Baldwin I. (10581118)

Baldwin I., king of Jerusalem; succeeded his brother Godfrey de Bouillon; assuming said title, made himself master of most of the towns on the coast of Syria; contracted a disease in Egypt; returned to Jerusalem, and was buried on Mount Calvary; there were five of this name and title, the last of whom, a child of some eight years old, died in 1186 (10581118).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Baldwin * Baldwin I.
[wait for the fun]
Balbi, Adriano
Balbo, Cæsare
Balbo`a. Vasco Nuñez de
Balderstone, Caleb
Baldung, Hans
Baldwin I.
Baldwin I.
Bale, John
Balearic Isles
Balfe, Michael William
Balfour, A. J.
Balfour, Francis Maitland
Balfour, Sir James
Balfour of Burley
Baliol, Edward