, a monk of St. Germain-des-Pres, was the author of a poetical relation
, a monk of St. Germain-des-Pres,
was the author of a poetical relation of the siege of Paris
by the Normans and Danes towards the end of the 9th
century. He was himself of Normandy, and an eye-witness; and if not eminent as a poet, is at least a faithful
and minute historian. His poem consists of twelve hundred
verses, in two books, and has been admitted into Pithou’s
and Duchesne’s collections; but a more correct edition,
with notes, and a French translation, may be seen in the
“Nouvelles Annales de Paris,
” published by D. Toussaint
Duplessis, a Benedictine of the congregation of St. Maur,
1753, 4to. There are also “Five select Sermons
” under
his name in vol. IX. of D'Acheri’s Spicilegium; and in vol.
V. Bibl. P. P. Colon. 1618, is “Abbonis Epistola ad Desiderium episc.
” There was originally a third book to his
History of the siege, addressed “to the Clergy,
” which his
editors omitted as having no connexion with the history.
, or Abbot of Fleuri, a Benedictine monk of the tenth century, was born in the territory of Orleans,
, or Abbot of Fleuri, a Benedictine monk of the tenth century, was born in the territory
of Orleans, and educated in the abbey of Fleuri, and afterwards at Paris and Rheims, where he distinguished himself in all the learning of the times, and particularly in
mathematics, theology, and history. Oswald, bishop of Worcester, in 985, applied to the abbey of Fleuri to obtain a
proper person to preside over the abbey of Ramsay, which
he had founded, or rather re-established. Abbo was sent
over to England for this purpose, and much caressed by
king Ethelred and the nobility. Returning to Fleuri upon
the death of the abbot, he was declared his successor.
Here he experienced many vexations from some of the
bishops, against whom he asserted the rights of the monastic order. His enemies charged him with some acrimony
against his persecutors. In his justification, he wrote an
apology, which he addressed to the kings Hugh and Robert. Some time afterwards he dedicated to the same
princes a collection of canons on the duties of kings and
the duties of subjects. King Robert, having sent him to
Rome to appease the wrath of Gregory V. who had
threatened to lay the kingdom under an interdict, the pope
granted him all he requested. Abbo, on his return from
this expedition, set about the reform of the abbey of Reole
in Gascony. He was here slain in a quarrel that rose between the French and the Gascons, in 1004. His works
are: 1. “Epitome de vitis Pontificum,
” taken from Anastasius Bibliothecarius, and published with an edition of that
author by Busscus, Mentz, 1602, 4to. 2. “Vita S. Edmundi
Anglorum Orientalium regis & martyris,
” printed in Surius’
Lives of the Saints. There is a ms. of it in the Cottonian
Library. 3. “Collectio, seu epitome Canonum,
” printed
by Mabillon. 4. “Epistola ad abbatem Fuldensem,
in Baluze’s Miscellanies, Letters to Hugh,
king of France, to St. Bernard, Gregory,
” &c. and his
Apology, are inserted whole, or in fragments, in his Life
by Aimonius, a monk of Fleuri, and his pupil.
of Hagustald, or Hexham, in Northumberland, succeeded Wilfrid in that see, in the year 709. He was a monk of the order of St. Benedict, an Anglo-Saxon by birth, and had
, bishop of Hagustald, or Hexham, in Northumberland, succeeded Wilfrid in that see, in the year
709. He was a monk of the order of St. Benedict, an
Anglo-Saxon by birth, and had his education under Bosa,
bishop of York; and was then taken under the patronage
of Wilfrid, whom he accompanied in a journey to Rome.
Here he improved himself in ecclesiastical usages and discipline; which his historian, Bede, tells us it was impracticable for him to learn in his own country. This prelate
by the help of architects, masons, and glaziers, hired irT
Italy, ornamented his cathedral to a great degree of beauty
and magnificence, furnished it with plate and holy vestments, procured a large collection of the lives of the Saints,
and erected a noble library, consisting chiefly of ecclesiastical learning. About the year 732, he was driven from
his see into banishment, but for what cause is unknown.
He was esteemed a very able divine, and was remarkably
skilled in church-music. He not only revived and improved
church music, but introduced the use of many Latin
hymns hitherto unknown in the northern churches of England.
Acca wrote the following pieces; -“Passiones Sanctorum;
or the Sufferings, of the Saints; “Officia Susp Ecclesiae;
and “Epistolae ad Amicos:
” a treatise also for explaining
the Scriptures, addressed to Bede, which occurs, or at
least part of it, in the catalogue of the Bodleian library.
He died in the year 740, having governed the church of
Hexham 2-1 years, under Egbert king of the Northumbrians.
His body was buried with great solemnity in the church at
raries. The first piece he published was the epistle ascribed to St. Barnabas. Father Hugh Menard, a monk of the same congregation, intended to publish this epistle,
, a Benedictine of the congregation
of St. Maur, was born at St. Quintin, in Picardy, in 1609.
He became celebrated as the editor of valuable manuscripts
which lay buried in libraries. The first piece he published
was the epistle ascribed to St. Barnabas. Father Hugh
Menard, a monk of the same congregation, intended to
publish this epistle, and for that purpose had illustrated it
with notes, but having been prevented by death, D'Acheri
gave an edition of it under the title of “Epistola Catholica S. Barnabas Appstoli, Gr. & Lat. cum notis Nic. Hug.
Menardi, et eiogio ejusdem auctoris,
” Paris, Life and Works
of Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury,
” Paris, fol. The
Life is taken from an ancient manuscript in the abbey of
Bee; and. the works are, Commentaries on the epistles of
St. Paul, taken from a manuscript in the abbey of St.
Melaine de Rennes, and a treatise on the Sacrament,
against Berenger. The appendix contains the Chronicle
of the Abbey of Bee from its foundation in 1304 to 1437;
the life of St. Herluinus, founder and first abbot, of some
of his successors, and of St. Austin the apostle of England,
and some treatises on the eucharist. His catalogue of ascetic works appeared the same year, entitled “Asceticorum, vulgo spiritual] nm opusculorum, quae inter Patrum
opera reperiuntur, Indiculus,
” Paris, Life and Works
of Guibert, abbot of Nogent-sous-Couci,
” and the lives of
some saints, and other pieces, Paris, fol. There is much
antiquarian knowledge in this work, respecting the foundation, Sac. of abbeys, but the dates are not always correct. In 1653 he republished father Grimlaic’s “Regie
des Solitaires,
” 12mo, Paris, with notes and observations.
His most considerable work is “Veterum aliquot scriptorum, qui in Gallice bibliothecis, rnaxime Benedictinorum, latuerunt, Spieilegium, &c.
” Acta Sanctorum ordinis S. Benedicti,
” &c.
He lived a life of much retirement, seldom going out, or
admitting trifling visits, and thus found leisure for those
vast labours already noticed, and which procured him the
esteem of the popes Alexander VII. and Clement X. who
honoured him with medals. Although of an infirm habit,
he attained the age of seventy-six, and died in the abbey
of St, Germain-des-Pres, April 29, 1685. He was interred under the library of which he had had the care for
so many years, and where his literary correspondence is
preserved. There is a short eloge on him in the Journal
de Trevoux for Nov. 26, 1685; but that of Maugendre,
printed at Amiens in'1775, is more complete. Dupin says
he was one of the first learned men that the congregation
of St. Maur produced.
ut, fearing the infection of such a mode of life, had retired; and, at the age of 20 years, became a monk of Corbie in Picardy, and was at length chosen abbot of the
, or Adelard, born about the year 753,
was son of count Bernard, grandson of Charles Martel,
and cousin-german of Charlemagne. He had been invited to the court in his youth, but, fearing the infection
of such a mode of life, had retired; and, at the age of 20
years, became a monk of Corbie in Picardy, and was at
length chosen abbot of the monastery. His imperial relation, however, forced him again to attend the court, where
he still preserved the dispositions of a recluse, and took
every opportunity, which business allowed, for private
prayer and meditation. After the death of Charlemagne,
he was, on unjust suspicions, banished by Lewis the Meek,
to a monastery on die coast of Acquitaine, in the isle of
Here. After a banishment of five years, Lewis, sensible
of his own injustice, recalled Adalard, and heaped on him
the highest honours. The monk was, however, the same
man in prosperity and in adversity, and in the year 823
obtained leave to return to Corbie. Every week he addressed each of the monks in particular 5 he exhorted
them in pathetic discourses, and laboured for the spiritual
good of the country around his monastery. His liberality
seems to have bordered on excess; and his humility induced him to receive advice from the meanest monk.
When desired to live less austerely, he would frequently
say, “I will take care of your servant, that he may be enabled to attend on you the longer.
” Another Adalard,
who had governed the monastery during his banishment,
by the direction of our Adalard, prepared the foundation
of a distinct monastery, called New Corbie, near Paderborn, as a nursery for ecclesiastical laboarers, who.
should instruct the northern nations. Our Adalard now
completed this scheme; went himself to New Corbie
twice, and settled its discipline. The success of this
truly charitable project was great: many learned and
zealous missionaries were furnished from the new seminary, and it became a light to the north of Europe. Adalard promoted learning in his monasteries, for he was
himself a man of great learning; and instructed the people
both in Latin and French: and after his second return
from Germany to old Corbie, he died ill the year 827,
aged 73. Such is the account given us of Adalard,
a character, there is reason to believe, of eminent
piety and usefulness in a dark age. To convert monasteries into seminaries of pastoral education, was a
thought far above the taste of the age in which he
lived, and tended to emancipate those superstitious institutions from the unprofitable and illiberal bondage
in which they had long subsisted. His principal work
work was “A treatise on the French Monarchy;
” but
fragments only of any of his works have come down to our
times. Hincmar has incorporated the treatise on the
French monarchy in his: fourteenth Opusculum, “for the
instruction of king Carloman.
” The ancient statutes of
of the abbey of Corbie, by our author, are in the fourth
volume of D'Achery’s Spicilegium.
chool divinity, in the Sorbonne. In his latter years he returned to his native country, and became a monk in the abbey of Melrose, and afterwards in that of Durham, where
, a famous Sorbonnic doctor, flourished in the 12th century. This author, who is well known as a monkish writer, and a voluminous author of biography, was born in Scotland, and educated in the monastery of Lindisferne, now called Holy Island, a few miles south of Berwick on Tweed, at that time one of the most famous seminaries of learning in the north of England. He went afterwards to Paris, where he settled several years, and taught school divinity, in the Sorbonne. In his latter years he returned to his native country, and became a monk in the abbey of Melrose, and afterwards in that of Durham, where he wrote the life of St. Columbanus, and the lives of 'some other monks of the 6th century. He likewise wrote the life of David I. king of Scotland, who died 1153. He died in 1195. His works were printed at Antwerp in fol. 1659.
he king was agreed on, Mr. Adams, then 74 years of age, was deputed by the city to accompany General Monk to Breda in Holland, to congratulate and accompany the king
When the restoration of the king was agreed on, Mr. Adams, then 74 years of age, was deputed by the city to accompany General Monk to Breda in Holland, to congratulate and accompany the king home. For his signal services the king knighted him at the Hague; and soon after the restoration advanced him to the dignity of a baronet, on the 13th of June, 1661.
, or Aymar, a monk of St. Martial, born in the year 988, rendered himself famous
, or Aymar, a monk of St. Martial, born in
the year 988, rendered himself famous by the active part
he took in the dispute respecting the pretended apostleship
of St. Martial, but is now known chiefly by his “Chronicle
of France
” from the origin of the monarchy to Nouvelle Bibliotheque
des Manuscripts,
” and in other collections of French history.
Mabillon, in his “Analecta,
” has given the famous letter of
Ademar’s on the apostleship of St. Martial, and some
verses or acrostics.
, an ingenious and learned Carthusian monk, is the author of a treatise entitled “De remediis utriusque
, an ingenious and learned Carthusian monk, is
the author of a treatise entitled “De remediis utriusque
”' the first edition of which, published at Cologn,
1467, 4to, is the most scarce and valuable; the second
bears date 1471, 4to; the third was printed at Cremona,
1492, fol. In order to avoid confounding this treatise
with that of Petrarch on the same subject, it is necessary
to know that the title says: “per quendam Adrianum poetam prsestantem, necnon S. Th. professorem eximium.
No particulars are known of his birth or death.
died Nov. 16, 1005. He was buried at Abingdon, the place where he first embraced the profession of a monk, whence his remains were afterwards transferred to Canterbury,
, successively bishop of Wilton and archbishop
of Canterbury, and one of the greatest luminaries of his
dark era, was the son of an earl of Kent, and after receiving a few scanty instructions from an ignorant secular
priest, assumed the habit of the Benedictine order of
monks in the monastery at Abingdon, over which Athelwold then presided, having been appointed abbot in the
year 955. Athelwold, being created bishop of Winchester
in the year 693, settled several of the Abingdon monks in
his cathedral. Among these was Ælfric; who, in return
for the benefit which he had formerly derived from the
instructions of Alhelwold, was now eager to show his gratitude, by forwarding the wishes of his benefactor to instruct the youth of his diocese. With this view he drew
tip his “Latin-Saxon Vocabulary,
” and some “Latin
” The former of these works was published by
Somner, under the title of a Glossary, Oxon. 1659 (See Somner). During his residence in this city, Ælfric translated, from the Latin into the Saxon language, most of the
historical books of the Old Testament: the greatest part of
which translations has reached our time, having been printed at Oxford in 1698. Here, likewise, at the request of Wulfsine, bishop of Sherborn, he drew up what has been called
his “Canons,
” but might more properly be styled, a charge
to be delivered by the bishops to their clergy. They are
preserved in the first volume of Spelman’s Councils, and
were composed, between the years 980 and 987. Some
time about this last year, Ælfric was removed to Cerne
Abbey, to instruct the monks, and regulate the affairs of
that monastery. Here it was that he translated, from the
Latin fathers, the first volume of his “Homilies.
” After
remaining in this place about a year, he was made abbot
of St. Alban’s in the year 988, and composed a liturgy for
the service of his abbey, which continued to be used there
till Leland’s time. In the year 989 he was created Lishop
of Wilton, and during his continuance in that see, translated, about the latter end of the year 991, a second volume of “Homilies.
” These are the volumes of which
Mrs. Elstob issued proposals for a translation, in 1713, accompanied with the original, but did not live to publish the
work. Here also Ælfric wrote his “Grammar,
” a supplement to his Homilies, and, probably, a tract dedicated to
Sigeward or Sigeferth, containing two epistles oil the Old
and New Testament, which his biographer concludes to
have been written between the years 987 and 991. In
994, he was translated to Canterbury, where, after exerting himself for some years, with equal spirit and prudence,
in defending his diocese against the incursions of the Danes,
he died Nov. 16, 1005. He was buried at Abingdon, the
place where he first embraced the profession of a monk,
whence his remains were afterwards transferred to Canterbury, in the reign of Canute.
, an Arian presbyter, or monk, of the fourth century, had a contest with Eustathius for the
, an Arian presbyter, or monk, of the fourth century, had a contest with Eustathius for the bishoprick of Sebastia and Armenia; and being disappointed, endeavoured to lessen the power and dignity of the episcopal order, by maintaining that bishops were not distinguished from presbyters by any divine right, but that according to the institution of the New Testament, their offices and authority were absolutely the same.As about this time there were some bishops who had given offence by their arrogance, these opinions of Ærius became highly popular, and he was enabled to form a considerable sect, named Brians. He also condemned prayers for the dead, stated fasts, and the celebration of Easter; but whether these were constituent principles with his followers, does not appear. Both they and he, however, were opposed by the Arians; and by the church at large, excluded from churches and cities, and obliged to associate in private places and deserts, as long as they continued a party. It is perhaps unnecessary to add, that their opinion respecting the equality of bishops and presbyters has been since adopted by the modern presbyterians, and has been ably combated by writers in favour of the established church.
it is very doubtful whether we are in possession of any authentic biography. The life by Planudes, a monk of the fourteenth century, is universally considered as a series
, the fabulist. Of this man, the reputed author
of many fables, it is very doubtful whether we are in possession of any authentic biography. The life by Planudes,
a monk of the fourteenth century, is universally considered
as a series of fictions; and the notices of him in writers of
better authority, are not sufficiently consistent to form a
narrative. The particulars usually given, however, are as
follow. He was born at Amorium, a small town in Phrygia, in the beginning of the sixth century before the
Christian aera, and was a slave to two philosophers, Xanthus and Idmon, the latter of whom gave him his liberty,
on account of his good behaviour and pleasantry. The
philosophers of Greece gained a name by their lofty sentences, clothed in lofty words; Æop assumed a more simple and familiar style, and became not less celeb rated.
He taught virtue and ridiculed vice, by giving a language
to animals and inanimate things; and composed those fables, which under the mask of allegory, and with all the
interest of fable, convey the most useful lessons in morality. The fame of his wisdom spreading over Greece
and the adjoining countries, Croesus, the king of Lydia,
sent for him, and was his generous benefactor. There he
found Solon, whom he soon equalled in favour, however
different his mode of conducting himself. Solon preserved
his austerity in the midst of a corrupt court, was a philosopher among courtiers, and often offended Croesus by obtruding his advice, who at last dismissed him. “Solon,
said Æsop, “let us not address kings, or let us say what is
” “By no means,
” replied the philosopher,
“let us either say nothing, or tell them what is profitable.
Æsop made frequent excursions from the court of Lydia
into Greece. When Pisistratus assumed the chief power
at Athens, Æsop, who witnessed the dissatisfaction of the
people, repeated to them his fable of the frogs petitioning
Jupiter for a king. He afterwards travelled through Persia
and Egypt, everywhere inculcating morality by his fables.
The kings of Babylon and Memphis received him with distinguished honour; and on his return to Lydia, Croesus
sent him with a sum of money to Delphi, where he was to
offer a magnificent sacrifice to the god of the place, and
distribute a certain sum of money to each of the inhabitants. But being offended by the people, he offered his
sacrifice, and sent the rest of the money to Sardis, representing the Delphians as unworthy of his master’s bounty.
In revenge, they threw him from the top of a rock. All
Greece was interested in his fate, and at Athens a statue
was erected to his memory. Lurcher, in his notes on
Herodotus, fixes his death in the 560th year before the
Christian aera, under the reign of Pisistratus. Planudes,
who, as already observed, wrote his life, represents him
as exceedingly deformed in person, and defective in his
speech, for which there seems no authority. It is to this
monk, however, that we owe the first collection of Æsop’s
Fables, such as we now have them, mixed with many by
other writers, some older, and some more modern than the
time of Æsop. He wrote in prose; and Socrates, when
in prison, is said to have amused himself by turning some
of them into verse. Plato, who banished Homer and the
other poets from his republic, as the corruptors of mankind, retained Æsop as being their preceptor. Some are
of opinion, that Lockman, so famous among the orientals,
and Pilpay among the Indians, were one and the same
with Æsop. Whatever may be in this, or in the many
other conjectures and reports, to be found in the authorities cited below, the fables of Æsop may surely be considered as the best models of a species of instructive composition, that has been since attempted by certain men of
learning and fancy in all nations, and particularly our own;
nor will it be easy to invent a mode of arresting and engaging the attention of the young to moral truths, more
pleasant or more successful. The best editions of Æsop
are those of Plantin, Antwerp, 1565, 16mo; of Aldus,
with other fabulists, Venice, 1505, fol. and Franckfort,
1610; that called Barlow’s, or “Æsopi Fabularum, cum
” London, 1666, fol. in Latin, French, and English;
the French and Latin by Rob. Codrington, with plates by
Barlow, now very rare, as a great part of the edition was
burnt in the fire of London; Hudson’s, published under
the name of Marianus (a member of St. Mary Hall), Oxford, 1718, 8vo. They have been translated into all modern languages; and CroxalPs and Dodsley’s editions deserve praise, on account of the life of Æsop prefixed to each.
their romantic tales.” Barthius, in his Adversaria, says: “There are many such things in the learned monk, who some years ago published a life of Alexander the Great,
, a Greek historian, wrote a romantic history of
Alexander the Great but it is not known at what time he
lived. His work was translated into Latin by one Julius
Valerius, who is not better known than Æsop. Freinshemius has the following passage concerning this work: “Julius Valerius wrote a fabulous Latin history of Alexander,
which by some is ascribed to Æsop, by others to Callisthenes. Hence Antoninus, Vincentius, Uspargensis, and
others, have taken their romantic tales.
” Barthius, in his
Adversaria, says: “There are many such things in the
learned monk, who some years ago published a life of
Alexander the Great, full of the most extravagant fictions;
yet this romance had formerly so much credit, that it is
quoted as an authority even by the best writers. Whether
this extraordinary history was ever published I know not;
I have it in manuscript, but I hardly think it worthy of a
place in my library.
” It is the same author that Franciscus Juretus mentions under the name of Æsop. The work
was published in German at Strasburgh, 1486.
, bishop of Lindisfarne, or Holy island, in the 7th century, was originally a monk in the monastery of Iona, one of the islands called Hebrides.
, bishop of Lindisfarne, or Holy island, in the 7th century, was originally a monk in the monastery of Iona, one of the islands called Hebrides. In the year 634, he came into England, at the request of Oswald king of Northumberland, to instruct that prince’s subjects in the knowledge of the Christian religion. At his first coming to Oswald’s court, he prevailed upon the king to remove the episcopal see from York, where it had been settled by Gregory the great, to Lindisfarne, or Holy island; a peninsula joined to the coast of Northumberland by a very narrow neck of land, and called Holy island from its being inhabited chiefly by monks; the beautiful ruins of its monastery are still extant. In this place Aidan was very successful in his preaching, in which he was not a little assisted by the pious zeal of the king; who, having lived a considerable time in Scotland, and acquired a sufficient knowledge of the language, was himself Aidan’s interpreter 9 and explained his discourses to the nobility, and the rest of his court. After the death of Oswald, who was killed in battle, Aidan continued to govern the church of Northumberland, under his successors Oswin and Oswi, who reigned jointly; the former in the province of Deira, the latter in that of Bernicia; but having foretold the untimely death of Oswin, he was so afflicted for his loss, that he survived him hut twelve days, and died in August 6^1, after having sat sixteen years. Bede gives him an extraordinary character; but at the same time takes notice that he was not altogether orthodox in keeping of Easter, in which he followed the custom of the Scots, Picts, and Britons. The same historian ascribes three miracles to bishop Aidan; two of them performed in his lifetime, and the other after his death. He was buried in his church of Lindisfarne; and part of his relics were carried into Scotlaud by his successor Colman in 664.
m several monuments of his learning; in the composition of which he was assisted by Walter Daniel, a monk of the same convent. This abbot died January 12, 1166, aged
, Ethelred, Ælred, or Ealred, abbot
of Revesby in Lincolnshire in the reigns of king Stephen
and king Henry II. was born of nobie parents, in 1109,
and educated in Scotland, together with Henry, son of
David, king of Scots. Upon his return into England, he
took the habit in the Cistertian monastery of Revesby,
where his extraordinary piety and learning soon raised him
to the dignity of abbot. Leland says he outshone his
brethren as the sun eclipses the brightness of the inferior
luminaries: and endeared himself no less to the great
men of the kingdom than to the monks of his own house.
His great love of retirement, and a life of contemplation
and study, induced him to decline all offers of ecclesiastical preferment, and even to refuse a bishopric. He was
particularly attached to St. Austin’s works, especially his
” and was a strict imitator of St. Bernard
in his writings, words, and actions. He left behind him
several monuments of his learning; in the composition of
which he was assisted by Walter Daniel, a monk of the
same convent. This abbot died January 12, 1166, aged
fifty-seven years, and was buried in the monastery of
Revesby, under a tomb adorned with gold and silver; and,
we are told, he was canonized on account of some miracles
said to have been wrought by him after his death.
the end of the third century. In his youth he took a journey to Rome, in company with Amphibalus, a monk of Caerleon, and served seven years as a soldier under the emperor
, is said to have been the first person who suffered martyrdom for Christianity in Britain; he is therefore usually styled the protomartyr of this island. He was born at Verulam, and flourished towards the end of the third century. In his youth he took a journey to Rome, in company with Amphibalus, a monk of Caerleon, and served seven years as a soldier under the emperor Dioclesian. At his return home he settled in Verulam; and, through the example and instruction of Amphibalus, renounced the errors of Paganism, in which he had been educated, and became a convert to the Christian religion. It is generally agreed that Alban suffered martyrdom during the great persecution under the reign of Diocletian; but authors differ as to the year when it happened: Bede and others fix it in the year 286, some refer it to 296, but Usher reckons it amongst the events of 303. His death is said to have been accompanied with several miracles, to which, however, it is impossible to give credit. Collier, only, of all our historians, contends for their credibility. Between 400 and 500 years after St. Alban’s death, Offa, king of the Mercians, built a very large and stately monastery to his memory; and the town of St. Alban’s in, Hertfordshire takes its name from our protomartyr.
. See Monk.
. See Monk.
, a historian and monk of the Cistertian order, in the monastery of Trois-Fontaines,
, a historian and monk of the Cistertian order,
in the monastery of Trois-Fontaines, in the diocese of
Chalons-sur-Marne, was born near that place, in the beginning of the thirteenth century. He is the author of a
” containing the remarkable events from the
creation to 1241. Leibnitz and Menckenius have printed
it, the first in Vol. II. of his “Accessiones Histories,
Leipsic, Scriptores rerum Germanicarum et Saxonic.
” ibid. Bibl. ordin. Cisterc.
, a Benedictine monk in the abbey 0f Lyra, afterwards prior of Bussi au Perche, was
, a Benedictine monk in the abbey
0f Lyra, afterwards prior of Bussi au Perche, was living in
1505, and has left various pieces of poetry, which were
highly esteemed in his time. The principal works that are
known of his, are: 1. “Four Chants-royaux, presented at
the Games du Puy at Rouen, in 4to, without date. 2.
” Le
Passe-terns de tout Hommeet de toute Femme,“Paris, in
8vo, and 4to, without date. The author informs us that he
translated it from a work of Innocent III. It is a moral
performance, on the miseries of man from the cradle to the
grave. 3.
” Le grand Blason des Faulses Amours, in 16,
and in 4to, Paris, 1493; and in several editions of the
Farce de Patelin, and of the Fifteen Joys of Marriage,
Hague, 1726 and 1734, with notes by Jacob le Duchat. It
is a dialogue on the evils brought on by love. In all his
works he preserves the decency becoming his order, which
one of his biographers remarks as rather extraordinary for
the age in which he lived.
, an English bishop, flourished in the 10th century. He was a monk of the order of St. Bennet, in the monastery of Malmesbury,
, an English bishop, flourished in the 10th
century. He was a monk of the order of St. Bennet, in
the monastery of Malmesbury, and afterwards preferred to
the see of Exeter. He was one of the most learned men
of his time, and wrote: 1. A treatise “De Naturis Rerum;
” 2. The “Life of Adelmus;
” and, 3. “The History of his own Abbey.
” He is said to have been very intimate with St. Dunstan.
wrote so fast that he copied, in one night, the “Diarium Romanorum Pontiftcium,” which a Cistertian monk had lent to him. Niceron gives him the character of a man laborious
, keeper of the Vatican library, and a celebrated popish writer of the 17th
century, was born in the isle of Chios, of Greek parents,
1586. At nine years of age he was removed from his native country to Calabria; bat some time after sent to Rome,
and admitted into the Greek college, where he applied
himself to the study of polite learning, philosophy, and
divinity, and embraced the Roman Catholic religion. From
thence he went to Naples, and was chosen great vicar to
Bernard Justiniani, bishop of Anglona. From Naples he
returned to his own country, but went soon from thence to
Rome, where he studied physic under Julius Caesar Lagalla,
and took a degree in that profession. He afterwards made
the belles lettres his object, and taught in the Greek college at Rome. Pope Gregory XV. sent him to Germany,
in 1622, in order to get the elector Palatine’s library removed to Rome; but hy the death of Gregory, he lost the
reward he might have expected for his trouble in that affair. He lived some time after with cardinal Bichi, and
then with cardinal Francis Barberini; and was at last, by
pope Alexander VII. appointed keeper of the Vatican library. Allatius was of great service to the gentlemen of
Port Royal in the controversy they had with Mr. Claude,
concerning the belief of the Greeks on the subject of die
Eucharist: Mr. Claude often calls him Mr. Arnaud’s great
author, and gives him a character, by no means favourable,
although in general very just. “Allatius,
” says he, “was
a Greek, who had renounced his own religion to embrace
that of Rome; a Greek whom the pope had chosen his librarian: a man the most devoted to the interests of the
court of Rome; a man extremely outrageous in his disposition. He shews his attachment to the court of Rome in
the very beginning of his book `De perpetua consensione,‘
where he writes in favour of the pope thus: `The Roman
pontiff,’ says he, `is quite independent, judges the world
without being liable to be judged; we are bound to obey
his commands, even when he governs unjustly; he gives
laws without receiving any; he changes them as he thinks
fit; appoints magistrates; decides all questions as to matters of faith, and orders all affairs of importance in the
church as seems to him good. He cannot err, being out
of the power of all heresy and illusion; and as he is armed
with the authority of Christ, not even an angel from heaven
could make him alter his opinion'.
” No Latin ever shewed
himself more incensed against the Greek schismatics than
Allatius, or more devoted to the see of Rome. One
singularity in his character is, that he never engaged in matrimony, nor was he ever in orders; and pope Alexander
having asked him one day, why he did not enter into orders? “Because,
” answered he, “I would be free to
” “But if so,
” replied the pope, “why don't you
marry ?
” “Because I would be at liberty,
” answered Allatius, “to take orders.
” If we may believe Joannes Patricius, Allatius had a very extraordinary pen, with which,
and no other, he wrote Greek for 40 years; and we need
not be surprised that when he lost it he was so grieved that
he shed tears. He wrote so fast that he copied, in one
night, the “Diarium Romanorum Pontiftcium,
” which a
Cistertian monk had lent to him. Niceron gives him the
character of a man laborious and indefatigable, of a vast
memory, and acquainted with every kind of learning; but
adds, that in his writings there is a display of more reading
than judgment, and, that biographer might have added,
than of candour or urbanity of style, at least in his controversial pieces. He died Jan. 1669, aged eighty-three, after
founding several colleges or schools in the island of Chios,
his native place. His principal works were, 1. “De Ecclesiæ Occidentalis et Orientalis perpetua consensione,
” Cologn, De utriusque ecclesiæ, &c. in dogmate
de purgatorio eonsensione,
” Rome, De
libris ecclesiasticis Graecorum,
” Paris, De
Templis Grsecorumrecentioribus,
” Cologn, Græcioe orthodoxae scriptores,
” Rome, Philo Byzantinus de septem orbis spectaculis, Gr. et Lat. cum notis,
” Rome, Eustathius Antiochenus in hexameron, et de Engastrimytho,
” Lyons, Symmichta, et Symmiha,
sive opusculorum Græcorum ac Latinorum vetustiorum ac
recentiorum libri duo,
” Cologn, De
Mensura temporum antiquorum et proecipue Græcorupi,
Cologn, Apes Urbanæ,
” Rome, Dramaturgia,
” in Italian,
an alphabetical collection of all the Italian dramatic works
published in his time. This was reprinted at Venice, 4to,
with considerable additions, and brought down to 1755.
12. “Poeti antichi raccolti da Codici manuscriti della Bibliotheca Vaticana e Barberina,
” Naples, This
lamentation was composed by Metaphrast, and that, was
sufficient for Allatius to insert a panegyric upon Metaphrast, written by Psellus. As Metaphrast’s name was Simeon, he thence took an opportunity of making a long dis+
sertation upon the lives and works of such celebrated men.
as had borne the same name. From the Simeons he passes
to the Simons, from them to the Simonideses, and lastly to
the Simonactides.
ast hour. When he was near his death, he directed that he should be buried not as a bishop, but as a monk, which was complied with. He was interred in the church of the
, was abbot of the monastery of St. Austin in Canterbury, at the time that Alphage, the archbishop, was barbarously murdered by the Danes, in 1011, when the city was betrayed to them. Almarus, however, was suffered by those plunderers to go at liberty; and in the year 1022, was made bishop of Sherborne in Dorsetshire, which bishopric was afterwards translated to Salisbury. Godwin mentions him as a bishop, but adds that he knows nothing of him but his name. Almarus was not inclined either to leave his abbey, or to become a bishop; but was at last prevailed on to take upon him that dignity, which he discharged with great constancy and vigour, until he had the misfortune to lose his sight. On this he resigned his bishopric with more alacrity than he had accepted it, returning back to his abbey, where he lived in a cell in the infirmary, in great innocence and devotion to his last hour. When he was near his death, he directed that he should be buried not as a bishop, but as a monk, which was complied with. He was interred in the church of the monastery, before the altar of St. John, and his memory held in great veneration. The chronicles relate some superstitious stories of him, to which little credit will now be given.
, from being a monk of Madeloc, rose to be archbishop of Treves, in the year 8 10,
, from being a monk of
Madeloc, rose to be archbishop of Treves, in the year 8 10,
and the following year re-established the Christian religion
in that part of Saxony which is beyond the Ebro, consecrated the first church in Hamburgh, and in the year 813
went as ambassador to Constantinople to ratify the peace
which Charlemagne had concluded with Michael, the emperor of the east. He died the year following in his diocese. His only work is a “Treatise on Baptism,
” which
is printed among the works and under the name of Alcuinus. It is the answer to a circular letter in which Charlemagne had consulted the bishops of his empire respecting
that sacrament. From a similarity of names this writer has
sometimes, particularly by Trithemius, Possevin, and Bellarmine, been confounded with the subject of the next
, a monk, and general of the monks of Camalduli, was born in 1373, at
, a monk, and general of the monks of Camalduli, was born in 1373, at Portico in the Romagna.
Eugene IV. sent him to the council of Basil, where he
much distinguished himself, as well as at those of Ferrara
and Florence. He acquired a high degree of reputation
by his profound knowledge of the Greek language, by
his uncommon acquaintance with Grecian literature, by
the zeal and industry he discovered in the attempts he
made to effectuate a reconciliation between the Greek and
Latin churches. He was no less admired for his candid and
liberal spirit, and placid and serene temper. Having
failed in an attempt to reconcile those literary rivals Poggius and Valla, he told them that men who made use of
abusive language could not be supposed to possess either
the charity of Christians, nor the politeness of men of
letters. His talents would have recommended him to the
purple, which the pope intended, but this was prevented
by his death, Oct. 23, 1439. He was employed, by order
of pope Eugenius IV. to reform several convents of both
sexes, which had become irregular; and he has described
the result of his labours in this difficult work in his “Hodseporicon,
” which contains particulars of the behaviour
of the inhabitants of those convents, which he found it necessary to express in Greek. This was printed at Florence,
1431 and 1432, 4to, both scarce editions, and 1678, 8vo.
The other works of this learned monk were Latin translations from the fathers. Martenne, in his “Collectio amplissima,
” has published twenty books of his letters, which
contain many curious particulars of the history of his time.
He also translated Diogenes Laertiusinto Latin, which was
printed at Venice, 1475, and is a book of great price, as
being prior in date by nearly sixty years to any edition of
that author.
, called the Sinaite, because he was a monk of mount Sinai, flourished in the seventh century. We have several
, called the Sinaite, because he was a
monk of mount Sinai, flourished in the seventh century.
We have several writings of this recluse: 1. “Odegos,
or the Guide on the true way, in Gr. and Lat. Ingoldstadt,
1606, 4to. 2. “Contemplationes in Hexameron,
” GreecoLat. Londini, Cinq
livres dogmatiques de Theologie.
” 4. “Some sermons.
His works were published at Ingolstadt,
, a writer of the seventeenth century, was a monk of the order of the minorites of St. Francis, and a native of
, a writer of the seventeenth century, was a monk of the order of the minorites
of St. Francis, and a native of Marsalla in Sicily. He was
also vicar-general of his order at Madrid, and became afterwards one of the fathers of the Observance. He was
living in 1707, as in that year Mongitore speaks of him,
among living authors, in his “Bibl. Sicula.
” This monk
published two volumes, the nature of which may be judged
from the titles: the first was called “Lux magica, &c.
ccelestiurn, terrestrium, et inferorum origo, ordo, et subordinatio cunctorum, quoad esse, fieri, etoperari, viginti quatuor voluminibus divisa,
” Venice, Lux magica
academica, pars secunda, primordia rerum naturulium, sanabilium, infirmarum et incurabilium continens,
” Venice,
de him his secretary and prime minister; but Alcuinus, abbot of Corbie, prevailed on him to become a monk in the monastery of Centula, or St. Riquier, with the consent
, abbot of Centula, or St. Riquier,
in the ninth century, was descended from a noble family of
Neustria. He was educated at the court of Charlemagne,
where he studied the languages with that prince and the
other courtiers, under the learned Alcuinus, who afterwards
considered him as his son. Charlemagne, having caused
his son Ppin to be crowned king of Itaiy, made Angilbert
that prince’s first minister: he then went with him into
Italy, and returned some years after to France, when
Charlemagne gave him his daughter Bertha in marriage;
but some historians say that this marriage was rendered necessary by the lady’s being delivered previously of twins.
Whatever truth may be in this, Angilbert, being now sonin-law to Charlemagne, was made duke or governor of the
coast of France from the Scheldt to the Seine, and the kin?
also made him his secretary and prime minister; but Alcuinus, abbot of Corbie, prevailed on him to become a
monk in the monastery of Centula, or St. Riquier, with the
consent both of his wife and the king. Notwithstanding
his love of solitude, he was frequently obliged to leave the
monastery, and attend to the affairs of the church and state,
and was three times sent to the court of Rome; he also
accompanied Charlemagne thither, in the year 800, when
that prince was crowned in that city emperor of the West.
He died on the 18th of February 814. Angilbert had such
a taste for poetry, that Charlemagne called him his Homer.
There are but few of his works remaining, except a history
of his monastery, which Mabillon has inserted in his “Annales de l'ordre de St. Benoit.
” As to the “Histoire de
premieres expeditions de Charlemagne pendant sa jeunesse
et avant son regne,
ho readily undertook the perilous task, although against the remonstrances of his friends. Aubert, a monk of noble birth, offered to be his companion, and Harold accordingly
, one of the early propagators. of Christianity, and the first who introduced it into Denmark and Sweden, and hence called the apostle of the north, was born at Picardy, Sept. 8, in the year 801. He was educated in a Benedictine convent at Corbie, from whence he went to Corvey, in Westphalia, where he made such progress in his studies, that, in the year 821, he was appointed rector of the school belonging to the convent. Harold, king of Denmark, who had been expelled from his dominions, and had found an asylum with Lewis, the son and successor of Charlemagne, who had induced him to receive Christian baptism, was about to return to his country, and Lewis enquired for some pious person, who might accompany him, and confirm both him and his attendants in the Christian religion. Vala, the abbot of Corbie, pointed out Anscarius, who readily undertook the perilous task, although against the remonstrances of his friends. Aubert, a monk of noble birth, offered to be his companion, and Harold accordingly set out with them, but neither he nor his attendants, who were rude and barbarous in their manners, were at all solicitous for the accommodation of the missionaries, who therefore suffered much in the beginning of their journey. When the company arrived at Cologne, Hadebald, the archbishop, commiserating the two strangers, gave them a bark, in which they might convey their effects; but, when they came to the frontiers of Denmark, Harold, finding access to his dominions impossible, because of the power of those who had usurped the sovereignty, remained in Friesland, where Anscarius and Aubert laboured with zeal and success, both among Christians and Pagans, for about two years, when Aubert died. In the year 829, many Swedes having expressed a desire to be instructed in Christianity, Anscarius received a commission from the emperor Lewis to visit Sweden. Another monk of Corbie, Vitmar, was assigned as his companion, and a pastor was left to attend on king Harold, in the room of Anscarius. In the passage, they fell in with pirates, who took the ship, and all its effects, On this occasion, Anscarius lost the emperor’s presents, and forty volumes, which he had collected for the use of the ministry. But his mind was determined, and he and his partner having reached land, they walked on foot a long way; now and then crossing some arms of the sea in boats. At length they arrived at Birca, from the ruins of which Stockholm took its rise, though built at some distance from it. The king of Sweden received them favourably, and his council unanimously agreed that they should remain in the country, and preach the gospel, which they did with very considerable success.
ve of the court of Rome, returned to Lyons, where he received a sharp and reprimanding letter from a monk, acquainting him with the lamentable condition of the province
The king had an interview with the archbishop about mid-lent, 1103, in which he laboured both by threats and promises, to bring him to do homage for the temporalities of his see, but when he found him inflexible, he joined with the bishops and nobility in desiring Anselm to take a journey to Rome, to tiy if he could pe; suade the pope to relax, and Anselm accordingly set out, April 29. At the same time, the king dispatched one William Warelwast to Home, who, arriving there before Anselm, solicited-for the king his master, but to no purpose, as the pope persisted in refusing to grant the king the right of investiture. But, at the same time, his Holiness wrote a very ceremonious letter to the king of England, entreating him to wave‘ the contest, and promising all imaginable, compliance in other matters. Anselm, having taken leave of the court of Rome, returned to Lyons, where he received a sharp and reprimanding letter from a monk, acquainting him with the lamentable condition of the province of Canterbury, and blaming him for absenting himself at such a critical time. During the archbishop’s stay at Lyons, the king sent another embassy to Rome, to try if he could prevail with the pope to bring Anselm to a submission. But the pope, instead of being gained, excommunicated some of the English court, who had dissuaded the king from parting with the investitures, yet he declined pronouncing any censure against the king. Anselm, perceiving the court of Rome dilatory in its proceedings, removed from Lyons, and made a visit to the countess Adela, the conqueror’s daughter, at her castle in Blois. This lady inquiring into the business of Anselm’s journey, he told her that, after a great deal of patience and expectation, he must now be forced to excommunicate the king of England. The countess was extremely concerned for her brother, and wrote to the pope to procure an accommodation. The king, who was come into Normandy, hearing that Anselm designed to excommunicate him, desired his sister to bring him with her into Normandy, with a promise of condescension in several articles. To this Anselm agreed, and waited upon the king at a castle called L’Aigle, July 1105, where the king restored to him the revenues of the archbishopric, but would not permit him to come into England, unless he would comply in the affair of the investitures, which Anselm refusing, continued in France, till the matter was once more laid before the pope. But now the English bishops, who had taken part with the court against Anselm, began to change their minds, as appears by their letter directed to him in Normaiuly, in which, after having set forth the deplorable state of the church, they press him to come over with all speed, promising to stand by him, and pay him the regard due to his character. This was subscribed by Gerrard archbishop of York, Robert bishop of Chester, Herbert bishop of Norwich, Ralph bishop of Chichester, Samson bishop of Worcester, and William elect of Winchester. Anselm expressed his satisfaction at this conduct of the bishops, but acquainted them that it was not in his power to return, till he was farther informed of the proceedings of the court of Rome. In the mean time, being told, that the king had fined some of the clergy for a late breach of the canons respecting marriage, he wrote to his highness to complain of that stretch of his prerogative. At length the ambassadors returned from Rome, and brought with them a decision more agreeable than the former, for now th pope thought fit to make some advances towards gratifying the king, and though he would not give up the point of investitures, yet he dispensed so far as to give the bishops and abbots leave to do homage for their temporalities. The king, who was highly pleased with this condescension in the pope, sent immediately to invite Anselm to England; but the messenger finding him sick, the king himself went over into Normandy, and visited him at the abbey of Bee, where all differences between them were completely adjusted. As soon as Anselm. recovered, he embarked for England, and landing at Dover, was received with extraordinary marks of welcome, the queen herself travelling before him upon the road, to provide for his better entertainment. From this time very little happened in the life of this celebrated prelate, excepting only his contest with Thomas, archbishop elect of York, who endeavoured to disengage himself from a dependency on the see of Canterbury; but although Anselm died before the point was settled, Thomas was obliged to comply, and make his submission as usual to the archbishop of Canterbury. Anselm died at Canterbury, in the seventy-sixth year of his age, and the seventeenth of his prelacy, April 21, 1109.
rni, auditor of accounts, who did not, however, put his name to it. In 1725 father Ange, an Augustin monk, and Simplicien, of the same order, projected a continuation
, commonly called father, of Paris, of the Augustine order,
died at Paris, in the 69th year of his age, in 1691. He
was the author of a very elaborate work, entitled “Histoire genealogique et chronologique de la maison de France,
et des grands officiers de la couronne,
, a monk of Seba, in Palestine, lived in the beginning of the seventh
, a monk of Seba, in Palestine, lived in
the beginning of the seventh century. He was the author
of “Pandecta3 divinse Scripturee,
” and of an hundred and
ninety homilies. He speaks in his preface of the taking of
Jerusalem by Chosroes, king of Persia, and of the cruelties
inflicted on the monks of Palestine. To this is added a
poem, in which he deplores the loss of the real cross which
the Persians carried away among the rest of their booty,
and celebrated the restitution of it in another poem written
in Italian. The former, in Greek and Latin, is inserted in
the supplement to the Bibl. Patritm.
etained as a chorister in the service of the Benedictine monastery founded in that city, he became a monk professed, and a brother of the order of St. Benedict.
, celebrated for his musical skill, lived in the eleventh century. He was a native of Arezzo, a city of Tuscany; and having been taught the practice of music in his youth, and probably retained as a chorister in the service of the Benedictine monastery founded in that city, he became a monk professed, and a brother of the order of St. Benedict.
, a Spanish monk of the order of St. Benedict, who lived in the seventeenth century,
, a Spanish monk
of the order of St. Benedict, who lived in the seventeenth
century, belongs to the class of literary impostors. In
1667, he published at Madrid an ecclesiastical history of
Spain, which he pretended to have compiled from the writings of St. Gregory, bishop of Grenada, and from the
Chronicle of Haubert. The title was “Poblacion ecclesiastica de Espana, y noticia de sus primeras honras, hallada
en los ecritos de S. Gregorio, obispo de Grenada, y en el
cronicon de Hauberto,
” c. 2 vol. tbl. In order to obtain
the more credit, he had the impudence to dedicate this
work to the Supreme Being, but the imposture was soon
detected by Garcia de Molina, who proved that Argaiz
had forged the pretended manuscripts of St. Gregory and
, was born at Paris in 1634, and died a Carthusian monk, at Gaillon near Rouen, Jan. 23, 1704, at the age of seventy.
, was
born at Paris in 1634, and died a Carthusian monk, at
Gaillon near Rouen, Jan. 23, 1704, at the age of seventy.
He did not entirely quit the world on becoming monk.
His talents and learning had procured him illustrious
friends, with whom he carried on a literary correspondence.
We have by him, 1. “Traite de la lecture des Peres de
” The best edition is of Melanges d'histoire et de literature,
” published under the
name of “Vigneul Marvilliana,
” reprinted in Menagiana,
” or indeed than any of the numerous “Anas,
” so
much at present in vogue. Bayle was fond of them, and
frequently quotes them in his Dictionary, and in his Letters,
1699, where he was the first who informs us of the real
name of the author. He published also under the assumed
name of Moncade, “L'Education, maximeset reflexions,
, a learned Portuguese theatine monk, was born at Collares in Estremadura, in 1676, and died at Lisbon
, a learned Portuguese theatine monk, was born at Collares in Estremadura,
in 1676, and died at Lisbon in 1749. He was one of the
iirat members of the Portuguese academy of history, and
contributed various historical papers to their Memoirs; but
the works on which his reputation chiefly rests, are, 1. i: De
Antiquitatibus conventus Bracarugustani, libri IV.“1728,
4to. and 1738, an improved edition. This work evinces
the research of a profound antiquary. 2.
” Memoires pour
servir a Phistoire del'eglise primatiale de Brague,“Lisbon,
1732 44, o vols. 4to. 3.
” Regras de lingoa Portugueza."
Lisbon, 1725, 8vo. His other works were Sermons, and
Lives of the saints.
, a Benedictine monk, and voluminous historian of his order, was born at Ancona,
, a Benedictine monk, and voluminous historian of his order, was born at Ancona, and
after being admitted into the church became an abbé. He
died in the monastery of Foligno, May 4, 1737. His
works are, 1. “Bibliotheca Benedictino-Casinensis,
” an
account of the lives and writings of the members of the
congregation of Mont-Cassin, 2 parts, fol. 1731, 1732.
2. “Catalog! tres monachorum, episcoporum reformatorum, et virorum sanctitate illustrium e congregatione
” Assise, Continuatio catalogi, &c.
” Additiones et correctiones bibliothecsE Benedicto-Casinensis,
Foligno, Bibliotheca synoptica ordinis sancti Benedicti.
, and studied under the celebrated Peter Abelard. Upon his return to Italy, he put on the habit of a monk, and began to preach several new and uncommon doctrines, particularly
, a famous scholar of the twelfth century, born at Brescia in Italy, whence he went to France, and studied under the celebrated Peter Abelard. Upon his return to Italy, he put on the habit of a monk, and began to preach several new and uncommon doctrines, particularly that the pope and the clergy ought not to enjoy any temporal estate. He maintained in his sermons, that those ecclesiastics who had any estates of their own, or held any lands, were entirely cut off from the least hopes of salvation; that the clergy ought to subsist upon the alms and voluntary contributions of Christians; and that all other revenues belonged to princes and states, in order to be disposed of amongst the laity as they thought proper. He maintained also several singularities with regard to baptism and the Lord’s supper. He engaged a great number of persons in his party, who were distinguished by his name, and proved very formidable to the popes. His doctrines rendered him so obnoxious, that he was condemned in 1139, in a council of near a thousand prelates, held in the church of St. John Lateran at Rome, under pope Innocent II. Upon this he left Italy, and retired to Swisserland. After the death of that pope, he returned to Italy, and went to Rome; where he raised a sedition against Eugenius III. and afterwards against Adrian IV. who laid the people of Rome under an interdict, till they had banished Arnold and his followers. This had its desired effect: the Romans seized upon the houses which the Arnoldists had fortified, and obliged them to retire toOtricoli in Tuscany, where they were received with the utmost affection by the people, who considered Arnold as a prophet. However, he was seized some time after by cardinal Gerard; and, notwithstanding the efforts of the viscounts of Campania, who had rescued him, he was carried to Rome, where, being condemned by Peter, the prefect of that city, to be hanged, he was accordingly executed in 1155. Thirty of his followers went from France to England, about 1160, in order to propagate their doctrine there, but they were immediately seized and put to death. Mr. Berington, the historian of Abelard and Heloisa, after a very elegant memoir of Arnold’s life, sums up his character with much candour. He thinks he was a man whose character, principles, and views, have been misrepresented; but he allows that he was rash, misjudging, and intemperate, or he would never have engaged in so unequal a contest. It appears, indeed, by all accounts, that he was one of those reformers who make no distinctions between use and abuse, and are for overthrowing all establishments, without proposing any thing in their room.
lph, bishop of Rochester in the reign of king Henry I, was a Frenchman by birth, and for some time a monk of St. Lucian de Beauvais. Observing some irregularities among
, or Earnulph, or Ernulph, bishop of
Rochester in the reign of king Henry I, was a Frenchman
by birth, and for some time a monk of St. Lucian de
Beauvais. Observing some irregularities among his brethren, which he could neither remedy nor endure, he resolved to quit the monastery but first he took the advice
of Lanfranc archbishop of Canterbury, under whom he had
studied in the abbey of Bee. That prelate, who was well
acquainted with his merit, invited him over into England,
and placed him in the monastery of Canterbury, where he
lived till Lanfranc’s death. Afterwards, when Anselm
came into that see, Arnulph was made prior of the monastery of Canterbury, and afterwards abbot of Peterborough,
and to both places he was a considerable benefactor, having
rebuilt part of the church of Canterbury, which had fallen
down, and also that of Peterborough, but this latter was
destroyed by an accidental fire, and our prelate removed
to Rochester before he could repair the loss. In 1115, he
was consecrated bishop of that see, in the room of Radulphus or Ralph, removed to the see of Canterbury. He
sat nine years and a few days, and died in March 1124,
aged eighty-four. He is best known by his work concerning the foundation, endowment, charters, laws, and other
things relating to the church of Rochester. It generally
passes by the name of Textus Roffensis, and is preserved in.
the archives of the cathedral church of Rochester. Mr.
Wharton, in his Anglia Sacra, has published an extract of
this history, under the title of “Ernulphi Episcopi Roffensis Collectanea de rebus Ecclesise Roffensis, a prima
sedis fundatione ad sua tempora. Ex Textu Roffensi,
quern composuit Ernulphus.
” This extract consists of
the names of the bishops of Rochester, from Justus, who
was translated to Canterbury in the year 624, to Ernulfus
inclusive benefactions to the church of Rochester; of the
agreement made between archbishop Lanfranc, and Odo
bishop of Bayeux how Lanfranc restored to the monks
the lands of the church of St. Andrew, and others, which
had been alienated from them how king William the son
of king William did, at the request of archbishop Lanfranc,
grant unto the church of St. Andrew the apostle, at Rochester, the manor called Hedenham, for the maintenance
of the monks and why bishop Gundulfus built for the
king the stone castle of Rochester at his own expence
a grant of the great king William Of the dispute between
Gundulfus and Pichot benefactions to the church of
Rochester. Oudm is of opinion, our Arnulph had no hand
in this collection; but the whole was printed, in 1769, bj
the late Mr. Thorpe, in his “Registrum Roffense.
, out of the income of which, he ordered six shillings and eight pence to be given annually to every monk of the convent, on the aforesaid festival. Lastly, he gave several
, archbishop of Canterbury in the
reigns of Richard II. Henry IV. and Henry V. was the
second son of Robert Fitz-Alan, earl of Arundel and Warren, and brother of Richard earl of Arundel, who was afterwards beheaded. He was but twenty-two years of age
when, from being archdeacon of Taunton, he was promoted to the bishopric of Ely, by the pope’s provision,
and consecrated April 9, 1374, at Otteford. He was a
considerable benefactor to the church and palace of that
see. He almost rebuilt the episcopal palace in Holborn,
and, among other donations, he presented the cathedral
with a very curious table of massy gold, enriched with
precious stones which had been given to prince Edward
by the king of Spain, and sold by the latter to bishop
Arundel for three hundred marks. In the year 1386, the
tenth of Richard II. he was made lord high chancellor of
England but resigned it in 1389 was again appointed in
1391, and resigned it finally, upon his advancement to the
see of Canterbury. After he had sat about fourteen years
in the see of Ely, he was translated to the archbishopric of
York, April 3, 1388, where he expended a very large
sum of money in building a palace for the archbishops,
and, besides other rich ornaments, gave to the church
several pieces of silver-gilt plate. In 1393, being then
chancellor, he removed the courts of justice from London
to York and, as a precedent for this unpopular step, he
alledged the example of archbishop Corbridge, eighty
years before. The see of Canterbury being vacant by the
death of Dr. William Courtney, archbishop Arundel was
translated thither, January 1396. The crosier was delivered into his hands by Henry Chellenden, prior of Canterbury, in the presence of the king, and a great number
of the nobility, and on the 19th of February 1397, he was
enthroned with great pomp at Canterbury, the first instance of the translation of an archbishop of York to the
see of Canterbury. Soon after he had a contest with the
university of Oxford about the right of visitation, which
was determined by King Richard, to whom the decision
was referred, in favour of the archbishop. At his visitation in London, he revived an old constitution, first set
on foot by Simon Niger, bishop of London, by which the
inhabitants of the respective parishes were obliged to pay
to their rector one halfpenny in the pound out of the rent
of their houses. In the second year of his translation, a
parliament was held at London, in which the commons,
with the king’s leave, impeached the archbishop, together
with his brother the earl of Arundel, and the duke of
Gloucester, of high-treason, for compelling the king, in
the tenth year of his reign, to grant them a commission to
govern the kingdom. The archbishop was sentenced to
be banished, and had forty days allowed him to prepare
for his exile, within which time he was to depart the kingdom on pain of death. Upon this he retired first into
France, and then to Rome, where pope Boniface IX. gave
him a very friendly reception, and wrote a letter to king
Richard, desiring him to receive the archbishop again into
favour. But not meeting with success, his holiness resolved to interpose his authority in favour of Arundel.
Accordingly he nominated him to the archbishopric of
St. Andrews, and declared his intention of giving him
several other preferments in England, by way of provision.
The king, upon this, wrote an expostulatory letter to the
pope, which induced him not only to withhold the intended
favours from Arundel, but likewise, at the king’s request^
to promote Roger Walden dean of York and lord treasurer
of England, to the see of Canterbury. That prelate, however, was soon obliged to quit his new dignity for, next
year, Arundel returned into England with the duke of
Lancaster, afterwards king Henry IV. upon whose accession to the throne, the pope revoked the bull granted to
Walden, and restored Arundel and among the articles of
mis government brought against king Richard, one was his
usage and banishment of this prelate. The throne being
vacant by Richard’s resignation, and the duke of Lancaster’s title being allowed in parliament, Arundel had the
honour to crown the new king and, at the coronationdinner, sat at his right hand; the archbishop of York
being placed at his left. In the first year of king Henry’s
reign, Arundel summoned a synod, which sat at St. Paul’s.
Harpsfield, and the councils from him, have mistaken this
synod for one held during the vacancy of the see. He
also by his courage and resolution, preserved several of
the bishops, who were in king Henry’s army, from being
plundered of their equipages and money. The next year,
the commons having moved, that the revenues of the church
might be applied to the service of the public, Arundel opposed the motion so vigorously, that the king and lords
promised him, the church should never be plundered in
their time. After this, he visited the university of Cambridge, where he made several statutes, suppressed several bad customs, and punished the students for their misbehaviour. And, when the visitation was ended, at the
request of the university, he reserved all those matters
and causes, which had been laid before him, to his own
cognizance and jurisdiction. In the year 1408, Arundel
began to exert himself with vigour against the Lollards or
Wickliffites. To this end, he summoned the bishops and
clergy at Oxford, to check the progress of this new sect,
and prevent that university’s being farther tinctured with
their opinions. But the doctrines of Wickliff still gaining
ground, the archbishop resolved to visit the university,
attended by the earl of Arundel, his nephew, and a splendid
retinue. When he came near the town, he was met by
the principal members of the university, who told him,
that, if he came only to see the town, he was very welcome, but if he came in the character of a visitor, they
refused to acknowledge his jurisdiction. The archbishop,
resenting this treatment, left Oxford in a day or two, and
wrote to the king on accpunt of his disappointment. After
a warm contest between the university and the archbishop,
both parties agreed to refer the dispute to the king’s decision who, governing himself by the example of his predecessors, gave sentence in favour of the archbishop. Soon
after this controversy was ended, a convocation being held
at St. Paul’s in London, the bishops and clergy complained of the growth of Wicklevitism at Oxford, and
pressed the archbishop to visit that university. He accordingly wrote to the chancellor and others, giving them
notice, that he intended to hold a visitation in St. Mary’s
church. His delegates for this purpose were sent down
soon after, and admitted by the university, who, to make
some satisfaction for their backwardness in censuring
Wickliff’s opinions, “wrote to the archbishop, and asked
his pardon: after which they appointed a committee of
twelve persons, to examine heretical books, particularly
those of Wicklitf. These inquisitors into heretical pravity,
having censured some conclusions extracted out o'f WicklitPs books, sent an account of their proceedings to the
archbishop, who confirmed their censures, and sent an
authority in writing to some eminent members of the university, empowering them to inquire into persons suspected of heterodoxy, and oblige them to declare their opinions. These rigorous proceedings made Arundel extremely hated by the Wickliffites, and certainly form the
deepest stain on his character. However he went on with
the prosecution, and not only solicited the pope to condemn the abovementioned conclusions, but desired likewise a bull for the digging up Wickliff’s bones. The pope
granted the first of these requests, but refused the other,
not thinking it any useful part of discipline to disturb the
ashes of the dead. Arundel’s warm zeal for suppressing
the Lollards, or Wickliffites, carried him to several unjustifiable severities against the heads of that sect, particularly against sir John Oldcastle, lord Cobham and induced him to procure a synodical constitution, which
forbad the translation of the scriptures into the vulgar
tongue. This prelate died at Canterbury, after having sat
seventeen years, the 20th of February, 1413. The Lollardsofthose times asserted the immediate hand of heaven in the manner of his death. He died of an inflammation in his throat, and it is said that he was struck with
this disease, as he was pronouncing sentence of excommunication and condemnation on the lord Cobham; and
from that time, notwithstanding all the assistance of medicine, he could swallow neither meat nor drink, and was
starved to death. The Lollards imputed this lamentable
end to the just judgment of God upon him, both for his
severity towards that sect, and forbidding the scriptures
to be translated into English; and bishop Godwin seems to
lean to the same opinion. He was buried in the cathedral
of Canterbury, near the west end, under a monument erected by himself in his life-time. He was a considerable benefactor to that church, having built the Lanthorn Tower,
and great part of the Nave and he gave a ring of five
bells, called from him
” Arundel’s Ring," several rich
vestments, a mitre enchased with jewels, a silver gilt
crosier, a golden chalice for the high altar, and another
to be used only on St. Thomas Becket’s day. He bestowed also the church of Godmersham, out of the income of which, he ordered six shillings and eight pence
to be given annually to every monk of the convent, on the
aforesaid festival. Lastly, he gave several valuable books,
particularly two Missals, and a collection in one volume of
St. Gregory’s works, with anathema to any person who
should remove it out of the church. He appears to have
possessed a great natural capacity, and was a splendid
benefactor to many of our ecclesiastical structures. As a
politician, he took a very active share in the principal
measures of very turbulent times, and it is perhaps now
difficult to appreciate his character in any other particulars than what are most prominent, his zeal for the catholic religion, and his munificence in the various offices he
the episcopal see of St. Asaph in Wales, was descended of a good family in North Wales, and became a monk in the convent of Llanelvy, over which Kentigern the Scotch
, who gave his name to the episcopal see of St. Asaph in Wales, was descended of a good family in North Wales, and became a monk in the convent of Llanelvy, over which Kentigern the Scotch bishop of that place presided. That prelate, being recalled to his own country, resigned his convent and cathedral to Asaph, who demeaned himself with such sanctity, that after his death Llanelvy lost its name, and took that of the saint. St. Asaph flourished about the year 590, under Carentius, king of the Britons. He wrote the ordinances of his church, the life of his master Kentigern, and some other pieces. The time of his death is not certainly known. After his death the see of St. Asaph continued vacant 500 years.
, which seems to be a version of the Latin poem of John Dastm, entitled his Vision Pearce, the black monk, on the Elixir Richard Carpenter’s work, which some think, and
2. “Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, containing several
poetical pieces of our famous English philosophers, who
have written the Hermetique mysteries, in their own ancient language. Faithfully collected into one volume, with
annotations thereon, by Elias Ashmole, esq. qui est Mercuriophilus Anglicus,
” London, The Way to Bliss, in three books, made
public by Elias Ashmole, esq; qui est Mercuriophilus
” London, The Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the most
noble Order of the Garter. Collected and digested into
one body by Elias Ashmole, of the Middle Temple, esq.
Windesore herald at arms. A work furnished with variety
of matter relating to honour and noblesse
” London, The Arms, Epitaphs,.
Feuestral Inscriptions, with the draughts of the Tombs, &c.
in all the churches in Berkshire.
” It was penned in The Antiquities of Berkshire,
” 3 vols. 8vo, 1717, 1723,
and at Reading in 1736, fol. 6. “Familiarum iilustrium
Imperatorumque Romanorum Numismata Oxonire in Bodleianae Bibliotbecoe Archivis descripta et explanata.
This work was finished by the author in A description and
explanation of the Coins and Medals belonging to king
Charles II.
” a folio ms. in the king’s cabinet. 8. “A
brief ceremonial of the Feast of St. George, held at Whitehall 1661, with other papers relating to the Order.
9. “Remarkable Passages in the year 1660, set down by
Mr. Elias Ashmole.
” 10. “An account of the Coronation
of our Kings, transcribed from a ms. in the king’s private
” 11 “The proceedings on the day of the Coronation of king Charles II.
” mentioned by Anthony Wood,
as printed in 1672, but he owns he never saw it. 12. “The
Arms, Epitaphs, &c. in some churches and houses in
” taken when he accompanied sir William
Dugdale in his visitation. 13. “The Arms, Epitaphs,
Inscriptions, &c. in Cheshire, Shropshire, Derbyshire,
Nottinghamshire, &c.
” taken at the same time. Bishop
Nicolson mentions his intention to write the history and
antiquities of his native town of Litchfield. 14. “Answers
to the objections urged.against Mr. Ashmole’s being made
historiographer to the order of the Garter,
” A. D. A Translation of John Francis Spina’s book of th
Catastrophe of the World; to which was subjoined, Ambrose Merlin’s Prophecy.
” It is doubtful whether this was
ever published. What, indeed, he printed, was but a very
small part of what he wrote, there being scarcely any
branch of our English history and antiquities, on which he
has not left us something valuable, of his own composing,
in that vast repository of papers, which make several folios in his collection of Mss. under the title of, 16. CoU
lections, Remarks, Notes on Books, and Mss. a wonderful
proof of industry and application. 17. “The Diary of
his Life,
” written by himself, which was published at London, 1717, in 12mo, with the following title “Memoirs
of the life of that learned antiquary, Elias Ashmole, esq.
drawn up by himself by way of diary, with an appendix of
original letters. Published by Charles Burman, esquire.
The copy from whence these papers were published, was in
the hand-writing of Dr. Robert Plott, chief keeper of the
Ashmolean museum at Oxford, and secretary of the Royal
Society, and was transcribed by him for the use of a near
relation of Mr. Ashmole’s, a private gentleman in Staffordshire. They had been collated a few years before, by
David Perry, M. A. of Jesus’ college in Oxford. The appendix* contains a letter of thanks, dated January 26, 1666,
from the corporation at Litchfield, upon the receipt of a
silver bowl presented to them by Mr. Ashmole a preface
to the catalogue of archbishop Laud’s medals, drawn up by
Mr. Ashmole, and preserved in the public library at Oxford a letter from Dr. Thomas Barlow, afterwards bishop
of Lincoln, to Mr. Ashmole, dated December 23, 1668, on
the present of his books, describing archbishop Laud’s
cabinet of medals a letter from John Evelyn, esq. to recommend Dr. Plott to him for reader in natural philosophy,
and another from Mr. Joshua Barnes, dated from Emanuel
college, Cambridge, October 15, 1688, wherein he desires
Mr. Ashmole’s pardon, for having reflected upon his Order
of the Garter, in his own history of king Edward III. with
Mr. Ashmole’s answer to that letter, dated October 23
following. It is from this diary, which abounds in whimsical and absurd memoranda, that the dates and facts in his
life have been principally taken.
, or Asser, or Asker (called, by Pitts, John,) a learned monk of St. David’s, and historian, was of British extraction, probably
, or Asser, or Asker (called, by Pitts, John,) a learned monk of St. David’s, and
historian, was of British extraction, probably of that part
of South Wales called Pembrokeshire, and was bred up in
the learning of those times, in the monastery of St. David’s
(in Latin Menevia), whence he derived his surname of
Menevensis. There he is said to have had for his tutor
Johannes Patricius, one of the most celebrated scholars of
his age, and had also the countenance of Nobis, or Novis,
archbishop of that see, who was his relation but it does
not appear that he was either his secretary or his chancellor, as some writers would have us believe. From St.
David’s he was invited to the court of Alfred the Great,
merely from the reputation of his learning, probably about
the year 880, or somewhat earlier. Those who had the charge
of bringing him to court, conducted him from St. David’s
to the town of Dene (Dean) in Wiltshire, where the king
received him with great civility, and shewed him in a little
time the strongest marks of favour and affection, insomuch
that he condescended to persuade him not to think any
more of returning to St. David’s, but rather to continue
with him as his domestic chaplain and assistant in his studies.
Asserius, however, modestly declined this proposal, alledging, that it did not become him to desert that holy
place where he had been educated, and received the order
of priesthood, for the sake of any other preferment. King
Alfred then desired that he would divide his time between
the court and the monastery, spending six months at court,
and six at St. David’s. Asserius would not lightly comply
even with this request, but desired leave to return to St.
David’s, to ask the advice of his brethren, which he obtained, but in his journey falling ill at Winchester of a fever, he lay there sick about a year and as soon as he recovered he went to St. David’s, where, consulting with his
brethren on the king’s proposal, they unanimously agreed
that he should accept it, promising themselves great advantages from his favour with the king, of which, at that
time, they appear to have had need, to relieve them from
the oppressions of one Hemeid, a petty prince of South
Wales. But they requested of Asserius, that he would
prevail on the king to allow him to reside quarterly at
court and at St. David’s, rather than that he should remain
absent six months together. When he came back he found
the king at Leoneforde, who received him with every mark
of distinction. He remained with him then eight months
at once, reading and explaining to him whatever books
were in his library, and grew into so great credit with that
generous prince, that on Christmas-eve following, he gave
him the monasteries of Anigresbyri, and Banuwille, that
is, Ambrosbury in Wiltshire, and Banwell in Somersetshire,
with a silk pall of great value, and as much incense as a
strong man could carry, sending together with them this
compliment, “That these were but small things, and by
way of earnest of better which should follow them.
” Soon
after, he had Exeter bestowed upon him, and not long
after that, the bishopric of Sherburn, which, however, he
seems to have quitted in the year 883, though he always
retained the title, as Wilfred archbishop of York was constantly so styled, though he accepted of another bishopric.
Thenceforward he constantly attended the court, in the
manner before stipulated, and is named as a person, in
whom he had particular confidence, by king Alfred, in his
testament, which must have been written some time before the year 885; since mention is made there of Esna
bishop of Hereford, who died that year. He is also mentioned by the king, in his prefatory epistle placed before
his translation of Gregory’s Pastoral, addressed to Wulfsig
bishop of London and there the king does not call him
bishop of Sherburn, but “my bishop,
” acknowledging the
help received from him and others in that translation. It
appears to have been the near resemblance, which the
genius of Asserius bore to that of the king, that gained
him so great a share in his confidence and very probably,
it was on this account, that Asserius drew up those memoirs of the life of Alfred which we still have, and which
he dedicated and presented to the king in the year 893. la
this work we have a curious account of the manner in
which that prince and our author spent their time together.
Asserius tells us, that having one day, being the feast of
St. Martin, cited in conversation a passage of some famous
author, the king was mightily pleased with it, and would
have him write it down in the margin of a book he carried
in his breast; but Asserius finding no room to write it
there, and yet being desirous to gratify his master, he
asked king Alfred whether he should not provide a few
leaves, in which to set dawn such remarkable things as
occurred either in reading or conversation the king was
delighted with this hint, and directed Asserius to put it
immediately in execution. Pursuing this method constantly, their collection began to swell, till at length it
became of the size of an ordinary Psalter and this was
what the king called his “Hand-book, or Manual.
” Asserius, however, calls it Enchiridion. In all probability,
Asserius continued at court during the whole reign of Alfred, and, probably, several years after but where, or
when he died is doubtful, though the Saxon Chronicle positively fixes it to the year 910. The editor of his life in
the Biog. Brit, takes Asser the monk, and Asser bishop of
Sherburnj for one and the same person, which some however have denied, and asserts him to have been also archbishop of Sk David’s, upon very plausible authority. He
admits, however, i that if there was such a reader in the
public schools at Oxford as Asser the monk, he must have
been some other person of the same name, and not our author but this point rests almost wholly on the authority
of Harpsfiekl nor is the account consistent with itself in
several other respects,as sir John S'pelman has justly observed. There is no less controversy about the works of
Asserius, than about his preferments for some alledge
that he never wrote any thing but the Annals of king Alfred whereas, Pitts gives us the titles of no less than five
other books of his writing, and adds, that he wrote many
more. The first of these is a “Commentary on Boetius,
which is mentioned by Leland, on the authority of the
Chronicle of St. Neot’s but he probably only explained
this author to king Alfred when he made his Saxon translation. The second piece mentioned by Pitts, is the Anjials of Alfred’s life and reign. The third he styles “Annales Britannia;,
” or the Annals of Britain, in one book,
mentioned also by Leland and Bale, and which has been
since published by the learned Dr. Gale. The fourth piece,
he calls “Aurearum Sententiarum Enchiridion, lib. 1
which is without question the Manual or common-placebook made for king Alfred, and reckoned among his works
by Pitts himself. Leland has also spoken of this Enchiridion, as an instance of the learning and diligence of Asser,
which it certainly was and though the collections he made
concerning this author, are much better and larger than
those of Bale and Pitts, yet he modestly, upon this subject,
apologizes for speaking so little and so obscurely of so great
a man. The next in Pitts’ s catalogue, is a “Book of Homilies,
” and the last, “A Book of Epistles
” but the existence of these seems unsupported by any authority; nor
is it known where he was interred. He appears to have
been one of the most pious and learned prelates of the age
in which he lived.
er part of his life. What Photius asserts of his style may be allowed but in his life of Anthony the monk, and some other of his pieces, we find him giving too much support
With respect to the writings of Athanasius, it has been justly observed, that there is little important in them, but what relates to the Avian controversy, in which he was occupied during the greater part of his life. What Photius asserts of his style may be allowed but in his life of Anthony the monk, and some other of his pieces, we find him giving too much support to the superstitions and follies of the monastic system. In other respects, he is one of the ablest supporters of the Trinitarian doctrine, and in his private conduct, although occasionally exasperated by oppression, he was in general consistent and upright.
, or Adelard, was a learned monk of Bath in England, who flourished about 1150, as appears by
, or Adelard, was a learned monk of Bath
in England, who flourished about 1150, as appears by some
manuscripts of his in the libraries of Corpus Christi and
Trinity colleges, Oxford. Vossius says, he was universally
learned in all the sciences of his time, and that, to increase
his knowledge, he travelled into France, Germany, Italy,
Spain, Egypt, and Arabia. He wrote many books himself,
and translated others from different languages among the
latter, he translated from Arabic into Latin, Euclid’s Elements, at a time before any Greek copies had been discovered, and “Erichiafarim
” upon the seven planets.
He wrote a treatise on the several liberal arts, another on
the astrolobe, another on the causes of natural compositions, besides several on physics and on medicine. Some
manuscripts of his referred to by Vossius remain in the colleges in Oxford as in Oriel, “De decisionibus naturalibns,
” and “De philosophia Danielis,
” in Corpus Christi,
, an Augustin monk, was torn at St. Philip of Agire, or Argire, an ancient town
, an Augustin monk, was
torn at St. Philip of Agire, or Argire, an ancient town of
Sicily, and became professor of church history in the university of Catania, and in 1758 provincial of his order in
Sicily and Malta. He wrote, 1. a Bilancia della Verita,“Palermo, 1738, 4to. This was an answer to a book entitled
” Paulus apostolus in Mari, quod hunc Venetus sinus dicifcur, naufragus," by P. Ignatius Giorgi, a Benedictine of
Hagusa. The dispute respected the name of the island on
which St. Paul was shipwrecked, called in Latin Melita.
Giorgi was of opinion that it was an island in Dalmatia,
now called Melada, while Attardi maintained the more
common opinion that it was the well known island of Malta.
usually styled the Apostle of the English, and the first archbishop of Canterbury, was originally a monk in the convent of St. Andrew at Rome, and was educated under
, or by contraction Austin (St.), usually styled the Apostle of the English, and the first archbishop
of Canterbury, was originally a monk in the convent of St.
Andrew at Rome, and was educated under St. Gregory,
afterwards pope Gregory I. who undertook the conversion of the island of Britain. His inducement to this, in
the life of St. Gregory, written by John Diaconus, introduces us to a string of puns, which we must refer to the
manners and taste of the times, without surely impeaching
the seriousness of Gregory, who in his present situation, as
well as when pope, had no other visible motive for his zea],
than the propagation of Christianity. Walking in the forum at Rome, he haprfened to see some very handsome
youths exposed to sale, and being informed that they were
of the island of Britain, and that the inhabitants of that
island were Pagans, he regretted that such handsome youths
should be destitute of true knowledge, and again asked the
name of the nation. “Angli
” was the answer on which
he observed, “In truth they have angelic countenances,
and it is a pity they should not be coheirs with angels in
” When informed that they came from the province of Deira (Northumberland), he observed, “It is
well, de mz, snatched from the wrath of God, and called to
the mercy of Christ and when, in answer to another interrogatory, he was told that the name of their king was
Ella, he said,
” Alleluia, should be sung to God in those
regions." More seriously impressed with a sense of his
duty on this occasion, he requested pope Benedict to send
some persons to our island on a mission, and offered to be
one of the number. He was himself, however, too much a
favourite with the Roman citizens to be suffered to depart,
and it was not until he became pope, that he was enabled
effectually to pursue his purpose. After his consecration
in the year 595, he directed a presbyter, whom he had sent
into France, to instruct some young Saxons, of seventeen
or eighteen years of age, in Christianity, to act as missionaries and in the year 597, he sent about forty monks, including perhaps some of these new converts, with Augustine at their head. Having proceeded a little way on their
journey, they began to dread the attempt of committing
themselves to a savage and infidel nation, whose language
they did not understand. In this dilemma, doubtful whether to return or proceed, they agreed to send back Augustine to Gregory, to represent their fears, and intreat that
he would release them from their engagement. Gregory,
however/ in answer, advised them to proceed, in confidence
of divine aid, undaunted by the fatigue of the journey, or
any other temporary obstructions, adding, that it would
have been better not to have begun so good a work, than
to recede from it afterwards. He also took every means
for their accommodation, recommending them to the attention of Etherius, bishop of Aries, and providing for them
such assistance in France, that at length they arrived safely
in Britain.
to his exhortations. When he returned into Britain, he sent Laurentius the presbyter, and Peter the monk, to acquaint Gregory with what had been done, and to consult
During this success, Augustine went to France, and was there, by the archhishop of Aries, consecrated archbishop of the English nation, thinking that this new dignity would give additional influence to his exhortations. When he returned into Britain, he sent Laurentius the presbyter, and Peter the monk, to acquaint Gregory with what had been done, and to consult him upon several points of doctrine and discipline. Some of these points savour, undoubtedly, of the superstitious scruples of the monastic, austerity, but others lead to some information respecting the early constitution of the church. To his inquiries concerning the maintenance of the clergy, Gregory answered, that the donations made to the church were, by the custom of the Roman see, divided into four portions one for the bishop and his family to support hospitality, a second to the clergy, a third to the poor, and a fourth to the reparation of churches. As the pastors were all monks, they were to live in common, but such as chose to marry were to be maintained by the monastery. With respect to diversities of customs and liturgies, Gregory’s answer was truly liberal, implying that Augustine was not bound to follow the precedent of Rome, but might select whatever parts or rules appeared the most eligible and best adapted to promote the piety of the infant church of England, and compose them into a system for its use. Gregory also, at Augustine’s request, sent over more missionaries, and directed him to constitute a bishop at York, who might have other subordinate bishops yet in such a manner, that Augustine of Canterbury should be metropolitan of all England. He sent over also a valuable present of books, vestments, sacred utensils, and holy relics. He advised Augustine not to destroy the heathen temples, but only to remove the images of their gods, to wash the walls with holy water, to erect altars, deposit relics in them, and so gradually convert them into Christian churches not only to save the expence of building new ones, but that the people might be more easily prevailed upon to frequent those places of worship to which they had been accustomed. He directs him further, to accommodate the ceremonies of the Christian worship, as much as possible, to those of the heathen, that the people might not be too much startled at the change and in particular, he advises him to allow the Christian converts, on certain festivals, to kill and eat a great number of oxen, to the glory of God, as they had formerly done to the honour of the devil. It is quite unnecessary, in our times, to offer any remark on this mixture of pious zeal with worldly policy.
ing, and regular and exemplary life. When he had finished his studies there, he became a Benedictine monk at Durham. Soon after he was made tutor to prince Edward, afterwards
, commonly known by the name of Richard de Bury, was born at St. Edmundsbury, in Suffolk, in 1281. His father, sir Richard Aungervyle, knt. dying when he was young, his uncle John de Willowby, a priest, took particular care of his education and when he was fit sent him to Oxford, where he studied philosophy and divinity, and distinguished himself by his learning, and regular and exemplary life. When he had finished his studies there, he became a Benedictine monk at Durham. Soon after he was made tutor to prince Edward, afterwards king Edward III. Being treasurer of Guienne in 1325, he supplied queen Isobel, when she was plotting against her husband king Edward II. with a large sum of money out of that exchequer, for which being questioned by the king’s party, be narrowly escaped to Paris, where he was forced to hide himself seven days in the tower of a church. When king Edward III. came to the crown, he loaded his tutor Aungervyle with honours and preferments, making him, first, his cofferer, then treasurer of the wardrobe, archdeacon of Northampton, prebendary of Lincoln, Sarum, and Lichfield, and afterwards keeper of the privy seal. This last place he enjoyed five years, and was in that time sent twice ambassador to the pope. In 1333 he was promoted to the deanery of Wells, and before the end of the same year, being chosen bishop of Durham, he was consecrated about the end of December, in the abbey of the black canons of Chertsey in Surrey. He was soon afterwards enthroned at Durham, on which occasion he made a grand festival, and entertained in the hall of his palace at Durham, the king and queen of England, the queen-dowager of England, the king of Scotland, the two archbishops, and five bishops, seven earls with their ladies, all the nobility north of Trent, with a Tast concourse of knights, esquires, and other persons of distinction. The next year he was appointed high-chancellor, and in 1336, treasurer of England. In 1338 he was twice sent with other commissioners to treat -of a peace with the king of France, though to no purpose.
being then in Spain, with the character of ambassador-extraordinary, prince Rupert, and old general Monk, now duke of Albemarle, were appointed to command the fleet;
, an
eminent English admiral in the last century, descended
from a very good family in Lincolnshire, and entered early
into the sea-service, where he obtained the character of
an able and experienced officer, and the honour of knighthood from king Charles I. This, however, did not hinder him from adhering to the parliament, when by a very
singular intrigue he got possession of the fleet, and so
zealous he was in the service of his masters, that when in
1648, the greatest part of the navy went over to the prince
of Wales, he, who then commanded the Lion, secured
that ship for the parliament, which was by them esteemed
an action of great importance. As this was a sufficient
proof of his fidelity, he had the command given him in a
squadron, that was employed to watch the motions of the
prince of Wales and accordingly sailed to the coast of
Ireland, where he prevented his highness from landing,
and drew many of the seamen to that service from which
they had deserted. The parliament next year sent him
with a considerable number of ships, and the title of admiral, to the coast of Ireland, which commission he
discharged with such vigour, that the parliament continued
him in his command for another year, and ordered an immediate provision to be made for the payment of his arrears,
and presented him with one hundred pounds. After the
war was finished in Ireland, sir George Ayscue had orders
to sail with a small squadron, to reduce the island of Barbadoes but his orders were countermanded, as the parliament received information, that the Dutch were treating
with sir John Grenville, in order to have the isles of Scilly
put into their hands, and therefore it was thought necessary to reduce these islands first. Blake and Ayscue were
employed in this expedition, in the spring of 1651, and
performed it with honour and success, sir John Grenville
entering into a treaty with them, who used him very honourably, and gave him fair conditions, after which Blake
returned to England, and Ayscue proceeded on his voyage
to Barbadoes. The parliament were at first pleased, but
when the conditions were known, Blake and Ayscue were
accused of being too liberal. Blake resented this, and
threatened to lay down his commission, which he said he
was sure Ayscue would also do. Upon this, the articles
were honourably complied with, and sir George received
orders to sail immediately to the West Indies. Sir George
continued his voyage, and arrived at Barbadoes October
26, 1651. He then found his enterprize would be attended
with great difficulties, and such as had not been foreseen
at home. The lord Willoughby, of Parham, commanded
there for the king, and had assembled a body of 5,Ooo
men for the defence of the island. He was a nobleman of
great parts and greater probity, one who had been extremely reverenced by the parliament, before he quitted
their party, and was Dow extremely popular on the island.
Sir George, however, shewed no signs of concern, but
boldly forced his passage into the harbour, and made himself master of twelve sail of Dutch merchantmen that lay
there, and next morning he sent a summons to the lord
Willoughby, requiring him to submit to the authority of
the parliament of England, to which his lordship answered,
that he knew no such authority, that he had a commission
from king Charles II. to be governor of that island, and
that he would keep it for his majesty’s service at the hazard
of his life. On this, sir George thought it not prudent to
land the few troops he had, and thereby discover his weakness to so cautious an enemy. In the mean time, he
receivect a letter by an advice-boat from England, with the
news of the king’s being defeated at Worcester, and one
intercepted from lady Willoughby, containing a very particular account of that unhappy affair. He now summoned
lord Willoughby a second time, and accompanied his summons with lady Willoughby’s letter, but his lordship continued firm in his resolution. All this time, sir George
anchored in Speights bay, and stayed there till December,
when the Virginia merchant fleet arriving, he made as if
they were a reinforcement that had been sent him, but in
fact, he had not above 2000 men, and the sight of the
little army on shore made him cautious of venturing his
men, till he thought the inhabitants had conceived a great
idea of his strength. The Virginia ships were welcomed
at their coming in, as a supply of men of war, and he presently ordered his men on shore: 159 Scotch servants
aboard that fleet, were added to a regiment of 700 men,
and some seamen, to make their number look more formidable. One colonel Allen landed with them on the 17th
of December, and found lord Willoughby’s forces well entrenched, near a fort they had upon the sea- coast. They
attacked him, however, and, in a sharp dispute, wherein
about sixty men were killed on both sides, had so much the
advantage, that they drove them to the fort, notwithstanding that colonel Allen, their commander, was killed by a
musket shot, as he attempted to land. After other attempts, sir George procured colonel Moddiford, who was
one of the most leading men on the place, to enter into a
treaty with him, and this negociation succeeded so well,
that Moddiford declared publicly for a peace, and joined
with sir George to bring lord Willoughby, the. governor,
to reason, as they phrased it but lord Willoughby never
would have consented if an accident had not happened,
which put most of the gentlemen about him into such confusion, that he could no longer depend upon their advice
or assistance. He had called together his officers, and
while they were sitting in council, a cannon-ball beat
open the door of the room, and took off the head of the
centinel posted before it, which so frighted all the gentlemen of the island, that they not only compelled their governor to lay aside his former design, but to retire to a.
place two miles farther from the harbour. Sir George
Ayscue, taking advantage of this unexpected good fortune,
immediately ordered all his forces on shore, as if he
intended to have attacked them in their entrenchments, which
struck such a terror into some of the principal persons
about the governor, that, after rhature deliberation on his
own circumstances, and their disposition, he began to alter
his mind, and thereupon, to avoid the effusion of blood,
both parties appointed commissaries to treat. Sir George
named captain Peck, Mr. Searl, colonel Thomas Moddiforcl, and James Colliton, esq. the lord Willoughby, sir
Richard Peers, Charles Pirn, esq. colonel Ellice, and major
Byham, who on the 17th of January agreed on articles of
rendition, which were alike comprehensive and honourable.
The lord Willoughby had what he most desired, indemnity,
and freedom of estate and person, upon which, soon after,
he returned to England. The islands of Nevis, Antigua,
and St. Christopher, were, by the same capitulation, surrendered to the parliament. After this, sir George, considering that he had fully executed his commission, returned with the squadron under his command to England,
and arriving at Plymouth on the 25th of May, 1652, was received with all imaginable testimonies of joy and satisfaction by the people there, to whom he was well known
before, as his late success also served not a little to raise
and heighten his reputation. It was not long after his arrival, before he found himself again obliged to enter upon
action for the Dutch war which broke out in his absence,
was then become extremely warm, and he was forced to
take a share in it, though his ships were so extremely foul,
that they were much fitter to be laid up, than to be employed in any farther service. On the 21st of June, 1652,
he came to Dover, with his squadron of eleven sail, and
there joined his old friend admiral Blake, but Blake having
received orders to sail northward, and destroy the Dutch
herring fishery, sir George Ayscue was left to command
the fleet in the Downs. Within a few days after Blake’s
departure he took five sail of Dutch merchantmen, and
had scarcely brought them in before he received advice
that a fleet of forty sail had been seen not far from the coast,
upon which he gave chace, fell in amongst them, took
seven, sunk four, and ran twenty-four upon the French
shore, all the rest being separated from their convoy. The
Dutch admiral, Van Tromp, who was at sea- with a great
fleet, having information of sir George Ayscue’s situation,
resolved to take advantage of him, and with no“less than
one hundred sail, clapped iji between him and the river,
and resolved to surprize such ships as should attempt to go
out or, if that design failed, to go in and sink sir George
and his squadron. The English admiral soon discovered
their intention, and causing a signal to be made from Dover castle, for all ships to keep to sea, he thereby defeated
the first part of their project. However, Van Tromp attempted the second part of his scheme, in hopes of better
success, and on the 8th of July, when it was ebb, be began
to sail towards the English fleet but, the wind dying away,
he was obliged to come to an anchor about a league off, in
order to expect the next ebb. Sir George, in the mean
time, caused a strong platform to be raised between Deal
and Sandown castles, well furnished with artillery, so
pointed, as to bear directly upon the Dutch as they came
in the militia of the county of Kent were also ordered
down to the sea-shore notwithstanding which preparation,
the Dutch admiral did not recede from his point, but at
the next ebb weighed anchor, and would have stood intothe port but the wind coming about south-west, and
blowing directly in his teeth, constrained him to keep out,
and being straightened for time, he was obliged to sail
away, and leave sir George safe in the harbour, with the
small squadron he commanded. He was soon after ordered
to Plymouth, to bring in under his convoy five East- India
ships, which he did in the latter end of July and in the
first week of August, brought in four French and Dutch
prizes, for which activity and vigilance in his command
he was universally commended. In a few days after this,
intelligence was received, that Van Tromp’s fleet was seen
off the back of the isle of Wight, and it was thereupon resolved, that sir George with his fleet of forty men of war,
most of them hired merchantmen, except flag ships, should
stretch over to the coast of France to meet them. Accordingly, on the 16th of August, between one and two o'clock
at noon, they got sight of the enemy, who quitted their
merchantmen, being fifty in number. About four the
fight began, the English Admiral with nine others charging
through their fleet; his ships received most damage in
the shrouds, masts, sails, and rigging, which was repaid
the Dutch in their hulls. Sir George having thus passed
through them, got the weather-gage, and charged them
again, but all his fleet not coming up, and the night already entered, they parted with a drawn battle. Captain
Peck, the rear-admiral, lost his leg, of which, soon after,
he died. Several captains were wounded, but no ship lost.
Of the Dutch, not one was said to be lost, though many
were shot through and through, but so that they were able
to proceed on their voyage, and anchored the next day
after, being followed by the English to the isle of Bassa;
but no farther attempt was made by our fleet, on account,
as it was pretended, of the danger of the French coasts,
from whence they returned to Plymouth- Sound to repair.
The truth of the matter was, some of sir George’s captains
were a little bashful in this affair, and the fleet was in so
indifferent a condition, that it was absolutely necessary to
refit before they proceeded again to action. He proceeded
next to join Blake in the northern seas, where he continued during the best part of the month of September, and
took several prizes and towards the latter end of that
month he returned with general Blake into the Downs,
with one hundred and twenty sail of men of war. On the
27th of that mojith a great Dutch fleet appeared, after
which, Blake with his fleet sailed, and sir George Ayscue,
pursuant to the orders he had received, returned to Chatham with his own ship, and sent the rest of his squadron
into several ports to be careened. Towards the end of
November, 1652, general Blake lying at the mouth of
our river, began to think that the season of the year left
no room to expect farther action, for which reason he detached twenty of his ships to bring up a fleet of colliers
from Newcastle, twelve more he had sent to Plymouth, and
our admiral, as before observed, with fifteen sail, had proceeded up the river in order to their being careened. Such
was the situation of things, when Van Tromp appeared with
a fleet of eighty- five sail. Upon this Blake sent for the
most experienced officers on board his own ship, where,
after a long consultation, it was agreed, that he should
wait for, and fight the enemy, though he had but thirtyseven sail of men of war, and a few small ships. Accordingly, on the 29th of November, a general engagement
ensued, which lasted with great fury from one in the afternoon till it was dark. Blake in the Triumph, with his seconds the Victory and the Vanguard, engaged for a considerable time near twenty sail of Dutch men of war, and
they were in the utmost danger of being oppressed and
destrdyed by so unequal a force. This, however, did not
hinder Blake from forcing his way into a throng of enemies,
to relieve the Garland and Bonadventure, in doing which
he was attacked by many of their stoutest ships, which
likewise boarded him, but after several times beating them
off, he at last found an opportunity to rejoin his fleet. The
loss sustained by the English consisted in five ships, either
taken or sunk, and several others disabled. The Dutch
confess, that one of their men of war was burnt towards
the end of the fight, and the captain and most of his men
drowned, and also that the ships of Tromp and Evertson
were much disabled. At last, night having parted the two
fleets, Blake supposing he had sufficiently secured the
nation’s honour and his own, by waiting the attack of an
enemy, so much superior, and seeing no prospect of advantage by renewing the fight, retired up the river but sir
George Ayscue, who inclined to the bolder but less prudent
counsel, was so disgusted at this retreat, that he laid down
his commission. The services this great man had rendered
his country, were none of them more acceptable to the
parliament, than this act of laying down his command.
They had long wished and waited for an opportunity of
dismissing him from their service, and were therefore extremely pleased that he had saved them this trouble however, to shew their gratitude for past services, and to prevent his falling into absolute discontent, they voted him a
present of three hundred pounds in money, and likewise
bestowed upon him three hundred pounds per annum in
Ireland. There is good reason to believe, that Cromwell
and his faction were as well pleased with this gentleman’s
quitting the sea-service for as they were then meditating,
what they soon afterwards put in execution, the turning
the parliament out of doors, it could not but be agreeable
to them, to see an officer who had so great credit in the
navy, and who was so generally esteemed by the nation,
laid aside in such a manner, both as it gave them an opportunity of insinuating the ingratitude of that assembly
to so worthy a person, and as it freed them from the apprehension of his disturbing their measures, in case he had
continued in the fleet; which it is highly probable might
have come to pass, considering that Blake was far enough
from being of their party, and only submitted to serve the
protector, because he saw no other way left to serve his
country, and did not think he had interest enough to preserve the fleet, after the defection of the army, which
perhaps might not have been the case, if sir George Ayscue
had continued in his command. This is so much the more
probable, as it is very certain that he never entered into
the protector’s service, or shewed himself at all willing to
concur in his measures though there is no doubt that
Cromwell would have been extremely glad of so experienced an officer in his Spanish war. He retired after
this to his country-seat in the county of Surrey, and lived
there in great honour and splendor, visiting, and being
visited by persons of the greatest distinction, both natives
and foreigners, and passing in the general opinion of both,
for one of the ablest sea-captains of that age. Yet there
is some reason to believe that he had a particular correspondence with the protector’s second son, Henry; since
there is still a letter in being from him to secretary Thurloe, which shews that he had very just notions of the worth
of this gentleman, and of the expediency of consulting him
in all such matters as had a relation to maritime power. The
protector, towards the latter end of his life, began to grow
dissatisfied with the Dutch, and resolved to destroy their
system without entering immediately into a war with them.
It was with this view, that he encouraged the Swedes to cultivate, with the utmost diligence, a maritime force, promising in due time to assist them with a sufficient number
of able and experienced officers, and with an admiral to
command them, who, in point of reputation, was not inferior to any then living. For this reason, he prevailed
on sir George, by the intervention of the Swedish ambassador and of Whitelock, and sir George from that time
began to entertain favourable thoughts of the design, and
brought himself by degrees to think of accepting the offer
made him, and of going over for that purpose to Sweden
and although he had not absolutely complied during the
life of the protector, he closed at last with the proposals
made him from Sweden, and putting every thing in order
for his journey, towards the latter end of the year 1658,
and as soon as he had seen the officers embarked, and had
dispatched some private business of his own, he prosecuted
his voyage, though in the very depth of winter. This exposed him to great hardships, but on his arrival in Sweden,
he was received with all imaginable demonstrations of civility and respect by the king, who might very probably
have made good his promise, of promoting him to the
rank of high-admiral of Sweden, if he had not been taken
off by an unexpected death. This put an end to his hopes
in that country, and disposed sir George Ayscue to return
home, where a great change had been working in his absence, which was that of restoring king CharJes It. It
does not at all appear, that sir George had any concern in
this great affair but the contrary may be rather presumed,
from his former attachment to the parliament, and his
making it his choice to have remained in Sweden, if the
death of the monarch, who invited him thither, had not
prevented him. On his return, however, he not only submitted to the government then established, but gave the
strongest assurances to the administration, that he should
be at all times ready to serve the public, if ever there
should be occasion, which was very kindly taken, and he
had the honour to be
” introduced to his majesty, and to
kiss his hand. It was not long before he was called to the
performance of his promise for the Dutch war breaking
out in 1664, he was immediately put into commission by
the direction of the duke of York, who then commanded
the English fleet. In the spring of the year 1665, he
hoisted his flag as rear-admiral of the blue, under the earl
of Sandwich, and in the great battle that was fought the
third of June in the same year, that squadron had the
honour to break through the centre of the Dutch fleet, and
thereby made way for one of the most glorious victories
ever obtained by this nation at sea. For in this battle,
the Dutch had ten of their largest ships sunk or burned,
besides their admiral Opdam’s, that blew up in the midst
of the engagement, by which the admiral himself, and upwards of five hundred men perished. Eighteen men of
war were taken, four fire-ships destroyed, thirteen captains, and two thousand and fifty private men made prisoners and this with so inconsiderable loss, as that of one
ship only, nnd three hundred private men. The fleet
being again in a condition to put to sea, was ordered to
rendezvous in Southwold-bay, from whence, to the number of sixty sail, they weighed on the fifth of July, and
stood over for the coast of Holland. The standard was
borne by the gallant earl of Sandwich, to whom was viceadmiral sir George Ayscue, and sir Thomas Tyddiman
rear-admiral, sir William Perm was admiral of the white,
sir William Berkley vice-admiral, and sir Joseph Jordan
rear-admiral. The blue flag was carried by sir Thomas
^Vllen, whose vice and rear, were sir Christopher Minims,
and sir John Harman. The design was, to intercept de
Ruyter in his return, or, at least, to take and burn the
Turkey and East-India fleets, of which they had certain
intelligence, but they succeeded in neither of these
schemes; de Ruyter arrived safely in Holland, and the
Turkey and India fleets took shelter in the port of Bergen
in Norway. The earl of Sandwich having detached sir
Thomas Tyddiman to attack them there, returned home,
and in his passage took eight Dutch men of war, which
served as convoys to their East and West India fleets, and
several merchantmen richly laden, which finished the
triumphs of that year. ^The plain superiority of the English
over the Dutch at sea, engaged the French, in order to
keep up the war between the maritime powers, and make
them do their business by destroying each other, to declare
on the side of theweakest, as did the king of Denmark
also, which, nevertheless, had no effect upon the English,
who determined to carry on the war against the allies, with
the same spirit they had done against the Dutch alone.
In the spring, therefore, of the year 1666, the fleet was
very early at sea, under the command of the joint admirals for a resolution having been taken at Court, not to
expose the person of the duke of York any more, and the
earl of Sandwich being then in Spain, with the character
of ambassador-extraordinary, prince Rupert, and old general Monk, now duke of Albemarle, were appointed to
command the fleet; having under them as gallant and prudent officers as ever distinguished themselves in the English navy, and, amongst these, sir William Berkley commanded the blue, and sir George Ayscue the white squadron. Prince Rupert, and the duke of Albemarle, went
on board the fleet, the twenty-third of April, 1666, and
sailed in the beginning of May. Towards the latter end
of that month, the court was informed, that the French
fleet, under the command of the duke of Beaufort, were
coming out to the assistance of the Dutch, and upon receiving this news, the court sent orders to prince Rupert to sail
with the white squadron, the admirals excepted, to look
out and fight the French, which command that brave
prince obeyed, but found it a mere bravado, intended to
raise the courage of their new allies, and thereby bring
them into the greater danger. At the same time prince
Rupert sailed from the Downs, fthe Dutch put out to sea,
the wind at north-east, and a fresh gale. This brought
the Dutch fleet on the coast of Dunkirk, and carried his
highness towards the Isle of Wight but the wind suddenly
shifting to the south-west, and blowing hard, brought
both the Dutch and the duke to an anchor. Captain Bacon, in the Bristol, first discovered the enemy, and by
firing his guns, gave notice of it to the English fleet.
Upon this a council of war was called, wherein it was resolved to fight the enemy, notwithstanding their great superiority. After the departure of prince Rupert, the duke
had with him only the red and blue squadrons, making
about sixty sail, whereas the Dutch fleet consisted of
ninety-one men of war, carrying 4716 guns, and 22,460
men. It was the first of June when they were discerned,
and the duke was so warm for engaging, that he attacked
the enemy before they had time to weigh anchor, and, as
de Ruyter himself says in his letter, they were obliged to
cut their cables and in the same letter he owns, that to
the last the English were the aggressors, notwithstanding
their inferiority and other disadvantages. This day’s fight
was very fierce and bloody for the Dutch, confiding in
their numbers, pressed furiously upon the English fleet,
while the English officers, being men of determined resolution, fought with such courage and constancy, that they
not only repulsed the Dutch, but renewed the attack, and
forced the enemy to maintain the fight longer than they
were inclined to do, so that it was ten in the evening before their cannon were silent. The following night was
spent in repairing the damages suffered on both sides, and
next morning the fight was renewed by the English with
fresh vigour. Admiral Van Tromp, with vice-admiral
Vander Hulst, being on board one ship, rashly engaged
among the English, and were in the utmost danger, either
of being taken or burnt. The Dutch affairs, according to
their own account, were now in a desperate condition
but admiral de Ruyter at last disengaged them, though
not till his ship was disabled, and vice-admiral Vander
Hulst killed. This only changed the scene for de Ruyter was now as hard pushed as Tromp had been before;
but a reinforcement arriving, preserved him also, and so
the second day’s fight ended earlier than the first. The
duke finding that the Dutch had received a reinforcement,
and that his small fleet, on the contrary, was much weakened, through the damages sustained by some, and the
Joss and absence of others of his ships, took, towards the
evening, the resolution to retire, and endeavour to join
prince Rupert, who was coming to his assistance. The
retreat was performed in good order, twenty- six or twentyeight men of war that had suffered least, brought up the
rear, interposing between the enemy and the disabled
ships, three of which, being very much shattered, were
burnt by the English themselves, and the men taken on
board the other ships. The Dutch fleet followed, but at a
distance. As they thus sailed on, it happened on the third
day that sir George Ayscue, admiral of the white, who
commanded the Royal Prince (being the largest and heaviest ship of the whole fleet) unfortunately struck upon the
sand called the Galloper, where being threatened by the
enemy’s fire-ships, and hopeless of assistance from his
friends (whose timely return, the near approach of the enemy, and the contrary tide, had absolutely rendered impossible), he was forced to surrender. The Dutch admiral
de Ruyter, in his letter to the States-general, says, in few
words, that sir George Ayscue, admiral of the white, having run upon a sand -bank, fell into their hands, and that
after taking out the commanders, and the men that were
left, they set the s’mp on fire. But the large relation,
collected by order of the States out of all the letters written to them upon that occasion, informs us, that sir
George Ayscue, in the Royal Prince, ran upon the Galloper, an unhappy accident, says that relation, for an officer who had behaved very gallantly during the whole engagement, and who only retired in obedience to his admiral’s orders. The unfortunate admiral made signals for
assistance but the English fleet continued their route
so that he was left quite alone, and without hope of succour in which situation he was attacked by two Dutch
fire-ships, by which, without doubt, he had been burnt,
if lieutenant-admiral Tromp, who was on board the ship of
rear-admiral Sweers, had not made a signal to call off the
fire-ships, perceiving that his flag was already struck, and
a signal made for quarter, upon which rear-admiral Sweers,
by order of Tromp, went on board the English ship, and
brought off sir George Ayscue, his officers, and some of
his men, on board his own vessel, and the next morning
sir George was sent to the Dutch coast, in order to go to
the Hague in a galliot, by order of general de Ruyter.
The English ship was afterwards got off the sands, notwithstanding which, general de Ruyter ordered the rest of the
crew to be taken out, and the vessel set on fire, that his
fleet might he the less embarrassed, which was accordingly
done. But in the French relation, published by order of
that court, we have another circumstance, which the Dutch
have thought fit to omit, and it is this, that the crew gave
np the ship against the admiral’s will, who had given orders
/or setting her on fire. There were some circumstances
which made the loss of this ship, in this manner, very disagreeable to the English court, and perhaps this may be
the reason that so little is said of it in our own relations.
In all probability general de Ruyter took the opportunity
of sending sir George Ayscue to the Dutch coast the next
morning, from an apprehension that he might be retaken in.
the next day’s fight. On his arrival at the Hague he was
very civilly treated but to raise the spirits of their people,
and to make the most of this dubious kind of victory, the
states ordered sir George to be carried as it were in triumph, through the several towns of Holland, and then confined him in the castle of Louvestein, so famous in the Dutch
histories for having been the prison of some of their most
eminent patriots, and from whence the party which opposed
the prince of Orange were styled the Louvestein faction.
As soon as sir George Ayscue came to this castle, he wrote
a letter to king Charles II. to acquaint him with the condition he was in, which letter is still preserved in the life of
the Dutch admiral, de Ruyter. How long he remained
there, or whether he continued a prisoner to the end of the
war, is uncertain, but it is said that he afterwards returned to
England, and spent the remainder of his days in peace.
Granger observes very justly, that it is scarcely possible to
give a higher character of the courage of this brave admiral, than to say that he was a match for Van Tromp or de
lly as preachers. Dr. Pegge observes, that this character is the more extraordinary as coming from a monk, and that from the latter part of it, as well as from the list
Dr. Pegge, whose excellent life of bishop Grosseteste
we have seen since the above article was written, thinks
that Robert Bacon was either elder brother, or more probably, as Leland imagines, uncle of Roger Bacon. Robert
was the person who initiated Edmund archbishop of Canterbury in the study of divinity, but Bulaeus, in his history of the university of Paris, says he was himself the
scholar of that saint, which Dr. Pegge doubts. However,
he wrote “Edmund’s life,
” and is noticed by Leland, as
the particular acquaintance and intimate of bishop Grosseteste. Matthew of Westminster gives him and Fishakel
the character of being two such as were not exceeded by
any in Christendom, or even equalled, especially as preachers. Dr. Pegge observes, that this character is the more
extraordinary as coming from a monk, and that from the
latter part of it, as well as from the list of Robert’s productions, it appears that his excellence lay in theology, a particular which constitutes an essential difference in the character of him and Roger Bacon, who was eminently skilled
in the mathematics and philosophy, as well as divinity, and
perhaps more so.
, a learned English monk of the Franciscan order, who flourished in the thirteenth century,
, a learned English monk of the Franciscan order, who flourished in the
thirteenth century, was born near Ilchester in Somersetshire, in 1214, and was descended of a very ancient and
honourable family. He received the first tincture of letters at Oxford, where having gone through grammar and
logic, the dawnings of his genius gained him the favour
and patronage of the greatest lovers of learning, and such
as were equally distinguished by their high rank, and the
excellence of their knowledge. It is not very clear, says
the Biographia Britannica, whether he was of Merton college, or of Brazen-nose hall, and perhaps he studied at
neither, but spent his time at the public schools. The latter is indeed more probable than that he studied at Merton
college, which did not then exist. It appears, however,
that he went early over to Paris, where he made still greater
progress in all parts of learning, and was looked upon as
the glory of that university, and an honour to his country.
In those days such as desired to distinguish themselves by
an early and effectual application to their studies, resorted
to Paris, where not only many of the greatest men in Europe resided and taught, but many of the English nation,
by whom Bacon was encouraged and caressed. At Paris
he did not confine his studies to any particular branch of
literature, but endeavoured to comprehend the sciences in
general, fully and perfectly, by a right method and constant application. When he had attained the degree of
doctor, he returned again, to his own country, and, as some
say, took the habit of the Franciscan order in 1240, when
he was about twenty-six years of age but others assert
that he became a monk before he left France. After his
return to Oxford, he was considered, by the greatest men
of that university, as one of the ablest and most indefati^
gable inquirers after knowledge that the world had ever
produced and therefore they not only shewed him all due
respect, but likewise conceiving the greatest hopes from
his improvements in the method of study, they generously
contributed to his expences, so that he was enabled to lay
out, within the compass of twenty years, no less than two
thousand pounds in collecting curious authors, making trials of various kinds, and in the construction of different instruments, for the improvement of useful knowledge. But if
this assiduous application to his studies, and the stupendous progress he made in them, raised his credit with the
better part of mankind, it excited the envy of some, and
afforded plausible pretences for the malicious designs of
others. It is very easy to conceive, that the experiments
he made in all parts of natural philosophy and the mathematics, must have made a great noise in an ignorant age,
when scarcely two or three men in a whole nation were tolerably acquainted with those studies, and when all the
pretenders to knowledge affected to cover their own ignorance, by throwing the most scandalous aspersions on those
branches of science, which they either wanted genius to
understand, or which demanded greater application to acquire, than they were willing to bestow. They gave out,
therefore, that mathematical studies were in some measure
allied to those magical arts which the church had condemned,and thereby brought suspicions upon men of
superior learning. It was owing to this suspicion that Bacon
was restrained from reading lectures to the young students
in the university, and at length closely confined and almost
starved, the monks being afraid lest his writings should extend beyond the limits of his convent, and be seen by any
besides themselves and the pope. But there is great reason to believe, that though his application to the occult;
sciences was their pretence, the true cause of his ill-usage
was, the freedom with which he had treated the clergy in,
his writings, in which he spared neither their ignorance
nor their want of morals. But notwithstanding this harsh
feature in the character of the times, his reputation continued
to spread over the whole Christian world, and even pope
Clement IV. wrote him a letter, desiring that he would send
him all his works. This was in 1266, when our author was
in the flower of his 4 age, and to gratify his holiness, collected together, greatly enlarged and ranged in some order,
the several pieces he had written before that time, and sent
them the next year by his favourite disciple John of London, or rather of Paris, to the pope. This collection, which
is the same that himself entitled Opus Majus, or his great
work, is yet extant, and was published by Dr. Jebb, in
1773. Dr. Jebb had proposed to have published all his
works about three years before his edition of the Opus Majus, but while he was engaged in that design, he was informed by letters from his brother at Dublin, that there
was a“manuscript in the college library there, which contained a great many treatises generally ascribed to Bacon,
and disposed in such order, that they seemed to form one
complete work, but the title was wanting, which l,iad been
carelessly torn off from the rest of the manuscript. The
doctor soon found that it was a collection of those tracts
which Bacon had written for the use of pope Clement IV.
and to which he had given the title of Opus Majus, since it
appeared, that what he said of that work in his Opus Tertium, addressed to the same pope, exactly suited with this;
which contained an account of almost all the new discoveries and improvements that he had made in the sciences,.
Upon this account Dr. Jebb laid aside his former design,
and resolved to publish only an edition of this Opus Majus.
The manuscripts which he made use of to complete this
edition, are, 1. ms. in the Cotton library, inscribed^
” Jul.
D. V.“which contains the first part of the Opus Majus,
under the title of a treatise
” Jl)e utijitate Scientiarnii). “2. Another ms. in the same library, marked
” Tib. C. V."
containing the fourth part of the Opus Majus, in which is
shewn the use of the mathematics in the sciences and affairs of the world in the ms. it is erroneously called the
fifth part. 3. A ms. in the library belonging to Corpus
Christi in Cambridge, containing that portion of the fourth
part which treats of geography. 4. A ms. of the fifth part,
containing a treatise upon perspective, in the earl of Oxford’s library. 5. A ms. in the library of Magdalen college, Cambridge, comprehending the same treatise of
perspective. 6. Two Mss. in the king’s library, communicated to the editor by Dr. Richard Bentley, one of which
contains the fourth part of Opus Majus, and the other the
fifth part. It is said that this learned book of his procured
him the favour of Clement IV. and also some encouragement in the prosecution of his studies but this could not
have lasted long, as that pope died soon after, and then
we find our author under fresh embarrassments from the
same causes as before; but he became in more danger, as
the general of his order, Jerom de Ascoli, having heard
his cause, ordered him to be imprisoned. This is said
to have happened in 1278, and to prevent his appealing to pope Nicholas III. the general procured a confirmation of his sentence from Rome immediately, but it is not
very easy to say upon what pretences. Yet we are told by
others, that he was imprisoned by Reymundus Galfredus,
who was general of his order, on account of some alchemistical treatise which he had written, and that Galfredus
afterwards set him at liberty, and became his scholar.
However obscure these circumstances may be, it is certain
that his sufferings for many years must have brought him
low, since he was sixty-four years of age when he was first
put in prison, and deprived of the opportunity of prosecuting his studies, at least in the way of experiment. That
he was still indulged in the use of his books, appears very
clearly from the great use he made of them in the learned
works he composed.
y, at Baconthorp, an obscure village in Norfolk, from which he took his name. In his youth, he was a monk in the convent of Blackney, a small town in Norfolk, about five
, surnamed
the Resolute Doctor, and one of
the most learned men of his time, was born about the end
of the 13th century, at Baconthorp, an obscure village in
Norfolk, from which he took his name. In his youth, he
was a monk in the convent of Blackney, a small town in
Norfolk, about five miles from Walsingham. After some
years dedicated to learning and piety, he removed to Oxford, and from thence to Paris, where he was honoured with
the degrees in divinity and laws, and acquired a great reputation for learning, being esteemed the head of the followers of the philosopher Averroes. Upon his return into
England, he was unanimously chosen the twelfth provincial of the English Carmelites, in a general assembly of
that order held at London, in the year 1329. Four years
after he was invited by letters to Rome where, in several
disputations on the subject of marriage, he gave no little
offence, by carrying the papal authority too high in the
case of divorces; but he thought fit afterwards to retract
his opinion, and was held in great esteem at Rome, and
other parts of Italy. His biographers report that he was
of small stature, but of a great and lofty genius, and besides the encomiums bestowed upon him by his own countrymen, he has had the praises, not less high, of Baptista
Mantuanus, and Paulus Panza. Bale seems to think that
he anticipated the better opinions of more enlightened
times. Of his works, which are numerous, the following
have been published “Commentaria, seu Questiones
per quatuor libros sententiarum,
” which has undergone
six editions; “Compendium iegis Chris ti,- et Quodlibeta,
, an English Benedictine monk, and ecclesiastical historian and antiquary, the son of William
, an English Benedictine monk, and
ecclesiastical historian and antiquary, the son of William
Baker, gent, and nephew to Dr. David Lewes, judge of the
admiralty, was born at Abergavenny, Dec. 9, 1575, and
first educated at Christ’s hospital, London, whence he
went to Oxford, in 1590, and became a commoner of
Broadgate’s hall (now Pembroke college), which he left
without a degree, and joined his brother Richard, a barrister of the middle temple, where he studied law, and in
addition to the loose courses he followed, when at Oxford,
now became a professed infidel. After the death of his
brother, his father sent for him, and he was made recorder
of Abergavenny, and practised with considerable success.
While here, a miraculous escape from drowning recalled
him to his senses as to religion, but probably having no
proper advice at hand, he fell upon a course of Roman
catholic writings, and was so captivated with them that he
joined a small congregation of Benedictines then in London, and went with one of them to Italy, where, in 1605,
he took the habit, and changed his name to Augustin Baker. A fit of sickness rendering it necessary to try his
native air he returned to England, and finding his father oa
his death-bed, reconciled him to the Catholic faith. From
this time he appears to have resided in London and
different places in the country, professing his religion as
openly as could be done with safety. Some years before
his death he spent at Canjbray, as spiritual director ‘of the
English Benedictine nuns there, and employed his time in
making collections for an English ecclesiastical historj’, in
which, when at home, we are told, he was assisted by
Camden, Cotton, Spelman, Selden, and bishop Godwin,
to all of whom, Wood says, “he was most familiarly
” but not, we presume, so sufficiently as this biographer supposes. Wood, indeed, tells us, that when at
the house of gentlemen, he passed for a lawyer, a character
which he supported in conversation by the knowledge he
had acquired in the Temple. He died in Gray’s Inn lane
Aug. 9, 1641, and was buried in St. Andrew’s church. He
wrote a great many religious treatises, but none were published. They amounted to nine large folios in manuscript,
and were long preserved in the English nunnery at Cambray. His six volumes of ecclesiastical history were lost,
but out of them were taken father Reyner’s “Apostolatus
Benedictinorum in Anglia,
” and a good deal of Cressy’s
“Church History.
” Wood has given a prolix account of
this man, which was probably one of those articles in his
Athenee that brought upon him the suspicion of being himself attached to popery. It is certainly written with all the
abject submission of credulity.
pope Urban III. in a letter addressed to our archbishop, began thus, “Urban, &c. to the most fervent monk, warm abbot, lukewarm bishop, and remiss archbishop” intimating,
, archbishop of Canterbury in the reigns of
Henry II. and Richard I. was born of obscure parents at
Exeter, where he received a liberal education, and in his
younger years taught school. Afterwards, entering into
holy orders, he was made archdeacon of Exeter; but soon
quitting that dignity and the world, he took the habit of
the Cistertian order in the monastery of Ford in Devonshire, and in a few years became its abbot. From thence
he was promoted to the see of Worcester (not Winchester, as Dupin says), and consecrated August 10, 1180. Upon
the death of Richard, archbishop of Canterbury in 1184,
he was translated to that see, with some difficulty, being
the first of his order in England, that was ever advanced to
the archiepiscopal dignity. He was enthroned at Canterbury the 19th of May 1185, and the same day received
the pall from pope Lucius III. whose successor Urban III.
appointed him his legate for the diocese of Canterbury.
Soon after he was settled in his see, he began to build a
church and monastery at Hackington, near Canterbury, in
honour of St. Thomas Becket, for the reception of secular
priests but, being violently opposed by the monks of
Canterbury, supported by the pope’s authority, he was
obliged to desist. The 3d of September 1189, he solemnly
performed the ceremony of crowning king Richard I. at
Westminster. The same year, the king having given the
see of York to his bastard brother Geoffry bishop of Lincoln, archbishop Baldwin took this occasion to assert the
pre-eminence of the see of Canterbury,' forbidding the
bishops of England to receive consecration from any other
than the archbishop of Canterbury. The next year, designing to follow king Richard to the Holy Land, he made
a progress into Wales, where he performed mass pontifically in all the cathedral churches, and induced several of
the Welsh to join the crusade. Afterwards embarking at
Dover, with Hubert bishop of Salisbury, he arrived at the
king’s army in Syria where being seized with a mortal
distemper, he died at the siege of Acre, or Ptolemais, and
was buried there. Giraldus Cambrensis, who accompanied
this prelate, both in his progress through Wales and in
his expedition to the Hgly Land, tells us, he was of a dark
complexion, an open and pleasing aspect, a middling stature, and a spare, but healthful, constitution of body
modest and sober, of great abstinence, of few words, and
not easily provoked to anger. The only fault he charges
him with is a remissness in the execution of his pastoral
office, arising from an innate lenity of temper whence
pope Urban III. in a letter addressed to our archbishop,
began thus, “Urban, &c. to the most fervent monk, warm
abbot, lukewarm bishop, and remiss archbishop
” intimating, that he behaved better as a monk than as an abbot,
and as a bishop than as an archbishop. His principal
works were, 1. “Of the Sacrament of the Altar.
” 2. “Faith
” 3. “Of Orthodox Opinions. 4.
” Of
Heretical Sects.“5.
” Of the Unity of Charity.“6.
” Of
” Of the Priesthood of John Hircanus.“8.
” Of the Learning of Giraldus.“9.
” Thirty-three
” Concerning the Histories of Kings.“11.
” Against Henry bishop of Winchester.“12.
” In
praise of Virginity.“13.
” Concerning the Message of
the Angel.“14.
” Of the Gross.“15.
” Concerning
” A Devotionary Poem.“17.
” Letters," These were collected and published by Bertrand
Tissier, in 1662.
e, from whence he took his surname, about the beginning of the thirteenth century. He was at first a monk, and afterwards sub-prior of the Benedictine monastery at Ely.
, or de Bedesale, or Belesale, the tenth bishop of Ely, and founder of St. Peter’s college, or Peter-house, in Cambridge, was in all probability born at Balsham, in Cambridgeshire, from whence he took his surname, about the beginning of the thirteenth century. He was at first a monk, and afterwards sub-prior of the Benedictine monastery at Ely. In 1247, November 13, he was chosen, by his convent, bishop of Ely, in the room of William de Kilkenny, deceased, but king Henry III. who had recommended his chancellor, Henry de Wengham, being angry at the disobedience of the monks, refused to confirm the election, and wasted the manors and estates belonging to the bishoprick. He endeavoured at last to persuade the monks to proceed to a new election aU ledging, that it was not fit so strong a place as Ely should be intrusted with a man that had scarcely ever been out of his cloister, and who was utterly unacquainted with political affairs. Balsham, finding he was not likely to succeed at home, went to Rome, in order to be confirmed by the pope who then was allowed to dispose of all ec^ clesiastical preferments. In the mean time, Boniface, archbishop of Canterbury, used his interest at Rome to obstruct Balsham’s confirmation, though he could alledge jiothing against him and recommended Adam de Maris, a learned Minorite friar, to the bishopric but all his endeavours proved unsuccessful. As to Wengham, having been recommended by the king without his own desire and knowledge, he declined the honour, alledging that the two others, (Balsham and Maris), were more worthy of it than himself. This matter remained in suspense for above ten years, and was at length determined in favour of Balsham for Wengham being promoted to the bishopric of London, upon Folk de Basset’s decease, the pope confirmed Balsham’s election on the 10th of March, 1257, and he was, consecrated the 14th of October following. Being thus fived in his see, he applied himself to works of charity, and particularly in the year 1257, or 1259, according ta some, put in execution what he had designed, if not begun, before, the foundation of St. Peter’s college, the first college in the university of Cambridge. He built it without Trumpingtun gate, near the church of St. Peter, (since demolished), from whence it took its name and on the place where stood Jesus hostel, or de poenitentia Jcsu Christ i, and St. John’s hospital., which he purchased, and united. At first, he only provided lodgings for the scholars, who were before obliged to hire chambers of the townsmen at an extravagant rate and they, and the secular brethren of St. John the Baptist, lived together till the year 1280. Then the monks making over to him their right to the hospital above-mentioned, he endowed his college on the 30th of March of the same year, with maintenance for one master, fourteen fellows, two bible-clerks, and eight poor scholars, whose number might be increased or diminished, according to the improvement or abatement of their revenues. And he appointed his successors, the bishops of Ely, to be honorary patrons and visitors of that college. The revenues of it have since been augmented by several benefactors. The munificent founder had not the satisfaction to see all things finished before his decease. He died at Dodington, June 16, 1286, and was buried in the cathedral church of Ely, before the high altar.
n 1584, and of a manuscript, which had been communicated to him by John Baptista Sibon, a Bernardine monk, and reader in the college of Rome. By this means he has made
, a Swedish lawyer, was born at
Norcopin, and was professor of civil law in the university
of Franeker for fifteen years, a place conferred upon him
on account of his high reputation when a scholar. He
died Oct. 13, 1662. In 1649 he published at Franeker a
work, “De tyrannide papae in reges et principes Christianos,
” and seven years after, “Roma triumphans, seu
inauguratio Innocentii X.
” also some writings, “de Bancse ruptoribus,
” “de Duellis,
” “de conciliis et consiliariis
” but his most celebrated work was an edition of
the Taxes of the Roman Chancery, on the sums paid for
absolution for crimes, even of the most atrocious kind.
It was published at Franeker in 1651, in 8vo, after he had
consulted the most ancient copies, printed or manuscript,
and by comparing them word for word, supplied by means
of one what was wanting in others. He made use of the
edition of Cologne in 1523, of that of Wittembergin 1538,
of that of Venice in 1584, and of a manuscript, which had
been communicated to him by John Baptista Sibon, a
Bernardine monk, and reader in the college of Rome. By
this means he has made his edition somewhat larger than
all that had been published before, and he has added notes,
in which he explains a great many terms, which are difficult to be understood it is a kind of glossary. He has
likewise joined to it a small Italian tract, which contains
the lax which was made use of under pope Innocent X.
and he has explained the value of the money as it was at
that time. It is almost unnecessary to add, that this work
was soon added to the list of prohibited books.
, a Barnabite monk, born at Serravalle, in the environs of Verceil in Piemont,
, a Barnabite monk, born
at Serravalle, in the environs of Verceil in Piemont, in
1590, was chosen professor of philosophy and mathematics
at Anneci, where he was much distinguished by the acuteness of his genius. The general of his order having sent
him into France to form some establishments, he proceeded
to Paris, where he acquired reputation both as a philosopher and as a preacher. He was one of the first that had
the courage to abandon the trammels of Aristotle. He died
at Montargis the 23d of December, 1622, aged only thirtythree. La Mothe le Vayer classes him among the foremost
of the learned in his time. He adds, that Baranzano had
several times assured him that he would appear to him, if
he should depart the first out of this world, but that he did
not keep his word. Lord chancellor Bacon had as great an
esteem for him as la Mothe le Vayer, as appears by a letter
he wrote to him in June 1622, which Niceron has printed.
His works are, 1. “Campus Philosophicus,
” Lyons, Uranoscopia, seu universa doctrina de Coelo,
Novae Opiuiones Physicx,
” Lyons,
e, a college founded by John Grandison bishop of Exeter. After the death of this patron, he became a monk of the order of St. Benedict, and afterwards, as some say, a
, was an elegant writer in the sixteenth century but whether he was English or Scotch by birth is disputed. It seems most probable that he was Scotch, but others have contended that he was born in Somersetshire, where there is both a village called Barcley, and an ancient family of the same name, yet there is no such village, except in Gloucestershire, and Mr. Warton thinks he was either a Gloucestershire or Devonshire man. But of whatever country he was, we know nothing of him, before his coming to Oriel college in Oxford, about 1495, when Thomas Cornish was provost of that house. 'Having distinguished himself there, by the quickness of his parts, and his attachment to learning, he went into Holland, and thence into Germany, Italy, and France, where he applied himself assiduously to the* languages spoken in those countries, and to the study of the best authors in them, and made a wonderful proficiency, as appeared after his return home, by many excellent translations which he published. His patron was now become bishop of Tyne, and suftragan under the bishop of Wells, who first made him his chaplain, and afterwards appointed him one of the priests of St. Mary, at Ottery in Devonshire, a college founded by John Grandison bishop of Exeter. After the death of this patron, he became a monk of the order of St. Benedict, and afterwards, as some say, a Franciscan. He was also a monk of Ely, and upon the dissolution of that monastery in 1539, he was left to be provided for by his patrons, of which his works had gained him many. He seems to have had, first, the vicarage of St. Matthew at Wokey, in Somersetshire, on the death of Thomas Eryngton, and afterwards was removed from that small living to a better, if indeed he received not both at the same time. It is more certain, that in Feb. 1546, being then doctor of divinity, he was presented to the vicarage of Much-Badew, or, as it is commonly called, Baddow-Magna, in the county of Essex and diocese of London, by Mr. John Pascal, on the death of Mr. John Clowes; and the dean and chapter of London, upon the resignation of William Jennings, rector of Allhallows, Lombard-street, on the 30th of April 1552, presented him to that living, which he did not however enjoy above the space of six weeks. He was admired in his lite-time for his wit and eloquence, and for a fluency of style not common in that age. This recommended him to many noble patrons though it does not appear that he was any great gainer by their favour, otherwise than in his reputation. He lived to a very advanced age, and died at Croydon in Surrey, in month of June, 15-52, and was interred in the church there. Bale has treated his memory with great indignity he says, he remained a scandalous adulterer under colour of leading a single life but Pits assures us, that he employed all his study in favour of religion, and in reading and writing the lives of the saints. There is probably partiality in both these characters but that he was a polite writer, a great refiner of the English tongue, and left behind him many testimonies of his wit and learning, cannot be denied.
, a monk of the order of St. Basil, in the fourteenth century, was in
, a monk of the order of St. Basil, in the fourteenth century, was in 1339 sent by the Greek emperor Andronicus the younger, as ambassador to Philip king of France, and Robert king t)f Sicily, to solicit assistance against the Mahometan power; and as there was little prospect that this would be granted without a previous union between the Greek and Latin churches, he was also instructed to treat of this measure. These two princes gave him letters to pope Benedict XII. to whom he proposed the assembling of a general council; but as he desired, in the mean time, that a reinforcement might be sent to the Greek emperor, the pope replied that the procession of the Holy Ghost was a point already settled, and therefore did not require a new council, and as for the assistance required, it could not be granted unless the Greek church would shew more sincerity in its wishes for a junction. Barlaam, at his return from Constantinople, had a controversy with the monks called Quietists, who were charged with reviving the Messalian heterodoxy. These monks pretended to see the light which appeared upon Mount Tabor at our Saviour’s transfiguration. They asserted this light to be uncreated and incorruptible, though not part of the divine essence and held other strange opinions, which induced Barlaani to accuse Palamas and his disciples of this sect, to the emperor and to the patriarch of Constantinople, on which a council was called in that city in 1340, but BarJaain failed in maintaining his charges, and was himself censured. Barlaam beinp; thus condemned in the east, retired to the west, joined himself to the Latins, and was made bishop of Hieracium or Gerace in Calabria, where he died about 1348. As he changed from the Greeks to the Latins, his writings will be found to be both for and against the latter. Against them he wrote a treatise on the pope’s primacy, printed first in Gr. and Lat. at Oxford, 1592, 4to, by Lloyd, and afterwards at Hainault, 1608, 8vo, with notes by Sahnasius, who again reprinted it, along with his own treatise of the primacy of the pope, Amsterdam, 1645. Barlaam wrote also a treatise of the procession of the Holy Ghost, containing eighteen articles, of which Ailatius gives the titles. For the Latins he wrote a discourse of the union of the two churches, and five letters, published by Bzovius, Canisius, and in the Bibl. Patrnm separately also at Strasburgh, 1572; and a treatise on arithmetic and algebra from his pen was published at Paris, 1600.
the ancient family of the Barlowes in Wales, and was born in the county of Essex. He was at first a monk in the Augustin monastery of St. Osith in Essex, and was educated
, a learned bishop in the sixteenth century, descended of the ancient family of the Barlowes in Wales, and was born in the county of Essex. He was at first a monk in the Augustin monastery of St. Osith in Essex, and was educated there, and at Oxford, where the religious of that order had an abbey and a priory and, arriving to a competent knowledge of divinity, Was made doctor in that faculty. He was afterwards prior of the canons of his order at Bisham in Berkshire, and by that title was sent on an embassy to Scotland, in 1535. At the dissolution of the monasteries, he readily resigned his house, and prevailed upon many abbots and priors to do the same. Having by this means ingratiated himself with the king, he was appointed bishop of St. Asaph and the temporalities being delivered to him on February 2, 1535, he was consecrated the 22d of the same month. Thence he was translated to St. David’s, in April 1536, where he formed the project of removing the episcopal see to Caerniardhyn, as being more in the midst of the diocese, but without success. In 1547, he was translated to Bath and Wells, of which he alienated most of the revenues; but being a zealous professor and preacher of the Protestant religion, he was, in 1553, upon queen Mary’s accession to the throne, deprived of his bishopric, on pretence of his being married. He was, likewise, committed to the Fleet, where he continued prisoner for some time at length, finding means to escape, he retired, with many others, into Germany, and there lived in a poor condition, till queen Elizabeth’s happy inauguration. Tanner says that he went early in life to Germany, and heard Luther, and some other of the reformers. On his return now to his native country, he was not restored to his see, but advanced to the bishopric of Chichester, in December 1559; and, the next year, was made the first prebendary of the first stall in the collegiate church of Westminster, founded by queen Elizabeth which dignity he held five years with his bishopric. He died in August, 1568, and was buried in Chichester cathedral. What is most particularly remarkable concerning him is, that by his wife Agatha Wellesbourne, he had five daughters, who were all married to bishops, namely, 1. Anne, married first to Austin Bradbridge, anc| afterwards to Herbert Westphaling, bishop of Hereford, 2. Elizabeth, wife of William Day, dean of Windsor, afterwards bishop of Winchester. 3. Margaret, wife of William Overtoil, bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. 4. Frances, married first to Matthew Parker, younger son of Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury, and afterwards to Toby Matthew, archbishop of York. 5. Antonia, wife of William Wick ham, bishop of Winchester. He had also a son, of whom we shall give an account in the next article; and five more, of whom nothing memorable is recorded.
, a learned father of the Romish church, and a monk of the Benedictine order, was born at Martres in the diocese
, a learned father
of the Romish church, and a monk of the Benedictine order, was born at Martres in the diocese of Rieux in Gascony, and entered into the order of the preaching friars
at Toulouse in 1622. He taught divinity several years
with applause in the convent of the same city, and was
made prior there; as he was likewise at Avignon, and in
the general novitiate of the suburb of St. Germain at Paris.
He was definitor for his province in the general chapter
held in 1656, in which he presided at the theses dedicated
to pope Alexander VII. which gained him the esteem of all
the city and his whole order. He was present at the assembly, in which the pope ordered the definitors and
fathers of the chapter to be told, from him, that he was
extremely grieved to see the Christian morality sunk into
such a deplorable relaxation, as some of the new casuists
had reduced it to, and that he exhorted them to compose
another system of it, which should be conformable to the
doctrine of St. Thomas. This was what engaged father
Baron to undertake the works which he wrote upon that
subject. He was again chosen provincial; and afterwards
sent by the father general as commissary to Portugal, upon
important affairs, which he managed with such success,
that the queen, the court, and all the monks gave testimony of his merit by a public act. He returned to Paris
to the general novitiate, and died there, Jan. 21, 1674,
aged seventy years. Besides several Latin poems, which
he left as instances of his capacity in polite literature, he
published the following works: 1. “Theologia Moralis,
Paris, Libri
Apologetici contra Theophilum Rainaudum,
” Paris, Mens sancti Augustini & Thorn ae de
Gratia & Libertate,
” Ethica Christiana,
Paris, Responsio ad Librum Cardense,
” ibid, in 8vo. 6. “L'Heresie Convaincue,
” Paris,
Panegyriques des Saints,
” ibid.
, a Cistercian monk, born at Celano in the kingdom of Naples in 1613, was professor
, a Cistercian monk, born at
Celano in the kingdom of Naples in 1613, was professor of
the Hebrew tongue at the college of the Neophytes and
Transmarins at Rome, from 1651 to the time of his death,
Nov. 1, 1687, aged seventy-four. There is by him a Bibliotheca Rabbinica, entitled “Bibliotheca magna rabbinica
de scriptoribus et scriptis Hebra'icis, ordine alphabetico
Hebraice et Latine digestis;
” in folio, 4 vols. Rom. 1675.
Father Charles Joseph Imbonati, one of his disciples, added
a fifth volume, under the title of “Bibliotheca Latino-Hebraica.
” Jvi. Simon allows that Bartolocci possessed a
great fund of Rabbinical learning, but was deficient in
sacred criticism, and in strict impartiality, and that his
work, in order to be made really useful, should be abridged
into a single volume.
of Aldington. Her visions and revelations were also carefully collected and inserted in a book, by a monk called Deering. The priests, her managers, having thus succeeded
, commonly called “The holy-Maid of Kent,
” a religious impostor in the reign of Henry
VIII. was a servant at Aldington in Kent, and had long
been troubled with convulsions, which distorted her limbs
and countenance, and threw her body into the most violent
agitations; and the effect of the disorder was such, that,
even after she recovered, she could counterfeit the same
appearance. Masters, the minister of Aldington, with
other ecclesiastics, thinking her a proper instrument for
their purpose, persuaded her to pretend, that what she
said and did was by a supernatural impulse, and taught her
to act her part in a manner well calculated to deceive the
public. Sometimes she counterfeited a trance; then coming to herself, after many strange contortions, would break
out into pious ejaculations, hymns, and prayers, sometimes
delivering herself in set speeches, sometimes in uncouth
monkish rhymes. She pretended to be honoured with visions and relations, to hear heavenly voices, and the most
ravishing melody. She declaimed against the wickedness
of the times, against heresy and innovations, exhorting the
people to frequent the church, to hear masses, to use frequent confessions, and to pray to our lady and all the saints.
All this artful management, together with great exterior
piety, virtue, and austerity of life, not only deceived the
vulgar, but many far above the vulgar, such as sir Thomas
More, bishop Fisher, and archbishop Warham, the last of
whom appointed commissioners to examine her. She was
now instructed to say, in her counterfeit trances, that the
blessed Virgin had appeared to her, and assured her that
she should never recover, till she went to visit her image,
in a chapel dedicated to her in the parish of Aldington.
Thither she accordingly repaired, processionally and in
pilgrimage, attended by above three thousand people and
many persons of quality of both sexes. There she fell into one of her trances, and uttered many things in honour of
the saints and the popish religion; for herself she said, that
by the inspiration of God she was called to be a nun, and
that Dr. Bocking was to be her ghostly father. This Dr.
Bocking was a canon of Christ church in Canterbury, and an
associate in carrying on the imposture. In the mean time
the archbishop was so satisfied with the reports made to
him about her, as to order her to be put into the nunnery
of St. Sepulchre, Canterbury, where she pretended to have
frequent inspirations and visions, and also to work miracles
for all such as would make a profitable vow to our lady at
the chapel in the parish of Aldington. Her visions and
revelations were also carefully collected and inserted in a
book, by a monk called Deering.
The priests, her managers, having thus succeeded in the
imposture, now proceeded to the great object of it;
Elizabeth Barton was directed publicly to announce, howGod had revealed to her, that “in case the king should
divorce queen Catherine of Arragon, and take another
wife during her life, his royalty would not be of a month’s
duration, but he should die the death of a villain.
” Bishop
Fisher, and others, in the interest of the queen, and of the
Romish religion, hearing of this, held frequent meetings
with the nun and her accomplices, and at the same time
seduced many persons from their allegiance, particularly
the fathers and nuns of Sion, the Charter-house, and
Sheen, and some of the observants of Richmond, Greenwich, and Canterbury. One Peto, preaching before the
king at Greenwich, denounced heavy judgments upon him
to his face, telling him that “he had been deceived by
many lying prophets’, while himself, as a true' Micaiah,
warned him that the dogs should lick his blood, as they had
licked the blood of Ahab.
” Henry bore this outrageous
insult with a moderation not very usual with him; but, to
undeceive the people, he appointed Dr. Cunvin to preach
before him the Sunday following, who justified the king’s
proceedings, and branded Peto with the epithets of “rebel, slanderer, dog, and traitor.
” Cur win, however, was
interrupted by a friar, and called “a lying prophet, who
sought to establish the succession to the crown by adultery;
” and proceeded with such virulence, that the king
was obliged to interpose, and command him to be silent;
yet though Peto and the friar were afterwards summoned
before the council, they were only reprimanded for their
whicu he dedicated to the king. All the hopes that now remained of a restoration rested upon general Monk, and though Mr. Barwick had no direct correspondence with him,
, an eminent English divine, was
born at Wetherslack, in Westmoreland, April 20, 1612.
His parents were not considerable either for rank or riches;
but were otherwise persons of great merit, and happy in
their family. John, the third son, was intended for the
church, but being sent to school in the neighbourhood,
he lost much time under masters deficient in diligence
and learning. At length he was sent to Sedberg school,
in Yorkshire, where, under the care of a tolerable master,
he gave early marks both of genius and piety. In the
year 1631, and the eighteenth of his age, he was admitted
of St. John’s college, at Cambridge, under the tuition of
Mr. Thomas Fothergill, who proved at once a guardian
and a preceptor, supplying his necessities, as well as instructing him in learning. By this help Mr. Barwick
quickly so distinguished himself, that when a dispute arose
about the election of a master, which at last came to be
heard before the privy-council, the college chose Mr.
Barwick, then little above twenty, to manage for them,
by which he not only became conspicuous in the university, but was also taken notice of at court, and by the
ministry. In 1635 he became B. A. while these affairs
were still depending. April the 5th, 1636, he was created
Fellow, without opposition, and in 1638 he took the degree of M. A. When the civil war broke out, and the
king wrote a letter to the university, acquainting them
that he was in extreme want, Mr. Barwick concurred with
those loyal persons, who first sent him a small supply in
money, and afterwards their college-plate, and upon information that Cromwell, afterwards the protector, lay
with a party of foot at a place called Lower Hedges, between Cambridge and Huntington, in order to make himself master of this small treasure, Mr. Barwick made one
of the party of horse which conveyed it through by-roads
safely to Nottingham, where his majesty had set up his
standard. By this act of loyalty the parliament was so
provoked, that they sent Cromwell with a body of troops
to quarter in the university, where they committed the
most brutal outrages. Mr. Barwick also published a piece
against the covenant, entitled “Certain Disquisitions and
Considerations, representing to the conscience the unlawfuluess of the oath entitled A Solemn League and Covenant for Reformation, &c. as also the insufficiency of
the urgiiments used in the exhortation for taking the said
covenant. Published by command,
” Oxford, distemper, so that
in November, 1662, he was confined to his chamber: he
heightened his disease by officiating at the sacrament the
Christmas-day following, after which he was seized with
a violent vomiting of blood. Upon this he was advised to a change of air, and retired to Therfield in Hertfordshire, of which he was rector, but finding himself
there too far from London, he returned to Chiswick, where
he in some measure recovered his health. As soon as he
found he had a little strength, he applied himself there to
the putting in order the archives of St. Paul’s church, but
this return of active employment was followed by an extraordinary flux of blood, which rendered him very weak,
and defeated his favourite design of retiring to Therfield.
When he first found his health declining, he made choice
of and procured this living, intending to have resigned
his deanery and office of prolocutor, to those who had
vigour enough to discharge them, and to spend the remainder of his days in the discharge of his pastoral office,
to which he thought himself bound by his taking orders.
But coming upon some extraordinary occasion to London,
he was seized with a pleurisy, which carried him off in
three days. He was attended in his last moments by Dr.
Peter Gunning, afterwards bishop of Ely, and as he lived,
so he died, with all the marks of an exemplary piety, on
the 22d of October, 1664, after he had struggled almost
twelve years with this grievous distemper. By hrs will he
bequeathed the greatest part of his estate to charitable
uses, and this with a judgment equal to his piety. His
body was interred in the cathedral of St. Paul’s, with an
epitaph composed by Mr. Samuel Howlet. The character
of Mr. Barwick may be easily collected from the preceding
sketch, but is more fully illustrated in his life published by
Dr. Peter Barwick, a work of great interest and amusement. His printed works are very few. Besides the tract
on the covenant, before mentioned, we have only his
” Life of Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, and a funeral sermon,“1660, 4to; and
” Deceivers deceived,“a
sermon at St. Paul’s, Oct. 20, 1661,
” 1661, 4to. Many
of his letters to chancellor Hyde are among Thurloe’s State
of several works, was born in Yorkshire, not far from Nottingham. In his youth he became a Carmelite monk, and afterwards prior of the convent of that order at Scarborough.
, a poet of some note in the fourteenth century, and author of several works, was born in
Yorkshire, not far from Nottingham. In his youth he became a Carmelite monk, and afterwards prior of the convent
of that order at Scarborough. Bale says that he was likewise poet laureat and public orator at Oxford, which Wood
thinks doubtful. Edward I. (not Edward II. as Mr. Warton says) carried him with him in his expedition to Scotland in
1304, to be an eye-witness and celebrate his conquest of
Scotland in verse. Holinshed mentions this circumstance
as a singular proof of Edward’s presumption and confidence in his undertaking against Scotland, but it appears
that a poet was a stated officer in the royal retinue when
the king went to war. On this occasion Baston was peculiarly unfortunate, being taken prisoner, and compelled by
the Scots to write a panegyric on Robert Bruce, as the
price of his ransom. This was the more provoking, as he
had just before written on the siege of Stirling castle in
honour of his master, which performance is extant in Fordun’s Scoti-chronicon. His works, according to Bale and
Pits, were written under these titles: 1. “De Strivilniensi
” of the Siege of Stirling, a poem in one book.
2. “De altero Scotorum Beilo,
” in one book. 3. “De
Scotiae Guerris variis,
” in one book. 4. “De variis mundi
” in one book. 5. “De Sacerdotum luxuriis,
in one book. 6. “Contra Artistas,
” in one book. 7. “De
Divite et Lazaro.
” 8. “Epistolae ad diversos,
” in one
book. 9. “Sermones Synodales,
” in one book. 10. A
Book of Poems; and, 11. A volume of tragedies and comedies in English, the existence of which is doubtful. His
other poems are in monkish Latin hexameters. He died
about 1310, and was buried at Nottingham.
, a Roman catholic divine of the sixteenth century, was at first a monk, and afterwards prior of the Carthusian monastery or Charter-house,
, a Roman catholic divine of the
sixteenth century, was at first a monk, and afterwards
prior of the Carthusian monastery or Charter-house, in the
suburbs of London. For some time he studied divinity at
Oxford; but it does not appear that he took any degree in
that faculty. He was intimately acquainted with, and a
great favourite of, Edward Lee, archbishop of York; at
whose request he wrote against Erasmus and Luther. He
died on the 16th of November 1531, and was buried in the
chapel belonging to the Charter-house. Pits gives him
the character of a man of quick and discerning genius; of
great piety and learning, and fervent zeal; much conversant in the study of the scriptures; and that led an angelical life among men. Bale, on the contrary, represents
him as a proud, forward, and arrogant person; born for
disputing and wrangling; and adds, that Erasmus, in one
of his letters to Richard bishop of Winchester, styles him
an ignorant fellow, encouraged by Lee, and vain-glorious
even to madness, but Bale allows that he was a very clear
sophist, or writer. “John Batmanson,
” Mr. Warton observes, “controverted Erasmus’s Commentary on the New
Testament with a degree of spirit and erudition, which was
unhappily misapplied, but would have done honour to the
cause of his antagonist, in respect to the learning displayed.
Dodd says that he revised the two works against Erasmus
and Luther, and corrected several unguarded expressions.
Others say that he retracted both, the titles of which were,
1. “Animadversiones in Annotationes Erasrni in Novum
” 2. “A Treatise against some of M. Luther’s writings.
” The rest of his works were, 3. “Commentaria in Proverbia Salomonis.
” 4. “in Cantica Canticorum.
” 5. “De unica Magdalena, contra Fabrum Stapulensem.
” 6. “Institutiones Noviciorum.
” 7. “De contemptu Mundi.
” 8. “De Christo duodenni;
” A Homily
on Luke ii. 42. 9. “On the words Missus est,
” &c. None
of his biographers give the dates of these publications, and
some of them, we suspect, were never printed.
s return. He preached likewise before the lord mayor at St. Paul’s a thanksgiving sermon for general Monk’s success. Upon the king’s restoration he was appointed one
Mr. Baxter came to London a little before the depositioa
of Richard Cromwell, and preached before the parliament
the day preceding that on which they voted the king’s return. He preached likewise before the lord mayor at St.
Paul’s a thanksgiving sermon for general Monk’s success.
Upon the king’s restoration he was appointed one of his
chaplains in ordinary, preached once before him, liad frequent access to his majesty, and was always treated by him
with peculiar respect. He assisted at the conference at
the Savoy, as one of the commissioners, and drew up a
reformed Liturgy, which Dr. Johnson pronounced “one
of the finest compositions of the ritual kind he had ever
” He was offered the bishopric of Hereford by the
lord chancellor Clarendon, which he refused, and gave
his lordship his reasons for not accepting of it, in a letter;
he required no favour but that of being permitted to continue minister at Kidderminster, but could not obtain it.
Being thus disappointed, he preached occasionally about
the city of London, having a licence from bishop Sheldon,
upon his subscribing a promise not to preach any thing
against the doctrine or ceremonies of the church. May 15,
1662, he preached his farewell sermon at Blackfriars, and
afterwards retired to Acton in Middlesex. In 1665, during
the plague, he went to Richard Hampden’s, esq. in Buckinghamshire; and when it ceased, returned to Acton. He
continued here as long as the act against conventicles was
in force, and, when that was expired, had so many auditors
that he wanted room: but, while thus employed, by a.
warrant signed by two justices, he was committed for six
months to New Prison gaol; having, however, procured an
habeas corpus, he was discharged, and removed to Totteridge near Barnet. In this affair, he experienced the sincerity of many of his best friends. As he was going to
prison, he called upon serjcant Fountain for his advice,
who, after perusing the mittimus, said, that he might be
discharged from his imprisonment by law. The earl of
Orrery, fche earl of Manchester, the earl of Arlington, and
the duke of Buckingham, mentioned the affair to the king,
who was pleased to send sir John Baber to him, to let him
know, that though his majesty was not willing to relax the
law, yet he would not be offended, if by any application
to the courts in Westminster-hall he could procure his
liberty; upon this an habeas corpus was demanded at the
bar of the common pleas, and granted. The judges were
clear in their opinion, that die mittimus was insufficient,
and thereupon discharged him. This exasperate;! the justices who committed him; and therefore they made a
new mittimus in order to hn.ve sent him to the connty-gnol
of Newgi-te, which he avoided by keeping out of the way.
After the indulgence in 1672, he returned to London, and
preached on week-days at Pinner’s hall, at a meeting in.
Fetter-lane, and in St. James’s market house and the times
appearing more favourable about two years after, he built
a meeting-house in Oxenden-street, where he had preached
but once, when a resolution was formed to take him by surprise, and send him to the county gaol, on the Oxford act;
which misfortune he escaped, but the person who happened
to preach for him was sent to the Gate-house, where he
was confined three months. After having been three years
kept out of his meeting-house, he took another in Swallow-street, but was likewise prevented from preaching there,
a guard having been placed for many Sundays to hinder
his entrance. Upon the death of Mr. Wadsworth, he
preached to his congregation in South wark.
, otherwise named Bever, and in Latin Fiber, Fiberius, Castor, and Castorius, was a Benedictine monk in Westminster-abbey, and nourished about the beginning of the
, otherwise named Bever, and in Latin
Fiber, Fiberius, Castor, and Castorius, was a Benedictine
monk in Westminster-abbey, and nourished about the
beginning of the fourteenth century. He was a man of quick
parts, and of great diligence and ingenuity: and applied
himself particularly to the study of the history and antiquities of England. Among other things, he wrote a
“Chronicle of the British and English Affairs,
” from the
coming in of Brute to his own time, now among the Cottonian Mss. Hearne issued proposals for publishing it in
1735, which his death prevented. He also wrote a book
“De Rebus ccenobii Westmonasteriensis,
” of Westminsterabbey, and the several transactions relating thereto. Leland commends him, as an historian of good credit; and he
is also cited with respect by Stowe in his Survey of London
and Westminster. Bale says he does not give a slight or
superficial account, but a full and judicious relation, of
things; and takes proper notice of the virtues and vices of
the persons mentioned in his history.
There was another of the same name, a monk of St. Alban’s; who left behind him a collection of some treatises
There was another of the same name, a monk of St. Alban’s; who left behind him a collection of some treatises that are of no great value. They are extant in the king’s library.
, but Beckingham, with becoming spirit, refused the proffered diocese, and chose to become a private monk of Canterbury. In 1399 Beaufort was chancellor of the university
, bishop of Winchester, and
cardinal priest of the church of Rome, was the son of
John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, by his third wife, Catherine S win ford. He studied for some years both at Cambridge and at Oxford, in the latter in Queen’s college, and
was afterwards a benefactor to University and Lincoln colleges, but he received the principal part of his education at
Aix la Chapelle, where he was instructed in civil and common law. Being of royal extraction, he was very young when
advanced to the prelacy, and was made bishop of Lincoln
in 1397, by an arbitrary act of Boniface IX. John Beckingham, bishop of that see, being, contrary to his wishes,
translated to Lichfield, to make room for Beaufort, but Beckingham, with becoming spirit, refused the proffered diocese, and chose to become a private monk of Canterbury.
In 1399 Beaufort was chancellor of the university of Oxford, and at the same time dean of Wells. He was lord
high chancellor of England in 1404, and in some years afterwards. The following year, upon the death of the celebrated Wykeham, he was, at the recommendation of the
king, translated to the see of Winchester. In 1414, the
second of his nephew Henry V. he went to France, as one
of the royal ambassadors, to demand in marriage Catherine,
daughter of Charles VI. In 1417 he lent the king twenty
thousand pounds (a prodigious sum in those days), towards
carrying on his expedition against France, but had the
crown in pawn as a security for the money. This year also
he took a journey to the Holy Land and in his way, being
arrived at Constance, where a general council was held, he
exhorted the prelates to union and agreement in the election of a pope; and his remonstrances contributed not a
little to hasten the preparations for the conclave, in which
Martin III. was elected. We have no farther account of
what happened to our prelate in this expedition. In 1421,
he had the honour to be godfather, jointly with John duke
of Bedford, and Jacqueline, countess of Holland, to prince
Henry, eldest son of his nephew Henry V. and Catherine
of France, afterwards Henry VI. M. Aubery pretends,
that James, king of Scots, who had been several years a
prisoner in England, owed his deliverance to the bishop of
Winchester, who prevailed with the government to set him
free, on condition of his marrying his niece, the granddaughter of Thomas Beaufort, earl of Somerset. This prelate
was one of king Henry Vlth’s guardians during his minority; and in 1424, the third of the young king’s reign, he
was a fourth time lord-chancellor of England. There were
perpetual jealousies and quarrels, the cause of which is not
very clearly explained, between the bishop of Winchester,
and the protector, Humphrey duke of Gloucester, which
ended in the ruin and death of the latter. Their dissensions
began to appear publicly in 1425, and to such a height,
that Beaufort thought it necessary to write a letter to his
nephew the duke of Bedford, regent of France, which is
extant in Holinshed, desiring his presence in England,
to accommodate matters between them. The regent accordingly arriving in England the 20th of December, was
met by the bishop of Winchester with a numerous train,
and soon after convoked an assembly of the nobility at St.
Alban’s, to hear and determine the affair. But the animosity on this occasion was so great on both sides, that it
was thought proper to refer the decision to the parliament,
which was to be held at Leicester, March 25, following.
The parliament being met, the duke of Gloucester produced six articles of accusation against the bishop, who
answered them severally, and a committee appointed for
the purpose, having examined the allegations, he was acquitted. The duke of Bedford, however, to give some satisfaction to the protector, took away the great seal from
his uncle. Two years after, the duke of Bedford, returning into France, was accompanied to Calais by the bishop
of Winchester, who, on the 25th of March, received there
with great solemnity, in the church of Our Lady, the cardinal’s hat, with the title of St. Eusebius, sent him by pope
Martin V. In September 1428, the new cardinal returned
into England, with the character of the pope’s legate lately
conferred on him; and in his way to London, he was met
by the lord-mayor, aldermen, and the principal citizens
on horseback, who conducted him with great honour and respect to his lodgings in Southwark; but he was forced, for
the present, to wave his legatine power, being forbidden
the exercise of it by a proclamation published in the king’s
name. Cardinal Beaufort was appointed, by the pope’s
bull, bearing date March 25, 1427-8, his holiness’s legate
in Germany, and general of the crusade against the Hussites, or Heretics of Bohemia. Having communicated the
pope’s intentions to the parliament, he obtained a grant of
money, and a considerable body of forces, under certain
restrictions; but just as he was preparing to embark, the
duke of Bedford having sent to demand a supply of men
for the French war, it was resolved in council, that cardinal Beaufort should serve under the regent, with the
troops of the crusade, to the end of the month of December,
on condition that they should not be employed in any siege.
The cardinal complied, though not without reluctance, and
accordingly joined the duke of Bedford at Paris. After a
stay of forty-five days in France, he marched into Bohemia, where he conducted the crusade till he was recalled
by the pope, and cardinal Julian sent in his place with a
larger army. The next year, 1430, the cardinal accompanied king Henry into France, being invested with the
title of the king’s principal counsellor, and bad the honour
to perform the ceremony of crowning the young monarch
irt the church of Notre Dame at Paris; where he had some
dispute with James du Chastellier, the archbishop, who
claimed the right of officiating on that occasion. During
his stay in France he was present at the congress of Arras
for concluding a peace between the kings of England and
France, and had a conference for that purpose with the
dutchess of Burgundy, between Calais and Gravelines,
which had no effect, and was remarkable only for the cardinal’s magnificence, who came thither with a most splendid train. In the mean time the duke of Gloucester took
advantage in England of the cardinal’s absence to give him
fresh mortification. For, first, having represented to the
council, that the bishop of Winchester intended to leave
the king, and come back into England to resume his seat
in council, in order to excite new troubles in the kingdom,
and that his intentions were the more criminal, as he made
use of the pope’s authority to free himself from the obligations of assisting the king in France; he procured an order
of council forbidding all the king’s subjects, of what condition soever, to accompany the cardinal, if he should leave
the king, without express permission. The next step the
protector took against him, was an attempt to deprive him
of his bishopric, as inconsistent with the dignity of cardinal; but the affair having been a long time debated in
council, it was resolved that the cardinal should be heard,
and the judges consulted, before any decision. Being returned into England, he thought it necessary to take some
precaution against these repeated attacks, and prevailed
with the king, through the' intercession of the commons,
to grant him letters of pardon for all offences by him committed contrary to the statute of provisors, and other acts
of prsemunire. This pardon is dated at Westminster, July
19, 1432. Five years after, he procured another pardon
under the great-seal for all sorts of crimes whatever, from
the creation of the world to the 26th of July 1437. Notwithstanding these precautions, the duke of Gloucester, in
1442, drew up articles of impeachment against the cardinal, and presented them with his own hands to the king,
but the council appointed to examine them deferred their
report so long that rhe protector discontinued the prosecution. The cardinal died June 14, 1447, having survived
the duke of Gloucester not above a mouth, of whose
murder he was suspected to have been one of the contrivers,
and it is said that he expressed great uneasiness at the approach of death, and died in despair; but for this there does
not appear much foundation, and we suspect the commonlyreceived character of Beaufort is mostly credited by those
who have considered Shakspeare as an authentic historian.
We rather agree with the historian of Winchester, that
there is no solid ground for representing him as that ambitious, covetous, and reprobate character which Shakspeare
has represented, and who has robbed his memory, in order
to enrich that of his adversary, popularly termed the “good
duke Humphrey
” of Gloucester. Being involved in the
vortex of worldly politics, it is true, that he gave too much
scope to the passions of the great, and did not allow himself sufficient leisure to attend to the spiritual concerns of
his diocese. He possessed, however, that munificent spirit,
which has cast a lustre on the characters of many persons
of past times, whom it would be difficult otherwise to present as objects of admiration. It he was rich, it must be
admitted that he did not squander away his money upon
unworthy pursuits, but chiefly employed it in the public
service, to the great relief of the subjects, with whom, and
with the commons’ house of parliament, he was popular.
He employed his wealth also in finishing the magnificent
cathedral of Winchester, which was left incomplete by his
predecessor, in repairing Hyde-abbey, relieving prisoners,
and other works of charity. But what, Dr. Milner says, has
chiefly redeemed the injured character of cardinal Beaufort, in Winchester and its neighbourhood, is the new foundation which he made of the celebrated hospital of St. Cross.
Far the greater part of the present building was raised by
him, and he added to the establishment of his predecessor,
Henry de Blois, funds for the support of thirty-five more
brethren, two chaplains, and three women, who appear to
have been hospital nuns. It appears also, says the same
writer, that he prepared himself with resignation and contrition for his last end; and the collected, judicious, and
pious dispositions made in his testament, the codicil of
which was signed but two days before his dissolution, may
justly bring into discredit the opinion that he died in despair. He was buried at Winchester in the most eleg-ant
and finished chantry in the kingdom.
, a monk of the EcolesPies, or Pious Schools, was born at Mondovi, and
, a monk of the EcolesPies, or Pious Schools, was born at Mondovi, and died at
Turin, May 22, 1781. He was professor of mathematics
and philosophy, first at Palermo, then at Rome; and by
his experiments and discoveries was so successful as to
throw great light on natural knowledge, and especially on
that of electricity. He was afterwards called to Turin to
take upon him the professorship of experimental
philosophy. Being appointed preceptor to the two princes, Benedict duke of Chablais, and Victor Amadscus duke of Ctirignan, neither the life of a court, nor the allurements of
pleasure, were able to draw him aside from study. Loaded
with benefits and honours, he spared nothing to augment
his library, and to procure the instruments necessary for
his philosophical pursuits. His dissertations on electricity
would have been more useful, if he had been less strongly
attached to some particular systems, and especially that of
Mr. Franklin. He published, 1. “Experimenta quibus
Electricitas Vindex late constituitur, &c.
” Turin, Electricismo artificiale,
” Essay on the cause of Storms and Tempests,
” where we meet with nothing more satisfactory than
what has appeared in other works on that subject; several
pieces on the meridian of Turin, and other objects of astronomy and physics. Father Beccaria was no less respectable for his virtues than his knowledge.
ow betook himself to a quite different manner of life, and put on all the gravity and austerity of a monk. He began likewise to exert himself with great zeal, in defence
Becket now betook himself to a quite different manner of life, and put on all the gravity and austerity of a monk. He began likewise to exert himself with great zeal, in defence of the rights and privileges of the church of Canterbury; and in many cases proceeded with so much warmth and obstinacy, as raised him many enemies. Pope Alexander III. held a general council of his prelates at Tours in April 1163, at which Becket was present, and was probably animated by the pope in his design of becoming the champion for the liberties of the church and the immunities of the clergy. It is certain that on his return he prosecuted this design with such zeal that the king and he came to an open rupture Henry endeavoured to recall certain privileges of the clergy, who had greatly abused their exemption from the civil courts, concerning which the king had received several complaints; while the archbishop stood up for the immunities of the clergy. The king convened a synod of the bishops at Westminster, and here demanded that the clergy, when accused of any capital offence, might take their trials in the usual courts of justice. The question put to the bishops was, Whether, in consideration of their duty and allegiance to the king, and of the interest and peace of the kingdom, they were willing to promise a submission to the laws of his grandfather, king Henry? To this the archbishop replied, in the name of the whole body, that they were willing to be bound by the ancient laws of the kingdom, as far as the privileges of the order would permit, salvo ordine suo. The king was highly displeased with this answer, and insisted on having an absolute compliance, without any reservation whatever; but the archbishop would by no means submit, and the rest of the bishops adhered for some time to their primate. Several of the bishops being at length gained over, and the pope interposing in the quarrel, Becket was prevailed on to acquiesce; and soon after the king summoned a convention or parliament at Clarendon, in 1164, wheje several laws were passed relating to the privileges of the clergy, called from thence, the Constitutions of Clarendon. But before the meeting of this assembly, Becket had again changed his rnind, and when he appeared before the council, he obstinately refused to obey the laws as he had before agreed. This equally disappointed and enraged the king, and it was not until after some days debate, and the personal entreaties, and even tears, of some of his particular friends, that Becket was again softened, and appearing before the council, solemnly promised and swore, in the words of truth and without any reserve, to obey all the royal laws and customs which had been established in England in the reign of his majesty’s grandfather Henry L The constitutions of Clarendon were then put in writing, read in the council, and one copy of them delivered to the primate, another to the archbishop of York, and a third deposited among the records of the kingdom. By them ecclesiastics of all denominations were reduced to a due subjection to the laws of their country; they also limited the jurisdiction of spiritual courts, guarded against appeals to Rome, and the pronouncing of interdicts and excommunications, without the consent of the king or his judiciary.
Hoscham, who was this archbishop’s secretary, and also present at the slaughter of him. 2. Edward, a monk, of Canterbury, the martyr’s most intimate friend. 3. Johannes
On the other hand, Mr. Berington, in his “History of
the reign of Henry If.
” has attempted a vindication of
Becket, in which he differs considerably from lord Lyttelton and other protestant historians, but for this w must
refer to the book itself. Few men have had more biographers, if reliance could be placed on them, than Becket,
but unfortunately the greater part of them were his panegyrists, and not his historians, and too much under the
influence of the monkish principles of their days, to deserve much credit. The following list, however, of his
biographers may afford some information to the curious
inquirer, taken from Leland, Bale, Pits, and others.
1. Herbert Bosenham, or Bosscham, or de Hoscham, who
was this archbishop’s secretary, and also present at the
slaughter of him. 2. Edward, a monk, of Canterbury, the
martyr’s most intimate friend. 3. Johannes Sarisburiensis,
who accompanied Becket in his exile, but never countenanced his behaviour towards the king, being as sharp a
writer against the encroachments of the papal see, as any
man of his time. 4. Bartholomseus Iscanus, or Exonensis,
bisiiop of Exeter, where he died in 118k 5. E. a monk
of Eveshatn, who dedicated his book, or wrote it by way
of epistle, to Henry, abbot of Croyland. 6. William Stephens, or Fitz-Stephen, a monk of Canterbury, and, for
at reason, usually called Gulielmus Cantuariensis. He
said to have written three several treatises of the life,
martyrdom, and miracles of St. Thomas Becket; which
are now in the Cotton library: But that, which there carries
his name, seems to have been penned by Johannes Carnotensis, who is the same person with Sarisburiensis above
mentioned, since, in the Quadripartite History, what we
have from him is often to be found, in the same words, in
the life there ascribed to Fitz-Stephen. 7. Benedictus
Petroburgensis, abbot of Peterborough, who died in 1200.
8. Alanus Teukesburiensis, abbot of Tewkesbury, who died
about the same time. 9. Roger, a monk of Croyland, who
lived about 1214. It is observed, that St. Thomas’s miracles were become so numerous in this writer’s time, that
he had matter for seven large volumes, in composing
of which he spent no less than fifteen years. 10. Stephen
Langton, a famous successor of Becket’s in the see of Canterbury, whose work on this subject is said be in the
library of Bene't college. 11. Alexander de Hales, so
called from the monastery of Hales in Gloucestershire,
where he was educated, one of the most eminent schoolmen of his age, and master to Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventure, &c. 12. John Grandison, or Graunston, who died
in 1369. 13. Quadrilogus, or the author of a book, entitled “De vita et processu S.Thomae Cantuariensiset Martyris super Libertate Ecclesiastica.
” It is collected out of
four historians, who were contemporary and conversant
with Becket, viz. Herbert de Hoscham, Johannes Carnotensis, Gulielmus Canterburiensis, and Alanus Teukesburiensis, who are introduced as so many relaters of facts
interchangeably. This book was first printed at Paris in
1495, and is often quoted by our historians, in the reign
of Henry II. by the name of Quadripartita Historia.
14. Thomas Stapleton, the translator of Bede, in whose
book De tribus Thomis, or Of the three Thomas’s, our
saint makes as considerable a figure as either Thomas the
Apostle, or Thomas Aquinas. 15. Laurence Vade, or
Wade, a Benedictine monk of Canterbury, who lived and
died we know not when, or where; unless perhaps he be
the same person with 16. An anonymous writer of Becket’s
life, who appears to have been a monk of that church, and
whose book is said to be in the library at Lambeth. 17.
Richard James, nephew of Dr. Thomas James, some time
keeper of the Bodleian library; a very industrious and
eminent antiquary, who endeavoured to overthrow the
great design of all the above-mentioned authors, in his “Decanonizatio Thomse Cantuariensis et suorum,
” which, with
other manuscript pieces by the same hand, is in the public
library at Oxford. These are the principal writers of our
archbishop’s life besides whom, several other historians
have spoken largely of him as John Bromton, Matthew
Paris, Gervase, &c.
, a native of Paris, where he was born in 1654, became a monk of the Celestine order, and was for forty years their librarian
, a native of Paris, where he
was born in 1654, became a monk of the Celestine order,
and was for forty years their librarian at Paris. He was a
man of considerable taste, well acquainted with books an.d
authors, and wrote Latin and French with great purity. He
died at Paris, Jan. 20, 1730. His principal work is a history of the congregation of the Celestines, with the lives of
the most distinguished men among them. This work, written in Latin, was published at Paris, 1719, 4to. In 1721
he published in French, a pamphlet, entitled “Supplement
et remarques critiques sur le vingt-troisieme chapitre du vi.
tome de Phistoire des ordres monastiques et militaires, par
le P. Heliot.
” Where he speaks of the Celestines, Becquet
corrects his errors, and throws considerable light on the
history of St. Celestin and the order. In the Trevoux memoirs, where this piece is inserted, Becket wrote also
some remarks on Baillet’s lives of the saints, and on the
abbe Fleuri’s Ecclesiastical History. He is said to have
employed some years on a “Roman Martyrology,
” with
notes biographical, critical, and astronomical, but this has
not been published, nor is it certain it was completed.
, made great progress in the Latin language, and in several branches o science, under Denys Faucher, monk of Lerins and almoner of his monastery. Francis I. was so charmed
, daughter of a gentleman of Dauphine, abbess of St. Honore de Tarascon, where she was honoured with the name of Scholastica, made great progress in the Latin language, and in several branches o science, under Denys Faucher, monk of Lerins and almoner of his monastery. Francis I. was so charmed with the letters of this abbess, that he carried them, as it is said, about him, and shewed them to the ladies of his court, as models for their imitation. He went from Avignon to Tarascon, with queen Margaret of Navarre, for the sake of conversing with this learned lady. She died in 1547, after having published several works, Latin and French, in verse and in prose. Two Italian writers, Louis Domenichi and Augustin della Chiesa, have published eloges on this lady in their respective works.
, a celebrated preacher in the fourteenth century, was a monk of the order of St. Augustin at Clare, and surnamed de Bury,
, a celebrated preacher in the fourteenth century, was a monk of the order of St. Augustin
at Clare, and surnamed de Bury, because he was born at St.
Edmund’s Bury, in Suffolk. Having from his youth shewn
a quick capacity, and a great inclination to learning, his
superiors took care to improve these excellent faculties,
by sending him not only to our English, but also to foreign
universities; where closely applying himself to his studies,
and being a constant disputant, he acquired such fame,
that at Paris he became a doctor of the Sorbonne. Not
long after he returned to England, where he was much
followed, and extremely admired for his eloquent way of
preaching. This qualification, joined to his remarkable
integrity, uprightness, and dexterity in the management
of affairs, so recommended him to the esteem of the world,
that he was chosen provincial of his order throughout England, in which station he behaved in a very commendable
manner. He wrote several things, as 1 “Lectures
upon the master of the sentences, i. e. Peter Lombard, in
four books.
” 2. “Theological Questions,
” in one book.
3. “Sermons upon the blessed Virgin.
” 4. " A course of
sermons for the whole year. Besides several other things
of which no account is given. He flourished about the
year 1380, in the reign of Richard II.
, abbot of Peterborough in the twelfth century, was educated at Oxford, became a monk in the monastery of Christ’s church, Canterbury, and some time
, abbot of Peterborough in the twelfth
century, was educated at Oxford, became a monk in the
monastery of Christ’s church, Canterbury, and some time
after was chosen prior by the members of that society.
Though he had been a great admirer of archbishop Becket,
and wrote a life of that prelate, he was so much esteemed
by Henry II. that by the influence of that prince he was
elected abbot of Peterborough, in 1177. He assisted at
the coronation of Richard I. 1189, and was advanced to
be keeper of the great seal in 1191, but he did not long
enjoy this high dignity, as he died on Michaelmas day,
1193. He composed a history of Henry II. and Richard I.
from 1170 to 1192, which has been esteemed by many of
our antiquaries, as containing one of the best accounts of
the transactions of those times. A beautiful edition of this
work was published at Oxford by Hearne, 1735, 2 vols. 8vo.
With respect to his life of Becket, Bale and Pits speak of
two pieces, which probably are but one the first entitled
“Vita Thomae Cantuariensis
” the other, “Miracula
Thomae Marty ris.
” Leland, who mentions only “the
Life of Becket
” as written by our author, gives it the character of an elegant performance. But Bale treats it as a
mere heap of lies and forgeries, in order to palm Becket
on the multitude for a first-rate saint, and intercessor with
God. Nor is this author’s zeal confined to Benedict, but
extends itself to the monks of those times in general, whom
he represents as a set of debauchees and impostors, concealing their vices under a mask of piety, and cheating
the people with the most diabolical illusions. Dr. Cave
tells us, that the author of the “Quadrilogus
” transcribed
a great part of Benedict’s Life of Becket into the third and
fourth books of his work. This “Quadrilogus, or De Vita
et Processu S. Thomse Cantuariensis et Martyris super
Libertate ecelesiastica
” (Nicolson tells us), is collected out
of four historians, who were contemporary and conversant
with Becket, in his height of glory, and lowest depression; namely, Herbert de Hoscham, Johannes Carnotensis, William of Canterbury, and Alan of Teuksbury;
who are brought in us so many several relaters of matters
of fact, interchangeably. Here is no mention of our Benedict in this list; so that either the doctor is mistaken in
his assertion, or the bishop is not exact in his account of the
authors from whence the Quadrilogus was compiled.
ays successful, yet the purity of his intentions was visible. It has been said that he was more of a monk than of a pope, by which we may probably understand, that he
One leading object with him was to unite the four religious communities in Christendom. He proposed that four
councils should be held at different places, each consisting
of a certain number of representatives of the Romish,
Greek, Lutheran, and Calvinist churches; but it is unnecessary to add that this scheme was found impracticable.
In all his transactions, however, with the catholic sovereigns
of Europe, he endeavoured to operate by a conciliatory
temper, and although not always successful, yet the purity
of his intentions was visible. It has been said that he was
more of a monk than of a pope, by which we may probably understand, that he was more attached to what he
conceived to be the genuine interests of the church, than
to her political influence. Indefatigable in his apostolical
duties, he continued to preach and pray, attended to all
pontifical and sacerdotal functions, and directed the conduct of subordinate prelates, and ministers of the church.
He frequently visited the poor, and not only gave them
spiritual comfort, but relieved them by his bounty, selling
for that purpose the presents which he received. He
habituated himself to the plainest fare, and lived in the
most frugal manner, like a hermit in his cell, that he might
more liberally bestow upon others the blessings of fortune.
His chief blemish was that easiness of temper, and
reluctance to active business, which led him to suffer cardinal
Coscia, an unprincipled Neapolitan, to have the entire
management of the government, and would listen to no
complaints against him, although Coscia was guilty of the
most enormous and notorious extortions. Yet he died,
without losing his popularity, Feb. 21, 1730, in the
sixth year of his pontificate. His works were published in
3 vols. 1728, fol. under the title of “Opera di Benedetto XIII.
, an Italian monk of the order of the minorite conventuals, was born at Palermo,
, an Italian monk of the order
of the minorite conventuals, was born at Palermo, and in
1650, when he officiated during Lent at Bologna, acquired
high reputation as a preacher. He was professor of philosophy and divinity in the convents of his order, provincial
in Sicily, and superintendant of the great convent of Palermo, where he died, November 17, 1679. He published
a philosophical work, or at least a work on philosophy, entitled “De objecto philosophise,
” Perug. Davidiade,
” a collection entitled “Poesis miscellanea,
” and
an elementary work on medicine, “Tyrocinium medicoe
” but these have not been printed.
, a monk in the tenth century, who was born in the year 923, in the
, a monk in the tenth century, who was born in the year 923, in the neighbourhood of Annecy, of one of the most illustrious houses of Savoy, rendered himself not more celebrated in the annals of religion than of benevolence, by two hospitable establishments which he formed, and where, for nine hundred years, travellers have found relief from the dangers of passing the Alps in the severe part of the season. Bernard, influenced by pious motives and a love of study, refused in his early years a proposal of marriage to which his parents attached great importance, and embraced the ecclesiastical life. He afterwards was promoted to be archdeacon of Aoste, which includes the places of official and grand-vicar, and consequently gave him considerable weight in the government of the diocese. This he employed in the laudable purposes of converting the wretched inhabitants of the neighbouring mountains, who were idolaters, and made very great progress in ameliorating their manners, as well as religious opinions. Affected at the same time with the dangers and hardships sustained by the French and German pilgrims in travelling to Rome, he resolved to build on the summit of the Alps two hospitia, or hotels, for their reception, one on mount Joux (mons Jcrffis, so called from a temple of Jupiter erected there), and the other, the colonnade of Jove, so called from a colonnade or series of upright stones placed on the snow to point out a safe track. These places of reception were afterwards called, and are still known by the names of the Great and Little St. Bernard. The care of them the founder entrusted to regular canons of the order of St. Augustin, who have continued without interruption to our days, each succession of monks during this long period, zealously performing the duties of hospitality according to the benevolent intentions of St. Bernard. The situation is the most inhospitable by nature that can be conceived even in spring, the cold is extreme; and the whole is covered with snow or ice, whose appearances are varied only by storms and clouds. Their principal monastery on Great St. Bernard, is probably the highest habitation in Europe, being two thousand five hundred toises above the sea. Morning and evening their dogs, trained for the purpose, trace out the weary and perishing traveller, and by their means, many lives are saved, the utmost care being taken to recover them, even when- recovery seems most improbable. After thus establishing these hospitia, Bernard returned to his itinerant labours among the neighbouring countries until his death in May 28, 1008. The Bollandists have published, with notes, two authentic lives of St. Bernard de Menthon, one written by Richard, his successor in the archdeaconry of Aoste y by which it appears that he was neither a Cistertian, nor of the regular canons, as some writers have asserted. The two hospitals possessed considerable property in Savoy, of which they were deprived afterwards, but the establishment still subsists, and the kind and charitable duties of it have lately been performed by secular priests.
y poet laureate of Henry VII. and VIII. kings of England, was a native of Tholouse, and an Augustine monk. By an instrument in Rymer’s Foedera, Vol. XII. p. 317, pro
, successively poet laureate of
Henry VII. and VIII. kings of England, was a native of
Tholouse, and an Augustine monk. By an instrument in
Rymer’s Foedera, Vol. XII. p. 317, pro Potta laureafo,
dated 1486, the king grants to Andrew Bernard, poet& laureato, which, as Mr. Warton remarks, we may construe
either “the laureated poet,
” or “a poet laureat,
” a salary of ten marks, until he can obtain some equivalent appointment. He is also supposed to have been the royal
historiographer, and preceptor in grammar to prince Arthur. All the pieces now to be found, which he wrote in
the character of poet laureat, are in Latin. Among them
are, an “Address to Henry VIII. for the most auspicious
beginning of the tenth year of his reign,
” with “An epithrflamium on the Marriage of Francis the dauphin of
France with the king’s daughter.
” These were formerly
in the possession of Mr. Thomas Martin of Palgrave, the
antiquary; - A New Year’s gift for 1515,“in the library
of New college, Oxford and
” Verses wishing prosperity to his Majesty’s thirteenth year,“in the British museum. He has also left some Latin hymns, a Latin life of
St. Andrew, and many Latin prose pieces, which he wrote
as historiographer to both monarchs, particularly a
” Chronicle of the life and achievements of Henry VII. to the
taking of Perkin Warbeck," and other historical commentaries on thq reign of that king, which are all in the
CotIonian library. He was living in 1522, but is not mentioned by Bale, Pits, or Tanner.
ecember 1710. This undertaking engaged him in some disputes, particularly with one Mr. de Vallone, a monk, who having embraced the reformed religion, wrote some metaphysical
, professor of philosophy and mathematics, and minister of the Walloon church at Leyden,
was born Sept. 1, 1658, at Nions in Dauphine. He received the rudiments of his education in a protestant academy, at Die in Dauphine, and went afterwards to Geneva,
where he studied philosophy, and acquired a critical knowledge of the Hebrew language under the professor Michael
Turretin. He returned to France in 1679, and was chosen
minister of Venterol, a village in Dauphine. Some time
after he was removed to the church of Vinsobres in the
same province but the persecutions raised agaiitst the
protestants in France having obliged him to leave his native country, he retired to Geneva in 1683, and as he did
not think himself sufficiently secure there, he went to
Lausanne, where he remained until the revocation of the
edict of Nantes. He then proceeded to Holland, where
he was appointed one of the pensionary ministers of Ganda,
and taught philosophy but having married after he came
to Holland, and the city of Ganda not being very populous, he had not a sufficient number of scholars to maintain his family; and therefore obtained leave to reside at
the Hague, but went to Ganda to preach in his turn,
which was about four times a year. About the same time
Le Clerc, who was his relation, procured him a small supply from the town of Tergow, as preacher; and at the
Hague he farther improved his circumstances by teaching
philosophy, belles-lettres, and mathematics. Before he
went to live at the Hague, he had published a kind of political state of Europe, entitled “Histoire abregee de
” &c, The work was begun in July Lettres Historiques,
” containing an account of the most important
transactions in Europe, with reflections, which was also
published monthly, till 1698: it was afterwards continued
by other hands, and contains a great many volumes. Mr.
Le Clerc having left off his “Bibliotheque Universelle,
in Actes et negotiations de la Paix de Ryswic,
” four
vols. 12mo a new edition of this collection was published
in 1707, five vols. 12mo. He did not put his name to any
of these works, nor to the general collection of the treaties
of peace, which he publ.shed in 1700; and which consists
of the treaties, contracts, acts of guaranty, &c. betwixt
the powers of F.urope, four vols. fol. The first contains
the preface, and the treaties made since the year 536 to
1.500. The second consists of Mr. Amelot‘de la Houssay’s
historical and political reflections, and the treaties from.
150’-) to 1600. The third includes the treaties from 1601
to 1661 and the fourth, those from 1661 to 1700, with a
general alphabetical index to the whole. He prefixed his
name, however, to his continuation of Bayle’s “Nouvelles
de la llepublique des Lettres,
” which was begun in
red death with great constancy and resolution, April 17, 1529, being then about 40 years of age. The monk, who accompanied him on the scaffold, declared, that he had
, a gentleman of Artois, and a
man of great learning, was burnt for being a Protestant,
at Paris, 1529. He was lord of a village, whence he took
his name, and for some time made a considerable figure at
the court of France, where he was honoured with the title
of king’s counsellor. Erasmus says, that his great crime
was openly professing to hate the monks and hence arose
his warm contest with William Quernus, one of the most
violent inquisitors of his time. A charge of heresy was
contrived against him, the articles of his accusation being
extracted from a book which he had published, and he was
committed to prison, but when the affair came to a trial,
he was acquitted by the judges. His accusers pretended
that he would not have escaped, had not the king interposed his authority; but Berquin himself ascribed it entirely to the justice of his cause, and went on with equal
courage in avowing his sentiments. Some time after, Noel
Beda and his emissaries made extracts from some of his
books, and having accused him of pernicious errors, he
was again sent to prison, and the cause being tried, sentence was passed against him; viz. that his books be committed to the flames, that he retract his errors, and make
a proper submission, and if he refuse to comply, that he
be burnt. Being a man of an undaunted inflexible spirit,
he would submit to nothing; and in all probability would
at this time have suffered death, had not some of the judges,
who perceived the violence of his accusers, procured the
affair to be again heard and examined. It is thought this
was owing to the intercession of madame the regent. In the
mean time Francis I. returning from Spain, and finding the
danger his counsellor was in from Beda and his faction, wrote
to the parliament, telling them to be cautious how they
proceeded, for that he himself would take cognizance of
the affair. Soon after Berquin was set at liberty, which
gave him such courage, that he turned accuser against his
accusers, and prosecuted them for irreligion, though, if he
had taken the advice of Erasmus, he would have esteemed
it a sufficient triumph that he had got free from the persecution of such people. He was sent a third time to
prison, and condemned to a public recantation and perpetual
imprisonment. Refusing to acquiesce in this judgment,
he was condemned as an obstinate heretic, strangled on the
Greve, and afterwards burnt. He suffered death with
great constancy and resolution, April 17, 1529, being then
about 40 years of age. The monk, who accompanied him
on the scaffold, declared, that he had observed in him
signs of abjuration which Erasmus however believes to be
a falsehood. “It is always,
” says he, “their custom in
like cases. These pious frauds serve to keep up their
credit as the avengers of religion, and to justify to the
deluded people those who have accused and condemned
the burnt heretic.
” Among his works are, 1 “Le vrai
moyen de bien et catholiquement se confesser,
” a translation from the Latin of Erasmus, Lyons, 1S42, 16mo. 2.
“Le Chevalier Chretien,
” In 1523, May 23, the parliament ordered the books of
Lewis de Berquin to be seized, and communicated to the
faculty of divinity, for their opinion. The book
” De abroganda Missa“was found upon him, with some others of
Luther’s and Melancthon’s books and seven or eight
treatises of which he was the author, some under these
” Speculum Theologastrorum“” De usu & officio
Missae, &c.“” Rationes Lutheri quibus omnes Christianos
esse Sacerdotes molitur suadere,“” Le Debat de Pieté &
Superstition.“There were found also some books which
he had translated into French, as
” Reasons why Luther
has caused the Decretals and all the books of the Canon
Law to be burnt“” The Roman Triad,“and others. The
faculty, after having examined these books, judged that
they contained expressly the heresies and blasphemies of
Luther. Their opinion is dated Friday, July 26, 1523, and
addressed to the court of parliament. After having given
their censure upon each book in particular, they conclude
that they ought all to be cast into the fire that Berquiu
having made himself the defender of the Lutheran heresies, he ought to be obliged to a public abjuration, and to
be forbidden to compose any book for the future, or to
snake any translation prejudicial to the faith.
, a famous Augustine monk, born May 28, 1696, at Serravezza, a small village in Tuscany,
, a famous Augustine monk,
born May 28, 1696, at Serravezza, a small village in Tuscany, was called to Rome by his superiors, and obtained
the title of assistant-general of Italy, and the place of prefect of the papal library. His great proficiency in theological studies procured him these distinctions, and appeared
to advantage in his grand work, “De disciplinis theologicis,
” printed at Rome in 8 vols. 4to. He here adopts the
sentiments of St. Augustine in their utmost rigour, after
the example of Bellelli his brother- monk. The archbishop
of Vienna [Salmon], or rather the Jesuits who managed
him, published under his name in 1744, two pieces against
the two Augustine theologues, inveighing against them as
being too severely Augustine. The first is entitled,
“Ba'ianismus redivivus in scriptis pp. Bellelli et Berti,
” in
4to. The second bore this title “Jansenismus redivivus
in scriptis pp. Bellelli et Berti,
” in 4to. At the same time
father Berti was accused to pope Benedict XIV. as a disciple of Ba'ius and of Jansenitis. The prudent pontiff, without returning any answer to the accusers, advised Berti to
defend himself; which he accordingly did in a work of
two vols. 4to, 1749. In this apology, rather long, though
learned and lively, he laid down the difference there is
between Jansenism and Augustinianism. After this piece
Berti brought out several others, the principal of which is
an ecclesiastical history in Latin, in 7 vols. 4to: it made
however but little way out of Italy, by reason of the dryness of the historian, and of his prejudices in favour of
exploded tenets. He speaks of the pope, both in his theology and in his history, as the absolute monarch of kingdoms and empires, and that all other princes are but his
lieutenants. Berti wrote also dissertations, dialogues, panegyrics, academical discourses, and some Italian poems,
which are by no means his best productions. An edition
in folio of all his works has been printed at Venice. He
died at the age of 70, May 26, 1766, at Pisa, whither he
had been called by Francis I. grand duke of Tuscany.
a noble family among the English Saxons, at Harpham, a small town in Northumberland. He was first a monk, and afterwards abbot of the monastery of St. Hilda. He was
, in Latin Beverlacius, archbishop of York in the eighth century, was born of a noble
family among the English Saxons, at Harpham, a small
town in Northumberland. He was first a monk, and afterwards abbot of the monastery of St. Hilda. He was instructed in the learned languages by Theodore, archbishop
of Canterbury, and was justly esteemed one of the best
scholars of his time. Alfred of Beverly, who wrote his
life, pretends that he studied at Oxford, and took there
the degree of master of arts; but bishop Godwin assures
us this cannot be true, because such distinction of degrees
was not then known at Oxford, nor any where else. Our
abbot’s merit recommended him to the favour of Alfred,
king of Northumberland, who, in the year 685, advanced
him to the see of Hagustald, or Hexham, and, upon the
death of archbishop Bosa in 687, translated him to that of
York. This prelate was tutor to the famous Bede, and
lived in the strictest friendship with Acca, and other AngloSaxon doctors, several of whom he put upon writing comments on the scriptures. He likewise founded, in 704, a
college at Beverly for secular priests. After he had governed the see of York thirty-four years, being tired with
the tumults and confusions of the church, he divested himself of the episcopal character, and retired to Beverly;
and four years after died May 7, 721. The day of his
death was appointed a festival by a synod held at London
in 1416. Bede, and other monkish writers, ascribe several miracles to him. Between three and four hundred years
after his death, his body was taken up by Alfric, archbishop of York, and placed in a shrine richly adorned with
silver, gold, and precious stones. Bromton relates, that
William the conqueror, when he ravaged Northumberland
with a numerous army, spared Beverly alone, out of a religious veneration for St. John of that place. This prelate
wrote some pieces, 1. “Pro Luca exponendo;
” an essay
towards an exposition of St. Luke, addressed to Bede.
2. “Homiliee in Evangelia.
” 3. Epistolae ad Hildara Abbatissam.“4.
” Epistolse ad Herebaldum, Andenum, et
Bertinum.“- -Pits mentions another John of Beverly, so
called from the place of his nativity, who was a Carmelite
monk in the fourteenth century, and a very learned man,
and doctor and professor of divinity at Oxford. He flourished about 1390, in the reign of Richard II. and wrote,
” Questiones in magistrum sententiarum“in four
books. 2.
” Disputationes ordinariae" in one book.
tions of king Arthur in Scotland,” and an “Historical Itinerary.” Leland is of opinion that he was a monk, since all the learning which. was then extant, was among those
, a learned divine and historian
of the seventh century, was son of the preceding, and
born in Northumberland, but educated almost from his
infancy in the isle of Wight. He was a man of a very humane and mild disposition, a good historian, and well
skilled in geometry. He gave an accurate description of
the isle of Wight from his own observations, as well as
from the accounts of Ptolemy and Pliny. Upon his return
to his own country he studied under Elbode, a bishop
eminent for his uncommon sanctity and learning, by whose
instructions he made great progress both in profane and
sacred literature. At last he applied himself to the study
of the history of his nation, which he examined with the
utmost accuracy, and wrote in Latin “Annotations upon
” an “History of the actions of king Arthur in
” and an “Historical Itinerary.
” Leland is of
opinion that he was a monk, since all the learning which.
was then extant, was among those of that profession. He
flourished in the year 640, according to Bale; or 650, according to Pits. He had a very intimate friendship with
the famous Nennius, abbot of Bangor.
bbey of St. Michel en PLerm, which John his brother had ceded to him in order to become a Carthusian monk. There are of his several pieces both in verse and prose; and
, was born at Guise in
Picardy, of which place his father was governor, in 1535,
and died at Paris at the house of Genebrard his friend,
the 25th of December 1581. He presided over the abbey
of St. Michel en PLerm, which John his brother had ceded
to him in order to become a Carthusian monk. There are
of his several pieces both in verse and prose; and especially
translations of the Greek fathers into Latin. The most
esteemed of them are, those of St. Gregory of Nazianzen,
of St. Isidore of Pelusium, and of St. John Damascenus.
Few of the learned have been more masters of the Greek
tongue. He distinguished himself in other departments of
literature. He composed several pieces of French poetry,
1576, in 8vo, and published learned “Observationes sacrse,
Brickington, so called from Birchington, in the isle of Thanet, where he was born, was a Benedictine monk, belonging to the church of Canterbury, into which order he
, or Bryckinton, or Brickington, so called from Birchington, in the isle of Thanet, where he was born, was a Benedictine monk, belonging to the church of Canterbury, into which order he entered about the year 1382. He wrote a history of the archbishops of Canterbury to the year 1368, which forms the first article in the first volume of Wharton’s Anglia Sacra, who copied it from the ms. in the Lambeth library. Other historical Mss. in the same library are attributed to him, but remain unpublished. He is supposed to have died in 1407.
On the 16th of November 1713, he began a paper, printed three times a week, called the “Lay Monk.” Only forty numbers of it were published, which, in 1714, were
On the 16th of November 1713, he began a paper,
printed three times a week, called the “Lay Monk.
Only forty numbers of it were published, which, in 1714,
were collected into a volume, under the title of the “Lay
” The Friday’s papers in this collection were
written by Hughes, and the rest by sir Richard. In a letter to Mr. Hughes, he declared that he was not determined to the undertaking by a desire of fame or profit,
hut from a regard to the public good. In 1716, he published in 2 vols. 8vo, “Essays upon several subjects,
” and
in A collection of poems,
” in 1 vol. 8vo. But the
work which procured him the greatest reputation, was his
“Creation, a philosophical poem, demonstrating the Existence and Providence of a God, in seven books.
” This
passed through several editions, and was greatly applauded
by Mr. Addison. Mr. Locke also formed a very favourable opinion of sir Richard Blackmore; although perhaps he
estimated his poetical talents too highly. In 1721, our author
published in 12mo, “A new version of the Psalms of
David, fitted to the tunes used in churches.
” This was
recommended by public authority, as proper to be used in
the churches and chapels of England, but it does not appear to have been generally adopted. Towards the close
of his life, his practice as a physician is said to have declined which might probably arise from the numerous
attempts which were made to lessen his reputation. He
died on the 8th of October, 1729, in an advanced age;
and manifested in his last illness the same fervent piety,
which had distinguished him in his life. He was certainly
a man of considerable learning and abilities, and a most
zealous advocate for the interests of religion and virtue.
He wrote, indeed, too much, and was deficient in point
of taste nor did he take sufficient time to polish his compositions. But he was far from being destitute of genius;
and it is sufficiently manifest, that it was not his dullness,
which excited so much animosity against him. Hardly any
author has ever been more satirized than sir Richard Blackmore, and yet, so far as we can judge from his writings,
there have been few, perhaps none, who have had better
intentions. He had very just ideas of the true ends of
writing and it would have been happy for the world, if
such ideas had been adopted by, and really influenced,
authors of more brilliant genius. And though his historical
and epic poems exposed him to some degree of ridicule,
yet he was far from being a proper object of the extreme
contempt with which he was treated. The merit of his
poem on Creation, and the excellency of his life, might
have procured him better usage. And whatever were
the defects of his compositions, he was justly entitled to
commendation for the morality of their tendency. He
who labours to reform mankind is more deserving of our
esteem, than he who would corrupt them, whatever may
be the powers of genius possessed by the latter, or whatever reputation his wit may have procured him. The
fashion of the times, or the mutual jealousies and animosities of contemporary wits and authors, often occasion great
injustice to be done to worthy men and useful writers.
But time will, generally, in a great degree, remove such
prejudices; and those who form an impartial estimate of
the character and various productions of Blackmore, will
acknowledge, that as a writer, with all his faults, he had
considerable merit; that as a man, he was justly entitled
to great applause. For, numerous as his enemies and opponents were, they seem to have been incapable of fixing
the least imputation upon his character; and those who
personally knew him spoke highly of his virtues. We
think it an act of justice to endeavour to remove from a
worthy man some part of that load of obloquy with which
his memory has been overwhelmed. To this character,
from the Biog. Britannica, we may add, that Dr. Johnson
has increased the number of those liberal-minded men
who have endeavoured to rescue sir Richard Blackmore’s
name from the contempt with which it has been treated,
and to do justice to his abilities as well as his virtues.
To his “Creation
” the doctor has given high praise,
and has drawn the character of it with singular precision
and elegance. From the inaccuracy with which Blackmore in his poems has pronounced the ancient, names
of nations or places, Dr. Johnson has inferred, that the
thirteen years he spent at the university, seem to have
passed with very little attention to the business of the
place. A strong testimony, however, to his diligence
whilst at Edmund-hall, has lately been produced in the
Gentleman’s Magazine, from Turner’s “Book of Providence.
” “Dr. Richard Blackmore,
” says Turner, “my
contemporary and colleague (fellow collegian) at Oxon,
now living, and one of the college in London, was, in his
first years, one of the most eager and diligent students I
ever knew sitting up at his book till twelve, one, two,
and sometimes three o'clock in the morning, and then
lying down only upon his chairs till prayer-time, till his
health broke, and he was constrained by necessity to retire into the country, to repair himself by physic.
, a monk of the order of St. Benedict, was born in the county of Fife,
, a monk of the order of St. Benedict,
was born in the county of Fife, in Scotland, in the reign
of king Alexander III. and educated with the celebrated
sir William Wallace, at the school of Dundee. He then
went over to France, where he studied for some time in
the university of Paris, and became a monk of the order
of St. Benedict. On his return to Scotland, he found his
country in great confusion, owing to the death of Alexander III. without issue, and the contests of various competitors for the throne. At first, therefore, he retired to
the house of the Benedictines at Dumfermline but when,
sir William Wallace was made governor or viceroy of the
kingdom in 1294, Blair became his chaplain, and being
by this means an eye-witness of most of his actions, he
composed the history of his life in Latin verse. Of this a,
fragment only is left, which was copied by sir James BaU
four out of the Cottonian library, and published in 1705,
by sir Robert Sibbald, the celebrated botanist. It appears to have been written in 1327 and what remains is
translated in Hume’s “History of the Douglasses.
” Blair,
the exact period of whose death is uncertain, is sometimes
called John, and sometimes Arnold, which latter name he
is said to have adopted when he retired into his monastery,
and which is also used by sir Robert Sibbald in his “Relationes quaedam Arnoldi Blair monachi de Dumfermelem
et Capellani D. Willelmi Wallas Militis. Cum Comment.
that he had swept the seas of English ships. In the mean time, Blake having repaired his fleet, and Monk and Deane being now joined in commission with him, sailed Feb.
February 12, 1649, he was appointed to command the
fleet, in conjunction with col. Deane and col. Popham, and
soon after was ordered to sail, with a squadron of men of
war, in pursuit of prince Rupert. Blake came before Kinsale in June 1649, where prince Rupert lay in harbour.
He kept him in the harbour till the beginning of October;
when the prince, despairing of relief by sea, and Cromwell
being ready to take the town by land, provisions of all sorts
falling short, he resolved to force his way through Blake’s
squadron, which he effected with the loss of three of his
ships. The prince’s fleet steered their course to Lisbon,
where they were protected by the king of Portugal. Blake
sent to the king for leave to enter, and coming near with
his ships, the castle shot at him; upon which he dropped
anchor, and sent a boat to know the reason of this hostility.
The captain of the castle answered, he had no orders from
the king to let his ships pass: however, the king commanded one of the lords of the court to wait upon Blake,
and to desire him not to come in except the weather proved
bad, lest some quarrel should happen between him and
prince Rupert; the king sent him, at the same time, a
large present of fresh provisions. The weather proving bad,
Blake sailed up the river into the bay of Wyers, but two
miles from the place where prince Rupert’s ships lay; and
thence he sent capt. Moulton, to inform the king of the
falsities in the prince’s declaration. The king, however,
still refusing to allow the admiral to attack prince Rupert,
Blake took five of the Brazil fleet richly laden, and at the
same time sent notice to him, that unless he ordered the
prince’s ships out from his river, he would seize the rest
of the Portuguese fleet from America. Sept. 1650 the
prince endeavoured to get out of the harbour, but was soon
driven in again by Blake, who sent to England nine Portuguese ships bound for Brazil. October following, he and
Popham met with a fleet of 23 sail from Brazil for Lisbon,
of whom, they sunk the admiral, took the vice-admiral, and
11 other ships, having 10,000 chests of sugar on board.
Jn his return home, he met with two ships in search of
the prince, whom he followed up the Streights when he
took a French man of war, the captain of which had committed hostilities. He sent this prize, reported to be
worth a million, into Calais, and followed the prince to
the pore of Carthagena, where he lay with the remainder
of his fleet. As soon as Blake came to anchor before the
fort, he sent a messenger to the Spanish governor, informing him, that an enemy to the state of England was in his
port, that the parliament had commanded him to pursue
him, and the king of Spain being in amity with the parliament, he desired leave to take all advantages against their
enemy. The governor replied, he could not take notice
of the difference of any nations or persons amongst themselves, only such as were declared enemies to the king his
master; that they came in thither for safety, therefore he
could not refuse them protection, and that he would do
the like for the admiral. Blake still pressed the governor
to permit him to attack the prince, and the Spaniard put
him off till he could have orders from Madrid. While the
admiral was cruizing in the Mediteranean, prince Rupert
got out of Carthagena, and sailed to Malaga. Blake, having notice of his destroying many English ships, followed
him and attacking him in the port, burnt and destroyed
his whole fleet, two ships only excepted this was in January 1651. In February, Blake took a French man of war
of 40 guns, and sent it, with other prizes, to England.
Soon after 'he came with his squadron to Plymouth, when
he received the thanks of the parliament, and was made
warden of the cinque ports. March following, an act
passed, whereby colonel Blake, colonel Popham, and colonel Deane, or any two of them, were appointed admirals
and generals of the fleet, for the year ensuing. The next
service he was put upon, was the reducing the isles of
Scilly,- which were held for the king. He sailed in May,
with a body of Boo land troops on board. Sir John Grenville, who commanded in those parts for the king, after
some small resistance, submitted. He sailed next for
Guernsey, which was held for the king, by sir George
Carteret. He arrived there in October, and landing what
forces he had the very next day, he did every thing in his
power in order to make a speedy conquest of the island,
which was not completed that year. In the beginning of
the next, however, the governor, finding all hopes of
relief vain, thought proper to make the best terms he could.
For this service Blake had thanks from the parliament,
and was elected one of the council of state. March 25,
1652, he was appointed sole admiral for nine months, on
the prospect of a Dutch war. The states sent Van Trump
with forty-five sail of men of war into the Downs, to insult the English Blake, however, though he had but
twentv-three ships, and could expect no succour but from
major Bourne, who commanded eight more, yet, being
attacked by Van Trump, fought him bravely, and forced
him to retreat. This was on the 19th of May, 1652.
After this engagement the states seemed inclined to peace
but the commonwealth of England demanded such terms
as could not be complied with, and therefore both sides
prepared to carry on the war with greater vigour. Blake
now harassed the enemy by taking their merchant ships,
in which he had great success. On the 10th of June, a
detachment from his fleet fell upon twenty-six sail of
Dutch merchantmen, and took them every one and by
the end of June he had sent into port forty prizes. On
the 2d of July he sailed, with a strong squadron, northwards. In his course he took a Dutch man of war; and
about the latter end of the month, he fell on twelve men
of war, convoy to their herring busses, took the whole
convoy, 100 of their busses, and dispersed the rest.
August 12, he returned into the Downs, with six of the
Dutch men of war, and 900 prisoners. Thence he stood
over to the coast of Holland, and on Sept. 28th, having
discovered the Dutch about noon, though he had only
three of his own squadron with him, vice-admiral Penii
with his squadron at some distance, and the rest a league
or two astern, he bore in among the Dutch fleet, being
bravely seconded by Penn and Bourne when three of the
enemy’s ships were wholly disabled at the first brunt, and
another as she was towing oft* The rear-admiral was
taken by captain Mildmay and had not night intervened,
it was thought not a single ship of the Dutch fleet would
have escaped. On the 29th, about day-break, the English
espied the Dutch fleet N.E. two leagues off; the admiral
bore up to them, but the enemy having the wind of him,
he could not reach them however, he commanded his
light frigates to ply as near as they could, and keep firing
while the rest bore up after them upon which the Dutch
hoisted their sails, and run for it. The English being in
want of provisions, returned to the Downs. Blake having
been obliged to make large detachments from his fleet
Van Trump, who had again the command of the Dutch
navy, consisting of eighty men of war, resolved to take
this opportunity of attacking him in the Downs, knowing
he had not above half his number of ships. He accordingly
sailed away to the back of the Goodwin. Blake having
intelligence of this, called a council of war, wherein it
was resolved to fight, though at so great a disadvantage.
The engagement began November 29, about two in the
morning, and lasted till near six in the evening. Blake
was aboard the Triumph; this ship, the Victory, and the
Vanguard, suffered most, having been engaged at one
time with twenty of the enemy’s best ships. The admiral
finding his ships much disabled, and that the Dutch had
the advantage of the wind, drew off his fleet in the night
into the Thames, having lost the Garland and Bonaventure, which were taken by the Dutch a small frigate was
also burnt, and three sunk and his remaining ships much
shattered and disabled Van Trump, however, bought this
victory dear, x one of his flag-ships being blown up, all the
men drowned, and his own ship and De Kuyter’s both
unfit for service till they were repaired. This success invigorated the spirits of the Dutch exceedingly; Van
Trump sailed through the channel with a broom at his
main-top-mast, to signify that he had swept the seas of
English ships. In the mean time, Blake having repaired
his fleet, and Monk and Deane being now joined in commission with him, sailed Feb. 8, 1653, from Queensborough, with sixty men of war, which were soon after
joined with twenty more from Portsmouth. On the 18th
they discovered Van Trump with seventy men of war, and
300 merchant ships under his convoy. Blake, with twelve
ships, came up with and engaged the Dutch fleet, and,
though grievously wounded in the thigh, continued the
fight till night, when the Dutch, who had six men of war
sunk and taken, retired. After having put ashore his
wounded men at Portsmouth, he followed the enemy,
whom he came up with next day, when the fight was renewed, to the loss of the Dutch, who continued retreating
towards Boulogne. All the night following Blake continued the pursuit, and, in the morning of the 20th, the
two fleets fought again till four in the afternoon, when the
wind blowing favourably for the Dutch, they secured
themselves on the flats of Dunkirk and Calais. In these
three engagements the Dutch lost eleven men of war,
thirty merchant ships, and had fifteen hundred men slain.
The English lost only one ship, but not fewer men than
the enemy. In April Cromwell turned out the parliament,
and shortly after assumed the supreme power. The states
hoped great advantages from this, but were disappointed
Blake said on this occasion to his officers, “It is not for
us to mind state affairs, but to keep foreigners from fooling
” Towards the end of the month Blake and his colleagues, with a fleet of an hundred sail, stood over to the
Dutch coast, and forced their fleet to take shelter in the
Texel, where, for some time, they were kept by Monk and
Deane, while Blake sailed Northward at last Van Trump
got out, and drew together a fleet of an hundred and
twenty men of war. June 3d, Deane and Monk engaged
him off the North Foreland. On the 4th Blake came to
their assistance with eighteen fresh ships, by which means
a complete victory was gained; and if the Dutch had not
again saved themselves on Calais sands, their whole fleet
had been sunk or taken. Cromwell having called the parliament, styled the Little Parliament, Blake, Oct. 10, took
his seat in the house, where he received their solemn
thanks for his many and faithful services. The protector
afterwards called a new parliament, consisting of four
hundred, 'where Blake sat also, being the representative
for his native town of Bridgewater. Dec. 6th he was appointed one of the commissioners of the admiralty. Nov.
1654, Cromwell sent him with a strong fleet into the Mediterranean, with instructions to support the honour of
the English flag, and to procure satisfaction for any injuries that might have been done to our merchants. In
December Blake came into the road of Cadiz, where he
was treated with great respect; a Dutch admiral would
not hoist his flag while he was there. The Algerines
were so much afraid of him, that they stopped their
Sallee rovers, obliged them to deliver up what English
prisoners they had on board, and sent them to Blake, in,
order to procure his favour. Nevertheless, he came before Algiers on the 10th of March, when he sent an officer on shore to the dey to tell him he had orders to
demand satisfaction for the piracies committed on the
English, and to insist on the release of all such English
captives as were then in the place. To this the dey made
answer, that the captures belonging to particular men he
could not restore; but, if Mr. Blake pleased, he might redeem what English captives were there at a reasonable
price; and, if he thought proper, the Algerines would
conclude a peace with him, and for the future offer no
acts of hostility to the English. This answer was accompanied with a present of fresh provisions. Blake sailed to
Tunis on the same errand. The dey of Tunis sent him
a haughty answer. “Here,
” said he, “are our castles
of Goletta and Porto Ferino, do your worst! do you think
we fear your fleet?
” On the hearing this, Blake, as his
custom was when in a passion, began to curl his whiskers;
and, after a short consultation with his officers, bore into
the bay of Porto Ferino with his great ships when,
coming within musket-shot of the castle, he fired on it so
briskly, that in two hours it was rendered defenceless, and
the guns on the works along the shore were dismounted,
though sixty of them played at a time upon the English.
He found nine ships in the road, and ordered every captain, even of his own ship, to man his long boat with
choice men, and these to enter the harbour and tire the
Tuniseens, while he and his fleet covered them from the
castle, by playing continually on it with their cannon. The
seamen in their boats boldly assaulted the pirates, and
burnt all their ships, with the loss of twenty-five men
killed, and forty-eight wounded. This daring action
spread the terror of his name throughout Africa and Asia,
which had for a long time before been formidable in Europe. He also struck such terror into the piratical state
of Tripoly, that he made them glad to strike up a peace
with England. These and other exploits raised the glory
of the English name so high, that most of the princes and
states in Italy thought fit to pay their compliments to the
protector, particularly the grand duke of Tuscany, and
the republic of Venice, who sent magnificent embassies
for that purpose. The war in the mean time was grown
pretty hot with Spain and Blake used his utmost efforts
to ruin their maritime force in Europe, as Penn had done
in the West Indies. But finding himself now in a declining state of health, and fearing the ill consequences
which might ensue in case he should die without any colleague to take charge of the fleet, he wrote letters into
England, desiring some proper person to be named in
commission with him; upon which general Montague
sent joint-admiral, with a strong squadron to assist him.
Soon after his arrival in the Mediterranean, the two admirals sailed with their whole fleet to block up a Spanish
squadron in the bay of Cadiz. At length, in September,
being in great want of water, Blake and Montague stood
away for the coast of Portugal, leaving captain Stayner
with seven ships to look after the enemy. Soon after they
were gone, the Spanish plate fleet appeared, but were intercepted by Stayner, who took the vice-admiral and
another galleon, which were afterwards burnt by accident,
the rear-admiral, with two millions of plate on board, and
another ship richly laden. These prizes, together with
all the prisoners, were seat into England under general
Montague, and Blake alone remained in the Mediterranean till, being informed that another plate fleet had
put into Santa Cruz, in the island of Teneriffe, he sailed
thither in April 1657, with a fleet of twenty-five men of
war. On the 20th he came into the road of Santa Cruz;
and though the Spanish governor had timely notice, was a
man of courage and conduct, and had disposed all things
in the most proper manner, so that he looked upon an attack as what no wise admiral would think practicable yet
Blake having summoned him, and received a short answer,
was determined to force the place, and to burn the fleet
therein; and he performed it in such a manner as appears
next to incredible. It is allowed to be one of the most
remarkable actions that ever happened at sea. As soon as
the news arrived of this extraordinary action, the protector
sent to acquaint his second parliament, then sitting, therewith upon which they ordered a public thanksgiving, and
directed a diamond ring worth 500l. to be sent to Blake
and the thanks of the house was ordered to all the officers
and seamen, and to be given them by their admiral. Upon
his return to the Mediterranean he cruised some time before Cadiz but finding himself declining fast, resolved
to return home. He accordingly sailed for England, but
lived not to see again his native land for he died as the
fleet was entering Plymouth, the 17th of August 1657,
aged 58.His body was conveyed to Westminster abbey,
and interred with great pomp in Henry the Seventh’s
chapel but removed from thence in 1661, and re-interred
in St. Margaret’s church-yard.
He was a man of a low stature but of a quick, lively
eye, and of a good soldier-like countenance. He was in
his person brave beyond example, yet cool in action, and
shewed a great deal of military conduct; in the disposition
of those desperate attacks which men of a cooler composition have judged rather fortunate thun expedient. He
certainly* loved his country with extraordinary ardour,
and, as he never meddled with intrigues of state, so whatever government he served, he was solicitous to do his
duty. He was upright to a supreme degree, for, notwithstanding the vast sums which passed through his hands,
he scarcely left five hundred pounds behind him of his
own acquiring. In fine, he was altogether disinterested
and unambitious, exposing himseii on all occasions for
the benefit of the public and the g-ory of the nation, and
not wkh any view to his own private profit or fame. In
respect to his personal character, he was pious without affectation, strictly just, and liberal to the utmost extent of
his fortune. His officers he treated with the familiarity
of friends, and to his sailors he was truly a parent. The
state buried him as it was fit: at the public expence a
grave was given him, but no tomb; and though he still
wants an epitaph, writers of all parties have shewn an
eagerness to do his memorv justice. We find it very positively asserted, that captain Benjamin Blake, brother to
the general, suffered so many hardships for being a dissenter, in the latter end of the reign of king Charles II.
that he found himself under the necessity of selling his
patrimony, and transporting himself and his family to
Carolina. Another author (though some indeed think it is the same) relates this story of Mr. Humphry Blake, the
general’s brother, and tells us, that the family estate was
worth tsvo hundred pounds a year, which he was obliged
to dispose of, to pay the fines laid upon him for his nonconformity. It is jiowever strange, that every one of the
general’s nephevfs an,d nieces, by his sister Susannah, who
married a gentleman at Mineheacl, in Somersetshire, should
be totally unacquainted with this transaction, and that
none of the family should be able to give any account of
that matter; and therefore it seems to be justly doubted
whether there be any truth in the story, or whether it is
only grounded on there being a considerable family of his
name settled in that province, one of whom, when it was
in private hands, was a lord proprietor.
ong previous to the oldest of these, as we find it translated into English in 1494, by John Lydgate, monk of Edmundsbury, at the commandment of Humphrey duke of Gloucester,
The predominant passion of Boccaccio, in youth, was
the love of pleasure tempered by that of study; as he advanced in age, study became his sole delight. He had no
ambition either for rank or fortune. The public employments confided to him came unasked, and when he could
lay them down, he did so. He was equally averse to any
domestic employments which were likely to take up much
of his time, and would accept of no private tutorships,
which so often eventually promote a man’s interest. His
character was frank and open, but not without a degree of
pride, which, however, particularly when he was in low
circumstances, kept him from mean compliances. With
respect to his talents, it is eviuent that he had always made
a false estimate of them he had the fullest confidence in
his poetical powers, yet nothing he wrote in verse rises
above mediocrity, and many of his prose Italian writings
desefve no higher praise. He is superior and inimitable
only in his tales, on which he did not pride himself, nor indeed set any value. He fell into the same error with his
master Petrarch in supposing that his serious Latin works
would be the source of his fame, which he owes entirely
to his Tales, as Petrarch owes his to his love-verses. All
his Latin writings are crude and hasty. * In them, says Paul
Cortesius, “he labours with thought, and struggles to give
it utterance but his sentiments find no adequate vehicle,
and the lustre of his native talents is obscured by the depraved taste of the times.
” In his youth, he was flattered
as having obtained the second place in poetry, his
admiration for Dante not permitting him to aspire to the
first, and the sonnets of Petrarch were not yet known. It
is to his honour, however, that as soon us he saw the latter,
he threw into the fire the greater part of his lyric compositions, sonnets, canzoni, &e. and seems to have determined
to apply himself entirely to the perfection of Italian prose,
in which it must be confessed he has succeeded admirably.
As a recent event has rendered some of Boccaccio’s
writings an object, of research among collectors, we shall
enter somewhat more fully than is usual into a detail of
their editions. Among his Latin works, we have, 1. “De
genealogia Deorum lib. XV. De montium, sylvarum, lucuum, fluviorum, stagnorum, et marium nominibus, liber.
These two were first printed together in folio without date,
but supposed to be at Venice, and. anterior to 1472, in
which year appeared the second edition, at Venice, with
that date. The third was published at the same place in
1473, and followed by others at Reggio, Vincenza, Venice, Paris, and Basle, which last, in 1532, is accompanied with notes and supplements. This account of the genealogy of the Gods, or the heathen mythology, must have
been the fruit of immense reading, and as no information
on the subject existed then, a high value was placed on it,
although it has been since superseded by more recent and
accurate works. He has been very unjustly accused of
quoting authors no where else to be found, as if he had invented their names, but it is surely more reasonable to
think they might be known in his days, although their memory has since perished, or that he might have been himself deceived. This same work, translated into Italian by
Joseph Betussi, has gone through twelve or thirteen edi-.
tions, the first, of Venice, 1547, 4to. There are -also
two French translations, the first anonymous, Paris, 1498,
fol. and 1531, also in fol. the second by Claude Wittard,
Paris, 1578, 8vo. The lesser book, or Dictionary of the
names of mountains, forests, &c. was also translated into
Italian by Niccolo Liburnio, and printed in 4to. without
date or place, but there is a second edition at Florence,
1598, 8vo. 2. “De casibus Virorum et Foeminarum illustrium libri IX.
” Paris, 1535, 1544, fol. and at Vincenza
the same year translated into Italian by Betussi, Venice,
1545, 8vo, and often reprinted. But there must have been
an edition long previous to the oldest of these, as we find it
translated into English in 1494, by John Lydgate, monk of
Edmundsbury, at the commandment of Humphrey duke of
Gloucester, under the title of “John Boccace of the Fall
of Princes and Princesses .
” It has likewise been translated and often reprinted in French, Spanish, and German. The first of the Spanish translations is dated Seville,
1495, and the first of the French was printed at Bruges in
1476, folio, then at Paris, 1483, at Lyons the same
year, and again at Paris in 1494, 1515, folio, and 1578,
8vo. 3. “De claris Mulieribus.
” The first edition of this
is without place or date, in the black letter the second is
that of Ulm, 1473, fol. followed by those of Louvain and
Berne from 1484 to 1539. Of this work the Italians have
two translations, one by Vincent Bagli, a Florentine, Venice, 1506, 4to; the other by Betussi, who prefixed a life
of Boccaccio, Venice, 1545, and 1547, 8vo. The first
edition of the Spanish translation is dated Seville, 1528,
fol. That of the German translation is dated Augsburgh,
1471, and was followed by one at Ulm, 1473, 4to. The
French have two translations, the oldest 1493, fol. 4.
” sixteen in number, and printed with those of
Virgil, Calphurnius, &c. Florence, 1504, 8vo. They are
also inserted in the “Bucolicorum auctorcs,
” Basil, La Teseide,
” the
first attempt at an epic in Italian, and written in the ottava
rima, or heroic verse, of which Boccaccio is considered as
the inventor; printed at Ferrara, 1475, fol. Venice, 1528,
4to, and translated into French, 1597, 12mo. 6. “Amorosa visione,
” Milan, II Filastrato,
” a poetical romance in heroic verse, the hero of
which is young Troilus, the son of Priam, and the subject,
his amours with Chryseis, whom the poet does not make
the daughter of Chryses, but of Calchas. Of this there are
four editions Bologna, 1498, 4to, Milan, 1499, 4to, Venice 1501 and 1528, 4to. 8. “Nimfale Fiesolano.
” It is
thought that in this poem Boccaccio has concealed, under
the disguise of a pastoral fiction, an amorous adventure
which happened in his time in the environs of Florence.
The first edition is in 4to. without place or date; the second is of Venice 1477, and was followed by many others
at Venice and Florence, and one recently of Paris, 1778,
12mo. It was translated into French by Anthony Guercin
du Crest, and printed at Lyons, 1556, 16mo. 9. “Rime,
or miscellaneous poems. We have noticed that he burned
the greater part of his minor poems, but those which were
dispersed in manuscript in various hands, have been often
collected, and the publication of them announced. M.
Baldelli, who has since, in 1806, published a good life of
Boccaccio, collected all of these poems he could find, and
printed them at Leghorn, 1802, 8vo.
orn at Angers about 1530. In his youth he was supposed, but not upon good foundation, to have been a monk. He studied first at Toulouse, and after taking his degrees,
, a French lawyer, and political writer, was born at Angers about 1530. In his youth he was supposed, but not upon good foundation, to have been a monk. He studied first at Toulouse, and after taking his degrees, read lectures there with much applause, having a design to settle there as law- pro lessor, and with that view he pronounced an oration on public instruction in the schools but finding Toulouse not a sufficiently ample stage for his ambition, he removed to Pans, and began to practise at the bar, where his expectations being likewise disappointed, he determined to apply himself to literary occupations, and in this he had very considerable success. Henry III. who liked to have men of letters about him, admitted him into familiar conversation, and had such an opinion of him, that he sent to prison one John, or Michael de la Serre, who had written against Bodin, and forbid him under pain of death to publish his work but this courtly favour did not last. Thuanus ascribes the king’s withdrawing his countenance to the envy of the courtiers but others think it was occasioned by Bodin' s taking a political part in opposition to the king. He found an asylum, however, with the duke of Alene,on, who made him secretary of his commands, one of the masters of the requests of his palace, and grand master of his waters and forests. The insurgents in the Netherlands at this time intended to declare the duke their sovereign, and were said to be prompted to this by queen Elizabeth of England. Bodin, however, accompanied him into England and Flanders, but he had the misfortune to lose this patron in 1584.
with so many solid arguments, that every body was miserably ashamed for him, except the brazen-faced monk himself.” On this, a magistrate who was present in that assembly,
, a writer, whose whole merit was
inventing abominable lies and absurdities against the first
reformers in the sixteenth century; and, by this means
supplying popish missionaries with matter of invective
against them, he was often quoted, and became respected.
He was a Carmelite of Paris, who, having preached somewhat freely in St. Bartholomew’s church, forsook hiaonier,
and fled into Italy, where he set up for a physician,
and married; but soon after committed some crime, for
which he was driven away. He set up afterwards in
Geneva as a physician; but not succeeding in that
protession, he studied divinity. At first he dogmatized privately on the mystery of predestination, according to the principles of Pelagius; and afterwards
had the boldness to make a public discourse against
the received opinion. Upon this, Calvin went to see
him, and censured him mildly. Then he sent for him
to his house, and endeavoured to reclaim him from his
error; but this did not hinder Bolsec from delivering in
public an insulting discourse against the decree of eternal
predestination. Calvin was among his auditors; but,
hiding himself in the crowd, was not seen by Bolsec,
which made him the bolder. As soon as Bolsec had ended
his sermon, Calvin stood up, and confuted all he had been
saying. “He answered, overset, and confounded him,
says Beza, “with so many testimonies from the word of
God, with so many passages, chiefly from St. Augustine
in short, with so many solid arguments, that every body
was miserably ashamed for him, except the brazen-faced
monk himself.
” On this, a magistrate who was present
in that assembly, sent him to prison. The cause was discussed very fully, and at last, with the advice of the Swiss
churches, the senate of Geneva declared Bolsec convicted
of sedition and Pelagian ism; and as such, in 1551, banished him from the territory of the republic, on pain of
being whipped if he should return thither. He retired
into a neighbouring place, which depended on the canton
of Bern, and raised a great deal of disturbance there, by
accusing Calvin of making God the author of sin. Calvin,
to prevent the impressions which such complaints might
make upon the gentlemen of Bern, caused himself to be
deputed to them, and pleaded his cause before them. He
was so fortunate, that though he could not get a
determination upon his doctrine, whether it was true or false,
yet Bolsec was ordered to quit the country.
, was born at Florence in 1515 of a noble family, and became a Benedictine monk in 1531. He was one of the persons appointed to correct the
, was born at Florence in 1515
of a noble family, and became a Benedictine monk in 1531.
He was one of the persons appointed to correct the
Decameron of Boccace, by order of the council of Trent, and
performed this curious task for the edition of Florence,
1573, 8vo. But the best known of his works, and which
did him the most honour, is that entitled, “Discovsi di
M. Vincenzo Borghini,
” printed at Florence Riposo della Pittura, e della Scukura,
” published at
Florence in
wn. The Borgian ms. so called by Michaelis, is a fragment of a Coptic-Greek manuscript, brought by a monk from Egypt, consisting of about twelve leaves, and sent to cardinal
In 1788 he published his “Vindication of the rights of
the Holy See on the kingdom of Naples,
” 4to, a work now
of little importance, and relating to a dispute which will
probably never be revived. On the 30th of March, 1789,
he was promoted to the rank of cardinal, and about the
same time was appointed prefect of the congregation of
the Index; and, what was more analogous to his pursuits,
he held the same office in the Propaganda, and in the
congregation for the correction of the books of the oriental
churches. After these promotions, he continued to be the
liberal patron of all who had any connection either with
his offices or with his literary pursuits, until Italy was inTaded by the French, when, like the greater part of his
colleagues, he was involved in losses and dangers, both
with respect to his fortune and to his pursuits. He forfeited all his benefices, and was near witnessing the destruction of all the establishments committed to his care,
especially the Propaganda. He was soon, however, extricated from his personal difficulties; and, by his timely
measures, the invaluable literary treasures of the Propaganda were also saved. He was allowed a liberal pension
from the court of Denmark, and he soon obtained the removal of the establishment of the Propaganda to Padua, a
city which, being then under the dominion of the emperor
<?f Germany, was thought to be sheltered from robbery.
Here he remained till the death of pope Pius VI. after
which he repaired, with his colleagues, to Venice, to attend the conclave; and, a new pope being elected, he
returned to Rome. When the coronation of the emperor
of France was ordered, cardinal Borgia was one of those
individuals who were selected by the pope as the companions of his intended journey to Paris, but having caught
a, violent cold on his way, he died at Lyons, Nov. 23, 1804.
Cardinal Stephen Borgia was not much favoured by nature with respect to person. He was so clumsy, and his
motions so much embarrassed, as to have little of the appearance of a person of birth and rank. He was far, also,
from being nice in his house or equipage. These little
defects, however, were compensated by the superior qualities of his mind. From, the time of Alexander Albani,
no Roman cardinal had so many distinguished connections
and correspondents in every part of Europe: and a great
similarity (elegance of manners excepted) was remarked
between the character of that illustrious prelate and his
own. The Borgian ms. so called by Michaelis, is a fragment of a Coptic-Greek manuscript, brought by a monk
from Egypt, consisting of about twelve leaves, and sent to
cardinal Borgia. The whole of it is printed in “Georgii
Fragmentum Graeco-Copto-Thebaicum,
” Rome,
He went to see Mr. du Bosc the next day, and told him that he thought himself obliged to sacrifice a monk to the public joy; that the sacrifice would have been more reasonable,
, a French minister, and the greatest
preacher in his time among the protestants, was son of
William du Bosc, advocate to the parliament of Roan, and
born at Bayeux, February 21, 1623. He made such progress, after having studied divinity eighteen months at
Montauban, and three years at Saumur, that although he
was but in his three and twentieth year, he was qualified to
serve the church of Caen, to which he was presented Nov.
15, 1645, and received the imposition of hands Dec. 17,
the same year. The merit of his colleagues, and above all
that of Mr. Bochart, did not hinder Mr. du Bosc from acquiring speedily the reputation of one of the first men of
his function; and his eloquence became so famous
throughout the whole kingdom, that the church of Charenton would have him for their minister, and sent to desire him of his church, in the beginning of 1658. The
strongest solicitations were made use of; but neither the
eloquence of the deputies of Paris, nor the letters of persons of the greatest eminence in France amongst the protestants, could engage the church of Caen to part with
him, nor him to quit his flock. It was impossible that such
talents and fame should not give umbrage to the enemies
of the protestant religion, which they shewed in 1664, by
procuring a lettre de cachet, which banished him from Chalons till a new order, for having spoke disrespectfully of
auricular confession. Mr. du Bosc, as he passed through
Paris to go to the place of his banishment, explained to
Mr. le Tellier his opinion on confession, and in what manner he had spoken of it, with which Le Tellier was satisfied, and told him that he had never doubted of the falseness of the accusation. Mr. du Bosc recovered the liberty
of returning to his church October 15, 1664, and the joy
which was at Caen among the brethren, when he came
there, November 8, was excessive, A great many honourable persons of the other party congratulated him; and
there was a catholic gentleman who celebrated the event
in a very singular manner, as thus related by Du Bosc’s
biographer. “A gentleman of the Roman religion, of
distinction in the province, whose life was not very regular, but who made open profes&ion of loving the pastors
who had particular talents, and seemed particularly enamoured with the merit of Mr. du Bosc, having a mind to
solemnize the feast with a debauch, took two Cordeliers
whom he knew to be honest fellows, and made them drink
so much, that one of them died on the spot. He went to
see Mr. du Bosc the next day, and told him that he thought
himself obliged to sacrifice a monk to the public joy; that
the sacrifice would have been more reasonable, if it had
been a Jesuit; but that his offering ought not to displease
him, though it was but of a Cordeiier. This tragical accident, of which he was only the innocent occasion, did
not fail to disturb the joy which he had upon seeing himself again in his family and amongst his flock.
” During
the prosecutions of the protestant churches in 1665, he
defended that of Caen, and many others of the province,
against the measures of the bishop of Bayeux. The king
having published in 1666 a severe proclamation against
the protestants, all the chrrches sent deputies to Paris to
make humble remonstrances to his majesty. The churches
of Normandy deputed Mr. du Bosc, who departed from
Caen July 3, 1668. As soon as he was arrived at Paris,
the other deputies chose him “to draw up several memoirs.
It being reported that the king would suppress some chambers of the edict, all the deputies ran to Mr. de Ruvigni,
the deputy general, to speak with him about so important
an affair, in hopes of procuring leave to throw themselves
at his majesty’s feet; but Mr. du Bosc only was admitted
to the audience. He harangued the king, who was alone
in his closet, November 27, 1668; and after having ended
his discourse, he had the courage to represent several
things, and succeeded so well as to make all the court
speak of his eloquence and prudence. After several conferences with Mr. le Tellier, and many evasions and delays,
in April 1669, he obtained some relaxation of the declaration of 1666. After that time Mr. du Bosc went several
journies about the churches’ affairs, and supported them,
before the ministers of state and the intendants, with
great force and ability, until he was commanded himself,
by an act of the parliament of Normandy June 6, 1685,
not to exercise his ministry any more in the kingdom. It
was, however, universally acknowledged, t.iat if it had
been possible to preserve the reformed church of France
by the means of negotiation, he was more likely to succeed than any one that could be employed. He retired
into Holland after his interdiction, and was minister of
the church of Rotterdam, until his death, which happened
January 2, 1692. He published some volumes of sermons; and after his death, P. Le Gendre, his son-in-law,
published his
” Life, Letters, Poems, Orations, Dissertations," and other curious documents respecting the history of the reformed churches in his time, Rotterdam,
1694, 8vo, dedicated to lord viscount Galloway.
, a monk of St. Edmund’s bury in the fourteenth century, and who is thought
, a monk of St. Edmund’s bury in the
fourteenth century, and who is thought to have died in
1410, was one of the first collectors of the lives of English
writers, and the precursor of Leland, Bale, and Pitts. He
searched indefatigably all the libraries of the kingdom, and
wrote a catalogue of the authors, with short opinions of
them. Archbishop Usher had the most curious ms copy of
this book, which became afterwards Mr. Thomas Gale’s property. Wood mentions another smaller catalogue of his
writing. He wrote also “Speculum ccenobitarum,
” in
which he gives the origin and progress of monachism;
and a history of his own monastery. “De rebus cœnobii
” which last is lost, but the former was printed at
Oxford 1722, 8vo, by Hall at the end of “Trivet. Annal.
en will conclude by saying that she was prudent, and a good Christian. So likewise of a priest, of a monk, or any other ecclesiastic, he will relate anecdotes more than
” (says M. Anquetil) “is in the hands of
every body. All the world pretends to have read him; but
he ought particularly to be put into the hands of princes,
that they may learn how impossible it is for them to hide
themselves they they have an importance in the eyes of
their courtiers, which draws attention to all their actions;
and that, sooner or later, the most secret of them are revealed to posterity. The reflections that would occur, on
seeing that Brantome has got together all the little transactions, all the idle words that have escaped them, all the
actions pretended to be indifferent, which were thought to
be neglected and lost, and which nevertheless mark the
character, would render them more circumspect. In reading Brantome a problem forces itself on the mind, which
it is difficult to solve. It is very common to see that author
joining together the most discordant ideas in regard to morals. Sometimes he will represent a woman as addicted to
the most infamous refinements of libertinism, and then will
conclude by saying that she was prudent, and a good Christian. So likewise of a priest, of a monk, or any other ecclesiastic, he will relate anecdotes more than wanton; and
will tell us very gravely at the end, that this man lived regularly according to his station. Almost all his memoirs
are full of similar contradictions in a sort of epigram. On
which 1 have this question to propose: Was Brantome a libertine; who, in order to sport more securely with religion
and morals, affects in the expression a respect to which the
very matter of the recital gives the lie? or, Was he one of
those persons who generally go under the name of amiable
fops; who, without principles as without design, confound virtue and vice, making no real difference between one character
and another? Whatever judgment we may form of him, we
must always blame him for omitting to observe a proper reverence for decorum in his writings, and for frequently
putting modesty to the blush. We perceive in Brantome
the character of those young men, who, making a part of
the court by their birth, pass their lives in it without pretensions and without desires. They amuse themselves with
every thing: if an action has a ridiculous side, they seize
it; if it has not, they give it one. Brantome only skims
along the surface of a subject; he knows nothing of diving
into an action, and unfolding the motives that gave it birth.
He gives a good picture of what he has seen, relates in simple terms what he has heard; but it is nothing uncommon
to see him quit his main object, return to it, quit it a
and conclude by thinking no more of it. With all this irregularity he pleases, because he amuses.
ty, and pursued his studies with great diligence and success till 1745, when he became a Benedictine monk of the abbey of St. Martin de Seez, then en regie, that is,
, was born at the village of Beaumains near Falaise, in the diocese of Seez, in 1724. He was educated at the grammar-school at Caen, whence he was removed to that university, and pursued his studies with great diligence and success till 1745, when he became a Benedictine monk of the abbey of St. Martin de Seez, then en regie, that is, under the direction of a conventual abbot. Some time after this, Dom Bourget was appointed prior claustral of the said abbey, and continued six years in that office, when he was nominated prior of Tiron en Perche; whence being translated to the abbey of St. Stephen at Caen, in the capacity of sub-prior, he managed the temporalities of that religious house during two years, as he did their spiritualities for one year longer; after which, according to the custom of the house, he resigned his office. His superiors, sensible of his merit and learning, removed him thence to the abbey of Bee, where he resided till 1764. He was elected an honorary member of the society of antiquaries of London, Jan. 10, 1765; in which year he returned to the abbey of St. Stephen at Caen, where he continued to the time of his death. These honourable offices, to which he was promoted on account of his great abilities, enabled him not only to pursue his favourite study of the history and antiquities of some of the principal Benedictine abbie.s in Normandy, but likewise gave him access to all their charters, deeds, register-books, &c. &c. These he examined with great care, and left behind him in ms. large and accurate accounts of the abbies of St. Peter de Jumieges, St. Stephen, and the Holy Trinity at Caen (founded by William the Conqueror and his queen Matilda), and a very particular history of the abbey of Bee. These were all written in French. The History of the royal abbey of Bee (which he presented to Dr. Ducarel in 1764) is only an abstract of his larger work. This ancient abbey, (which has produced several archbishops of Canterbury and other illustrious prelates of this kingdom) is frequently mentioned by our old historians. The death of this worthy Benedictine (which happened on new-year’s day, 1776) was occasioned by his unfortunate neglect of a hurt he got in his leg by falling down two or three steps in going from the hall to the cloister of the abbey of St. Stephen at Caen, being deceived by the ambiguous feeble light of a glimmering and dying lamp that was placed in that passage. He lived universally esteemed, and died sincerely regretted by all those who were acquainted with him and was buried in the church of the said abbey, Jan. 3, 1776.
eat a share of his conh'dence as any man, except Thurloe . In 1656, the protector, either suspecting Monk’s attachment to his person, or desirous of relieving the people
He soon raised in that kingdom a troop and a regiment of 1500 men, with which he joined Cromwell on his arrival; and, acting in the course of the war conjointly with Cromwell and Ireton, contributed greatly to the reduction of the Irish. Cromwell was so exceedingly struck with his conduct and courage, that after he was declared protector, he sent for lord Broghill, made him one of his privy council, and allowed him as great a share of his conh'dence as any man, except Thurloe . In 1656, the protector, either suspecting Monk’s attachment to his person, or desirous of relieving the people of Scotland, who complained of this man’s severity, proposed to lord Broghill to go to that kingdom with an absolute authority; to which his lordship consented, upon condition that he should have a discretionary power to act as he should see proper; that no credit should be given to any complaints, till he had an opportunity of vindicating himself; and that he should be recalled in a year. Cromwell kept his word to him; for though the complaints against Broghill were more numerous than those against Monk, upon giving, at his return to London when the year was expired, an account of the reasons of his conduct, Cromwell conceived a higher esteem for him than ever.
sign, to gain, if possible, sir Charles Coote, who had great power in the north, and then to send to Monk in Scotland. Whilst meditating this design, a summons came to
After the death of Cromwell, Broghill did his utmost to serve his son, to whom his lordship, in conjunction with lord Howard and some others, made an offer, that if he would not be wanting to himself, and give them a sufficient authority to act under him, they would either force his enemies to obey him, or cut them off. Richard, startled at this proposal, answered in a consternation, that he thanked them for their friendship, but that he neither had done, nor would do, any person any harm; and that rather than that a drop of blood should be spilt on his account, he would lay down that greatness which was a burden to him. He was so fixed in his resolution, that whatever the lords could say was not capable of making him alter it; and they found it to no purpose to keep a man in power who would do nothing for himself. Lord Broghill, therefore, finding the family of Cromwell thus laid aside, and not being obliged by any ties to serve those who assumed the government, whose schemes too he judged wild and ill-concerted, from this time shewed himself most active and zealous to restore the king, and for that purpose repaired forthwith to his command in Munster; where, finding himself at the head of a considerable force, he determined to get the army in Ireland to join with him in the design, to gain, if possible, sir Charles Coote, who had great power in the north, and then to send to Monk in Scotland. Whilst meditating this design, a summons came to him from the seven commissioners, sent over by the committee of safety to take care of the affairs of Ireland, requiring him to attend them immediately at the castle of Dublin. His friends advised him to be upon his guard, and not put himself in the power of his enemies; but, as he thought himself not strong enough yet to take such a step, he resolved to obey the summons. Taking, therefore, his own troop with him as a guard, he set out for Dublin. When he came to the city, leaving his troop in the suburbs, he acquainted the commissioners, that, in obedience to their commands, he was come to know their farther pleasure. Next day, on appearing before them, they told him, that the state was apprehensive he would practise against their government, and that therefore they had orders to confine him, unless he would give sufficient security for his peaceable behaviour. He desired to know what security they expected. They told him, that since he had a great interest in Munster, they only desired him to engage, on the forfeiture of his life and estate, that there should be no commotion in that province. He now plainly perceived the snare which was laid for him; and that, if he entered into such an engagement, his enemies themselves might raise some commotions in Munster. He saw himself, however, in their power, and made no manner of doubt but that if he refused to give them the security they demanded, they would immediately put him up in prison. He therefore desired some time to consider of their proposal; but was told, they could give him no time, and expected his immediate answer. Finding himself thus closely pressed, he humbly desired to be satisfied in one point, namely, whether they intended to put the whole power of Munster into his hands? if they did, he said, he was ready to enter into the engagement they demanded; but if they did not, he must appeal to all the world how cruel and unreasonable it was, to expect he should answer for the behaviour of people over whom he had no command. The commissioners found themselves so much embarrassed by this question, that they ordered him to withdraw; and fell into a warm debate in what manner to proceed with him. At last Steel, one of the commissioners, who was also lord chancellor of Ireland, declared himself afraid, that even the honest party in Ireland would think it rery hard to see a man thrown into prison, who had dons such signal services to the Protestants; but that, on the other hand, he could never consent to the increase of lord Broghill’s power, which the state was apprehensive might one day be employed against them. He therefore proposed that things should stand as they did at present; that his lordship should be sent back to his command in Munster in a good humour, and be suffered at least to continue there till they received further instructions from England. This proposal was agreed to by the majority of the board, and lord Broghill being called in, was told in the most obliging manner, that the board was so sensible of the gallant actions he had performed in the Irish wars, and had so high an opinion of his honour, that they would depend upon that alone for his peaceable behaviour.
force to protect him against all his enemies. At the same time he dispatched a messenger to general Monk, then on his march from Scotland, to let him know what they
Upon his return to Munster, he applied himself as closely as ever to form a party for the king’s restoration. After making sure of his own officers, the first person of weight he engaged in the design was colonel Wilson, governor of Limerick, in which place there was a garrison of 2000 men; and having now secured all Munster, he sent a trusty agent to sir Charles Coote, to persuade that gentleman to do in the north of Ireland, what he himself had done in the south. Sir Charles, who had taken disgust at the superiority of lieutenant-general Ludlow, and the parliament’s commissioners, and thought his eminent services not sufficiently rewarded by the presidency of Connaught, came readily into the design. Lord Broghill being empowered by most of the chief officers in Ireland under their hands, dispatched his brother, the lord Shannon, to the king, then in Flanders, with a letter quilted in the neck of his doublet, to acquaint his majesty with the measures he had taken, and inviting him to come into his kingdom of Ireland; assuring him that if he pleased to land at Cork, he should be received with a sufficient force to protect him against all his enemies. At the same time he dispatched a messenger to general Monk, then on his march from Scotland, to let him know what they were doing in Ireland, and to persuade him to do the like. Shannon was scarce embarked for Flanders, when lord Broghill received a letter from sir Charles Coote, to acquaint him that their design of declaring for the king had taken air, and that he had therefore been obliged to declare somewhat sooner than they had agreed upon; and to conjure his lordship to declare himself likewise; which Broghill did immediately. that he might not desert his friend, though he was a little apprehensive that sir Charles’s precipitancy might ruin their design. By this means those who had assumed the government of Ireland, finding themselves in the midst of two powerful parties, made little or no resistance; and lord Broghill and sir Charles Coote secured that kingdom for his majesty.
was a Cistercian monk, and abbot of Jorevall, or Jerevalf, in Richmondshire. The “Chronicon”
was a Cistercian monk, and abbot
of Jorevall, or Jerevalf, in Richmondshire. The “Chronicon
” that goes under his name begins at the year Decem Script. Hist. Angliae,
onis Qpera et Vita,” 1524, but the other contents of the volume belong to another St. Bruno, first a monk of Soieria in the diocese of Ast, and hence called Astiensis.
After St. Bruno had governed this infant society for six
years, he was invited to Rome by pope Urban II. who had
formerly been his scholar at Rheims, and now received him
with every mark of respect and confidence, and pressed him
to accept the archbishopric of Reggio. This however he
declined, and the pope consented that he should withdraw
into some wilderness on the mountains of Calabria. Bruno
found a convenient solitude in the diocese of Squiiiaci,
where he settled in 1090, with some new disciples, until
his death, Oct. 6. 1101. There are only two letters of his
remaining, one to Raoul le Verd, and the other to his
monks, which are printed in a folio volume, entitled “S.
Brunonis Qpera et Vita,
undertaking money was wanting, and indulgences were sold to supply the deficiency of the treasury. A monk of Saxony (Luther) opposed the authority of the church, and
On the accession of pope Julius II. a patron of genius and learning, Michel Angelo was among the first invited to his court, and after some time the pope, gave him an unlimited commission to make a mausoleum. Having received full powers, he commenced a design worthy of himself and his patron. The plan was a parallelogram, and the superstructure to consist of forty statues, many of which were to be colossal, interspersed with ornamental figures and bronze basso-relievos, besides the necessary architecture, with appropriate decorations, to unite the composition into one stupendous whole. When this magnificent design was completed, it met with the pope’s entire approbation, and Michel Angelo was desired to go into St. Peter’s to see where it could be conveniently placed. Michel Angelo fixed upon a particular spot, but the church itself, now old, being considered as ill-adapted, for so superb a mausoleum, the pope, after many consultations with architects, determined to rebuild St. Peter’s; and this is the origin of that edifice which took a hundred and fifty years to complete, and is now the grandest display of architectural splendour that ornaments the Christian world. To those, says his late excellent biographer, who are curious in tracing the remote causes of great events to their source, Michel Angelo perhaps may be found, though very unexpectedly, to have thus laid the first stone of the reformation. His monument demanded a building of corresponding magnificence; to prosecute the undertaking money was wanting, and indulgences were sold to supply the deficiency of the treasury. A monk of Saxony (Luther) opposed the authority of the church, and this singular fatality attended the event, that whilst the most splendid edifice which the world had ever seen was building for the catholic faith, the religion to which it was consecrated was shaken to the foundation.
e was likewise charged with having murdered a canon, and with obtaining several sums of money from a monk for giving him written permits of absence from his convent at
, a noted impostor, whose true name was Joseph Balsamo, was born at Palermo the 8th of June 1743; Peter Balsamo being his father, and Felix Braconieri his mother, both of humble parentage. He was still a child when his father died; and was therefore brought up by the relations of his mother, who caused him to be instructed in the first principles of religion and philosophy, but it was not long before he shewed how little he was disposed to either, by running away more than once from the seminary of St. Roche at Palermo, where he had been placed for education. In his thirteenth year his guardians delivered him to the care of the general of the friars of mercy, who took him along with him to the monastery of that order at Cartagirone; where he was entered as a novice, and committed to the tuition of the apothecary; under whom, as he says, he found means of acquiring the first elements of chemistry and physic. But neither here did he make any long stay. He continued to shew himself on his worst side, and his superiors were frequently obliged to give him correction for obliquities in his conduct. When, according to the custom oi monastic foundations, it came to his turn to read during dinner-time, he never read what was contained in the book, but delivered a lecture according to the dictates of his fancy. He himself confesses, that in reading from the martyrology, instead of the names of the holy women, he inserted those of the most noted courtesans of the town. At length, being weary of repeated chastisement, he threw off the cowl, and went back to Palermo, where for a time he studied drawing; and without making any reform in his manners, addicted himself to excesses of every kind. It was his greatest pleasure to rove about armed, and to frequent the company of the most profligate young men of the town. There was no fray in which he was not concerned, and he enjoyed nothing more than when he could resist the magistrate, and deliver the prisoner from his authority. He even stooped to the mean felony of forging the tickets of admission to the theatres; and from an uncle, with whom he lived, he stole considerable sums of money and other property. In a love intrigue between a person of rank and a cousin of his, he made himself the letter-carrier, and occasionally demanded of the lover at one time money, at another a watch, and always something of value, in the name of the fair one, which he appropriated to himself. He then insinuated himself into the good graces of a notary, to whom he was related; and, for the sake of a bribe, counterfeited a will in favour of a certain marchese Maurigi. The forgery was discovered some years afterwards, and the affair being brought before the judges, was fully proved; but this was at a time when the persons interested were not at Palermo. He was likewise charged with having murdered a canon, and with obtaining several sums of money from a monk for giving him written permits of absence from his convent at various times; all of which papers were found to be forged.
, by some called Marbres, an English Franciscan monk, and an able Aristotelian of the fourteenth century, studied
, by some called Marbres, an
English Franciscan monk, and an able Aristotelian of the fourteenth century, studied some time at
Oxford, from which he removed to Paris, where he became a pupil of Duns Scotus, whom, says Pits, he long
attended, and always imitated. He returned afterwards to
Oxford, and there taught theology to the time of his death,
which, according to Dupin, happened about the year 1340.
Dupin also says that he was a doctor of divinity of Paris.
He was particularly learned in the Aristotelian philosophy,
and in civil and canon-law. In Lincoln college library,
Oxford, is one of his manuscripts, to which are prefixed
many verses in honour of him, and in one of them he is
styled “Alter Aristoteles.
” His published works are, 1.
“In Aristotelis Physica, Lib. VIII.' 7 printed at St. Alban’s
in 1481, 8vo, and reprinted at Venice 1431, 1492, and
1505. 2.
” Lecturae magistrales; Lib. I. Questiones disputatae, Lib. I. Qusestiones dialectices, Lib. I." printed
with the former at Venice, 1492 and 1516.
longer, abdicated his share of the empire, and retired to a monastery, where he took the habit of a monk, with the new name of Joasaphus, and spent the remainder of
, emp.eror of Constantinople, and a celebrated Byzantine historian, was born at Constantinople about the year 1295, of a very ancient and noble family; his father being governor of Peloponnesus, and his mother a near relation of the emperor’s. He was bred to letters and to arms, and afterwards to the highest offices of statej in which he acquitted himself in such a manner as to gain the favour of both court and city. He was made prelect of the bedchamber to the emperor Andronicus the elder, but lost his favour about 1320, by addicting himself too much to the interest of his grandson Andronicus. In 1328, when the grandson seized the empire, he loaded Cantacuzenus with wealth and honours; made him generalissimo of his forces; did nothing without consulting him; and fain would have joined him with himself in the government, which Cantacuzenus refused. In 1341 Andronicus died, and left to Cantacuzenus the care of the empire, till his son John Paleologus, who was then but nine years of age, should be fit to take it upon himself: which trust he discharged very diligently and faithfully. But the empress dowager, the patriarch of Constantinople, and some of the nobles, soon growing jealous and envious of Cantacuzenus, formed a party against him, and declared him a traitor: upon which a great portion of the nobility and army besought him to take the empire upon himself, and accordingly he was crowned at Hadrianopolis in May 1342. A civil war raged for five years, and Cantacuzenus was conqueror, who, however, came to the following terms of peace with John Paleologus; viz. that himself should be crowned, and that John should he a partner uith him in the empire, though not upon an equal footing, till he should arrive at years sufficient. He gave him also his daughter Helen, to whom he had formerly been engaged, for a wife; and the nuptials were celebrated in May 1347. But suspicions and enmities soon arising between the new emperors, the war broke out again, and lasted till John took Constantinople in 1355. A few days after that city was taken, Cantacuzenus, unwilling to continue a civil war any longer, abdicated his share of the empire, and retired to a monastery, where he took the habit of a monk, with the new name of Joasaphus, and spent the remainder of his life in study and writing. His wife retired also at the same time to a nunnery, where she changed her own name Irene for the new one of Eugenia.
y for the Christian religion against that of Mahomet, in four books: this he did at the request of a monk and friend of his, who had been solicited by a mussulman of
Besides this history, he wrote also some theological
works, particularly an apology for the Christian religion
against that of Mahomet, in four books: this he did at the
request of a monk and friend of his, who had been solicited by a mussulman of Persia to desert Christianity, and
embrace Muimmetanism. In this he does not content himself with replying to the particular objection of the musulman to Christianity, but writes a general defence of it
against the Koran. He calls himself Christodulus as a
writer. This apology was printed in Greek and Latin at
Basil, 1543, by Bibliander and Gualtharus, from Greek Mss.
Gibbon, in his “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
says, that the name and situation of the emperor John Cantacuzenus might inspire the most lively curiosity. His memorials of forty years extend from the revolt of the younger
Andronicus to his own abdication of the empire and it is
observed, that, like Moses and Cresar, he was the principal
actor in the scenes which he describes. But in this eloquent work, “we should vainly seek the sincerity of an
hero or a penitent. Retired in a cloister from the vices
and passions of the world, he presents not a confession,
but an apology, of the life of an ambitious statesman. Instead of unfolding the true counsels and characters of men,
he displays the smooth and specious surface of events,
highly varnished with his -own praises and those of his
friends. Their motives are always pure their ends always
legitimate they conspire and rebel without any views of
interest and the violence which they inflict or suffer is
celebrated as the spontaneous effect of reason and virtue.
, a Cistercian monk, born at Madrid in 1606, was at first abbot of Melrose, in the
, a Cistercian monk, born at Madrid in 1606, was at first abbot of Melrose, in the Low Countries, then titulary bishop of Missi; afterwards, by a singular turn, engineer apd intendant of the fortifications in Bohemia, from having served as a soldier. The same capricious and inconstant humour which made him lay down the crozier to take up the halberd, now led him from being engineer to, become bishop again. He had successively the bishoprics of Konigsgratz, of Campano, and of Vigevano, in which lastmentioned town he died in 1682, aged 76. He was a man of the most unbounded mind, and of whom it was said, that he was endowed with genius to the eighth degree, with eloquence to the fifth, and with judgment to the second. He wrote several works of controversial theology and a system of divinity in Latin, 7 vols. folio.
of Scythia, of the fifth century, who spent part of his life in the monastery of Bethlehem with the monk Germain, his friend. They engaged openly in the defence of St.
, was a celebrated solitary, a native
of Scythia, of the fifth century, who spent part of his life
in the monastery of Bethlehem with the monk Germain,
his friend. They engaged openly in the defence of St.
Chrysostom, against Theophilus, patriarch of Alexandria.
Cassian went to Rome, and from thence to Marseilles,
where he founded two monasteries, one of men, the other
of virgins. He ranks among the greatest masters of the
monastic life, and died about the year 448. He left
” or conferences of the fathers of the desert,
and “Institutions,
” in 12 books, translated iHto French by
Nic. Fontaine, 1663, 2 vols. 8vo; and seven books upon
the Incarnation. These are all written in Latin, with a
clearness and simplicity of style excellently calculated to
inspire the heart with virtuous dispositions. They were
printed at Paris, 1642, and at Leipsic, 1722, folio, and are
in the library of the fathers. St. Prosper has written
against the “Conferences.
” Cassian is reckoned among
the first of the Semi-Pelagians, of which sect Faustus of
Riez, Vincent of Lerins, Gennadius of Marseilles, Hilerias
of Aries, and Arnobius the younger, were the principal
defenders. The semi-pelagians were opposed by the whole
united forces of St. Augustin and Prosper, without being
extirpated, or overcome by them. This sect was condemned by some synods, and was rejected by the church.
is that of Rohan, 1679, 2 vols. fol. with the notes and dissertations of John Garret, a Benedictine monk. In 1721, Signer Scipio Maffei published a work of Cassiodorus,
, a man of eminence in many respects, and called by way of distinction
“the senator,
” was born at Squillace, in Calabria, about
the year 4i>7. He had as liberal an education as the
growing barbarism of his times afforded; and soon recommended himself by his eloquence, his learning, and his
wisdom, to Theodoric king of the Goths in Italy. Theodoric first made him governor of Sicily; and when he had
Sufficiently proved his abilities and prudence in the administration of that province, admitted him afterwards to
his cabinet-councils, and appointed him to be his secretary. After this he had all the places and honours at his
command, which Theodoric had to bestow; and, having
passed through all the employments of the government,
was raised to the consulate, which he administered alone,
in the year 514. He was continued in the same degree of
confidence and favour by Athalaric, who succeeded Theodoric, about the year 524; but afterwards, in the year 537,
being discarded from all his offices by king Vitiges, he renounced a secular life, and retired into a monastery of his
own founding in the extreme parts of Calabria. Here he
led the life of a man of letters, a philosopher, and a Christian. He entertained himself with forming and improving
several curious pieces of mechanism, such as sun-dials,
water clocks, perpetual lamps, &c. He collected a very
noble and curious library, which he enlarged and improved
by several books of his own composing. About the year
556, he wrote two books “De Divinis Lectionibus;
” and
afterwards a book “De Orthographia,
” in the preface to
which he tells us, that he was then in his ninety-third year.
There are extant of his twelve books of letters, ten of
which he wrote as secretary of state, in the name of kings
Theodoric and Athalaric, and two in his own. He composed also twelve books “De rebus gestis Gothorum,
which are only extant in the abridgment of Jornandes;
though it has been surmised that a manuscript of Cassiodorus is still remaining in some of the libraries in France.
He wrote also a commentary upon the Psalms, and several
other pieces, theological and critical. Father Simon has
?poken of him thus “There is no need,
” says he, “of
examining Cassiodorus’s Commentaries on the Psalms,
which is almost but an abridgment of St. Augustin’s Commentaries, as he owns in his preface. But besides these
commentaries, we have an excellent treatise of this author’s, entitled < De institutione ad Divinas Lectiones,'
which shews, that he understood the criticism of the scriptures, and that he had marked out what were the best
things of this nature in the ancient doctors of the church.
In the same book Cassiodorus gives many useful rules for
the criticism of the scriptures; and he takes particular
notice of those fathers who have made commentaries upon
the Bible, &c.
” It seems generally agreed that he was
in all views a very extraordinary man; and we think that
those have done him no more than justice, who have considered him as a star, which shone out amidst the darkness
of a barbarous age. When he died we cannot precisely
determine, but most writers seem to be of opinion this
happened in the year 575. His works have been collected
and printed several times; the best edition is that of Rohan, 1679, 2 vols. fol. with the notes and dissertations of
John Garret, a Benedictine monk. In 1721, Signer
Scipio Maffei published a work of Cassiodorus, which had
long been missing; and in the following year the same was
published at London, by Mr. Samuel Chandler, entitled
“Complexions, or short Commentaries upon the Epistles,
the Acts, and the Revelation,
” which Dr. Lardner has
enumerated among the testimonies to the credibility of the
gospel history.
, a Grecian monk, who lived in the eleventh century, wrote annals, or an abridged
, a Grecian monk, who lived in the eleventh century, wrote annals, or an abridged history, from the beginning of the world to the reign of Isaac Comnenus, emperor of Constantinople, who succeeded Michael IV. in 1057. This work is no more than an extract from several historians, and chiefly from Georgius Syncellus, whose chronology he has followed from the creation to the reign of Dioclesian. Theophanes is another historian he has made use of from Dioclesian to Michael Curopalates. The next he borrows from is Thracesius Scylitzes from Curopalates to his own time. This compilation, although not executed with much judgment, was probably once in request. It was translated into Latin by Xylander, Basil, 1566, and was again printed at Paris in 1647, 2 vols. folio, with the Latin version of Xylander, and the notes of father Goar, a Dominican.
ns, by Mr. Canynge, and a particular friend of his, Thomas Rowley, whom Chatterton at first called a monk, and afterwards a secular priest of the fifteenth century. Such,
“Over the north porch of St. Mary Redcliffe church,
which was founded, or at least rebuilt, by Mr. W. Canynge
(an eminent merchant of Bristol, in the fifteenth century, and in the reign of Edward the Fourth), there is a kind of
muniment room, in which were deposited six v or seven
chests, one of which in particular was called Mr. Canynge’s
cofre: this chest, it is said, was secured by six keys,- two
of which were entrusted to the minister and procurator of
the church, two to the mayor, and one to each of the
church-wardens. In process of time, however, the six
keys appear to have been lost: and about the year 1727, a
notion prevailed that some title deeds, and other vyrjtings
of value, wtrje contained in Mr. Ciniynge’s cofre. In
consequence of this opinion an order of vestry was made, that
the chest should be opened under the inspection of an
attorney; and that those writings which appeared of consequence should be removed to the south porch of the
church. The locks were therefore forced, and not only
the principal chest, but the others, which were also supposed to contain writings, were all broken open. The
deeds immediately relating to the church were removed,
and the other manuscripts were left exposed as of no value.
Considerable depredations had, from time to time, been
committed upon them by different persons: but the most
insatiate of these plunderers was the father of Chatterton.
His uncle being sexton of St. Mary Redcliffe gave him
free access to the church. He carried off, from time to
time, parcels of the parchments, and one time alone, with
the assistance of his boys, is known to have filled a large
basket with them. They were deposited in a cupboard in
the school and employed for different purposes, such as the
covering of copy-books, &c. in particular, Mr. Gibbs, the
minister of the parish, having presented the boys with
twenty Bibles, Mr. Chatterton, in order to preserve these
books from being damaged, covered them with some of
the parchments. At his death, the widow being under a
necessity of removing, carried the remainder of them to
her own habitation. Of the discovery of their value by the
younger Chatterton, the account of Mr. Smith, a very
intimate acquaintance, which he gave to Dr. Glynn of
Cambridge, is too interesting to be omitted. When young
Chatterton was first articled to Mr. Lambert, he used frequently to come home to his mother, by way of a short
visit. There one day his eye was caught by one of these
parchments, which had been converted into a thread-paper.
He found not only the writing to be very old, the characters very different from common characters, but that the
subject therein treated was different from common subjects.
Being naturally of an inquisitive and curious turn, he was
very much struck with their appearance, and, as might be
expected, began to question his mother what those threadpapers were, how she got them, and whence they came.
Upon further inquiry, he was led to a full discovery of all
the parchments which remained; the bulk of them consisted of poetical and other compositions, by Mr. Canynge,
and a particular friend of his, Thomas Rowley, whom
Chatterton at first called a monk, and afterwards a secular
priest of the fifteenth century. Such, at least, appears to
be the account which. Chatterton thought proper to give,
and which he wished to be believed. It is, indeed, confirmed by the testimony of his mother and sister. Mrs.
Chatterton informed a friend of the dean of Exeter (Dr. Milles), that on her removal from Pyle-street, she emptied
the cupboard of its contents, partly into a large long deal
box, where her husband used to keep his clothes, and
partly into a square oak box of a smaller size; carrying
both with their contents to her lodgings, where, according
to her account, they continued neglected and undisturbed
till her son first discovered their value; who having examined their contents, told his mother ‘ that he had found
a treasure, and was so glad nothing could be like it.’ That
he then removed all these parchments out of the large long
deal box in which his father used to keep his clothes, into
the square oak box: that he was perpetually ransacking
every corner of the house for more parchments; and from
time to time, carried away those he had already found by
pockets full. That one day happening to see Clarke’s
History of the Bible covered with one of those parchments,
he swore a great oath, and stripping the book, put the
cover into his pocket, and carried it away; at the same
time stripping a common little Bible, but finding no writing upon the cover, replaced it again very leisurely. Upon
being informed of the manner in which his father had procured the parchments, he went himself to the place, and
picked up four more.
le impulse, which, cameleon-like, imbibed the colours of all it looked on. It was Ossian, or a Saxon monk, or Gray, or Smolldt, or Jun i us ant l if it failed most in
The general character of his works has been both fairly
and elegantly appreciated by lord Orford, in the last
edition of his lordship’s works. His life, says this critic,
should be compared with “the powers of his mind, the
perfection of his poetry, his knowledge of the world, which
though in some respects erroneous, spoke quick intuition;
his humour, his vein of satire, and above all, the amazing
number of books he must have looked into, though chained
down to a laborious and almost incessant service, and confined to Bristol, except at most for the last five months of
his life, the rapidity with which he seized all the topics of
conversation then in vogue, whether of politics, literature,
or fashion; and when added to all this 'mass of reflection,
it is remembered that his youthful passions were indulged
to excess, faith in such a prodigy may well be suspended
and we should look for some secret agent behind the
curtain, if it were not as dificult to believe that any man
who possessed such a vein of genuine poetry would have submitted to lie concealed, while he actuated a puppet; or
would have stooped to prostitute his muse to so many unworthy functions. But nothing in Chatterton can be separated from Chatterton. His noblest flight, his sweetest
strains, his grossest ribaldry, and his most common- place
imitations of the productions of magazines, were all the
effervescences of the same ungovernable impulse, which,
cameleon-like, imbibed the colours of all it looked on. It
was Ossian, or a Saxon monk, or Gray, or Smolldt, or Jun i us ant l if it failed most in what it most affected to be, a
poet of the fifteenth century, it was because it could not
imitate what had not existed.
The facts already related are principally taken from the
account drawn up originally for the Biographia Britannica,
and at the distance of eighteen years, prefixed to an edition of his works, without any addition or alteration.
Something yet remains to be said of his virtues, which, if
the poetical eulogiums that have appeared deserve any
credit, were many. Except his temperance, however,
already noticed, we find only that he preserved an affectionate attachment for his mother and sister, and even
concerning this, it would appear that more has been said
than is consistent. It has been asserted that he sent presents to them from London, when in want himself; but it
is evident from his letters that these were unnecessary articles for persons in their situation, and were not sent when
he was in want . Six weeks after, when he felt himself
in that state, he committed an act which affection for his
relations, since he despised all higher considerations,
ought to have retarded. His last letter to his sister or
mother, dated July 20, is full of high-spirited hopes, and
contains a promise to visit them before the first of January,
but not a word that can imply discontent, far less an intention to put an end to his life. What must have been
their feelings when the melancholy event reached them!
How little these poor women were capable of ascertaining
his character appears from the very singular evidence of
his sister, who affirmed that he was “a lover of truth from
the earliest dawn of reason.
” The affectionate prejudices
of a fond relation may be pardoned, but it was surely unnecessary to introduce this in a life every part of which proves
his utter contempt for truth at an age when we are taught
to expect a disposition open, ingenuous, and candid.
, whose name we find sometimes spelt Chamney, Chancy, and Channy, was a monk of the Charter-house, London, and with many others of the same
, whose name we find sometimes spelt Chamney, Chancy, and Channy, was a monk of
the Charter-house, London, and with many others of the
same order, was imprisoned in the reign of Henry VIII.
for refusing to own his supremacy. When the monastery
was dissolved, and several of his brethren executed in
1535, Chauncy and a few others contrived to remain
unmolested partly in England and partly in Flanders, until
the accession of queen Mary, when they were replaced at
Shene near Richmond, a monastery formerly belonging to
the Carthusians. On the queen’s death, they were permitted to go to Flanders, under Chauncy, who was now
their prior. The unsettled state of the reformation there
obliged them to remove from Bruges to Doway, and from
Doway to Louvain, where they remained until a house was
prepared for them at Nieuport, and there at length they
obtained a settlement under the crown of Spam, Chauncy, however, died at Bruges July 15, 1581, highly respected by those of his own order. Of his works one only
is worth mentioning, entitled “Historia aliquot nostri
saeculi Martyrum, cum pia, turn lectu jucunda, nuuqua.ni
antehac typis excusa,
” printed at Mentz,
aria Novella. It is a figure which has a lean face, a little red beard, in point; with a capuche, or monk’s hood upon his head, after the fashion of those times.
Cimabue was also a great architect as well as painter, and concerned in the fabric of Sancta Maria del Fior in Florence during which employment he died in 1300. He left many disciples, and among the rest Giotto, who proved an excellent master, and was his first rival. Dante mentions him in the eleventh canto of his purgatory as without a rival till Giotto appeared. Cimabue’s portrait, by Simon Sanese, was in the chapel-house of Sancta Maria Novella. It is a figure which has a lean face, a little red beard, in point; with a capuche, or monk’s hood upon his head, after the fashion of those times.
, a learned English monk and Jiistorian, lived Jn the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
, a learned English monk and
Jiistorian, lived Jn the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. He
was of the Cistercian order, and was esteemed a man of
uncommon knowledge for his time. The surname under
which we here place this article, was given him from the
abbey over which he presided. The principal work of his
which is come down to us, is a chronicle of the Holy Land;
and it is so much the more valuable, as he was an eye-witness of the facts he relates. He was at Jerusalem, and was
even wounded there, during the siege of that city by Saladin. It is thought that he died in 1228. This chronicle
was published in 1729, by the fathers Martenne and
Durand, in the fifth volume of the “Amplissima collectio
veterum scriptorum et monumentorum,
” &c. In this volume are likewise two other works of the same author; the
first entitled “Chronicon Anglicanum ab anno 1066 ad
annum 1200;
” and the second, “Libellus de motibus
Anglicanis sub Johanne rege.
” Some of his Mss. are in
our public libraries.
, a French monk, a native of Paris, is known as the author or editor of different
, a French monk, a native of
Paris, is known as the author or editor of different works
which met with a favourable reception. Among others he
published “The remarkable Travels of Peter della Valle,
Si Roman gentleman, translated from the Italian,
” 4 vols.
4to; “A new and interesting History of the kingdoms of
Tonquin and Laos,
” 4to, translated from the Italian of
father Manni, in 1666. In the year preceding this, he
published the third volume of father Lewis Coulon’s “History of the Jews.
” He died at Paris in
hen returned to Carthage; from whence he went into Apulia, and lived at Reggio, and at last became a monk of Monte Casino. He is said to have been the first that brought
, and surnamed the African,
was born at Carthage in the eleventh century, and travelled into the east, where he lived thirty years, chiefly at
Babylon and Bagdad, studied the medical art, and made
himself master of the Arabic and the other oriental languages, and then returned to Carthage; from whence he
went into Apulia, and lived at Reggio, and at last became
a monk of Monte Casino. He is said to have been the first
that brought the Greek and Arabian physic into Italy
again. He compiled several books; and has given us a
translation of Isaac Israelitus on fevers, out of Arabic into
Latin; and another book, which he calls “Loci Communes,
” contains the theory and practice of physic, and is
chiefly copied from Hali Abbas. After a residence of
thirty-nine years at Babylon, he returned to Carthage, but
soon fell into such disgrace with his countrymen, whom he
suspected of intending to destroy him, that he went to
Salernum. Though he was there introduced to duke Rdbert, who wished to retain him about his person, preferring
a life of ease and retirement, he entered into a monastery
of the Benedictines, St. Agatha, in A versa, where he died
in 1087.
rick, Dublin, and other important places, for the service of the king. He immediately caused colonel Monk to be made acquainted with the progress of the king’s interest
, a distinguished military officer
in the 17th century, was the eldest son of Sir Charles
Coote, who was created baronet in April 1621. He was a
gentleman of great consideration in Ireland. Upon the
breaking out of the rebellion, in 1641, he had a commission
for a regiment of foot, and was made governor of Dublin.
From this period to the year 1652, he was engaged in a
great number of important services for his country. In
almost all the contests of which he took a part, he
was successful. After Ireland was reduced to the obedience
of the parliament, sir Charles was one of the court of justice in the province of Connaught, of which he was made
president by act of parliament. Being in England at the
time of the deposing of Richard Cromwell, he went post
to Ireland, to carry the news to his brother Henry Cromwell, that they might secure themselves; but when he perceived that king Charles the Second’s interest was likely to
prevail, he sent to the king sir Arthur Forbes, “to assure
his Majesty of sir Charles’s affection and duty, and that if
his Majesty would vouchsafe to come to Ireland, he was
confident the whole kingdom would declare for him; that
though the present power in England had removed all the
sober men from the government of the state in Ireland, under
the character of presbyterians, and had put Ludlow, Corbet,
and others of the king’s judges in their places, yet they were
generally so odious to the army as well as to the people,
that they could seize on their persons and the castle of
Dublin when they should judge it convenient.
” The king
did not think it prudent to accept the invitation. In a short
time after, sir Charles Coote, and some others, so influenced
the whole council of officers, that they prevailed upon them
to vote not to receive colonel Ludlow as commander in
chief, and made themselves masters of Athlone, Drogheda,
Limerick, Dublin, and other important places, for the service of the king. He immediately caused colonel Monk
to be made acquainted with the progress of the king’s interest in Ireland, who urged them by every means not to
restore the suspended commissioners to the exercise of
their authority. Soon after, sir Charles Coote and others
sent to the parliament a charge of high treason against colonel Ludlow, Corbet, Jones, and Thomlinson. He likewise made himself master of Dublin castle; and apprehended John Coke, chief justice of Ireland, who had been
solicitor-general at the trial of king Charles I. Notwithstanding this, parliament thought themselves so sure of him
in their interest, that he received their vote of thanks on
the 5th of Jan. 1659-60. On the 19th of the same month
he was appointed one of the commissioners for the management of the affairs of Ireland. Before those commissioners declared for king Charles, they insisted upon certain
things relating to their interest as members of that nation.
On the 6th of September 1660, sir Charles Coote, on account of his many and very valuable services for the royal
cause, was created baron and viscount Coote, and earl of
Montrath in the Queen’s county. He was also appointed
one of the lords justices of Ireland, but he did not long
enjoy these marks of his sovereign’s favour, for he died in
December 1661, and was succeeded in his estate and titles
by his son Charles, the second earl. Dr. Leland asserts that
Coote and his father had engaged in the parliamentary service not from principle, but interest. Dr. Kippis, however, doubts the assertion, upon the ground that the Cootes
were zealous presbyterians; and therefore he thinks it
highly probable that they were influenced, at least in part,
by their real sentiments, civil and religious, and especially
by their aversion from popery.
, a monk of the Ecoles-Pies, and a mathematician and antiquary, was born
, a monk of the Ecoles-Pies, and a
mathematician and antiquary, was born at Fanano in 1702,
and died in 1765, at Pisa, where the grand duke had given
him a chair in philosophy. This science occupied his first
studies, and his success soon appeared from the “Philosophical and Mathematical Institutions,
” Course of Geometrical
” written with precision and perspicuity. On
being appointed professor at Pisa, he revised and retouched
his two performances. The former appeared, with considerable corrections, at Bologna in 1742; and the second,
augmented with f< Elements of Practical Geometry,“was
published at Venice in 1748, 2 vols. 8vo. He was well
versed in hydrostatics and history. After having sedulously
applied for several years to the classical authors, and particularly those of Greece, he proposed to write the
” Fasti
of the Archons of Athens,“the first volume of which appeared in 1734, in 4to, and the fourth and last, ten years
after. Being called in 1746 to the chair of moral philosophy and metaphysics, he composed a
” Course of Metaphysics,“which appeared afterwards at Venice in 1758.
His learned friends Muratori, Gorio, Maffei, Quirini, Passionei, now persuaded him to abandon philosophy; and,
at their solicitations, he returned to criticism and erudition. In 1747 he published four dissertations in 4to, on
the sacred games of Greece, in which he gave an exact list
of the athletic victors. Two years afterwards he brought
out, in folio, an excellent work on the abbreviations used
in Greek inscriptions, under this title,
” De notis Graecorum.“This accurate and sagacious performance was
followed by several dissertations relative to objects of learning. But the high esteem in which he was held by his
acquaintance on account of his virtues and industry, was
an interruption to his labours, he being appointed general
of his order in 1754; yet the leisure left him by the arduous duties of his station he devoted to his former studies,
and when the term of his generalship expired, he hastened
back to Pisa, to resume the functions of professor. He
now published several new dissertations, and especially an
excellent work, one of the best of his performances, entitled
” De praefectis urbis.“At length he confined the
whole of hi:; application on the
” History of the University
of Pisa," of which he had been appointed historiographer,
and was about to produce the first volume when a stroke
of apoplexy carried him off, in spite of all the resources of
the medical art, in December 1765.
opleustes, on account of a voyage which he made to the Indies, was at first a merchant, afterwards a monk, and author, and is supposed to have flourished about the year
, of Alexandria in Egypt, called Indopleustj-:S
or Indicopleustes, on account of a voyage which he made
to the Indies, was at first a merchant, afterwards a monk,
and author, and is supposed to have flourished about the
year 547. He wrote several things, particularly the
“Christian Topography, or the opinion of Christians concerning the World, in 12 books still extant, and published
by Montfaucon in 1707, in the
” Nova collectio Patrum,“vol. II. Cosmas performed his voyage in 522, and pub^
lished his book at Alexandria in 547: it contains some
very curious information, but contrary to the sentiments of
all astronomers, he denies the earth to be spherical, and
endeavours to prove his opinion from reason, scripture, and
Christian writers, who lived before him. As his testimony
to the authenticity of the scriptures, however, is very considerable, Lardner has selected many passages from
” The
Christian Topography,“in his
” Credibility."
, whose family name was Baseillac, was a monk of the order of the Fetiillans, in Paris, and born in 1703.
, whose family name was Baseillac, was a monk of the order of the Fetiillans, in Paris,
and born in 1703. He was educated to the practice of
surgery; but at his father’s death, which happened when
he was young, he retired from the world, and became a
monk, yet went on improving himself in the art to which
he had been bred, and gave his assistance to all who applied without any reward. He had bestowed his principal
attention on lithotomy, and the instrument with which he
performed the operation he called lithotome cachc^ a hollow
tube, in which was concealed a knife, with which he cut
through the prostate gland, into the bladder. His care
was to make the wound sufficiently large, to enable him to
extract the stone easily, and without bruising the parts.
To this, it is probable, his success, which was far superior
to any of his rivals, must be attributed. The fame he acquired drew upon him the envy of the surgeons of Paris so
far, that they applied to the king to interdict his practising.
Not succeeding in this attempt, Mons. Le Cat published
“Lettre au sujet du Lithotome Cache*, &c. contre F.
Cosme Dissert.
” Journal des Savans.
” This produced an answer
from De Cosme, under the title of “Recueil des pieces
imporiantes sur ['operation da la Taille,
” Paris, Nouvelle methode d'extraire la Pierre,
Paris, 12mo. After having for some time been director of
the hospital of Bayeux, he established an hospital in the
Feuillans, where he practised gratis. It is thought that in
the course of his life he had performed the operation for
the stone above a thousand times. He diedJuly 28, 1781,
most particularly lamented by the poor, towards whom he
was equally compassionate and charitable. When any
father of a family offered him money, he used to say,
“Keep it;. I must not injure your children
” and often,
instead of accepting a fee from the opulent, he would recommend some poor object to be relieved by them.
Being in his early years attached to the religion in which he was brought up, he became an Augustine monk. In 1514 he entered into holy orders, being ordained at Norwich;
, the pious and learned bishop
of Exeter in the reign of Edward VI. was born in Yorkshire in 1487, as appears by his age on his epitaph. He
was educated at Cambridge, in the house of the Augustine
friars, of which Dr. Barnes, afterwards one of the protestant martyrs, was then prior. One of his name took
the degree of bachelor of law in 1530, but Lewis thinks
this must have been too late for the subject of the present
article; yet it is not improbable it was the same, as he
appears to have been in Cambridge at that time. He afterwards, according to Godwin, who does not furnish the
date, received the degree of D. D. from the university of
Tubingen, and was, though late in life, admitted ad eundem at Cambridge. Being in his early years attached to
the religion in which he was brought up, he became an
Augustine monk. In 1514 he entered into holy orders,
being ordained at Norwich; but afterwards changing his
religious opinions, Bale says he was one of the first, who,
together with Dr. Robert Barnes, his quondam prior, taught
the purity of the gospel, and dedicated himself wholly to
the service of the reformation. About this time, probably
1530, or 1531, the reformed religion began to dawn at
Cambridge. Various eminent men, not only in the colleges, but monasteries, began to assemble for conference
on those points which had been discussed by the reformers
abroad, and their usual place of meeting was a house
called the White Horse, which their enemies nicknamed
Germany, in allusion to what was passing in that country;
and this house being contiguous to King’s, Queen’s, and
St. John’s colleges, many members of each could have
access unobserved. Among the names on record of these
early converts to protestantism, we find that of Coverdale.
In 1532 he appears to have been abroad, and assisted Tyndale in his translation of the Bible, and in 1535 his own
translation of the Bible appeared, with a dedication by
him to king Henry VIII. It formed a folio volume, printed,
as Humphrey Wanley thought, from the appearance of
the types, at Zurich, by Christopher Froschover. If so,
Coverdale must have resided there while it passed through
the press, as his attention to it was unremitting. He thus
had the honour of editing the first English Bible allowed
by royal authority, and the first translation of the whole
Bible printed in our language. It was called a special
translation, because it was different from the former English translations, as Lewis shews by comparing itwithTyndale’s; and the psalms in it are those now used in the Book
of Common Prayer. In 1538 a quarto New Testament, in
the Vulgate Latin, and in Coverdale’s English, though it
bore the name of Hollybushe, was printed with the king’s
licence, and has a dedication by Coverdale, in which he
says, “he does not doubt but such ignorant bodies as,
having cure of souls, are very unlearned in the Latin
tongue, shall, through this small labour, be occasioned to
attain unto more knowledge, or at least be constrained to
say well of the thing which heretofore they have blasphemed.
After this, he was much inclined to become a monk of the Carthusian order, and had thoughts of entering into the
After this, he was much inclined to become a monk of
the Carthusian order, and had thoughts of entering into
the monastery of English Carthusians at Newport, in
Flanders, but from this he was dissuaded by some of his
zealous countrymen, who were desirous that he should
continue to employ his pen in defence of their religion,
for which the severe discipline of that order would have
allowed him but little time; and therefore by their advice
he laid aside that design, and being recommended to Henrietta-Maria, queen-dowager of England, he was taken
under her protection, and being invited by the Benedictine college of English monks at Douay, in Flanders, he
at length resolved to retire thither, and for the expence of
his journey received one hundred crowns as a bounty from
that princess, who could but ill spare even so small a sura
at that time. Some time after his arrival at Douay he entered into the Benedictine order, and upon that occasion
changed the name he received at his baptism, of Hugh
Paulin, for that of Serenus de Cressey, by which he was
afterwards known to the learned world. He remained
about seven years or more in that college, and during his
residence tnere published a large work, of the mystical
kind, entitled “Sancta Sophia, or directions for the prayers
of contemplation, &c. extracted out of more than XL
treatises, written by the late reverend father Aug. Baker,
a monk of the English congregation of the holy order of
St. Benedict,
” Douay, 1657, 2 vols. 8vo. To which are
added, “Certain patterns of devout exercises of immediate acts and affections of the will.
” This father Augustine Baker, whose true name was David Baker, who had
studied the law in the Middle temple, and who from being
little better than an atheist, became a convert to popery,
and a very zealous devotionist, had once, it seems, some
intention of writing the Ecclesiastical History of England,
for which he had made very copious collections, that were
of great service to Cressey, when he entered upon the execution of the same project.
nst Dr. Peachy, vice-chancellor of Cambridge, for refusing to admit one Alban Francis, a Benedictine monk, to the degree of master of arts in that university, without
, bishop of Durham, the fifth sen of John lord Crewe, of Stean, co. Northampton, by Jemima, daughter and coheir of Edward Walgrave, of Lawford, in Essex, esq. was born at Stean, the 3 1st of January, 1633; and in 1652 admitted commoner of Lincoln college, in Oxford, where he took the degree of B. A. Feb. 1, 1655-6; soon after which he was chosen fellow of that college. On June 29th, 1658, he took the degree of M. A. At the restoration he declared heartily in favour of the crown and hierarchy; and in 1663 was one of the proctors of the university. The year following, on the 2d of July, he took the degree of LL. D.; and soon after went into holy orders. August the 12th, 1668, he was elected rector of Lincoln -college, upon the decease of Dr. Paul Hood. On the 29th of April, 1669, he was installed dean of Chichester, and held with that dignity, the praecentorship, in which he had been installed the day before. He was also appointed clerk of the closet to king Charles II. In 1671, upon the translation of Dr. Blandford to the see of Worcester, he was elected hishop of Oxford in his room, on the 16th of June, confirmed June the ISth, consecrated July the 2d, and enthroned the 5th of the same month; being allowed to hold with it, in commendam, the living of Whitney, and the rectorship of Lincoln college, which last he resigned in October 1672. In 1673 he performed the ceremony of the marriage of James duke of York with Maria of Este; and through that prince’s interest, to whom he appears to have been subservient, he was translated, the 22d of October, 1674, to the bishopric of Durham. In the beginning of J6.75, he baptized Katharina- Laura, the new-born daughter of James duke of York. The 26th of April, 1676, he was sworn of the privy council to king Charles II. and upon the accession of king James II. to the crown, he was in great favour with that prince; he was made dean of his majesty’s royal chapel in 1685, in the room of Compton, bishop of London, who had been removed; and within a few days after, was admitted into the privy council. In 1686 he was appointed one of the commissioners in the new ecclesiastical commission erected by king James, an honoqr which he is said to have valued beyond its worth. By virtue of that commission, he appeared on the 9th of August, at the proceedings against Henry bishop of London, and was for suspending him during the king’s pleasure; though the earl and bishop of Rochester, and chief justice Herbert, were against it. Immediately after that bishop’s suspension, commissioners were appointed to exercise all manner of ecclesiastical jurisdiction within the diocese of London, of which bishop Crewe was one. The 20th of November following, he was present at, and consenting to, the degradation of Mr. Samuel Johnson, previously to the most severe punishment that was inflicted on that eminent divine; and countenanced with his presence a prosecution carried on, in May 1687, against Dr. Peachy, vice-chancellor of Cambridge, for refusing to admit one Alban Francis, a Benedictine monk, to the degree of master of arts in that university, without taking the oaths. In July the same year, he offered to attend the pope’s nuncio at his public entry into London; but we are told his coachman refused to "drive lijm that way. His name was put again in a new ecclesiastical commission issued out this year, in October; in which he acted, during the severe proceedings against Magdalen college in Oxford, for refusing to elect one Anthony Farmer their president, pursuant to the king’s mandate. The bishop continued acting as an ecclesiastical commissioner till October 1688; when that commission was abolished. Towards the end of the year 1687, he was employed, with the bishops of Rochester and Peterborough, to draw up a form of thanksgiving for the queen’s being with child. But finding that the prince of Orange’s party was likely to' prevail, he absented himself from the council-board, and told the archbishop of Canterbury, that he was sorry for having so long concurred with the courtand desired now to be reconciled to his grace, and the other bishops. Even in the convention that met January 22, 1688-9, to consider of filling the throne, he was one of those who voted, on the 6th of February, that king James II. had abdicated the kingdom. Yet his past conduct was too recent to be forgotten, and therefore he was excepted by name out of the pardon granted by king William and queen Mary, May 23, 1690, which so terrified him, that he went over to Holland, and returned just in time to take the oaths to the new government, and preserved his bishopric. But, in order to secure to himself the possession of that dignity, he was forced to permit the crown to dispose of, or at least to nominate to, his prebends of Durham, as they should become vacant. By the death of his two elder brothers, he became in 1691, baron Crewe of Stean; and, about the 21st of December the same year, he married, but left no issue. During the rest of king William’s reign, he remained quiet and unmolested; and in the year 1710, he was one of the lords that opposed the prosecution then carried on against Dr. Sacheverell, and declared him not guilty; and likewise protested against several steps taken in that affair. He applied himself chiefly, in the latter part of his life, to works of munificence and charity. Particularly, he was a very great benefactor to Lincoln college, of which he had been fellow and rector; and laid out large sums in beautifying the bishop’s palace at Durham; besides many other instances of generosity and munificence of a more private nature. At length, his lordship departed this life on Monday September 18, 1721, aged eighty-eight; and was buried in his chapel at Stean, the 30th of the same month, with an inscription on his monument. He held the see of Durham forty-seven years. Dying without issue, the title of Baron Crewe of Stean became extinct with him.
thought it expedient to preserve himself; and in April 1646 embarked with lord Culpeper and colonel Monk for France, but as he had many rich relations who had interest
, an eminent and loyal citizen in the reigns of king Charles the First, and king Charles the Second, the son of a very eminent merchant of London, was born in 1598, and bred, according to the custom of those times, in a thorough knowledge of business, though heir to a great estate. He made a considerable addition to this by marriage; and being a man of an enterprizing genius, ever active and solicitous about new inventions and discoveries, was soon taken notice of at court, was knighted, and became one of the farmers of the king’s customs. When the trade to Guinea was under great difficulties and discouragements, he framed a project for retrieving it, which required a large capital, but his reputation was so great, that many rich merchants willingly engaged with him in the prosecution of the design; and to give a good example, as well as to shew that he meant to adhere to the work that he had once taken in hand, he caused the castle of Cormantyn upon the Gold Coast, to be erected at his own expence. By this judicious precaution, and by his wise and wary management afterwards, himself and his associates carried their trade so successfully, as to divide amongst them fifty thousand pounds a year. When the rebellion began, and the king was in want of money, sir Nicholas Crispe, and his partners in the farming of the customs, upon very short warning, and when their refusing it would have been esteemed a merit with the parliament, raised him one hundred thousand pounds at once. After the war broke out, and in the midst of all the distractions with which it was attended, he continued to carry on a trade to Holland, France, Spain, Italy, Norwaj', Moscovy, and Turkey, which produced to the king nearly one hundred thousand pounds a year, besides keeping most of the ports open and ships in them constantly ready for his service. All the correspondence and supplies of arms which were procured by the queen in Holland, and by the king’s agents in Denmark, were consigned to his care, and by his prudence and vigilance safely landed in the north, and put into the hands of those for whom they were intended. In the management of so many nice and difficult affairs, he was obliged to keep up a very extensive correspondence, for which he hardly ever made use of cypher, but penned his letters in such a peculiar style, as removed entirely his intentions from the apprehension of his enemies, and yet left them very intelligible unto those with whom he transacted. He had also great address in bringing any thing to bear that he had once contrived, to which it contributed not a little, that in matters of secrecy and danger he seldom trusted to any hands but his own, and made use of all kinds of disguises. Sometimes, when he was believed to be in one place, he was actually at another; letters of consequence he carried in the disguise of a porter; when he wanted intelligence he would be at the water side, with a basket of flounders upon his head, and often passed between London and Oxford in the dress of a butter-woman on horseback, between a pair of panniers. He was the principal author of a well-laid design for publishing the king’s commission of array at London, in which there was nothing dishonourable, so far as sir Nicholas Crispe was concerned, which, however, Clarendon inadvertently confounds with another design, superinduced by Mr. Waller, of surprizing the parliament, in bringing which to bear he proceeded very vigorously at first, till, finding that he had engaged in a matter too big for his management, he suddenly lost his spirits, and some of the chief men in the house of commons gaining intelligence that something was in agitation to their prejudice, May 31st, 1643, they presently seized Mr. Waller, and drew from him a complete discovery, which, from the account they published, plainly distinguished these two projects. By the discovery of this business, sir Nicholas Crispe found himself obliged to declare openly the course he meant to take; and having at his own expence raised a regiment of horse for the king’s service, he distinguished himself at the head of it as remarkably in his military, as he had ever done in his civil capacity. When the siege of Gloucester was resolved on, sir Nicholas Crispe was charged with his regiment of horse to escort the king’s train of artillery from Oxford, which important service he very gallantly performed; but in the month of September following, a very unlucky accident occurred, and though the circumstances attending it clearly justified his conduct to the world, yet the concern it gave him was such as he could not shake off so long as he lived. He happened to be quartered at Rouslidge, in Gloucestershire, where one sir James Ennyon, bart. of Northamptonshire, and some friends of his took up a great part of the house, though none of them had any commands in the army, which, however, sir Nicholas bore with the utmost patience, notwithstanding he was much incommoded by it. Some time after, certain horses belonging to those gentlemen were missing, and sir James Ennyon, though he had lost none himself, insinuating that some of sir Nicholas’s troopers must have taken them, insisted that he should immediately draw out his regiment, that search might be made for them. Sir Nicholas answered him with mildness, and offered him as full satisfaction as it was in his power to give, but excused himself from drawing out his regiment, as a thing improper and inconvenient at that juncture, for reasons which he assigned. Not content, however, sir James left him abruptly, and presently after sent him a challenge, accompanied with a message to this effect, that if he did not comply with it, he would pistol him against the wall. Upon this, sir Nicholas Crispe taking a friend of his with him, went to the place appointed, and finding sir James Ennyon and the person who brought him the challenge, sir Nicholas used his utmost endeavours to pacify him; but he being determined to receive no satisfaction, unless by the sword, they engaged, and sir James received a wound in the rim of the belly, of which he died in two days. Before this, however, he sent for sir Nicholas Crispe, and was sincerely reconciled to him. Upon the 2d of October following, sir Nicholas was brought to a court-martial for this unfortunate affair, and upon a full examination of every thing relating to it, was most honourably acquitted. He continued to serve with the same zeal and fidelity during 1644, and in the spring following; but when the treaty of Uxbridge commenced, the parliament thought fit to mark him, as they afterwards did in the Isle of Wight treaty, by insisting that he should be removed from his majesty’s presence; and a few months after, on April 16th, 1645, they ordered his large house in Breadstreet to be sold, which for many years belonged to his family. Neither was this stroke of their vengeance judged a sufficient punishment for his offences, since having resolved to grant the elector palatine a pension of eight thousand pounds a year, they directed that two thousand should be applied out of the king’s revenue, and the remainder made up out of the estates of lord Culpeper and sir Nicholas Crispe, Sir Nicholas finding himself no lon^ev in a capacity to render his majesty any service, thought it expedient to preserve himself; and in April 1646 embarked with lord Culpeper and colonel Monk for France, but as he had many rich relations who had interest with those in power, they interposed in his favour; and as sir Nicholas perceived that he could be of no service to the royal cause abroad, h did not look upon it as any deviation from his duty, to return and live quietly at home. Accordingly, having submitted to a composition, he came back to London, to retrieve his shattered fortunes, and very soon engaged again in business, with the same spirit and success as before. In this season of prosperity he was not unmindful of the wants of Charles II. but contributed cheerfully to his relief, when his affairs seemed to be in the most desperate condition. After the death of Oliver Cromwell, he was instrumental in reconciling many to their duty, and so well were his principles known, and so much his influence apprehended, that when it was proposed that the royalists in and about London should sign an instrument signifying their inclination to preserve the public tranquillity, he was called upon, and very readily subscribed it. He was also principally concerned in bringing the city of London, in her corporate capacity, to give the encouragement that was requisite to leave general Monk without any difficulties or suspicion as to the sincerity and unanimity of their inclinations. It was therefore very natural, after reading the king’s letter and declaration in common-council, May 3d, 1660, to think of sending some members of their own body to preSent their duty to his majesty; and having appointed nine aldermen and their recorder, they added sir Nicholas Crispe, with several other worthy persons, to the committee, that the king might receive the more satisfaction from their sentiments being delivered by several of those who had suffered deeply in his own and in his father’s cause. His majesty accordingly received these gentlemen very graciously, as a committee, and afterwards testified to them separately the sense he had of their past services, and upon his return, sir Nicholas Crispe and sir John Wolstenholme, were re-instated as farmers of the customs. Sir Nicholas was now in years, and somewhat infirm, spent a great part of his time at his noble country seat near Hammersmith, where he was in some measure the founder of the chapel, and having an opportunity of returning the tbligation he had received from some of his relations, he procured for them that indemnity from the king, gratis, for which he had so dearly paid during the rebellion. The last testimony he received of his royal master’s favour, was his being created a baronet, April 16th, 1665, which he did not long survive, dying February 26th, the next year, in the sixty-seventh year of his age, leaving a very large estate to his grandson, sir Nicholas Crispe. His corpse was interred with his ancestors, in the parish church of St. Mildred, in Bread-street, and his funeral sermon was preached by his reverend and learned kinsman Mr. Crispe, of Christ-church, Oxford. But his heart was sent to the chapel at Hammersmith, where there is a short and plain inscription upon a cenotaph erected to his memory; or rather upon that monument which himself erected in grateful commemoration of king Charles I. as the inscription placed there in sir Nicholas’s life-time tells us, under which, after his decease, was placed a small white marble urn, upon a black pedestal, containing his heart.
f that convent, and taught the liberal arts with great reputation. In this seminary Crispin became a monk, under Anselm, who was at that time abbot. He was much esteemed
, abbot of Westminster in the
eleventh and twelfth centuries, was born in Normandy, of
a considerable family, and educated in the monastery of
Bee, under Lanfranc, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, who was then prior of that convent, and taught the
liberal arts with great reputation. In this seminary Crispin became a monk, under Anselm, who was at that time
abbot. He was much esteemed by both these eminent
men, the former of whom, after his advancement to the
see of Canterbury, sent for him to England, and made
him abbot of St. Peter’s, Westminster, and Lanfranc
parted with him reluctantly, and continued to correspond
with him as long as he lived. Crispin was abbot of Westminster thirty-two years, during which he was sent on different embassies by king Henry I. Leland says, that he
was some time at Rome, probably on some ecclesiastical
errand. He died in 1117, and was buried in the south
part of the great cloisters. Leland, Bale, and Pits, who
give him the character of a very learned and pious ecclesiastic, attribute a great many works in divinity to him, of
which we know of one only that was published, “De fide
ecclesise, contra Judasos,
” Cologne,
tion to maintain liberty of conscience. He gave the command of all the forces in Scotland to general Monk, and sent his son Henry to govern Ireland. By an ordinance dated
The true reason why Cromwell thus dismissed this council of state, was, because he intended to have another of
his own framing; these being men entirely devoted to the
parliament, from whom they derived their authority. He
now projected such measures as appeared to him the most
proper for the support of that great authority which he
had attained. He continued for a few days to direct all
things by the advice of the council of officers; but afterwards a new council of state was called, by virtue of letters
or warrants under the lord-general’s hand. But this consisting chiefly of fifth-monarchy and other madmen, soon
dissolved of itself; and then the power returned into the
hands of Cromwell, from whom it came. Harrison, and
about twenty more, remained in the house, and seeing the
reign of the saints at an end, placed one Moyer in the
speaker’s chair, and began to draw up protests; but they
were soon interrupted by colonel White with a party of
soldiers. White asking them what they did there, they
told him, “they were seeking the Lord;
” to which he
replied, “that they might go somewhere else, for to his
knowledge, the Lord had not been there many years;
and so turned them out of doors. The scene thus changed,
the supreme power was said to be in the council of officers
again; and they very speedily resolved, that the lordgeneral, with a select council, should have the administration of public affairs, upon the terms contained in a paper,
entitled “The Instrument of Government;
” and that his
excellency should be protector of the commonwealth of
England, Scotland, and Ireland, and have the title of
Highness. Accordingly he was invested therewith Dec.
16, 1653, in the court of chancery in Westminster-hall,
with great solemnity; and thus, in his 54th year, assumed
the sovereign power, which he well knew how to exercise
with firmness. When he had thus reduced the government
into some order at least, he proceeded very wisely and
warily; appointed a privy-council, in which there were
great and worthy men, who he knew would either not act
at all, or not very long with him; but their names giving
a sanction for the present, he proceeded, with the advice
of as many of them as attended, to make several ordinances that were necessary, as also to dispose matters for
the holding a new parliament. He applied himself also to
the settlement of the public affairs, both foreign and domestic; he concluded a peace with the states of Holland
and Sweden; he obliged the king of Portugal, notwithstanding all that had passed between the parliament and
bim, to accept of a peace upon his terms; and adjusted
matters with France, though not without some difficulty.
As to affairs at home, he filled the courts in Westminsterhall with able judges; and directed the lawyers themselves
to make such corrections in the practice of their profession,
as might free them from public odium. The same moderation he practised in church matters; professing an unalterable resolution to maintain liberty of conscience. He
gave the command of all the forces in Scotland to general
Monk, and sent his son Henry to govern Ireland. By an
ordinance dated April 12, 1654, he united England and
Scotland, fixing the number of representatives for the latter at 30; and soon after he did the same by Ireland. He
affected to shew great zeal for justice, in causing the brother of the ambassador from Portugal to be executed for
murder; which he did July 10, in spite of the greatest
application to prevent it.
ission to give an answer to the outrageous preacher. This being granted: “My father,” said he to the monk, “you have attributed to Luther a number of terrible declarations;
, of Piemont, was born at
San Chirico, in 1503, of a noble family, and cultivated
philosophy, and made several journies in Germany and
Italy. Having abjured the religion of Rome to embrace
the doctrines of Luther, he was thrown into prison, and
confined for several months, but without this making any
impression on his sentiments; and he was no sooner released than he played a very bold trick. Having access to
the relics of the monastery of St. Benigno, he executed
the plan of carrying away the holy shrine, and leaving in
its place what to him was more holy and estimable, the
Bible, inscribed with these words, “Haec est area foederis, ex qua vera sciscitari oracula liceat, et in qua veroe
sunt sanctorum reliquiae.
” As, however, he was aware
the fury of the populace would not permit him to escape
with his life, if he were suspected, he thought it prudent to
retire, and we find him afterwards at Milan, where he
married in 1530, and began to preach. Having-fixed his
abode near Casal, he one day heard a Dominican declaiming loudly against Luther, and charging him with
criminal acts and heretical notions, of which he was not
guilty; he asked permission to give an answer to the outrageous preacher. This being granted: “My father,
said he to the monk, “you have attributed to Luther a
number of terrible declarations; but where does he say
them? Can you point me out the book where he has delivered such a doctrine?
” — The monk replied that he could
not immediately shew him the passage; but that, if he
would go with him to Turin, he would point it out to
him. “And I,
” said Curio, “will shew you this moment
that what you advance cannot be true.
” Then pulling out
of his pocket Luther’s Commentary on the epistle to the
Galatians, he refuted the Dominican with so much strength
of argument, that the crowd fell upon him, and it was
with great difficulty that he escaped out of their hands.
The inquisition and the bishop of Turin being informed of
this quarrel, Curio was arrested; but the bishop, perceiving
that he was supported by a considerable party, went to
Rome, to receive advice from the pope in what manner he
should proceed. In the mean time, Curio was carried in
irons to a private prison, and kept under a constant guard;
but, notwithstanding these precautions, found means to
escape during the night. He fled to Salo, in the duchy
of Milan, and from thence to Pavia; whence, three years
afterwards, he was obliged to take refuge at Venice, because the pope had threatened to excommunicate the senate of Pavia, if they did not put him under an arrest.
From Venice Curio went successively to Ferrara, to Lucca,
to Lausanne, in Switzerland, where he was made principal
of the college, and lastly to Bale, in 1547. Here he became professor of eloquence and the belles-lettres, which
situation he held until his death, which happened in 1569,
at the age of sixty-seven. There is a singular work by
him, entitled “De amplitudine bead regni Dei,
” Bale,
” Bale, Letters,
” Bale, Calvinus Judaisans,
” 1544, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo.
What has led the critics to think him the editor of this
collection, is, that he is indeed the author of the two editions of
” Pasquillus extaticus,“8vo, the one without
date, the other of Geneva, 1544. The second was reprinted with
” Pasquillus theologaster,“Geneva, 1667,
12mo. These are satires, which petulance on one side,
and the desire of suppressing them on the other, have occasioned to be sought after. The book-collectors add to
these, two volumes, the works of a certain German, named
” Pasquillus merus.“This makes a third volume, which
has scarcely any relation to the former, nor is either of
much value. 5. A Latin translation of Guicciardini’s history, 1566, 2 vols. fol. 6.
” De Bello Melitense, anno
8vo, inserted in Muratori. 7.
” Vita et doctrina
Davidis Georgii haeresiarchse,“Bale, 1599, 4to. 8.
” Forum Romanum,“a Latin dictionary, Bale, 1576, 3 vols.
fol. 9.
” Historia Francisci Spirae,“8vo, &c. Of a very
scarce work of his,
” Paraphrasis in principium Evangelii
S. Johannis,“but which, if we mistake not, was originally
published among his
” Opuscula,“an extract may be seen
in the
” New Memoirs of Literature," vol. XIII.
, a native of Brussels, where he was born in 1586, became a monk of the Augustine order, and rose to honours and high official
, a native of Brussels, where
he was born in 1586, became a monk of the Augustine
order, and rose to honours and high official situations among
his order; being prefect of the schools of Brussels and
Louvaine, a provincial of various convents, and counsellor
and historiographer to the emperor of Germany. He had
the character of a man of extensive learning and piety, the
latter carried sometimes to the minuUsc of superstition, as
appears by his work “De Clavis Dominicis,
” of which
there are three editions, Vita;
S. S. Rupert! et Virgilii,
” Ingolstadt, Epistolas familiares,
” ibid. Poematum libri tres,
Ant. Amphitheatrum amorum, Christ.
Fonseca auctore, Curtio interprete,
” Ingolstadt, Quadragesimale
” by Fonseca, translated from
the Spanish into Latin, Cologn. 6. “Vitae quinque Virginum Augustiniarum,
” ibid. Elogia virorum
illustrium Ord. Eremit. S. Augustini,
” with engraven portraits, Antwerp, Vita S. Nicolai Tolentinatis,
” with the lives of other Augustines, ibid,
ishop Pearson prefixed. Fell’s edition was reprinted at Amsterdam in 1700; after which a Benedictine monk published another edition of this father at Paris in 1727. The
The works of this father and confessor have been often
printed. The first edition of any note was that of Rigaltius, printed at Paris in 1648; afterwards in 1666, with
very great additions. This edition of Rigaltius was considerably improved by Fell, bishop of Oxford; at which
place it was handsomely printed in 1682, with the “Annales Cyprianici
” of bishop Pearson prefixed. Fell’s edition was reprinted at Amsterdam in 1700; after which a
Benedictine monk published another edition of this father
at Paris in 1727. The works of Cyprian have been translated into English by Dr. Marshal in 1717; for this reason
chiefly, that of all the fathers none are capable of being
so usefully quoted, in supporting the doctrines and discipline of our church, as he. His letters are particularly
valuable, as they not only afford more particulars of his
life than Pontius has given, but are a valuable treasure of
ecclesiastical history. The spirit, taste, discipline, and habits of the times, among Christians, are strongly delineated; nor have we in all the third century any account.
to be compared with them. In his general style, he is the
most eloquent and perspicuous of all the Latin fathers.
g was in the edition he gave of the twelfth book of the anagogical contemplations of St. Anastasius, monk of mount Sinai, upon the creation of the world, now first published,
The next specimen of his learning was in the edition he gave of the twelfth book of the anagogical contemplations of St. Anastasius, monk of mount Sinai, upon the creation of the world, now first published, together with notes and a Latin translation, London, 1682, 4to.
y others, has been thought no inconsiderable proof, that father Paul concealed, under the habit of a monk, a temper wholly devoted to protestantism and its professors.
Daillé, having lived seven years with so excellent a master, set out on his travels with his pupils in the autumn of 1619, and went to Geneva; and from thence through Piedmont and Lombardy to Venice, where they spent the winter. During their abode in Italy, a melancholy affair happened, which perplexed him not a little. One of his pupils fell sick at Mantua; and he removed him with all speed to Padua, where those of the protestant religion have more liberty, but here he died; and the difficulty was, to avoid the observation of the inquisitors, and remove the corpse to France, to the burial-place of his ancestors. After much consideration, no more eligible plan presented itself than to send him under the disguise of a bale of merchandize goods, or a cargo of books; and in this manner the corpse was conveyed to France, under the care of two of his servants; not, however, without the necessary safe-conduct and passports, which were procured for him from the republic by the celebrated father Paul. He then continued his travels with his other pupil, visiting Switzerland, Germany, Flanders, Holland, England; and returned to France towards the end of 1621. The son relates, that he had often heard his father regret those two years of travelling, which he reckoned as lost, because he could have spent them to better purpose in his closet; and, it seems, he would have regretted them still more, if he had not enjoyed the privilege at Venice of a familiar acquaintance with father Paul, the only fruit which he said he had reaped from that journey. M. du Plessis, with whom that father corresponded by letters, had recommended to him in a very particular manner both his grandsons and their crovernor; so that M. Daille was immediately admitted into his confidence, and there passed not a day without his enjoying some hours discourse with him. The good father even conceived such an affection for M. Daille, that he used his utmost endeavours with a French physician of the protestant religion, and one of his intimate friends, to prevail with him to stay at Venice. This circumstance of Daille’s life, among many others, has been thought no inconsiderable proof, that father Paul concealed, under the habit of a monk, a temper wholly devoted to protestantism and its professors.
, or John of Damascus, a learned priest and monk of the 'eighth century, surnamed Mansur, was born at Damascus
, or John of Damascus, a learned
priest and monk of the 'eighth century, surnamed Mansur,
was born at Damascus about G76. His father, who was
rich, and held several considerable offices, had him instructed in the sciences by an Italian monk, named Cosmo,
and he was afterwards raised to the highest posts, and became chief counsellor to the prince of the Saracens All
these dignities, however, St. John Damascenus resigned,
and entered himself a monk in the monastery of St. Sabas
near Jerusalem, where he led a pious and exemplary life,
and became famous in the church by his piety and writings.
It is said, that the caliph Hiocham, having ordered his
right hand to be cut off on account of a forged letter by
the emperor Leo, the hand was restored to him the night
following by a miracle, as he slept; which miracle was
universally known, or as much so as many other miracles
propagated in the credulous ages. He died about the year
760, aged eighty-four. He left an excellent treatise on the
orthodox faith, and several other works published in Greek
and Latin, by le Quien, 1712, 2 vols. fol. A book entitled “Liber Barlaam et Josaphat Indite regis,
” is ascribed to St. John Damascenus, but without any foundation; it has no date of time or place, but was printed about
1470, and is scarce. There are several French translations
of it, old, and little valued. Damascenus may be reckoned
the most learned man of the eighth century, if we except
our countryman Bede; and, what is less to his credit, ono
of the first who mingled the Aristotelian philosophy with
the Christian religion. He became among the Greeks
what Thomas Aquinas was afterwards among the Latins.
Except with regard to the doctrine of the Trinity, most of
his notions were erroneous, and his learning and fame
gave considerable support to the worshipping of images,
and other superstitions of that time.
, a French monk, was born at Montet in Auvergne, in 1637, and became a monk
, a French monk, was born at Montet in Auvergne, in 1637, and became a monk of Clermont
in 1656, where he recommended himself to the notice and
respect of his superiors by his application and talents. He
was fixed on, at the instigation of the celebrated Arnaud,
to give a new edition of the works of St. Augustine, and
had made considerable preparation for the publication,
when an anonymous tract, entitled “L' Abbe commandataire,
” exposing certain ecclesiastical abuses, was imputed to him, it is said unjustly. He must, however, have
had no means of disproving the charge, as he was banished
for it to Lower Bretagne. He was shortly after called
upon to preach at Brest, on some public occasion, when
the vessel in which he took his passage was wrecked, and
he was among the number of those that were drowned,
in October 1676, in the thirty-ninth year of his age. He
was author of several works, of little importance now, if
we except an historical eulogy, entitled “The Epitaph of
Casimir, king of Poland, who, after having abdicated his
crown, retired into France, and became abbot of St. Germain de Pres.
nd besides this collection, Wood mentions: 1. “A Panegyric on his excellency the lord general George Monk, commander in chief,” &c. printed at London in 1659, and generally
His works have been several times printed together in
one volume, under the title of “Poems and translations,
with the Sophy, a tragedy.
” The sixth edition is that of
Panegyric on his excellency the lord general George Monk,
commander in chief,
” &c. printed at London in A New Version t>f the Book of Psalms.
” 3. A prologue to his Majesty at the first play presented at the
Cockpit in Whitehall, being part of that noble entertainment which their majestes received on November 20, 16-0,
from his grace the duke of Albemarle. 4. “The True
Presbyterian without disguise: or, a character of a Presbyterian’s ways and actions,
” Lond. Directions to a Painter,
” in four copies or parts, each dedicated to Charles II. They were very satirically written
against several persons engaged in the Dutch war in 1665.
At the end of them was a piece, entitled, “Clarendon’s
” and after that his epitaph; both containing bitter reflections on that excellent nobleman. Sir
John Denham’s name is to these pieces; but they were
generally thought to be written by the well-known Andrew
Marvel: the printer, however, being discovered, was sentenced to stand in the pillory for the same.
last 20, of which nothing more than fragments remain, we have only the epitome, which Xiphtliuus, a monk of Coustantinople, has given of them. Photius observes, that
or Dion Cassius, an ancient historian, known also by the surnames of Cocceius or Cocceianus, was born at Nicsea, a city of Bithyuia, and flourished in the third century. His father Aproniatius, a man of consular dignity, was governor of Dalmatia, and some time after proconsul of Cilicia, under the emperors Trajan and Adrian. Dio was with his father in Cilicia; and from thence went to Rome, where he distinguished himself by public pleadings. From the reign of Commodus he was a senator of Rome; was made prtetor of the city under Pertinax; and raised at length to the consulship, which he held twice, and exercised the second time, jointly with the emperor Alexander Severus. He had passed through several great employments under the preceding emperors. Macrinus had made him governor of Pergamus and Smyrna; he commanded some time in Africa; and afterwards had the administration of Austria and Hungary, then called Pannonia, committed to him. He undertook the task of writing history, as he informs us himself, because he was admonished and commanded to do it by a vision from heaven; and he tells us also, that he spent ten years in collecting materials for it, and twelve more in composing it. His history began from the building of Rome, and proceeded to the reign of Alexander Severus. It was divided into So books, or eight decades; many of which are not now extant. The first 34 books are lost, with part of the 35th. The 25 following are preserved intire; but instead of the last 20, of which nothing more than fragments remain, we have only the epitome, which Xiphtliuus, a monk of Coustantinople, has given of them. Photius observes, that he wrote his Roman history, as others had also done, not from the foundation of Rome only, but from the descent of Æneas into Italy; which he continued to the year of Home 982, and of Christ 228, when, as we have observed, he was consul a second time with the emperor Alexander Severus. What we now have of it, begins with the expedition of Lucullus against Mithridates king of Pontus, about the year of Rome 684, and ends with the death of the emperor Claudius about the year 806.
, surnamed Exiguus, or Little, on account of his stature, was a monk by profession, and born in Scythia, where he is supposed to
, surnamed Exiguus, or Little, on account of his stature, was a monk by profession, and born in Scythia, where he is supposed to have died about the year 540, as Dupin reckons, or 556, according to Cave. He understood Greek and Latin, and was well acquainted with the holy scriptures. Cassiodorus, who was intimate with him, wrote his panegyric in the 23d chapter of his book on divine learning. At the desire of Stephen, bishop of Salone, he made a collection of canons, which contains, besides those which were in the code of the universal church, the fifty first canons of the apostles, those of the council of Sardica, and 138 canons of the council of Africa. This code of canons was approved and received by the church of Rome, and France, and by the Latin churches; and was printed by Justel in 1628, with a version of the letter of St. Cyril, and of the council of Alexandria against Nestorius, which is also the translation of Dionysius Exiguus. He afterwards joined these with the decretals of the popes from Syricius to Anastasius, to which have been, since added those of Hilary, Simplicius, and other popes, to St. Gregory. This second collection was printed by Justel in his Bibliotheca of Canon law. Dionysius was the first who introduced the way of counting the years from the birth of Jesus Christ, and who fixed it according to the epocha of the vulgar sera. He wrote also two letters upon Easter in the years 525 and 526, which were published by Petavius and Buchevius; and made a cycle of 95 years. Father Mabillon published a letter of his written to Eugippius, about the translation which he made of a work of Gregory Nyssen, concerning the creation of man. With respect to the epoch which he invented, he began his account from the conception or incarnation, usually called the Annunciation, or Lady-day which method obtained in the dominions of Great Britain till 1752, before which time the Dionysian was the same as the English epoch but in that year the Gregorian calendar having been admitted by act of parliament, they now reckon from the first of January, as in the other parts of Europe, except in the court of Rome, where the epoch of the Incarnation still obtains for the date of their bulls.
, a Florentine, first a monk and then a secular priest, died in 1574, at the age of sixtyone.
, a Florentine, first a monk
and then a secular priest, died in 1574, at the age of sixtyone. He was member of the academy of the Peregrini, in
which he took the academical name of Bizzaro, perfectly
suitable to his satirical and humourous character. Some
of his works are, 1. “Letters,
” in Italian, 8vo. 2. “La
” La Zucca,
” I mondi celesti, terestri ed infernali,
” 4to: there is an old French translation of it. 5. “I
martiii, cive Raggionamenti fatti a i marmi di Fiorenza,
Venice, Dialoghi della Musica,
” which was published at Venice,
” must
have been an useful publication when it first appeared;
as it not only contains a catalogue and character of all the
Italian books then in print, but of all the Mss. that he
had seen, with a list of the academies then subsisting, their
institution, mottos, and employment; but what rendered
this little work particularly useful to Dr. Burney in his
inquiries after early musical publications, is the catalogue
it contains of all the music which had been published at
Venice since the invention of printing.
enth century, was born at Kiritz, in the marche of Brandenburgh, and was very young when he became a monk of the order of St. Francis. After studying philosophy and theology
, a writer of the fifteenth century, was born at Kiritz, in the marche of Brandenburgh, and was very young when he became a monk of the order of St. Francis. After studying philosophy and theology with distinguished success, he became eminent not only as a preacher, but as a lecturer on the scriptures at Erfurt, and professor of theology at Magdeburgh. He was likewise made minister of his order in the province of Saxe, and held that office in 1431, at which time the Landgrave of Thuringia wrote several letters to him, instructing him to introduce some reform amono 1 the Franciscans of Eisenac. About the same time he was sent as one of the deputies to the council of Basil, by that party of his order who adhered to that council. It was either then, or as some think, ten years later, that he was raised to be general of his order. Whether he had been dismissed, or whether he resigned the office of minister of Saxe, he held it only six years, and went afterwards to pass the rest of his days in the monastery of Kiritz, where he devoted himself to meditation and study, and wrote the greater part of his works. The time of his death is a disputed point. Casimir Oudin gives 1494 as the date of that event, which Marchand, with some probability reduces to 1464.
, a celebrated monk in the abbey of Corby, in the ninth century, was born in Aquitaine,
, a celebrated monk in the abbey of Corby, in the ninth century, was born in Aquitaine, and afterwards taught in the monasteries of Stavelo and Malmedy, in the diocese of Leige. He was very learned for the age he lived in, and left a commentary on St. Matthew, Strasburg, 1514; or Haguenau, 1530, fol. and in the library of the fathers, which contained some opinions respecting transubstantiation that were favourable to the protestant faith. The second edition is scarce, but the first much more so. At the end of each is part of a Commentary on St. Luke and St. John, which he did not finish. The scarcity of his work may be accounted for from its being suppressed, in consequence of his opinions on transubstantiation. Dupin says that his commentaries are short, historical, easy, and without allegories or tropes; and adds, that Druthmar was called the Grammarian, on account of his skill in the languages, particularly Greek and Latin, which he always interpreted literally.
rge history of the Benedictine abbey of Bee in Normandy, drawn up by Dom John Bourget (see Bourget), monk of that house, and F. A. S. of London, to Mr. Nichols, who printed
The doctor gave a ms abstract of the large history of
the Benedictine abbey of Bee in Normandy, drawn up by
Dom John Bourget (see Bourget), monk of that house,
and F. A. S. of London, to Mr. Nichols, who printed it in
1771', 8vo, with an appendix of original deeds; and who
likewise printed, in the same year, in two volumes, 8vo.
“Some account of the Alien Priories, and of such lands
as they are known to have possessed in England and
” collected by John Warburton, esq. Somerset herald, and Dr. Ducarel (who did not, however, at the time, permit his name to be mentioned); and considerably augmented by Mr. Gough and some other learned friends of
the publisher; to which was prefixed, a general description of the seven Norman cathedrals, with very neat prints
of them, The very useful and excellent “Collection of
Royal and Noble Wills,
” from the conqueror to Henry VII.
printed by Mr. Nichols in 1780, was given to the world in
consequence of the suggestions of Dr. Ducarel; from
whose stores the far greater part of the materials was purchased by the printer at a very considerable price.
, with his friend Samuel Gale, esq. attended only by his own coachman and Mr. Gale’s footman, George Monk. Twenty miles was their usual stage on the first day, and every
For many years it was his custom to travel incognito in
August, with his friend Samuel Gale, esq. attended only
by his own coachman and Mr. Gale’s footman, George
Monk. Twenty miles was their usual stage on the first
day, and every other day about fifteen. It was a rule not
to go out of their road to see any of their acquaintance.
The coachman was directed to say, “it was a job; and
that he did not know their names, but that they were civil
” and the footman, “that he was a friend of
the coachman’s, who gave him a cast.
” They usually
took up their quarters at an inn, and penetrated into the
country for three or four miles round. After dinner, Mr.
Gale smoked his pipe, whilst Dr. Ducarel took notes,
which he regularly transcribed, and which after his death
were purchased by Mr. Gough. They constantly took
with them Camden’s Britannia, and a set of maps. In
Vertue’s plate of London-bridge chapel, the figure measuring is Dr. Ducarel; that standing is Mr. Samuel Gale.
near Paris, had over him, with some other circumstances, afford reason to think that if he was not a monk of that abbey, he had retired somewhere in its neighbourhood,
, a writer of the ninth century, better known
by his works than his personal history, is supposed to have
been a native of Ireland, who emigrated to France, and
there probably died. Cave and Dupin call him deacon,
but Dungal himself assumes no other title than that of subject to the French kings, and their orator. In his youth
he studied sacred and profane literature with success, and
taught the former, and had many scholars, but at last determined to retire from the world. The influence which
Valclon or Valton, the abbot of St. Denis near Paris, had
over him, with some other circumstances, afford reason to
think that if he was not a monk of that abbey, he had retired somewhere in its neighbourhood, or perhaps resided
in the house itself. During this seclusion he did not forsake his studies, but cultivated the knowledge of philosophy, and particularly of astronomy, which was much the
taste of that age. The fame he acquired as an astronomer
induced Charlemagne to consult him in the year 811, on
the subject of two eclipses of the sun, which took place
the year before, and Dungal answered his queries in a long
letter which is printed in D'Acheri’s Spicilegium, vol. III.
of the folio, and vol. X. of the 4to edition, with the opinion
of Ismael Bouillaud upon it. Sixteen years after, in the
year 827, Dungal took up his pen in defence of images
against Claude, bishop of Turin, and composed a treatise
which had merit enough to be printed, first separately, in
1608, 8vo, and was afterwards inserted in the “Bibliotheca Patrum.
” It would appear also that he wrote some
poetical pieces, one of which is in a collection published in
1729 by Martene and Durand. The time of his death is
unknown, but it is supposed he was living in the year 834.
covered a taste for history, by recording every remarkable event that came to his knowledge. Being a monk in the cathedral of Canterbury, he had the happiness to become
, or Edmer, the faithful friend and historian of archbishop Anselm, was an Englishman, who flourished in the twelfth century, but we have no information
respecting his parents, or the particular time and place of
his nativity. He received a learned education, and very
early discovered a taste for history, by recording every
remarkable event that came to his knowledge. Being a
monk in the cathedral of Canterbury, he had the happiness
to become the bosom friend and inseparable companion of
the two archbishops of that see, St. Anselm, and his successor Ralph. To the former of these he was appointed
spiritual director by the pope; and that prelate would do
nothing without his permission. In 1120 he was elected
bishop of St. Andrew’s, by the particular desire of Alexander I. king of Scotland; but on the very day after his
election, an unhappy dispute arose between the king and
him respecting his consecration. Eadmer would be consecrated by the archbishop of Canterbury, whom he regarded as primate of all Britain, while Alexander contended that the see of Canterbury had no pre-eminence
over that of St. Andrew’s. After many conferences, their
dispute becoming more warm, Eadmer abandoned his
bishopric, and returned to England, where he was kindly
received by the archbishop and clergy of Canterbury, who
yet thought him too precipitate in leaving his bishopric.
Eadmer at last appears to have been of the same opinion,
and wrote a long and submissive letter to the king of Scotland, but without producing the desired effect. Whartort
fixes his death in 1124, which was not long after this
affair, and the very year in which the bishopric of St. Andrew’s was tilled up. Eadmer is now best known for his
history of the affairs of England in his own time, from
1066 to 1122, in which he has inserted many original
papers, and preserved many important facts that are nowhere else to be found. This work has been highly commended, both by ancient and modern writers, for its authenticity, as well as for regularity of composition and purity of style. It is indeed more free from legendary tales
than any other work of this period, and affords many proofs
of the learning, good sense, sincerity and candour of its
author. The best edition is that by Selden, under the title
of “Eadmeri monachi Cantuarensis Historiac Novorum,
give sui Saeculi, Libri Sex,
” Lond. Anglia Sacra.
” 2. The Lives of St. Wilfrid, St.
Oswald, St. Dunstan, &c. &c. and others inserted in the
“Anglia Sacra,
” or enumerated by his biographers, as in
print or manuscript.
early in the morning. The superior, missing his pears, resolved to watch the tree, and at last saw a monk climbing up into it; but, as it was yet hardly light, waited
Erasmus’s enemies, and among the rest Julius Scaliger,
have pretended that he led a very loose life during his stay
in this convent, a charge which his friends have endeavoured to repell by going into the other extreme, and attributing to him a more virtuous course than he pursued,
since it is evident from several acknowledgments of his
own, that he did not spend his younger days with the utmost regularity. In a letter to father Servatius, he owns
that “in his youth he had a propensity to very great vices;
that, however, the love of money, or even of fame, had
never possessed him; that, if he had not kept himself
unspotted from sensual pleasures, he had not been a slave
to them; and that, as for gluttony and drunkenness, he
had always held them in abhorrence.
” He also appears to
have been of a playful turn, of which Le Clerc gives an
instance, although without producing his authority. There
was, it seems, a pear-tree in the garden of the convent at
Stein, of whose fruit the superior was extremely fond,
and reserved entirely to himself. Erasmus had tasted
these pears, and liked them so well as to be tempted to
steal them, which he used to do early in the morning.
The superior, missing his pears, resolved to watch the tree,
and at last saw a monk climbing up into it; but, as it was
yet hardly light, waited a little till he could; discern
him more clearly. Meanwhile Erasmus had perceived
that he was seen; and was musing with himself how he
should get off undiscovered. At length he bethought himself, that they had a monk in the convent who was lame,
and therefore, sliding gently down, imitated as he went the
limp of this unhappy monk. The superior, now sure of
the thief, as having discovered him by signs not equivocal,
took an opportunity at the next meeting of saying abundance of good things upon the subject of obedience; after
which, turning to the supposed delinquent, he charged
him with a most flagrant breach of it, in stealing his pears.
The poor monk protested his innocence, but in vain. All
he could say, only inflamed his superior the more; who,
in spite of his protestations, inflicted upon him a very severe penance.
ing himself. He gives a remarkable instance of this in the behaviour of one Standish, who had been a monk, and was bishop of St. Asaph; and whom Erasmus sometimes calls,
About 1520, a clamour was raised against Erasmus in
England, although he had many friends there; and, among
them, even persons of the first quality, and the king himself. He gives a remarkable instance of this in the
behaviour of one Standish, who had been a monk, and was
bishop of St. Asaph; and whom Erasmus sometimes calls,
by way of derision, “Episcopum a sancto asino.
” Standish had censured Erasmus, in a sermon preached at St.
Paul’s, for translating the beginning of St. John’s gospel,
“In principle erat sermo,
” and not “verbum.
” He also
accused Erasmus of heresy before the king and queen
but this charge was repelled by two learned friends, who
are supposed to have been Pace, dean of St. Paul’s, and
sir Thomas More. This year, Jerome Aleander, the pope’s
nuncio, solicited the emperor, and Frederic elector of
Saxony, to punish Luther. Frederic was then at Cologn,
and Erasmus came there, and was consulted by him upon
this occasion. Erasmus replied, ludicrously at first, saying, “Luther has committed two unpardonable crimes: he
touched the pope upon the crown, and the monks upon
the belly.
” He then told the elector seriously, that
“Luther had justly censured many abuses and errors, and
that the welfare of the church required a reformation of
them; that Luther’s doctrine was right in the main, but that
it had not been delivered by him with a proper temper,
and with due moderation.
” The pope’s agents, finding
Erasmus thus obstinately bent to favour, at least not to condemn and write against Luther, as they often solicited him
to do, endeavoured to win him over by the offer of bishoprics or abbeys. “I know,
” says he, “that a bishopric is
at my service, if I would but write against Luther: but
Luther is a man of too great abilities for me to encounter;
and, to say the truth, I learn more from one page of his,
than from all the volumes of Thomas Aquinas.
d with a zeal for making converts, soon won over Eremita, by means of a conference with a Portuguese monk; and fre became a Roman catholic, which gave Casaubon great
, a native of Antwerp, and secretary to the duke of Florence, was born at Antwerp in 1584, of protestant parents, said to be of the same family with Peter the Hermit, so celebrated in the history of the crusades. In his youth Scaliger had a great esteem for him, and recommended him in the strongest terms to Casaubon; who procured him employment, and endeavoured to get him into Mr. de Montaterre’s family, in quality of preceptor, and was likely to have succeeded, when Eremita found means to ingratiate himself with Mr. de Vic, who was going ambassador into Switzerland. In the course of their intimacy De Vic, a man of great bigotry, and fired with a zeal for making converts, soon won over Eremita, by means of a conference with a Portuguese monk; and fre became a Roman catholic, which gave Casaubon great uneasiness. Eremita, however, still retained a veneration for Scaliger, and, after his death, defended him against Scioppius, who in his answer, speaks with very little respect of Eremita, and informs us that after being at Rome in 1606, he disappeared for some time after, as it was supposed at first from poverty, but it afterwards was discovered that he had retired to Sienna, where he made his court to archbishop Ascanio Piccolomini, who recommended him to Silvio Piccolomini, great chamberlain to the great duke of Florence. By this means he obtained a pension from that prince, as a reward for a panegyric written on the nuptials of the great duke with Magdalen of Austria, and published in 1608, and at his earnest request he was sent into Germany with the deputy, to acquaint the several princes of the empire with the death of the great duke’s father. At his return to Florence, he affected to be profoundly skilled in allairs of government; and promised a commentary which should exceed whatever had been written upon Tacitus. As he looked upon the history of our Saviour as fabulous, so he took a delight in exclaiming against the inquisitors and the clergy; and had many tales ready upon these occasions, all which he could set off to advantage.
which he employed in works of charity: His zeal led him to the Indies, where he took the habit of a monk, and died at Lima in 1624, at the age of sixty-six. He published,
, a pious and learned Jesuit,
born at Seville in 15.58, of a noble and ancient family,
possessed a large estate, which he employed in works of
charity: His zeal led him to the Indies, where he took
the habit of a monk, and died at Lima in 1624, at the age
of sixty-six. He published, 1. “Condones quadragesimales et de adventu,
” fol. 2. “De festis Domini.
” 3.
“Sermones de historiis Sacrse Scriptune;
” but these works
are scarcely known out of Spain.
a Greek monk of Constantinople, was in favour with the emperor Alexis Comnenus,
a Greek monk of Constantinople, was in favour
with the emperor Alexis Comnenus, whom he survived,
the emperor dying in 1118. At the command of Alexis,
he composed his great work, entitled “Panoplia dogmatica
Orthodoxos fidei,
” or, the whole armour of the doctrine of
the orthodox faith, against heretics of all kinds; which has
lately been rendered famous by being cited in the dispute
concerning 1 John v. 7. It was printed at Leyden, 1556,
8vo, and reprinted at Tergovist in Wallnchia, 1710. He
wrote besides nine other works on various theological subjects, which are enumerated by Fabricius, in his Biblioth.
Graec. \. v. c. 11 the principal are a commentary on the
four Gospels and the Psalms, and on Solomon’s Song
these commentaries are literal, moral, and allegorical but
in the use of allegory, he is more rational than most of the
authors of the thirteenth century. In some of his works
he very highly praises Alexis for his theological knowledge
and excellence in disputation It is not known at what
time he died. We have mentioned him above as the supposed author of a funeral oration on the Greek commentator Eustathius. There is also a Georgius Zigabenus mentioned by Fabricius.
, originally a monk of the fifth century, and for his piety elected abbot of the
, originally a monk of the fifth century,
and for his piety elected abbot of the convent near Constantinople to which he belonged, is said to have lived to
an advanced age before he distinguished himself by any
peculiar opinions. Then, through a violent desire to oppose the Nestorian heresy, which was supposed to divide
the nature of Christ into two distinct persons, he became
the leader of a new heresy, by absorbing the human nature
of Christ entirely in the divine, and maintaining that the
human body of Christ was only apparent. His doctrines
were first noticed in a council assembled at Constantinople
by Fluvianus, in the year 448, where they were condemned,
and himself deposed from his dignity of abbot. Eutyches,
however, had interest enough with the emperor Theodosius to procure another council at Ephesus, in the year
449, in which the former acts were reversed, Flavian and
other bishops who had opposed Eutyches deposed, and
every thing carried with such violence, that this council is
generally named woJoj xwrrpun), the convention of robbers.
A third council was necessary to settle these differences;
and pope Leo the First, (called St. Leo, or Leo the Great)
prevailed on Marcian, the successor of Theodosius, to cull one
at Chalcedon, which met in the year 451, and was reckoned
the fourth recumenical or general council. Six hundred
and thirty bishops were present. Here Kutyches was condemned, though absent, and the following doctrine laid
down in opposition to his heresy: “That in Christ two
distinct natures were united in one person, without any
change, mixture, or confusion.
” Yet even after this decision, violent disputes and divisions subsisted for a considerable time. It is uncertain what became of Eutyches
after the council of Ephesus; Leo certainly applied ta
Marcian and to Pulcheria to have him deposed; but
whether he succeeded or not, is unknown. Two supplications
to Theodosius, one confession, and a fragment of another
by Eutyches, are still extant.
, a monk at the latter end of the fourth century, surnamed Ponticus from
, a monk at
the latter end of the fourth century, surnamed Ponticus from the place of his nativity, not far from the Pontus Euxinus, was at first lecturer of the congregation at
Caesarea, afterwards deacon, and lastly made archdeacon
of Constantinople, by Gregory Nazianzen, by whom he
had been instructed in the Scriptures; but was obliged to
fly that country in the year 385, on account of some suspicions thrown out against him by a person of consequence
concerning his wife; upon this, he devoted himself to the
monastic life at Jerusalem, and afterwards in Syria, where
be espoused the tenets of Origen, and propagated others
which afterwards led to the Pelagian heresy. He wrote,
1. “Orationes, sive preces centum.
” 2. “Gnosticus, sive
de iis, qui cognitionis munere donati sunt, in anachoretarum usnm, sive elementarium, lib. ii.
” 3. “Περὶ διαφόρον
” which tractate is usually ascribed to Evagrius
Scholasticus, but without foundation. 4. “Monachus, sive
de vita activa.
” 5. “Anthirrticus adversus tentantes daeniones,
” &c. All these are found in the “Bibl. Patrum,
” and
in Cotelerius’s “Monum. Eccl. Gnjec.
” He died A.D.
aving entered into new engagements for the king’s service with sir Anthony Ashley Cooper and general Monk, who had tied him down to such absolute secrecy that he was
This scheme, which is characteristic of the state of Mr.
Evelyn’s mind, at a time when good men sickened at the
contemplation of successful rebellion, would, in all likelihood, have gradually departed from its principles, and is
perhaps too romantic to have stood the collision of human
passions and human events. But, when a prospect appeared
of better times, it occasioned some change in his sentiments; and, upon an attempt being made to damp the
desires of the people for the king’s return, he drew his pen
in that critical season in defence of his majesty’s character, which, at such a juncture, was both an acceptable
and a very important service. The conduct of Mr. Evelyn
in this critical year, 1659, which was in truth the most active in his whole life, is hardly taken notice of by any of
those who have undertaken to preserve his memoirs. After
the death of Oliver and the deposition of Richard Cromwell, there were many of the commanders in the army that
shewed an inclination to reconcile themselves to the king;
which disposition of theirs was very much encouraged by
such as had his majesty’s interest truly at heart. Amongst
these, Mr. Evelyn had a particular eye upon colonel Herbert Morley, an old experienced officer in the parliament
army, who had two stout regiments entirely at his devotion, was very much esteemed by his party, and had the
general reputation of being a person of probity and honour.
It was a very dangerous step, as things then stood, to make
any advances to one in his situation; yet Mr. Evelyn, considering how much it might be in that gentleman’s power
to facilitate the king’s return, fairly ventured his life, by
advising the colonel freely to make his peace with, and
enter into the service of, the king. The colonel, as might
well be expected, acted coldly and cautiously at first, but
at last accepted Mr. Evelyn’s offer, and desired him to
make use of his interest to procure a pardon for himself,
and some of his relations and friends whom he named, promising in return to give all the assistance in his power to
the royal cause. At the same time that Mr. Evelyn carried
on this dangerous intercourse with colonel Morley, he
formed a resolution of publishing something that might
take off the edge of that inveteracy, expressed by those
who had been deepest in the parliament’s interest, against
such as had always adhered to the king and with this view
he wrote a small treatise, which had the desired effect, and
was so generally well received, that it ran through three
impressions that year. The title of this piece was, “An
Apology for the Royal Party, written in a letter to a person of the late council of state; with a touch at the pretended plea of the army,
” Lond. News from Brussels, in a letter from a near attendant on his majesty’s person, to a person of honour here, dated March 10th, 1659.
The design of this pretended letter was to represent the
character of king Charles II. in as bad a light as possible,
in order to destroy the favourable impressions that many
had received of his natural inclination to mildness and clemency. All the king’s friends were extremely alarmed at
this attempt, and saw plainly that it would be attended
with most pernicious consequences; but Mr. Evelyn, who
had as quick a foresight as any of them, resolved to lose no
time in furnishing an antidote against this poison, and with
great diligence and dexterity sent abroad in a week’s time
a complete answer, which bore the following title: “The
late news or message from Brussels unmasked,
” London,
ys looked upon with a jealous eye by the usurpers of that time. As soon as he was invited by general Monk to assist him against Lambert’s army, he cheerfully embraced
Hitherto, the crafty and ambitious Cromwell had permitted him to enjoy in all respects the supreme command,
at least to outward appearance. And, under his conduct,
the army’s rapid success, after their new model, had much
surpassed the expectation of the most sanguine of their
masters, the parliament* The question now was, to disband the majority of them after their work was done, and
to employ a part of the rest in the reduction of Ireland.
But either of the two appeared to all of them intolerable.
For, many having, from the dregs of the people, risen to
the highest commands, and by plunderings and violence
amassing daily great treasures, they could not bear the
thoughts of losing such great advantages. To maintain
themselves therefore in the possession of them, Cromwell,
and his son-in-law Ireton, as good a contriver as himself,
but a much better writer and speaker, devised how to raise
a mutiny in the army against the parliament. To this end
they spread a whisper among the soldiery, “that the parliament, now they had the king, intended to disband
them; to cheat them of their arrears; and to send them,
into Ireland, to be destroyed by the Irish.
” The army,
enraged at this, were taught by Ireton to erect a council
among themselves, of two soldiers out of every troop and
every company, to consult for the good of the army, and
to assist at the council of war, and advise for the peace and
safety of the kingdom. These, who were called adjutators,
or agitators, were wholly under Cromwell’s influence and
direction, the most active of them being his avowed creatures. Sir Thomas saw with uneasiness his power on the
army usurped by these agitators, the forerunners of confusion and anarchy, whose design (as he observes) was to
raise their own fortunes upon the public ruin; and that
made him resolve to lay down his commission. But he
was over-persuaded by the heads of the Independent faction to hold it till he had accomplished their desperate
projects, of rendering themselves masters not only of the
parliament, but of the whole kingdom; for, he joined in
the several petitions and proceedings of the army that
tended to destroy the parliament’s power. About the beginning of June, he advanced towards London, to awe the
parliament, though both houses desired his army might not
come within fifteen miles of the same; June 15, he was a
party in the charge against eleven of the members of the
house of commons; in August, he espoused the speakers
of both houses, and the sixty -six members that had fled to
the army, and betrayed the privileges of parliament: and,
entering London, August 6, restored them in a kind of
triumph; for which he received the thanks of both
houses, and was appointed constable of the Tower. On
the other hand it is said that he was no way concerned in,
the violent removal of the king from Holmby, by cornet
Joyce, on the 3d of June; and waited with great respect
upon his majesty at sir John Cutts’s house near Cambridge.
Being ordered, on the 15th of the same month, by the
parliament, to deliver the person of the king to such persons as both houses should appoint; that he might be brought
to Richmond, where propositions were to be presented to
him for a safe and well-grounded peace; instead of complying (though he seemed to do so) he carried his majesty
from place to place, according to the several motions of
the army, outwardly expressing, upon most occasions, a
due respect for him, but, not having the will or resolution
to oppose what he had not power enough to prevent, he
resigned himself entirely to Cromwell. It was this undoubtedly that made him concur, Jan. 9, 1647-8, in that
infamous declaration of the army, of “No further addresses or application to the king; and resolved to stand by
the parliament, in what should be further necessary for
settling and securing the parliament and kingdom, without
the king and against him.
” His father dying at York,
March 13, he became possessed of his title and estate
and was appointed keeper of Pontefract-castle, custos
rotulorum of Yorkshire, &c. in his room. But his father’s
death made no alteration in his conduct, he remaining
the same servile or deluded tool to Cromwell’s ambition.
He not only sent extraordinary supplies, and took all
pains imaginable for reducing colonel Poyer in Wales, but
also quelled, with the utmost zeal and industry, an insurrection of apprentices and others in London, April 9, who
had declared for God and king Charles. The 1st of the
same month he removed his head-quarters to St. EdmundV
bury; and, upon the royalists seizing Berwick and Carlisle,
and the apprehension of the Scots entering England, he
was desired, May 9, by the parliament, to advance in person into the North, to reduce those places, and to prevent
any danger from the threatened invasion. Accordingly
he began to march that way the 20th. But he was soon
recalled to quell an insurrection in Kent, headed by George
Goring, earl of Norwich, and sir William Waller. Advancing therefore against them from London in the latter
end of May, he defeated a considerable party of them at
Maidstone, June 2, with his usual valour. But the earl
and about 500 of the royalists, getting over the Thames at
Greenwich into Essex, June 3, they were joined by several
parties brought by sir Charles Lucas, and Arthur lord
Capel, which made up their numbers about 400; and went
and shut themselves up in Colchester on the 12th of June.
Lord Fairfax, informed of their motions, passed over with
his forces at Gravesend with so much expedition, that he
arrived before Colchester June 13. Immediately he summons the royalists to surrender; which they refusing, he
attacks them the same afternoon with the utmost fury,
but, being repulsed, he resolved, June 14, to block up
the place in order to starve the royalists into a compliance.
These endured a severe and tedious siege of eleven weeks,
not surrendering till August 28, and feeding for about five
weeks chiefly on horse-flesh; all their endeavours for obtaining peace on honourable terms being ineffectual. This
affair is the most exceptionable part in lord Fairfax’s
conduct, if it admits of degrees, for he granted worse
terms to that poor town than to any other in the whole
course of the war he endeavoured to destroy it as much
as possible he laid an exorbitant fine, or ransom, of
J2,000l. upon the inhabitants, to excuse them from being
plundered; and he vented his revenge and fury upon sir
Charles Lucas and sir George Lisle, who had behaved in
the most inoffensive manner during the siege, sparing that
buffoon the earl of Norwich, whose behaviour had been
quite different: so that his name and memory there ought
to be for ever detestable. After these mighty exploits
against a poor and unfortified town, he made a kind of
triumphant progress to Ipswich, Yarmouth, Norwich, St.
Edmund’s-bui y, Harwich, Mersey, and Maldon. About
the beginning of December he came to London, to awe
thatcity and the parliament, and to forward the proceedings against the king quartering himself in the royal
palace of Whitehall: and it was by especial order from
him and the council of the army, that several members of
the house of commons were secluded and imprisoned, the
6th and 7th of that month; he being, as Wood expresses
it, lulled in a kind of stupidity. Yet, although his name
stood foremost in the list of the king’s judges, he refused
to act, probably by his lady’s persuasion. Feb. 14, 1648-9,
he was voted to be one of the new council of state, but
on the 19th he refused to subscribe the test, appointed
by parliament, for approving all that was done concerning
the king and kingship. March 31 he was voted general
of all the forces in England and Ireland; and in May he
inarched against the levellers, who were grown very numerous, and began to be troublesome and formidable in
Oxfordshire, and utterly routed them atBurford. Thence,
on the 22d of the same month, he repaired to Oxford with
Oliver Cromwell, and other officers, where he was highly
feasted, and created LL.D. Next, upon apprehension of
the like risings in other places, he went and viewed the
castles and fortifications in the Isle of Wight, and at Southampton, and Portsmouth; and near Guildford had a rendezvous of the army, which he exhorted to obedience.
June 4, he was entertained, with other officers, &c. by the
city of London, and presented with a large and weighty
bason and ewer of beaten gold. In June 1650, upon the
Scots declaring for king Charles II. the juncto of the
council of state having taken a resolution to be beforehand,
and not to stay to be invaded from Scotland, but to carry
first the war into that kingdom; general Fairfax, being
consulted, seemed to approve of the design: but afterwards,
by the persuasions of his lady, and of the presbyterian
ministers, he declared himself unsatisfied that there was a
just ground for the parliament of England to send their
army to invade Scotland and resolved to lay down his
commission rather than engage in that affair and on the
26th that high trust was immediately committed to Oliver
Cromwell, who was glad to see him removed, as being no
longer necessary, but rather an obstacle to his farther ambitious designs. Being thus released from all public employment, he went and lived quietly at his own house in
Nun-Appleton in Yorkshire; always earnestly wishing and
praying (as we are assured) for the restitution of the royal
family, and fully resolved to lay hold on the first opportunity to contribute his part towards it, which made him
always looked upon with a jealous eye by the usurpers of
that time. As soon as he was invited by general Monk to
assist him against Lambert’s army, he cheerfully embraced
the occasion, and appeared, on the 3d of December 1659,
at the head of a body of gentlemen of Yorkshire and,
upon the reputation and authority of his name, the Irish
brigade of 1200 horse forsook Lambert’s army, and joined
him. The consequence was, the immediate breaking of
all Lambert’s forces, which gave general Monk an easy
inarch into England. The 1st of January 1659-60, his
lordship made himself master of York; and, on the 2d of
the same month, was chosen by the rump parliament one
of the council of state, as he was again on the 23d of February ensuing. March '29 he was elected one of the
knights for the county of York, in the healing parliament;
and was at the head of the committee appointed May 3,
by the house of commons, to go and attend king Charles
II. at the Hague, to desire him to make a speedy return
to his parliament, and to the exercise of his kingly office.
May 16 he waited upon his majesty with the rest, and
endeavoured to atone in some measure for all past offences,
by readily concurring and assisting in his restoration. After
the dissolution of the short healing parliament, he retired
again to his seat in the country, where he lived in a private
manner till his death, which happened November 12, 1671,
in the sixtieth year of his age. Several letters,
remonstrances, and other papers, subscribed with his name, are
preserved in Rushworth and other collections, being published during the time he was general; but he disowned
most of them. After his decease, some “short memorials,
written by himself,
” were published in 1699, 8vo, by
Brian Fairfax, esq. but do his lordship no great honour,
either as to principle, style, or accuracy. Lord Fairfax,
as to his person, was tall, but not above the just proportion,
and of a gloomy and melancholy disposition. He stammered a little, and was a bad orator ou the most plausible
occasions. As to the qualities of his mind, he was of a
good natural disposition; a great lover of learning, having
contributed to the edition of the Polygiott, and other large
works; and a particular admirer of the History and Antiquities of Great Britain, as appears by the encouragement
he gave to Mr. Dodsvrorth. In religion he professed Presbyterianismn, but where he first learned that, unless ia
the army, does not appear. He was of a meek and humble
carriage, and but of few words in discourse and council;
yet, when his judgment and reason were satisfied, he was
unalterable; and often ordered things expressly contrary
to the judgment of all his council. His valour was unquestionable. He was daring, and regardless of self-interest, and, we are told, in the field he appeared so highly
transported, that scarcely any durst speak a word to him,
and he would seem like a man distracted and furious. Had
not the more successful ambition and progress of Cromwell
eclipsed lord Fairfax’s exploits, he would have been considered as the greatest of the parliamentary commanders;
and one of the greatest heroes of the rebellion, had not
the extreme narrowness of his genius, in every thing but
war, obstructed his shining as a statesman. We have already noticed that he had some taste for literature, and
that both at York and at Oxford he endeavoured to
preserve the libraries from being pillaged. He also presented
twenty-nine ancient Mss. to the Bodleian library, one of
which is a beautiful ms. of -Cower' s “Confessio Amantis.
When at Oxford we do not find that he countenanced any
of the outrages committed there, but on the contrary,
exerted his utmost diligence in preserving the Bodleian
from pillage; and, in fact, as Mr. Warton observes, that
valuable repository suffered less than when the city was in'
the possession of the royalists. Lord Orford has introduced lord Fairfax among his “Royal and Noble Authors,
“not only as an historian, but a poet. In Mr. Thoresby’s museum were preserved in manuscript the following
” The Psalms of David;“”The Song of Solomon“” The Canticles;“and
” Songs of Moses, Exod.
15. and Deut. 32.“and other parts of scripture versified.
” Poem on Solitude.“Besides which, in the same collection were preserved
” Notes of Sermons by his lordship, by his lady, and by their daughter Mary,“the wife
of the second duke of Buckingham; and
” A Treatise on
the Shortness of Life.“But, of all lord Fairfax’s works,
by far the most remarkable were some verses which he
wrote on the horse on which Charles the Second rode to
liis coronation, and which had been bred and presented to
the king by his lordship. How must that merry monarch,
not apt to keep his countenance on more serious occasions,
have smiled at this awkward homage from the old victorious
hero of republicanism and the covenant
” Besides these,
several of his Mss. are preserved in the library at Denton,
of which Mr. Park has given a list in his new edition of the
“Royal and Noble Authors.
, an English monk of the fifth century, was created abbot of a monastery in the
, an English monk of the fifth century, was created abbot of a monastery in the Lerin islands about the year 433, and afterwards bishop of Riez in Provence, about the year 466. The time of his death is uncertain. He wrote a homily on the life of his predecessor in the see, Maximus; which is extant among those attributed to Eusebius Emisenus. He governed his diocese unblamcably, led a holy life, and died regretted and esteemed by the church. In the grand controversy of the fifth century, he rather favoured the Semi-Pelagians, which a recent historian attributes to his fear of the abuses of predestination, and a misunderstanding of the consequences of Augustine’s doctrine. It is certain that in a treatise which he wrote on saving grace, he shewed that grace always allures, precedes, and resists the human will, and that all the reward of our lahour is the gift of God. In a disputation, likewise, with Lucidus, a priest, who was very tenacious of the sentiments of Augustine, Faustus endeavoured to correct his ideas by suggesting, that we must not separate grace and human industry; that we must abhor Pelagius, and yet detest those who believe, that a man may be of the number of the elect, without labouring for salvation.
ings against the Calvinists, and others. 5. “A Letter and Discourse to prove that St. Augustin was a Monk,” an opinion which several learned men have rejected.
, a French lawyer, born at Toulon,
in 1645, became an advocate in the parliament of Paris,
and died in that city, in 1699. Though a layman, he
lived with the rigour of a strict ecclesiastic; and though a
lawyer, his works turn chiefly upon subjects of sacred
learning. They are full of erudition, but not remarkable
for brilliancy or clearness. They are, 1. “A large Commentary on the Psalms,
” in Latin, Reflections on the Christian Religion,
” A Psalter,
” in French and Latin. 4. Some controversial writings against the Calvinists, and others. 5. “A
Letter and Discourse to prove that St. Augustin was a
” an opinion which several learned men have rejected.
been intended to reprint” The Fall of Princes,“by Boccace, as translated into English by Lidgate the monk; but that, upon communicating his design to seven of his friends,
But although he made so great a figure in the diversions
of a court, he preserved at the same time his credit with
all the learned world, and was no idle spectator of political
affairs. This appears from the history of the reign of Mary,
which though inserted in the chronicle, and published under the name of Richard Grafton, was actually written by
Ferrars as Stow expressly tells us. Our author was an
historian, a lawyer, and a politician, even in his poetry
as appears from pieces of his, inserted in the celebrated
work entitled * The Mirror for Magistrates,“&c. The
first edition of this work was published in 1559, by William Baldwin, who prefixed an epistle before the second
part of it, wherein he signifies, that it had been intended
to reprint
” The Fall of Princes,“by Boccace, as translated into English by Lidgate the monk; but that, upon
communicating his design to seven of his friends, all of
them sons of the Muses, they dissuaded him from that, and
proposed to look over the English Chronicles, and to pick
out and dress up in a poetic habit such stories as might
tend to edification. To this collection Ferrars contributed
the following pieces: 1.
” The Fall of Robert Tresilian,
Chief Justice of England, and other his fellows, for misconstruing the Laws, and expounding them to serve the
Prince’s affections.' 7 2. “The Tragedy, or unlawful murder of Thomas of Woodstock, duke of Gloucester.' 13.
” Tragedy of king Richard II.“4.
” The Story of dame
Eleanor Cobham, dutchess of Gloucester,“much altered
and augmented in the second edition of 1587, in which are
added, to the four already mentioned, 5.
” The Story of
Humphrey Plantagenet, duke of Gloucester, protector of
” The Tragedy of Edmund duke of Somerset." A farther account will be given of this work when
we come to the article Sackville.
, of Vincenza, was a Benedictine monk, and eminent as an antiquary. In 1672 he published, at Verona,
, of Vincenza, was a Benedictine monk, and eminent as an antiquary. In 1672 he
published, at Verona, his “Musae Lapidariae,
” in folio,
which is a colledlion, though by no means complete or
correct, of the verses found inscribed on ancient monuments. Burman the younger, in his preface to the “Anthologia Latino,
” seems to confound this Ferreti with him
who flourished in the fourteenth century, speaking of his
history of his own times. The exact periods of this author’s birth and death are not known.
tion of London extant, was of Norman extractio/i, but born of creditable parents in London. He was a monk of Canterbury, was dispatched to his holiness the pope, who
, an English historian of
the twelfth century, and author of the earliest description
of London extant, was of Norman extractio/i, but born of
creditable parents in London. He was a monk of Canterbury, was dispatched to his holiness the pope, who was
then probably at Rome or Benevento, once at least, and
was much connected with archbishop Becket. He tells us
h msel f that he was one of his clerks, and an inmate in
h s family. He was also a remembrancer in his exchequer;
a subdeacon in his chapel whenever he officiated a reader
of Lil’s and petitions, when the archbishop sat to hear and
determine causes, and sometimes, when his grace was
pleased to order it, Fitzstephen performed the office of an
advocate. He was also present with him at Northampton,
and was an eye-witness of his murder at Canterbury, continuing with him after his other servants had had deserted
him. He has reported a speech which he made on occasion of the archbishop’s sitting alone, with the cross in his
hand, at Northampton, when he was forsaken by his suffragans, and expected, as he relates it, to be assaulted
and murdered. This speech is memorable, and breathes
more of a Christian spirit than we should have expected in
those days. One of the archbishdp’s friends had recommended, that if any violent attempt was made upon his
person, immediately to excommunicate the parties, which
then was the most dreadful vengeance an ecclesiastic could
inflict. Fitzstephen, on the contrary, said, “Far be that
from my lord. The holy apostles and martyrs, when they
suffered, did not behave in that manner,
” and endeavoured
to dissuade the archbishop from taking a step that would
appear to proceed from anger and impatience, &c. This
worthy monk is supposed to have died in 1191; but authors
vary much as to the particular time when he composed his
work, although it seems certain that he wrote it in the
reign of Henry II. and that it was part of another work,
“The Life and Passion of archbishop Becket.
” Dr. Pegge
fixes the period between the years I Description of the City of London,
” affords, after Domesday Book, by far the most early account we have of that
metropolis, and, to use his editor’s words, we may challenge any nation in Europe to produce an account of its
capital, or any other of its great cities, at so remote a
period as the twelfth century. It was accordingly soon
noticed by Leland and Stowe, who inserted a translation
of it in his “Survey of London.
” But this edition was
grown not only obsolete, but incorrect, when Dr. Pegge
published in 1772, 4to, a more accurate translation, with
notes, and a preliminary dissertation on the author. Fitzstephen was a person of excellent learning for his age.
He was well versed in Horace, Virgil, Sallust, Ovid, Lucan, Persius, and with perhaps many other of the Latin
classics, and had even peeped into Plato and some of the
Greeks. If he was in some respects a little too credulous,
it must be imputed to the times he lived in. His account
of London, however, is in all views, curious and interesting, and the composition easy, natural, and methodical.
st to his majesty at Breda, with offers of restoring him to his rights, and by that means anticipate Monk, who had undoubtedly the same design. Fleetwood in return asked
Upon his brother-in-law Richard Cromwell’s succeeding
to the title of protector, he signed the order for his proclamation; but soon discovered his enmity to that succession,
being disappointed of the protectorship, which he had expected, and determined that no single person should be
his superior. He joined therefore with the discontented
officers of the army in deposing Richard, after he had persuaded him to dissolve his parliament; and invited the
members of the long parliament, who had continued sitting
till April 20, 1653, when they were dissolved by Oliver
Cromwell, to return to the exercise of their trust. Upon
their meeting in May 1659, he was chosen one of the council of state, and the next month made lieutenant general
of the forces; which post he held till Oct. 12 following,
when he was appointed one of the commissioners to govern
all the forces; and on the 17th of that month was nominated by the general council of state, commander in chief
of all the forces. But in December 1659, finding that his
interest declined in the army, who were now zealous to
have the parliament sit again in honour, freedom, and
safety, and that this, concurring with the general temper
of the nation, would evidently restore the king, he was
advised by Whitelocke to send immediately some person of
trust to his majesty at Breda, with offers of restoring him
to his rights, and by that means anticipate Monk, who
had undoubtedly the same design. Fleetwood in return
asked Whiteiocke, whether he was willing to undertake
that employment; who consenting, it was agreed that he
should prepare himself for the journey that evening or the^
next morning, while the general and his friends should
draw up instructions for him. But sir Henry Vane, general Disbrowe, and col. Berry, coming in at that critical
moment, diverted Fleetwood from this resolution; who
alledged, that those gentlemen had reminded him of his
promise, not to attempt any such affair without general
Lambert’s consent; while Whitelocke, on the other hand,
represented to him that Lambert was at too great a distance to give his assent to a business which must be
immediately acted, and was of the utmost importance
to himself and his friends. He appears, indeed, before
that time, to have entertained some design of espousing
the king’s interests, if he had had resolution to execute it;
for lord Mordaunt, in a letter to the king, dated from
Calais, October 11, 1659, asserts, that Fleetwood then 1
looked upon his majesty’s restoration as so clearly his interest as well as his duty, that he would have declared himself publicly, if the king or the duke of York had landed;
and that although that engagement failed, he was still
ready to come in to his majesty, whensoever he should attempt in person. Sir Edward Hyde likewise, in a letter to
the marquis of Ormonde from Brussels of the same date,
rves, that the general made then great professions of
being converted, and of his resolution to serve the king upon
the first opportunity. But the same noble writer, in his
“History of the Rebellion,
” represents Fleetwood as “a
weak man, though very popular with all the praying part
of the army, whom Lambert knew well how to govern, as
Cromwell had done Fairfax, and then in like manner to
lay him aside;
” and that amidst tbo several desertions of
the soldiers from the interests of their officers to the parliament in December 1659, he remained still in consultation with the “committee of safety;
” and when intelligence was brought of any murmur among the soldiers,
by which a revolt might ensue, and he was desired to go
among them to confirm them, he would fall upon his
knees to his prayers, and could hardly be prevailed with
to go to them. Besides, when he was among them, ancj
in the middle of any discourse, he would invite them all
to prayers, and put himself upon his Icnees before them.
And when some of his friends importuned him to appear
more vigorous in the charge he possessed, without which
they must be all destroyed, they could get no other answer
from him than that “God had spit in his face, and would
not hear him.
” So that it became no great wonder why
Lambert had preferred him to the office of general, and
been content with the second command for himself.
uch publications as they thought unfit to be disseminated, and this office was ever after given to a monk of his order. The fathers of the council afterwards sent him
, a learned Portuguese ecclesiastic, was born at Lisbon in 1523, and entered among the Dominicans in February 1539. Having
acquired a critical knowledge of the Latin, Greek, and
Hebrew languages, king John III. sent him to study theology in the university of Paris, where he became distinguished for his proficiency. On his return to Lisbon
the king appointed him his preacher, and prince Louis at
the same time entrusted to him the education of his son.
Of all the divines sent by king Sebastian to the council of
Trent in 1561, he held the first place in respect of talents.
It is said that one day when he was about to ascend the
pulpit, he asked the fathers of the council, who were his
auditors, in what language they would wish to hear him
preach, such facility he had in all the modern languages.
In consideration of his uncommon merit these fathers
appointed him a member of that celebrated council of
Feb. 26, 1562. He was also appointed secretary to the
committee for examining and condemning such publications as they thought unfit to be disseminated, and this
office was ever after given to a monk of his order. The
fathers of the council afterwards sent him on an important
mission to pope Pius IV. who discovering his talents, and
knowing his integrity, conferred upon him the place of
confessor to his nephew, the cardinal St. Charles Borromeo.
At Rome he was also employed to reform the Breviary and
the Roman Missal, and to compose the Roman catechism.
This detained him at Rome for some time; but having at
length returned to Portugal, he was chosen prior of the
Dominican convent at Lisbon in 1568. His other offices
were those of confessor to king John III. and the princess
Mary, daughter of king Emanuel, qualificator of the inquisition, and deputy of the tribunal of conscience, and of
the military orders. From the profits of these places he
built the convent of St. Paul in the village of Almada, opposite Lisbon, and there he died, Feb. 10, 1581. He published an oration at the council of Trent, and the catechism
and breviary mentioned above; but his principal work was
a commentary of Isaiah, “Isaiae prophetae vetus et nova
ex Hebraico versio, cum commentario, &c.
” Venice, Critici Sacri,
an. 11, 1644. Of his early history we are only told that he studied in Spain, and became a Dominican monk. From thence he departed with a design to go to the Philippine
, an English clergyman and traveller,
was descended from Robert Gage of Haling, in Surrey,
third son of sir John Gage, of Firle, in Sussex, who died
in 1557. He was the son of John Gage, of Haling, and
his brother was sir Henry Gage, governor of Oxford, who
was killed in battle at Culham-bridge,' Jan. 11, 1644. Of
his early history we are only told that he studied in Spain,
and became a Dominican monk. From thence he departed
with a design to go to the Philippine islands, as a missionary, in 1625; but on his arrival at Mexico, he heard
so bad an account of those islands, and became so delighted with New Spain, that he abandoned his original
design, and contented him with a less dangerous mission.
At length, being tired of this mode of life, and his request
to return to England and preach the gospel among his
countrymen being refused, he effected his escape, and
arrived in London in 1637, after an absence of twentyfour years, in which he had quite lost the use of his native
language. On examining into his domestic affairs, he
found himself unnoticed in his father’s will, forgotten by
some of his relations, and with difficulty acknowledged by
others. After a little time, not being satisfied with respect to some religious doubts which had entered his mind
while abroad, and disgusted with the great power of the
papists, he resolved to take another journey to Italy, to
“try what better satisfaction he could find for his
conscience at Rome in that religion.
” At Loretto his conversion from popery was fixed by proving the fallacy of the
miracles attributed to the picture of our Lady there; on
which he immediately returned home once more, and
preached his recantation sermon at St. Paul’s, by order of
the bishop of London. He continued above a year in.
London, and when he saw that papists were entertained
at Oxford and other parts of the kingdom attached to the
royal cause, he adopted that of the parliament, and received a living from them, probably that of Deal, in Kent,
in the register of which church is an entry of the burials
of Mary daughter, and Mary the wife of “Thomas Gage,
parson of Deale, March 21, 1652;
” and in the title of his
work he is styled “Preacher of the word of God at Deal.
We have not been able to discover when he died. His
work is entitled “A new Survey of the West-Indies; or
the English American his Travail by sea and land, containing a journal of 3300 miles within the main land of
America. Wherein is set forth his voyage from Spain to
St. John de Ulhua; and from thence to Xalappa, to Flaxcalla, the city of Angels, and forward to Mexico, &c. &c.
” The second edition, Lond. Madoc,
” says that
Gage’s account of Mexico is copied verbatim from Nicholas’s “Conqueast of West-India,
” which itself is a
translation from Gomara. There is an Amsterdam edition
of Gage, 1695, 2 vols. 12mo, in French, made by command of the French minister Colbert, by mons. de Beaulieu Hues O'Neil, which, however, was first published in
1676, at Paris. There are some retrenchments in this
edition. Gage appears to be a faithful and accurate relator,
but often credulous and superstitious. His recantation
sermon was published at London, 1642, 4to; and in 165L
he published “A duel between a Jesuite and a Dominican, begun at Paris, fought at Madrid, and ended at London,
” 4to.
“The Life of St. Philip Neri” and “De Monachatu Sancti Gregorii,” the account of St. Gregory when a monk, in 1604.
, a native of Rome, where
he died in 1605, excelled in theology, and was priest of
the congregation of the oratory. His works were numerous, but he is chiefly known by his “Trattato de gli
instrumenti di Martirio, &c.
” “A Treatise on the different kinds of Cruelties inflicted by the pagans on the
Martyrs of the primitive Church, illustrated with engravings of the instruments of torture made use of by them.
This work, first published in Italian in De Sanctorum Martyrum Cruciatibus, &c.
” illustrated with wood cuts. It has since gone through many
editions on the continent. In 1591 he published his
“History of the Virgins,
” also in Italian “The Lives of
certain Martyrs,
” The Life of St. Philip
” and “De Monachatu Sancti Gregorii,
” the account of St. Gregory when a monk, in
, another historian of the thirteenth century, was a monk of the monastery of Christ’s church in that city, and wrote
, another historian of the
thirteenth century, was a monk of the monastery of Christ’s
church in that city, and wrote a chronicle of the kings of
England from the year 1122 to 1200, and a history of the
archbishops of Canterbury from St. Augustine to archbishop Hubert, who died in 1205. These are his principal works, and are published in Twisden’s “Hist. Anglican. Script. X.
” A strict attention to chronology in the
disposition of his materials, is one of the chief excellencies
of this historian. Nicolson seems to think that there was
a more complete copy of his chronicle in Leland’s time,
beginning with the coming in of the Trojans.
others, in 493. Where he was educated is uncertain; but from his writings he appears to have been a monk. Some writers say that he went over to Ireland others, that
, the oldest British historian, surnamed The
Wise, was, according to Leland, born in Wales, in the
year 511, but according to others, in 493. Where he was
educated is uncertain; but from his writings he appears
to have been a monk. Some writers say that he went over
to Ireland others, that he visited France and Italy; but
they agree that after his return to England, he became a
celebrated and assiduous preacher ofChristianity. Leland says that he retired to one of the small islands in the
Bristol Channel called the Hulms; but that, being disturbed by pirates, he removed thence to the monastery of
Glastonbury, where he died. But all this is supposed to
belong to another of the name, called Gildas Albanius. Du
Pin says he founded a monastery at Venetia in Britain.
The place and time of his death are as uncertain as ther
particulars of his history which may be found in our airthorities. He is the only British author of the sixth century whose works are printed; and they are therefore valuable on account of their antiquity, and as containing the
only information of the times in which he wrote. The
only book, however, attributed to him with certainty, i$
his “Epistola de excidio Britanniæ, et castigatio ordinis
” Lond. Rerum Anglic. Scriptores veteres,
” fol.
, a Benedictine monk, first of St. Germaine d'Auxerre, and afterwards of Cluni, and
, a Benedictine monk, first of St.
Germaine d'Auxerre, and afterwards of Cluni, and a man
of superstitious credulity, flourished in the eleventh century, and wrote a “Chronicle or History of France,
” in
the Latin language. It consists of five books, of which the
first relates to the events of the monarchy previously to
Hugh Capet, and the four subsequent ones to those following it, as far down as 1046. This work is defective as
a composition, and, at the same time, full of fabulous
stories, yet it contains much valuable information relative
to those remote ages. It was printed in the collections of
Pithou and Duchesne. He was author of a life of William,
abbot of St. Benignus at Dijon.
native of Constantinople; but passed a great part of his life in Sicily. Some have thought he was a monk, but this is uncertain, nor do we know whether he lived in public
, was one of the Byzantine historians, but biographers are not agreed as to the period when
he lived. Some years ago, professor Walchius published
in the Gottingen Transactions an inquiry into this subject,
but was obliged to confess that he could arrive at no probable conclusion. Some place Glycas in the twelfth, and
some in the fifteenth century. No ancient record or writer
mentions even his name, and all that is known of him has
been gleaned from his works. It appears that he was a
native of Constantinople; but passed a great part of his
life in Sicily. Some have thought he was a monk, but this
is uncertain, nor do we know whether he lived in public
life, or in retirement. His letters, however, show that he
was a grammarian, and was acquainted with theology, history sacred and profane, and other branches of knowledge; and such was his reputation that he was frequently
consulted by monks, bishops, and the most celebrated
doctors of his time. His “Annals,
” by which only he is
now known, contain an account of the patriarchs, kings,
and emperors, and, in a word, a sort of history of the
world as far as the emperor Alexis Comnenus, who died in
1118, including many remarks on divinity, philosophy,
physic, astronomy, &c. Leunclavius first translated this
work into Latin, and the whole was published by father
Labbe, Paris, 1660, fol. Some of his letters have been
published in the “Deliciae eruditorum,
” Florence,
was born in Germany, in the beginning, probably, of the ninth century. From early life he had been a monk, and had devoted himself to theological inquiries. He was peculiarly
, surnamed Fulgentius, and celebrated for propagating and exciting a controversy on
the doctrines of predestination and free grace, was born
in Germany, in the beginning, probably, of the ninth century. From early life he had been a monk, and had devoted himself to theological inquiries. He was peculiarly
fond of the writings of St. Augustine, and entered with
much zeal into his sentiments. About the year 846, he
left his monastery at Fulcla, and went into Dalmatia and
Pannonia, where he spread the doctrines of St. Augustine,
under a pretence, as his enemies said, of preaching the
gospel to the infidels. At his return, he remained some
time in Lombardy, and in the year 847 held a conference
with Notingus, or Nothingus, bishop of Vienne, concerning predestination, who prevailed on Rabanus, archbishop
of Mentz, to undertake the confutation of what was called
a new heresy. This the archbishop undertook, and was
supported by a synod at Mentz, which condemned Gotteschalcus. He was farther prosecuted by Hincmar, archbishop of Rheims, was degraded from the priesthood, and
ordered to be beaten with rods, and imprisoned. But
as nothing was proved against him, except his adherence to the sentiments of Augustine, which were still
held in estimation in the church, this shews, in the opinion
of Dupin, that he was an injured man. He was, however,
so severely whipped in the presence of the emperor Charles
and the bishops, that his resolution failed him, and he
complied with their commands so far as to throw into the
fire a writing in which he had made a collection of scripture texts in order to prove his opinion. After this he
was kept a close prisoner by Hincmar in a monastery,
where he continued to maintain his opinions until his death
in the same prison in the year 870. Hincmar, hearing
that he lay at the point of death, sent him a formulary,
which he was to subscribe, in order to his being received
into the communion of the church; Gotteschalcus, however,
rejected the offer with indignation, and therefore, by orders
of Hincrnar, was denied Christian burial. But even in that
age there were men who loudly remonstrated against the
barbarity with which he had been treated. Remigius, archbishop of Lyons, distinguished himself among these; and,
in a council held at Valence, in Dauphiny, in the year
855, both Gotteschalcus and his doctrine were vindicated
and defended, and two subsequent councils confirmed the
decrees of this council. The churches also of Lyons,
Vienne, and Aries, vigorously supported the sentiments of
Gotteschalcus, whom nothing but the secular influence of
Hincmar could have detained in prison, while his cause
was thus victorious. The only writings of this confessor
that have reached the present times are, two “Confessions
of Faith,
” inserted in archbishop Usher’s “Historia Gotteschalci,
” printed at Dublin in Historia Gotteschalci,
” at
Paris, in Veterum Auctorum
qui nono saeculo de Prasdestinatione et Gratia scripserunt,
” 2 vols. 4to.
he always enjoyed some office in it, and was at last made general. The name he took when he became a monk, was Dom John of St. Francis. As he understood the Greek tongue,
, a French writer of some note, was the
son of Nicholas Goulu, royal professor of Greek in the
university of Paris, in 1567, and author of a translation
from Greek into Latin of Gregentius’s dispute with the Jew
Herbanus, which De Noailles, the French ambassador, had
brought from Constantinople, and of other works, a collection of which was printed at Paris in 1580. His son
was born at Paris Aug. 25, 1576, and educated for the bar;
but, having failed in the first cause he pleaded, he felt the
disappointment so acutely as to relinquish the profession,
and retire into a convent. He chose the order of the
Feuillans, and entered amongst them in 1604. He was so
much esteemed in his order that he always enjoyed some
office in it, and was at last made general. The name he
took when he became a monk, was Dom John of St. Francis. As he understood the Greek tongue, he translated
into French Epictetus’s Manual, Arrian’s Dissertations,
some of St. Basil’s treatises, and the works of Dionysius
Areopagita; to which he added a vindication of this St.
Dionysius’s works. He also revised his father’s Latin
translation of St. Gregory Nyssen against Eunomius, and
published it. He also wrote a book against Du Moulin’s
treatise of the calling of pastors, “De la Vocation des
” the Life of Francis de Sales, bishop of Geneva;
and a Funeral Oration on Nicholas le Fevre, preceptor to
Lewis XIII.; but it is said that he never delivered it. He
did not, however, gain so great reputation by all those
writings as by his angry controversy with Balzac, already
noticed in our account of that writer. Goulu died Jan.
5, 1629.
pon these heads. These pieces are printed in his works, under the title of “A Vindication of General Monk,” &c. and “A Vindication of Sir Richard Greenville, General
His lordship continued steady in the same sentiments,
which were so opposite to those of the court, and inconsistent with the measures taken by the administration, that
he must needs be sensible a watchful eye was kept ever
upon him. Accordingly, when the flame broke out against
his friends, on account of what is sometimes called Atterbury’s plot, in 1722, his lordship, as some say, to avoid a
second imprisonment in the Tower, withdrew to France,
but others attribute his going thither to a degree of profusion which had embarrassed his circumstances. He had
been at Paris but a little while, when the first volume of
Burnet’s “History of his oun Times
” was published.
Great expectations had been raised of this work, which accordingly he perused with attention; and finding the characters of the duke of Albemarle and the earl of Bath
treated in a manner he thought they did not deserve, he
formed the design of doing them justice. This led him to
consider what had been said by other historians concerning
his family; and, as Clarendon and Echard had treated his
uncle sir Richard Granvilie more roughly, his lordship,
being possessed of memoirs from which his conduct might be
set in a fairer light, resolved to follow the dictates of duty
and inclination, by publishing his sentiments upon these
heads. These pieces are printed in his works, under the
title of “A Vindication of General Monk,
” &c. and “A
Vindication of Sir Richard Greenville, General of the West
to King Charles I.
” &c. They were answered by Oldmixon, in a piece entitled “Reflections historical and
” c. Remarks,
” &c. a pamphlet. His lordship replied, in “A
Letter to the author of the Reflections,
” &c. An Examination of Echard’s Account of the Marriage
” &c.
ry, and was brought up at court. After the death of Isabella, queen of Castile, he turned Franciscan monk, but afterwards having made himself known at court, became preacher
, a Spanish writer, was born
in the province of Alaba, towards the end of the fifteenth
century, and was brought up at court. After the death
of Isabella, queen of Castile, he turned Franciscan monk,
but afterwards having made himself known at court, became preacher and historiographer to Charles V. He was
much admired for his politeness, eloquence, and great parts,
but his preaching and conversation proved very superior to
his writing. His style was found to be extravagantly figurative, and full of antitheses, but this was trifling, compared
with his notions of writing history, and the liberty he took to,
falsify whatever he pleased, and to advance as matter of fact
the inventions of his own brain, and when censured for it,
alleged by way of excuse, that no history, excepting the
Holy Scripture, is certain enough to be credited. Being
in the emperor’s retinue he had an opportunity of visiting a
great part of Europe, an4 was made bishop of Guadix, in
the kingdom of Granada, and then bishop of Mondonedo,
in Galicia. He died in 1544, or 1548. He was the author
of several works in Spanish, the most famous of which is
his “Dial of Princes, or Life of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
” which has been translated into all the languages of
Europe. Vossius says it “has nothing in it of Antoninus,
but is all a fiction, and the genuine offspring of Guevara
himself, who scandalously imposes upon the reader, plainly
against the duty of an honest man, but especially of a
bishop. In the mean time he has many things not unuseful nor unpleasant, especially to a prince, whence it is
entitled The Dial of Princes’.
” Those who may be supposed to have spoken of Guevara in the most indulgent
manner, have yet been forced to set him in a most scandalous light. “It deserves our pity rather than our censure,
” says Nicolas Antonio, “that a writer of such fame
should think himself at liberty to forge ancient facts, and
to play with the history of the world, as with Æsop’s Fables or Lucian’s Monstrous Stories.
” Among Guevara’s
works must be ranked his “Epistles,
” with which some
have been so charmed, that they have not scrupled to call
them Golden Epistles; but Montaigne says, “Whoever
gave them this title, had a very different opinion of them
from what I have, and perhaps saw more in them than I
” Bayle had such a contempt for Guevara as an author, as to speak with surprize of “the eagerness of
foreigners in translating some of his works into several languages.
” Mr. Hay ley, however, remarks, that if we may
judge of his personal character from his “Letters,
” he appears to have been an amiable man. In one he reproves
a female relation, with good nature, for intemperate sorrow on the death of a little dog and in another he draws
the character of a true friend, with great energy of sentiment and expression. One of Guevara’s sayings, that
heaven is filled with those that have done good works, and
hell with those that have resolved to do them," has been,
under a different form of expression, ascribed to other
passed on all who held such sentiments, and in 1651 he was deposed by five commissioners of general Monk’s army. From this time he appears to have resided in a private
His attachment to the royal cause, however, soon involved him in the sentence passed on all who held such
sentiments, and in 1651 he was deposed by five commissioners of general Monk’s army. From this time he appears to have resided in a private station at Aberdeen, improving his charitable foundation, and adding to it exhibitions for three scholars of Marischal college. He also
during this retirement wrote “An Explication of the Song
of Solomon,
” London, The Sealed Book
” or an explanation of the Revelation of St. John
and “The Novelty of Popery discovered,
” Aberdeen,
an, on the subject, this learned man had recommended an able, industrious, and indefatigable Piarist monk, named Father Anthony Piaggi, who possessed the art of completely
His most truly meritorious labours, however, at the close of the above mentioned period, were those which had in view the unrivalled museum of Portici; an object which lad not yet been accessible to his researches. The history of the discovery of Herculaneum, and of the Royal museum to which it gave rise, is too well known to require any detailed notice in this place: it is equally alien to our purpose to relate the several tardy and unsuccessful measures which the government took to illustrate that unrivalled establishment; and we shall only notice the ancient manuscripts in the Museum, which are immediately connected with our subject. It is known that about eight hundred objects of this kind had been found in the several excavations of Herculaneum; and that on application being made to Mr. Assemanni of the Vatican, on the subject, this learned man had recommended an able, industrious, and indefatigable Piarist monk, named Father Anthony Piaggi, who possessed the art of completely unfolding the'deca3ed manuscripts. Some successful trials were made: a work on the philosophy of Epicurus, another on morals, a third on rhetoric, and a fourth on music, were brought to light: and of the last, the author of which was a Greek named Philodemus, thirty-eight full columns were happily copied. Father Anthony’s services were still more beneficial; he instructed in his art a pupil named Merli, afterwards as able as himself. Neither of them, however, persevered in their tasks: they complained of the supineness of the ministry, and of their own scanty allowance.
her Anthony in 1798; and, if we except a want of delicacy, and perhaps also a breach of trust in the monk, we may presume that, in the main object, it proved satisfactory
Among the papers left by sir William at his death, are found more than fifty memoirs directed by Father Anthony to the marquis of Sambuca, soliciting his patronage for the great work of the manuscripts, to which solicitations that minister seemed to be deaf. Numberless other memoirs of the kind were also presented to several persons in the royal service, and they met with no better success. The consequence was, that Father Anthony at last put himself under the protection of sir William, and tendered his services for any information which the latter might wish concerning the Museum. The propriety of accepting this offer may be questioned. It was considered, however, by one who was not particularly acquainted with the administration of the establishment, as too important not to meet with an immediate compliance: a treaty was concluded, that sir William should grant to Father Anthony a pension of 600 ducats a year (100l.), and the latter should regularly send to him every week a sheet of original information; and in order to elude any ministerial inquisition, it was also agreed that the correspondence should be carried on in cyphers. This correspondence lasted till the death of Father Anthony in 1798; and, if we except a want of delicacy, and perhaps also a breach of trust in the monk, we may presume that, in the main object, it proved satisfactory to both parties: sir William was indeed so satisfied, that, some years after the commencement of the treaty, he procured for Father Anthony an additional pension, of the same sum of 600 ducats a year (100l.), from his royal highness the Prince of Wales; and Father Anthony, on his side, seemed also so sensible of the favours he had received, that on his death, he bequeathed all his manuscripts and papers of every kind to his patron.
, a monk of St. Alban’s, and a Latin poet of the twelfth century, was
, a monk of St. Alban’s, and a Latin
poet of the twelfth century, was a native of this country,
and educated at Oxford, where he took a master’s degree.
He is said to have travelled through a great part of Europe,
and during a long residence at Paris, studied rhetoric, and
was distinguished for his taste even among the numerous
and polite scholars of that flourishing seminary. On his
return to England, he became a Benedictine monk in the
abbey of St. Alban’s, where he died about the beginning
of the thirteenth century. He wrote a long Latin poem in
nine books, dedicated to Walter bishop of Rouen, entitled
” which Warton, who has given a long specimen of it, pronounces a learned, ingenious, and very entertaining performance, containing a mixture of satire and
panegyric on public vice and virtue, with some historical
digressions, but not enough to justify Simlerus’s blunder
in the epitome of Gesner’s Bibliotheca, where he says the
subject is *' de antiquitatibus Britannise." This work was
printed at Paris, 1517, 4to, and is scarce; but there are
two manuscripts of it in the Bodleian library, with some
epistles, epigrams, and other poems by the same hand.
, lasted till about Feb. 21 following; at which time, the secluded members being restored by general Monk, all their models vanished .”
This work was no sooner published, than many undertook a refutation of it. This occasioned him to reply, and
to explain his scheme, in several successive pieces, which
may be easily seen in the collection of his works. In the mean
time, he not only endeavoured to propagate his republican'
notions by writing, but, for the more effectually advancing
a cause, of which he was enthusiastically enamoured, he
formed a society of gentlemen, agreeing with him in principles, who met nightly at Miles’s coffee-house, in New
Palace-yard, Westminster, and were called the Rota.
Wood has given a very particular account of this association, or gang, as he calls them. “Their discourses about
” says he, “and of ordering a commonwealth,
were the most ingenious and smart that ever were heard;
for the arguments in the parliament-house were but flat to
those. This gang had a balloting-box, and balloted how
things should be carried by way of essay, which not being
used, or known in England before on this account, the
room was every evening very full. The doctrine there inculcated was very taking; and the more, because as to
human foresight there was no possibility of the king’s return. The greatest part of the parliament-men hated this
rotation and balloting, as being against their power: eight
or ten were for it, who proposed it to the house, and made
it out to the members, that, except they embraced that
sort of government, they must be ruined. The model of
it was, that the third part of the senate or house should
rote out by ballot every year, not capable of being elected
again for three years to come; so that every ninth year
the senate would be wholly altered. No magistrate was to
continue above three years, and all to be chosen by the
ballot, than which nothing could be invented more fair and
impartial, as it was then thought, though opposed by many
for several reasons. This club of commonwealthsmen,
which began about Michaelmas 1659, lasted till about Feb.
21 following; at which time, the secluded members being
restored by general Monk, all their models vanished .
agre history of England, or additions, to Martin Polanus’s Annals, ascribed to one John Murelynch, a monk of Glassenbury, and another from Brute or Ina to Edward I. by
Such are the general titles of Hearne’s works, but it
must be understood that almost every one of these volumes
contains various articles relating to antiquities and biography, perfectly distinct, and indeed generally nowise connected with the principal subject; many of which have
been acknowledged the most useful of his productions. It
cannot be denied, however, th:it he would have been more
generally useful had he now and then questioned the importance of what he was about to publish; but with Hearne
an old ms. seemed to possess an infallible claim to public
attention merely because it was old and unknown. Nobody, says Mr. Gough, will condemn him for the pains he
took to preserve Leland’s pieces; but Ross’s compendium
contains very little that is interesting, and Alfred of Bevcrley, if genuine, is legendary. Hearne himself seems
almost ashamed of Sprott’s Chronicle, to which, however, he
has tacked a valuable anonymous fragment relating to the
first eight years of Edward IVth’s teign. Avesbury and
Elmham’s relations of Edward III. and Henry V. are accurately and methodically put too ether. Livius Koro-juliensis’s life of this last prince is an elegant abridgment of
Elmham’s too pompous work. Healing’s Chartulary and
the “Textus Roffensis
” are valuable collections of the
most ancient monuments of their respective churches.
Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicle takes precedence of all
English poets. The two monks of Glastonbury are historians of their own house, of which its English history by
an anonymous later hand gives a tolerable account. Death,
adds Mr. Gough, prevented Hearne from encumbering
our libraries with a meagre history of England, or additions,
to Martin Polanus’s Annals, ascribed to one John Murelynch, a monk of Glassenbury, and another from Brute or
Ina to Edward I. by John Bever, a monk of Westminster,
borrowed from the “Flores Historiarum.
” His friend
Thomas Baker, the Cambridge antiquary, “often cautioned him against fatiguing himself too much, and overloading his constitution; but he was not to be advised, and
so died a martyr to antiquities.
” It appears from some of
his correspondence, that even in his own time his works
rose very much in price, and it is well known that of late
years they have been among the most expensive articles
brought to market, the best of them being now beyond
the reach of common purchasers. A few years ago, Mr.
Bagster, of the Strand, with a spirit of liberality and enterprize, published one or two of them in an elegant and
accurate manner, as the prelude to a reprint of the whole
series; but it is to be regretted that this scheme was soon
obliged to be abandoned for want of encouragement.
he died about 1360, aged between eighty and ninety. He is thought to have borrowed much from another monk of his monastery, Roger Cestrensis, but probably both were indebted
, the author of an old
chronicle, not in much estimation, was a Benedictine of
St. Werberg’s monastery in Chester, where he died about
1360, aged between eighty and ninety. He is thought to
have borrowed much from another monk of his monastery,
Roger Cestrensis, but probably both were indebted to the
same original materials, and both were sufficiently admirers
of the marvellous to compile works rather of curiosity than
of use, unless where they present us with the transactions
of their own time. Higden’s work was entitled “Polychronicon;
” Dr. Gale published that part which relates to
the Britons and Saxons among his“Quindecem Scriptores,
” But the greatest curiosity among collectors is the
English translation of the “Polychronicon,
” by John de
Trevisa, printed by Caxton in 14S2, folio, in seven books,
to which Caxton added an eighth. The most magnificent
copy of this work extant is in the library of earl Spencer.
There are also copies in his majesty’s collection, in the
Bodleian and British Museum, and in Mr. Heber’s library.
The “Chester Mysteries,
” exhibited in that city in
, a celebrated archbishop of Rheims, and one of the most learned men of his time, was originally a monk of St. Denys in France. He was elected archbishop in the year
, a celebrated archbishop of Rheims, and one of the most learned men of his time, was originally a monk of St. Denys in France. He was elected archbishop in the year 845, and shewed great zeal for the rights of the Gallican church. He also acquired much influence at court,. and among the clergy, but made a tyrannical use of it to accomplish his de&igiis. He condemned Gotescalc, and deposed Hincmar bishop of Laon his nephew. He died in 882, at Epernay, to which place he had escaped from the Normans in a litter. Several of his works remain, the best edition of which is by Sirmond, 1645, 2 vols. foL useful as to ecclesiastical history, and learned in theology and jurisprudence, but the style is harsh and barbarous. What Hincmar wrote concerning St. Remi of Rheims, and St. Dionysius of Paris, is not in thi* edition, but may be found in Surius. There is also something more of his in Labbe’s Councils, and in the Council of Douzi, 1658, 4to.
, Hucbald, or Hugbald, a monk of St. Amand, in Flanders, who preceded Guido more than one
, Hucbald, or Hugbald, a monk of St.
Amand, in Flanders, who preceded Guido more than one
hundred years, was contemporary with Remi, and author
of a treatise on music, which is still subsisting in the king
of France’s library, under the title of “Enchiridion Musicae,
” No. 7202, transcribed in the eleventh century. In
this work there 4s a kind of gammut, or expedient for delineating the several sourrds of the scale, in a way wholly
different from his predecessors; but the method of Guido
not only superseded this, but by degrees effaced the
knowledge and remembrance of every other that had been
adopted in the different countries and convents of Europe.
However, the awkward attempts at singing in consonance,
which appear in this tract, are curious, and clearly prove
that Guido neither invented, nor, rude as it was before his
time, much contributed to the improvement of this art.
for they only excommunicated a single letter of the alphabet from a whole poem; but this determined monk composed three hundred verses in praise of baldness, which he
Hubald was not only a musician, but a poet; and an idea may be formed of his patience and perseverance, if not of his genius, from a circumstance related by Sigebert, the author of his life, by which it appears that he vanquished a much greater difficulty in poetry than the lippogrammists of antiquity ever attempted: for they only excommunicated a single letter of the alphabet from a whole poem; but this determined monk composed three hundred verses in praise of baldness, which he addressed to the emperor Charles the Bald, and in which he obliged the letter C to take the lead in every word, as the initial of his patron’s name and infirmity, as thus:
, or de St. Marie, a celebrated monk of the abbey of Fleury towards the end of the 11th century,
, or de St. Marie, a celebrated
monk of the abbey of Fleury towards the end of the 11th
century, was called Hugh de St. Marie from the name of a
village which belonged to his father. He is little known
but by his works, which are two books: “De la Puissance
Royale, et de la Dignite
” Sacerdotale,“dedicated to Henry
king of England, in which he establishes with great solidity the rights and bounds of the priestly and royal powers,
in opposition to the prejudices which prevailed at that time.
This work may be found in torn. IV. of the
” Miscellanea“of Beluze. % He wrote also
” A Chronicle," or History,
from the beginning of the world to 840, and a small Chronicle from 996 to 1109, Minister, 163S, 4to, valuable and
scarce. It may also be found in Troher’s collection.
, born in 1065, was a monk of St. Vannes at Verdun, and afterwards abbot of Flavigny in
, born in 1065, was a monk of
St. Vannes at Verdun, and afterwards abbot of Flavigny in
the 12th century, but was dispossessed of that dignity by
the bishop of Autun, who caused another abbot to be elected.
Hugh, however, supplanted St. Laurentius, abbot of Vannes,
who was persecuted by the bishop of Verdun for his attachment to the pope, and kept his place till 1115, after which
time it is not known what became of him. He wrote the
“Chronicle of Verdun,
” which is esteemed, and may be
found in P. Labbe’s * Bibl. Manuscript."
e” Lay Monastery,“consisting of Essays, Discourses, &c. published singly under the title of the” Lay Monk,“being the sequel of the” Spectators.“The second edition of
A man of his amiable character was undoubtedly regretted; and Steele devoted an essay in the paper called
“The Theatre,
” to the memory of his virtues. In Poems on several occasions,
with some select Kssays in prose.
” Hughes was also the
author of other works in prose. “The Advices from
” and “The Political Touchstone of Boccalini,
translated by several hands, and printed in folio, 1706,
“were revised, corrected, and had a preface prefixed to
them, by him. He translated himself
” Fontenelle’s Dialogues of the Dead, and Discourse concerning the Ancients
and Moderns;“”the Abbé Vertot’s History of the Revolutions in Portugal;“and
” Letters of Abelard and Heloisa.“He wrote the preface to the collection of the
” History of England“by various hands, Called
” The
Complete History of England,“printed in 1706, in 3 vols.
folio; in which he gives a clear, satisfactory, and impartial
account of the historians there collected. Several papers
in the
” Tatlers,“” Spectators,“and
” Guardians,“were
written by him. He is supposed to have written the whole,
or at least a considerable part, of the
” Lay Monastery,“consisting of Essays, Discourses, &c. published singly under
the title of the
” Lay Monk,“being the sequel of the
” Spectators.“The second edition of this was printed in
1714, 12mo. Lastly, he published, in 1715, an accurate
edition of the works of Spenser, in 6 vols. 12mo; to which
are prefixed the
” Life of Spenser,“”An Essay on Allegorical Poetry,“” Remarks on the Fairy Queen, and other
writings of Spenser,“and a glossary, explaining old words;
all by Mr. Hughes. This was a work for which he was well
qualified, as a judge of the beauties of writing, but he wanted
an antiquary’s knowledge of the obsolete words. He did
not much revive the curiosity of the public, for near thirty
years elapsed before his edition was reprinted. The character of his genius is not unfairly given in the correspondence of Swift and Pope.
” A month ago,“says Swift,
” was sent me over, by a friend of mine, the works of John
Hughes, esq. They are in prose and verse. I never heard
of the man in my life, yet I find your name as a subscriber.
He is too grave a poet for me; and I think among the
mediocrists, in prose as well as verse.“To this Pope
” To answer your question as to Mr. Hughes;
what he wanted in genius, he made up as an honest man;
but he was of the class you think him."
rtaining, and his fables have been frequently clothed in rhyme. In the thirteenth century, Robert, a monk of the abbey of Gloucester, wrote an history of England in verse,
The work of Jeffery is extremely entertaining, and his
fables have been frequently clothed in rhyme. In the
thirteenth century, Robert, a monk of the abbey of Gloucester, wrote an history of England in verse, in the Alexandrian measure, from Brutus to the reign of Edward I.
Warton justly observes, in his History of English Poetry,
“that the tales have often a more poetical air in Jeffery’s
prose than in this rhyming chronicle, which is totally destitute of art or imagination, and, from its obsolete language,
scarcely intelligible.
” This historical romance, however,
was not only versified by monkish writers, but supplied
some of our best poets with materials for their sublime
compositions. Spenser, in the second book of his Faerie
Queene, has given,
h their memories. Jerom had also several other controversies, particularly with Jovinian, an Italian monk, whom he mentions in his works with the utmost intemperance
He had now fixed upon Bethlehem, as the properest place of abode for him, and best accommodated to that course of life which he intended to pursue; and was no sooner arrived here, than he met with Paula, and other ladies of quality, who had followed him from Rome, with the same view of devoting themselves to a monastic life. His fame for learning and piety was indeed so very extensive, that numbers of both sexts rlocked from all parts and distances, to be trained up under him, and to form their manner of living according to his instructions. This moved the pious Paula to found four monasteries; three for the use of females, over which she herself presided, and one for males, which was committed to Jerom. Here he enjoyed all that repose which he had long desired; and he laboured abundantly, as well for the souls committed to his care, as in composing great and useful works. He had enjoyed this repose probably to the end of his life, if Origemsm had not prevailed so mightily in those parts: but, as Jerom had an abhorrence for every thing that looked like heresy, it was impossible for him to continue passive, while these asps, as he calls them, were insinuating their deadly poison into all who had the misfortune to fall in their way. This engaged him in violent controversies with John bishop of Jerusalem, and Ruffinus of Aquileia, which lasted many years. Ruffinus and Jerom had of old been intimate friends; but Ruffinus having of late years settled in the neighbourhood of Jerusalem, and espoused the part of the Origenists, the enmity between them was on that account the more bitter, and is a reproach to both their memories. Jerom had also several other controversies, particularly with Jovinian, an Italian monk, whom he mentions in his works with the utmost intemperance of language, without exactly informing us what his errors were. In the year 410, when Rome was besieged by the Goths, many fled from thence to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, and were kindly received by Jerom into his monastery. He died in 422, in the ninety-first year of his age; and is said to have preserved his vivacity and vigour to the last.
e, Paris, and Antwerp. The most correct edition is that of Paris, by father Martianay, a Benedictine monk of the congregation of St. Maur, and Anthony Pouget, 1693 1706,
The principal of his works, which are enumerated by
Cave and Dupin, are, a new Latin version of the whole
“Old Testament,
” from the Hebrew, accompanied with a
corrected edition of the ancient version of the “New
” which, after having been at first much opposed, was adopted by the Catholic church, and is commonly distinguished by the appellation of “Vulgate;
” on most of the books of the Old and
New Testament “A Treatise on the Lives and Writings of Ecclesiastical Authors
” “A continuation of the
Chronicle of Eusebius
” moral, critical, historical, and
miscellaneous “Letters.
” The first printed edition of his
works was that at Basil, under the care of Erasmus, 1516
1526, in six vols. folio, of which there have been several
subsequent impressions at Lyons, Rome, Paris, and Antwerp. The most correct edition is that of Paris, by father
Martianay, a Benedictine monk of the congregation of St.
Maur, and Anthony Pouget, 1693 1706, in 5 vols. folio.
There is, however, a more recent edition, with notes by
Vallarsius, printed at Verona in 1734 -42, in eleven volumes, folio. The eleventh contains the life of Jerom,
certain pieces attributed to him on doubtful authority, and
an Index. Of his “Letters, or Epistles,
” there are many
editions executed about the infancy of printing, which are
of great beauty, rarity, and value.
testant martyr. It does not appear in what year he was born, but it is certain that he was neither a monk nor an ecclesiastic: but that, being endowed with excellent
, so called from the place of his
birth, where he is held to be a Protestant martyr. It does
not appear in what year he was born, but it is certain that
he was neither a monk nor an ecclesiastic: but that, being
endowed with excellent natural parts, he had a learned
education, and studied at Paris, Heidelberg, Cologne, and
perhaps at Oxford. The degree of M. A. was conferred
on him in the three first-mentioned universities, and he
commenced D. D. in 1396. He began to publish the doctrine of the Hussites in 1408, and it is said he had a greater
hare of learning and eloquence than John Huss himself.
In the mean time, the council of Constance kept a watchful eye over him; and, looking upon him as a dangerous
person, cited him before them April 17, 1415, to give an
account of Jiis faith. In pursuance of the citation, he went
to Constance, in order to defend the doctrine of Huss, as
he had promised; but, on his arrival, April 24, finding his
master Huss in prison, he withdrew immediately to Uberlingen, whence he sent to the emperor for a safe conduct,
which was refused. The council, very artfully, were
willing to grant him a safe-conduct to come to Constance,
but not for his return to Bohemia. Upon this he caused
to be fixed upon all the churches of Constance, and upon
the gates of the cardinal’s house, a paper, declaring that
he was ready to come to Constance, to give an account of
his faith, and to answer, not only in private and under the
seal, hut in full council, all the calumnies of his accusers,
offering to suffer the punishment due to heretics, it he
should be convinced of any errors; for which reason he had
desired a safe-conduct both from the emperor and the
council; but that if, notwithstanding such a pass, any violence should be done to him, by imprisonment or otherwise, all the world might be a witness of the injustice of
the council. No notice being taken of this declaration,
he resolved to return into his own country: but the council dispatched a safe-conduct to him, importing, that as
they had the extirpation of heresy above all things at
heart, they summoned him to appear in the space of fifteen days, to be heard in the first session that should be
held after his arrival; that for this purpose they had sent
him, by those presents, a safe-conduct so far as to secure
him from any violence, but they did not mean to exempt
him from justice, as far as it depended upon the council,
and as the catholic faith required. This pass and summons came to his hands, yet he was arrested in his way
homewards, April 25, and put into the hands of the prince
of Sultzbach; and, as he had not answered the citation
of April 17, he was cited again May 2, and the prince of
Sultzbach, sending to Constance in pursuance of an order
of the council, he arrived there on the 23d, bound in
chains. Upon his examination, he denied receiving of the
citation, and protested his ignorance of it. He was afterwards carried to a tower of St. Paul’s church, there fastened to a post, and his hands tied to his neck with the
same chains. He continued in this posture two days,
without receiving any kind of nourishment; upon which
he fell dangerously ill, and desired a confessor might be
allowed, which being granted, he obtained a little more liberty. On July 19, he was interrogated afresh, when he
explained himself upon the subject of the Eucharist to the
following effect: That, in the sacrament of the altar, the
particular substance of that piece of bread which is there,
is transubstantiated into the body of Christ, but that the
universal substance of bread remains. Thus, with John
Huss, he maintained the “universalia ex parte rei.
” It
is true, on a third examination, Sept. 11, he retracted this
opinion, and approved the condemnation of Wickliff and
John Huss; but, on May 26, 1416, he condemned that recantation in these terms: “I am not ashamed to confess
here publicly my weakness, Yes, with horror, I confess
my base cowardice It was only the dread of the punishment by fire, which drew me to consent, against my conscience, to the condemnation of the doctrine of Wickliff
and John Huss.
” This was decisive, and accordingly, in
the 21st session, sentence was passed on him; in pursuance of which, he was delivered to the secular arm, May 30.
As the executioner led him to the stake, Jerome, with
great steadiness, testified his perseverance in his faith, by
repeating his creed with aloud voice, and singing litanies
and a hymn to the blessed Virgin; and, being burnt to
death, his ashes, like those of Huss, were thrown into the
affirm even of the “Everlasting Gospel,” the work undoubtedly of some obscure, silly, and visionary monk, who thought proper to adorn his reveries with the celebrated
, abbot of Corazzo, and afterwards of Flora
in Calabria, distinguished for his pretended prophecies
and remarkable opinions, was born at Celico near Cosenza,
in 1130. He was of the Cistertian order, and had several
monasteries subject to his jurisdiction, which he directed
with the utmost wisdom and regularity. He was revered
by the multitude as a person divinely inspired, and even
equal to the most illustrious of the ancient prophets. Many
of his predictions were formerly circulated, and indeed are
still extant, having passed through several editions, and
received illustration from several commentators. He taught
erroneous notions respecting the holy Trinity, which
amounted fully to tritheism; but what is more extraordinary, he taught that the morality of the Gospel is imperfect, and that a better and more complete law is to be
given by the Holy Ghost, which is to be everlasting. These
reveries gave birth to a book attributed to Joachim, entitled < The Everlasting Gospel,“or
” The Gospel of the
Holy Ghost.“” It is not to be doubted,“says Mosheim,
” that Joachim was the author of various predictions, and
that he, in a particular manner, foretold the reformation of
the church, of which he might see the absolute necessity.
It is, however, certain, that the greater part of the predictions and writings which were formerly attributed to him,
were composed by others. This we may affirm even of
the “Everlasting Gospel,
” the work undoubtedly of some
obscure, silly, and visionary monk, who thought proper to
adorn his reveries with the celebrated name of Joachim, in
order to gain them credit, and render them more agreeable to the multitude. The title of this senseless production is taken from Rev. xiv. 6; and it contained three books.
The first was entitled “Liber concordiae veritatis,
” or the
book of the harmony of truth the second, “Apocalypsis
” or new revelation and the third, “Psalterium decem Chordarum.
” This account was taken from a ms. of
that work in the library of the Sorbonne.“It is necessary,
we should observe, to distinguish this book from the
” Introduction to the Everlasting Gospel," written by a friar
named Gerhard, and published in 1250. Joachim died in
1202, leaving a number of followers, who were called
Joachimites. His works have been published in Venice,
1516, folio, &c. and contain propositions which have been
condemned by several councils. The part of his woi>ks
most esteemed is his commentaries on Isaiah, Jeremiah,
and the Apocalypse. His life was written by a Dominican
named Gervaise, and published in 1745, in 2 vols. 12mo.
troversies of the time, he embraced the doctrines of popery, and, going abroad, became a Benedictine monk in Spain, assuming the name of Leander a Sancto Martino. He
, a learned English Benedictine, “was
born in London in 1575, although originally of a family
of Brecknockshire. He was educated at Merchant Taylors’
school, from whence he was elected a scholar of St. John’s
college, Oxford, in 1591, where he was chamber-fellow
with Mr. Laud, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury.
Here he studied civil law, took a bachelor’s degree in that
faculty, and was made a fellow of the college. In consequence of a course of reading on the controversies of the
time, he embraced the doctrines of popery, and, going
abroad, became a Benedictine monk in Spain, assuming
the name of Leander a Sancto Martino. He then pursued
his studies at Compostella, and was created D. D. When
the English religious of his order had formed themselves
into a congregation, he was invited to Douay, and made
professor of Hebrew and divinity in St. Vedast’s college,
during which time he was very instrumental in founding a
monastery of Benedictine nuns at Cambray. He was also
appointed their confessor, prior of the monastery of Douay,
and twice president of the English congregation. It has
been said that archbishop Laud gave him an invitation to
England, for which various reasons were assigned, and,
among others, that they might consult about the reunion
of the churches of England and Rome; but there seems
no great foundation for this story. That he did return to
England, however, is certain, as he died at London Dec.
17, 1636, and was buried in the chapel at Somerset-house.
He wrote, 1.
” Sacra ars memoriae, ad Scripturas divinas
in promptu habendas, &c. accommodata,“Douay, 1623,
8vo. 2.
” Conciliatio locorum communium totius Scripturae,“ibid. 1623. He also edited
” Biblia Sacra, cum
glossa interlineari,“6 vols. fol.
” Opera Blosii“and
” Arnobius contra gentes,“with notes, Douay, 1634; and
had some hand in father Reyner’s
” Apostolatus Benedictinorum," 1626.
, a supposed heretic of the fourth century, was an Italian monk, and observed all the austerities of a monastic life for a time,
, a supposed heretic of the fourth century, was an Italian monk, and observed all the austerities of a monastic life for a time, and taught some points of doctrine directly opposite to the growing superstitions; for this he was expelled Rome, and fled to Milan, with an intent to engage Ambrose, bishop of that place, and the emperor Theodosius, who was then in that city, in his favour; but Syricius, then bishop of Rome, dispatched three presbyters to Milan, Crescentius, Leopardus, and Alexander, with letters to that church, which are still extant in Ambrose’s works, acquainting them with the proceedings of himself and his followers, in consequence of which he was rejected by Ambrose, and driven out of the town by the emperor. From Milan, Jovinian returned to the neighbourhood of Home, where his followers continued to assemble under his direction, till the year 398, when the emperor Honorius commanded him and his accomplices to be whipped and banished into different islands. Jovinian himself was confined to Boas, a small island on the coast of Dal matin, where he died about the year 406. Jovinian wrote several books, which were answered by Jerome in the year 392, but in such a manner as to render it difficult to know what were Jovinian’s errors, or what his general character, except that he was no friend to celibacy or fasting.
dvertised of his conduct; and Julian, to prevent the effects, and save his life, professed himself a monk, and took the habit, but, under this character in public, he
, a Roman emperor, commonly, although perfcaps not very justly, styled the Apostate, was the younger son of Constantius, brother of Constantine the Great. He was the first fruit of a second marriage of his father with Basilina, after the birth of Gallus, whom he had by Galla his first consort. He was born Nov. 6, in the year 331, at Constantinople; and, according to the medals of him, named Fiavius Claudius Julianus. During the life of Constantine, he received the first rudiments of his education at the court of Constantinople; but, upon the death of this emperor, all his relations being suspected of criminal actions, Julian’s father was obliged to seek his safety by flight; and his son Julian’s escape was entirely owing to Marc, bishop of Arethusa, without whose care he had inevitably perished in the persecution of his family. As soon as the storm was over, and Constantius, the son of Constantine, quietly seated on the imperial throne, he sent young Julian to Eusebius, bishop of Nicomedia, who was related to him by his mother’s side, and who educated him in the Christian faith; but at the same time employed an eunuch called Mardonius, who was a pagan, to teach him grammar, while Eulolius, a Christian of doubtful character, was his master in rhetoric. Julian made a very quick progress in learning; and, being sent afterwards to Athens to complete his education, he became the darling of that nursery of polite literature, and particularly commenced an acquaintance with St. Basil and Gregory of Nazianzen. This last, however, observed something in him which rendered his sincerity in the Christian faith suspected: and it is certain, that, notwithstanding all the care of his preceptor Eusebius, this young prince was entirely perverted by Maximus, an Ephesian philosopher and magician. His cousin Constantius the emperor was advertised of his conduct; and Julian, to prevent the effects, and save his life, professed himself a monk, and took the habit, but, under this character in public, he secretly embraced paganism. Some time before, his brother Gallus and he had taken orders, and executed the office of reader in the church; but the religious sentiments of the two brothers were widely different.
, the first patriarch of Venice, was descended of a noble family, and born there, 1381. He took the monk’s habit in the monastery of St. George, in Alga, before he was
, the first patriarch of Venice, was descended of a noble family, and born there, 1381. He took the monk’s habit in the monastery of St. George, in Alga, before he was a deacon; and in 1424 became general of that congregation, to whom he gave an excellent set of rules, which were afterwards observed, and made him esteemed as one of their founders. Pope Eugenius IV. gave him the bishopric of Venice, of which he was the first patriarch, from 1451. This prelate died Jan. 8, 1455, and was canonized in 1690 by Alexander VIII. He left several works of piety, which were printed together at Brescia, 1506, 2 vols. folio; and again at Venice, 1755, folio; to which is prefixed his life, by his nephew.
nment, and knowledge, united with the completest charity and humility. His life was that of a simple monk, and his wealth was all employed to relieve the poor, or serve
, an exemplary and learned bishop of Carpentras, at which place
he was born in 1683, was first a Dominican, and in that
order he successfully pursued his theological studies; but,
thinking the rule of the Cistertians more strict and perfect,
he afterwards took the habit of that order. His merit
quickly raised him to the most distinguished offices among
his brethren, and being dispatched on some business to
Rome, he completely gained the confidence and esteem of
Clement XII. By that prelate he was named archbishop
of Theodosia in partibus, and bishop of Carpentras in 1733.
In this situation he was distinguished by all the virtues that
can characterize a Christian bishop; excellent discernment,
and knowledge, united with the completest charity and humility. His life was that of a simple monk, and his wealth
was all employed to relieve the poor, or serve the public.
He built a vast and magnificent hospital, and established
the most extensive library those provinces had ever seen,
which he gave for public use. He died in 1757, of an
apoplectic attack, in his seventy-fifth year. This excellent man was not unknown in the literary world, having
published some original works, and some editions of other
authors. The principal of these productions are, 1. “Genuinus character reverendi admodiim in Christo Patris D.
Armandi Johannis Butillierii Rancsei,
” Rome, Theologie
” being a treatise on the duties of a monastic
life, Rome, 1731, 3 vols. folio. 3. An Italian translation of
a French treatise, by father Didier, on the infallibility of
the pope, Rome, 1732, folio. 4. An edition of the works
of Bartholomew of the Martyrs, with his Life, 2 vols. folio.
5. “La Vie separee,
” another treatise on monastic life, in
2 vols. 1727, 4to.
e, and those half-starved, and almost naked. Ingulph now resolved to forsake the world, and became a monk in the abbey of Fontanelle in Normandy, of which he was in a
, abbot of Croyland, and author of the
history of that abbey, was born in London about 1030.
He received the first part of his education at Westminster,
and when he visited his father, who belonged to the court
of Edward the Confessor, he was so fortunate as to engage
the attention of queen Edgitha, who took a pleasure in the
progress of his education, and in disputing with him in
logic, and seldom dismissed him without some present as a
mark of her approbation. From Westminster he went to
Oxford, where he applied to the study of the Aristotelian
philosophy, in which he made greater proficiency than
many of his contemporaries, and, as be says, “clothed
himself down to the heel in the first and second rhetoric of
” When he was about twenty-one years of age, ho
was iotroduced to> William duke of Normandy (who visited the court of England in 105 l) y and made himself so agreeable to that prince, that be appointed him his secretary,
and carried him with him into his. Owt dominions. In a
little time he became the prime favourite of his prince,
and the dispenser of all preferments; but he himself confesses that he did not behave in this station with sufficient
modesty and prudence, and that he incurred the envy and
hatred of the courtiers, to avoid which he obtained leave
from the duke to go on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. In
the course of this journey, his attendant pilgrims at one
time amounted to seven thousand, but either from being
attacked and killed by the Arabs, or other disasters, twenty
only of this goodly company were able to return home, and
those half-starved, and almost naked. Ingulph now resolved to forsake the world, and became a monk in the
abbey of Fontanelle in Normandy, of which he was in a
few years made prior. When his old master William of
Normandy was preparing for his memorable expedition
into England, in 1066 r lagulphus was sent by hiw abbot
with one hundred: marks in money, and twelve young men,
nobly mounted and completely armed, as a present
their abbey. In consequence of this, William raised him
afterwards to the government of the rich abbey of Croyland in Lincolnshire, in 107S. Here Ingulphus spent the
last thirty-four years of his life, governing that society
with great prudence, and protecting their possessions from
the rapacity of the neighbouring barons by the favour of
his royal master; and here he died Dec. 1, 1109. He
wrote, but in a homely Latin style, a very curious and
valuable history of Croyland abbey from its foundation, in
the year 664 to 1091. It was printed by sir H. Saville,'
London, 1596, and is among Gale’s “Scriptores.
” There
is also an edition of Francfort in
appears to have been more useful to the church and to society, than might have been expected from a monk. This appears by his letters, of which, Suidas says, he wrote
, sumamed Pelusiota or Damietta,
from his retiring into a solitude near the town which bears
both these names, was the most celebrated of the disciples
of John Chrysostom, and flourished in the fifth century.
He professed the monastic life from his youth, and retired
from the world; but appears to have been more useful to
the church and to society, than might have been expected
from a monk. This appears by his letters, of which, Suidas says, he wrote no less than 3000; and Nicephorus
assures us that he composed several works, and mentions
particularly ten chiliads of his epistles. Sixtus Senensis
also adds, that he saw in the library of St. Mark at Venice,
a ms. containing 1184 of such epistles, which are not now
extant. He agrees with the orthodox in the leading doctrines of the gospel, but his great excellence is his practical rules. He died about the year 440. We have remaining 2012 of his letters, in five books: they are short;
but there are important things in them about many passages of Scripture, as well as theological questions, and
points concerning ecclesiastical discipline; they are written in good Greek, and in an agreeable florid style. The
best edition of St. Isidore’s works is that of Paris, 1638,
folio, in Greek and Latin. In 1737, Christ. Aug. Heumann attacked the authenticity of some of his epistles in a
tract entitled “Epistolas Isidoras Pelusiotae maximam
partem esse confictas.
: “The monks shall every year at Pentecost make a declaration that they keep nothing as their own. A monk ought to work with his hands, according to the precept of St.
of Seville, was born at Carthagena, in
Spain, the son of Severian, governor of that city, and was
educated by his brother Leander, bishop of Seville, whom
he succeeded in the year 601. St. Isidore was the oracle
of Spain during thirty-five years, and died April 4, 636,
leaving the following works: Twenty books of “Origines,
or Etymologies, Paris, Chronicle
” ending at the year Commentaries
on the historical books of the Old Testament a treatise
“on Ecclesiastical Writers
” “a Rule for the Monastery
of Honori;
” a “Treatise on Ecclesiastical Offices,
” containing many very important passages relating to Ecclesiastical Discipline, and in which he mentions seven
prayers of the sacrifice. These prayers may still be found
in the Mosarabic.mass, which is the ancient Spanish liturgy,
and of which this saint is known to have been the principal
author. The edition of the Missal, 1500, fol. and of the
Breviary, 1502, fol. printed by cardinal Ximenes’ order,
are very scarce; a Treatise on this Liturgy was printed at
Rome, 1740, fol. The “Collection of Canons
” attributed
to St. Isidore, was not made by him. In the Rule above mentioned, he speaks of the monks as follows: “The monks
shall every year at Pentecost make a declaration that they
keep nothing as their own. A monk ought to work with
his hands, according to the precept of St. Paul, and the
example of the patriarchs. Every one ought to work, not
only for his own maintenance, but for that of the poor.
Those who are in health, and do not work, sin doubly, by
idleness, and setting a bad example. Those who chuse
to read without working, show that they receive no benefit
from what they read, which commands them to work.
This Rule of St. Isidore prescribes about six hours work
every day, and three hours reading. This Isidore is frequently ranked among musical writers. In his treatise on
the divine offices, much curious information occurs concerning canto fermo, and music in general; but particularly
its introduction into the church, the institution of the four
tones by St. Ambrose, and the extension of that number
to eight by St. Gregory. In treating of secular music,
he has a short chapter on each of the following subjects
of music, and its name of its invention its definition
of its three constituent parts, harmonics, rhythm, and
metre; of musical numbers; of the three-fold divisions of
music; 1st, Of the harmonical division of music; 2dly,
Of the organic or instrumental division; 3dly, Of the
rhythmical division. These chapters are very short, and
contain little more than compressed definitions of musical
terms. In enumerating the seven liberal arts, cap. II. he
ranks them in the following manner: grammar, rhetoric,
logic, arithmetic, music, geometry, astronomy.