The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Died: Allioni, Charles physician
Died: Alter, Francis Charles critic
Died: Baldinger, Ernest Gottfried physician
Died: Borgia, Stephen cardinal
Died: Boucher, Jonathan clergyman
Publication: “A Journal of a Tour to Corsica in the year 1766, with a series of original letters from general Paoli to the author, referring to the principal events which have taken place in that island from the year 1769 to 1302, with explanatory notes,” by Burnaby, Andrew archdeacon of Leicester and vicar of Greenwich
Publication: “The Historic and Life of king James the sext,” by Craufurd, David, Esq. was born at Drumsoy near Glasgow
Died: Eyre, Francis a Roman catholic gentleman of Warkworth castle in Northamptonshire
Died: Fawcett, Sir William, K.B. a brave English officer
Died: Gallini, Sir John a native of Italy
Publication: “Description of the Beauchamp chapel, adjoining to the church of St. Mary at Warwick,” by Gough, Richard the Camden of the eighteenth century
Publication: “Contes,” by Gudin, De La Brenellerie, Paul Philip writer
Died: Heber, Reginald clergyman
Died: Ingram, Robert divine
Publication: “A complete and uniform explanation of the prophecy of the seven vials of wrath, or seven last plagues contained in the Revelation of St. John,” by Ingram, Robert divine
Died: Kant, Immanuel writer
Publication: “Sir Tristrem,” by Lermont, Thomas poet
Publication: “Inquiry into the Nature of Civil and Military Subordination,” by Macdiarmid, John writer
Publication: “The History and Antiquities of Surrey,” by Manning, Owen antiquary
Publication: “Lyric Poems. Bv James Mercer, esq. Second edition, with some additional poems,” by Mercer, James a major in the army
Publication: “an author from whom the age has received greater favours, who has enlarged the knowledge of human nature, and taught the passions to move at the command of virtue.” by Richardson, Samuel writer
Publication: “Introductory Lectures to a course of lectures upon the institutes and practice of Medicine,” by Rush, Benjamin physician
Publication: “Remarks” by Sharp, Granville eminent as a Christian
Publication: “Memoir on Respiration,” by Spanheim, Frederic professor of divinity at Leyden
Died: Twining, Thomas divine
Publication: “Enumeratio Plantarum vel ab ipso vel ab aliis observatarum,” by Vahl, Martin botanist
Publication: “The Substance of a Speech intended to have been delivered in the House of Lords, Nov. 22, 1803,” by Watson, Richard prelate
Died: Weisse, Christian Felix poet
Died: Whitehead, John physician
Publication: “Letters from the year 1774 to the year 1796 of John Wilkes, esq. addressed to his daughter,” by Wilkes, John a very singular political character in the early part of the present reign