Farr, Samuel
, an eminent physician at Taunton, was born in 1741, of parents who were protestant dissenters, and was first educated at the dissenting academy at Warrington, from whence he removed to Edinburgh, and there and at Leyden pursued his medical studies, taking his degree at the latter university* He afterwards settled at Taunton, where he was highly esteemed for his skill and personal character. To the learning which peculiarly qualified him for his profession, he united a considerable acquaintance with general literature and science; and with medical knowledge and judgment, he possessed the powers of instructing and entertaining, as the lively and sensible companion of the social hour. He died March 11, 1795, at the house of John Fisher, esq. Upcott, near Taunton. His publications, in most of which he discovers much original observation, extensive experience, and correct theory, were, 1. “An Essay on the medical virtues of Acids,” 1769, 12mo. 2. “Aphorismi de Marasmo, ex summis medicis collecti,” 1772, 12mo. His attention to the subject of consumption produced again, 3. “Inquiry into the propriety of Blood-letting in Consumption,” 1775, *vo. Although he does not absolutely prohibit bloodletting, he seems to place little reliance on it in this cruel disorder. 4. “The History of Epidemics; by Hippocrates, in seven books, translated into English from the Greek, with notes and observations, and a preliminary dissertation on the nature and cause of infection,” 1781, 4to. In this work are not a few errors in judgment, proceeding, probably, from a too great attachment to the authority of Hippocrates. Dr. Farr acquired more reputation by his last work, 5. “The Elements of Medical Jurisprudence; to which are added, directions for preserving the Public Health,” 1788, 8vo. 1
Protestant Diss, Mag. vol. II.