The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Died: Aliamet, James engraver
Died: Ambrogi, Antoine Marie scholar
Died: Anderson, James writer
Publication: “Experiences de Gambais sur les bles noirs ou caries,” by Averdy, Clement Charles De L' statesman
Publication: “Prophet,” by Bentley, Richard was a man of various and considerable accomplishments (?–1782)
Publication: “Collection de tous les voyages faits autour de monde,” by Berenger, John Peter writer
Died: Betti, Zachary poet
Publication: “Idées sur la Meteorologie” by Black, Joseph one of the most eminent chemical philosophers of the last century
Died: Bowle, John scholar
Publication: “Marian,” by Brooke, Frances whose maiden name was Moore
Publication: “A catalogue of its fish.” by Browne, Patrick naturalist
Publication: “Plautus,” by Brunck, Richard Francis Frederick critic
Died: Burgh, James writer
Publication: “De la Musique considereé en elle meme, et dans ses rapports avec la parole, les langues, la poesie, et la theatre,” by Chabanon, De writer
Publication: “Voyage dans les trois royaumes d‘Angleterre, d’Ecosse, et d'Irlande:” by Chantreau, Peter Nicholas writer
Publication: “Analytical Review” by Christie, Thomas writer
Publication: “Institutes,” by Coke, Sir Edward lord chief-justice of England
Publication: “Ode on the Superstitions,” by Collinson, Peter botanist
Publication: “Reflexions sur le commerce des bk-s,” by Condorcet, John Antony Nicolas Caritat Mapquis De mathematician
Publication: “A Letter to Arthur Young, esq. on the bill then depending in parliament to prevent the Exportation of Wool,” by Day, Thomas writer
Died: Desault, Peter Joseph surgeon
Publication: “Ars bene valendi,” by Desbillons, Francis Joseph Terrasse poet
Born: Du Paty at first advocate-general
Publication: “Letters on Italy,” by Du Paty at first advocate-general
Publication: “The Elements of Medical Jurisprudence; to which are added, directions for preserving the Public Health,” by Farr, Samuel physician
Publication: “Wales’s Remarks on Forster’s Account,” by Forster, John Reinhold naturalist (?–1798)
Publication: “Analyse chimique de l‘eau sulphureuse d’Enghein, pour servir a l'histoire des eaux sulphureuse en general,” by Fourcroy, Anthony Francis an eminent French chemist
Publication: “De fructibus et sem'mihus plantarum,” by Gærtner, Joseph botanist
Died: Gainsborough, Thomas artist
Publication: “Caruien Seculare” by Geddes, Alexander divine
Publication: “Analytical Review,” by Godwin, Mary a lady of very extraordinary genius
Publication: “Histoire de la Vie privee des Frangais;” by Grand, John Baptist Le was born at Amiens
Publication: “A Provincial Glossary, with a Collection of local Proverbs and popular Superstitions,” by Grose, Francis antiquary
Publication: “Rules for drawing Caricatures,” by Grose, Francis antiquary
Publication: “Dissertations on the origin, nature, and pursuits of intelligent beings, and on Divine Providence, Religion, and religious Worship,” by Holwell, John Zephaniah a learned English gentleman
Publication: “Tractatus varii Latini aCrevier, Brotier,” by Homer, Henry scholar
Publication: “Tacitus de Moribus Germanorum et de Vita Agricolje,” by Homer, Henry scholar
Publication: “Life and Voyages of captain Cook,” by Kippis, Andrew divine
Publication: “Ordination Charge,” by Kippis, Andrew divine
Died: Lever, Sir Ashton the founder of a valuable museum
Publication: “La France sous les cinq premier Valois,” by Levesque, Peter Charles writer
Publication: “Recollection of some particulars in the Life of Shenstone,” by Lyttelton, Charles third son of sir Thomas
Died: Mann I, Dominic Maria writer
Died: Mozart, John Chrysostom Wolfgang Theophilus musician
Publication: “An attempt towards an improved version, a metrical arrangement, and an explanation of the Twelve Minor Prophets,” by Newcome, William prelate
Died: Nugent, Robert-Craggs, Earl a nobleman of poetical celebrity
Publication: “A Defence of the Conduct and Writings of the rev. Arthur O'Leary, &c. written by himself, in answer to the illgrounded insinuations of the right rev. Dr. Woodward, bishop of Cloyne,” by Olearius, Godfrey the most considerable of a family of learned men of thU name
Publication: “Annals of ancient German Literature, or an account of books printed in Germany frpm the invention of the art to 1520,” by Panzer, George Wolfgang Francis bibliographer
Publication: “Humanity, or the Rights of Nature,” by Pratt, Samuel Jackson poet (1749–1814)
Publication: “Essays on the intellectual Powers of Man;” by Reid, Thomas divine
Publication: “Le Courier des Planetes,” by Reigny, Louis Abel Beffroi commonly called Cousin Jaques
Died: Rochefort, William De writer
Died: Scopoli, John Anthony naturalist
Died: Shebbeare, John writer
Died: Sheridan, Thomas by his wife Miss Macpherson
Died: Smith, Adam the celebrated author of the “Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
Publication: “Emmeline, or the Orphan of the Castle,” by Smith, Charlotte an elegant poetess
Died: Thomas, William born in 1670
Publication: “Extraits de divers auteurs Grecs a l‘usage de l’ecole militaire,” by Vauvilliers, John Francis writer
Died: Wesley, John the most celebrated of the family
Died: Zollikofer, George Joachim divine
Died: Zuccarelli, Francis artist