The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Born: Ado archbishop
Born: Aldric, St. bishop
Born: Albumazar astrologer
Died: Angilbert, St. abbot
Publication: “Treatise on the Offices,” by Amalarius Symphosius was successively deacon and priest of the church of Metz
Died: Tacitus, Caius Cornelius one of the most eminent Roman historians
Died: Theodulphus bishop
Died: Nicephorus, St. a celebrated patriarch of Constantinople
Died: Almamon caliph of Bagdat
Born: Alfred, The Great the youngest son of Æthelwolf king of the West Saxons
Died: Amulon
Publication: “Bibliotheca Patrum.” by Amulon
Died: Alfred, The Great the youngest son of Æthelwolf king of the West Saxons
Died: Erigena, John Scotus scholar
Died: Ado archbishop
Born: Eutychius a Christian author (?–950)
Died: Photius patriarch of Constantinople in the ninth century
Born: Odo, Saint abbot
Died: Hincmar archbishop
Publication: “Collectio amplissima veterum monumentorum,” by Odo, Cantianus so called because he was a native of that county in England
Died: Albumazar astrologer
Born: Saadias-Gaon rabbi