Parsons, James
, an excellent physician and polite scholar, was born at Barnstaple, in Devonshire, in March 1705. His father, who was the youngest of nine sons of colonel Parsons, and nearly related to the baronet of that name, being appointed barrack-master at Bolton, in IreJand, removed with his family into that kingdom *
In the Preface to the “Memoirs of Japhet,” he says, “I spent several years of my life in Ireland, and there attained to a tolerable knowledge in the
|very ancient tongue of that country, which enabled me to consult some of their manuscripts, and become instructed in their grammatical institutes. Afterwards I became acquainted with several gentlemen from Wales, well versed in their own history and language; men of sense and liberal learning; who, in many conversations upon such subjects, gave me snch satisfaction and light, in matters of high antiquity, as to occasion my application to the study of the Welsh tongue also; in which I had equal pleasure and surprise, when, the more I inquired, the more nearly related the Irish and Welsh languages appeared. When I was sent abroad to study the medicinal art, I frequently conversed with young gentlemen from most parts of Europe, who came to Paris, and followed the same masters, in every branch of the profession, with me; and my surprize was agreeably increased in finding that, in every one of their native tongues, I could discover the roots of most of their expressions in the Irish or Welsh."
On his arrival in London, by the recommendation of his | Paris friends, he was introduced to the acquaintance of Dr. Mead, sir Hans Sloane, and Dr. James Douglas. This great anatomist made use of his assistance, not only in his anatomical preparations, but also in his representations of morbid and other appearances, a list of several of which was in the hands of his friend Dr. Maty; who had prepared an eloge on Dr. Parsons, which was never used, but which, by the favour of Mrs. Parsons, Mr. Nichols has preserved at large. Though Dr. Parsons cultivated the several branches of the profession of physic, he was principally employed in midwifery. In 1738, by the interest of his friend Dr. Douglas, he was appointed physician to the public infirmary in St. Giles’s. In 1739 he married miss Elizabeth Reynolds, by whom he had two sons and a daughter, who all died young. Dr. Parsons resided for many years in Red Lion-square, where he frequently enjoyed the company and conversation of Dr. Stukeley, bishop Lyttleton, Mr. Henry Baker, Dr. Knight, and many other of the most distinguished members of the royal and antiquarian societies, and that of arts, manufactures, and commerce; giving weekly an elegant dinner to a large but select party. He enjoyed also the literary correspondence of D’Argenville, Button, Le Cat, Beccaria, Amb. Bertrand, Valltravers, Ascanius, Turberville Needham, Dr. Garden, and others of the most distinguished rank in science. As a practitioner he was judicious, careful, honest, and remarkably humane to the poor; as a friend, obliging and communicative; cheerful and decent in conversation; severe and strict in his morals, and attentive to fill with propriety all the various duties of life. In 1769, finding his health impaired, he proposed to retire from business and from London, and with that view disposed of a considerable number of his books and fossils, and went to Bristol. But he returned soon after to his old house, and died in it after a week’s illness, on the 4th of April, 1770, much lamented by his family and friends. By his last will, dated in October 1766, he gave his whole property to Mrs. Parsons; and, in case of her death before him, to miss Mary Reynolds, her only sister, “in recompence for her affectionate attention to him and to his wife, for a long course of years, in sickness and in health.” It was his particular request that he should not be buried till some change should appear in his corpse; a request which occasioned him to be kept unburied 17 days, and even then scarce the slightest | alterution was perceivable. He was buried at Hen don, in a vault which he had caused to be built on the ground purchased on the death of his son James, where his tomb had a very commendatory inscription. A portrait of Dr. Parsons, by Mr. Wilson, is now in the British Museum; another, by Wells, left in the hands of his widow, who died in 1786; with a third unfinished; and one of his son James; also a family piece, in which the same son is introduced, with the doctor and his lady, accompanied by her sister. Among many other portraits, Mrs. Parsons had some that were very fine of the illustrious Harvey, of bishop Burnet, and of Dr. John Freind; a beautiful miniature of Dr. Stukeley; some good paintings, by her husband’s own hand, particularly the rhinoceros which he described in the “Philosophical Transactions.” She possessed also his Mss. and some capital printed books; a large folio volume entitled “Figure quaedam Miscellaneae qu0e ad rem Anatomicam Historiamque Naturalem spectant quas propria adumbravit manu Jacobus Parsons, M. D. S S. R. Ant.” &c. another, called “Drawings of curious Fossils, Shells,” &c. in Dr. Parsons’s Collection, drawn by himself;" &c. &c. Mrs. Parsons professed herself ready to give, on proper application, either to the royal or antiquarian society, a portrait of her husband, and a sum of money to found a lecture to perpetuate his memory, similar to that established by his friend Mr. Henry Baker.
Dr. Parsons left the following works 1. “A mechanical and critical Enquiry into the nature of Hermaphrodites,” 1741, 8vo, which was principally a compilation. 2. “A description of the Urinary Human Bladder, and the parts belonging to it, with figures,” 1742, which was intended to disprove the reported utility of Mrs. Stephens’ s medicines for the stone. 3. “Philosophical Observations on the analogy between the Propagation of Animals and that of Vegetables,” 1752, 8vo. As an antiquary, Dr. Parsons distinguished himself by an elaborate publication, eotitled “Remains of Japhet being historical inquiries into the affinity and origin of the European languages,” 1767, 4to. This is a performance of great erudition and research. Besides these separate publications, Dr. Parsons was the author of several papers, printed in the Philosophical Transactions; viz. “Croonian Lectures on Muscular Motion,” 1745, in which he considers the muscular fibres as tubes; “Huomu Physiognomy explained,” in the Appendix to | the Philos. Trans, for 1746; and several other papers on anatomical and physiological subjects, especially an account of the dissection of a rhinoceros, which is valuable, and illustrated by good figures.
We shall close this article with an extract from Dr.
Maty’s eulogium: “The surprising variety of branches
which Dr. Parsons embraced, and the several living as well
as dead languages he had a knowledge of, qualified him
abundantly for the place of assistant secretary for foreign
correspondences, which the council of the royal society
bestowed upon him about 1750. He acquitted himself to
the utmost of his power of the functions of this place, till a
few years before his death, when he resigned in favour of his
friend, who now gratefully pays this last tribute to his
memory. Dr. Parsons joined to his academical honours
those which the royal college of physicians of London
bestowed upon him, by admitting him, after due examination, licentiate, on the first day of April, 1751. The
diffusive spirit of our friend was only equalled by his desire
of information. To both these principles he owed the
intimacies which he formed with some of the greatest men
of his time. The names of Folkes, Hales, Mead, Stukeley,
Needham, Baker, Collinson, and Garden, may be mentioned on this occasion; and many more might be added.
Weekly meetings were formed, where the earliest intelligence was received and communicated of any discovery
both here and abroad; and new trials were made, to bring
to the test of experience the reality or usefulness of these
discoveries. Here it was that the microscopical animals
found in several infusions were first produced; the propagation of several insects by section ascertained; the constancy of nature amidst these wonderful changes established. His ‘ Remains of Japhet, being historical inquiries into the affinity and origin of the European Languages,’ is a most laborious performance, tending to
prove the antiquity of the first inhabitants of these islands,
as being originally descended from Gomer and Magog,
above 1000 years before Christ, their primitive and still
subsisting language, and its affinity with some others. It
cannot be denied that there is much ingenuity as well
true learning in this work, which helps conviction, and
often supplies the want of it. But we cannot help thinking
that our friend’s warm feelings now and then mislead his
judgment, and that some at least of his conjectures, rest‘
| ing upon partial traditions, and poetical scraps of Irish
filids and Welsh bards, are less satisfactory than his tables
of affinity between the several northern languages, as deduced from one common stock. Literature, however, is
much obliged to him for having in this, as well as in many
of his other works, opened a new field of observations and
discoveries. In enumerating our learned friend’s dissertations, we find ourselves at a loss whether we should follow
the order of subjects, or of time; neither is it easy to account for their surprising variety and quick succession.
The truth is, that his eagerness after knowledge was such,
as to embrace almost with equal facility all its branches,
and with equal zeal to ascertain the merit of inventions,
and ascribe to their respective, and sometimes unknown,
authors, the glory of the discovery. Many operations
which the ancients have transmitted to us, havebeen
thought fabulous, merely from our ignorance of the art by
which they were performed. Thus the burning of the
ships of the Romans at a considerable distance, during the
siege of Syracuse, by Archimedes, would, perhaps, still
continue to be exploded, had not the celebrated M. Buffon
in France shewn the possibility of it, by presenting and
describing a model of a speculum, or rather assemblage
of mirrors, by which he could set fire at the distance of
several hundred feet. Inthe contriving, indeed, though
not in the executing of such an apparatus, he had in some
measure been forestalled by a writer now very little known
or read. This Dr. Parsons proved in a- very satisfactory
manner; and he had the pleasure to find the French philosopher did not refuse to the Jesuit his share in the invention, and was not at all offended by the liberty he had
taken. Another French discovery, I mean a new kind of
painting fathered upon the ancients, was reduced to its
real value, in a paper which shewed ouv author was possessed of a good taste for the fine arts: and I am informed
that his skill in music was by no means inferior, and that
his favourite amusement was the flute. Richly, it appears
from these performances, did our author merit the honour
of being a member of the antiquarian society, which long
ago had associated him to its labours. To another society,
founded upon the great principles of humanity, patriotism,
and natural emulation, he undoubtedly was greatly useful.* The society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce. He likewise was associated to
the Oeeonomical society at Berne*
Dec. 26, 1763, A medical society instituted by Dr.
Fothergill, and other respectable physicians, licentiates, in vindication of
their privileges where, it should seem,
this eulogy was intended to be pronounced.
Nichols’s Bowyer.