The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Born: Æschylus one of the most eminent tragic poets of ancient times
Publication: “AntiMorus,” by Brixius, Germain a learned Frenchman
Publication: “A Picture of Human Life,” by Cebes the author of a well-known and beautiful allegory in Greek
Born: Eudocia a Roman empress
Publication: “Dictionnaire Historique” by Solander, Daniel Charles naturalist
Died: Epiphanius writer
Died: Flavian patriarch of Antioch
Died: Chrysostom, John one of the most learned and eloquent of the fathers
Publication: “A Vindication of the New Calendar Tables, and Rules annexed to the Act for regulating the commencement of the year,” by Daval, Peter esq. of the Middle Temple
Born: Proclus philosopher
Born: Diogenes philosopher
Publication: “Art of Logic and Rhetoric,” by Eusden, Lawrence poet (1688–1730)
Publication: “Batesii Vitae,” by Bodley, Sir Thomas that illustrious benefactor to literature
Publication: “Est opus botanicum quo absolutius mundus non vidit,” by Dillenius, John James botanist
Born: Alcidamas a rhetorician
Born: Antisthenes philosopher
Publication: “Liber Niger Scaccarii,” by Botoner, William writer
Born: Sidonius, Caius Sollius Apollinaris Modestus a learned ecclesiastic of the fifth century
Publication: “Six Books of Ecclesiastical History,” by Evagrius Scholasticus historian
Died: Cyril of Alexandria
Publication: “Gentleman’s Magazine for 1772,” by Highmore, Joseph painter
Publication: “the band of Ephesian robbers,” by Leo I., St. surnamed The Great
Died: Mercator, Marius a celebrated ecclesiastical author of the fifth century
Died: Eucherius archbishop
Born: Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus philosopher (480–524)
Publication: “Codex encyclicus,” by Epiphanius named the Scholastic
Died: Eudocia a Roman empress
Died: Prosper, St. of Aquitaine
Died: Benignus, St. archbishop
Born: Socrates the most celebrated of the ancient philosophers
Born: Thucydides historian
Died: Agatharcus painter
Born: Benedict, St. the founder of the order of the Benedictin monks (?–543)
Publication: “Origin of Arianism disclosed,” by Chillingworth, William divine
Died: Proclus philosopher
Publication: “An Account of the poisonous root lately found mixed with Gentian,” by Brocklesby, Richard physician
Died: Sidonius, Caius Sollius Apollinaris Modestus a learned ecclesiastic of the fifth century
Born: Arator the secretary and intendant of finances to Athaiaric
Publication: “I conceive,” by Darwin, Erasmus physician
Born: Hellanicus of Mitylene