Zabarella, James
, born Sept. 5, 1533, at Padua, was the son of Bartholomew Zabarella, mentioned in the preceding article. He took great pleasure in astrology, and amused himself with drawing several horoscopes. He taught logic at Padua during fifteen years, from 1564, and afterwards philosophy till his death. He was several times deputed to Venice, and spoke with great eloquence in the senate. He died at Padua, irr October 1589, aged fiftysix. He bore the title of Count Palatine, which passed to his descendants. He left, “Commentaries on Aristotle.” “Logica,” 1597, folio. “De Anima,” 1606, folio. “Physica,” 1601, folio. “De Rebus naturalibus,” 1394, 4to from which he appears to have had much acnteness ia clearing up difficult points, and comprehending the most obscure questions. He maintains, in these commentaries, but still more particularly in a short treatise “De Inventione Æterni Motoris” (which forms part of his works, Francfort, 1618, 4to), that, according to Aristotle’s principles, no proof can be brought of the soul’s immortality whence some writers accuse him of impiety. 2