Burton, Henry
, was born at Birsall in Yorkshire, about 1579; and educated at St. John’s college in Cambridge, where he took both his degrees in arts. He was afterwards incorporated M. A. at Oxford, and took the degree of B. D. He first was tutor to the sons of lord Carey of Lepington (created in 1625 earl of Monmouth), and afterwards, probably by his lordship’s interest, clerk of the closet to prince Henry; and after his death to prince Charles, whom he was appointed to attend into Spain in 1623; but, for reasons unknown, was set aside after part of his goods were shipped, and upon that prince' succession to the crown was removed from being his clerk of the closet. Burton, highly disgusted at this treatment, took every opportunity of expressing his resentment, particularly by railing against the bishops.
In April 1625, he presented a letter to king Charles, remonstrating against Dr. Neile and Dr. Laud, his majesty’s continual attendants, as popishly affected; and for this was forbidden the court. Soon after he was presented to the rectory of -St, Matthew’s, in Friday-street, London. In Dec. 1636, he was summoned to appear before Dr. Duck, one of the commissioners for causes ecclesiastical, who tendered to him the oaths ex officio, to answer to certain articles brought against him, for what he had advanced in two sermons preached in his own church on the preceding 5th of November .*
The text they were preached upon was Proverbs xxiv. 21, 22. In these two sermons, and in his apology, he charged the bishops with dangerous plots to change the orthodox religion established in England, and to bring in Romish superstition in the room of it; and blamed them for introducing several innovations into divine worship, The chief he mentioned were, that in the epistle the Sunday before Easter, they had put out “In,” and made it “At the name of Jesus;” which alteration was directly against the act of parliament. That two places were changed in the prayers set forth for the 5th of November; namely, “Root out that Babylonish and antichristian sect, which say, &c.” is thus altered “Root out that Babylonish and antichristian sect of them which say.” Next, “Cut off those workers of iniquity whose religion is rebellion, &c.” was, in the book printed in 1635, thus altered: “Cut off those workers of iniquity, who turn religion into rebellion.”—That the prayers for the navy are left out of the late book for the fast.—That the placing the communion-table altarwise, at the upper end of the chancel, was done to advauce and usher in popery. That the second service, as dainties, was said there.— That bowing towards the altar, wa worshiping the table, &c.
Their counsel refused to sign their answer, for fear of offending the starchamber. The defendants therefore petitioned the court, that according to ancient precedents, they might sign their answers with their ewn hands; declaring, they would abide by the censure of the court, if they did not make good what was contained therein. But this was refused by the court, Burton’s answer was at length signed by Holt, a bencher of Gray’s-inn; who afterwards withdrew his hand, because the other counsel, out of fear, would not subscribe it. However, Burton tendered it to the court, desiring it might be accepted, or Holt ordered to new sign it. The court ordered, that it might be received under the hand of Holt alone, which was accordingly done. After it had lain in court near three weeks, upon the attorney-general’s suggestion to the court, May 19, that it was scandalous, it was referred to the two chief justices, sir John Bramston and sir John Finch, to consider of, and to expunge what was contained therein, as unfit to be brought into court, or otherwise impertinent and scandalous. They expunged sixty-four whole sheets; that is, the whole answer, except six lines at the beginning, and about twenty-four at the latter end.
However disproportioned Burton’s punishment was to his offence, he appears to have been a man of a violent and vindictive temper, and an enthusiast, who knowing how to adapt his harangues to the correspondent enthusiasm of the people, was considered as one of the most dangerous agents of the party who were undermining the constitution. His works are now little read, although often inquired after, | and it has been justly observed, that punishment made him an object of pity who never was an object of esteem. 1
Biog. Brit.—Life by himself, 1643, 4to.—Wood’s Athenae, vol. I.