Briet, Philip
, an able French geographer, was born at Abbeville in 1601, and entered the society of Jesuits in 1619. He taught humanities seven years, rhetoric seventeen, and was some time prefect of the classes, and lectured on the holy scriptures. His private character corresponded with his learning. He was appointed joint librarian with father Cossart of the library of the Jesuits’ college in Paris, where he died Dec. 9, 1668. He published, 1 “Xenia Delphino oblata nomine collegii Rothomagensis,” Rouen, 1639, 4to. 2. “Parallela geographies | veteris et novae,” 1648 and 1649, three volumes, 4to, a very exact and methodical work, and ornamented with plates well designed. These volumes, however, contain, only Europe; and it can never be enough regretted, says Niceron, that he did not publish the Parallels of Asia and Africa, which were assuredly finished and ready, but somehow or other lost. He published also, 3. “Annales mundi,” in 7 vols. 12mo, from the beginning of the world to the year of Christ 1663, often reprinted and enlarged; and “Theatrum geographicum Europae veteris,” 1653, in folio. He was farther concerned in a chronological work, joined with father Labbe; but he is supposed not to have succeeded so well here as in geography. 4. “Elogium patris Jacobi Sirmundi,” Paris, 1651, 4to, with an accurate catalogue of father Sirmond’s works. 5. “Acute dicta omnium veterum poetarum Latinorum,” Paris, 1684, 12mo. His chronological work was entitled “Philippi Labbe et P. Brietii concordia chronologica,” Paris, 1670, 5 vols. folio. The fifth volume only belongs to Briet. 1