Hebenstreit, John Ernest
, a celebrated physician and philologer of Leipsic, was born at Neuenhoff in the diocese of Neustadt, in 1702. In 1719, he went to the university of Jena, but, not finding a subsistence there, removed to Leipsic. He piassed the greater part of his life in the latter university, and finally died there in 1756. Besides his academical and physiological tracts, he published, in 1739, 1, “Carmen de usu partinm,” or Physiologia metrica, in 8vd. 2. “De homine sano et ajgroto Carmen, sistens Physiologiam, Pathologiam, Hygienen, Therapiam, materiam medicam, cum pnefatione deantiqua medicina,” Leipsic, 1753, 8vo. 3. “Oratio de Antiquitatibus Romanis per Africam repertis,” 1733, 4to. 4. “Museum Richterianum,” &c. Leips. 1743. And, 5. A posthumous work, entitled “Palasologia therapirc,” Halae, 1779, 8vo. This author had also an elder brother, John Christian Hebenstreit, who was a celebrated divine, and profoundly versed in the Hebrew language. Ernesti has published an eulogium of each, in his “OpuscuhiOratoria.” 1