Horstius, Gregory
, also a learned physician, nephew of the preceding, was born at Torgau, where his father was one of the chief magistrates in 1578. After being educated in the schools of Torgau and Halberstadt, he went to the university of Wittemberg, and commenced the study of medicine; and received the degree of M. D. in March 1606, at Basil. On his return in the same year, to his native place, he was immediately appointed to a medical professorship in the university of Wittemburg, bj the elector of Saxony. Two years afterwards he was promoted by the landgrave of Hesse to a medical chair in tke college at Giessen, and in 1609 was honoured with | the title of Archiater of Hesse. At this time his professional character had risen in the public estimation, and he numbered among his patients the principal nobility of the district. In 1622, he received a public invitation from the magistracy of Ulm to settle there as physician to that city, and as president of the college. He fulfilled his duties in both these offices with great reputation; and his integrity and humanity, not less than his extensive erudition, and his successful practice, endeared him to his fellow-citizens, and claimed the respect and admiration of the surrounding states. He died in August 1636, aged fifty-eight years. He left a considerable number of works, which were collected, and published under the title of “Opera Medica,” in 1660, 3 vols. folio, at Nuremberg, by his youngest son, Gregory, who, as well as his brother John Daniel, acquired eminence as physicians. They were also both professors of medicine; Gregory died at the age of thirty-five; but John Daniel lived to his sixty-fifth year, and was the author of several works, chiefly anatomical, and of little value at present. He was concerned with his brother Gregory in editing the collection of his father’s works, and likewise published an edition of the “Questiones Medico-legales” of Paul Zacchias, Francfort, 1666, in folio; and an edition of the “Opera Medica” of Riverius, at the same place, in 1674, folio. 1
Gen. Dict. —Moreri. —Foppen Bibl. Belg.—Rees’s Cyclopædia.