Events noted in 1787

The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.

1786 1788


Died: Abel, Charles Frederick musician

Publication: “Description historique, geographique, et topographique de la Provence et du Comtat Yenaissin,” by Achard, Claude Francis physician

Publication: “A philosophical and medical sketch of the Natural History of the Human Body and Mind,” by Adair, James Makittrick physician

Publication: “La vraie maniere d'apprendre une Langue quelconque, vivante ou morte, par le moyen de la langue Française,” by Adam, Nicolas a French grammarian

Publication: “A defence of the Constitution of Government of the United States of America,” by Adams, John late president of the United States of America

Publication: “Treatise on German Orthography,” by Adelung, John Christopher a learned German grammarian (?–1806)

Publication: “Vie du marechal Villars, ecrite par lui-meme, suivie du journal de la cour de 1724 a 1734,” by Anquetil, Lewis-Peter historian

Died: Astley, John artist

Publication: “History of India and Oriental Astronomy,” by Bailly, John Sylvanus astronomer

Died: Baron, Hyacinth Theodore

Publication: “An introduction to the knowledge and history of Vegetables,” by Batsch, Augustus John George Charles a learned contributor to the science of Botany

Died: Baylis, William one of the physicians to the king of Prussia

Publication: “Not so many as your majesty.” by Baylis, William one of the physicians to the king of Prussia

Publication: “Memoire en reponse a celui de Guillaume Kornmann,” by Beaumarchais, Peter Augustin Caron De writer

Publication: “Tarare,” by Beaumarchais, Peter Augustin Caron De writer

Publication: “Discours sur le Manage des Protestants,” by Bergier, Nicolas Sylvester writer

Died: Berkeley, George prelate

Publication: “De la mesure du temps,” by Berthoud, Ferdinand an eminent French marine clock-maker

Died: Bouvart, Michael Philip physician

Died: Brown, John clergyman

Publication: “Terentius,” by Brunck, Richard Francis Frederick critic

Died: Buat-Nancay, Louis Gabriel Du chevalier and count of Nanay

Publication: “A Treatise on Magnetism, in theory and practice, with original experiments,” by Cavallo, Tiberius philosopher

Publication: “Travels in North- America, in the years 1780, 1781, 1782,” by Chastellux, Francis John, Marquis De a marshal in the French army

Died: Cole, Charles Nalson lawyer

Publication: “Euler’s Letters,” by Condorcet, John Antony Nicolas Caritat Mapquis De mathematician

Died: De Foe, Daniel writer

Publication: “Descriptip nuinmorum Antiochae Syriae, sive specimen artis criticse numerariff,” by Eckhel, Joseph Hilary antiquary

Died: Egerton, John bishop

Died: Essex, Jamks a man whose astonishing knowledge of gothic architecture could only be equalled by his modesty

Publication: “Methode de nomenclature chimique proposer par Morveau, &c.” by Fourcroy, Anthony Francis an eminent French chemist

Publication: “Phytographia,” by Gesner, John a canon of Zurich

Died: Gesner, John Matthew critic

Publication: “Athenaid” by Glover, Richard poet

Publication: “Select Beauties of Ancient English Poetry,” by Headley, Henry critic

Publication: “Cryptogamia” by Hedwig, John botanist

Publication: “Aves Frisicse,” by Heerkens, Gerard Nicholas a native of Groningen

Publication: “Appeal,” by Horapollo was a grammarian

Died: Horsley, Samuel prelate

Publication: “Eloge historique de l'abbé Mably,” by Levesque, Peter Charles writer

Publication: “Letters to Dr. Priestley,” by Madan, Martin preacher

Died: Manners, John marquis of Granby

Publication: “Defence of his conduct in the affair of the insurrection in Munster,” by Olearius, Godfrey the most considerable of a family of learned men of thU name

Publication: “A brief account, historical and critical, of the Septuagint Version of the Old Testament. To which is added, A Dissertation on the comparative excellency of the Hebrew and Samaritan Pentateuch,” by Owen, Henry divine

Died: Paley, William divine

Publication: “Notices and Descriptions of Antiquities of the Provincia Romana of Gaul, now Provence, Languedoc, and Dauphiny: with Dissertations on the subjects of which those are exemplars and an Appendix, describing the Roman Baths and Thermae, discovered in 1784, at Badenweiler,” by Pownall, Thomas a gentleman of considerable learning and political knowledge

Publication: “The Evidence of a future period of Improvement in the State of Mankind, with the means and duty of promoting it, delivered to the supporters of the new Academical Institution among Protestant Dissenters,” by Price, Richard writer

Publication: “Histoire critique de la Pyramide de Caius Sestius,” by Rive, John Joseph writer

Died: Robinson, Richard archbishop

Publication: “Collection of Original Royal Letters,” by Rush, Benjamin physician

Publication: “Giulio Sabino characteristica,” by Sarti, Joseph a sweet

Publication: “Arcadia*” by Sidney, Philip a very accomplished English gentleman (?–1586)

Died: Skelton, Philip clergyman

Died: Sydenham, Floyer deserves a fuller account than can now be given of a learned and diligent man

Publication: “History of Italian Literature,” by Tiraboschi, Jerome one of the most valuable Italian writers of the last century

Died: Tyers, Thomas writer

Publication: “Considerations on Parochial Music” by Vincent, William dean

Publication: “Review of the case of the Protestant Dissenters” by Warburton, William prelate