The Unjust judge, or, Appius and Virginia,“a tragedy, written originally by Mr. John Webster, an old poet, who. fiourisiied in the reign of James I. It was only altered
Betterton got by this benefit 500l. and a promise was
given him, that the favour should be annually repeated as
long as he lived. Sept. 20, in the succeeding winter, he
performed the part of Hamlet with great vivacity. This
activity of his kept off the gout longer than usual, but the
fit returned upon him in the Spring with greater violence,
and it was the more unlucky, as this was the time of his
benefit. The play he fixed upon was, the “Maid’s Tragedy,
” in which he acted the part of Melanthns and notice was given thereof by his friend sir Richard Steele in
the Tatler but the fit intervening, that he might not disappoint the town, he was obliged to submit to external
applications, to reduce the swelling of his feet, which
enabled him to appear on the stage, though he was obliged
to use a slipper. “He was observed that day to have a
more than an ordinary spirit, and met with suitable applause but the unhappy consequence of tampering with
his distemper was, that it flew into his head, and killed
” He died April 28, 1710, and was interred in Westminster-abbey. Sir Richard Steele attended the ceremony, and two days after published a paper in the Tatler
to his memory. Mr. Booth, who knew him only in his
decline, used to say, that he never saw him off or on the
stage, without learning something from him; and frequently observed, that Betterton was no actor, that he put
on his part with his clothes, and was the very man he undertook to be till the play was over, and nothing more. So
exact was he in following nature, that the look of surprise
he assumed in the character of Hamlet, astonished Booth
(when he first personated the ghost) to such a degree, that
he was unable to proceed in his part for some moments.
The following dramatic works were published by Mr. Betterton, 1. a The Woman made a justice,“a comedy. 2.
” The Unjust judge, or, Appius and Virginia,“a tragedy,
written originally by Mr. John Webster, an old poet, who.
fiourisiied in the reign of James I. It was only altered by
Mr. Betterton. 3.
” The Amorous widow, or the wanton
wife," a play written on the plan of Moliere’s George
, an elegant Italian poet of the last century, was born at Verona, July 16, 1732, and
, an elegant Italian poet of the last
century, was born at Verona, July 16, 1732, and began
his studies at the Jesuits’ college at Brescia, but was obliged, by bad health, to return home to complete them.
The work on which his reputation chiefly rests is his poem
on the silk- worm, “Del baco da seta, canti IV. con annotaziom,
” Verona, 1756, 4to, in which he contrives to
be original on a subject that had been amply treated in
the sixteenth century, in the “La Sereide
” of Tesauro.
He dedicated this poem to the marquis Spolverini, the
author of a didactic poem on the cultivation of rice, “La
cold vazi one del Riso.
” His poetical efforts were all directed to the object of his more serious labours, agriculture.
His bust is in the hall of the academy of agriculture at Verona, of which he was the founder, and among other academies, he was a member of the Georgophiles of Florence.
He wrote another poem, “Le Cascine,
” with notes, but
it does not appear to have been printed. He died at Verona in 1788.
recently founded by count Marsigli, the Clementine academy of design, the school of the astronomical poet Manfredi, and the growing reputation of his learned and ingenious
, one of the most
eminent Italian scholars of the last century, was born at
Mantua, July 18, 1718. After having studied among the
Jesuits in his own country and at Bologna, he entered that
society as a noviciate in 1736. He then commenced a
new course of studies, including the belles lettres, from
1739 to 1744, at Brescia, where cardinal Quirini, count
Mazzuchelli, count Duranti, and other learned men, formed an illustrious academy, and there he became first noticed by some poetical compositions for scholastic exercises. When sent to Bologna to pursue his theological
course, he continued to court his muse, and wrote for the
theatre of the college, his tragedy of “Jonathas.
” The
number of literary characters in this city surpashed that
which he had found at Brescia. The Institute recently
founded by count Marsigli, the Clementine academy of
design, the school of the astronomical poet Manfredi, and
the growing reputation of his learned and ingenious pupils
Zanotti, Algarotti, &c. contributed to fix the attention of
the literary world on Bologna. In this society Bettinelli
completed his education, and attained the age of thirty.
In 1748, he went to Venice to teach rhetoric, and was frequently employed in a similar manner in other places. His
superiors intended him for a display of his oratorical
talents, but the weakness of his lungs obliged him to decline this. In 1751, he was appointed director of the college of nobles at Parma, and remained here superintending "their poetical and historical studies for eight years,
occasionally visiting the principal vines of Italy, on business, or for health. In 1755, ne travelled through part of
Germany, to Strasburgh and Nancy, and returned through
Germany to Italy, bringing with him two young princes,
the sons or nephews of the prince of Hohenlohe, who had
intrusted him with their education. The following year
he took a trip to France with the eldest of these princes,
and resided at Paris, in the college of Louis-le-Grand. It
was during this trip that he wrote the celebrated letters of
Virgil which were printed at Venice with those of Frugoni
and Algarotti. The opinions, and we may add, the literary
heresies, very ingeniously urged in these letters against
the reputation of the two great luminaries of Italian poetry,
and especially against Dante, created him many enemies,
and what gave him most uneasiness, involved him with
Algarotti. (See Algarotii). From Paris he made several excursions into Normandy, Lorraine, &c. and paid a
visit to Voltaire. From Geneva he went to Marseilles, &c.
and arrived at Parma in 1759. The same year he went to
Verona, where he resided until 1767, and resumed his
offices of preaching and education. He was afterwards
for some years at Modena, and when the order of the Jesuits
was suppressed, he was appointed professor of rhetoric.
On his return to his own country, he applied to his literary
pursuits with fresh ardour, and published many works, and
having regretted that he had published so much without
writing any thing to please the fair sex, doubtless owing
to his ecclesiastical character, he afterwards endeavoured
to make up for this. in some respect by publishing his correspondence between two ladies, his letters to Lesbia, and
lastly, his twenty-four dialogues on love. These he published in 1796, when the war raged in all parts of Italy,
and when the siege of Mantua by the French obliged him
to leave it. He then removed to Verona, but in 1797,
after the surrender of Mantua, he returned again, and
although now almost in his eightieth year, resumed his
literary labours with his accustomed spirit. In 1799, he
began a new edition of his works, which was completed at
Venice in 1801, in 24 vols. 12mo. He still preserved his
usual gaiety and health at the age of ninety, until Sept. 13,
1805, when he died after fifteen days illness, with the
firmness, says his biographer, of a philosopher and a Christian.
x epistles in familiar verse, sonnets, &c. In all these he is rather an elegant, easy, and ingenious poet, than a great one. His” Raccolte“is a spirited satire on the
His principal works, according to his own arrangement
in the edition above mentioned are, 1. “Ragionamend
” con anuotazioni,“a work both religious, moral,
and philosophical. 2.
” Dell' entusiasmo delle belle arti“the professed design of which was to maintain and revive
the studies of imagination; but Bettinelli was not himself
a decided enthusiast, and instead of the fire of imagination, we have here much of the coldness of method. 3.
” Dialoghi d'amore,“in which he expatiates on the
influences which imagination, vanity, friendship, marriage,
honour, ambition, science, &c. produce on that passion.
In this work is an eloge on Petrarch, one of his most happy
compositions. 4.
” Risorgirnento negli stucii, nelle arti e
ne' costumi dopo il mille.“This in Italy is considered as
a superficial view of the revival of arts and sciences after
the tenth century, and as interfering with Tiraboschi, who
was then employed on the same subject, but to those who
may think Tiraboschi’s work, what it certainly is, insufferably tedious, this will afford much useful information in a
shorter compass. The dissertation on Italian poetry is
particularly valuable. 5.
” Delle lettere e delle arti Mantovane lettere ed arti Modenesi,“an excellent work as
far as regards the literary history of Mantua, which was
now, if we mistake not, written for the first time. 6.
” Lettere dieci di Virgilio agli Arcadi.“Of these letters we
have already spoken, and his attack on Dante and Petrarch, although not altogether without such a foundation as
strict and cold criticism may lay, will not soon be forgiven
in Italy. 7.
” Letters on the Fine Arts from a lady to her
friend, &c.“8. His
” Poetry,“containing seven small
poems, or
” poemetti,“six epistles in familiar verse, sonnets, &c. In all these he is rather an elegant, easy, and
ingenious poet, than a great one. His
” Raccolte“is a
spirited satire on the insipid collections of verses so common in Italy. 9.
” Tragedies,“entitled Xerxes, Jonathan,
Demetrius, Poliorcetes, and Rome saved, with some French
letters, and an Italian dissertation on Italian tragedy. The
” Rome saved“is a translation from Voltaire, indifferently
performed. He also wrote three other tragedies, but inferior to the former, in which there is an evident attempt
at the manner of Racine. 10.
” Lettere a Lesbia Cidonia
sopra gli epigrammi,“consisting of twenty-five letters, with
epigrams, madrigals, and other small pieces, some translated and some original. 11. An
” Essay on Eloquence,“with other essays, letters, miscellanies,
” &c. As a poet,
critic, metaphysician, and historian, Bettinelii’s merit is
esteemed by his countrymen as of the first rate and with
respect to the art of composition, they account him one of
the purest and most elegant writers of the last century,
one of the few who laboured to preserve the genuine Italian idiom from any foreign mixture.
, a French poet, was born at Paris in 1610, and at the age of fourteen had written
, a French poet, was born at Paris in
1610, and at the age of fourteen had written a number of
poetical pieces, both in French and Latin, which were
extravagantly praised by Scarron and Colletet, but are
now in request only by the collectors of curiosities. He
applied himself very little to study, passing the principal
part of his time in the pleasures of convivial society, which,
however, did not hinder him from meddling with public
affairs, for which he was thrown into the Bastille, as the
author of the “Miliade,
” a satire against cardinal Richelieu. Having proved his innocence, he was set at liberty,
and resumed his loose life, which impaired his health, and
deprived him of sight, in which condition he died Sept. 26,
1659. He wrote some dramas, and his poetical works
were printed at Paris, 1631, 8vo.
married a daughter of the celebrated Plantin of Antwerp, by whom he had a son, who was probably the poet above-mentioned, as the following burlesque epitaph was written
, a celebrated printer of the sixteenth century, who was the first after those who printed the works of Ramus, that made a distinction in his printing between the consonants j and v, and the vowels i and u. Ramus was the inventor of this distinction, and employed it in his Latin grammar of 1557, but we do not find it in any of his works printed after that time. Beys adopted it first in Claude Mignaut’s Latin commentary on Horace. He died at Paris April 19, 1593. He married a daughter of the celebrated Plantin of Antwerp, by whom he had a son, who was probably the poet above-mentioned, as the following burlesque epitaph was written on him
sed. the quarto edition, in two volumes, of Milton’s prose works, and added a new life of that great poet and writer. Dr. Birch gave to the world', in the following year,
Having related the more personal and private circumstances of Dr. Birch’s history, we proceed to his various
publications. The first great work he engaged in, was
“The General Dictionary, historical and critical
” wherein
a new translation of that of the celebrated Mr. Bayle was
included and which was interspersed with several thousand lives never before published. It was on the 29th of
April, 1734, that Dr. Birch, in conjunction with the rev.
Mr. John Peter Bernard, and Mr. John Lockman, agreed
with the booksellers to carry on this important undertaking; and Mr. George Sale was employed to draw up the
articles relating to oriental history. The whole design
was completed in ten volumes, folio; the first of which
appeared in 1734, and the last in 1741. It is universally
allowed, that this work contains a very extensive and useful body of biographical knowledge. We are not told
what were the particular articles written by Dr. Birch
but there is no doubt of his having executed a great part
of the dictionary neither is it, we suppose, any disparagement to his coadjutors, to say, that he was superior
to them in abilities and reputation, with the exception of
Mr. George Sale, who was, without controversy, eminently
qualified for the department he had undertaken. The
next great design in which Dr. Birch engaged, was the
publication of “Thurloe’s State Papers.
” This collection,
which comprised seven volumes in folio, came out in 1742.
It is dedicated to the late lord chancellor Hardwicke, and
there is prefixed to it a life of Thurloe but whether it
was written or not by our author, does not appear. The
same life had been separately published not long before.
The letters and papers in this collection throw the greatest
light on the pe'riod to which they relate, and are accompanied with proper references, and a complete index to
each volume, yet was a work by which the proprietors
were great losers. In 1744, Dr. Birch published, in octavo,
a “Life of the honourable Robert Boyle, esq
” which
hath since been prefixed to the quarto edition of the works
of that philosopher. In the same year, our author began
his assistance to Houbraken and Vertue, in their design of
publishing, in folio, the “Heads of illustrious persons of
Great Britain,
” engraved by those two artists, but chiefly
by Mr. Houbraken. To each head was annexed, by Dr,
Birch, the life and character of the person represented.
The first volume of this work, which came out in numbers,
was completed in 1747, and the second in 1752. Our
author’s concern in this undertaking did not hinder his
prosecuting, at the same time, other historical disquisitions: for, in 1747, appeared, in octavo,“His inquiry
into the share which king Charles the First had in the
transactions of the earl of Glamorgan.
” A second edition
ef the Inquiry was published in Miscellaneous works of sir Walter Raleigh
” to which was prefixed the life of that unfortunate and injured man. Previously to this, Dr. Birch
published “An historical view of the negociations between
the courts of England, France, and Brussels, from 1592
to 1617; extracted chiefly from the ms State Papers of
sir Thomas Edmondes, knight, embassador in France, and
at Brussels, and treasurer of the household to the kings
James I. and Charles I. and of Anthony Bacon, esq. brother to the lord chancellor Bacon. To which is added, a
relation of the state of France, with the character of Henry
IV. and the principal persons of that court, drawn up by
sir George Carew, upon his return from his embassy there
in 1609, and addressed to king James I. never before
” This work, which consists of one volume, in
octavo, appeared in 1749; and, in an introductory discourse
to the honourable Philip Yorke, esq. (the late earl of Hardwicke), Dr. Birch makes some reflections on the utility of deducing history from its only true and unerring
sources, the original letters and papers of those eminent
men, who were the principal actors in the administration
of affairs; after which he gives some account of the lives
of sir Thomas Edmondes, sir George Carew, and Mr. Anthorry Bacon. The “Historical View
” is undoubtedly a
valuable performance, and hath brought to light a variety
of particulars relative to the subjects and the period treated
of, which before were either not at all, or not so fully
known. In 17.51, was published by our author, an edition,
in two volumes, 8vo, of the “Theological, moral, dramatic, and poetical works of Mrs. Catherine Cockburn
with an account of her life. In the next year came out
his “Life of the most reverend Dr. John Tillotson, lord
archbishop of Canterbury. Compiled chiefly from his
original papers and letters.
” A second edition, corrected
and enlarged, appeared in 1753. This work, which was
dedicated to archbishop Herring, is one of the most pleasing and popular of Dr. Birch’s performances; and he has
done great justice to Dr. Tillotsou’s memory, character,
and virtues. Our biographer hath likewise intermixed
with his narrative of the good prelate’s transactions, short
accounts of the persons occasionally mentioned; a method
which he has pursued in some of his other publications.
In 1753, he revised. the quarto edition, in two volumes, of
Milton’s prose works, and added a new life of that great
poet and writer. Dr. Birch gave to the world', in the following year, his “Memoirs of the reign of queen Elizabeth, from the year 1581, till her death. In which the
secret intrigues of her court, and the conduct of her favourite, Robert earl of Essex, both at home and abroad,
are particularly illustrated. From the original papers of
his intimate friend, Anthony Bacon, esq. and other manuscripts never before published.
” These memoirs, which
are inscribed to the earl of Hardwicke, give a minute account of the letters and materials from which they are
taken and the whole work undoubtedly forms a very valuable collection in which our author has shewn himself
(as in his other writings) to be a faithfnl and accurate compiler and in which, besides a full display of the temper
and actions of the earl of Essex, much light is thrown on
the characters of the Cecils, Bacons, and many eminent
persons of that period. The book is now becoming scarce,
and, as it may not speedily be republished, is rising in its
value. This is the case, likewise, with regard to the edition of sir Walter Raleigh’s miscellaneous works. Dr.
Birch’s next publication was “The history of the Royal
Society of London, for improving of natural knowledge,
from its first rise. In which the most considerable of those
papers, communicated to the society, which have hitherto
not been published, are inserted in their proper order, as
a supplement to the Philosophical Transactions.
” The
twq first volumes of this performance, which was dedicated
to his late majesty, appeared in 1756, and the two other
volumes in 1757. The history is carried on to the end of
the year 1687 and if the work had been continued, and
had been conducted with the same extent and minuteness,
it would have been a very voluminous undertaking. But,
though it may, perhaps, be justly blamed in this respect,
it certainly contains many curious and entertaining
anecdotes concerning the manner of the society’s proceedings
at their first establishment. It is enriched, likewise, with
a number of personal circumstances relative to the members, and with biographical accounts of such of the more
considerable of them as died in the course of each year.
In 1760, came out, in one volume, 8vo, our author’s “Life
of Henry prince of Wales, eldest son of king James I.
Compiled chiefly from his own papers, and other manuscripts, never before published.
” It is dedicated to his
present majesty, then prince of Wales. Some have objected to this work, that it abounds too much with trifling
details, and that Dr. Birch has not given sufficient scope
to such reflections and disquisitions as arose from his subject. It must, nevertheless, be acknowledged, that it affords a more exact and copious account than had hitherto
appeared of a prince whose memory has always been remarkably popular; and that various facts, respecting several other eminent characters, are occasionally introduced. Another of his publications was, “Letters, speeches,
charges, advices, &c. of Francis Bacon, lord viscount St.
AJban, lord chancellor of England.
” This collection,
which is comprised in one volume, 8vo, and is dedicated
to the honourable Charles Yorke, esq. appeared in 1763.
It is taken from some papers which had been originally in
the possession of Dr. Rawley, lord Bacon’s chaplain, whose
executor, Mr. John Rawley, having put them into the
hands of Dr. Tenison, they were, at length, deposited in
the manuscript library at Lambeth. Dr. Birch, speaking
of these papers of lord Bacon, says, that it can scarcely
be imagined, but that the bringing to light, from obscurity
and oblivion, the remains of so eminent a person, will be
thought an acquisition not inferior to the discovery (if the ruins of Herculaneum should afford such a treasure) of a
new set of the epistles of Cicero, whom our immortal
countryman most remarkably resembled as an orator, a
philosopher, a writer, a lawyer, and a statesman. Though
this, perhaps, is speaking too highly of a collection, which
contains many things in it seemingly not very material, it
must, at the same time, be allowed, that nothing can be
totally uninteresting which relates to so illustrious a man,
or tends, in any degree, to give a farther insight into his
character. To this catalogue we have still to add “Professor Greaves’s miscellaneous works,
” Intellectual System,
” (improved from the Latin edition of Mosheim) his discourse on the
true notion of the Lord’s Supper, and two sermons, with
an account of his life and writings, 1743, in two vols. 4to.
An edition of Spenser’s “Fairy Queen,
” Letters
between col. Robert Hammond, governor of the Isle of
Wight, and the committee of lords and commons at Derbyhouse, general Fairfax, lieut.-general Cromwell, commissary general Ireton, &c. relating to king Charles I. while
he was confined in Carisbrooke-castle in that island. Now
first published. To which is prefixed a letter from John
Ashburnham, esq. to a friend, concerning his deportment
towards the king, in his attendance on his majesty at
Hampton-court, and in the Isle of Wight,
” The life of Dr. Ward,
” which
was finished but a week before his death, was published
by Dr. Maty, in 1766.
steadily to his principles, he acquired, among those of his own sentiments, the title of “The Loyal Poet,” and suffered, from such as had then the power in their hands,
, a political author in the seventeenth century, was the son of
Richard Birkenhead, of Northwych, in the county of
Cheshire, an honest saddler, who, if some authors may deserve credit, kept also a little ale-house. Our author was
born about 1615, and having received some tincture of
learning in the common grammar-schools, came to Oxford, and was entered in 1632, a servitor of Oriel college,
under the tuition of the learned Dr. Humphrey Lloyd, afterwards bishop of Bangor. Dr. Lloyd recommended him
to Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, as his amanuensis,
and in that capacity he discovered such talents, that the
archbishop, by his diploma, created him A. M. in 1639,
and the year following, by letter commendatory from the
same great prelate, he was chosen probationary fellow of
All-souls college. This preferment brought him to reside
constantly in Oxford, and on king Charles I. making that
city his head-quarters during the civil war, our author was
employed to write a kind of journal in support of the royal
cause, by which he gained great reputation; and his majesty recommended him to be chosen reader in moral philosophy, which employment he enjoyed, though with very
small profit, till 1648, when he was expelled by the parliament visitors. He retired afterwards to London, where
adhering steadily to his principles, he acquired, among
those of his own sentiments, the title of “The Loyal
” and suffered, from such as had then the power in
their hands, several imprisonments, which served only to
sharpen his wit, without abating his courage. He published, while he thus lived in obscurity, and, as Wood says,
by his wits, some very tart performances, which were then
very highly relished, and are still admired by the curious.
These were, like his former productions, levelled against
the republican leaders, and were written with the same
vindictive poignancy that was then fashionable. Upon the
restoration of king Charles II. he was created April 6,
1661, on the king’s letters sent for that purpose, D. C. L.
by the university of Oxford and in that quality was o'ne
of the eminent civilians consulted by the convocation on
the question “Whether bishops ought to be present in
capital cases?
” and with the rest, Keb. 2, 1661-2, gave
it under his hand, they ought and might. He was, about
the same time, elected a burgess, to serve in parliament
for Wilton, in the county of Wilts, and continuing his
services to his master, was by him promoted, on the first
vacancy, to some office at court, which he quitted afterwards, and became master in the Faculty office. He was
knighted November 14, 1662, and upon sir Richard Fanshaw’s going with a public character to the court of Madrid, sir John Birkenhead succeeded him as master of requests. He was also elected a member of the royal society, an honour at that time conferred on none who were
not well known in the republic of letters, as men capable
of promoting the truly noble designs of that learned body.
He lived afterwards in credit and esteem with men of wit
and learning, and received various favours from the court,
in consideration of the past, and to instigate him to other
services; which, however, drew upon him some very severe attacks from those who opposed the court. Anthony
Wood has preserved some of their coarsest imputations,
for what reason is not very obvious, as Wood is in general
very partial to the loyalist writers. He died in Westminster, December 4, 1679, and was interred at St. Martin’s in the Fields, leaving to his executors, sir Richard
Mason, and sir Muddiford Bamston, a large and curious
collection of pamphlets on all subjects.
, a modern Latin poet, was born in 1617, near St. Paul’s cathedral, in London, and
, a modern Latin poet, was born
in 1617, near St. Paul’s cathedral, in London, and after
having been educated under the famous Farnaby, was entered a commoner at Trinity college, Oxford, in 1633;
admitted Scholar there, May 28, 1635, and soon after was
seduced to become a member of the college of Jesuits, at
St. Omer’s. He soon, however, returned to the church
of England, and by the patronage of archbishop Laud,
was elected fellow of All Souls, in 1638, being then bachelor of arts, and esteemed a good philologist. He proceeded in that faculty, was made senior of the act celebrated in 1641, and entered on the law faculty. He kept
his fellowship during the usurpation, but resigned it after
the restoration, when he became registrar of the diocese
of Norwich. This too he resigned in 1684, and resided
first in the Middle Temple, and then in other places, in
a retired condition for many years. The time of his death
is not mentioned but in the title of Trapp’s “Lectures
on Poetry,
” Henry Birkhead, LL. D. some time fellow of
All Souls college, is styled “Founder of the poetical lectures,
” the date of which foundation is Poemata in Elegiaca, lambica, Polymetra, &c. membranatim quadripartite,
” Otium Literarium, sive miscellanea quaedam Poemata,
” 16=6, 8vo.
He also published in 4to, with a preface, some of the philological works of his intimate friend Henry Jacob, who
had the honour of teaching Selden the Hebrew language;
and he wrote several Latin elegies on the loyalists who
Suffered in the cause of Charles I. which are scattered in
various printed books, and many of them subscribed H. G.
, late head-master of Merchant Taylors’ school, and a poet of considerable merit, was descended from a respectable family,
, late head-master of Merchant Taylors’ school, and a poet of considerable merit, was descended from a respectable family, originally of Worcestershire, and was born in St. John’s street, London, his father’s residence, Sept. 21, O. S. 1731. He was tender and delicate in his constitution, yet gave early indications of uncommon capacity and application, as appears from his having been called, when only nine years old, to construe the Greek Testament for a lad of fourteen, the son of an opulent neighbour. With this promising stock of knowledge, he was sent to Merchant Taylors’ school, June 1743, when between eleven and twelve years of age, and soon evinced a superiority over his fellows which attracted the notice and approbation of his masters. He read with avidity, and composed with success. His first essays, however imperfect, shewed great natural abilities, and an original vein of wit. History and poetry first divided his attention, but the last predominated. He not only acquired that knowledge of the Latin and Greek classics, which is usually obtained in a public seminary, but also became intimately acquainted with the best authors in our own language and some of his writings prove that he had perused Milton, Dryden, Pope, and Swift, at an early age, with much discrimination and critical judgment. In June 1750, he was elected to St. John’s college, Oxford, and admitted a scholar of that society, on the 25th of the same month. During his residence here, he not only corrected his taste by reading with judgment, but also improved his powers by habitual practice in composition. Besides several poetical pieces, with which he supplied his friends, he wrote a great number of college, hymns, paraphrases of scripture, translations from the ancients, and imitations of the moderns.
reputation, and died in 156S. He is said to have been not only a learned civilian, but an excellent poet, orator, and philosopher. He wrote “P. Bissarti opera omnia
, professor
of canon law in the university of Bononia in Italy, in the
sixteenth century, was descended from the earls of Fife
in Scotland, and born in that county in the reign of James
V. He was educated at St. Andrew’s, from whence he removed to Paris, and, having spent some time in that university, proceeded to Bononia, where he commenced doctor of laws, and was afterwards appointed professor of canon law. He continued in that office several years with
great reputation, and died in 156S. He is said to have
been not only a learned civilian, but an excellent poet,
orator, and philosopher. He wrote “P. Bissarti opera
omnia viz. poemata, orationes, lectiones feriales, &c.
, a French poet and miscellaneous writer, was born at Konigsberg, Nov. 24, 1732,
, a French poet and miscellaneous writer, was born at Konigsberg, Nov. 24, 1732, of
a family of French refugees, of the protestant religion.
After completing his education, he became a clergyman of
that communion, and appears to have formed his taste for
oratory and poetry from a frequent perusal of the Bible,
the style of the historical part of which he much admired.
He was a no less warm admirer of Homer. Although a
Prussian by birth, he was a Frenchman at heart, and having
accustomed himself to the language of his family, he felt a
strong desire to reside in what he considered as properly
his native country, conceiving at the same time that the
best way to procure his naturalization would be through
the medium of literary merit. As early as 1762, he published at Berlin a translation of the Iliad, which he called a
free translation, and was in fact an abridgment and this
served to introduce him to D'Alembert, who recommended
him so strongly to the king, Frederick II. that he was admitted into the Berlin academy, received a pension, and
afterwards visited France in order to complete his translation of Homer. A first edition had been printed in 1764,
2 vols. 8vo, but the most complete did not appear until
1780, and was followed by the Odyssey in 1785. Such
was the reputation of both among his countrymen, that
the academy of inscriptions admitted his name on their list
of foreign members. Modern French critics, however,
have distinguished more correctly between the beauties
and defects of this translation. They allow him to have
been more successful in his “Joseph,
” a poem published
first in Joseph
” was followed by “Les
” a poem of which some detached parts had appeared in 1773, under the title of “Guillaume de Nassau,
Amsterdam. This was reprinted in Herman and
” of Goethe, and comparing that author with
Homer, whose works, from this opinion, we should suppose he had studied to very little purpose. Some time
before his death, which happened Nov. 22, 1808, he was
admitted a member of the legion of honour. His other
works were 1. “Examen de la Confession de Foi du Vicaire Savoyard,
” De l'influence cles Belles-lettres sur la Philosophic,
” Berlin, Eloge de Corneille,
, a very extraordinary poet, was born in 1721, at Annan in the county of Dumfries, in Scotland.
, a very extraordinary poet, was born in 1721, at Annan in the county of Dumfries, in Scotland. His parents were natives of Cumberland, of the lower order, but industrious and well-informed. Before he was six months old he lost his sight by the small-pox, and therefore, as to all purposes of memory or imagination, may be said never to have enjoyed that blessing. His father and friends endeavoured to lessen the calamity by reading to him those books which might convey the instruction suitable to infancy, and as he advanced, they proceeded to others which he appeared to relish and remember, particularly the works of Spenser, Milton, Prior, Pope, and Addison. And such was the kindness which his helpless situation and gentle temper excited, that he was seldom without some companion who carried on this singular course of education, until he had even acquired some knowledge of the Latin tongue. It is probable that he remembered much of all that was read to him, but his mind began very early to make a choice. He first discovered a predilection for English poetry, and then, at the age of twelve, endeavoured to imitate it in various attempts, one of which is preserved in his works, but rather with a view to mark the commencement than the perfection of his talent.
nfancy, besides having made himself so much a master of various foreign languages, should be a great poet in his own and without having hardly ever seen the light, should
With regard to his poetry, there seems no occasion to involve ourselves in the perplexities which Mr. Spence first created, and then injudiciously as well as ineffectually endeavoured to explain. The character of his poetry is that of sentiment and reason; his versification is in general elegant and harmonious, and his thoughts sometimes flow with an ardent rapidity that betokerte real genius. But it is impossible to ascribe powers of description to one who had seen nothing to describe; nor of invention to one who had no materials upon which he could operate. Where we find any passages that approach to the description of visible objects, we must surely attribute them to memory. As he had the best English poets frequently read to him, he attained a free command of the language of poetry, both in simple and compound words, and we know that all poets consider those as common property. It is not, therefore, wonderful, that he speaks so often of mountains, valleys, rivers, northathe appropriates to visible objects their peculiar characteristics, all which he must have heard repeated until they became fixed in his memory but as no man pursues long what affords little more than the exercise of conjecture, we are still perplexed to discover what pleasure Mr. Blacklock could take, first in a species of reading which could give him no ideas, and then in a species of writing in which he could copy, only the expressions of others. He has himself written a very long article on blindness in the Encyclopedia Britannica, but it affords no light to the present subject, containing chiefly reflections on the disadvantages of blindness, and the best means of alleviating them. His poems, however, especially where attempts are made at description, indicate powers which seem to have wanted the aid of sight only to bring them into the highest rank. We know that poetical genius is almost wholly independent of learning, and seems often planted in a soil where nothing else will flourish, but Blacklock’s is altogether an extraordinary case we have not even tertns by which we can intelligibly discuss his merits, and we may conclude with Denina in his Discorso della Literatura, that Blacklock will appear to posterity a fable, as to us he is a prodigy. It will be thought a fiction, a paradox, that a man blind from his infancy, besides having made himself so much a master of various foreign languages, should be a great poet in his own and without having hardly ever seen the light, should be so remarkably happy in description.
edit. About this time, also, he obtained Mr. Benson’s gold prize medal of Milton, for verses on that poet. Thus, before he quitted school, his genius received public
In this excellent seminary he applied himself to every branch of youthful education, with the same assiduity which accompanied his studies through life. His talents and industry rendered him the favourite of his masters, who encouraged and assisted him with the utmost attention; so that at the age of fifteen he was at the head of the school, and, although so young, was thought well qualified to be removed to the university and he was accordingly entered a commoner at Pembroke college, Oxford, ISov. 30, 1738, and was the next day matriculated. At this time he was elected to one of the Charter-house exhibitions, by the governors of that foundation, to commence from the Michaelmas preceding, but was permitted to continue a scholar there till after the 12th of December, being the anniversary commemoration of the founder, to give him an opportunity of speaking the customary oration, which he had prepared, and which did him much credit. About this time, also, he obtained Mr. Benson’s gold prize medal of Milton, for verses on that poet. Thus, before he quitted school, his genius received public marks of approbation and reward; and so well pleased was the society of Pembroke college with their young pupil, that, in the February following, they unanimously elected him to one of lady Holford’s exhibitions for Charter-house scholars in that house.
iad as a gamester, for what reason cannot now be ascertained. He was uncle to Collins the celebrated poet, to whom he left an estate, which poor Collins did not get possession
, of Albro'-hatch, in the county of
Essex, was early in life an officer in the army, bearing the
commission of lieutenant-colonel in queen Anne’s reign,
under the great duke of Marlborough. In 1714, he was
made comptroller of the. Mint, and in 1717, one of the
lords commissioners of trade and plantations. In the same
year he was appointed envoy extraordinary to the court of
Spain, but declined it, and retained the office he held
until his death, Feb. 14, 1746. He satin the fifth, sixth,
and seventh parliaments of Great Britain for Stockbridge,
in the eighth for Maiden, and in the ninth for Portsmouth.
Coxeter hints that he was secretary of state for Ireland,
but this is doubtful. He wrote two very indifferent dramatic pieces, “Orpheus and Euridice,
” and “Solon
” which
were printed in
, a Scotch divine and poet, was the eldest son of the rev. David Blair, one of the ministers
, a Scotch divine and poet, was the
eldest son of the rev. David Blair, one of the ministers
of Edinburgh, and chaplain to the king. His grandfather
was the rev. Robert Blair, sometime minister of the gospel
at Bangor, in Ireland, and afterward at St. Andrew’s, in
Scotland. Of this gentleman, some “Memoirs,
” partly
taken from his manuscript diaries, were published at Edinburgh, in 1754. He was celebrated for his piety, and by
those of his persuasion, for his inflexible adherence to
presbyterianism, in opposition to the endeavours made in
his time to establish episcopacy in Scotland. It is recorded
also that he wrote some poems. His grandson, the object
of the present article, was born in the year 1699, and
after the usual preparatory studies, was ordained minister
of Athelstaneford, in the county of East Lothian, where
he resided until his death, Feb. 4, 1747. The late right
hon. Robert Blair, president of the court of session in.
Scotland, who died in 1811, was one of his sons, and the
late celebrated Dr. Hugh Blair, professor of rhetoric and
belles-lettres, was his cousin.
, a German poet, was born at Rathenau, in the March of Brandenburgh, Nov. 17,
, a German poet, was born
at Rathenau, in the March of Brandenburgh, Nov. 17,
1739. He studied at Brandenburgh, Berlin, and Francfort on the Oder, and appears to have been intended either
for the church or the bar, but preferred philosophy and
polite literature, which he cultivated with success, under
Ramler and Alexander Baumgarten, and afterwards devoted himself to a retired life in his own country. His
first publication, “Lyric Poems,
” published at Berlin in
” moral and
critical, and a “Dictionary of German proverbs,
” Leipsic,
him, all contributed, with his natural bent, to decide irrevocably that he should be a scholar and a poet. On his return to Naples, after a residence of two years with
At Florence, as at Paris, Boccaccio’s time was divided
between mercantile employment, to which he had a
fixed dislike, and his taste for literature, which he contrived to indulge whenever possible. This became more
easy at Naples, where his father had sent him in 1333, that
he might be detached entirely from his studies, and acquire a zest for commercial pursuits; but here, during a
residence of eight years, instead of giving his company
only to merchants, he formed an acquaintance with the
most eminent men of letters, both Neapolitans and Florentines, who lived there under the liberal patronage of
king Robert. There is no reason, however, to suppose
that Boccaccio profited by this monarch’s bounty, but he
appears to have acquired the good graces of one of the
king’s natural daughters, a married lady, for whom he
composed several pieces both in prose and verse, and whom,
he often mentions un ier the name of Fiammetta. Generally
admired for his personal accomplishments, wit, and. spirit,
and happy in his attachment to a king’s daughter, it is not
very surprising that the fulfilment of his father’s wishes
as to trade should become more and more difficult. The
taste which his mistress had for poetry, his acquaintance
with men of letters, the deep impression made on his
mind by an accidental view of Virgil’s tomb, the presence
of the celebrated Petrarch, who was received with the
highest distinction at the court of Naples, in 1341, and
who was about to receive the same honours at Rome,
and the acquaintance Boccaccio had formed with him,
all contributed, with his natural bent, to decide irrevocably that he should be a scholar and a poet. On his
return to Naples, after a residence of two years with his
father at Florence, he was favourably received by the
queen, who now reigned in the room of her deceased husband, and it is said that it was to please her, as well as
his beloved Fiammetta, that he began to write the “Decameron,
” which unquestionably places him. in the first
rank of Italian prose writers. In the mean time, his father
finding it impossible to resist his inclination for literature,
ceased to urge him more on the subject of trade, and only
conditioned with him that he should study the canon law.
Boccaccio endeavoured to please him, but found the Decretals worse than the ledger and the day-book, and returned
with fresh ardour to the muses and the classics, studying
to acquire a purer Latin style than hitherto, and to add
t& his treasures a knowledge of the Greek. This he learned
partly in Calabria, where he frequently went, or in Naples,
where he had formed an intimacy with Paul of Perugia,
an able Greek grammarian, and librarian to king Robert.
He studied also mathematics, astronomy, or rather astrology, under a celebrated Genoese, Andelone del Nero,
and even paid some attention to the outlines of theology,
but it does not appear that he went much farther.
ks, and inew them almost by heart . The Florentines, who had persecuted and banished that celebrated poet, were now disposed to make some reparation, by instituting,
While at Certaldo, he was not forgot. The high character he had already attained induced the republic of Florence to send him on two embassies to pope Urban V. which he accomplished to their satisfaction, but after his return to Certaldo, he experienced a long illness, which left a great degree of langour and dejection. Recovering, however, from this, he took upon him an employment peculiarly gratifying to him in every respect. He had always been a great admirer of Dante, had often copied his works, and inew them almost by heart . The Florentines, who had persecuted and banished that celebrated poet, were now disposed to make some reparation, by instituting, by a decree of the senate, a professorship for lectures on his poems, and Boccaccio was appointed to this new chair. How much he was delighted in an employment, not only highly honourable, but congenial to his habits, may easily be conceived. The pains he took, however, retarded his recovery from his late illness, and the death of Petrarch, of which he was at this time informed, appears tohave'hastened his own. He became more and more weak, and did not survive his illustrious friend and master above a year, dying at Certaldo, Dec. 21, 1375. He was buried there in the church of St. James and St. Philip, and the following inscription, written by himself, was engraven on his tomb
ero of which is young Troilus, the son of Priam, and the subject, his amours with Chryseis, whom the poet does not make the daughter of Chryses, but of Calchas. Of this
The predominant passion of Boccaccio, in youth, was
the love of pleasure tempered by that of study; as he advanced in age, study became his sole delight. He had no
ambition either for rank or fortune. The public employments confided to him came unasked, and when he could
lay them down, he did so. He was equally averse to any
domestic employments which were likely to take up much
of his time, and would accept of no private tutorships,
which so often eventually promote a man’s interest. His
character was frank and open, but not without a degree of
pride, which, however, particularly when he was in low
circumstances, kept him from mean compliances. With
respect to his talents, it is eviuent that he had always made
a false estimate of them he had the fullest confidence in
his poetical powers, yet nothing he wrote in verse rises
above mediocrity, and many of his prose Italian writings
desefve no higher praise. He is superior and inimitable
only in his tales, on which he did not pride himself, nor indeed set any value. He fell into the same error with his
master Petrarch in supposing that his serious Latin works
would be the source of his fame, which he owes entirely
to his Tales, as Petrarch owes his to his love-verses. All
his Latin writings are crude and hasty. * In them, says Paul
Cortesius, “he labours with thought, and struggles to give
it utterance but his sentiments find no adequate vehicle,
and the lustre of his native talents is obscured by the depraved taste of the times.
” In his youth, he was flattered
as having obtained the second place in poetry, his
admiration for Dante not permitting him to aspire to the
first, and the sonnets of Petrarch were not yet known. It
is to his honour, however, that as soon us he saw the latter,
he threw into the fire the greater part of his lyric compositions, sonnets, canzoni, &e. and seems to have determined
to apply himself entirely to the perfection of Italian prose,
in which it must be confessed he has succeeded admirably.
As a recent event has rendered some of Boccaccio’s
writings an object, of research among collectors, we shall
enter somewhat more fully than is usual into a detail of
their editions. Among his Latin works, we have, 1. “De
genealogia Deorum lib. XV. De montium, sylvarum, lucuum, fluviorum, stagnorum, et marium nominibus, liber.
These two were first printed together in folio without date,
but supposed to be at Venice, and. anterior to 1472, in
which year appeared the second edition, at Venice, with
that date. The third was published at the same place in
1473, and followed by others at Reggio, Vincenza, Venice, Paris, and Basle, which last, in 1532, is accompanied with notes and supplements. This account of the genealogy of the Gods, or the heathen mythology, must have
been the fruit of immense reading, and as no information
on the subject existed then, a high value was placed on it,
although it has been since superseded by more recent and
accurate works. He has been very unjustly accused of
quoting authors no where else to be found, as if he had invented their names, but it is surely more reasonable to
think they might be known in his days, although their memory has since perished, or that he might have been himself deceived. This same work, translated into Italian by
Joseph Betussi, has gone through twelve or thirteen edi-.
tions, the first, of Venice, 1547, 4to. There are -also
two French translations, the first anonymous, Paris, 1498,
fol. and 1531, also in fol. the second by Claude Wittard,
Paris, 1578, 8vo. The lesser book, or Dictionary of the
names of mountains, forests, &c. was also translated into
Italian by Niccolo Liburnio, and printed in 4to. without
date or place, but there is a second edition at Florence,
1598, 8vo. 2. “De casibus Virorum et Foeminarum illustrium libri IX.
” Paris, 1535, 1544, fol. and at Vincenza
the same year translated into Italian by Betussi, Venice,
1545, 8vo, and often reprinted. But there must have been
an edition long previous to the oldest of these, as we find it
translated into English in 1494, by John Lydgate, monk of
Edmundsbury, at the commandment of Humphrey duke of
Gloucester, under the title of “John Boccace of the Fall
of Princes and Princesses .
” It has likewise been translated and often reprinted in French, Spanish, and German. The first of the Spanish translations is dated Seville,
1495, and the first of the French was printed at Bruges in
1476, folio, then at Paris, 1483, at Lyons the same
year, and again at Paris in 1494, 1515, folio, and 1578,
8vo. 3. “De claris Mulieribus.
” The first edition of this
is without place or date, in the black letter the second is
that of Ulm, 1473, fol. followed by those of Louvain and
Berne from 1484 to 1539. Of this work the Italians have
two translations, one by Vincent Bagli, a Florentine, Venice, 1506, 4to; the other by Betussi, who prefixed a life
of Boccaccio, Venice, 1545, and 1547, 8vo. The first
edition of the Spanish translation is dated Seville, 1528,
fol. That of the German translation is dated Augsburgh,
1471, and was followed by one at Ulm, 1473, 4to. The
French have two translations, the oldest 1493, fol. 4.
” sixteen in number, and printed with those of
Virgil, Calphurnius, &c. Florence, 1504, 8vo. They are
also inserted in the “Bucolicorum auctorcs,
” Basil, La Teseide,
” the
first attempt at an epic in Italian, and written in the ottava
rima, or heroic verse, of which Boccaccio is considered as
the inventor; printed at Ferrara, 1475, fol. Venice, 1528,
4to, and translated into French, 1597, 12mo. 6. “Amorosa visione,
” Milan, II Filastrato,
” a poetical romance in heroic verse, the hero of
which is young Troilus, the son of Priam, and the subject,
his amours with Chryseis, whom the poet does not make
the daughter of Chryses, but of Calchas. Of this there are
four editions Bologna, 1498, 4to, Milan, 1499, 4to, Venice 1501 and 1528, 4to. 8. “Nimfale Fiesolano.
” It is
thought that in this poem Boccaccio has concealed, under
the disguise of a pastoral fiction, an amorous adventure
which happened in his time in the environs of Florence.
The first edition is in 4to. without place or date; the second is of Venice 1477, and was followed by many others
at Venice and Florence, and one recently of Paris, 1778,
12mo. It was translated into French by Anthony Guercin
du Crest, and printed at Lyons, 1556, 16mo. 9. “Rime,
or miscellaneous poems. We have noticed that he burned
the greater part of his minor poems, but those which were
dispersed in manuscript in various hands, have been often
collected, and the publication of them announced. M.
Baldelli, who has since, in 1806, published a good life of
Boccaccio, collected all of these poems he could find, and
printed them at Leghorn, 1802, 8vo.
65O, 8vo, and die whole was translated and published in English, tinder the inspection of Hughes the poet, 1705, lol. 2. “Pietra del Paragone politico,” Cosmopoli (Amsterdam),
, a satirical wit, was born at Loretto in 1556, the son of an architect of a Roman family,
about the beginning of the seventeenth century. The
method he took to indulge his turn for satire, or rather
plot of his publications, was the idea that Apollo, holding
his courts Oh Parnassus, heard the complaints of the wholeworld, and gave judgment as the case required. He was
received into the academies of Italy, where he gained
great applause by his political discourses, and his elegant
criticisms. The cardinals Borghese and Cajetan having
declared themselves his patrons, he published his “News
from Parnassus/' and
” Apollo’s Secretary,“a continuation which being well received, he proceeded further,
and printed his
” Pietra di Paragone“wherein he attacks
the court of Spain, setting forth their designs against the
liberty of Italy, and inveighing particularly against themfor the tyranny they exercised in the kingdom of Naples.
The Spaniards complained of him in form, and were determined at any rate to be revenged. Boccalini was
frightened, and retired to Venice. Some time after he
was murdered in a surprising manner. He lodged with
one of his friends, who having got up early one morning,
left Boccalini in bed; when a minute after four armed men
entered his chamber, and gave him so many blows with
bags full of sand that they left him for dead so that his
friend, upon his return, found him unable to utter one
word. Great search was made at Venice for the authors
of this murder and though they were never discovered,
yet it was universally believed that they were set to work.
by the court of Spain. This story, however, has been
called in question by Mazzuchelli, and seems indeed
highly improbable at least it can by no means stand upon
its present foundation. His attacking the court of Spain
in his
” Pietra di Paragone,“is said to have been the
cause of his murder but another cause, if he really was
murdered, must be sought, for he died, by whatever means,
Nov. 10, 1613, and the
” Pietra“was not published until
two years after that event. It appears likewise from one
of his letters, that he had kept the manuscript a profound
secret, communicating it only to one confidential frienc!, to
whom the above letter was written. Besides, the register
of the parish in which he died, mentions that on Nov. 10,
1613, the signor Trajan Boccalini died at the age of fiftyseven, of a cholic accompanied with a fever. Apostolo
Zeno, vrho mentions this circumstance in his notes on Fontanini’s
” Italian Library,“adds, that in a speech publicly
delivered at Venice in 1<320, in defence of Trissino, whom.
Boccalini had attacked, ample mention rs made of him,
who had then been dead seven years, and in terms of severe censure; but not a word was said of his assassination,
which could not have then been a secret, nor could there
be any reason for concealing it. If indeed he suffered in
the manner reported, it formed an exact counterpart of
what he records to have happened to Euclid the mathematician. Euclid had demonstrated, as a mathematical problem, that all the lines both of princes’
” and private men’s
thoughts meet in one centre namely, to pick money out
of other men’s pockets and put it into their own and for
this he was attacked by some of his hearers who beat him
with sand-bags and perhaps, as a foundation for the story,
some of Boccalini’s readers may have said that he ought to
have been punished in the same manner. Boccal'mi’s works
are: 1. “Itagguagli di Parnaso, centuria prima,
” Venice,
Centuria secxinda,
” ibid. Pietra del Paragone politico,
” Cosmopoli (Amsterdam), political
” bears hard on the Spanish monarchy, and may
be considered as a supplement to his “News from Parnassus.
” 3. “Commentari sopra Cornelio Tacito,
” Geneva,
La Bilancia politica di tutte le opere di Trajano Boccalini,
” &c. with notes
and observations by the chevalier Louis du May, at Castellana, 167S, 3 vols. 4to. The first two volumes of this
scarce work contain the Tacitus, on which the annotator,
not content with being very free in his religious opinions,
takes some extraordinary liberties with the text, and therefore they were soon inserted in the Index Expurgatorius.
They contain, however, many curious facts which tend to
illustrate the political affairs of the time. The third volume
is filled with political and historical letters, collected hy
Gregorio Leti but although these are signed with Boccalini’s name, they are supposed to have been written by his
son, and by the editor Leti, a man not very scrupulous in
impositions of this kind. 6. “La Segretaria d'Apollo,
Amst. Ragguagli,
” very much in Boccalini’s manner, but most probably we owe it to the success of his acknowledged works.
, or Bochius, a Latin poet, was born at Brussels July 27, 1555, and became so eminent for
, or Bochius, a Latin poet, was born
at Brussels July 27, 1555, and became so eminent for his
poetry, as to be called the Belgic Virgil. Having attached himself to cardinal Radzevil, he studied theology
for some time, under the tuition of Bellarmin, afterwards
the celebrated cardinal. He then travelled in Italy, Poland, Livonia, Russia, and other countries. The only memorable event that his biographers have recorded of these
travels, is, that in his way to Moscow his feet were frozen,
and he was thinking of submitting to amputation, when the
place where he stopped happening to be surprized by the
enemy, he recovered his feet in a most surprising manner,
and escaped the danger of losing either them or his liberty.
On his return home, he devoted his time to his literary
pursuits, especially poetry, and died Jan. 13, 1609. He
has left the following pieces 1. “De Belgii principatu.
2. “Parodia heroica Psahnorum Davidicorum.
” 3. “Observationes physicae, ethicae, politics, et historical, in Psalmos.
” 4. “Vita Davidis.
” 5. “Orationes.
” 6. “Poe'mata, &.C.
” these poetical pieces, consisting of epigrams,
elegies, &c. were collected and printed at Cologne, in
1615, with the addition of some poems by his son, a promising youth, who died in Calabria. It must not be omitted
that Booh wrote the verses under the cuts of Verstegan’s
absurd book against queen Elizabeth, entitled “Theatrum
crudelitatum Hereticorum nostri temporis,
” a sort of popish
refinement of German taste and style but Bodmer reached his fiftieth year before he became himself a poet. He had hitherto been terrified at the restraint which rhime
In 1737 he was elected a member of the grand council
of Zurich, but this excited no ambition. Having lost his
children, he refused every kind of civil promotion, and
took as much pains to avoid as others do to procure such
honours. His object was to reform the taste of his country,
and with this view, for many years all his writings were of
the didactic and critical kind. In 1721 he and Breitinger
made their first appearance in the republic of letters, by a
periodical paper, in the manner of the English Spectator,
to which they gave the title of the “Painter of Manners,
and which contributed in a very great degree to the reformation of style. This was followed by many other works,
which procured Bodmer the high character of the restorer
of the German language, criticism, and poetry. He published also various pieces relative to the history of Swisserland, the greater part of which appeared in the Helvetic
Bibliotheque, and have since been inserted in the supplement of Lauffer’s history of Swisserland. In 1748 and
1758, he and his former colleague Breitinger re-published
many pieces of German poetry of the thirteenth century:
Bodmer also translated some old English ballads, and published the poetry of Opitz with critical remarks. All these
contributed essentially to the refinement of German taste
and style but Bodmer reached his fiftieth year before he
became himself a poet. He had hitherto been terrified at
the restraint which rhime imposes, and made no attempt
of the kind, until Klopstock, by introducing hexameters,
opened the way to ease and variety. Bodmer had studied
Milton and Klopstock, and as he was the son of a clergyman, and once destined for the church, this, and a desire
to tread in the steps of these illustrious predecessors, determined him to choose a subject from the Bible. Perhaps, says his biographer, his creative powers suggested
to him the patriarchs instead of the Achilleses and Æncases.
Hitherto his pen had not touched on a national subject, nor
could he find any creative fund in national history. Animated therefore by the genius of Milton, he ventured to
write an epic in an age in which the poetic fire appeared to
be extinguished. His hero was Noah, who having survived the destruction of the first, became the father of a
new race of men. Bodmer, by charging this new generation with the crimes of all ages, rendered his poem at
once moral and political, and, under the title of the “Noachide,
” it was printed at Zurich,
, count of Scandiano, an Italian poet, was born at the castle of Scandiano, near Reggio in Lombardy,
, count of Scandiano, an
Italian poet, was born at the castle of Scandiano, near
Reggio in Lombardy, about the year 1434. He studied at
the university of Ferrara, and remained in that city the
greater part of his life, attached to the ducal court. He
was particularly in great favour with the duke Borso and
Hercules I. his successor. He accompanied Borso in a
journey to Rome in 1471, and the year following was selected by Hercules to escort to Ferrara, Eleonora of Aragon, his future duchess. In 1481 he was appointed governor of Reggio, and was also captain-general of Modena.
He died at Reggio, Dec. 20, 1494. He was one of the
most learned and accomplished men of his time, a very
distinguished Greek and Latin scholar, and at a time when
Italian poetry was in credit, one of those poets who added
to the reputation of his age and country. He translated
Herodotus from the Greek into Italian, and Apuleius from
the Latin. He wrote also Latin poetry, as his “Carmen
” eight eclogues in hexameters, dedicated to
duke Hercules I. Reggio, 1500, 4 to Venice, 1528; and
in Italian, “Sonetti e Canzoni,
” Reggio, Timon,
” taken from a dialogue of Lucian, which
may be accounted the first comedy written in Italian. The
first edition of it, according to Tiraboschi, was that printed
at Scandiano, 1500, 4to. The one, without a date, in
8vo, he thinks was the second. It was afterwards reprinted
at Venice, 1504, 1515, and 1517, 8vo. But Boiardo is
principally known by his epic romance of “Orlando Innamorato,
” of which the celebrated poem of Ariosto is not
only an imitation, but a continuation. Of this work, he did
not live to complete the third book, nor is it probable that
any part of it had the advantage of his last corrections, yet
it is justly regarded as exhibiting, upon the whole, a
warmth of imagination, and a vivacity of colouring, which
rendered it highly interesting: nor is it, perhaps, without
reason, that the simplicity of the original has occasioned
it to be preferred to the same work, as altered or reformed
by Francesco Berni (See Brrni). The “Orlando Innamorato
” was first printed at Scandiano, about the year
, an eminent French poet, usually called by his countrymen Despreaux, was born on November
, an eminent French
poet, usually called by his countrymen Despreaux, was
born on November 1, 1636. His parents were Gilles
Boileau, register of the great chamber, and Ann de Nielle,
his second wife; but it is uncertain whether he was born
at Paris or Crone. In his early years, he was the reverse
of those infantine prodigies who often in mature age scarcely
attain to mediocrity; on the contrary, he was heavy and
taciturn; nor was his taciturnity of that observing kind
which denotes sly mischief at the bottom, but the downright barren taciturnity of insipid good-nature. His father,
on comparing him with his other children, used to say,
“as for this, he is a good-tempered fellow, who will never
speak ill of any one.
” In his infancy, however, he ap“pears to have been of a very tender constitution, and is
said to have undergone the operation for the stone at the
age of eight. Through compliance with the wishes of his
family, he commenced with being a counsellor; but the
tlryness of the Code and Digest soon disgusted him with
this profession, which, his eulogist thinks, was a loss to
the bar. When M. Dongois, his brother-in-law, register
of parliament, took him to his house in order to form him
to the style of business, he had a decree to draw up in an
important cause, which he composed with enthusiasm,
while he dictated it to Boileau with an emphasis which
shewed how much he was satisfied with the sublimity of
his work; but when he had finished, he perceived that
Boileau was fallen asleep, after having written but few
words. Transported with anger, he sent him back to his
father, assuring him he
” would be nothing but a blockhead all the rest of his life." After this he began to study
scholastic divinity, which was still less suited to his taste,
and at length he became what he himself wished to be a
Poet; and, as if to belie, at setting out, his father’s prediction, he commenced at the age of thirty, with satire,
which let loose against him the crowd of writers whom he
the reputation of frankness he had acquired, which served as a passport to those applauses which the poet seemed to bestow in spite of his nature; and he was particularly
Boileau knew how to procure a still more powerful protection at court than the duke de Montausier’s, that of
Lewis XIV. himself. He lavished upon this monarch
praises the more flattering, as they appeared dictated by
the public voice, and merely the sincere and warm expression of the nation’s intoxication with respect to its
king. To add value to his homage, the artful satirist had
the address to make his advantage of the reputation of
frankness he had acquired, which served as a passport to
those applauses which the poet seemed to bestow in spite
of his nature; and he was particularly attentive, while bestowing praises on all those whose interest might either
support or injure him, to reserve the first place, beyond
comparison, for the monarch. Among other instances,
he valued himself, as upon a great stroke of policy, for
having contrived to place Monsieur, the king’s brother,
by the side of the king himself, in his verses, without hazard of wounding the jealousy of majesty; and for having
celebrated the conqueror of Cassel more feebly than the
subduer of Flanders. He had however the art, or more
properly the merit, along with his inundation of praises,
to convey some useful lessons to the sovereign. Lewis
XIV. as yet young and greedy of renown, which he mistook for real glory, was making preparations for war with
Holland. Colbert, who knew how fatal to the people is
the most glorious war, wished to divert the king from his
design. He engaged Boileau to second his persuasions,
by addressing to Lewis his first epistle, in which te proves
that a king’s true greatness consists in rendering his subjects happy, by securing them the blessings of peace. But
although this epistle did not answer the intentions of the
minister or the poet, yet so much attention to please the
monarch, joined to such excellence, did not remain unrecompensed. Boileau was loaded with the king’s favour,
admitted at court, and named, in conjunction with Racine,
royal historiographer. The two poets seemed closely occupied in writing the history of their patron; they even
read several passages of it to the king; but they abstained
from giving any of it to the public, in the persuasion that
the history of sovereigns, even the most worthy of eulogy,
cannot be written during their lives, without running the risk
either of losing reputation by flattery, or incurring hazard
by truth. It was with repugnance that Boileau had undertaken an office so little suited to his talents and his
taste. “When I exercised,
” said he, “the trade of a
satirist, which I understood pretty well, I was overwhelmed
with insults and menaces, and I am now dearly paid for
exercising that of historiographer, which I do not understand at all/' Indeed,
” far from being dazzled by the favour he enjoyed, he rather felt it as an incumbrance. He
often said, that the first sensation his fortune at court inspired in him, was a feeling of melancholy. He thought
the bounty of his sovereign purchased too dearly by the
Joss of liberty a blessing so intrinsically valuable, which
all the empty and fugitive enjoyments of vanity are unable to compensate in the eyes of a philosopher. Boileau
endeavoured by degrees to recover this darling liberty, in
proportion as age seemed to permit the attempt; and for
the last ten or twelve years of his life he entirely dropped
his visits to court. “What should I do there?
” said he,
“I can praise no longer.
” He might, however, have
found as much matter for his applauses as when he lavished
them without the least reserve. While he attended at
court^ he maintained a freedom and frankness of speech,
especially on topics of literature, which are not common
among courtiers. When Lewis asked his opinion of some
verses which he had written, he replied, “Nothing,
sire, is impossible to your majesty; you wished to make
bad verses, and you have succeeded.
” He also took
part with the persecuted members of the Port-royal; and
when one of the courtiers declared that the king was
making diligent search after the celebrated Arnauld, in
order to put him in the Bastile, Boileau observed, “His
majesty is too fortunate; he will not find him:
” and when
the king asked him, what was the reason why the whole
world was running after a preacher named le Tourneux, a
disciple of Arnauld, “Your majesty,
” he replied, “knows
how fond people are of novelty: this is a minister who
preaches the gospel.
” Boileau appears from various circumstances, to have been no great friend to the Jesuits,
whom he offended by his “Epistle on the Love of God,
and by many free speeches. By royal favour, he was admitted unanimously, in 1684, into the French academy,
with which he had made very free in his epigrams; and
he was also associated to the new academy of inscriptions
and belles-lettres, of which he appeared to be a fit rnember, by his “Translation of Longinus on the Sublime.
To science, with which he had little acquaintance, he
rendered, however, important service by his burlesque
“Arret in favour of the university, against an unknown
personage called Reason,
” which was the means of preventing the establishment of a plan of intolerance in matters of philosophy. His attachment to the ancients, as
the true models of literary taste and excellence, occasioned
a controversy between him and Perrault concerning the
comparative merit of the ancients and moderns, which was
prosecuted for some time by epigrams and mutual reproaches, till at length the public began to be tired with
their disputes, and a reconciliation was effected by the
good offices of their common friends. This controversy
laid the foundation of a lasting enmity between Boileau
and Fontenelle, who inclined to the party of Perrault.
Boileau, however, did not maintain his opinion with the
pedantic extravagance of the Daciers; but he happily
exercised his wit on the misrepresentations of the noted
characters of antiquity, by the fashionable romances of the
time, in his dialogue entitled “The Heroes of Romance,
composed in the manner of Lucian. In opposition to the
absurd opinions of father Hardouin, that most of the classical productions of ancient Rome had been written by the
monks of the thirteenth century, Boileau pleasantly remarks, “I know nothing of all that; but though I am not
very partial to the monks, I should not have been sorry
to have lived with friar Tibullus, friar Juvenal, Dom Virgil, Dom Cicero, and such kind of folk.
” After the death
of Racine, Boileau very much retired from court; induced
partly by his love of liberty and independence, and partly
by his dislike of that adulation which was expected, and
for which the dose of Lewis’s reign afforded more scanty
materials than its commencement. Separated in a great
degree from society, he indulged that austere and misanthropical disposition, from which he was never wholly
exempt. His conversation, however, was more mild and
gentle than his writings; and, as he used to say of himself, without “nails or claws,
” it was enlivened by occasional sallies of pleasantry, and rendered instructive by
judicious opinions of authors and their works. He was religious without bigotry; and he abhorred fanaticism and
hypocrisy. His circumstances were easy; and his prudent economy has been charged by some with degenerating
into avarice. Instances, however, occur of his liberality
and beneficence. At the death of Colbert, the pension
which he had given to the poet Corneille was suppressed,
though he was poor, old, infirm, and dying. Boileau interceded with the king for the restoration of it, and offered
to transfer his own to Corneille, telling the monarch that
he should be ashamed to receive his bounty while such a
man was in want of it. He also bought, at an advanced
price, the library of Patru, reduced in his circumstances,
and left him in the possession of it till his death. He gave to
the poor all the revenues he had received for eight years
from a benefice he had enjoyed without performing the
duties of it. To indigent men of letters his purse was
always open; and at his death he bequeathed almost all
his possessions to the poor. Upon the whole, his temper,
though naturally austere, was on many occasions kind and
benevolent, so that it has been said of him, that he was
“cruel only in verse;
” and his general character was
distinguished by worth and integrity, with some alloys of
literary jealousy and injustice. Boileau died of a dropsy
in the breast, March 11, 1711, and by his will left almost
all his property to the poor. His funeral was attended by
a very numerous company, which gave a woman of the
lower class occasion to say, “He had many friends then I
yet they say that he spoke ill of every body.
Boileau 1 s character as a poet is now generally allowed to be that of taste, judgment, and
Boileau 1 s character as a poet is now generally allowed
to be that of taste, judgment, and good sense, which predominate in the best of his works as they do in the most
popular of Pope’s writings. The resemblance between
these two poets is in many respects very striking, and in
one respect continues to be so; they are, in France and
England, more read and oftener quoted than any other
poets. Both were accused of stealing from the ancients;
but says an elegant critic of our nation, those who flattered themselves that they should diminish the reputation
of Boileau, by printing, in the manner of a commentary
at the bottom of each page of his works, the many lines he
has borrowed from Horace and Juvenal, were grossly deceived. The verses of the ancients which he has turned
into French with so much address, and which he has happily made so homogeneous, and of a piece with the rest of
the work, that every thing seems to have been conceived
in a continued train of thought by the very same person,
confer as much honour on him, as the verses which are
purely his own. The original turn which he gives to his
translations, the boldness of his expressions, so little forced
and unnatural, that they seem to be born, as it were, with
his thoughts, display almost as much invention as the first
production of a thought entirely new. The same critic,
Dr. Warton, is of opinion that Boileau’s “Art of Poetry
is the best composition of that kind extant. “The brevity
of his precepts,
” says this writer, “enlivened by proper
imagery, the justness of his metaphors, the harmony of
his numbers, as far as alexandrine lines will admit, the
exactness of his method, the perspicuity of his remarks,
and the energy of his style, all duly considered, may render this opinion not unreasonable. It is to this work he
owes his immortality, which was of the highest utility to
his nation, in diffusing a just way of thinking and writing,
banishing every species of false wit, and introducing a
general taste for the manly simplicity of the ancients, on
whose writings this poet had formed his taste.
buried. This epitaph gave occasion to some verses by Pope, which appear in Uuff'head’s life of that poet, and were communicated to the author by the hon. Mr. Yorke,
, dean of Carlisle, was born in London in April 1697, and was the only surviving child of Mr. John Bolton, a merchant in that city, whom he lost when he was but three years old. He was first educated in a school at Kensington, and was admitted a commoner at Wadham college, Oxford, April 12, 1712. He was afterwards elected a scholar of that house, where he took his degree of B. A. in 1715, and of M. A. June 13, 1718, expecting to be elected fellow in his turn; but in this he was disappointed, and appealed, without success, to the bishop of Bath and Wells, the visitor. In July 1719 he removed to Hart Hall; and on the 20th December following, was ordained a deacon, in the cathedral church of St. Paul, by Dr. John Robinson, bishop of London. He then went to reside at Fulham, and seems to have passed two years there: for he was ordained priest by the same bishop in the chapel of Fulham palace, April 11, 1721. While at Fulham he became acquainted with Mrs. Grace Butler of Rowdell in Sussex, on whose daughter Elizabeth he wrote an epitaph, which is placed in Twickenham church-yard, where she was buried. This epitaph gave occasion to some verses by Pope, which appear in Uuff'head’s life of that poet, and were communicated to the author by the hon. Mr. Yorke, who probably did not know that they first appeared in the Prompter, a periodical paper, No. VIII. and afterwards in the works of Aaron Hill, who by mistake ascribes the character of Mrs. Butler to Pope.
, a distinguished Latin scholar and poet, was born at Perugia in 1555, became a disciple of the celebrated
, a distinguished Latin scholar and poet, was born at Perugia in 1555, became
a disciple of the celebrated Muretus, and afterwards principal teacher of the schools of Perugia. He appears next
to have been professor of eloquence at Bononia, keeper
of the Ambrosian library, and professor of rhetoric at Pisa,
where he had the misfortune to lose his sight. During his
career of teaching, his father, who was a poor shoemaker,
having lost his wife, had an inclination to join the society
of the Jesuits, and lest he should be rejected for his ignorance of Latin, became one of his son’s scholars, and made
very considerable proficiency. Bonciarius died Jan. 9,
1616, leaving many works, which are very scarce, except
his Latin Grammar, which, being adopted in the schools,
was frequently reprinted. His “Epistolse
” were first
printed in Carmina Poetarum Italorum,
” Florence,
, an eminent Italian lawyer, poet, and historian, was born in 1547, at Rovigo in the state of
, an eminent Italian lawyer, poet,
and historian, was born in 1547, at Rovigo in the state of
Venice, and educated at Padua, where, during his lawstudies, he composed some pieces for the theatre which
were much approved. After marrying at Trevisa, or Trevigni, Elizabeth Martinagi, the daughter and heiress of
Marc Antonio, he settled in that place, of which he wrote
the history, and acquired so much reputation that the republic of Venice bestowed on him the office of judge’s
counsellor or assessor, the duties of which he executed
with great probity; and during his holding it wrote his
law tracts. In 1588, he published his commentary on the
feudal law of Venice. After the death of his wife, he
married a lady of Padua, where he was admitted to the
rank of citizenship, and where he resided for the remainder of his life. He died June 23, 1635, at a very advanced age, and was buried in the church of St. James,
with a modest inscription written by himself in 1630. His
principal writings are, 1. “Storia Trevigiana,
” Trevisi,
Letiere Famigliari,
” Rovigo, Orazione
&c. per dirizzare una Statua a Celio Ricchiero Rodigino,
ibid. Lezione sopra im Sonetto del Petrarca,
” ibid. Lezione sopra un altro Sonetto del Petrarca,
” ibid. L'arte de
” Vicenza, Discorso del modo
di ben formare a questo tempo una Tragedia,
” Padua,
Discorso sopra la sua Impresa neli'
Accademia Filarmonica,
” ibid. La Re^
publica delle Api, con la quale si dimostra il modo di ben
formare un nuovo Governo Democratico,
” Rovigo, 1627,
4to. 10. “Comentario sopra la legge dell' Senato Veneta,
” ibid. Comment,
de Furtis, et de componendis Epitaphiis,
” but without
giving the exact titles or dates.
, or Bonnefonius, a Latin poet, was born in 1554, at Clermont in Auvergne, and rilled the post
, or Bonnefonius, a Latin poet,
was born in 1554, at Clermont in Auvergne, and rilled the
post of lieutenant-general of Bar-sur-Seine. His “Paricharis,
” in the style of Catullus, is of all modern performances, the nearest to the graces, the easy pencil, the
delicacy and softness of that ancient poet. La Bergerie
has translated the Pancharis into French verse, very inferior to the Latin. The poems of Bonnefons are at the end
of those of Beza, in the edition of that author given at
Paris by Barbou, 1757, 12mo. There is also one of
London, 1720 and 1727, 12mo. Bonnefons died in 1614,
leaving a son, who likewise cultivated Latin poetry, but
his performances, enumerated by Moreri, are in less request.
ted school at Headley, near Leatherhead in Surrey, where he had at one time the honour of having the poet Fenton for his usher, and Bowyer (who was afterwards the learned
, a nonjuring clergyman of great piety and learning, son of the rev. John Bonwicke, rector of Mickleham in Surrey, was born April 29, 1G52, and educated at Merchant Taylors school. Thence he was elected to St. John’s college, Oxford, in 1668, where he was appointed librarian in 1670; B.A. 1673; M. A. March 18, 1675; was ordained deacon May 21, 1676; priest, June 6 (Trinity Sunday), 1680; proceeded B. D. July 21, 1682; and was elected master of Merchant Taylors school June 9, 1686. In 1689, the college of St. John’s petitioned the Merchant Taylors company, that he might continue master of the school (which is a nursery for their college) for life; but, at Christmas 1691, he was turned out for refusing to take the oath of allegiance, and was afterwards for many years master of a celebrated school at Headley, near Leatherhead in Surrey, where he had at one time the honour of having the poet Fenton for his usher, and Bowyer (who was afterwards the learned printer) for a scholar.
The evidence of a poet is certainly inconclusive, and although the “personal accomplishments
The evidence of a poet is certainly inconclusive, and
although the “personal accomplishments and warlike talents
” may be proved, and have not been lessened, yet
they weigh little against those crimes which stand uncontradicted, and form one of the vilest characters in history.
with Mr. Pope; and there is still existing a large collection of letters, written by that celebrated poet to our author. He furnished Mr. Pope with the greatest part
Besides Dr. Borlase’s literary connections with Dr. Lyttelton and Dr. Milles, before mentioned, he corresponded
with most of the ingenious men of his time. He had a particular intercourse of this kind with Mr. Pope; and there is
still existing a large collection of letters, written by that
celebrated poet to our author. He furnished Mr. Pope
with the greatest part of the materials for forming his grotto
at Twickenham, consisting of such curious fossils as the
county of Cornwall abounds with: and there might have
been seen, before the destruction of that curiosity, Dr.
Borlase’s name in capitals, composed of crystals, in the
grotto. On. this occasion a very handsome letter was written
to the Doctor by Mr. Pope, in which he says, “I am much
obliged to you for your valuable collection of Cornish diamonds. I have placed them where they may best represent
yourself, in a shade, but shining;
” alluding to the obscurity
of Dr. Borlase’s situation, and the brilliancy of his talents.
The papers which he communicated at different times
to the Royal Society are numerous and curious.
, a Spanish poet, of a noble family, was born at Barcelona, about the end of
, a Spanish poet, of a
noble family, was born at Barcelona, about the end of the
fifteenth century, and is supposed to have died about 1543.
He was bred to arms, and, having served with distinction,
was afterwards a great traveller. From the few accounts
we have of him, as well as from what appears in his works,
he seems to have been a very good classical scholar; and
he is said to have been highly successful in the education
of Ferdinand, the great duke of Alba, whose singular qualities were probably the fruit of our poet’s attention to him.
He married Donna Anna Giron di Rebolledo, an amiable
woman, of a noble family, by whom he had a very numerous offspring. Garcilaso was his coadjutor in his poetical
labours, and their works were published together, under
the title “Obras de Boscan y Garcilaso,
” Medina, Collecion de Poesias, &c.
” or collection of
Spanish poems translated into Italian verse, has given as
specimens of Boscan, two canzoni, six sonnets, and a
familiar epistle to Don Hurtado de Mendoza.
, an English miscellaneous writer, and poet of considerable merit, was nephew to the preced ng, being the
, an English miscellaneous
writer, and poet of considerable merit, was nephew to the
preced ng, being the younger son of general George Boscawen, third son of lord Falmouth. He was born August
28, 1752, and was sent to Eton school before he was seven
years old, where he obtained the particular notice and
favour of the celebrated Dr. Barnard. From school he was
removed to Oxford, where he became a gentleman commoner of Exeter college, but left it, as is not unusual with
gentlemen intended for the law, without taking a degree.
He then studied the law, as a member of the Middle Temple, and the practice of special pleading under Mr. (afterwards judge) Buller: was called to the bar, and for a time
went the Western circuit. Nor were his legal studies unfruitful, as he published an excellent work under the title
of “A Treatise of Convictions on Penal Statutes; with
approved precedents of convictions before justices of the
peace, in a variety of cases; particularly under the Game
Laws, the Revenue Laws, and the Statutes respecting Manufactures, &c.
; but the military genius of Frederic the Great of Prussia soon turned the scale of fortune, and our poet was reduced to silence. More honourably did he employ some leisure
At this time a dispute arose between the little republic
of Lucca, and the government of Tuscany, on the subject
of draining a lake. A congress of mathematicians was
called, and Boscovich repaired to the scene of contention,
in order to defend the rights of the petty state. Having
waited three months in vain, expecting the commissioners,
and amused with repeated hollow promises, he thought it
better for the interest of his constituents, to proceed at
once to the court of Vienna, which then directed the affairs
of Italy. The flames of war had been recently kindled on
the continent of Europe, and Boscovich took occasion to
celebrate the first successes of the Austrian arms, in a
poem, of which the first book was presented to the empress Theresa; but the military genius of Frederic the
Great of Prussia soon turned the scale of fortune, and our
poet was reduced to silence. More honourably did he
employ some leisure in the composition of his immortal
work, “Theoria philosophise niituralis reducta ad unicam
legem virium in natura existentium,
” printed at Vienna, in
ever appeared in the French language. Bossu having met with a piece wrote by St. Sorlin against this poet, he wrote a confutation of it, for which favour Boileau was
, a distinguished French critic, was
born at Paris, March 16, 1631. He began his studies at
Nanterre, where he discovered an early taste for polite
literature, and soon made surprising progress in all the
valuable parts of learning In 1649 he left Nanterre, was
admitted a canon regular in the abbey of St. Genevieve,
and after a year’s probation took the habit in this abbey.
Here he applied to philosophy and divinity, in which he
made great proficiency, and took upon him priest’s orders
in 1657; but, either from inclination, or in obedience to
his superiors, he resumed the belles letters, and taught
polite literature in several religious houses. After twelve
years, being tired of the fatigue of such an employment,
he gave it up, with a resolution to lead a quiet and retired
life. Here he published his “Parallel, or comparison
betwixt the principles of Aristotle’s natural philosophy, and
those of Des Cartes,
” Paris, epic poetry,
” which
gained him great reputation: Boileau says it is one of the
best compositions on this subject that ever appeared in the
French language. Bossu having met with a piece wrote
by St. Sorlin against this poet, he wrote a confutation of
it, for which favour Boileau was extremely grateful; and
it produced an intimate friendship betwixt them, which
continued till our author’s death, March 14, 1680. He
left a vast number of manuscript volumes, which are kept
in the abbey of St. John de Chartres.
se well-written character of Gray has been adopted both by Dr. Johnson and Mason in the life of that poet. Mr. Boswell imbibed early the ambition of distinguishing himself
, the friend and biographer of Dr. Johnson, was the eldest son of Alexander Boswell, lord Auchinleck, one of the judges in the supreme courts of session and justiciary in Scotland. He was born at Edinburgh, Oct. 29, 1740, and received the first rudiments of education in that city. He afterwards studied civil law in the universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. During his residence in these cities, he acquired by the society of the English gentlemen who were students in the Scotch colleges, that remarkable predilection for their manners, which neither the force of education, or national prejudice, could ever eradicate. But his most intimate acquaintance at this period was the rev. Mr. Temple, a worthy, learned, and pious divine, whose well-written character of Gray has been adopted both by Dr. Johnson and Mason in the life of that poet. Mr. Boswell imbibed early the ambition of distinguishing himself by his literary talents, and had the good fortune to obtain the patronage of the late lord Somerville. This pobleman treated him with the most flattering kindness; and Mr. Bosvvell ever remembered with gratitude the friendship he so long enjoyed with this worthy peer. Having always entertained an exalted idea of the felicity of London, in the year 1760 he visited that capital; in the manners and amusements of which he found so much that was congenial to his own taste and feelings, that it hecanie ever after his favourite residence, whither he always returned from his estate in Scotland, and from his various rambles in different parts of Europe, with increasing eagerness and delight; and we find him, nearly twenty years afterwards, condemning Scotland as too narrow a sphere, and wishing to make his chief residence in London, which he calls the great scene of ambition and instruction. He was, doubtless, confirmed in this attachment to the metropolis by the strong predilection entertained towards it by his friend Dr. Johnson, whose sentiments on this subject Mr. Boswell details in various parts of his life of that great man, and which are corroborated by every one in pursuit of literary and intellectual attainments.
, a Latin poet of France, was born in 1503 at Vandeuvrt, near Langres, the
, a Latin
poet of France, was born in 1503 at Vandeuvrt, near Langres, the son of a rich forge-master. Margaret de Valois
appointed him preceptor to her daughter Jane d'Albret de
Navarre, mother of Henry IV. He retired afterwards to
Conde“, where he had a benefice, and died there about 1550.
Bourbon left eight books of epigrams, and a didactic poem
on the forge entitled
” Ferrarie,“1533, 8vo;
” De puerorum moribus,“Lyons, 1536, 4to, a series of moral distichs, with a commentary by J. de Caures. He was extremely well acquainted with antiquity and the Greek
language. Erasmus praises his epigrams, and he appears
to have been the friend and correspondent of Erasmus,
Scaliger, Latimer, Carey, Harvey, Saville, Norris, Dudley, &c. having frequently visited England, where he was
patronized by Dr. Butts, the king’s physician, and William
Boston, abbot of Westminster, an hospitable man, with
whom he speaks of having passed many pleasant hours in
archbishop Cranmer’s garden at Lambeth. He treats sir
Thomas More with great asperity in one of his epigrams,
from which we may probably conclude that he inclined to
protestantism, although this is not consistent with his
history. His epigrams were published under the title of
” Nugarumlibriocto," Paris, 1533, and often reprinted, particularly by Scaliger, 1577 in 1608 by Passerat, with notes;
and lastly, by the abbe Brochard in 1723, a handsome
quarto edition, printed at Paris.
, nephew to the above, and superior to him as a Greek and Latin poet, was the son of a physician. He taught rhetoric in several colleges
, nephew to the above, and
superior to him as a Greek and Latin poet, was the son of
a physician. He taught rhetoric in several colleges at
Paris, and cardinal du Perron appointed him professor of
eloquence at the royal college. He was also canon of
Langres, and one of the forty of the French academy. He
retired at last among the fathers of the oratory, where he
died August 7, 1644, aged seventy. Bourbon is justly
considered as one of the greatest Latin poets whom France
has produced. His poems were printed at Paris, 1651,
12mo. The “Imprecation on the Parricide of Henry IV.
is his chef-d'ceuvre. He wrote the two beautiful lines
which are upon the gate of the arsenal at Paris, in honour
of Henry the Great:
, an elegant Latin poet, and a very amiable man, of whom we regret that our memoirs
, an elegant Latin poet, and a
very amiable man, of whom we regret that our memoirs
are so scanty, was admitted a scholar of Westminsterschool in 1710, from whence he was elected to the university of Cambridge in 1714, where, in Trinity college, he
took his degree of A. B. 1717, and A.M. 1721, and obtained a fellowship. He was afterwards for several years
an usher in Westminster-school, and died of a lingering
disorder December 2, 1747. He married; and in a letter
which he wrote to his wife a few weeks before his death,
gives the following reasons why he did not take orders
“Though I think myself in strictness answerable to none
but God and my own conscience, yet, for the satisfaction
of the person that is dearest to me, I own and declare, that
the importance of so great a charge, joined with a mistrust
of my own sufficiency, made me fearful of undertaking it;
if I have not in that capacity assisted in the salvation of
souls, I have not been the means of losing any; if I have
not brought reputation to the function by any merit of
mine, I have the comfort of this reflection, I have given
no scandal to it, by my meanness and unworthiness. It
has been my sincere desire, though not my happiness, to
be as useful in' my little sphere of life as possible-: my own
inclinations would have led me to a more likely way of
being serviceable, if I might have pursued them: however,
as the method of education I have been brought up in was,
I am satisfied, very kindly intended, I have nothing to
find fault with, but a wrong choice, and the not knowing
those disabilities I have since been truly conscious of:
those difficulties I have endeavoured to get over; but found
them insuperable. It has been the knowledge of theee discouragements, that has been the chief subject of my sleeping, as well as my waking thoughts, a fear of reproach and
” While we admire the conscientious motives
which induced him to contemplate, with reverential awe,
the duties of a clergyman, we must regret the concurrence
of events which, according to the conclusion of this letter,
seems to have led him into a way of life not agreeable to
his inclinations. Cowper, however, in one of his excellent
letters, throws some light on those peculiar habits, which
were not certainly very happily adapted to his situation as
a public teacher. “I love,
” says Cowper, “the memory
of Vinny Bourne. I think him a better Latin poet thaa
Tibullus, Propertius, Ausonius, or any of the writers in
his way, except Ovid, and not at all inferior to him. I
love him too, with a love of partiality, because he was usher
of the fifth form at Westminster when I passed through it.
He was so good-natured, and so indolent, that I lost more
than I got by him; for he made me as idle as himself. He
was such a sloven, as if he had trusted to his genius as a
cloak for every thing that could disgust you in his person; and indeed in his writings he has almost made amends
for all. His humour is entirely original he can speak of
a magpie or a cat, in terms so exquisitely appropriated to
the character he draws, that one would suppose him animated by the spirit of the creature he describes. And
with all his drollery, there is a mixture of rational, and
even religious reflection, at times, and always an air of
pleasantry, good nature, and humanity, that makes him, in
my mind, one of the most amiable writers in the world. It
is not common to meet with an author who can make you
smile, and yet at nobody’s expence; who is always entertaining, and yet always harmless; and who, though always
elegant and classical, to a degree not always found in the
classics themselves, charms more by the simplicity and
playfulness of his ideas, than by the neatness and purity of
his verse: yet such was poor Vinny. I remember seeing
the duke of Richmond set fire to his greasy locks, and box
his ears to put it out again.
will be a lasting testimony of his talents. He was, perhaps, at the jtirue he wrote, the best Latin poet in Europe. Most of the pieces in this volume had been printed
His writings, thus characterised, were published in 1772,
under the title of “Miscellaneous Poems, consisting of
originals and translations,
” 4to, and certainly will be a
lasting testimony of his talents. He was, perhaps, at the
jtirue he wrote, the best Latin poet in Europe. Most of
the pieces in this volume had been printed in his life-time,
if we mistake not, in a smaller volume. Dr. Beattie, after
noticing that Boileau did not know that there were any
good poets in England, till Add i son made him a present of
the “Musae Anglican*,
” remarks that “those foreigners
must entertain a high opinion of our pastoral poetry, who
have seen the Latin translations of Vincent Bourne, particularly those of the ballads of ‘ Tweedside,’ ‘ William
and Margaret,’ and Rowe’s * Despairing beside a clear
stream,' of which it is no compliment to say, that in sweetness of numbers, and elegant expression, they are at least
equal to the originals, and scarce inferior to any thing in
Ovid or Tibullus.
nal book of the Dunciad; as he received, on this occasion, testimonies of regard both from the great poet and his learned commentator. Among other friendly expressions
Though it is not our intention to notice the works printed by Mr. Bowyer, excepting when he himself contributed to them by prefaces, notes, or other additions, yet
we shall mention his having been the printer, in 1742, of
the additional book of the Dunciad; as he received, on this
occasion, testimonies of regard both from the great poet
and his learned commentator. Among other friendly expressions of Dr. Warburton, he says, “I have never more
pleasure when there (in London), than when I loll and
talk with you at my ease, de qualibet ente, in your diningroom:
” And again, “The Greek I know will be well
printed in your edition, notwithstanding the absence of Senblerus
” The same celebrated writer had long before told
Mr. Bowyer, “No one’s thoughts will have greater weight
with me than your own, in whom I have experienced so
much candour, goodness, and learning.
” It is not, however, to be concealed, that a difference afterwards arose
between them, in which, as is commonly the case, each
party was confident that he was right. Mr. Bowyer, who
thought himself slighted, used often to remark, that, “after
the death of the English Homer, the letters of his learned
friend wore a different complexion.
” “But, perhaps,
as Mr, Nichols candidly and judiciously observes, “this
may be one of the many instances, which occur through,
life, of the impropriety of judging for ourselves in cases
which affect our interest or our feelings.
” Mr. Bowyer,
indeed, had a great sensibility of temper with regard to
any neglects which were shewed him by his literary friends,
in the way of his business. This did not proceed from a
principle of avarice, but from a consciousness of the respect
which was due to him from his acquaintance, as the first
of his profession: for he expressed his resentment as
strongly in cases where profit could be no material object,
as he did in more important instances. Dr. Squire, then,
dean of Bristol, not having appointed him to print a sermon
which had been preached before the house of commons,
on the general fast day, Feb. 13, 1761, Mr. Bowyer wrote
to the doctor, upon the occasion, an expostulatory letter.
Nor was this the only evidence he gave how much he was
offended, when he thought that a slight had been put upon
him from a quarter where he imagined he had a natural
claim to favour.
fessor of philosophy; J. Passerat, professor of eloquence, not only a scholar, but a wit also, and a poet; and Gilb. Franc. Genebrand, professor of the Hebrew language,
Boyd, observing that young persons of quality, and even military men, were wont to attend academical lectures at Paris, resumed his studies. The teachers to whom he attached himself were, J. Marius d'Amboise, professor of philosophy; J. Passerat, professor of eloquence, not only a scholar, but a wit also, and a poet; and Gilb. Franc. Genebrand, professor of the Hebrew language, who afterwards by his zeal for the French league, tarnished the reputation that he had gained by his literary abilities. Guillonius also is mentioned amongst the professors under whom Boyd studied. He next resolved to apply himself to the civil law, and went to the university of Orleans, where that science was taught by J. Robertas, a man principally known for having dared to become the rival of Cujacius. But he soon quitted Orleans, and went to the university of Bourges. Cujacius, who taught the civil law there, received him with kindness, and possibly, not with the less kindness because his new scholar had quitted Orleans and professor Robertus. It was said that Boyd obtained the friendship of Cujacius, by writing some verses in the obsolete Latin language. Perhaps that learned man liked those verses best which approached nearest to the standard of the Twelve Tables.
ng the ancients, Xenophon was his favourite as a philosopher, Cæsar as an historian, and Virgil as a poet. So admirably was he skilled in the Greek language, that he
In 1588, Boyd fixed his residence at Toulouse, and again applied himself to the study of the civil law under Fr. Rouldes, a celebrated professor. It appears that, about this time, he wrote some tracts on that science, and projected others; and that he even had it in view to compose a system of the law of nations. Toulouse having, about this time, by means of a popular insurrection, fallen into the hands of the faction of the league, Boyd, who had assisted the royal cause, was thrown into prison and, from the hatred of the Jesuits, was in great danger of his life. When he had obtained his liberty, which was granted him at the solicitations of the learned men of Toulouse, he went first to Bourdeaux, and thence to Rochelle. In this last journey he was attacked by robbers, and with difficulty escaped being assassinated by them, after having lost all the property he had with him. Disliking the air of Rochelle, he retreated to the borders of Poictou, where he enjoyed an agreeable rural retirement; devoting his time partly to polite literature, and partly to the aid of his friends, when they were occasionally exposed to the incursions of their enemies. He so equally applied himself te the study of learning and war, that it was not easy to say which he most preferred; but his character appears now to have been more decided than when in youth. Among men of the sword he appeared to be the accomplished soldier, and as eminently the scholar among those of the gown. In his person he was tall, compact, and well proportioned; his countenance was beautiful, sprightly, and engaging; and there was a singularly noble air in his discourse, aspect, voice, aud gesture. He was polite, pleasant, acute, courteous, a ready speaker, and entirely free from envy and avarice. He could easily bear with the boasting of the ignorant, but extremely disliked the abusive manner of writing which prevailed so much among the learned of his time. He thought it unworthy of a Christian, in a literary controversy, to throw out any thing, either in speech or writing, which should hurt the reputation of an adversary. In injuries of an atrocious nature, he chose to do himself justice by having recourse to the laws of arms. Among the ancients, Xenophon was his favourite as a philosopher, Cæsar as an historian, and Virgil as a poet. So admirably was he skilled in the Greek language, that he could write, dictate, and converse in it, with copiousness and elegance. He despised the centos, which were then not a little in fashion; and said, that however learned the authors of them might be, they were dull and ignorant men. Besides his epistles after the manner of Ovid, and his hymns, he wrote a variety of Latin poems, which have not been printed. He was the author of notes upon Pliny, and published an excellent little book, addressed to Lipsius, in defence of cardinal Bembo and the ancient eloquence. He translated, likewise, Cæsar’s Commentaries into Greek, in the style of Herodotus; but would not permit his translation to appear in public. He afterwards applied himself to the cultivation of poetry in his native Ianguage, and arrived at considerable excellence in it. In all his compositions, genius was more apparent than labour.
eiving that no subject could be more appropriate for such a national attempt than England’s inspired poet, and great painter of nature, Shakspeare, he projected, and
Having been so successful in promoting the art of engraving in this country, he resolved to direct his next
efforts to the establishing an English school of historical
painting; and justly conceiving that no subject could be
more appropriate for such a national attempt than England’s inspired poet, and great painter of nature, Shakspeare, he projected, and just lived to see completed, a
most splendid edition of the works of that author, illustrated by engravings from paintings of the first artists that
the country could furnish, and of which the expence was
prodigious. These paintings afterwards formed what was
termed “The Shakspeare gallery,
” in Pall Mall; and we
believe there are few individuals possessed of the least
taste, or even curiosity, who have not inspected and been
delighted by them.
nglish; and carried through the Latin tongue from the age of seven to thirteen. Between this amiable poet and his noble pupil a constant friendship subsisted; and his
, earl of Cork and Orrery, a nobleman
who added fresh lustre to his name and family, was the
only son and heir of Charles, the fourth earl of Orrery (the subject of the preceding article), by the lady Elizabeth
Cecil, daughter of John earl of Exeter. He was born on
the 2d of January, 1706-7, and put early under the tuition
of Mr. Fenton, the author of Mariamne, and one of the
coadjutors of Mr. Pope in the translation of the Odyssey,
by whom he was instructed in English; and carried through
the Latin tongue from the age of seven to thirteen. Between this amiable poet and his noble pupil a constant
friendship subsisted; and his lordship always spoke of him
after his decease, and often with tears, as “one of the
worthiest and modestest men that ever adorned the court
of Apollo.
” After passing through Westminster school,
lord Boyle was admitted as a nobleman at Christ-church,
Oxford, of which college, as we have already seen, his
father had been a distinguished ornament. One of his
first poetical essays was an answer to some verses by Mrs.
Howe, on an unsuccessful attempt to draw his picture.
limentary; for if the earl of Orrery had contributed any material criticisms upon our great dramatic poet, they would undoubtedly have been distinctly specified. Some
In the summer of 1732 the earl of Orrery went over to
Ireland to re-establish his affairs, which were much embarrassed by the villainy of his father’s agent. As the
family seat at Charleville had been burnt to the ground by
a party of king James’s army in 1690, his lordship resided
sometimes with a friend at that place, and sometimes at
Cork. Whilst he was in this city, he met with a most severe affliction, in the loss of his countess, who died on the
22d of August, 1732. The character of this amiable lady
has been drawn by lord Orrery himself, in his Observations on Pliny. The countess was interred with her
ancestors, at Taplow, in Bucks; and Mr. S. Wesley, in a
poem on her death, fully displayed her excellent qualities
and virtues. Mr. Theobald did the same, in his dedication
of Shakspeare’s Works to the earl. The dedication, it
seems, was originally intended for her ladyship; and
therefore lord Orrery is represented as succeeding to it by
the melancholy right of executorship. Mr. Theobald professes to have borrowed many hints from hearing his patron
converse on Shakspeare; and adds, “Your lordship may
reasonably deny the loss of the jewels which I have disparaged in the unartful setting.
” Such language, however, must be considered as partly complimentary; for
if the earl of Orrery had contributed any material criticisms upon our great dramatic poet, they would undoubtedly have been distinctly specified. Some pathetic verses
on the death of the countess, dated Marston, Dec. 17,
1734, were addressed by his lordship to Mrs. Rowe, who
lived in his neighbourhood, and with whom he had an
intimate friendship during the latter part of her life. How
much this ingenious and excellent lady valued his esteem
and regard, is evident from her observing, that “his approbation would be her vanity and boast, if she could but
persuade herself she deserved it.
” The house where she
was born belonged to him; and he always passed by it,
after her decease, with the utmost veneration. It appears
from Mrs. Rowe’s posthumous letter to his lordship, that
he had charged her with “a message to his Henrietta
(Harriet), when she met her gentle spirit in the blissful
not accept the invitation. Lord Orrery took over with him to Mr. Pope all the letters of that great poet to Swift, which the dean had preserved or could find, which
In October 1733, lord Orrery returned to England, and
having now no attachment to London, he disposed of his
house in Downing-street, Westminster, as likewise of his
seat at Britwell, near Windsor, and retired to his seat at
Marston, in Somersetshire. As this place had been much
neglected by his ancestors, and was little more than a shell
of a large old house, he amused himself in building offices,
in fitting out and furnishing apartments, and laying out
gardens and other plantations. Study and retirement
being his principal pleasures, he took care to supply the
loss he had sustained from his father’s will, by furnishing
his library anew with the best authors. In the summer of
1734, probably in his way to France, where he sometimes
went, he visited the tomb of his ancestors, Roger Boyle,
esq, and Joan his wife, in Preston church, near Feversham.
This monument, when the title of earl of Cork devolved
upon him, he intended to have repaired, if his life had been
prolonged. In the middle of the year 1735, we find him
again in Ireland. On the 31st of October, in the same
year, an amiable relation, and a most promising youth,
Edmund duke of Buckingham, died at Rome, upon which
melancholy event, lord Orrery paid a just tribute to the
memory of the young nobleman, in an elegiac poem. It
was printed in 1736, and is one of the most pleasing specimens which our author has afforded of his poetical abilities. In the winter of 1735-6, the duke of Dorset being
then lord lieutenant of Ireland, the eail of Orrery neglected no opportunity of endeavouring to render his administration easy. If Dr. Swift is to be credited, Ireland
was about that time in a wretched condition. As a proof
of it, the dean asserted in a letter to Mr. Pope, that lord
Orrery had 3000l. a year in the neighbourhood of Cork,
and that more than three years rent was unpaid. In
April 1737, his lordship, who was then at Cork, earnestly
pressed Dr. Swift to accompany him to England; but the
doctor, who never saw Marston, did not accept the invitation. Lord Orrery took over with him to Mr. Pope all
the letters of that great poet to Swift, which the dean had
preserved or could find, which were not more in number
than twenty-five. About this time, our noble author,
that his sons might be educated under his own eye, and
also have the benefit of attending Westminster-school,
took a small house in Duke-street, Westminster. On the
30th of June, 1738, the earl of Orrery, after having been
six years a widower, married, in Ireland, Mrs. Margaret
Hamilton, only daughter and heiress of John Hamilton,
esq. of Caledon, in the county of Tyrone, grand-daughter
of Dr. Dopping, bishop of Meath, and niece of Dr. Dopping, bishop of Ossory. Swift, in a letter to Miss Hamilton, on her intended nuptials, after pretending a prior
claim, as she had made so many advances to him, and
confessed “herself to be nobody’s goddess but his,
” archly
waves it, and politely “permits lord Orrery to make himself the happiest man in the world; as I know not,
he adds, “any lady in this kingdom of so good sense or
so many accomplishments.
” He gives a great character
of her, likewise, in his last printed letter to Mr. Pope.
In this lady, the earl of Orrery, with gratitude to Heaven,
acknowledged that the loss of his former countess was repaired. In 1739 he published a new edition, 2 vols. 8vo,
of the dramatic works of his great-grandfather. Though
these volumes cannot be particularly valuable, they are
now become exceedingly scarce. In 1741 he published
separately, in folio, “The first Ode of the first book of
Horace imitated, and inscribed to the earl of Chesterfield;
and “Pyrrha, an imitation of the fifth Ode of the first
book of Horace.
” In the preface to the last, lord Orrery
characterises Dacier’s and Sanadon’s translations, and
makes some observations on Horace, which shew that he
entered with taste and spirit into the peculiar excellencies
of that poet. In 1742 he published in one volume, folio,
the “State Letters
” of his great-grandfather, the first
earl; to which were prefixed Morrice’s memoirs of that
eminent statesman. On the 25th of August, 1743, his lordship was presented by the university of Oxford to the
honorary degree of D. C. L.; and he was, likewise, F.R. S.
Lord Boyle, in 1746, being settled at Oxford, and Mr.
Boyle in the college at Westminster, their father quitted
London, and fixed his residence at Caledon, in Ireland.
During one of his occasional visits to England, after the
publication of the second volume of the Biographia Britannica, he thanked Dr. Campbell, “in the name of all the
Boyles, for the honour he had done to them, and to his
own judgment, by placing the family in such a light as to
give a spirit of emulation to those who were hereafter to
inherit the title.
” Lord Orrery resided in Ireland, with
very little intermission, from 1746 to 1750; happy in that
domestic tranquillity, that studious retirement and inactivity, from which, as he himself expressed it, he was
scarcely ever drawn, but with the utmost reluctance.
” as he observed in a private letter, “we step
out of domestic life in search of felicity, we come back
again disappointed, tired, and chagrined. One day passed
under our own roof, with our friends and our family, is
worth a thousand in any other place. The noise and
bustle, or, as they are foolishly called, the diversions of
life, are despicable and tasteless, when once we have experienced the real delight of a fire-side.
” These sentiments, which do so much honour to the rectitude of his
lordship’s understanding, and the goodness of his heart,
reflect, at the same time, a just reproach on the absurd and
criminal dissipation that prevails for the most part among
persons of rank and fortune. During the earl of Orrery’s
residence in Ireland, he employed his leisure in laying out
gardens and plantations at Caledon, and in improving and
adorning its fine situation. On his return to Marston, he
continued his alterations and improvements in the house
and gardens at that place, many of the plans for which
were designed by lord Boyle, who had a taste for architecture. In the mean while, the amusement of our noble
author’s winter evenings was his translation of “The Letters of Pliny the Younger, with observations on each letter,
and an Essay on Pliny’s life, addressed to Charles lord
” The essay is dated Leicester-fields, January 27,
1750-1; and, together with the translation, was published
at London, in the following April, in 2 vols. 4to. This
work met with so good a reception from the public, that
three editions of it in octavo have since been printed. In
the summer of the same year, lord Orrery addressed
to his second son Hamilton a series of letters, containing
“Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Swift, dean of
St. Patrick’s, Dublin.
” This work gave rise to many strictures and censures on his lordship for having professed
himself Swift’s friend while he was exposing his weaknesses. Subsequent inquiries into Swift’s character have
proved that the portrait he drew was not unfaithful. To
this, however, we shall have occasion to recur in our account of Swift.
is, however, which only to mention is to excite gratitude, produced no corresponding effects on t>ur poet, who abandoned his mind and time" to dissipation and idleness,
, the only son of the preceding, and whose life affords an excellent moral, was born in the year 1708, and after receiving the rudiments of education in a private school in Dublin, was sent at the age of eighteen to the university of Glasgow. His father’s int?ntion was, that he might cultivate the studies that are preparatory to entering into the ministry, but before he had resided many months at Glasgow, he contracted an attachment for a Miss Atchenson, the daughter of a tradesman in that city, and married her about a year after, probably without the consent of the parents on either side. By this imprudent match his studies were in some measure interrupted, and his expenses increased. The family of his wife were either unwilling or unable to support their new relation, and he soon found it necessary to repair to Dublin in hopes of receiving assistance from his father. On this expedition he was accompanied by his wife and her sister; but notwithstanding this additional incumbrance, and tue general levity of his conduct, his father received him with kindness, and out of the scanty and precarious income which he derived from his congregation by voluntary subscriptions, and from a small estate of eighty pounds a year in Yorkshire, endeavoured to maintain his son, and to reclaim him to the prosecution of his studies. Tenderness like this, however, which only to mention is to excite gratitude, produced no corresponding effects on t>ur poet, who abandoned his mind and time" to dissipation and idleness, without a thought of what he owed to his father or to himself. In this course too he was unhappily encouraged by the girl he married, who, while she imposed upon the good old man by a show of decency, and even sanctity, became in fact devoid of all shame, and at length shared her favours with other men, and that not without the knowledge of her husband, who is said to have either wanted resolution to resent her infidelity, or was reconciled by a share of the profits of his dishonour. Such a connection and such a mind, at an age when the manly and ingenuous feelings are usually strongest, may easily account for the miseries of his subsequent life.
The Ode on the British Nation, mentioned here, is a translation from Van Haren, a Dutch poet, from whose works he translated some other passages. The “part
The Ode on the British Nation, mentioned here, is a
translation from Van Haren, a Dutch poet, from whose
works he translated some other passages. The “part of
” was a part of his poem on lord Cobham’s gardens.
that none but the plodding prudent sons of dulness would reveal or censure the vices of a favourite poet. Such is already the influence of this perversion of the powers
Such was the life of a man whose writings, as far as we have been able to discover them, are uniformly in favour of virtue, remarkable for justness of sentiment on every subject in which the moral character is concerned, and not unfrequently for the loftiness and dignity which mark the effusions of a pure and independent mind. To reconcile such a train of thought with his life, with actions utterly devoid of shame or delicacy, or to apologize for the latter with a view to remove the inconsistency between the man and his writings, if not impossible, must at least be left to those who have no scruple to tell us that genius is an apology for all moral defects, and that none but the plodding prudent sons of dulness would reveal or censure the vices of a favourite poet. Such is already the influence of this perversion of the powers of reasoning, that if it is much longer indulged, no men will be thought worthy of compassion or apology, but those who err against knowledge and principle, who act wrong and know better. The life of Boyse, however, as it has been handed down to us, without any affected palliation, will not be wholly useless if it in any degree contribute to convince the dissipated and thoughtless of what dissipation and thoughtlessness must inevitably produce. It is much to be regretted, that they who mourn over the misfortunes of genius have been too frequently induced by the artifice of partial biographers, to suppose that misery is the inseparable lot of men of distinguished talents, and that the world has no rewards for those by whom it has been instructed or delighted, except poverty and neglect. Such is the propensity of some to murmur without reason, and of others to sympathize without discrimination, that this unfair opinion of mankind might be received as unanswerable, if we had no means of looking more closely into the lives of those who are said to have been denied that extraordinary indulgence to which they laid claim. Where the truth has been honestly divulged, however, we shall find that of the complaints which lenity or affectation have encouraged and exaggerated in narrative, some will appear to have very little foundation, and others to be trifling and capricious. Men of genius have no right to expect more favourable consequences from imprudence and vice than what are common to the meanest of mankind. Whatever estimate they may have formed of their superiority, if they pass the limits allotted to character, happiness, or health, they must not hope that the accustomed rules of society are to be broken, or the common process of nature is to be suspended, in order that they may be idle without poverty, or intemperate without sickness. Yet the lives of men celebrated for literary and especially for poetical talents, afford many melancholy examples of these delusions", which, if perpetuated by mistaken kindness, cannot add any thing to genius but a fictitious privilege, which it is impossible to vindicate with seriousness, or exert with impunity.
As a poet, his reputation has been chiefly fixed on the production entitled
As a poet, his reputation has been chiefly fixed on the
production entitled “Deity,
” which, although irregular
and monotonous, contains many striking proofs of poetical
genius. The effort indicates no small elevation of mind,
even while we must allow that success is beyond all human
power. His other pieces may be regarded as curiosities,
as the productions of a man who never enjoyed the undisturbed exercise of his powers, who wrote in circumstances
of peculiar distress, heightened by the consciousness that
he could obtain only temporary relief, that he had forfeited
the respect due to genius, and could expect to be rewarded only by those to whom he was least known. We
are told that he wrote all his poems with ease and even
rapidity. That many of his lines are incorrect will not,
therefore, excite surprize, especially when we consider
that he wrote for immediate relief, and not for fame, and
that when one piece had produced him a benefaction, he
generally dismissed it from his mind, and began another,
about which he had no other care than that it might answer
the same purpose.
, an Italian poet of some celebrity, known by the name of Bracciolini Dell’ Api,
, an Italian poet of some celebrity, known by the name of Bracciolini Dell’ Api, a
surname given him by the pope, was born at Pistoia, in
Tuscany, 1566, and was fellow-student with Maffei Barberini, whose love of poetry and polite literature resembled
his own, and increased their friendship. When Barberini
was afterwards appointed nuncio in France, under the
pontificate of Clement VIII. he engaged Bracciolini as his
secretary, who accepted the office in hopes that his patron
might become a cardinal, and serve his interest more essentially, for Bracciolini was not free from the unpoetical
failing of avarice; but this event not taking place so soon
as he expected, he retired to Pistoia, where he composed
a part of his works. Barberini, however, being not only
made cardinal, but also pope in 1622, under the title of
Urban VIII. Bracciolini waited upon him with a poem of
congratulation, amounting to twenty-three books, which
the pope liked so well, that he ordered him to adopt the
surname Dell' Api, and to add to his arms three bees,
which are the arms of the Barberini family. He gave him
at the same time more substantial rewards, and placed him
as secretary under his brother, cardinal Antonio Barberini.
After the death of Urban VIII. in 1644, Bracciolini again
retired to Pistoia, where he died the following year. He
wrote a great number of poems of every species, epics, tragedies, comedies, pastorals, lyrics, satires, and burlesque
verses. Of these, the only ones worthy of notice, seem to
be: 1. “La Croce Racquistata,
” a heroic poem in fifteen
cantos, Paris, Lo Scherno degli
” a mock-heroic, in ridicule of the heathen mythology, Florence, 1618, 4to, a better edition in 1625, 4to.
This poem has given him some title to the invention of the
mock-heroic, because in the preface it is asserted that the
“Lo Scherno
” although printed some years after Tassoni’s
“La Secchia Rapita,
” was written many years sooner. It
is, however, a poem of considerable merit in that style.
, an early English poet, was a native of Chester, where he was born about the middle
, an early English poet, was a
native of Chester, where he was born about the middle of
the fifteenth century. Discovering an early propensity to
religion and literature, he was received, while a boy, into
the monastery of St. Werbergh, in that city; and having
there imbibed the rudiments of his education, he was sent
afterwards to Gloucester college (now Worcester) in the
suburbs of Oxford, where, for a time, he studied theology,
with the novices of his order, and then returned to his
convent at Chester: here in the latter part of his life, he
applied himself chiefly to the study of history, and wrote
several books. He died either in 1508, or in 1513. Before the year 1500, he wrote the “Life of St. Werburgh,
in English verse, declaring that he does not mean to rival
Chaucer, Lydgate, Barklay, or Skelton, which two last
were his contemporaries, and his versification is certainly
inferior to Lydgate’s worst manner. This piece was first
printed by Pinson in 1521, 4to. a volume of great rarity^
but amply analysed by Mr. Dibdin in his second volume of
Typographical Antiquities, who thinks that he may stand
foremost in the list of those of the period wherein he wrote.
His descriptions are often happy as well as minute: and
there is a tone of moral purity and rational piety in his
thoughts, enriched by the legendary lore of romance, that
renders many passages of his poem exceedingly interesting.
It comprehends a variety of other subjects, as a description
of the kingdom of the Mercians, the lives of St. Ethelred
and St. Sexburgh, the foundation of the city of Chester,
and a chronicle of our kings.
cter of being a person of an agreeable temper, a polite gentleman, an excellent preacher, and a good poet. He has no high rank, however, among poets, and would have long
, an English divine of good
parts and learning, the son of Nicholas Brady, an officer
in the king’s army in the civil wars of 1641, was born at
Bandon, in the county of Cork, Oct. the 28th, 1659; and
continued in Ireland till he was 12 years of age. Then he
was sent over to England to Westminster-school; and from
thence elected stuJent to Christ-church in Oxford. After
continuing there about four years, he went to Dublin,
where his father resided; at which university he immediately commenced B. A. When he was of due stanuing,
his diploma for the degree of D. D. was, on account of his
uncommon merit, presented to him by that university while
he was in England; and brought over by Dr Pratt, then
senior travelling fellow, afterwards provost of that college.
His first ecclesiastical preferment was to a prebend in the
cathedral of St. Barry, at Cork; to which he was collated
by bishop Wettenhal, whose domestic chaplain he was.
He was a zealous promoter of the revolution, and in consequence of his zeal suffered for it. In 1690, when the
troubles broke out in Ireland, by his interest with king
Tatnes as general, M'Carty, he thrice prevented the burning of the town of Bandon, after three several orders given
by that prince to destroy it. The same year, having been
deputed by the people of Bandon, he went over to England, to petition the parliament for a redress of some grievances they had suffered while king James was in Ireland;
and afterwards quitting his preferments in Ireland, he settled in London; where, being celebrated for his abilities in
the pulpit, he was elected minister of St. Catherine Cree
church, and lecturer of St. Michael’s Wood-street. He
afterwards became minister of Richmond in Surry. and
Stratford upon Avon in Warwickshire, and at length rector
of Clapham in Surry; which last, together with Richmond, he held till his death. His preferments amounted
to 600l. a year, but he was so little of an Œconomist as to
be obliged to keep a school at Richmond. He was also
chaplain to the duke of Ormond’s troop of horse-guards, as
he was to their majesties king William and queen Mary.
He died May 20, 1726, aged 66, leaving behind him the
character of being a person of an agreeable temper, a polite gentleman, an excellent preacher, and a good poet.
He has no high rank, however, among poets, and would
have long ere now been forgotten in that character, if his
name was not so familiar as a translator of the new version
of the “Psalms,
” in conjunction with Mr. Tate, which version was licensed 1696. He translated also the Æneids of
Virgil,“published by subscription in 1726, 4 vols. 8vo,and a tragedy, called
” The Rape, or the Innocent Impos-tors,“neither performances of much character. His prose
works consist of
” Sermons," three volumes of which were
published by himself in 1704, 1706, and 1713, and three
others by his eldest son, who was a clergyman at Tooting,
in Surry, London, 1730, 8vo.
ch did not, however, prevent his becoming a scholar of much reputation, and an orator, musician, and poet. His fame procured him an invitation from Matthias Corvinus,
, of a noble family of Florence, in the fifteenth century, was surnamed Lippus, on
account of the loss of his sight, which did not, however,
prevent his becoming a scholar of much reputation, and
an orator, musician, and poet. His fame procured him
an invitation from Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary,
to teach oratory, which he accepted, and taught at the
university of fiada. After returning to Florence, he took
the habit of the friars of St. Augustin, was made priest
some time after, and preached to numerous auditories.
He died of the plague at Rome, in 1497. Wonders are
told of his powers of extempore versification, and he is
classed among the first of the improvisator!. As to his
preaching, Bosso says that those who heard him might
fancy they listened to a Plato, an Aristotle, and a Theopfcrastus; he is yet more extravagant in noticing his extempore effusions. The circumstance, says he, which
placed him above all other poets, is, that the verses they
compose with so much labour, he composed and sang impromptu, displaying all the perfections of memory, style,
and genius. At Verona, on one occasion, before a numerous assemblage of persons of rank, he took up his lyre,
and handled every subject proposed in verse of every measure, and being asked to exert his improvisitation on the
illustrious men of Verona, without a moment’s consideration
or hesitation, he sang the praises, in beautiful poetry, of
Catullus, Cornelius Nepos, and Pliny the elder; nay, he
delivered in the same extempore manner all the subjects
in Pliny’s thirty-seven books of natural historj r without
omitting any one circumstance worthy of notice. Whatever credit may be given to these prodigies, his works
prove him to have been a man of real learning. The principal of these are: 1. “Libri duo paradoxorum Chris tianorum,
” Basil, Dialogus de humanae vitae conditione
et toleranda corporis aegritudine,
” Basil, De ratione scribendi Epistolas,
Basil, de laudibus musicae.
” Julius Niger mentions also some
works of his on the laws commentaries on St. Paul’s
epistles, and the Bible histories, in heroic verse, but,
whether printed, does not appear.
, a lawyer, poet, and historian, was born at Strasburgh, in 1448, and after prosecuting
, a lawyer, poet, and
historian, was born at Strasburgh, in 1448, and after prosecuting his first studies in that city, removed to Basil,
where he took his master’s degree in arts, and superintended the education of youth, as public professor, both
at Basil and Strasburgh. Here he arrived at the highest
honours of the law, being made count Palatine, and counsellor and chancellor of Strasburgh. He died in 1520,
leaving a great many works on subjects of law and'divinity,
some volumes of poetry, and the celebrated “Ship of
” which has chiefly perpetuated his memory. It
was originally written in the German language. Locher,
his disciple, tran shite d it into Latin, Strasburgh, 1497, 4to.
A French translation of it by Bouchet and Riviere, was
published at Paris, in small folio, in the same year,
entitled “La nef des folz du monde.
” Our countryman
Alexander Barclay (See Barclay) was the author of the
English metrical version printed by Pynson in 1509.
The bibliographical history of Brandt’s work may be seen
in our authorities.
d has enumerated as his publications: 1. “Golden Fleece, with other poems,” Lond. 1611, 8vo. 2. “The Poet’s Willow, or the passionate shepherd,” ibid. 1614, 8vo. 3. “The
, whom
Warton calls one of the minor pastoral poets of the reign
of James I. was the second son of Thomas Brathwaite, of
Warcop, near Appleby, in Westmoreland, descended of
a respectable family. He was born in 1588, and at the
age of sixteen became a commoner of Oriel-college, Oxford, being matriculated as a gentleman’s son, and a native
of Westmoreland. While he continued in that college,
which was at least three years, Wood informs us, that
“he avoided as much as he could the rough paths of logic
and philosophy, and traced those smooth ones of poetry
and Roman history, in which, at length, he did excel.
He afterwards removed to Cambridge, where he spent
some time “for the sake of dead and living authors,
and then going into the north, his father gave him the
estate of Barnside, where he lived many years, having a
commission in the militia, and being appointed deputylieutenant in the county of Westmoreland, and a justice
of peace. In his latter days he removed to Appleton, near
Richmond, in Yorkshire, where he died May 4, 1673,
and was buried in the parish church of Catterick, near
that place, leaving behind him, says Wood, the character
of a “well-bred gentleman, and a good neighbour.
Wood has enumerated as his publications: 1. “Golden
Fleece, with other poems,
” Lond. The
Poet’s Willow, or the passionate shepherd,
” ibid. The Prodigal’s Tears, or his farewell to vanity,
” The Scholar’s Medley, or an intermixt discourse upon historical and poetical relations,
” Essays upon the Five Senses,
Nature’s Embassy, or the
wild man’s measures, danced naked by twelve Satyrs,
Time’s curtain
drawn: divers poems,
” The English
” The English
” Discourse of Detraction,
” The Arcadian
Princess, or the triumph of justice,
” Survey of History, or a nursery for gentry; a discourse historical and poetical,
” A spiritual
Spicery, containing sundry sweet tractates of devotion
and piety,
” Mercurius Britannicus,
or the English intelligencer,
” a tragi-comedy, acted at
Paris, and a satire upon the republicans, 16-H, second
edit. 4to. 15. “Time’s Treasury, or Academy for the
accomplishment of the English gentry in arguments of
discourse, habit, fashion, &c.
” Congratulatory poem on his Majesty, upon his happy
arrival in our late discomposed Albion,
” Regicidium,
” a tragi-comedy, Panedone, or health from Helicon,
” The
description of a Good Wife, or a rare one among women,
Arcadian Princess.
” It appears to us, that in his poetry, as
in his prose, he excels’most as a painter of manners, a subject which he had studied all his life, and of which he
delivered some of the earliest precepts. His style, however, must still render his works more acceptable to the
curious, than to the common reader.
, a French poet, was born at Torigniin Lower Normandy, 1618. He was distinguished
, a French poet, was born at Torigniin Lower Normandy, 1618. He was distinguished chiefly by a translation of Lucan; which, notwithstanding its inflated style, its numerous antitheses, and its various false brilliancies, continued to be long admired. It engaged attention and applause so powerfully at first, that cardinal Mazarine made great promises of advancement to the translator; but died without fulfilling them. But the l>est and the most popular of his works is, the first book of Lucan travestied, an ingenious satire upon the great, who are described as never losing a moment’s sight of their greatness and titles; and upon the meanness and servility of those who, with a view of making their fortunes, submit to flatter them as gods. It is said of Brebeuf,. that he bad a fever upon him for more twenty years. He died in 1661, aged 4S; and, if the last anecdote of him be true, it is somewhat marvellous that he lived so long.
Zuinglius, he did not think unworthy of the attention of an ecclesiastic. Persius was his favourite poet, whom, he studied so critically as to furnish the president
, whom Meister calls the
greatest reformer of the Swiss schools which the last century produced, was born at Zurich March 1, 1701, and
after going through a course of academical instruction, was
admitted into orders in 1720. The space which usually
intervenes between the ordination of young ministers and
their establishment in a church, he employed principally
in the study of the ancient authors, familiarizing himself
with their language and sentiments, an employment which,
like Zuinglius, he did not think unworthy of the attention
of an ecclesiastic. Persius was his favourite poet, whom,
he studied so critically as to furnish the president Bouhier
with some happy elucidations, which the latter adopted,
Breitinguer, however, was not merely a verbal critic, and
considered such criticism as useful only in administering
to higher pursuits in philosophy and the belles-lettres.
The “Bibliotheque Helvetique
” which he and Bodmer
wrote, shews how criticism and philosophy may mutually
assist each other. He formed an intimacy with Bodmer
in early life, (see Bodmer), and both began their career
as reformers of the language and taste of their country.
Breitinguer found a liberal patron in the burgomaster
Escher, who himself proved that the study of the Greek
language is a powerful counterpoise to a bad taste, and
was the person who encouraged Breitinguer principally to
produce a new edition of the Septuagint translation. In
1731 he was chosen professor of Hebrew, and in ordeir to
facilitate the study of that language to his pupils, he wrote
his treatise on the Hebrew idioms. Some time after he
was appointed vice-professor of logic and rhetoric, and
from that time began the reformation which he thought
much wanted in the schools, with a treatise “De eo quod
nimium est in studio grammatico,
” and a system of logic
in Latin and German, which soon took the place of that
ofWendelin. He contributed also various papers to the
“Tempe Helvetica,
” and the “Musaeum Helveticum,
and at the request of the cardinal Quirini drew up an account of a ms. of the Greek psalms which was found in
the canons’ library. He published also the “Critical art
of Poetry.
” His biographer bestows great praise on all
those works, and different as the subjects are, assures us
that he treated each as if it had been the exclusive object
of his attention. His literary acquaintance was also very
extensive, and he numbered among his correspondents the
cardinals Passionei and Quirini, the president Bouhier,
the abbe“Gerbert de St. Blaise, with Iselin, Burmann,
Crusius, le Maitre, Vernet, Semler, Ernesti, &c. But he
chiefly excelled as a teacher of youth, and especially of
those intended for the church, having introduced two regulations, the benefit of which his country amply acknowledges. The one was that young divines should preach,
in turn, twice a week, on which occasion the sermon was
criticised by the whole body of students, aided also by
Breitinguer’s remarks. The other respects an institution
or society of Ascetics, as they were called. This was composed of the clergy, who assembled at stated hours, to
discuss subjects relative to their profession, and compose
sermons, prayers, hymns, &c. Some of them also were
employed in visiting the hospitals, others qualified for
schoolmasters, and all were to assist the poor with advice
or pecuniary aid. Breitinguer also prepared a catechism
for the young, on an improved plan, and a little before
his death, published
” Orationes Carolina? d'Hottinguer,“dedicated to Semlin. He continued his active exertions
almost to the last hour of his life, being present at an ecclesiastical council, on Dec. 13, 1776, but on his return
was seized with an apoplexy, of which he died the following day. Breitinguer had as much learning as Bodmer,
though not as much natural fire; and was an excellent
critic. To the works already noticed, we may add his
” Diatribe historico-Jiteraria in versus obscurissimos a
Persio Satir. I citatos," 1740, 8vo. His edition of the
Septuagint, in 4 vols. 4to, wa.t published at Zurich, (TigUnim,) 1730. The text is accurately compiled from the
Oxford edition of Grabe: to which are added at the bottom of each page the various readings of the Codex Vaticanus. Nothing is altered except a few typographical
errors, and some emendations of Grabe, which did not
coincide with the editor’s opinion. The clearness of the
type and beauty of the paper recommend it to the reader’s
attention; and the care, accuracy, and erudition displayed
throughout the work, may entitle it to bear, away the palm
even from Grabe’s edition. Such at least is the opinion of
d his admiration of Chaucer led him to be at the expence of beautifying the monument of that eminent poet in 1556, removing it to a more conspicuous place in Westminster
, who appears to have had a
taste for poetry and biography in the infancy of those
studies, was born at or near to Caversham in Oxfordshire,
but descended from the Brighams of Yorkshire. He was
educated at Hart-hall, Oxford, as Wood conjectures, and
afterwards studied at one of the inns of court. Having a
turn for poetry, he passed his hours in the perusal of the
best poets, and his admiration of Chaucer led him to be
at the expence of beautifying the monument of that
eminent poet in 1556, removing it to a more conspicuous
place in Westminster abbey, where we now find it. He
died in his prime, Dec. 1559, leaving, l.“De venationibus rerum rnemorabilium,
” a collection of notices of
characters and events, of which Bale has made much use.
2. “Memoirs,
” by way of Diary, in 12 bocks. 3. Miscellaneous Poems. But none of these are probably now m
, a German lawyer and poet, was born at Lubeck, Sept. 22, 1680, and after having studied
, a German lawyer
and poet, was born at Lubeck, Sept. 22, 1680, and after
having studied and taken his degrees in the civil and canon
law, settled and practised at Hamburgh, where his merit
soon raised him to the senatorial dignity, to which the
emperor, without any solicitation, added the rank of Aulic
counsellor, and count Palatine. These counts Palatine
were formerly governors of the imperial palaces, and had
considerable powers, being authorized to create public
notaries, confer degrees, &c. Brockes published in five
parts, from 1724 to 1736, 8vo, “Irdisches Vergnugen in
Gott, &c.
” or “Earthly Contentment in God,
” consisting
of philosophical and moral poems, which were much
praised by his countrymen. He also published translations
from Marini, and other Italian poets, into German, and had
some thoughts of translating Milton, as he had done Pope’s
Essay on Man, a proof at least of his taste for English
poetry. His works form a collection of 9 vols. 8vo, and
have been often reprinted. He appears to have carefully
divided his time between his public duties and private
studies, and died much esteemed and regretted, Jan. 16,
, an English poet, has the reputation of ably assisting the royal party in the
, an English poet, has the reputation of ably assisting the royal party in the time of
Charles I. and of even having no inconsiderable hand in
promoting the restoration. Of his personal history, we
have only a few notices in the Biographia Dramatica. He
was born in 1620, and died June 30, 1666. He was an
attorney in the lord mayor’s court, and through the whole
of the protectorship, maintained his loyalty, and cheered
his party by the songs and poems in his printed works,
most of which must have been sung, if not composed, at
much personal risk. How far they are calculated to excite
resentment, or to promote the cause which the author
espoused, the reader must judge. His songs are in^neasures, varied with considerable ease and harmony, and have
many sprightly turns, and satirical strokes, which the
Roundheads must have felt. Baker informs us that he
was the author of much the greater part of those songs and
epigrams which were published against the rump. Phillips
styles him the “English Anacreon.
” Walton has draxvn a
very favourable character of him in the eclogue prefixed to
his works, the only one of the commendatory poems which
seems worthy of a republication; Mr. Ellis enumerates
three editions of these poems, the first in 1660, the second
in 1664, and the third in 1668. That, however, used in
the late edition of the English Poets is dated 1661. In
1660 he published “A Congratulatory Poem on the miraculous and glorious Return of Charles II.
” which we have
not seen. Besides these poems he published a “Translation of Horace,
” by himself, Fanshaw, Holliday, Hawkins,
Cowley, Ben Jonson, &c. and had once an intention to
translate Lucretius, In 1654 he published a comedy entitled “The Cunning Lovers,
” which was acted in
persons, this employment proved very beneficial. His biographer informs us that Pope, the celebrated poet, was one of his pupils. He afterwards travelled abroad with
, an English clergyman, was a native
of Shropshire, but where educated is not known. In the
beginning of king James II.'s reign he was curate of St.
Giles’s in the Fields, London, but afterwards turned Roman catholic, and was employed as a corrector of the press
in the king’s printing-house, which afforded him a comfortable subsistence. When obliged to quit that, after the
revolution, he undertook a boarding-school for the instruction of young gentlemen, some of whom being the sons of
opulent persons, this employment proved very beneficial.
His biographer informs us that Pope, the celebrated poet,
was one of his pupils. He afterwards travelled abroad with
some young gentlemen, as tutor, but retired at last to his
own country, where he died Jan. 10, 1717. He published
only a translation of the “Catechism of the Council of
” Lnhd.
As a poet, he delights his readers principally by occasional flights of
As a poet, he delights his readers principally by occasional flights of a vivid imagination, but has in no instance given us a poem to which criticism may not suggest many reasonable objections. The greater part of his life, he lived remote from the friends of whose judgment he might have availed himself, and by whose taste his own might have been regulated. His first production, Universal Beauty, has a noble display of fancy in many parts. It is not improbable that Pope, to whom he submitted it, gave him some assistance, and he certainly repaid his instructor by adopting his manner; yet he has avoided Pope’s monotony, and would have done this with more effect, if we did not perceive a mechanical lengthening of certain lines, rather than a natural variety of movement. On the other hand, the sublimity of the subject, by which he was inspired and which he hoped to communicate, sometimes betrays him into a species of turgid declamation. Harmony appears to be consulted, and epithets multiplied to please the ear at the expence of meaning.
ful in conversation. His addiction to metre was then such, that his companions familiarly called him Poet. When he had opportunities of mingling with mankind, he cleared
was born in Cheshire, as is said, of very mean parents. Of the place of his birth, or the first part of his life, we have not been able to gain any intelligence. He was educated upon the foundation at Eton, and was captain of the school a whole year, without any vacancy, by which he might have obtained a scholarship at King’s college. Being by this delay, such as is said to have happened very rarely, superannuated, he was sent to St. John’s college by the contributions of his friends, where he obtained a small exhibition. At his college he lived for some time in the same chamber with the well-known Ford, by whom Dr. Johnson heard him described as a contracted scholar and a mere versifier, unacquainted with life, and unskilful in conversation. His addiction to metre was then such, that his companions familiarly called him Poet. When he had opportunities of mingling with mankind, he cleared himself, as Ford likewise owned, from great part of his scholastic rust.
Of Broome, says Dr. Johnson, though it cannot be said that he was a great poet, it would be unjust to deny that he was an excellent versifier;
Of Broome, says Dr. Johnson, though it cannot be said that he was a great poet, it would be unjust to deny that he was an excellent versifier; his lines are smooth and sonorous, and his diction is select and elegant. His rhymes are sometimes unsuitable, but such faults occur but seldom, and he had such power of words and numbers as fitted him for translation; but in his original works, recollection seems to have been his business more than invention. His imitations are so apparent, that it is a part of his reader’s employment to recall the verses of some former poet. What he takes, however, he seldom makes worse; and he cannot be justly thought a mean man, whom Pope chose for an associate, and whose co-operation was considered by Pope’s enemies as so important, that he was attacked by Henley with this ludicrous distich:
He had a friendship and correspondence with many of the literati, and particularly with Rousseau the poet, and Voltaire. The latter used to tell him, that he “resembled
, of France, was born at Lyons
in 1671. He was at first a Jesuit, but afterwards an advocate, a member of the academy of Lyons, and librarian
of the public library there. In 1716, he published the
works of Boileau, in 2 vols. 4to, with historical illustrations: and, after that, the works of Regnier. He reformed the text of both these authors from the errors of
the preceding editions, and seasoned his notes with many
useful and curious anecdotes of men and things. His only
fault, the fault of almost all commentators, is, that he did
not use the collections he had made with sufficient sobriety
and judgment; and has inserted many things, no ways necessary to illustrate his authors, and some that are even
frivolous. He wrote also “L'Histoire abrege*e de la ville
de Lyon,
” with elegance and precision, resembled Atticus. who kept terms, and
even cultivated friendship, at the same time with Caesar
and Pompey.
” The enmity between Rousseau and Voltaire is well known.
st delightful imagery: for the abbe was not one of those pedants, according to the expression of the poet, “herisses de Grec & de Latin;” he possessed a lively imagination,
, an eminent classical scholar and
editor, was born at Tanay, a small village of the Nivernois, in 1722, and died at Paris, Feb. 12, 1789, at the
age of 67. In his youth he made it his practice to write
notes in every book that he read; and the margins of severaHn his library were entirely filled with them. Until his
last moment he pursued the same 'method of study. All
these he arranged wonderfully in his memory; and if it
had been possible after his death to have put his papers in
that order which he alone knew, they would have furnished
materials for several curious volumes. With this method,
and continued labour for twelve hours a day, the abbé
Brotier acquired an immense stock of various knowledge.
Except the mathematics, to which it appears he gave little
application, he was acquainted with every thing; natural
history, chemistry, and even medicine. It was his rule
to read Hippocrates and Solomon once every year in their
original languages. These he said were the best books
for curing the diseases of the body and the mind. But the
belles lettres were his grand pursuit. He had a good
knowledge of all the dead languages, but particularly the
Latin, of which he was perfectly master: he was besides
acquainted with most, of the languages of Europe. This
knowledge, however extensive, was not the only part in
which he excelled. He was well versed in ancient and
modern history, in chronology, coins, medals, inscriptions,
and the customs of antiquity, which had always been objects of his study. He had collected, a considerable quantity of materials for writing a new history of France, and
it is much to be regretted that he was prevented from undertaking that work. The akl>6 Brotier recalls to our remembrance those laborious writers, distinguished for their
learning, Petau, Sirmond, Labbu, Cossart, Hardouin, Souciet, &c. who have done so much honour to the college
of Louis XIV. in which he himself was educated, and where
fre lived several years as librarian; and his countrymen
say he is the last link of that chain of illustrious men, who
have succeeded one another without interruption, for near
two centuries. On the dissolution of the order of Jesuits,
the abbe Brotier found an asylum equally peaceful and
agreeable in the house of Mr. de la Tour, a printer, eminent in his business, who has gained from all connoisseurs
a just tribute of praise for those works which have come
from his press. It was in this friendly retirement that the
abbe Brotier spent the last twenty-six years of his life, and
that he experienced a happiness, the value of which he
knew how to appreciate, which arose from the care, attention, and testimonies of respect, bestowed upon him both
by Mr. and Mrs. de la Tour. It was there also that he
published those works which will render his name immortal; an edition of Tacitus, enriched not only with notes
and learned dissertations, but also with supplements, which
sometimes leave the reader in a doubt, whether the modern writer is not a successful rival of the ancient: this
was first published in 1771, 4 vols. 4to, and reprinted in
1776, in 7 vols. fcvo. He published also in 1779, 6 vols.
12mo, an edition of Pliny the naturalist, which is only a'
short abridgment of what he had prepared to correct and
enlarge the edition of Hardouin, and to give an historical
series of all the new discoveries made since the beginning
of this century; an immense labour, which bespeaks the
most extensive erudition. To these two editions, which
procured the abbe Brotier the applauses of all the literati
in Europe, he added in 1778, 8vo, an edition of Rapin on
gardens, at the end of which he has subjoined a history of
gardens, written in Latin with admirable elegance, and
abounding in the most delightful imagery: for the abbe
was not one of those pedants, according to the expression
of the poet, “herisses de Grec & de Latin;
” he possessed a lively imagination, and a fine taste, with clearness
and perspicuity; and above all, a sound judgment, which
never suffered him to adopt in writing any thing that
was not solid, beautiful, and true. His other works are,
1. “Examen de PApologie de M. I 7 Abbe de Prades,
” Conclusiones ex universa Theologia,
” Traite des Monnoies Romanies, Grecques, et
Hebr. compares avec les Monnoies de France, pour l'intelligencederEcriture Sainte, et de tous les auteurs Grecs,
et Remains,
” Prospectus d'une edit. Lat.
de Tacite,
” Supplementa, lib. 7.
loAnnal. Taciti,
” 17 v 55, 8vo. 6.“Cl. viri de la Caille
”7 1763, 4to. 7. “Phaedri Fabularum, lib. v. cum
notis et suppl. access. Parallela J. de la Fontaine Fabulse,
Memoire du Levant
” Brumoy’s Theatre,
” Parolles Memorables,
” a work
of which Mr. Seward has made great use in his “Anecdotes.
xtensive; for, besides his being so elegant a prose writer in various kinds of composition, he was a poet, a musician, and a painter. His learning does not, however,
Dr. Brown was a man of uncommon ingenuity, but unfortunately tinctured with an undue degree of self-opinion,
and perhaps the bias of his mind to insanity will assign this
best cause, as well as form the best excuse, for this.
genius was extensive; for, besides his being so elegant a
prose writer in various kinds of composition, he was a poet,
a musician, and a painter. His learning does not, however, appear to have been equal to his genius. His invention was, indeed, inexhaustible; and hence he was led to
form magnificent plans, the execution of which required a
greater depth of erudition than he was possessed of. In divinity, properly so called, as including an extensive knowledge of the controverted points of theology, and a critical
acquaintance with the Scriptures, he was not deeply conversant. All we can gather from his sermons is, that his
ideas were liberal, and that he did not lay much stress on
the disputed doctrines of Christianity. His temper, we
are told, was suspicious, and sometimes threw him into disagreeable altercations with his friends; but this arose, in a
great measure, if not entirely, from the constitutional disorder described above, a very suspicious turn of mind being one of the surest prognostics of lunacy. He has been
charged with shifting about too speedily, with a view to
preferment; and it was thought, that his “Thoughts on
Civil Liberty, Licentiousness, and Faction,
” seemed to
have something of this appearance. He, however, in that
performance endeavoured to remove the objection, by observing, that, if he had indirectly censured those whom he
had formerly applauded, he never was attached to men, but
measures; and that, if he had questioned the conduct of
those only who were then out of power, he had heretofore
questioned their conduct with the same freedom, when in
the fulness of their power. Upon the whole, Dr. Brown’s
defects, which chiefly arose from a too sanguine temperament of constitution, were compensated by many excellencies and virtues. With respect to his writings, they
are all of them elegant. Even those which are of a more
temporary nature may continue to be read with pleasure,
as containing a variety of curious observations; and in his
Estimate are many of those unanswerable truths that can
never be unseasonable or unprofitable.
, esq. F. R. S. and a very ingenious and elegant poet of the last century, was born at Burton-upon-Trent, January
, esq. F. R. S. and a very ingenious and elegant poet of the last century, was born at Burton-upon-Trent, January 21, 1705-6; and was the son of the rev. William Browne, minister of that parish, where he chiefly resided, vicar of Winge, in Buckinghamshire, and a prebendary of Litchfield, which last preferment was given him by the excellent bishop Hough. He was possessed, also, of a small paternal inheritance, which he greatly increased by his marriage with Anne, daughter of Isaac Hawkins, esq. all whose estate, at length, came to his only grandson and heir-at-law, the subject of this article. Our author received his grammatical education, first at Litchfield, and then at Westminster, where he was much distinguished for the brilliancy of his parts^ and the steadiness of his application. The uncommon rapidity with which he passed through the several forms or classes of Westminster school, attracted the notice, and soon brought him under the direction of the head master, Dr. Freind, with whom he was a peculiar favourite. Mr. Browne stayed above a year in the sixth, or head form, with a view of confirming and improving his taste for classical learning and composition, under so polite and able a scholar. When he was little more than sixteen years of age, he was removed to Trinity-college, Cambridge, of which college his father had been fellow. He remained at the university till he had taken his degree of M. A. and though during his residence there he continued his taste for classical literature, which through his whole life was his principal object and pursuit, he did not omit the peculiar studies of the place, but applied himself with vigour and success to all the branches of mathematical science, and the principles of the Newtonian philosophy. When in May 1724, king George the First established at both universities, a foundation for the study of modern history and languages, with the design of qualifying young men for employments at court, and foreign embassies, Mr. Browne was among the earliest of those who were selected to be scholars upon this foundation. On the death of that prince, he wrote an university copy of verses, which was the first of his poems that had been printed, and was much admired. About the year 1727, Mr. Browne, who had been always intended for the bar, settled at Lincoln’s-inn. Here he prosecuted, for several years, with great attention, the study of the law, and acquired in it a considerable degree of professional knowledge, though he never arrived to any eminence in the practice of it, and entirely gave it up long before his death. He was the less solicitous about the practice of his profession, and it was of the less consequence to him, as he was possessed of a fortune adequate to his desires; which, by preserving the happy mean between extravagance and avarice, he neither diminished nor increased.
ll as he hath done in the “Pipe of Tobacco.” The imitation of Ambrose Philips was not written by our poet, but by an ingenious friend, the late Dr. John Hoaclly, chancellor
Mr. Browne’s application to the law did not prevent his
occasionally indulging himself in the exercise of his poetical talents. It was not long after his settlement at Lincoln’s-inn that he wrote his poem on “Design and Beauty,
addressed to Highmore the painter, for whom he had a
great friendship. In this, one of the longest of his poems,
he shews an extensive knowledge of the Platonic philosophy; and pursues, through the whole, the idea of beauty
advanced by that philosophy. By design is here meant,
in a large and extensive sense, that power of genius which
enables the real artist to collect together his scattered
ideas, to range them in proper order, and to form a regular plan before he attempts to exhibit any work in architecture, painting, or poetry. He wrote several other
poetical pieces during the interval between his fixing at
LincolnVinn and his marriage one of the mostpleasing
and popular of which was his “Pipe of Tobacco,
” an
imitation of Gibber, Ambrose Philips, Thomson, Young,
Pope, and Swift, who were then all living; the peculiar
manner of these several writers is admirably hit off by our
author, who evidently possessed an excellent imitative genius. Indeed, nothing but a nice spirit of discrimination,
and a happy talent at various composition, could have enabled him to have succeeded so well as he hath done in
the “Pipe of Tobacco.
” The imitation of Ambrose Philips
was not written by our poet, but by an ingenious friend,
the late Dr. John Hoaclly, chancellor of the diocese of
Winchester, and second son of -the bishop. Dr. Hoadlyy
however, acknowledged that his little imitation was altered
so much for the better by Mr. Browne, that he fairly made
it his own.
, aged eighty-four. His wife died in 1783. Mr. Browne was a man of some learning and piety, but as a poet, we fear he cannot be allowed to rank higher than among versifiers.
, vicar of Olney in Buckinghamshire, and chaplain of Morden college, was born in 1703,
and was originally a pen-cutter. Early in life he distinguished himself by his, poetical talents, and when only
twenty years of age, published a tragedy called “Polidus,
and a farce called “All-bedevilled,
” which were played
together at a private theatre in St. Alban’s-street, neither
of much merit. He became afterwards a frequent contributor to the Gentleman’s Magazine, and carried off several
of the prizes which Cave, the printer and proprietor of that
Magazine, then offered for the best compositions. When,
Cave published a translation of Du Halde’s China, he inscribed the different plates to his friends, and one to
“Moses Browne,
” with which familiar designation Browne
thought proper to be offended, and Cave, to pacify him,
directed the engraver to introduce Mr. with a caret under
the line. In 1729, he published his “Piscatory Eclogues,
without his name, which were reprinted in Poems on various subjects,
” 8vo, and again in an extended form, with notes, in 1773. For along time,
however, even after his abilities were known, he remained in
poverty, and in 1745, when it appears he had a wife and
seven children, we find him applying to Dr. Birch for the
situation of messenger, or door-keeper, to the royal society.
In 1750, he published an edition of Walton and Cotton’s
Angler, with a preface, notes, and some valuable additions,
which was republished in 1759 and 1772, and in the former year drew him into a controversy with sir John Hawkins, who happened to be then publishing an improved
edition of the same work. From his poems, as well as
from the scattered observations in the “Angler,
” he appears to have been always of a religious turn; and in 1752
published in verse, a series of devout contemplations, entitled “Sunday Thoughts,
” which went through a second
edition in The Nativity and Humiliation of Jesus
Christ, practically considered.
” In Percy Lodge,
” a seat of the
duke and duchess of Somerset, written by command of
their late graces, in 1749. In what year he was presented
to the vicarage of Sutton, in Lincolnshire, we are not informed; but in 1763, he was elected to the chaplainship of
Morden college in Kent, and some time after appointed the
late rev. John Newton for his curate at Olney. In 1765 he
published a sermon “preached to the Society for the
Reformation of Manners,
” and a few years after, a “Visitation Sermon,
” delivered at Stony Stratford. Besides
these, Mr. Browne is said to have published one or two political tracts; and in 1772, a translation of a work of John
Liborius Zimmerman, entitled “The Excellency of the
knowledge of Jesus Christ,
” London, 12mo. He died at
Morden college, Sept. 13, 1787, aged eighty-four. His
wife died in 1783. Mr. Browne was a man of some learning and piety, but as a poet, we fear he cannot be allowed
to rank higher than among versifiers.
, an ingenious English poet, was the son of Thomas Browne of Tavistock in Devonshire, gent,
, an ingenious English poet, was
the son of Thomas Browne of Tavistock in Devonshire,
gent, who, according to Prince, in his Worthies of Devon,
was most probably a descendant from the knightly family
of Browne of Brownes-Ilash in the parish of Langtree near
Great Torrington in Devonshire. His son was born in
1590, and became a student of Exeter college, Oxford,
about the beginning of the reign of James I. After making
a great progress in classical and polite literature, he removed to the Inner Temple, where his attention to the
study of the law was frequently interrupted by his devotion to the muses. In his twenty -third year (1613) he
published, in folio, the first part of his “Britannia’s Pastorals,
” which, according to the custom of the time, was
ushered into the world with so many poetical eulogies,
that he appears to have secured, at a very early age, the
friendship and favour of the most celebrated of his contemporaries, among whom we find the names of Selden
and Drayton. To these he afterwards added Davies of
Hereford, Ben Jonson, and others. That he wrote some
of these pastorals before he had attained his twentieth year,
has been conjectured from a passage in Book I. Song V.;
but there is sufficient internal evidence, independent of
these lines, that much of tham was the offspring of a juvenile fancy. In the following year, he published in 8vo,
“The Shepherd’s Pipe,
” in seven eclogues. In the fourth
of these he laments the death of his friend Mr. Thomas
Manwood, under the name of Philarete, the precursor, as
some critics assert, of Milton’s Lycidas.
likewise we have a most elaborate character in Clarendon, some part of which reflects honour on our poet.“He was a great lover of his country, and of the religion and
After leaving the university with, lord Caernarvon, hefound a liberal patron in William earl of Pembroke, of
whom likewise we have a most elaborate character in Clarendon, some part of which reflects honour on our poet.“He was a great lover of his country, and of the religion
and justice, which he believed could only support it: and
his friendships were only it ith men of those principles. And
as his conversation was most with men of the most pregnant
parts and understanding; so towards any such, who needed
support, or encouragement, though unknown, if fairly recommended to him, he was very liberal.
” This nobleman,
who had a respect for Browne probably founded on the
circumstances intimated in the above character, took him
into his family, and employed him in such a manner, according to Wood, that he was enabled to purchase an estate. Little more, however, is known of his history, nor
is the exact time of his death ascertained. Wood finds
that one of both his names, of Ottery St. Mary in Devonshire, died in the winter of 1645, but knows not whether
this be the same. He hints at his person in these words,
“as he had a little body, so a great mind;
” a high character from this biographer who had no indulgence for poetical failings.
, or Robert Mannyng, the first English poet who occurs in the fourteenth century, was born probably before
, or Robert Mannyng, the first
English poet who occurs in the fourteenth century, was
born probably before 1270, as he was received into the
order of black canons at Brunne, about 1288. Malton
appears to have been his birth-place, but what Malton is
doubtful. He was, as far as can be discovered, merely a
translator. His first work, says Warton, was a metrical
paraphrase of a French book, written by Robert Grosthead,
bishop of Lincoln, called “Manuel Pecche
” (Manuel des Péchés), being a treatise on the decalogue, and on the
seven deadly sins, which are illustrated with many legendary stories. It was never printed, but is preserved in the
Bodleian library, Mss. No. 415, and in the Harleian Mss.
No. 1701. His second and more important work is a metrical chronicle of England, in two parts, the former of
which (from Æneas to the death of Cadwallader) is translated from Wace’s “Brut d'Angleterre,
” and the latter
(from Cadwallader to the end of the reign of Edward I.)
from a French chronicle written by Peter de Langtoft, an
Augustine canon of Bridlington in Yorkshire, who is supposed to have died in the reign of Edward II. and was
therefore contemporary with his translator. Hearne has
edited Robert de Brunne, but has suppressed the whole of
his translation from Wace, excepting the prologue, and a
few extracts which he found necessary to illustrate his
glossary. Mr. Ellis, to whom we are indebted for this article, has given some specimens of de Brunne’s work.
, a Latin historian and poet, was born at Egra in Bohemia, 1518. He was devoted to books
, a Latin historian and poet,
was born at Egra in Bohemia, 1518. He was devoted to
books from his childhood, and especially to poetry; in
which he so happily succeeded, that he could make a great
number of verses, and those not bad ones, extempore.
He began early to publish some of them on several subjects; and acquired so much reputation, that he attained
to the poetical crown, to the dignity of poet laureat, and
of count palatine, which honour he received at Vienna
from Ferdinand of Austria, king of the Remaps, in 1552.
His business in that city was to present a work to Maximilian, king of Hungary, which he had dedicated to him,
the “First century of the German monasteries.
” In his
return from Vienna, he stopped at Passau; where, finding
a patron in Wolfgang bishop of Salms, he resolved to settle, and to remove his library and family. He hoped that
he could better go on there with a great work he had undertaken, which was, “The history of all the bishoprics and
bishops of Germany.
” He had travelled much, and looked
into several records *and libraries, to gather materials for
his purpose. How long he staid there does not appear;
but he was at Basil in June 1553, and lived in the citadel
of Oporin. Arx Oporina: the usual way of speaking of
that famous printer’s house, which stood on a rising ground.
Here he published writings he had finished at Passau,
some in prose, and others in verse. Bruschius was married, but had no children. He was far from being rich;
but his poetical patrons assisted him, and he received presents also from the abbots and abbesses, whose monasteries
he described. He was particularly well received by the
abbess of the convent of Caczi, and obtained some presents from her, which, Melchior Adam says, was owing to
his having described the antiquities of that convent. The
liberalities of some abbots, while he was with Oporin at
Basil, enabled him to buy a new suit of clothes; but when
he found that appearing well dressed in the streets procured him many marks of respect from the vulgar, he tore
his new finery to pieces, “as slaves (says the same author)
that had usurped their master’s honours.
, an English poet and warrior, was born of a genteel family, educated at Oxford,
, an English poet and warrior, was born of a genteel family, educated at Oxford, and afterwards spent some time in travelling abroad. In 1522, he attended, in a military capacity, the earl of Surrey on his expedition to the coast of Britany, and commanded the troops in the attack of the town of Morlaix, which he took and burnt. For this service he was knighted on the spot by the earl, which Tanner says took place in Germany, 1532, instead of Britany, 1522. In 1528 he was in Spain, but in what service is doubtful. In 1529 he was sent ambassador to France, and the following year ta Rome on account of the king’s divorce. He had also been therein 1522, in the same capacity, when cardinal Wolsey’s election to the holy see was in agitation. In 1533 he was one of those sent by Henry to be witnesses to the interview between the pope and the king of France at Marseilles. He was gentleman of the privy chamber to Henry VIII. and to his successor Edward VI. in the beginning of whose reign he marched with the protector against the Scots, and after the battle of Musselborough in 1547, in which he commanded the light horse with great bravery, he was made banneret. In 1549 he was appointed chief governor of Ireland, by the title of lord chief justice, and there he married the countess of Ormond. He appears to have died in 1550, and was buried at Walerford. He was nephew to John Bourchier, lord Berners, the translator of Froissart.
, a Scottish historian, and Latin poet, of great eminence, and uncommon abilities and learning, was
, a Scottish historian, and Latin poet, of great eminence, and uncommon abilities and
learning, was descended from an ancient family, and was
born at Killairn, in the shire of Lenox, in Scotland, in the
month of February 1506. His father died of the stone in
the prime of life, whilst his grandfather was yet living; by
whose extravagance the family, which before was but in
low circumstances, was now nearly reduced to the extremity of want. He had, however, the happiness of a very
prudent mother, Agnes, the daughter of James Heriot of
Trabrown, who, though she, was left a widow with five sons
and three daughters, brought them all up in a decent manner, by judicious management. She had a brother, Mr.
James Heriot, who, observing the marks of genius which
young George Buchanan discovered when at school, sent
him to Paris in 1520 for his education. There he closely
applied himself to his studies, and particularly cultivated
his poetical talents but before he had been there quite
two years, the death of his uncle, and his own ill state of
health, and want of money, obliged him to return home.
Having arrived in his native country, he spent almost a
year in endeavouring to re-escablish his health; and in
1523, in order to acquire some knowledge of military affairs, he made a campaign with the French auxiliaries,
who came over into Scotland with John duke of Albany.
But in this new course of life he encountered so many
hardships, that he was confined to his bed by sickness all
the ensuing winter. He had probably much more propensity to his books, than to the sword; for early in the following spring he went to St. Andrews, and attended the
lectures on logic, or rather, as he says, on sophistry, which
were read in that university by John Major, or Mair, a
professor in St. Saviour’s college, and assessor to the dean,
of Arts, whom he soon after accompanied to Paris. After
struggling for about two years with indigence and ill fortune, he was admitted, in 1526, being then not more than
twenty years of age, in the college of St. Barbe, where he
took the degree of B. A. in 1527, and M. A. in 1528, and
in 1529 was chosen procurator nationis, and began then to
teach grammar, which he continued for about three years.
But Gilbert Kennedy, earl of Cassils, a young Scottish
nobleman, being then in France, and happening to fall
into the company of Buchanan, was so delighted with his
wit, and the agreeableness of his manners, that he prevailed upon him to continue with him five years. According to Mackenzie, he acted as a kind of tutor to this young
nobleman; and, during his stay with him, translated Linacre’s Rudiments of grammar out of English into Latin;
which was printed at Paris, by Robert Stephens, in 1533,
and dedicated to the earl of Cassils. He returned to Scotland with that nobleman, whose death happened about two
years after; and Buchanan had then an inclination to return to France: but James V. king of Scotland prevented
him, by appointing him preceptor to his natural son,
James, afterwards the abbot of Kelso, who died in 1548,
and not, as some say, the earl of Murray, regent of that
kingdom. About this time, he wrote a satirical poem
against the Franciscan friars, entitled, “Somnium;
which irritated them to exclaim against him as a heretic.
Their clamours, however, only increased the dislike which
he hud conceived against them on account of their disorderly and licentious lives; and inclined him the more
towards Lutheranism, to which he seems to have had before
no inconsiderable propensity. About the year 1538, the
king having discovered a conspiracy against himself, in
which he suspected that some of the Franciscans were concerned, commanded Buchanan to write a poem against
that order. But he had probably already experienced the
inconveniency of exasperating so formidable a body; for
he only wrote a few verses which were susceptible of a
double interpretation, and he pleased neither party. The
king was dissatisfied, that the satire was not more poignant; and the friars considered it as a heinous offence, to
mention them in any way that was not honourable. But
the king gave Buchanan a second command, to write
against them with more seventy; which he accordingly
did in the poem, entitled, “Franciscanus;
” by which he
pleased the king, and rendered the friars his irreconcileable enemies. He soon found, that the animosity of these
ecclesiastics was of a more durable nature than royal favour: for the king had the meanness to suffer him to feel
the weight of their resentment, though it had been chiefly
excited by obedience to his commands. It was not the
Franciscans only, but the clergy in general, who were incensed against Buchanan: they appear to have made a
common cause of it, and they left no stone unturned till
they had prevailed with the king that he should be tried
for heresy. He was accordingly imprisoned at the beginning of 1539, but found means to make his escape, as he
says himself, out of his chamber-window, while his guards
were asleep. He fled into England, where he found king
Henry the Eighth persecuting both protestants and papists.
Not thinking that kingdom, therefore, a place of safety,
he again went over into France, to which he was the more
inclined because he had there some literary friends, and
was pleased with the politeness of French manners. But
when he came to Paris, he had the mortification to find
there cardinal Beaton, who was his great enemy, and who
appeared there as ambassador from Scotland. Expecting,
therefore, to receive some ill offices from him, if he continued at Paris, he withdrew himself privately to Bourdeaux, at the invitation of Andrew Govea, a learned Portuguese, who was principal of a new college in that city.
Buchanan taught in the public schools there three years; in
which time he composed two tragedies, the one entitled,
“Baptistes, sive Calurania,
” and the other “Jephthes,
” and also translated the Medea and Alcestig
of Euripides. These were all afterwards published;-but
they were originally written in compliance with the rules
of the school, which every year required some new dramatic exhibition; and his view in choosing these subjects
was, to draw off the youth of France as much as possible
from the allegories, which were then greatly in vogue, to
a just imitation of the ancients; in which he succeeded beyond his hopes. During his residence at Bourdeaux, the
emperor Charles V. passed through that city; upon which
Buchanan presented his imperial majesty with an elegant
Latin poem, in which the emperor was highly complimented, and at which he expressed great satisfaction. But
the animosity of cardinal Beaton still pursued our poet:
for that haughty prelate wrote letters to the archbishop of
Bourdeaux, in which he informed him, that Buchanan had
fled his country for heresy; that he had lampooned the
church in most virulent satires; and that if he would put
him to the trial, he would find him a most pestilentious
heretic. Fortunately for Buchanan, these letters fell into
the hands of some of his friends, who found means to prevent their effects: and the state of public affairs in Scotland, in consequence of the death of king James V. gave
the cardinal so much employment, as to prevent any farther prosecution of his rancour against Buchanan.
ad the invention, but not the other natural qualifications which are necessary to constitute a great poet.” Now, we believe it is the universal opinion of all critics,
Mr. Granger’s opinion of the probable advancement he
might have made in poetry, has been opposed by the late
Dr. Kippis in the Biographia Britaunica. but in a manner
which evinces that the learned doctor was a very incompetent judge. He says Bunyan “had the invention, but
not the other natural qualifications which are necessary to
constitute a great poet.
” Now, we believe it is the universal opinion of all critics, since criticism was known, that
invention is the first qualification of a poet, and the only
one which can be called natural, all others depending upon
the state of refinement and education in the age the poet
happens to live. Hence it is that our early poets are in
general so exceedingly deficient in the graces of harmony,
and that many of our modern poets have little else. With
respect to Patrick’s Pilgrim, mentioned above, it is necessary to observe that (besides its being doubtful which was first published, Bunyan’s or Patrick’s) the question is
not, whether Bunyan might not have been preceded by
authors who have attempted something like the Pilgrim’s
Progress: far less is it necessary to inquire, whether he
be entitled to the merit of being the first who endeavoured
to convey religious instruction in allegory. It is sufficient
praise that when his work appeared, all others which resembled it, or seemed to resemble it, became forgotten;
and the palm of the highest merit was assigned to him by
universal consent. It was, therefore, to little purpose that
a small volume was lately published, entitled “The Isle of
Man, or the legal proceedings in Man-shire against Sin,
by the rev. R. Bernard, from which Bunyan was “supposed
” to have taken the idea of his Pilgrim. Bunyan’s
work so far transcends that and every similar attempt, that he
would have been very much to blame (allowing, what cannot be proved, that he took the idea from Bernard) had he
not adopted a plan which he was qualified to execute with
such superior ability.
many of his sonnets (now reprinted in his life by Mr. Duppa) shew how much he desired to imitate the poet of Vaucluse. He also studied with equal attention the sacred
In the early part of life, he not only applied himself to sculpture and painting, but to every branch of knowledge connected in any way with those arts, and gave himself up so much to application, that he in a great degree withdrew from society. From this disposition he became habituated to solitude, and, happy in his pursuits, he was more contented to be alone than in company, by which he obtained the character of being a proud and an odd man. When his mind was matured, he attached himself to men of learning and judgment, and in the number of his most intimate friends were ranked the highest dignitaries in the church, and the most eminent literary characters of his time. Among the authors he studied and delighted in most, were Dante and Pttrarch; of these it is saidhe could nearly repeat all their poems, and many of his sonnets (now reprinted in his life by Mr. Duppa) shew how much he desired to imitate the poet of Vaucluse. He also studied with equal attention the sacred writings of the Old and New Testament. His acquirements in anatomy are manifest throughout his works, and he often proposed to publish a treatise upon that subject for the use of painters and sculptors; principally to shew what muscles were brought into action in the various motions of the human body, and was only prevented, from fearing lest he should not be able to express himself so clearly and fully as the nature of the subject required. Of perspective he knew as much as was known in the age in which he lived; but this branch of knowledge was not then reduced to a science, nor governed by mathematical principles.
, an Italian poet, was better known under this name than by that of Dominico,
, an Italian poet, was better known under this name than by that of Dominico, which was his true one. Authors differ concerning his country and the time of his birth. The opinion most followed is that he was born at Florence about 1380. As to the epocha of his death, it seems more certain: he died at Rome in 1448. This poet was a barber at Florence, and his shop the common rendezvous of all the literati of that town. His poems, which mostly consist of sonnets, and often very freely written, are of the comic and burlesque species; but so truly original, that some poets who came after him have endeavoured to imitate him by composing verses alia Burcbiellesca. They are however full of obscurities and aenigmas. Some writers have taken the pains to make comments on them, and, among others, le Doni; but the commentary is scarcely less obscure than the text. Burchiello nevertheless holds a distinguished place among the Italian poets of the satirical class. He may be censurable for not having had sufficient respect for good manners; but the licence of this poetical barber was much in the general taste of the times. The best editions of his poems are those of Florence, 1552 and 1568, 3vo. His sonnets were printed for the first time at Venice, 1475, 4to.
, a German poet of considerable celebrity in his own country, and known in this
, a German poet of
considerable celebrity in his own country, and known in
this by several translations of one of his terrific tales, was
born in 1748, at Wolmerswende, in the principality of Halberstadt. His father was a Lutheran minister, and appears
to have given him a pious domestic education; but to school
or university studies young Burger had an insuperable
aversion, and much of his life was consumed in idleness
and dissipation, varied by some occasional starts of industry, which produced his poetical miscellanies, principally ballads, that soon became very popular from the
simplicity of the composition. In the choice of his subjects, likewise, which were legendary tales and traditions,
wild, terrific, and grossly improbable, he had the felicity
to hit the taste of his countrymen. His attention was also
directed to Shakspeare and our old English ballads, and
he translated many of the latter into German with considerable effect. His chief employment, or that from which he
derived most emolument, was in writing for the German
Almanack of the Muses, and afterwards the German Musaeum. In 1787 he lectured on the critical philosophy of
Kant, and in 1789 was appointed professor of belles-lettres
in the university of Gottingen. He married three wives,
the second the sister of the first, and the third a lady who
courted him in poetry, but from whom, after three years
cohabitation, he obtained a divorce. Her misconduct is
said to have contributed to shorten his days. He died in
June 1794. His works were collected and published by
Reinhard, in 1798—99, 4 vols. 8vo, with a life, in which
there is little of personal history that can be read with
pleasure. Immorality seems to have accompanied him the
greater part of his course, but he was undoubtedly a man
of genius, although seldom under the controul of judgment. His celebrated ballad of “Leonora
” was translated
into English in
under the title of “Homerides;” which exposed him to the lash of Mr. Pope, and occasioned that great poet to give him a place, though not with remarkable severity, in
, the third and youngest son of the
bishop, had an education equally advantageous with that
of his two elder brothers. When he had acquired a sufficient preparation of grammatical learning, he was sent
to the university of Oxford, where he becam^a commoner
of Merton-college. After this, he studied two years at
Leyden, from whence he seems to have made a tour
through Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. Having chosen
the profession of the law, he was entered at the Temple,
where he appears to have contracted wildness of disposition,
and irregularity of conduct. To this part of his character
there are frequent allusions in the satirical publications of
the times; and particularly in Dr. Arbuthnol’s notes and
memorandums of the six days preceding the death of a
right reverend prelate. Mr. Thomas Burnet was even
suspected of being one of the Mohocks mentioned in the
Spectator, whose extravagant and cruel exploits made
much noise, and excited no small degree of terror at that
period. Swift, in one of his letters to Stella, has the following passage: “Young Davenant was telling us, how
he was set upon by the Mohocks, and how they ran his
chair through with a sword. It is not safe being in the
streets at night. The bishop of Salisbury’s son is said
to be of the gang. They are all whigs. A great lady
sent to me, to speak to her father, and to lord treasurer,
to have a care of them, and to be careful likewise of myself; for she heard they had malicious intentions against
the ministry and their friends. I know not whether there
be any thing in this, though others are of the sante opinion.
” The report concerning Mr. Burnet might be
groundless; but it is certain that his time was not wholly
spent in dissipation; for, being warmly devoted to the
cause of the whigs, he commenced political writer against
the administration of the four last years of queen Anne.
No less than seven pamphlets of this kind, though without
his name, were written by him, in 1712 and 1713. His
first was entitled “A Letter to the People, to be left for
them at the Booksellers; with a word or two of the Bandbox Plot.
” This small tract is drawn up in short paragraphs, after the manner of Mr. Asgill; but not in ridicule
of that author, who is spoken of in terms of high commendation. Another piece of Mr. Burnet’s was: “Our
Ancestors as wise as we, or ancient Precedents for modern
Facts, in answer to a Letter from a noble Lord;
” which
was followed by “The History of Ingratitude, or a second
Part of ancient Precedents for modern Facts,
” wherein
many instances are related, chiefly from the Greek and
Roman histories, of the ungrateful treatment to which the
most eminent public characters have been exposed; and
the whole is applied to the case of the duke of Marlborough. A subsequent publication, that had likewise a reference to the conduct of the ministry towards the same
great general, and which was dedicated to him, was entitled “The true Character of an honest Man, especially
with relation to public Affairs.
” Another of Mr. Burnet’s
tracts, which was called “Truth, if you can find it; or a
Character of the present Ministry and Parliament,
” was
entirely of an ironical nature, and sometimes the irony
is well supported. But our author’s principal political
pamphlet, during the period we are speaking of, was, “A
certain Information of a certain Discourse, that happened
at a certain Gentleman’s House, in a certain County:
written by a certain Person then present; to a certain
Friend now at London; from whence you may collect the
great Certainty of the Account.
” This is a dialogue in
defence of the principles and conduct of the whigs; and
it gave such offence to queen Anne’s Tory ministry, that
on account of it, Mr. Burnet was taken into custody in
January 1712—13. He wrote, also, “Some new Proofs
by which it appears that the Pretender is truly James the
” in which, from the information, we suppose, of
his father, he gives the same account, in substance, of the
Pretender’s birth, that was afterwards published in the
bishop’s History of his own Time. What Mr. Burnet endeavours to make out is, that three supposititious children
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were introduced; and consequently, that the “Pretender
was James the Third;
” or, to put it more plainly, “the
third pretended James.
” Whilst our young author, notwithstanding his literary application and engagements, still
continued his wild courses, it is related, that his father
one day seeing him uncommonly grave, asked what he
was meditating. “A greater work,
” replied the son,
“than your lordship’s History of the Reformation.
“What is that, Tom?
” “My own reformation, my
” “I shall be heartily glad to see it,
” said the bishop, “but almost despair of it.
” This, however, was
happily accomplished, though, perhaps, not during the
life of the good prelate, and Mr. Burnejt became not only
one of the best lawyers of his time, but a very respectable
character. After the accession of king George the First,
he wrote a letter to the earl of Halifax, on “the Necessity
of impeaching the late Ministry,
” in which he urges the
point with great zeal and warmth, and shews the utmost
dislike of treating with any degree of lenity, a set of men
whose conduct, in his opinion, deserved the severest punishment. He insists upon it, that the makers of the treaty
of Utrecht ought to answer for their treasons with their
heads. The letter to the earl of Halifax, which appeared
with Mr. Burnet’s name, was followed by an anonymous
treatise, entitled “A second Tale of a Tub; or the
History of Robert Powel the Puppet-Showman.
” This
work, which is a satire on the earl of Oxford and his ministry, and is far from being destitute of wit and humour, hath
never had the good fortune (nor, indeed, did it deserve it,) of being read and admired like the original “Tale of
a Tub.
” The author himself, in the latter part of his life,
wished it to be forgotten; for we are well informed that
he sought much for it, and purchased such copies as he
could meet with, at a considerable price. Soon after his
father’s death, he published “A Character of the right
reverend father in God, Gilbert lord bishop of Sarum;
with a true copy of his last Will and Testament.
” In ridicule of this publication, was printed in Hudibrastic
verse, and with a very small portion of merit, “A certain
dutiful Son’s Lamentation for the Death of a certain right
reverend; with the certain Particulars of certain Sums and
Goods that are bequeathed him, which he will most certainly
part with in a ctrtain time.
” In Homerides;
” which exposed
him to the lash of Mr. Pope, and occasioned that great poet
to give him a place, though not with remarkable severity,
in the Dunciad. He was likewise concerned in a weekly
paper, called “The Grumbler.
” He was, however, soon,
taken from these literary occupations, by being appointed
his majesty’s consul at Lisbon, where he continued several years. Whilst he was in this situation, he had a
dispute with lord Tyrawley, the ambassador, in which the
merchants sided with Mr. Burnet. During the continuance
of the dispute, the consul took an odd method of affronting-'
his antagonist. Employing the same taylor, and having
learned what dress his lordship intended to wear on a birthday, Mr. Burnet provided the same dress as liveries for
his servants, and appeared himself in a plain suit. It is
said, that in consequence of this quarrel (though how truly, may, perhaps, be doubted), the ambassador and
consul were both recalled. Upon Mr. Burnet’s return to
his country, he resumed the profession of the law. In
1723, he published, with a few explanatory notes, the
first volume of his father’s “History of his own Time;
and, in Reflections historical and political.
” When Mr.
Burnet gave to the public, in of whom I
take this opportunity to say with pleasure, and which your
lordship, I am sure, will allow me to say with truth, that
for his knowledge of the world, and his able judgment of
things, he was equalled by few, and excelled by none of
his contemporaries.
” The following clause in our learned
judge’s will was the subject of conversation after his decease, and was inserted in the monthly collections, as
being somewhat extraordinary. “I think it proper in this
solemn act to declare, that as I have lived, so I trust I
shall die, in the true faith of Christ as taught in the
Scriptures; but not as taught or practised in any one visible church that I know of; though I think the church of
England is as little stuffed with the inventions of men as
any of them; and the church of Rome is so full of them,
as to have destroyed all that is lovely in the Christian
” This clause gave occasion to the publication
of a serious and sensible pamphlet, entitled: “The true
Church of Christ, which, and where to be found, according to the Opinion of the late judge Burnet; with
an Introduction concerning divine worship, and a caution
to gospel preachers; in which are contained, the Reasons
for that Declaration in his last Will and Testament.
” A
judgment may be formed of his abilities in his profession,
from his argument in the case of Ryal and Rowls. In
1777 were published in 4to, “Verses written on several
occasions, between the years 1712 and 1721.
” These
were the poetical productions of Mr. Burnet in his youth,
of whom it is said by the editor, that he was connected in
friendship and intimacy with those wits, which will for
ever signalise the beginning of the present century; and
that himself shone with no inconsiderable lustre amidst the
constellation of geniuses which then so illustriously adorned
the British hemisphere.
, an eminent modern poet of Scotland, was born on the 29th day of January, 1759, in a
, an eminent modern poet of Scotland, was born on the 29th day of January, 1759, in a small house about two miles from the town of Ayr, in Scotland. His father, William, after various attempts to gain a livelihood, took a lease of seven acres of land, with a view of commencing nurseryman and public gardener; and having built a house upon it with his own hands, he married, December 1757, Agnes Brown. The first fruit of his marriage was Robert, who in his sixth year was sent to a school at Alloway Miln, about a mile distant from his father’s house, where he made considerable proficiency in reading and writing, and where he discovered an inclination for books not very common at so early an age. With these, however, he appears at that time to have been rather scantily supplied; but what he could obtain he read with avidity and improvement. About the age of thirteen, or fourteen, he was sent to the parish school of Dalrymple, where he increased his acquaintance with English gramroar, and gained some knowledge of the French language. Latin was also recommended to him; but he was not induced to make any great progress in it. In the intervals from these studies, he was employed on his father’s farm, which, in spite of much industry, became so unproductive as to involve the family in great distress. This early portion of affliction is said to have been, in a great measure, the cause of that depression of spirits of which our poet often complained, and during which his sufferings appear to have been very acute. His father having taken another farm, the speculation was yet more fatal, and involved his affairs in complete ruin. He died Feb. 13, 1784.
s brother, with the honourable view of providing for'their large and orphan family. On this farm our poet entered, with a resolution to be wise: he read books on agriculture,
This calamity, the distresses of 4iis family, and a disappointment in a love affair, threw him for some time into
a state of melancholy, which he seems to have considered
as constitutional; but from which he was roused by an
accidental acquaintance with some jovial companions, who
gave a more gay turn to his sentiments. On his father’s
death, he took a farm in conjunction with his brother, with
the honourable view of providing for'their large and orphan
family. On this farm our poet entered, with a resolution
to be wise: he read books on agriculture, calculated crops,
and attended markets. But here, too, he was doomed to
be unfortunate, although, in his brother Gilbert, he had a
coadjutor of excellent sense, a man of uncommon powers
both of thought and expression. During his residence on.
this farm with his brother, he formed a connexion with a
young woman, the consequences of which could not be
long concealed. In this dilemma, the imprudent couple
agreed to make a legal acknowledgment of an irregular and
private marriage, and projected that she should remain
with her father, while he, having lost all hopes of success
at home, was to go to Jamaica “to push his fortune.
This proceeding, however romantic it may appear, would
have rescued the lady’s character, consonant to the laws of
Scotland, which allow of greater latitude in the terms and
period of the marriage-contract than those of England;
but it did not satisfy her father, who insisted on having all
the written documents respecting the marriage Cancelled,
and by this unfeeling measure he intended that it should
be rendered void. The daughter consented, probably under the awe of parental authority; and our poet, though
with much anguish and reluctance, was also obliged to
flubmit. Divorced now from all he held dear in the world,
he had no resource but in his projected voyage to Jamaica,
which was prevented by a circumstance which eventually
laid the foundation of his future fame. For once, his
poverty stood his friend: he was destitute of every necessary for the voyage, and was therefore advised to raise a
sum of money by publishing his poems in the way of subscription. They were accordingly printed at Kilmarnock,
in 1786, in a small volume, which was encouraged by subscriptions for about 350 copies. It is hardly possible, say
his countrymen who were on the spot at this time, to express with what eager admiration and delight these poems
were every where received. Old and young, high and
low, grave and gay, learned and ignorant, all were alike
delighted, agitated, transported. Such transports would
naturally find their way into the bosom of the author* especially when he found that, instead of the necessity of flying
from his native land, he was now encouraged to go to
Edinburgh and superintend the publication of a second
recommended his poems by judicious specimens, and such generous and elegant criticism, as placed the poet at once in the rank he was destined to hold. From this time,
This was the most momentous period of his life, in which he was to emerge from obscurity and poverty to distinction and wealth. In the metropolis he was soon introduced into the company and received the homage of men of literature, rank, and taste; and his appearance and behaviour at this time, as they exceeded all expectation, heightened and kept up the curiosity which his works had excited. He became the object of universal admiration and fondness, and was feasted, caressed, and flattered, as if it had been impossible to reward his merit too highly, or to grace his triumphal entry by too many solemnities. But what contributed principally to extend his fame into the sister kingdom* was his fortunate introduction to Mr. Mackenzie, who^ in the 97th paper of the Lounger, then published periodically at Edinburgh, recommended his poems by judicious specimens, and such generous and elegant criticism, as placed the poet at once in the rank he was destined to hold. From this time, whether present or. absent, Burns and his genius were the objects which engrossed all attention and all conversation.
congeniality of sentiment and agreement in habits. This sympathy, in some other instances, made our poet capriciously fond of companions, who, in the eyes of men of
During, his residence at Edinburgh, his finances were considerably improved by the new edition of his poems; and thjs enabled him not only to partake of the pleasures of that city, but to visit several other parts of his native country. He left Edinburgh May 6, 1787, and in the course of his journey was hospitably received at the houses of many gentlemen of worth and learning, who introduced him to their friends and neighbours, and repeated the applauses on which he had feasted in the metropolis. Of this tour he wrote a journal, which still exists, and of which some specimens have been published. He afterwards travelled into England as far as Carlisle. In the beginning of June he arrived at JVfossgiel, near Mauchlin, in Ayrshire, after an absence of six months, during which he had experienced a happy reverse of fortune, to which the hopes of few men in his situation could have aspired. He performed another journey the same year, of which there are a few minutes in the work already referred to, and which furnished him with subjects for his muse. His companion in some of these tours was a Mr. Nicol, a man of considerable talents, but eccentric manners, who was endeared to Burns not only by the warmth of his friendship, but by a certain congeniality of sentiment and agreement in habits. This sympathy, in some other instances, made our poet capriciously fond of companions, who, in the eyes of men of more regular conduct and more refined notions, were insufferable.
as not at Ellisland that he was now in general to be found: Mounted on horse-back, this high: minded poet was pursuing the defaulters of the revenue among the hills and
It has already been noticed, that Burns very fondly
cherished those notions of independence, and those feelings of an independent spirit that are dear to the young
and ingenuous, and were, perhaps, not less so to him, because so often sung by the greatest of our poets. But he
had not matured these notions by reflection; and he was
now to learn, that a little knowledge of the world will
overturn many such airy fabrics. If we may form any
judgment, however, from his correspondence, his expectations were not very extravagant, since he expected only
that some of his illustrious patrons would have placed him,
on whom they had bestowed the honours of genius, in a
situation where his exertions might have been uninterrupted by the fatigues of labour, and the calls of want.
Disappointed in this, be now formed a design of applying
for the office of exciseman, as a kind of resource in case
his expectations from the farm should be baffled. By the
interest of one of his friends, this object was accomplished;
and after the usual forms were gone through, he was appointed exciseman, or, as it is vulgarly called, ganger, of
the district in which he lived. It soon appeared, as might
naturally have been expected, that the duties of this office
were incompatible with his previous employment. “His
” says Dr. Currie, “was, in a great measure, abandoned to his servants, while he betook himself to the duties
of his new appointment. He might still, indeed, be seen
in the spring, directing his plough, a labour in which he
excelled, or with a white sheet, containing his seed-corn,
slung across his shoulders, striding with measured steps
along his turned-up furrows, and scattering the grain in
the earth. But his farm no longer occupied the principal
part of his care or his thoughts. It was not at Ellisland
that he was now in general to be found: Mounted on
horse-back, this high: minded poet was pursuing the defaulters of the revenue among the hills and vales of Nithsdale, his roving eye wandering over the charms of nature,
and muttering his wayward fancies as he moved along.
As to the person of our poet, he is described as being nearly five feet ten inches in height,
As to the person of our poet, he is described as being nearly five feet ten inches in height, and of a form that indicated agility as well as strength. His well -raised forehead, shaded with black curling hair, expressed uncommon capacity. His eyes were large, dark, full of ardour and animation. His face was well formed, and his countenance uncommonly interesting. Of his general behaviour, some traits have already been given. It usually bespoke a mind conscious of superior talents, not however unmixed with the affections which beget familiarity and affability. It was consequently various, according to the various modes in which he was addressed, or supposed himself to be treated: for it may easily be imagined that he often felt disrespect where none was meant. His conversation is universally allowed to have been uncommonly fascinating, and rich in wit, humour, whim, and occasionally in serious and apposite reflection. This excellence, however, proved a lasting misfortune to him: for while it procured him the friendship of men of character and taste, in whose company his humour was guarded and chaste, it had also allurements for the lowest of mankind, who know no difference between freedom and licentiousness, and are never so completely gratified as when genius condescends to give a kind of sanction to their grossness. Yet with all his failings, no man had a quicker apprehension of right and wrongvin human conduct, or a stronger sense of what was ridiculous or mean in morals or manners. His own errors he well knew and lamented, and that spirit of independence which he claimed, and so frequently exhibited, preserved him from injustice or selfish insensibility. He died poor, but not in debt, and left behind him a name, the fame of which will not be soon eclipsed.
te under the impression of actual feeling, much of the character of the man may be discovered in the poet. He executed no great work, for he never was in a situation
Of his poems, which have^been so often printed, and so eagerly read, it would be unnecessary here to enter into a critical examination. All readers of taste and sensibility have agreed to assign him a high rank among the rural poets of his country. His prominent excellencies are humour, tenderness, and sublimity; a combination rarely found in modern times, unless in the writings of a few poets of the very highest fame, with whom it would be improper to compare him. As he always wrote under the impression of actual feeling, much of the character of the man may be discovered in the poet. He executed no great work, for he never was in a situation which could afford the means of preparing, executing, and polishing a work of magnitude. His time he was compelled to borrow from labour, anxiety, and sickness. Hence his poems are short, various, and frequently irregular. It is not always easy to predict, from the beginning of them, what the conclusion or general management will be. They were probably written at one effort, and apparently with ease. He follows the guidance of an imagination, fertile in its images, but irregular in its expressions, and apt to be desultory. Hence Jie mixes the most affecting tenderness with humour almost coarse, and from this frequently soars to a sentiment of sublimity, a lofty flight, indicative of the highest powers of the art. Although in pursuit of flowers, he does not scruple to pick up a weed, if it has any thing singular in its appearance, or apposite in its resemblance. Yet the reader, who has been accustomed to study nature, and the varieties of the human mind, will always find something in unison with his boldest transitions.
If the merit of a poet is to be estimated by comparison, Burns has certainly surpassed
If the merit of a poet is to be estimated by comparison,
Burns has certainly surpassed his countrymen Ramsay and
Fergusson, the only two writers of any eminence with
whom a comparison has been, or can be instituted. In his
early attempts, these were the best models he had to follow; and it is evident that he had studied their works, and
derived considerable improvement from them. He acknowledged that, meeting with Fergusson’s Scottish Poems,
he “strung his lyre anew with emulating vigour.
” But still
he exceeds in versatility of talent. The poems of Ramsay
and Fergusson are characterized by humour or pathos
only: but our poet, while his humour was more exuberant
than theirs, and his pathos equally touching, rose superior
by flights of the sublime and terrible, which they never
attained. He may therefore be believed when he says,
that “although he had these poets frequently in his eye,
it was rather with a view to kindle at their flame, than to
servile imitation.
Burns was entirely the poet of nature. Of literature he had none. He knew the Greek and
Burns was entirely the poet of nature. Of literature he had none. He knew the Greek and Roman poets, if he knew them at all, only in translations. There have been, indeed, few poets less indebted to art and education. He was a total stranger to the tinsel, the overloading epithets, and other shifts of modern poets. If he read French, he imbibed nothing of the French manner: but his knowledge of that language does not appear to have been very intimate, although some common-place phrases occur in his letters. What superior culture might have done for a mind naturally vigorous and easily susceptible of knowledge, we shall not now inquire. Burns’ s w: orks claim no charitable allowance on account of the obscurity of his birth, or the stnallness of his acquisitions; they are such as few scholars could have produced, and such as learning could not have materially improved: as a poet, he may await the verdict of criticism, without the least necessity of putting in the plea of poverty, or want of literature. In all his works, he discovers his feelings, without betraying his situation. Had they been sent into the world without a name, conjecture would have found no pretence to fix them on a ploughman, or to suppose that they were published merely to raise pity and relief.
By some it has been regretted, that the best performances of our poet are in a language now accounted barbarous, which is never used
By some it has been regretted, that the best performances of our poet are in a language now accounted barbarous, which is never used in serious writing, and which is gradually falling into disuse, because every man gets rid of it as soun as he can. It has been asked, why he should write only for a part of the island, when he could command the admiration of the whole? In answer, it has been urged, that he wrote for the peasantry of his country, in a language which was to them familiar, and rich in expression. It was likewise for many years the only language he knew so well as to be able to express himself fluently in it; fyis early thoughts were conveyed in it, and it was endeared to him by the pleasures of memory and association. He wrote it when he had no very extensive ambition, and when he had no suspicion that it would obscure his sentiments, or narrow his fame. Nor, it must be confessed, has he been disappointed in his expectations, if we suppope that they were more enlarged. In England, Ireland, and America, his poems have been read and studied with pleasure and avidity, amidst all the interruptions of glossarial reference. These remarks, however, do not apply to many of his graver poems which are written in English, and in English which proves that he had cultivated that language with attention and success; although he did not conceive it to be adapted to such pieces as he intended, perhaps exclusively, far the use of his humble neighbours, and tagive classic dignity to his native scenery.
, a poet of a very singular cast, was born at Strensham in Worcestershire,
, a poet of a very singular cast, was
born at Strensham in Worcestershire, and baptized Feb.
8, 1612. His father’s condition is variously represented.
Wood mentions him as competently wealthy; but the
author of the short account of Butler, prefixed to Hudibras,
who, Dr. Johnson erroneously says, was Mr. Longueville,
asserts he was an honest farmer with some small estates
who made a shift to educate his son at the grammar-school
of Worcester, under Mr. Henry Bright, from whose care
he removed for a short time to Cambridge; but, for want
of money, was never made a member of any college. Wood
leaves us rather doubtful whether he went to Cambridge of
Oxford; but at last makes him pass six or seven years at
Cambridge, without knowing in what hall or college: yet
it can hardly be imagined that he lived so long in either
university, but as belonging to one house or another; and
it is still less likely that he could have so long inhabited a
place of learning with so little distinction as to leave his
residence uncertain. Dr. Nash has discovered that his
father was owner of a house and a little land, worth about
eight pounds, a year, still called Butler’s tenement. Wood
had his information from his brother, whose narrative placed
him at Cambridge, in opposition to that of his neighbours,
which sent him to Oxford. The brother’s seems the best
authority, till, by confessing his inability to tell his hall
or college, he gives reason to suspect that he was resolved
to bestow on him an academical education, but durst not
name a college, for fear of detection. Having, however,
discovered an early inclination for learning, his father
placed him at the free-school of Worcester; whence he
was sent, according to the above report, for some time to
Cambridge. He afterwards returned to his native country,
and became clerk to one Mr. Jefferys of Earl’s Croomb, an
eminent justice of the peace for that county, with whom
he lived some years in an easy and reputable station. Here
he found sufficient leisure to apply himself to whatsoever
learning his inclinations led him; which was chiefly history and poetry; adding to these, for his diversion, music
and painting. He was afterwards recommended to that
great encourager of learning, Elizabeth countess of Kent;
in whose house he had not only the opportunity of consulting all kinds of books, but of conversing with Mr. Seldeo,
who often employed him to write letters beyond sea, and
translate for him. He lived some time also with sir Samuel
Luke, a gentleman of an ancient family in Bedfordshire,
and a famous commander under Oliver Cromwell. Whilst
he resided in this gentleman’s family, it is generally supposed that he planned, if he did not write, the celebrated
Hudibras; under which character it is thought he intended
to ridicule that knight. After the restoration of Charles II.
he was made secretary to Richard earl of Carbury, lord
president of the principality of Wales, who appointed him.
steward of Ludlow-castle, when the Court was revived there.
In this part of his life, he married Mrs. Herbert, a gentlewoman of a good family; and lived, says Wbod^ upon her
fortune, having studied the common law, but never practised it. A fortune she had, says his biographer, but it
was lost by bad securities. In 1663 was published the first
part, containing three cantos, of the poem of “Hudibras,
which, as Prior relates, was made known at court by the
taste and influence of the earl of Dorset, and when known,
it was necessarily admired: the king quoted, the courtiers
studied, and the whole party of the royalists applauded it.
Every eye watched for the golden shower which was to fall
upon the author, who certainly was not without his share
in the general expectation. In 1664 the second part appeared; the curiosity of the nation was rekindled, and the
writer was again praised and elated. But praise was his
whole reward. Clarendon, says Wood, gave him reason
to hope for “places and employments of value and credit;”
but no such advantages did he ever obtain. It is reported,
that the king once gave him 300 guineas; but of this temporary bounty we find no proof. Wood relates that he was
secretary to Villiers duke of Buckingham, when he was
chancellor of Cambridge: this is doubted by the other
writer, who yet allows the duke to have been his frequent
benefactor. That both these accounts are false there is
reason to suspect, from a story told by Pack, in his account
of the life ef Wycherley, and from some verses which Mr.
Thyer has published in the author’s Remains. “Mr. Wycherley,” says Pack, “had always laid hold of any opportunity which offered of representing to the duke of Buckingham how well Mr. Butler had deserved of the royal
family, by writing his inimitable Hudibras; and that it
was a reproach to the court, that a person of his loyalty
and wit should suffer in obscurity, and under the wants he
did. The duke always seemed to hearken to him with
attention enough; and, after some time, undertook to recommend his pretensions to his majesty. Mr. Wycherley,
in Jiopes to keep him steady to his word, obtained of his
grace to name a day, when he might introduce that modest and unfortunate poet to his new patron. At last an
appointment was made, and the place of meeting was
agreed to be the Roebuck. Mr. Butler and his friend attended accordingly: the duke joined them; but, as the
devil would have it, the door of the room where they sat
was open, and his grace, who had seated himself near it,
observing a pimp of his acquaintance (the creature too was a knight) trip by with a brace of ladies, immediately quitted his engagement, to follow another kind of business, at
which he was more ready than in doing good offices to
men of desert; though no one was better qualified than
he, both in regard to his fortune and understanding, to
protect them; and, from that time to the day of his death,
poor Butler never found the least effect of his promise!”
Such is the story. The verses are written with a degree
of acrimony, such as neglect and disappointment might
naturally excite; and such as it would be hard to imagine
Butler capable of expressing against a man who had any
claim to his gratitude. Notwithstanding this discouragement and neglect, he still prosecuted his design; and in.
1678 published the third part, which still leaves the poem
imperfect and abrupt. How much more he originally intended, or with what events the action was to be concluded,
it is vain to conjecture. Nor can it be thought strange
that he should stop here, however unexpectedly. To write
without reward is sufficiently unpleasing. He had now arrived at an age when he might think it proper to be in
jest no longer, and perhaps his health might now begin to
fail. He died Sept. 25, 1680; and Mr. Longueville, having unsuccessfully solicited a subscription for his internment in Westminster abbey, buried him at his own cost
in the chureb-yard of Covent Garden. Dr. Simon Patrick
read the service. About sixty years afterwards, Mr. Barber, a printer, lord mayor of London, bestowed on him a
monument in Westminster abbey.
d must refer to the same for that eminent critic’s masterly dissertation on the merit of Butler as a poet. In 1744, Dr. Grey published an edition of Hudibras, 2 vols.
In these particulars we have chiefly followed the account drawn up by Dr. Johnson for his edition of the English Poets, and must refer to the same for that eminent critic’s masterly dissertation on the merit of Butler as a poet. In 1744, Dr. Grey published an edition of Hudibras, 2 vols. 8vo, with plates by Hogarth, and notes illustrative of those passages and allusions which, from the lapse of time, were becoming obscure. This long remained the standard edition, until in 1794, Dr. Nash, the historian of Worcestershire, published a new edition in 2 vols. 4to, and one of notes, abridged, improved, and corrected from Dr. Grey’s edition; with an inquiry into the life of Butler, containing, however, few particulars that are not generally known.
ry consistent: the one, that the father was in opulent circumstances; the other, that he thought our poet out of his senses, and therefore would not permit him to superintend
During his residence in France, he met with Malebranche’s “Search after Truth,
” and some of the works
of Mademoiselle Bourignon, the consequence of which,
Dr. Nichols informs us, was, that he came home strongly
possessed with the visionary philosophy of the former, and
the enthusiastic extravagances of the latter. From the
order of his poems, however, which was probably that of
their respective dates, he appears to have been at first
rather a disciple of the celebrated Mr. Law, and a warm
opponent of those divines who were termed latitudinarian.
His admiration of Malebranche, and of Bourignon, afterwards increased, but he never followed either so far as to
despise human learning, in which his acquirements were
great; and the delight which he took in various studies,
ended only with his life. By what means he was maintained abroad, or after his return, are matters of conjecture. His biographer tells nothing of his father’s inclination or abilities to forward his pursuits. It is said that he
studied medicine in London for some time; and thence
acquired, among his familiar friends, the title of Doctor
Byrom. But this pursuit was interrupted by his falling In
love with his cousin, Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Bylom, a mercer at Manchester, then on a visit in London.
To this young lady he disclosed his passion, and followed
her to Manchester, where the ardour of his addresses soon
procured a favourable return. Her father, however, was
extremely averse to the match, and when it took place
without his consent, refused the young couple any means
of support. Dr. Nichols assigns two reasons for this conduct, which are not very consistent: the one, that the
father was in opulent circumstances; the other, that he
thought our poet out of his senses, and therefore would
not permit him to superintend the education of his children, but took that care upon himself. If so, however
wrong his reasons might be, he could not be said to withdraw his support; and he was probably soon convinced that
he had formed an erroneous estimate of Viis son-in-law’s
understanding and general character.
The character of Byrom, as a poet, has been usually said to rest on his pastoral of Colin and
The character of Byrom, as a poet, has been usually said
to rest on his pastoral of Colin and Phebe, which has been
universally praised for its natural simplicity; but, if we
inquire what it is that pleases in this poem, we shall probably find that it is not 4:he serious and simple expression
of a pastoral lover, but the air of delicate humour which
runs through the whole, and inclines us to think, contrary
to the received opinion, that he had no other object in
view. Much, therefore, as this piece has been praised, he
appears to have more fully established his character in
many of those poems written at a more advanced age, and
published for the first time, in two elegant volumes, at
Manchester, inl 1773, especially “The Verses spoken
extempore at the meeting of a Club
”——“The Astrologer
——“The Pond
”——“Contentment, or the Happy Workman
”——most of his Tales and Fables, and the paraphrase
on the twenty-third psalm, entitled a “Divine Pastoral.
In these there appears so much of the genuine spirit of
poetry, and so many approaches to excellence, that it would
be difficult even upon the principles of fastidious criticism,
and impossible upon those of comparison, to exclude Byrom from a collection of English poets. His muse is said
to have been so kind, that he always found it easier to express his thoughts in verse than in prose, and although this
preference appears in many cases where the gravity of
prose only ought to have been employed, yet merely as
literary curiosities, the entire works of Byrom appear to
deserve the place allotted to them in the late edition of the
English poets, 1810, 21 vols. 8vo.
, or Cab-Ben-Zohair, a distinguished Arabian poet, was one of the rabbis among those Arabians who had embraced
, or Cab-Ben-Zohair, a distinguished Arabian poet, was one of the rabbis among those Arabians who
had embraced Judaism. Mahomet, irritated by a satirical
poem which Caab had written against him and his new
sect, made war on the Jewish Arabian tribes, in hopes of
seizing him and putting him to death. Caab, however,
contrived to escape his fury, until Mahomet had made himself master of Arabia, when he had the art to be reconciled to him, turned Mahometan, and altered his poem by
inserting the name of Abubeker wherever that of Mahomet
occurred; and as these concessions did not seem to effect
a complete reconciliation, he wrote a poem in favour of
one of his mistresses, which was so successful that Mahomet received him into friendship, and bestowed on him his
own mantle, which the caliph Moavias purchased when he
came to the throne, and it became the dress of his successors on state occasions. Caab is also said to have had
a considerable hand in drawing up the Alcoran. According
to Herbelot he died in the first year of the hegira, or A. C.
622. An edition of his poem in praise of Mahomet was
published under the title “Caab Ben-Zohair carmen
panegyricum in laudem Mohammedis, &c.
” Leyden,
ieces are in chiaro-obscuro. He possessed moreover a tolerable stock of learning, was something of a poet, and had a peculiar talent in satire. He died in 1598, aged
There was also Benedict Cagliari, a painter and sculptor, who was Paul’s brother, and lived and studied with him. He assisted him, and afterwards his sons, in finishing several of their compositions; but was most successful in. painting architecture, in which he delighted. His style in painting was like his brother’s; and not being ambitious enough of fame to keep his productions separate, they are, in a great measure, confounded with Paul’s. He practised for the most part in fresco; and some of his best pieces are in chiaro-obscuro. He possessed moreover a tolerable stock of learning, was something of a poet, and had a peculiar talent in satire. He died in 1598, aged 'sixty-six.
, a canon of the church of Ferrara, and a poet and orator of considerable distinction, was born at Ferrara
, a canon of the church of Ferrara, and a poet and orator of considerable distinction,
was born at Ferrara in 1479, and, as generally supposed,
was the natural son of a person who was an apostolic notary. He studied under Peter Pomponazzo, but devoting
himself to a military life, served under the emperor Maximilian. He afterwards engaged in the service. of Julius II.
and was employed in several important negociations. Returning to Ferrara, he obtained the particular favour of the
family of Este, and was chosen to accompany the cardinal
Ippolito on his journeyMiuo Hungary. About the year
1520, he was appointed professor of the belles lettres in
the university of Ferrara, which situation he filled with
great credit until his death in 1541. He was interred in
the library of the Jacobins, to which he bequeathed his
books, and on which are two inscriptions to his memory,
one signifying that “by continual study, he had learned to
despise earthly things, and not to be insensible of his own
” (ignorantiam suam non ignorare.) His works
were published at Basil in 1541, one vol. folio, or according to Moreri, in 1544, and contain sixteen books of epistles, and philosophical, political, and critical dissertations
on various subjects, and he also wrote some Latin poetry,
which the critics of his time prefer to his prose, the latter
being heavy, unequal, and affected; his poetry was published with the poems of John Baptista Pigna and Louis
Ariosto, at Venice, 1553, 8vo. He appears to have corresponded with Erasmus, whom, like many others, he
blamed for his undecided character in the questions which
arose out of the reformation.
, a celebrated Spanish dramatic poet, was chevalier of the order of St. James, and at first distinguished
, a celebrated Spanish dramatic poet, was chevalier of the order of St. James, and at first distinguished himself as a soldier. This profession he quitted, and became an ecclesiastic, and was made priest and canon of Toledo. There are several dramatical pieces by him in 9 vols. 4 to, Madrid, 1689; not to mention several others that have not been printed. The imagination of Calderoni, however, was too fertile to allow him to be regular and correct. The rules of the drama are violated in almost all his works. We perceive in his tragedies the irregularity of Shakspeare, his elevation and his degradation, flashes of genius as strong, comic turns as much out of place, an inflation no less capricious, and the same bustle of action and incident. Some of his pieces are still performed on the Spanish stage, and some have been translated into French. This poet flourished about the year 1640.
, a modern Latin poet of the fifteenth century, was a native of Naples, and became
, a modern
Latin poet of the fifteenth century, was a native of Naples,
and became preceptor to Frederic, the son of Ferdinand I.
king of Naples, whom he endeavoured to inspire with the
love of those virtues and principles of justice which would
dignify his high station. He did not approve of condemning malefactors to death. According to him, “thieves
should be obliged to restore what they had stolen, after
being beaten for the theft; homicides should be made
slaves; and other criminals be sent to the mines and the
” He had also studied and practised agriculture
and horticulture with great success. Having conic to
France, he was a witness of the war between Charles the
hardy, duke of Burgundy, and the Swiss, the history of
which he was requested to write, but declined it, as he
thought it did not become him to speak ill of princes, or to
tell what was not true. It appears by his letters that he
married young, was extremely fond of his wife, and had
many children. Yet he was accused of illicit amours,
which it is said kept him poor. He is supposed to have
died about 1503. There have been three editions of his
works, two at Rome, one in 1503, fol. “Opuscula Elisii
Calentii, poetae clarissimi;
” and a third at Basil,
enry VIII. Here be shewed himself to be a person of quick wit and great capacity; being an excellent poet and author of a tragedy, with other theatrical performances.
, a learned divine of
the sixteenth century, otherwise named Calfield, Cawfield,
Chalfhill, or Calfed, was born in Shropshire, in 1530.
Strype, however, says he was a Scotchman, and cousin to
Toby Malhew, afterwards archbishop of York. He received his education at Eton school, and from thence was
sent, in 1545, to King’s college in Cambridge, from which
he was removed, with many Other Cambridge men, in 1548,
to Christ Church in Oxford, newly founded by king Henry
VIII. Here be shewed himself to be a person of quick
wit and great capacity; being an excellent poet and author of a tragedy, with other theatrical performances. In
1549, he took his degree of bachelor of arts; and that of
master in 1552, being junior of the act celebrated in St.
Mary’s church, July 18. He was made, in 1560, canon of
the second canonry in Christ Church cathedral, Oxon; and,
On the 12th of December 1561, took the degree of bachelor
of divinity. In 1562 he was proctor for the clergy of London and the chapter of Oxford in the convocation that
made the XXXIX Articles and on the 16th of May, the
same year, was admitted to the rectory of St. Andrew
Wardrobe, London. The 4th of October following, he
was presented by the crown to the prebend of St. Pancras,
in the cathedral church of St. Paul; and May 4, 1565, was
collated by Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury, to
the rectory of Booking, in Essex; and on July 16th following, to the archdeaconry of Colchester in Essex, by
Edmund Grindal, bishop of London. The same year, December 17th, he took the degree of doctor in divinity. In
1568, he preached two sermpns in Bristol cathedral, on purpose to confute Dr. Cheney, who held that see in commendam, and who had spoken disrespectfully of certain opinions of Luther and Calvin. In 1569 he made application
to secretary Cecil, chancellor of the university of Cambridge, for the provostship of king’s college, but Dr.
Goad’s interest prevailed. Upon the translation of.Dr. Edwin Sandys from the bishopric of Worcester to that of
London in 1570, Dr. Calfhiil was nominated by queen
Elizabeth to succeed him 3 but before his consecration he
died, about the beginning of August (having a little before resigned his canonry of Christ Church, and rectory of St. Andrew Wardrobe), and was buried in the chancel of
Bocking church. His works were, 1. “Querela Oxoniensis Academise ad Cantabrigiam,
” Lond. Historia de exhumatione Catherines nuper
uxoris Pet. Martyris;
” or, The History of the digging up
the body of Catherine late wife of Peter Martyr, Lond.
1562, 8vo. The remains of this lady had been deposited
in the cathedral of Christ Church, near to the relics of St.
Frideswide, and in queen Mary’s reign were dug up and
buried in the dunghill near the stables belonging to the
dean; but on the accession of queen Elizabeth, an order
was given to replace them with suitable solemnity. This
order our author partly executed, and the remains of
Martyr’s wife were on this occasion purposely mixed with
those of St. Frideswide, that the superstitious worshippers
of the latter might never be able to distinguish or separate
them. 3. Answer to John Martiall’s “Treatise of the Cross,
gathered out of the Scriptures, Councils, and ancient Fathers of the primitive Church,
” Lond. Progne,
” a tragedy, in Latin; whichprobably was never
printed. It was acted before que^n Elizabeth at Oxford
in 1566, in Christ Church hall; but, says Wood, “it did
not take half so well as the much admired play of Palsemon
and Arcyte,
” written by Edwards. 5. “Poemata varia.
As to his character, we are informed, that he was in his
younger days a noted poet and comedian and in his elder,
an exact disputant, and had an excellent faculty in speaking and preaching. One who had heard him preach, gives
this account of him: “His excellent tongue, and rhetorical tale, tilled with good and wholesome doctrine, so
ravished the minds of the hearers, that they were all in
admiration of his eloquence.
” One John Calfhill, chaplain to Dr. Matthew, archbishop of York, a prebendary of
Durham, &c. who died in 1619, was probably son to our
, an ancient Greek poet, was born at Cyrene, a town in Africa, and flourished under
, an ancient Greek poet, was born at
Cyrene, a town in Africa, and flourished under the Ptolemies Philadelphus and Euergetes; Berenice, queen of
the latter, having consecrated her locks in the temple of
Venus, ad a flattering astronomer having translated them
from thence into a constellation in the heavens, gave occasion to the fine elegy of this poet, which we have now
only in the Latin of Catullus. He may be placed, therefore, about 280 B. C. His common name Battiades has
made the grammarians usually assign one Battus for his
father; but perhaps he may as well derive that name from
king Battus, the founder of Cyrene, from whose line, as
Strabo assures us, he declared himself to be descended. But
whoever was his father, the poet has paid all his duties
and obligations to him in a most delicate epitaph, which
we find in the Anthologia; and which shews that Martial
had good reason to assign him, as he has done, the crown
among the Grecian writers of the epigram. He was educated under Hermocrates, the grammarian; and before
he was recommended to the favour of the kings of Egypt,
he taught a school at Alexandria; and had the honour of
educating Apollonius, the author of the Argonautics. But
Apollonius making an ungrateful return to his master for
the pains he had taken with him, Callimachus was provoked
to revenge himself in an invective poem, called Ibis;
which, it is known? furnished Ovid with a pattern and title
for a satire of the same nature. Suidas relates, that Callimachus wrote above 800 pieces; of which we have now
remaining only a few hymns and epigrams, Quintilian is
very justifiable in having asserted, that Callimachus was
the first of all the elegiac poets. He has the credit of having first spoken the proverbial saying, “a great book is a
great evil,
” which critics have been fonder of repeating
than authors.
We know no more of the time of this poet’s death than we do of th,at of his birth; but it was probably
We know no more of the time of this poet’s death than we do of th,at of his birth; but it was probably in the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes: for Apollonius Rhodius, who was his scholar, was chosen by that prince to the care of the Alexandrian library, and after dying in that office was buried in Callimachus’s grave.
, or Calphurnius, a Latin poet, a native of Sicily, lived about the end of the third century,
, or Calphurnius, a Latin poet, a
native of Sicily, lived about the end of the third century,
under the emperors Carus, Carinus, and Numeriamis.
Seven of his eclogues are extant, which were once in such
high reputation as to he read in schools; hut they have not
preserved their reputation, and are generally considered,
notwithstanding some occasional passages of genius, as
indicating the declining taste of the age. Poggio is said
to have found them in England, and sent them to his friend
Niccolo Niccoli. They are published in the “Poetae rei
” Leyden, Poetae Latini
” but there are editions along with Silius Italicus
and other writers, as early as 1471, 1472, 1481, &c. The
latest edition is that of Beck, Leipsic, 1803, 8vo, with
notes and a glossary. Adelung translated them into German, and published them in 1805, in a magnificent manner.
r esteem, is an antiquary, a pedant, an alchymist, and what seldom is found among such characters, a poet. In conducting him through a series of adventures, upon the
Mr. Cambridge was not so fortunate in a hero. He was content to take up Scriblerus where Pope and Swift, or rather Arbuthnot, left him, a motley, ideal being, without an exemplar, combining in one individual, all that is found ridiculous in forgotten volumes, or among the pretenders to science and the believers of absurdities. Mr. Cambridge’s hero, therefore, without any qualities to se< cure our esteem, is an antiquary, a pedant, an alchymist, and what seldom is found among such characters, a poet. In conducting him through a series of adventures, upon the plan sketched by the triumvirate above mentioned, it is with great difficulty that he is able to avoid the error they fell into, either of inventing nonsense for the sake of laughing at it, or of glancing their ridicule at the enthusiasm of useful research, and the ardour of real science and justifiable curiosity. The composition of the Scribleriad is in general so regular, spirited, and poetical, that we cannot but wish the author had chosen a subject of more permanent interest. The versification is elegant, and the epithets chosen with singular propriety. The events, although without much connection, all add something to the character of the hero, and the conversations, most gravely ironical, while they remind us of the serious epics, are never unnecessarily protracted.
, a very celebrated Portuguese poet, and from his much-admired poem the “Lusiadas,” called the Virgil
, a very celebrated
Portuguese poet, and from his much-admired poem the
” called the Virgil of Portugal, was descended
from an illustrious, and originally, Spanish family, and was
born at Lisbon about the year 1524. His father Simon
Vaz de Camoens is said to have perished by shipwreck in
the year which gave being to his son, although this is somewhat doubtful. It appears, however, that our poet was
sent to the university of Coimbra, and maintained there
by his surviving parent. On his arrival in Lisbon, he became enamoured of Donna Catarina de Ataide, whom he
addressed with all the romantic ardour of youth and poetry,
but according to the prescribed reserve, or prudery of the
age, obtained no higher mark of her favour, after many
months of adoration, than one of the silken fillets which,
encircled her head. His impatience, however, hurried him
into some breaches of decorum, while pursuing his coy
mistress, who was one of the queen’s ladies, and her parents took this opportunity to terminate an intercourse
which worldly considerations rendered, on her part, of the
highest imprudence. This interference produced its usual
effect. Camoens was banished the court, and on the
morning of his departure, Catarina confessed to him the
secret of her long-concealed affection. Thus comforted, he
removed to Santarem, the place of his banishment, but is
said to have speedily returned to Lisbon, where he was
again detected, and again sent into exile.
guese. In the following year (1555), Manuel de Vasconcelos conducted an armament to the Red Sea. Our poet accompanied him, and with the intrepid curiosity of genius,
He now sought and obtained permission to accompany king John III. in an expedition concerted against the Moors in Africa. His conduct in this campaign was so heroic, that he obtained permission to return home, where he found that his mistress was dead. To aggravate his sorrows, he obtained no reward for his services, after much application; and stung with the ingratitude of his country, he determined to leave it. Mr. Mickle, but without quoting his authority, attributes this event to the discovery of an intrigue which he carried on with the wife of a Portuguese nobleman, a circumstance not very improbable, as all his biographers allow that he was not very correct in his morals. He sailed, however, for India, and contributed, in no small measure, to the success of an expedition against the Pimenta Isles, carried on by the king of Cochin and his allies the Portuguese. In the following year (1555), Manuel de Vasconcelos conducted an armament to the Red Sea. Our poet accompanied him, and with the intrepid curiosity of genius, explored the wild regions of Africa by which Mount Felix is surrounded. Here his mind was stored with sketches of scenery, which afterwards formed some of the most finished pictures in his Lusiad, and in his other compositions.
and striking pieces of machinery that ever was employed, and is sufficient to show that Camoens is a poet, though of an irregular, yet of a bold and lofty imagination.
Camoens wrote a variety of poetical compositions, some
of which have been lately very elegantly translated into
English by lord viscount Strangford, who has also prefixed
a life of the author, from which we have extracted some
remarks. According to the researches his lordship has
made into the character of Camoens, he appears to have
possessed a lofty and independent spirit, with a disposition to gallantry which may probably have involved him in
difficulties. His genius, however, appears principally io
the “Lusiad,
” the subject of which is the first discovery of
the East Indies by Vasco de Gama the poem is conducted
according to the epic plan: both the subject and the in r
cidents are magnificent, but the machinery is perfectly
extravagant. Not only, says Blair, is it formed of a singular mixture of Christian ideas and pagan mythology,
tout it is so conducted, that the pagan gods appear to be
the true deities, and Christ and the blessed Virgin, to be
subordinate agents. One great scope of the Portuguese
expedition, our author informs us, is to propagate the
Christian faith, and to extirpate Mahometanism. In this
religious undertaking, the great protector of the Portuguese is Venus, and their great adversary is Bacchus,
whose displeasure is excited by Vasco’s attempting to rival
his tame in the Indies. Councils of the gods are held, in
which Jupiter is introduced, as foretelling the downfall of
Mahometanism, and the propagation of the gospel Vasco,
in a great distress from a storm, prays most seriously to
God; implores the aid of Christ and the Virgin; and begs
for such assistance as was given to the Israelites, when they
were passing through the Red Sea; and to the apostle
Paul, when he was in hazard of shipwreck. In return to
this prayer, Venus appears, who, discerning the storm to
be the work of Bacchus, complains to Jupiter, and procures the winds to be calmed. Such strange and preposterous machinery, shews how much authors have been
misled by the absurd opinion, that there could be no epic
poetry without the gods of Homer. Towards the end of
the work, indeed, the author gives us an awkward salvo for
his whole mythology: making the goddess Thetis inform
Vasco, that she, and the rest of the heathen deities, are no
more than names to describe the operations of Providence.
There is, however, says the same judicious critic, some
fine machinery of a different kind in the Lusiad. The genius of the river Ganges, appearing to Emanuel king of
Portugal, in a dream, inviting that prince to discover his
secret springs, and acquainting him that he was the destined monarch for whom the treasures of the East were
reserved, is a happy idea. But the noblest conception of
this sort is in the fifth canto, where Vasco is recounting to
the king of Melinda all the wonders which he met with in
his navigation. He tells him, that when the fleet arrived
at the Cape of Good Hope, which never before had been
doubled by any navigator, there appeared to them on a
sudden, a huge and monstrous phantom rising out of the
sea, in the midst of tempests and thunders, with a head
that reached the clouds, and a countenance that filled them
with terror. This was the genius, or guardian, of that
hitherto unknown ocean. It spoke to them with a voice
like thunder: menaced them for invading those seas which
he had so long possessed undisturbed, and for daring to
explore those secrets of the deep, which never had been
revealed to the eye of mortals; required them to proceed
no farther: if they should proceed, foretold all the successive calamities that were to befall them: and then, with
a mighty noise, disappeared. This is one of the most solemn and striking pieces of machinery that ever was employed, and is sufficient to show that Camoens is a poet,
though of an irregular, yet of a bold and lofty imagination.
The critical student will find a more severe censure of Canioens in Rapin, Dryden, and Voltaire. But the Lusiad
lias generally been considered as a poem of very superior
merit, and has been often reprinted and translated into
several languages, once into French, twice into Italian,
four times into Spanish; and lately, with uncommon excellence, into English, by Mr. Mickle; but it had beea
translated in the 17th century by sir Richard Fanshaw.
Mickle’s translation will be considered in his life. It was
translated into Latin by Thomas de Faria, bishop of Targa
in Africa; who, concealing his name, and saying nothing
of its being a translation, made some believe that the Lusiadas was originally in Latin. Large commentaries have
been written upon the Lusiadas; the most considerable of
which are those of Emanuel Faria de Sousa, in 2 vols. folio,
Madrid, 1639. These commentaries were followed the
year after with the publication of another volume in folio,
written to defend them; besides eight volumes of observations upon the miscellaneous poems of Camoens, which
this commentator left behind him in manuscript.
, an Italian poet and prelate, was born in 1427 at Cavelli, a village of Campania,
, an Italian poet and prelate, was born in 1427 at Cavelli, a village of Campania, of parents so obscure that he bore no name but that of his country, and was employed in his early years as a shepherd, in which situation an ecclesiastic discovering some promise of talents in him, sent him to Naples, where he studied under Laurentius Valla. He went afterwards to Perugia, where he rose to be professor of eloquence, and filled that chair with so much reputation, that when, in 1459, pope Pius II. happened to pass through Perugia in his way to the council of Mantua, he bestowed his patronage on him, and made him bishop of Crotona, and secondly of Teramo. Enjoying the same favour under pope Paul II. this pontiff sent him to the congress of Ratisbon, which assembled for the purpose of consulting on a league of the Christian princes against the Turks. Sixtus IV. who had been one of his scholars at Perugia, made him successively governor of Todi, of Foligno, and of Citta di Castello; but the pope having thought proper to besiege this last named city, because the inhabitants made some scruple about receiving his troops, Campano, touched with the hardships they were likely to suffer, wrote to the pope with so much freedom and spirit as to enrage his holiness, and provoke him to deprive him of his government, and banish him from the ecclesiastical states. Campano on this went to Naples, but not rinding the reception he expected, he retired to his bishopric at Teramo, where he died July 15, 1477, of chagrin and disappointment. His works, which were first printed at Rome in 1495, fol. consist of several treatises on moral philosophy, discourses, and funeral orations, and nine books of letters, in which there is some curious information with respect both to the political and literary history of his times. This volume contains likewise, the life of pope Pius II. and of Braccio of Perugia, a famous military character, and lastly, of eight book of elegies and epigrams, some of which are rather of too licentious a nature to accord with the gravity of his profession. These, or part of them, were reprinted at Leipsic in 1707, and in 1734. Campano was at one time a corrector of the press to Udalric, called Gallus, the first printer of Rome, and wrote prefaces to Livy, Justin, Plutarch, and some other of the works which issued from that press.
honour of claiming a descent from the poet Waller. Our anthor was their fourth son; and at the age of five
honour of claiming a descent from the poet Waller. Our
anthor was their fourth son; and at the age of five years,
was brought to Windsor from Scotland, which country he
never saw afterwards. At a proper age he was placed out
as clerk to an attorney, being intended for the law; but
whether it was that his genius could not be confined to that
dry study, or to whatever causes besides it might be owing,
it is certain that he did not pursue his original designation:
neither did he engage in any other profession, unless that
of an author, in which he did not spend his time in idleness
and dissipation, but in such a close application to the acquisition of knowledge of various kinds, as soon enabled
him to appear with great advantage in the literary world.
What smaller pieces might be written by Mr. Campbell in
the early part of his life, we are not capable of ascertaining,
but, in 1736, before he had completed his thirtieth year,
he gave to the publick, in 2 vols. folio, “The military
history of prince Eugene, and the duke of Marlborough;
comprehending the history of both those illustrious persons to the time of their decease.
” This performance was
enriched with maps, plans, and cuts, by the best hands,
and particularly by the ingenious Claude de Bosc. The
reputation hence acquired by our author, occasioned him
soon after to be solicited to take a part in the “Ancient
Universal History.
” In this work Dr. Kippis says he wrote
on the Cosmogony; but Dr. Johnson assigns him the history of the Persians, and of the Constantinopolitan empire.
Whilst employed in this capital work, Mr. Campbell found
leisure to entertain the world with other productions. In
1739 he published the “Travels and adventures of Edward Brown, esq.
” 8vo. In the same year appeared his
“Memoirs of the bashaw duke de Rippercla,
” 8vo, reprinted, with improvements, in Concise history of Spanish America,
” 8vo. In A
letter to a friend in the country, on the publication of
Thurloe’s State papers;
” giving an account of their discovery, importance, and utility. The same year was distinguished by the appearance of the 1st and 2d volumes of
his “Lives of the English Admirals, and other ^eminent
Britisii ^eamen.
” The two remaining volumes were completed in Hermippus Revived
” a second edition of which, much improved and
enlarged, came out in 1749, under the following title
“Hermippus Redivivus or, the sage’s triumph over old
age and the grave. Wherein a method is laid down for
prolonging the life and vigour of man. Including a commentary upon an ancient inscription, in which this great
secret is revealed; supported by numerous authorities.
The whole interspersed with a great variety of remarkable
and well-attested relations.
” This extraordinary tract had
its origin in a foreign publication, under the title of “Hermippus Redivivus,
” Coblentz, great secret
” is no other than
inhaling the breath of young females, by which, we learn
from an inscription in Reinesius’s Supplement to Gruter,
one Hermippus prolonged his life to the age of 115. Mr.
Campbell, in 1744, gave to the public in 2 vols. fol. his
“Voyages and Travels,
” on Dr. Harris’s plan, being a
very distinguished improvement of that collection, which
had appeared in 1705. The work contains all the circumnavigators from the time of Columbus to lord Anson; a
complete history of the East Indies; historical details of
the several attempts made for the discovery of the northeast and north-west passages; the commercial history of
Corea and Japan; the Russian discoveries by land and,
sea; a distnct account of the Spanish, Portuguese,
British, French, Dutch, and Danish settlements in America; with other pieces not to be found in any former
collection. The whole was conducted wijh eminent skill
and judgment, and the preface is acknowledged to be a
master-piece of composition and information. The time
and care employed by Mr. Campbell in this important undertaking did not prevent his engaging in another great
work, the Biographia Britannica, which began to be published in weekly numbers in 1745, and the first volume
of which was completed in 1746, as was the second in
le he was forming Campistron for the drama, was not inattentive to promote the fortune of the young* poet. Having proposed him to the duke de Vendome for the composition
, was born at Toulouse
in 1656, and shewed an early taste for poetry, whichwas
improved by a good education, and when he came to
Paris, he took Racine for his guide in the dramatic career.
But, though it may be allowed that Campistron approached
his merit in the conduct of his pieces, yet he could never
equal him in the beauties of composition, nor in his enchanting versification. Too feeble to avoid the defects of
Racine, and unable like him to atone for them by beautiful strokes of the sublime, he copied him in his soft manner of delineating the love of his heroes, of whom, it must
be confessed, he sometimes made inamoratos fitter for the
most comic scenes than for tragedy, in which passion
ought always to assume an elevated style. Racine, while
he was forming Campistron for the drama, was not inattentive to promote the fortune of the young* poet. Having
proposed him to the duke de Vendome for the composition
of the heroic pastoral of “Acis and Galatea,
” which he designed should be represented at his chateau of Anet, that
prince, well satisfied both with his character and his talents, first made him secretary of his orders, and then secretary general of the gallies. He afterwards got him
made knight of the military order of St. James in Spain,
commandant of Chimene, and marquis of Penange in Italy.
The poet, now become necessary to the prince, by the
cheerfulness of his temper and the vivacity of his imagination, attended him on his travels into various countries.
Campistron, some time after his return, retired to his own
country; where he married mademoiselle de Maniban,
sister of the first president of Toulouse, and of the bishop
of Mirepoix, afterwards archbishop of Bourdeaux; and
there he died May 11, 1723, of an apoplexy, at the age
of 67. This stroke was brought on by a fit of passion excited by two chairmen who refused to carry him on account of his great weight. Campistron kept good company, loved good cheer, and had all the indolence of a
man of pleasure. While secretary to the duke de Vendome, he found it a more expeditious way to burn the letters that were written to that prince than to answer them.
Accordingly, the duke, seeing him one day before a large
fire, in which he was casting a heap of papers: “There
its Campistron,
” said he, “employed in answering my
” He followed the duke even to the field
of battle. At the battle of Steinkerque, the duke seeing
him always beside him, said, “What do you do here,
” “Mon seigneur,
” answered he, “I am
waiting to go back with you.
” This sedateness of mind in
a moment of so much danger was highly pleasing to the
bero. His plays, 1750, 3 vols. 12mo. have been nearly
as often printed as those of Corneille, Racine, Crebillon,
and Voltaire. The most popular of them are his “Andronicus,
” “Alcibiades,
” “Acis and Galatea,
” “Phocion,
” “Tiridates,
” “Phraates,
” and “Jaloux Desabuseé.
, a German poet and statesman, and privy counsellor of state, was of an ancient
, a German poet and statesman, and privy counsellor of state, was of an ancient and illustrious family in Brandenburg, and born at Berlin in 1654, five months after his father’s death. After his early studies, he travelled to France, Italy, Holland, and England; and upon his return to his country, was charged with important negociations by Frederic II. and Frederic III. Canitz united the statesman with the poet; and was conversant in many languages, dead as well as living. His German poems were published for the tenth time, 1750, in 8vo. He is said to haVe taken Horace for his model, "and to have written purely and delicately; and the French biographers complimented him with the title of the Pope of Germany. He not only cultivated the fine arts himself, but gave all the encouragement he could to them in others. He died at Berlin in 1699, highly praised for the excellence of his private character.
, in Latin Capycius, a native of Naples, and a Latin poet of the sixteenth century, attempted to imitate Lucretius, in
, in Latin Capycius, a native of Naples, and a Latin poet of the sixteenth century, attempted
to imitate Lucretius, in his poem of the “Principles of
” Frankfort, De Vate maximo,
” i. e. St. John the Baptist, which Gesner, doubtless a great friend of the poet,
equalled with the productions of antiquity.
e shrewd observations, as well as majesty, of his preface. His edition, however, was the effort of a poet, rather than of a critic; and Mr. Capell lay fortified and secure
, a gentleman well known by his
indefatigable attention to the works of Shakspeare, was
born at Troston, near Bury, Suffolk, June 11, 1713, and
received his education at the school of St. Edmund’s Bury.
In the dedication of his edition of Shakspeare, in 1768, to
the duke of Grafton, he observes, that “his father and the
grandfather of his grace were friends, and to the patronage
of the deceased nobleman he owed the leisure which enabled him to bestow the attention of twenty years on that
” The office which his grace bestowed on Mr. Capell was that of deputy inspector of the plays, to which a
salary is annexed of 200l. a year. So early as the year
1745, as Capell himself informs us, shocked at the licentiousness of Hanmer’s plan, he first projected an edition of
Shakspeare, of the strictest accuracy, to be collated and
published, in due time, “ex fide codicum.
” He immediately proceeded to collect and compare the oldest and
scarcest copies; noting the original excellencies and defects of the rarest quartos, and distinguishing the improvements or variations of the first, second, and third folios.
But while all this mass of profound criticism was tempering
in the forge, he appeared at last a self-armed Aristarchus,
almost as lawless as any of his predecessors, vindicating
his claim to public notice by his established reputation, the
authoritative air of his notes, and the shrewd observations,
as well as majesty, of his preface. His edition, however,
was the effort of a poet, rather than of a critic; and Mr.
Capell lay fortified and secure in his strong holds, entrenched in the black letter. Three years after (to use his own language) he “set out his own edition, in ten volumes, small octavo, with an introduction,
” 1768, printed
at the expence of the principal booksellers of London, who
gave him 300l. for his labours. There is not, among the
various publications of the present literary aera, a more
singular composition than that “Introduction.
” In style
and manner it is more obsolete, and antique, than the age
of which it treats. It is lord Herbert of Cherbury walking
the new pavement in all the trappings of romance; but,
like lord Herbert, it displays many valuable qualities accompanying this air of extravagance, much sound sense,
and appropriate erudition. It has since been added to the
prolegomena of Johnson and Steevens’s edition. In the
title-page of this work was also announced, “Whereunto
will be added, in some other volumes, notes, critical and
explanatory, and a body of various readings entire.
” The
introduction likewise declared, that these “notes and various readings
” would be accompanied with another work,
disclosing the sources from which Shakspeare “drew the
greater part of his knowledge in mythological and classical
matters, his fable, his history, and even the seeming peculiarities of his language to which,
” says Mr. Capell,
“we have given for title, The School of Shakspeare.
” Nothing surely could be more properly conceived than such
designs, nor have we ever met with any thing better
grounded on the subject of “the learning of Shakspeare
than what may be found in the. long note to this part of
Mr. Capell’s introduction. It is more solid than even the
popular essay on this topic. Such were the meditated
achievements of the critical knight-errant, Edward Capell.
But, alas! art is long, and life is short. Three-andtvventy years had elapsed, in collection, collation, compilation, and transcription, between the conception and production of his projected edition: and it then came, like
human births, naked into the world, without notes or commentary, save the critical matter dispersed through the
introduction, and a brief account of the origin of the fables
of the several plays, and a table of the different editions.
Cenain quaintnesses of style, and peculiarities of printing
and punctuation, attended the whole of this publication.
The outline, however, was correct. The critic, with unremitting toil, proceeded in his undertaking. But while
he was diving into the classics of Caxton, and working his
way under ground, like the river Mole, in order to emerge
with all his glories; while he was looking forward to his
triumphs; certain other active spirits went to work upon
his plan, and, digging out the promised treasures, laid
them prematurely before the public, defeating the effect
of our critic’s discoveries by anticipation. Steevens, Malone, Farmer, Percy, Reed, and a whole host of literary
ferrets, burrowed into every hole and corner of the warren
of modern antiquity, and overran all the country, whose
map had been delineated by Edward Capell. Such a contingency nearly staggered the steady and unshaken perseverance of our critic, at the very eve of the completion
of his labours, and, as his editor informs us for, alas! at
the end of near forty years, the publication was posthumous, and the critic himself no more! we say then, as
his editor relates, he was almost determined to lay the
work wholly aside. He persevered, however (as we learn from the rev. editor, Mr. Collins), by the encouragement
of some noble and worthy persons: and to such their Cih
couragement, and his perseverance, the public was, in
1783, indebted for three large volumes in 4to, under the
title of “Notes and various readings of Shakspeare; together with the School of Shakspeare, or extracts from
divers English books, that were in print in the author’s
time; evidently shewing from whence his several fables
were taken, and some parcel of his dialogue. Also
farther extracts, which contribute to a due understanding
of his writings, or give a light to the history of his life, or
to the dramatic history of his time.
speare; and if it be true, which we are also told, that he transcribed the works of that illustrious poet ten times with his own hand, it is no breach of charity to add,
This lively account of Mr. Capell, which appeared in
the two last editions of this Dictionary, seems to be principally taken from an ingenious criticism in vol. XLIX. of
the Monthly Review; and those who wish to investigate
the merits of Mr. Capell, as an editor, at a small expence
of time, may be referred to the other volumes of that review in which his works are characterised, and to the
Critical Review, vol. XLI. and LVI. In vol. XLIX. of the
Crit. Review is a list of his Mss. and printed books, which
he gave to Trinity college, Cambridge; and from a note
on one of these there is some reason to suspect that he was,
in a considerable measure, the author of a defence of himself, entitled “A Letter to George Hardinge, esq. on the
subject of a passage in Mr. Steevens’s Preface to his impression of Shakspeare,
, a Latin poet, lived about the year 490 of the vulgar aera. He is thought
, a Latin poet,
lived about the year 490 of the vulgar aera. He is thought
to have been an African and proconsul. We have a poem
of his mixed with prose, entitled “De nuptiis Philologiae
et Mercurii, et de septem artibus liberalibus.
” Grotius,
at the age of only fourteen years, gave a good edition of
this production in 1599, in 8vo, with notes and corrections.
He restored numberless corrupted passages, with a sagacity
truly wonderful in a boy of his age. That part which
treats of music has been most noticed by inquirers into the
history of that art.
, of Mantua, brother of the preceding, was a celebrated poet of the sixteenth century, who acquired great n putation by his
, of Mantua, brother of the preceding, was a celebrated poet of the sixteenth century,
who acquired great n putation by his centos of Virgil, in
which he applies the expressions of that great poet to the
lives of the monks and the public affairs of his time. His
Cento against women, Venice, 1550, 8vo, is thought too
satirical. Part of Capilupi’s poems are in the “Delicia)
Poetarum Italorum,
” torn. I. and they are printed separately, Cento Virgilianus de Monachis,
” which is
proscribed at Rome, and may be found at the end of the
“Regnum Papisticum
” of Naogeorgus.
, an Italian poet and governor of Atri in the kingdom of Naples, was born at Perugia
, an Italian poet and governor
of Atri in the kingdom of Naples, was born at Perugia in
]530. He wrote a satirical poem on courts and courtiers,
which procured him much reputation, while his circle of
friends- and admirers was greatly enlarged by. the vivacity
and pleasantry of his conversation. Among the number of
his patrons was Ascanio, marquis of Coria, at whose house
he died in 1601. He wrote also some poems of the romantic class, as his “Life of Maecenas,
” left unfinished,
and two comedies, viz. “Lo Seiocco,
” and “La Ninnetta,
” published at Venice in
ural philosophy, rhetoric, music, and most of the liberal arts and sciences. He was also a tolerable poet, and very accomplished in many other respects. Though painting
Augustine Caracci was born in 1557, and Hannibal in 1560. Their father, though a taylor in trade, was yet very careful to give his sons a liberal education. Augustine was intended to be bred a scholar; but his genius leading him to arts, he was afterwards put to a goldsmith. He quitted this profession in a little time, and then gave himself up to every thing that pleased his fancy. He first put himself under the tuition of his cousin Lewis; and became a very good designer and painter. He gained some knowledge likewise of all the parts of the mathematics, natural philosophy, rhetoric, music, and most of the liberal arts and sciences. He was also a tolerable poet, and very accomplished in many other respects. Though painting was the profession he always adhered to, yet it was often interrupted by his pursuits in the art of engraving, which he learnt of Cornelius Cort, and in which he surpassed all the masters of his time.
upon which ambassadors may form and digest their notions and representations and the late celebrated poet, Gray, spoke of it as an excellent performance.
When sir George Carew returned in 1G09 from his
French embassy, he drew up, and addressed to king James
the First, “A Relation of the state of France, with the
characters of Henry the Fourth, and the principal persons
of that court;
” which reflects great credit upon his sagacity and attention as an ambassador, and his abilities as
a writer. In this piece are considered, 1. The name of
France. 2. Its ancient and modern limits. 3. Its quality,
strength, and situation. 4. Its riches. 5. Its political ordeis.
6. Its disorders and dangers. 7. The persons governing,
with those who are likely to succeed. 8. In what terms the
French live with their bordering neighbours. And lastly,
the state of matters between the king of England’s dominions and theirs. These heads are divided, as occasion
requires, into other subordinate ones. The characters are
drawn from personal knowledge and close observation, and
might be of service to a general historian of that period.
The composition is perspicuous and manly, and entirely
free from the pedantry which prevailed in the reign of king
James I. his taste having been formed in a better aera, that
of Queen Elizabeth. The valuable tract we are speaking
of lay for a long time in manuscript, till happily falling
into the hands of the late earl of Hardwicke, it was communicated by him to Dr. Birch, who published it in 1749,
at the end of his “Historical view of the Negotiations
between the Courts of England, France and Brussels, from
the year 1592 to 1617.
” That intelligent and industrious
writer justly observes, that it is a model, upon which ambassadors may form and digest their notions and representations and the late celebrated poet, Gray, spoke of it as
an excellent performance.
, an English poet, was the younger brother of sir Matthew Carevv, a zealous adherent
, an English poet, was the younger
brother of sir Matthew Carevv, a zealous adherent to the
fortunes of Charles I. and of the family of Carews in Gloucestershire, but descended from the more ancient family
of that name in Devonshire. He is supposed to have been
born in 1589. According to Anthony Wood, he received his
academical education at Corpus Christi college, Oxford,
but was neither matriculated, nor took any degree. After
leaving college he improved himself by travelling, according to the custom of the age, and by associating with men
of learning and talents both at home and abroad'; and
being distinguished for superior elegance of manners and
taste, he was received into the court of Charles I. as
gentleman of the privy-chamber, and sewer in ordinary. His
wit had recommended him to his sovereign, who, however,
Clarendon informs us, incurred the displeasure of the
Scotch nation by bestowing upon him the place of sewer,
in preference to a gentleman recommended upon the interest of the courtiers of that nation. He appears after this
appointment to have passed his days in affluence and gaiety.
His talents were highly valued by his contemporaries, particularly Ben Jonson and sir William Davenant. Sir John
Suckling only, in his Session of the Poets, insinuates that
his poems cost him more labour than is consistent with the
fertility of real genius. But of this there are not many
marks visible in his works, and what sir John mistakes for
the labour of costiveness, may have been only the laudable
care he employed in bringing his verses to a higher degree
of refinement than many of his contemporaries. His death
is said to have taken place in 1639, which agrees with the
information we have in Clarendon’s Life. “He was a
person of a pleasant and facetious wit, and made many
poems (especially in the amorous way) which for the sharpness of the fancy, and the elegance of the language in
which that fancy was spread, were at least equal, if not
superior to any of that time. But his glory was, that after
fifty years of his life spent with less severity or exactness
than it ought to have been, he died with great remorse for
that licence, and with the greatest manifestation of Christianity, that his best friends could desire.
” It is pleasing
to record such a*mple atonement for the licentiousness of
some of his poems, which, however, most of his editors
have persisted in handing down to posterity.
Oldys, in his ms notes on Langbaine, informs us, that “Garew’s sonnets were more in request than any poet’s of his time that is, between 1630 and 1640. They were many
It does not appear that any of his poems were published
during his life-time, except such as were set to music.
The first collection was printed in 1640, 12mo, the second
in 1642, the third (not in 1654 as Cibber asserts, but) in
1651, and a fourth in 1670. In 1772 Mr. Thomas Davies
published an edition, with a few notes, and a short character, in which the writer has taken for granted some
particulars for which no authority can be found. Carew’s
Ccelum Britannicum, at one time erroneously attributed
to Davenant, was printed with the first editions of his
poems, and afterwards separately in 1651. Langbaine,
and Cibber after him, say that our author placed the Lathi motto on the front, when printed, but no edition printed
in his life-time is now known. The distich, however, might
have been prefixed to the music of the masque. Oldys, in
his ms notes on Langbaine, informs us, that “Garew’s
sonnets were more in request than any poet’s of his time
that is, between 1630 and 1640. They were many of
them set to music by the two famous composers, Henry
and William Lawes, and' other eminent masters, and sunoat. court in their masques.
” It may be added, that Carew
was one of the old poets whom Pope studied, and from,
whom he borrowed. Dr. Percy honours him with the compliment of being an “elegant, and almost forgotten writer,
whose poems deserve to be revived.
” But no modern
critic appears to have estimated his merit with more liberality than Mr. Head ley: his opinion, however, is here
copied, not without suspicion that. his enthusiasm may be
thought to have carried him too far.
, a musical composer and poet, once of great popular reputation, was an illegitimate son of
, a musical composer and poet, once of great popular reputation, was an illegitimate son of George Savile, marquis of Halifax, who had the honour of presenting the crown to William III. Carey is said to have received an annuity from a branch of that family till the day of his death, and he annexed the name of Savile to the Christian names of all the male part of his own family. At what period he was born is not known. His first lessons in music he had from one Lennert, a German, and had somje instructions also from Roseingrave and Gecniniani, but he never attained much depth in the science. The extent of Jlis abilities seerns to have been the composition of a ballad air, or at most a little cantata, to which he was just able to set a bass yet if mere popularity be the test of genius, Carey was one of the first in his time. His chief employment was teaching the boarding-schools, and among people of middling rank in private families, before tradesmen’s daughters, destined to be tradesmen’s wives, were put under the tuition of the first professors.
of M. A. till June the 14th, 1585. While he remained in college, he was esteemed a great orator and poet, and in process of time became a better disputant in divinity,
, a learned bishop in the seventeenth century, son of Guy, second son of Thomas Carleton, of Carleton-hall, in Cumberland, was born at Norham,
in Northumberland, of whose important castle his father
was then governor. By the care of the eminent Bernard
Giipin, he was educated in grammar-learning and when
tit for the university, sent by the same generous person to
Edmund-hall in Oxford, in the beginning of the year
1576, and was by him chiefly maintained in his studies.
On the 12th of February 1579-80, he took his degree of
B. A. at the completing of which, he exceeded all that
performed their exercises at that time. The same year
he was elected probationer fellow of Merton-college, and
remained in that society above five years before he proceeded in his faculty, not taking the degree of M. A. till
June the 14th, 1585. While he remained in college, he
was esteemed a great orator and poet, and in process of
time became a better disputant in divinity, than he had before been in philosophy. What preferments he had, is not
mentioned, nor does it appear that he was possessed of anv
dignity in the church till he became a bishop. After
having continued many years in the university, and taken,
the degree of B. D. May 16, 1594, and that of Doctor,
December 1, 1613, he was advanced to the bishopric of
Landaff, to which he was confirmed July 11, 1613, and
consecrated at Lambeth the next day. The same year he
was sent by king James T. with three other English divine*,
Dr. Hail, afterwards bishop of Exeter, Dr. Davenant, afterwards bishop of Salisbury, and Dr. Ward, master of
Sidney-college, Cambridge, and one from Scotland, Dr.
W T alter Balcanqual, afterwards dean of Durham, to the
synod of Dort; where he stood up in favour of episcopacy,
and behaved so well in every respect to the credit of our
nation, that after his return he was, upon the translation,
of Dr. Harsnet to Norwich, elected to succeed him in
the see of Chichester, September 8, 16 19, and confirmed
the 20th of the same month. He departed this life in May
1628, and was buried the 27th of that month in the choir
of his cathedral church at Chichester, near the altar. He
was a person uf solid judgment, and of various reading;
well versed in the fathers and schoolmen; wanting nothing
that could render him a complete divine; a bitter enemy
to the Papists, and in the point of Predestination a rigid
Calvinist. “I have loved him,
” says Mr. Camden, “for
his excellent proficiency in divinity, and other polite parts
of learning.
” Echard and Fuller also characterize him in
very high terms.
, an Italian poet, was born in 1507, at Civita Nova, in the march of Ancona, of
, an Italian poet, was born in 1507,
at Civita Nova, in the march of Ancona, of poor parents.
After his first studies he obtained the patronage of the
illustrious house of Gaddi in Florence, a branch of which,
John Gaddi, legate of Romania, appointed him secretary
of legation, and retained him in his service, with some
interval, until his death. On this event Caro determined
on a life of independence; but unable to resist the liberal
offers of Peter Louis Farnese, accepted the place of confidential secretary in 1543. While with him, Caro had an
opportunity of forming a very fine collection of medals,
and wrote a treatise on the subject. Such was his reputation at this time that Onufrius Pauvinius dedicated his
work “De Antiquis Romanorum nominibus
” to him, as the
ablest antiquary in Italy. With the study of medals, Caro
united that of the sciences, the belles lettres, languages,
and the Italian particularly, which owes great obligations to
him. He composed in that language several works of the
light kind, such as the “Ficheide del P. Siceo (i. e Francis Maria Molza) col Commento dr Ser Agresto (Annibal Caro)
sopra la prima Ficata,
” La diceria de nasi;
and a prose comedy, “Gli Straccioni,
” Venice, Letters
” were reprinted at Padua, with a life
of the author, by Alexander Zalioli, and notes by the
editor, 2 vols. 8vo; but the most complete edition is in 6 vols.
Padua, 1765. Caro also translated the Pastorals of Longus, of which Bodoni printed a fine edition at Parma in
1786, 4to. Among his unpublished works are a translation
of Aristotle’s “History of Animals,
” and his treatise above
mentioned on medals.
, a divine and poet of the seventeenth century, was educated at Eton college, and
, a divine and poet of the seventeenth century, was educated at Eton college, and thence elected scholar of King’s college in Cambridge, in 1622. About three years after, he left England, and studied in Flanders, Artois, France, Spain, and Italy; and at length received holy orders at Rome from the hands of the pope’s substitute. Soon after, having taken upon him the order of St. Benedict, he was sent into England to make proselytes; in which employment he continued somewhat above a year, then returned to the protestant religion, and, through the archbishop of Canterbury’s interest, obtained the small vicarage of Poling by the seaside, near Arundel castle, in Sussex. Here he was exposed to the insults of the Romish party, particularly one Francis a S. Clara, living in that neighbourhood under the name of Hunt, who used to expose him to scorn before his parishioners. In the time, however, of the civil war, he quitted his living, retired to Paris, and reconciling himself to the Romish church, he made it his business to rail against the protestants. Afterwards, returning to England, he settled at Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, where he had some relations; and, being once more a protestant, he would often preach there in a very fantastical manner, to the great mirth of his auditors. He was living there in 1670; but before his death he returned a third time to popery, causing his pretended wife to embrace that persuasion; and in that faith he died. He was generally esteemed a man of an absurd character, one that changed his opinions as often as his cloaths, and, for his juggles and tricks in religion, a theological mountebank.
, an English poet of the seventeenth century, was born at Northway near Tewkesbury,
, an English poet of the
seventeenth century, was born at Northway near Tewkesbury, in Gloucestershire, Sept. 1611. His father, after
spending a good estate, was reduced to keep an inn at
Cirencester; at the free-school of which town his son was
educated under Mr. William Topp. Being chosen a king’s
scholar, he was removed to Westminster school, under
Dr. Osbaldiston, and thence elected a student of Christ
church, Oxford, in 1628. After pursuing his studies, with
the reputation of an extraordinary scholar and genius,
he took his master’s degree in 1635, and in 1638 went
into holy orders, becoming “a most florid and seraphical
preacher in the university.
” One sermon only of his is in
print, from which we are not able to form a very high
notion of his eloquence; but whdn Mr. Abraham Wright,
of St. John’s, Oxford, compiled that scarce little book,
entitled “Five Sermons in five several styles, or ways of
” it appears that Dr. Maine and Mr. Cartwright
were of consequence enough to be admitted as specimens
of university preaching. The others are bishop Andrews’,
bishop Hall’s, the presbyterian and independent “ways
of preaching.
In 1642, bishop Duppa, with whom he lived in the
strictest intimacy, bestowed on him the place of succentur
of the church of Salisbury. In the same year he was one
of the council of war or delegacy, appointed by the university of Oxford, for providing for the troops sent by the
king- to protect the colleges. His zeal in this office occasioned his being imprisoned by the parliamentary forces
when they arrived at Oxford, but he was bailed soon after.
In 1643, he was chosen junior proctor of the university,
and was also reader in metaphysics. “The exposition of
” says Wood, “was never better performed than by
him and his predecessor Thomas Barlow, of Queen’s college.
” Lloyd asserts that he studied at the rate of sixteen
hours a day. From such diligence and talents much might
have been expected, but he survived the last- mentioned
appointments a very short time, dying on December 23,
1643, in the thirty-second year of his age, of a malignant
fever, called the camp disease, which then prevailed at
Oxford. He was honourably interred towards the upper
end of the south aile of the cathedral of Christ church.
of miscellany poems, vol. II. p. 1, the first eclogue of Virgil is translated by the same ingenious poet.
Mr. Caryl was the author of two plays: 1. “The English
Princess; or, the death of Richard III.
” 1667, 4to. 2.
“Sir Salomon, or the cautious coxcomb,
” 'The Psalms of David, translated
from the Vulgate,
” 12mo. In Tonson’s edition of Ovid’s
epistles, that of Briseis to Achilles is said to be by sir John
Caryl; and in Nichols’s select collection of miscellany
poems, vol. II. p. 1, the first eclogue of Virgil is translated
by the same ingenious poet.
, a Latin poet of the sixteenth century, was a native of Rome, and gained a
, a Latin poet of the
sixteenth century, was a native of Rome, and gained a reputation in the epigrammatic species of poetry, for which
he had a natural bent. He imitated Martial, particularly
in his lively style, and was master of the art of pointing his
terminations, which he exercised with the greatest ease.
In the verses he composed for the illustrious characters of
antient Rome he proposed Catullus for his model; but he
is far from attaining to that purity and delicacy which
charm us in the Latin poet; and though he sometimes
comes up to him in elegance, yet his diction is more strong
than mellow. His poems are to be found in the “Delicise
Poetaruin Italorum.
” Having exercised his wit at the expence of pope Clement VII. to please the Colonna family,
he was imprisoned and condemned to death, but received
a pardon. When Rome was taken by the Imperialists in
1527, he was stripped of all, reduced to beggary, and died
in that year, either of famine or the plague.
d here by his friends; for though he knew how to lay down rules for writing poetry, yet he was not a poet himself. His rival 'Hannibal Caro at length brought him under
, an Italian critic, celebrated for his parts, but more for the seventy of his criticisms, was born at Modena in 1505. Being despised for his poverty by the ignorant part of mankind, and hated for his knowledge by the learned, says Moreri, he left his own country, and went into Germany, where he resided at the court of the emperor Maximilian II. After six years’ absence he returned to Modena, and distinguished himself chiefly by his Commentary upon Aristotle’s Poetics; in which, Rapin assures us, he always made it a rule to find something to except against in the text of Aristotle. He attacked his contemporary and rival in polite literature, Hannibal Caro, as we have observed under his article; and the quarrel did not end without many satirical pieces written on both sides in verse and prose. Castelvetro, however, was assisted here by his friends; for though he knew how to lay down rules for writing poetry, yet he was not a poet himself. His rival 'Hannibal Caro at length brought him under the cognisance of the inquisition at Rome, by which he was accused of paying too much deference 1 to the new opinions, and not enough to the old. It is probable that during his travels into Germany, win -re Lutheranism was established, he had imbibed the principles of the reformation, which appeared in his conversation and writings. He wished to be tried at a distance, as he then was, before a council; but the pope acquainted the cardinal of Mantua, his legate, that since Castelvetro had been accused before the inquisition at Rome, it was necessary for him to appear there, under the character of a person accused. Upon the pope’s assuring him of* high honours if he was found innocent, and of clemency if guilty, he appeared before the inquisition, and was examined in October 1560: but, finding himself embarrassed by the questions put to him, and especially in regard to a bouk of Melancthon, which he had translated into Italian, he fled to Basil in Switzerland, where he pursued the study of the belles lettres to the time of his death, which happened Feb. 20, 1571.
, a Latin poet, was born in Narbonensian Gaul, the son of a free man; but when
, a Latin poet, was born in Narbonensian Gaul, the son of a free man; but when young and
an orphan, he was obliged to fly his country during the
civil war in the time of Sylla, with the loss of all his property. He then went to Rome and opened a public school,
and had many scholars, especially the youth of families of
rank. Suetonius says “docuit multos et nobiles.
” Bibaculus characterises his method of education in these words:
, a Roman poet, born at Verona A. C. 86, was descended from a good family and
, a Roman poet, born at Verona A. C. 86, was descended from a good family and his father was familiarly acquainted with Julius Cæsar, who lodged at his house. The beauty and elegance of his verses easily procured him the attention and friendship of the wits who were then at Rome, whither he was carried in his youth by Manlius, a nobleman, to whom he has inscribed several of his poems. Here he soon discovered the vivacity of his genius, and so distinguished himself by his pleasantry and wit, that he became universally esteemed, and gained even Cicero for his patron. It is believed that he gave the name of Lesbia to his principal mistress, in honour of Sap ho, who was of the island of Lesbos, and whose verses he much admired. Her true name, however, was supposed to be Clodia, sister of Clodius, the great enemy of Cicero. Like other poets, Catullus is said to have been very poor. His merit, indeed, recommended him to the greatest men of his time, as Plancus, Calvus, Cinna, &c. and he travelled into Bithynia with Memmius, who had obtained the government of that province after his praetorship: but it is plain from some of his epigrams, that he did not make his fortune by it. He died in the forty-sixth year of his age, B. C. 40, and in the height of his reputation.
Though the great talent of this poet lay in epigram, yet some have pretended that he equally excelled
Though the great talent of this poet lay in epigram, yet some have pretended that he equally excelled in all other kinds of poetry. Martial’s veneration for him was such, that he has not scrupled to put him on a level with Virgil:
her had been his familiar friend Cæsar, instead of expressing any uneasiness, generously invited the poet to supper with him, and there treated him with so much affability
And in this he has been followed by Paul Jovius and Barthius among the moderns. Dr. Warton maintains that the
Romans can boast but of eight poets who are unexceptionably excellent, and places Catullus as the third on this list,
in which he is preceded by Terence and Lucretius, and
followed by Virgil, Horace, Tibullus, Propertius, and Phaedrus. The same critic seems to doubt whether the story of
Atys in Catullus’s works be genuine. It is so much above
the tender and elegant genius of Catullus, that he is inclined to think it a translation from some Grecian writer.
Catullus’s writings got him the name of “the learned
amongst the ancients, for which we have the authority of
Aulus Gellius, Apuleius, and both the Plinys; but we have
no compositions of his remaining, nor any lights from antiquity, which enable us to explain the reason of it. Among
others that Catullus inveighed against and lashed in his
iambics, none suffered more severely than Julius Cæsar,
under the name of Mamurra which, however, only furnished Cæsar with an opportunity of shewing his moderation and humanity. For after Catullus, by repeated invectives, had given sufficient occasion to Cæsar to resent such
usage, especially from one whose father had been his familiar friend Cæsar, instead of expressing any uneasiness,
generously invited the poet to supper with him, and there
treated him with so much affability and good-nature, that
Catullus was ashamed at what he had done, and resolved
to make him amends for the future.
the great seals there, and stadtholder of the Fiefs, was born in Zealand, 1577. He was an ingenious poet, as well as a dexterous politician. He divested himself, however,
, pensionary of Holland, keeper of the great seals there, and stadtholder of the Fiefs, was born in Zealand, 1577. He was an ingenious poet, as well as a dexterous politician. He divested himself, however, at length of all employments, for the sake of cultivating poetry and letters; nor was he drawn afterwards from his retirement, but at the reiterated application of the states, who, in the critical season of Cromwell’s protectorate, sent him ambassador into England. Upon his return, he retired to one of his country-houses, where he died in 1660. His poems have been printed in all forms, the Hollanders highly valuing them: and the last edition of his works was, 1726, in 2 vols. folio.
muses, that he could not leave them behind him, but carried them to the camp, and made Davenant, the poet-laureat, his lieutenant-general of the ordnance.” Why did he
Of his grace’s literary labours, it is less possible to entertain a high opinion. Except the first article we shall
mention, they may be passed over with very slight notice
as the amusements of a nobleman, who, with a strong attachment to poetry, and the polite arts, was not qualified
to advance either, unless by his patronage. It has been
remarked by Granger, with a sneer borrowed from Strawberry-hill, that “the duke of Newcastle was so attached
to the muses, that he could not leave them behind him,
but carried them to the camp, and made Davenant, the
poet-laureat, his lieutenant-general of the ordnance.
” Why
did he not add, that his scout-master-general was a
clergyman, the rev. Mr. Hudson, and that the celebrated Chillingworth served in the engineers? The fact was, that
after Davenant, at the risk of his life, returned to England
to devote himself to the king’s service, the duke did promote him to the above office, and his majesty bestowed the
honour of knighthood on him for his able and judicious
conduct at the siege of Gloucester. While the duke was
permitted to devote his time, his health, and his fortune,
to the royal cause, he never suffered his thoughts to stray
far from his employment. It was in his exile, that being
extremely fond of the breaking and managing^ horses,
which is now almost entirely left to grooms and jockies, he
thought fit to publish his sentiments on those subjects in a
work we are about to notice, and which is still held in
high esteem. He also, for the amusement of his leisure
hours, applied himself to dramatic poetry, the produce of
which, says Mr. Reed, cannot but give us a strong idea of
his fortitude and cheerfulness of temper, even under the
greatest difficulties, since, though written during his. banishment, and in the midst of depression and poverty, all
the pieces he has left us in that way of writing are of the
comic kind.
, an English poet, the son of Thomas Cawthorn, upholsterer and cabinet-maker in
, an English poet, the son of
Thomas Cawthorn, upholsterer and cabinet-maker in
Sheffield, by Mary, daughter of Mr. Edward Laughton, of
Gainsborough, was born at Sheffield Nov. 4, 17 J 9. His
early inclination to letters, joined to a sprightly turn and
quick apprehension, induced his parents to send him to the
grammar-school of Sheffield, then superintended by the
rev. Mr. Robinson. Here he made a considerable proficiency in classical learning, and became so soon ambitious
of literary fame as to attempt a periodical paper, entitled
“The Tea Table,
” but was discouraged by his father, who
probably thought that he was too young for an observer of
men and manners, and too ignorant of the world to become
its adviser. In 1735, Mr. Cawthorn was removed to the
grammar-school at Kirkby Lonsdale in Westmoreland,
where he made his first poetical attempts, several of which
are said -to be still extant in his hand-writing: three of
these were admitted into the edition of his works published
in 1771; but one of them proved to be a production of
Mr. Christopher Pitt. In 1736, however, he published at
Sheffield, a poem entitled “The Perjured Lover,
” formed
on a lesser poem which he wrote about that time, on the
popular story of Inkle and Yarico. This has been consigned to oblivion. In the same year he appears to have
been employed as an assistant under the rev. Mr. Christian of liotheram. In 1758 he was matriculated of Clarehall, Cambridge, but his name is not to be found among the
graduates, nor can we learn how long he pursued his academical studies. When promoted to the school of Tunbridge, he had obtained the degree of M. A. probably from
some northern university.
As a poet, he displays considerable variety of power, but perhaps he is
As a poet, he displays considerable variety of power, but
perhaps he is rather to be placed among the ethical versifiers, than ranked with those who have attempted with success the higher flights of genius. As an imitator of Pope,
he is superior to most of those who have formed themselves
in that school, and sometimes his imitations are so close as
to appear the effect rather of memory than of judgment.
His “Abelard to Eloisa
” was a bold attempt, yet we miss
the impassioned bursts and glowing scenes, true to nature
and feeling, which have placed the Eloisa of Pope beyond
all reach of competition. His “Epistle from Lady Jane
Grey to Lord Dudley
” is another attempt in the heroic
manner, in which he has been more successful; the subject
was his own, and there is less of ambitious effort in treating it. His principal excellence, however, lies in solid
reflection on men and manners, and in satirical pictures
and allusions: here he has all the gaiety of the most favoured disciples of the Horatian school, and far more ease
than in his other compositions.
allowed by the most fastidious reader of his numerous prologues and translations. That he was not a poet, however, must be conceded, for nothing can be more barbarous
The erudition of Caxton appears to be deserving of better treatment than Bale and others have bestowed upon it.
That he had a far greater claim to intellectual reputation than
that of possessing the mere negative excellence of “not
being downright stupid or slothful,
” (Bale’s words,) must
be allowed by the most fastidious reader of his numerous
prologues and translations. That he was not a poet, however, must be conceded, for nothing can be more barbarous than the couplets for which he has been admitted, by
Ritson, into the list of English poets. At the same time,
whoever reads his criticism upon Chaucer, must not only allow that he was a better judge, than writer, of poetry; but
that it will be difficult to find a criticism upon our venerable bard, in the whole compass of our language, which is
more sober and just; more clearly and forcibly expressed.
As to Caxton’s knowledge of languages, that seems to
have been extremely creditable to him; for he was, in all
probability, a complete master of the Dutch, German, and
French, and considering his long absence from England
(in the prime of his life), he wrote his own language with
fluency, simplicity, and occasional melody and force.
urteenth centuries, whg acquired considerable reputation, unfortunately for himself, as a critic and poet. Among the many anachronisms and contradictions in the accounts
, is the adopted name of Francis,
or Francesco Stabili; a native of Ascoli, in the march of
Ancona, in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, whg
acquired considerable reputation, unfortunately for himself,
as a critic and poet. Among the many anachronisms and
contradictions in the accounts given of his life, which Tirabotchi has endeavoured to correct, we find that when
young, he was professor of astrology in the university of
Bologna, that he published a book on that science, which
being denounced to the Inquisition, he escaped by recanting what was offensive but that the same accusations
being afterwards renewed at Florence, he was condemned
to be burnt, and suffered that horrible deatb in 1327, in
the seventieth year of his age. We have already seen,
in former lives, that it was no uncommon thing for enraged
authors to apply to the secular arm for that revenge which
they could not otherwise have inflicted on one another.
The pretence for putting this poor man to death, was his
“Commentary on the Sphere of John de Sacrabosco,
” in
which, following the superstition of the times, he asserted
that wonderful things might be done by the agency of certain demons who inhabited the first of the celestial spheres.
This was foolish enough, but it was the prevalent folly of
the times, and Cecco probably believed what he wrote.
That he was not an impostor wiser than those whom he
duped, appears from his conduct to Charles, duke of Calabria, who appointed him his astrologer, and who, having
consulted him on the future conduct of his wife and daughter, Cecco, by his art, foretold that they would turn out
very abandoned characters. Had he not persuaded himself into the truth of this, he surely would have conciliated
so powerful a patron by a prediction of a more favourable
kind; and this, as may be supposed, lost him the favour of
the duke. But even the loss of his friend would not have
brought him to the stake, if he had not rendered himself
unpopular by attacking the literary merit of Dante and
Guido Cavalcanti, in his poem entitled “Acerba.
” This
provoked the malice of a famous physician, named Dino
del Garbo, who never desisted until he procured him to be
capitally condemned. This poem “Acerba,
” properly
” or “Acervo,
” in Latin Acervus, is in the
sesta rima divided into five books, and each of these into
a number of chapters, treating of the heavens, the elements, virtues, vices, love, animals, minerals, religion,
&c. The whole is written in a bad style, destitute of harmony, elegance, or grace; and, according to a late author, much of the plan, as well as the materials, are taken
from the “Tresor
” of Brunetto Latini. It is, however, a
work in demand with collectors, and although often
printed, most of the editions are now very scarce. The
first was printed at Venice in 1476, 4to, with the commentary of Nicolo Massetti, and was reprinted in 1478.
Haym (in the edition of his Biblioteca, 1771) speaks of a
first edition as early as 1458, which we apprehend no bibliographer has seen.
Besides these lesser failings of this great man, he has been accused of illiberality to the poet Spenser, which perhaps may be attributed to his dislike of Leicester,
Besides these lesser failings of this great man, he has
been accused of illiberality to the poet Spenser, which
perhaps may be attributed to his dislike of Leicester, under
whose patronage Spenser had come forward, but perhaps
more to his want of relish for poetry. On the other hand,
our historians are generally agreed in their praises of his
high character. Smollett only has endeavoured to lessen
it, but as this is coupled with a disregard for historical
truth, the attempt is entitled to little regard, and the advocates for Mary queen of Scots cannot be supposed to
forgive the share he had in her fate. Lord Orford has
given lord Burleigh a place among his “Royal and Noble
” but at the same time justly observes, that he is one
of those great names, better known in the annals of his country than in those of the republic of letters. Besides lord
Burleigh’s answer to a Latin libel published abroad, which
he entitled “Slanders and Lies,
” and “A Meditation of
the State of England, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth,
lord Orford mentions “La Complainte de PAme pecheresse,
” in French verse, extant in the king’s library; “Car
mina duo Latina in Obitum Margaretae Nevillee, Reginoe
Catherine a Cubiculis;
” “Carmen Latinum in Memoriain
Tho. Challoneri Equitis aurati, prsefixum ejusdem Libro de
restaurata Republica;
” “A Preface to Queen Catherine
Parr’s Lamentation of a Sinner.
” When sir William Cecil
accompanied the duke of Somerset on his expedition to
Scotland, he furnished materials for an account of that
war, which was published by William Patten, under the
title of “Diarium Expeditions Scoticae,
” London, The first paper or memorial of sir William Cecil \
anno primo Eliz.
” This, which is only a paper of memorandums, is printed in Somers’s tracts, from a manuscript
in the Cotton library. “A Speech in Parliament, 1592.
This was first published by Strype in his Annals, and has
since been inserted in the Parliamentary History. “Lord
Burleigh’s Precepts, or directions for the well-ordering and
carriage of a man’s life,
” A Meditation on the
Death of his Lady.
” Mr. Ballard, in his Memoirs of British Ladies, has printed this Meditation from an original
formerly in the possession of James West, esq. but now in
the British Museum. Lord Burleigh was supposed to be
the author of a thin pamphlet, in defence of the punishments inflicted on the Roman catholics in the reign of
queen Elizabeth: it is called “The Execution of Justice
in England, for maintenance of public and Christian peace,
against certain stirrers of sedition, and adherents to the
traitors and enemies of the realm, without any persecution
of them for questions of religion, as it is falsely reported,
” London, Leicester’s Commonwealth,
” It was asserted, that
the hints, at least, were furnished by him for that
composition. But no proof has been given of this assertion,
and it was not founded on any degree of probability. His
lordship drew up also a number of pedigrees, some of
which are preserved in the archbishop of Canterbury’s
library at Lambeth. These contain the genealogies of the
kings of England, from William the Conqueror to Edward
the Fourth; of queen Anne Boleyn; and of several princely
houses in Germany.
, a Latin poet, called also Protucius and Meissel, was born at Sweinfurt near
, a Latin poet, called also Protucius and Meissel, was born at Sweinfurt near Wetrtzburg
in 1459, and died at Vienna in 1508, after having gained
the poetic laurel. He has left, 1. “Odes,
” Strasburg,
” and a poem on the manners
of the Germans, An historical account
of the city of Nuremberg,
” Strasburg,
, a lawyer and Latin poet, was born of the noble family of Alba in Lombardy, in 1485,
, a lawyer and Latin
poet, was born of the noble family of Alba in Lombardy,
in 1485, and died in 1541. He composed a heroic poem
in three books, entitled “De Virginitate,
” Paris, Epithalamium
” of Delicise Poetarum Ital.
” but were more recently published separately
by Vernazza in 1778, with a life of the author.
, a French poet and miscellaneous writer, was born at Turin in 1738, and after
, a French poet
and miscellaneous writer, was born at Turin in 1738, and
after being educated among the Jesuits, joined their order,
and became professor of their college at Lyons. In 1761
he gained two academical prizes at Toulouse and Dijon;
the subject of the one was “Duelling,
” and the other an
answer to the question “Why modern republics have acquired less splendour than the ancient.
” This last, before Cerutti was known as its author, was attributed to
Rousseau. It was printed at the Hague in 1761, 8vo,
and reprinted at Paris in 1791. When the order of the
Jesuits was about to be abolished, Cerutti wrote in their
defence “L'Apologie de Pinstitut des Jesuites,
” Yes, the Alcoran.
” His “Apology,
” however, was much admired, and recommended
him to the Dauphin, who welcomed him to court. Here
he contracted an unhappy and violent passion for a lady
of the first rank, which brought on a tedious illness, from
which the friendship of the duchess of Brancas recovered
him, and in her house at Fleville he found an honourable
asylum for fifteen years. This lady, who appears to have
been somewhat of the romantic kind, as soon as she received him into her house, put a ring on his finger, telling
him that friendship had espoused merit. When the revolution broke out, he came to Paris, and became a zealous
partizan, and was much employed by Mirabeau in drawing
up reports. His Memoir on patriotic contributions procured him a place in the legislative body, but he died in
1792, after which the municipality of Paris honoured him
by giving his name to one of the new streets. Besides
the works already mentioned, he published 1. “L'Aigle
et le hibou,
” an apologue in verse, Glasgow and Paris,
1783, 2. <c Recueil de quelques pieces de literature en
prose et en vers,“ibid. 1784. The best of these is a dissertation on antique monuments, occasioned by some
Greek verses discovered on a tomb at Naples, in 1756.
” Les Jardins de Betz,“a descriptive poem, 1792, 8vo.
” Lettre sur les avantages et l'origine de la gaiete“Francaise,
” Lyons, Combien un esprit trop subtil
ressemble a un esprit faux,
” Les vrais
plaisirs ne sont faits que pour la vertu,
” Pourquoi les arts utiles ne sont-ils pas
cultives preferablement aux arts agreables,
” Sur l'origine et les effets du desir de transmettre son
nom a la posterite,
” Hague, Traduction libre de trois odes d'Horace,
” De Tinteret d'un ouvrage dans le sujet, le plan, et le
” Paris, Feuille. villageoise,
” a paper calculated to spread the
revolutionary delusions among the country people, but his
style was not sufficiently simple and popular. In 1793, a
collection of his works was published in an 8vo volume.
Those which are on subjects of literature are ingenious
and interesting, but as a poet he cannot be allowed to rank
y, sculptor, architect; an adept in the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Arabic, and Italian languages, a great poet, and a prolific author. He died in 1608, aged upwards of seventy.
, a painter of Cordova, acquired fame in the sixteenth century, both in Spain and Italy. His manner approaches somewhat to that of Correggio; the same exactness in the drawing, the same force in the expression, the same vigour in the colouring. It is impossible to contemplate without emotion his picture of the Last Supper in the cathedral of Cordova; where each of the apostles presents a different character of respect and affection for their master; the Christ displays at once an air of majesty and kindness; and the Judas a false and malignant countenance. The talents of Cespedes were not confined to painting, if we may trust the enthusiasm of the Spanish authors in his behalf; he was at the same time philosopher, antiquary, sculptor, architect; an adept in the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Arabic, and Italian languages, a great poet, and a prolific author. He died in 1608, aged upwards of seventy.
a member of the French academy, and of that of the belles-lettres, a dramatic author, an indifferent poet, but much esteemed for his writings respecting criticism and
, a French writer of eminence
in polite literature, is said to have been born in America,
of French parents, in 1730, and died in Paris July 12,
1792, but our only authority does not give his Christian
name, nor have we been able to discover it in any of the
French catalogues. He was a member of the French
academy, and of that of the belles-lettres, a dramatic author, an indifferent poet, but much esteemed for his
writings respecting criticism and elegant literature. His
principal works are: 1. “Eponine,
” a tragedy, Eloge de Rameau,
” Sur le sort de la poesie, en ce siecle philosophe, avec un dissertation sur Homere,
” Euxodie,
” a tragedy, Discours sur
” with a translation of some of his odes, Les Odes Pithiques de Pindare,
” translated, with
notes, Vie de Dante,
” Sabinus,
” a lyric tragedy, but unsuccessful, Epitre sur la manie des jardins Anglois,
” Idylles de Theocrite,
” a new translation, Vers sur Voltaire,
” De la Musique considereé en elle meme, et
dans ses rapports avec la parole, les langues, la poesie, et la
” Discours
” he pronounced on his admission into the academy
Jan. 20, 1780, 4to. In 1795 was published from his manuscript, “Tableau de quelques circonstances de ma vie,
8vo, containing a faithful but not very pleasing disclosure
of his conduct and sentiments. It appears that in his
youth he was a devot, as serious as madame Guyon, but
that afterwards he went into the other extreme, no uncommon transition with his countrymen.
rse, English and Latin,” it is discernible that he was a polite scholar, and had many qualities of a poet, but not unmixed with a love for those disgusting images in
, a miscellaneous writer, was
the son of Peter Champion, a gentleman of an ancient and
respectable family, seated at St. Columb in Cornwall, who
Acquired a considerable fortune as a merchant at Leghorn
he was born February 5, 1724-5, at Croydon, in Surrey,
and received his first instruction in the Greek and Latin
languages at Cheani school in that county; from whence,
in 173y, he was removed to Eton, and in February 1742,
became a member of the university of Oxford having
been placed at St. Mary-hall, under the care of the rev.
Walter Harte, a celebrated tutor, who was selected at a
later period by the earl of Chesterfield to finish his son
Mr. Stanhope’s education in classical literature. After
having passed two years at Oxford, he was entered as a
student of law at the Middle Temple, where he continued
to reside to the day of his decease; and was a bencher of
that society, to which he bequeathed one thousand pounds.
He served in two parliaments, having been elected in
1754 for the borough of St. Germain’s, and in 1761 for
Liskard in Cornwall; but the same great modesty and reserve restrained him from displaying the powers of his very
discerning and enlightened mind in that illustrious assembly, which prevented him also from communicating to the
world his poetical effusions, a collection of which was
published in an elegant volume in 1801, by William Henry
lord Lyttelton, who prefixed a biographical article, from
which the above account is taken. He died Feb. 22, 1801,
beloved and lamented, as his noble friend says, by all
who were acquainted with the brightness of his genius, his
taste for the finer arts, his various and extensive learning,
and the still more valuable qualities of his warm and benevolent heart. From his “Miscellanies in prose and verse,
English and Latin,
” it is discernible that he was a polite
scholar, and had many qualities of a poet, but not unmixed
with a love for those disgusting images in which Swift
, a celebrated French poet, was born at Paris Dec. 4, 1595, and having been educated under
, a celebrated French poet, was
born at Paris Dec. 4, 1595, and having been educated
under Frederic Morel, Nicholas Bourbon, and other eminent masters, became tutor to the children of the marquis
de la Trousse, grand marshal of France, and afterwards
steward to this nobleman. During an abode of seventeen
years in this family, he translated “Guzman d'Alfarache,
from the Spanish, and directed his particular attention to
poetry. He wrote odes, sonnets, the last words of cardinal
Richelieu, and other pieces of poetry; and at length distinguished himself by his heroic poem called “La Pucelle,
or “France delivree.
” Chapelain was thought to have
succeeded to the reputation of Malherbe, and after his
death was reckoned the prince of the French poets. Gassendi, who was his friend, has considered him in this light;
and says, that “the French muses have found some comfort and reparation for the loss they have sustained by the
death of Malherbe, in the person of Chapelain, who has
now taken the place of the defunct, and is become the
arbiter of the French language and poetry.
” Sorbiere has
not scrupled to say, that Chapelain “reached even Virgil
himself in heroic poetry;
” and adds, that “he was a man of
great erudition as well as modesty.
” He possessed this
glorious reputation for thirty years; and, perhaps, might
have possessed it now, if he had suppressed the “Pucelle:
but the publication of this poem in
, a celebrated French poet, called Chapelle from the place of his nativity, a village between
, a celebrated
French poet, called Chapelle from the place of his nativity,
a village between Paris and St. Denys, was born in 1621.
He was the natural son of Francis Lullier, a man of considerable rank and fortune, who was extremely tender of
him, and gave him a liberal education. He had the celebrated Gassendi for his master in philosophy; but he distinguished himself chiefly by his poetical attempts. There
was an uncommon ease in all he wrote; and he was excellent in composing with double rhymes. We are obliged
to him for that ingenious work in verse and prose, called
“Voyage de Bachaumont,
” which he wrote in conjunction with Bachaumont. Many of the most shining parts
in Moliere’s comedies it is but reasonable to ascribe to
him: for Moliere consulted him upon all occasions, and
paid the highest deference to his taste and judgment. He
was intimately acquainted with all the wits of his time, and
with many persons of quality, who used to seek his company: and we learn from one of his own letters to the
marquis of Chilly, that he had no small share in the favour
of the king, and enjoyed, probably from court, an annuity
of 8000 livres. He is said to have been a very pleasant,
but withal a very voluptuous man. Among other stories
in the Biographia Gallica, we are told that Boileau met
him one day; and as he had a great value for Chapelle,
ventured to tell him, in a very friendly manner, that “his
inordinate love of the bottle would certainly hurt him.
Chapelle seemed very seriously affected; but this meeting
happening unluckily by a tavern, “Come,
” says he, “let
us turn in here, and I promise to attend with patience to
all that you shall say.
” Boileau led the way, in hopes
of converting him, but both preacher and hearer became
so intoxicated that they were obliged to be sent home in
separate coaches. Chapelle died in 1686, and his poetical
works and “Voyage
” were reprinted with additions at the
Hague in
, a dramatic poet, and translator of Homer, was born in 1557, as generally supposed,
, a dramatic poet, and translator
of Homer, was born in 1557, as generally supposed, in
Kent, but we have no account at what school he was educated: he was, however, sent to the university when he
was about seventeen years of age, and spent about two
years at Trinity college, Oxford, where he paid little attention to logic or philosophy, but was eminently distinguished for his knowledge in the Greek and Roman classics. About the year 1576 he quitted the university, and
repaired to the metropolis, where he commenced a friendship with Shakspeare, Spenser, Daniel, Marlow, and other
celebrated wits. In 1595 he published, in 4to, a poem
entitled “Ovid’s Banquet of Sauce, a coronet for his
mistress philosophy, and his amorous zodiac:
” to which
he added, a translation of a poem into English, called
“The amorous contention of Phillis and Flora,
” written in
Latin by a friar in The Shield of Achilles,' 7 from Homer; and soon
after, in the same year, a translation of seven books of the
Iliad, in 4to. In 1600, fifteen books were printed in a
thin folio; and lastly, without date, an entire translation
of the Iliad, in folio, under the following title:
” The
Iliads of Homer, Prince of Poets. Never before in any
language truly translated. With a comment upon some
of his chief places: done according to the Greek by
George Chapman. At London, printed by Nathaniel
that he was a person of most reverend aspect, religious and temperate, qualities rarely meeting in a poet."
He died in 1634, at the age of seventy-seven, and was
buried on the south side of St. Giles’s church in the Fields.
His friend Inigo Jones planned and erected a monument
to his memory, which was unfortunately destroyed with
the old church. He appears to have been much respected
in his own time; and, indeed, the man who communicated
Homer to his countrymen, even in such language as that
of Chapman, might justly be considered as their benefactor; and in estimating the merit of his version, candid
allowance ought to be made for the age in which he lived,
and the then unimproved state of our language. Of this
translation Mr. Warton says, Chapman “is sometimes
paraphrastic and redundant, but more frequently retrenches
or impoverishes what he could not feel and express. In
the mean time he labours with the inconvenience of an
aukward, inharmonious, and unheroic measure, imposed
by custom, but disgustful to modern ears. Yet he is not
always without strength or spirit. He has enriched our
language with many compound epithets, much in the
manner of Homer, such as the silver-footed Thetis, the
silver-thorned Juno, the triple-feathered helme, the highwalled Thebes, the fair-haired boy, the silver-flowing floods,
the hugely-peopled towns, the Grecians navy-bound, the
strong-winged lance, and many more which might be collected. Dryden reports, that Waller never could read
Chapman’s Homer without a degree of transport. Pope is
of opinion that Chapman covers his defects by a daring
fiery spirit, that animates his translation, which is something like what one might imagine Homer himself to have
written before he arrived to years of discretion.' But his
fire is too frequently darkened by that sort of fustian which
now disfigured the face of our tragedy.
” Mr. Warton’s
copy once belonged to Pope in which he has noted many
of Chapman’s absolute interpolations, extending sometimes
to the length of a paragraph of twelve lines. A diligent
observer will easily discern that Pope was no careless
reader of his rude predecessor. Pope complains that
Chapman took advantage of an unmeasureable length of
line but in reality, Pope’s lines are longer than Chapman’s. If Chapman affected the reputation of rendering
line for line, the specious expedient of chusing a protracted measure which concatenated two lines together,
undoubtedly favoured his usual propensity to periphrasis.
— As a dramatic writer, he had considerable reputation
among his contemporaries, and was justly esteemed for the
excellence of his moral character. Wood says that he was
a person of most reverend aspect, religious and temperate,
qualities rarely meeting in a poet."
was youngest daughter of CoUey Cibber the player, and afterwards poet-laureat. At eight years old she was put to school, but had an
was youngest daughter of CoUey Cibber the player, and afterwards poet-laureat. At eight years old she was put to school, but had an education more suitable to a boy than a girl; and as she grew up, followed the same plan, being more frequently in the stable than in the bed-chamber, and mistress of the curry-comb, though ignorant of the needle. Her very amusements all took the same masculine turn shooting, hunting, riding races, and digging in a garden, being ever her favourite exercises. She also relates an act of her prowess when a mere child, in protecting the house when in expectation of an attack from thieves, by the firing of pistols and blunderbusses out at the windows. All her actions seem to have had a boyish mischievousness in them, and she sometimes appears to have run great risque of ending them with the most fatal consequences. This wildness, however, was put some check to, by her marriage, when very young, with Mr. Richard Charke, an eminent performer on the violin; immediately after which she launched into the billows of a stormy world, where she was, through the remainder of her life, buffeted about without ever once reaching a peaceful harbour. Her husband’s insatiable passion for women soon gave her just cause of uneasiness, and in a short time appears to have occasioned a separation.
, an English poet of singular genius and character, was born Nov. 20, 1752. His
, an English poet of singular genius and character, was born Nov. 20, 1752. His father was originally a writing usher to a school in Bristol, afterwards v a singing man in the cathedral, and lastly, master of the free-school in Pyle-street in the same city. He died about three months before this son was born. It is not quite unimportant to add that our poet was descended from a long line of ancestors who held the office of sexton of St. Mary Reclcliffe; since it was in the muniment room of this church that the materials were found from which he constructed that system of imposture which has rendered his name celebrated, and his history interesting. At five years of age he was sent to the school in Pyle-street, then superintended by a Mr. Love; but here he improved so little that his mother took him back. While under her care his childish attention is said to have been engaged by the illuminated capitals of an old musical manuscript in French, which circumstance encouraged her to initiate him in the alphabet, and she afterwards taught him to read from an old black-letter Testament or Bible. That a person of her rank in life should be able to read the blackletter is somewhat extraordinary, but the fact rests upon her authority, and has been considered as an introduction to that fondness for antiquities for which he was afterwards distinguished.
History of Bristol, and would naturally be glad to add to its honours that of having produced such a poet as Rowley, In his conversations with Barret and Catcot, he appears
Such is the story of the discovery of the poems attributed to Rowley, which Chatterton evidently made up
from the credulity of his mother and other friends, who
could not read the parchments on which he affected to set
so high a value, and which he afterwards endeavoured to
render of public importance by producing these wonderful
treasures of Canynge’s cofre. In his attempt already related, respecting the old bridge, he had not been eminently
successful, owing to his prevarication. He now imparted
some of these manuscripts to George Catcot, a pewterer of
Bristol, who had heard of the discovery, and desired to be
introduced to Chatterton. The latter very readily gave
him the “Bristow Tragedy,
” Rowley’s epitaph on Canynge’s ancestor, and some smaller pieces. These Catcot
communicated to Mr. Barret, a surgeon, who was writing
a History of Bristol, and would naturally be glad to add to
its honours that of having produced such a poet as Rowley,
In his conversations with Barret and Catcot, he appears to
have been driven to many prevarications, sometimes owning that he had destroyed several of these valuable manuscripts, and at other times asserting that he was in possession of others which he could not produce. These contradictions must have entirely destroyed his evidence in any
other case, in the opinion of thinking and impartial judges;
but the historian of Bristol could not forego the hopes of
enriching his book by originals of so great importance; and
having obtained from Chatterton several fragments, some
of considerable length, actually introduced them as authentic in his history, long after the controversy ceased,
which had convinced the learned world that he had been
egregiously duped.
n occasionally with money, and introduced him into company. At his request, too, Mr. Barret lent our poet some medical authors, and gave him a few instructions in surgery,
In return for these contributions, Barret and Catcot supplied Chatterton occasionally with money, and introduced him into company. At his request, too, Mr. Barret lent our poet some medical authors, and gave him a few instructions in surgery, but still his favourite studies were heraldry and English antiquities, which he pursued with as much success as could be expected from one who knew no language but his own. Camden’s Britannia appears to have been a favourite book; and he copied the glossaries of Chaucer and others with indefatigable perseverance, storing his memory with antiquated words. Even Bailey’s dictionary has been proved to have afforded him many of those words which the advocates for Rowley thought could be known only to a writer of his pretended age.
y thing of Chatterton’s history. They must have known that Chatterton did not apply to Walpole, as a poet, but merely as a young man who was transmitting the property
The only remarkable consequence of this correspondence was the censure Mr. Wai pole incurred from the admirers of Chatterton, who, upon no other authority than the circumstances now related, persisted in accusing him of barbarous neglect of an extraordinary genius who solicited his protection, and finally of being the cause of his shocking end. Mr. Walpole, when he found this calumny transmitted from hand to hand, and probably believed by those who did not take the trouble to inquire into the facts, drew up a candid narrative of the whole correspondence, which was broken off nearly two years before Chatterton died, during which two years the latter had resided, with every encouragement, in London; and, according to his own account, was within the prospect of ease and independence, without the aid of Mr. Walpole' s patronage. Of all this Mr. Walpole’s accusers could not be ignorant, if they knew any thing of Chatterton’s history. They must have known that Chatterton did not apply to Walpole, as a poet, but merely as a young man who was transmitting the property of another, and who had no claims of his own, but that he was tired of a dull profession, and wished for a place in which he might indulge his taste in what was more lively. A patron must have had many places in his gift and few applicants, if he could spare one to a person who professed no other merit than an inclination to exchange labour for ease. Yet Walpole has been held forth to public indignation as the cause of Chatterton’s death.
xon monk, or Gray, or Smolldt, or Jun i us ant l if it failed most in what it most affected to be, a poet of the fifteenth century, it was because it could not imitate
The general character of his works has been both fairly
and elegantly appreciated by lord Orford, in the last
edition of his lordship’s works. His life, says this critic,
should be compared with “the powers of his mind, the
perfection of his poetry, his knowledge of the world, which
though in some respects erroneous, spoke quick intuition;
his humour, his vein of satire, and above all, the amazing
number of books he must have looked into, though chained
down to a laborious and almost incessant service, and confined to Bristol, except at most for the last five months of
his life, the rapidity with which he seized all the topics of
conversation then in vogue, whether of politics, literature,
or fashion; and when added to all this 'mass of reflection,
it is remembered that his youthful passions were indulged
to excess, faith in such a prodigy may well be suspended
and we should look for some secret agent behind the
curtain, if it were not as dificult to believe that any man
who possessed such a vein of genuine poetry would have submitted to lie concealed, while he actuated a puppet; or
would have stooped to prostitute his muse to so many unworthy functions. But nothing in Chatterton can be separated from Chatterton. His noblest flight, his sweetest
strains, his grossest ribaldry, and his most common- place
imitations of the productions of magazines, were all the
effervescences of the same ungovernable impulse, which,
cameleon-like, imbibed the colours of all it looked on. It
was Ossian, or a Saxon monk, or Gray, or Smolldt, or Jun i us ant l if it failed most in what it most affected to be, a
poet of the fifteenth century, it was because it could not
imitate what had not existed.
The facts already related are principally taken from the
account drawn up originally for the Biographia Britannica,
and at the distance of eighteen years, prefixed to an edition of his works, without any addition or alteration.
Something yet remains to be said of his virtues, which, if
the poetical eulogiums that have appeared deserve any
credit, were many. Except his temperance, however,
already noticed, we find only that he preserved an affectionate attachment for his mother and sister, and even
concerning this, it would appear that more has been said
than is consistent. It has been asserted that he sent presents to them from London, when in want himself; but it
is evident from his letters that these were unnecessary articles for persons in their situation, and were not sent when
he was in want . Six weeks after, when he felt himself
in that state, he committed an act which affection for his
relations, since he despised all higher considerations,
ought to have retarded. His last letter to his sister or
mother, dated July 20, is full of high-spirited hopes, and
contains a promise to visit them before the first of January,
but not a word that can imply discontent, far less an intention to put an end to his life. What must have been
their feelings when the melancholy event reached them!
How little these poor women were capable of ascertaining
his character appears from the very singular evidence of
his sister, who affirmed that he was “a lover of truth from
the earliest dawn of reason.
” The affectionate prejudices
of a fond relation may be pardoned, but it was surely unnecessary to introduce this in a life every part of which proves
his utter contempt for truth at an age when we are taught
to expect a disposition open, ingenuous, and candid.
1348.” But neither Stowe nor Speght afford any proof that this Richard Chawcer was the father of our poet.
, styled the Father of English poetry, is one of whose birth and family nothing has been decided. It has been contended on the one hand, that he was of noble origin; on the other, that he descended from persons in trade. Even the meaning of his name in French, Chaucier, a shoemaker, has been brought in evidence of a low origin, while the mention of the name Chaucer, in several records, from the time of William the conqueror to that of Edward I. has been thought sufficient to prove the contrary. Leland says he was nobili loco natus but Speght, one of his early biographers, informs us, that, “in the opinion of some heralds, he descended not of any great house, which they gather by his arms;” and Mr. Tyrwhitt is inclined to believe the heralds rather than Leland. Speght, however, goes farther, and makes his father a vintner, who died in 1348, and left his property to the church of St. Mary Aldermary, where he was buried. This is confirmed by Stowe, who says, “Richard Chawcer, vintner, gave to that church his tenement and tavern, with the appurtenance, in the Royal-streete the corner of Kerion-lane, and was there buried, 1348.” But neither Stowe nor Speght afford any proof that this Richard Chawcer was the father of our poet.
on, that “when Wickliff was guardian or warden of Canterbury college, he had to his pupil the famous poet called Jeffry Chaucer (father of Thomas Chaucer, of Ewelme in
His biographers have provided him with education both at Oxford and Cambridge, a circumstance which we know occurred in the history of other scholars of that period, and is not therefore improbable. But in his “Court of Love,” which was composed when he was about eighteen, he speaks of himself under the name of” Philogenet, of Cambridge, clerk.” Mr. Tyrwhitt, while he does not think this a decisive proof that he was really educated at Cambridge, is willing to admit it as a strong argument that he was not educated at Oxford. Wood, in his Annals (vol. I. book I. 484.) gives a report, or rather tradition, that “when Wickliff was guardian or warden of Canterbury college, he had to his pupil the famous poet called Jeffry Chaucer (father of Thomas Chaucer, of Ewelme in Oxfordshire, esq.) who following the steps of his master, reflected much upon the corruptions of the clergy.” This is something like evidence if it could be depended on; at least it is preferable to the conjecture of Leland, who supposes Chaucer to have been educated at Oxford, merely because he had before supposed that he was born either in Oxfordshire or Berkshire. Those who contend for Cambridge as the place of his education, fix upon Solere’s hall, which he has described in his story of the Miller of Trompington; but Solere’s hall is merely a corruption of Soler hall, i.e. a hall with an open gallery, or solere window. The advocates for Oxford are inclined to place him in Merton college, because his contemporaries Strode and Occleve were of that college. It is equally a matter of conjecture that he was first educated at Cambridge, and afterwards at Oxford. Wherever he studied, we have sufficient proofs of his capacity and proficiency. He appears to have acquired a very great proportion of the learning of his age, and became a master of its philosophy, poetry, and such languages as formed the intercourse between men of learning. Leland says he was “acutus Dialecticus, dulcis Rhetor, lepidus Poeta, gravis Philosophus, ingeniosus Mathematicus, denique sanctus Theologus.” It is equally probable that he courted the muses in those early days, in which he is said to have been encouraged by Gower, although there are some grounds for supposing that his acquaintance with Gower was of a later date.
specting these grants, from his biographers not understanding the meaning of the titles given to our poet. Speght mentions a grant from king Edward four years later than
After leaving the university, we are told that he travelled through France and the Netherlands, but the commencement and conclusion of these travels are not specified. On his return, he is said to have entered himself of the Middle Temple, with a view to study the municipal law, but even this fact depends chiefly on a record, without a date, which, Speght informs us, a Mr. Buckley had seen, where Jeffery Chaucer was fined “two shillings for beating a Franciscane frier in Fleet-street.” Leland speaks of his frequenting the law colleges after his travels in France, and perhaps before. Mr. Tyrwhitt doubts these travels in France, and has indeed satisfactorily proved that Leland’s account of Chaucer is full of inconsistencies—Leland is certainly inconsistent as to dates, but from the evidence Chaucer gave in a case of chivalry, we have full proof of one journey in France, although the precise period cannot be fixed. Whatever time these supposed employments might have occupied, we discover, at length, with tolerable certainty, that Chaucer betook himself to the life of a courtier, and probably with all the accomplishments suited to his advancement in the court of a monarch who was magnificent in his establishment, and munificent in his patronage of learning and gallantry. At what period of life he obtained a situation here, is uncertain. The writer of the life prefixed to Urry’s edition supposes he was not more than thirty, because his first employment was in quality of the king’s page; but the first authentic memorial, respecting Chaucer at court, is the patent in Rymer, 41 Edward III. by which that king grants him an annuity of twenty marks, about 200l. of our money, by the title of Valettus noster, “our yeoman,” and this occurred when Chaucer was in his thirty-ninth year. Several mistakes have arisen respecting these grants, from his biographers not understanding the meaning of the titles given to our poet. Speght mentions a grant from king Edward four years later than the above, in which Chaucer is styled valettus hospitii, which he translates grome of the pallace, sinking our author, Mr. Tyrwhitt observes, as much too low, as his biographer in Urry’s edition had raised him too high, by translating the same words gentleman of the king’s privy chamber. Valet or yeoman was, according to the same acute scholiast, the intermediate rank between squier and grome.
ucer for his poetical talents, although it is almost certain that he had distinguished himself, as a poet, before this time. The “Assemblee of Foules,” the “Complaint
It would be of more consequence to be able to determine what particular merits were rewarded by this royal bounty. Mr. Tyrwhitt can find no proof, and no ground for supposing that it was bestowed on Chaucer for his poetical talents, although it is almost certain that he had distinguished himself, as a poet, before this time. The “Assemblee of Foules,” the “Complaint of the Blacke Knight,” and the translation of the “Roman de la Rose,” were all composed before 1367, the sera which we are now considering. What strengthens Mr. Tyrwhitt' s opinion of the king’s indifference to Chaucer’s poetry, is his appointing him, a few years after, to the office of comptroller of the custom of wool, with an injunction that “the said Geffrey write with his own hand his rolls touching the said office in his own proper person, and not by his substitute.” The inferences, however, which Mr. Tyrwhitt draws from this fact, viz. “that his majesty was either totally insensible of our author’s poetical talents, or at least had no mind to encourage him in the cultivation or exercise of them,” savours rather too much of the conjectural spirit which he professes to avoid. He allows that, notwithstanding what he calls “the petrifying quality, with which these Custom-house accounts might be expected to operate upon Chaucer’s genius,” he probably wrote his “House of Fame” while he was in that office. Still less candid to the memory of Edward will these inferences appear, if we apply modern notions of patronage to the subject; for in tvhat manner could the king more honourably encourage the genius of a poet, than by a civil employment which rendered him easy in his circumstances, and free from the suspicious obligations of a pension or sinecure?
One effect of this connection was the marriage of our poet, by which he became eventually related to his illustrious patron.
One effect of this connection was the marriage of our poet, by which he became eventually related to his illustrious patron. John of Gaunt’s duchess, Blanche, entertained in her service one Catherine Rouet, daughter of sir Payne, or Pagan Rouet, a native of Hainault, and Guion king at arms for that country. This lady was afterwards married to sir Hugh Swinford, a knight of Lincoln, who died soon after his marriage, and on his decease, his lady returned to the duke’s family, and was appointed governess of his children. While in this capacity, she yielded to the duke’s solicitations, and became his mistress. She had a sister, Philippa, who is stated to have been a great favourite with the duke and duchess, and by them, as a mark of their high esteem, recommended to Chaucer for a wife. He accordingly married her about 1360, when he was in his thirty-second year, and this step appears to have increased his interest with his patron, who took every opportunity to promote him at court. Besides the instances already given, we are told that he was made shield-bearer to the king, a title at that time of great honour, the shield-bearer being always next the king’s person, and generally, upon signal victories, rewarded with military honours. But here again his biographers have mistaken the meaning of the courtly titles of those days. In the 46 Edward III. 1372, the king appointed him envoy, with two others, to Genoa, by the title of scutifer noster, “our squier.” Scutifer and armiger, according to Mr. Tyrwhitt, are synonymous terms with the French escuier; but Chaucer’s biographers thinking the title of squier too vulgar, changed it to shield-bearer, as if Chaucer had the special office of carrying the king’s shield. With respect to the nature of this embassy to Genoa, biography and history are alike silent, and from that silence, the editor of the Canterbury tales is inclined to doubt whether it ever took place, or whether he had that opportunity of visiting Petrarch, an event which his biographers refer to the same period.
know certainly of this period, is, that the duke of Lancaster still preserved his friendship for our poet, and probably was the means of the grants just noticed having
Whichever of these accounts is the true one, it appears that this was the last political employment which Chaucer filled, although he did not cease to take an interest in the measures of his patron, the duke of Lancaster. On the accession of Richard II. in 1377, his annuity of twenty marks was confirmed, and another annuity of twenty marks granted to him in lieu of the daily pitcher of wine. He was also confirmed in his office of comptroller. When Richard II. succeeded his grandfather, he was but eleven years of age, and his uncle the duke of Lancaster was consequently entrusted with the chief share in the administration of public affairs. One of his first measures was to solemnize the young king’s coronation with great pomp, previously to which a court of claims was established to settle the demands of those who pretended to have a right to assist at the ceremony. Among these, Chaucer claimed in right of his ward, who was possessed of the manor of Billington in Kent; and this was held of the crown, by the service of presenting to the king three maple cups on the day of his coronation; but this claim was contested, and if it had not, is remote enough from the kind of information which it would be desirable to obtain respecting Chaucer. All we know certainly of this period, is, that the duke of Lancaster still preserved his friendship for our poet, and probably was the means of the grants just noticed having been renewed on the accession of the young king.
erected above a century and a half after his decease, by Nicholas Brigham, a gentleman of Oxford, a poet, and warm admirer of our author. It stands at the north end
The accounts we have of Chaucer’s latter days are extremely inconsistent. His biographers bring him from Woodstock to Dunnington castle, and from that to London to solicit a continuation of his annuities, in which he found such difficulties as probably hastened his end. Wood, in his Annals, informs us that although he did not repent at the last of his reflections on the clergy, “yet of that he wrote of love and baudery, it grieved him much on his death-bed for one that lived shortly after his time, maketh report, that when he saw death approaching, he did often cry out, ‘Woe is me, woe is me, that I cannot recall and annull those things which I have written of the base and filthy love of men towards women: but alas! they are now continued from man to man, and I cannot do what I desire’.” To this may be added, that the affecting lines “Gode Counsaile of Chaucer,” are said to have been made by him when on his death-bed, and in great anguish. It seems generally agreed that he died Oct. 25, 1400, and was buried in Westminster-abbey, in the great south cross-aile. The monument to his memory was erected above a century and a half after his decease, by Nicholas Brigham, a gentleman of Oxford, a poet, and warm admirer of our author. It stands at the north end of a magnificent recess, formed by four obtuse foliaged arches, and is a plain altar, with three quatrefoils, and the same number of shields. The inscription, and figures on the back, are almost obliterated.
ture with grace and sublimity. In a word, that he appeared with all the lustre and dignity of a true poet, in an age which compelled him to struggle with a barbarous
As to what English poetry owes to Chaucer, Dr. Johnson has pronounced him “the first of our versifiers who wrote poetically,” and Mr. Warton has proved “that in elevation and elegance, in harmony and perspicuity of versification, he surpasses his predecessors in an infinite proportion; that his genius was universal, and adapted to themes of unbounded variety; that his merit was not less in painting familiar manners with humour and propriety, than in moving the passions, and in representing the beautiful or the grand objects of nature with grace and sublimity. In a word, that he appeared with all the lustre and dignity of a true poet, in an age which compelled him to struggle with a barbarous language, and a national want of taste; and when to write verses at all, was regarded as a singular qualification.”
Such were the precedents which a new poet might be expected to follow. But Chaucer composed nothing in
Such were the precedents which a new poet might be expected to follow. But Chaucer composed nothing in the first or second of these four metres. In the fourth he wrote only the Rhime of sir Thopas, which being intended to ridicule the vulgar romances, seems to have been purposely written in their favourite metre. In the third, or octosyllable metre , he wrote several of his compositions, particularly an imperfect translation of the Roman de la Rose, the House of Fame, the Dethe of the Duchesse Blanche, and his Dreme, all which are so superior to the versification of his contemporaries and predecessors, as to establish his pre-eminence, and prove that the reformer of English poetry had at length appeared.
honour of an inventor. They are written in the heroic metre, and there is no evidence of any English poet having used it before him. He is not indeed to be considered
But the most considerable part of his works entitle him to the honour of an inventor. They are written in the heroic metre, and there is no evidence of any English poet having used it before him. He is not indeed to be considered as the inventor in the most extensive sense, as the heroic metre had been cultivated by Dante, Petrarch, and Boccace, but he was the first to introduce it into his native language, in which it has been employed by every poet of eminence, to the present day.
In such an age, it is the highest praise of Chaucer, that he stood alone, the first poet who improved the art by melody, fancy, and sentiment, and the
In such an age, it is the highest praise of Chaucer, that he stood alone, the first poet who improved the art by melody, fancy, and sentiment, and the first writer, whether we consider the quantity, quality, or variety of his productions. It is supposed that many of his writings are lost. What remain, however, and have been authenticated with tolerable certainty, must have formed the occupation of a considerable part of his life, and been the result of copious reading and reflection. Even his translations are mixed with so great a portion of original matter as, it may be presumed, required time and study, and those happy hours of inspiration, which are not always within command. The principal obstruction to the pleasure we should otherwise derive from Chaucer’s works, is that profusion of allegory which pervades them, particularly the “Romaunt of the Rose,” the “Court of Love,” “Flower and Leaf,” and the “House of Fame.” Pope, in the first edition of*his Temple of Fame, prefixed a note in defence of allegorical poetry, the propriety of which cannot be questioned, but which is qualified with an exception which applies directly to Chaucer. “The incidents by which allegory is conveyed, should never be spun too long, or too much clogged with trivial circumstances, or little particularities.” But this is exactly the case with Chaucer, whose allegories are spun beyond all bounds, and clogged with many trivial and unappropriate circumstances.
thor. Mr Warton laments that Chaucer has been so frequently considered as an old, rather than a good poet; and recommends the study of his works. Mr. Tyrwhitt, since
There is an interleaved copy of Urry’s edition in the British Museum, presented by Mr. William Thomas, a brother of Dr. T. Thomas, who furnished the preface and glossary, and upon whom the charge of publishing devolved after Mr. Urry’s death. This copy has many manuscript notes and corrections. From one of them we learn that the life of Chaucer was very incorrectly drawn up by Mr. Dart, and corrected and enlarged by Mr. William Thomas; and from another, that bishop Atterbury prompted Urry to this undertaking, but “did by no means judge rightly of Mr. Urry’s talents in this case, who though in many respects a most worthy person, was not qualified for a work of this nature.” Dr. Thomas undertook to publish it, at the request of bishop Smalridge. In the Harleian collection is a copy of an agreement between William Brome, executor to Urry, the dean and chapter of Christ Church, and Bernard Lintot the bookseller. By this it appears that it was Urry’s intention to apply part of the profits towards building Peckwater quadrangle. Lintot was to print a thousand copies on small paper at 1l. 10s. and two hundred and fifty on large paper at 2l. 10s. It does not appear that this speculation succeeded. Yet the edition, from its having been printed in the Roman letter, the copiousness of the glossary, and the ornaments, &c. continued to be the only one consulted, until the publication of the “Canterbury Tales” by Mr. Tyrwhitt, in 1775. This very acute critic was the first who endeavoured to restore a pure text by the collation of Mss. a labour of vast extent, but which must be undertaken even to greater extent, before the other works of Chaucer can be published in a manner worthy of their author. Mr Warton laments that Chaucer has been so frequently considered as an old, rather than a good poet; and recommends the study of his works. Mr. Tyrwhitt, since this advice was given, has undoubtedly introduced Chaucer to a nearer intimacy with the learned public, but it is not probable that he can ever be restored to popularity. His language will still remain an insurmountable obstacle with that numerous class of readers to whom poets must look for universal reputation. Poetry is the art of pleasing; but pleasure, as generally understood, admits of very little that deserves the name of study.
from the present state of the Jews; and wrote an account of the life and writings of our celebrated poet Pope, which was prefixed to a French translation of his works,
, author of a very
useful Biographical Dictionary, was descended from the
ancient and noble family of the Calfopedi of Florence,
which removed into France under Francis I. At the revocation of the edict of Nantz, Samuel de Chaufepié, the
representative of the family, and pfotestant minister at
Couhé in Poitou, was obliged to take refuge in Friesland,
where he died pastor of the church of Leuwarden in 1704.
He had ten children by his wife Maria Marbœuf de la
Rimbaudiere, of whom the subject of the present article
was the youngest, and born at Leuwarden, Nov. 9, 1702.
He was educated partly at Franeker, under professor Andala, as appears by his maintaining an academical thesis
before that professor, in 1718, on “Innate Ideas,
” and
probably about the same time, a second on “The punishment of the Cross,
” which was afterwards published in a
collection by Gerdes, in 1734. After being admitted into
the ministry, he preached for some time at Flushing, then
at Delft, and lastly at Amsterdam, where he was pastor of
the Walloon church, and where he died, highly respected
for piety and learning, and much lamented, July 3, 1786.
He was not more diligent in the discharge of his professional functions, than attached to studious researches, which
he pursued throughout the whole of his long life. In 1736
he published, “Lettres sur divers sujets importans de la
” 12mo, and in Universal History,
” which he improved very considerably, particularly
in the history of Venice. This labour, however, he discontinued in 1771, and does not appear after that to have
published any thing of consequence, confining himself to
his pastoral duties, if we except his “Life of Servetus,
which in
ught it necessary to obtain a piece of ground belonging to the estate of the family of Chaulieu. The poet, with much address, brought the treaty to effect agreeably to
, was born at Fontenay in Normandy, in 1639. His father, counsellor of state at Rouen, placed him in the college de Navarre at Paris, where he acquired a profound knowledge of the ancient authors, and contracted an intimacy with the duke de Rochefoucault and the abbé Marsillac, whose patronage he acquired by his lively conversation and his various talents; and while he was countenanced by them, he formed an acquaintance that had a great influence on his poetical efforts. The duchess of Bouillon, a niece of cardinal Mazarin, was about to lay out a large garden, and for that purpose thought it necessary to obtain a piece of ground belonging to the estate of the family of Chaulieu. The poet, with much address, brought the treaty to effect agreeably to the desires of the duchess, and thus acquired the favour of a lady, who afterwards became the inspirer of his sonnets. Her house was a temple of the muses; she encouraged, rewarded, and inspired all such as shewed marks of poetic genius; and evinced a particular regard for Chaulieu. Through her he became known to the duke de Vendome, a great friend of the muses, who, as grand prior of France, presented him with a priorate on the isle of Oleron, with an annual revenue of 28,000 livres. To this were afterwards added the abbacies of Pouliers, Renes, Aumale, and St. Stephen, the profits of which enabled him to pass his life in ease and affluence. The first thing by which Chaulieu became known as a poet was a rondeau on Benserade’s translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. He soon found opportunities for appearing frequently before the public; and his acquaintance with Chapelle determined him entirely for jovial poetry. Chaulieu was no poet by profession he sung with the flask in his hand, and we are told that in the circle of genial friends he acquired those delicate sentiments which render his poetry at once so natural and so charming. The muses were the best comforts of his age, as they had frequently been in his younger
g that to the chevalier Bouillon, the most remarkable letter is that addressed to M. la Fare, as the poet, with great frankness, gives us in it his own portrait. Chaulieu’s
years, when he was visited by the gout, the pains of which
he contrived to alleviate, by conversations with his friends
and the muses, and prolonged his life to a very advanced
age, dying in 1726, in his 81st year. He was extremely
desirous of becoming a member of -the academy of fine
arts; and, on seeing another preferred to him, he took his
revenge by satirical attacks on the management of the institution. It was the perfect consonance of his life with
his poems, that gave them the natural air for which they
have ever been so greatly admired. The philosophy of the
graces, that animates his works, was also the rule of his
life. But few of his poems were published during his lifetime, and those occasionally and detached; the trouble of
collecting them he left to his friends after his death. The
first editions were very imperfect, till Camusac and St.
Marc took the pains to publish them in a completer collection, 1750, 2 vols. 12mo. They consist of epistles in
verse, and letters in prose intermingled with verses. Both
are characterised by an easy gaiety, agreeable pictures,
lively strokes, genuine wit, pleasing fictions, Epicurean
morality, or “sagesse commode,
” as Saint Marc used to
call it, and a style varied as the subject requires. They
are not, however, without flat, incorrect, and puerile passages. His versification is flowing and harmonious, but
frequently faulty and contrary to the rules of speech, and
sometimes designedly negligent, in imitation of the simple
style of Marot. Some find great harmony in the continual
recurrence of the same rhymes, in which he followed Chapelle, and is praised by Dubos; and Camusac thinks that
such verses are eminently adapted to music. Saint Marc,
on the other hand, and the younger Racine, complain of
their monotony, and conceive that the beauty of them
consists solely in the conquest of greater difficulties, and
that the French language is not so poor in sonorous phraseology as to stand in need of such a practice. Though the
letters of Chaulieu were all actually written, and mostly
directed to Bouillon, yet they are frequently interspersed
with ingenious fictions. Excepting that to the chevalier
Bouillon, the most remarkable letter is that addressed to
M. la Fare, as the poet, with great frankness, gives us in
it his own portrait. Chaulieu’s odes are not of the higher
, an Italian poet, was born at Savone, in 1552. He went to study at Rome, where
, an Italian poet, was born at
Savone, in 1552. He went to study at Rome, where Aldus
Manutius and Muretus gave him their friendship and advice,
and pope Urban VIII. and the princes of Italy honoured him
with many public marks of their esteem. In 1624 Urban,
himself a poet, as well as a protector of poets, invited him
to Rome for the holy year; but Chiabrera excused himself
on account of old age and infirmities. He died at Savone
in 1638, aged eighty-six. His Lyric Poems, Rome, 1718,
3 vols. 8vo, and “Amadeida,
” Napoli,
great success to mathematics; and, what shews the extent of his genius, he was also accounted a good poet. Accordingly, sir John Suckling has mentioned him in his Session
, a divine of the church of England, celebrated for his controversial talents, was the son of William Chillingworth, citizen, afterwards mayor of Oxford, and born there October 1602. He was baptized on the last of that month, Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, but then fellow of St. John’s -college, being his godfather. After he had been educated in grammar learning at a private school in that city, he was admitted a scholar of Trinity-college, June 2, 1618, and elected fellow June 10, 1628; after having taken his degrees of B A. and M. A. in the regular way. He did not confine his studies to divinity: he applied himself with great success to mathematics; and, what shews the extent of his genius, he was also accounted a good poet. Accordingly, sir John Suckling has mentioned him in his Session of the Poets"
ter Wood has given the following: “He was a most noted philosopher and orator, and, without doubt, a poet also; and had such an admirable faculty in reclaiming schismatics
For his character Wood has given the following: “He
was a most noted philosopher and orator, and, without
doubt, a poet also; and had such an admirable faculty in
reclaiming schismatics and confuting papists, that none in
his time went beyond him. He had also very great skill
in mathematics. He was a subtle and quick disputant, and
would several times put the king’s professor to a push.
Hobbes of Malmesbury would often say, that he was like
a lusty fighting fellow, that did drive his enemies before
him, but would often give his own party smart back-blows;
and it was the current opinion of the university, that he
and Lucius lord Falkland,” who by the way was his most
intimate friend, “had such extraordinary clear reason,
that, if the great Turk or devil were to be converted, they
were able to do it. He was a man of little stature, but of
great soul: which, if times had been serene, and life
spared, might have done incomparable services to the church
of England.” Archbishop Tillotson has spoken of him in
the highest terms: “I know not how it comes to pass,
says that eminent prelate, “but so it is, that every one
that offers to give a reasonable account of his faith, and to
establish religion upon rational principles, is presently
branded for a Socinian; of which we have a sad instance
in that incomparable person Mr. Chillingworth, the glory
of this age and nation: who, for no other cause that I
know of, but his worthy and successful attempts to make the
Christian religion reasonable, and to discover those firm
and solid foundations upon which our faith is built, has
been requited with this black and odious character. But,
if this be Socinianism, for a man to inquire into the
grounds and reasons of Christian religion, and to endeavour to give a satisfactory account why he believes it, I
know no way, but that all considerate and inquisitive men,
that are above fancy and enthusiasm, must be either Socinians or atheists.
” Mr. Locke has also spoken of Chillingworth with equal commendation. In a small tract, containing “Some thoughts concerning reading and study for
a gentleman,
” after having observed that the art of speaking well consists chiefly in two things, namely, perspicuity
and right reasoning, and proposed Dr. Tillotson as a pat
tern for the attainment of the art of speaking clearly, he
adds: “Besides perspicuity, there masjt-be also right
reasoning, without which, perspicuity serves but to expose
the speaker. And for attaining of this, I should propose the
constant reading of Chillingworth, who, by his example,
will teach both perspicuity and the way of right reasoning,
better than any book that I know: and therefore will deserve to be read upon that account over and over again;
not to say any thing of his argument.
, or as he was called Quintus Septimus Florens Christianus, a French poet, was born at Orleans Jan. 26, 1541. He was called Quintus, because
, or as he was called Quintus
Septimus Florens Christianus, a French poet, was born at
Orleans Jan. 26, 1541. He was called Quintus, because
he was his father’s fifth child, and Septimus, because he
was born in the seventh month of his mother’s pregnancy.
He was well skilled in languages and in the belles lettres;
and was tutor to Henry IV. whom he educated in the reformed religion; but he himself returned to the Roman
catholic church before his death, which happened in 1596.
He was author of some satires against Ronsard, under the
name of “La Baronnie,
, an English poet of unquestionable genius, was born in Vine-street, in the parish
, an English poet of unquestionable genius, was born in Vine-street, in the parish of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, some time in February, 1731. His father was for many years curate and lecturer of that parish, and rector of Rainham, near Grays*, in Essex. He placed his son, when ahout eight years of age, at Westminster-school, which was then superintended by Dr. Nichols and Dr. Pierson Lloyd. His proficiency at school, although not inconsiderable, was less remarkable than his irregularities. On entering his nineteenth year he applied for matriculation at the university of Oxford, where it is reported by some, he was rejected on account of his deficiency in the learned languages, and by others, that he was hurt at the trifling and childish questions put to him, and answered the examiner with a contempt which was mistaken for ignorance. It is not easy to reconcile these accounts, and, perhaps, not of great importance. Churchill, however, was afterwards admitted of Trinity college, Cambridge, but immediately returned, to London, and never visited the university any more.
qualified themselves for moral teachers by practising the vices they censured in others. Lloyd, the poet, had been one of his school-fellows at Westminster, and their
He was in his twenty-seventh year when he began to relax from the obligations of virtue, and more openly to enter into those dissipations, which, while they ruined his character and impaired his health, were, not indirectly, the precursors to his celebrity in public life. He was immoderately fond of pleasure; a constant attendant at the theatres, and the associate of men who united wit and profligacy, and qualified themselves for moral teachers by practising the vices they censured in others. Lloyd, the poet, had been one of his school-fellows at Westminster, and their intimacy, renewed afresh, became now a close partnership in debt and dissipation. In one respect this proved beneficial to Churchill. Dr. Lloyd, his companion’s father, persuaded Churchill’s creditors to accept of five shillings in the pound, and to grant releases; nor ought it to be concealed, that there is some reason for believing that Churchill, as soon as he had acquired money by his publications, voluntarily paid the full amount of the original debts.
s was founded on the well-known imposture of a ghost having disturbed a family in Cock-lane; but our poet contrived to render it the vehicle of many characteristic sketches,
His next publication was “The Ghost,
” North Briton,
” and in “The
Prophecy of Famine.
” Churchill’s next production was
originally sketched in prose for that paper. What other
contributions he made cannot now be ascertained, but it
may be suspected that Churchill’s satirical talent would ill
submit to the tameness of prose, nor indeed was such an
employment worthy of the author of “The llosciad,
” and
“The Apology.
” Wiikes suggested “The Prophecy of
” as a more suitable vehicle for the bitterness of
national scurrility, and he was not mistaken.
The merit of Churchill, as a poet, has but lately been, appreciated with impartiality. During
The merit of Churchill, as a poet, has but lately been, appreciated with impartiality. During his life, his works were popular beyond all competition. While he continued to supply that species of entertainment which is more generally gratifying than a good mind can conceive, or a bad one will acknowledge, he was more eagerly and more frequently read than any of his contemporaries. Churchill was admirably suited to the time in which he lived. But if his poems were popular with those who love to see worth depreciated, and distinctions levelled, with the vulgar, the envious, and the malignant, they were no less held in abhorrence by those who were as much hurt at the prostitution, as charmed by the excellence of his talents, and who were afraid to praise his genius lest they should propagate his writings. Few men, therefore, made so much noise during their lives, or so little after their deaths. His partners in vice and faction shrunk from the task of perpetuating his memory, either from the fear of an alliance with a character so obnoxious as to injure their party, or from the neglect with which bad men usually treat their associates, when they can be no longer useful. Lloyd, to whom he had been more kind than Colman or Thornton, did not survive him above a month. Colman and Thornton preserved a cautious silence about a man whom to praise was to engage with the many enemies he had created; and Wilkes, to whom he bequeathed the editorship and illustration of his poems by notes, &c. neglected the task, until he had succeeded in his ambitions manoeuvres, became ashamed of the agents who had supported him, and left his poorer parti zans to shift for themselves. Even when Dr. Kippis applied to him for such information as might supply a life of Churchill for the Biographia, he seemed unwilling or unable to contribute much; and a comparison of that life with the scattered accounts previously published, may convince the reader that Dr. Kippis thanked him for more assistance than he received.
consigned to oblivion. His writings, however, may now be read with more calmness, and his rank as a poet assigned with the regards due to genius, however misapplied.
While the friends of Churchill were thus negligent of his
fame, it was not to be expected that his enemies would be
very eager to perpetuate the memory of a man by whom
they had suffered so severely. Perhaps no writer ever
made so many enemies, or carried his hostilities into so
many quarters, without provocation. If we except the
ease of Hogarth, it is doubtful whether he ever attacked
the character of one individual who did him an injury, or
stood in his way. Such wantonness of detraction must
have naturally led to the general wish that his name and
works might be speedily consigned to oblivion. His writings, however, may now be read with more calmness, and
his rank as a poet assigned with the regards due to genius,
however misapplied. Jf those passages in which his genius
shines most conspicuously were to be selected from the
mass of defamation by which they are surrounded, he might
be allowed to approach to Pope in every thing but correctness; and even of his failure in this respect, it may be
justiy said that he evinces carelessness rather than want of
taste. But he despised regularity in every thing, and
whatever was within rules, bore an air of restraint to which
his proud spirit could not submit; hence he persisted in
despising that correctness which he might have attained
with very little care. The opinion of Cowper upon this
subject is too valuable to be omitted. Churchill “is a
careless writer for the most part, but where shall we find in.
any of those authors, who finish their works with the
exactness of a Flemish pencil, those bold and daring strokes
of fancy, those numbers so hazardously ventured upon,
and so happily finished, the matter so compressed, and yet
so clear, and the colouring so sparingly laid on, and yet
with such a beautiful effect? In short it is not his least
praise, that he is never guilty of those faults as a writer
which he lays to the charge of others. A proof, that he
did not judge by a borrowed standard, or from rules laid
down by critics, but that he was qualified to do it by his
own native powers, and his great superiority of genius*.
The superiority of his genius, indeed, is so obvious from
even a slight perusal of his works, that it must ever be regretted that his subjects were temporary, and his manner
irritating, and that he should have given to party and to
passion what might have so boldly chastised vice, promoted
the dignity of virtue, and advanced the honours of poetry.
His fertility was astonishing, for the whole of his poems
were designed and finished within the short space of three
years and a half. Whatever he undertook, he accomplished
with rapidity, although such was the redundancy of his
imagination, and such the facility with which he committed
his thoughts to paper, that he has not always executed
what he began, and perhaps delights too much in excursions
their friends, than to its poetry. In his other works, there are few of the essential qualities of a poet which he has not frequently exemplified. He has fully proved
Churchill does not appear, but he was have beeo any cordiality.
an*>ng the first to revive the memory of
from his principal subject. Of this “The Prophecy of
” which, for original creative power, may perhaps
be preferred to all his other writings, appears to be a
striking example. It consists of a long introduction which
might suit any other subject, and detached parts which
have no natural connexion, and of which the order might
be changed without injury. “The Rosciad
” seems to
have owed its popularity more to its subject, and the clamour of the players and their friends, than to its poetry.
In his other works, there are few of the essential qualities
of a poet which he has not frequently exemplified. He
has fully proved that he was not incapable of the higher
species of poetry; he has given specimens of the sublime
and the pathetic, “the two chief nerves of all genuine
” In personification he is peculiarly happy, and
sometimes displays the fine fancy of Spenser united with
great strength of colouring and force of expression. His
bursts of indignation are wonderfully eloquent, and with a
love of virtue, he might have been her irresistible advocate, and the first of ethic writers. Where he does put on
the character of a moral satirist, he is perhaps inferior to
none of the moderns. But unfortunately his genius was
biassed by personal animosity, and where he surpasses all
other writers, it is in the keenness, not of legitimate satire,
but of defamation. His object is not to reform, but to revenge; and that the greatness of his revenge may be justified, he exaggerates the offences of his objects beyond all
bounds of truth and decency.
In some cases, the poet may be considered separate from the man, and indeed of many
In some cases, the poet may be considered separate from the man, and indeed of many eminent poets we know too little to be able to determine what influence their character had on their writings. But ChurchilPs productions are Sq connected with his turbulent and irregular life, that they must necessarily be brought in contact. He frequently alludes to his character and situation, and takes every opportunity to vindicate what seems to redound most to his discredit, his vices and his associates; and as his works will probably long be read with admiration as works of genius, or from curiosity as specimens of obloquy, it is necessary to be told that he had very little veneration for truth, that he drew his characters in extravagant disproportion, and that he was regardless of any means by which he could bring temporary or lasting disgrace on the persons whom either faction or revenge made him consider as enemies. Mr. Tooke, of Gray’s-inn, lately published an edition of Churchill’s works, illustrated by much contemporary history and we owe some particulars of Churchill’s life to the well-written memoirs prefixed to this work.
, a voluminous poet of the sixteenth century, w,as born in Shrewsbury about the
, a voluminous poet of the
sixteenth century, w,as born in Shrewsbury about the year
1520. Wood, who has given a long account of him, says
he was of a genteel family, and well educated; and that at
the age of seventeen, his father gave him a sum of money,
and sent him to court, where he lived in gaiety while his
finances lasted. He does not seem, however, to have
gained any thing by his attendance at court, except his
introduction to the celebrated earl of Surrey, with whom
he lived some time as domestic, and by whose encouragement he produced some of his poems. He certainly had
no public employment either now or in queen Elizabeth’s
reign, although some have denominated him poet laureat,
merely, as Mr. Malone thinks, “because he had addressed
many of the noblemen of Elizabeth’s court for near forty
years, and is called by one of his contemporaries, the old
court poet.
” He appears, however, to have continued with
the earl of Surrey, until this virtuous and amiable nobleman was sacrificed to the tyrannical caprice of Henry VIII.
Churchyard now became a soldier, and made several campaigns on the continent, in Ireland, and in Scotland.
Tanner is inclined to think that he served the emperor in
Flanders against the French in the reign of Henry VIII.;
but the differences of dates between his biographers are
not now so reconcileable as to enable us to decide upon this
part of his history. Wood next informs us that he spent
some time at Oxford, and was afterwards patronized by the
earl of Leicester. He then became enamoured of a rich
widow; but his passion not meeting with success, he once
more returned to the profession of arms, engaged in foreign
service, in which he suffered great hardships, and met with
many adventures of the romantic kind; and in the course
of them appears to have been always a favourite among the
ladies. At one time, in Flanders, he was taken prisoner,
but escaped by the “endeavours of a lady of considerable
” and at another time, when condemned to death as
a spy, he was reprieved and sent away by the “endeavours
of a noble dame.
” On his return he published a great
variety of poems on all subjects; but there is reason to
think that by these he gained more applause than profit, as
it is very certain that he lived and died poor. The time of
his death, until lately was not ascertained; Winstanley and
Cibber place that event in 1570, Fuller in 1602, and Oldys
in 1604, which last is correct. Mr. George Chalmers, in.
his “Apology for the believers in the Shakspeare Mss.
gives us an extract from the parish register, proving that
he was buried April 4, of that year, in St. Margaret’s
church, Westminster, near the grave of Skelton. Mr.
D'Israeli, who has introduced him in his “Calamities of
” very aptly characterises him as “one of those
unfortunate men, who have written poetry all their days,
and lived a long life, to complete the misfortune.
” His
works are minutely enumerated by Ritson in his “Bibliographia Poetica,
” and some well- selected specimens have
lately appeared in the Censura Literaria. The best of his
poems, in point of genius, is his “Legende of Jane Shore,
and the most popular, his “Worthiness of Wales,
” an excellent
soldier, and a man of honest principles,
” who in
, poet-laureat to George II. and a dramatic writer of considerable
, poet-laureat to George II. and a
dramatic writer of considerable genius, was born in Southampton-street, London, November 6, 1671. His father,
Caius Gabriel Cibber, was an eminent statuary, and his
mother was the daughter of William Colley, esq. of an ancient family of Glaiston, in Rutland. He took his Christian name from her brother, Edward Colley, esq. In 1681—2
he was sent to the free-school of Grantham, in Lincolnshire and such learning he tells us, as that school could
give him, is the most he ever pretended to, neither utterly
forgetting, nor much improving it afterwards by study.
In 1687 he stood at the election of Winchester scholars,
upon the credit of being descended by his mother’s side
from William of Wykeham, the founder; but not succeeding, he prevailed with his father, who intended him
for the church, to send him to the university. The revolution of 1688, however, gave a turn to Cibber’s fortune;
and instead of going to an university, he supplied his father’s place in the army, under the earl of Devonshire, at
Nottingham, who was on his road to Chatsworth, in
Derbyshire. There his father was then employed, with
other artists of all kinds, changing the architecture and
decorations of that seat. The revolution having been accomplished without bloodshed, Cibber had no opportunity
of proving his valour, and immediately determined to gratify a very early inclination he had somehow formed for
the stage. Here, however, he did not meet with much
encouragement at first, being full three quarters of a year
before he was taken into a salary of 105. per week; yet
this, with the assistance of food and raiment at his father’s
house, he tells us he then thought a most plentiful accession, and himself the happiest of mortals. The first part
in which he appeared with any success, was the chaplain
in the “Orphan,
” which he performed so well, that Goodman, an old celebrated actor, affirmed with an oath, that
he would one day make a good actor. This commendation
from an acknowledged judge, filled his bosom, as he tells
us, with such transports, that he questioned whether
Alexander himself, or Charles XII. of Sweden, felt greater
at the head of their victorious armies. The next part he
played, was that of Lord Touchwood, in Congreve’s
“Double Dealer,
” acted before queen Mary which he prepared upon only one day’s notice, by the recommendation
of the author, and so well, that Congreve declared he
had not only answered, but exceeded his expectations; and
from the character he gave of him, his salary was raised
from 15s. a week, as it then stood, to 20s. The part of
Fondlewife, in the “Old Batchelor,
” was the next in
which he distinguished himself.
ed it to George I. the king ordered him 200l. and the merit of it, as he himself confesses, made him poet-laureat in 1730. Here again he incurred the ridicule of his
The “Careless Husband,
” which is reckoned his best
play, was acted in Nonjuror,
” which was acted in Weekly Journal,
” and of all
the Jacobite faction. But this is not an exact state of the
case. It is true that he incurred the ridicule of the Jacobites, but the Jacobites only laughed at him in common
with all the wits of the day. This general contempt was
afterwards heightened by Pope’s making him the hero of
the “Duneiad
” instead of Theobald, a transfer undoubtedly mean and absurd on Pope’s part, since what was
written for Theobald, a dull plodder, could never suit
Cibber, a gay lively writer, and certainly a man of wit
However, if the Nonjuror brought upon its author some
imaginary evils, it procured him also some advantage, for
when he presented it to George I. the king ordered him
200l. and the merit of it, as he himself confesses, made
him poet-laureat in 1730. Here again he incurred the
ridicule of his brother wits, by his annual odes, which had
no merit but their loyalty, lyric poetry being a species of
writing for which he had not the least talent, and which
he probably would not have attempted, had not his office
rendered it necessary. These repeated efforts of his enemies sometimes hindered the success of his dramatic
pieces; and the attacks against him, in verse and in prose,
were now numerous and incessant, as appears by the early
volumes of the Gentleman’s Magazine. But he appears
to have been so little affected by them, that he joined
heartily in the laugh agaiost himself:, and even contributed to increase the merriment of the public at his own
were set for great capitals, such as Rome, Naples, Venice, and Milan. By these means the expences of poet and composer were saved. He composed operas likewise at Petersburgh
, an eminent musician and composer, was born at Capo di Monte, Naples: he studied
music at the couservatorio of Loretto, and was a disciple
of the admirable Duronte. He was carefully educated in
other respects, and his docility and sweetness of temper,
during his youth, gained him the affection of all who
knew him. On quitting the conservatorio his talents were
soon noticed, and his operas, chiefly comic, became the
delight of all Italy. But though he composed for buffo
singers, his style was always graceful, never grotesque or
capricious. There is an ingenuity in his accompaniments
which embellishes the melody of the voice part, without
too much occupying the attention of the audience. His
operas of “Il Pittore Parigino,
” and “L'Italiana in Londra,
” were carried to Rome, and thence to the principal
cities of Italy, where their success was so great in 1782
and 1783, that he received an order from Paris to compose
a cantata for the birth of the dauphin, which was performed
by a band of more than 100 voices and instruments. In
1784 he was engaged to compose for the theatres and cities
which seldom had operas expressly composed for them;
bringing on their stage such as were set for great capitals,
such as Rome, Naples, Venice, and Milan. By these
means the expences of poet and composer were saved. He
composed operas likewise at Petersburgh and Madrid, and
his success and fame were more rapid than those of any
composer of the last century, except Piccini, and the fame
of his comic opera of “L'ltaliana in Londra,
” seems to
have been as extensive as that of the “Buona Figliuola.
, a celebrated Italian lawyer and poet of the fourteenth century, who usually is known by that name,
, a celebrated Italian lawyer and
poet of the fourteenth century, who usually is known by
that name, although he was of the ancient family of the
Sinibaldi or Sinibuldi, and his first name was Guittoncino
(not Ambrogino, as Le Quadrio says), the diminutive of
Cuittone, and by abbreviation Cino. Much pains were
bestowed on his education, and according to the fashion of
the times, he studied law; but nature had made him a poet,
and he cultivated that taste in conjunction with his
academical exercises. He took his first degree in civil law at
Bologna, and in 1307 was appointed assessor of civil causes
but at that time was obliged to leave Pistoia, owing to the
civil commotions. Cino was a zealous Ghibelin, and was
now glad to seek an asylum in Lombardy, whither he followed his favourite Selvaggia, whose charms he so often
celebrates in his poems, but where he had the misfortune
to lose her. After her death he travelled for some time in
Lombardy, and is thought to have visited Paris, the university of which was at that time the resort of many foreigners. On his return, however, to Bologna in 1314, he
published his “Commentary on the first nine Books of the
” a very learned work, which placed him among the
ablest lawyers of his time, and has been often printed, first
at Pavia in 1483; the best edition is that improved by
Cisnez, Franefort, 1578. He now took his doctor’s degree,
ten years after he had received that of bachelor, and his
reputation procured him invitations to become law-professor, an office which he filled for three years at Trevisa,
and for seven years at Perugia. Among his pupils in the
latter place was the celebrated Bartolo, who studied under
him six years, and declared that he owed his knowledge
entirely to the writings and lessons of Cino. From Perugia
he went to Florence, but his reputation was confined to the
civil law. At this time the canonists and legists were sworn
enemies, and Cino, not only in his character as a legist,
but as a Ghibelin, had a great aversion to decretals, canons,
and the whole of papal jurisprudence. It is not true, however, as some have asserted, that he taught civil law to
Petrarch, or canon law to Boccaccio, although he communicated with Petrarch on poetical matters, and exhibited to
him a style which Petrarch did not disdain to imitate.
he went a little beyond the bounds of Horace’s judgment, and was so unwilling to allow the favourite poet ever to nod, that he has taken remarkable pains to find out
In 1728 was published, “A Letter from Dr. Clarke to
Mr. Benjamin Hoadly, F. R. S. occasioned by the controversy relating to the proportion of velocity and force in
bodies in motion,
” and printed in the Philosophical Transactions, No. 401; and in 1729, he published the twelve
first books of “Homer’s Iliad,
” in 4to, and dedicated to
the duke of Cumberland. The Latin version is almost entirely new; and annotations are added to the bottom of
the pages. Homer, bishop Hoadly tells us, was Clarke’s
admired author, even to a degree of something like enthusiasm, hardly natural to his temper; and that in this he
went a little beyond the bounds of Horace’s judgment, and
was so unwilling to allow the favourite poet ever to nod,
that he has taken remarkable pains to find out and give a
reason for every passage, word, and tittle, that could create
any suspicion. It has however so long and so justly been
the popular edition of Homer, that it would be unnecessary
to expatiate on its merits in this place. Whiston informs
us, that he had begun this work in his younger years; and
that “the notes were rather transcribed than made new.
The twelve last books of the Iliad were published in 1732,
in 4to, by our author’s son, Samuel Clarke; who informs
us in the preface, that his father had finished the annotations to the three first of those books, and as far as the
359th verse of the fourth; and had revised the text and
version as far as verse 510th of the same book.
ercy of God. Mr. Pope has a kind of reflection upon Dr. Clarke’s frequenting the court; to which the poet was stimulated by resentment against the doctor, because he
When sir John Germaine lay upon his death-bed, and was in great confusion and trouble of mind, he sent for Dr. Clarke, and requested to know of him whether he should receive the Sacrament, and what he should do in his sad condition. The doctor, who was well acquainted with sir John’s pursuits and course of life, sedately replied, that he could not advise him to receive the Sacrament, and that he did not think it likely to be of any avail to him with respect to his final welfare. Having said this, he departed, without administering the communion, having first recommended the dying man to the mercy of God. Mr. Pope has a kind of reflection upon Dr. Clarke’s frequenting the court; to which the poet was stimulated by resentment against the doctor, because he refused to use his interest for obtaining the recall of lord Bolingbroke from France, with a general pardon.
learning and spirit of an elegant antiquary may throw on a cloudy and mistaken passage of an ancient poet. He gave a very beneficial proof of his zeal for literature,
Although antiquities were the favourite study of Mr.
Clarke, he was a secret, and by no means an unsuccessful
votary of the muses. He wrote English verse with ease,
elegance, and spirit. Perhaps there are few better epigrams in our language than that which he composed on
seeing the words Domus ultima inscribed on the vault belonging to the dukes of Richmond in the cathedral of Chichester. Among the happier I'ittle pieces of his sportive
poetry, there are in the Life of Bowyer some animated
stanzas, describing the character of the twelve English
poets, whose portraits, engraved by Vertue, were the favourite ornament of his parlour: but he set so modest and
humble a value on his poetical compositions, that they were
seldom committed to paper, and are therefore very imperfectly preserved in the memory of those, to whom he sometimes recited them. His taste and judgment in poetry appears, indeed, very striking in many parts of his learned
and elaborate “Connexion of Coins.
” His illustration of
Nestor’s cup, in particular, may be esteemed as one of the
happiest examples of that light and beauty, which the
learning and spirit of an elegant antiquary may throw on a
cloudy and mistaken passage of an ancient poet. He gave
a very beneficial proof of his zeal for literature, by the
trouble he took in regulating the library of the cathedral to
which he belonged. He persuaded bishop Mavvson to bestow a considerable sum towards repairing the room appropriated to this purpose. He obtained the donation of many
valuable volumes from different persons; and by his constant and liberal attention to this favourite object, raised an
inconsiderable and neglected collection of books, into a
very useful and respectable public library.
, a Latin poet, who flourished in the fourth century, under the emperor Theodosius
, a Latin poet, who flourished in the fourth century, under the emperor Theodosius and his sons Arcadius and Honorius, was born in
the year 365. Many learned men imagine him to have
been born at Alexandria, in Egypt; others, however, have
made a Spaniard of him, others a Frenchman, and Plutarch
and Politian suppose Florence to have been the place of his
nativity. It is certain that he came to Rome in the year
395, and insinuated himself into Stilico’s favour, who,
being a person of great abilities, both for civil and military
affairs, though a Goth by birth, was now become so considerable under Honorius, that he may be said for many
years to have governed the western empire. Stilico afterwards fell into disgrace, and was put to death; and it is
more than probable, that the poet was involved in the
misfortunes of his patron, whom he had egregiously flattered, and severely persecuted by Hadrian, who was captain of the guards to Honorius, and seems to have succeeded
Stilico. There is a reason, however, to think that he rose
afterwards to great favour, and obtained several honours
both civil and military. Arcadius and Honorius are said
to have granted him an honour, which seems to exceed
any that had ever been bestowed upon a poet before,
having at the senate’s request ordered a statue to be erected
for him in Trajan’s forum, with a very honourable inscription; and this is said to be confirmed by the late discovery
of a marble, supposed to be the pedestal of Claudiau’s
statue in brass. The inscription runs thus: “To Claudius
Claudianus, tribune and notary, and among other noble
accomplishments, the most excellent of poets: though his
own poems are sufficient to render his name immortal, yet
[as] a testimony of their approbation, the most learned and
[h]appy emperors Arcadius and Honorius have, at the request of the senate, ordered this statue to be erected and
placed in the forum of Trajan.
” Under the inscription
was placed an epigram in Greek, signifying that he had
united the perfections of Homer and Virgil. The princess
Serena had a great esteem for Claudian, and recommended
and married him to a lady of great quality and fortune in
Libya, as he acknowledges very gratefully in an epistle
which he addresses to Serena from thence, a little before
his wedding day.
e reckoned somewhat remarkable, that a learned man, a devout worshipper of all the gods, a wit and a poet, and author of many works, should never say any thing disrespectful
In consequence of Orosius pronouncing him a heathen,
“an obstinate pagan,
” Cave thinks it may be reasonably
inferred that he had written against the Christian religion.
This Fabricius opposes, but Lardner says it may be
reckoned somewhat remarkable, that a learned man, a
devout worshipper of all the gods, a wit and a poet, and
author of many works, should never say any thing disrespectful of Christianity. He allows, however, that it is
somewhat more extraordinary that Claudian should so excel
in Latin verse, as to approach the best writers of the Augustan age in purity and elegance. Gibbon’s character
of Claudian, corresponding with this, is written with more
than usual care and discrimination. If, says this historian,
we fairly balance Claudian’s merits and defects, we shall
acknowledge that he does not either satisfy, or silence our
reason. It would not be easy to produce a passage that
deserves the epithet of sublime or pathetic; to select a
verse that melts the heart, or enlarges the imagination.
We should vainly seek in the poems of Claudian, the
happy invention and artificial conduct of an interesting
fable, or the just and lively representation of the characters
and situations of real life. For the service of his patron,
he published occasional panegyrics and invectives; and
the design of these slavish compositions encouraged his
propensity to exceed the limits of truth and nature. These
imperfections, however, are compensated in some degree
by the poetical virtues of Claudian. He was endowed with
the rare and precious talent of raising the meanest, of
adorning tjie most barren, and of diversifying the most similar topics; tys colouring, mere specially in descriptive
poetry, is soft and splendid; and he seldom fails to display, and even to abuse, the advantages of a cultivated
understanding, a copious fancy, an easy, and sometimes
forcible expression; and a perpetual flow of harmonious
versification. To these commendations, independent of
any accidents of time and place, we must add the peculiar
merit which Claudian derived from the unfavourable circumstances of his birth. In the decline of arts, and of empire, a native of Egypt, who had received the education
of a Greek, assumed in a mature age the familiar use and
absolute command of the Latin language, soared above the
heads of his feeble contemporaries, and placed himself, after
an interval of three hundred years, among the poets of ancient Rome. Strada, in his Prolusions, allows him to contend
with the five heroic poets, Lucretius, Virgil, Ovid, Lucan,
and Statius. His patron is the accomplished courtier, Balthazar Castiglione. His admirers are numerous and passionate. Yet the rigid critics reproach the exotic weeds,
or flowers, which spring too luxuriantly in his Latian soil,
and for which Dr. Warton, one probably ranked by Gibbon among these “rigid critics,
” places Claudian with
Statius and Seneca the tragedian, as authors into which no
youth of genius ought to be suffered to look.
hymn in praise of Christ has been attributed to him, and as we have already noticed, to Claudian the poet.
, a learned
presbyter of Vienna, flourished about the year 460. He
is celebrated for his eloquence and his general knowledge;
and particularly for his acquaintance with the dialectics of
Aristotle, which were made use of by the orthodox fathers,
as weapons both offensive and defensive, against heretics.
He wrote on the state of the soul, “De statu animte,
lib. tres,
” printed by Mosellanus, Basil,