Ward, Mrs. Humphry (b. 1851)

Ward, Mrs. Humphry, English authoress, born at Hobart Town; is a niece of Matthew Arnold; translated Amiel's “Journal,” a suggestive record, but is best known by her romance of “Robert Elsmere,” published in 1888, a work which was a help to some weak people and an offence to others of the same class; (b. 1851).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Ward, Artemus * Ward, William George
[wait for the fun]
Walsingham, Sir Francis
Walston, St.
Walter, John
Walter the Penniless
Walton, Izaak
Wandering Jew
Warbeck, Perkin
Warburton, William
Ward, Artemus
Ward, Mrs. Humphry
Ward, William George
Wars of the Roses
Warton, Thomas
Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of
Wash, The