal Mazarin, the chancellor Seguier,
born at Paris in 1645, was the son of a player, and was
considered as a poet when no more than eight years old.
The queen, mother of Louis XIV. cardinal Mazarin, the
chancellor Seguier, and the first personages of the court,
took pleasure in conversing with this child, and in exercising his talents. He was only twelve years old when he
published a collection of his poetical pieces, in 4to, under
the title of “La Lyre de jeune Apollon,
” or, “La Muse
naissant du petit de Beauchateau,
” with copper-plate portraits of the persons he celebrates. About two years afterwards he went over to England with an ecclesiastic. Cromwell and the most considerable persons of the then government admired the young poet. It is thought that he travelled afterwards into Persia, where perhaps he died, as
no farther tidings were ever heard of him. He had a brother, Hypolite Chastelet de Beauchateau, an impostor, who
pretended to abjure the Roman Catholic religion, and came
over to England under the disguised name of Lusancy.
Moreri and Anth. Wood in Ath. Ox. vol. II. give an account of this adventurer.
e, Catherine S win ford. He studied for some years both at Cambridge and at Oxford, in the latter in Queen’s college, and was afterwards a benefactor to University and
, bishop of Winchester, and
cardinal priest of the church of Rome, was the son of
John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, by his third wife, Catherine S win ford. He studied for some years both at Cambridge and at Oxford, in the latter in Queen’s college, and
was afterwards a benefactor to University and Lincoln colleges, but he received the principal part of his education at
Aix la Chapelle, where he was instructed in civil and common law. Being of royal extraction, he was very young when
advanced to the prelacy, and was made bishop of Lincoln
in 1397, by an arbitrary act of Boniface IX. John Beckingham, bishop of that see, being, contrary to his wishes,
translated to Lichfield, to make room for Beaufort, but Beckingham, with becoming spirit, refused the proffered diocese, and chose to become a private monk of Canterbury.
In 1399 Beaufort was chancellor of the university of Oxford, and at the same time dean of Wells. He was lord
high chancellor of England in 1404, and in some years afterwards. The following year, upon the death of the celebrated Wykeham, he was, at the recommendation of the
king, translated to the see of Winchester. In 1414, the
second of his nephew Henry V. he went to France, as one
of the royal ambassadors, to demand in marriage Catherine,
daughter of Charles VI. In 1417 he lent the king twenty
thousand pounds (a prodigious sum in those days), towards
carrying on his expedition against France, but had the
crown in pawn as a security for the money. This year also
he took a journey to the Holy Land and in his way, being
arrived at Constance, where a general council was held, he
exhorted the prelates to union and agreement in the election of a pope; and his remonstrances contributed not a
little to hasten the preparations for the conclave, in which
Martin III. was elected. We have no farther account of
what happened to our prelate in this expedition. In 1421,
he had the honour to be godfather, jointly with John duke
of Bedford, and Jacqueline, countess of Holland, to prince
Henry, eldest son of his nephew Henry V. and Catherine
of France, afterwards Henry VI. M. Aubery pretends,
that James, king of Scots, who had been several years a
prisoner in England, owed his deliverance to the bishop of
Winchester, who prevailed with the government to set him
free, on condition of his marrying his niece, the granddaughter of Thomas Beaufort, earl of Somerset. This prelate
was one of king Henry Vlth’s guardians during his minority; and in 1424, the third of the young king’s reign, he
was a fourth time lord-chancellor of England. There were
perpetual jealousies and quarrels, the cause of which is not
very clearly explained, between the bishop of Winchester,
and the protector, Humphrey duke of Gloucester, which
ended in the ruin and death of the latter. Their dissensions
began to appear publicly in 1425, and to such a height,
that Beaufort thought it necessary to write a letter to his
nephew the duke of Bedford, regent of France, which is
extant in Holinshed, desiring his presence in England,
to accommodate matters between them. The regent accordingly arriving in England the 20th of December, was
met by the bishop of Winchester with a numerous train,
and soon after convoked an assembly of the nobility at St.
Alban’s, to hear and determine the affair. But the animosity on this occasion was so great on both sides, that it
was thought proper to refer the decision to the parliament,
which was to be held at Leicester, March 25, following.
The parliament being met, the duke of Gloucester produced six articles of accusation against the bishop, who
answered them severally, and a committee appointed for
the purpose, having examined the allegations, he was acquitted. The duke of Bedford, however, to give some satisfaction to the protector, took away the great seal from
his uncle. Two years after, the duke of Bedford, returning into France, was accompanied to Calais by the bishop
of Winchester, who, on the 25th of March, received there
with great solemnity, in the church of Our Lady, the cardinal’s hat, with the title of St. Eusebius, sent him by pope
Martin V. In September 1428, the new cardinal returned
into England, with the character of the pope’s legate lately
conferred on him; and in his way to London, he was met
by the lord-mayor, aldermen, and the principal citizens
on horseback, who conducted him with great honour and respect to his lodgings in Southwark; but he was forced, for
the present, to wave his legatine power, being forbidden
the exercise of it by a proclamation published in the king’s
name. Cardinal Beaufort was appointed, by the pope’s
bull, bearing date March 25, 1427-8, his holiness’s legate
in Germany, and general of the crusade against the Hussites, or Heretics of Bohemia. Having communicated the
pope’s intentions to the parliament, he obtained a grant of
money, and a considerable body of forces, under certain
restrictions; but just as he was preparing to embark, the
duke of Bedford having sent to demand a supply of men
for the French war, it was resolved in council, that cardinal Beaufort should serve under the regent, with the
troops of the crusade, to the end of the month of December,
on condition that they should not be employed in any siege.
The cardinal complied, though not without reluctance, and
accordingly joined the duke of Bedford at Paris. After a
stay of forty-five days in France, he marched into Bohemia, where he conducted the crusade till he was recalled
by the pope, and cardinal Julian sent in his place with a
larger army. The next year, 1430, the cardinal accompanied king Henry into France, being invested with the
title of the king’s principal counsellor, and bad the honour
to perform the ceremony of crowning the young monarch
irt the church of Notre Dame at Paris; where he had some
dispute with James du Chastellier, the archbishop, who
claimed the right of officiating on that occasion. During
his stay in France he was present at the congress of Arras
for concluding a peace between the kings of England and
France, and had a conference for that purpose with the
dutchess of Burgundy, between Calais and Gravelines,
which had no effect, and was remarkable only for the cardinal’s magnificence, who came thither with a most splendid train. In the mean time the duke of Gloucester took
advantage in England of the cardinal’s absence to give him
fresh mortification. For, first, having represented to the
council, that the bishop of Winchester intended to leave
the king, and come back into England to resume his seat
in council, in order to excite new troubles in the kingdom,
and that his intentions were the more criminal, as he made
use of the pope’s authority to free himself from the obligations of assisting the king in France; he procured an order
of council forbidding all the king’s subjects, of what condition soever, to accompany the cardinal, if he should leave
the king, without express permission. The next step the
protector took against him, was an attempt to deprive him
of his bishopric, as inconsistent with the dignity of cardinal; but the affair having been a long time debated in
council, it was resolved that the cardinal should be heard,
and the judges consulted, before any decision. Being returned into England, he thought it necessary to take some
precaution against these repeated attacks, and prevailed
with the king, through the' intercession of the commons,
to grant him letters of pardon for all offences by him committed contrary to the statute of provisors, and other acts
of prsemunire. This pardon is dated at Westminster, July
19, 1432. Five years after, he procured another pardon
under the great-seal for all sorts of crimes whatever, from
the creation of the world to the 26th of July 1437. Notwithstanding these precautions, the duke of Gloucester, in
1442, drew up articles of impeachment against the cardinal, and presented them with his own hands to the king,
but the council appointed to examine them deferred their
report so long that rhe protector discontinued the prosecution. The cardinal died June 14, 1447, having survived
the duke of Gloucester not above a mouth, of whose
murder he was suspected to have been one of the contrivers,
and it is said that he expressed great uneasiness at the approach of death, and died in despair; but for this there does
not appear much foundation, and we suspect the commonlyreceived character of Beaufort is mostly credited by those
who have considered Shakspeare as an authentic historian.
We rather agree with the historian of Winchester, that
there is no solid ground for representing him as that ambitious, covetous, and reprobate character which Shakspeare
has represented, and who has robbed his memory, in order
to enrich that of his adversary, popularly termed the “good
duke Humphrey
” of Gloucester. Being involved in the
vortex of worldly politics, it is true, that he gave too much
scope to the passions of the great, and did not allow himself sufficient leisure to attend to the spiritual concerns of
his diocese. He possessed, however, that munificent spirit,
which has cast a lustre on the characters of many persons
of past times, whom it would be difficult otherwise to present as objects of admiration. It he was rich, it must be
admitted that he did not squander away his money upon
unworthy pursuits, but chiefly employed it in the public
service, to the great relief of the subjects, with whom, and
with the commons’ house of parliament, he was popular.
He employed his wealth also in finishing the magnificent
cathedral of Winchester, which was left incomplete by his
predecessor, in repairing Hyde-abbey, relieving prisoners,
and other works of charity. But what, Dr. Milner says, has
chiefly redeemed the injured character of cardinal Beaufort, in Winchester and its neighbourhood, is the new foundation which he made of the celebrated hospital of St. Cross.
Far the greater part of the present building was raised by
him, and he added to the establishment of his predecessor,
Henry de Blois, funds for the support of thirty-five more
brethren, two chaplains, and three women, who appear to
have been hospital nuns. It appears also, says the same
writer, that he prepared himself with resignation and contrition for his last end; and the collected, judicious, and
pious dispositions made in his testament, the codicil of
which was signed but two days before his dissolution, may
justly bring into discredit the opinion that he died in despair. He was buried at Winchester in the most eleg-ant
and finished chantry in the kingdom.
English poet, was the son of Francis Beaumont one of the judges of the common pleas in the reign of queen Elizabeth, and brother of Francis, the dramatic colleague of
, *an English poet, was the son of Francis Beaumont one of the judges of the common pleas in the reign of queen Elizabeth, and brother of Francis, the dramatic colleague of Fletcher. He was born in 1582, at Grace-Bieu, the family seat in Leicestershire, and admitted a gentleman commoner of Broadgate’s-hall, (now Pembroke college) Oxford, the beginning of Lent term, 1596. After three years study here, during which he seems to have attached himself most to the poetical classics, he became a member of one of the inns of court, but soon quitted that situation, and returned to Leicestershire, where he married Elizabeth daughter of John Fortescue, esq.
gees, but as chaplain to their majesties, an office he had the honour to fill until the death of the queen Sophia-Charlotte. He was besides, counsellor of the royal consistory,
In 1693, on the death of John-George II. prince of Anhalt-Dessau, he pronounced a funeral oration, which was
printed at Berlin, 1695, 4tp, in the form of a “Sermon
” the subject of which (John xvii. 3.) was pointed
out by the prince himself. After residing eight years at
Dessau, Beausobre, in 1694, removed to Berlin, where the
refugees for the cause of religion, many of them his particular friends, had formed an asylum, and where he might
enjoy the menus of educating his family. Here he passed
the rest of his life, and exercised his ministry for the space
of forty-six years, not only as one of the pastors appointed
to supply the churches of the French refugees, but as chaplain to their majesties, an office he had the honour to fill
until the death of the queen Sophia-Charlotte. He was
besides, counsellor of the royal consistory, inspector of the
French college, and a year before his death was appointed
inspector of the French churches in Berlin, and of the other
churches comprised within the inspection of that city.
As every church had its separate pastor, Basnage belonged first to that of Ville-Neuve, but on the death of
his friend Mr. Lenfant in 1728, he succeeded him in the
church of Werder, where he officiated through the remainder of his life.
em to the ladies of his court, as models for their imitation. He went from Avignon to Tarascon, with queen Margaret of Navarre, for the sake of conversing with this learned
, daughter of a gentleman of Dauphine, abbess of St. Honore de Tarascon, where she was honoured with the name of Scholastica, made great progress in the Latin language, and in several branches o science, under Denys Faucher, monk of Lerins and almoner of his monastery. Francis I. was so charmed with the letters of this abbess, that he carried them, as it is said, about him, and shewed them to the ladies of his court, as models for their imitation. He went from Avignon to Tarascon, with queen Margaret of Navarre, for the sake of conversing with this learned lady. She died in 1547, after having published several works, Latin and French, in verse and in prose. Two Italian writers, Louis Domenichi and Augustin della Chiesa, have published eloges on this lady in their respective works.
f Somerton in Lincolnshire, which he gave to king Edward I.; and of Eltham in Kent, which he gave to queen Eleanor. He founded the priory of Alvingham in Lincolnshire,
, bishop of Durham in the reigns of Edward I. and II. was advanced, with
the king’s consent, from the archdeaconry of Durham and
other preferments to the bishopric. Of his extraction and
education we have no account. He was elected by the
monks on the 9th of July 1283, and consecrated, in the
presence of the king and several of the nobles, by William
Wicwane, archbishop of York, on the 9th of January following. At the time of his consecration, the archbishop,
having had a dispute, during the vacancy of the see, with
the chapter of Durham, obliged the prior to go out of the
church; and the next day enjoined the new bishop, upon
his canonical obedience, to excommunicate the superior
and several of the monks: but Bek refused to obey the
archbishop, saying, “I was yesterday consecrated their
bishop, and shall 1 excommunicate them to-day? 110 obedience shall force me to this.
” He was enthroned on
Christmas eve,
rwards in the service of the kings of France and Denmark: he went next into the service of Christina queen of Sweden, who esteemed him very highly, gave him many rich
, a famous painter,
born at Delft in the Netherlands, May 25, 1621, was trained
under Van Dyke, and other celebrated masters. Skill in
his profession, joined to politeness of manners, acquired
him esteem in almost all the courts of Europe. He was
in high favour with Charles I. king of England, and taught
the principles of drawing to his sons, Charles and James.
He was afterwards in the service of the kings of France and
Denmark: he went next into the service of Christina queen
of Sweden, who esteemed him very highly, gave him many
rich presents, and made him first gentleman of her bedchamber. She sent him also to Italy, Spain, France, England, Denmark, and to all the courts of Germany, to take
the portraits of the different kings and princes; and then
presented each of them with their pictures. His manner
of painting was extremely free and quick, so that king
Charles I. told him one day, “he believed he could paint
while he was riding post.
” A very singular adventure happened to this painter, as he travelled through Germany,
which seems not unworthy of being recited. He was suddenly and violently taken ill at the inn where he lodged,
and was laid out as a corpse, seeming to all appearance quite
dead. His valets expressed the strongest marks of grief
for the loss of their master; and while they sat beside his
bed, they drank very freely, by way of consolation. At
last one of them, who grew much intoxicated, said to his
companions, “Our master was fond of his glass while he
was alive; and out of gratitude, let us give him a glass now
he is dead.
” As the rest of the servants assented to the
proposal, he raised up the head of his master, and endeavoured to pour some of the liquor into his mouth. By the
fragrance of the wine, or probably by a small quantity that
imperceptibly got clown his throat, Bek opened his eyes;
and the servant being excessively drunk, and forgetting
that his master was considered as dead, compelled him to
swallow what wine remained in the glass. The painter
gradually revived, and by proper management and care
recovered perfectly, and escaped an interment. How
highly the works of this master were esteemed, may appear from the many marks of distinction and honour which
were shewn him; for he received from different princes, as
an acknowledgment of his singular merit, nine gold chains,
and several medals of gold of a large size. The manner of
his death is represented by the Dutch writers, as implying
a reflection of his royal patroness the queen of Sweden.
He was very desirous of returning to his native country,
permission for which that princess refused, until having
occasion herself to go to France, Bek had the courage to
ask leave to go to Holland. She granted this on condition
he should punctually return within a certain number of
weeks; but he went away with a determination never to
return. She wrote to him to come to Paris, but he gave
her no answer, and remained at the Hague, where he died
suddenly, Dec. 20, 1656, not without suspicion of poison,
as the Dutch writers insinuate.
stowed an encomium on him. He was also in good esteem with king Henry VIII. and king Edward VI. When queen Mary came to the crown, and endeavoured to destroy all that
, author of a book entitled “De
Supremo et Absolute Regis Imperio,
” was born at Broadchalke in Wiltshire, and educated at Wykeham’s school
near Winchester: from whence he was sent very early to
New-college in Oxford; where, having served two years
of probation, he was admitted perpetual fellow in 1520.
In 1526 he took the degree of master of arts, being that
year (as one of the university registers informs us) “about
to take a journey beyond the seas for the sake of study.
In his college he distinguished himself by his extraordinary
skill in the Greek language. In 1538 he resigned his fellowship, and married. What preferment or employment
he had afterwards is uncertain. He was familiarly acquainted with, and highly esteemed by, the most learned
men of the nation, particularly Leland, who has bestowed
an encomium on him. He was also in good esteem with
king Henry VIII. and king Edward VI. When queen
Mary came to the crown, and endeavoured to destroy all
that her father and brother had done towards the reformation of the church, Bekinsau became a zealous Roman catholic. After Queen Elizabeth’s accession, he retired to
an obscure village in Hampshire, called Sherbourne; where
he spent the remainder of his life in great discontent, and
was buried in the church of that place, the 20th of Dec.
1559, aged sixty-three years; leaving behind him this
character among the Roman catholics, that, “as he was
a learned man, so might he have been promoted according
to his deserts, if he had been constant to his principles.
The work abovementioned is a defence of the king’s supremacy against the claims of the church of Rome, and is
dedicated by the author to king Henry VIII. He did not
venture to publish it, till he saw that the pope’s power was
wholly exterminated in England. It was printed at London in 1546, in 8vo, and afterwards in the first volume of
“Monarchia Romani Imperil,
” &c. by Melchior Goldast
Hamensfeldius, at Francfort, 1621, fol.
of the prize of that year, which was won by Mr. Alexander Stuart, a Scotchman, and physician to the queen of England, M. Bel, after examining the various dissertations
, counsellor of the parliament of
Bourdeaux, was born there March 21, 1693, and at the
age of nine was sent for education to the college of the
Oratory at Juilly, in the diocese of Meaux. Although of
a weakly habit, he made great progress in his early studies,
and was liberally encouraged by one of the regent masters,
father de Vize“. In 1711 he returned to his family, where
he continued his studies, deriving some assistance from his
father, a man of talents, but austere and somewhat unsocial. Here, likewise, he found many young men of his
own age who like himself were intended for the bar or for
offices of the magistracy. After five or six years application, M. Bel employed his pen on various subjects of metaphysics and morals, and amused himself occasionally with
perusing the best poets. In 1720, he was received as a
counsellor of parliament, and conducted himself in the
causes entrusted to him, with strict probity and impartiality. In 1731, on the death of his father, he succeeded
him in the office of treasurer of France. During his residence at Paris, he formed an intimacy with the literati of
the metropolis, and projected two considerable works, for
which he had collected materials: the one on taste, its
history, progress and decline; the other on French poetry.
On his return to Bourdeaux in 1736, he was elected a
member of the Bourdeaux academy, and the following year
chosen director, on which occasion he made a speech
which included some part of the work on taste above-mentioned. Some time afterwards he resigned his office of
counsellor, and obtained letters of superannuation (lettres de veteran). In 1737, the academy having proposed
” muscular motion“as the subject of the prize of that year, which
was won by Mr. Alexander Stuart, a Scotchman, and physician to the queen of England, M. Bel, after examining
the various dissertations sent in on this occasion, read one
of his own on the same subject before the academy; and
in order to study this and similar subjects more fully, with
a view to his situation in the academy, he determined to
make another visit to Paris. But from the moment of his
arrival there, he gave himself up so unremittingly to study,
as to bring on a dangerous illness, of which he died August
15, 1738. He left to the academy of Bourdeaux, his
house and a fine and well-chosen library, with a fund for
the maintenance of two librarians. His principal publications were, 1.
” Apologie de M. Houdart de la Motte, de
l'academie Franchise, Paris, 1724,“8vo, a satirical attack on
M. de la Motte’s works, especially his dramas. 2.
” Dictionnaire Neologique," since considerably augmented by
the abbe* Fontaines, a work intended to ridicule the use of
new and affected words. He wrote also a criticism on the
Mariamne of Voltaire, and some similar criticisms inserted
in the Literary Memoirs published by father Moletz of the
Henry VIII. of England having raised just apprehensions of a schism on account of a quarrel with his queen, du Bellay, who had been sent to him in 1527, in quality of
, cardinal, was born in 1492, and made early proficiency in learning. Francis I. who highly esteemed him, bestowed many preferments on him. He owed this favour to an accidental circumstance: The night before the pope made his public entrance into Marseilles, to meet the French king, it was discovered that the president of the parliament, who had been appointed to receive him with a Latin oration, had unluckily chosen a subject which would certainly give the pontiff offence; and yet there was no tune for a new composition. In this extremity, when the whole business of the ceremonial was deranged, Bellay offered his services to speak extempore, and did it with such uncommon propriety and elegance, that he was marked, from that time, as a man of the first genius in France. He was first bishop of Bayonne, and afterwards of Paris in 1532. The year following, Henry VIII. of England having raised just apprehensions of a schism on account of a quarrel with his queen, du Bellay, who had been sent to him in 1527, in quality of ambassador, and who is said to have managed his boisterous temper with great address, was dispatched to him a second time. He obtained of that prince that he would not yet break with Rome, provided time was granted him to make his defence by proxy. Du Bellay set out immediately, to ask a respite of pope Clement VII. which he obtained, and sent a courier to the king of England for his procuration, but the courier not returning, Clement VII. fulminated the bull of excommunication against Henry VIII. and laid an interdict on his dominions. It was this bull that furnished Henry with an opportunity, fortunately for England, of withdrawing that nation from the church of Rome, and a great source of revenue from the coffers of the pope. Du Bellay continued to be entrusted with the affairs of France under the pontificate of Paul III. who made him cardinal in 1535. The year afterwards, Charles V. having entered Provence with a numerous army, Francis I. in order to appose so formidable an enemy, quitted Paris, whither du Bellay was just returned, and the king appointed him his lieutenant-general, that he might have a watchful eye over Picardy and Champagne. The cardinal, no less intelligent in matters of war than in the intrigues of the cabinet, undertook to defend Paris, which was then in confusion, and fortified it accordingly with a rampart and boulevards, which are still to be seen. He provided with equal promptitude for the security of the other towns, which important services procured him new benefices, and the friendship and confidence of Francis I. After the death of that prince, the cardinal de Lorraine became the channel of favour at the court of Henry II., but du Bellay, too little of a philosopher, and too much affected by the loss of his influence, could no longer endure to remain at Paris. He chose rather to retire to Rome, where the quality of bishop of Ostia procured him, under Paul IV. the title of dean of the sacred college, and where his riches enabled him to build a sumptuous palace; but by some means he took care to keep the bishopric of Paris in his family, obtaining that see for Eustache du Bellay, his cousin, who was already provided with several benefices, and president of the parliament. The cardinal lived nine years after his demission; and, whether from patriotism or from the habit of business, he continued to make himself necessary to the king. He died at Rome, Feb. 16, 1560, at the age of 68, with the reputation of a dexterous courtier, an able negociator, and a great wit. Literature owed much to him. He concurred with his friend Budæus in engaging Francis I. to institute the college royal. Rabelais had been his physician. Of his writing are Several harangues, An apology for Francis I. Elegies, epigrams, and odes, collected in 8vo, and printed by Robert Stephens in 1546.
ment agreeably to the desires of Henry VIII. king of England, when this prince wanted to divorce his queen, in order to marry Anne Boleyn. It was then the interest of
, another brother of the preceding, lord of Langey, a French general, who signalized
himself in the service of Francis I. was also an able negociator, so that the emperor Charles V. used to say, “that
Langey’s pen had fought more against him than all the
lances of France.
” He was sent to Piedmont in quality of
viceroy, where he took several towns from the Imperialists.
His address in penetrating into an enemy’s designs was one
of those talents in the exercise of which he spared no expence, and thereby had intelligence of the most secret
councils of the emperor and his generals. He was extremely active in influencing some of the universities of
France, to give their judgment agreeably to the desires of
Henry VIII. king of England, when this prince wanted to
divorce his queen, in order to marry Anne Boleyn. It
was then the interest of France to favour the king of England in this particular, it being an affront to the emperor,
and a gratification to Henry, which might serve for the
basis of an alliance between him and Francis I. He was
sent several times into Germany to the princes of the proiestant league, and was made a knight of the order of
St. Michael.
ted all in her power to his education, and he had the good fortune to be supported some years by the queen of Navarre, sister to Francis I. Some time after he went to
, a French historical compiler, was born in 1530, at Sarzan, near Samatan, a little village of Comminges in Guienne. He was only seven years of age when he lost his father; but his mother, although left in poor circumstances, contributed all in her power to his education, and he had the good fortune to be supported some years by the queen of Navarre, sister to Francis I. Some time after he went to study at Bourdeaux, and thence removed to Toulouse, where, instead of applying to the study of the law as he intended, he amused himself with poetry. He went next to Paris, where he got acquainted with several men of learning, and was honoured with the friendship of many persons of quality. Here he became an author by profession, and published above fifty compilations, mostly historical, among which are, his History of the nine Charles’s of France Annotations on the books of St. Augustin his Universal History of the World; the Chronicles of Nicholas Gillet, augmented; A Universal Cosmography; and the Annals, or General History of France, all written with little judgment or accuracy, but deemed useful at a time when these qualities were not in much request. He died at Paris in 1583.
, valet-de-chambre to Louis XIV, and trainbearer to the queen Maria Teresa, and afterwards to the duchess of Burgundy, dauphiness
, valet-de-chambre to Louis XIV,
and trainbearer to the queen Maria Teresa, and afterwards
to the duchess of Burgundy, dauphiness of France, was a
French poet and wit of considerable fame. He was born
at Paris in 1645. The most esteemed of his poems are
*' Les Petits-maitres,“and
” Les Nouvellistes,“two satires, and his poem on the
” Hotel des invalides." Several other of his pieces are to be found in the collections,
particularly in that published at the Hague in 1715, 2 vols.
He lived in friendship with Moliere and Racine, but incurred the displeasure of Boileau by writing against his Satire
on Women, which Boileau revenged by giving him a place,
not of the most honourable kind, in his tenth epistle; but
Bellocq having apologised, Boileau erased his name, and
put in that of Pen-in. Bellocq died Oct. 4, 1704. He was
highly respected by his royal master, and his wit and
agreeable manners introduced him as a welcome guest in
every polite company.
is pupil insensibly fell into the same track of curiosity, and even surpassed his master. Christina, queen of Sweden, having heard of his character, made him her librarian,
, a celebrated Italian antiquary, was born at Rome about the year 1616, and was
intended by his father for a place in some chancery, and
with that view he was sent to his maternal uncle Francis
Angeloni, secretary to the cardinal Aldobrandini; but here
he imbibed a very different taste from that of official routine. Angeloni had early contracted a love for the study
of antiquities, and purchased the best books he could find
on the subject, and his pupil insensibly fell into the same
track of curiosity, and even surpassed his master. Christina,
queen of Sweden, having heard of his character, made him
her librarian, and keeper of her museum. Bellori died in
1696, aged near eighty, the greater part of which long life
he passed in the composition of his various works. He had
also acccumulated a valuable collection of books, antiquities, &c. which afterwards made part of the royal collection at Berlin. One of his first works was written in defence
of his master Angeloni, who, having, in 1641, published
his “Historia Augusta, &c.
” (see Angeloni) it was
attacked in France by Tristan, the sieur de St. Amant, in
his “Commentaires Historiques.
” Bellori published a
new edition of Angeloni’s work in 1685, much improved.
His own works are, I. “Nota3 in numismata, turn Ephesia,
turn aliarum urbium, Apibus insignita, cum eorum iconibus aeneis,
” Rome, Fragmenta vestigii
veteris Romae, ex lapidibus Farnesianis,
” ibid, La Colonna Trajana,
” &c. ibid, oblong fol. 4. “Le
pitture antiche del sepolcro de* Nasoni nelia via Flaminia,
” ibid, J. P. Bellorii nummus Antonini
Pii de anni novi auspiciis explicatus,
” ibid, Gli antichi sepolcri, owero Mausolei Romani et Etruschi, &c.
” Rome, Le antiche lucerne sepolcrali,
” ibid. Veteres arcus Augustorum,
triumphis insignes, ex reliquiis quae Rom* adhuc supersunt,
” Leyden, Vite de pittori, scultori
et architetti moderni,
” Leyden, Vet.
Philosophorum, Poetarum, &c. Imagines,
” Rome,
inity in the college of Navarre at Paris. He had been before that time confessor to the unhappy Mary queen of Scotland, during her stay in France, and attended her when
, a famous doctor of
the Sorbonne, and curate of St. Eustathius at Paris in the
sixteenth century, was born at Sevenieres near Angers.
He was a secret favourer of the protestant religion; and
that his countrymen might be able to read the Bible in their
own tongue, he published at Paris the French translation
which had been made by the reformed ministers at Geneva.
This translation was approved by several doctors of the
Sorbonne before it went to the press; and king Charles IX.
had granted a privilege for the printing of it, yet when
published it was immediately condemned. In 1587 king
Henry III. appointed Benedict to be reader and regius
professor of divinity in the college of Navarre at Paris.
He had been before that time confessor to the unhappy
Mary queen of Scotland, during her stay in France, and
attended her when she returned into Scotland. Some time
before the death of Henry III. Benedict, or some of his
friends with his assistance, published a book, entitled
“Apologie Catholique,
” to prove that the protestant religion, which Henry king -of Navarre professed, was not a
sufficient reason to deprive him of his right of succeeding
to the crown of France; first, because the Huguenots admitted the fundamental articles of the catholic faith, and
that the ceremonies and practices which they exploded had
been unknown to the primitive church. Secondly, because the council of Trent, in which they had been condemned, was neither general, nor lawful, nor acknowledged
in France. After the murder of Henry III. a factious divine wrote an answer to that book, which obliged Benedict to publish a reply. When king Henry IV. was
resolved to embrace the Roman Catholic religion, he wrote
to Benedict, commanding him to meet him, The doctor
on this consulted with the pope’s legate, who was then at
Paris, and advised him to answer the king, that he could
not go to him without the pope’s leave, which exasperated
the people at Paris, because they understood by this advice, that he favoured the Spanish faction, and endeavoured only to protract the civil war. However, Benedict
assisted some time after at the conference which was held
at St. Dennis, and in which it was resolved, that the king,
having given sufficient proofs of his fa^h and repentance,
might be reconciled to the church, without waiting for the
pope’s consent. Benedict also assisted at that assembly, in
which king Henry abjured the reformed religion, and having embraced the Roman Catholic faith, was absolved by
the archbishop of Bourges. The king promoted him afterwards, about 15^7, to the bishopric of Troyes in Champagne,
but he could never obtain the pope’s bulls to be installed,
and only enjoyed the temporalities till 1604, when he resigned it with the king’s leave to Renatus de Breslay, archdeacon of Angers, He died at Paris, March 7, 1608, and
was buried near the great altar in his parish church of St.
Eustathius. Dr. Victor Cayet made his funeral oration.
Besides the books, which we have mentioned, he wrote
three or four other pieces, the titles of which are mentioned
by father le Long, but they are of little note, except perhaps his history of the coronation of king Henry III. “Le
Sacre et Couronnement du roi Henry III. Pan 1575, par
Rene Benoit, docteur en theologie,
” Reims, 1575, 8vo,
and inserted in Godefrey’s “Ceremonial de France,
” Paris,
ed at London in 1783 by the Rev. B. Gerrans, lecturer of St. Catherine Coleman, and second master of Queen Elizabeth’s Free Grammar school, St. Clave, Southwark. The author
, a Jewish rabbi, and author of
the “Itinerary,
” was the son of Jonas of Tudela, and born
in the kingdom of Navarre. He flourished about the year
1170. He travelled over several of the most remote countries,
and wherever he came, wrote a particular account of what
he either saw himself, or was informed of by persons of
credit. He died in 1173, not long after his return from his
travels. Casimir Oudin tells us, that he was a man of
great sagacity and judgment, and well skilled in the sacred
laws; and that his observations and accounts have been
generally found to be exact upon examination, our author
being remarkable for his love of truth. There have been
several editions of his “Itinerarium.
” It was translated
from the Hebrew into Latin by Benedict Arius Montanus,
and printed by Plantin at Antwerp in 1575, 8vo. Constantine PEmpereur likewise published it with a Latin version, and a preliminary dissertation, and large notes;
which was printed by Elzevir in 1633, 8vo. J. P. Baratier
translated it into French, 1731, 2 vols. 8vo, but the most
remarkable translation is that published at London in 1783
by the Rev. B. Gerrans, lecturer of St. Catherine Coleman, and second master of Queen Elizabeth’s Free Grammar school, St. Clave, Southwark. The author of this
translation, which is taken from the Elzevir edition abovementioned, hesitates not to speak of Benjamin as contemptible, doubts whether he ever left his native Tudela,
but allows, although with some reluctance, that he may
have travelled through Spain and some part of Italy. Mr.
Gerrans, having thus, as he says, “unmasked, chastised,
and humbled his author,
” allows that as he wrote in a century so obscure, we ought to be glad of the least monument to cast a glimmering light on it. He allows also that
the pure and simple style in which the book is written,
renders it one of the best introductions to the Rahinical
dialect: it throws more light on the times than a whole
catalogue of monkish writers: it shews the ignorance of
the Jewish teachers in matters of geography and history,
and the state and numbers of their own people. The chief
use, the translator adds, which he wishes to make of the
book, is to confirm lukewarm and indifferent Christians, in
the principles of their religion, and to combat the errors
and impenitence of the Jews by their own weapons. This
work is no doubt a curiosity, as the production of a Jew in
the twelfth century, and the translator’s observations also
may be allowed to have some weight: but considered in
itself, the rabbi’s book has only a small portion of real
worth; for in addition to the fabulous narrations, which
lead the reader to suspect him even when he speaks truth,
there are many other errors, omissions, and mistakes. Benjamin’s principal view seems to have been to represent the
number and state of his brethren in different parts of the
world, and accordingly he mentions merely the names of
many places to which we are to suppose he travelled, furnishing no remark, except,perhaps, a brief account of
the Jews to be found there. When he relates any thing
farther, it is often trifling, or fictitious, or mistaken, as he
frequently is, even in numbering his countrymen.
was born at or near Egremond, in Cumberland, Nov. 1600, and educated at St. Bees. Thence he entered Queen’s college, Oxford, Wood thinks, as a servitor, but left the
, a nonconformist clergyman of Dorsetshire, was born at or near Egremond, in Cumberland,
Nov. 1600, and educated at St. Bees. Thence he entered
Queen’s college, Oxford, Wood thinks, as a servitor, but
left the university without taking a degree, on obtaining a
presentation to the living of Oakingriain, in Berkshire;
but upon Mr. Bateman’s having got another presentation
to the same living, a gentleman who was his contemporary
at Oxford, they agreed jointly to perform the duty, and
divide the profits, rather than contest the matter at law.
Mr. Benn became afterwards chaplain to the marchioness
of Northampton, with whom he resided in Somersetshire,
leaving Oakingham to Mr. Bateman In 1629, the celebrated Mr. White, usually called the patriarch of Dorchester, invited him to that town, by whose interest he obtained the rectory of All Saints; and, excepting two years
ttiat he attended Mr. White at Lambeth, continued here
until Bartholomew-day, when he was ejected for nonconformity. Not satisfied with his constant labours in the
church, while he held his rectory, he preached gratis, on
week-days, to prisoners in the gaol, and the room not being large enough for his auditory, he built a chapel within
the prison limits, principally at his own expence. In 1654,
he was one of the assistants to the commissioners for ejecting such as were called scandalous, ignorant, and insufficient ministers, and school-masters. After his own ejectment, he continued to preach occasionally, and was sometimes fined and imprisoned. He died March 22, 1680,
and was buried in All Saints church-yard. Wood records
three particulars of him the first, that he was, as already
mentioned, assistant to the commissioners, &c. secondly,
that although he lived to be eighty, he never used spectacles, and yet read and wrote much, writing all his sermons as he delivered them; and thirdly, that he prayed
in his study seven times a day, and commemorated certain
deliverances from dangers which he had experienced on
certain days of his life. His only works were an “Answer
to Mr. Francis Bamph'eld’s Letter, in vindication of the
Christian Sabbath against the Jewish,
” Lond. Soul prosperity,
fore his coronation, on the 23d of July 1603, at Whitehall, and was made in that reign chancellor to queen Anne (consort of king James), judge of the prerogative court
, knt. grandfather to the preceding, and second son of sir Richard Bennet, was created on the 6th of July, 1589, doctor of laws by the university of Oxford, having been one of the proctors there. He was afterwards vicar-general in spirituals to the archbishop of York, and prebendary of Langtoft in the church of York. In the 24th of ELz. bearing the title of doctor of laws, he was in commission with the lord-keeper Egerton, the lord-treasurer Buckhurst, and several other noblemen, for the suppression of heresy. He was also in that reign returned to parliament for the city of York, and was a leading member of the house of commons, as appears from several of his speeches in Townshend’s collections. He received the honour of knighthood from king James before his coronation, on the 23d of July 1603, at Whitehall, and was made in that reign chancellor to queen Anne (consort of king James), judge of the prerogative court of Canterbury, and chancellor to the archbishop of York. In the beginning of 1617, he was sent ambassador to Brussels to question the archduke, in behalf of his master the king of Great Britain, concerning a libel written and published, as it was supposed, by Erycius Puteanus, but he neither apprehended the author, nor suppressed the book, until he was solicited by the king’s agent there: he only interdicted it, and suffered the author to fly out of his dominions. In 1620, sir John Bennet being entitled judge of the prerogative court of Canterbury, was in a special commission with the archbishop of Canterbury, and other noblemen, to put in execution the laws against all heresies, great errors in matters of faith and religioH, &c. and the same year bearing the title of chancellor to the archbishop of York, he was commissioned with the archbishop of York, and others, to execute all manner of ecclesiastical jurisdiction within the province of York. He died in the parish of Christ church in London, in the beginning of 1627, having had issue by Anne his wife, daughter of Christopher Weekes of Salisbury, in the county of Wilts, esq. sir John lien net, his son and heir; sir Thomas Bennet, knt. second son, doctor of the civil law, and master in chancery; and Matthew, third son, who died unmarried. His eldest son, sir John Bennet of Dawley, received the honour of knighthood in the life-time of his father, at Theobalds, on the 15th of June, 1616. He married Dorothy, daughter of sir John Crofts of Saxham, in the county of Norfolk, knt. by whom he had issue six sons, the second of whom was afterwards created earl of Arlington. This account drawn up also by Dr. Campbell as a note to his life of Arlington, partakes of the partiality of that account by suppressing that in 1621, certain mal-practices were detected in the judicial conduct of sir John, and he was committed to the custody of the sheriffs of London, and afterwards to prison, fined 20,000l. and deprived of his offices. In consequence of this, according to Mr. Lodge, he died in indigence and obscurity, in the parish of Christ church, in Surrey, not in London, at the time mentioned above; but another account says that he was merely required to find security to that amount for his appearance to answer to the charges brought against him. If the fine was imposed, we may conclude it was remitted; for in a letter from lord Bacon to king James, we read these words, “Your majesty hath pardoned the like (corruption) to sir John Bennet, between whose case and mine (not being partial to myself, but speaking out of the general opinion), there was as much difference, I will not say, as between black and white, but as between black and grey or ash-coloured.”
old; and was chosen fellow of his college. In 1695, he wrote a copy of Hebrew verses on the death of queen Mary, printed in the collection of poems of the university of
, an eminent divine in the
eighteenth century, was born at Salisbury, May 7, 1673,
and educated in the free-school there; where he made so
great a progress in learning, that he was sent to St. John’s
college, Cambridge, in the beginning of 1688, before he
was full fifteen years of age. He regularly took the degrees of bachelor and master of arts; the latter in 1694,
when but twenty-one years old; and was chosen fellow of
his college. In 1695, he wrote a copy of Hebrew verses
on the death of queen Mary, printed in the collection of
poems of the university of Cambridge upon that occasion.
The first of his publications was “An answer to the dissenters pleas for Separation, or an abridgment of the London cases; wherein the substance of those books is digested into one short and plain discourse,
” Lond. A confutation of Popery, in three parts,
Canibr. 8vo. About the same time, he was engaged in
a controversy with some dissenters, which produced
the following book of his, “A discourse of Schism
shewing, 1 What is meant by schism. 2. That schism is
a damnable sin. 3. That there is a schism between the
established church of England and the dissenters. 4. That
this schism is to be charged on the dissenters’ side. 5. That
the modern pretences of toleration, agreement in fundamentals, &c. will m;t excuse the dissenters from being
guilty of schism. Written by way of letter to three
dissenting ministers in Essex, viz. Mr. Gilson and Mr. Gledhili ol Colchester, and Mr. Shepherd of Brain tree. To
which is annexed, an answer to a book entitled
” Thomas
against Bennet, or the Protestant dissenters vindicated from
the charge of schism,“Cambr. 1702, 8vo. This book
being animadverted upon by Mr. Shepherd, our author
” A defence of the discourse of Schism; in
answer to those objections which Mr. Shepherd has made in
his three sermons of Separation, &c.“Cambr. 1703, 8vo.
And, towards the end of the same year,
” An answer to
Mr. Shepherd’s considerations on the defence of the discourse of Scnism,“Cambr. 8vo. As also a treatise entitled
” Devotions, viz. Confessions, Petitions, Intercessions, and
Thanksgivings, for every day in the week and also before,
at, and after, the Sacrament with occasional prayers for
all persons whatsoever,“8vo. In 1705, he published
” A
confutation of Quakerism; or a plain proof of the falsehood of what the principal Quaker writers (especially Mr. R. Barclay, in his Apology and other works) do
teach concerning the necessity of immediate revelation
in order to a saving Christian faith, &c.“Cambr. 8vo.
In 1707 he caused to be printed in a small pamphlet,
” A discourse on the necessity of being baptized
with Water and receiving the Lord’s Supper, taken out of
the confutation of Quakerism,“Cambr. For the sake of
those who wanted either money to purchase, or time to peruse, the Confutation of Quakerism, the year following he
” A brief history of -the joint use of precomposed set forms of Prayer,“Cambr. 8vo. The same year
he published likewise
” A discourse of joint Prayer,“Cambr. 8vo. Towards the end of the same year he published
” A paraphrase with annotations upon the book of
Common Prayer, wherein the text is explained, objections
are answered, and advice is humbly offered, both to the
clergy and the laity, for promoting true devotion in the use
of it,“Lond. 8vo. The next thing he printed was
” Charity Schools recommended, in a sermon preached in St.
James’s church in Colchester, on Sunday, March 26, 1710,“8vo. The same year he wrote
” A letter to Mr. B. Robinson, occasioned by iiis * Review of the case of Liturgies,
and their imposition';“and
” A second letter to Mr. B.
Robinson, &c. on the same subject,“Lond. 1710, 8vo. In
17 11 he published
” The rights of the Clergy of the Christian church; or, a discourse shewing that God has given and
appropriated to the clergy, authority to ordain, baptize,
preach, preside in church-prayer, and consecrate the Lord’s
supper. Wherein also the pretended divine right of the
laity to elect either the persons to be ordained, or their own
particular pastors, is examined and disproved,“London,
1711, 8vo. He had begun a second part of this work, but
it was never published, in which he intended to shew, that
the clergy are, under Christ, the sole spiritual governors of
the Christian church, and that God has given and appropriated to them authority to enact laws, determine controversies, inflict censures, and absolve from them. The pre^tended divine institution of lay elders was also disproved,
and the succession of the present clergy of the established
church vindicated. And to this was annexed a
” Discourse
of the Independency of the Church on the State, with an
account of the sense of our English laws, and the judgment
of archbishop Cranmer touching that point.“About this
time he took the degree of D. D. In 1714 he published
<c Directions for studying, I. A general system or body of
divinity; II. The thirty-nine articles of religion. To which
is added St. Jerom’s epistle to Nepotianus,
” London, 8vo.
The year following was published his “Essay on the thirty-nine articles of Religion, agreed on in 1562, and revised
in 1571, wherein (the text being first exhibited in Latin and English, and the minutest variations of eighteen the most ancient and authentic copies carefully noted) an account is given of the proceedings of convocation in framing
and settling the text of the articles, the controverted clause
of the twentieth article is demonstrated to be genuine, and
the case of subscription to the articles is considered in point
of law, history, and conscience; with a prefatory epistle to
Anthony Collins, esq. wherein the egregious falsehoods and
calumnies of the author of ‘Priestcraft in perfection’ are
” London, The Non juror’s separation
from the public assemblies of the church of England examined, and proved to be schismatical upon their own
” London, 8vo. And “The case of the Reformed Episcopal Churches in Great Poland and Polish
Prussia, considered in a sermon preached on Sunday, November 18, 1716, at St. Lawrence-Jewry, London, in the
morning, and St. Olave’s, Southwark, in the afternoon,
London, 8vo. Soon after, he was presented by the dean
and chapter of St. Paul’s, to the vicarage of St. Giles’s,
Cripplegate, London, which afforded him a plentiful income of nearly five hundred pounds a-year. But he had
little quiet enjoyment of it; for, endeavouring to recover
some dues that unquestionably belonged to that church,
he was obliged to engage in tedious law-suits, which, hesides the immense charges they were attended withal, gave
him a great deal of vexation and uneasiness, and very much
embittered his spirits; however, he recovered a hundred
and fifty pounds a-year to that living. After he was settled
in it, in 1717, he married Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt of Salisbury,
a gentlewoman of great merit, and by her he had three
daughters. The same year he published “A Spital sermon preached before the lord mayor, aldermen. &c. of
London, in St. Bridget’s church, on April 24, 1717,
” London, 8vo; and in A discourse of the ever-blessed
Trinity in Unity, with an examination of Dr. Clarke’s Scripture doctrine of the Trinity,
” London, 8vo. But, from this
time, the care of his large parish, and other affairs, so engrossed his thoughts, that he had no time to undertake any
new work, except an Hebrew grammar, which was published at London in 1726, 8vo, a,ud is reckoned one of the
best of the kind. He mentions, indeed, in one of his books
written about 1716, that he had then “several tasks
” in
his hands, “which would find him full employment for
many years;
” but whatever they might be, none of them
were ever finished or made public. He died of an apoplexy at London, October 9th, 1728, aged fifty-live years,
five months, and two days, and was buried in his own
rin several pensions on ecclesiastical benefices, which, joined to the presents he received from the queen dowager and some rich and liberal ladies, amounted to an income
After the death of Richelieu, he got into favour with the duke de Breze, another maternal relation whom he claimed, and whom he accompanied in most of his expeditions. When this nobleman died, he returned to court, where his poetry became highly esteemed; and he obtained of the cardinal Mazarin several pensions on ecclesiastical benefices, which, joined to the presents he received from the queen dowager and some rich and liberal ladies, amounted to an income of twelve thousand livres, and enabled him to keep a carriage, a species of luxury then unknown to poets.
one of Costar’s letters to the marchioness de Lavardin, that Benserade was named envoy to Christina, queen of Sweden; but he never went on this employment, and hence the
We are told in one of Costar’s letters to the marchioness de Lavardin, that Benserade was named envoy to Christina, queen of Sweden; but he never went on this employment, and hence the humorous Scarron thus dates an epistle of his to the countess de Fiesque:
The compiler of “Anglorum Speculum” tells us, that he was converted from popery in the first year of queen Mary; but we find him very zealous against the popish religion
, a learned and pious English divine, bishop of Litchfield and Coventry in the sixteenth
century, was born about the year 1513, at Shirebourne in
Yorkshire, and educated at Magdalen-college in Oxford.
He took his bachelor’s degree in arts, Feb. 20, 1543, and
was admitted perpetual fellow of that college, November
16, 1546, and took his master’s degree in arts the year
following, about which time he applied himself wholly to
the study of divinity and the Hebrew language, in which
he was extremely well skilled, as well as in the Latin and
Greek tongues. The compiler of “Anglorum Speculum
tells us, that he was converted from popery in the first
year of queen Mary; but we find him very zealous
against the popish religion during the reign of king Edward VI. upon which account, and his assisting one Henry
Bull of the same college, in wresting the censer out of the
bands of the choristers, as they were about to offer their
superstitious incense, he was ejected from his fellowship
by the visitors appointed by queen Mary to regulate the
university; soon after which he retired to Zurich, and afterwards to Basil in Switzerland, and became preacher to
the English exiles there, and expounded to them the entire
book of the Acts of the Apostles; a proper subject and
portion of scripture, Fuller observes, to recommend patience to his banished countrymen; as the apostle’s sufferings so far exceeded theirs. This exposition was left by
him at the time of his death, very fairly written, and
fit for the press, but it does not appear to have been
printed. In exile, as at home and in college, he led a
praise-worthy, honest, and laborious life, with little or no
preferment. Afterwards, being recalled by some of his
brethren, he returned to London under the same queen’s
reign, where he lived privately and in disguise, and was
made superintendent of a protestant congregation in that
city; whom Bentham, by his pious discipline, diligent care
and tuition, and bold and resolute behaviour in the protestant cause, greatly confirmed in their faith and religion;
so that they assembled with the greatest constancy to divine worship, at which there often appeared an hundred,
sometimes two hundred persons; no inconsiderable congregation this to meet by stealth, notwithstanding the
danger of the times, daily, together at London, in spite
of the vigilant and cruel Bonner. At length, when queen
Elizabeth came to the throne, he was, in the second year
of her reign, nominated for the see of Litchfield and Coventry, upon the deprivation of Dr. Ralph Bayne, and had
the temporalities of that see restored to him, Feb. 20, 1559,
being then about forty-six years of age. On the 30th of
October 1556, he was created, with some others, professor of divinity at London, by Laurence Humphrey, S.T.P.
and John Kenal, LL. D. who were deputed by the university of Oxford for that purpose; and in the latter end of
October 1568, he was actually created doctor of divinity,
being then highly esteemed on account of his distinguished
learning. He published a Sermon on Matth. iv. 1—11,
printed at London, 8vo. Bishop Burnet, in his History of
the Reformation, tells us, that our author translated into
English the Book of Psalms, at the command of queen
Elizabeth, when an English version of the Bible was to
be made, and that he likewise translated Ezekiel and
Daniel. He died at Eccleshal in Staffordshire, the seat belonging to the see, Feb. 19, 1578, aged sixty-five years,
and was buried under the south wall of the chancel of that
parliament; and, by letters patent bearing date the 9th of April 1689, two clays before the king and queen’s coronation, he was created baron of Cirencester, viscount
, earl of Portland, &c. one of the greatest statesmen of his time, and
the first that advanced his family to the dignity of the
English peerage, was a native of Holland, of an ancient
and noble family in the province of Guelderland. After a
liberal education, he was promoted to be page of honour
to William, then prince of Orange (afterwards king William III. of England), in which station his behaviour and
address so recommended him to the favour of his master,
that he preferred him to the post of gentleman of his bedchamber. In this capacity he accompanied the prince into
England, in the year 1670, where, going to visit the university of Oxford, he was, together with the prince, created
doctor of civil law. In 1672, the prince of Orange being
made captain-general of the Dutch forces, and soon after
Stadtholder, M. Bentinck was promoted, and had a share
in his good fortune, being made colonel and captain of the
Dutch regiment of guards, afterwards esteemed one of the
finest in king William’s service, and which behaved with
the greatest gallantry in the wars both in Flanders and
Ireland. In 1675, the prince falling ill of the small-pox,
M. Bentinck had an opportunity of signalizing his love and
affection for his master in an extraordinary manner, and
thereby of obtaining his esteem and friendship, by one of
the most generous actions imaginable: for the small-pox
not rising kindly upon the prince, his physicians judged it
necessary that some young person should lie in the same
bed with him, imagining that the natural heat of another
would expel the disease. M. Bentinck, though he had
never had the small-pox, resolved to run this risque, and
accordingly attended the prince during the whole course
of his illness, both day and night, and his highness said
afterwards, that he believed M. Bentinck never slept; for
in sixteen days and nights, he never called once that he
was not answered by him. M. Bentinck, however, upon
the prince’s recovery, was immediately seized with the
same distemper, attended with a great deal of danger, but
recovered soon enough to attend his highness into the field,
where he was always next his person; and his courage and
abilities answered the great opinion his highness had formed of him, and from this time he employed him in his most
secret and important affairs. In 1677, M. Bentinck was
sent by the prince of Orange into England, to solicit a
match with the princess Mary, eldest daughter of James,
at that time duke of York (afterwards king James II.) which
was soon after concluded. And in 1685, upon the duke
of Monmouth’s invasion of this kingdom, he was sent over
to king James to offer him his master’s assistance, both of
his troops and person, to head them against the rebels,
but, through a misconstruction put on his message, his
highness’s offer was rejected by the king. In the year
1688, when the prince of Orange intended an expedition
into England, he sent M. Bentinck, on the elector of Brandenburgh'a death, to the new elector, to communicate to
him his design upon England, and to solicit his assistance.
In this negociation M. Bentinck was so successful as to
bring back a more favourable and satisfactory answer than
the prince had expected; the elector having generously
granted even more than was asked of him. M. Bentincfc
had also a great share in the revolution; and in this difficult and important affair, shewed all the prudence and sagacity of the most consummate statesman. It was he that
was applied to, as the person in the greatest confidence
with the prince, to manage the negociations that were set
on foot, betwixt his highness and the English nobility and
gentry, who had recourse to him to rescue them from the
danger they were in. He was also two months constantly
at the Hague, giving the necessary orders for the prince’s
expedition, which was managed by him with such secrecy,
that nothing was suspected, nor was there ever so great a
design executed in so short a time, a transport fleet of
500 vessels having been hired in three days. M. Bentinck
accompanied the prince to England, and after king James’s
abdication, during the interregnum, he held the first place
among those who composed the prince’s cabinet at that
critical time, and that, in such a degree of super-eminence,
as scarcely left room for a second: and we may presume
he was not wanting in his endeavours to procure the crown
for the prince his master; who, when he had obtained it,
was as forward on his part, in rewarding the faithful and
signal services of M. Bentinck, whom he appointed groom
of the stole, privy purse, first gentleman of the royal bedchamber, and first commoner upon the list of privy counsellors. He was afterwards naturalised by act of parliament; and, by letters patent bearing date the 9th of April
1689, two clays before the king and queen’s coronation, he
was created baron of Cirencester, viscount Woodstock,
and earl of Portland. In 1690, the earl of Portland,
with many others of the English nobility, attended king
William to Holland, where the earl acted as envoy for his majesty, at the grand congress held at the
Hague the same year. In 1695, king William made this
nobleman a grant of the lordships of Denbigh, Bromtield,
Yale, and other lands, containing many thousand acres, in
the principality of Wales, but these being part of the
demesne thereof, the grant was opposed, and the house
of commons addressed the king to put a stop to the passing
it, which his majesty accordingly complied with, and recalled the grant, promising, however, to find some other
way of shewing his favour to lord Portland, who, he said,
had deserved it by long and faithful services. It was to
this nobleman that the plot for assassinating king William
in 1695 was first discovered; and his lordship, by his indefatigable zeal, was very instrumental in bringing to light
the whole of that execrable scheme. The same year another affair happened, in which he gave such a shining proof
of the strictest honour and integrity, as has done immortal
honour to his memory. The parliament having taken into
consideration the affairs of the East India company, who,
through mismanagement and corrupt dealings, were in
danger of losing their charter, strong interest was made
with the members of both houses, and large sums distributed, to procure a new establishment of their company by
act of parliament. Among those noblemen whose interest
was necessary to bring about this affair, lord Portland’s was
particularly courted, and an extraordinary value put upon
it, much beyond that of any other peer; for he was offered no less than the sum of 50,000l. for his vote, and his
endeavours with the king to favour the design. But his
lordship treated this offer with all the contempt it deserved, telling the person employed in it, that if he ever
so much as mentioned such a thing to him again, he would
for ever be the company’s enemy, and give them all the
opposition in his power. This is an instance of public
spirit not often mst with, and did not pass unregarded;
for we find it recorded in an eloquent speech of a member
of parliament, who related this noble action to the house
of commons, much to the honour of lord Portland. It was
owing to this nobleman, also, that the Banquetting-house at
Whitehall was saved, when the rest of the Palace was destroyed by fire. In February 1696, he was created a knight
of the garter, at a chapter held at Kensington, and was installed at Windsor on the 25th of March, 1697, at which
time he was also lieutenant-general of his majesty’s forces:
for his lordship’s services were not confined to the cabinet;
he likewise distinguished himself in the field on several
occasions, particularly at the battle of the Boyne, battle of
Landen, where he was wounded, siege of Limerick, Namur, &c. As his lordship thus attended his royal master
in his wars both in Ireland and Flanders, and bore a principal command there, so he was honoured by his majesty
with the chief management of the famous peace of Ryswick; having, in some conferences with the marshal
BoufHers, settled the most difficult and tender point, and
which might greatly have retarded the conclusion of the
peace. This was concerning the disposal of king James;
the king of France having solemnly promised, in an open
declaration to all Europe, that he would never lay down his
arms tilt he had restored the abdicated king to his throne,
and consequently could not own king William, without
abandoning him. Not long after the conclusion of the
peace, king William nominated the earl of Portland to be
his ambassador extraordinary to the court of France; an,
honour justly due to him, for the share he had in bringing
about the treaty of Hysvvick; and the king could not have
fixed upon a person better qualified to support his high
character with dignity and magnificence. The French
likewise had a great opinion of his lordship’s capacity and
merit; and no ambassador was ever so respected and caressed in France as his lordship was, who, on his part, filled
his employment with equal honour to the king, the British
nation, and himself. According to Prior, however, the
earl of Portland went on this embassy with reluctance, having been for some time alarmed with the growing favour of
a rival in king William’s affection, namely, Keppel, afterwards created earl of Albermarle, a DutchmLin, who had
also been page to his majesty. “And,
” according to Prior,
“his jealousy was not ill-grounded for Albemarle so prevailed in lord Portland’s absence, that he obliged him, by
several little affronts, to lay down all his employments,
after which he was never more in favour, though the king
always shewed an esteem for him.
” Bishop Burnet says
“That the earl of Portland observed the progress of the
king’s favour to the lord Albemaiie with great uneasiness
they grew to be not only incompatible, as all rivals for favour must be, but to hate and oppose one another in every
thing; the one (lord Portland) had more of the confidence,
the other more of the favour. Lord Portland, upon his
return from his embassy to France, could not bear the visible superiority in favour that the other was growing up to;
so he took occasion, from a small preference given lord
Albemarle in prejudice of his own post, as groom of the
stole, to withdraw from court, and lay down all his employments. The king used all possible means to divert
him from this resolution, but could not prevail on him to
alter it: he, indeed, consented to serve his majesty still in
his state affairs, but would not return to any post in the
” This change, says bishop Kennet, did at first
please the English and Dutch, the earl of Albermarle having cunningly made several powerful friends in both nations, who, out of envy to lord Portland, were glad to see
another in his place; and it is said that lord Albemarle was
supported by the earl of Sutherland and Mrs. Villiers to
pull down lord Portland: however, though the first became
now the reigning favourite, yet the latter, says bishop
Kennet, did ever preserve the esteem and affection of king
William. But king William was not one of those princes
who are governed by favourites. He was his own minister
in all the greater parts of government, as those of war and
peace, forming alliances and treaties, and he appreciated
justly the merit of those whom he employed in his service.
It is highly probable, therefore, that lord Portland never
Jost the king’s favourable opinion, although he might
be obliged to give way to a temporary favourite. The
earl of Albemarle had been in his majesty’s service from
a youth, was descended of a noble family in Guelderland, attended king William into England as his page of
honour, and being a young lord of address and temper,
with a due mixture of heroism, it is no wonder his majesty took pleasure in his conversation in the intervals of
state business, and in making his fortune, who had so
long followed his own. Bishop Burnet says, it is a difficult matter to account for the reasons of the favour shewn
by the king, in the highest degree, to these two lords,
they being in all respects, not only of different, but of
quite opposite characters; secrecy and fidelity being the
only qualities in which they did in any sort agree. Lord
Albetnarle was very cheerful and gay, had all the arts of
a court, was civil to all, and procured favours for many;
but was so addicted to his pleasures that he could scarcely
submit to attend on business, and had never yet distinguished himself in any thing. On the other hand, lord
Portland was of a grave and sedate disposition, and indeed,
adds the bishop, was thought rather too cold and dry, and
had not the art of creating friends; but was indefatigable
in business, and had distinguished himself on many occasions. With another author, Mackey, his lordship has the
character of carrying himself with a very lofty mien, yet
was not proud, nor much beloved nor hated by the people.
But it is no wonder if the earl of Portland was not acceptable to the English nation. His lordship had been for ten
years entirely trusted by the king, was his chief favourite
and bosom-friend, and the favourites of kings are seldom
favourites of the people, and it must be owned king William was immoderately lavish to those he personally loved.
But as long as history has not charged his memory with
failings that might deservedly render him obnoxious to the
public, there can be no partiality in attributing this nobleman’s unpopularity partly to the above reasons, and partly
to his being a foreigner, for which he suffered not a little
from the envy and malice of his enemies, in their speeches,
libels, &c. of which there were some levelled as well
against the king as against his lordship. The same avereion, however, to foreign favourites, soon after shewed itself
against lord Albemarle, who, as he grew into power and
favour, like lord Portland, began to be looked upon with
the same jealousy; and when the king gave him the order
of the garter, in the year 1700, we are told it was generally disliked, and his majesty, to make it pass the better,
at the same time conferred the like honour on Jord Pembroke (an English nobleman of illustrious birth). Yet it
was observed, that few of the nobility graced the ceremony
of their installation with their presence, and that many
severe reflections were then made on his majesty, for giving the garter to his favourite. The king had for a long
time given the earl of Portland the entire and absolute government of Scotland; and his lordship was also employed,
in the year 1698, in the new negociation set on foot for
the succession of the Crown of Spain, called by the name
of the partition treaty > the intention of which being frustrated by the treachery of the French king, the treaty itself fell under severe censure, and was looked upon as a
fatal slip in the politics of that reign; and lord Portland
was impeached by the house of commons, in the year
1700, for advising and transacting it, as were also the
other lords concerned with him in it. This same year,
lord Portland was a second time attacked, together with
lord Albemarle, by the house of commons, when the affair of the disposal of the forfeited estates in Ireland was
under their consideration; it appearing upon inquiry, that
the king had, among many other grants, made one to lord
Woodstock (the earl of Portland’s son) of 135,820 acres of
land, and to lord Albemarle two grants, of 108,633 acres
in possession and reversion; the parliament came to a resolution to resume these grants; and also resolved, that
the advising and passing them was highly reflecting on the
king’s honour; and that the officers and instruments concerned in the procuring and passing those grants, had
highly failed in the performance of their trust and duty;
and also, that the procuring or passing exorbitant grants,
by any member now of the privy-council, or by any other
that had been a privy -counsellor, in this, or any former
reign, to his use or benefit, was a high crime and misdemeanour. To carry their resentment still farther, the
commons, immediately impeached the earls of Portland and
Albemarle, for procuring for themselves exorbitant grants.
This impeachment, however, did not succeed, and then
the commons voted an address to his majesty, that no person who was not a native of his dominions, excepting his
royal highness prince George of Denmark, should be admitted to his majesty’s councils in England or Ireland, but
this was evaded by the king’s going the very next day to
the house of lords, passing the bills that were ready, and
putting an end to the session. The partition treaty was
the last public transaction we find lord Portland engaged
in, the next year after his impeachment, 1701, having
put a period to the life of his royal and munificent master,
king William III.; but not without having shewn, even in
his last moments, that his esteem and affection for lord
Portland ended but with his life: for when his majesty
was just expiring, he asked, though with a faint voice, for
the earl of Portland, but before his lordship could come,
the king’s voice quite failed him. The earl, however,
placing his ear as near his majesty’s mouth as could be, his
lips were observed to move, but without strength to express his mind to his lordship; but, as the last testimony
of the cordial affection he bore him, he took him by the
hand, and carried it to his heart with great tenderness,
and expired soon after. His lordship had before been a
witness to, and signed his majesty’s last will and testament,
made at the Hague in 1695; and it is said, that king
William, the winter before he died, told lord Portland, as
they were walking together in the garden at Hampton
court, that he found his health declining very fast, and
that he could not live another summer, but charged his
lordship not to mention this till after his majesty’s death.
We are told, that at the time of the king’s death, lord
Portland was keeper of Windsor great park, and was displaced upon queen Anne’s accession to the throne: we are
not, however, made acquainted with the time when his
lordship became first possessed of that post. After king
William’s death, the earl did not, at least openly, concern
himself with public affairs, but betook himself to a retired
life, in a most exemplary way, at his seat at Bulstrode in
the county of Bucks, where he erected and plentifully
endowed a free-school; and did many other charities.
His lordship had an admirable taste for gardening, and
took great delight in improving and beautifying his own
gardens, which he made very elegant and curious. At
length, being taken ill of a pleurisy and malignant fever,
after about a week’s illness he died, November 23, 1709,
in the sixty-first year of his age, leaving behind him a very
plentiful fortune, being at that time reputed one of the
richest subjects in Europe. His corpse being conveyed to
London, was, on the third of December, carried with,
great funeral pomp, from his house in St. James’s square
to Westminster-abbey, and there interred in the vault
under the east window of Henry the Seventh’s chapel.
on that, began to question what authority his lordship had over him; and, by a petition presented to queen Anne, prayed “that her majesty would take him and the college
On the 4th of July, 1.689, being already M.A. in the
university of Cambridge, he was incorporated as such in
the university of Oxford, in Wadham college, and is mentioned by Anthony Wood (though then but a young man, a good deal under thirty) as a genius that was promising,
and to whom the world was likely to be obliged, for his future studies and productions. In 1691 he published a Latin epistle to John Mill, D.D. containing some critical
observations relating to Johannes Malala, Greek historiographer, published at the end of that author, at Oxon, in
1691, in a large 8vo. This was the first piece that our
author published. Nor was religion less indebted to him
than learning, for in 1691-2, he had the honour to be
selected as the first person to preach at Boyle’s lectures
(founded by that honourable gentleman, to assert and vindicate the great fundamentals of natural and revealed religion), upon which occasion he successfully applied sir Isaac
Newton’s “Principia Mathematica,
” to demonstrate the
being of God, and altogether silenced the Atheists, who, in
this country, have since that time, for the most part, sheltered themselves under Deism. The subject of his discourses was the folly of atheism, even with respect to the
present life, and that matter and motion cannot think; or a
confutation of atheism from the faculties of the soul, from
the structure and origin of human bodies, and the origin
and trame of the world itself; and though he was bnt
young, and even only in deacon’s orders, he laid the basis
and foundation upon which all the successors to that worthy
office have since built. Though this was a task of great
extent, and no small difficulty, yet Mr. Bentley acquitted
himself with so much reputation, that the trustees not only
publicly thanked him for them, but did moreover, by especial command and desire, prevail upon him to make the
said discourses public, upon which he gave the world a volume, 1693, 4to, containing eight sermons, which have not
only undergone a number of editions, but have been translated abroad into several languages. On the 2d of October, 1692, he was installed a prebendary of Worcester by
bishop Stillingfleet. Upon the death of Mr. Justel, Mr.
Bentley was immediately thought upon to succeed him, as
keeper of the royal library at St. James’s; and accordingly,
a few months after his decease, he had a warrant made out
for that place, from the secretary’s office, December 23,
1693, and had his patent for the same in April following.
Soon after he was nominated to that office, before his patent was signed, by his care and diligence he procured no
less than a thousand volumes of one sort or other, which
had been neglected to be brought to the library, according
to the act of parliament then subsisting, which prescribed
that one copy of every book printed in England, should
be brought and lodged in this library, and one in each
university library. It was about this time and upon this
occasion of his being made library-keeper, that the famous
dispute between him and the honourable Mr. Boyle, whether the epistles of Phalaris were genuine or riot, in some
measure, at first took rise, which gave occasion to so maiw
books and pamphlets, and has made so much noise in the
world. This controversy upon a point of learning, in itself
not very entertaining, was managed with a wit and humour
which rendered it interesting to the public. The world
was at that time a little biassed in favour of the production
of the young nobleman, at least as to the genteel raillery
of his pieces; for as to the dispute itself, viz. the genuineness of the Epistles of Phalaris, the best judge^s almost universally now give the preference to Dr. Bentley; nor does
he much, if at all, fall short of Mr. Boyle, in throwing a deal
of life and spirit into the controversy, particularly in his
answer to Mr. Boyle, which is interspersed, as well as Mr.
Boyle’s piece, with abundance of wit and humour, and is,
upon the whole, reckoned much the best book. When, in
1696, he was admitted to his degree of D. D. he preached,
on the day of the public commencement, from 1 Peter iii.
15. “Be ready always to give an answer to every man
that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.
About this time the university entered upon a design of
publishing some editions, in 4to, of some classic authors,
for the use of the duke of Gloucester. Dr. Bentley, who
was consulted upon the occasion, advised Laughton, to
whose care the edition of Virgil was committed, to follow
Heinsius very close, but his advice was not complied
with. Terence was published by Leng, Horace byTalbot,
and Catullus, Tibnllus, and Propertius, by Mr. Annesley,
afterwards earl of Anglesey. Dr. Bentley procurecUfrom
Holland the types with which these books were printed.
At the express desire of his friend Mr. Graevius, he published his “Animadversions and remarks on the poet Callimachus,
” making, at the same time, a collection of some
scattered pieces or fragments of that author. These he
finished and sent over to Mr. Grarmus, towards the latter
end of his dispute with Mr. Boyle, and Mr. Graevius published them abroad in 1697. in 1700, upon the death of
Dr. Montague, he was by the crown presented to the mastership of Trinity-college, Cambridge, which is reckoned
worth near 1000l. per annum, upon obtaining which preferment he resigned his prebend of Worcester; but June
12, 1701, on Dr. Say well’s death, he was collated archdeacon of Ely. What next employed his critical genius
were the two first comedies of Aristophanes. Upon these
he made some curious annotations, which were published at
Amsterdam in 1710; as was much about the same time, at
Rheims, his emendations, &c. on the fragments of
Menancler and Philemon, in the feigned name of “Philcleutherus
” Under this character he appeared again, in
The odes and epodes of Horace
in Latin and English, with a translation of Dr. Bentley’s
notes. To which are added notes upon notes, done in the
Bentleian style and manner.
” In the preface they “humbly hope that the reader will encourage the following
essays, upon several accounts. First, as they are designed
to shew him the best author of Augustus’s age in his native
purity. Secondly, to give him a further proof how far all
attempts to render him into English, even after the best
version now extant has succeeded no better, must fall short
of the original. Thirdly, to convince him how ridiculous
it is to presume to correct Horace without authority, upon
the pretended strength of superior judgment in poetry.
And lastly, how easily such a presumption may be turned
upon the authors, and sufficiently expose them in their
own way.
” This last paragraph seems indeed to express
the greatest part of the design of this work, which is executed with a great deal of spirit and humour. On the 5th
of November, 1715, the doctor preached a sermon before
the university against popery, on which somebody soon
after published remarks, which occasioned Dr, Bentley’s
answer, entitled “Reflections on the scandalous aspersions
cast on the Clergy, by the author of the Remarks on Dr.
Bentley’s Sermon on Popery, &c.
” This was printed in
The time, manner, and
other circumstances of these proposals,
” says he, “make
it but too evident, that they were hastened out to serve
quite different ends than those of common Christianity;
and I think it my duty to obviate, as far as I am able, the
influence they might have on some, whom big words, and
bold attempts, are apt to lead implicitly into an high opinion and admiration of the merit and abilities of the undertaker.
” Dr. Middleton then proceeds to criticise, paragraph by paragraph, Dr. Bentley’s proposals. Soon after
these Remarks, paragraph by paragraph, the Proposals
appeared, with a pamphlet entitled “A full answer to all
the Remarks of a late pamphleteer, by a member of Trinity
college, Cambridge,
” Remarks, &c. containing a full answer to the editor’s late defence -of his
Proposals, as well as all his objections there made against
my former remarks, by Conyers Middleton, D. D.
” As
also, an anonymous letter to the reverend master of Trinity
college, Cambridge, editor of a new Greek Testament.
We also find, under the Catalogue of the doctor’s works in
the Bibliotheca Bodleiana,-much about this time, another
publication, somewhat analogous, and relating to this affair,
viz. “An enquiry into the authority of the primitive Complutensian edition of the New Testament, in a letter to
archdeacon Bentley,
” that some noise should be made
in the world in his favour, to support his declining character by something great and popular, to recover esteem and
applause to himself, and throw an odium and contempt
upon his prosecutors, &c.
” In 1725, at a public commencement on the 6th of July, the doctor made an elegant
Latin speech, on creating seven doctors of divinity, in
which, at the several periods, by little notes below, is set
forth the whole form of the creation of a doctor of divinity.
This piece is usually joined to his edition of Terence and
Phsedrus: at least it is added to the Amsterdam edition of
them in 1727, a very neat edition, corrected for the press by
the doctor. To these notes on Terence, he has also added
those of the learned Gabriel Faernius, and taken great
pains in amending and correcting the author, not only from
those ancient manuscripts which Gabriel Faernius had procured, but also from whatever manuscripts the royal library, those of Cambridge, or any of his friends, could
afford; some of which, he assures us, were of great antiquity, and at least next, and very little inferior, to those of
Faernius, the orthography of which, as the most ancient
manuscript, he altogether follows. He has likewise altered the text in abundance of places, and assigns in the
notes the reason for such alteration. Then follows the
Schediasma of the metre and accents of Terence, by which
the doctor proves that Terence is written all in Verse.
This, however', was a matter of some controversy betw-een
the learned bishop Hare and our author; and during the
warmth of the debate. Will. Whiston remarked how intolerable it was, that while Grotius, Newton, and Locke, all
laymen, were employing their talents on sacred studies, such
clergymen as Dr. Bentley and bishop Hare were fighting
about a play-book. About 1732, the doctor published his
Milton’s “Paradise Lost,
” when he was, as he says in his
preface, about seventy years old. This is a very elegant
and beautiful edition of that poem, but cannot be said to
have contributed much to the editor’s deputation. Dr.
Bentley tells us, that he had prepared a new edition of the
poet Manillas for the press, which he would have published,
had not the clearness of paper, and the want of good types,
and some other occasions, hindered him. He had also
some design of publishing an edition of Hesychius, as we
find by Mr. Graevius’s letter to him, and assured Dr. Mill,
he could, if he pleased, correct five thousand faults in that
author. His emendations on the Tusculan Questions of
Cicero are adjoined to Mr. Davis’s edition of that author.
From this produce of his studious, we must now pass to
that of his more active, life, in the memorable complaints
of rrial -administration urged against him by the college,
which were the occasion of a long suit, whether the Crown‘
or the bishop of Ely was general visitor. A party in the
college, displeased at some of his regulations, began to
talk of the fortieth statute, de Magistri (si res exigat)
Amotionc, and meditated a complaint to the bishop of Ely.
The master hearing this, went to bishop Patrick, then at
Ely, who told him, he had never heard before, that, as
bishop of Ely, he had any thing to do in the royal college
of Trinity; called his secretary to him, and bid him seek
if there was any precedent for it in the bishop’s archives;
but not one was found, nor so much as a copy of Trinity
college statutes. Upon that, the doctor lent him one; and
during that bishop’s time the matter was dropped. But in
his successor Dr. Moore’s time, the party were encouraged to apply to the bishop, in 1709, and avast number
of articles about dilapidations, but not one of immorality,
bribery, or fraud, were exhibited against the master.
These were, however, the subject of many pamphlets on
both sides. His lordship received the charge, intending
to proceed upon it, which he conceived himself sufficiently
authorised to do, and required Dr. Bentley’ s answer, which
he declined for some time to give, pleading want of form
in the charge; because other members of the college,
besides the seniors, had joined in the accusation, and the seniors themselves, as he alleged, had never yet admonished
him; from whence he inferred, that all proceedings on
such a charge, and whatsoever should follow on the same
foot, would be ipso facto null and void. The bishop, however, did not, it seems, think this plea to be material; for
he insisted upon Dr. Bentley’s answer to the charge; who,
upon that, began to question what authority his lordship had over him; and, by a petition presented to queen
Anne, prayed “that her majesty would take him and the
college into her protection, against the bishop’s pretensions, and maintain her sole power and jurisdiction
over her royal foundation, and the masters thereof.
This petition was referred to the then attorney and solicitor-general, and they were ordered fully to consider the
matter, and report their opinions. Notice was given at
the same time to the bishop, that her majesty having taken
this affair into her cognizance, his lordship was to stay
proceedings till the queen’s pleasure was farther known.
Mr. attorney and solicitor-general took some time to consider; and were of opinion, the bishop had power over the
master. But this report not proving satisfactory to some
persons then in administration, a letter was brought to the
bishop from Mr. secretary St. John, dated 18th June, 1711,
acquainting him, “that the matter of the petition of Dr.
Richard Bentley, master of Trinity-college in Cambridge,
together with the report of Mr. attorney and Mr. solicitorgeneral, being then before the queen, and ordered to be
taken into consideration by my lord keeper, assisted by
her majesty’s counsel learned in the law, her majesty
thought it to be a business of such weight and consequence,
that she had commanded him (the secretary) to signify her
pleasure to his lordship, that he should stop all further
proceedings, according to her majesty’s direction.
” But
the master seeing that all discipline and studies would be
lost in the college, if that controversy were not one way
or other decided, requested of the ministry that he might
be permitted to take his trial under any visitor the queen
should appoint; or if none could be so appointed, that he
might have leave, salvo jure regio, to be voluntarily tried
under the bishop. Upon this the inhibition was taken off
by Mr. secretary St. John, by order of the queen, signifying, “that his lordship was at liberty to proceed, so far as
by the law he might.
” But his lordship did not think fit to
proceed, till he was served uith a rule of court from the
king’s-bench, in Easter-term 1714, to shew cause why a
writ of mandamus should not issue out against him. The
bishop, being then at Ely, was applied to by joint messengers on both sides, to go to the college, where he might
have ended the matter in two days. But this was not
thought so proper, and Ely-house at London was pitched
on, where, instead of two days, the trial lasted at least six
weeks, and the college paid a thousand pounds for it;
three learned lawyers, who could know but very little of
the matter, being admitted on each side, to make eloquent
harangues, answers, and replies, upon questions arisingfrom above fifty articles, in which there was scarcely any
thing material that might not easily be determined upon a
bare inspection of the college statutes, registers, and books
of accounts. The trial being ended, and the cause ripe
for sentence, the bishop’s death prevented his giving judgment. Thus the matter dropped for the present; but was
afterwards revived in 1728, when new articles of complaint
against Dr. Bentley, charging him with having in many
instances made great waste of the college revenue, and
violated the statutes, all founded on the 40th of Elizabeth,
were again exhibited to the bishop of Ely, as specially authorised and appointed to receive the same, and to proceed thereupon; though the matter had been long before
decided in favour of the crown, as having the general visitatorial power. Upon this, a petition was subscribed by
the college, and presented to his majesty under the common-seal, the 10th of August 1728, and the cause carried
before the king in council for the college itself now engaged as party in the cause against the bishop, and above
fifteen hundred pounds out of the revenues of the college,
were spent in carrying it on. This being referred to a
committee of his majesty’s most honourable privy-council,
Dr. Fleetwood, the lord bishop of Ely, on the 2nd of November, 1728, also presented a petition to his majesty, to
be heard touching his right, which was likewise referred
to the said committee. The lords committee, just before
the clay appointed for a hearing, viz. March 13, 1728, had
a printed pamphlet put into their hands, entitled, “The
Case of Trinity-college; whether the Crown or the Bishop
of Ely be General Visitor;
” at the end of which, as well
as in their petition, the college applied to the king, to take
the visitatorial power (as by the opinion of council he might with their consent) into his own hands, that they might b0
only visited by the crown, but not with a view or intent of
avoiding a visitation or inquiry into the state of the society,
for which they were very pressing, both in their petition,
and at the end of this pamphlet. On the fifteenth the cause
came on before the lords of the committee of privy-council,
but was from thence referred to the king’s bench, where
the May following it was tried by way of prohibition, and
after a long pleading, the judges unanimously determined
it in favour of the bishop, as to his visitatorial power over
the doctor; and the June following, the fellows exhibited
their articles of complaint against him before the bishop of
Ely, his lordship having two assistants, viz. sir Henry Penrice, and Dr. Bettesworth. But it being urged, that the
bishop was going to exercise a general visitatorial power,
another petition was preferred to his majesty and council,
by the master and fellows, and a farther hearing appointed
in the cause, in the court of king’s bench, in November,
1729, &c. and in November, 1731, we find the cause had
gone against the bishop of Ely, by his taking out a writ of
error, for carrying the' cause by appeal into the house of
lords. The crown, however, at last, to put an end to the
dispute and disturbance, (as fully impowered to do) took
both college and master, according to their petition, into
its own jurisdiction and visitation, and here the matter
ing represented him at the court of Vienna as a rebel and disturber of the public peace, the empress queen issued a decree in chancery against him, by which he was deprived
, an adventurer of very dubious, but not uninteresting character, one of the Magnates of the kingdoms of Hungary and Poland, was born in the year 1741, at Verbowa, the hereditary lordship of his family, situated in Nittria, in Hungary. After receiving the education which the court of Vienna affords to the youth of illustrious families, at the age of fourteen years, he fixed on the profession of arms. He was accordingly received into the regiment of Siebenschien, in quality of lieutenant; and joining the Imperial army, then in the field against the king of Prussia, was present at the battles of Lowositz, Prague, Schweidnitz, and Darmstadt. In 17,38, he quitted the Imperial service and hastened into Lithuania, at the instance of his uncle the starost of Benyowsky, and succeeded as his heir to the possession of his estates. The tranquillity, however, which he now enjoyed was interrupted by intelligence of the sudden death of his father, and that his brothers-in-law had taken possession of his inheritance. These circumstances demanding his immediate presence in Hungary, he quitted Lithuania with the sole view of obtaining possession of the property of his family; but his brothers-in-law by force opposed his entrance into his own castle. He then repaired to Krussava, a lordship dependant on the castle of Verbowa, where, after having caused himself to be acknowledged by his vassals, and being assured of their fidelity, he armed them, and by their assistance gained possession of all his effects; but his brothers, having represented him at the court of Vienna as a rebel and disturber of the public peace, the empress queen issued a decree in chancery against him, by which he was deprived of his property, and compelled to withdraw into Poland. He now determined to travel; but after taking several voyages to Hamburgh, Amsterdam, and Plymouth, with intention to apply himself to navigation, he received letters from the magnates and senators of Poland, which induced him to repair to Warsaw, where he joined the con?federation then forming, and entered into an obligation, upon oath, not to acknowledge the king, until the confederation, as the only lawful tribunal of the republic, should have declared him lawfully elected to oppose the Russians by force of arms and not to forsake the colours of the confederation so long as the Russians should remain in Poland. Leaving Warsaw, in the month of December, he attempted to make his rights known at the court of Vienna; but disappointed in this endeavour, and deprived of all hope of justice, he resolved to quit for ever the dominions of the house of Austria. On his return to Poland, he was attacked, during his passage through the county of Zips, with a violent fever and being received into the house of Mr. Hensky, a gentleman of distinction, he paid his addresses and was married to one of his three daughters, but did not continue long in possession of happiness or repose. The confederate states of Poland, a party of whom had declared themselves at Cracow, observing that the count was one of the first who had signed their union at Warsaw, wrote to him to join them and, compelled by the strong tie of the oath he had taken, he departed without informing his wife, and arrived at Cracow on the very day count Panin made the assault. He was received with open arms by martial -Czarnesky, and immediately appointed colonel general, commander of cavalry, and quarter-master-general. On the 6th of July 1768, he was detached to Navitaig to conduct a Polish regiment to Cracow, and he not only brought the whole regiment, composed of six hundred men, through the camp of the enemy before the town, but soon afterwards defeated a body of Russians at Kremenka rechiced Landscroen, which prince Lubomirsky, who had joined the confederacy with two thousandregular troops, had attempted in vain and, by his great gallantry and address, contrived the means of introducing supplies into Cracow when besieged by the Russians but the count, having lost above sixteen hundred men in affording this assistance to the town, was obliged to make a precipitate retreat the moment he had effected his purpose; and being pursued by the Russian cavalry, composed of cossacks and hussars, he had the misfortune to have his horse killed under him, and fell at last, after receiving two wounds, into the hands of the enemy. Apraxin, the Russian general, being informed of the successful manoeuvre of the count, was impressed with a very high opinion of him, and proposed to him to enter into the Russian service but rejecting the overture with disdain, he was only saved from being sent to Kiovia with the other prisoners by the interposition of his friends, who paid 962 1. sterling for his ransom. Thus set at liberty, he considered himself as released from the parole which he had given t the Russians; and again entering the town of Cracow, he was received with the most perfect satisfaction by the whole confederacy. The town being no longer tenable, it became an object of the utmost consequence to secure another place of retreat and the count, upon his own proposal and request, was appointed to seize the castle of Lublau, situated on the frontier of Hungary; but after visiting the commanding officer of the castle, who was not apprehensive of the least danger, and engaging more than one half of the garrison by oath in the interests of the confederation, an inferior officer, who was dispatched to assist him, indiscreetly divulged the design, and the count was seized and carried into the fortress of Georgenburgh, and sent from thence to general Apraxin. On his way to that general, however, he was rescued by a party of confederates, and returned to Lublin, a town where the rest of the confederation of Cracow had appointed to meet, in order to join those of Bar, from which time he performed a variety of gallant actions, and underwent great vicissitudes of fortune. On the 19th of May, the Russian colonel judging that the count was marching towards Stry, to join the confederate parties at Sauok, likewise hastened his march, and arrived thither half a day before the count, whose forces were weakened by fatigue and hunger. In this state he was attacked about noon by colonel Brincken, at the head of four thousand men. The count was at first compelled^ to give way but, on the arrival of his cannon, he, in his turn, forced the colonel to retire, who at last quitted the field, and retreated towards Stry. The advantage of the victory served only to augment the misery of the count, who iivthis single action had threahundred wounded and two hundred and sixty-eight slain, and who had no other prospect before him than either to perish by hunger with his troops in the forest, or to expose himself to be cut to pieces by the enemy. On the morning of the 20th, however, by the advice of his officers and troops, he resumed his march, and arrived about ten o‘clock at the village of Szuka, where, being obliged to halt for refreshment, he was surprised by a party of cossacks, and had only time to quit the village and form his troops in order of battle on the plain, before he was attacked by the enemy’s cavalry, and soon, after by their infantry, supported by several pieces of cannon, which caused the greatest destruction among his forces. At length, after being dangerously wounded, the Russians took him prisoner. The count was sent to the commander in chief of the Russian armies, then encamped at Tam’pool, who not only forbade the surgeons to dress his wounds, but, after reducing him to bread and water, loaded him with chains, and transported him to Kiow. On his arrival at Polene, his neglected wound had so far endangered his life, that his conductor'was induced to apply to colonel Sirkow. the commanding officer at that place, and he was sent to the hospital, cured of his wounds, and afterwards lodged in the town, with an advance of fifty roubles for his subsistence. Upon the arrival, however, of brigadier Bannia, who relieved colonel Sirkow in his command, and who had a strong prejudice against the count, he was ac^ain loaded with chains, and conducted to the dungeon with the rest of the prisoners, who were allowed no other subsistence than bread and water. Upon his entrance he recognized several officers and soldiers who had served under him and their friendship was the only consolation he received in his distressed situation. Twentytwo days were thus consumed in a subterraneous prison, together with eighty of his companions, without light, and even without air, except what was admitted through an aperture which communicated with the casements. These unhappy wretches were not permitted to go out even on their natural occasions, which produced such an infection, that thirty-five of them died in eighteen or twenty days; and such were the inhumanity and barbarity of the commander, that he suffered the dead to remain and putrefy among the Ining. On the 16th of July the prison was opened, and one hundred and forty- eight prisoners, who had survived out of seven hundred and eighty-two, were driven, under every species of cruelty, from Polene to Kiow, where the strength of the count’s constitution, which had hitherto enabled him to resist such an accumulation of hardships and fatigue, at length gave way, and he was attacked with a malignant fever, and delirium. The governor, count Voicikow, being informed of his quality, ordered that i-.e should be separately lodged in a house, and that two roubles a day should he paid him for subsistence but when he was in a fair way of recovery, an order arrived from Petersburgh to send all the prisoners to Cazan, and this severity bringing on a relapse, the officer was obliged co leave the count at Nizym, a town dependant on the government of Kiow. At this place, a Mr. Lewner, a German merchant, procured him comfortable accommodation, superintended the restoration of his health, and on his departure made him a present of two hundred roubles, which he placed for safety in the hands of the officer until his arrival at Cazan, but who had afterwards the effrontery to deny that he had ever received the mont.y, accused the count of attempting to raise a revolt among the ^riauners, and caused him. to be loaded with chains and committed to the prison of Cazan, from which he was delivered at the pressing instances of marshal Czarnesky Potockzy, and the young Palanzky. He was then lodged at a private house, and being invited to dine with a man of quality in the place, he was solicited, and consented to join in a confederacy against the government. But on the 6th of November 1769, on a quarrel happening between two Russian lords, one of them informed the governor that the prisoners, in concert with the Tartars, meditated a design against his person and the garrison. This apostate lord accused the count, in order to save his friends and countrymen, and on the 7th, at eleven at night, the count not suspecting any such event, heard a knocking at his door. He came down, entirely undressed, with a candle in his hand, to inquire the cause; and, upon opening his door, was surprised to see an officer with twenty soldiers, who demanded if the prisoner was at home. On his replying in the affirmative, the officer snatched the candle out of his hand, and ordering his men to follow him, went hastily up to the count’s apartment. The count immediately took advantage of his mistake, quitted his house, and, after apprising some of the confederates that their plot was discovered, he made his escape, and arrived at Petersburgh on the 19th of November, where he engaged with a Dutch captain to take him to Holland. The captain, however, instead of taking him on-board tho ensuing morning, pursuant to his promise, appointed him to meet on the bridge over the Neva at midnight, and there betrayed him to twenty Russian soldiers collected for the purpose, who carried him to count Csecserin, lieutenantgeneral of the police. The count was conveyed to the fort of St. Peter and St. Paul, confined in a subterraneous dungeon, and after three days fast, presented with a morsel of bread and a pitcher of water; but, on the 22d of November 1769, he at length, in hopes of procuring his discharge, was induced to sign a paper promising for ever to quit the dominions of her imperial majesty, under pain of death.
tinate, studied at Groningen. He became tutor to the children of the king of Bohemia, and was by the queen’s interest appointed professor of philosophy at Utrecht, 1640,
, who was born, according
to Vossius, in the Palatinate, studied at Groningen. He
became tutor to the children of the king of Bohemia, and
was by the queen’s interest appointed professor of philosophy at Utrecht, 1640, and eight years afterwards professor
of eloquence. He succeeded also in poetry, but his style
has been objected to as containing many new-coined words
and affected phrases. He died July 24, 1667, leaving several works, of which the principal were, l.“Exercitationes ethicae, ceconomicge, politicae,
” Utrecht, Dissertatio de Cometis, utrum sint signa, an causae, an
utrumque, an neutrum,
” Utrecht, Examen elementorurn philosophicorum de bono cive,
” which remains in manuscript.
of Hanover, till Mr. Molineux, above-mentioned, took off the impression, and first made him known to queen Caroline, whose secretary, when princess, Mr. -Molineux had
In 1710 appeared “The Principles of human knowledge;
” and, in Dialogues between Hylas and
” but to them the same praise has not been
given, and to this day their real tendency is a disputed
point. The object of both pieces is to prove that the commonly received notion of the existence of matter is false
that sensible material objects, as they are called, are not
external to the mind, but exist in it, and are nothing more
than impressions made upon it by the immediate act of
God, according to certain rules termed laws of nature,
from which, in the ordinary course of his government, he
never deviates and that the steady adherence of the Supreme Spirit to these rules is what constitutes the reality
of things to his creatures. These works are declared to.
Lave been written in opposition to sceptics and atheists
and the author’s inquiry is into the chief cause of error
and difficulty in the sciences, with the grounds of scepticism, atheism, and irreligion which cause and grounds
are found to be the doctrines of the existence of matter.
He seems persuaded that men never could have been deluded into a false opinion of the existence of matter, if
they had not fancied themselves invested with a power of
abstracting substance from the qualities under which it is
perceived and hence, as the general foundation of his
argument, he is led to combat and explode a doctrine
maintained by Locke and others, of there being a power
in the mind of abstracting general ideas. Mr. Hume says,
that these works “form the best lessons of scepticism,
which are to be found either among the ancient or modern
philosophers, Bayle not excepted.
” Dr. Beattie also considers them as having a sceptical tendency. He adds, that
if Berkeley’s argument be conclusive, it proves that to b
false which every man must necessarily believe, every moment of his life, to be true, and that to be true which no
man since the foundation of the world was ever capable of
believing for a single moment. Berkeley’s doctrine attacks
the most incontestable dictates of common sense, and pretends to demonstrate that the clearest principles of human
conviction, and those which have determined the judgment
of men in all ages, and by which the judgment of all reasonable men must be determined, are certainly fallacious.
It may just be observed, that Berkeley had not reached
his 27th year when he published this singular system. The
author of his life in the Biog. Brit, asserts that “the airy
visions of romances, to the reading of which he was much
addicted, disgust at the books of metaphysics then received
in the university, and that inquisitive attention to the
operations of the mind which about this time was excited
by the writings of Locke and Malebranche, probably gave
birth to his disbelief of the existence of matter.
” Whatever influenre the oth^r causes here assigned might have
had, we have the authority of his relict, Mrs. Berkeley,
that he had a very great dislike to romances, and indeed
it would be difficult to discover in any of these volumes
of absurd fiction the grounds of such a work as Berkeley’s.
In 1712 he published three sermons in favour of passive
obedience and non-resistance, which underwent at least
three editions, and afterwards had nearly done him sonic
injury in. his fortune. They caused him to be represented
as ajlacobite, and stood in his way with the house of Hanover, till Mr. Molineux, above-mentioned, took off the
impression, and first made him known to queen Caroline,
whose secretary, when princess, Mr. -Molineux had been.
Acuteness of parts and beauty of imagination were so conspicuous in his writings, that his reputation was now established, and his company courted even where his opinions
did not find admission. Men of opposite parties concurred
in recommending him sir Richard Steele, for instance,
and Dr. Swift. For the former he wrote several papers in
the Guardian, and at his house became acquainted with
Pope, with whom he afterwards lived in friendship. It is
said he had a guinea and a dinner with Steele for every
paper he wrote in the Guardian. Swift recommended him
to the celebrated earl of Peterborough, who being appointed
ambassador to the king of Sicily and the Italian states,
took Berkeley with him as chaplain and secretary in November 1713. He returned to England with this nobleman in August 1714, and towards the close of the year
had a fever, which gave occasion to Dr. Arbuthnot to indulge a little pleasantry on Berkeley’s system. “Poor
philosopher Berkeley,
” says he to his friend Swift, “has
now the idea of health, which was very hard to produce in
him; for he had an idea of a strange fever on him so strong,
that it was very hard to destroy it by introducing a contrary one.
His hopes of preferment expiring with the fall of queen Anne’s ministry, he some time after embraced an offer made him
His hopes of preferment expiring with the fall of queen
Anne’s ministry, he some time after embraced an offer
made him by Dr. St. George Ashe, bishop of Clogher, of
accompanying his son in a tour through Europe. When he
arrived at Paris, having more leisure than when he first
passed through that city, Mr. Berkeley took care to pay
his respects to his rival in metaphysical sagacity, the illustrious Pere Malebranche. He found this ingenious father
in his cell, cooking in a small pipkin a medicine for a
disorder with which he was then troubled, an inflammation
on the lungs. The conversation naturally turned on our
author’s system, of which the other had received some
knowledge from a translation just published. But the
issue of this debate proved tragical to poor Malebranche.
In the heat of disputation he raised his voice so high, and.
gave way so freely to the natural impetuosity of a man of
parts and a Frenchman, that he brought on himself a
violent increase of his disorder, which carried him off a
few days after. In this excursion Mr. Berkeley employed
four years and, besides those places which fall within,
the grand tour, visited some that are less frequented. He
travelled over Apulia (from which he wrote an account of the tarantula to Dr. Freind), Calabria, and the whole
island of Sicily. This last country engaged his attention
so strongly, that he had with great industry collected very
considerable materials for a natural history of it, but unfortunately lost them in the passage to Naples. What injury the literary world has sustained by this mischance,
may be collected from the specimen of his talents for observation and description, in a letter to Mr. Pope concerning the island of Inarime (now Ischia) dated October 22,
1717; and in another from the same city to Dr. Arbuthnot,
giving an account of an eruption of Vesuvius. On his
way homeward, he drew up at Lyons a curious tract “De
” which was inserted in the memoirs of the royal
academy of sciences at Paris, who had proposed the subject. He arrived at London in 1721; and, being much
affected with the miseries of the nation, occasioned by the
South Sea scheme in 1720, published the same year “An
essay towards preventing the ruin of Great Britain;
” reprinted in his miscellaneous tracts.
y related by what means, and upon what occasion, Dr. Berkeley had first the honour of being known to queen Caroline. This princess delighted much in attending to philosophical
We have already related by what means, and upon what
occasion, Dr. Berkeley had first the honour of being known
to queen Caroline. This princess delighted much in attending to philosophical conversations between learned
and ingenious men for which purpose she had, when
princess of Wales, appointed a particular day in the week,
when the most eminent for literary abilities at that time in
England were invited to attend her royal highness in the
evening a practice which she continued after her accession to the throne. Of this company were doctors Clarke,Hoadly, Berkeley, and Sherlock.- Clarke and Berkeley
were generally considered as principals in the debates that
arose upon those occasions; and Hoadly adhered to the
former, as Sherlock did to the latter. Hoadly was no friend
to our author: he affected to consider his philosophy and
his Bermuda project as the reveries of a visionary. Sherlock
(who was afterwards bishop of London) on the other hand
warmly espoused his cause and particularly, when the
“Minute Philosopher
” came out, he carried a copy of it
to the queen, and left it to her majesty to determine, whether such a work could be the production of a disordered
understanding. After dean Berkeley’s return from Rhode
Island, the queen often commanded his attendance to discourse with him on what he had observed worthy of notice
in America. His agreeable and instructive conversation,
engaged that discerning princess so much in his favour,
that the rich deanery of Down in Ireland falling vacant,
he was at her desire named to it, and the king’s letter
actually came over fqr his appointment. But his friend
lord Burlington having neglected to notify the royal intentions in proper time to the duke of Dorset, then lord
lieutenant of Ireland, his excellency was so offended at
this disposal of the richest deanery in Ireland, without his
concurrence, that it was thought proper not to press the
matter any farther. Her -majesty upon this declared, that
since they would not suffer Dr. Berkeley to be a dean in
Ireland, he should be a bishop and accordingly, in 1733,the bishopric of Cioyne becoming vacant, he was by letters patent, dated March 17, promoted to that see, and
was consecrated at St. Paul’s church in Dublin, on the
19th of May following, byTheophilus archbishop of Cashel,
assisted by the bishops of Raphoe and Killaloe. His lordship repaired immediately to his manse-house at Cioyne,
where he constantly resided (except one winter that he attended the business of parliament in Dublin) and applied
himself with vigour to the faithful discharge of all episcopal duties. He revived in his diocese the useful office of
rural dean, which had gone into disuse visited frequently
parochially and confirmed in several parts of his see.
churchmen, who are evidently dead to ambition and avarice.” Just before his embarkation for America, queen Caroline endeavoured to stagger his resolution, by the offer
But the bishop, ever, active and attentive to the public
good, was continually sending forth something or o-ther
in 1735, the “Querist;
” in A Discourse addressed to Magistrates,
” occasioned by the enormous licence
and irreligion of the times and many other things afterwards of a smaller kind. In 1744 came forth his celebrated
and curious book, entitled, “Siris a chain of philosophical reflections and inquiries concerning the virtues of Tar
” a medicine which had been useful to himself in a
case of nervous colic. This work, he has been heard to
declare, cost him more time and pains than any other he
had ever been engaged in. It underwent a second impression, with additions and emendations, in 1747 and was
followed by “Farther thoughts on Tar Water,
” in I desire to add one more to the
list of churchmen, who are evidently dead to ambition and
” Just before his embarkation for America, queen
Caroline endeavoured to stagger his resolution, by the offer of an English mitre but, in reply, he assured her
majesty, that he chose rather to be president of St. Paul’s
college, than primate of all England.