The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Born: Pindar usually styled the prince of Lyric poets
Publication: “Recueil d‘Estampes, d’apres Raphael, Titien, Carrache,” by Sadeler, John the first of a family of distinguished engravers
Publication: “Methodus foliorum, seu Plantag Florae Monspeliensisjuxta foliorum ordinem,” by Sauvages, Francis Boissier De the inventor of modern nosology
Died: Arator the secretary and intendant of finances to Athaiaric
Publication: “Ecclesiastical Biography,” by Potter, Christopher was born also within the barony of Kendal in Westmorland (1591–1646)
Born: Columba, St. renowned in Scotch history as the founder of a monastery at Icolmkill
Died: Avitus, Sextus Alcimus Ecditius son to the senator Isychius
Died: Fulgentius, St. writer
Died: Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus philosopher (480–524)
Born: Caporali, Caesar poet
Died: Ferrandus, Fulgentius surnamed Fulgentius
Born: Themistocles the great preserver of Athens at the time of the Persian invasion
Born: Damascius philosopher
Publication: “Let him go; we are well rid of him.” by Bridge, William one of the most eminent nonconformists of the seventeenth century
Died: David, St. the patron of Wales
Born: Gregory surnamed the Great
Born: Gregory Of Tours
Died: Tribonianus lawyer
Born: Confucius philosopher
Publication: “Epithalamium” by Cerrati, Paul lawyer
Died: Stesichorus poet
Born: Xenophanes philosopher
Born: Terentius, Publius writer
Publication: “Memoirs, or Chronicles,” by Marc He, Oliver De La a French courtier and author
Publication: “British Topography,” by Oldys, William bibliographer
Born: Mahomet founder of the system of religious imposture called Mahometanism
Born: Bias called one of the wise men of Greece
Publication: “Epistola ad eximium ducis Urbini mathematicum, Fredericum Commandinum, praefixa libello Machometi Bagdedini de superficierum divi^ionibus, edita opera Devi et ejusdem Commandini Urbinatis,” by Dee, John mathematician
Born: Accius, Lucius poet
Born: Godefroj, James born in I 587
Publication: “Chronicon” by Brompton, John monk
Born: Racan, Honorat De Bueil, Marquis Of poet
Born: Segers, Gerard painter
Died: Gregory surnamed the Great
Publication: “A dissertation upon a Parthian coin; with characters on the reverse resembling those of the Palmyrenes,” by Swinton, John antiquary
Publication: “The Poem of Poems, or Sion’s Muse, contaynyng the diuine Song of king Salomon, deuided into eight eclogues,” by Markham, Gervase an English author
Died: Columba, St. renowned in Scotch history as the founder of a monastery at Icolmkill