The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Publication: “History of the Growth and Decay of the Ottoman Empire,” by Cantemir, Demetrius of an illustrious family in Tartary
Died: Cavalcanti, Guido scholar
Died: Cimabue, Giovanni painter
Publication: “The Vision,” by Ramsay, Allan one of the extraordinary instances of the power of uncultivated genius
Born: Villani, John historian
Died: Abraham, Ben Chaila rabbi
Born: Petrarch, Francis one of the most celebrated characters in literary history
Died: Henry The Minstrel poet
Publication: “Historiae Anglicanoe,” by Vitringa, Campegius divine
Publication: “Emperors,” by Leo D'Orvietto a native of that city
Died: Baston, Robert poet
Died: Bek, Anthony bishop
Died: Baldock, Ralph De bishop
Born: Boccaccio, John one of the most eminent Italian poets and scholars
Died: Clement V. one of the popes so called
Publication: “Chronicle” by Leo D'Orvietto a native of that city
Died: Ægidius, De Columna one of the most learned divines of the thirteenth century
Died: Apono, Peter astrologer
Born: Barbour, John poet
Died: Gordon, Bernard physician
Died: Crescentius, Peter or
Born: Nicholas, Eymericus Dominican
Publication: “Tekn-yni el Boldaan,” by Abulfeda, Ishmael historian
Died: Accorso, Francis was professor of law at Bologna
Died: Dante, Alighieri poet
Publication: “the Master of the Sentences.” by Bassol, John a native of Scotland in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries
Publication: “Defensor pacis,” by Menandrino, Marsilio the place of his birth
Born: Wickliffe (?–1384)
Born: Wykeham, William the illustrious founder of New college
Died: Petrarch, Francis one of the most celebrated characters in literary history
Publication: “Chester Mysteries,” by Higden, Ranulph the author of an old chronicle
Died: Menandrino, Marsilio the place of his birth
Publication: “De jurisdictione imperial! in causis matrimonialibus.” by Menandrino, Marsilio the place of his birth
Born: Spinello, Aretino painter
Died: Trivet, Nicolas Dominican
Died: Abulfeda, Ishmael historian
Born: Bonaventure Of Padua cardinal
Died: Brom, Adam De almoner to king Edward II. is allowed to have shared the honour of founding Oriel college
Born: Fabriano, Gentile Da painter
Died: Durand, De St. Poursain so called from a town in Auvergne
Born: Sacchetti, Francis poet
Born: Zabarella, Francis cardinal (?–1417)
Died: Buffalmacco, Buonamico painter
Born: Courtney, William archbishop
Died: Aungervyle, Richard commonly known by the name of Richard de Bury
Died: Hatfield, Thomas bishop
Died: Bassol, John a native of Scotland in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries
Born: Catherine, St. of Sienna
Died: Hemmingford, Walter De a regular canon of Gisborough-abbey
Died: Andreas, John a famous canonist of the fourteenth century
Died: Barberino, Francis poet
Died: Villani, John historian
Died: Egglesfield, Robert the founder of Queen’s college
Born: Palladino, James known also by the name of James de Teramo
Born: Vergerius, Peter Paul one of the most learned men of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
Born: Ailli, Peter D' an eminent Romish ecclesiastic
Died: Donde, James physician
Born: Gascoigne, Sir William chief justice of the king’s bench in the reign of Henry IV. was descended of a noble family
Died: Grisaunt, William physician
Born: Paul Of Burgos a learned Jew
Died: Bateman, William bishop
Born: Chrysoloras, Emanuel the principal of those learned men who brought the Greek language and literature into the West
Publication: “Of the last age of the Church,” by Wickliffe (?–1384)
Died: Higden, Ranulph the author of an old chronicle
Died: Richard archbishop
Died: Taulerus, John writer
Died: Berchorius, Peter whose name we find disguised under Bercheure (1300–?)
Born: Gerson, John by some called Charlier
Publication: “Doctor Christianissimus,” by Gerson, John by some called Charlier
Born: Niccoli, Niccolo, Lat. Nicolaus a very eminent contributor to the restoration of literature (?–1437)
Publication: “Dissertatio de Cometis, utrum sint signa, an causae, an utrumque, an neutrum,” by Berckringer, Daniel who was born
Born: Eyck, Hubert Van painter
Died: Wickliffe (?–1384)
Died: Wykeham, William the illustrious founder of New college
Died: Albornos, Gilles Alvares Carillo cardinal
Born: Waldensis, Thomas monk
Born: Bruni, Leonard historian
Born: Gasparino, Banzizza one of the revivers of literature
Born: Guarino Of Verona surnamed Veronese
Born: Hoccleve, Thomas poet
Died: Uberti, Fazio poet
Died: Cabassole, Philip De was a native of Cavaillon
Born: Francesca, Pietro Della commonly called Francesco Dal Borgo A San Sepolcro
Died: Brigit and by contraction Bride
Born: Harding, John one of our old English historians
Publication: “La Prosopographie, ou Description des personnes insignes, &c. avec les effigies d‘aucuns d’iceux, et braves observations de leur temps, annees, fails, et dits,” by Verdier, Antony, Seigneur De Vauprivas bibliographer
Died: Boccaccio, John one of the most eminent Italian poets and scholars
Born: Lydgate, John poet
Died: Albergotti, Francis lawyer
Born: Huss, John divine
Born: Bernardine saint
Born: Burchiello poet
Died: Catherine, St. of Sienna
Born: Kempis, Thomas A a pious and learned regular canon
Born: Poggio, Bracciolini one of the. revivers of literature (1380–1459)
Born: Justiniani, St. Lawrence the first patriarch of Venice
Born: Donatello one of the principal revivers of sculpture in Italy
Publication: “Doctrinale Sapientiae,” by Roye, Guy Le archbishop
Born: Torquemada, John De Dominican
Born: Antonine, De Forciglioni archbishop
Born: Hemmerlin, Felix which has the same meaning as Hemmerlin in German
Born: Gemistus, George philosopher
Born: Peacock, Reynold bishop
Born: Beccadelli, Antony
Died: Huss, John divine
Born: James I. king of Scotland
Born: Valentine, Basil is the name
Publication: “De Rebus naturalibus,” by Zabarella, James born Sept. 5
Died: Barbour, John poet
Born: Manetti, Giannozzo scholar
Born: Gaza, Theodore a very eminent promoter of the revival of letters in Europe (?–1478)
Born: Nicholas V. pope (1398–1455)
Born: Decembrio, Peter Candide a name of great celebrity in the literary history of the fifteenth century
Died: Kempis, Thomas A a pious and learned regular canon
Died: Nicholas, Eymericus Dominican