is learned society thought him weak and ignorant in physic, yet he contrived to obtain the degree of doctor of physic in some university. This did not hinder new complaints
, a noted empiric and chemist in the latter end of the sixteenth and the
beginning of the seventeenth centuries, was the son of an
eminent goldsmith in the city of London, who had an employment of considerable value in the jewel-office undef
the reign of queen Elizabeth. He was born April 16,
1550; and having been carefully instructed in the first
rudiments of learning while at home, was, about the year
1569, sent to the university of Cambridge, where he studied with great diligence and success, and some time in
the year 1574 took the degree of master of arts. It appears from his own writings, that he applied himself for
many years in that university, to the theory and practice
of chemistry, with sedulous industry. He came up to
London, probably before he attained the age of forty, and
began soon after his arrival to publish to the world the
effects of his chemical studies. In the year 1598, he sent
abroad his first treatise, concerning the excellency of a
medicine drawn from gold; but, not having taken the necessary precautions of applying to the college of physicians for their licence, he was, some time in the year 1600,
summoned before the president and censors. Here he
confessed that he had practised physic in London at least
more than six months, and had cured twenty persons of
several diseases, to whom he had given purging and vomiting physic, and to others, a diaphoretic medicine, prepared from gold and mercury, as their case required; but
acknowledged that he had no licence, and being examined,
in several parts of physic, and found inexpert, he was interdicted practice. About a month after, he was committed to the Counter-prison, and fined in the sum of five
pounds “propter illicitam praxin
” that is, for prescribing
physic against the statutes and privilege of the college;
but upon his application to the lord chief justice, he was
set at liberty, which gave so great umbrage to the college,
that the president and one of the censors waited on the
chief justice, to request his favour in defending and
preserving the college privileges; upon which Mr. Anthony
submitted himself, promised to pay his fine, and was forbidden practice. But not long after he was accused again
of practising physic, and upon his own confession was
fined five pounds; which, on his refusing to pay it, was
increased to twenty pounds, and he committed to prison
till he paid it; neither were the college satisfied with this,
but commenced a suit at law against him in the name of
the queen, as well as of the college, in which they succeeded, and obtained judgment against him; but after some
time, were prevailed upon by the intreaties of his wife, to
remit their share of the penalty, as appears by their warrant to the keeper of the prison for his discharge, dated
under the college seal, the 6th of August, 1602. After
his release, he seems to have met with considerable patrons, who were able to protect him from the authority of
the college; and though Dr. Goodall tells us, that this
learned society thought him weak and ignorant in physic,
yet he contrived to obtain the degree of doctor of physic
in some university. This did not hinder new complaints
being brought against him, by Dr. Taylor, and another
physician, who grounded their proceedings chiefly on his
giving a certain nostrum, which he called “Aurum potabilt!,
” or potable gold, and which he represented to the
world as an universal medicine. There were at this time
also several things written agaiust him, and his manner of
practice, insinuating that he was very inaccurate in his
method of philosophizing, that the virtues of metals as to
physical uses were very uncertain, and that the boasted
effects of his medicine were destitute of proof. Dr. Anthony, upon this, published a defence of himself and his
Aurum potabile in Latin, written with a plausible display
of skill in chemistry, and with an apparent knowledge of
the theory and history of physic. This book, which he
published in 1610, was printed at the university press of
Cambridge, and entitled “Medicinac Chymicae, et verj
potabilis Auri assertio, ex lucubrationibus Fra. Anthonii
Londinensis, in Medicina Doctoris. Cantabrigise, ex
officina Cantrelli Legge celeberrimae Academics Typographi,
” 4to. It had a very florid dedication to king James
prefixed. He, likewise, annexed certificates of cures, under the hands of several persons of distinction, and some
of the faculty; but his book was quickly answered, and
the controversy about Aurum potabile grew so warm, that
he was obliged to publish another apology in the Englis
language, which was also translated into Latin, but did not
ans.wer the doctor’s expectation, in conciliating the opinion
of the faculty, yet, what is more valuable to an empiric, it
procured the genera' good-will of ordinary readers, and
contributed exceedingly to support and extend his practice, notwithstanding all the pains taken to decry it. What
chiefly contributed to maintain his own reputation, and
thereby reflected credit on his medicine, was that which is
rarely met with among quacks, his unblemished character
in private life. Dr. Anthony was a man of unaffected piety,
untainted probity, of easy address, great modesty, and
boundless charity; which procured him many friends, and
left it not in the power of his enemies to attack any part of
his conduct, except that of dispensing a medicine, of
which they had no opinion. And though much has been
said to disgredit the use of gold in medicine, yet some very
able and ingenious men wrote very plausibly in support of
those principles on which Dr. Anthony’s practice was
founded, and among these the illustrious Robert Boyle.
The process of making the potable gold is given in the
Biog. Britannica, but in such a contused and ignorant
manner that any modern chemist may easily detect the
fallacy, and be convinced that gold does not enter into the
preparation. The time Jn which Anthony flourished, if
that phrase may be applied tq him, was very favourable to
his notions, chemistry being then much admired and very
little understood. He had therefore a most extensive and
beneficial practice, which enabled him to live hospitably
at his house in Bartholomew close, and to be very liberal
in jiis alms to the poor. He died May 26, 1623, and was
buried in the church of St. Bartholomew the Great, where
a handsome monument was erected to his memory. His
principal antagonists were, Dr. Matthew Gwinne, of the
college of physicians, who wrote “Aurum non Aurum,
sive adversaria in assertorem Chymiæ, sed veræ Medicinæ
desertorem Franciscum Anthonium,” Lond. 1611, 4to,
and Dr. Cotta, of Northampton, in 1623, in a work entitled, “Cotta contra Antonium, or an Ant-Antony, or an
Ant-Apology, manifesting Dr. Anthony his Apology for
Aurum potabile, in true and equal balance of right reason,
to be false and counterfeit,
” Oxford, 4to.
Dr. Anthony by his second wife had two sons: Charles,
a physician of character at Bedford, and John, the subject
of the following article.
im at iiis own expence to pursue his studies at Leyden, where he remained till he took his degree of doctor of physic, and then his patron gave him a place in the admiralty.
, an eminent Dutch poet, surnamed Vander Goes, from the place in Zealand
where he was born, April 3, 1647, of parents who were
anabaptists, people of good character, but of low circumstances. They went to live at Amsterdam, when An ton ides
was about four years old; and in the ninth year of his age
he began his studies, under the direction of Hadrian Junius and James Cocceius. Antonides took great pleasure in
reading the Latin poets, carefully comparing them with
Grotius, Heinsius, &c. and acquired a considerable taste
for poetry. He first attempted to translate some pieces of
Ovid, Horace, and other ancients; and having formed his
taste on these excellent models, he at length undertook
one of the most difficult tasks in poetry, to write a tragedy,
entitled, “Trazil,
” or the “Invasion of China,
” but was
so modest as not to permit it to be published. Vondel,
who was then engaged in a dramatic piece, taken also from
some event that happened in China, read Antonides’s tragedy, and was so well pleased with it, that he declared, if the
author would not print it, he would take some passages out
of it, and make use of them in his own tragedy, which he
did accordingly; and it was reckoned much to the honour
of Antonides, to have written what might be adopted by so
great a poet as Vondel was acknowledged to be. Upon
the conclusion of the peace betwixt Great Britain and
Holland, in the year 1697, Antonides wrote a piece, entitled “Bellona aan band,
” i. e. Bellona chained; a very
elegant poem, consisting of several hundred verses. The
applause with which this piece was received, excited him
to try his genius in something more considerable; he accordingly wrote an epic poem, which he entitled The River
Y. 'the description of this river, or rather lake, is the
subject of the poem, which is divided into four books; in
the first the poet gives a very pompous description of all
that is remarkable on that bank of the Y on which Amsterdam is built. In the second he opens to himself a larger
field, beginning with the praises of navigation, and describing the large fleets which cover the Y as an immense forest, and thence go to every part of the world, to bring
home whatever may satisfy the necessity, luxury, or pride
of men. The third book is au ingenious fiction, which
supposes the poet suddenly carried to the bottom of the
river Y, where he sees the deity of the river, with his demigods and nymphs, adorning and dressing themselves for a
feast, which was to be celebrated at Neptune’s court, upon
the anniversary of the marriage of Thetis with Peleus. In
the fourth book he describes the other bank of the Y,
adorned with several cities of North Holland; and in the
close of the work addresses himself to the magistrates of
Amsterdam, to whose wisdom he ascribes the riches and
flourishing condition of that powerful city. This is a very
short abridgment of the account of this poem given in the
General Dictionary, according to which it appears to have
contained many other fictions that savour of the burlesque.
Antonides’s parents had bred him up an apothecary; but
his genius for poetry soon gained him the esteem and
friendship of several persons of distinction; and particularly of Mr. Buisero, one of the lords of the admiralty at
Amsterdam, and a great lover of poetry, who sent him at
iiis own expence to pursue his studies at Leyden, where he
remained till he took his degree of doctor of physic, and
then his patron gave him a place in the admiralty. In 1678
Antonides married Susanna Bermans, a minister’s daughter, who had also a talent for poetry. In the preface to his
heroic poem, he promised the life of the apostle Paul,
which, like Virgil’s Æneid, was to be divided into twelve
books; but he never finished that design, only a few fragments having appeared. He declared himself afraid to
hazard his reputation with the public on theological subjects, which were so commonly the subject of contest.
After marriage he did not much indulge his poetic genius;
and within a few years fell into a consumption, of which he
died on the 18th of Sept. 1684, He is esteemed the most
eminent Dutch poet after Vondel, whom he studied to
imitate, and is thought to have excelled in sweetness of
expression and smoothness of style, but in accuracy and loftiness he is greatly inferior to his original. His works have
been printed several times, having been collected by his
father Anthony Jansz. The last edition is that of Amsterdam, 1714, 4to, which, however, contains several miscellaneous pieces that add but little to the reputation he
acquired. The editor, David Van Hoogstraten, prefixed
his life to this edition.
family of that name. He had his education in the university of Aberdeen, where he took the degree of doctor of physic. The revolution deprived the father of his church
, a celebrated wit and physician in queen Anne’s reign, was the son of an episcopal
clergyman of Scotland, nearly allied to the noble family
of that name. He had his education in the university of
Aberdeen, where he took the degree of doctor of physic.
The revolution deprived the father of his church preferment; and though he was possessed of a small paternal
estate, vet necessity obliged the son to seek his fortune
abroad. He came to London, and at first, as it is said,
for his support taught the mathematics. About this time,
viz. 1695, Dr. Woodward’s “Essay towards a natural
history of the Earth
” was published, which contained such
an account of the universal deluge, as our author thought
inconsistent with truth: he therefore drew up a work, entitled “An examination of Dr. Woodward’s account of
the Deluge, &c. with a comparison between Steno’s philosophy and the doctor’s, in the case of marine bodies dug
up out of the earth, &c.
sity of Oxford, in consideration of the many favours they had received from Mr. Ashmole, created him doctor of physic by diploma, July 19, 1669, which was presented to
, an eminent philosopher, chemist,
and antiquary, of the seventeenth century, and founder
of the noble museum at Oxford, which still bears his name,
was the only son of Mr. Simon Ashmole, of the city of
Litchfield, in Staffordshire, sadler, by Anne, the daughter of
Mr. Anthony Boyer, of Coventry, in Warwickshire, woollen-draper. He was born May 23, 1617, and during his
early r education in grammar, was taught music, in which
he made such proficiency as to become a chorister in the
cathedral at Litchfield. When he had attained the age of
sixteen he was taken into the family of James Paget, esq.
a baron of the exchequer, who had married his mother’s
sister, and as his father died in 1634, leaving little provision for him, he continued for some years in the Paget
family, during which time he made considerable progress
in the law, and spent his leisure hours in perfecting himself in music and other polite accomplishments. In March
1638, he married Eleanor, daughter of Mr. Peter Manwaring, of Smallwood, in the county Palatine of Chester,
and in Michaelmas term the same year, became a solicitor
in Chancery. On February 11, 1641, he was sworn an
attorney of the court of common pleas, and on December
5th, in the same year, his wife died suddenly, of whom
he has left us a very natural and affectionate memorial.
The rebellion coming on, he retired from London, being
always a zealous and steady loyalist, and on May 9, 1645,
became one of the gentlemen of the ordnance in the garrison at Oxford, whence he removed to Worcester, where
he was commissioner, receiver, and register of the excise,
and soon after captain in the lord Ashley’s regiment, and
comptroller of the ordnance. In the midst of all this business he entered himself of Brazen-Nose college, in Oxford, and applied himself vigorously to the sciences, but
especially natural philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy;
and his intimate acquaintance with Mr. (afterwards sir George) Wharton, seduced him into the absurd mysteries
of astrology, which was in those days in great credit. In
the month of July, 1646, he lost his mother, who had
always been a kind parent to him, and for whom he had a
very pious regard. On October 16th, the same year, be
was elected a brother of the ancient and honourable society
of Free and Accepted Masons, which he looked upon as a
high honour, and has therefore given us a particular account of the lodge established at Warrington in Lancashire and in some of his manuscripts, there are very
valuable collections relating to the history of the free
masons. The king’s affairs being now grown desperate,
Mr. Ashmole withdrew himself, after the surrender of the
garrison of Worcester, into Cheshire, where he continued
till the end of October, and then came up to London,
where he became acquainted with Mr. (afterwards sir Jonas)
Moore, William Lilly, and John Booker, esteemed the
greatest astrologers in 'the world, by whom he was caressed, instructed, and received into their fraternity, which
then made a very considerable figure, as appeared by the
great resort of persons of distinction to their annual feast,
of which Mr. Ashmole was afterwards elected steward. Jn
1647 he retired to Englefield, in Berkshire, where he pursued his studies very closely, and having so fair an opportunity, and the advantage of some very able masters,
he cultivated the science of botany. Here, as appears
from his own remarks, he enjoyed in privacy the sweetest
moments of his life, the sensation of which perhaps was
quickened, by his just idea of the melancholy state of the
times. It was in this retreat that he became acquainted
with Mary, sole daughter of sir William Forster, of Aldermarston, in the county of Berks, bart. who was first married to sir Edward Stafford, then to one Mr. Hamlyn, and
lastly to sir Thomas Mainwaring, knt recorder of Reading,
and one of the masters in chancery and an attachment
took place but Mr. Humphrey Stafford, her second son,
had such a dislike to the measure, that when Mr. Ashmole
happened to be very ill, he broke into his chamber, and if
not prevented, would have murdered him. In the latter
end of 1648, lady Mainwaring conveyed to him her estate
at Bradfield, which was soon after sequestered on account
of Mr. Ashmole’s loyalty but the interest he had with
William Lilly, and some others of that party, enabled him
to get that sequestration taken off. On the sixteenth of
November, 1649, he married lady Mainwaring, and settled
in London, where his house became the receptacle of the
most learned and ingenious persons that flourished at that
time. It was by their conversation, that Mr. Ashmole,
who hud been more fortunate in worldly affairs than most
scholars are, and who had been always a curious collector
of manuscripts, was induced to publish a treatise written
by Dr. Arthur Dee, relating to the Philosopher’s stone,
together with another tract on the same subject, by an unknown author. These accordingly appeared in the year
following but Mr. Ashmole was so cautious, or rather
modest, as to publish them by a fictitious name. He at
the same time addressed himself to a work of greater consequence, a complete collection of the works of such English chemists, as had till then remained in ms. which cost
him a great deal of labour, and for the embellishment of
which he spared no expence, causing the cuts that were
necessary, to be engraved at his own house in Black-Friars,
by Mr. Vaughan, who was then the most eminent artist in
that department in England. He imbibed this affection for
chemistry from his intimate acquaintance with Mr. William
Backhouse, of Swallowfield in the county of Berks, who
was reputed an adept, and whom, from his free communication of chemical secrets, Mr. Ashmole was wont to call
father, agreeably to the custom which had long prevailed
among the lovers of that art, improperly, however, called
chemistry for it really was the old superstition of alchemy. He likewise employed a part of his time in acquiring the art of engraving seuls, casting in sand, and
the mystery of a working goldsmith. But all this time,
his great work of publishing the ancient English writers in
chemistry went on and finding that a competent knowlege of the Hebrew was absolutely necessary for understanding and explaining such authors as had written on the
Hermetic science, he had recourse to rabbi Solomon Frank,
by whom he was taught the rudiments of Hebrew, which
he found very useful to him in his studies. At length,
towards the close of the year 1652, his “Theatrum Chymicum Britannicum
” appeared, which gained him great reputation in the learned world, as it shewed him to be a
man of a most studious disposition, indefatigable application, and of wonderful accuracy in his compositions. It
served also to extend his acquaintance considerably, and
among others the celebrated Mr. Seiden took notice of him
in the year 1653, encouraged his studies, and lived in
great friendship with him to the day of his death. He was
likewise very intimate with Mr. Oughtred, the mathematician, and with Dr. Wharton, a physician of great
racter and experience. His marriage with lady -Main-waring, however, involved him in abundance of law-suits
with other people, and at last produced a dispute between
themselves, which came to a hearing on October 8, 1657,
in the court of chancery, where serjeant Maynard having
observed, that in eight hundred sheets of depositions taken
on the part of the lady, there was not so much as a bad
word proved against Mr. Ashrnole, her bill was dismissed,
and she delivered back to her husband. He had now for
some time addicted himself to the study of antiquity and
records, which recommended him to the intimate acquaintance of Mr. (afterwards sir William) Dugdale, whom about
this time he attended in his survey of the Fens, and was
very useful to him in 'that excellent undertaking. Mr.
Ashmole himself soon after took the pains to trace the
Roman road, which in Antoninus’s Itinerary is called Bennevanna, from Weeden to Litchfield, of which he gave
Mr. Dugdale an account, in a letter addressed to him upon
that subject. It is very probable, that after his studies
had thus taken a new turn, he lost somewhat of his relish
for chemistry, since he discontinued the Theatrum Chemicum, which, according to his first design, was to have consisted of several volumes yet he still retained such a remembrance of it, as induced him to part civilly with the
sons of art, by publishing a treatise in prose on the philosopher’s stone, to which he prefixed an admirable preface, in which he wishes to apologize for taking leave of
these fooleries. In the spring of the year 1658, our author began to collect materials for his history of the order
of the garter, which he afterwards lived to finish, and
thereby rendered both the order and himself immortal,
the just reward of the prodigious pains he took in searching
records in the Tower, and elsewhere, comparing them with
each other, and obtaining such lights as were requisite to
render so perplexed a subject clear, and to reduce all the
circumstances of such a vast body of history into their proper order. In September following he made a journey to
Oxford, where he was extremely well received, and where
he undertook to make a full and distinct description of the
coins given to the public library by archbishop Laud, which
was of great use to him in the works which he afterwards
composed. He had lodged and boarded sometimes at a house
in South Lambeth, kept by Mr. John Tradescant, whose
father and himself hud been physic-gardeners there for
many years, and had collected avast number of curiosities,
which, after mature deliberation, Mr. Tradescant and his
wife determined to bestow on Mr. Ashmole, and accordingly sealed and delivered a deed of gift for that purpose,
on December 16, 1659. On the restoration of king Charles
II. Mr. Ashmole was Dearly introduced into the presence
and favour of his majesty, and on June 18, 1660, which was
the second time he had the honour of discoursing with the
king, he graciously bestowed upon him the place of Windsor herald. A few days after, he was appointed by the king
to make a description of his medals, and had them delivered into his hands, and king Henry VHIth’s closet assigned
for his use, being also allowed his diet at court. On August 21st, in the same year, he presented the three books
which he had published, to his majesty, who, as he both
loved and understood chemistry, received them very graciously. On September 3, he had a warrant signed for the
office of commissioner of the excise, in consequence of a
letter written by his majesty’s express command, to the
earl of Southampton, then lord high-treasurer, by Mr. Se^
cretary Morris. About this time, a commission was granted
to him as incidental to the care of the king’s medals, to
examine the famous, or rather infamous, Hugh Peters,
about the contents of the royal library which had fallen
into his hands, and which was very carefully and punctually
executed, but to very little purpose. On November 2d,
he was called to the bar in Middle-Temple hall, and January 15, 1661, he was admitted a fellow of the Royal Society. On February 9th following, the king signed a warrant for constituting him secretary of Surinam in the West
Indies. In the beginning of the year 1662, he was appointed one of the commissioners for recovering the king’s
goods, and about the same time he sent a set of services
and anthems to the cathedral church of Litchfield, in memory of his having been once a chorister there, and he
gave afterwards twenty pounds towards repairing the cathedral. On June 27, 1664, the White Office was opened,
of which he was appointed a commissioner. On Feb. 17,
1665, sir Edward By she sealed his deputation for visiting Berkshire, which visitation he began on the llth
of March following, and on June 9, 1668, he was appointed by the lords commissioners of the treasury, accomptant-general, and country accomptant in the excise.
His second wife, lady Main waring, dying, April 1, in the
same year, he soon after married Mrs. Elizabeth Dugdale,
daughter to his good friend sir William Dugdale, kht. garter king at arms, in Lincoln’s-inn chapel, on Novembers.
The university of Oxford, in consideration of the many
favours they had received from Mr. Ashmole, created him
doctor of physic by diploma, July 19, 1669, which was
presented to him on the 3d of November following, by
Dr. Yates, principal of Brazen-Nose college, in the name
of the university. He was now courted and esteemed by
the greatest people in the kingdom, both in point of title
and merit, who frequently did him the honour to visit him
at his chambers in the Temple, and whenever he went his
summer progress, he had the same respect paid him in the
country, especially at his 'native town of Litchfield, to which
when he came, he was splendidly entertained by the corporation. On May 8, 1672, he presented his laborious
work on the most noble order of the garter, to his most
gracious master king Charles II. who not only received it
with great civility and kindness, but soon after granted to
our author, as a mark of his approbation of the work, and
of his personal esteem for him, a privy seal for 400 pounds
out of the custom of paper. This was his greatest undertaking, and had he published nothing else, would have
preserved his memory, as it certainly is in its kind one of
the most valuable books in our language. On January
29, 1675, he resigned his office of Windsor herald, which
by his procurement, was bestowed on his brother Dugdale,
It was with great reluctancy that the earl marshal parted
with him, and it was not long after, that he bestowed on
him the character of being the best officer in his office. On
the death of sir Edward Walker, garter king at arms, Feb_
20, 1677, the king and the duke of Norfolk, as earl marshal, contested the right of disposing of his place, on which
Mr. Ashmole was consulted, who declared in favour of the
king, but with so much prudence and discretion as not to
give any umbrage to the earl marshal. He afterwards himself refused this high office, which was conferred on his
father-in-law sir -William Dugdale, for whom he employed
his utmost interest. About the close of 1677, a proposal
was made to Mr. Ashmole to become a candidate for the
city of Litchfield, but finding himself poorly supported by
the very persons who would have encouraged him to stand,
he withdrew his pretensions. On the 26th of January,
1679, about ten in the morning, a fire began in the Middle
Temple, in the next chambers to Mr. Aslimole’s,- by which
he lost a library he had been collecting thirty-three years;
but his Mss. escaped, by their being at his house in South
Lambeth. He likewise lost a collection of 9000 coins,
ancient and modern but his more valuable collection of
gold medals were likewise preserved by being at Lambeth
his vast repository of seals, charters, and other antiquities
and curiosities, perished also in the flames. In 1683, the
university of Oxford having finished a noble repository
near the theatre, Mr. Ashmole sent thither that great collection of rarities which he had received from the Tradescants before-mentioned, together with such additions as he
had made to them; and to this valuable benefaction he
afterwards added that of his Mss. and library, which still
remain a monument of his generous love to learning in
general, and to the university of Oxford in particular. In
the beginning of the year 1685, he was invited by the magistrates, and by the dean of Litchfield, to represent that
corporation in parliament but upon king James’s intimating to him, by the lord Dartmouth, that he would take it
kindly if he would resign his interest to Mr. Levvson, he instantly complied.
a herald. It is perhaps as extraordinary that the university of Oxford bestowed on him the degree of doctor of physic, who never regularly studied or practised in that
On the death of his father-in-law, sir William Dugdale, Jan. 10, 1686, Mr. Ashmole declined a second time the office of garter king at arms, and recommended his brother Dugdale, in which, though he did not fully succeed, yet he procured him the place of Norroy. This was one of the last public acts of his life, the remainder of which was spent in an honourable retirement to the day of his demise, which happened on May 18, 1692, in the seventy-sixth year of his age. He was undoubtedly a great benefactor to, and patron of, learning. His love of chemistry led him to preserve many valuable Mss. relating to that science, besides those that he caused to be printed and published. He was deeply skilled in history and antiquities, as sufficiently appears by his learned and laborious works, both printed and manuscripts. He was likewise a generous encourager and protector of such ingenious and learned men as were less fortunate in the world than himself, as appears by his kindness to sir'George Wharton in the worst of times, his respect to the memory of his friend Mr. John Booker, and the care he took in the education of the late eminent Dr. George Smalridge. His corpse was interred in the church of Lambeth in Surrey, May 26 1692, and a black marble stone laid over his grave, with a Latin inscription, in which, though there is much to his honour, there is nothing which exceeds the truth. He may be considered as one of the first and most useful collectors of documents respecting English antiquities, but the frequent application of the epithet genius to him, in the Biographia Britannica, is surely gratuitous. His attachment to- the absurdities of astrology and alchemy, and his association with Lilly, Booker, and other quacks and impostors of his age, must ever prevent his being ranked among the learned wise, although he never appears to have been a confederate in the tricks of Lilly and his friends, and certainly accumulated a considerable portion of learning and information on various useful topics. His benefaction to the university of Oxford will ever secure respect for his memory. It was towards the latter end of October 1677, that he made an offer to that university, of bestowing on it all that valuable collection of the Tradescants, which was so well known to the learned world, and which had been exceedingly improved since it came into his possession, together with all the coins, medals, and manuscripts of his own collecting, provided they would erect a building fit to receive them to which proposition the university willingly assented. Accordingly, on Thursday the 15th of May 1679, the first stone of that stately fabric, afterwards called Ashmole’s Museum, was laid on the west side of the theatre, and being finished by the beginning of March 1682, the collection was deposited and the articles arranged by Robert Plott, LL.D. who before had been intrusted with their custody. This museum was first publicly viewed, on the 2 1st of May following, by his royal highness James duke of York, his royal consort Josepha Maria, princess Anne, and their attendants, and on the 24th of the same month, by the doctors and masters of the university. In a convocation held on the 4th of June following (1683) a Latin letter of thanks, penned by him who was then deputy orator, being publicly read, was sent to Mr. Ashmole at South Lambeth, In July 1690, he visited the university with his wife, and was received with all imaginable honour, and entertained at a noble dinner in his museum; on which occasion Mr. Edward Hannes, A. M. the chemical professor, afterwards an eminent physician, made an elegant oration to him. His benefaction to the university was very considerably enlarged at his death, by the addition of his library, which consisted of one thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight books, of which six hundred and twenty were manuscripts, and of them three hundred and eleven folios, relating chiefly to English History, Heraldry, Astronomy, and Chemiftry, with a great variety of pamphlets, part of which had been sorted by himself, and the rest are methodized since, and a double catalogue made one classical, according to their various subjects, and another alphabetical. He bequeathed also to the same place, two gold chains and a medal, the one a filigreen chain of ninety links, weighing twenty-two ounces, with a medal of the elector of Brandenburg, upon which is the effigies of that elector, and on the reverse, a iHew of Straelsund, struck upon the surrender of that important city; a collar of S. S. with a medal of the king of Denmark; and a gold medal of the elector Palatine; and a George of the duke of Norfolk, worn by his grandfather when he was ambassador in Germany. All these he had received as acknowledgments of the honour which he had done the garter, by his labours on that subject. This museum has been since enriched by the Mss. of Anthony Wood, Aubrey, and others. It has been remarked as something extraordinary, that Mr. Ashmole was never knighted for his services as a herald. It is perhaps as extraordinary that the university of Oxford bestowed on him the degree of doctor of physic, who never regularly studied or practised in that faculty, unless we conceive it as a compliment to his chemical studies.
nor was cut to pieces, and his brains beaten out with his wooden-leg. Wood says, that he was created doctor of physic, May 1,
, an officer of note in king
Charles I-.'s army, was son of sir Arthur Aston of Fulham
in Middlesex, who was the second son of sir Thomas Aston,
of Aston, of Bucklow-hundred in Cheshire; “an ancient
and knightly family of that county.
” He was a great traveller, and made several campaigns in foreign countries.
Being returned into England about the beginning of the
grand rebellion, with as many soldiers of note as he could
bring with him, he took part with the king against the
parliament. He commanded the dragoons in the battle of
Edge- hill, and with them did his majesty considerable
service. The king, having a great opinion of his valour
and conduct, made him governor of the garrison of Reading in Berkshire, and commissary-general of the horse
in which post he three times repulsed the earl of Essex,
who, at the head of the parliament army, laid siege to
that place. But sir Arthur being dangerously wounded,
the command was devolved on colonel Richard Fielding,
the eldest colonel in the garrison. Sir Arthur was suspected of taking this opportunity to get rid of a dangerous
command. Some time after, he was appointed governor
of the garrison of Oxford, in the room of sir William Pennyman deceased. In September following, he had the
misfortune to break his leg by a fall from his horse, and
was obliged to have it cut off, and on the twenty-fifth of
December, he was discharged from his command, which
was conferred on colonel Gage. After the king’s death,
sir Arthur was employed in the service of king Charles IL
and went with the flower of the English veterans into Ireland, where he was appointed, governor of Drogheda,
commonly called Tredagk; “at which time (Mr. Wood tells us) he laid an excellent plot to tire and break the
English army.
” But at length Cromwell having taken the
town, about the tenth of August 1649, and put the inhabitants to the sword, sir Arthur the governor was cut to
pieces, and his brains beaten out with his wooden-leg.
Wood says, that he was created doctor of physic, May 1,
the cause of fermentation, which he defended in a very able manner. On Jan. 25, 1703, he was created doctor of physic, after which, before arriving at extensive practice,
, a very celebrated French physiciaiTj
was born in 1684, at Sauve in the diocese of Alais. His
father, who was a Protestant clergyman, bestowed great
pains upon his early education, after which he was sent to
the university of Montpelier, where he was created M. A,
in 1700. He then began the study of medicine; and in
two years obtained the degree of bachelor^ having upon
that occasion written a dissertation on the cause of fermentation, which he defended in a very able manner. On
Jan. 25, 1703, he was created doctor of physic, after which,
before arriving at extensive practice, he applied to the
study of medical authors, both ancient and modern, with
uncommon assiduity. The good effects of this study soon
appeared; for in 1710 he published a treatise concerning
muscular motion, from which he acquired very high reputation. In 1717 he was appointed to teach medicine at Montpelier, which he did with such perspicuity and eloquence
that his fame soon rose to a very great height; the king
assigned him an annual salary, and he was at the same time
appointed to superintend the mineral waters in the province
of Languedoc. But as Montpelier did not afford sufficient
scope for one of his celebrity, he went to Paris with a great
numher of manuscripts, which he designed for the press.
Soon afterwards, however, he left it, having in 1729 accepted the office of first physician to the king of Poland,
which was then offered to him; but here his stay was very
short, as he disliked the ceremonious restraint of a court.
He again therefore returned to Paris, and upon the death
of the celebrated Geoffroy, in 1731, he was appointed regins professor. The duties of this office he discharged in
such a manner as toanswer the most sanguine expectations; and he drew, from the other universities to that of
Paris, a great concourse of medical students, foreigners as
well as natives. At the same time he was not more celebrated as a professor than as a practitioner, and his private
character was in all respects truly amiable. He reached a
very advanced age, and died May 5, 1766. Of his works,
which are very numerous, the following are the principal
1. “Origine de la Peste,
” De ia Contagion cle la Peste,
” De Motu Musculari,
Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire naturelle cle Languedoc,
” De Morbis Veuereis, libri’sex,
” Traitedes maladies desFemmes,
” L'Art crAccoucher reduit a ses principles,
Theses de Phantasia,
” &c. 9. “De
motus Fermentativi causa,
” Memo ire
sur la Digestion,
” Tractatus Pathologicus,
” Trait des Tumeurs,
” 2 vols. 12mo; and one or two
treatises not connected with medicine, one with the singular title of “Conjectures sur les Memoires originaux qui
ont servi a Moise pour ecrire la Genese,
” Paris,
es II. who testified to him a very kind sense of the fidelity of his family. In 1655, he was created doctor of physic, and two years afterwards, he took a house in St.
, physician in ordinary to king Charles II. was brother to the preceding, and born in 1619, at Wetherslack in Westmoreland. From the same grammar-school as his elder brother, he removed to St. John’s college in Cambridge in 1637, and continued there about six years. In 1642, being then in the twenty-fourth year of his age, he took his degree of bachelor of arts. In 1644, he was nominated by the bishop of Ely, to a fellowship of St. John’s, in his gift, but the usurper being then in power, he never availed himself of it. Probably, indeed, he had left the college before he obtained this presentation, and perhaps about the same time his brother did, which was in the foregoing year. It is uncertain, whether, at that time, he had made any choice of a profession; so that being invited into Leicestershire, in order to become tutor to Ferdinando Sacheverell, esq. of Old Hayes in that county, a young gentleman of great hopes, he readily accepted the proposal, and continued with him for some time. In 1647, he returned to Cambridge, and took his degree of master of arts, applying himself then assiduously to the study of physic, and ahout the same time, Mr. Sacheverell died, and bequeathed our author an annuity of twenty pounds. How he disposed of himself for some years, does not very clearly appear, because he who so elegantly recorded the loyal services of his brother, has studiously concealed his own. It is, however, more than probable, that he was engaged in the service of his sovereign, since it is certain that he was at Worcester in 1651, where he had access to his royal master king Charles II. who testified to him a very kind sense of the fidelity of his family. In 1655, he was created doctor of physic, and two years afterwards, he took a house in St. Paul’s church-yard, and much about the same time, married the widow of Mr. Sayon, an eminent merchant. Being thus settled, he soon gained a very great repute in the city, for his skill in his profession, and among the learned, by his judicious defence of Dr. Harvey’s discovery of the Circulation of the Blood, which was then, and is still, admired as one of the best pieces written upon that subject. At this house he entertained his brother Dr. John Barwick, who repaired at his own expence an oratory he found there, and daily read the service of the established church, and with a few steadyroyalists, prayed for his exiled master. After the restoration in 1660, he was made one of the king’s physicians in ordinary, and in the year following, received a still stronger proof of his majesty’s kind sense of his own and his brother’s services by a grant of arms expressive of their loyalty. In 1666, being compelled by the dreadful fire to remove from St. Paul’s church yard, where, much to his honour, he was one of the few physicians who remained all the time of the plague, and was very active and serviceable in his profession, he took another house near Westminster-abbey, for the sake of being near that cathedral, to which he constantly resorted every morning at six o'clock prayers. He was a very diligent physicum, and remarkably successful in the small-pox, and in most kinds of fevers. Yet he was far from making money the main object of his care; for during the many years that he practised, he not only gave advice and medicines gratis to the poor, but likewise charitably administered to their wants in other respects. In. 1671, he drew up in Latin, which he wrote with unusual elegance and purity, the life of the dean his brother, and took care to deposit it, and the original papers serving to support the facts mentioned, in the library in St. John’s college at Cambridge. Another ms. he gave to Dr. Woodward, and one he left to his family. Twenty years after this, when our author was in the seventy-fourth year of his age, and his eye-sight so much decayed, that he was forced to make use of the hand of a friend, he added an appendix in defence of the Ewwv BacrimKti, against Dr. Walker, who was very well known to him, and of whom in that treatise he has given a very copious account. This piece of his is written with a good deal of asperity, occasioned chiefly by the frequency of scurrilous libels against the memory of Charles I. In 1694, being quite blind, and frequently afflicted with fits of the stone, he gave over practice, and dedicated the remainder of his life to the service of God, and the conversation of a few intimate friends, amongst whom was Dr. Busby, the celebrated master of Westminster-school. He died Sept. 4, the same year, in the eighty-sixth year of his age, and by his own. direction, was interred without any monument, as well as with great privacy, near the body of his dear wife, in the parish church of St. Faith’s, under St. Paul’s. He was a man of a very comely person, equally remarkable for the solidity of his learning, and for a wonderful readiness as well as elegance in expressing it. His piety was sincere, his reputation unspotted, his loyalty and his modesty most exemplary. In all stations of life he was admired and beloved, and of a chearful and serene mind in all situations. He was happy in the universal approbation of all parties, as he was himself charitable to all, and never vehement but in the cause of truth. He left behind him an only daughter, Mary, who married sir Ralph Dutton of Sherbounie in Dorsetshire, bart. The life of his brother was published, in Latin, 1721, 8vo, and in English, with an account of the writer, 1724. Mr. Hilkiah Bedford was editor of both.
e, Cambridge, but leaving the university without a degree, he travelled for nine years, and was made doctor of physic at Padua. He printed at Leyden, 1624, a small piece
, an English physician of the
last century, has acquired some celebrity, more from the
punishment he suffered for writing, than for the merit of
what he has written. He was born at Writtle in Essex,
1595, and studied at Emanuel college, Cambridge, but
leaving the university without a degree, he travelled for
nine years, and was made doctor of physic at Padua. He
printed at Leyden, 1624, a small piece entitled “Elenchus
Ileligionis Papisticse, in quo probatur neque Apostolicam,
neque Catholic-am, imo neque Romanam esse,
” 24mo.
Afterwards, in England, he published “Flagellum Pontificis et Episcoporum latialium;
” and though he declared, in
the preface, that he intended nothing against such bishops
as acknowledged their authority from kings and emperors;
yet our English prelates imagining that some things in his
book were levelled at them, he was cited before the high
commission court, fined 1000l. and sentenced to be excommunicated, to be debarred the practice of physic, to have
his book burnt, to pay costs of suit, and to remain in prison
till he made a recantation. Accordingly he was confined
two years in the Gate-house, where he wrote “Apologeticus ad Proesules Anglicanos,
” &c. and a book called
“The New Litany,
” in which he taxed the bishops with
an inclination to popery, and exclaimed against the severity
and injustice of the high-commission’s proceedings against
him. For this he was sentenced to pay a fine of 5000l. to
stand in the pillory in the Palace Yard, Westminster, and
there lose his ears, and to suffer perpetual imprisonment in
a remote part of the kingdom. The same sentence was,
the same year, 1637, passed and executed upon Prynne
and Burton. Bastwick was conveyed to Launceston castle
in Cornwall, and thence removed to St. Mary’s castle in the
Isle of Scilly, where his nearest relations were not permitted to visit him. The house of commons, however, in
1640, ordered him, as well as the others, to be brought
back to London; and they were attended all the way thither by vast multitudes of people, with loud acclamations
of joy. The several proceedings against them were voted
illegal, unjust, and against the liberty of the subject; their
sentence reversed; their fine remitted; and a reparation
of 5000l. each ordered out of the estates of the archbishop
of Canterbury, the high-commissioners, and other lords,
who had voted against them in the star-chamber.
ome years at Edinburgh, Mr. Berkenhout went to the university of Leyden, where he took the degree of doctor of physic, in 1765, as we learn from his “Dissertatio medica
Having continued some years at Edinburgh, Mr. Berkenhout went to the university of Leyden, where he took
the degree of doctor of physic, in 1765, as we learn from his
“Dissertatio medica inauguralis de Podagra,
” dedicated to
his relation baron de Bielfeldt. Returning to England,
Dr. Berkenhout settled at Isleworth in Middlesex, and in
1766, published his “Pharmacopoeia Medici,
” 12mo, the
third edition of which was printed in Outlines of the Natural History of Great Britain and Ireland,
” vol. I.; vol. II. appeared in 1770, and vol.
III. in 1771. The encouragement this work met with afforded at least a proof that something of the kind was
wanted. The three volumes were reprinted together in.
1773, and in 1788 were again published in 2 vols. 8vo,
under the title of “Synopsis of the Natural History of
Great Britain, &c.
” In Dr. Cadogan’s dissertation on the Gout, examined and refuted
and in Biographia Literaria, or a Biographical
History of Literature; containing the lives of English,
Scotch, and Irish authors, from the dawn of letters in these
kingdoms to the present time, chronologically and classically arranged,
” 4to, vol.1, the only volume which appeared. The lives are very short, and the author frequently
introduces sentiments hostile to religious establishments
and doctrines, which could not be very acceptable to English readers. The dates and facts, however, are given
with great accuracy, and in many of the lives he profited
by the assistance of George Steevens, esq. the celebrated
commentator on Shakspeare. This was followed by “A
treatise on Hysterical Diseases, translated from the French.
In Lucubrations on
Ways and Means, inscribed to lord North,
” proposing certain taxes, some of which were adopted by that minister,
and some afterwards by Mr. Pitt. Dr. Berkenhout’s friends
at that time appear to have taken some pains to point him
out as an inventor of taxes. His next work was “An essay
en the Bite of a -Mad Dog, in which the claim to infallibility of the principal preservative remedies against the
Hydrophobia is examined.
” In the year following Dr.
Berkenhout published his “Symptomatology
” a book
which is too universally known to require any recommendation. In 1788, appeared “First lines of the theory and
practice of Philosophical Chemistry,
” dedicated to Mr.
Eden, afterwards lord Auckland, whom the doctor accompanied to America. Of this book it is sufficient to say,
that it exhibits a satisfactory display of the present state
of chemistry. His last publication was “Letters on Education, to his son at Oxford,
” Lives of the Admirals,
” 4 vols. 8vo and once printed
“Proposals for a history of Middlesex, including London,
4 vols. fol. which, as the design dropt, were never circulated. There is also reason to suppose him the author of
certain humorous publications, in prose and verse, to which
he did not think fit to prefix his name, and of a translation
from the Swedish language, of the celebrated count Tessin’s letters to the late king of Sweden. It is dedicated to
the prince of Wales, his present majesty of Great Britain
and was, we believe, Mr. Berkenhout’s first publication.
He died the 3d of April 1791, aged 60.
John Bernoulli had the degree of doctor of physic at Basil, and two years afterward was named professor
John Bernoulli had the degree of doctor of physic at Basil, and two years afterward was named professor of mathematics in the university of Groningen. It was here that he discovered the mercurial phosphorus or luminous barometer; and where he resolved the problem proposed by his brother concerning Isoperimetricals. On the death of his brother James, the professor at Basil, our author returned to his native country, against the pressing invitations of the magistrates of Utrecht to come to that city, and of the university of Groningen, who wished to retain him. The academic senate of Basil soon appointed him to succeed his brother, without assembling competitors, and contrary to the established practice: an appointment which he held during his whole life.
h century, and educated at the university of Dublin. Then he travelled to Leyden, where he commenced doctor of physic in 1650, and was afterwards admitted to the same degree
, son of sir John Borlace,
master of the ordnance, and one of the lords justices of
Ireland, was born in the seventeenth century, and educated
at the university of Dublin. Then he travelled to Leyden,
where he commenced doctor of physic in 1650, and was
afterwards admitted to the same degree at Oxford. At
last he settled at Chester, where he practised physic with
great reputation and success; and where he died in 1682,
Among several books which he wrote and published, are,
1. “Latham Spaw in Lancashire: with some remarkable
cases and cures effected by it,
” Loud. The Reduction of
Ireland to the Crown of England: with the governors
since the conquest by king Henry II. anno 1172, and some
passages in their government. A brief account of the rebellion, ann. Dom. 1641. Also the original of the university of Dublin, and the college of physicians,
” Lond. 1675,
a large octavo. 3. “The History of the execrable Irish
Rebellion, traced from many preceding acts to the grand
eruption, Oct. 23, 1641; and thence pursued to the act of
settlement, 1672,
” Lond. The
Irish Rebellion; or, The History of the beginnings and
first progress of the general rebellion raised within the
kingdom of Ireland, Oct. 23, 1641,
” Lond. Brief Reflections on the
earl of Castlehaven’s Memoirs of his engagement and
carriage in the War of Ireland. By which the government of
that time, and the justice of the crown since, are vindicated from aspersions cast upon both,
” Lond. 1682, 8vo.
s; and, after he had done this for ten years, prepared himself for the examinations necessary to his doctor of physic’s degree, which he took in May 1514, Being one of
, an eminent French physician, was
born at Fontenai-le-Comte, in Poitou, 147s, and about
1495 was sent to Paris, where he went through a course
of philosophy under Villemar, a famous professor of those
times. By his advice, Brissot resolved to be a physician,
and studied physic there for four years. Then he began
to teach philosophy in the university of Paris; and, after
he had done this for ten years, prepared himself for the
examinations necessary to his doctor of physic’s degree,
which he took in May 1514, Being one of those men
who are not contented with custom and tradition, but
choose to examine for themselves, he made an exact comparison between the practice of his own times and the
doctrine of Hippocrates and Galen and he found that the
Arabians had introduced many things into physic that were
contrary to the doctrine of those two great masters, and to
reason and experience. He set himself therefore to reform physic; and for this purpose undertook publicly to
explain Galen’s books, instead of those of Avicenna, Rhasis, and Mesu'i, which were commonly explained in the
schools of physic; but, finding himself obstructed in the
work of reformation by his ignorance of botany, he resolved
to travel, in order to acquire the knowledge of plants, and
put himself into a capacity of correcting pharmacy. Before, however, he left Paris, he undertook to convince the
public of what he deemed an inveterate error; but which
now is considered as a matter of little consequence. The
constant practice of physicians, in the pleurisy, Was to
bleed from the arm, not on the side where the distemper
was, but the opposite side. Brissot disputed about it in
the physic-schools, confuted that practice, and shewed,
chat it was falsely pretended to be agreeable to the doctrine of Hippocrates and Galen. He then left Paris in
1518, and went to Portugal, stopping there at Ebora,
where he practised physic; but his new way of bleeding
in the pleurisy, notwithstanding his great success, did not
please every body, He received a long and rude letter
about it from Denys, physician to the king of Portugal;
which he answered, and would have published if death had
not prevented him in 1522. It was printed, however, three
years after at Paris, and reprinted at Basil in 1529. Renatus Moreau published a new edition of it at Paris in
1622, with a treatise of his own, “De missione sanguinis
in pleuritide,
” and the life of Brissot; out of which this
account is taken. He never would marry, being of opinion
that matrimony did not well agree with study. One thing
is related of him, which his biographer, rather uncharitably, says, deserves to be taken notice of, because it is
singular in the men of his profession; and it is, that he
did not love gain. He cared so little for it, that when he
was called to a sick person, he looked into his purse; and,
if he found but two pieces of gold in it, refused to go.
This, however, it is acknowledged, was owing to his great
love of study, from which it was very difficult to take him.
The dispute between Denys and Brissot raised a kind of
civil war among the Portuguese physicians. The business
was brought before the tribunal of the university of Salamanca, Where it was thoroughly discussed by the faculty
of physic; but in the mean time, the partisans of Denys
had recourse to the authority of the secular power, and
obtained a decree, forbidding physicians to bleed on the
same side in which the pleurisy was. At last the university of Salamanca gave their judgment; importing, that
the opinion of Brissot was the true doctrine of Hippocrates
and Galen. The followers of Denys appealed to the emperor about 1529, thinking themselves superior both in
authority and number; and the matter was brought before
Charles V. They were not contented to call the doctrine
of their adversaries false; they added that it was impious,
mortal, and as pernicious to the body as Luther’s schism
to the souL They not only blackened the reputation of
their adversaries by private arts, but also openly accused
them of ignorance and rashness, of attempts on religion,
and of being downright Lutherans in physic. It fell out
Unluckily for them, that Charles III. duke of Savoy, happened to die of a pleurisy, after he had been bled according to the practice which Brissot opposed. Had it not
been for this, the emperor, it is thought, would have granted every thing that Erissot’s adversaries desired of him;
but this accident induced him to leave the cause undecided.
“Two things,
” says Bayle, in his usual prattling way,
“occur in this relation, which all wise men must needs
condemn; namely, the base, the disingenuous, the unphilosophic custom of interesting religion in disputes about
science, and the folly and absurdity of magistrates to be
concerned in such disputes. A magistrate is for the most
part a very incompetent judge of such matters; and, as he
Jiiiows nothing of them, so he ought to imitate Gallio in
this at least, that is, not to care for them; but to leave
those whose business it is, to fight it out among themselves.
Besides, authority has nothing to do with philosophy and
the sciences; it should be kept at a great distance from
them, for the same reason that armed forces are removed
from a borough at the time of a % general assize; namely,
that reason and equity may have their full play.
d Yorkshire, and probably had other dignities and preferments. October 29, 1531, he was incorporated doctor of physic at Oxford. In May 1543, he resigned his treasurership
Dr. Chamber, being in holy orders, became in 1510 canon of Windsor, and in 1524 archdeacon of Bedford, and was likewise prebendary of Comb and Harnham in the cathedral church of Sarum. In 1525 he was elected warden of Merton college; and about the same time was made dean of the royal chapel and college adjoining to Westminster- hall, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and St. Stephen. He built to it a very curious cloister, at the expence of 11,000 marks, and gave the canons of that chapel some lands, which he saw, upon the dissolution of the monasteries, taken into the king’s hands. Afterwards he was made treasurer of Wells cathedral, beneficed in Somersetshire and Yorkshire, and probably had other dignities and preferments. October 29, 1531, he was incorporated doctor of physic at Oxford. In May 1543, he resigned his treasurership of Wells; and his wardenship of Merton college in 1545. He died in 1549. He never published any thing.
l war, which brought the king to Oxford, Mr. Charleton, by the favour of the king, had the degree of doctor of physic conferred upon him in February 1642, and was soon
, a very learned physician,
and voluminous writer, the son of the rev. Walter Charleton, M. A. some time vicar of Ilminster, and afterwards
rector of Shepton Mallet, in the county of Somerset,
was born at Shepton Mallet, February 2, 1619, and was
first educated by his father, a man of extensive capacity,
though but indifferently furnished with the goods of fortune. He was afterwards sent to Oxford, and entered of
Magdalen Hall in Lent term 1635, where he became the
pupil of the famous Dr. John Wilkins, afterwards bishop
of Chester, under whom he made great progress in logic
and philosophy, and was noted for assiduous application
and extensive capacity, which encouraged him to aim at
the accomplishments of an universal scholar. But as his
circumstances confined him to some particular profession,
he made choice of physic, and in a short time made as
great a progress in that as he had done in his former studies.
On the breaking out of the civil war, which brought the
king to Oxford, Mr. Charleton, by the favour of the king,
had the degree of doctor of physic conferred upon him in
February 1642, and was soon after made one of the physicians in ordinary to his majesty. These honours made
him be considered as a rising character, and exposed him
to that envy and resentment which he could never entirely
conquer. Upon the declension of the royal cause, he came
up to London, was admitted of the college of physicians,
acquired considerable practice, and lived in much esteem
with the ablest and most learned men of the profession;
such as sir Francis Prujean, sir George Ent, Dr. William
Harvey, and others. In the space of ten years before the
Restoration, he wrote and published several very ingenious
and learned treatises, as well on physical as other subjects,
by which he gained great reputation abroad as well as at
home; and though they are now less regarded than perhaps they deserve, yet they were then received with almost universal approbation. He became, as Wood tells
us, physician in ordinary to king Charles II. while in exile,
which honour he retained after the king’s return; and,
upon the founding of the royal society, was chosen one of
the first members. Among other patrons and friends were
William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle, whose life Dr.
Cliarleton translated into Latin in a very clear and elegant
style, and the celebrated Hobbes, but this intimacy, with:
his avowed respect for the Epicurean philosophy, drew
some suspicions upon him in regard to his religion, notwithstanding the pains he had taken to distinguish between
the religious and philosophical opinions of Epicurus in his
own writings against infidelity. Few circumstances seem
to have drawn more censure on him than his venturing to
differ in opinion from the celebrated Inigo Jones respecting
Stonehenge, which Jones attributed to the Romans, and
asserted to be a temple dedicated by them to the god Coelus, or Coelum; Dr. Charleton referred this antiquity to
later and more barbarous times, and transmitted Jones’s
book, which was not published till after its author’s death,
to Olaus Wormius, who wrote him several letters, tending
to fortify him in his own sentiment, by proving that this
work ought rather to be attributed to his countrymen the
Danes. With this assistance Dr. Charleton drew up a
treatise, offering many strong arguments to shew, that this
could not be a Roman temple, and several plausible reasons why it ought rather to be considered as a Danish monument; but his book, though learned, and enriched with
a great variety of curious observations, was but indifferently
received, and but coldly defended by his friends. Jones’s
son-in-law answered it with intemperate warmth, and many
liberties were taken by others with Dr. Charleton’s character, although sir William Dugdale and some other eminent antiquaries owned themselves to be of our author’s
opinion; but it is now supposed that both are wrong.
Notwithstanding this clamour, Dr. Charleton’s fame was
advanced by his anatomical prelections in the college
theatre, in the spring of 1683, and his satisfactory defence
of the immortal Harvey’s claim to the discovery of the
circulation of the blood, against the pretence that was set
up in favour of father Paul. In 1689 he was chosen president of the college of physicians, in which office he continued to the year 1691. A little after this, his circumstances becoming narrow, he found it necessary to seek a
retreat in the island of Jersey; but the causes of this are not
explained, nor have we been able to discover how long he
continued in Jersey, or whether he returned afterwards to
London. All that is known with certainty is, that he died
in the latter end of 1707, and in the eighty-eighth year
of his age. He appears from his writings to have been a
man of extensive learning, a lover of the constitution in
church and state, and so much a lover of his country as to
refuse a professor’s chair in the university of Padua. In
his junior years he dedicated much of his time to the study
of philosophy and polite literature, was as well read in
the Greek and Roman authors as any man of his time, and
he was taught very early by his excellent tutor, bishop
Wilkins, to digest his knowledge so as to command it readily
when occasion required. In every branch of his own
profession he has left testimonies of his diligence and his
capacity; and whoever considers the plainness and perspicuity of his language, the pains he has taken to collect
and produce the opinions of the old physicians, in order
to compare them with the moderns, the just remarks with
which these collections and comparisons are attended, the
succinctness with which all this is dispatched, and the
great accuracy of that method in which his books are
written, will readily agree that he was equal to most of his
contemporaries. As an antiquary, he had taken much pains
in perusing our ancient historians, and in observing their
excellencies as well as their defects. But, above all, he
was studious of connecting the sciences with each other,
and thereby rendering them severally more perfect; in
which, if he did not absolutely succeed himself, he had at
least the satisfaction of opening the way to others, of showing the true road to perfection, and pointing out the
means of applying and making those discoveries useful,
which have followed in succeeding times. There is also
good reason to believe, that though we have few or none
of his writings extant that were composed during the last
twenty years of his life, yet he was not idle during that
space, but committed many things to paper, as materials
at least for other works that he designed. There is now a
large collection of his ms papers and letters on subjects of
philosophy and natural history in the British Museum.
(Ayscough’s Catalogue.) His printed works are, 1 . “Spiritus
Gorgonicus vi sua saxipara exutus, sive de causis, signis,
et sanatione Lithiaseos,
” Leyden, The darkness
of Atheism discovered by the light of nature, a physicotheological treatise,
” London, The Ephesian and Cimmerian Matrons, two remarkable examples of
the power of Love and Wit/ 7 London, 1653 and 1658, 8vo.
” Physiologia Epicuro-Gassendo-Charletoniana: or a
fabric of natural science erected upon the most ancient
hypothesis of atoms,“London, 1654, in fol. 5.
” The Immortality of the human Soul demonstrated by reasons natural,“London, 1657, 4to. 6.
” Oeconomia Animalis novis Anatomicorum inventis, indeque desumptis modernorum Medicorum Hypothesibus Physicis superstructa et
mechanice explicata,“London, 1658, 12mo; Amsterdam,
1659, 12mo; Leyden, 1678, 12mO; Hague, 1681, 12mo.
It is likewise added to the last edition of
” Gulielmi Cole
de secretione animali cogitata.“7.
” Natural history of
nutrition, life, and voluntary motion, containing all the
new discoveries of anatomists,“&c. London, 1658, 4to.
” Exercitationes Physico-Anatomicse de Oeconomia Animali,“London, 1659, 8vo printed afterwards several
times abroad. 9.
” Exercitationes Pathologicæ, in quibus
morborum pene omnium natura, generatio, et causae ex
novis Anatomicorum inventis sedulo inquiruntur,“London,
160, and 1661, 4to. 10.
” Character of his most sacred
Majesty Charles II. King of Great Britain, France, and
Ireland,“London, 1660, one sheet, 4to. 11.
” Disquisitiones duae Anatomico-Physica? altera Anatome pueri de
ccelo tacti, altera de Proprietatibus Cerebri humani,“London, 1664, 8vo. 12.
” Chorea Gigantum, or the most
famous antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stonehenge, standing on Salisbury Plain, restored to the Danes,“London, 1663, 4to. 13.
” Onomasticon Zoicon, plerorumque animalium differentias et nomina propria pluribus
linguis exponens. Cui accedunt Mantissa Anatomice, et
quiedam de variis Fossilium generibus,“London, 1668 and
1671, 4to; Oxon. 1677, fol. 14.
” Two Philosophical
Discourses the first concerning the different wits of men
the second concerning the mystery of Vintners, or a discourse of the various sicknesses of wines, and their respective remedies at this day commonly used, &c. London, 1663, 1675, 1692, 8vo. 15. “De Scorbuto Liber
singularis. Cui accessit Epiphonema in Medicastros,
London, Natural
History of the Passions,
” London, Enquiries into Humane Nature, in six Anatomy-prelections in
the new theatre of the royal college of physicians in London,
” London, Oratio Anniversaria habita in Theatro inclyti Collegii Medicorum Londinensis 5to
Augusti 1680, in commemorationem Beneficiorum a
Doctore Harvey aliisque præstitorum,
” London, 1680, 4to.
19. “The harmony of natural and positive Divine Laws,
London, Three Anatomic Lectures concerning, l.The motion of the blood through the veins and
arteries. 2. The organic structure of the heart. 3. The
efficient cause of the heart’s pulsation. Read in the 19th,
20th, and 21st day of March 1682, in the anatomic theatre
of his majesty’s royal college of Physicians in London,
London, Inquisitio Physlca de causis
Catameniorum, et Uteri Rheumatismo, in quo probatur
sanguinem in animali fermentescere nunquam,
” London,
Gulielmi Ducis Novicastrensis vita,
London, A Ternary of Paradoxes, of the
magnetic cure of wounds, nativity of tartar in wine, and
image of God in man,
” London, The
errors of physicians concerning Defluxions called Deliramenta Catarrhi,
” London, Epicurus his Morals,
” London, The Life
of Marcellus,
” translated from Plutarch, and printed in the
second volume of “Plutarch’s Lives translated from the
Greek by several hands,
” London,
much attached, and whom he styles “his great master and generous friend.” Having taken the degree of doctor of physic, he repaired to London to practise as a physician,
, a physician of considerable eminence and singular character, was descended from a good
family in Scotland, ' where he was born in 1671. He
received a regular and liberal education, and was at first
intended by his parents for the church, though that design
was afterwards laid aside. He passed his youth, as he himself informs us, in close study, and in almost continual application to the abstracted sciences; and in these pursuits
his chief pleasure consisted. The general course of his
life, therefore, at this time, was extremely temperate and
sedentary; though he did occasionally admit of some relaxation, diverting himself with works of imagination, and
“rousing nature by agreeable company and good cheer.
But upon the slightest excesses he found such disagreeable effects, as led him to conclude, that his glands were
naturally lax, and his solids feeble: in which opinion he
was confirmed, by an early shaking of his hands, and a disposition to be easily ruffled on a surprize. He studied
physic at Edinburgh under the celebrated Dr. Pitcairne, to
whom he was much attached, and whom he styles “his
great master and generous friend.
” Having taken the
degree of doctor of physic, he repaired to London to practise as a physician, when he was about thirty years of age.
On his arrival in the metropolis, he soon quitted the regular
and temperate manner of life to which he had been chiefly
accustomed, and partly from inclination, and partly from,
a view to promote his practice, he passed much of his time
in company, and in taverns. Being of a cheerful temper,
and having a lively imagination, with much acquired
knowledge, he soon rendered himself very agreeable to
those who lived and conversed freely. He was, as he says,
much caressed by them, “and grew daily in bulk, and in
friendship with these gay gentlemen, and their acquaintances.
” But, in a few years, he found this mode of living
very injurious to his health: he grew excessively fat, shortbreathed, listless, and lethargic.
, doctor of physic, king’s botanist, and member of the faculty of Montpelier,
, doctor of physic, king’s
botanist, and member of the faculty of Montpelier, was
born at Chatilon les Dombes near Bourgin Bresse, in 1727,
He discovered an early propensity to botany and other
branches of natural history, which he pursued with unremitting ardour, and, as it is said, with very little delicacy,
performing the same tricks in a garden, which coin and
print collectors have been known to perform in museums
and libraries. When at Montpelier, he made no scruple
to pluck the rarest and most precious plants in the king’s
botanic garden there, to enrich his herbal; and when on
this account the directors of the garden refused him admittance, he scaled the walls by night to continue his depredations. The reputation, however, of a better kind,
which he gained during a residence of four years at Montpelier, induced Linnæus to recommend him as a proper
person to form the queen of Sweden’s collection of the
rarest fishes in the Mediterranean, and to compose accurate descriptions of them; which undertaking he executed
with great labour and dexterity, producing a complete
Ichthyology, 2 vols. 4to, with a Dictionary and Bibliography, containing accounts of all the authors who had treated
that branch of natural history. Among his various
productions, is a dissertation entitled “The Martyrology of
” containing accounts of all the authors who lost
their lives by the fatigues and accidents incident to the
zeal for acquiring natural curiosities; a list, in which his
own name was destined to be enrolled. Sometimes he has
been found in his closet with a candle burning long after
sunrise, with his head bent over his herbal, unconscious
of its being day-light; and used frequently to return from
his botanical excursions torn with briars, bruised with falls
from rocks, and emaciated with hunger and fatigue, after
many narrow escapes from precipices and torrents. These
ardent occupations did not, however, extinguish sentiments of a more tender nature. M. Commerson married in
1760 a wife who died in childbed two years after, and whose
memory he preserved by naming a new kind of plant, whose
fruit seemed to contain two united hearts, “Pulcheria
” He arrived at Paris in
, doctor of physic, and professor of the belles lettres in the university
, doctor of physic, and professor of the belles lettres in the university of Caen, was
born in 1502, and acquired great reputation by his skill in
the Greek, Latin, and oriental languages. He lived to
103 years of age, and, it is said, without any failure of
powers in either body or mind, died of a pleurisy in 1605,
but others have reduced his age to 75. He has left, “A
Lexicon, Greek and Latin,
” better digested, as some think,
than that of Henry Stephens: Stephens ranging the Greek
words according to their roots, Constantin in alphabetical
order. The first edition, of little value, appeared in 1562,
but the best is the secon4, Geneva, 1592, 2 vols. folio.
Those of Geneva, 1607, and Leyden, 1637, are only the
preceding with new title-pages. His editions, with annotations, of the works of Theophrastus, Dioscorides, Celsus,
and Quintus Serenus, gained him much credit. They
were published between the years 1554 and 1566, as was
also his “Nomenclator insignium Scriptorum, quorum libri
extant, vel manuscripti vel impressi,
” 8vo.
ich would not admit of the usual delay of an Edinburgh graduation, induced him to take the degree of doctor of physic at Glasgow. He arrived, however, in London, too late
, M. D. an eminent physician of Liverpool, was born at Kirkpatrick-Flemming, in Dumfriesshire, on May 31st, 1756, where his father was the established minister, but afterwards removed to that of Middlebie. He received the rudiments of learning at the parish school of his native place, whence he was removed to the grammar-school of Dumfries. His original destination was for a commercial life, and he passed some years of his youth in Virginia, in a mercantile station. Disliking this profession, and unwilling to be a witness of the impending troubles in the American colonies, he quitted that country in 1776, and in the following year commenced a course of medical study at the university of Edinburgh, which occupied him almost without interruption for three years. A prospect of an appointment in the medical staff of the army, which would not admit of the usual delay of an Edinburgh graduation, induced him to take the degree of doctor of physic at Glasgow. He arrived, however, in London, too late for the expected place; but still determining to go abroad, he had taken his passage in a ship for Jamaica, when a severe indisposition prevented his sailing, and entirely changed his lot in life. He renounced his first intention; and, after some consideration respecting an eligible settlement, he fixed upon the commercial and rapidly-increasing town of Liverpool, which became his residence from 1781, and where he soon rose into general esteem. Indeed, it was not possible, even upon a casual acquaintance, for a judge of mankind to fail of being struck by his manly urbanity of behaviour, by the elegance and variety of his conversation, by the solid sense and sagacity of his remarks, and by the tokens of a feeling heart, which graced and dignified the qualities of his understanding. No man was ever more highly regarded by his friends; no physician ever inspired more confidence and attachment in his patients.
was born at Macon, Feb. 22, 1742. He was brought up to the study of medicine, and took the degree of doctor of physic in the university of Montpellier. He there imbibed,
, an eminent French botanist and traveller, was born at Macon, Feb. 22, 1742. He was brought up to the study of medicine, and took the degree of doctor of physic in the university of Montpellier. He there imbibed, under the celebrated professor Gouan, a taste for natural history, more especially for botany. To this taste he sacrificed his profession, and all prospect of emolument from that source, and cultivated no studies but such as favoured his darling propensity. Whatever time was not devoted to that, was given to the pleasures and dissipation incident to his time of life, his gay and agreeable character, and the society with which he was surrounded. To this dissipation he perhaps sacrificed more than prudence could justify; and it was fortunate for his moral character and worldly interest, probably also for his scientific success, that he removed to Paris in 1772, to improve his botanical knowledge. In 1775, while returning from a visit to Haller at Berne, he was informed that M. Turgot, the French minister, had chosen him to go to Peru, in search of plants that might be naturalized in Europe. On this he immediately returned to Paris, was presented to the minister, and received his appointment, with a salary of 3000 livres. Part of this was obliged to be mortgaged to pay his debts, and he was detained until the Spanish court had consented to the undertaking, which was not until next year. On arriving at Madrid, in November 1776, he found that the Spanish court had encumbered his expedition with futile instructions, and had added four companions, who, although of very little use, had each a salary of 10,000 livres. He accomplished his voyage, however, in six months, arriving at Lima April 8, 1778, where he obtained a favourable reception from the viceroy of Peru, Don Emanuel de Guirrior, and from M. de Bordenave, one of the canons of Lima.
s professor at the colleges of Calvy and Lisieux, then at the royal college in Paris, and afterwards doctor of physic. He published “Hist, du College Roial,” and an edition
, a celebrated doctor of the Sorbonne, was born at Pontoise in 1564. He defended the
opinions of the Ultramontanes, and was among Richer’s
greatest adversaries. Duval was superior genera] of the
French Carmelites, senior of the Sorbonne, and dean of
the faculty of theology at Paris, and died September 9,
1638. He left a system of divinity; a treatise entitled,
“De Suprema Romani Pontificis in Ecclesiam potestate,
Vie de la Sosur Merie de l'Incarnation,
Hist, du College
” and an edition of Aristotle,
to Sidney college in Cambridge. He afterwards travelled on the continent, and received the degree of doctor of physic at Padua. After his return home, he became eminent
, a very ingenious physician, was born
at Sandwich in Kent, Nov. 6, 1604; and, after regularly
going through a course of classical instruction, was sent
to Sidney college in Cambridge. He afterwards travelled
on the continent, and received the degree of doctor of
physic at Padua. After his return home, he became eminent
for his practice, during the times of the usurpation, was
chosen fellow, and afterwards president, of the college of
physicians; and at length had the honour of knighthood
conferred upon him by Charles II. He died at London,
Oct. 13, 1689, and was buried in the church of St. Laurence
Jewry. He was intimate with the celebrated Harvey,
whom he learnedly defended in a piece entitled “Apologia pro Circulatione Sanguinis contra Æmilium Parisanum,
” in 8vo. He also travelled to Italy in company with
Harvey in 1649; and in 1651 he prevailed with him to consent to the publication of his “Exercitationes de generatione animalium;
” which he himself superintended, and
presented to the president and fellows of the college of
physicians in a sensible and elegant dedication. Aubrey
says he translated the whole into Latin. He published
also, “Animadversiones in Malachiae Thrustoni, M. D.
diatribam de respirationis usu primario, 1679,
” 8v6; before which, says Wood, is his picture in a long peruke.
In the Philosophical Transactions, number 14, ann. 1691,
are sir George Ent’s “Observationes ponderis testudinis,
cum in autumno terram subiret, cum ejusdem ex terra verno
tempore exeuntis pondere comparati, per plures annos repetitae.
” Wood thinks that sir George was the author of
more things: but they had not come to his knowledge.
His whole works were, however, published at Leyden in
1687, 8vo.
affordshire, about 1649, and received his education at the university of Oxford, where the degree of doctor of physic was conferred upon him, on the 8th of July, 1680.
, an eminent physician, was born
at Hinters, in Staffordshire, about 1649, and received his
education at the university of Oxford, where the degree
of doctor of physic was conferred upon him, on the 8th of
July, 1680. He settled himself in the practice of his profession at Litchfield, in his native county; where his indefatigable attention to the sick, and the consequent practical
skill which he attained, not only procured for him the
confidence of the inhabitants, but gained him a reputation
so extensive, that his sovereign honoured him with knighthood, as a reward for his talents. He was a great friend to
the use of cold bathing, and left no means untried, by
which he might disseminate the knowledge of its utility and
safety, and bring the practice into general vogue: he
particularly recommended it in chronic rheumatisms,
and in nervous disorders, and he maintained that
consumptions had prevailed extensively in England only since
the practice of baptizing children by immersion had been
relinquished. This recommended his work in a very particular manner to the attention of the Baptists, whose historian, Crosby, has made some extracts from it in corroboration of the propriety of baptism by immersion. It appears to have been by sir John’s advice, that Dr. Johnson,
when an infant, was sent up to London to be touched by
queen Anne for the evil; a proof that he had not surmounted the prejudices of his age. Sir John died Feb. 1,
1734. The following are the titles of his different publications: 1. “The Touchstone of Medicines,
” London,
The Preternatural state of the Animal
Humours described by their sensible qualities,
” London,
An Enquiry into the right use of Baths,
London, Ancient Psychrolusy revived,
London, History of hot and cold Bathing, ancient and modern, with an Appendix by Dr. Baynard,
London, Essay to restore the
dipping of infants in their baptism,
” A Treatise on the Asthma,
” first published in
The Physicians’ Pulsewatch,
” Medici na Geronomica;
of preserving old men’s health; with an appendix concerning the use of oil and unction, and a letter on the regimen
of younger years,
” Lond.
return, being in high repute for his chemical knowledge, he accumulated the degrees of bachelor and doctor of physic. This was in 1605; about which time he practised in
, or de Fluctibus, an English philosopher, was the son of sir Thomas Fludd, knight, sometime treasurer of war to queen Elizabeth in France and the
Low Countries; and was born at Milgate, in the parish of
Bearsted, in Kent, in 1574. He was admitted of St.
John’s-college, Oxford, in 1591; and having taken both
the degrees in arts, applied himself to physic. He then
spent six years in travelling through France, Spain, Italy,
and Germany: in most of which countries he not only became acquainted with several of the nobility, but read
lectures to them. After his return, being in high repute
for his chemical knowledge, he accumulated the degrees
of bachelor and doctor of physic. This was in 1605;
about which time he practised in London, and became fellow of the college of physicians. He did not begin to
publish till 1616, but afterwards became a voluminous
writer, being the author of about twenty works, mostly
written in Latin, and as dark and mysterious in their language, as in their matter. Some of his productions were
aimed against Kepler and Mersennus; and he had the
honour of replies from both those philosophers. He wrote
two books against Mersennus; the first entitled “Sophias
cum Moria certamen, in quo lapis Lydius, a falso structore
Patre Marino Mersenno Monacho reprobatus, celeberrima
voluminis sui Babylonici in Genesim figmenta accuratæ
” Franc. Summum
Bonorum, quod est verum Magiae, Cabalae, Alchymije,
Fratrum Roseug Crucis Verorum, subjectum: in dictarum
scientiarum laudem, in insignis calumniatoris Fr. Mar.
Mersenni dedecus publicatum, per Joachim. Frizium,
Sophiae cum Moria certamen
and the third against “Summum Bonorum,
” &c. This
answer, called “Examen Fluddanae Philosophise,
” is
dated Feb. 4, 1629, and is printed in the third volume of
Gassendus’s works in folio. In the dedication to Merseniius, this antagonist fairly allows Fludd the merit of extensive learning. His other works were: 1. “Utriusque
Cosmi, majoris et minoris, Technica Historia,
” Oppenheim, Tractatus Apologeticus integritatena societatis de Rosea cruce defendens,
Leyden, Monochordon mundi symphoniacum,
eu Replicatio ad Apologiam Joannis Kepleri,
” Francfort,
Anatomise Theatrum triplici effigie designatum,
” ibid. Philosophia Sacra et vere Christiana, seu Meteorologia Cosmica,
” ibid, Mediclna Cathotica, sen, Mysticum artis Medicandi Sacrarium,
” ibid. Integrum Morborum Mysterium,
ibid. De Morborum Signis,
” ibid. Clavis Philosophise et Alchyrniae Fluddanse,
” ibid.
Philosophia Mosa'ica,
” Goudae, Pathologia Daemoniaca,
” ibid.
In 1707 he was created doctor of physic by diploma. Jn 1709 he published his “Praelectiones
In 1707 he was created doctor of physic by diploma.
Jn 1709 he published his “Praelectiones Chymicae: in
quibus omnes fere operationes chymicas ad vera principia
et ipsius naturae leges rediguntur; anno 1704, Oxonii, in
Musceo Ashmoleano habitce.
” These lectures are dedicated to sir Isaac Newton, and are nine in number, besides
three tables. They were attacked by the German philosophers, who w^re greatly alarmed at the new principles;
and therefore the authors of “Acta Eruditorum,
” in 171O,
prefixed to their account of them a censure, in which they
treated the principles of the Newtonian philosophy as figments, and the method of arguing made use of in thes&
lectures as absurd; because, in their opinion, it tended
to recall occult qualities in philosophy. To this groundless
charge an answer was given by Freind, which was published
in Latin, in the “Philosophical Transactions,
” and added,
by way of appendix, to the second edition of the “Prælectiones Chymicse.
” Both the answer and the book have
been translated, and printed together in English.
, a celebrated doctor of physic of the faculty at Montpellier, physician in ordinary
, a celebrated doctor of
physic of the faculty at Montpellier, physician in ordinary
to Monsieur brother of Louis XIV. and to the duke of
Orleans, regent of France, descended from a respectable
family in Beaure, and was born in 1663. By a skill, peculiar to himself, he restored great numbers of persons to
health whose cases appeared hopeless, and gained great
reputation, particularly in the cure of cancers, and disorders of the eyes. Having acquired a handsome fortune,
he went to reside at Auteuil, near Paris, in a house which
formerly belonged to his friend, the celebrated Boileau,
but had been his own near thirty years, where noblemen,
ministers, ambassadors, chief magistrates, the learned, and
numerous persons of both sexes, went frequently to visit,
or to consult him. In this retreat he acquired a high character for integrity, being scrupulously just, and abhorring
every species of dissimulation, or flattery. He died September 3, 1750. He left all his Mss. by will to his nephew, who was also a doctor of physic, of the faculty at
Montpcllier. The principal are entitled, “Recherches
sur POrigine, le Devellopement, et la Reproduction dc
tous les Etres vivans,
” which is said to be an excellent
work; and “Recherches sur la nature et la guerison du
” Paris,
ence and early attainments at the school and university of Tubingen, and in 1727, took the degree of doctor of physic, and went to Petersburgh, where, in 1729, he was elected
, a physician and eminent
botanist, was born at Tubingen August 12, 1709. He was
distinguished by his diligence and early attainments at the
school and university of Tubingen, and in 1727, took the
degree of doctor of physic, and went to Petersburgh,
where, in 1729, he was elected one of the members of the
academy, and in 1731 was appointed professor of chemistry and natural history. In 1733 he was selected for the
department of natural history, in a commission formed by
the Russian government, for the purpose of exploring the
boundaries of Siberia; and set out on the 19th of August,
with G. F. Muller, and Louis de l'Isle de la Croyere, and
a party of twenty-eight persons, consisting of draughtsmen,
miners, hunters, land surveyors, and twelve soldiers, with
a serjeant and drummer. On his return to Petersburgh in
1743, he resumed the offices which he had before filled.
In the year 1749 he entered upon a new professorship, to
which he had been appointed, while on a visit to Tubingen, but died of a fever in May, 1755. He published,
“Flora Siberica, seu Historia Plantarum Siberise,
” Petersburgh, Travels through Siberia between the years
1733 and 1743,
” Gottingen,
, in Latin Gorreus, a physician, was born at Paris in 1505. He took the degree of doctor of physic in that city about 1540, and was appointed dean of
, in Latin Gorreus, a physician,
was born at Paris in 1505. He took the degree of doctor
of physic in that city about 1540, and was appointed dean
of the faculty in 1548. He is said to have possessed both
the learning and sagacity requisite to form an accomplished
physician, and to have practised with great humanity and
success. His works, which were published in 1622, folio,
by one of his sons, contributed to support this reputation.
The greater part of them consists of commentaries on different portions of the writings of Hippocrates, Galen, and
Nicander. During the civil war, which was fatal to numerous men of letters, John de Gorris was stopped by a
party of soldiers, when on his journey to Melun to visit
the bishop of Paris, and the fright which he sustained is
said to have deprived him of his reason. This occurred in
1561, and he lived in this deplorable condition until hia
death at Paris, in 1577. His father, Peter de Gouius,
was a physician at Bourges, attained considerable eminence, and left two works, one on the general “practice
of medicine,
” dated 1555; the other, “a collection of
” 1560, both in Latin.
at Wymondham, where he was much resorted to for his advice. On April 30, 1610, he took the degree of doctor of physic, and became candidate of the college of physicians
, an eminent English physician in the seventeenth century, was born in Northamptonshire, and was son of Mr. William Goulston, rector of Wymondham, in Leicestershire. He became probationer fellow of Merton college, Oxford, in 1596, where he took the degrees of B. and M. A. and afterwards applied himself to the study of physic, which he practised first in Oxford, and afterwards at Wymondham, where he was much resorted to for his advice. On April 30, 1610, he took the degree of doctor of physic, and became candidate of the college of physicians at London, being well approved by the president, censors, and fellows; and the year following he was made a fellow and censor of that college. He was soon introduced into very extensive practice in the city of London, and distinguished him* self likewise to great advantage by his skill in the Latin and Greek languages, and divinity, and by his writings. His affection to the public good and to the advancement of the faculty of physic was such, that by his last will and testament he gave two hundred pounds to purchase a rent-charge for the maintenance of an annual lecture within the college of physicians of London. This lecture was to be read from time to time by one of the foui* youngest doctors in physic of the college, and to be upon two, or three, or more diseases, as the censors should direct; and to be read yearly, at a convenient season betwixt Michaelmas and Easter, upon some dead body (if procurable) on three days successively, in the forenoon and afternoon. He left likewise several books to Merton college, besides several other donations, which legacies were punctually paid by his widow Ellen, who being possessed of the impropriate parsonage of Bardwell in Suffolk, procured leave from the king to annex the same to the vicarage, and gave them both to the college of St. John’s, in Oxford. Our author died at his house within the parish of St. Martin Ludgate, May 4, 1632, and was interred with great solemnity in the church of that parish.
ntiquities he is highly spoken of by M. Huet, who was his intimate friend. His brother Andrew, also, doctor of physic of the faculty at Montpellier, was a learned philosopher,
, an ingenious Frenchman,
was a native of Caen in the seventeenth century, and the
discoverer of the art of making figured diaper. He did not,
however, bring it to perfection, for he only wove squares
and flowers; but his son Richard Graindorge, living to
the age of eighty-two, had leisure to complete what his
father had begun, and found a way to represent all sorts
of animals, and other figures. This work he called Hautelice, perhaps because the threads were twisted in the
woof. They are now called damasked cloths, from their
resemblance to white damask. This ingenious workman,
also invented the method of weaving table napkins; and
his son, Michael, established several manufactures in different parts of France, where these damasked cloths are
become very common. The same family has produced several other persons of genius and merit among these is
James Graindorge, a man of wit and taste, and well skilled
in antiquities he is highly spoken of by M. Huet, who
was his intimate friend. His brother Andrew, also,
doctor of physic of the faculty at Montpellier, was a learned
philosopher, who followed the principles of Epicurus and
Gassendi. He died January 13, 1676, aged sixty. He
left, “Traite de la Nature du Feu, de la Lumiere, et des
” 4to; “Traite de TOrigine des Macreuses,
De Interpretatione
” to this gentleman.
toration of Charles II. he was sent to study in some foreign university, where he took his degree of doctor of physic. He settled first at Coventry, and probably resided
, the first and most universal vegetable anatomist and physiologist of this country, the son of
the preceding, was born at Coventry. The year of his
birth is not mentioned, but from some circumstances appears to have been 1628. He was brought up a presbyterian, his father having taken the covenant; and on the
change of the national form of religion, at the restoration
of Charles II. he was sent to study in some foreign university, where he took his degree of doctor of physic. He
settled first at Coventry, and probably resided there in
1664, when, as he informs us in tht 1 preface to his Anatomy
of Plants, he first directed his thoughts to the subject of
that work, “upon reading some of the many and curious
inventions of learned men, in the bodies of animals. For
considering that both of them came at first out of the same
hand, and were therefore the contrivances of the same wisdom; I thence,
” says he, “fully assured myself, that it
could not be a vain design to seek it in both. That so I
might put somewhat upon that side the leaf which the best
botanicks had left bare and empty.
” Four years afterwards
he consulted his brother-in-law, Dr. Henry Sampson, who
encouraged him to go on, by pointing out a passage in
Glisson’s book “De Hepate,
” chap. 1, in which the anatomy of plants is hinted at as an unexplored, but very
promising line of study for a practical observer. For some
time he resided at Coventry, but determining to settle in
London, he came thither about 1672. Before this his first
essay on the anatomy of plants was communicated to the
royal society in 1670, by bishop Wilkins, under the title
of an “Idea of a Philosophical History of Plants.
” It was
received with the honour and attention it deserved, being ordered to be printed, and its author, in that year
also, on the recommendation of the same learned divine,
became a fellow of the royal society. He was appointed
secretary in 1677, in which capacity he published the
Philosophical Transactions from Jan. 1677-8, to Feb. in the
following year. In 1680 he was made an honorary fellovr
of the college of physicians. He is said to have attained
to considerable practice in his profession, nor did his being
a nonconformist deprive him of the credit justly due to his
piety and philosophical merit, even in the worst times. He
lived indeed to see various changes of opinions and professions, apparently with the tranquillity becoming a philosopher and a good man, and died suddenly, March
25, 1711.
d of grief, October 21, aged seventy-one. He left two sons, both bred to letters; the eldest being a doctor of physic, and the youngest, Abraham, professor of history at
He was revising Tacitus in order to a new edition, when
he lost his youngest daughter, September 12, 1716, and
he survived her not many weeks. The loss proved insupportable; he fell sick a few days after it, and died of grief,
October 21, aged seventy-one. He left two sons, both
bred to letters; the eldest being a doctor of physic, and
the youngest, Abraham, professor of history at Utrecht.
His valuable library, long retained in the possession of the
family, and for which 30,000 florins had been offered by
the late empress of Russia, was sold by auction at Leyden
about 1785, and produced only 5000 florins. It is remarked of James Gronovius, that he fell short of his father,
in respect of modesty and moderation, as far as he exceeded
him in literature: in his disputes, he treated his antagonists
with such a bitterness of style as procured him the name of
the second Scioppius, the justness of which censure appears throughout his numerous works, although they must
be allowed to form a stupendous monument of literary industry and critical acumen. The following list is probably correct: 1. “Macrobius, cum notis variorum,
” Leyd.
Polybius cum suis
ae ineditis Casauboni, &c. notis,
” Gr. & Lat.“Amst. 1670,
2 vols. 8vo. 3.
” Tacitus/* ibid. Supplementa lacunarum in ^nea
Tactico, Dione Cassio, et Arriano,
” Leyden, Dissertationes Epistolicae,
” Amst. De Aquis et Aqureductibus veteris Romoe,
” Gronovius answered him in, 6. “Responsio ad cavillationes R. Fabretti,
” Leyden, Jasithei ad Gronovium Apologema, in ej usque Titivilitia seu de Tito Livio somnia
” Naples, Fragmentum
Stephani Byzantini Grammatici de Dodone, &c.
” Leyden,
Henrici Valesii Notae, &c. in Harpocrationem,
” Leyden, 16&2, 4to, reprinted in Blancard’s edition of Harpocration, in 1683. 9. “Senecae Tragediae,
Amst. Exercitationes aca<Jemicae de pernicie et casu Judoe,
” Leyden, Notitia
et illustratio dissertationis nuperse de morte Juda?,
” Leyden, Castigationes ad paraphrasim Graeeam Enchiridii Epicteti ex codice Mediceo,
” Delft, Dissertatio de origine Romuli,
” Leyden, Gemmae et sculpturae antiquse,
” a Latin translation of Leonard Augustini’s Italian description of these antiquities, with a learned preface by
our author. 15. “Pomponii Melae libri tres de situ orbis,
Leyden, Observationes ad Melam,
” printed at London in Epistola de argutiolis Isaaci Vossii,
Epistola ad Johannem Georgium Graevium V. Cl. de Pallacopa, ubi Descriptio ejus ab Arriano facta liberatur ab Isaaci Vossii frustrationibus,
” Leyden, Notae ad Lucianum,
” printed in Graevius’s edition of Lucian in 2 vols.
Amst. 1686, 8vo. 19. “Variae Lectiones &, Notae in Stephanum Byzantinum de Urbibus:
” inserted in the edition
of that author published by Abraham Berkelius at Leyden
in 1683, folio. 20. “Cebetis Thebani Tabula Graece &
” Amst. Auli Gellii Noctes Atticae, cum Notis & Emendationibus Johannis Frederici
” Leyden, M. T.
Ciceronis Opera quae extant omnia,
” Leyden, Ammiani Marcellini Rerum
gestarum, qui de XXXI supersunt, Libri XVIII.
” Leyden,
1693, in folio and 4to. 24. “Johannis Frederici Gronovii
de Sestertiis seu subsecivarum Pecuniae veteris Graecae &
Romance Libri IV. &c.
” Leyden, 1691, 4to, with several
additions. 25. “De Icuncula Smetiana qua Harpocratem
” Leyden, Memoria Cossoniana; id est, Danielis Cossonii Vita breviter clescripta, cui
annexa nova Editio veteris Monument! Ancyrani,
” Leyden,
Abraham! Gorlaei Dactylotheca cum Explicationibus,
” Leyden, Harpocrationis
tie Vocibus Liber; accedit Diatribe Henrici Stephani ad
locos Isocrateos,
” Leyden, O ratio de
primis Incrementis Urbis Lugduni,
” Leyden, Thesaurus GriEcarum Antiquitatum,
” Leyden, Colloquii quorundam de tribus primis Thesauri Antiquitatum GriEcarum voluminibus, ad
eorum Auctorem Relatio.
” 31. “Geographia antiqua;
hoc est, Scylacis Periplus Maris Mediterranei, &c. &c.
Leyden, 1697, 4to. 32. “Appendix ad Geographiam antiquani,
” Leyden, Manethonis Apotelesmaticorum Libri sex, nunc primum ex Bibliotheca Medicea eruti,
” Leyden, De duobus LapU
dibus in agro Dnyvenvoordiensi repertis,
” Leyden, Rycquius de Capitolio Romano, cum Notis
” Leyden, .Q. Cnrtius cum
Gronovii & Variorum Notis,
” Amsterdam, 1696, 8vo. 37.
“Suetonius a Salmasio recensitus cum Emendationibus J.
” Leyden, Phredri Fabulae
cum Joan. Fred. Gronovii & Jac. Gronovii Notis & Nicolai
Dispontini collectaneis,
” Leyden, Arriani Nicomediensis Expeditionis Alexandri Libri septem,
& Historia Indica,
”“Leyden, 1704, folio. This edition is a
very beautiful one; and Gronovius displays in it the same
extent of learning, which he does in all his other writings,
and the same rude censure of all men of learning, who are
not of his opinion. 40.
” Minutii Felicis Octavius: accedunt Csecilius Cyprianus de Idolorum Vanitate, & Julius
Firmicus Materuus de Errore profanarum Religionum,“Leyden, 1709, 8vo. 41.
” Infamia Emendationum in Menandri Reliquias nuper editarum. Trajecti ad Rhenum,
auctore Phiieleuthero Lipsiensi. Accedit Responsio M.
Lucilii Profuturi ad Epistolam Caii Veracii Philelienis, qua;
extat parte IX Bibliothecae selectte Jo. Clerici,“Leyden,
1710, 12mo. In this he attacks Dr. Bentley, who had assumed the name of Phileleutherus Lipsiensis; and Le Clerc,
who had published an edition of the fragments of Menander
and Philander, and to whom he ascribes the letter inserted
in the
” Bibliotheque choisie,“which he animadverts upon.
” Decreta Romana & Asiatica pro Judseis ad cultum
divinum per Asios Minoris urbes secure obeundum, a Josepho coliecta in Libro XIV. Archseologiae, sed male interversa & expuncta, in ^ublicam lucem restituta. Accedunt
Suidae aliquot loca a vitiis purgata,“Leyden, 1711, 8vo.
The notes on Suidas are levelled against Ludolfus Knster,
who had published an edition of Suidas at Cambridge in
1705 in 3 vols. folio, and who wrote in vindication of himgelf,
” Diatriba L. K. in qua Editio Suidse Cantabrigiensis
contra Cavillationes Jacobi Gronovii Aristarchi Leydensis
defenditur,“inserted in the 24th tome of the Bibiiotheque
choisie, p. 49, and printed separately in 12mo. There was
likewise a new edition with additions published at
Amsterdam in 1712, 8vo, under the title of
” Diatriba Anti-Gronoviana.“43.
” Ludibria malevola Clerici, vel Prose riptio pravse Mercis ac Mentis pravissimae, quam exponit in
Minutio Felice Joannes Clericus torn. 24. Bibliothecse selectae,“Leyden, 1712, 8 vo. 44.
” Recensio brevis Mutilationum, quas patitur Suidas in Editione nupera Cantabrigise anni 1705, ubi varia ejus Auctoris loca perperam intellecta illustrantur, emendantur, & supplentur,“Leyden,
1713, 8vo. 45.
” Severi Sancti, id est, Endeleichii Rhetoris de Mortibus Bourn Carmen ab Elia Vineto & Petro
Pithseo servatum, cum Notis Job. Weitzii & Wolfgangi Seberi,“Leyden, 1715, 8vo, with a preface, though without
his name. 46.
” Herodoti Halicarnassei Historiarum Libri IX. Greece & Latine, cum Interpretatione Laurentii
Vallx ex Codice Mediceo^“Leyden, 1715, folio. This
edition had not the general approbation of learned men,
who discovered very gross errors in it. The reader may
see upon this subject a piece of Kuster, entitled
” Examen
Criticum Editionis novissimae Herodoti Gronovianae," inserted in the 5th tome of M. le Clerc’s Bibliotheque ancienne & moderne, p. 383, and another of Stephen Bergler in the Acta Eruditorum of Leipsic for 1716, p. 201,
337, and 417. Gronovius in this edition has attacked in
the most furious manner several of the greatest men in the
republic of letters, particularly Laurentius Valla, ^milius
Portus, Henry Stephens, Holstenius, Dr. Thomas Gale,
Ezechiel Spanheim, Salmasius, Isaac Vossius, Tanaquii
Faber, John le Clerc, Kuster, Bochart, Grsevius, &c. He
had a very extensive correspondence with the men of learning in Europe, and the utmost that can be said for his intemperate treatment of so many learned contemporaries,
is, as we have been told, that his thoughts of many of them
were kinder than his words.
nguished himself in a disputation at Oxford before queen Elizabeth. On July 17, 1593, he was created doctor of physic. He obtained leave of the college in 1595, to attend
, an English physician of considerable eminence in his day, was the son of Edward Gwinne, descended from an ancient family in Wales, who at this time resided in London. His son was educated at Merchant Taylors’ school, whence in 1574 he was elected a scholar of St. John’s college, Oxford, took the degree of B. A. May 14, 1578, and was afterwards perpetual fellow of the college. It was the custom at that time in Oxford for the convocation to appoint a certain number of regent masters, to read each of them upon some one of the liberal arts two years, for which they received a small stipend, levied upon the younger scholars. This provision was made, before the public professorships were settled and supported by fixed salaries. Agreeably to this practice, Mr. Gwinne was made regent-master in July 1582, and appointed to read upon music, and there is extant a manuscript oration of his upon that subject, spoken Oct. 15, of that year, in which he calls himself prelector musica publicus. When he had taken his degrees in arts, he studied physic, and practised in and about Oxford for several years. In 1588 he was chosen junior proctor of the university, and in 1592 distinguished himself in a disputation at Oxford before queen Elizabeth. On July 17, 1593, he was created doctor of physic. He obtained leave of the college in 1595, to attend sir Henry Union, ambassador from queen Elizabeth to the French court, and continued with him during his absence abroad.
here, having studied physic under Minadous, Fabricius ab Aquapendente, and Casserius, he was created doctor of physic and surgery in that university, 1602. He had a particular
, an eminent English physician,
who first discovered the circulation of the blood, was born
of a. good family at Folkstone, in Kent, April 2, 156^.
At ten years of age he was sent to the grammar-school at
Canterbury, and at fourteen removed thence to Caius college, in Cambridge, where he spent about six years in
the study of logic and natural philosophy, as preparatory
to the study of physic. He then travelled through France
and Germany, to Padua in Italy; where, having studied
physic under Minadous, Fabricius ab Aquapendente, and
Casserius, he was created doctor of physic and surgery in
that university, 1602. He had a particular regard for Fabricius, often quotes him in terms of the highest respect;
and declares, that he was the more willing to publish his
book, “De Motu Cordis,
” because Fabricius, who had
learnedly and accurately delineated in a particular treatise
almost all the parts of animals, had left the heart alone
untouched. Soon after, returning to England, he was incorporated M. D. at Cambridge, and went to London to
practise, and married. In 1604, he was admitted candidate of the college of physicians in London; and three
years after fellow, and physician to St. Bartholomew’s hospital. In 1615, he was appointed lecturer of anatomy and
surgery in that college; and the year after read a course of
lectures there, the original ms. of which is extant in the
British Museum, and is entitled, “Prcelectiones anatom.
universal, per me Gulielmum Harvaeiunu medicum Londinensem, anat. & chirurg. professorem.
” This appointment of lecturer was probably the more immediate cause
of the publication of his grand discovery of the circulation
of the I id. The date of this promulgation is not absolutely a -tained: it is commonly said that he first disclosed is opinion on the subject in 1619; but the index
of his ms, containing the propositions on which the doctrine is founded, refers them to April 1616. Yet with a
patience and caution, peculiarly characteristic of the sound
philosopher, he withheld his opinions from the world, until
reiterated experiment had amply confirmed his doctrine,
and had enabled him to demonstrate it in detail, and to
advance every proof of its truth of which the subject is
on this occasion, any more than for his attendance on the lectures of the professors. The degree of doctor of physic was afterwards conferred on him during his absence
In one of his botanical lectures in 1747, Linnæus happening to speak of Palestine, one of the most important and interesting countries to the philosopher as well as the divine, but of whose productions we had less knowledge than of those of India, the zeal of young Hasselquist became instantly excited. In vain did his preceptor, secretly delighted with his enthusiasm, represent to him the difficulties of the undertaking, the distance, the dangers, the expence, and above all the weak state of his own health, particularly of his lungs. Hasselquist’s first step was to solicit assistance to defray the expences of his journey, but the whole he obtained is represented as far inadequate to his undertaking. He began, however, to learn the oriental tongues, at the same time that he was completing his academical studies, reading lectures, and obtaining the degree of licentiate in physic. The faculty, considering his merit and circumstances, Would not aliow him to he at any expence on this occasion, any more than for his attendance on the lectures of the professors. The degree of doctor of physic was afterwards conferred on him during his absence at Cairo, March 8th, 75!, with the same honourable and delicate attention to his peculiar situation. In the spring of 1749 he went to Stockholm, read lectures on botany there during the summer, and so far recommended himself to public notice, that the company of merchants trailing to the Levant, offered him a free passage to Smyrna in one of their ships, in which he set sail August 7th, arriving at Smyrna on the 27th of November, 1749. He kept a regular journal f his voyage. Touching at Gottenburgh, he there met Toreen, just returned from China with abundance of treasures for his master Linnæus, in whose works they have at various times been communicated to the public.
clusive law in favour of such as are educated in some Austrian school. In 1759 he took his degree of doctor of physic at Leipsic, and was induced to establish himself at
, a celebrated botanist, was born
Oct. 8, 17 So, at Cronstadt, in Transylvania, where his fatbi-r was one of the magistrates. After the first rudiments
of domestic education at home, he studied for four years
at the public school of his native town. On the death of
his father in 1747, he went for further improvement to the
university of Presburg in Hungary, where he remained
two years, and then proceeded toZittau in Upper Lusatia.
In 1752 he removed to Leipsic, where his diligence and
talents, as well as his personal character, procured him
the favour and friendship of the celebrated Ludwig in particular, by whose lectures of various kinds, as well as those
of Hebenstreit, Boehmer, and others, he rapidly and
abundantly profited. In 1756, he was taken into the house
of professor Bose, to assist him in the demonstration of
plants-in his botanical lectures, as well as in the care of
patients at the infirmary; and it is supposed that this engagement was full as advantageous to the master as to the
pupil. Having at length finished his studies, he was defcirons of settling as a physician in Ills native place, but
was prevented by an exclusive law in favour of such as are
educated in some Austrian school. In 1759 he took his
degree of doctor of physic at Leipsic, and was induced to
establish himself at Chemnitz. He was now so far master
of his own time, that he found himself able to alleviate the
labours of his profession by almost daily attention to his
favourite studies. His morning hours in summer, from
five till breakfast-time, were spent in the fields and woods,
and his evenings in the investigation of what he had collected, or else in the care of a little garden of his own. To
pursue with success his inquiries, he found it necessary, at
forty years of age, to learn drawing, which enabled him
to publish some of the most curious and authentic botanical
The first and greatest fruit of Hedwig’s labours, was the
determination of the mule and female Mowers of mosses, the
theory of which was h'rst clearly detailed by him. He
also first beheld the bladder-like anther, of the Liuneeaii
Biyum pulvinaliun, discharging its pollen, on the 17th of
January, 177O. He was already satisfied that what Linnteus, misled by Dillenius against his own previous opinion, had taken for anthers, were in fact the capsules of
mosses, and produced real (seed. A history of his discoveries was published in a German periodical work at Leipsic in 1779. In 1782 appeared his valuable “Fuiuiamentum Historise Nuturalis Muscorum Frondosorum,
” a baudsome Latin quarto, in two parts, with 20 coloured microscopical plates. The earliest account given of Hedwig’s opinions in England, was from the communications of the late professor J. Sibthorp, who had just then visited him, to Dr. Smith, in 1786, and is annexed to a translation of Limiaeus’s “Dissertation on the Sexes of Plants,
” published that year. Hedwig lost his first wife in 1776, and again married a very accomplished lady the following year, who was, like the former, a native of Leipsic. By her persuasion he removed to Leipsic in 1781, and the following year the work
above mentioned was there published. The same subject
is happily followed up in his “Theoria generationis et
fructificationis plant arum cryptogamicarum Linnaet,
” published at Petersburgh in
, doctor of physic, professor of that science and of natural philosophy
, doctor of physic, professor of that science and of natural philosophy in the university of Dublin, was author of a celebrated course of twenty-three lectures on natural philosophy, published after his death, in an octavo volume, by Dr. Bryan Robinson. These lectures were long in high estimation, passed through several editions, and are only superseded now from the necessity of keeping pace in such works with the progress of discoveries. They are clear and plain, though scientific. The author was intimate with Swift, and corresponded with him in his humourous way. He died Aug. 1, 1738, of an obstruction in the bowels, for which quicksilver having been in vain tried, he ordered that his body should be opened, when the cause of his death was ascertained to be three large excrescences, resembling the substance of the liver, which had accumulated in the bowels.
with considerable reputation in his neighbourhood; and at length, when at the age of forty, became a doctor of physic in the university of Cambridge. He was a peaceable,
, a noted translator, was descended from an ancient family of the Hollands of Lancashire, and was the son of John Holland, a pious divine,
who, in queen Mary’s reign, was obliged to go abroad for
the sake of religion; but afterwards returned, and became
pastor of Dunmowin Essex, where he died in 1578. Philemon was born at Chelmsford in Essex, about the latter
end of the reign of Edward VI. and after being instructed
at the grammar-school of that place, was sent to Trinitycollege, Cambridge, where he was pupil to Dr. Hampton,
and afterwards to Dr. Whitgift. He was admitted fellow of
his college, but left the university after having taken the
degree of M. A. in which degree he was incorporated at
Oxford in 1587. He was appointed head master, of the
free-school of Coventry, and in this laborious station he not
only attended assiduously to the duties of his office, but
served the interests of learning, by undertaking those numerous translations, which gained him the title of “Translator general of the age.
” He likewise studied medicine,
and practised with considerable reputation in his neighbourhood; and at length, when at the age of forty, became
a doctor of physic in the university of Cambridge. He
was a peaceable, quiet, and good man in all the relations
of private life, and by his habits of temperance and regularity attained his 85th year, not only with the full possession of his intellects, but his sight was so good, that
he never had occasion to wear spectacles. He continued
to translate till his 80th year; and his translations, though
devoid of elegance, are accounted faithful and accurate.
Among these are, translations into English of “Livy,
written, it is said, with one pen, which a lady of his acquaintance so highly prized that she had it embellished
with silver, and kept as a great curiosity. “Pliny’s Natural History,
” “Plutarch’s Morals,
” Suetonius,“”Ammianus Marcellinus,“” Xenophon’s Cyropaedia,“and
” Camdeu’s Britannia,“to the last of which he made
several useful additions: and into Latin he translated the geographical part of
” Speed’s Theatre of Great Britain,“and
a French
” Pharmacopoeia of Brice Bauderon." A quibbling epigram upon his translation of Suetonius has often
been retailed in jest books:
, and accompanied them to Holland. While he resided with his pupils at Leyden, he took his degree as doctor of physic; and when he went a third time to England, the same
, an eminent naturalist, was born
at Sambter, in Great Poland, in 1603: he received the
greater part of his education in his own country; but in
1622, he came to England, and from thence he went to
Scotland, where he studied with great diligence in the
university of St. Andrew’s till 1625. He afterwards studied
at Leyden and Cambridge. He undertook the education
of the two sons of the count de Kurtzbach, and accompanied them to Holland. While he resided with his pupils
at Leyden, he took his degree as doctor of physic; and
when he went a third time to England, the same honour
was conferred on him by the university of Cambridge. He
died in June 1675, in the seventy-second year of his age.
He is known in the literary world by a number of works in
the different departments of natural history, particularly
“Thaumatographia naturalis in classes decem divisa,
Amst. Historia naturalis de Piscibus et
Cetis, &c.
” Francfort, Historia naturalis de
” ibid, Hist. nat. de Insectibus,
” ibid. Hist. nat. de Avibus,
” ibid, folio;
“Syntagma Dendrologicum,
” and “Dendrographia,
” folio.
He published also some historical works, and some on
ethics, &c. enumerated in our authorities.
April 1694, he took a doctor of physic’s degree at Leyden, on which occasion he communicated,
April 1694, he took a doctor of physic’s degree at Leyden, on which occasion he communicated, in his thesis, some very singular observations, which we shall presently notice. At his return to his native country he intended immediately to digest his papers and memoirs into proper order; but, being appointed physician to his prince, he fell into too much practice to pursue that design with the vigour he desired. He married the daughter of an eminent merchant at Stolzenau in 1700. The long course of travels, the fatigue of his profession, and some family-uneasinesses, arising (as it is said) from the debts he had contracted, had very much impaired his constitution; so that, after a variety of ailments, he died Nov. 2, 1716.
inder him from gratifying the inclination he had to travel, in which he spent seven years. He took a doctor of physic’s degree at Basil, in 1601; and then visited Italy,
, professor of physic at Upsal, and physician extraordinary to Christina queen of Sweden, was born Dec. 25, 1577, at Breslaw, in Silesia, where his father was a merchant. He lost his parents when he was very young; but his guardians, as they intended him for his father’s profession, had him well instructed in such knowledge as might prepare him for it. Kirsteuius, however, had a turn for general literature, in which they thought it proper to indulge him. He accordingly learned the Greek and Latin tongues, and even Hebrew and Syriac; and with a view to his intended object, cultivated natural philosophy, botany, and anatomy, with the greatest care, in his native place. Afterwards he spent four years at the universities of Leipsic, Wittemberg, and Jena; and having made a great progress under the ablest professors, he took a journey into the Low-Countries, and into France. He had been told that a man could not distinguish himself in the practice of physic, unless he understood Avicenna; and, knowing the translation of that physician’s works to be very bad, he had a strong inclination to learn Arabic. To this he was urged by Joseph Scaliger and Isaac Casaubon, who thought he might do great service to the public of letters in that pursuit; and he resolved to read not only Avicenna, but also Mesue, Rhasis, Abenzoar, Abukasis, and Averroes. This course, however, did not hinder him from gratifying the inclination he had to travel, in which he spent seven years. He took a doctor of physic’s degree at Basil, in 1601; and then visited Italy, Spain, England, and even Greece and Asia. Soon after his return into Silesia, he went to Jena, and married a wife, by whom he had eight children. In 1610 he was appointed by the magistrates of Breslaw, to the direction of their college and schools; but a fit of sickness inclined him to resign that difficult employment, and he now applied himself entirely to the study of Arahic, and to the practice of physic. He succeeded greatly in his application to the Arabic, and was so zealous to promote the knowledge of it, that he employed all the money he could spare in printing Arabic books. For some reasons not stated by his biographers, he removed into Prussia, where he had an opportunity of entering into the family of chancellor Oxenstiern, whom he accompanied into Sweden; and in 1636 he was appointed professor of physic in the university of Upsal, and physician to the queen. His constitution, however, being much broken, he did not enjoy these advantages above four years, dying April 8, 1640. He was one of those few who joined piety to the practice of physic. It is observed in his epitaph, inscribed by Schroer to his memory, that he understood twenty-six languages.
f the prince. At length he provided himself with a laboratory of his own, and might have been made a doctor of physic, but his attachment to chemistry induced him to remain
In 1672, having made the tour of France, he returned
to Paris, where he commenced an acquaintance with Mr.
Marty n, apothecary to monsieur the prince; and making use of the laboratory which this apothecary had in the
hotel de Conde, he performed several courses of chemistry,
which brought him into the knowledge and esteem of the
prince. At length he provided himself with a laboratory
of his own, and might have been made a doctor of physic,
but his attachment to chemistry induced him to remain an
apothecary, and his lectures were frequented by so great
a number of scholars, that he had scarce room to perform
his operations. Chemistry was then coming into great
vogue in that metropolis; and Lemery contributed greatly
to its advancement, by treating it in a simple and perspicuous manner, divesting it of the jargon of mysticism in
which it had been hitherto obscured, and, by the dexterity
of his experiments, exhibiting the facts which it discloses
to the comprehension of every understanding. By these
means he established such a character for superior chemical skill, as enabled him to make a fortune by the sale of
his preparations, which were in great request both in Paris
and the provinces. One article in particular was the source
of great profit, namely, the oxyd, or, as it was then called,
the magistery of bismuth, and known as a cosmetic by the
name of Spanish white, which no other person in Paris
knew how to prepare. In 1675 he published his “Coura
de Chymie,
” which was received with general approbation
and applause, and passed through numerous editions: indeed seldom has a work on a subject of science been so popular. It sold, says Fontenelle, like a novel or a satire; netf
editions followed year after year; and it was translated into
Latin, and into various modern languages. Its chief value
consisted in the clearness and accuracy with which the processes and operations were detailed: the science was not
yet sufficiently advanced for a rational theory of them.
Indeed he seems to have worked rather with the view of
directing apothecaries how to multiply their preparations,
than as a philosophical chemist; and his materials are not
arranged in the most favourable manner for the instruction
of beginners "in the science. Nor did he divulge the whole
of his pharmaceutical knowledge in this treatise; he kept
the preparation of several of his chemical remedies secret,
in order to obtain the greater profit by their sale.
In this dilemma, imagining that the title of doctor of physic might procure him some tranquillity, he took that
In this dilemma, imagining that the title of doctor of physic might procure him some tranquillity, he took that degree at Caen about the end o/ the year; and, repairing to Paris, had a great deal of business for a while, but the edict of Nantz being revoked in 1685, he was forbid to practise his profession, as well as other protestants. He read, however, two courses of chemistry afterwards, under some powerful protections; and having no longer courage to support his religious principles, entered into the Romish church, in the beginning of 1686. This change procured him a full right to practise physic, and having obtained the king’s letters for holding his course of chemistry, and for the sale of his medicines, although not now an apothecary, what uith his pupils, his patients, and the sale of his chemical secrets, he made considerable gains.
his father’s death he should succeed to all his academical functions. In 1765 he took his degree of doctor of physic, and began to give lectures.
, or Von Linne' (Charles), the oldest,
and only surviving son of the preceding, was born January
20, 1741, at the House of his maternal grandfather, at
Fahlun. His father was anxiously desirous of his excelling
in natural history, more particularly botany; and committed him, when about the age of nine or ten, t the
more particular care of some of his own most favourite
pupils. By them he was taught the names of the plants in
the Upsal garden, and such of the principles of natural
science as were suited to his period of life, as well as to
converse habitually in Latin. He appears to have given
satisfaction to his father, who procured for him, at the
age of eighteen, the appointment of Demonstrator in the
botanic garden, an office then first contrived on purpose
for him. Having learned to draw from nature, he became
an author at the age of twenty-one, publishing in 1762 his
first “Decas Plantarum Rariorum Horti Upsaliensis,
” the
plates of which, in outline only, were drawn by his own
hand, and are sufficiently faithful and useful, if not ornamental, while the descriptions are full and scientific. In
1763 another “Decas,
” or collection of ten species, came
out on the same plan, but, for whatever reason, he printed
no more numbers under this title. In 1767, however, he
published at Leipsic ten more plates and descriptions, like
the above, entitled “Plantarum Rariorum Horti Upsaliensis Fasciculus Primus,
” but no second fasciculus appeared. In
lected a fellow. In 1684, resolving by the advice of his friends to remove to London, he was created doctor of physic, by diploma, at Oxford; the chancellor himself recommending
As this study introduced him to the acquaintance of Mr. Lloyd, keeper of the Ashmolean museum at Oxford, he enriched that collection with several altars, coins, and other antiquities, together with a great number of valuable natural curiosities. He also sent several observations and experiments, in various branches of natural philosophy, to the same friend; who communicating some of them to the royal society, our author was recommended, and elected a fellow. In 1684, resolving by the advice of his friends to remove to London, he was created doctor of physic, by diploma, at Oxford; the chancellor himself recommending him as a person of exemplary loyalty, of high esteem among the most eminent of his profession, of singular merit to that university in particular, by having enriched their museum and library with presents of valuable books, both printed and manuscript, and of general merit to the literary world by several learned books which he published. Soon after this, he was elected fellow of the college of physicians.
ject to frequent relapses, one of which carried him off in the year 1560. He had taken his degree of doctor of physic at Padua, and in 1557 was chosen professor in that
, surnamed Secundus, a distinguished
modern Latin poet, was nephew to a celebrated abbot of
the monastery of Solitaire, in the county of Hanau, in
Germany, who in 1543 established the protestant religion
in his society, and died in 1567. He was born Nov. 2,
1528, at Solitaire, received the early part of his education
at a convent in his native place, and pursued his tnaturer
studies at Francfort, Marpurg, and Wittemburg, at which last
place he contracted an intimacy with Melancthon and Camerarius. During the war in Saxony in 1546, when Melancthon and his colleagues were obliged to leave Wittemburg,
Lotich being in great perplexity what to do, at length
entered, among the troops of John Frederic, elector of
Saxony, with some of his fellow-students; but in 1548 we
find him again at Erfurth, and afterwards at Wittemburg,
pursuing his studies. In 1550 he visited France with some
young persons to whom he was governor, and he continued
there nearly four years. He afterwards went to Italy,
where he had nearly been destroyed by poison prepared
for another purpose: he recovered from the effects of it,
but was subject to frequent relapses, one of which carried
him off in the year 1560. He had taken his degree
of doctor of physic at Padua, and in 1557 was chosen professor in that science at Heidelberg. In this situation he
was honoured with the friendship of the elector-palatine,
and by the excellence of his disposition, and the singular
frankness and sincerity of his character, rendered himself
universally beloved. A collection of his Latin poems was
published in 1561, the year after his decease, with a dedicatory epistle by Joachim Camerarius, who praises him
as the best poet of his age. This has been often reprinted,
but a complete and correct edition of all his works was
published at Amsterdam in 1754, 2 vols. 4to, by Peter
Burman, nephew of the celebrated writer of those names.
Lotich had a younger brother Christian, likewise a poet,
and educated by his uncle, the abbot. A collection of his
poems was published in 1620, along with those of his
relation John- Peter Lotich, a physician of eminence, and
grandson of the above- mentioned Christian, who exercised
his profession at Minden and at Hesse, and became
professor of medicine at Rintlen in Westphalia. He
died very much regretted in 1652. His principal works
are, “Conciliorum et Observationum Medicinalium;
“Latin Poems;
” “A Commentary on Petronius,
” and
“A History of the Emperors Ferdinand II. and III.
” in
four volumes, is attributed to him.
and the singular merit of this performance induced the university of Glasgow to confer the degree of doctor of physic on its author. The improvement introduced by Dr. Macbride
, a distinguished physician, was
born at Ballymony, co. Antrim, on the 26th of April,
1726. He was descended from an ancient family of his
name in the shire of Galloway, in Scotland; but his grandfather, who was bred to the church, was called to officiate
at Belfast to a congregation of Presbyterians, and his
father became the minister of Ballymony, where David
was born. Having received the first elements of his education at the public school of this place, and served his
apprenticeship to a surgeon, he went into the navy, first
in the capacity of mate to an hospital-ship, and subsequently in the rank of surgeon, in which station he remained for some years preceding the peace of Aix-laChapelle. At this period he was led from the frequent
opportunities of witnessing the attacks of scurvy which a
sea-faring life afforded him, to investigate the best method
of cure for that disease, upon which he afterwards published a treatise. After the peace of Aix, Mr. Macbride
went to Edinburgh and London, where he studied anatomy
under those celebrated teachers doctors Monro and Hunter,
and midwifery under Smellie. About the end of 1749, he
settled in Dublin as a surgeon and accoucheur; but his
youth and remarkable bashfulness occasioned him to remain a number of years in obscurity, little employed; although he was endeared to a small circle of friends by his
great abilities, amiable dispositions, and his general knowledge in all the branches of polite literature and the arts.
In 1764, he published his “Experimental Essays,
” which
were received with great applause, and were soon translated into different languages; and the singular merit of
this performance induced the university of Glasgow to
confer the degree of doctor of physic on its author. The
improvement introduced by Dr. Macbride in the art of
tanning, by substituting lime-water for common water in
preparing ooze, procured him the honour of a silver medal
from the Dublin Society, in 1768, and of a gold medal of
considerable value from the society of arts and commerce
in London.
e made great progress in physic and anatomy. After he had finished the usual course, he was admitted doctor of physic, April 6, 1653, In 1655 Massari died, a loss which
, an Italian physician and anatomist, was born March 10, 1628, at Crevalcuore, near Bologna, in Italy, where he was taught Latin and studied philosophy. In 1649, losing his parents, and being obliged to choose his own method of life, he determined to apply himself to physic. The university of Bologna was then supplied with very learned professors in that science, particularly Bartholomew Massari, and Andrew Mariano, under whose instructions Malpighi in a short time made great progress in physic and anatomy. After he had finished the usual course, he was admitted doctor of physic, April 6, 1653, In 1655 Massari died, a loss which Malpighi severely felt, as independent of his esteem for him as a master, he had become more nearly related to him by marrying his sister. In 1656, the senate of Bologna gave him a professorship, which he did not long hold; for the same year the grand duke of Tuscany invited him to Pisa, to be professor of physic there. Here he contracted a strict friendship with Borelli, whom he subsequently owned for his master in philosophy, and to whom he ascribed all the discoveries which he afterwards made. They dissected animals together, and it was in this employment that he found the heart to consist of spiral fibres; a discovery, which has been ascribed to Borelli in his posthumous works. The air of Pisa not agreeing with Malpighi, be continued there but three years: and, in 1659, returned to Bologna, to resume his former posts, notwithstanding the advantageous offers which were made him to stay at Pisa. In 1662 he was sent for to Messina, in order to succeed Peter Castello, first professor of physic, who was just dead. It. was with reluctance that he went thither, though the stipend was great; and although he was prevailed on at last by his friend Borelli, to accept it, yet in 1666 he returned to Bologna. In 1669 he was elected a member of the royal society of London, with which he ever after kept a correspondence by letters, and communicated his discoveries in anatomy. Cardinal Pignatelli, who had known him while he was legate at Bologna, being chosen pope in 1691, under the name of Innocent XII. immediately sent for him to Rome, and appointed him his physician. In 1694 he was admitted into the academy of the Arcadians at Rome. July the 25th, of the same year, he had a fit, which struck half his body with a paralysis; and, November the 29th following, he had another, of which he died the same day, in his 67th year. His remains were embalmed, and conveyed to Bologna, where they were interred with great funeral honours in the chureh of St. Gregory, and a statue was erected to his memory. Malpighi is described as a man of a serious and melancholy temperament, which is confirmed by his portrait in the meeting-room of the royal society at Somerset-house. He was indefatigable in the pursuit of knowledge, on the sure ground of experience and observation, ever candid in his acknowledgments to those who had given him any information, and devoid of all ostentation or pretension on the score of his own merits. He ranks very high among the philosophers of the physiological age in which he lived, when nature began to be studied instead of books, and the dreams of the schools. Hence arose the discoveries of the circulation of the blood, the absorbent system of the animal body, and the true theory of generation. To such improvements the investigations of Malpighi, relative to the anatomy and transformation of insects, particularly the silk-worm, and the developement of the chick in the egg, lent no small aid. From these inquiries he was led to the anatomy and physiology of plants, in which he is altogether an original, as well as a very profound, observer. His line of study was the same as that of Grew, but these philosophers laboured independent of each other, and their frequent coincidence evinces the accuracy of both.
e earl of Northumberland. In 1663 he returned to England, and to that earl’s family; and, taking his doctor of physic’s degree at Cambridge in 1667, he practised in London.
, a very learned Englishman, was
descended from a good family in Huntingdonshire, and
born at Margaret-Inge, in June 1631. He was educated
under the famous Busby at Westminster-school, and being
king’s scholar, was elected thence to Trinity college, Cambridge, in 1648. He took his degrees in arts at the regular time,' and was made fellow of his college in 1653.
In 1658 he left the college in order to be tutor to Joscelin,
son of Algernon, the last earl of Northumberland, with
whom he continued till 1660, and then travelled at his own
ex pence, to qualify himself for the profession of physic,
into which he had resolved to enter some years before.
He passed through France to Rome, where he lived near
a year in the house of the hon. Algernon Sidney, to whom
he was recommended by his uncle the earl of Northumberland. In 1663 he returned to England, and to that earl’s
family; and, taking his doctor of physic’s degree at Cambridge in 1667, he practised in London. Here he
contraded an acquaintance with many eminent persons in his
own faculty, as Willis, Sydenham, Locke; and with several of the most distinguished divines, as Whichcote,
Tillotson, Patrick, Sherlock, Stillingfleet, Sharp, and Clagget. In 1670 he attended lord Essex in his embassy to
Denmark; and, in 1672, waited on the lady dowager
Northumberland into France. In March 1675, he was
chosen professor of physic in Gresbam college, London;
and, in 1676, attended the lord ambassador Montague,
and lady Northumberland, to France. The same year
Dr. Sydenham published his “Observationes medicas circa
morborum acutorum historiam et curationem,
” which he
dedicated to Dr. Mapletoft; who, at the desire of the
author, had translated them into Latin. He held his professorship at Gresham till October 1679, and married the
month following.
a friendship while a student at Glasgow) to practise surgery here, though he had taken the degree of doctor of physic the preceding year at Edinburgh; and to teach anatomy
, a late eminent anatomist and
physician, was born in Fifeshire, in 1742, at Park-hill, a
large farm on the side of the Tay, near Newburgh, held
by his father, Mr. John Marshal, of the earl of Rothes.
His lather had received a classical education himself; and
being desirous that his son should enjoy a similar advantage, sent him first to the grammar-school at Newburgh,
and afterwards tothat of Abernethy, then the most celebrated place of education among the Seceders, of which
religious sect he was a most zealous member. Here he
was regarded as a quick and apt scholar. From his childhood he had taken great delight in rural scenery. One
day, while under the influence of feelings of this kind,
being then about fourteen years old, he told his father that
he wished to leave school, and be a farmer, but he soon
shewed that it had not arisen from any fondness for ordinary country labours. In the following harvest-time, for
instance, having been appointed to follow the reapers, and
bind up the cut corn into sheaves, he would frequently lay
himself down in some shady part of the field, and taking
a book from his pocket, begin to read, -utterly forgetful of
his task. About two years after, however, he resumed his
studies, with the intention of becoming a minister: and
soon after, he was admitted a student of philosophy at
Abernethy; and next became a student of divinity. In
his nineteenth year he went to Glasgow, and divided his time between teaching a school, and attending lectures in
the university. The branches of learning which he chiefly
cultivated were Greek and morals. At the end of two
years passed in this way, he became (through the interest of the celebrated Dr. Reid, to whom his talents and diligence had recommended him), tutor in a gentleman’s family, of the name of Campbell, in the Island of Islay.
He remained here four years, and removed to the university of Edinburgh, with Mr. -Campbell’s son, whom the
following year he carried back to his father. Having
surrendered his charge, he returned to Edinburgh, where
he subsisted himself by reading Greek and Latin privately
with students of the university; in the mean time taking
no recreation, but giving up all his leisure to the acquisition of knowledge. He still considered himself a student
of divinity, in which capacity he delivered two discourses
in the divinity-hall; and from motives of curiosity began in
1769 to attend lectures on medicine. While thus employed, he was chosen1 member of the Speculative society,
where, in the beginning of 1772, he became acquainted
with lord Balgonie, who was so much pleased with the
display which he made of genius and learning in that society,
that he requested they“should read together; and in the
autumn of the following year made a proposal for their
going to the Continent, which was readily accepted.
They travelled slowly through Flanders to Paris, where
they stayed a month, and then proceeded to Tours, where
they resided eight months, in the house of a man of letters,
under whose tuition they strove to acquire a correct knowledge of the French language and government. They became acquainted here with several persons of rank, among
whom were a prince of Rohan, and the dukes of Clioiseul
and Aguilon, at whose seats in the neighbourhood they
were sometimes received as gnests. An acquaintance with
such people would make Marshal feel pain on account of
his want of external accomplishments; and this, probably,
was the reason of his labouring
” to learn to dance and to
fence while he was at Tours, though he was then more
than thirty years old. He returned to England in the
summer of 1774; and proceeded soon after to Edinburgh,
where he resumed the employment of reading Latin and
Greek with young men. Hitherto he seems to have formed
no settled plan of life, but to have bounded his views
almost entirely to the acquisition of knowledge, and a present subsistence. His friends, however, had been induced
to hope that he would at some time be advanced to a professor’s cl; ir and it is possible that he entertained the same
hope himself. In the spring of 1775, this hope appeared
to be strengthened by his being requested by Mr. Stewart,
the professor of humanity at Edinburgh, to officiate for
him, as he was then unwell: Marshal complied, but soon
after appears to have given up all hopes of a professorship,
and studied medicine with a determination to practise it.
In the spring of 1777, he was enabled by the assistance of
a friend, Mr. John Campbell of Edinburgh, to come to
London for professional improvement; and studied anatomy under Dr. W. Hunter, and surgery under Mr. J,
Hunter. After he had been here a twelvemonth, he was
appointed surgeon to the S3rd, or Glasgow regiment,
through the interest of the earl of Leverv, the father of his
late pupil, lord Balgonie. The first year after was passed
with his regiment, in Scotland. In the following he accompanied it to Jersey, where he remained with it almost
constantly till the conclusion of the war in the beginning
of 1783, when it was disbanded. In this situation he
enjoyed, almost for the first time, the pleasures best suited
to a man of independent mind. His income was more than
sufficient for his support; his industry and knowledge rendered him useful; and his character for integrity and honour procured him general esteem. From Jersey he came
to London, seeking for a settlement, and was advised by
Dr. D. Pitcairn (with whom he had formed a friendship while a student at Glasgow) to practise surgery here,
though he had taken the degree of doctor of physic the
preceding year at Edinburgh; and to teach anatomy at St.
Bartholomew’s hospital, it being at the same time proposed, that the physicians to that hospital (of whom Dr. Pitcairn was one) should lecture on other branches of medical learning. He took a house, in consequence, in the
neighbourhood of the hospital; and proceeded to prepare
for the execution of his part of the scheme. This proving
abortive, he began to teach anatomy, the following year,
at his own house; and at length succeeded in procuring
annually a considerable number of pupils, attracted to him
solely by the reputation of his being a most diligent and
able teacher. In 1788 he quitted the practice of surgery,
and commenced that of medicine, having previously become a member of the London college oF physicians. In
the ensuing year a dispute arose between John Hunter
and him, which it is proper to relate, as it had influence
on his after-life. When Marshal returned to London, he
renewed his acquaintance with Mr. Hunter, who thought
so well of him, that he requested his attendance at a committee of his friends, to whose correction he submitted his
work on the venereal disease, before it was published. He
became also a member of a small society, instituted by Dr.
Fordyce and Mr. Hunter, for the improvement of medical
and surgical knowledge. Having mentioned at a meeting
of this society, that, in the dissection of those who had
died insane, he had always found marks of disease in the
head, Mr. Hunter denied the truth of this in very coarse
language. The other members interfering, Mr. Hunter
agreed to say, that his expressions did not refer to Dr.
Marshal’s veracity, but to the accuracy of his observation.
Marshal, not being satisfied with this declaration, at the
next meeting of the society demanded a.i ample apology;
but Mr. Hunter, instead of making one, repeated the offensive expressions; on which Marshal poured some water
over his head out of a bottle which had stood near them.
A scuffle ensued, which was immediately stopped by the
other members, and no father personal contention between
them ever occurred. But Marshal, conceiving that their
common friends in the society had, from the superior rank
of Mr. Hunter, favoured him more in this matter than justice permitted, soon after estranged himself from them.
He continued the teaching of anatomy till 1800, in which
year, during a tedious illness, the favourable termination
of which appeared doubtful to him, he resolved, rather
suddenly, to give it up. While he taught anatomy, almost
the whole of the fore-part of the day, during eight months
in the year, was spent by him in his dissecting and lecture
rooms. He had, therefore, but little time for seeing sick
persons, except at hours frequently inconvenient to them;
and was by this means prevented from enjoying much medical practice; but as soon as he had recovered his health,
after ceasing to lecture, his practice began to increase.
The following year it was so far increased as to render it
proper that he should keep a carriage. From this time to
within a few months of his death, an interval of twelve
years, his life flowed on in nearly an equable stream. He
had business enough in the way he conducted it to give
him employment during the greater part of the day; and
his professional profits were sufficient to enable him to live
in the manner he chose, and provide for the wants of sickness and old age. After having appeared somewhat feeble
for two or three years, he made known, for the first time,
in the beginning of last November, that he laboured under
a disease of his bladder, though he must then have been
several years affected with it. His ailment was incurable,
and scarcely admitted of palliation. For several months he
was almost constantly in great pain, which he bore manfully. At length, exhausted by his sufferings, he died on
the 2nd of April, 1813, at his house in Bartlett’s buildings,
Holborn, being then in the seventy-first year of his age.
Agreeably to his own desire, his body was interred in the
church-yard of the parish of St. Pancras. His fortune,
amounting to about bOOO/. was, for the most part, bequeathed to sisters and nephews.
land, which he executed; he contracted an acquaintance with the learned wherever he went; and took a doctor of physic’s degree in 1663, as he passed through Angers in France.
, son of the former, was born at
Lubeck in 1638; and after laying a proper foundation in
literature at home, went in 1655 to the university of
Heimstadt, where he applied himself to philosophy and
medicine. Afterwards he went to study under the professors at Groningen, Franeker, and Leyden; and upon
his return to Germany, projected a larger tour through
Italy, France, and England, which he executed; he contracted an acquaintance with the learned wherever he
went; and took a doctor of physic’s degree in 1663, as
he passed through Angers in France. He was offered a
professorship of physic at Heimstadt in 1661: but his travelling scheme did not permit him to take possession of it
till 1664. This, and the professorships of history and
poetry, joined to it in 1678, he held to the time of his
death, which happened in March, 1700. Besides a great
number of works relating to his own profession, he published, in 3 vols. folio, in 1688, “Scriptores rerum Germanicarnm,
” a very useful collection, which had been
begun, but not finished, by his father.
During his absence on the continent, the university of Oxford conferred upon him the degree of doctor of physic, by diploma; and his father’s health beginning to
During his absence on the continent, the university of Oxford conferred upon him the degree of doctor of physic, by diploma; and his father’s health beginning to decline soon after his arrival in England, he was, in July 1751, elected joint physician with him to Bridewell and Bethlem hospitals, and on his death, which happened in the latter end of 1752, he became sole physician thereof.
In 1662 he was admitted doctor of physic. About that time Drs. Fagon, Longuet, and Galois,
In 1662 he was admitted doctor of physic. About that time Drs. Fagon, Longuet, and Galois, all eminent for their skill in botany, were employed in drawing up a catalogue of the plants in the royal garden, which was published in 1665, under the name of Dr. Vallot, then first physician. During the prosecution of this work, Dr. Morin was often consulted, and from these conversations it was that Dr. Fagon conceived a particular esteem, which he always continued to retain, for him. After having practised some years, he was admitted expectant, and afterwards pensionary physician at the Hotel Dieu but this advancement added nothing to his condition, except the power of more extensive charity for all the money which he received as a salary, he put into the chest of the hospital, and always, as he imagined, without being observed. His reputation rose so high at Paris, that mademoiselle de Guise was desirous to make him her physician, but it was not without difficulty that he was prevailed upon by his friend, Dr. Dodart, to accept the place.
une, while he sedulously cultivated the studies necessary for his profession, and took the degree of doctor of physic at Angers, in 1648. Botany, however, was still his
, a distinguished botanist of the
seventeenth century, was born at Aberdeen in 1620. Being
designed for the church, he devoted himself to the study
of mathematics in that university; but was diverted from
such pursuits by a taste for physic, and especially botany,
which, however, was interrupted, for a time at least, by
his loyalty, which induced him to become a soldier in the
service of king Charles. After receiving a dangerous
wound in the head, in the battle near the bridge of Dee,
about two miles from Aberdeen, which for a while disabled
him, he retired, like many of his countrymen after the ruin
of the royal cause, to Paris. Here he became tutor to a
young man of some fortune, while he sedulously cultivated
the studies necessary for his profession, and took the degree
of doctor of physic at Angers, in 1648. Botany, however,
was still his favourite pursuit; and by means of M. Robin,
who had then the care of the royul garden at Paris, he acquired the patronage of Gaston, duke of Orleans, and was
entrusted with the care of that prince’s garden at Blois,
accompanied by a handsome salary. He held this charge
from 1650 to 1660, when the duke dieil. During that
period he devoted himself to the study of theoretical as
well as practical botany. He began to plan a system, on
the subject of which his royal patron is reported to have
delighted to confer with him. He was also dispatched on
several botanical expeditions, to various parts of France,
for the purpose of enriching the garden. A catalogue of
this garden was printed in 1653, by Abel Brunyer, physician to the duke; of which Morison afterwards published
at London, in. 1669, a new and enlarged edition, accompanied by a regular and professed criticism of the works of
“Caspar and John Bauhin, which Haller has blamed more
than it deserves. Morison gives to these great men all the
rank and honour which their eminent learning and industry
deserve; and while he points out their mistakes or imperfections, he expresses a wish to have his own likewise
pointed out. The
” Hortus Blesensis" is disposed in alphabetical order, and accompanied by a double dedication,
to king Charles II. and James duke of York, to whom its
author had become known in France. On the restoration
he refused the most liberal offers to settle in France, and
on his arrival in London received the titles of king’s physician, and royal professor of botany, with a salary of 200l.
a year, and a house, as superintendant of the royal gardens,
He was also elected a fellow of the college of physicans.
niversity of Leyden, with a view to complete his medical course, and to be admitted to the degree of doctor of physic. Having accordingly defended in the public schools
, an eminent physician, was
born at Warrington, September 29, 1740. Having lost
both his parents in one day, he was placed at the age of
four years under the protection of his uncle, Dr. Thomas
Percival, a learned physician, resident at the same place;
but of his parental guidance he was also deprived at the
age of ten, after which his education was directed with the
most kind and judicious attention by his eldest sister. His
literary pursuits commenced at a private school in the
neighbourhood of Warrington, whence he was removed,
at the age of eleven, to the free grammar-school of that
town, where he exhibited great promise of talent, and
much industry. In 1757 he became one of the first pupils
of a dissenting academy then established at Warrington,
where he pursued with unabating diligence the classical
studies in which he had already made considerable progress, and in particular had attained, great facility and elegance in Latin composition, The study of ethics, however,
appears to have principally engaged his attention here, as
it did afterwards throughout the whole of -his life, and
formed the basis of all his works, except those on professional subjects. It appears that before Mr. Perceval
went to Warrington academy, his family was induced to
quit communion with the church of England, and to espouse the tenets of protestant dissent. This was in one
respect peculiarly unfortunate for him who had thoughts of
entering the university of Oxford; but now, after studying
the thirty-nine articles, he determined against subscription, and consequently relinquished the advantages of academical study at either English university. He therefore
went in 1761 to Edinburgh, and commenced his studies in
medical science, which he also carried on for a year in
London. In 1765 he removed to the university of Leyden,
with a view to complete his medical course, and to be admitted to the degree of doctor of physic. Having accordingly defended in the public schools his inaugural
dissertation “De Frigore,
” he was presented with the diploma of
M. D. July 6, 1765. On his return, which was through
France and Holland, at the close of the same year, he
joined his family at Warrington, and soon after married
Elizabeth, the daughter and only surviving child of Nathaniel Bassnett, esq. merchant, of London. In 1767 ho
removed with his family to Manchester, and commenced
his professional career with an uncommon degree of success,
, a celebrated French anatomist, was born in 1708, at Orleans, and received the degree of doctor of physic at Paris, in November 1746. He was elected a member
, a celebrated French anatomist, was
born in 1708, at Orleans, and received the degree of doctor
of physic at Paris, in November 1746. He was elected a
member of the royal academy of sciences in 1760. His
talents in the practice of his profession procured for him
the appointment of inspector of military hospitals in 1768;
and in the following year he was appointed professor of
anatomy and surgery at the king’s garden, where his
science and eloquence attracted a crowd of auditors. In
1775 he was succeeded byM.Vicq d'Azyr in the duties of
this chair, while he remained titular professor. He died
in 1794. He was author of the following works viz. “Lettre d'un Medecin de Montpellier, au sujet de rexameii
public que le Sieur Louis a subi à saint Côme, en 1749,
pour servir d‘Eclaircissement a ce qu’en dit M. Fréron,
1749, 4to. “Discours sur la Chirurgie,
” an introductory
lecture delivered at the schools of medicine, 1757 “Consultation en faveur des Naissances tardives,
” Premier et seconde Rapport en faveur de l'Inoculation,
Deux Consultations Medico-iegales,
” relative to a case of supposed self-murder, and to a supposed
infanticide, 1767. He also edited “Anatomic Chirurgicale publié cidevant par Jean Palfin,
ned a fellowship of Brazen-nose college, in the place of one of the ejected fellows, and was created doctor of physic, March 7, 1649. He was admitted a candidate of the
Though this project therefore was not very profitable in
itself, yet by this means he became acquainted with the
leading men of those times. He next wrote some very
sensible remarks on national education in useful branches
of knowledge, in a pamphlet entitled “Advice to Mr.
Hartlib for the Advancement of Learning,
” and in
astronomy in Gresham college, Mr. Pope was chosen in his room, and Sept. 12 of that year was created doctor of physic; but the statutes not permitting him to hold both,
Towards the end of the above year, 1658, and before his proctorship expired, he obtained leave to travel, but returned probably before 1660, as we then find him dean of Wadham college and when, in the same year Mr. (afterwards, sir) Christopher Wren resigned the professorship of astronomy in Gresham college, Mr. Pope was chosen in his room, and Sept. 12 of that year was created doctor of physic; but the statutes not permitting him to hold both, he was obliged on this occasion to resign his fellowship in Wadham. In May 1663 he was chosen one of the first fellows of the Royal Society along with the other eminent men whom the nation then yielded, and soon after had licence to travel for two years, during which he made the tour of Italy, and remitted to the Royal Society various observations collected on his journey. In 1667 he was chosen into the council of the Royal Society, and in the following year, his half-brother Dr. Wilkins, being promoted to the bishopric of Chester, made him registrar of that diocese. In 1686 he was recovered of an inflammation in his eyes, which endangered the loss of sight, by Dr. Turbervile, an eminent oculist, as he gratefully acknowledged in an epitaph which he wrote upon him after his deatii. In the following year he resigned his Gresham professorship.
n he had gone through his proper course of studies at Leyden, he was admitted, July 20, 1730, to his doctor of physic’s degree. His inaugural dissertation, “De marcore
, baronet, president of the Royal
Society, was born at Stichel-house, in the county of Roxburgh, North Britain, April 10, 1707. His father was sir
John Pringle, of Stichel, bart. and his mother, whose name
was Magdalen Eliott, was sister to sir Gilbert Eliott of Stobs,
bart. Both the families from which he descended were
very ancient and honourable in the south of Scotland, and
were in great esteem for their attachment to the religion,
and liberties of their country, and for their piety and virtue in private life. He was the youngest of several sons,
three of whom, besides himself, arrived to years of maturity. His grammatical education be received at home,
under a private tutor and after having made such a progress as qualified him for academical studies, he was removed to the university of St. Andrew’s, where he was put
under the immediate care of Mr. Francis Pringle, professor
of Greek in the college, and a near relation of his father.
Having continued there some years, he went to Edinburgh
in Oct. 1727, for the purpose of studying physic, that being
the profession which he now determined to follow. At
Edinburgh, however, he stayed only one year, the reason,
of which was, that he was desirous of going to Leyden, at
that time the most celebrated school of medicine in Europe. Boerhaave, who had brought that university into
reputation, was considerably advanced in years, and Mr.
Pringle was unwilling, by delay, to expose himself to the
danger of losing the benefit of that great man’s lectures.
For Boerhaave he had a high and just respect but it was
not his disposition and character to become the implicit
and systematic follower of any man, however able aod distinguished. While he studied at Leyden, be contracted
an intimate friendship with Van Swieten, who afterwards
became so famous at Vienna, both by his practice and
writings. Van Swieten was not only Pringle’s acquaintance and fellow-student at the university, but also his physician when he happened to be seized there with a fit of
sickness; yet on this occasion he did not owe his recovery
to his friend’s advice; for Van Swieten having refused to
give him the bark, another person prescribed it, and he was
cured. When he had gone through his proper course of
studies at Leyden, he was admitted, July 20, 1730, to his
doctor of physic’s degree. His inaugural dissertation,
“De marcore senili,
” was printed. Upon quitting LeyIen, Dr. Pringle settled as a physician at Edinburgh, where
he gained the esteem of the magistrates of the city, and
of the professors of the college, by his abilities and good
conduct and, such was his known acquaintance with ethical subjects, that, March 28, 1734, he was appointed, by
the magistrates and council of the city of Edinburgh, to be
joint professor of pneumatics and moral philosophy with
Mr. Scott, during that gentleman’s life, and sole professor
after his decease and, in consequence of this appointment,
Dr. Pringle was admitted, on the same day, a member of
the university. In discharging the duties of this new employment, his text-book was “Puffendorff de Officio Hominis et Civis,
” agreeably to the method he pursued
through life, of making fact and experiment the basis of
science. Dr. Pringle continued in the practice of physic
at Edinburgh, and in performing the obligations of his professorship, till 1742, when he was appointed physician to
the earl of Stair, who then commanded the British army.
For this appointment he was chiefly indebted to his friend
Dr. Stevenson, an eminent physician at Edinburgh, who
had an intimate acquaintance with lord Stair. By the interest of this nobleman, Dr. Pringle was constituted, Aug.
24, 1742, physician to the military hospital in Flanders;
and it was provided in the commission, that he should receive a salary of twenty shillings a-day, and be entitled to
half-pay for life. He did not, on this occasion, resign his
professorship of moral philosophy; the university permitted
him to retain it, and Messrs. Muirhead and Cleghorn were
allowed to teach in his absence, us long as he continued to
request it. The exemplary attention which Dr. Pringle
paid to his duty as an army physician is apparent from
every page of his “Treatise on the Diseases of the Army.
One thing, however, deserves particularly to be mentioned,
as it is highly probable that it was owing to his suggestion.
It had hitherto been usual, for the security of the sick,
when the enemy was near, to remove them a great way
from the camp the consequence of which was, that many
were lost before they came under the care of the physicians. The earl of Stair, being sensible of this evil, proposed to the duke de Noailles, when the army was encamped at Aschaffenburg, in 1743, that the hospitals on
both sides should be considered as sanctuaries for the sick,
and mutually protected. The French general, who was
distinguished for his humanity, readily agreed to the pro
posal, and took the first opportunity of shewing a proper
regard to his engagement. At the hattle of Dettingen,
Dr. Pringle was in a coach with lord Carteret during the
whole time of the engagement, and the situation they were
placed in was dangerous. They had been taken unawares,
and were kept betwixt the fire of the line in front, a
French battery on the left, and a wood full of hussars on
the right. The coach was occasionally shifted, to avoid
being in the eye of the battery. Soon after this event,
Dr. Pringle met with no small affliction in the retirement
of his great friend, the earl of Stair, from the army. He
offered to resign with his noble patron, but was not permitted. He, therefore, contented himself with testifying
his respect and gratitude to his lordship, by accompanying
him forty miles on his return to England; after which he
took leave of him with the utmost regret.
procured him the honour of election into that learned body in 1762. In 1764 he obtained a diploma of doctor of physic from Edinburgh, even without accomplishing that period
, a distinguished botanist and
able physician, was born at Loughborough, Feb. 17, 1730.
He first settled as a surgeon and apothecary at Leicester but having been educated as a Calvinistic dissenter,
the people of that town, who chanced to have different prejudices, of course gave him but little support. He struggled against pecuniary difficulties with economy, and
shielded his peace of mind against bigotry, in himself or
others, by looking “through nature, up to nature’s God.
His remarks and discoveries were communicated first to
the Gentleman’s Magazine, in 1750, as well as several subsequent years and he intermixed antiquarian studies with
his other pursuits. His botanical papers printed by the
royal society, on the Sleep of Plants, and the Rare Plants
of Leicestershire, procured him the honour of election into
that learned body in 1762. In 1764 he obtained a diploma of doctor of physic from Edinburgh, even without accomplishing that period of residence, then usually required,
and now indispensable and his thesis on the cinchona officinalis amply justified the indulgence of the university.
tled in London, in Lamb’s Conduit-street, in the summer of 1772. The next year he took the degree of doctor of physic at Cambridge, and was immediately afterwards elected
, a late eminent pbysijcian, was born in the county of Nottingham, Sept. 26, 1745; and his father having died about a month before, the care of him devolved on his maternal great-uncle and godfather, Mr. Henry Revell, of Gainsborough; by whom he was sent, at an early age, to a school at Beverley in Yorkshire, then in great repute under the government of Mr. Ward. Having early shewn a disposition for his profession, his uncle placed him, at the age of eighteen, as a commoner at Lincoln college, Oxford. It was in the second year of his residence at this university that he had the misfortune to lose his uncle and benefactor, the memory of whom was ever cherished by him with a pious and grateful affection, and who left him a small landed property in Lincolnshire, by which he was enabled to prosecute the object that he had in view. He continued at Oxford till the early part of 1766, when, in order to the obtaining of his medical degrees sooner, he was admitted, by a benc decessit from Oxford, ad eundem to Trinity college, Cambridge, and he kept a term at that university. In the summer of this year he went to Edinburgh, and resided there two years, and after attending a course of medical studies, returned in 1768 to Cambridge, when the degree of bachelor of physic being conferred upon him, he went to London, and attended as pupil at the Middlesex hospital. The following year he became a resident physician at Guildford; and married Miss Wilson, in the month of April 1770. By the advice, however, of his friend, Dr. Huck, afterwards Dr. Huck Saumders, he settled in London, in Lamb’s Conduit-street, in the summer of 1772. The next year he took the degree of doctor of physic at Cambridge, and was immediately afterwards elected physician to the Middlesex hospital. In 1774 he was chosen a fellow, and at the same time a censor, of tke college of physicians. He soon became the object of particular notice and regard by the eminent physicians of that day, doctors Huck, Fothergill, and sir Richard Jebb; and the high opinion which the latter gentleman had formed of his professional abilities, and personal character and manners, and the consequent expression of that opinion, and recommendation of Dr. Reynolds to his majesty, were the original cause of his being called into attendance upon the king in the memorable period of 1788. In 1776 he was appointed to speak the Harveian oration; and, although, his modesty would not suffer him to print it, it has been thought worthy of being compared with the most classical of these harangues. In the course of it, he exactly described that mode, which he ever observed, of performing the various duties of his profession, and of dispensing its various benefits. In 1777 Dr. Reynolds was elected physician to St. Thomas’s hospital; and from this period his business gradually increased, till, in the progress of a few years, he attained to the highest fame and practice in his profession. In every successive illness of our revered sovereign since 1788, Dr. Reynolds’s attendance on his majesty was always required; and his public examinations before parliament are recorded proofs of his high merits as a physician, a gentleman, and a scholar; while his appointments to the situations of physician extraordinary to the king in 1797, and physician in ordinary in 1806, evince the estimation in which his sovereign held his character and his services. When he was called into attendance at Windsor, he was suffering under a rheumatic affection, which had been oppressing him for some time. The anxiety attached to such an attendance as the illness of his majesty required, had oil this occasion a very powerful, if not a fatal, influence. The first day that he seriously felt the fatigues of mind and body was, after his examination before the House of Lords, the etiquette of this branch of parliament not allowing a witness to sit down, Dr. Reynolds, who, in consequence of his having attended his majesty in all his previous similar illnesses, was examined at greater length than his other brethren were, was kept standing fur two hours, and the riext clay was reluctantly compelled to remain the whole of it in his bed. On the following, however, he returned to Windsor; but from this time his appetite began to fail, and his strength and flesh visibly to diminish. In the month of March, 1811, these symptoms had so much increased, that his friends besought him to retire from his anxious attendance at Windsor, to spare his mind and body entirely, and to devote himself solely to the re-establishment of his own health; but unfortunately for his family, his friends, and the public, he would not be persuaded. While any powers were left, to his majesty’s service he resolved that they should be devoted: and thus he persevered till the 4th of May, when he returned to London extremely ill; and from that day his professional career was stopped. Having been confined to his room for nearly three weeks, he was prevailed upon, by his excellent friends Dr. Latham and Dr. Ainslie, to go to Brighton, where he remained two months. Sometimes during this anxious period he would seem to rally, but the appearances were deceitful; they were the mere struggles of a naturally good constitution, unimpaired by any intemperance, against the inroads of a disease. At the end of the month of July, he returned to his house in Bedford-square, where he lingered Until Oct. 23, on which day he expired, very deeply regretted for his talents, virtues, and professional skill and humanity.
d and intimate friend Martin Folkes, esq. president of the Royal Society, and to James Wilson, M. D. doctor of physic; but, the former of these gentlemen being incapacitated
Robins was also preparing an enlarged edition of his “New Principles of Gunnery:” but, having provided himself with a complete set of astronomical and other instruments, for making observations and experiments in the Indies, he departed hence at Christmas in 1749; and, after a voyage in which the ship was near being cast away, arrived at the Indies, July 13, 1750. There he immediately set about his proper business with unwearied diligence, and formed complete plans for Fort St. David and Madras: but he lived not to put them into execution. For, the great difference of the climate being beyond his constitution to support, he was attacked by a fever in September; and, though he recovered out of this, yet about eight months after he fell into a languishing condition, in which he continued till his death, July 29, 1751. By his last will, he left the publishing of his mathematical works to his honoured and intimate friend Martin Folkes, esq. president of the Royal Society, and to James Wilson, M. D. doctor of physic; but, the former of these gentlemen being incapacitated by a paralytic disorder for some time before his death, they were afterwards published by the latter, 1761, 2 vols. 8vo. To this collection, which contains his mathematical and philosophical pieces only, Dr. Wilson has prefixed an account of Mr. Robins, from which this memoir is chiefly extracted. He added also a large appendix at the end of the second volume, containing a great many curious and critical matters in various interesting parts of the mathematics.
, a doctor of physic in the university of Hanau, and a member of the academy
, a doctor of physic in the
university of Hanau, and a member of the academy of
naturalists, was born at Hanau in 1637. He went to Amboyna, and became consul and senior merchant there, which
did not prevent his employing his leisure moments in collecting the plants of that country; being so fond of botany
as to acquire great skill in it without any instruction. Although he lost his sight at the age of forty-three, he could
discover the nature and shape of a plant by his taste and
feeling. He comprised all the plants which he had collected in the country where he settled, in twelve books,
and dedicated them to the governor and council of the India
company in 1690. They were not, however, printed then;
but John Burman published them from 1740 to 1750, 7
vols. fol. which have commonly the date of 1751, under
the title of “Herbarium Amboinense,
” Hortus Malabaricus,
” are generally not
more than half the size of nature. The original drawings
still in existence are said to be very fine. Rumph also
left, “Imagines piscium testaceorum,
” Leyden, The political History of Amboyna,
which has never been printed, but a copy is deposited in
the India company’s chest at Amsterdam, and another at
the latter body in 1727. In the same year he had the misfortune to lose his son, Henry Ruysch, also doctor of physic, who, like himself, was an able practitioner, well
Ruysch was appointed professor of physic in 1685, a post which he filled with honour and reputation until 1728, when he unhappily broke his thigh by a fall in his chamber. He was also nominated superintendant of the mid wives at Amsterdam, in the exercise of which office he introduced some improvements. He was a member of the royal society of London, and of the academy of sciences of Paris, having succeeded sir Isaa Newton in the latter body in 1727. In the same year he had the misfortune to lose his son, Henry Ruysch, also doctor of physic, who, like himself, was an able practitioner, well skilled in anatomy and botany, and was supposed to have materially assisted him in his publications, inventions, and experiments. This loss deprived him of his best assistance in completing the second collection of rarities, which he was occupied in making. His youngest daughter, however, who was still unmarried, and had been initiated into all the mysteries of his anatomical experiments, was fully qualified to assist him, and he proceeded with his new museum, retaining his general health until the commencement of 1731, when he was carried off by a fever, in the ninety-third year of his age.
ve been noticed, whereas in this instrument he is called only “Julius Caesar della Scala de Bordons, doctor of physic, a native of Verona.” When therefore, his critical
, a very learned and eminent critic, was born, according to his son’s account, April
23, 1484, at Ripa, a castle in the territory of Verona, and
was the son of Benedict Scaliger, who, for seventeen years,
commanded the troops of Matthias, king of Hungary, to
whom he was related. His mother was Berenice Lodronia,
daughter of count Paris. From the same authority we
learn, that Scaliger was a descendant from the ancient
princes of Verona; but while other particulars of the birth
and family ol Scaliger are called in question, this seems to
be refuted by the patent of naturalization which Francis I.
granted him in 1528, in which such an honourable descent
would unquestionably have been noticed, whereas in this
instrument he is called only “Julius Caesar della Scala de
Bordons, doctor of physic, a native of Verona.
” When
therefore, his critical asperities had raised him enemies,
they did not fail to strip him of his royal origin, and instead of it, asserted that he was the son of a school-master
(some say an illuminator) of Verona, one Benedict Borden, who, removing to Venice, took the name of Scaliger,
either because he had a scale for his sign, or lived in a street
called from that instrument; and although Thuanus seems
inclined to consider this story as the fabrication of Augustine Niphus, out of pique to Scaliger, it is certain that the
royal origin of the Scaligers has always appeared doubtful, and we have now no means to remove the uncertainty.
Upon leaving Oxford, and taking the degree of doctor of physic, Dr. Scarborough settled in the metropolis, where
Upon leaving Oxford, and taking the degree of doctor of physic, Dr. Scarborough settled in the metropolis, where he practised with great reputation. In the College of Physicians, of which he was a fellow, he was particularly respected as a man of uncommon talents; and, in 1658, by the special appointment of the president, he introduced, with an elegant Latin speech, the marquis of Dorchester for his admission into the college that year. In the mean time Dr. Scarborough began to read his highly celebrated anatomical lectures at Surgeons’ Hall, which he continued for sixteen or seventeen years, and was the first who introduced geometrical and mechanical reasonings upon the muscles.
genseil, Hoffman^ father and son, Sturm, &c. In 1693 he went to Utrecht, where he took his degree of doctor of physic in Jan. 1694, and Pi 1695 returned to Nuremberg and
, an eminent physician
and naturalist, was the son of a very learned physician of
the same mimes at Zurich, where he was born, August 2,
1672. His father dying in the prime of life, he appears
to have been left to the care of his mother, and his maternal grandfather. He was educated at Zurich under the
ablest professors, of whom he has left us a list, but Says
that he might with great propriety add his own name to
the on cber, as he went through the greater part of his
studies with no other guide than his own judgment. In
1692 he commenced his travels, and remained some time
at \ltdorf, attending the lectures of Wagenseil, Hoffman^
father and son, Sturm, &c. In 1693 he went to Utrecht,
where he took his degree of doctor of physic in Jan. 1694,
and Pi 1695 returned to Nuremberg and Altdorf to study
mathematics under Sturm and Eimmart. To Sturm he addressed a learned letter on the generation of fossil shells,
which iie attempted to explain on mathematical principles;
but, discovering the fallacy of this, he adopted the theory
of our Dr. Woodward, whose work on the subject of the
natural history of the earth he translated into Latin, and
published at Zurich in 1704.
Returning to Zurich, before this period, he was appoint-,
ed first physician of the city, with the reversion of the professorship of mathematics. He now began to write various
dissertations on subjects of natural history, particularly that
of Swisserland, and wrote a system of natural history in
German, which he published in parts in the years 1705, 6,
and 7, the whole forming three small 4to volumes. He
published afterwards three more in 1716, 1717, and 1718,
which complete the natural history of Swisserland, with
the exception of the plants, of which he had formed an
herbal of eighteen vast volumes in folio. His “Nova litteraria Helvetica
” began in Itinera Alpina,
” one volume of which
was published at London in Physica sacra,
” in
4 vols. folio, which was immediately republished in French
at Amsterdam, in both instances enriched with a profusion
of fine plates illustrative of the natural history of the Bible.
This had been preceded by some lesser works on the same
subject, which were now incorporated. He did not long
survive this learned publication, dying at Zurich about the
end of June 1733. He was a member of many learned societies, of our Royal Society, and of those of Berlin, Vienna,
&c. and carried on a most extensive correspondence with the
principal literati of Europe. He left a well-chosen and numerous library, a rich museum of natural history, and a collection of medals. Besides the works we have incidentally
noticed, he published, 1. “Herbarium Diluvianum,
” Zurich, Piscium querelse et vindicise,
” Zurich, Oratio cle Matheseos su in Theologia,
” ibid. Museum Diluvianum,
” ibid. Homo
diluvii testis,
” ibid. De Helvetii aeribus,
aquis, locis, specimen,
” ibid. .Sciagraphia lithologica curiosa, seu lapidum figuratorum nomenclator, olim a Jo. Jac. Scheuchzero conscriptus, auctus et
” 4to. Of his “Physica Sacra,
” we have noticed the first edition published at Augsburgh, 1731—1735,
four vols. folio, or rather eight volumes in four, the text
of which is in German; this edition is valued on account of
its having the first impressions of the plates. The Amsterdam edition, 1732 38, 8 vols. has, however, the advantage
of being in French, a language more generally understood,
and has the same plates. Scheuchzer had a brother, professor of natural philosophy at Zurich, who died in 1737,
and is known to all botanists by his laborious and learned
” so valuable for its minute descriptions
of grasses. He had a son with whom we seem more interested, John Gaspak Scheuchzer, who was born at Zurich
in 1702, and after studying at home came over to England,
and received the degree of' M. D. at Cambridge, during the
royal visit of George I. in 1728, and died at London April
13, 1729, only twenty-seven years old. He had much of
the genius and learning of his family, and was a good antiquary, medallist, and natural historian. He translated into
English Koempfec’s history of Japan, 1727, 2 vols. folio, and
had begun a translation 1 of Koempfer’s travels in Muscovy,
Persia, &c. but did not live to complete it. He wrote also
a treatise on inoculation. Some part of the correspondence
of this learned family is in the British Museum.
t required. In the mean time the doctor submitted to be examined, and in 1750 procured the degree of doctor of physic to be conferred on him by the university of Cambridge;
After Dr. Schomberg had practised some years as a physician in London, he received a notice from the college of their intention to examine him in the usual form, and to admit him a licentiate. This notice he was thought to have treated with contempt; for, instead of submitting tothe examination, he objected to the names of some persons vyho were to be examined at the same time, and behaved, it is said, with some haughtiness to those of the college who, he complained, had used him ill, in ordering him to be examined in such company. The college considering themselves the sole judges of what persons they should upon, refused to attend to the doctor’s objection, but examined the persons against whom he seemed most to except; but this not tending to make up the dispute, they proceeded to interdict the doctor from practice until he had given such satisfaction as his conduct required. In the mean time the doctor submitted to be examined, and in 1750 procured the degree of doctor of physic to be conferred on him by the university of Cambridge; and, thus supported, demanded his admittance a second time, not as a licenciate, but one of the body. This demand was refused to be complied with, and it was objected, that the doctor, though naturalized, could not hold the office of censor of the college, which was an office of trust; and this refusal brought the determination of the business to the decision of the lawyers. A petition was presented to the king, praying him, in the person of the lord chancellor, to exercise his visitatorial power over the college, and restore the licenciates to their rights, which, by their arbitrary proceedings, the president and fellows had for a succession of ages deprived them of. This petition came on to be heard at Lincoln’s Inn hall, before the lord chief justice Willis, baron Smythe, and judge Wilmot, lords commissioners of the great seal; but the allegations therein contained not being established, the same was dismissed. This attack on the college was the most formidable it erer sustained.
er Sylvius, Fernelius., and other professors, he took his degree of master of arts, and was admitted doctor of physic in the university. He now settled as a practitioner
, a famous Anti-trinitarian, and
the great martyr of the Socinian sect, was born in 1509, at
Villaneuva in Arragon, or at Tudela in Navarre, in 1511.
His father, who was a notary, sent him to the university of
Toulouse, to study the civil law: and there, or as some
say, when in Italy, he imbibed his peculiar notions
respecting the doctrine of the Trinity. After he had been
two or three years at Toulouse he resolved to remove into
Germany, and propagate his opinions. He went to Basil,
by way of Lyons and Geneva; and, having had some conferences at Basil with Oecolampadius, set out for Strasburg, to converse with Bucer and Capito, two celebrated reformers of that city., At his departure from Basil he left a
manuscript, entitled “De Trinitatis Erroribus,
” in the
bands of a bookseller, who sent it afterwards to Haguenau,
whither Servetus went, and had it printed in 1531. The
next year, he printed likewise at Haguenau another book,
with this title, “Dialogorum de Trinitate libri duo:
” in
an advertisement to which he retracts v/hat he had written
in his former book against the Trinity, not as it was false,
but because it was written imperfectly and confusedly^
He then resolved to return to France, because he was
poor, and did not understandthe German language; as he
alleged upon his trial to the judges, when they asked him
why he left Germany. He went accordingly to Basil,
thence to Lyons, where he lived two or three years, and
afterwards to Paris, where, having studied physic under
Sylvius, Fernelius., and other professors, he took his degree
of master of arts, and was admitted doctor of physic in the
university. He now settled as a practitioner for two or
three years in a town near Lyons, and then at Vienne in
Dauphiny, for the space of ten or twelve. In the mean
time, his writings against the Trinity had excited the indignation of the German divines, and spread his name throughout all Europe. In 1533, before he had left Lyons, Melancthon wrote a letter to Camerarius, in which he allowed
that Servetus was evidently an acute and crafty disputant,
but confused and indigested in his thoughts, and certainly
wanting in point of gravity. While Servetus was at Paris,
his books being dispersed in Italy, were very much approved by many who had thoughts of forsaking the church
of Rome: which, in 1539, excited Melancthon to write a
letter to the senate of Venice, importing, that “a book of
Servetus, who had revived the error of Paulus Samosatenus,
was handed about in their country, and beseeching them
to take care, that the impious error of that man may be
avoided, rejected, and abhorred.
” Servetus was at Lyons
in 1542, before he settled in Vienne; and corrected the
proofs of a Latin Bible that was printing there, to which
he added a preface and some marginal notes, under
the name of Villanovanus, from the town where he was
wards went to Holland, and studied during a season at Leyden, where he was admitted to the degree of doctor of physic: he chose the measles for the subject of his inaugural
, a late learned physician,
and physician extraordinary to the king, was born March
17, 1750, at Sandwich, in Kent, where his father, who
followed the profession of the law, was so respected, that,
at the coronation of their present majesties, he was deputed by the cinque ports one of their barons to support
the king’s canopy, according to ancient custom. His mother, whose maiden name was Foart, and whose family
was likewise of Sandwich, died when he was an infant. He
was educated at a seminary in France, where he not only
improved himself in the learned languages, but acquired
such a perfect knowledge of the French tongue, as to be
able to write and speak it with the same facility as his
own. He pursued his medical studies for nearly three
years at Edinburgh, and afterwards went to Holland, and
studied during a season at Leyden, where he was admitted to the degree of doctor of physic: he chose the measles
for the subject of his inaugural discourse, which he inscribed to Cullen, and to Gaubius, both of whom hud
shewn him particular regard. After taking his degree at
Leyden, he visited and became acquainted with professor
Camper in InesKuul, who had at that time one of the finest
anatomical museums in Kurope. From thence he proceeded to Aix-lct-Chapelle and the Spa, and afterwards
visited different parts of Germany; stopped for some time
at the principal universities; and wherever he went cultivated the acquaintance of learned men, especially those
of his own profession, in which he was ever anxious to impr >ve himself. At Berne, in Switzerland, he became
known to the celebrated Haller, who afterwards ranked
him among his friends and correspondents. He came to
reside in London towards the close of 1778, being then
in his 2Stii year, and was admitted a member of the
College of Physicians, and was elected a fellow of the
Royal Society 1779, and of the Society of Antiquaries
1791, as he had been before of different foreign academies
at Nantz, Montpellier, and Madrid: he was afterwards admitted an honorary member of the Literary and Philosophical Society at Manchester, and of the Royal Society of
Medicine at Paris, at which place he was elected one of the
Associes Etrangers de l‘Ecole de Medicine; and in 1807,
Correspondant de la Premiere Classe de I’Institut Imperial. Previous to 1778, he had written an elementary work
on Anatomy, which was greatly enlarged and improved
in its second edition, 1781: and he had communicated to
the Royal Society the History of a curious case, which was
afterwards published in their Transactions, “Phil. Trans.
vol. LXIV. He became also the sole editor of the London “Medical Journal;
” a work which, after going through
several volumes, was resumed under the title of “Medical
Facts and Observations’.
” these two works have ever been
distinguished for their correctness, their judicious arrangement, and their candour. About this time he published
an account of the Tape-worm, in which he made known
the specific for this disease, purchased by the king of
France. This account has been enlarged in a subsequent
edition. — He likewise distinguished himself by a practical
work on “Consumptions,
” which, at the time, became
the means of introducing him to considerable practice in
pulmonary complaints. In 1780, he was elected physician
to the Westminster General Dispensary; a situation he
held for many years, and which afforded him ample scope
for observation and experience in the knowledge of disease. These opportunities he did not neglect; and though,
from his appointment soon after to St. Luke’s Hosr
he was led to decline general practice, and to attach himself more particularly to the diseases of th mi-.;,
continued to communicate to the publick such facts and
remarks as he considered likely to promote the extension
of any branch of professional science. With this view, he
published some remarks on the treatment of Hydrocephalus internus (“Med. Comment, of Edinburgh, vol. V.
and in the same work a case of Ulceration of the Œsophagus and Ossification of the Heart. He wrote also an account of a species of Hydrocephalus, which sometimes
takes place in cases of Mania (London Med. Journal, vol. VI.) and an account of the Epidemic Catarrh of the
year 1788, vol. IX. He had given an account also of the
“Life of Dr. William Hunter,
” with whom he was personally acquainted, a work abounding in interesting anecdote, and displaying an ingenuous and impartial review of
the writings and discoveries of that illustrious anatomist.
From the time of his being elected physician to St. Luke’s
Hospital to the period of his death, he devoted himself,
nearly exclusively, to the care and treatment of Insanity;
and his skill in this melancholy department of human disease, became so generally acknowledged, that few, if any,
could be considered his superiors. In the year 1803, it
was deemed expedient to have recourse to Dr. Simmons,
to alleviate the mournful malady of his sovereign, of whom
he had the care for nearly six months, assisted by his
son: the result was as favourable as the public could have
wished; and on taking their leave, his majesty was pleased
to confer a public testimony of his approbation, by appointing Dr. Simmons one of his physicians extraordinary, which took place in May 1804. — In the unfortunate
relapse, which occurred in 1811, Dr. Simmons again attended; and, in conjunction with the other physicians,
suggested those remedies and plans which seemed most
likely to effect a cure. In February of that year he resigned the office of physician to St. Luke’s, in a very elegant letter, in which he assigned his age and state of health
as the reasons for his resignation. The governors were so
sensible of the value of his past services, and the respect
due to him, as immediately to elect him a governor of the
charity. They also proposed his being one of the committee; and, expressly on his account, created the office
of Consulting Physician, in order to have the advantage of
his opinion, not merely in the medical arrangement, but
in the domestic ceconomy of the hospital. His last illness
began on the evening of the 10th. of April, 1813, when
he was seized with sickness, and a violent vomiting of bile,
accompanied with a prostration of strength so sudden, and
so severe, that on the second day of the attack he was
barely able to stand; and a dissolution of the powers of life
seeming to be rapidly coming on, he prepared for his departure with methodical accuracy, anticipated the event
with great calmness, and, on the evening of the 23d of the
same month, expired in the arms of his son. He was buried May 2, at Sandwich in Kent, and, according to the
directions expressed in his will, his remains were deposited
in a vault in the church-yard of St. Clement, next to those
of his mother. In private life, Dr. Simmons was punctiliously correct in all his dealings; mild and unassuming in
his manners, and of rather retired habits, passing Ins time
chiefly in his study and in his professional avocations. He
was one of the earliest proprietors of the Roy;d Institution
and, in 1806, became an hereditary governor of the British Institution for the promotion of the Fine Arts. He
has left one son, who is unmarried, and a widow, to deplore
his loss.
toration of the university of Heidelberg, by Charles Lewis, Elector Palatine, he was honoured with a doctor of physic’s degree; and, returning to England, was incorporated
, an English antiquary, was born
either in London, or in the county of Middlesex, about
1622. He was admitted on the royal foundation at Christ
church in Oxford, 1638; but, the rebellion breaking out
before he could take any degree, he travelled, and studied
in several universities abroad. About 1646, he returned
home; and going to Oxford, which at this time ceased to
be a garrison, he took both the degrees in arts the same
year. He then resumed his travels through France, Italy,
Germany, the Spanish Netherlands, and other countries;
visited the courts of several princes; frequented the principal universities; and established an acquaintance with the
learned in different parts of Europe. On the restoration of
the university of Heidelberg, by Charles Lewis, Elector
Palatine, he was honoured with a doctor of physic’s degree;
and, returning to England, was incorporated into the same
at Oxford in 1654. About this time he settled at Lincoln;
where, after practising physic with success, he died of a
malignant fever, Sept. 5, 1667. Wood says, “He was a
person well versed in most parts of learning, understood
all books whether old or new, was most skilful in the Oriental tongues, an excellent Grecian, and, in short, a living library.
he augmentation of Mr. Courten’s valuable stores (See Courten). In 1701, Dr. Sloane was incorporated doctor of physic at Oxford, and was associated member of several academies
Dr. Sloane began early to form a museum, and it was,
by the collections mnde in his voyage, become considerable; but the rera of its celebrity was not until 1702, when
it received the augmentation of Mr. Courten’s valuable
stores (See Courten). In 1701, Dr. Sloane was incorporated doctor of physic at Oxford, and was associated member of several academies on the continent. In 1707, he
published the first volume of his history, under the title of
“A Voyage to the islands Madeira, Barbadoes, Nevis, St.
Christopher’s, and Jamaica; with the Natural History of the
Herbs and Trees, four-footed Beasts, Fishes, Birds,
” &c. &c.
fol. The introduction of this volume comprehends a general account of the discovery of the West-Indies, and of the
island of Jamaica in particular. This is followed by the
journal of the voyage. The second volume was not published till 1725, the reasons of which delay were principally
the care, arrangement, and description of his museum;
to this the collection of Petiver had been added in 1718,
which, as it was not preserved with a care equal to the zeal
with which Petiver acquired it, demanded extraordinary diligence to recover it from the injury it had sustained. It is
in the introduction to this volume that sir Hans gives a general inventory of his library and museum, as it stood in
1725. by which it appears, that the subjects of natural history alone, exclusive of two hundred volumes of preserved
plants, amounted to more than 26,200 articles. They were
afterwards augmented to upwards of 36,600, as may be seen
by “A general view of the contents,
” published a year
before his death. This second volume completed the vegetable part and the animal kingdom, and the plates are
continued to the number of 274. The work was productive
of much benefit to science, by exciting an emulation, both
in Britain and on the continent.
612, of which he afterwards became a fellow, and took the degree of master of arts, and bachelor and doctor of physic. He wrote “Sjwaetoj utriusque sexus Toxtwsvrof,” a
His son John Speed was born at London in 1595, and
educated at Merchant-taylors’ school, whence he was
elected a scholar of St. John’s-college in Oxford, in 1612,
of which he afterwards became a fellow, and took the degree of master of arts, and bachelor and doctor of physic.
He wrote “Sjwaetoj utriusque sexus Toxtwsvrof,
” a manuscript
in Latin, dedicated to archbishop Laud, and preserved in
the library of St. John-college. This piece relates to two
skeletons, one of a man, another of a woman, made by Dr.
Speed, and given by him to that library. He wrote likewise “Stonehenge, a Pastoral,
” acted before Dr. Rich.
Baylie, and the president and fellows of St. John’s-college
in 1635. It is extant in manuscript. He died in May
1640, and was buried in the chapel of that college. He
married a daughter of Bartholomew Warner, M. D. and had
by her two sons. One of them, Samuel, was a student of
Christ-church in Oxford, and was installed canon of that
church May the 6th, 1674, and died at Godalmin in Surrey, of which he was vicar, January the 22d, 1681. The
other, John, was born at Oxford, and elected scholar of
St. John’s-coliege there about 1643, but ejected thence
by the parliament-visitors in 1648, he being then bachelor
of arts and fellow. At the restoration he was restored to
his fellowship, and in 1666 took the degree of physic, and
afterwards quitting his fellowship, he practised that faculty
at Southampton, where he was living in 1694. He wrote
“Batt upon Batt; a Poem upon the parts, patience, and
pains of Bartholomew Kempster, clerk, poet, and cutler
of Holy-rood parish in Southampton;
” and also “The
Vision, wherein is described Batt’s person and ingenuity,
with an account of the ancient and present state and glory
of Southampton.
” Both these pieces were printed at London in two sheets in fol. and afterwards in 4to. The countess de Viri, wife of a late Sardinian ambassador, was
lineally descended from our historian. Such was the friendship between lord Cobham and colonel Speed, her father,
that upon his decease, he esteemed her as his own child,
brought her up in his family, and treated her with paternal
care and tenderness. Her extraordinary merit recommended her to the viscountess Cobham, who left her the
bulk of her fortune. This lady, who was eminent for her
wit and accomplishments, is celebrated by Gray in his
“Long Story,” which indeed was written in consequence
of a visit from her.
, son of the preceding, was born at Lyons in 1647. After an education of great care, he was admitted doctor of physic at Montpellier in 1667, and a member of the college
, son of the preceding, was born at Lyons in 1647. After an education of great care, he was admitted doctor of physic at Montpellier in 1667, and a member of the college of physicians at Lyons in 1669. These two years he spent at Strasburg with Boeder; and there becoming very intimate with Charles Patin, he contracted, probably from that gentleman, a strong passion for antiquities. Some time after, Vaillant, the king’s antiquary, passing through Lyons to Italy in quest of medals and other antiquities, Spon accompanied him. He afterwards, in 1675 amj 1676, made a voyage to Dalmatia, Greece, and the Levant, in company with Mr. (afterwards sir) George Wheler (see Wheler); of all which places he has given us an account, which was published in English. Whether he was weak by constitution, or injured his health in this voyage, does not appear; but he afterwards became a valetudinarian. Being of the reformed religion, he was obliged to emigrate in 1685, when the edict of Nantes was revoked. He intended to retire to Zurich, the freedom of which city had been bestowed in an honorary manner upon his father, and was upon the road thither; but wintering at Vevay, a town upon the lake Leman, he died there in 1686. He was a member of the academy of the Ricovrati at Padua; of that of the Beaux Esprits, esublishevi Nismes by letters patent in 1682 and he would have b; an ornament to any society, being a man of great learnir, and integrity.
ver f. When he thought himself qualified for practice, he fixed his residence in Westminster, became doctor of physic at Cambridge, received a licence from the college
About the same time that he became bachelor of physic, he obtained, by the interest of a relation, a fellowship of All Souls’ college, having submitted, by the subscription required, to the authority of the visitors appointed by the parliament, upon what principles, or how consistently with his former conduct, it is now impossible to discover f. When he thought himself qualified for practice, he fixed his residence in Westminster, became doctor of physic at Cambridge, received a licence from the college of physicians, and lived in the first degree of reputation, and the greatest affluence of practice, for many years, without any other enemies than those which he raised by the superior merit of his conduct, the bright lustre of his abilities, or his improvements of his science, and his contempt of pernicious methods supported only by authority in opposition to sound reason and indubitable experience. These men are indebted to him for concealing their names, when he
very common, it may be necessary to mention a later writer, a John Theobald, who had the degree of a doctor of physic, but does not appear to have been of the London college
As the name is not very common, it may be necessary to
mention a later writer, a John Theobald, who had the degree of a doctor of physic, but does not appear to have
been of the London college of physicians. He published
a little volume of poetry in 1753, called “Musa Panegyrica,
” and died May 17, 1760. Amongst many other performances, he produced a translation of Merope, translated
from Voltaire, 1744, 8vo.
ued his studies in medicine, and his operations in chymistry and anatomy. He was afterwards received doctor of physic at Orange, and thence went to Aix, where his passion
, a famous botanist of France, was born of a good family, at Aix in Provence, June 5, 1656. He had a taste for observing and collecting plants from his childhood; and, when he was at school, used frequently to play truant, though he was frequently punished for it, in order to traverse the fields in quest of new discoveries. The same passion continued when he was more grown up, and after he began to study philosophy and divinity; and, though all endeavours were used by his father, who designed him for the church, to cure him of it, his favourite study prevailed, and plants continued his object. In pursuit of them he was ready to traverse the globe, as he did a great part of it afterwards; but, for the present, was obliged to content himself with what the neighbourhood of Aix and the gardens of the curious afforded. Becoming his own master by the death, of his father in 1677, he quitted theology, which indeed he had never relished, and gave himself up entirely to physic, natural philosophy, and botany, at the instigation of an uncle, who was a very ingenious and reputable physician. In 1678, he ran over the mountains of Dauphine and Savoy, and thence enriched his collection with a great number of curious specimens. In 1679 he went to Montpelier, to study medicine and anatomy. In this town was a garden of plants, which had been established by Henry IV. but this did not satisfy his curiosity: he travelled over the country round about Montpelier, and brought back with him plants which were before unknown to the botanists of that place. His curiosity becoming more ardent, he formed a scheme of passing over into Spain, and set out for Barcelona in April 1681. He spent some time in the mountains of Catalonia, whither he was accompanied by the young physicians of the country, and the students in physic, to whom he pointed out and explained the various sorts of plants; but was often exposed to dangers, and was once stripped naked by the miquelets, a kind of banditti, who, however, so far took pity on him as to return him his waistcoat, in the lining of which, by good luck, he happened to have some silver tied up in a handkerchief. After other risks, he arrived safe at Montpelier in 1681, and continued his studies in medicine, and his operations in chymistry and anatomy. He was afterwards received doctor of physic at Orange, and thence went to Aix, where his passion for plants, which was as high as ever, did not suffer him to continue long. He now visited the Alps, and he brought back with him new treasures, which he had acquired with great fatigue and danger.
ugees. He dwelt for some time at Weissenburgh; and travelled also into Italy, and took the degree of doctor of physic at Ferrara. As at this period the learned were applying
At Cambridge, Turner imbibed the principles of the reformers, and afterwards, agreeably to the practice of many
others, united the character of the divine to that of the
physician. He became a preacher, travelling into many
parts of England, and propagated, with so much zeal, the
cause of the reformation, that he excited persecution from
bishop Gardiner. He was thrown into prison, and detained
for a considerable time; and on his enlargement submitted
to voluntary exile during the remainder of the reign of
Henry VIII. This banishment proved favourable to his
advancement in medical and botanical studies; he resided
at Basil, Strasburgb, and at Bonn, but principally at Cologn, with many other English refugees. He dwelt for
some time at Weissenburgh; and travelled also into Italy,
and took the degree of doctor of physic at Ferrara. As at
this period the learned were applying with great assiduity
to the illustration of the ancients, it was a fortunate circumstance for Dr. Turner, that he had an opportunity of
attending the lectures of Lucas Ghinus, at Bologna, of
whom he speaks in his “Herbal
” with great satisfaction;
and frequently cites his authority against other commen*
tators. Turner resided a considerable time at Basil, whence
he dates the dedication of his book “On the Baths of England and Germany.
” During his residence in Switzerland
he contracted a friendship with Gesner, and afterwards
kept up a correspondence with him. Gesner had a high
opinion of Turner, as a physician and man of general learning, whose equal, he says, he scarcely remembered. This
encomium occurs in Gesner’s book “De Herb;s Lunariis.
57, previous to which he had been chosen a member of the royal academy of Madrid, and he was created doctor of physic by the university of Halle. The same honour was conferred
Those who were acquainted with the extent of Mr. Watson’s knowledge in the practice of physic, in natural history, and experimental philosophy, were not surprised to see him rise into the higher rank of his profession. This event took place in 1757, previous to which he had been chosen a member of the royal academy of Madrid, and he was created doctor of physic by the university of Halle. The same honour was conferred upon him by that of Wittemberg about the same time, soon after which he was disfranchised from the company of apothecaries. In 1759 he became a licentiate in the college of physicians. This alteration in his circumstances, hazardous as it might be considered by some, occasioned no diminution in his emoluments, but far the contrary. He had before this time removed from Aldersgate-street to Lincoln’s-inn-fields, where he lived the remainder of his days: and now he found himself at greater liberty to pursue his studies, and carry on at more leisure the extensive literary connexion in which he was engaged both at home and abroad. In Oct. 1762 he was chosen one of the physicians to the Foundling Hospital, which office he held during the remainder of his life.
o the parliament in 1646, he returned to Trinity college, and as a member of it was actually created doctor of physic May 8, 1647, by virtue of the letters of general Fairfax
, an eminent English physician,
was descended from an ancient and genteel family of that
name in Yorkshire. He was educated in Pembroke college, Cambridge, whence he removed to Trinity college,
Oxford, being then tutor to John Scrope, the natural and
only son of Emanuel earl of Sunderland. Upon the breaking out of the civil wars he retired to London, where he
practised physic under Dr. John Bathurst, a noted physician of that city. After the garrison at Oxford had surrendered to the parliament in 1646, he returned to Trinity
college, and as a member of it was actually created doctor
of physic May 8, 1647, by virtue of the letters of general
Fairfax to the university, which said that “he was sometime a student in that university, and afterwards improved
his time in London in the study of all parts of physic.
He then retired to London, and was admitted a candidate
of the college of physicians the same year, and fellow in
1650, and for five or six years was chosen censor of the
college, he being then a person of great esteem and practice in the city, and one of the lecturers in Gresham college. In 1656 he published at London, in 8vo, his “Adenographia, seu Descriptio totius Corporis,
which was reprinted at Amsterdam,
In 1660, he was made Sedleian professor of natural philosophy; and the same year took the degree of doctor of physic. Being sent for to most of the people of quality about
In 1660, he was made Sedleian professor of natural philosophy; and the same year took the degree of doctor of
physic. Being sent for to most of the people of quality
about Oxford, and even at great distances, he visited the
lady Keyt in Warwickshire; and is supposed to have been
going to her in April 1664, when he discovered, and made
experiments upon, the famous medicinal spring at Alstrop,
near Brackley. Willis and Lower first recommended these
waters, which were afterwards decried by Radcliffe. The
reason which Granger heard assigned for his decrying them
was, because the people of the village insisted upon his
keeping a bastard child, which was laid to him by an
infamous woman of that place. Upon this the doctor declared
“that he would put a toad into their well,
” and accordingly
cried down the waters, which soon lost their reputation.
de febribus,” Hague, 1659, 8vo, London, 1660, 1665, &c. 12mo. This was attacked by Edm. de Meara, a doctor of physic of Bristol, and fellow of the college of physicians,
Dr. Willis was one of the first members of the Royal Society, and soon made his name as illustrious by his writings
as it was already by his practice. In 1666, after the fire
of London, he removed to Westminster, upon an invitation
from archbishop Sheldon, and took a house in St. Martin’slane. As he rose early in the morning, that he might be
present at divine service, which he constantly frequented
before he visited his patients, he procured prayers to be
read out of the accustomed times while he lived, and at his
death settled a stipend of 20l. per annum to continue them,
He was a liberal benefactor to the poor wherever he came,
having from his early practice allotted part of his profits
to charitable uses. He was a fellow of the college of physicians, and refused the honour of knighthood. He was
regular and exact in his hours; and his table was the resort of most of the great men in London. After his settlement there, his only son Thomas falling into a consumption, he sent him to Montpellier in France for the recovery of his health, which proved successful. His wife also
labouring under the same disorder, he offered to leave the
town; but she, not suffering him to neglect the means of
providing for his family, died in 1670. He died, at his
house in St. Martin’s, Nov. 11, 1675, and was buried near
her in Westminster-abbey. His son Thomas, above mentioned, was born at Oxford in Jan. 1657-8, educated some
time in Westminster-school, became a student a Christ
church, and died in 1699. He was buried in Bletcbley
church, near Fenny-Stratford, the manors of which places
his father had purchased of the duke of Buckingham, and
which descended to his eldest son Browne Willis of Whaddon-hall, esq. eminent for his knowledge in antiquities, and
of whom some memoirs will be given. Wood tells us, that
“though Dr. Willis was a plain man, a man of no carriage,
little discourse, complaisance, or society, yet for his deep
insight, happy researches in natural and experimental philosophy, anatomy, and chemistry, for his wonderful success and repute in his practice, the natural smoothness,
pure elegancy, delightful unaffected neatness of Latin
style, none scarce hath equalled, much less outdone, him,
how great soever. When at any time he is mentioned by
authors, as he is very often, it is done in words expressing
their highest esteem of his great worth and excellency, and
placed still as first in rank among physicians. And, further, also, he hath laid a lasting founJation of a body of
physic, chiefly on hypotheses of his own framing.
” These
hypotheses, by far too numerous and fanciful for his reputation, are contained in the following works: 1. “Diatribse
duae Medico-philosophicae de ft-rmentatione, altera de febribus,
” Hague, Diatribse Thomas
Wiilisii Med. Doct. & Profess. Oxon de Febribus Vindicatio contra Edm. de Meara,
” London, Dissertatio Epistolica de Uriuis
” printed with the Diatribes
above mentioned. 3. “Cerebri Anatome,
” London, De ratione motus
” printed with the “Cerebri Anatome.
” 5.
“Pathologise Cerebri & nervosi generis specimina, in quo
agiiur de morbis convulsivis & descorbuto,
” Oxford, Affectionum quae dicuntur hystericae & hypochondriacae Pathologia spasmodica, vindicata contra responsionem Epistolarem Nath. Highmore, M. D.
” London, Exercitationes Medico-physicae
duae, 1. De sanguinis accensione. 2.
” De motu musculari,“printed with the preceding book. 8.
” De anim&
Brutorum, quag hominis vitalis ac sensativa est, exercitationes duac, &c.“London, 1672, 4to and 8vo, Amsterdam,
1674, 12mo, All these books, except
” Affection um quae
dicuntur hystericae, &c.“and that
” de am ma Brutorum,“were translated into English by S. Pordage, esq. and printed
at London, 1681, folio. 9.
” Pharmaceutice Rationalis:
sive Diatriba de medicamentorum operationibus in humano
corpore." In two parts, Oxford, 1674 and 1675, 12mo,
4to. Published by Dr. John Fell. In the postscript to the
second part is the following imprimatur put to it by Dr.
Ralph Bathurst, the author dying the day before.
he was sent to the university of Edinburgh, where he studied the usual time, and took the degree of doctor of physic in 1766. Not long after he left the university, he
, an able physician and botanist, was born in 1741, at Wiliington in Shropshire, where
his father was an apothecary. After being initiated in pharmacy and medicine under his father, he was sent to the
university of Edinburgh, where he studied the usual time,
and took the degree of doctor of physic in 1766. Not long
after he left the university, he settled at Stafford, where
meeting with little encouragement, he removed in 1774 to
Birmingham; and here his abilities were soon called into
action; and in a few years his practice became very extensive,
and having a studious turn, he devoted those hours which
remained after the business of the day, to philosophical
and scientific pursuits. In 1776 he published, in 2 vols.
8vo, the first edition of his “Botanical Arrangement;
” a
work which, at that time, could be considered as little more
than a mere translation from Linnæus of such genera and
species of plants as are indigenous in Great Britain and in
which Ray’s “Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum,
” and Hudson’s “Flora Angiica,
” could not fail to
afford him great assistance; but, in the course of the two
other editions of it (the last of which, in 4 vols. 8vo, was published in 1796), this “Arrangement
” has been so mucii
improved and enlarged, as to have become, in a great
measure, an original work; and certainly, as a national Flora^
it must be allowed to be a very elaborate and complete,
performance. Botany, however, did not engross all ouf
author’s attention: many of his leisure hours he devoted
to chemistry and mineralogy. In 1783, he translated
Bergman’s “Sciagraphia Regni Mineralis,
” under the
title of “Outlines of Mineralogy;
” and, before and since
that time, he addressed!to the Koyal Society several communications relative to those branches of knowledge. Thus,
in 1773, we find inserted in the Philosophical Transactions
his experiments on different kinds of marie found in Staffordshire. In the same Transactions for 1782, his analysis
of the toad-stone, a fossil met with in Derbyshire. In the
same work for 1784, his experiment on the terra ponderosa.
And lastly, in 1798, his analysis of a hot mineral spring in
Portugal. Amidst these diversified pursuits he did not relax in his professional studies. In 1779, he published an
“Account of the Scarlet Fever and Sore Throat
” and, in
egree conferred upon him at Padua. After his return he resumed his lectureship, and was incorporated doctor of physic tor wards the end of 1525. He became very eminent
, an eminent physician, celebrated
by Leland in his “Encomia,
” by the name of Ododunus,
was the son of Richard Wotton, superior beadle of divinity
in the university of Oxford, and was born there in 1492,
and educated at the school near Magdalen-college, of
which college he became demy, and took a bachelor’s degree in 1513. Bishop Fox, founder of Corpus Christi college, was his patron, by whose interest he was appointed
socius compar and Greek lecturer of that new foundation,
and continued there till 1520, when he obtained leave to
travel into Italy for three years. It appears that he studied
physic on the continent, for he had a doctor’s degree conferred upon him at Padua. After his return he resumed
his lectureship, and was incorporated doctor of physic tor
wards the end of 1525. He became very eminent in his
profession, first about Oxford, and then in London; and
was a member of the college of pny^icians, and physician to Henry VIII. He died October 5, 1555, and
lies buried in St. Alban’s church, London. He was the
first of our English physicians who particularly applied
to the study of natural history. He made himself famous at home and abroad by his book, entitled “De
Differentiis Animaiium, lib. X.
” Paris, Minim; rum Animaiium Theatrum,
” Loud.