Warbeck, Perkin

Warbeck, Perkin, an impostor who affected to be Richard, Duke of York, second son of Edward IV., alleged to have been murdered in the Tower, and laid claim to the crown of England in preference to Henry VII. In an attempt to make good this claim he was taken prisoner, and hanged at Tyburn in 1499.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Wapenshaw * Warburton, William
[wait for the fun]
Walpole, Horace
Walpole, Sir Robert
Walpurgis Night
Walsingham, Sir Francis
Walston, St.
Walter, John
Walter the Penniless
Walton, Izaak
Wandering Jew
Warbeck, Perkin
Warburton, William
Ward, Artemus
Ward, Mrs. Humphry
Ward, William George
Wars of the Roses
Warton, Thomas


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Bernard, Andrew
Warham, William