Warburton, William (16981779)

Warburton, William, an English divine, born at Newark; was bishop of Gloucester; was author of the famous “Divine Legation of Moses,” characterised by Gibbon as a “monument of the vigour and weakness of the human mind”; is a distracted waste of misapplied logic and learning; a singular friendship subsisted between the author and Pope (16981779).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Warbeck, Perkin * Ward, Artemus
[wait for the fun]
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Walpurgis Night
Walsingham, Sir Francis
Walston, St.
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Walter the Penniless
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Wandering Jew
Warbeck, Perkin
Warburton, William
Ward, Artemus
Ward, Mrs. Humphry
Ward, William George
Wars of the Roses
Warton, Thomas
Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of