me time after was chosen prior by the members of that society. Though he had been a great admirer of archbishop Becket, and wrote a life of that prelate, he was so much esteemed
, abbot of Peterborough in the twelfth
century, was educated at Oxford, became a monk in the
monastery of Christ’s church, Canterbury, and some time
after was chosen prior by the members of that society.
Though he had been a great admirer of archbishop Becket,
and wrote a life of that prelate, he was so much esteemed
by Henry II. that by the influence of that prince he was
elected abbot of Peterborough, in 1177. He assisted at
the coronation of Richard I. 1189, and was advanced to
be keeper of the great seal in 1191, but he did not long
enjoy this high dignity, as he died on Michaelmas day,
1193. He composed a history of Henry II. and Richard I.
from 1170 to 1192, which has been esteemed by many of
our antiquaries, as containing one of the best accounts of
the transactions of those times. A beautiful edition of this
work was published at Oxford by Hearne, 1735, 2 vols. 8vo.
With respect to his life of Becket, Bale and Pits speak of
two pieces, which probably are but one the first entitled
“Vita Thomae Cantuariensis
” the other, “Miracula
Thomae Marty ris.
” Leland, who mentions only “the
Life of Becket
” as written by our author, gives it the character of an elegant performance. But Bale treats it as a
mere heap of lies and forgeries, in order to palm Becket
on the multitude for a first-rate saint, and intercessor with
God. Nor is this author’s zeal confined to Benedict, but
extends itself to the monks of those times in general, whom
he represents as a set of debauchees and impostors, concealing their vices under a mask of piety, and cheating
the people with the most diabolical illusions. Dr. Cave
tells us, that the author of the “Quadrilogus
” transcribed
a great part of Benedict’s Life of Becket into the third and
fourth books of his work. This “Quadrilogus, or De Vita
et Processu S. Thomse Cantuariensis et Martyris super
Libertate ecelesiastica
” (Nicolson tells us), is collected out
of four historians, who were contemporary and conversant
with Becket, in his height of glory, and lowest depression; namely, Herbert de Hoscham, Johannes Carnotensis, William of Canterbury, and Alan of Teuksbury;
who are brought in us so many several relaters of matters
of fact, interchangeably. Here is no mention of our Benedict in this list; so that either the doctor is mistaken in
his assertion, or the bishop is not exact in his account of the
authors from whence the Quadrilogus was compiled.
at Bologna. He was appointed canon of the Basilicon, or great church of St. Peter, then successively archbishop of Theodosia, and bishop of Ancona. He received the cardinal’s
, whose name was Prosper Lambertini, was
born in 1675, at Bologna. He was appointed canon of the Basilicon, or great church of St. Peter, then successively archbishop of Theodosia, and bishop
of Ancona. He received the cardinal’s hat in 1728, was
deputy of the congregation of the holy office the same year,
became archbishop of Bologna in 1731, and succeeded
pope Clement XII. August 17, 1740. He then took the
name of Benedict XIV. zealously endeavoured to calm the
dissensions which had arisen in the church, patronised arts
and sciences, founded several academies at Rome, and declared openly in favour of the Thomists. This pope did
justice to the memory of the celebrated cardinal Noris; published the bull “Omnium sollicitudinum
” against certain
ceremonies, and addressed a brief to cardinal Saldanha for
the reformation of the Jesuits, which was the foundation
of their destruction. He had also established a congregation to compose a body of doctrine, by which the troubles
of the church might be calmed. This pontiff was a very
able canonist, and well acquainted with ecclesiastical history and antiquities. Though he governed with great wisdom, and was very zealous for religion, he was lively in his
conversation, and fond of saying bonmots. He died 1758,
aged 83. His works were published before his death in
16 vols. 4to, by Azevedo. The four last contain his briefs,
bulls, &c. The five first are, “A treatise on the Beatification and Canonization of haints,
” in which the subject is exhausted; an abridgement of it was published in
French, 1759, 12mo. The sixth contains the actions of
the saints whom he canonized. The two next consist of
supplements, and remarks on the preceding ones. The
ninth treats on the “Sacrifice of the Mass,
” and the tenth
on the “Festivals instituted in honour of Jesus Christ and
the Holy Virgin.
” The eleventh is entitled “Ecclesiastical Institutions;
” an excellent work, containing his instructions, mandates, letters, &c. while he was hishop of
Ancona, and afterwards archbishop of Bologna. The
twelfth is a “Treatise on Diocesan Synods.
” All the above
are in Latin. Caraccioli published his life at Paris, 1784,
12mo. It was begun in the life time of Benedict, and part
of it submitted to him by the author, to whom the pope
said, “If you were a historian, instead of a panegyrist, I
should thank you for the picture you have drawn, and with
which I am perfectly satisfied.
nry abjured the reformed religion, and having embraced the Roman Catholic faith, was absolved by the archbishop of Bourges. The king promoted him afterwards, about 15^7, to
, a famous doctor of
the Sorbonne, and curate of St. Eustathius at Paris in the
sixteenth century, was born at Sevenieres near Angers.
He was a secret favourer of the protestant religion; and
that his countrymen might be able to read the Bible in their
own tongue, he published at Paris the French translation
which had been made by the reformed ministers at Geneva.
This translation was approved by several doctors of the
Sorbonne before it went to the press; and king Charles IX.
had granted a privilege for the printing of it, yet when
published it was immediately condemned. In 1587 king
Henry III. appointed Benedict to be reader and regius
professor of divinity in the college of Navarre at Paris.
He had been before that time confessor to the unhappy
Mary queen of Scotland, during her stay in France, and
attended her when she returned into Scotland. Some time
before the death of Henry III. Benedict, or some of his
friends with his assistance, published a book, entitled
“Apologie Catholique,
” to prove that the protestant religion, which Henry king -of Navarre professed, was not a
sufficient reason to deprive him of his right of succeeding
to the crown of France; first, because the Huguenots admitted the fundamental articles of the catholic faith, and
that the ceremonies and practices which they exploded had
been unknown to the primitive church. Secondly, because the council of Trent, in which they had been condemned, was neither general, nor lawful, nor acknowledged
in France. After the murder of Henry III. a factious divine wrote an answer to that book, which obliged Benedict to publish a reply. When king Henry IV. was
resolved to embrace the Roman Catholic religion, he wrote
to Benedict, commanding him to meet him, The doctor
on this consulted with the pope’s legate, who was then at
Paris, and advised him to answer the king, that he could
not go to him without the pope’s leave, which exasperated
the people at Paris, because they understood by this advice, that he favoured the Spanish faction, and endeavoured only to protract the civil war. However, Benedict
assisted some time after at the conference which was held
at St. Dennis, and in which it was resolved, that the king,
having given sufficient proofs of his fa^h and repentance,
might be reconciled to the church, without waiting for the
pope’s consent. Benedict also assisted at that assembly, in
which king Henry abjured the reformed religion, and having embraced the Roman Catholic faith, was absolved by
the archbishop of Bourges. The king promoted him afterwards, about 15^7, to the bishopric of Troyes in Champagne,
but he could never obtain the pope’s bulls to be installed,
and only enjoyed the temporalities till 1604, when he resigned it with the king’s leave to Renatus de Breslay, archdeacon of Angers, He died at Paris, March 7, 1608, and
was buried near the great altar in his parish church of St.
Eustathius. Dr. Victor Cayet made his funeral oration.
Besides the books, which we have mentioned, he wrote
three or four other pieces, the titles of which are mentioned
by father le Long, but they are of little note, except perhaps his history of the coronation of king Henry III. “Le
Sacre et Couronnement du roi Henry III. Pan 1575, par
Rene Benoit, docteur en theologie,
” Reims, 1575, 8vo,
and inserted in Godefrey’s “Ceremonial de France,
” Paris,
, archbishop of Armagh in Ireland, was the immediate successor of St. Patrick
, archbishop of Armagh in Ireland, was
the immediate successor of St. Patrick in that see, anno 455
though it must be confessed, that this is a point which lias
afforded some controversy. Writers differ as to his name:
some call him Stephen, some Beneneus, others Beona, and
by an Irish termination of the word Benin, in Latin Benignus. It is probable that St. Patrick baptized him by the
name of Stephen, and that he obtained the name of Benin
from his sweet disposition, and his great affection to St.
Patrick, the word bin, in the Irish language, signifying
sweet; and that from thence the other names flowed. He
was the son of Sesgnen, a man of wealth and power in
Meath, who, in the war in 433, hospitably entertained St.
Patrick in his journey from the port of Colp, where he
landed, to the court of king Leogair at Tarah, and, with
his whole family, embraced Christianity and received baptism. The youth grew so fond of his father’s guest, that
he could not be separated from his company. St. Patrick
took him away with him at his departure, and taught him
his first rudiments of learning and religion: Benin profited
greatly under such a master, and became afterwards a man
eminent for piety and virtue, whom St. Patrick thought
worthy to fill the see of Armagh, which he resigned to him
in the year 455. Benin died in the year 468, on the ninth
of November, having also resigned his see three years before his death. The writers of the dark ages, however different they are from one another in other particulars, yet
in the main agree as to the succession of St. Benin in the
government of the see of Armagh, but there is some discordance among them as to the place of his death and burial, which we shall not attempt to reconcile; some contending he died and was buried at Armagh, and others at
Glastonbury. The following writings are ascribed to him
1 “A book partly in Latin, and partly in Irish, on the
virtues and miracles of St. Patrick
” to which Jocelin confesses he was indebted. 2. “An Irish Poem, written on
the Conversion of the people of Dublin to the Christian
” 3. “The Minister Book of reigns,
” called by some
Leabhar Bening, or Bening’s Book, and by others Leabhar
na Geart, qu. d. the book of Genealogy, which is ascribed
to him by Nicolson.
Oxford, having been one of the proctors there. He was afterwards vicar-general in spirituals to the archbishop of York, and prebendary of Langtoft in the church of York. In
, knt. grandfather to the preceding, and second son of sir Richard Bennet, was created on the 6th of July, 1589, doctor of laws by the university of Oxford, having been one of the proctors there. He was afterwards vicar-general in spirituals to the archbishop of York, and prebendary of Langtoft in the church of York. In the 24th of ELz. bearing the title of doctor of laws, he was in commission with the lord-keeper Egerton, the lord-treasurer Buckhurst, and several other noblemen, for the suppression of heresy. He was also in that reign returned to parliament for the city of York, and was a leading member of the house of commons, as appears from several of his speeches in Townshend’s collections. He received the honour of knighthood from king James before his coronation, on the 23d of July 1603, at Whitehall, and was made in that reign chancellor to queen Anne (consort of king James), judge of the prerogative court of Canterbury, and chancellor to the archbishop of York. In the beginning of 1617, he was sent ambassador to Brussels to question the archduke, in behalf of his master the king of Great Britain, concerning a libel written and published, as it was supposed, by Erycius Puteanus, but he neither apprehended the author, nor suppressed the book, until he was solicited by the king’s agent there: he only interdicted it, and suffered the author to fly out of his dominions. In 1620, sir John Bennet being entitled judge of the prerogative court of Canterbury, was in a special commission with the archbishop of Canterbury, and other noblemen, to put in execution the laws against all heresies, great errors in matters of faith and religioH, &c. and the same year bearing the title of chancellor to the archbishop of York, he was commissioned with the archbishop of York, and others, to execute all manner of ecclesiastical jurisdiction within the province of York. He died in the parish of Christ church in London, in the beginning of 1627, having had issue by Anne his wife, daughter of Christopher Weekes of Salisbury, in the county of Wilts, esq. sir John lien net, his son and heir; sir Thomas Bennet, knt. second son, doctor of the civil law, and master in chancery; and Matthew, third son, who died unmarried. His eldest son, sir John Bennet of Dawley, received the honour of knighthood in the life-time of his father, at Theobalds, on the 15th of June, 1616. He married Dorothy, daughter of sir John Crofts of Saxham, in the county of Norfolk, knt. by whom he had issue six sons, the second of whom was afterwards created earl of Arlington. This account drawn up also by Dr. Campbell as a note to his life of Arlington, partakes of the partiality of that account by suppressing that in 1621, certain mal-practices were detected in the judicial conduct of sir John, and he was committed to the custody of the sheriffs of London, and afterwards to prison, fined 20,000l. and deprived of his offices. In consequence of this, according to Mr. Lodge, he died in indigence and obscurity, in the parish of Christ church, in Surrey, not in London, at the time mentioned above; but another account says that he was merely required to find security to that amount for his appearance to answer to the charges brought against him. If the fine was imposed, we may conclude it was remitted; for in a letter from lord Bacon to king James, we read these words, “Your majesty hath pardoned the like (corruption) to sir John Bennet, between whose case and mine (not being partial to myself, but speaking out of the general opinion), there was as much difference, I will not say, as between black and white, but as between black and grey or ash-coloured.”
cy of the Church on the State, with an account of the sense of our English laws, and the judgment of archbishop Cranmer touching that point.“About this time he took the degree
, an eminent divine in the
eighteenth century, was born at Salisbury, May 7, 1673,
and educated in the free-school there; where he made so
great a progress in learning, that he was sent to St. John’s
college, Cambridge, in the beginning of 1688, before he
was full fifteen years of age. He regularly took the degrees of bachelor and master of arts; the latter in 1694,
when but twenty-one years old; and was chosen fellow of
his college. In 1695, he wrote a copy of Hebrew verses
on the death of queen Mary, printed in the collection of
poems of the university of Cambridge upon that occasion.
The first of his publications was “An answer to the dissenters pleas for Separation, or an abridgment of the London cases; wherein the substance of those books is digested into one short and plain discourse,
” Lond. A confutation of Popery, in three parts,
Canibr. 8vo. About the same time, he was engaged in
a controversy with some dissenters, which produced
the following book of his, “A discourse of Schism
shewing, 1 What is meant by schism. 2. That schism is
a damnable sin. 3. That there is a schism between the
established church of England and the dissenters. 4. That
this schism is to be charged on the dissenters’ side. 5. That
the modern pretences of toleration, agreement in fundamentals, &c. will m;t excuse the dissenters from being
guilty of schism. Written by way of letter to three
dissenting ministers in Essex, viz. Mr. Gilson and Mr. Gledhili ol Colchester, and Mr. Shepherd of Brain tree. To
which is annexed, an answer to a book entitled
” Thomas
against Bennet, or the Protestant dissenters vindicated from
the charge of schism,“Cambr. 1702, 8vo. This book
being animadverted upon by Mr. Shepherd, our author
” A defence of the discourse of Schism; in
answer to those objections which Mr. Shepherd has made in
his three sermons of Separation, &c.“Cambr. 1703, 8vo.
And, towards the end of the same year,
” An answer to
Mr. Shepherd’s considerations on the defence of the discourse of Scnism,“Cambr. 8vo. As also a treatise entitled
” Devotions, viz. Confessions, Petitions, Intercessions, and
Thanksgivings, for every day in the week and also before,
at, and after, the Sacrament with occasional prayers for
all persons whatsoever,“8vo. In 1705, he published
” A
confutation of Quakerism; or a plain proof of the falsehood of what the principal Quaker writers (especially Mr. R. Barclay, in his Apology and other works) do
teach concerning the necessity of immediate revelation
in order to a saving Christian faith, &c.“Cambr. 8vo.
In 1707 he caused to be printed in a small pamphlet,
” A discourse on the necessity of being baptized
with Water and receiving the Lord’s Supper, taken out of
the confutation of Quakerism,“Cambr. For the sake of
those who wanted either money to purchase, or time to peruse, the Confutation of Quakerism, the year following he
” A brief history of -the joint use of precomposed set forms of Prayer,“Cambr. 8vo. The same year
he published likewise
” A discourse of joint Prayer,“Cambr. 8vo. Towards the end of the same year he published
” A paraphrase with annotations upon the book of
Common Prayer, wherein the text is explained, objections
are answered, and advice is humbly offered, both to the
clergy and the laity, for promoting true devotion in the use
of it,“Lond. 8vo. The next thing he printed was
” Charity Schools recommended, in a sermon preached in St.
James’s church in Colchester, on Sunday, March 26, 1710,“8vo. The same year he wrote
” A letter to Mr. B. Robinson, occasioned by iiis * Review of the case of Liturgies,
and their imposition';“and
” A second letter to Mr. B.
Robinson, &c. on the same subject,“Lond. 1710, 8vo. In
17 11 he published
” The rights of the Clergy of the Christian church; or, a discourse shewing that God has given and
appropriated to the clergy, authority to ordain, baptize,
preach, preside in church-prayer, and consecrate the Lord’s
supper. Wherein also the pretended divine right of the
laity to elect either the persons to be ordained, or their own
particular pastors, is examined and disproved,“London,
1711, 8vo. He had begun a second part of this work, but
it was never published, in which he intended to shew, that
the clergy are, under Christ, the sole spiritual governors of
the Christian church, and that God has given and appropriated to them authority to enact laws, determine controversies, inflict censures, and absolve from them. The pre^tended divine institution of lay elders was also disproved,
and the succession of the present clergy of the established
church vindicated. And to this was annexed a
” Discourse
of the Independency of the Church on the State, with an
account of the sense of our English laws, and the judgment
of archbishop Cranmer touching that point.“About this
time he took the degree of D. D. In 1714 he published
<c Directions for studying, I. A general system or body of
divinity; II. The thirty-nine articles of religion. To which
is added St. Jerom’s epistle to Nepotianus,
” London, 8vo.
The year following was published his “Essay on the thirty-nine articles of Religion, agreed on in 1562, and revised
in 1571, wherein (the text being first exhibited in Latin and English, and the minutest variations of eighteen the most ancient and authentic copies carefully noted) an account is given of the proceedings of convocation in framing
and settling the text of the articles, the controverted clause
of the twentieth article is demonstrated to be genuine, and
the case of subscription to the articles is considered in point
of law, history, and conscience; with a prefatory epistle to
Anthony Collins, esq. wherein the egregious falsehoods and
calumnies of the author of ‘Priestcraft in perfection’ are
” London, The Non juror’s separation
from the public assemblies of the church of England examined, and proved to be schismatical upon their own
” London, 8vo. And “The case of the Reformed Episcopal Churches in Great Poland and Polish
Prussia, considered in a sermon preached on Sunday, November 18, 1716, at St. Lawrence-Jewry, London, in the
morning, and St. Olave’s, Southwark, in the afternoon,
London, 8vo. Soon after, he was presented by the dean
and chapter of St. Paul’s, to the vicarage of St. Giles’s,
Cripplegate, London, which afforded him a plentiful income of nearly five hundred pounds a-year. But he had
little quiet enjoyment of it; for, endeavouring to recover
some dues that unquestionably belonged to that church,
he was obliged to engage in tedious law-suits, which, hesides the immense charges they were attended withal, gave
him a great deal of vexation and uneasiness, and very much
embittered his spirits; however, he recovered a hundred
and fifty pounds a-year to that living. After he was settled
in it, in 1717, he married Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt of Salisbury,
a gentlewoman of great merit, and by her he had three
daughters. The same year he published “A Spital sermon preached before the lord mayor, aldermen. &c. of
London, in St. Bridget’s church, on April 24, 1717,
” London, 8vo; and in A discourse of the ever-blessed
Trinity in Unity, with an examination of Dr. Clarke’s Scripture doctrine of the Trinity,
” London, 8vo. But, from this
time, the care of his large parish, and other affairs, so engrossed his thoughts, that he had no time to undertake any
new work, except an Hebrew grammar, which was published at London in 1726, 8vo, a,ud is reckoned one of the
best of the kind. He mentions, indeed, in one of his books
written about 1716, that he had then “several tasks
” in
his hands, “which would find him full employment for
many years;
” but whatever they might be, none of them
were ever finished or made public. He died of an apoplexy at London, October 9th, 1728, aged fifty-live years,
five months, and two days, and was buried in his own
reformer. To this he afterwards added,” A defence of the account of Servetus; and a brief account of archbishop Laud’s cruel treatment of Dr. Leighton.“About the same time,
From the time of uis engaging in the ministry, he seems
to have proposed to himself the “critical study of the Scriptures, and particularly of the New Testament, as a principal part of his business; and to have pursued the discovery of the sacred truths it contained, with uncommon
diligence and fidelity. The first fruit of these studies
which he presented to the public was,
” A defence of the
reasonableness of Prayer, with a translation of a discourse
of Maximus Tyrius, containing some popular objections
against prayer, and an answer to these.“Some time after
this, he extracted from the
” Memoirs of Literature,“and
reprinted, Mr. dela Roche’s account of the persecution and
burning of Servetus by Calvin, with reflections on the injustice and inconsistence of this conduct in that reformer.
To this he afterwards added,
” A defence of the account
of Servetus; and a brief account of archbishop Laud’s
cruel treatment of Dr. Leighton.“About the same time,
to guard against the corruptions of popery, and to prevent
their being urged by the deists as plausible objections
against Christianity; he published
” A dissertation on
2 Thess. ii. ver. 1 12.“Jn illustrating the observations of
the learned Joseph Mede, he shewed these gross corruptions
of the best religion to have been expressly foretold, and
Christians strongly cautioned against them; and that, in
this view, they were among the evidences of the divine
authority of the scriptures; as they proved the sacred
writers to have been inspired by a divine spirit, which
could alone clearly foretel events so distant, contingent,
and unlikely. The light which Mr. Locke had thrown on
the obscurest parts of St. Paul’s epistles, by making him
his own expositor, encouraged and determined Mr. Benson
to attempt an illustration of the remaining epistles in the
same manner. In 1731 he published
” A paraphrase and
notes on the epistle to Philemon.“4to, as a specimen. This
was well received, and the author encouraged to proceed
in his design. With the epistle to Philemon was pubJished
” A short dissertation, to prove from the spirit and
sentiments of the apostle, discovered in his epistles, that
he was neither an enthusiast nor impostor; and consequently, that the religion which he asserted he received
immediately from heaven, and confirmed by a variety of
miracles, is indeed divine." This argument haih since
been improved and illustrated, with great delicacy and
strength, in a review of the apostle’s entire conduct and
character, by lord Lyttelton. Mr. Benson proceeded with
great diligence and reputation to publish paraphrases and
notes on the two epistles to the Thessaloniaus, the first and
second to Timothy, and the epistle to Titus; adding
dissertations on several important subjects, particularly on
havve, Dr. Bentham was, with much reluctance, and after having repeatedly declined it, persuaded, by archbishop Seeker and his other learned friends, to accept of it; and,
, canon of Christ-church, Oxford, and king’s professor of divinity in that university,
was born in the college at Ely, July 23, 1707. His father,
Mr. Samuel Bentham, was a very worthy clergyman, and
vicar of Witchford, a small living near that city; who having a numerous family, his son Edward, on the recommendation of Dr. Smalridge, dean of Christ-church, was
sent in 1717 to the school of that college. Having there
received the rudiments of classical education, he was in
Lent term 1723, when nearly 16 years of age, admitted of
the university of Oxford, and placed at Corpus-Christi
college under his relation Dr. John Burton. In this situation, his serious and regular deportment, and his great
proficiency in all kinds of academical learning, recommended him to the notice of several eminent men; and,
among others, to the favour of Dr. Tanner, canon of
Christ-church, by whose death he was disappointed of a
nomination to a studentship in that society. At CorpusChristi college he formed a strict friendship with Robert
Hoblyn, esq. of Nanswydden in Cornwall, afterwards representative for the city of Bristol, whose character, as
a scholar and a member of parliament, rendered him deservedly esteemed by the lovers of literature and of their
country. In company with this gentleman and another
intimate friend, Dr. Ratcliff, afterwards master of Pembroke college, Mr. Bentham made, at different times, the
tour of part of France, and other countries. Having taken
the degree of B. A. he was invited by Dr. Cotes, principal
of Magdalen-hall, to be his vice-principal; and was accordingly admitted to that society, March 6, 1730. Here
he continued only a short time, for, on the 23d of April
in the year following, he was elected fellow of Oriel college. In act term, 1732, he proceeded to the degree of
M. A. and, about the same time, was appointed tutor in
the college; in which capacity he discharged his duty, in
the most laborious and conscientious manner, for more
than twenty years. March 26, 1743, Mr. Bentham took
the degree of B. D.; and April 22, in the same year, was
collated to the prebend of Hundreton, in the cathedral
church of Hereford. July 8, 1749, he proceeded to the
degree of D. D.; and in April 1754 was promoted to the
fifth stall in that cathedral. Here he continued the same
active and useful course of life for which he had always
been distinguished. He served the offices of sub-dean
and treasurer, for himself and others, above twelve years.
The affairs of the treasury, which Dr. Bentham found in
great confusion, he entirely new modelled, and put into a
train of business in which they have continued ever since,
to the great ease of his successors, and benefit of the society. 80 intent was he upon the regulation and management of the concerns of the college, that he refused several preferments which were offered him, from a conscientious persuasion that the avocations they would produce
were incompatible with the proper discharge of the offices
he had voluntarily undertaken. Being appointed by the
king to fill the divinity chair, vacant by the death of Dr.
Fanshavve, Dr. Bentham was, with much reluctance, and
after having repeatedly declined it, persuaded, by archbishop Seeker and his other learned friends, to accept of
it; and, on the 9th of May, 1763, he was removed to the
8th stall in the cathedral. His unwillingness to appear in
this station was increased by the business he had to transact in his former situation, and which he was afraid would
be impeded by the accession of new duties: not to say
that a life spent in his laborious and sedentary manner had
produced some unfavourable effects on his constitution,
and rendered a greater attention than he had hitherto shewn
to private ease and health, absolutely necessary. Besides,
as the duties, when properly discharged, were great and
interesting, so the station itself was of that elevated and
public nature to which his ambition never inclined him:
66 latere maluit atque prodesse.“The diffidence he had of
his abilities had ever taught him to suspect his own sufficiency; and his inauguratory lecture breathed the same
spirit, the text of which was,
” Who is sufficient for these
things?" But whatever objections Dr. Bentham might have
to the professorship before he entered upon it, when once
he had accepted of it, he never suffered them to discourage
him in the least from exerting hi* most sincere endeavours
to render it both useful and honourable to the university.
He set himself immediately to draw out a course of lectures for the benefit of young students in divinity, which
he constantly read at his house at Christ-church, gratis-^
three times a week during term-time, till his decease. The
course took up a year; and he not only exhibited in it a
complete system of divinity, but recommended proper
books, some of which he generously distributed to his auditors. His intense application to the pursuit of the plan
he had laid clown, together with those concerns in which
his affection for his friends, and his zeal for the public
good in every shape, involved him, proved more than a
counterbalance for all the advantages of health and vigour
that a strict and uniform temperance could procure. Jt is
certain that he sunk under the rigorous exercise of that
conduct he had proposed to himself: for though 6-; years
are a considerable proportion in the strongest men’s lives,
yet his remarkable abstemiousness and self-denial, added to
a disposition of body naturally strong, promised, in the
ordinary course of things, a longer period. Dr. Bentham
was a very early riser, and had transacted half a day’s
business before many others begin their day. His countenance was uncommonly mild and engaging, being strongly
characteristic of the piety and benevolence of his mind;
and at the same time it by no means wanted expression,
but, upon proper occasions, could assume a very becoming and affecting authority. In his attendance upon the
public duties of religion, he was exceedingly strict and
constant; not suffering himself ever to be diverted from it
by any motives, either of interest or pleasure. Whilst he
was thus diligent in the discharge of his own duty, he was
not severe upon those who were not equally so in theirs.
He could scarcely ever be prevailed upon to deliver his
opinion upon subjects that were to the disadvantage of
other men; and when he could not avoid doing it, his sentiments were expressed with the utmost delicacy and candour. No one was more ready to discover, commend, and
reward every meritorious endeavour. Of himself he never
was he? rd to speak and if his own merits were touched
upon in the slightest manner, he felt a real uneasiness.
Though he was not fond of the formalities of visiting, he
entered into the spirit of friendly society and intercourse
with great pleasure. His constant engagements, indeed,
of one kind or other, left him not much time to be devoted
to company; and the greater part of his leisure hours he
spent in the enjoyment of domestic pleasures, for which
his amiable and peaceable disposition seemed most calculated.
re he made many friends, pope Paul V. appointed him his referendary, and sent him, with the title of archbishop of Rhodes, as apostolic nuncio, into Flanders, where he arrived
After he had passed some years at Rome, where he made
many friends, pope Paul V. appointed him his referendary,
and sent him, with the title of archbishop of Rhodes, as
apostolic nuncio, into Flanders, where he arrived in 1607.
After remaining there nine years, he was, in 1617, appointed nuncio in France, and acted with so much dexterity
with respect to the affairs of both courts, that when he was
made cardinal, Jan. 11, 1621, Louis XIII. chose him to be
the agent of France at the court of Rome. Here he soon
became the confidential friend of pope Urban VIII. who,
in 1641, bestowed on him the bishopric of Palestrina. On
the death of this pope in 1644, it was generally thought that
cardinal Bentivoglio would be his successor; but he had
scarcely entered the conclave when the heat overpowered
him, and brought on a fever, of which he died September
7, of that year. He was interred in the church of the
Theatins of St. Silvester, in a private manner, agreeably to
his own desire, owing to his affairs being deranged. He
owed large sums at his death, in order to pay part of which
he had been obliged, some time before, to sell his palace
at Rome. A magnificent style of living was then one of
the means by which the Romish ecclesiastics endeavoured
to acquire the humble title of “Servant of servants,
” and
Bentivoglio had not neglected this or any other expedient.
He was in truth a consummate politician, knew how to re^
concile clashing interests, and how to assume every necessary change of character; his historical memoirs partake
of this character, being cautious, reserved, yet amusing
and illustrative of the characters and events of the times
in which he lived. His works are, 1. “Relazioni del
card. Bentivoglio in tempo delle sue nunziature di Fiandra e di Francia, date in luce da Ericio Puteano (Henry Dupuy), Antwerp, 1629; Cologne, 1630; Paris, 1631; all
in 4to; translated into English by Henry earl of Monmouth, London, 1652, folio. 2.
” Delia guerra di Fiandra,“in six books, printed at various times, but all included
in the edition of Cologne, 1639, 4to, which is considered as
the best. This likewise was translated into English by the
earl of Monmouth, 1654, folio. 3.
” Kaccolta di lettere
scritte in tempo delle sue nunziature di Fiandra et di Francia,“Cologne, 1631, 4to. A fine edition of this was lately
published by M. Biagioli, at Didot’s press, Paris, 1807,
12mo, with French notes, grammatical and philosophical,
and a literal translation was published at London, 1764, for
the use of learners of the Italian tongue, but it was feebly
executed. In 1727, an edition of the original was printed
at Cambridge. 4.
” Memorie^ owero diario del cardinal
Bentivoglio,“Amst. 1648, 8vO. He wrote these memoirs
in 1642, with a view, as he says in his preface, to please
himself, and he relates what he would wish posterity to
know of his history and character. The whole of his works,
with the exception of his
” Memoirs," were published together at Paris, 1645, folio, and apparently reprinted 1648,
but this is the same publication with a new title-page.
They were also printed, including the Memoirs, at Venice,
1668, 4to.
ate, and clerk of the apostolic chamber, and in 1712 was sent as nuncio to France, with the title of archbishop of Carthage. There, having discovered much zeal in the affair
, of Arragon, a cardinal
and poet, one of the sons of the preceding, was born at
Ferrara, March 27, 1668, and in the course of his studies,
distinguished himself by the progress he made in the belleslettres, philosophy, theology, and law, and was an able and
successful supporter of the literary establishments of his
country. Having afterwards gone to reside at Rome, he
was promoted by Clement XI. to be his domestic prelate,
and clerk of the apostolic chamber, and in 1712 was sent as
nuncio to France, with the title of archbishop of Carthage.
There, having discovered much zeal in the affair of the bull
Unigenitus, he acquired high favour at the court of Louis
XIV. vvhicii he did not preserve after the death of that monarch. The pope, on that event, recalled him from Paris,
and at Ferrara he was made cardinal in November, 1719.
He then settled at Rome, where many other dignities were
conferred upon him, and where he died, December 30,
1732. Amidst his whole career of ecclesiastical promotions
and duties, he found leisure to cultivate his taste for polite
literature. There are extant several of his harangues pronounced on various occasions; that which he delivered at
Rome, in the academy of design, in which he investigates
the uses, to taste and morals, of the arts of painting, sculpture, and architecture, was printed under the title “Utile
delle belle arti riconosciuto per l'accademia del disegno,
” &c. liome, 1707, and reprinted in vol. II. of the
“Prose degli A-rcadi.
” The work, however, which entitles him to a place among the poets of Italy, is his beautiful translation of Statius, “La Tebaidadi Stazio tradotto
in verso sciolto da Seivaggio Porpora,
” (a fictitious name),
of the principal inhabitants of the town, as hostages for the fidelity of the rest, but procured the archbishop to preach a sermon in the church in favour of the revolution.
This measure was, of course, the signal of resistance,
and the count marshalling his associates, who had secretly
furnished themselves with arms and ammunition by the
treachery of the store-keepers, issued forth from the house
to oppose, with greater advantage, another detachment who
had been sent to arrest him. After levelling several soldiers to the ground, the count, by the mismanagement of
their commander, seized their cannon, turned them with
success against the fort itself, and, entering by means of the
drawbridge, dispatched the twelve remaining guards who
were then within it. “Madame Nilow and her children,
says the count, “at sight of me implored my protection
to save their father and husband. I immediately hastened
to his apartment, and begged him to go to his children’s
room to preserve his life, but he answered that he would
first take mine, and instantly fired a pistol, which wounded
me. I was desirous nevertheless of preserving him, and
continued to represent that all resistance would be useless,
for which reason I entreated him to retire. His wife and
children threw themselves on their knees, but nothing would
avail he flew upon me, seized me by the throat, and left
me no other alternative than either to give lip my own life,
or run my sword through his body. At this period the
petard, by which my associates attempted to make a breach,
exploded, and burst the outer gate. The second was open,
and I saw Mr. Panow enter at the head of a party. He entreated the governor to let me go, but not being able to
prevail on him, he set me at liberty by splitting his skull.
The count by this event became complete master of the
fort, and by the cannon and ammunition which he found on
the rampart, was enabled, with the ready and active assistance of his now increased associates, to repel the attack
which was made upon him by the cossacks; but flight,
not resistance, was the ultimate object of this bold commander; and in order to obtain this opportunity, he dispatched a drum and a woman as a sign of parley to the
cossacks, who had quitted the town and retired to the
heights, with a resolution to invest the fort and starve the
insurgents, informing them of his resolution to send a detachment of associates into the town to drive all the women
and children into the church, and there to burn them all to
death, unless they laid down their arms. While this embassy was sent, preparation was made for carrying the
threat it contained into immediate execution; but by submitting to the proposal, the execution of this horrid measure was rendered unnecessary, and the count not only
received into the fort fifty-two of the principal inhabitants of
the town, as hostages for the fidelity of the rest, but procured
the archbishop to preach a sermon in the church in favour of
the revolution. The count was now complete governor of
Kamschatka; and having time, without danger, to prepare
every thing necessary for the intended departure, he amused
himself with ransacking the archives of the town, where he
found several manuscripts of voyages made to the eastward
of Kamschatka. The count also formedt chart, with details, respecting Siberia and the sea-coast of Kamschatka,
and a description of the Kurelles and Aleuthes islands.
This chart has not survived the fate of its composer.
, archbishop of Upsal, was born in Sweden in 1642, at a village called Benzeby,
, archbishop of Upsal, was born in
Sweden in 1642, at a village called Benzeby, whence he
took his name. His parents were of mean condition, but
an uncle enabled him to pursue his studies at Upsal, where
he was appointed tutor to the children of the count de la
Gardie, grand chancellor of the kingdom, He afterwards
travelled in Germany, France, and England, and on his
return to his country, was appointed professor of history
and morals. Having also made great progress in theological studies, he was created doctor of that faculty and
appointed professor. In 1677 he was promoted to the
bishopric of Strengnes, and in 1700, to the archbishopric
of Upsal, which he held until his death, Feb. 17, 1709. He
was twice married, and by his first wife had thirteen children, of whom three of the sons became archbishops of
Upsal. Benzelius instructed Charles XII. in theological
studies, and that prince preserved always a high esteem for
him. The archbishop wrote an “Abridgment of Ecclesiastical History,
” several dissertations on subjects of theology and ecclesiastical history, and a Latin translation, with
notes, of many of the homilies of St. Chrysostom, which he
made from manuscripts in the Bodleian library. He had
also the superintendance of the edition of the Bible, in the
Swedish language, which Charles XII. ordered to be published in 1703, with engravings, and which still bears the
name of that monarch. Very few alterations, however,
were introduced in this edition, as the divines of the time
could not agree on certain disputed passages, and an entire
new translation was reserved for the reign of Gustavus III.
, archbishop of Upsal, and one of the sons of the preceding, was born at
, archbishop of Upsal, and one of
the sons of the preceding, was born at Upsal in 1675.
When he had finished his studies, his father sent him on
his travels to the principal countries of Europe, and on his
return, he was made librarian to the university of Upsal.
He was afterwards for many years, and with great
reputation, professor of divinity, and became successively bishop
“of Gotcenburgh and Linkseping, and archbishop of Upsal,
where he died in 1743. He was not only an able theologian, but versed in languages, history, and antiquities,
and in all his wn< ings displays erudition and critical acumen.
He published, 1.
” vicnun*snta historica vetera Ecclesiae
Sueco-Gothicit,“Upsal, 1704, 4to. 2.
” Johannis Vastovii Vitis Aquilonia. sive Yitae Sanctorum regni SueeoGothici,“ibid. 1708, 4to. 3.
” Dissertatio de Alexandria
Ægypti,“ibid. 1711, 8vo. 4.
” Laudatio funebris Michael.
Enemanni,“Upsal, 1715, 4to. 5.
” Dissertatio de re litteraria Judaeorum,“ibid. 1716, 4to. 6.
” Acta Litteraria
Suecia-, ab 1720 usque ad 1753,“ibid. 3 vols. 4to. 7.
” Periculum Runicum, sive de origine et antiquitate Runarum,“ibid. 1724, 8vo. 8.
” Oratio funebris in memoriam Laurcntii Molini, theologi Upsaliensis," ibid. 4to. Thesfe
learned and ingenious works procured him very great reputation, and the correspondence of the most eminent men
of learning in every part of Europe. In 1720, when librarian to the university, he associated with some of the
professors in founding the academy of sciences of Upsal,
which was soon after established by government, and is the
oldest institution of that kind in the north; and when the
academy of Stockholm was founded in 1739, Benzelius was
admitted one of its first members.
, archbishop of Upsal, and brother tc the preceding, was born at Strengnes
, archbishop of Upsal, and brother tc the preceding, was born at Strengnes in 1689, and
studied at Upsal. During his subsequent travels he happened to arrive at Bender, where Charles XII. was. This
prince, who had more taste for the pursuit of scientific
knowledge than is generally supposed, was desirous at this
tim to send some men of learning to the East, and Benzehus was one whom he applied to, and who accordingly
began his travels in 1714, visiting Syria, Palestine, and
Egypt, and returning to Sweden through Italy, Germany,
and Holland. The journal of this tour is preserved in manuscript at Upsal but a considerable part of Benzelius’s
observations were printed in a Latin collection, under the
title of “Syntagma dissertationum in Academia Lundensi
” Leipsic,
Paris, 1529, 4to. Berauld was greatly respected by Stephen Poucher, bishop of Paris, and afterwards archbishop of Sens, a celebrated patron of learning and learned men. Berauld’s
, was born at Orleans in 1475, and died in 1550. According to the custom of that age, he Latinized his name into Beraldus
Aurelius, and it is under that name that his friend Nicolas Bourbon celebrates him in one of his Latin poems.
Berauld, according to Moreri, was preceptor to cardinal
Coligni, his brother the admiral, and to Chatillon. Erasmus, in many parts of his works, acknowledges the kind
hospitality of Berauld, when, in 1500, he was travelling
by the way of Orleans into Italy, and highly praises the
elegance of his style. In 1522, Erasmus dedicated to him
his work “De conscribendis epistolis.
” Berauld published various works in Latin, of which the principal are,
1. “Oratio de pace restituta et de fcedere sancito apud
” Paris, Metaphrasis in oeconomicon Aristotelis,
” Paris, 4to, without date. In Greek and Latin Dictionary,
” that of Crafton, with additions, a preface, and notes. 3. “Syderalis /ibyssus,
Paris, Dialogus quo rationes explicantur quibus dicendi ex tempore facultas parari potest, &c.
” Lyons,
De jurisprudentia vetere ac novitia oratio,
Lyons, Enarratio in psalmos LXXI. et
” Paris, 1529, 4to. Berauld was greatly respected by Stephen Poucher, bishop of Paris, and afterwards
archbishop of Sens, a celebrated patron of learning and
learned men. Berauld’s son, Francis, born at Orleans,
embraced the principles of Calvin he was esteemed a very
learned man and a good Greek and Latin poet. He was
particularly eminent for his knowledge of Greek, which he
taught at Montbelliard, Lausanne, Geneva, Montargis, of
which last college he was principal in 1571, and at Rochelle. Henry Stephens employed him to translate part
of Appian, and preferred his translation to that of Coslius
Secundus Curio.
the Beredictines, and became celebrated for his learning, and attached hi n self to cardinal Duprat, archbishop of Aix, whose advice was very useful to him in his writings.
, whose name we find disguised
under Bercheure, Berchoire, Bercorius, Bercherius,
&c. was born in the beginning of the fourteenth century,
at St. Pierre-du-Chemin, near Mailiezais, in Poitou. He
entered the order of the Beredictines, and became celebrated for his learning, and attached hi n self to cardinal
Duprat, archbishop of Aix, whose advice was very useful
to him in his writings. Among his other accomplishments,
he is said to have been so well acquainted with his Bible,
as to be able to quote texts and authorities on all subjects
without any assistance but from memory. He died at Paris
in 1362, prior of the monastery of St. Eloy, since occupied by the Barnabites, which has induced some biographers to think him a member of that order, but the Barnabites were not an order until a century after this period.
Berchorius wrote several works which are lost those which
remain are in 3 vols. fol. under the title of “Reductorium,
Repertorium, et Dictionarium morale utriusque Testamenti, Strasburgh,” 1474; Nuremberg, 1499; and Cologne,
1631—1692. “Whoever,” says Warton, in his “History of Poetry,” “shall have the patience to turn over a few
pages of this immense treasure of multifarious erudition,
will be convinced beyond a doubt, from a general coincidence of the plan, manner, method, and execution, that
the author of these volumes, and of the
” Gesta Romanorum,“must be one and the same. The
” Reductorium“contains all the stories and incidents in the Bible, reduced
into allegories. The
” Repertorium“is a dictionary of
things, persons, and places all which are supposed to be
mystical, and which are therefore explained in their moral
or practical sense. The
” Dictionarium Morale“is in two
parts, and seems principally designed to be a moral repertory for students in theology.” Mr. Warton successfully
pursues this argument in his
” Dissertation on the Gesta
Romanorum,“to which we refer the reader. He mentions
also that Berchorius was author of a comment on a prosody
” Doctrinale metricum,“which was used as a schoolbook in France, till Despauter’s manual on that subject
appeared. Some biographers mention his
” Tropologia,“his
” Cosmographia,“and his
” Breviarium“but the
” Tropologia“is nothing more than his
” Reductorium“on the Bible, and probably the
” Breviarium“is the same.
” Cosmographia“seems to be the fourteenth book -of
” Repefforiom Moraie.“He is said by his biographers
to have written other smaller pieces, which they have not
named nor described. Among these, Mr. Warton thinks
” Gesta" is comprehended which we may conceive to
have been thus undistinguished, either as having been
neglected or proscribed by graver writers, or rather as
having been probably disclaimed by its author, who saw it
at length in the light of a juvenile performance, abounding
in fantastic and unedifying narrations, which he judged
unsuitable to his character, studies, and station. Besides
the works above-mentioned, Berchorius translated Livy,
by order of king John, of which there was a beautiful ms.
in the library of the oratory of Troyes, and other copies,
not less beautiful, are in the imperial library at Paris.
This translation was published in 1514 1515, at Paris,
3 vols. fol.
lesiastical history, were said to have been first occasioned by a pique. In a dispute with Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury, on a very trivial question, he happened to be
, or Berenger, the celebrated archdeacon of Angers, was born at Tours in the beginning of
the eleventh century, of an opulent family, and became
the disciple of the famous Fulbert of Chartres, under whom
he made rapid progress in grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, and
what were then called the liberal arts. On his return to his
country in 1030, he was appointed scholastic, or master
of the school of St. Martin. His reputation soon reaching
foreign parts, the number of his scholars greatly increased,
and many of them were afterwards advanced to high rank
in the church; nor did he quit his school when made archdeacon of Angers in 1039. The opinions, which have
given him a name in ecclesiastical history, were said to
have been first occasioned by a pique. In a dispute with
Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury, on a very trivial question, he happened to be defeated, and what was worse,
his scholars began to go over to that rival. Berengarius,
on this, took Erigena for his model, and attacked the mystery of the eucharist, as the popish writers term it, but in
plain language, the doctrine of transubstantiation. Bruno,
bishop of Angers, Hugh, of Langres, and Adelman, of
Brescia, in vain endeavoured to cure him of his heresy,
and his writings, which were taken to Rome, were condemned in two councils held by pope Leo IX. in 1050, and
himself excommunicated. He then went to the abbey of
Preaux in Normandy, hoping to be protected by duke
William, surnamed the Bastard, but that young prince
summonsed a meeting of the ablest bishops and divines,
who again condemned Berengarius, and the council of
Paris, in Oct. 1050, deprived him of all his benefices.
This loss he is said to have felt more severely than their
spiritual inflictions, and it disposed him to retract his sentiments in the council of Tours, in 1055, in consequence
of which he was received into church-communion. In 1059
he was cited to the council at Rome, by pope Nicholas II.
and having been confuted by Abbo and Laniranc, he
abjured his errors, burnt his books, yet had no sooner
reached France, than he protested against his recantation,
as extorted by fear, and returned to his studies with the
same spirit of inquiry. At length, however, Gregory VII
having called a new council at Rome in 1078, Berengei
more seriously abjured his opinions, returned to France,
and passed the remaining years of his life in privacy and
penance. He died Jan. 6, 1088, aged ninety. There
have been many disputes betwixt protestant and popish
authors, as to the reality or sincerity of his final recantation. His sentiments, however, did not perish on his recantation, or his death, and he may be considered as having contributed to that great reformation in the church
which afterwards was carried into lasting effect by his successors. The greater part of his works are lost, but some
are preserved among the works of Lanfranc, in the collections of d'Acheri and Martenne; and, in 1770, Lessing discovered and published his answer to Lanfranc, “De corpore et sanguine Jesu Christi.
or published until 1540 and 1541, as appears clearly by the author’s dedication to cardinal Albert, archbishop of Mentz and marquis of Brandebourg. There have been six editions
, the author of a poem,
in praise of printing, written in Latin hexameters and pentameters, has escaped tlfe researches of biographers as to
much personal history. It is, however, conjectured, that
his proper name was Arnold or Arnold i, and that he was
called Bergellauus from his country. It is supposed also
that he came to Mentz, and was employed there, either?
as a workman, or as a corrector of the press. John Conrad
Zeltner, who is of this last opinion, has accordingly asigned him a short article in his Latin history of the correctors of the press, p. 79, 80, where he calls him John
Anthony, instead of John Arnold. Struvius (Introd. in not. rei litterariae, p. 892) considers Bergellanus as the
first historian of printing, but in this he is mistaken. Mentel, in his “Paraenesis de vera origine Typographic, p. 52,
says that Bergellanus’s poem was printed in 1510, which
could not be the case, as mention is made in it of Charles
V, who was not emperor until 1519. Walkius, who wrote
in 1608, asserts that Bergellanus wrote or published his
poem eighty years before, which brings us to 1528, but in
tact it was not written or published until 1540 and 1541, as
appears clearly by the author’s dedication to cardinal Albert, archbishop of Mentz and marquis of Brandebourg.
There have been six editions of it, separate or joined to
other works on the subject. The two last are by Prosper
Marchand in his History of Printing, Hague, 1740, 4to,
and by Woltius in his
” Monumenta typographica."
wenty years old, though he did not publish it till 1707. It is dedicated to Mr. Palliser, son to the archbishop of Cashel; and is followed by a mathematical miscellany, containing
The first public proof he gave of his literary abilities
was his “Arithmetica absque Algebra aut Euclide demonstrata;
” which, from the preface, he appears to have
written before he was twenty years old, though he did not
publish it till 1707. It is dedicated to Mr. Palliser, son
to the archbishop of Cashel; and is followed by a mathematical miscellany, containing observations and theorems
inscribed to his pupil Mr. Samuel Molineux, whose father was the friend and correspondent of Locke. This
little piece is so far curious, as it shews his early and strong
passion for the mathematics, his admiration of those great
names in philosophy, Locke and Newton, some of whose
positions he afterwards ventured to call in question, and
the commencement of his application to those more subtile
metaphysical studies, to which his genius was peculiarly
see, and was consecrated at St. Paul’s church in Dublin, on the 19th of May following, byTheophilus archbishop of Cashel, assisted by the bishops of Raphoe and Killaloe. His
We have already related by what means, and upon what
occasion, Dr. Berkeley had first the honour of being known
to queen Caroline. This princess delighted much in attending to philosophical conversations between learned
and ingenious men for which purpose she had, when
princess of Wales, appointed a particular day in the week,
when the most eminent for literary abilities at that time in
England were invited to attend her royal highness in the
evening a practice which she continued after her accession to the throne. Of this company were doctors Clarke,Hoadly, Berkeley, and Sherlock.- Clarke and Berkeley
were generally considered as principals in the debates that
arose upon those occasions; and Hoadly adhered to the
former, as Sherlock did to the latter. Hoadly was no friend
to our author: he affected to consider his philosophy and
his Bermuda project as the reveries of a visionary. Sherlock
(who was afterwards bishop of London) on the other hand
warmly espoused his cause and particularly, when the
“Minute Philosopher
” came out, he carried a copy of it
to the queen, and left it to her majesty to determine, whether such a work could be the production of a disordered
understanding. After dean Berkeley’s return from Rhode
Island, the queen often commanded his attendance to discourse with him on what he had observed worthy of notice
in America. His agreeable and instructive conversation,
engaged that discerning princess so much in his favour,
that the rich deanery of Down in Ireland falling vacant,
he was at her desire named to it, and the king’s letter
actually came over fqr his appointment. But his friend
lord Burlington having neglected to notify the royal intentions in proper time to the duke of Dorset, then lord
lieutenant of Ireland, his excellency was so offended at
this disposal of the richest deanery in Ireland, without his
concurrence, that it was thought proper not to press the
matter any farther. Her -majesty upon this declared, that
since they would not suffer Dr. Berkeley to be a dean in
Ireland, he should be a bishop and accordingly, in 1733,the bishopric of Cioyne becoming vacant, he was by letters patent, dated March 17, promoted to that see, and
was consecrated at St. Paul’s church in Dublin, on the
19th of May following, byTheophilus archbishop of Cashel,
assisted by the bishops of Raphoe and Killaloe. His lordship repaired immediately to his manse-house at Cioyne,
where he constantly resided (except one winter that he attended the business of parliament in Dublin) and applied
himself with vigour to the faithful discharge of all episcopal duties. He revived in his diocese the useful office of
rural dean, which had gone into disuse visited frequently
parochially and confirmed in several parts of his see.
prelacy, that his resolution was never to change his see; because, as he afterwards confessed to the archbishop of Tuam, and the late earl of Shannon, he had very early in
But the bishop, ever, active and attentive to the public
good, was continually sending forth something or o-ther
in 1735, the “Querist;
” in A Discourse addressed to Magistrates,
” occasioned by the enormous licence
and irreligion of the times and many other things afterwards of a smaller kind. In 1744 came forth his celebrated
and curious book, entitled, “Siris a chain of philosophical reflections and inquiries concerning the virtues of Tar
” a medicine which had been useful to himself in a
case of nervous colic. This work, he has been heard to
declare, cost him more time and pains than any other he
had ever been engaged in. It underwent a second impression, with additions and emendations, in 1747 and was
followed by “Farther thoughts on Tar Water,
” in I desire to add one more to the
list of churchmen, who are evidently dead to ambition and
” Just before his embarkation for America, queen
Caroline endeavoured to stagger his resolution, by the offer of an English mitre but, in reply, he assured her
majesty, that he chose rather to be president of St. Paul’s
college, than primate of all England.
le monument over him, with an inscription by Dr. Markham, then master of Westminster school and late archbishop of York.
At Oxford he lived highly respected, and collected and printed the same year all his smaller pieces in 8vo but he did not livelong for, on Sunday evening, Jan. 14, 1753, as he was in the midst of his family, listening to the lesson in the burial service which his lady was reading to him, he was seized with what was called a palsy in the heart, and instantly expired. The accident was so sudden, that his body was cold, and his joints stiff, before it was discovered as he lay upon a couch, and seemed to be asleep, till his daughter, on presenting him with a dish of tea, first perperceived his insensibility. His remains were interred at Christ church, Oxford, and there is an elegant marble monument over him, with an inscription by Dr. Markham, then master of Westminster school and late archbishop of York.
en of the first character for learning and rank in the kingdom. His first tutor was the late learned archbishop of York, Dr. Markham; on whose removal to Westminsterschool,
, second son of the preceding, by Anne, eldest daughter of the right hon. John Forster, a privy-counsellor and speaker of the Irish house of commons, by Anne, daughter to the right hon. John Monck, brother to the duke of Albemarle, was born on the 28th of September 1733, old style, in Grosvenor-street, Grosvenor-square. In his infancy he was removed with the family to Ireland, where he was instructed in the classics by his father only, the bishop taking that part of the education of his sons on himself. Instructed in every elegant and useful accomplishment, Mr. Berkeley was, at the age of nineteen, sent over to Oxford his father leaving it to his own choice to enter a gentleman commoner, either at Christ church or St. John’s college. But bishop Conybeare, then dean of Christ church, on his arrival offering him a studentship in that society, he accepted it, finding many of the students to be gentlemen of the first character for learning and rank in the kingdom. His first tutor was the late learned archbishop of York, Dr. Markham; on whose removal to Westminsterschool, he put himself under the tuition of Dr. Smallwell, afterwards bishop of Oxford. Having taken the degree of B. A. he served the office of collector in the university, and as he was allowed by his contemporaries to be an excellent Latin scholar, his collector’s speech was universally admired and applauded. In 1758 he took a small living from his society, the vicarage of East Garston, Berks, from which he was removed, in 1759, by archbishop Seeker, his sole patron, to the vicarage of Bray, Berks of which he was only the fifth vicar since the reformation. In 1759, also, he took the degree of M. A. The kindness of archbishop Seeker (who testified the highest respect for bishop Berkeley’s memory by his attention to his deserving son) did not rest here he gave him also the chancellorship of Brecknock, the rectory of Acton, Middlesex, and the sixth prebendal stall in the church of Canterbury. In 1768 he had taken the degree of LL. D. for which he went out grand compounder, and soon afterwards resigned the rectory of Acton. Some time after he had obtained the chancellorship of Brecknock, he put himself to very considerable expence in order to render permanent two ten pounds per annum, issuing out of the estate, to two poor Welch curacies. The vicarage of Bray he exchanged for that of Cookham near Maidenhead, and had afterwards from the church of Canterbury the vicarage of East-Peckham, Kent, which he relinquished on obtaining the rectory of St. Clement’s Danes which with the vicarage of Tyshurst, Sussex (to which he was presented by the church of Canterbury in 1792, when he vacated Cookham), and with the chancellorship of Brecknock, he; held till his death. His illness had been long and painful, but borne with exemplary resignation and his death was so calm and easy that no pang was observed, no groan was heard, by his attending wife and relations. He died Jan. 6, 1795, and was interred in his father’s vault in Christ church, Oxford. Not long before his death, he expressed his warmest gratitude to Mrs. Berkeley, of whose affection he was truly sensible, and of whom he took a most tender farewell. Dr. Berkeley’s qualifications and attainments were such as occasioned his death to be lamented by many. He was the charitable divine, the affectionate and active friend, the elegant scholar, the accomplished gentleman. He possessed an exquisite sensibility. To alleviate the sufferings of the sick and needy, and to patronize the friendless, were employments in which his heart and his hand ever co-operated. In the pulpit his manner was animated, and his matter forcible. His conversation always enlivened the social meetings where he was present; for he was equalled by few in affability of temper and address, in the happy recital of agreeable anecdote, in the ingenious discussion of literary subjects, or in the brilliant display of a lively imagination.
on the whole, to have been an opinion that this disgraceful affair had better be buried in oblivion. Archbishop Usher, however, who saw Dr. Bernard’s good intentions, did not
, a learned English divine of
the seventeenth century, was educated in the university of
Cambridge, where he took the degree of M. A. and was incorporated to the same degree at Oxford, July 15, 1628.
He was probably created D. D. of the university of Dublin,
but this has not been exactly ascertained. He was ordained by primate Usher, in 1626, in St. Peter’s church,
Drogheda, while he was only B. A. and made his chaplain,
and soon after, by his interest, was promoted to the deanery of Ardagh. His Grace having daily opportunities ojf
taking notice of the learning and judgment of Mr. Bernard,
employed him in making collections for some works he was
then meditating, particularly for the antiquities of the British churches; which did not appear till 1639. The primate always expressed great friendship and esteem for him;
and upon taking his leave of him at Drogheda in 1640,
gave him “A serious preparative against the heavy sorrows and miseries that he should feel before he saw him
again, and spoke of them with that confidence, as if they
had been within his view.
” This serious discourse proved
in the event to be a prophecy, as will be noticed in the
life of that prelate. The year following, Dr. Bernard published a book and a sermon which gave offence. These
were entitled, 1. “The penitent death of a woful Sinner;
or, the penitent death of John Atherton, late bishop of Waterford in Ireland, who was executed at Dublin the fifth of
December, 1640; with some annotations on several passages,
” London, A sermon
preached at the burial of John Atherton, the next night
after his execution, in St. John’s church, Dublin,
” Lond.
whole proceedings of the siege of Drogheda,
” London and
Dublin, A Dialogue
tetweeu Paul and Agrippa,
” London, A farewell sermon
of comfort and concord, preached at Drogheda,
” The life and death of Dr. James Usher, late archbishop
of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland, in a
sermon preached at his funeral in the abbey of Westminster, on the 17th of April, 1656,
” London, The judgment of the late archbishop of Armagh and primate of Ireland concerning first,
the extent of Christ’s death and satisfaction secondly, of
the Sabbath, and observation of the Lord’s day,
” &c. London,
Respondet Petrus or, the answer
of Peter Heylyn, D. D. to so much of Dr. Bernard’s book
” The judgment of the late primate of Ireland, &c.
as he is made a party by the said lord primate in the point
of the Sabbath,“London, 1658, 4to. He also published
several letters which passed between him and Dr. Heylyn,
and published and enlarged several posthumous works of
Dr. Usher as,
” His judgment on Babylon being the present see of Rome, Rev. xviii. 4, with a sermon of bishop
Bedell’s upon the same words,“London, 1659.
” Devotions of the ancient church, in seven pious prayers,“&c.
London, 1660, 8vo.
” Clavi trabales, or nails fastened by
some great masters of assemblies, confirming the king’s
supremacy, the subject’s duty, and church government by
bishops being a collection of some pieces written on
these subjects by archbishop Usher, Mr. Hooker, bishop
Andrews, and Dr. Hadrian Saravia; with a preface by the
bishop of Lincoln," London, 1661, 4to.
erance thought fit to suppress and the reading of his “Histoire du peuple de Dieu” was forbid by the archbishop of Paris, which the Sorbonne were six years reviewing. The first
, a celebrated French writer, of the order of Jesus, was born at Rouen in Normandy, Nov. 7, 1681. He was designed for the pulpit,
but the weakness of his frame not allowing him to declaim,
he gave himself up to the quiet but severe studies of the
closet, and produced some critical works of importance,
which his countrymen in their spirit of intolerance thought
fit to suppress and the reading of his “Histoire du peuple de Dieu
” was forbid by the archbishop of Paris, which
the Sorbonne were six years reviewing. The first part of
this work made its appearance in 8 vols. 4to, with a supplement, 1728, reprinted in 1733, 8 vols. 4to, and 10 vols.
12mo; this ends with the times of the Messiah: the second
part came out in 1753 in 4 vols. 4to, and 8 vols. 12mo;
and the third part in 2 vols. 4to, or 5 vols. in 12mo, containing a literal paraphrase of the epistles, was printed in
1758, notwithstanding it was censured and condemned by
the pope and clergy as containing abominable errors.
Abominable absurdities it certainly contained, the history
of the Jews being detailed with all the affectation of sentimental romance. The author died at Pans, Feb. 18,
iments of St. Augustine in their utmost rigour, after the example of Bellelli his brother- monk. The archbishop of Vienna [Salmon], or rather the Jesuits who managed him, published
, a famous Augustine monk,
born May 28, 1696, at Serravezza, a small village in Tuscany, was called to Rome by his superiors, and obtained
the title of assistant-general of Italy, and the place of prefect of the papal library. His great proficiency in theological studies procured him these distinctions, and appeared
to advantage in his grand work, “De disciplinis theologicis,
” printed at Rome in 8 vols. 4to. He here adopts the
sentiments of St. Augustine in their utmost rigour, after
the example of Bellelli his brother- monk. The archbishop
of Vienna [Salmon], or rather the Jesuits who managed
him, published under his name in 1744, two pieces against
the two Augustine theologues, inveighing against them as
being too severely Augustine. The first is entitled,
“Ba'ianismus redivivus in scriptis pp. Bellelli et Berti,
” in
4to. The second bore this title “Jansenismus redivivus
in scriptis pp. Bellelli et Berti,
” in 4to. At the same time
father Berti was accused to pope Benedict XIV. as a disciple of Ba'ius and of Jansenitis. The prudent pontiff, without returning any answer to the accusers, advised Berti to
defend himself; which he accordingly did in a work of
two vols. 4to, 1749. In this apology, rather long, though
learned and lively, he laid down the difference there is
between Jansenism and Augustinianism. After this piece
Berti brought out several others, the principal of which is
an ecclesiastical history in Latin, in 7 vols. 4to: it made
however but little way out of Italy, by reason of the dryness of the historian, and of his prejudices in favour of
exploded tenets. He speaks of the pope, both in his theology and in his history, as the absolute monarch of kingdoms and empires, and that all other princes are but his
lieutenants. Berti wrote also dissertations, dialogues, panegyrics, academical discourses, and some Italian poems,
which are by no means his best productions. An edition
in folio of all his works has been printed at Venice. He
died at the age of 70, May 26, 1766, at Pisa, whither he
had been called by Francis I. grand duke of Tuscany.
, made him bishop of Nice, and engaged him to accompany him into Italy with Pletho, Marcus Eugenius, archbishop of Ephesus, the patriarch of Constantinople, and several other
, one of the revivers of literature in the fifteenth century, was born, not at Constantinople, as some writers assert, but at Trebisond, in 1389, a date which is ascertained by his epitaph written by himself, but as all the copies of this epitaph do not agree, Bandini, one of his biographers, gives 1395, as the time of his birth. He entered into the order of St. Basil, and passed twentyone years in a monastery of Peloponnesus, employed in the study of divinity and polite literature. The philosopher Gemistus Pletho was one of his masters. In 1438, when the emperor John Paleologus formed the design of going to the council of Ferrara, to re-unite the Greek with the Latin church, he drew Bessarion from his retirement, made him bishop of Nice, and engaged him to accompany him into Italy with Pletho, Marcus Eugenius, archbishop of Ephesus, the patriarch of Constantinople, and several other Greeks eminent for talents or rank. In the sittings of this council, the archbishop of Ephesus distinguished himself by his powers of reasoning, and Bessarion by the charms of his eloquence, but unfortunately from being rivals in talents, they soon became enemies. Eugenius was not favourable to the scheme of uniting the Greek and Latin churches; and Bessarioii, after having been of a contrary opinion, declared for the Latins, which was the side the emperor took. The union was accordingly announced, and in December 1439, pope Eugenius IV. to reward the zeal of Bessarion, created him a cardinal priest. ‘ Being now, in consequence of his new dignity, fixed in, Italy, a step which was at the same time rendered necessary by the commotions in Greece, where he was very unpopular, and the union universally rejected, Bessarion returned to the studious and simple life he had led in his convent in the Peloponnesus. His house became the resort of the learned, and when he appeared abroad, his train was composed of such men as Argyropulus, Philelphus, Valla, Theodore Gaza, George of Trebisonde, and Calderino. He obtained the confidence and friendship of several popes. Nicholas V. appointed him archbishop of S’ponto, and cardinal-bishop; and Pius II. in 1463, conferred upon him the title of Patriarch of Constantinople. On the death of Nicholas V. the college of cardinals would have elected him his successor, but this purpose was defeated by the intrigues of cardinal Alain. Some years after, Bessarion, was likely to have succeeded Paul II. but to accomplish this, it was necessary to secure the vote of the cardinal Orsini by an act of injustice, which he refused. Orsini, however, tendered his vote on the same terms to the cardinal de Rovere, who had none of Bessarion’s scruples, and was elected. Paul Jovius tells a foolish story of Bessarion’s having lost this election, by the blundering reply of his servant; and Gibbon, credulous enough when the object of belief is worth nothing, has repeated it after him, nor knowing that our countryman Hody had amply refuted it.
tvvich, in Austria, was born Sept. 5, 1672, at Buchheim in the electorate of Mentz. LothaireFrancis, archbishop of Mentz, of the family of the counts of Schoenborn, employed
, a learned abbé of the convent
of Benedictines of Gottvvich, in Austria, was born Sept.
5, 1672, at Buchheim in the electorate of Mentz. LothaireFrancis, archbishop of Mentz, of the family of the counts
of Schoenborn, employed him in divers embassies at Rome,
Vienna, and Wolfenbuttel, and admitted him of his privy
council. In 1714 he was chosen abbé of Gottwich, and in
1720, the emperor Charles VI. sent him to Kempten to
accommodate some differences which had arisen there.
His convent having been destroyed by fire in 17 18, he
succeeded in saving the library, and afterwards having rebuilt the convent with great magniticence, he enriched the
library with a great many manuscripts and rare books,
being an ardent lover of literature and learned men, and
himself very learned in history and diplomacy. The “Chronicon Gottwicense, pars prima et secunda,
” Tegernsée,
De re diplomatica,
” Bessel
also published St. Augustine’s letters to Optatus, “De
pœnis parvulorum qui sine baptismate decedunt,
” Vienna,
, in Latin Beverlacius, archbishop of York in the eighth century, was born of a noble family among
, in Latin Beverlacius, archbishop of York in the eighth century, was born of a noble
family among the English Saxons, at Harpham, a small
town in Northumberland. He was first a monk, and afterwards abbot of the monastery of St. Hilda. He was instructed in the learned languages by Theodore, archbishop
of Canterbury, and was justly esteemed one of the best
scholars of his time. Alfred of Beverly, who wrote his
life, pretends that he studied at Oxford, and took there
the degree of master of arts; but bishop Godwin assures
us this cannot be true, because such distinction of degrees
was not then known at Oxford, nor any where else. Our
abbot’s merit recommended him to the favour of Alfred,
king of Northumberland, who, in the year 685, advanced
him to the see of Hagustald, or Hexham, and, upon the
death of archbishop Bosa in 687, translated him to that of
York. This prelate was tutor to the famous Bede, and
lived in the strictest friendship with Acca, and other AngloSaxon doctors, several of whom he put upon writing comments on the scriptures. He likewise founded, in 704, a
college at Beverly for secular priests. After he had governed the see of York thirty-four years, being tired with
the tumults and confusions of the church, he divested himself of the episcopal character, and retired to Beverly;
and four years after died May 7, 721. The day of his
death was appointed a festival by a synod held at London
in 1416. Bede, and other monkish writers, ascribe several miracles to him. Between three and four hundred years
after his death, his body was taken up by Alfric, archbishop of York, and placed in a shrine richly adorned with
silver, gold, and precious stones. Bromton relates, that
William the conqueror, when he ravaged Northumberland
with a numerous army, spared Beverly alone, out of a religious veneration for St. John of that place. This prelate
wrote some pieces, 1. “Pro Luca exponendo;
” an essay
towards an exposition of St. Luke, addressed to Bede.
2. “Homiliee in Evangelia.
” 3. Epistolae ad Hildara Abbatissam.“4.
” Epistolse ad Herebaldum, Andenum, et
Bertinum.“- -Pits mentions another John of Beverly, so
called from the place of his nativity, who was a Carmelite
monk in the fourteenth century, and a very learned man,
and doctor and professor of divinity at Oxford. He flourished about 1390, in the reign of Richard II. and wrote,
” Questiones in magistrum sententiarum“in four
books. 2.
” Disputationes ordinariae" in one book.
largement, by giving security for his appearance when the parliament should send for him. June 1616, archbishop Usher, passing through Gloucester in his way to London, had
, a noted Socinian writer, was born in
1615, at Wotton-under-Edge, in Gloucestershire. He was
educated at the free-school in that town and, being a promising youth, was noticed by George lord Berkeley, who
made him an allowance of 10l. a year. While at this
school, he translated Virgil’s eclogues, and the two first
satires of Juvenal, into English verse, both which were
printed at London in 1634, in 8vo. In 1634 he was sent
to Oxford, and entered at Magdalen-hall. June 23, 1683,
he took the degree of bachelor of arts, and soon after was
invited to be master of the school of his native place, but
declined it. May 20, 1691, he took his degree of master
of arts; and the magistrates of Gloucester having chosen
him master of the free-school of St. Mary de Crypt in that
city, he went and settled there, and was much esteemed for
his diligence. Falling, however, into some opinions concerning the Trinity, different from those commonly received, and having expressed his thoughts with too much
freedom, he was accused of heresy: and being summoned
before the magistrates, he exhibited in writing a confession, which not being thought satisfactory, he was obliged
to make another more explicit than the former. When ha
had fully considered this doctrine, he comprised it in twelve
arguments drawn, as he pretended, froai the Scripture
wherein the commonly-received opinion, touching the deity
of the Holy Spirit, is attempted to be refuted . An acquaintance who had a copy of them, having shewed them,
to the magistrates of Gloucester, and to the parliament
committee then residing there, he was committed, Dec. 2,
1645, to the common gaol, till the parliament should take
cognizance of the matter. However, an eminent person
in Gloucester procured his enlargement, by giving security
for his appearance when the parliament should send for
him. June 1616, archbishop Usher, passing through
Gloucester in his way to London, had a conference with
our author, and endeavoured, but in vain, to convince him
of his errors. Six months after he had been set at liberty
he was summoned to appear at Westminster, and the parliament appointed a committee to examine him before
whom he freely confessed, that he did not acknowledge the
commonly-received notion of the divinity of the Holy
Ghost, but, however, was ready to hear what could be
opposed to him, and, if he could not make out his opinion
to be true, honestly to own his error. But being wearied
with tedious and expensive delays, he wrote a letter to sir
Henry Vane, a member of the committee, requesting him
either to procure his discharge, or to make a report of his
case to the house of commons. The result of this was, his
being committed to the custody of one of their officers,
which restraint continued the five years following. He
was at length referred to the assembly of divines then
sitting at Westminster, before whom he often appeared,
and gave them in writing his twelve arguments, which
were published the same year. Upon their publication, he
was summoned to appear at the bar of the house of commons; where being asked, “Whether he owned this treatise, and the opinions therein
” he answered in the affirmative. Upon which he was committed to prison, and the
house ordered, Sept. 6, 1747, that the book should be
called in and burnt by the hangman, and the author be
examined by the committee of plundered ministers. But
Mr. Biddle drew a greater storm upon himself by two tracts
he published in 1648, “A confession of faith touching the
Holy Trinity according to the Scripture
” and “The testimonies of Irenaeus, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Novatianusy
Theophilus, Origen, also of Arnobius, Lactantius, Eusebius, Hilary, and Brightman, concerning that one God,
and the persons of the Holy Trinity, together with observations on the same.
” As soon as they were published,
the assembly of divines solicited the parliament, and procured an ordinance, inflicting death upon those that held
opinions contrary to the received doctrine about the Trinity, and severe penalties upon those who differed in lesser
matters. Biddle, however, escaped by a dissension in the
parliament, part of which was joined by the army; many
of whom, both officers and soldiers, being liable to the
severities of the ordinance above-mentioned, it therefore
from that time lay unregarded for several years. Biddle
had now more liberty allowed him by his keepers who
suffered him, upon security given, to go into Staffordshire,
where he lived some time with a justice of peace, who entertained him with great hospitality, and at his death left
him a legacy. Serjeant John Bradshaw, president of the
council of state, having got intelligence of this indulgence
granted him, caused him to be recalled, and more strictly
confined. In this confinement he spent his whole substance, and was reduced to great indigence, till he was
employed by Roger Daniel of London, to correct an impression of the Septuagint Bible, which that printer was
about to publish and this gained him for some time a
comfortable subsistence.
nted to be cut out. A copy of these leaves, however, having fallen into the hands of Mr. (afterwards archbishop) Wake, was published by him in his” Defence of the Exposition
, an eminent patron of literature, was born at Rouen in 1626, of an ancient family,
and having no inclination to rise in the offices of magistracy, as many of his ancestors had done, nor to enter
into the church, he determined to devote his time and
fortune to the study and advancement of polite literature.
His father, dean of the court of aids in Normandy, left
him a library of six thousand volumes, including upwards
of five hundred manuscripts, to which he made so many
additions, that at his death it was valued at forty thousand
franks and that it might not be scattered, he entailed it
on his family, with handsome funds for the support and
enlargement of it. It was, however, sold in July 1706,
and the catalogue, which was printed, is in considerable
request among bibliographers. During his life-time this
library was the resort of a number of men of letters, who
held frequent meetings here, in which Bigot presided.
His travels in Holland, England, Germany, and Italy, procured him the acquaintance and correspondence of most of
the literati of Europe, who frequently consulted him, and
paid great regard to his opinions. His sole passion was to
contribute by his wealth and studies to the perfection and
illustration of the best Greek and Latin authors, and he
employed these advantages with the utmost liberality and
modesty. Having discovered in the library at Florence,
the Greek text of the “Life of St. Chrysostom by Palladius, he published it at Paris in 1680, 4to, with some
other ancient Greek remains, hitherto in manuscript, the
whole accompanied with a Latin translation by Ambrose of
Camaldoli. To this he added St. Chrysostom’s epistle to
Cesarius, but it being discovered that this was an attack
on the doctrine of transubstantiation, the licensers refused
its being published, and caused the leaves on which it was
printed to be cut out. A copy of these leaves, however,
having fallen into the hands of Mr. (afterwards archbishop)
Wake, was published by him in his
” Defence of the Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England against
the exceptions of M. de Meaux, &c.“Lond. 1686, 4to.
In this Wake has given a curious account not only of the
suppression of this letter, but of the controversy to which
it gave rise in archbishop Cranmer’s time. Du Pin says,
that after Bigot’s death, some of his literary correspondence
was published but this appears a mistake, if we except a
letter of his written, in 1672, to the bishop of Trulle
against the abbé de St. Cyran’s book
” Le Cas Royal," and
printed at Basil in 1690. Menage and Heinsius were
among his most intimate friends, and such was his general
knowledge and communicative disposition, that he was
consulted by every one fond of literary history and anecdote. He died Oct. 18, 1689.
h” &c. Lond. 4to. These sermons being preached at Paul’s Cross in Lent 1597, by the encouragement of archbishop Whitgift, greatly alarmed most of the Puritans, because they
, a learned writer, and bishop, in
the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth
century, was born in the city of Winchester, being the son
of Harman Bilson, the same probably who was fellow of
Merton-college in 1536, and derived his descent by his
grandmother, or great-grandmother, from the duke of t>avaria. He was educated in Winchester school and in
1565 admitted perpetual fellow of New-college, after he
had served two years of probation. October 10, 1566, he
took his degree of bachelor, and April 25, 1570, that of
master of arts; that of bachelor of divinity, June 24, 1579;
and the degree of doctor of divinity on the 24th of January 1580. In his younger years, he was a great lover
of, and extremely studious in, poetry, philosophy, and
physic. But when he entered into holy orders, and applied himself to the study of divinity, which his genius
chiefly led him to, he became a most solid and constant
preacher, and one of the most accomplished scholars of
his time. The first preferment he had was that of master
of Winchester-school he was then made prebendary of
Winchester, and afterwards warden of the college there.
To this college he did a very important service, about the
year 1584, by preserving the revenues of it when they were
in danger of being swallowed up by a notorious forgery, of
which, however, we have only an obscure account. In
1585, he published his book of “The true difference
betweene Christian Subjection and unchristian Rebellion,
and dedicated it to queen Elizabeth a work, which, although it might answer her immediate purpose, was of
fatal tendency to Charles I. few books being more frequently quoted by the mal-contents to justify their resistance to that prince. In 1593, he published a very able
defence of episcopacy, entitled, “The perpetuall Government of Christes Church: wherein are handled, the fatherly superioritie which God first established in the patriarkes for the guiding of his Church, and after continued
in the tribe of Levi and the Prophetes and lastlie confirmed in the New Testament to the apostles and their
successors: as also the points in question at this day,
touching the Jewish Synedrion: the true kingdome of
Christ: the Apostles’ commission: the laie presbyterie:
the distinction of bishops from presbyters, and their succession from the apostles times and hands: the calling and
moderating of provinciall synods by primates and metropolitanes the allotting of dioceses, and the popular electing of such as must feede and watch the flock and divers
other points concerning the pastoral regiment of the house
of God.
” On the 20th of April, 15y6, he was elected v
confirmed June the llth, and the 13th of the same month
consecrated bishop of Worcester and translated in May
following to the bishopric of Winchester, and made a
privy-counsellor. In 1599, he published “The effect of
certaine Sermons touching the full Redemption of Mankind
by the death and bloud of Christ Jesus wherein, besides
the merite of Christ’s suffering, the manner of his offering, the power of his death, the comfort of his crosse, the
glorie of his resurrection, are handled, what paines Christ
suffered in his soule on the crosse together with the
place and purpose of his descent to hel after death
” &c.
Lond. 4to. These sermons being preached at Paul’s Cross
in Lent 1597, by the encouragement of archbishop Whitgift, greatly alarmed most of the Puritans, because they
contradicted some of their tenets, but they are not now
thought consonant to the articles of the church of England. The Puritans, however, uniting their forces, and
making their observations, sent them to Henry Jacob, a
learned puritan, who published them under his own name.
The queen being at Farnham-castle, and, to use the bishop’s words, “taking knowledge of the things questioned
between him and his opponents, directly commanded him
neither to desert the doctrine, nor to let the calling which
he bore in the church of God, to be trampled under foot
by such unquiet refusers of trueth and authoritie.
” Upon
this royal command, he wrote a learned treatise, chiefly
delivered in sermons, which was published in 1604, under
the title of “The survey^of Christ’s sufferings for Man’s
Redemption and of his descent to hades or hel for our
” Lond. fol. He also preached the sermon at
Westminster before king James I. and his queen, at their
coronation on St. James’s day, July 28, 1603, from Rom.
xiii. L. London, 1603, 8vo. In January 1603-4, he was
one of the speakers and managers at the Hampton-Court
conference, in which he spoke much, and, according to
Mr. Fuller, most learnedly, and, in general, was one of
the chief maintainers and supports of the church of England. The care of revising, and putting the last hand to,
the new translation of the English Bible in king James Ist’s
reign, was committed to our author, and to Dr. Miles
Smith, afterwards bishop of Gloucester. His last public
act, recorded in history, was the being one of the delegates that pronounced and signed the sentence of divorce
between Robert Devereux, earl of Essex, and the lady
Frances Howard, in the year 1613 and his son being
knighted soon after upon this very account, as was imagined, the world was so malicious as to give him the title
of sir Nullity Bilson. This learned bishop, after having
gone through many employments, departed this life on
the 18th of June, 1616, and was buried in Westminsterabbey, near the entrance into St. Edmund’s chapel, on the
south side of the monument of king Richard II. His character is represented to the utmost advantage by several
persons. Sir Anthony Weldon calls him “an excellent civilian, and a very great scholler
” Fuller, “a deep and
profound scholar, excellently well read in the fathers
Bishop Godwin, “a very grave iman and how great a divine (adds he), if any one knows not, let him consult his
learned writings
” Sir John Harrington, “I find but foure
lines (in bishop Godwin’s book) concerning him and if I
should give him his due, in proportion to the rest, I should
spend foure leaves. Not that I need make him better
known, being one of the most eminent of his ranck, and a
man that carried prelature in his very aspect. His rising
was meerly by his learning, as true prelates should rise.
Sint non modo labe mali sed suspicione carentes, not onely
free from the spot, but from the speech of corruption.
He wrote in a more elegant style, and in fuller and betterturned periods, than was usual in the times wherein he lived.
It is related of our prelate, that once, when he was preaching a sermon* at St. Paul’s Cross, a sudden panic, occasioned by the folly or caprice of one of the audience,
seized the multitude there assembled, who thought that
the church was falling on their heads. The good bishop,
who sympathized with the people more from pity than
from fear, after a sufficient pause, reassumed and went
through his sermon with great composure.
ust as he was on the point of being ordained, with every prospect of promotion from the patronage of archbishop Potter, he was suddenly brought to his grave, at the immature
, the second son of the eminent writer before mentioned, was the last of his numerous family, and consequently extremely young at the time of his father’s death. Though he died in very early life, yet during the short period of his existence, he pursued his studies with such unremitting 'perseverance, and gave such early proofs of genius and sound understanding, and so strongly evinced his determination to tread in the footsteps of his father, as fully entitle him to a few lines from the pen of the biographer. This young man received his education on the foundation at the Charter-house, from whence he was at the usual age removed to Corpus college in Oxford. In the university he was a most exemplary and persevering student, and was preparing to give public proofs of his diligence, having actually printed every part, except the title-pruge and preface, of a very valuable edition of the Theban story, which was completed and published after his death by a gentleman, into whose hands his papers had fallen, as a security for a sum of money which had been borrowed to facilitate the publication. Whilst he was thus usefully employed, and just as he was on the point of being ordained, with every prospect of promotion from the patronage of archbishop Potter, he was suddenly brought to his grave, at the immature age of 22, by an illness wholly occasioned by -too sedentary a life, and too close an application to his studies. He lies buried in the cloisters of Corpus college, without either monument, inscription, or stone erected to his memory, though it might most truly be said of him, that he fell a martyr to application, industry, and learning.
nd in that year, the same honour was conferred on him by that excellent prelate, Dr. Thomas Herring, archbishop of Canterbury. Our author was also a trustee of the British
How much Mr. Birch was affected by this calamity appears from some verses written by him, August 3d, 1729, on his wife’s coffin, and inserted in Mrs. Rowe’s Miscellaneous Works. That Mrs. Birch was a woman of very amiable accomplishments, is not only evident from the verses now mentioned, but from two Latin epitaphs drawn up for her one by her husband, and the other by Dr. Dale, which last was translated into English by Mr. James Ralph. In both these epitaphs, she is celebrated as having- possessed an uncommon share of knowledge and taste, and many virtues. After this melancholy event, he was ordained deacon by the bishop of Salisbury, Dr. Hoadly, Jan. 17, 1730, and priest by the same prelate, Dec. 21, 1731, and at the same time was presented to the rectory of Siddington St. Mary, and the vicarage of Siddington St. Peter, in Gloucestershire. He had been recommended, by a common friend, to the friendship and favour of the late lord high chancellor Hardwicke, then attorney-general; to whom, and to the late earl of Hardwicke, he was indebted for all his preferments. The chancellor gave him the living of Ulting in the county of Essex, to which he was instituted by Dr. Gibson, bishop of London, on the 20th of May, and he took possession of it on the day following. In 1734, he was appointed one of the domestic chaplains to William earl of Kilmarnock, the unfortunate nobleman who was afterwards beheaded, on the 18th of August, 1746, for having been engaged in the rebellion of 1745. The earl of Kilmarnock was, we believe, in more early life, understood to be a whig; and under no other character could Mr. Birch have been introduced to his lordship’s notice. On the 20th of February, 1734-5, Mr. Birch had the honour of being chosen a member of the royal society, sir Hans Sloane taking a leading part in the election. The same honour was done him on the llth of December 1735, by the society of antiquaries of which he afterwards became director. A few weeks before he was chosen into the latter, the Marischal college of Aberdeen had conferred on him, by diploma, the degree of master of arts. In the Spring of 1743, by the favour of his noble patron before mentioned, he received a more substantial benefit; being presented by the crown to the rectory of Landewy Welfrey in the county of Pembroke. To this benefice, which was a sinecure, he was instituted on the 7th of May, by Dr. Edward Willes, bishop of St. David’s. On the 24th of February, 1743-4, he was presented to the rectories of St. Michael, Wood-street, and St. Mary, Staining, united. His next preferment was likewise in the city of London; being to the united rectories of St. Margaret Pattens, and St. Gabriel, Fenchurch-street, to which he was presented in the beginning of February, 1745-6. In January, 1752, he was elected one of the secretaries of the royal society, in the room of Dr. Cromwell Mortimer, deceased. In January 1753, the Marischal college of Aberdeen created him doctor of divinity and in that year, the same honour was conferred on him by that excellent prelate, Dr. Thomas Herring, archbishop of Canterbury. Our author was also a trustee of the British Museum. The last preferment given to Dr. Birch, was the rectory of Depden in Essex; for which he was indebted to the late earl of Hardwicke. Depden itself, indeed, was in the patronage of Mr. Chiswell, and in the possession of the rev. Dr. Cock. But the benefice in lord Hardwicke’s gift, being at too great a distance from town, to be legally held by Dr. Birch, he obtained an exchange with Dr. Cock. Dr. Birch was instituted to Depden by the late eminent bishop Sherlock, on the 25th of February 1761; and he continued possessed of this preferment, together with the united rectories of St. Margaret Pattens, and St. Gabriel, Fenchurch-street, till his decease. In 1765, he resigned his office of secretary to the royal society, and was succeeded by Dr. Maty. Dr. Birch’s health declining about this time, he was ordered to ride for the recovery of it but being a bad horseman, and going out, contrary to advice, on a frosty day, he was unfortunately thrown from his horse, on the road betwixt London and Hampstead, and killed on the spot. Dr. William Watson, of Lincoln’s Inn Fields, as soon as he heard of the accident of the fall, hastened to the relief of his friend, but in vain. It is not known whether Dr. Birch’s fall might not have been occasioned by an apoplexy. This melancholy event happened on the 9th of January 1766, in the 61st year of his age, to the great regret of the doctor’s numerous literary friends. Some days after his death, he was buried in the chancel of his own church of St. Margaret Pattens. Dr. Birch had, in his life-time, been very generous to his relations; and none that were near to him being living at his decease, he bequeathed his library of books and manuscripts, many of which are valuable, to the British Museum. He, likewise, left the remainder of his fortune, which amounted to not much more than five hundred pounds, to be laid out in government securities, for the purpose of applying the interest to increase the stipend of the three assistant librarians. Thus manifesting at his death, as he had done during his whole life, his respect for literature, and his desire to promote useful knowledge.
count of her life. In the next year came out his “Life of the most reverend Dr. John Tillotson, lord archbishop of Canterbury. Compiled chiefly from his original papers and
Having related the more personal and private circumstances of Dr. Birch’s history, we proceed to his various
publications. The first great work he engaged in, was
“The General Dictionary, historical and critical
” wherein
a new translation of that of the celebrated Mr. Bayle was
included and which was interspersed with several thousand lives never before published. It was on the 29th of
April, 1734, that Dr. Birch, in conjunction with the rev.
Mr. John Peter Bernard, and Mr. John Lockman, agreed
with the booksellers to carry on this important undertaking; and Mr. George Sale was employed to draw up the
articles relating to oriental history. The whole design
was completed in ten volumes, folio; the first of which
appeared in 1734, and the last in 1741. It is universally
allowed, that this work contains a very extensive and useful body of biographical knowledge. We are not told
what were the particular articles written by Dr. Birch
but there is no doubt of his having executed a great part
of the dictionary neither is it, we suppose, any disparagement to his coadjutors, to say, that he was superior
to them in abilities and reputation, with the exception of
Mr. George Sale, who was, without controversy, eminently
qualified for the department he had undertaken. The
next great design in which Dr. Birch engaged, was the
publication of “Thurloe’s State Papers.
” This collection,
which comprised seven volumes in folio, came out in 1742.
It is dedicated to the late lord chancellor Hardwicke, and
there is prefixed to it a life of Thurloe but whether it
was written or not by our author, does not appear. The
same life had been separately published not long before.
The letters and papers in this collection throw the greatest
light on the pe'riod to which they relate, and are accompanied with proper references, and a complete index to
each volume, yet was a work by which the proprietors
were great losers. In 1744, Dr. Birch published, in octavo,
a “Life of the honourable Robert Boyle, esq
” which
hath since been prefixed to the quarto edition of the works
of that philosopher. In the same year, our author began
his assistance to Houbraken and Vertue, in their design of
publishing, in folio, the “Heads of illustrious persons of
Great Britain,
” engraved by those two artists, but chiefly
by Mr. Houbraken. To each head was annexed, by Dr,
Birch, the life and character of the person represented.
The first volume of this work, which came out in numbers,
was completed in 1747, and the second in 1752. Our
author’s concern in this undertaking did not hinder his
prosecuting, at the same time, other historical disquisitions: for, in 1747, appeared, in octavo,“His inquiry
into the share which king Charles the First had in the
transactions of the earl of Glamorgan.
” A second edition
ef the Inquiry was published in Miscellaneous works of sir Walter Raleigh
” to which was prefixed the life of that unfortunate and injured man. Previously to this, Dr. Birch
published “An historical view of the negociations between
the courts of England, France, and Brussels, from 1592
to 1617; extracted chiefly from the ms State Papers of
sir Thomas Edmondes, knight, embassador in France, and
at Brussels, and treasurer of the household to the kings
James I. and Charles I. and of Anthony Bacon, esq. brother to the lord chancellor Bacon. To which is added, a
relation of the state of France, with the character of Henry
IV. and the principal persons of that court, drawn up by
sir George Carew, upon his return from his embassy there
in 1609, and addressed to king James I. never before
” This work, which consists of one volume, in
octavo, appeared in 1749; and, in an introductory discourse
to the honourable Philip Yorke, esq. (the late earl of Hardwicke), Dr. Birch makes some reflections on the utility of deducing history from its only true and unerring
sources, the original letters and papers of those eminent
men, who were the principal actors in the administration
of affairs; after which he gives some account of the lives
of sir Thomas Edmondes, sir George Carew, and Mr. Anthorry Bacon. The “Historical View
” is undoubtedly a
valuable performance, and hath brought to light a variety
of particulars relative to the subjects and the period treated
of, which before were either not at all, or not so fully
known. In 17.51, was published by our author, an edition,
in two volumes, 8vo, of the “Theological, moral, dramatic, and poetical works of Mrs. Catherine Cockburn
with an account of her life. In the next year came out
his “Life of the most reverend Dr. John Tillotson, lord
archbishop of Canterbury. Compiled chiefly from his
original papers and letters.
” A second edition, corrected
and enlarged, appeared in 1753. This work, which was
dedicated to archbishop Herring, is one of the most pleasing and popular of Dr. Birch’s performances; and he has
done great justice to Dr. Tillotsou’s memory, character,
and virtues. Our biographer hath likewise intermixed
with his narrative of the good prelate’s transactions, short
accounts of the persons occasionally mentioned; a method
which he has pursued in some of his other publications.
In 1753, he revised. the quarto edition, in two volumes, of
Milton’s prose works, and added a new life of that great
poet and writer. Dr. Birch gave to the world', in the following year, his “Memoirs of the reign of queen Elizabeth, from the year 1581, till her death. In which the
secret intrigues of her court, and the conduct of her favourite, Robert earl of Essex, both at home and abroad,
are particularly illustrated. From the original papers of
his intimate friend, Anthony Bacon, esq. and other manuscripts never before published.
” These memoirs, which
are inscribed to the earl of Hardwicke, give a minute account of the letters and materials from which they are
taken and the whole work undoubtedly forms a very valuable collection in which our author has shewn himself
(as in his other writings) to be a faithfnl and accurate compiler and in which, besides a full display of the temper
and actions of the earl of Essex, much light is thrown on
the characters of the Cecils, Bacons, and many eminent
persons of that period. The book is now becoming scarce,
and, as it may not speedily be republished, is rising in its
value. This is the case, likewise, with regard to the edition of sir Walter Raleigh’s miscellaneous works. Dr.
Birch’s next publication was “The history of the Royal
Society of London, for improving of natural knowledge,
from its first rise. In which the most considerable of those
papers, communicated to the society, which have hitherto
not been published, are inserted in their proper order, as
a supplement to the Philosophical Transactions.
” The
twq first volumes of this performance, which was dedicated
to his late majesty, appeared in 1756, and the two other
volumes in 1757. The history is carried on to the end of
the year 1687 and if the work had been continued, and
had been conducted with the same extent and minuteness,
it would have been a very voluminous undertaking. But,
though it may, perhaps, be justly blamed in this respect,
it certainly contains many curious and entertaining
anecdotes concerning the manner of the society’s proceedings
at their first establishment. It is enriched, likewise, with
a number of personal circumstances relative to the members, and with biographical accounts of such of the more
considerable of them as died in the course of each year.
In 1760, came out, in one volume, 8vo, our author’s “Life
of Henry prince of Wales, eldest son of king James I.
Compiled chiefly from his own papers, and other manuscripts, never before published.
” It is dedicated to his
present majesty, then prince of Wales. Some have objected to this work, that it abounds too much with trifling
details, and that Dr. Birch has not given sufficient scope
to such reflections and disquisitions as arose from his subject. It must, nevertheless, be acknowledged, that it affords a more exact and copious account than had hitherto
appeared of a prince whose memory has always been remarkably popular; and that various facts, respecting several other eminent characters, are occasionally introduced. Another of his publications was, “Letters, speeches,
charges, advices, &c. of Francis Bacon, lord viscount St.
AJban, lord chancellor of England.
” This collection,
which is comprised in one volume, 8vo, and is dedicated
to the honourable Charles Yorke, esq. appeared in 1763.
It is taken from some papers which had been originally in
the possession of Dr. Rawley, lord Bacon’s chaplain, whose
executor, Mr. John Rawley, having put them into the
hands of Dr. Tenison, they were, at length, deposited in
the manuscript library at Lambeth. Dr. Birch, speaking
of these papers of lord Bacon, says, that it can scarcely
be imagined, but that the bringing to light, from obscurity
and oblivion, the remains of so eminent a person, will be
thought an acquisition not inferior to the discovery (if the ruins of Herculaneum should afford such a treasure) of a
new set of the epistles of Cicero, whom our immortal
countryman most remarkably resembled as an orator, a
philosopher, a writer, a lawyer, and a statesman. Though
this, perhaps, is speaking too highly of a collection, which
contains many things in it seemingly not very material, it
must, at the same time, be allowed, that nothing can be
totally uninteresting which relates to so illustrious a man,
or tends, in any degree, to give a farther insight into his
character. To this catalogue we have still to add “Professor Greaves’s miscellaneous works,
” Intellectual System,
” (improved from the Latin edition of Mosheim) his discourse on the
true notion of the Lord’s Supper, and two sermons, with
an account of his life and writings, 1743, in two vols. 4to.
An edition of Spenser’s “Fairy Queen,
” Letters
between col. Robert Hammond, governor of the Isle of
Wight, and the committee of lords and commons at Derbyhouse, general Fairfax, lieut.-general Cromwell, commissary general Ireton, &c. relating to king Charles I. while
he was confined in Carisbrooke-castle in that island. Now
first published. To which is prefixed a letter from John
Ashburnham, esq. to a friend, concerning his deportment
towards the king, in his attendance on his majesty at
Hampton-court, and in the Isle of Wight,
” The life of Dr. Ward,
” which
was finished but a week before his death, was published
by Dr. Maty, in 1766.
n of the learned Dr. Humphrey Lloyd, afterwards bishop of Bangor. Dr. Lloyd recommended him to Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, as his amanuensis, and in that capacity he discovered
, a political author in the seventeenth century, was the son of
Richard Birkenhead, of Northwych, in the county of
Cheshire, an honest saddler, who, if some authors may deserve credit, kept also a little ale-house. Our author was
born about 1615, and having received some tincture of
learning in the common grammar-schools, came to Oxford, and was entered in 1632, a servitor of Oriel college,
under the tuition of the learned Dr. Humphrey Lloyd, afterwards bishop of Bangor. Dr. Lloyd recommended him
to Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, as his amanuensis,
and in that capacity he discovered such talents, that the
archbishop, by his diploma, created him A. M. in 1639,
and the year following, by letter commendatory from the
same great prelate, he was chosen probationary fellow of
All-souls college. This preferment brought him to reside
constantly in Oxford, and on king Charles I. making that
city his head-quarters during the civil war, our author was
employed to write a kind of journal in support of the royal
cause, by which he gained great reputation; and his majesty recommended him to be chosen reader in moral philosophy, which employment he enjoyed, though with very
small profit, till 1648, when he was expelled by the parliament visitors. He retired afterwards to London, where
adhering steadily to his principles, he acquired, among
those of his own sentiments, the title of “The Loyal
” and suffered, from such as had then the power in
their hands, several imprisonments, which served only to
sharpen his wit, without abating his courage. He published, while he thus lived in obscurity, and, as Wood says,
by his wits, some very tart performances, which were then
very highly relished, and are still admired by the curious.
These were, like his former productions, levelled against
the republican leaders, and were written with the same
vindictive poignancy that was then fashionable. Upon the
restoration of king Charles II. he was created April 6,
1661, on the king’s letters sent for that purpose, D. C. L.
by the university of Oxford and in that quality was o'ne
of the eminent civilians consulted by the convocation on
the question “Whether bishops ought to be present in
capital cases?
” and with the rest, Keb. 2, 1661-2, gave
it under his hand, they ought and might. He was, about
the same time, elected a burgess, to serve in parliament
for Wilton, in the county of Wilts, and continuing his
services to his master, was by him promoted, on the first
vacancy, to some office at court, which he quitted afterwards, and became master in the Faculty office. He was
knighted November 14, 1662, and upon sir Richard Fanshaw’s going with a public character to the court of Madrid, sir John Birkenhead succeeded him as master of requests. He was also elected a member of the royal society, an honour at that time conferred on none who were
not well known in the republic of letters, as men capable
of promoting the truly noble designs of that learned body.
He lived afterwards in credit and esteem with men of wit
and learning, and received various favours from the court,
in consideration of the past, and to instigate him to other
services; which, however, drew upon him some very severe attacks from those who opposed the court. Anthony
Wood has preserved some of their coarsest imputations,
for what reason is not very obvious, as Wood is in general
very partial to the loyalist writers. He died in Westminster, December 4, 1679, and was interred at St. Martin’s in the Fields, leaving to his executors, sir Richard
Mason, and sir Muddiford Bamston, a large and curious
collection of pamphlets on all subjects.
Jesuits, at St. Omer’s. He soon, however, returned to the church of England, and by the patronage of archbishop Laud, was elected fellow of All Souls, in 1638, being then bachelor
, a modern Latin poet, was born
in 1617, near St. Paul’s cathedral, in London, and after
having been educated under the famous Farnaby, was entered a commoner at Trinity college, Oxford, in 1633;
admitted Scholar there, May 28, 1635, and soon after was
seduced to become a member of the college of Jesuits, at
St. Omer’s. He soon, however, returned to the church
of England, and by the patronage of archbishop Laud,
was elected fellow of All Souls, in 1638, being then bachelor of arts, and esteemed a good philologist. He proceeded in that faculty, was made senior of the act celebrated in 1641, and entered on the law faculty. He kept
his fellowship during the usurpation, but resigned it after
the restoration, when he became registrar of the diocese
of Norwich. This too he resigned in 1684, and resided
first in the Middle Temple, and then in other places, in
a retired condition for many years. The time of his death
is not mentioned but in the title of Trapp’s “Lectures
on Poetry,
” Henry Birkhead, LL. D. some time fellow of
All Souls college, is styled “Founder of the poetical lectures,
” the date of which foundation is Poemata in Elegiaca, lambica, Polymetra, &c. membranatim quadripartite,
” Otium Literarium, sive miscellanea quaedam Poemata,
” 16=6, 8vo.
He also published in 4to, with a preface, some of the philological works of his intimate friend Henry Jacob, who
had the honour of teaching Selden the Hebrew language;
and he wrote several Latin elegies on the loyalists who
Suffered in the cause of Charles I. which are scattered in
various printed books, and many of them subscribed H. G.
to treat a subject, dive into the bottom of it, and exhaust the matter. His works were published by archbishop Dawes, in 2 vols. fol. 1723, consisting of Practical discourses
, an eminent English
divine, was born in London, 1654, and educated at Catherine-hail, Cambridge. In 1690, he was inducted into
the living of South Okenden, Essex, and four years afterwards to the rectory of St. Mary Aldermary, London and
was successively chosen lecturer of St. Olave’s, and of St.
Dunstan’s in the West. He was likewise appointed chaplain to king William. He preached before the house of
commons Jan. 30, 1699, and in his sermon animadverted
on Mr. Toland for his asserting in his life of Milton, that
Charles I. was not the author of “Icon Basilike,
” and for
some insinuations against the authenticity' of the holy
scriptures which drew him into a controversy with
that author. In 1700, he preached a course of sermons at
Boyle’s lecture, in the cathedral church of St. Paul, which
were afterwards published. In 1707, he was consecrated
to the bishopric of Exeter. Burnet, having mentioned
him and sir William Dawes as raised to bishoprics, tells
us, “that these divines were in themselves men of value
and worth; but their notions were all on the other side.
They had submitted to the government but they, at least
Blackall, seemed to condemn the revolution, and all that
had been done pursuant to it.
” And it is asserted in an
anonymous pamphlet, published in 1705, that he had refused for two years to take the oath of allegiance to king
William. But what contributed most to his fame in his
life- time was a controversy he had with Mr. (afterwards bishop) Hoadly, which was occasioned by his sermon upon
Rom. xiii. 3, 4, entitled, “The Divine Institution of
Magistracy, and the gracious design of its institution,
preached before the queen at St. James’s on Tuesday,
March 8, 1708, being the anniversary of her majesty’s
happy accession to the throne, and published by her majesty’s special command. The next year, 1709, Mr.
Hoadly animadverted upon the bishop’s sermon, in a piece,
entitled “Some Considerations humbly offered to the right
reverend the lord bishop of Exeter, occasioned by his lordship’s sermon before her majesty, March 8, 1708.
” Upon
this the bishop published “An Answer to Mr. Hoadly’s Letter,
” dated from Bath, May the 10th, 1709. Mr. Hoadly endeavoured to vindicate himself, in “An humble Reply to the
right reverend the lord bishop of Exeter’s answer; in which
the Considerations offered to his lordship are vindicated,
and an apology is added for defending the foundation of
the present government,
” London, 1709, in 8vo. In this
controversy, bishop Blackall defends the High-church,
Tory, principles (as they usually are called), of the divine
institution of magistracy, and unlimited passive obedience
and non-resistance; which Mr. Hoadly opposes. There
were several pamphlets written on the side of the bishop
against Mr. Hoadly particularly one, entitled, “The best
Answer that ever was made, and to which no answer will
be made
” supposed to be wi'itten by Mr. Lesley, a nonjuring clergyman, and which Mr. Hoadly animadverts upon
in the postscript to his humble reply. The wits in the
Tatler engaged in this controversy on the side of Hoadly,
and with an illiberality not usual in the writers of that paper.
He died at Exeter, Nov. 29, 1716, and was interred in
the cathedral there. Archbp. Dawes, who had a long and
intimate friendship with him, declares, that in his whole
conversation he never met with a more perfect pattern of a
true Christian life, in all its parts, than in him: so much
primitive simplicity and integrity; such constant evenness of mind, and uniform conduct of behaviour; such unaffected and yet most ardent piety towards God such orthodox and steadfast faith in Christ such disinterested and
fervent charity to all mankind such profound modesty,
humility, and sobriety such an equal mixture of meekness
and courage, of cheerfulness and gravity such an exact
discharge of all relative duties and in one word, such an
indifferency to this lower world and the things of it and
such an entire affection and joyous hope and expectation
of things above. He says also, that his “manner of
preaching was so excellent, easy, clear, judicious, substantial, pious, affecting, and upon all accounts truly useful and edifying, that he universally acquired the reputation of being one of the best preachers of his time.
” Felton, in his Classics, commends him as an excellent writer.
M. de la Roche, in his memoirs of literature, tells us, that
our prelate was one of those English divines, who, when
they undertake to treat a subject, dive into the bottom of
it, and exhaust the matter. His works were published by
archbishop Dawes, in 2 vols. fol. 1723, consisting of Practical discourses on our Saviour’s Sermon on the mount, and
on the Lord’s Prayer, together with his sermons preached
at Boyle’s lecture, with several others upon particular occasions.
archdeaconry of Cleveland, and in August following to the prebend of Bilton, by Dr. Matthew Hutton, archbishop of York, to whom he had been for some years titular chaplain
, the celebrated author of
the “Confessional,
” was born at Richmond in Yorkshire,
June 9, 1705. At the age of seventeen he was admitted
pensioner of Catherine-hall, Cambridge, where his peculiar notions on civil and religious liberty rendered him obnoxious to his superiors, and occasioned the loss of a fellowship for which he was a candidate. In 1739, he was
ordained by Dr. Gooch, bishop of Norwich, at Ely chapel,
Holborn, and in a short time afterwards was inducted into
the rectory of Richmond in Yorkshire, where he resided
constantly for forty years, during which he composed all
the pieces contained in the late edition of his works, besides a multitude of smaller ones. His first appearance as
an author was on the following occasion. In 1749, the
rev. John Jones, vicar of Alconbury, near Huntingdon,
published his “Free and candid disquisitions relating to
the Church of England,
” containing many observations on
the supposed defects and improprieties in the liturgical
forms of faith and worship of the established church. As
Mr. Blackburne corresponded with this gentleman, who
had submitted the work to his perusal in manuscript, and
as there were many of his opinions in which Mr. Blackburne
coincided, it was not unnatural to suppose that he had a
hand in the publication. This, however, Mr. Blackburne
solemnly denied, and his biographer has assigned the probable reason. “The truth,
” says he, “is, Mr. Blackburne, whatever desire he might have to forward the work
of ecclesiastical reformation, could not possibly conform
his style to the milky phraseology of the ‘ Disquisitions,’
nor could he be content to have his sentiments mollified
by the gentle qualifications of Mr. Jones’s lenient pen. He
was rather (perhaps too much) inclined to look upon those
who had in their hands the means and the power of reforming
the errors, defects, and abuses, in the government, forms
of worship, faith and discipline, of the established church,
as guilty of a criminal negligence, from which they should
have been roused by sharp and spirited expostulations. He
thought it became disquisitors, with a cause in hand of
such high importance to the influence of vital Christianity,
rather to have boldly forced the utmost resentment of the
class of men to which they addressed their work, than, by
meanly truckling to their arrogance, to derive upon themselves their ridicule and contempt, which all the world
saw was the case of these gentle suggesters, and all the
return they had for the civility of their application.
” Animated by this spirit, which we are far from thinking candid or expedient, Mr. Blackburne published “An Apology,
” for the “Free and candid disquisitions,
” to which,
whatever might be its superior boldness to the “milky
” of Mr. Jones, he yet did not venture to put
his name nor, although he was suspected to be the author,
did he meet with any of that “arrogance,
” which is attributed to those who declined adopting Mr. Jones’s scheme
of church-reformation. On the contrary, in July, 1750,
he was collated to the archdeaconry of Cleveland, and in
August following to the prebend of Bilton, by Dr. Matthew Hutton, archbishop of York, to whom he had been
for some years titular chaplain and when his friends intimated their suspicions that he would write no more “Apologies
” for such books as “Free and candid Diquisitions,
” he answered, “with a cool indifference,
” that he
had made no bargain with the archbishop for his liberty.
His next publication, accordingly, was an attack on Dr.
Butler bishop of Durham’s charge to his clergy in 1751,
which, in Mr. Blackburne’s opinion, contained some doctrines diametrically opposite to the principles on which the
protestant reformation was founded. This appeared in
1752, under the title of “A Serious Enquiry into the use
and importance of external religion, &c.
” but was not
generally known to be his, until Mr. Baron, an enthusiast
in controversies, republished it with Mr. Blackburne’s
name, in his collection, entitled “The Pillars of Priestcraft and Orthodoxy shaken.
on the subjects of the new style Archdeacon Sharpe’s charges the Jew naturalization-bill a letter to archbishop Herring, on church reformation none of which require much notice.
His next publications were on the subjects of the new
style Archdeacon Sharpe’s charges the Jew naturalization-bill a letter to archbishop Herring, on church reformation none of which require much notice. When in
1755, Dr. Law’s notion appeared concerning the soul and
the state of death, or what was called “the soul-sleeping
” Mr. Blackburne adopted, and defended it in a tract
entitled “No proof in the Scriptures of an intermediate
state of happiness or misery, between death and the resurrection,
” and he urged the same opinion in a subsequent
tract but as the Confessional is the publication on which
his fame principally rests, the history of it is more interesting than any detail of his minor tracts. On Commencement Sunday 1757, Dr. Powell, an eminent tutor of St.
John’s college, Cambridge, published a sermon on subscription to the Liturgy and XXXIX articles, in which he
maintained that a latitude was allowed to subscribers, even,
so far as to admit of the assent and conserit of different
persons to different and even opposite opinions, according
to their different interpretations of the propositions to be
subscribed. Dr. Powell’s casuistry on the subject appeared
to Mr. Blackburne so detestable, and so subversive of the
principles of good faith among men, that he determined to
expose and refute it to the best of his power, and accordingly published “Remarks on the rev. Dr. Powell’s Sermon in defence of Subscriptions, &c.
vous offence was taken at it by that part of the clergy “who affect to call themselves orthodox” and archbishop Seeker is stated to have thrown off his mask of moderation at
Such is the author’s account of the origin of this celebrated work, which soon gave rise to a controversy of
considerable length. We follow him with more reluctance
in his account of its reception, in which he states that
grievous offence was taken at it by that part of the clergy
“who affect to call themselves orthodox
” and archbishop
Seeker is stated to have thrown off his mask of moderation
at once. More calm reasoners, however, at this later period may be of opinion, that many of the opponents of the
Confessional stood in no need of affectation to indicate the
class to which they belonged and that the archbishop, as
well as many of his brethren, might think themselves amply
justified in considering the Confessional, as having a tendency to render the principles of the church of England a
series of private opinions ending in ho general system, and
affording encouragement to perpetual fluctuation and indecision, under pretence of regard for conscience. Nor,
as the press was to be the medium of this controversy, can
we, upon any principles of candour, conceive, why archbishop Seeker, or any of his brethren, should be censured
for encouraging the best writers they could find.
of All Souls college, and in the November following, he spoke the annual speech in commemoration of archbishop Chichele, the founder, and the other benefactors to that house
In November 1743, he was elected into the society of All Souls college, and in the November following, he spoke the annual speech in commemoration of archbishop Chichele, the founder, and the other benefactors to that house of learning, and was admitted actual fellow. From this period he divided his time between the university and the Temple, where he took chambers in order to attend the courts: in the former he pursued his academical studies, and, on the 12th of June 1745, commenced B.C. L.; in the latter he applied himself closely to his profession, both in the half, and in his private studies, and on the 28th of November 1746, was called to the bar.
had read. And most probably, the arguments contained in, it had some weight with his Grace the late archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Cornwallis, when about forty years ago, on
The 26th of April, 1750, he commenced doctor of civil
law, and thereby became a member of the convocation
which enabled him to extend his views beyond the narrow
circle of his own society, to the general benefit of the university at large. In this year he published “An essay on
Collateral Consanguinity,
” relative to the claim made by
such as could by a pedigree prove themselves of kin to the
founder of All-Souls college, of being elected preferably
to all others into that society. Those claims became now
so numerous, that the college, with reason, complained of
being frequently precluded from making choice of the
most ingenious and deserving candidates. In this treatise,
which was his first publication, he endeavoured to prove,
that as the kindred to the founder, a Popish ecclesiastic,
could be only collateral, the length of time elapsed since
his death must, according to the rules both of the civil and
canon law, have extinguished consanguinity; or that the
whole race of mankind were equally founders’ kinsmen.
This work, although it did not answer the end proposed,
or convince the then visitor, yet did the author great credit; and shewed that he had read much, and well digested
what he had read. And most probably, the arguments
contained in, it had some weight with his Grace the late
archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Cornwallis, when about
forty years ago, on application to him, as visitor of the
college, he formed a new regulation, which gives general
satisfaction, by limiting the number of founder’s kin; by
which the inconvenience complained of was in a great
measure removed, without annihilating a claim founded on
the express words of the college statutes. In forming this
new regulation, his Grace made choice of Mr. Blackstone
as his common-law assessor, together with 'Dr. Hay the
st lying and fraudulent dissimulations,” in manuscript, among those given to the Bodleian library by archbishop Laud. At the end of it is the approbation of the book written
He was the author of “A letter to cardinal Cajetane io.
commendation of the English Jesuits,
” written in Answers upon sundry examinations whilst he was a prisoner,
” London, Approbation of the Oath
of Allegiance letters to the Romish priests touching the
lawfulness of taking the Oath of Allegiance,
” and another
to the same purpose, all of which were printed with the
“Answers upon sundry examinations,
” &c. “Epistolae
ad Anglos Pontificios,
” London, Epistolae
ad Robertum cardinalem Bellarminum.
” See the third
volume of the Collections of Melchior Goldast, Francfort,
1613, fol. “Answer to the Censure of Paris in suspending
the secular priests obedience to his authority,
” dated May
the 29th, 1600. This was replied to by John Dorel, or
Darrel, dean of Agen the same year. “A treatise against
lying and fraudulent dissimulations,
” in manuscript, among
those given to the Bodleian library by archbishop Laud.
At the end of it is the approbation of the book written by
Blackwell, and recommended by him as fit for the press;
so that no other name being put to it, it has been ascribed
to him whereas it is more justly supposed to have been
written by Francis Tresham, esq. an English Catholic.
y of Tholouse, where he studied civil law for two years and having obtained the patronage of Beaton, archbishop of Glasgow, he was chosen by the parliament of Poictiers one
, professor of civil law at Poictiers, was born at Dumfermling, in Scotland, in 1539,
descended of an ancient family. He was left an orphan in
the tenth year of his age, and was sent by his uncle, the
bishop of Orkney, to the university of Paris. On his
uncle’s death, by which he seems to have lost the means of
being able to remain at Paris, he returned to Scotland,
but finding no encouragement there, he went again to
Paris, where, by the liberality of Mary, queen of Scotland, he was enabled to pursue his studies in philosophy,
mathematics, and the oriental languages. He then went
to the university of Tholouse, where he studied civil law
for two years and having obtained the patronage of Beaton, archbishop of Glasgow, he was chosen by the parliament of Poictiers one of their counsellors, and afterwards
professor of civil law. He died in 1623, and was interred
at Poictiers in St. Porcharius church, near his brother
George. As a writer, he was chiefly known for his vindication of his royal mistress, when put to death by queen
Elizabeth, written with all that bitterness of resentment
which is natural for a man of spirit to feel, who, by an act
of flagrant injustice, was deprived of his mistress and his
sovereign, his friend and his benefactress. He addresses
himself, in a vehement strain of passion, to all the princes
of Europe, to avenge her death; declaring, that they are
unworthy of royalty, if they are not roused on so interesting and pressing an occasion. He laboured hard to prove
that Henry VIII.' s marriage with Anne Bolen was incestuous a calumny too gross to merit a formal refutation.
This work was entitled “Martyre de Maria Stuart Reyne
” Antwerp, Adversus G. Buchanani Dialogum de Jure Ilegni apud
Scotos, pro regibus apologia,
” Pict. De
Vinculo Religionis et Imperii,
” Paris, Sanctarum precationum prsemia,
” a manual of devotions,
Pict. Varii generis poemata,
” ibid. Jacobi I. Magnse Britanniae inauguratio,
” Paris,
of a third person, and treats it with some ingenuity. It is also said that he applied himself to the archbishop of Canterbury, and other divines, who having decided against
We now draw near to his death, which corresponded
more closely with his principles than his friends and admirers will probably allow. After the death of his wife,
he became enamoured of her sister, who, we are told, was
a lady of great beauty, wit, good humour, virtue, and discretion, and who is said not to have been insensible on her
side, but scrupulous only as to the lawfulness of the thing he
proposed, viz. marrying her after her sister. Our author
wrote a letter on this subject, in which he states the case
as of a third person, and treats it with some ingenuity. It
is also said that he applied himself to the archbishop of
Canterbury, and other divines, who having decided against
his opinion, and the lady consequently becoming inflexible,
it threw him into a fit of despair, which ended in a frenzy,
so that he shot himself in the head. The wound, however,
did not prove inured lately mortal he lived after it some
clays and retaining still his passion for that lady, he would
receive nothing hut from her hands during that period.
He died in the month of August, 1693, and was interred
with his family in the church of Ridge, in Hertfordshire.
After Mr. Blount’s decease, abundance of his private letters were published in a work called “The Oracles of
” compiled by Mr. Gildon, who in his preface gives
seme account of our author, in a letter addressed to a ladv,
in which he defends Mr. Blount’s manner of dying, and
threatens to follow his example but he lived to change
his opinions afterwards. These “Oracles of Reason
” were
afterwards printed with several of our author’s pieces,
under the title of “The miscellaneous works of Charles
Blount, esq.
nd John, sub-prior of Canterbury, by the pope, Dr. Blount was, by the chapter of Canterbury, elected archbishop. He did not, however, enjoy that dignity; for the pope immediately
, called in Latin Blondus, or Blundus, a very eminent divine in the thirteenth century, was educated in the university of Oxford, and went afterwards for his improvement to Paris, where he quickly distinguished himself, among many of his learned contemporaries, by the vivacity of his wit. On his return into England, he again settled himself at Oxford, and read divinity lectures there with universal applause. Wood says he was the first that lectured on Aristotle both in Paris and Oxford. The reputation of his learning obtained him also several other preferments, particularly those of prebendary andhancellor in the church of York. In 1232, the archiepiscopal see of Canterbuiy being vacant by the death of Richard Wethershed, and the rejection of two of his successors, Ralph Nevil, bishop of Chichester and chancellor of England, and John, sub-prior of Canterbury, by the pope, Dr. Blount was, by the chapter of Canterbury, elected archbishop. He did not, however, enjoy that dignity; for the pope immediately objected to him, and after a summary inquiry into the validity of his election, declared it void, for several reasons, of which our historians take notice, though very probably Bale has hit upon the true, although not the ostensible cause, namely, that his abilities rendered him obnoxious to the court of Rome, or, as Bale expresses it, that he was more learned than that court wished an archbishop to be.
olar Jeremiah Clerk. Blow had his degree of doctor in music conferred on him by the special grace of archbishop Sancroft, without performing an exercise for it at either of
, an English musician of considerable
fame, was born in 1648, at North Collingham in Nottinghamshire, and became one of the first set of children of the
chapel royal after the restoration. In 1673, he was sworn
one of the gentlemen of the chapel, and in 1674, appointed master of the children. In 1685, he was nominated
one of the private music to king James II. and in 1687,
was likewise appointed almoner and master of the choristers in the cathedral church of St. Paul but, in 1693, he
resigned this last place in favour of his scholar Jeremiah
Clerk. Blow had his degree of doctor in music conferred
on him by the special grace of archbishop Sancroft, without performing an exercise for it at either of the universities. On the death of Purcell, in 1695, he was elected organist of St. Margaret’s, Westminster; and in 1699, appointed composer to the chapel of their majesties king
AYilliam and queen Mary, at the salary of 40l. a year,
which afterwards was augmented to 73l. A second composer, with the like appointment, was added in 1715, at
which time it was required that each should produce a new
anthem on the first Sunday of his month in waiting. Dr.
Blow died in 1708 and though he did not arrive at great
longevity, yet by beginning his course, and mounting to
the summit of his profession so early, he enjoyed a prosperous and eventful life. His compositions for the church,
and his scholars who arrived at eminence, have rendered
his name venerable among the musicians of our country.
In his person he was handsome, and remarkable for a gravity and decency in his deportment suited to his station,
though he seems by some of his compositions to have been
not altogether insensible to the delights of a convivial hour.
He was a man of blameless morals, and of a benevolent
temper; but was not so insensible to his own worth, as to
be totally free from the imputation of pride. Sir John
Hawkins furnishes us with an anecdote that shews likewise
that he had a rough method of silencing criticism. In the
reign of James II. an anthem of some Italian composer had
been introduced into the chapel royal, which the king
liked very much, and asked Blow if he could make one as
good Blow answered in the affirmative, and engaged to
do it by the next Sunday when he produced “I beheld
and lo a great multitude.
” When the service was over,
the king sent father Petre to acquaint him that he was
much pleased with it: “but,
” added Petre, “I myself
think it too long.
” “That,
” answered Blow, “is the opinion of but one fool, and I heed it not.
” This provoked
the Jesuit so much that he prevailed on the king to suspend Blow, and the consequences might perhaps have
been more serious, had not the revolution immediately
he most extensive and prominent collections, however, are those of the earl of Pembroke, Mr. Selden, archbishop Laud, sir Thomas Roe, sir Kenelm Digby, general Fairfax, Dr.
It would requirea volume to enumerate the many important additions made to the Bodleian library by its numerous benefactors, or to give even a superficial sketch of its ample contents in every branch of science. Among the earliest benefactors were, Robert Devereux, earl of Essex Thomas Sackville, lord Buckhurst and earl of Dorset Robert Sidney, lord Sidney of Penshurst viscount Lisle and earl of Leicester; George Carey,- lord Hunsdon William Gent, esq. Anthony Browne, viscount Montacute John lord Lumley Philip Scudamore, of London, esq. and Lawrence Bodley, younger brother to the founder. All these contributions were made before the year 16 Oo. In 1601, collections of books and manuscripts were presented by Thomas Allen, some time fellow of Trinity college Thomas James, first librarian Herbert Westphaling, bishop of Hereford sir John Fortescue, knt. Alexander Nowell, dean of St. Paul’s John Crooke, recorder of London, and chief justice of the Common Pleas and Nicholas Bond, D. D. president of Magdalen college. The most extensive and prominent collections, however, are those of the earl of Pembroke, Mr. Selden, archbishop Laud, sir Thomas Roe, sir Kenelm Digby, general Fairfax, Dr. Marshall, Dr. Barlow, Dr. Rawlinson, Mr. St. Amand, Dr. Tanner, Mr. Browne Willis, T. Hearne, and Mr. Godwin. The last collection bequeathed, that of the late eminent and learned antiquary, Richard Gough, esq. is perhaps the most perfect series of topographical science ever formed, and is particularly rich in topographical manuscripts, prints, drawings, and books illustrated by the manuscript notes of eminent antiquaries. Since 1780, a fund of more than 4001. a year has been esablished for the purchase of books. This arises from a small addition to the matriculation fees, and a moderate contribution annually from such members of the university as are admitted to the use of the library, or on their taking their first degree.
f Paris, took his degree of doctor in theology in 1662, was appointed dean of Sens, and vicar of the archbishop Gondoin, in 1667; and in 1694, was presented by the king with
, one of the brothers of the preceding, a doctor of the Sorbonne, was born in 1635, studied in the university of Paris, took his degree of doctor in theology in 1662, was appointed dean of Sens, and vicar of the archbishop Gondoin, in 1667; and in 1694, was presented by the king with a canonry in the holy chapel of Paris. He died dean of the faculty of theology in 1716.
of a thousand livres granted him by the clergy. He afterwards undertook, at the entreaty of Harlay, archbishop of Paris, the History of that church; 1690, 2 vols. folio. The
, of the Oratory, a native of Orleans,
was born in 1629, and died July 15, 1696. He succeeded
father le Cointe his friend in the place of librarian to the
house of St. Honore, and inherited his papers, which were
not useless in his hands. He revised the eighth volume of
the “Ecclesiastical Annals of France,
” and published it in.
e brought forth a daughter, christened Elizabeth, afterwards the renowned queen of England, Cranmer, archbishop of Canterb ry, being her god-father. But the year 1536 proved
, second wife of king
Henry VIII. was born in 1507. She was daughter of sir
Thomas Bolen, afterwards earl of Wiltshire and Ormonde,
by Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Howard, duke of Norfolk. When she was but seven years of age, she was carried
over to France with the king’s sister Mary, who was married to Lewis XII. And though, upon the B'rench king’s
death, the queen dowager returned to England, yet Anne
Bolen was so highly esteemed at the court of France, that
Claude, the wife of Francis I. retained her in her service
for some years; and after her death in 1524, the duchess
of Alenzon, the king’s sister, kept her in her court during
her stay in that kingdom. It is probable, that she returned
from thence with her father, from his embassy in 1527; and
was soon preferred to the place of maid of honour to the
queen. She continued without the least imputation upon
her character, till her unfortunate fall gave occasion to
some malicious writers to defame her in all the parts of it.
Upon her coming to the English court, the lord Percy,
eldest son of the earl of Northumberland, being then a
domestic of cardinal Wolsey, made his addressee to her,
and proceeded so far, as to engage himself to marry her;
and her consent shews, that she had then no aspirings to
the crown. But the cardinal, upon some private reasons,
using threats and other methods, with great difficulty put
an end to that nobleman’s design. It was prohably about
1528, that the king began to shew some favour to her,
which caused many to believe, that the whole process with
regard to his divorce from queen Catherine was moved by
the unseen springs of that secret passion. But it is not reasonable to imagine, that the engagement of the king’s affec
tion to any other person gave the rise to that affair; for so
sagacious a courtier as Wolsey would have infallibly discovered it, and not have projected a marriage with the
French king’s sister, as he did not long before, if he had
seen his master prepossessed. The supposition is much
more reasonable, that his majesty, conceiving himself in a
manner discharged of his former marriage, gave a full
liberty to his affections, which began to settle upon Mrs.
Bolen; who, in September 1532, was created marchioness
of Pembroke, in order that she might be raised by degrees
to the height for which she was designed; and on the 25th
of January following was married to the king, the office
being performed by; Rowland Lee, afterwards bishop of
Coventry and Lichfield, with great privacy, though in the
presence of her uncle the duke of Norfolk, her father,
mother, and brother. On the 1st of June, 1533, she was
crowned queen of England with such pomp and solemnity,
as was answerable to the magnificence of his majesty’s
temper; and every one admired her conduct, who had so
long managed the spirit of a king so violent, as neither to
surfeit him with too much fondness, nor to provoke with too
much reserve. Her being so soon with child gave hopes of
a numerous issue; and those, who loved the reformation,
entertained the greatest hopes from her protection, as they
knew she favoured them. On the 13th or 14th of September following, she brought forth a daughter, christened
Elizabeth, afterwards the renowned queen of England,
Cranmer, archbishop of Canterb ry, being her god-father.
But the year 1536 proved fatal to her majesty; and her
ruin was in all probability occasioned by those who began
to be distinguished by the name of the Romish party. For
the king now proceeding both at home and abroad in the
point of reformation, they found that the interest which
the queen had in him was the grand support of that cause.
She had risen, not only in his esteem, but likewise in that
of the nation in general; for in the last nine months of
her life, she gave above fourteen thousand pounds to the
poor, and was engaged in several noble and public designs.
But these virtues could not secure her against the artifices
of a bigoted party, which received an additional force
from several other circumstances, that contributed to her
destruction. Soon after queen Catharine’s death in Jan.
1535-6, she was brought to bed of a dead son, which was
believed to have made a bad impression on the king’s mind;
and as he had concluded from the death of his sons by
his former queen, that the marriage was displeasing to
God, so he might upon this misfortune begin to have the
same opinion of his marriage with queen Anne. It was
also considered by some courtiers, that now queen Catharine was dead, his majesty might marry another wife, and
be fully reconciled with the pope and the emperor, and
the issue by any other marriage would never be questioned;
whereas, while queen Anne lived, the ground of the controversy still remained, and her marriage being accounted
null from the beginning, would never be allowed by the
court of Rome, or any of that party. With these reasons
of state the king’s own passions too much concurred; for
he now entertained a secret love for the lady Jane Seymour, who had all the charms of youth and beauty, and
an humour tempered between the gravity of queen Catharine, and the gaiety of queen Anne. Her majesty therefore perceiving the alienation of the king’s heart, used all
possible arts to recover that affection, the decay of which
she was sensible of; but the success was quite contrary to
what she designed. For he saw her no more with those
eyes which she had formerly captivated; but gave way to
jealousy, and ascribed her caresses to some other criminal
passion, of which he began to suspect her. Her chearful
temper indeed was not always limited within the bounds of
exact decency and discretion; and her brother the lord
Rochford’s wife, a woman of no virtue, being jealous of
her husband and her, possessed the king with her own apprehensions. Henry Norris, groom of the stole, William
Brereton, and sir Francis W'eston, who were of the king’s
privy chamber, and Mark Smeton, a musician, were by
the queen’s enemies thought too officious about her; and
something was pretended to have been sworn by the lady
Wingfield at her death, which determined the king; but
the particulars are not known. It is reported likewise,
that when the king held a tournament at Greenwich on the
1st of May, 1536, he was displeased at the queen for
letting her handkerchief fall to one, who was supposed a
favourite, and who wiped his face with it. Whatever the
case was, the king returned suddenly from Greenwich to
Whitehall, and immediately ordered her to be confined to
her chamber, and her brother, with the four persons abovementioned, to be committed to the Tower, and herself to
be sent after them the day following. On the river some
privy counsellors came to examine her, but she made deep
protestations of her innocence; and as she landed at the
Tower, she fell down on her knees, and prayed Heaven
so to assist her, as she was free from the crimes laid to
her charge.“The confusion she was in soon raised a storm
of vapours within her; sometimes she laughejj, and at
other times wept excessively. She was also devout and
light by turns; one while she stood upon her vindication,
and at other times confessed some indiscretions, which
upon recollection she denied. All about her took advantage from any word, that fell from her, and sent it immediately to court. The duke of Norfolk and others, who
came to examine her, the better to make discoveries, told
her, that Morris and Smeton had accused her; which,
though false, had this effect on her, that it induced her to
own some slight acts of indiscretion, which, though no ways
essential, totally alienated the king from her. Yet whether even these small acknowledgments were real truths,
or the effects of imagination and hysterical emotions, is
very uncertain. On the 12th of May, Morris, Brereton,
Weston, and Smeton, were tried in Westminster-hall.
Smeton is said by Dr. Burnet to have confessed the fact;
but the lord Herbert’s silence in this matter imports him to
have been of a different opinion; to which may be added,
that Cromwell’s letter to the king takes notice, that only
some circumstances were confessed by Smeton. However,
they were all four found guilty, and executed on the 17th
of May. On the 15th of which month, the queen, and her
brother the lord Rochford, were tried by their peers in
the Tower, and condemned to die. Yet all this did not
satisfy the enraged king, who resolved likewise to illegitimate his daughter Elizabeth; and, in order to that, to annul his marriage with the queen, upon pretence of a precontract between her and the lord Percy, now earl of Northumberland, who solemnly denied it; though the queen
was prevailed upon to acknowledge, that there were some
just and lawful impediments against her marriage with the
king; and upon this a sentence of divorce was pronounced
by the archbishop, and afterwards confirmed in the convocation and parliament. On the 19th of May, she was
brought to a scaffold within the Tower, where she was
prevailed upon, out of regard to her daughter, to make no
reflections on the hardships she had sustained, nor to say
any thing touching the grounds on which sentence passed
against her; only she desired, that
” all would judge the
best." Her head being severed from her body, they were
both put into an ordinary chest, and buried in the chapel
in the Tower.
phy in his college. In 1605, vrhen king James came to Oxford, the vice-chancellor (Abbot, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury) appointed him to read in natural philosophy in
, an eminent puritan divine, and
one of the best scholars of his time, was born at Blackburn
in Lancashire, in 1572, and educated in queen Elizabeth’s
free-school in that place, where he made such proficiency
as to be accounted a young man of extraordinary talents
and industry. In his eighteenth year he went to Oxford,
and entered of Lincoln college, under the tuition of Mr.
John Randal, where he went through a course of logic and
philosophy with distinguished approbation, and particularly took pains to acquire a critical knowledge of Greek,
transcribing the whole of Homer with his own hand. By
this diligence he attained a greater facility than was then
usual, writing, and even disputing, in Greek with great
correctness and fluency. From Lincoln he removed to
Brazen-nose, in hopes of a fellowship, as that society
consisted most of Lincolnshire and Cheshire men. In 1596
he took his bachelor’s degree in this college, and was
kindly supported by Dr. Brett of Lincoln, himself a good
Grecian, and who admired the proficiency Bolton had
made in that language, until 1602, when he obtained a
fellowship, and proceeded M. A. the same year. His reputation advancing rapidly, he was successively chosen
reader of the lectures on logic, and on moral and natural
philosophy in his college. In 1605, vrhen king James
came to Oxford, the vice-chancellor (Abbot, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury) appointed him to read in natural
philosophy in the public schools, and to be one of the
disputants before his majesty. Afterwards he increased
his stock of learning by metaphysics, mathematics, and
scholastic divinity. About this time, one Anderton, a
countryman and schoolfellow, and a zealous Roman catholic, endeavoured to seduce him to that religion, and a
place of private conference was fixed, but Anderton not
keeping his appointment, the affair dropped. Mr. Bolton,
with all his learning, had been almost equally noted for
immorality, but about his thirty-fourth year, reformed his
life and manners, and became distinguished for regularity
and piety. In 1609, about two years after he entered into
holy orders, which he did very late in life, he was presented to the living of Broughton in Northamptonshire, by
Mr. afterwards sir Augustine Nicolls, serjeant at law, who
sent for him to his chamber* in Serjeant’s Inn and gave
him the presentation. Dr. King, bishop of London, being
by accident there at the same time, thanked the serjeant
for what he had done for Broughton, but told him that he
had deprived the university of a singular ornament. He
then went to his living and remained on it until his death,
Dec. 17, 1631. He was, says Wood, a painful and constant preacher, a person of great zeal in his duty, charitable and bountiful, and particularly skilled in resolving
the doubts of timid Christians. Of his works, the most
popular in his time, was “A Discourse on Happiness.
Lond. Mr. Bolton’s last and learned work of the
Four last Things, Death, Judgment, Hell, and Heaven,
with an Assize Sermon, and Funeral Sermon for his patron
Judge Nichols,
” Loncl. 1633. Prefixed to this is the life
of Mr. Bolton, to which all his subsequent biographers
have been indebted.
d, in 1738, to the vicarage of St. Mary’s Reading. He had his degree of doctor of civil law from the archbishop of Canterbury, Jan. 13, 1734, and went to reside at Carlisle
Being chosen senior fellow of Dulwich college, he went
to reside there, March 10, 1722, where he remained three
years, and resigned his fellowship May 1, 1725. About
this time he removed to Kensington, living upon a small
fortune he possessed; and here he appears to have become
acquainted with the celebrated Whiston; and partly, as it
is said, by his recommendation, became known to sir Joseph Jekyll, master of the rolls, by whom he was appointed his domestic chaplain, and, in 1729, preacher at
the Rolls, on the resignation of Dr. Butler, afterwards
bishop of Durham. This connection introduced him to
the patronage of lord Hardwicke, by whose means, in 1734,
he was promoted to the deanery of Carlisle, and, in 1738,
to the vicarage of St. Mary’s Reading. He had his degree
of doctor of civil law from the archbishop of Canterbury,
Jan. 13, 1734, and went to reside at Carlisle in 1736. Both
these preferments, the only ones he ever received, he held
until the time of his death. He was an excellent parishpriest, and a good preacher, charitable to the poor, and
having from his own valetudinary state acquired some knowledge of physic, he kindly assisted them by advice and
medicine. He was greatly beloved by his parishioners,
and deservedly; for he performed every part of his duty
in a truly exemplary manner. On Easter Tuesday in 173y
he preached one of the spital sermons at St. Bride’s, Fleet'
street, which was afterwards printed in 4to, but we do
not find that he aspired to the character of an author,
though so well qualified for it, until late in life. His first
performance was entitled “A Letter to a lady on Cardplaying on the Lord’s day, 8vo, 1748; setting forth in a
lively and forcible manner the many evils attending the
practice of gaming on Sundays, and of an immoderate attachment to that fatal pursuit at any time. In 1750 appeared
” The Employment of Time, three essays,“8vo,
dedicated to lord Hardwicke; the most popular of our
author’s performances, and, on its original publication,
generally ascribed to Gilbert West. In this work two distinguished and exemplary female characters are supposed
to be those of lady Anson and lady Heathcote, lord Hardwicke' s daughters. The next year, 1751, produced
” The
Deity’s delay in punishing the guilty considered on the
principles of reason,“8vo; and in 1755,
” An answer to
the question, Where are your arguments against what you
call lewdness, if you can make no use of the Bible?“8vo.
Continuing to combat the prevailing vices of the times, he
published in 1757,
” A Letter to an officer of the army
on Travelling on Sundays,“8vo; and, in the same year,
” The Ghost of Ernest, great grandfather of her royal
highness the princess dowager of Wales, with some account of his life,“8vo. Each of the above performances
contains good sense, learning, philanthropy, and religion,
and each of them is calculated for the advantage of society.
The last work which Dr. Bolton gave the public was not
the least valuable. It was entitled
” Letters and Tracts on
the Choice of Company, and other subjects,“1761, 8vo.
This he dedicated to his early patron, lord Hardwicke, to
whom he had inscribed The Employment of Time, and
who at this period was no longer chancellor. In his address
to this nobleman he says,
” An address to your lordship on
this occasion in the usual style would as ill suit your inclinations as it doth my age and profession. We are both of
us on the confines of eternity, and should therefore alike
make truth our care, that truth which, duly influencing our
practice, will be the security of our eternal happiness.
Distinguished by my obligations to your lordship, I
would be so by my acknowledgments of them: I would not
be thought to have only then owned them when they might
have been augmented. Whatever testimony I gave of
respect to you when in the highest civil office under your
prince, I would express the same when you have resigned
it; and shew as strong an attachment to lord Hardwicke as
I ever did to the lord chancellor. Receive, therefore,
a tribute of thanks, the last which I am ever likely in this
manner to pay. But I am hastening to my grave, with a
prospect which must be highly pleasing to me, unless divested of all just regard to those who survive me."
In the year 732, he received the title of archbishop from Gregory II f. who supported his mission with the same spirit
In the year 732, he received the title of archbishop from
Gregory II f. who supported his mission with the same
spirit as his predecessor Gregory II.; and under this encouragement he proceeded to erect new churches, and
extend Christianity. At this time, he found the Bavarian
churches disturbed by one Eremvolf, who would have seduced the people into idolatry, but whom he condemned,
according to the canons, and restored the discipline of the
church. In the year 738, he again visited Rome; and
after some stay, he induced several Englishmen who resided there, to join with him in his German mission. Returning into Bavaria, he established three new bishoprics,
at Salczburgh, Frisinghen, and Ratisbon. At length he
was fixed at Mentz, in the year 745, and although afterwards many other churches in Germany have been raised
to the dignity of archbishoprics, Mentz has always retained the primacy, in honour of St. Boniface. He also
founded a monastery at Fridislar, another at Hamenburgh,
and one at Ordorfe, in all which the monks gained their
livelihood by the labour of their hands. In the year 746,
he laid the foundation of the great abbey of Fulda, which
continued long the most renowned seminary of religion
and learning in all that part of the world. The abbot is
now a prince of the empire. In the mean time his connection with England was constantly preserved; and it is
in the epistolary correspondence with his own country,
that the most striking evidence of his pious views appears.
Still intent on his original design, although now advanced
in years, he determined to return into Friezeland, and
before his departure, acted as if he had a strong presentiment of what was to happen. He appointed Lullus, an
Englishman, his successor as archbishop of Mentz, a privilege which the pope had granted him, and ordained him
with the consent of king Pepin. He went by the Rhine to
Friezeland, where, assisted by Eoban, whom he had ordained bishop of Utrecht, he brought great numbers of
pagans into the pale of the church. He had appointed a
day to confirm those whom he had baptized; and in
waiting for them, encamped with his followers on the banks of
the Bordue, a river which then divided East and West
Friezeland. His intention was to confirm, by imposition
of hands, the converts in the plains of Dockum. On the
appointed day, he beheld, in the morning, not the new
converts whom he expected, but a troop of enraged pagans, armed with shields and lances. The servants went
out to resist; but Boniface, with calm intrepidity, said to
his followers, “Children, forbear to fight; the scripture
forbids us to render evil for evil. The day which I have
long waited for is come; hope in God, and he will save
your souls.
” The pagans immediately attacked them
furiously, and killed the whole company, fifty-two in
number, besides Boniface himself. This happened on
June 5, 755, in the fortieth year after his arrival in Germany. His body was interred in the abbey of Fulda, and
was long regarded as the greatest treasure of that monastery. Boniface’s character has been strangely misrepresented by Mosheim, and by his transcribers, but ably vindicated by Milner, who has examined the evidence on
both sides with great precision. His works, principally
sermons and correspondence, were published under the title
“S. Bonifacii Opera, a Nicolao Serrario,
” Mogunt.
which contempt he was complained of to the king by John Hooper, afterwards bishop of Worcester: and archbishop Cranmer, bishop Ridley, sir William Petre, and sir Thomas Smith,
At the time of the king’s death in 1547, Bonner was ambassador with the emperor Charles V.; and though during Henry’s reign he appeared zealous against the pope, and had concurred in all the measures taken to abrogate his supremacy, yet these steps he appears to have taken merely as the readiest way to preferment; for his principles, as far as such a man can be said to have any, were those of popery, as became evident from his subsequent conduct. On the 1st of September 1547, not many months after the accession of Edward VI. he scrupled to take an oath, to renounce and deny the bishop of Rome, and to swear obedience to the king, and entered a protestation against the king’s injunction and homilies. For this behaviour he was committed to the Fleet; but having submitted, and recanted his protestation, was released, and for sometime complied outwardly with the steps taken to advance the reformation, while he used privately all means in his power to obstruct it. After the lord Thomas Seymour’s death, he appeared so remiss in putting the court orders in execution, particularly that relating to the use of the common prayer book, that he was severely reproved by the privy council. He then affected to redouble his diligence: but still, through his remissness in preaching, and his connivance at the mass in several places, many people in his diocese being observed to withdraw from the divine service and communion, he was accused of neglect in the execution of the king’s orders. He was summoned before the privy council on the llth of August, when, after a reproof for his negligence, he was enjoined to preach the Sunday three weeks after at Paul’s cross, on certain articles delivered to him; and also to preach there once a quarter for the future, and be present at every sermon preached there, and to celebrate the communion in that church on all the principal feasts: and to abide and keep residence in his house in London, till he had licence from the council to depart elsewhere. On the day appointed for his preaching, he delivered a sermon to a crowded audience on the points assigned to him. But he entirely omitted the last article, the king’s royal power in his youth; for which contempt he was complained of to the king by John Hooper, afterwards bishop of Worcester: and archbishop Cranmer, bishop Ridley, sir William Petre, and sir Thomas Smith, secretaries of state, and William May, LL. D. and dean of St. Paul’s, were appointed commissioners to proceed against him. Appearing before them several days in September, he was, after a long trial, committed to the Marshalsea; and towards the end of October deprived of his bishopric.
eptember 1553; and in 1554, he was made vicegerent, and president of the convocation, in the room of archbishop Cranmer, who was committed to the Tower. The same year he visited
On the accession of queen Mary, Bonner had an opportunity of shewing himself in his proper character, which indeed had been hitherto but faintly-concealed. He was restored to his bishopric by a commission read in St. Paul’s cathedral the 5th of September 1553; and in 1554, he was made vicegerent, and president of the convocation, in the room of archbishop Cranmer, who was committed to the Tower. The same year he visited his diocese, in order to root up all the seeds of the Reformation, and behaved in the most furious and extravagant manner; at Hadham, he was excessively angry because the bells did not ring at his coming, nor was the rood-loft decked, or the sacrament hung up. He swore and raged in the church at Dr. Bricket, the rector, and, calling him knave and heretic, went to strike at him; but the blow fell upon sir Thomas Joscelyn’s ear, and almost stunned him. On his return he set up the mass again at St. Paul’s, before the act for restoring it was passed. The same year, he was in commission to turn out some of the reformed bishops. In 1555, and the three following years, he was the occasion of above two hundred of innocent persons being put to death in the most cruel manner, that of burning, for their firm adherence to the Protestant religion. On the 14th of February 1555-6, he came to Oxford (with Thirlby bishop of Ely), to degrade archbishop Cranmer, whom he used with great insolence. The 29th of December following he was put into a commission to search and raze all registers and records containing professions against the pope, scrutinies taken in religious houses, &c. And the 8th of February 1556-7, he was also put in another commission, or kind of inquisition, for searching after and punishing all heretics.
and appointed him to preach a public lecture in the great church of Bourges, with the consent of the archbishop. He remained in like favour with her successor, king Henry’s
, or Boquinus, a French divine, and one of the contributors to the reformation, was
born in Aquitaine, and educated in a monastery at Bourges,
of which he became prior, and in high estimation with his
brethren. Having, however, perused some of the writings
of Luther, Bucer, &c. he imbibed their sentiments, and
went to Wittemberg, where he became acquainted with
Luther and Melancthon, and at Basil he attended the lectures of Myconius, Carlostadt, and Sebastian Muncer.
Melancthon afterwards recommended him as a proper person to supply Calvin’s place at Strasburgh, who had gone
back to Geneva; and there he gave lectures on the epistle
to the Galatians, and soon after had for his coadjutor
Peter Martyr. Boquine being at some distance of time
invited by his brother, who was a doctor in divinity, and
not an enemy to the reformation, removed to Bourges, in.
hopes that the French churches were friendly to his doctrine, and there he publicly read and expounded the Hebrew Bible. About this time, Francis, king of France,
being dead, the queen of Navarre came to Bourges, when
Boquine presented her with a book he had written on the
necessity and use of the Holy Scriptures, which she received very graciously, allowed him a yearly stipend out
of her treasury, and appointed him to preach a public lecture in the great church of Bourges, with the consent of
the archbishop. He remained in like favour with her successor, king Henry’s sister; but the enemies of the reformation threatening his life, he was obliged to desist
from his labours, and went back to Strasburgh, where he
was appointed pastor to the French church. This office,
however, he filled only about four months, and in 1557
went into Heidelberg, at the invitation of Otho Henry,
prince elector Palatine, who was carrying on the reformation in his churches. Here he was appointed professor of
divinity, and continued in this office about twenty years,
under Otho and Frederic III. After the death of the latter in 1576, the popish party again prevailing, drove him
and the rest of the reformed clergy from the place, but
almost immediately he was invited to Lausanne, where he
remained until his death in 1582. He left various works,
the dates of which his biographers have not given, except
the following “Oratio in obitum Frederici III. Comit.
” Leyden, 1577, 4to; but their titles are, 1. “Defensio ad calumnias Doctoris cujusdam Avii in Evangelii
” 2. “Examen libri quern Heshusius praesentia corporis Christi in coena Domini.
3. “Theses in ccena Domini.
” 4. “Exegesis divinsc
” 5. “Adsertio veteris, ac veri Christianismi adversus novum et fictum Jesuitismum.
” This
appears to have been one of his ablest works, and was
translated into English under the title, “A defence of the
old and true profession of Christianitie against the new
counterfeite sect of Jesuites, by Peter Boquine, translated
by T. G.
” London, Notatio praecipuarum causarum diuturnitatis controversial de crena Domini,
” &c.
which he absolutely refused; but, that he might not seem altogether forgetful of him, he created him archbishop of Valenza, a benefice which his holiness had enjoyed in his
, a monster of ambition and cruelty, was a natural son of pope Alexander VI. What year he was born in, we do not find: but he was at his studies in the university of Pisa, when Alexander was elected pope, in August 1492. Upon the news of his father’s advancement, he banished all thoughts of his former private condition of life; and, full of ambition, as if himself was to be made emperor of the world, he hastened directly to Rome, where Alexander received him with formality and coldness, but whether it was real or but affected, is not easy to determine. Cscsar, however, took it to be real; and, greatly disgusted as well as disappointed, went immediately and complained to his mother Vanozza, who bid him not be cast down; and told him, that she knew the pope’s mind better than any body, and for what reasons his holiness had given him that reception. In the mean time the courtflatterers solicited the pope to make Cæsar a cardinal, which he absolutely refused; but, that he might not seem altogether forgetful of him, he created him archbishop of Valenza, a benefice which his holiness had enjoyed in his younger days. This preferment was by no means acceptable to Cæsar, yet he affected to be content, since the pope, he found, Was determined to confer the best of his secular dignities on his eldest son Francis, who at that time was made duke of Gandia by Fertlinand king of Castile and Arragon.
aternal uncle, Pius IV. sent for him to the court of Rome, made him cardinal in 1560, and afterwards archbishop of Milan. Charles was then but 22 years of age, but conducted
, an eminent Romish saint and
cardinal, was born the 2d of October 1538, of a good family, in the castle of Arona, upon lake Major in the Milanese. He addicted himself at an early period to retirement
and study. His maternal uncle, Pius IV. sent for him to
the court of Rome, made him cardinal in 1560, and afterwards archbishop of Milan. Charles was then but 22
years of age, but conducted the affairs of the church with
disinterested zeal and prudence. The Romans were at
that time ignorant and lazy: he therefore formed an academy composed of ecclesiastics and seculars, whom, by his
example and his liberality, he animated to study and to
virtue. Each of them was to write upon some chosen subject, either in prose or verse, and to communicate to each
other in frequent conferences the fruits of their studies.
The works produced by this society have been published in
many volumes, under the title of “Noctes Vaticanas,
their assemblies being held in the Vatican, and at night,
after the business of the day was over. About the same
time he also founded the college at Pavia, which was dedicated to St. Justina.
licitations, and his order was suppressed. These contradictions did not abate the ardour of the good archbishop. He visited the desolate extremities of his province, abolished
In the mean while, however, the young cardinal, in the
midst of a brilliant court, went along with the torrent, fitted
up grand apartments, furnished them magnificently, and kept
splt-ntiid equipages. His table was sumptuously served; his
house was never empty of nobles and scholars. His uncle,
delighted with this magnificence, gave him ample revenues to support it. In a very short time he was at once
grand penitentiary of Rome, archpriest of St. Mary Major;
protector of several crowns, and of various orders, religious
and military; legate of Bologna, of Romania, and of the
marche of Ancona. It was at that time that the famous
council of Trent was held. Much was said about the reformation of the clergy, and Charles, after having advised
it to others, gave an example of it in his own conduct. He
suddenly discharged no less than eighty livery servants,
left off wearing silk, and imposed on himself a weekly fast
on bread and water. From this beginning he soon proceeded greater lengths. He held councils for confirming
the decrees of that of Trent, terminated partly by his
means. He made his house into a seminary of bishops; he
established schools, colleges, communities; re-modelled
his clergy and the monasteries; made institutions for the
poor and orphans, and for girls exposed to ruin, who were
desirous to return to a regular life. His zeal was the admiration of good men, but was far from acceptable to the
corrupt clergy. The order of the Humiliati, which he
attempted to reform, excited against him a friar, Farina, a
shocking member of that society, who fired a gun at the
good man while he was at evening prayer with his domestics. The bail having only grazed his skin, Charles petitioned for the pardon of his assassin, who was punished with
death, notwithstanding his solicitations, and his order was
suppressed. These contradictions did not abate the ardour
of the good archbishop. He visited the desolate extremities of his province, abolished the excesses of the carnival,
preached to his people, and shewed himself every where as
their pastor and father. During the ravages of a cruel
pestilence, he assisted the poor in their spiritual concerns
by his ecclesiastics and his personal attentions, sold the
furniture of his house to relieve the sick, put up prayers and
made processions, in which he walked barefoot, and with a
rope round his neck. His heroic charity was repaid with
ingratitude. The governor of Milan prevailed on the magistrates of that city to prefer complaints against Charles,
whom they painted in the blackest colours. “They accused him (says Baillet) of having exceeded the limits of
his authority during the time of the plague; of having introduced dangerous innovations; of having abolished the
public games, the stage-plays, and dances; of having
revived the abstinence on the first Sunday in Lent, in violation of the privilege granted to that town of including that
day in the carnival.
” They published an injurious and insulting manifesto against him: but, contented with the testimony of his own conscience, he resigned the care of his
justification to the Almighty. At length, worn out by the
labours of an active piety, he finished his course the 3d of
November 1594, being only in his 47th year. He was canonized in 1610. He wrote a very great number of works
on doctrinal and moral subjects, which were printed 1747
at Milan, in 5 vols. folio, and the library of St. Sepulchre
in that city is in possession of thirty-one vols. of his manuscript letters. The clergy of France reprinted at their expence the Institutions he composed for the use of confessors. Among his works are many homilies and sermons,
as he thought it incumbent on him to preach the word of
God himself to his people, notwithstanding the various business and government of so large a diocese. The edition
of “Ada Ecclesiae Mediolanensis,
” Milan,
, cousin german to the preceding, and also a cardinal and archbishop of Milan, was first educated under St. Charles, who afterwards
, cousin german to the preceding, and also a cardinal and archbishop of Milan, was
first educated under St. Charles, who afterwards placed
him in his newly-founded college at Pavia. Jn 1587, pope
Pius V. made him a cardinal, and in 1595, Clement VIII.
promoted him to the archbishopric of Milan. He died in
1632, leaving various pious works, written in Italian, the
principal of which is “Sacri Ragionamenti,
” Milan, Ragionamenti Spiritual!,
ibid. De Piacere della mente Christiana,
s much enlarged, but some passages were omitted that had appeared in the first octavo edition, which archbishop Usher has transcribed. By these it appears that Bosquet was
, bishop of Lodeve, and afterwards of Montpellier, was one of the most learned French
prelates in the seventeenth century. He was born at Narbonne, May 28, 1605, and studied atThoulouse. He was
afterwards appointed judge royal of Narbonne, intendant
of Guienne and Languedoc, solicitor general to the parliament of Normandy, and counsellor of state in ordinary.
For his services in this last office he was promoted to the
bishopric of Lodeve, Jan. 1650. When the affair of the
five propositions was agitated at Rome, Bosquet was appointed deputy on the part of the king and clergy of
France, and while there, the cardinal Este appointed him
bishop of Montpellier. He was exemplary for piety, disinterestedness, and charity, and, like the best of his brethren at that time, practised rigorous austerities. He assisted at the general assembly of the clergy held at Paris
in 1670, and was distinguished for his learning and eloquence. An apoplexy carried him off July 24, 1676, and
he was interred in the cathedral, with an epitaph celebrating his many virtues. The first work he published
was “Pselli Synopsis Legum,
” Ecclesiye Gallicanae Historiarum
liber primus,
” Pontificum Romanorum
qui e Gallia oriundi in ea seclerunt, historia, ab anno 1315
ad ann. 1394 ex Mss. edita,
” Paris, 1632, The second
edition of his history of the Gallican Church, the one
above mentioned "in 1636, was much enlarged, but some
passages were omitted that had appeared in the first octavo
edition, which archbishop Usher has transcribed. By
these it appears that Bosquet was of opinion that the
mistaken zeal of the monks was the chief cause of those
fabulous traditions which have destroyed all confidence in
the early history of the Gallican church, and while he
makes some apology for the credulous believers of those
stories, he makes none for those who originally invented
them, a concession of great liberality from a prelate of the
Romish church.
ed in the suppression and alteration of the first edition, have been detected with great sagacity by archbishop Wake in the introduction to his “Exposition of the Doctrine
His celebrated “Exposition of the Roman Catholic
” mentioned above, was designed to show the protestants, that their reasons against returning to the Romish
church might be easily removed, if they would view the
doctrines of that church in their true light, and not as
they had been erroneously represented by protestant
writers. Nine years, however, passed before this book
could obtain the pope’s approbation. Clement X. refused
it positively; and several catholic priests were rigorously
treated and severely persecuted, for preaching the doctrine
contained in the exposition of Bossuet, which was likewise
formally condemned by the university of Louvain in the
year 1685, and declared to be scandalous and pernicious.
All this we should have thought a proof of the merit of the
work, if it had not been at length licensed and held up as
unanswerable by the protestants. The artifice, however,
employed in the composition of it, and the tricks that were
used in the suppression and alteration of the first edition,
have been detected with great sagacity by archbishop Wake
in the introduction to his “Exposition of the Doctrine of
the Church of England,
” and in his two “Defences
” of
that Exposition, in which the perfidious sophistry of Bossuet is unmasked and refuted in the most satisfactory manner. There was also an excellent answer to Bossuet' s book
by M. de la Bastide, one of the most eminent protestant
ministers in France. Of this answer the French prelate
took no notice during eight years: at the end of which he
published an advertisement, in a new edition of his “Exposition,
” which was designed to remove the objections of
La Bastide. The latter replied in such a demonstrative
manner, that the learned bishop, notwithstanding all his
eloquence and art, was obliged to quit the field of controversy. There is a very interesting account of this insidious work of Bossuet, and the controversies it occasioned, in
the “Bibliotheque des Sciences,
” published at the Hague,
vol. XV Ih. This account, which is curious, ample, accurate, and learned, was given partly on occasion of a new
edition of the “Exposition
” printed at Paris in Lite of Bossuet,
” published the
same year at Paris.
he reformed church of Paris, which was a considerable edifice, was to be surrounded with troops; the archbishop of Paris and the bishop of Meaux (Bosquet) accompanied with
Had the French press, however, remained open, the
controversy between the catholics and protestants might
have soon been brought to a conclusion: but other measures were to be adopted, more characteristic of the genius
of popery. Bossuet has been praised by most French
writers for his laudable attempts to promote an union between the catholic and reformed churches of France. The
basis of this union was not very promising. The reformed
were to give up every thing, the catholics nothing, and the
subsequent practice was worse than this principle. In the
“Memoirs pour servira I'histoire des Refugies Francois dans
les etats du Roi,
” or Memoirs of the French refugees in
the dominions of the king of Prussia, by Messrs. Erman
and Reclam, published at Berlin in 1782, we have a curious
developement of the plan of union, as detected by the
celebrated Claude. The reformed church of Paris, which
was a considerable edifice, was to be surrounded with
troops; the archbishop of Paris and the bishop of Meaux
(Bosquet) accompanied with a train of priests and the lieutenant of the police, were to march thither in procession,
during divine service: one of these prelates was to mount
the pulpit and summon the congregation to submit to the
mother church and re-unite; a number of Roman Catholics,
posted for the purpose in different parts of the church, as
if they belonged to it, were to answer the prelate’s summons, by crying out “re-union!
” after which the other
prelate was to give the congregation a public absolution
from the charge of heresy, and to receive the new pretended converts into the bosom of the church; and this
scandalous farce was to be imposed upon the world for an
actual re-union. This plan affords a tolerable specimen of
Bossuet as a prelate, and a man of candour; and it is worthy of notice, that his associate in this expedition, was the
libertine Harlai, archbishop of Paris, whose life and death
were so scandalous, that not a single curate could be found,
among the most unprincipled part of the Romish clergy,
who would undertake to preach his funeral sermon.
all the libraries of the kingdom, and wrote a catalogue of the authors, with short opinions of them. Archbishop Usher had the most curious ms copy of this book, which became
, a monk of St. Edmund’s bury in the
fourteenth century, and who is thought to have died in
1410, was one of the first collectors of the lives of English
writers, and the precursor of Leland, Bale, and Pitts. He
searched indefatigably all the libraries of the kingdom, and
wrote a catalogue of the authors, with short opinions of
them. Archbishop Usher had the most curious ms copy of
this book, which became afterwards Mr. Thomas Gale’s property. Wood mentions another smaller catalogue of his
writing. He wrote also “Speculum ccenobitarum,
” in
which he gives the origin and progress of monachism;
and a history of his own monastery. “De rebus cœnobii
” which last is lost, but the former was printed at
Oxford 1722, 8vo, by Hall at the end of “Trivet. Annal.
, D. D. archbishop of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland, was born
, D. D. archbishop of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland, was born in or near London, Jan. 4, 1671, of a reputable and opulent family, received his first rudiments] of learning at Merchant-Taylor’s school, and was admitted from thence a commoner of Christ-church, Oxford, some time before the Revolution. His merit became so conspicuous there, that immediately after that great event, he was elected a demi of Magdalencollege, with the celebrated Mr. Addison, and Dr. Joseph Wilcox, afterwards bishop of Rochester and dean of Westminster, from whose merit and learning Dr. Hough, who was then restored to the presidentship of that college (from which he had been unwarrantably ejected in the reign of king James II.) used to call this election by the name of the golden election, and the same respectful appellation was long after made use of in common conversation in the college*, Mr. Boulter was afterwards made fellow of Magdalen-college. He continued in the university till he was called to London, by the invitation of sir Charles Hedges, principal secretary of state in 1700, who made him his chaplain;
, at Hart-halt became poor in the latter part of his in Oxford; and would effectually have life, the archbishop, though he was no provided for him, if the young gentlerelation,
* Dr. Welsted, a physician, was also The primate maintained a son of the
of this golden election, and when he doctor’s, as a commoner, at Hart-halt
became poor in the latter part of his in Oxford; and would effectually have
life, the archbishop, though he was no provided for him, if the young gentlerelation, gave him, at the least, two man had not died before he had taken
hundred pounds a year, till his death, a degree. Dr. Welsted was one of the
Nor did his grace’s kindness to the editors of the Oxford Pindar, and
doctor’s family end with his decease-, esteemed an excellent Greek scholar.
and some time after he was preferred to the same honour
by Dr. Thomas Tenison, archbishop of Canterbury. In
these stations he was under a necessity of appearing often
at court, where his merit obtained him the patronage of
Charles Spencer, earl of Sunderland, principal secretary
of state, by whose interest he was advanced to the rectory
of St. Olave in Southwark, and to the archdeaconry of
Surrey. The parish of St. Olave was very populous, and
for the most part poor, and required such a liberal and vigilant pastor as Dr. Boulter, who relieved their wants,
and gave them instruction, correction, and reproof. When
king George I. passed over to Hanover in 1719, Dr. Boulter was recommended to attend him in quality of his chaplain, and also was appointed tutor to prince Frederic, to
instruct him in the English tongue; and for that purpose
drew up for his use “A set of Instructions.
” This so recommended him to the king, that during his abode at
Hanover, the bishopric of Bristol, and deanery of Christchurch, Oxford, becoming vacant, the king granted to
him that see and deanery, and he was consecrated bishop
of Bristol, on the fifteenth of November, 1719. In this
last station he was more than ordinarily assiduous in the
visitation of his diocese, and the discharge of his pastoral
duty; and during one of these visitations, he received a
letter by a messenger from the secretary of state, acquainting him, that his majesty had nominated him to the archbishopric of Armagh, and primacy of Ireland, then vacant
by the death of Dr. Thomas Lindsay, on the 13th of July,
1724-, and desiring him to repair to London as soon as
possible, to kiss the king’s hand for his promotion. After
some, consultation on this affair, to which he felt great repugnance, he sent an answer by the messenger, refusing
the honour the king intended him, and requesting the secretary to use his good offices with his majesty, in making
his excuse, but the messenger was dispatched back to him.
by the secretary, with the king’s absolute commands that
he should accept of the post, to which he submitted,
though not without some reluctance, and soon after addressed himself to his journey to court. Ireland was at
that juncture not a little inflamed, by the copper-coin
project of one Wood, and it was thought by the king and
ministry, that the judgment, moderation, and wisdom of
the bishop of Bristol would tend much to allay the ferment.
He arrived in Ireland on the third of November, 1724,
had no sooner passed patent for the primacy, than he
appeared at all the public boards, and gave a weight and
vigour to them; and, in every respect, was indefatigable
in promoting the real happiness of the people. Among
his other wise measures, in seasons of great scarcity in,
Ireland, he was more than once instrumental in averting a
pestilence and famine, which threatened the nation. When
the scheme was set on foot for making a navigation, by a
canal to be drawn from Lough -Neagh to Newry, not only
for bringing coal to Dublin, but to carry on more effectually an inland trade in the several counties of the north
of Ireland, he greatlv encouraged and promoted the design, not only with his counsel but his purse. Drogheda
is a large and populous town within the diocese of Armagh,
and his grace finding that the ecclesiastical appointments
were not sufficient to support two clergymen there, and
the cure over-burthensome for one effectually to discharge,
he allotted out of his own pocket a maintenance for a second curate, whom he obliged to give public service every
Sunday in the afternoon, and prayers twice every day.
He had great compassion for the poor clergy of his diocese, who were disabled from giving their children a proper education, and maintained several of the sons of
such in the university, in order to qualify them for future
preferment, He erected four houses at Drogheda for the
reception of clergymen’s widows, and purchased an estate
for the endowment of them, after the model of primate
Marsh’s charity; which he enlarged in one particular: for
as the estate he purchased for the maintenance of the
widows, amounted to twenty-four pounds a year more than
he had set apart for that use, he appointed that the surplus
should be a fund for setting out the children of such,
widows apprentices, or otherwise to be disposed of for the
benefit of such children, as his trustees should think proper.
He also by his will directed, which has since been performed, that four houses should be built for clergymen’s
widows at Armagh, and endowed with fifty pounds a year.
During his life, he contracted for the building of a stately
market-house at Armagh, which was finished by his executors, at upwards of eight hundred pounds expence. He
was a benefactor also to Dr. Stevens’s hospital in the city
of Dublin, erected for the maintenance and cure of the
poor. His charities for augmenting small livings, and
buying of glebes, amounted to upwards of thirty thousand
pourids, besides what he devised by his will for the like
purposes in England. Though the plan of the incorporated society for promoting English protestant working
schools, cannot be imputed to primate Boulter, yet he
was the chief instrument in forwarding the undertaking,
which he lived to see carried into execution with consider,
able success. His private charities were not less munificent, but so secretly conducted, that it is impossible to
give any particular account of them: it is affirmed by
those who were in trust about him, that he never suffered
an object to leave his house unsupplied, and he often sent
them away with considerable sums, according to the judgment he made of their merits and necessities. With respect
to his political virtues, and the arts of government, when
his health would permit him he was constant in his attendance at the council-table, and it is well known what weight
and dignity he gave to the debates of that board. As he
always studied the true interest of Ireland, so he judged,
that the diminishing the value of the gold coin would be a
means of increasing silver in the country, a thing very
much wanted in order to effect which, he supported a
scheme at the council- table, which raised the clamours of
unthinking people, although experience soon demonstrated
its wisdom. He was thirteen times one of the lords justices,
or chief governors of Ireland; which office he administered
oftener than any other chief governor on record. He embarked for England June 2, 1742, and after two days illness died at his house in St. James’s place, Sept. 27, and
was buried in Westminster-abbey, where a stately monument has been erected to his memory. His deportment
was grave, his aspect venerable, and his temper meek and
humble. He was always open and easy of access both to
rich and poor. He was steady to the principles of liberty,
both in religion and politics. His learning was universal,
yet more in substance than shew; nor would his modesty
permit him to make any ostentation of it. He always preserved such an equal temper of mind that hardly any thing
could ruffle, and amidst obloquy and opposition, steadily
maintained a resolution of serving his country, embraced
every thing proposed for the good of it, though by persons
remarkable for their opposition to him: and when the most
public-spirited schemes were introduced by him, and did
not meet with the reception they deserved, he never took
offence, but was glad when any part of his advice for the
public good was pursued, and was always willing to drop
some points, that he might not lose all; often saying,
“he would do all the good to Ireland he could, though
they did not suffer him to do all he would.
” His life was
mostly spent in action, and therefore it is not to be expected that he should have left many remains of his learning behind him nor do we know of any thing he bath
written, excepting a few Charges to his clergy at his visitations, which are grave, solid, and instructive, and eleven
Occasional Sermons, printed separately. In 1769, however,
were published, at Oxford, in two volumes 8vo, “Letters
written by his excellency Hugh Boulter, D. D. lord primate of all Ireland, &c. to several ministers of state in
England, and some others. Containing an account of the
most interesting transactions which passed in Ireland from
1724 to 1738.
” The originals, which are deposited in the
library of Christ church, in Oxford, were collected by
Ambrose Philips, esq. who was secretary to his grace, and
lived in his house during that space of time in which they
bear date. They are entirely letters of business, and are
all of them in Dr. Boulter’s hand-writing, excepting some
few, which are fair copies by his secretary. The editor
justly remarks, that these letters, which could not be intended for publication, have been fortunately preserved,
as they contain the most authentic history of Ireland, for
the period in which they were written: “a period,
” he
adds, “which will ever do honour to his grace’s memory,
and to those most excellent princes George the first and
second, who had the wisdom to place confidence in so
worthy, so able, and so successful a minister; a minister
who had the rare and peculiar felicity of growing still
more and more into the favour both of the king and of the
people, until the very last day of his life,
” It is much to
be regretted that in some of his measures, he was opposed
by dean Swift, particularly in that of diminishing the gold
coin, as it is probable that they both were actuated by an
earnest desire of serving the country. In one affair, that
of Wood’s halfpence, they appear to have coincided, and
in that they both happened to encourage a public clamour
which had little solid foundation. The writer of archbishop'
Boulter’s Life in the Biog. Brit, seems to doubt whether
he assisted Ambrose Philips in the paper called the
” but of this we apprehend there can be no
doubt. It was published while he held the living of St.
abbot of Westminster, an hospitable man, with whom he speaks of having passed many pleasant hours in archbishop Cranmer’s garden at Lambeth. He treats sir Thomas More with
, a Latin
poet of France, was born in 1503 at Vandeuvrt, near Langres, the son of a rich forge-master. Margaret de Valois
appointed him preceptor to her daughter Jane d'Albret de
Navarre, mother of Henry IV. He retired afterwards to
Conde“, where he had a benefice, and died there about 1550.
Bourbon left eight books of epigrams, and a didactic poem
on the forge entitled
” Ferrarie,“1533, 8vo;
” De puerorum moribus,“Lyons, 1536, 4to, a series of moral distichs, with a commentary by J. de Caures. He was extremely well acquainted with antiquity and the Greek
language. Erasmus praises his epigrams, and he appears
to have been the friend and correspondent of Erasmus,
Scaliger, Latimer, Carey, Harvey, Saville, Norris, Dudley, &c. having frequently visited England, where he was
patronized by Dr. Butts, the king’s physician, and William
Boston, abbot of Westminster, an hospitable man, with
whom he speaks of having passed many pleasant hours in
archbishop Cranmer’s garden at Lambeth. He treats sir
Thomas More with great asperity in one of his epigrams,
from which we may probably conclude that he inclined to
protestantism, although this is not consistent with his
history. His epigrams were published under the title of
” Nugarumlibriocto," Paris, 1533, and often reprinted, particularly by Scaliger, 1577 in 1608 by Passerat, with notes;
and lastly, by the abbe Brochard in 1723, a handsome
quarto edition, printed at Paris.
, archbishop of Canterbury in the successi^eio-ns of Henry VI. Edward IV.
, archbishop of Canterbury in the successi^eio-ns of
Henry VI. Edward IV. Edward V. Richard III. tf Henry
VII. was son of William Bourchier earl of Ewe in Normandy, and the countess of Stafford, and brother of Henry
earl of Essex, and, consequently, related to the preceding
lord Berners. He had his education in Neville’s-inn at
Oxford, and was chancellor of that university three ears
viz. from 1433 to 1437. His first dignity in the church
was that of dean of the collegiate church of St. Martin’s in
London; from which, in 1433, he was advanced, by pope
Eugenius IV. to the see of Worcester but his consecration
was deferred to May 15, 1436, by reason (as is supposed)
of a defect in age. He had not sat a full year, before he
was elected by the monks of Ely bishop of that see, and
confirmed by the pope: but, the king refusing his consent,
Bourchier did not dare to comply with the election,' for
fear of incurriig the censure of the laws, which forbad,
under very sevtfe penalties, the receiving the pope’s bull
without the khg’s leave. Nevertheless, seven or eight
years after, the see of Ely still continuing vacant, and the
king consenting, he was translated thither, the 20th of
December 1443. The author of the “Historia Eliensis
speaks very disadvantageously of him, as an oppressor,
and neglectfi of his duty during his residence on that see,
which was ten years twenty-three weeks and five days. At
last he was elected archbishop of Canterbury, in the
room of John Kemp, the 23d of April 1454. This election
was the irre remarkable, as the monks were left entirely to trir liberty of choice, without any interposition
either frc the crown or the papal chair. On the contrary, pof Nicolas Vth’s concurrence being readily obtained, t> archbishop was installed with great solemnity.
In the m^th of December following, he received the red
hat from vome, being created cardinal-priest of St. Cyriacus in Ttemis, but Bentham thinks this was not till 1464,
The next ear, he was made lord high chancellor of England, but‘esigned that office in October the year following. So’ after his advancement to the see of Canterbury,
he be^aia visitation in Kent, and made several regulations fothe government of his diocese. He likewise
publish* 3 - constitution for restraining the excessive abuse
of papa'rovisions, but deserved most highly of the learned
world, r being the principal instrument in introducing
the no 2 art of printing into England. Wood’s account^
althou not quite correct, is worth transcribing. Bourchier being informed that the inventor, Tossan^ alias
John -ithenberg, had set up a press at Harlem, was extremely desirous that the English might be made masters
of s^ 6116 ^ ^ an art. To this purpose he persuaded
fcino Henry VI. to dispatch one Robert Tournour, belong to the wardrobe, privately to Harlem. This man,
f ur ed with a thousand marks, of which the archbishop
suried three hundred, embarked for Holland, and, to
disise the matter, went in company with one Caxton, a,
nnhant of London, pretending himself to be of the same
profession. Thus concealing his name and his business, he
went first to Amsterdam, then to Leyden, and at last settled
at Harlem where having spent a -great deal of time and
money, he sent to the king for a fresh supply, giving his
Highness to understand, that he had almost compassed the
enterprize. In short, he persuaded Frederic Corselli, one
of the compositors, to carry off a set of letters, and embark
with him in the night for London. When they arrived, the
archbishop, thinking Oxford a more convenient place for
printing than London, sent Corselli down thither. And,
lest he should slip away before he had discovered the whole
secret, a guard was set upon the press. And thus the mystery of printing appeared ten years sooner in the university
of Oxford than at any other place in Europe, Harlem and
Mentz excepted. Not long after, there were presses set up
at Westminster, St. Alhan’s, Worcester, and other monasteries of note. After this manner printing was introduced
into England, by the care of archbishop Bourchier, in the
year of Christ 1464, and the third of king Edward IV."
l decrees. Dart tells us, he founded a chantry, which was afterwards surrendered to king Henry VIII. Archbishop Bourchier died at his palace of Knowle, on Thursday the thirtieth
Bourchier, we are told, was strangely imposed upon by the specious pretences of Richard duke of Gloucester, when he undertook to persuade the queen to deliver up the duke of York, her son, into the protector’s hands. He presided over the church thirty-two years, in the most troublesome times of the English government, those of Henry VI. and Edward IV. He also performed the marriage ceremony between Henry VII. and the daughter of Edward IV.; and had the happiness to be contemporary with many prelates of distinction in English history. He was certainly a man of learning; though nothing written by him has come down to us, if we except a few Sy nodical decrees. Dart tells us, he founded a chantry, which was afterwards surrendered to king Henry VIII. Archbishop Bourchier died at his palace of Knowle, on Thursday the thirtieth of March 1486, and was buried on the north side of the choir of his cathedral, by the high altar, in a tomb of marble, on which is an inscription merely recording the event.
Archbishop Bourchier’s benefactions are stated by Mr. Bentham as follows:
Archbishop Bourchier’s benefactions are stated by Mr. Bentham as follows: He gave to the prior and convent of Christ Church in Canterbury, the alien priory of Cranfield in Essex, a grant of which he had obtained from the crown in the time of Edward the Fourth. To the church of Canterbury, besides the image of the Trinity, he bequeathed twenty-seven copes of red tissue, and left to his successor, in recompence for dilapidations, 2000l.; also 12 5l. to each of the universities, to be kept in chests, for the support of the poor scholars. The chest at Cambridge, which was united with Billingford’s, was in being in 1601, when 100l. was borrowed out of it for the use of the university; but this fund was afterward embezzled, through the iniquity of the times. The archbishop left also legacies to several monasteries.
he village who seized her; he had observed something extraordinary in her, and mentioning her to the archbishop of Cambray, that prelate came to examine her, and sent her home.
Her father, however, to whom all this appeared unnatural, considered her as a mere woman and, having found an agreeable match, promised her in marriage to a Frenchman. Easter-day, 1636, was fixed for the nuptials; but, to avoid the execution, the young lady fled, under the disguise of a hermit, hut was stopped at Blacon, a village of Hainault, on suspicion of her sex. It was an officer of horse quartered in the village who seized her; he had observed something extraordinary in her, and mentioning her to the archbishop of Cambray, that prelate came to examine her, and sent her home. But being pressed again with proposals of matrimony, she ran away once more: and, going to the archbishop, obtained his licence to set up a small society in the country, with some other maidens of her taste and temper. That licence, however, was soon retracted, and Antoinette obliged to withdraw into the country of Liege, whence she returned to Lisle, and passed many years there privately in devotion and great simplicity. When her patrimonial estate fell to her, she resolved at first to renounce it; but, changing her mind, she took possession of it; and as she was satisfied with a few conveniences, she lived at little expence: and bestowing no charities, her fortune increased apace. For thus taking possession of her estate, she gave three reasons: first, that it might not come into the hands of those who had no right to it; or secondly, of those who would have made an ill use of it; thirdly, God shewed her that she should have occasion for it to his glory. And as to charity, she says, the deserving poor are not to be met with in this world. This patrimony must have been something considerable, since she speaks of several maid servants in her house. What she reserved, however, for this purpose, became a temptation to one John de Saulieu, the son of a peasant, who resolved to make his court to her; and, getting admittance under the character of a prophet, insinuated himself into the lady’s favour by devout acts and discourses of the most refined spirituality. At length he declared his passion, modestly enough at first, and was easily checked; but finding her intractable, he grew so insolent as to threaten to murder her if she would not comply. Upon this she had recourse to the provost, who sent two men to guard her house; and in revenge Saulieu gave out, that she had promised him marriage, and even bedded with him. But, in conclusion, they were reconciled; he retracted his slanders, and addressed himself to a young devotee at Ghent, whom he found more tractable. This, however, did not free her from other applications of a similar nature. The parson’s nephew of St. Andrew’s parish near Lisle fell in love with her; and as her house stood in the neighbourhood, he frequency environed it, in order to force an entrance. Our recluse threatened to quit her post, if she was not delivered f*om this troublesome suitor, and the uncle drove himrom his house upon which he grew desperate, and someimes discharged & musquet through the nun’s chamber, giung out that she was his espoused wife. This made a nose in the city; the devotees were offended, and threatined to affront Bourignon, if they met her in the streets. At length she was relieved by the preachers, who publisied from their pulpits, that the report of the marriage wis a scandalous falsehood.
Missy, Dr. Owen, and Dr. Heberden. To these, among other respectable names, might be added those of archbishop Seeker, bishop Kennett, bishop Tanner, bishop Sherlock, bishop
Mr. Bowyer had always been subject to a bilious colic;
and during the last ten years of his life, he was afflicted
with the palsy and the stone. But, notwithstanding these
infirmities, he preserved, in general, a remarkable cheerfulness of disposition; and received great satisfaction from
the conversation of a few literary friends, by whom he continued to be visited. The faculties of his mind, though
somewhat impaired, were strong enough to support the labour of almost incessant reading, which had ever been his
principal amusement; and he regularly corrected the
learned works, and especially the Greek books, which came
from his press. This he did till within a very few weeks of
his death; which happened on the 18th of November,
1777, when he had nearly completed his 78th year. The
publications of Mr. Bowyer are an incontrovertible evidence
of his abilities and learning; to which may be added that
he was honoured with the friendship and patronage of many
of the most distinguished ornaments of his age. We already have had occasion to mention the earls of Macclesfield and Marchmont, Dr. Wotton, Mr. Pope, Mr. Chishull,
Mr. Clarke, Mr. Markland, bishop Warburton, the right
honourable Arthur Onslow, Mr. Hollis, Dr. Salter, Mr,
De Missy, Dr. Owen, and Dr. Heberden. To these, among
other respectable names, might be added those of archbishop Seeker, bishop Kennett, bishop Tanner, bishop Sherlock, bishop Hoadly, bishop Lyttelton, bishop Pearce, bishop Lowth, bishop Barrington, bishop Hurd, bishop
Percy, lord Lyttelton, lord Sandys, dean Prideaux, doctors
Robert and John Freind, dean Freind, dean Milles, the very
learned Dr. Taylor, chancellor of Lincoln, Dr. Barnard, Dr.
Powell, Dr. Wilkins, Mr. Maittaire, Messrs. R. and S.
Gale, Mr. Browne Willis, Mr. Spelman, Mr. Morant, Dr.
Ducarel, Dr. Pegge, Mr. Garrick, and most of the distinguished scholars and antiquaries of his time. His connec^
tion with the late eminent and excellent Richard Gough,
esq. so well known by his acquaintance with British topography and antiquities, is apparent from his last will;
where his obligations to Dr. Jenkin, dean Stanhope, and
Mr. Nelson, are acknowledged. The late excellent Dr.
Robert Clayton, bishop of Clogher, so highly esteemed his
friendship, that he not only honoured him by a regular
epistolary intercourse, but presented him with the copy-right
of all his valuable writings. Mr. Bowyer stood unrivalled,
for more than half a century, as a learned printer; and
some of the most masterly productions of this kingdom have
undoubtedly appeared from his press. To his literary and
professional abilities, he added an excellent moral character.
His regard to religion was displayed in his publications, and
in the course of his life and studies; and he was particularly
distinguished by his inflexible probity, and an uncommon
alacrity in assisting the necessitous. His liberality in relieving every species of distress, and his endeavours to conceal
his benefactions, reflect great honour on his memory.
Though he was naturally fond of retirement, and seldom
entered into company, excepting with men of letters, he
was, perhaps, excelled by few in the talent of justly discriminating the real characters of mankind. He judged of the
persons he saw by a sort of intuition; and his judgments
were generally right. From a consciousness of literary superiority, he did not always pay that particular attention tQ
the booksellers which was expedient in the way of his business. Too proud to solicit the favours in that way which he
believed to be his due, he was often disappointed in his expectations. On the other hand, he' frequently experienced
friendships in cases where he had much less reason to have
hoped for them so that, agreeably to his own expression,
“in what he had received, and what he had fyeen denied,
he thankfully acknowledged the will of Heaven.
” The two
great objects of Mr. Bowyer’s view, in the decline of his
life, were to repay the benefactions his father had met
with, and to be himself a benefactor to the meritorious of
his own profession. These purposes are fully displayed in
his last will: for which reason, and because it illustrates
the turn of his mind in other respects, we shall insert it at
large. After a liberal provision for his son, among other
legacies are these “I likewise give to my son all my plate;
except the small silver cup which was given to my father
(after his loss by fire) by Mrs. James, and which I give to
the Company of Stationers in London, hoping they will
preserve it as a memorial. Having committed my body to
the earth, I would testify my duty and gratitude to my few
relations and numerous benefactors after my father’s loss by
fire. I give and bequeath to my cousin Scott, lately of
Westminster, brewer, and to his sister, fifty pounds each.
I give and bequeath to my relations Mr. Thomas Linley and
his wife one thousand pounds four per cent, consolidated annuities, to be transferred to them, or to the survivor of them;
and which I hope they will take care to settle, at their
deaths, for the benefit of their son and daughter. I give
to the two sons and one daughter of the late reverend Mr.
Maurice of Gothenburgh iuSweden, who married the only
daughter of Mr. Richard Williamson, bookseller (in return for her father’s friendship to mine), one thousand pounds
four per cent, consolidated annuities, to be divided equally
between them. Among my father’s numerous benefactors,
there is not, that I can hear of, one alive: to several of
them I made an acknowledgement. But one respectable
body I am still indebted to, the University of Cambridge;
to whom I give, or rather restore, the sum of fifty pounds,
in return for the donation of forty pounds made to my father
at the motion of the learned and pious master of Saint John’s
college, doctor Robert Jenkin: to a nephew of his I have
already given another fifty pounds, as appears by his receipt
of the thirty-first of May, one thousand seven hundred and
seventy. The benefactions which my father received from
Oxford I can only repay with gratiiude; as he received
them, not from the university as a body, but from particular members. I give thirty pounds to the dean and chapter
of Canterbury, in gratitude for the kindness of the worthy
doctor Stanhope (sometime dean of Canterbury) to my father; the remembrance of which amongst the proprietors of
his works I have long out-lived, as I have experienced by not
being employed to print them: the like I might say of the
works of Mr. Nelson, another respectable friend and patron of
my father’s, and of many others. I give to doctor William
Heberden my little cabinet of coins, with H ickes’s Thesau rus,
Tristan, and the odd volume, Spanheim’s Numismata, Harduin’s Opera Selecta, in folio, Nummi Populorum et Urbium, in quarto, and any other of my books he chooses to
accept: to the reverend doctor Henry Owen, such of my
Hebrew books and critical books on the New Testament,
as he pleases to take: to Richard Gough, esq. in like manner, my books on topographical subjects: to Mr. John
Nichols, all books that relate to Cicero, Livy, and the Roman
history, particularly the * Cenotaphia' of Noris and Pighius, my grammars and dictionaries, with Swift’s and
Pope’s works: to my son, whatever books (not described above) he thinks proper to take. And now I hope I may
be allowed to leave somewhat for the benefit of printing.
To this end, I give to the master and keepers or wardens
and commonalty of the mystery or art of a stationer of the
city of London, such a sum of money as will purchase two
thousand pounds three per cent, reduced Bank annuities,
upon trust, to pay the dividends and yearly produce thereof,
to be divided for ever equally amongst three printers, compositors or pressmen, to be elected from time to time by
the master, wardens, and assistants, of the said company,
and who at the time of such election shall be sixty-three
years old or upwards, for their respective lives, to be paid
half-yearly; hoping that such as sha.ll be most deserving
will be preferred. And whereas I have herein before given
to my son the sum of three thousand pounds four per cent,
consolidated annuities, in case he marries with the consent
of my executors: Now, I do hereby give and bequeath the
dividends and interest of that sum, till such marriage take
place, to the said company of stationers to be divided
equally between six other printers, compositors or pressmen, as aforesaid, in manner as aforesaid; and, if my said
son shall die unmarried, or married without such consent as
aforesaid, then I give and bequeath the said capital sum of
three thousand pounds to the company of stationers, the
dividends and yearly produce thereof to be divided for ever
equally amongst six other such old printers, compositors or
pressmen, for their respective lives, to be qualified, chosen,
and paid in manner as aforesaid. It has long been to me
matter of concern, that such numbers are put apprentices
as compositors without any share of school-learning, who
ought to have the greatest: in hopes of remedying this,
I give and bequeath to the said company of stationers such
a sum of money as will purchase one thousand pounds three
per cent, reduced bank annuities, for the use of one journeyman compositor, such as shall hereafter be described; with
this special trust, that the master, wardens, and assistants,
shall pay the dividends and produce thereof half-yearly to
such compositor: the said master, wardens, and assistants
of the said company, shall nominate for this purpose a compositor who is a man of good life and conversation, who shall
usually frequent some place of public worship every Sunday unless prevented by sickness, and shall not have worked
on a newspaper or magazine for four years at least before
such nomination, nor shall ever afterwards whilst he holds
this annuity, which may be for life, if he continues a journeyman; he shall be able to read and construe Latin, and at
least to read Greek fluently with accents; f which he shall
bring a testimonial from the rector of St. Martin’s Ludgate
for the time being: I could wish that he shall have been
brought up piously and virtuously, if it be possible, at Merchant Taylors, or some other public school, from seven
years of age till he is full seventeen, and then to serve seven years faithfully as a compositor, and work seven years
more as a journeyman, as I would not have this annuity bestowed on any one under thirty -one years of age: if after
he is chosen he should behave ill, let him be turned out,
and another be chosen in his stead. And whereas it may
be many years before a compositor may be found that shall
exactly answer the above description, and it may at some
times happen that such a one cannot be found; I would
have the dividends in the mean time applied to such person
as the master, wardens, and assistants, shall think approaches
nearest to what I have described. And whereas the above
trusts will occasion some trouble: I give to the said company, in case they think proper to accept the trusts, two
hundred and fifty pounds.
” It is almost superfluous to add,
that the trust was accepted, and is properly executed.
der the inspection of his uncle, Mr. James Boyd, of Trochrig, who, with the then unpopular title of “ Archbishop of Glasgow,” performed the offices of minister of the Barony
, a Scotch writer of considerable reputation in the sixteenth century, the son of
Robert Boyd, of Pinkill in Ayrshire, was born Jan. 13,
1562. Having lost his father early, he was educated under
the inspection of his uncle, Mr. James Boyd, of Trochrig,
who, with the then unpopular title of “Archbishop of
” performed the offices of minister of the Barony
parish in that city. Young Boyd, in his nature lively
and headstrong, soon grew weary of academical discipline,
quarreled with his preceptors, renounced his studies, and,
eager to become a man of the world, presented himself at
court. It is not unlikely that in this scheme ae relied chit fly
on the patronage of liobert, fourth lord Boyd, who was
probably the cousin-gernran of Boyd’s father. All, however, that we learn of his proficiency at cm:;c is, that he
fought one duel, and was engaged in numberless broils.
His relations advised him to follow the profession of arms
in the Low Countries, for they could not tolerate his impetuous and unruly temper, and perhaps they were little
inclined or little able to support him in a manner of life
which had no determined object or aim. Boyd readily
consented to become a soldier; but he chose France rather
than the Low Countries, for the theatre of his future
achievements. He went therefore to Paris, furnished with
a small stock of money, all of which he soon lost at dice.
This the author of his life ascribes to some secret fate,
“occulto veluti fato
” but says his more recent biographer, lord Hailes, we may absolve fate, for when the raw
and self-sufficient go amongst sharpers, they ought to ascribe their ruin to folly.
ud, then bishop of London; who after the lord Wentworth was made lord deputy of Ireland, and himself archbishop of Canterbury, moved him that it might be inquired into, as
It is much to be regretted that so faithful a servant of
the public should have lived at variance with the earl
of Strafford, himself a man of virtue, talents, and patriotism, and afterwards a sacrifice to the fury of the republican party in England; yet it cannot be denied that
the earl of Strafford behaved in a very arrogant and
haughty manner to the earl of Cork; and that the conduct
of the lord deputy was such, as it could not reasonably be expected any man of spirit would patiently submit to, and especially a man of so much worth and
merit as the noble subject of this article. His lordship
gave evidence at Strafford’s trial, that when he had commenced a suit at law, in a case in which he apprehended
himself to be aggrieved, the earl of Strafford, in the
most arbitrary manner, forbad his prosecuting his suit,
saying to him, “Call in your writs, or if you will not,
I will clap you in the castle; for I tell you, I will not have
my orders disputed by law, nor lawyers.
” We have,
however, already seen that lord Cork had other enemies,
who took various opportunities of displaying their jealousy
of his power and talents. One singular opportunity was
taken on the death of his second lady, which we shall detail, as including some traits of the taste and prejudices of
the times. This lady was privately interred on the 27th of
February 1629-30, but her funeral was publicly solemnized
on the llth of March following; soon after which$ the
earl of Cork purchased from the dean and chapter of St.
Patrick’s church, the inheritance of the upper part of the
chancel where the vault was, in which the bodies of her
grandfather by the mother’s side, the lord chancellor Weston, and of her father sir Geoffry Fenton, were laid, over
which the earl her husband caused a fine marble tomb to
be erected. This presently gave offence to some people,
who suggested that it stood where the altar ought to stand,
of which they complained to the king, who mentioned it
to Dr. Laud, then bishop of London; who after the lord
Wentworth was made lord deputy of Ireland, and himself
archbishop of Canterbury, moved him that it might be
inquired into, as it was, and this affair made afterwards a
very great noise. The earl of Cork procured a letter from
Dr. Usher, then lord primate of Ireland, and also from Dr.
Launcelot Bulkeiey, then archbishop of Dublin, justifying,
that the tomb did not stand in the place of the altaf, and
that instead of being an inconvenience, it was a great ornament to the church; which letters archbishop Laud
transmitted to the lord deputy, and at the same time acquainted^ him that they did not give himself any satisfaction. The postscript to this letter, dated Lambeth, March
11, 1634, is very remarkable, and shews both the rise and
the falsehood of the common opinion, that it was the lord
deputy, afterwards earl of Strafford, who set this matter on
foot out of prejudice to the earl of Cork. “I had almost
forgot to tell you, that all this business about demolishing
my lord of Cork’s tomb is charged upon you, as if it were
done only because he will not marry his son to my lord
Clifford’s daughter, and that I do it to join with you;
whereas the complaint came against it to me out of Ireland,
and was presented by me to the king before I knew that
your lordship was named for deputy there. But jealousies
know no end.
” The archbishop afterwards wrote in very
strong terms to the earl of Cork himself, in which he affirms the same thing, and deals very roundly with his lordship upon that and other subjects, advising him to leave
the whole to the lord deputy and the archbishops. As to
the issue of the affair, it appears clearly from a letter of
the lord deputy Wentworth’s, dated August 23, 1634, to
the archbishop, in which he delivers himself thus: “I
have issued a commission, according to my warrant, for
viewing the earl of Cork’s tomb: the two archbishops and
himself, with four bishops, and the two deans and chapters, were present when we met, and made them all so
ashamed, that the earl desires he may have leave to pull it
down without reporting further into England; so as I am
content if the miracle be done, though Mohammed do it,
and there is an end of the tomb before it come to be entombed indeed. And for me that my lord treasurer do
what he please; I shall ever wish his ways may be those of
honour to himself, and dispatch to my master’s affairs; but
go it as it shall please God with me, believe me, my lord,
I will be still tlwrow and thorowout one and the same, and
with comfort be it spoken by myself, and your grace’s
” It may be added that though the tomb
has been taken away above a century, yet the inscription
that was upon it is still extant.
t the university, to the rectory of Bettishanger near Deal. In the same year he was also collated by archbishop Whitgift to the mastership of East-bridge hospital in Canterbury.
He entered on the duties of a parish priest first at Hollingbourne in his native county, of which place, however,
he was not the vicar, as Mr. Masters conjectures; and to
the inhabitants of it he dedicated his Exposition of the
Festival Epistles and Gospels. In 1597, he was preferred
by his uncle, sir John Boys, who had been the patron of
his studies at the university, to the rectory of Bettishanger
near Deal. In the same year he was also collated by archbishop Whitgift to the mastership of East-bridge hospital
in Canterbury. In 1599, the same patron presented him
to the vicarage of Tilmanstone, adjoining to Bettishanger.
He had now acquired the character of a distinguished theologist, and proceeded soon afterwards to the degree of
D. D. He was likewise what then was termed “a painful
” one who in preaching was frequent and laborious, as his works testify, which were all delivered originally in the pulpit.
shall give some account in the life of Dr. Sutclifte the founder. In 1618, Dr. Boys was collated by archbishop Abbot to the rectory of Great Mongeham, adjoining also to his
His merit becoming known to James I. he was appointed one of the first fellows of Chelsea-college; but that scheme, as we have had occasion to remark in the preceding article, never having been carried into execution, his title was only nominal. Of this college we shall give some account in the life of Dr. Sutclifte the founder. In 1618, Dr. Boys was collated by archbishop Abbot to the rectory of Great Mongeham, adjoining also to his benefice of Bettishanger, and resigned the vicarage of Tilmanstone. On the death of Mr. Fotherby, king James promoted him to the deanry of Canterbury, to which he was admitted May 3, 1619; but this preferment he did not enjoy long, dying suddenly in his study Sept. 26, 1625, aged fifty-four.
uld not return to the university and go regularly on in the statutable course of taking his degrees, archbishop Sancroft procured him a royal mandate for M. A. in 1680, and
, D. D. bishop of Rochester, was a native of London, the son of William Bradford, of whom it is recorded, that being a parish-officer in the time of the plague, he looked upon it as his duty to take care in person both of the dead and living, although he removed his family to Islington. The subject of this article was born Dec. 20, 1652, in St. Anne’s Blackfriars, and was educated at St. Paul’s school, and afterwards in the Charter-house. In 1669, he was admitted a student of Bene't college, Cambridge, and matriculated March 27, 1672, but left it without taking a degree, having at that time some scruples of conscience respecting the subscriptions, declarations, and oaths then required. He pursued his studies, however, in private, and after studying divinity, having overcome his scruples by a careful examination of the matters in controversy, he became desirous of orders in the church of England; but as he was then twenty-eight years old, and could not return to the university and go regularly on in the statutable course of taking his degrees, archbishop Sancroft procured him a royal mandate for M. A. in 1680, and he was admitted to the same at Oxford in 1697. As the state of affairs, however, was critical at the time he received his degree at Cambridge, he declined proceeding in his design, living as a private tutor to gentlemen’s families, until after the revolution, when he was ordained deacon and priest in 1690, and in the spring following was elected minister of St. Thomas’s church, Southwark, by the governors of that hospital.
He was soon aften chosen lecturer of St. Mary-le-Bow, and engaged by archbishop Tillotson to educate his grandsons, which occasioned him to
He was soon aften chosen lecturer of St. Mary-le-Bow,
and engaged by archbishop Tillotson to educate his grandsons, which occasioned him to reside at Carlisle-house in
Lambeth. While here, the rector of St. Mary-le-Bow
died, and the parishioners were so pleased with Mr.
Bradford, as to solicit the archbishop to give him the living,
with which his grace complied, but not without acquainting them with the informality of such applications. On
this Mr. Bradford resigned St. Thomas’s, and the lectureship of Bow;‘ but soon after accepted that of Allhallows,
in Bread-street. In 1698, he preached on the 30th of
January before king William, who was so well pleased with
the sermon, as to command it to be published; and also,
in March following, appointed him one of his chaplains in
ordinary, in which office he was retained by queen Anne.
In 1705, when she visited Cambridge, he was made D. D.
and in 1707, her majesty gave him a prebend of Westminster. He now was exemplary in a diligent and conscientious discharge of his parochial duties, and enjoyed the
esteem of his superiors, the good opinion and friendship
of his brethren the clergy, and the affection of his parishioners. In 1710, he refused the bishoprick of St. David’s,
as the then ministry would not suffer him to hold his prebend in commendam, nor the rectory of Bow, either of
which was necessary to enable him to keep up his rank as
a bishop. In 1716, he was unanimously elected master of
Bene’t college, and in 1718 was consecrated bishop of
Carlisle, whence in 1723 he was translated to Rochester,
which he held with the deanry of Westminster. About a
year afterwards he resigned the mastership of the college.
He died May 17, 1731, and was buried in Westminsterabbey. His character appears to have been excellent, according to every account. His Boylean lectures were
published in 4to, 1699, under the title of “The Credibility
of the Christian Religion from its intrinsic evidence, being
eight sermons, &c. with a ninth as an appendix, in reply
to an objection from the imperfect promulgation of the
” 4to. He published also separately twenty-three
sermons preached on public occasions, and assisted in the
publication of Tillotson’s works. He left two daughters,
one married to Dr. Reuben Clarke, archdeacon of Essex,
and the other to Dr. John Denne, archdeacon of Rochester.
was in 101i settled at Chatham, in Kent; but before he had been there a year, he was sent for by the archbishop of Canterbury (Whitgift) and commanded to subscribe, which he
, an eminent puritan divine,
was born in 1571 at Market-Bosworth, in Leicestershire, of
an ancient but reduced family, and was first educated at
Worcester free school, at the expense of an uncle, ou
whose death he was obliged to return to Bosworth, but afterwards found a friend in Mr. Ainsworth, schoolmaster at
Ashby-de-la-Zouch, who continued his education in that
school. In 1589, he was admitted along with Joseph Hall,
afterwards the celebrated bishop of Exeter, into Emmanuel college, Cambridge, and took in course his degree of
B. A. and M. A. but could not obtain a fellowship, according to the statutes, which allow but of one of a county at
time, and that for Leicestershire was gained by Mr.
Hall. The master of the college, however, Dr. Chaderton, who had a high respect for him, first procured him
to be tutor to the children of sir Thomas Leighton, governor of Guernsey, and afterwards to be fellow of Sidney
Sussex college, then newly founded. He then entered
into holy orders, and preached first as a lecturer at Abington, near Cambridge, and at Steeple Morton. Afterwards,
by the recommendation of Dr. Chaderton, he was in 101i
settled at Chatham, in Kent; but before he had been there
a year, he was sent for by the archbishop of Canterbury
(Whitgift) and commanded to subscribe, which he refusing,
was suspended. He therefore was obliged to remove, but
was afterwards licensed by the bishop of Litchfield and Coventry (Dr. Overton) to preach any where in his diocese,
and at length coming to London, was chosen lecturer of
Christ Church, Newgate-street. Here, however, he published a treatise against the Ceremonies, which obliged him,
to leave the city and retire to the house of his friend and
patron, Mr. Redriche, at Newhall, in Leicestershire, and he
remained here until near his death, which happened when,
on a visit at Chelsea in 1618. Bishop Hall says of him$
that he was “of a strong brain and of a free spirit, not
suffering himself for small differences of judgment to be
alienated from his friends, to whom, notwithstanding his
seeming austerity, he was very pleasing in conversation,
being full of witty and harmless urbanity. He was very
strong and eager in arguing, hearty in friendship, regardless
of the world, a despiser of compliments, a lover of reality,
full of digested and excellent notions, and a painful labourer
in God’s vineyard.
” The rev. Thomas Gataker, of Ilotherhiihe, wrote his life, a long and not uninteresting account.
, archbishop of Canterbury, is supposed to have been born at Hortfield, in
, archbishop of Canterbury,
is supposed to have been born at Hortfield, in Cheshire,
about the middle of the reign of king Edward I. in the fourteenth century. He was of Merton colle'ge, Oxford, and
was one of the proctors of that university in 1325. He
excelled in mathematical knowledge, and was in general
distinguished for his accurate and solid investigations in divinity, which procured him the title of the “profound Doctor.
” He was confessor to Edward III. and attended that
monarch in his French wars, often preaching before the
army. Sir Henry Savile informs us that some writers of
that time attributed the signal victories of Edward, rather
to the virtues and holy character of his chaplain, than to>
the bravery or prudence of the monarch or of any other
person. He made it his business to calm and mitigate the
fierceness of his master’s temper when he saw him eitherimmoderately fired with warlike rage, or improperly flushed
with the advantages of victory. He also often addressed
the army, and with so much meekness and persuasive discretion, as to restrain them from those insolent excesses
which are too frequently the attendants of military success.
When the see of Canterbury became vacant, the monks
of that city chose him archbishop, but Edward, who was
fond of his company, refused to part with him. Another vacancy happen ing soon after, the monks again elected him^
and Edward yielded to their desires. The modesty and innocence of his manners, and his unquestionable piety and
integrity, seem to have been the principal causes of his advancement. He was, however, by no means adapted to
'a court, where his personal manners and character became
an object of derision, the best proof history can afford us
of their excellence. Even when he was consecrated at
Avignon, cardinal Hugh, a nephew of the pope, ridiculed
the prelate by introducing into the hall a person in a peasant’s habit, ridiog on an ass, petitioning the pope to make
him archbishop of Canterbury, but the jest was so ill relished that the pope and cardinals resented the indignity,
and frowned on the insolent contriver. Bradwardine was
consecrated in 1349; but not many weeks after his consecration, and only seven days after his return into England,
he died at Lambeth. His principal work “De Causa Dei,
against the Pelagian heresy, was edited from the ms. in
Merton college library by sir Henry Savile, 1618, fol. with
a biographical preface, in which he informs us that Bradwardine devoted his principal application to theology and
mathematics; and that particularly in the latter he distanced, perhaps, the most skilful of his contemporaries.
These mathematical works are, 1. “Astronomical tables,
in ms. in the possession of Sir Henry. 2. “Geometria
Speculativa, cum Arithmetica specuiativa,
” Paris, De proportionibus,
” Paris, De quadratura circuli,
” Paris,
ss in this dispute gained him. so much reputation, and so recommended him in particular to Matthews, archbishop of York, that he made him his chaplain, and took him into his
, an eminent prelate, was descended from the antient family of the Bramhalls, of Cheshire, and born at Pontefract, in Yorkshire, about 1593. He received his school education at the place of his birth, and was removed from thence to Sidney-college, Cambridge, in 1608. After taking the degrees of B A. and M. A. he quitted the university; and, entering into orders, had a living given him in the city of York. About the same time he married a clergyman’s widow of the Hally’s family, with whom he received a good fortune, and a valuable library, left by her former husband. In 1623 he had two public disputations, at North-Allerton, with a secular priest and a Jesuit. The match between prince Charles and the infanta of Spain was then depending; and the papists expected great advantages and countenance to their religion from it. These two, therefore, by way of preparing the way for them, sent a public challenge to all the protestant clergy in the county of York; and when none durst accept it, our author, though then but a stripling in the school of controversy, undertook the combat. His success in this dispute gained him. so much reputation, and so recommended him in particular to Matthews, archbishop of York, that he made him his chaplain, and took him into his confidence. He was afterwards made a prebendary of York , and then pf Rippon; at which last place he went and resided after the archbishop’s death, which happened in 1628, and managed most of the affairs of that church, in the quality of sub-dean. He had great political influence, especially in elections, in the town of Rippon, and was also appointed one of his majesty’s high commissioners, in the administration of which office he was by some accounted severe, although far less so than some of his brethren.
lf and the whole company. After having received much honour from Charles 1. and many civilities from archbishop Laud and other persons, he returned to Ireland, and, with 6000l.
In 1637, he took a journey into England, and was there
surprised with the news of an information exhibited against
him in the star-chamber, “for being present at Rippon
when one Mr. Palmes had made some reflecting discourse
upon his majesty, and neither reproving nor informing
against him.
” The words deserved no very great punishment if they had been true, being no more than, that
“he feared a Scottish mist was come over their town,
” because the king had altered his lodgings from Rippon,
where he had designed them, to sir Richard Graham’s
house, not far from that place. But the bishop easily
cleared himself and the whole company. After having received much honour from Charles 1. and many civilities
from archbishop Laud and other persons, he returned to
Ireland, and, with 6000l. for which he sold his estate in
England, purchased another at Omagh, in the county of
Tyrone, and began a plantation, which the distractions
of that kingdom hindered him from perfecting. In March
1641 articles of high treason were exhibited against him
in Ireland, wherein he was charged with having conspired
with others to subvert the fundamental laws of that kingdom, to introduce an arbitrary and tyrannical government,
&c. The bishop was at Londonderry, when he received
intelligence of this accusation. All his friends wrote to
him to decline the trial; but, thinking it dishonourable to
fly, he went directly to Dublin, and was made a close
prisoner by the parliament. In this distress he wrote to
the primate Usher, then in England, for his advice and
comfort; who mediated so effectually in his behalf with
the king, that his majesty sent a letter to Ireland, to stop
proceedings against him. This letter was very slowly
obeyed; however, the bishop was at length restored to
liberty, but without any public acquittal, the charge lying
still dormant against him, to be awakened when his enemies pleased. Shortly after his return to Londonderry,
sir Phelim O'Neil laid a plot to affect his life, in the following manner. He directed a letter to him, wherein he
desired, “that, according to their articles, such a gate of
the city should be delivered to him;
” expecting that the
Scotch in the place would, upon the discovery, become
his executioners: but the person who was to manage the
matter, ran away with the letter. But, though this design faded, the bishop did not find any safety there: the
city daily being crowded with discontented persons out of
Scotland, he began to be afraid lest they should deliver
him up. One night they turned a cannon against his house
to affront him; and, being persuaded by his friends to
consider that as a warning, he took their advice, and privately embarked for England. Here he continued active
in the king’s service, till his majesty’s affairs were grown
desperate; and then, embarking with several persons of
distinction, he landed at Hamburgh on July 8, 1644.
Shortly after, at the treaty of Uxbridge, the parliaments
of England and Scotland made this one of their preliminary demands, that bishop Bramhall, together with archbishop Laud, &c. should be excepted out of the general
promotion. Most people imagined it would be the archbishopric of York; but at last he was appointed archbishop of Armagh, to which he was translated upon the 18th of January,
Upon the restoration of the church and monarchy, he
returned to England, and was from the first designed for
higher promotion. Most people imagined it would be the
archbishopric of York; but at last he was appointed archbishop of Armagh, to which he was translated upon the
18th of January, 1660-1. The same year he visited his
diocese, where he found great disorder; some having committed horrible outrages; and many imbibed very strong
prejudices, both against his person and the doctrine and
discipline of the church; but, by argument, persuasion,
and long suffering, he gained upon them even beyond his
own expectation. His biographer affords one instance of
his prudence, in turning the edge of the most popular objection of that time against conformity. When the benefices were called over at the visitation, several appeared,
and exhibited only such titles as they had received from
the late powers. He told them, “they were no legal titles,
but in regard he heard well of them, he was willing to make
them such to them by institution and induction;
” which
they thankfully accepted of. But when he desired to see
their letters of orders, some had no other but their certificates of ordination by some presbyterian classes, which,
he told them, did not qualify them for any preferment in
the church. Upon this, the question arose, “Are we not
ministers of the gospel r
” To which his grace answered,
That is not the question; at least, he desired for peace
sake, that might not be the question for that time. “I
dispute not,
” said he, “the value of your ordination, nor
those acts you have exercised by virtue of it; what you
are, or might be here when there was no law, or in other
churches abroad. But we are now to consider ourselves as a
national church limited by law, which among other things
takes chief care to prescribe about ordination: and I do
not know how you could recover the means of the church,
if any should refuse to pay you your tithes, if you are not
ordained as the law of this church requireth; and I am
desirous that she may have your labours, and you such
portions of her revenue, as shall be allotted you in a legal
and assured way.
” By this means he gained such as were
of the moderate kind, and wished to be useful. As he was
by his station president of the convocation, which met upon
the 8th of May, 166 1, so was he also chosen speaker of the
house of lords, in the parliament which met at the same
time: and so great a value had both houses for him, that
they appointed committees to examine what was upon record in their books concerning him and the earl of
Strafford, and ordered the scandalous charges against them to
be torn out, which was accordingly done. In this parliament many advantages were procured, and more designed,
for the church, in which he was very industrious. About
this time he had a violent sickness, being a second fit of
the palsy, which was very near putting an end to his life;
but he recovered. A little before his death, he visited his
diocese; and having provided for the repair of his cathedral, and other affairs suitable to his pastoral office, he returned to Dublin about the middle of May 1663. The latter end of June, he was seized with a third fit of the palsy;
of which he soon died, being then 70 years old. At this
time he had a trial for some part of his temporal estate at
Omagh, with sir Audley Mervyn, depending in the court
of claims; and there, at the time of hearing, the third fit
of the palsy so affected him, that he sunk in the court, was
carried out senseless, and never recovered. The cause,
however, was determined in his favour.
concile himself to himself. For some time an answer to Milton’s “Defensio populi,” was attributed to archbishop Bramhall, but with what injustice Mr. Todd has lately shewn,
His various works, published at different times, were
reprinted at Dublin in 1677, in one vol. fol. with his Life
by the editor, Dr. Vesey, bishop of Limerick. His funeral sermon, with a shorter account of his life, was
preached and published by Dr. Jeremy Taylor, bishop of
Down and Connor, Dublin, 1663, 4to. His works are chiefly
levelled at the Roman catholics and the sectaries, some of
both parties, in his opinion, uniting for the destruction of
the established government and church. But perhaps the
most valuable part of his works is that in which he contended with Hobbes. He argued with great acuteness
against Hobbes’s notions on liberty and necessity, and
attacked the whole of his system in a piece called the
“Catching of the Leviathan,
” originally published in Defensio
” was attributed to archbishop Bramhall, but with
what injustice Mr. Todd has lately shewn, in his accurate
and valuable Life of Milton.
e mentioned. Not only the bishop of London approved entirely of all these transactions, but also the archbishop of Canterbury declared, that he was well satisfied with the
, D.D. an eminent learned and pious divine
of the seventeenth century, was born at Marton in Shropshire, in 1656, where his parents were persons of good reputation. His infancy discovering promising parts, he was
early sent to the school at Oswestry, in the same county,
and his close application to school-learning, determining
his parents to dedicate him to religion and learning, he
was entered of Hart-hall, Oxford. Here he soon made a
considerable proficiency in divinity, as well as other studies
necessary for the profession for which he was intended:
but, labouring under the common disadvantages of a narrow fortune, his circumstances not permitting a longer
residence at Oxford, he left the university soon after he
had commenced bachelor of arts. Much about this time
he entered into holy orders; and the first duty he had
was that of a parish near Bridgenorth in Shropshire, his
native county, from which curacy he soon removed into
Warwickshire, officiating as chaplain in sir Thomas Price’s
family, of Park-hall, and had the donative of Lac Marsin
given him by sir Thomas, which proved very advantageous; for living now in the neighbourhood of Coieshill, his
exemplary behaviour, and distinguished diligence in his
calling, introduced him into the acquaintance of Mr.
Kettlewell, sir Charles Holt, and the lord Simon Digby.
One incident which contributed to establish his character
at this juncture, was his preaching the assize sermon at
Warwick, on which occasion Mr. Bray, though but young,
acquitted himself to the satisfaction of the whole audience,
particularly the lord Digby, who was afterwards pleased to
honour him with many proofs of his friendship and esteem,
recommending him to the worthy and honourable patronage
of his brother, the fifth lord Digby, who some time after
gave him the vicarage of Over-Whitacre in the same
county, since augmented, by his patron’s uncommon generosity, with the great tithes. In 1690, the rectory of
Sheldon being vacant, by Mr. Digby Bull’s refusing to take
the oaths at the revolution, his lordship presented Mr. Bray
to it; which preferment he held till about a quarter of a
year before his death, when he resigned it by reason of his
advanced age, and the known worth and abilities of his
appointed successor, the Rev. Mr. Carpenter. Dec. 12,
1693, he took his master of arts degree in Hart-hall, Oxford. In this parish of Sheldon he composed his “Catechetical Lectures,
” a work which met with general approbation and encouragement, and produced to him the sum of
700l. This publication, which drew him out of his rural privacy to London, determined Dr. Compton, bishop of London, to pitch upon him as a proper person to model the
infant church of Maryland, and establish it upon a solid
foundation. Accordingly, in April 1696, he proposed
to Mr. Bray to go, on the terms of having the judicial office
of commissary, valued, as was represented to him, at four
hundred pounds per annum, conferred upon him, for his
support in that service. Mr. Bray, disregarding his own
interest, and the great profit which would have arisen from
finishing his course of lectures on the plan he had formed,
soon determined, in his own mind, that there might be a
greater field for doing good in the Plantations, than by his
labours here, and no longer demurred to the proposal, than
to inquire into the state of the country, and inform himself
what was most wanting to excite good ministers to embark
in that design, as well as enable them most effectually to
promote it. With this view he laid before the bishops the
following considerations: That none but the poorer sort
of clergy could be persuaded to leave their friends, and
change their native country for one so remote; that such
persons could not be able sufficiently to supply themselveswith books; that without such a competent provision of
books, they could not answer the design of their mission;
that a library would be the best encouragement to studious and sober men to undertake the service; and that, as
the great inducement to himself to go, would be to do the
most good of which he could be capable, he therefore
purposed, that if they thought fit to encourage and assist
htm in providing parochial libraries for the ministers, he
would then accept of the commissary’s office in Maryland.
This proposal for parochial libraries being well approved
of by the bishops, and due encouragement being promised
in the prosecution of the design, both by their lordships
and others, he set himself with all possible application to
provide missionaries, and to furnish them with libraries,
intending, as soon as he should have sent both, to follow
after himself. But, upon his accepting of this employment
of commissary of Maryland, it fell to his share to solicit at
home whatever other matters related to that church, more
particularly to the settlement and establishment thereof,
which he laboured to promote with unwearied diligence,
and spared neither expence or trouble. But, above all,
it was his greatest care, to endeavour to send over to Maryland, and the other colonies, pious men, of exemplary
lives and conversations, and to furnish those whom he had
a hand in sending, with good libraries of necessary and
useful bdbks, to render them capable of answering the ends
of their mission, and instructing the people in all things
ecessary to their salvation. The sense of the clergy and
inhabitants, with respect to these'important services, was
testified by the solemn letters of thanks, returned him
from the assemblies of Maryland, from the vestries of Boston and Baintrie in New England, from Newfoundland,
Rhode Island, New York, Philadelphia, North Carolina,
Bermudas, and by the acknowledgments of the royal
African company, on account of those procured for their
factories. About the same time it was, that the secretary
of Maryland, sir Thomas Lawrence, with Mr. Bray, waited on the then princess of Denmark, in behalf of that province, humbly to request her gracious acceptance of the
governor’s and country’s dutiful respects, in having denominated the metropolis of the province, then but lately
built, from her royal highness’s name, Annapolis: and Mr.
Bray being soon after favoured with a noble benefaction
from the same royal hand, towards his libraries in America,
he dedicated the first library in those parts, fixed at Annapolis, and which had books of the choicest kind belonging to it, to the value of four hundred pounds, to her memory, by the title of the Annapolitan Library, which words
were inscribed on the several books. Another design was
also set on foot, much about the same time, by Dr. Bray,
to raise lending libraries in every deanery throughout England and Wales, out of which the neighbouring clergy
might borrow the books they had occasion for, and where
they might consult upon matters relating to their function,
and to learning. Upon this, many lending libraries were
founded in several parts of the kingdom, besides above a
hundred and fifty parochial ones in Great Britain and the
plantations, from ten to fifty pounds value, those in South
Britain being afterwards secured to posterity, by an act of
parliament passed for that purpose in 1708. Soon after,
upon the repeated instances of the governor and some of
the country, Mr. Bray was at the charge of taking the degree of doctor of divinity, which, though it might be of
some use, as procuring a certain degree of respect,
did then but ill comport with his circumstances. He
took his degrees of bachelor of divinity, and doctor, together, by accumulation, not of Hart hall where he was
entered, but of Magdalen college, Dec. 17, 1696. Soon
after, the better to promote his main design of libraries,
and to give the missionaries directions in prosecuting their
theological studies, he published two books, one entitled,
“Bibiiothee* Paroctnalis or, a Scheme of such
Theological and other heads, as seem requisite to be perused, or
occasionally consulted by the reverend Clergy, together
with a catalogue of books, which may be profitably read on
each of those points,
” &c. The other, “Apostolic Charity, its nature and excellency considered, in a discourse
upon Daniel xii. 3. preached at St. Paul’s, at the ordination of some Protestant Missionaries to be sent into the
plantations. To which is prefixed, a general view of the
English colonies in America, in order to show what provision is wanting for the propagation of Christianity in those
parts, together with proposals for the promoting the same r
to induce such of the clergy of this kingdom, as are persons of sobriety and abilities, to accept of a mission.
During this interval, viz. in the year The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
in foreign parts,
” was laid before the society, and read
the ninth of June following. He received no advantage all
this time from his commissary’s place in Maryland; neither
was any allowance made him at home, or preferment give
him, to support the charge of living altogether in town, to
solicit the establishment and endowment of the church of
Maryland, and to provide missionaries for that and all the
colonies on the Continent; which, excepting Virginia, lay
upon him; all the benefactions that were received being to
be laid out to raise them libraries, which also he did faster
than money came in to answer the charge. This being observed by some of his friends, they endeavoured to persuade
him to lay his design of going abroad aside, and take two
good preferments that were then offered him at home, of
as good or better value than what was proposed to him in
Maryland, viz. that of sub-almoner, and the donative of
Aldgate, in the city of London. But he declined all offers
that were inconsistent with his going to Maryland, as soon
as it should become proper for him to take that voyage.
By the year 1699, having waited upwards of two years for
the return of the act of religion from Maryland, with such
amendments as would render it without exception at the
court of England; and it being presumed by his superiors,
that it would be requisite the doctor should now hasten
over, as well to encourage the passing of that act in their
assemblies, as to promote other matters for the service of
religion there, it was signified to him from them that
they would have him take the opportunity of the first
ship; and indeed, the doctor having, by this time, tried
all ways he could think of, and done all he was able
to do here, to serve those parts, and according to
proposal having provided Maryland, as also many other
colonies, with a competent number of missionaries, and
furnished them with good libraries, to be fixed in the
places where they were sent, to remain there for ever, he
was himself eager to follow, and did so accordingly, even,
in the winter, though he had no allowance made him towards his charge of the voyage, and the service he was to
do; but was forced to dispose of his own small effects, and
raise money on credit to support him. With this poor encouragement, and thus, on his own provision, he took the
voyage, December 16, 1699, and set sail from the Downs
the twentieth of the same month; but was driven back into
Plymouth-sound on Christmas-eve, and remained in harbour almost all the holydays, where his time was not unusefully spent, in the recovery of a tolerable library there
out of dust and rubbish, which was also indebted to him for
a benefaction of books and where he left a proposal for
taking in subscriptions to make it a sea- port library, for the
use of missionaries and sea-chaplains, as well as others.
After an extremely tedious and dangerous passage, the
doctor arrived at Maryland the twelfth of March, where he
applied himself immediately to repair the breach made in
the settlement of the parochial clergy; in order to which
he consulted, in the first place, the governor, whom he
found ready to concur in all proper methods for the re-establishment of their maintenance. Before the next assembly, which was to be in May following, he sent to all
the clergy on the western shore, who only could come together in that season, to learn from them the disposition of
the people, and to advise with them what was proper to be
done, in order to dispose the members of the assembly to
re-enact their law next meeting. Soon after he had dismissed their clergy, he made his parochial visitation, as
far as it was possible for him at that season; in which, he
met with very singular respect from persons of the best
condition in the country, which the doctor turned to the
advantage of that poor church. During the sessions of the
assembly, and whilst the re-establishment of the church
was depending, he preachod very proper and seasonable
sermons, with a tendency to incline the country to the establishment of the church and clergy; all which were so
well received, that he had the thanks of the assembly, by
messages from the house. The doctor was providentially
on such good term* with the assembly, that they ordered
the attorney-general to advise with him in drawing up the
bill; and that he himself might be the better advised in
that case, he sent for the most experienced clergy within
reach, to suggest to him, what they found would be of
advantage to them and the church, to be inserted in, or
left out of it; by which means the constitution of that
church had much the advantage of any in America. It may
not be amiss to observe in this place, that as well during the
general court or assize, which preceded the assembly, and
lasted thirteen days, as during the sessions of the assembly
itself, he was under a necessity of entertaining the gentlemen of the province, who universally visited him; a charge,
however, which he thought requisite as circumstances then
were, that he might strengthen his interest in them, the
better to promote the establishment of the clergy’s maintenance. The bill being prepared, passed with a nemiilt
contradicente; but it was on all hands declared and confessed, that it was very providential that Dr. Bray came
into the country at that juncture. Soon after the assembly
was up, the commissary cited the whole clergy of the province to a general visitation at Annapolis, to be held May
22, 1700. At the close of this visitation, the clergy taking
into consideration, that the opposition of the Quakers
against the establishment of that church would in all probability continue, so as to get the law for its establishment
so lately re-enacted, annulled again at home, they entered
into debates, whether it would not be of consequence to
the preservation and final settlement of that church, that
the doctor should be requested to go home with the law,
and to solicit the royal assent. It had been before voted,
at the passing the bill in the house of burgesses, that he
should be desired to request his grace of Canterbury, and
the bishop of London, to favour that good law, by obtaining his majesty’s royal assent to it with all convenient
speed; and the members who gave him an account of passing their vote, told him withal, that it was the general opinion of the house, that he could be most serviceable by
waiting personally on their lordships, rather, than by letters, in which he conld not crowd all that might be
necessary to be represented concerning the then state of the
church, and the necessity, at that time, of their utmost patronage: and it was in debate, whether this should not be
the desire of the assembly; but it was thought too unreasonable a request from them, who were sensible of the
great danger and fatigue he had already been at in the service of that province, as they had a few days before acknowledged by a message of thanks from that house. Such
were the sentiments of the members of the assembly, as to
the necessity of his coming home to solicit the establishment of that church; and the clergy meeting at their visitation, some weeks after, represented to him, as the earnest desire of the more sensible persons throughout the
country, as well as of the assembly-men, that he should go
over with the law for England; being aware that its opponents would make the utmost efforts against the establishment of that church, by false representations at home of
the numbers and riches of their party, and by insinuating,
that to impose upon them an established maintenance for
the clergy, would be prejudicial to the interest of the province, by obliging so many wealthy traders to remove from
thence, the falsity of which, or any other suggestions, they
thought him best able to make appear, by the information
he had gained from this visitation, There were also many
other advantages to the church in those parts, which they
proposed by his coming home at that time, upon the consideration of all which he took his voyage soon after. He
was no sooner arrived in England, but he found their apprehensions in Maryland'not ill grounded; but the objections raised against the plan, Dr. Bray refuted, by a printed
memorial, representing truly the state of the church of Maryland, to the full satisfaction of all to whom it was communicated. The quakers’ opposition to the establishment
now depending, was carried by united councils and contributions; but the doctor refuted their specious objections
by unanswerable reasons, and placed the affair in such an
advantageous light, that his majesty decided, without any
appearance of hesitation, in the church’s favour, and gave
the royal assent in these remarkable words: “Have the
Quakers the benefit of a toleration? let the established
church have an established maintenance.
” This chargeable and laborious undertaking having swallowed up the doctor’s own small fortune, lord Weymouth generously presented him with a bill of 300l. for his own private use, a,
large portion of which the doctor devoted to the advancement of his farther designs. Though he was vested with
the character of commissary, yet no share of the revenue
proposed was annexed to it; and his generosity even induced him to throw in two sums of fifty pounds each, that
were presented to himself in Maryland, towards defraying
the charges of their libraries and law. After the return of
Dr. Bray from thence in 1701, he published his “Circular
Letters to the Clergy of Maryland,
” a memorial, representing the present state of religion on the continent of
North America, and the acts of his visitation held at Annapolis; for which he had the thanks of the society above
mentioned. Not only the bishop of London approved entirely of all these transactions, but also the archbishop of
Canterbury declared, that he was well satisfied with the
reasons of Dr. Bray’s return from the West Indies, and
added, that his mission thither would be of the greatest
consequence imaginable to the establishment of religion in
those parts. In 1706, he had the donative of St. Botolph
without Aldgate offered him again, which he then accepted
of, worth about 150l. per annum. In the year 1712, the
doctor printed his “Martyrology; or, Papal Usurpation,
in folio. That nothing might be wanting to enrich and
adorn the work, he established a correspondence with
learned foreigners of the first distinction, and called in the
assistance of the most eminent hands. This work consists
of some choice and learned treatises of celebrated authors,
which were grown very scarce, ranged and digested into as
regular an history as the nature of the subject would admit.
He proposed to compile a second volume, and had, at no
small expence and pains, furnished himself with materials
for it; but he was afterwards obliged to lay the prosecution,
of his design aside, and bequeathed by will his valuable
collection of Martyrological Memoirs, both printed and
manuscript, to Sion college. He was, indeed, so great a
master of the history of popery, that few authors could be
presumed able, with equal accuracy and learning, to trace
the origin and growth of those exorbitant claims which are
made by the see of Rome. He was happily formed by nature both for the active and for the retired life. Charity
to the souls of other men, was wrought up to the highest
pitch in his own: every reflection on the dark and forlorn
condition of the Indians and negroes, excited in his bosoin the most generous emotions of pity and concern. His
voyage to Holland, to solicit king William’s protection and
encouragement to his good designs, and the proofs he gave
of a public spirit and disinterested zeal, in such a series of
generous undertakings, obtained him the esteem of M.
d‘Allone of the Hague, a gentleman not more celebrated
for his penetration and address in state affairs, than for a
pious disposition of mind. An epistolary correspondence
commenced very early between him and the doctor upon
this subject; the result of which was, that M. d’Allone
gave in his life-time a sum to be applied to the conversion
of negroes, desiring the doctor to accept the management
and disposal of it. But that a standing provision might be
inade for this purpose, M. d'Allone bequeathed by will a
certain sum, viz. 900 pounds, out of his English estate, to
Dr. Bray and his associates, towards erecting a capital fund
or stock, for converting the negroes in the British plantations. This was in the year 1723, much about which
time Dr. Bray had an extremely dangerous fit of illness,
so that his life and recovery were despaired of. In the year
1726, he was employed in composing and printing his
“Directorium Missionarium,
” his “Primordia Bibliothecaria,
” and some other tracts of the like kind. About this
time he also wrote a short account of Mr. Rawlet, the author of “The Christian Monitor;
” and reprinted the Life of
Mr. Gilpin. Some of these were calculated for the use of
the mission; and in one he has endeavoured to shew, that
civilizing the Indians must be the first step in any successful attempt for their conversion. In his “Primordia Bibliothecaria,
” we have several schemes of parochial libraries, and a method laid down to proceed by a gradual progression, from a collection not much exceeding one pound
in value, to one of a hundred. His attention to other good
works occasioned no discontinuance of this design, the success of which was so much the object of his desires; and
accordingly benefactions came in so fast, that he had business enough upon his hands to form the libraries, desired.
As trie furnishing the parochial clergy with the means of instruction, would be an effectual method to promote Christian knowledge, so another expedient, manifestly subservient to the same end, would be, he thought, to imprint on
the minds of those who are designed for the ministry, previously to their admission, a just sense of its various duties,
and their great importance. With a view to this, he reprinted the “Ecclesiastes of Erasmus.
” In the year
ed Martha daughter and heir of Dr. Robert Abbot, bishop of Salisbury, and niece to Dr. George Abbot, archbishop of Canterbury, which was the cause of his succeeding great
, a learned lawyer in the seventeenth century, was born at Little Wool ford, in Warwickshire, in 1573, being the son of Anchor Brent of that place, gent. In 1589, he became pordonist, or post-master, of Merton-college, in Oxford; and, on the 20th of June 1593, took the degree of bachelor of arts. The year following he was admitted probationer-fellow of the college. On the 3 1st of October 1598; he took the degree of master of arts and then entered upon law studies. In 1607, he was one of the proctors of the university. Some years after, in 1613, &c. he travelled into foreign parts, and became acquainted with several of the most learned men abroad. After his return, he married Martha daughter and heir of Dr. Robert Abbot, bishop of Salisbury, and niece to Dr. George Abbot, archbishop of Canterbury, which was the cause of his succeeding great preferments. About the year 1618, he was sent to Venice by archbishop Abbot, on purpose to get a copy of the History of the Council of Trent, then newly composed by the most renowned Padre Paolo Sarpi; in procuring of which he exposed himself to very great dangers. In 1621, he Was elected warden of Merton-college, through the archbishop’s recommendation; who also made him his vicar-general, commissary of the diocese of Canterbury, master of the faculties, and at length judge of the prerogative. On the llth of October, 1623, he accumulated the degrees of bachelor and doctor of law. The 23d of August, 1629, he received the honour of knighthood from king Charles I. at Woodstock, being then supposed well-affected to the church and hierarchy. But in the great disputes that arose between archbishop Abbot and bishop Laud, he entirely sided with the first, and his adherents, the puritan party; and grew so inveterate against Laud, that he was a frequent witness against him at his trial. He likewise deserted Oxford when king Charles I. garrisoned that place, and took the covenant: for which reason he was deprived of his wardenship of Merton-college, by his majesty’s command; but restored again when Oxford garrison was surrendered for the parliament’s use, in 1646. In 1647 and 1648, he was appointed chief visitor of that university, and countenanced all the violent and arbitrary proceedings there used, not sparing his own college. When an order was made against pluralities, he was forced to leave Mertoncollege, on the 27th of November, 1651; at which time he refused also the oath called the Engagement. Upon this, retiring to his house in Little Britain, in London, he died there November 6, 1652, aged 79; and was buried, the seventeenth of the same month, with great solemnity, in the church of St. Bartholomew the Less.
two joint authors, composed it, they privately gave a copy to Brent, who sent it over weekly to the archbishop Abbot in the original Italian; and it came to his hands under
The only service to the public which sir N. Brent did,
appears to have been in procuring the history of the council of Trent. As father Paul and father Fulgentio, the
two joint authors, composed it, they privately gave a copy
to Brent, who sent it over weekly to the archbishop Abbot
in the original Italian; and it came to his hands under five
or six covers to other persons, for the greater security.
When Mr. Brent had sent it all over, he came back himself, and translated it out of Italian into English and Latin. The original Italian was printed first at London in
1619, and dedicated to king James I. by D. Antonio de
Dominis, archbishop of Spalatro, who had been instrumental in procuring that history. The English translation
was published in 1619, folio. A new edition was printed
in 1640; and another in 1676, with other pieces of father
Paul at the end. His other publication would have done
him equal credit, had he adhered to his principles. He
reviewed Mr. Francis Mason’s “Vindication of the Church
of England, concerning the Consecration and Ordination
of the Bishops, &c.
” examined the quotations, compared
them with the originals, and printed that book from the
author’s manuscript, in 1625, fol. in Latin. It is a complete refutation of the old story of the Nag’s head ordination.
e was instituted to that rectory, on the presentation of Jeffery Boys, the eldest brother of Thomas. Archbishop Tenison made him an offer of the vicarage of Chistlet, of about
Upon his father’s decease, at the earnest solicitation of his mother, he left Islington with some reluctance in May, 1696, came to his house at Spring-grove, and took upon him the cure of Great- Chart where he soon became acquainted with the family of sir Nicholas Toke, and married his youngest daughter Bridget before the expiration of that year. In the following year he took the degree of LL. D. as a member of Queen’s, and soon after entered upon the cure of Wye, as lying more conveniently for him, but had no benefice of his own before April 12, 1703, when upon the death of his uncle, Thomas Boys, rector of Bettishanger, he was instituted to that rectory, on the presentation of Jeffery Boys, the eldest brother of Thomas. Archbishop Tenison made him an offer of the vicarage of Chistlet, of about 70l. per ann. soon after, and, as he acquainted him at the same time that he designed something better for him, indulged him in holding it by sequestration; and it was not long before he had an opportunity of making good his promise, by collating him to the rectory of Rucking, April 12, 1705.
this, in the present state of his conscience, he could not comply with, and wrote to his patron the archbishop, in April 1715, desiring he would give him leave to resign his
At each of these institutions he took the oath of abjuration, and without scruple, until by frequent discourse on the subject of parties, with his near relation the lord chief baron Gilbert, who endeavoured to bring him over to the whigs, that he might have the better opportunity of recommending him to higher preferment, he unwittingly opened his eyes, as he terms it, and rivetted him the firmer in his former opinions; and, upon reading the trial of Dr. Sacheverel, published soon after, he began in earnest to believe he had taken oaths which he ought not to have taken, and resolved never to repeat them. In this dilemma, however, he had no scruple about the schism in the church, nor about continuing to pray for a prince in possession of the throne, until upon the accession of a new one, an act of parliament was made obliging all persons to take the oaths afresh. But this, in the present state of his conscience, he could not comply with, and wrote to his patron the archbishop, in April 1715, desiring he would give him leave to resign his livings, to which his grace answered very kindly, that he would advise him to consider farther of it, and not to do that rashly of which he might afterwards repent. Dr. Brett accordingly took his advice, and made no resignation, considering that his non-compliance with the act of parliament would' in a short time vacate them of course. He left off, however, to officiate in either of them, but still went to his own parish church as a lay communicant, until Mr. Campbell wrote to him, by order of bishop Hickes, (who had got some information of his resolution) pressing him earnestly to refrain entirely from all communion with the parish churches, urging the point of schism. On this he had recourse to ?.lr. Dodwell’s tracts on that subject, whose arguments not satisfying his mind, he resolved to surrender himself up to bishop Hickes, and upon a penitential confession, was received into his communion July 1, 1715, who from this time appears to have had a great influence over him.
ter of Feversham, by visiting a sick person of his communion, this minister complained of him to the archbishop in 1718, who sent him word that if he heard any more such complaints,
He now usually officiated in his own house every Sunday, where a few of the same persuasion assembled with his family, until he was presented at the assizes the year following, for keeping a conventicle, but the act of indemnity soon after cleared him from this. To avoid, however, any prosecution of the like sort for the future, it was thought adviseable to vary the place of their meeting, and he went accordingly, sometimes to Canterbury, and sometimes to Feversham, where part of his congregation lived, without any interruption, until upon intruding into the duties of the parochial minister of Feversham, by visiting a sick person of his communion, this minister complained of him to the archbishop in 1718, who sent him word that if he heard any more such complaints, he should be obliged to lay them before the king and council. He continued to officiate on Sundays, as usual, and no farther notice was taken of it, until in 1729 he obtained leave of Mr. Simpson, the minister of Norton, to perform the burial office in his church. Lord Townsend hearing of this, and communicating it to the archbishop, he ordered his archdeacon to reprove the vicar for granting him permission. So that it appears from his own confession (for most of the foregoing particulars are extracted from the account he gives of/ himself in a letter to a friend) both the archbishops Tenison and Wake, shewed great wisdom and charity, candour and generosity, in their conduct towards him, although they could not influence him so far as to be even ^a lay-communicant with them; and that he lived under a mild government, having no other disturbance given him, than a reproof, upon a complaint.
r 12, 1638, incorporated M. A. as he stood at Saumur. About this time king Charles I. having through archbishop Laud’s persuasion founded three fellowships in the colleges
, a learned divine of the seventeenth century, was born in the Isle of Jersey, in the reign
of king James I. and probably educated in grammar-learning in that place. From thence he went and studied logic
and philosophy in the Protestant university of Saumur,
where he took the degree of master of arts, on September
12, 1634. Coming to Oxford, he was, October 12, 1638,
incorporated M. A. as he stood at Saumur. About this
time king Charles I. having through archbishop Laud’s
persuasion founded three fellowships in the colleges of
Pembroke, Exeter, and Jesus, for the islands of Jersey
and Guernsey, alternately, Mr. Brevint was nominated
the first fellow at Jesus-college upon this foundation, in
1638. Here he continued till he was ejected from his fellowship by the parliament- visitors, for refusing to take the
solemn league and covenant, and withdrew to his native
country, but upon the reduction of that place by the parliament’s forces, he fled into France, and became minister
of a Protestant congregation in Normandy. Not long
after, he had the honour of being made chaplain to the
viscount de Turenne, afterwards marshal of France, whose
lady was one of the most pious women of her time. Whilst
he was in that station, he was one of the persons “employed about the great design then in hand, of reconciling
the Protestant and Popish religions; which gave him an access into, and made him acquainted with every corner of that
” as he says himself. At the restoration of king
Charles II. he returned to England, and was presented by
that prince (wjio had known him abroad) to the tenth prebend in the church of Durham, vacant by the promotion of
Dr. J. Cosin to that see, and was installed March 15, 1660-61.
By bishop Cosiu, who had been his fellow-sufferer, he was
also collated to a living in the diocese of Durham. On the
27th of February, 1661-62, he took his degree of D. D. at
Oxford. Having during his exile seen Popery in its native
deformity, and observed all the mean and dishonest arts
that are used to support it, he in 1672 published “Missale Romanum; or, the depth and mystery of the Roman
Mass laid open and explained, for the use of both reformed
and unreformed Christians,
” and the next year, “The
Christian Sacramenc and Sacrifice, by way of discourse,
meditation, and prayer, upon the nature, parts, and blessings of the holy communipn,
” reprinted on the recommendation of Dr. Waterland, in 1739. And in 1674,
“Saul and Samuel at Endor, or the new waies of salvation
and service, which usually tempt men to Rome, and detain them there, truly represented and refuted,
” reprinted
A brief account of R. F.
his Missale Vindicaturo, or vindication of the Roman mass,
being an answer to “The depth and mystery of the Roman
” above-mentioned. The learning and other eminent
qualifications of the author having recommended him to the
esteem of the world, and to the favour of his sovereign, he
was promoted to the deanery of Lincoln, and was installed
January 3, 1681-82, and had the prebend of WeltonPayns-hall annexed thereto, January 7th following. He
died May 5, 1695, and was buried in the cathedral church
of Lincoln, behind the high altar; where, on a gravestone, is an inscription to his memory. He was a person
of extensive reading, especially in the controversy between
the Protestants and Papists; zealous for the church of
England; and for his life and learning, truly praise-worthy.
Besides the above works, he published in Latin: 1. “Ecclesiae primitives Sacramentum & Sacrificium, a pontificiis
corruptelis, & exinde natis controversiis liberum,
” written at the desire of the princesses of Turenne and Bouillon.
2. “Eucharistiae Christianse prsesentia realis, & pontificia
ficta, luculentissimis non testimoniis modo, sed etiam fundamentis, quibus fere tota S. S. Patrum Theologia nititur,
hsec explosa, ilia suffulta & asserta.
” 3. “Pro Serenissima Principe Weimariensi ad Theses Jenenses accurata
” 4. “Ducentue plus minus Praelectiones in
Matthaei xxv capita, et aliorum Evangelistarum locos
passim parallelos.
” He also translated into Frenck
“The judgment of the university of Oxford concerning
the solemn League and Covenant.
edle being given. In 1609 he contracted an acquaintance with the learned Mr. James Usher, afterwards archbishop of Armagh, which continued many years after by letters, two
Upon the settlement of Gresham college, in London, he was chosen the first professor of geometry there, in 1596. Soon after this, he constructed a table, for finding the latitude, from the variation of the magnetic needle being given. In 1609 he contracted an acquaintance with the learned Mr. James Usher, afterwards archbishop of Armagh, which continued many years after by letters, two of Mr. Briggs’s being still extant in the collection of Usher’s letters that were published: in the former of these, dated August 1610, he writes among other things, that he was engaged in the subject of eclipses; and in the latter, dated the 10th of March 1615, that he was wholly taken up and employed about the noble invention of logarithms, which had come out the year before, and in the improvement of which he had afterwards so great a concern. For Briggs immediately set himself to the study and improvement of them; expounding them also to his auditors in his lecturesat Gresham college. In these lectures he proposed the alteration of the scale of logarithms, from the hyperbolic form which Napier had given them, to that in which 1 should be the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1; and soon after he wrote to Napier to make the same proposal to himself. In 1616 Briggs made a visit to Na.pier at Edinburgh, to confer with him upon this change; and the next year he did the same also. In these conferences, the alteration was agreed upon accordingly, and upon Briggs’ s return from his second visit, in 1617, he published the first chiliad, or 1000 of his logarithms.
10. “Two letters to archbishop Usher.” 11. “* Mathematica ab antiquis minus cognita.” This
10. “Two letters to archbishop Usher.
” 11. “* Mathematica ab antiquis minus cognita.
” This is a summary
account of the most observable inventions of modern mathematicians, conrtnunicated by Mr. Briggs to Dr. George
Hakewill, and published by him in his Apologie, London,
folio. Besides these publications, Briggs wrote some
other pieces that have not been printed: as, 1. “Commentaries on the Geometry of Peter Ramus.
”. 2. “Duae
Epistolae ad celeberrimum virutn Chr. Sever. Longomontanuiii.
” One of these letters contained some remarks on
a treatise of Longomontanus, about squaring the circle;
ani the other a defence of arithmetical geometry, 3.
“Animadversiones Geometricas, 4to. 4.
” De eodem Argumento,“4to. These two were in the possession of the
late Mr. Jones. They both contain a great variety of
geometrical propositions, concerning the properties of many
figures, with several arithmetical computations relating to
the circle, angular sections, &c. Mr. Jones also had, 5.
” A treatise of common arithmetic,“folio; and 6.
” A letter
to Mr. Clarke of Gravesend," dated Feb. 25, 1606, containing the description of a ruler, called Bedwell’s ruler.
was sent to Bene't-college in Cambridge, and placed under the care of Dr. Thomas Tenison, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, whom he succeeded in his fellowship. He took
, an eminent physician, was son of
Augustine Briggs, esq. who was descended of an ancient
family in Norfolk, and had been four times member of
parliament for the city of Norwich, where this son was
born about the year 1650, although his biographers differ
very widely on this point. At thirteen years of age he
was sent to Bene't-college in Cambridge, and placed under
the care of Dr. Thomas Tenison, afterwards archbishop of
Canterbury, whom he succeeded in his fellowship. He
took both his degrees in arts, and was chosen fellow of his
college, Nov. 1668. His genius leading him to the study
of physic, he travelled into France, where he attended the
lectures of the famous anatomist Mons. Vieussens at Montpelier; and, after his return, published his “Ophthalmographia
” in Theory
of Vision
” was published by Hooke. In Theory of Vision,
” at the
desire of Mr. (afterwards sir) Isaac Newton, with a recommendatory epistle from him prefixed to it. And for completing this curious and useful subject relating to the eye,
he promised, in the preface, two other treatises, one “De
usu partium oculi;
” and the other “De ejusdem affectibus;
” neither of which', however, appears to have been
ever published: but, in 1687, came out a second edition
of his “Ophthalmographia.
” He was afterwards made
physician in ordinary to king William, and continued in
great esteem for his skill in his profession till he died at
Town-Malling in Kent, Sept. 4, 1704, and was there
buried, although a cenotaph is erected to his memory in
the church of Holt in Norfolk. He married Hannah, sole
daughter and heiress of Edmund Hobart, grandson to sir
Henry Hobart, lord chief justice of the common pleas in
the reign of James I. by whom he left three children,
Mary, Henry, and Hannah. Henry died in 1748, rector
of Hoit.
tion of St. John illustrated,” 1644, 4to. In this, when treating on chap. xiv. ver. 18, he discovers archbishop Cranmer to be the angel that had power over the fire; and in
, an English divine, attached
to the principles of the puritans, was born at Nottingham
in 1557, and was educated in Queen’s college, Cambridge,
and long maintained a controversy on the discipline and
ceremonies of the church, which seems to have led 'him
to write his Commentaries in Latin on the Song of Solomon
and the Revelations. This last was afterwards translated
under the title of “The Revelation of St. John illustrated,
” Brightman Redivivus, or the posthumian offspring of Thomas Brightman,
in four Sermons,
” 4to.
in his schemes of ambition. In this situation, he wro:e a pamphlet against the administration of the archbishop of Sens, entitled “No Bankruptcy, &c.” which occasioned the
Brissot, at the period of his residence at Boulogne, had
been introduced to mademoiselle Dupont, who was employed under mad. de Genlis as reader to the daughter of
the duke of Orleans, and whose mother kept a lodginghouse in that place: and having married this lady, he
found it necessary to exert his literary talents for gaining
a subsistence. But as France did not afford that liberty,
which he wished to indulge, he formed a design of printing,
in Swisserland or Germany, a series of works in a kind of
periodical publication, under the title of “An universal
Correspondence on points interesting to the welfare of
Man and of Society,
” which he proposed to smuggle into
France. With this view, he visited Geneva and Neuchatel, in order to establish correspondences; and he also
made a journey to London, which was to be the central
point of the establishment, and the fixed residence of the
writers. His intentions, however, were divulged by the
treachery of some of his confidential associates; and the
scheme totally failed. During his abode in London, he
concerted the plan of a periodical work or journal, on the
literature, arts, and politics of England, which, being published in London, was allowed to be reprinted at Paris, and
first appeared in 1784. The avowed object of this publication, as he himself declares, was “the universal
emancipation of men.
” In London, he was arrested for debt;
but, being liberated by the generosity of a friend, he returned to Paris, where he was committed to the Bastille
in July 1784, on the charge of being concerned in a very
obnoxious publication. But by the interest of the duke
of Orleans, he was released, on condition of never residing
in England, and discontinuing his political correspondence.
In 1785, he published two letters to the emperor Joseph
II. “Concerning the Right of Emigration, and the Right
of the People to revolt,
” which he applied particularly to
the case of the Waiachsans: and in the following year appeared his “Philosophical Letters on the History of England,
” in 2 vols. and “A critical Examination of the Travels of the marq is de Chatelleux in North America.
” With
a view of promoting a close, political, and commercial
union between France and the United States, he wrote in
1787, with the assistance of Claviere, a tract, entitled
“De la France et des Etats Unis, &c.
” “On France and
the United States or on the Importance of the American
Revolution to the kingdom of France, and the reciprocal
advantages which will accrue from a commercial Intercourse between the two nations.
” Of this work, an English translation was published, both in England and America. At this time he was in the service of the duke of
Orleans, as secretary to his chancery, with a handsome
salary, and apartments in the palais royal; and, without
doubt, employed in aiding that monster in his schemes of
ambition. In this situation, he wro:e a pamphlet against
the administration of the archbishop of Sens, entitled “No
Bankruptcy, &c.
” which occasioned the issuing of a lettre
de cachet against him. But to avoid its effect, he went
to Holland, England, and the Low Countries; and at
Mechlin, he edited a newspaper, called “Le Courier Beigique.
” For the purpose of promoting the views of a society at Paris, denominated “Les Amis des Noirs,
” and
established for the purpose of abolishing negro slavery, he
embarked for America in 1788; and, during his residence
in that country, he sought for a convenient situation, in
which a colony of Frenchmen might be organized into a
republic, according to his ideas of political liberty. But
his return was hastened in 1789 by the intelligence he
received of the progress of the French revolution. After
his arrival, he published his “Travels in America;
” (Nouveau Voyage dans les Etats Unis, &. Paris, 1791, 3 vols. 8vo), and as he found the attention of the public directed
to the approaching assembly of the states-general, he
wrote his “Plan of Conduct for the Deputies of the People.
” At this time, he had withdrawn from the partisans of
the duke of Orleans; and he took an active part in the
plans that were then projected for the organization of the
people, with a view to their union and energy in accomplishing the revolution. To the lodgings of Brissot, as a
person who was held in estimation at this period, the keys
of the Bastille, when it was taken, were conveyed; he also
became president of the Jacobin club; and he distinguished
himself in various ways as a zealous promoter of those
revolutionary principles, which afterwards gave occasion
to a great jiumber of atrocious excesses. After the king’s
flight to Varennes, Brissot openly supported the republican
cause; but, as some form of monarchy was still the object
of the national wish, he was obliged to restrain his impetuosity. The popularity acquired by his writings and
conduct was such, as to induce the Parisians to return him
as one of their members in the “Legislative national assembly,
” which succeeded the “Constituent assembly,
in October Girondists
” or “La Gironde,
” the name of the department
to which several of its members belonged, and also from
his own name “Brissotins.
” In his career of ambition, he
does not seem to have been influenced by pecuniary cc nsiderations; power, more than wealth, being the object of
his aim; for, at this time, he and his family lodged in an
apartment up four pair of stairs, and subsisted on his stipend as deputy, and the inconsiderable gains accruing
from a newspaper. As a determined enemy to monarchy,
he was unremitting in his efforts to engage the nation in a
war, with the avowed purpose of involving the king and
his ministers in difficulties which would terminate in their
ruin, and this part of his political conduct must ever be
lamented and execrated by the friends of freedom and of
mankind. In the impeachment of M. Delessart, the minister for foreign affairs, Brissot took a principal lead; and
alleged against him several articles of accusation, in consequence of which, he was apprehended, tried by the high
national court at Orleans, and condemned to die, without
being h'rst heard in his own defence, so that he became
the first victim to that desperate faction, which afterwards
deluged France with blood. His colleagues were so complex ly terrified by this event, that they requested leave to
resign, and the ministry was at once completely dissolved.
Their successors, appointed by the king, under the direction and inriuence of Brissot, were Dumourier, Roland, and
Ciaviere. This appointment was followed bya declaration
of war, decreed by the national assembly, against the king
of Hungary and Bohemia; and Brissot, during the existence of this administration, which terminated soon, was
considered as the most powerful person in France. About
this time, Brissot began to entertain secret jealousy and
suspicion of La Fayette, and concurred with other members of the assembly, in signing an accusation against him,
which, however, he was not able to substantiate. He and his
republican party were likewise industrious in their endeavours to throw an odium on the court, by alleging, that a
private correspondence was carried on between the king
and queen and the emperor; and they even averred, that
an “Austrian Committee,
” and a conspiracy in favour of
the enemies of the country, existed among the friends of
the court. The charge seemed to be unsupported by sufficient evidence; the king publicly contradicted these accusations as calumnies; nevertheless, they made no small
impression on the minds of the public. To the writings
and conduct of Brissot, the horrid massacres at the Tuiileries, on the 10th of August, 1792, have been principally
ascribed; and it is a poor excuse that he is said to have
preserved the lives of several of the Swiss guards on that
fatal day. He was employed to draw up the declaration to
the neutral powers concerning the suspension of the king’s
authority; but he is said to have regarded with horror the
sanguinary spirit that was now predominant among the
leaders of the jacobins. Whilst, indeed, he was ascending
to the pinnacle of power, he seems to have been the ardent
advocate of insurrection and the revolutionary power: but
as he found himself raised to that station, he began to inculcate “order and the constitution,
” the usual cant of all
demagogues who think they have attained their object.
In the shocking massacre of the prisoners at Paris in September, he had probably no other concern, than the inwhich his irritating speeches and writings had
created on the minds of the more active agents. When
the “National convention,
” the idea of which is said to
have been suggested by him, assumed the direction of the
state, and assembled on the 20th of September, 1792, he
was returned as member for the department of Eure and
Loire, his native country. In this assembly, he openly
avowed himself an advocate for a republican government,
in opposition both to the Jacobins and Orleanists; and was
expelled the Jacobin club. On this occasion, he wrote a
vindication of his public conduct, under the title of “An
Address to all the Republicans.
” He is said to have been
so far shocked by the prospect of the fatal issue of the
king’s trial, as to have attempted the preservation of his
life, by deferring his execution till the constitution should
be perfected; a proposition of which the absurdity and
cruelty are nearly equal. The war with England, which
soon followed the death of Louis, is ascribed to his ardour
find credulity; for he was led to imagine, that the consequence of it would be a civil war in this country; and it is
said, that this, as well as the war with Holland, was decreed
in the national convention, Feb. 1, 1793, at his motion.
This charge, however, he retorts on his accusers, and says,
that the anarchists, by voting the death of the king, were
themselves the authors of the war,
ses on the same subject, left in manuscript, and published, with an answer, by George Abbot (not the archbishop), as mentioned in his life.
, son of the rev. W.
Broad, of Rendcombe, in Gloucestershire, was born in
1577, and educated at St. Mary’s-hall, Oxford, which he
entered in 1594, but soon after went to Aiban-hall, where
he took his degrees in arts: In 1611, on the death of his
father, he became rector of Rendcombe, where he was
held in high esteem for piety and learning, and where he
died, and was buried in the chancel of his church, in June,
1635. He wrote: 1. a “Touchstone for a Christian,
Lond. The Christian’s Warfare,' ibid.
1613, 12mo. 3.
” Three questions on the Lord’s Day,
c.“Oxon. 1621, 4to. 4.
” Tractatus de Sabbato, in
quo doctrina ecclesise primitives declaratur ac defenditur,"
1627, 4to, and two treatises on the same subject, left in
manuscript, and published, with an answer, by George
Abbot (not the archbishop), as mentioned in his life.
chronology, settled by public authority. He addressed on this subject queen Elizabeth, Dr. Whitgift, archbishop of Canterbury, and Dr. Aylmer, bishop of London. His work was
In 1588, he published a piece, entitled “The Consent
of Scriptures.
” This was a work in which he was employed several years; and which, therefore, he used to
call his “little book of grest pains.
” It is a kind of scripture chronology, and scripture genealogies, and appears
to have been compiled with great labour. It was dedicated
to queen Elizabeth, to whom it was presented by himself,
on her inauguration day, Nov. 17, 1589 . He appears
to have had some assistance in it from Speed, who overlooked the press, and compiled those genealogies which
are prefixed to the old Bibles; but Broughton certainly
directed and digested them. Speed is said to have owed
many obligations to Broughton, and had a vast number of his
manuscripts, which, for whatever reason, he burnt. But,
to return to the “Consent of Scripture;
” it excited much
attention at its first publication, but was strongly opposed
by Dr. Reynolds at Oxford. This gave great offc-nce to
Mr. Broughton, who had a very earnest and absurd desire
to have the dispute between him and Dr. Reynolds, concerning the scripture chronology, settled by public authority. He addressed on this subject queen Elizabeth,
Dr. Whitgift, archbishop of Canterbury, and Dr. Aylmer,
bishop of London. His work was opposed, not only at
Oxford, but at Cambridge, where Mr. Lively, a professor,
read publicly against it. He was, therefore, induced to
read lectures in defence of his performance, which he did
first in St. Paul’s, at the east end of the church, and afterwards in a large room in Cheapside, and in Mark-lane .
decision of the controversy between them, occasioned by his “Consent of Scripture,” to Dr. Whitgift, archbishop of Canterbury, and Dr. Aylmer, bishop of London. Another piece
He continued several years in London, where he procured many friends. One of these was Mr. William
Cotton, whose son Rowland, who was afterwards knighted,
he instructed in the Hebrew tongue. In 1589 Mr. Broughton went over into Germany, accompanied by Mr. Alexander Top, a young gentleman who had put himself
under his care, and travelled with him, that he might
continually receive the benefit of his instructions. He was
some time at Frankfort, where he had a long dispute in
the Jewish synagogue, with rabbi Elias, on the truth of
the Christian religion. He appears to have been very solicitous for the conversion of the Jews, and his taste for
rabbinical and Hebrew studies naturally led him to take
pleasure in the conversation of those learned Jews whom he
occasionally met with. In the course of his travels, he
had also disputes with the papists; but in hig contests both
with them and with the Jews, he was not very attentive to
the rules either of prudence or politeness. It appears,
that in 1590 he was at Worms; but in what other places is
not mentioned. In 1591 he returned again to England,
and met at London with his antagonist Dr. Reynolds; and
they referred the -decision of the controversy between
them, occasioned by his “Consent of Scripture,
” to Dr.
Whitgift, archbishop of Canterbury, and Dr. Aylmer,
bishop of London. Another piece which he published,
entitled “An Explication of the article of Christ’s Descent
to Hell,
” was a source of much controversy, though his
opinion on this subject is now generally received. Two
of his opponents in this controversy were archbishop Whitgift and bishop Bilson. He addressed on this subject
“An Oration to the Geneveans,
” which was first published
in Greek, at Mentz, by Albinus. In this piece he treats
the celebrated Beza with much severity. In 1592 he was
in Germany again, and published a piece called “The
Sinai Sight,
” which he dedicated to the earl of Essex, and
had the odd whim of having it engraved on brass, at a considerable expence. About the year 1596, rabbi Abraham
Reuben wrote an epistle from Constantinople to Mr.
Broughton, which was directed to him in London; but
he was then in Germany. He appears to have continued
abroad till the death of queen Elizabeth; and during his
residence in foreign countries, cultivated an acquaintance
with Scaliger, Raphelengius, Junius, Pistorius, Serrarius,
and other eminent and learned men. He was treated with
particular favour by the archbishop of Mentz, to whom he
dedicated his translation of the Prophets into Greek. He
was also offered a cardinal’s hat, if he wo<;ld have embraced the Romish religion. But that offer he retused to
accept, and returned again to England, soon after the accession of king James I. In 1603 he preached before
prince Henry, at Oatlands, upon the Lord!s Prayer. In
1607 the new translation of the Bible was begun; and Mr.
Broughton’s friends expressed much surprize that he was
not employed in that work. It might probably be disgust
on this account, which again occasioned him to go abroad;
and during his stay there, he was for some time puncher
to the English at Middleburgh. But finding his health
decline, 'having a consumptive disorder, which he found
to increase, he returned again to England in November,
1611. He lodged in London, during the winter, at a
friend’s house in Cannon-street; but in the spring he was
removed, for the benefit of the air, to the house of another
friend, at Tottenham High-cross, where he died of a pulmonary consumption on the 4th of August, 1612, in the
sixty-third year of his age. During his illness he made
such occasional discourses and exhortations to his friends,
as his strength would enable him; and he appears to have
had many friends and admirers’ even to the last. His
corpse was brought to London, attended by great numbers
of people, many of whom had put themselves in mourning
for him; and interred in St. Amholin’s church, where his
funeral sermon was preached by the rev. James Speght,
B. D. afterwards D. D. minister of the church in Milkstreet, London. Lightfoot mentions it as a report, that
the bishops would not suffer this sermon to be published;
but it was afterwards printed at the end of his works.
ophical Transactions. (See Lowthorp’s Abr. vol. I. p. 10, &c.); “Several Letters to Dr. James Usher, archbishop of Armagh,” annexed to that primate’s life by Dr. Parr; and
, viscount Brouncker, of Castle Lyons in Ireland, son of sir William Brouncker, afterwards made viscount in 1645, was born about 1620; and,
having received an excellent education, discovered an
early genius for mathematics, in which he afterwards became very eminent. He was created M. D. at Oxford,
June 23, 1646. In 1657 and 1658, he was engaged in a
correspondence on mathematical subjects with Dr. John
Wallis, who published the letters in his “Commercium.
” Oxford, Experiments on the recoiling of Guns,
” published in Dr. Sprat’s History of the
Royal Society; “An algebraical paper upon the squaring
of the Hyperbola,
” published in the Philosophical Transactions. (See Lowthorp’s Abr. vol. I. p. 10, &c.); “Several Letters to Dr. James Usher, archbishop of Armagh,
annexed to that primate’s life by Dr. Parr; and “A translation of the Treatise of Des Cartes, entitled Musicae
” published without his name, but enriched
with a variety of observations, which shew that he was
deeply skilled in the theory of the science of music. Although he agrees with his author almost throughout the
book, he asserts that the geometrical is to be preferred to
the arithmetical division; and with a view, as it is presumed, to the farther improvement of the “Systema
” he proposes a division of the diapason by sixteen
mean proportionals into seventeen equal semitones; the
method of which division is exhibited by him in an algebraic process, and also in logarithms. The “Systema
” which is mentioned by Bontempi, consisted
in the division of the diapason, or octave, into twelve equal
semitones, by eleven mean proportionals. Descartes, we
are informed, rejected this division for reasons which are
far from being satisfactory. Mr. Park, in his edition of
lord Orford’s “Royal and Noble Authors,
” to which we
are frequently indebted, points out an original commission,
among the Sloanian Mss. from Charles II. dated Whitehall, Dec. 15, 1674, appointing lord Brouncker and others
to inquire into, and to report their opinions of a method of
finding the longitude, devised by Sieur de St. Pierre.
procured his enlargement. After this, hisjordship ordered Brown up to London, and recommended him to archbishop Whitgift for his instruction and counsel, in order to his amendment;
, an English divine of the sixteenth
and beginning of the seventeenth century, from whom the
sect of the Brownists derived its name, was descended of
an ancient and worshipful family, says Fuller, (one whereof founded a fair hospital in Stamford), and was nearly allied
to the lord-treasurer Cecil. He was the son of Anthony
Brown, of Tol thorp, in Rutlandshire, esq. (though born at Northampton, according to Mr. Collier), and grandson
of Francis Brown, whom king Henry VIII. in the eighteenth year of his reign, privileged by charter to wear
Jiis cap in the presence of himself, his heirs, or any of his
nobles, and not to uncover but at his own pleasure;
which charter was confirmed by act of parliament. Robert
Brown studied divinity at Cambridge, in Corpus Christi
college, and was afterwards a schoolmaster in Southwark. He was soon discovered by Dr. Still, master of
Trinity-college, to have somewhat extraordinary in him
that would prove a great disturbance to the church. Brown
soon verified what the doctor foretold, for he not only jm^
bibed Cartwright’s opinions, but resolved to refine upon
his scheme, and to produce something more perfect of his
own. Accordingly, about the year 1580, he began to inveigh openly against the discipline and ceremonies of the
church of England, and soon shewed that he intended to
go much farther than Cartwright had ever done. In his
discourses the church government was antichristian; her
sacraments clogged with superstition; the liturgy had a
mixture of Popery and Paganism in it; and the mission of
the clergy was no better than that of Baal’s priests in the
Old Testament. He first preached at Norwich, in 1581,
where the Dutch having a numerous congregation, many
of them inclined to Ahabaptism; and, therefore, being the
more disposed to entertain any new resembling opinion,
he made his first essay upon them; and having made some
progress, and raised a character for zeal and sanctity, he
then began to infect his own countrymen; for which purpose he called in the assistance of one Richard Harrison, a
country schoolmaster, and they formed churches out of
both nations, but mostly of the English. He instructed
his audience that the church of England was no true
church; that there was little of Christ’s institution in the
public ministrations, and that all good Christians were
obliged to separate from those impure assemblies; that
their only way was to join him and his disciples, among
whom all was pure and unexceptionable, evidently inspired by the Spirit of God, and refined from all alloy and
prophanation. These discourses prevailed on the audience; and his disciples, now called Brownists, formed a
society, and made a total defection from the church, refusing to join any congregation in any public office of
worship. Brown being convened before Dr. Freake, bishop
of Norwich, and other ecclesiastical commissioners, he
maintained his schism, to justify which he had also written
a book, and behaved rudely to the court, on which he was
committed to the custody of the sheriff of Norwich; but
his relation, the lord treasurer Burghley, imputing his
error and obstinacy to zeal, rather than malice, interceded
to have him charitably persuaded out of his opinions, and
released. To this end he wrote a letter to the bishop of
Norwich, which procured his enlargement. After this,
hisjordship ordered Brown up to London, and recommended him to archbishop Whitgift for his instruction and
counsel, in order to his amendment; but Brown left the
kingdom, and settled at Middleburgh in Zealand, where
he and his followers obtained leave of the states to form a
church according to their own model, which was drawn in
a book published by Brown at Middleburgh in 1582, and
called “A treatise of Reformation, without staying for any
” How long he remained at Middleburgh, is not
precisely known; but he was in England in 1585, when
he was cited to appear before archbishop Whitgift, to
answer to certain matters contained in a book published by
him, but what this was, we are not informed. The archbishop, however, by force of reasoning, brought Brown
at last to a tolerable compliance with the church of England; and having dismissed him, the lord treasurer Burgh.Jey sent him to his father in the country, with a letter to
recommend him to his favour and countenance, but from
another letter of the lord treasurer’s, we learn that Brown’s
errors had sunk so deep as not to be so easily rooted out as
was imagined; and that he soon relapsed into his former opinions, and shewed himself so incorrigible, that his good old
father resolved to own him for his son no longer than his son
owned the church of England for his mother; and Brown
chusing rather to part with his aged sire than his new schism,
he was discharged the family. When gentleness was found
ineffectual, severity was next practised; and Brown, after
wandering up and down, and enduring great hardships, at
length went to live at Northampton, where, industriously
labouring to promote his sect, Lindsell, bishop of Peterborough, sent him a citation to come before him, which Brown
refused to obey; for which contempt he was excommunicated. This proved the means of his reformation; for he was
so deeply affected with the solemnity of this censure, that
he made his submission, moved for absolution, and received
it; and from that time continued in the communion of the
church, though it was not in his power to close the chasrn^
or heal the wound he had made in it. It was towards the
year 1590 that Brown renounced his principles of separation, antl was soon after preferred to the rectory of
Achurch, near Thrapston in Northamptonshire. Fuller
does not believe that Brown ever formally recanted his
opinions, either by word or writing, as to the main points
of his doctrine; but that his promise of a general compliance with the church of England, improved by the countenance of his patron and kinsman, the earl of Exeter, prevailed upon the archbishop, and procured this extraordinary favour for him. He adds, that Brown allowed a
salary for one to discharge his cure; and though he opposed his parishioners in judgment, yet agreed in taking
their tithes. He was a man of good parts and some learning, but was imperious and uncontroulable; and so far
from the Sabbatarian strictness afterwards espoused by
some of his followers, that he led an idle and dissolute life.
In a word, says Fuller, he had a wife with whom he never
lived, and a church in which he never preached, though
he received the profits thereof: and as all the other scenes
of his life were stonny and turbulent, so was his end: for
the constable of his parish requiring, somewhat roughly,
the payment of certain rates, his passion moved him to
blows, of which the constable complaining to justice St.
John, he rather inclined to pity than punish him but
Brown behaved with so much insolence, that he was sent
to Northampton gaol on a feather-bed in a cart, being
very infirm, and aged above eighty years, where he soon
after sickened and died, anno 1630, after boasting, “That
he had been committed to thirty-two prisons, in some of
which he could not see his hand at noon-day.
” He was
buried in his church of Achurch in Northamptonshire.
omoted him to the archbishopric of Dublin, to which he was consecrated March 19, 1534-5, by Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, assisted by the bishops of Rochester and Salisbury.
, the first bishop that embraced
and promoted the Reformation in Ireland, was originally
an Austin friar of London. He received his academical
education in the house of his order, near Halywell, in
Oxford, and becoming eminent for his learning and other
good qualities, was made provincial of the Austin monks
in England. In 1523 he supplicated the university for the
degree of B. D. but it does not appear that he was then
admitted. He took afterwards the degree of D. D. in some
university beyond sea, and was incorporated in the same
degree at Oxford, in 1534, and soon after at Cambridge.
Before that time, having read some of Luther’s writings,
he took a liking to his doctrine; and, among other things,
was wont to inculcate into the people, “That they should
make their applications solely to Christ, and not to the
Virgin Mary, or the saints.
” King Henry VIII. being informed of this, took him into his favour, and promoted
him to the archbishopric of Dublin, to which he was consecrated March 19, 1534-5, by Cranmer, archbishop of
Canterbury, assisted by the bishops of Rochester and Salisbury. A few months after his arrival in Ireland, the
lord privy-seal, Cromwell, signified to him that his majesty having renounced the Papal supremacy in England,
it was his highness’ s pleasure that his subjects of Ireland
should obey his commands in that respect as in England,
and nominated him one of the commissioners for the execution thereof. On November 28, 1535, he acquainted
the lord Cromwell with his success; telling him that he
had “endeavoured, almost to the danger and hazard of
his life, to procure the nobility and gentry of the Irish
nation to due obedience, in owning the king their supreme
head, as-well spiritual as temporal.
” In the parliament
which met at Dublin, May l, 1536, he was very instrumental in having the Act for the king’s supremacy over
the church of Ireland passed; but he met with many obstacles in the execution of it; and the court of Rome used
every effort to prevent any alterations in Ireland with regard
to religious matters; for this purpose the pope sent over a
bull of excommunication against all such as had ownedj or
should own, the king’s supremacy within that kingdom, and
the form of an oath of obedience to be taken to his holiness,
at confessions. Endeavours were even used to raise a rebellion there; for one Thady é Birne, a Franciscan friar,
being seized by archbishop Browne’s order, letters were
found about him, from the pope and cardinals to O'Neal;
in which, after commending his own and his father’s faithfulness to the church of Rome, he was exhorted “for the
glory of the mother church, the honour of St. Peter, and
his own security, to suppress heresie, and his holiness’s
” And the council of cardinals thought fit to encourage his country, as a sacred island, being certain
while mother church had a son of worth as himself, and
those that should succour him and join therein, she would
never fall, but have more or less a holding in Britain in
spite of fate. In pursuance of this letter, O'Neal began
to declare himself the champion of Popery; and having
entered into a confederacy with others, they jointly invaded the Pale, and committed several ravages, but were
soon after quelled. About the time that king Henry VIII.
began to suppress the monasteries in England and Ireland,
archbishop Browne completed his design of removing all
superstitious reliques and images out of the two cathedrals
of St. Patrick’s and the Holy Trinity, in Dublin, and out
of the rest of the churches within his diocese, and in their
room placed the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten
Commandments in gold letters. And in 1541, the king
having converted the priory of the Holy Trinity into a
cathedral church, consisting of a dean and chapter, our
archbishop founded three prebends in the same in 1544,
namely, St. Michael’s, St. John’s, and St. Michan’s, from
which time it has generally been known by the name of
Christ-church. King Edward VI. having caused the Liturgy to be published in English, sent an order to sir Anthony St. Leger, governor of Ireland, dated February 6,
1550-1, to notify to all the clergy of that kingdom, that
they should use this book in all their churches, and the
Bible in the vulgar tongue. When sir Anthony imparted
this order to the clergy (on the 1st of March), it was vehemently opposed by the Popish party, especially by
George Dowdall, primate of Armagh, but archbishop
Browne received it with the utmost satisfaction; and on
Easter-day following the Liturgy was read, for the first time
within Ireland, in Christ -church, Dublin, in presence of the
mayor and bailiffs of that city, the lord deputy St. Leger,
archbishop Browne, &c. On this occasion the archbishop
preached a sermon against keeping the Scriptures in the
Latin tongue, and the worship of images, which is printed
at the end of his life, and is the only part of his writings
extant, except the letters mentioned above . But Dowdall, in consequence of his violent and unseasonable opposition to the king’s order, was deprived of the title of
primate of all Ireland, which, by letters patent bearing
date the 20th of October, 1551, was conferred on archbishop Browne, and his successors in the see of Dublin
for ever. However, he did not long enjoy this dignity,
for he was deprived both of it and his archbishopric in
1*554, the first of queen Mary I. under pretence that he
was married, but in truth because he had zealously promoted the Reformation; and archbishop Dowdall, who had
lived in exile during part of the reign of king Edward VI.
recovered the title of primate, and also the archbishopric
of Armagh, which had been given to Hugh Goodacre.
While archbishop Browne enjoyed the see of Dublin, the
cathedral of St. Patrick’s was suppressed for about the
space of eight years; but queen Mary restored it to its
ancient dignity, towards the end of the year 1554. The
exact time of archbishop Browne’s death is not recorded;
only we are told that he died about the year 1556. He
was a man, says Usher, of a cheerful countenance; meek
and peaceable: in his acts and deeds plain and downright;
of good parts, and very stirring in what he judged to be
for the interest of religion, or the service of his king; merciful and compassionate to the poor and miserable; and
adorned with every good and valuable qualification.
t polite scholars, and has been praised by some of the most eminent and ingenious men of the age, by archbishop Herring, Dr. E. Barnard, R. O. Cambridge, Mr. Upton, bishop
In 1754 Mr. Browne published what may be called his.
great work, his Latin poem “I}e Aiumi Immortalitate^
in two books, the reception of which was such as its merit
deserved. It immediately excited the applause of the most
polite scholars, and has been praised by some of the most
eminent and ingenious men of the age, by archbishop
Herring, Dr. E. Barnard, R. O. Cambridge, Mr. Upton,
bishop Hoadly, bishop Green, Mr. Harris, Dr. Beattie,
&c. &c. Its popularity was so great, that several English
translations of it appeared in a little time. The first was
by Mr. Hay, author of an
” Essay on Deformity,“and
other pieces; and the second in blank verse, by Dr. Richard Grey, a learned clergyman, well known by his
” Memoria Technica,“and his publications in scripture criticism. A third translation was published without a name,
but with a laboured preface, containing some quotations
from sir John Davies’s
” Nosce Teipsum,“which were
supposed to be analogous to certain passages in Mr. Browne.
All these versions made their appearance in the course of
a few months; and there was afterwards printed, by an
unknown hand, a translation of the first book. Some years
after Mr. Browne’s death, the
” De Animi Immortalitate“was again translated by the rev. Mr. Crawley, a clergyman
in Huntingdonshire, and more recently Dr. John Lettice
published a translation in blank verse, with a commentary
and annotations, 1795, 8vo. A close and literal version,
of it in prose was inserted by Mr. Highmore the painter
in his publication which appeared in 1766, entitled
” Essays moral, religious, and miscellaneous," But the best
translation is that by Soame Jenyns, esq. printed in his
Miscellanies, and since published in Mr. Browne’s poems.
These testimonies and attentions paid to our ingenious
author’s principal production, are striking evidences of the
high sense which was justly entertained of its merit. Not
to mention the usefulness and importance of the subject,
every man of taste must feel that the poem is admirable
for its perspicuity, precision, and order; and that it unites
the philosophical learning and elegance of Cicero, with
the numbers, and much of the poetry, of Lucretius and
Virgil. Mr. Browne intended to have added a third book.
In these three books he proposed to carry natural religion
as far as it would go, and in so doing, to lay the true
foundation of Christianity, of which he was a firm believer.
But he went no farther than to leave a fragment of the
third book, enough to make us lament that he did not
complete the whole.
in 1627. In 1636, he served the office of proctor, and the year after was made domestic chaplain to archbishop Laud, and bachelor of divinity. Soon after he became rector
, a clergyman of the church of
England in the seventeenth century, was born in the
county of Middlesex in 1604, was elected student of Christ
church in 1620, and took the degrees in arts, that of master being completed in 1627. In 1636, he served the office of proctor, and the year after was made domestic
chaplain to archbishop Laud, and bachelor of divinity.
Soon after he became rector of St. Mary, Aldermary,
London, canon of Windsor in 1639, and rector of Oddington
in Oxfordshire. On the breaking out of the rebellion, he
was ejected from his church in London by the ruling party,
and retired to his majesty, to whom he was chaplain,
at Oxford, and in 1642 was created D. D. having then
only the profits of Oddington to maintain him. He appears afterwards to have been stripped even of this, and
went to the continent, where he was for some time chaplain to Mary, princess of Orange. After the restoration,
he was admitted again to his former preferments, but does
not appear to have had any other reward for his losses and
sufferings. He died at Windsor Dec. 6, 1673, and was
buried on the outside of St. George’s chapel, where Dr.
Isaac Vossius, his executor, erected a monument to his
memory, with an inscription celebrating his learning, eloquence, critical talents, and knowledge of antiquities.
Besides a sermon preached before the university in 1633,
he published, “A Key to the King’s Cabinet; or animadversions upon the three printed speeches of Mr. L'isle,
Mr. Tate, and Mr. Browne, members of the house of
commons, spoken at a common hall in London, July 1645,
detecting the malice and falsehood of their blasphemous observations upon the king and queen’s letters,
” Oxford,
De posthumo
” this he printed at the Hague, Dissertatio de Therapeutis
Philonis adversus Henricum Valesium,
” Loud. Tomus alter et idem; or the
History of the life and reign of that famous princess Elizabeth, &c.
” London, Concio ad Clerum,
” delivered for his divinity
bachelor’s degree in the revenues of
the clergy,
” which even at that period were threatened.
he press, of which two collections have been published, the first by Dr. Thomas Tennison, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, in 1684, 8vo, entitled, “A Collection of Miscellaneous
The reputation of Browne encouraged some low writer
to publish, under his name, a book called “Nature’s cabinet unlocked,
” translated, according to Wood, from the
physics of Magirus, but Browne advertised against it. In
1658, the discovery of some ancient urns in Norfolk gave
him occasion to write “Hydriotaphia, Urn -burial, or a
discourse of Sepulchral Urns,
” 8vo, in which he treats
with his usual learning, on the funeral rites of the ancient
nations; exhibits their various treatment of the dead; and
examines the substances found in these Norfolk urns.
There is, perhaps, none -of his works which better exemplifies his reading or memory. To this treatise was
added “The Garden of Cyrus, or the Quincunxial lozenge, or net-work plantation of the ancients, artificially,
naturally, mystically considered.
” This is a more fanciful
performance than the other, but still it exhibits the fancy
of a man of learning. Besides these, he left some papers
prepared for the press, of which two collections have been
published, the first by Dr. Thomas Tennison, afterwards
archbishop of Canterbury, in 1684, 8vo, entitled, “A
Collection of Miscellaneous Tracts,
” and these, with what
had been published in his life-time, were printed in one
vol. fol. in 1686. In 1690 his son, Dr. Edward Browne,
of whom we have already spoken, published a single tract,
entitled “A Letter to a friend upon occasion of the death
of his intimate friend,
” 8vo. The second collection was
of the “Posthumous Works,
” edited in
he nonconformist party, are no less warm in his praises. He was one of those excellent men with whom archbishop Tillotson cultivated an acquaintance at his first coming to
, bishop of
Exeter, was born at Ipswich in Suffolk, in 1592. His father, who was a merchant of that place, dying when he
was but a few weeks old, his mother took due care of his
education, in which he made a very considerable progress.
At the age of fourteen, he was sent to Pembroke-hall in
Cambridge, of which he successively became scholar and
fellow; and there he distinguished himself by his facetious
and inoffensive wit, his eloquence, and his great skill and
knowledge in philosophy, history, poetry, &c. He took
his master’s degree in 1617, B. D. in 1621, and D. D. in
1626. He was appointed prevaricator when James I.
visited the university, and discharged that employment to
the universal aUmiration of the whole audience. His first
preferments were, the rectory of Barley in Hertfordshire,
and a prebend of Ely in 1621, to both which he was collated by Dr. Nicholas Felton, bishop of Ely. July 15, 1628,
he was incorporated doctor of divinity at Oxford. On the
2 1st of September, 16-29, he was collated to the prebend
of Tachbrook, in the cathedral church of Lichfield, which
he quitted September 19, 1631, when he was admitted to
the archdeaconry of Coventry. He was likewise master of
Catherine-hall in Cambridge, and proved a great benefit
and ornament both to that college and the whole university. In 1637, 1638, 1643, and 1644, he executed the
office of vice-chancellor, to the universal satisfaction of all
people, and to his own great credit. In 1641, he was
presented to the eleventh stall or prebend in the church of
Durham, by Dr. Thomas Morton, bishop of that diocese,
to whom he was chaplain. Upon the translation of Dr.
Joseph Hall to the bishopric of Norwich, Dr. Brown rig was
nominated to succeed him in the see of Exeter, in 1641.
Accordingly he was elected March 3 1, 1642; confirmed
May 14; consecrated the day following; and installed the
1st of June. But the troubles that soon after followed,
did not permit him long to enjoy that dignity. Before the
beginning of them, he was much esteemed, and highly
commended, by his relation John Pym, and others of the
presbyterian stamp: but they forsook him, only because
he was a bishop; and suffered him to be deprived of his
revenues, so that he was almost reduced to want. Nay,
once he was assaulted, and like to have been stoned by the
rabble, his episcopal character being his only crime. About
1645, he was deprived of his mastership of Catherine-hall>
on account of a sermon preached by him before the university, on the king’s inauguration, at some passages of
which, offence was taken by the parliament party; and
neither his piety, gravity, or learning, were sufficient to
preserve him in his station. Being thus robbed of all, he
retired to the house of Thomas Rich, of Sunning, esq. in
Berkshire, by whom he was generously entertained: and
there, and sometimes at London, at Highgate, and St.
Edmundsbury, spent several years. During this time, he
had the courage to advise Oliver Cromwell to restore king
Charles II. to his just rights, but yet he suffered in his
reputation, as not being zealous enough for the church.
About a year before his decease, he was invited to be a
preacher at the Temple, in London, with a handsome allowance; and accordingly he went and settled there, in
good lodgings furnished for him. But his old distemper,
the stone, coming upon him with greater violence than
usual, and being attended with the dropsy and the infirmities of age, they all together put an end to his life, on
the 7th of December, 1659: he was buried the 17th following in the Temple church, where there is an epitaph
over him. He was once married, but never had a child.
Though he was very elaborate and exact in his compositions, and completely wrote his sermons, yet he could not
be persuaded to print any thing in his life-time. Bishop
Brownrig, as to his person, was tall and comely. The
majesty of his presence was so allayed with meekness, candour, and humility, that no man was farther from any
thing morose or supercilious. He had a great deal of wit,
as well as wisdom; and was an excellent scholar, an admirable orator, an acute disputant, a pathetic preacher,
and a prudent governor, full of judgment, courage, constancy, and impartiality. He was, likewise, a person of
that soundness of judgment, of that conspicuity for an unspotted life, and of that unsuspected integrity, that he was
a complete pattern to all. Dr. Gauden, who had known
him above thirty years, declares that he never heard of any
thinor said or done by him, which a wise and good man
would have wished unsaid or undone. Some other parts
of Dr. Gauden’s character of him may be supposed to proceed from the, warmth of friendship. Echard says of him,
that “he was a great man for the Anti-Arminian cause (for he was a rigid Calvinist), yet a mighty champion for the
liturgy and ordination by bishops: and his death was highly
lamented by men of all parties.' 7 Baxter, Neal, and other
writers of the nonconformist party, are no less warm in his
praises. He was one of those excellent men with whom
archbishop Tillotson cultivated an acquaintance at his first
coming to London, and by whose preaching and example
he formed himself. After his death some of his sermons
were published, under the title
” Forty Sermons, &c."
1662, fol. and reprinted with the addition of twenty-five,
making a second volume, 1674, fol. His style is rather
better than that of many of his contemporaries.
h he filled with great reputation, he continued until 1077, when the scandalous conduct of Manasses, archbishop of Rheims, who, by open simony had got possession of that church,
, founder of the Carthusian monks, was descended from an ancient and honourable family, and born at Cologn about the year 1030. He was educated first among the clergy of St. Cunibert’s church at Cologn, and afterwards at Rheims, where he attracted so much notice by his learning and piety, that on a vacancy occurring, he was promoted to the office or rank of Scholasticus, to which dignity then belonged the direction of the studies, and all the great schools of the diocese. In this office, which he filled with great reputation, he continued until 1077, when the scandalous conduct of Manasses, archbishop of Rheims, who, by open simony had got possession of that church, induced him to join with some others in accusing Manasses in a council held by the pope’s legate at Autun. Manasses accordingly was deposed, and the church of Rheims was about to choose Bruno for his successor in the archbishopric, when he resigned his office, and persuaded some of his friends to accompany him into solitude. After searching for some time to discover a proper place, they arrived at Grenoble in 1084, and requested the bishop to allot them some place where they might serve God, remote from worldly affairs. The bishop having assigned them the desert of Chartreuse, and promised them his assistance, Bruno and his companions, six in number, built an oratory there, and small cells at a little distance one from the other like the ancient Lauras of Palestine, in which they passed the six days of the week, but assembled together on Sundays. Their austerities were rigid, generally following those of St. Benedict; and, among other rules, perpetual silence was enjoined, and all their original observances, it is said, were longer preserved unchanged than those of any other order. Before the late revolution in France, they had 172 convents divided into sixteen provinces, of which five only are said to have been nunneries, all situated in the catholic Netherlands, and where the injunction of silence was dispensed with. There were nine monasteries of this order in England at the dissolution under Henry VIII.
lties and harships; the news of which reaching England, where his fame had already arrived, Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, g av e him an invitation to come over, which
, an eminent German reformer, was
born in 1491, at Schelestadt, a town of Alsace. At the
age of seven he took the religious habit in the order of St.
Dominic, and with the leave of the prior of his convent,
went to -Heidelberg to learn logic and philosophy. Having
applied himself afterwards to divinity, he made it his endeavour to acquire a thorough knowledge of the Greek
and Hebrew. About this time some of Erasmus’s pieces
came abroad, which he read with great avidity, and
meeting afterwards with certain tracts of Luther, and
comparing the doctrine there delivered with the sacred scriptures, he began to entertain doubts concerning several
things in the popish religion. His uncommon learning
and his eloquence, which was assisted by a strong and
musical voice, and his free censure of the vices of the
times, recommended him to Frederick elector palatine,
who made him one of his chaplains. After some conferences with Luther, at Heidelberg, in 1521, he adopted
most of his religious notions, particularly those with regard to justification. However, in 1532, he gave the
preference to the sentiments of Zuinglius, but used his
utmost endeavours to re-unite the two parties, who both
opposed the Romish religion. He is looked upon as one
of the first authors of the reformation at Strasburg, where
he taught divinity for twenty years, and was one of the
ministers of the town. He assisted at many conferences
concerning religion; and in 1548, was sent for to Augsburg to sign that agreement betwixt the Protestants and
Papists, which was called the Interim. His warm opposition to this project exposed him to many difficulties and
harships; the news of which reaching England, where his
fame had already arrived, Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, g av e him an invitation to come over, which he
readily accepted. In 1549 an handsome apartment was
assigned him in the university of Cambridge, and a salary
to teach theology. King Edward VI. had the greatest regard for him; being told that he was very sensible of the
cold of this climate, and suffered much for want of a German stove, he sent him an hundred crowns to purchase one.
He died of a complication of disorders, in 1551, and was
buried at Cambridge, in St. Mary’s church, with great funeral pomp. Five years after, in the reign of queen Mary,
his body was dug up and publicly burnt, and his tomb demolished; but it was afterwards set up again by order of
queen Elizabeth. He married a nun, by whom he had
thirteen children. This woman dying of the plague, he
married another, and, according to some, upon her death,
he took a third wife. His character is thus given by Burnet:
“Martin Bucer was a very learned, judicious, pious, and
moderate person. Perhaps he was inferior to none of all
the reformers for learning; but for zeal, for true piety,
and a most tender care of preserving unity among the foreign churches, Melancthon and he, without any injury
done to the rest, may be ranked apart by themselves. He
was much opposed by the Popish party at Cambridge;
who, though they complied with the law, and so kept their
places, yet, either in the way of argument, as if it had
been for dispute’s sake, or in such points as were not determined, set themselves much to lessen his esteem. Nor
was he furnished naturally with that quickness that is necessary for a disputant, from which they studied to draw
advantages; and therefore Peter Martyr wrote to him to
avoid all public disputes.
” His writings were in Latin
and in German? and so numerous, that it is computed they
would form eight or nine folio volumes. His anxiety to
reconcile the Lutherans and Zuinglians led him to use
many general and perhaps ambiguous expressions in his
writings. He seems to have thought Luther’s notion of
the sacrament too strong, and that of Zuinglius too weak.
Verheiclen in Latin, and Lupton in English, have given a
list of his works, but without size or dates.
e animosity of cardinal Beaton still pursued our poet: for that haughty prelate wrote letters to the archbishop of Bourdeaux, in which he informed him, that Buchanan had fled
, a Scottish historian, and Latin poet, of great eminence, and uncommon abilities and
learning, was descended from an ancient family, and was
born at Killairn, in the shire of Lenox, in Scotland, in the
month of February 1506. His father died of the stone in
the prime of life, whilst his grandfather was yet living; by
whose extravagance the family, which before was but in
low circumstances, was now nearly reduced to the extremity of want. He had, however, the happiness of a very
prudent mother, Agnes, the daughter of James Heriot of
Trabrown, who, though she, was left a widow with five sons
and three daughters, brought them all up in a decent manner, by judicious management. She had a brother, Mr.
James Heriot, who, observing the marks of genius which
young George Buchanan discovered when at school, sent
him to Paris in 1520 for his education. There he closely
applied himself to his studies, and particularly cultivated
his poetical talents but before he had been there quite
two years, the death of his uncle, and his own ill state of
health, and want of money, obliged him to return home.
Having arrived in his native country, he spent almost a
year in endeavouring to re-escablish his health; and in
1523, in order to acquire some knowledge of military affairs, he made a campaign with the French auxiliaries,
who came over into Scotland with John duke of Albany.
But in this new course of life he encountered so many
hardships, that he was confined to his bed by sickness all
the ensuing winter. He had probably much more propensity to his books, than to the sword; for early in the following spring he went to St. Andrews, and attended the
lectures on logic, or rather, as he says, on sophistry, which
were read in that university by John Major, or Mair, a
professor in St. Saviour’s college, and assessor to the dean,
of Arts, whom he soon after accompanied to Paris. After
struggling for about two years with indigence and ill fortune, he was admitted, in 1526, being then not more than
twenty years of age, in the college of St. Barbe, where he
took the degree of B. A. in 1527, and M. A. in 1528, and
in 1529 was chosen procurator nationis, and began then to
teach grammar, which he continued for about three years.
But Gilbert Kennedy, earl of Cassils, a young Scottish
nobleman, being then in France, and happening to fall
into the company of Buchanan, was so delighted with his
wit, and the agreeableness of his manners, that he prevailed upon him to continue with him five years. According to Mackenzie, he acted as a kind of tutor to this young
nobleman; and, during his stay with him, translated Linacre’s Rudiments of grammar out of English into Latin;
which was printed at Paris, by Robert Stephens, in 1533,
and dedicated to the earl of Cassils. He returned to Scotland with that nobleman, whose death happened about two
years after; and Buchanan had then an inclination to return to France: but James V. king of Scotland prevented
him, by appointing him preceptor to his natural son,
James, afterwards the abbot of Kelso, who died in 1548,
and not, as some say, the earl of Murray, regent of that
kingdom. About this time, he wrote a satirical poem
against the Franciscan friars, entitled, “Somnium;
which irritated them to exclaim against him as a heretic.
Their clamours, however, only increased the dislike which
he hud conceived against them on account of their disorderly and licentious lives; and inclined him the more
towards Lutheranism, to which he seems to have had before
no inconsiderable propensity. About the year 1538, the
king having discovered a conspiracy against himself, in
which he suspected that some of the Franciscans were concerned, commanded Buchanan to write a poem against
that order. But he had probably already experienced the
inconveniency of exasperating so formidable a body; for
he only wrote a few verses which were susceptible of a
double interpretation, and he pleased neither party. The
king was dissatisfied, that the satire was not more poignant; and the friars considered it as a heinous offence, to
mention them in any way that was not honourable. But
the king gave Buchanan a second command, to write
against them with more seventy; which he accordingly
did in the poem, entitled, “Franciscanus;
” by which he
pleased the king, and rendered the friars his irreconcileable enemies. He soon found, that the animosity of these
ecclesiastics was of a more durable nature than royal favour: for the king had the meanness to suffer him to feel
the weight of their resentment, though it had been chiefly
excited by obedience to his commands. It was not the
Franciscans only, but the clergy in general, who were incensed against Buchanan: they appear to have made a
common cause of it, and they left no stone unturned till
they had prevailed with the king that he should be tried
for heresy. He was accordingly imprisoned at the beginning of 1539, but found means to make his escape, as he
says himself, out of his chamber-window, while his guards
were asleep. He fled into England, where he found king
Henry the Eighth persecuting both protestants and papists.
Not thinking that kingdom, therefore, a place of safety,
he again went over into France, to which he was the more
inclined because he had there some literary friends, and
was pleased with the politeness of French manners. But
when he came to Paris, he had the mortification to find
there cardinal Beaton, who was his great enemy, and who
appeared there as ambassador from Scotland. Expecting,
therefore, to receive some ill offices from him, if he continued at Paris, he withdrew himself privately to Bourdeaux, at the invitation of Andrew Govea, a learned Portuguese, who was principal of a new college in that city.
Buchanan taught in the public schools there three years; in
which time he composed two tragedies, the one entitled,
“Baptistes, sive Calurania,
” and the other “Jephthes,
” and also translated the Medea and Alcestig
of Euripides. These were all afterwards published;-but
they were originally written in compliance with the rules
of the school, which every year required some new dramatic exhibition; and his view in choosing these subjects
was, to draw off the youth of France as much as possible
from the allegories, which were then greatly in vogue, to
a just imitation of the ancients; in which he succeeded beyond his hopes. During his residence at Bourdeaux, the
emperor Charles V. passed through that city; upon which
Buchanan presented his imperial majesty with an elegant
Latin poem, in which the emperor was highly complimented, and at which he expressed great satisfaction. But
the animosity of cardinal Beaton still pursued our poet:
for that haughty prelate wrote letters to the archbishop of
Bourdeaux, in which he informed him, that Buchanan had
fled his country for heresy; that he had lampooned the
church in most virulent satires; and that if he would put
him to the trial, he would find him a most pestilentious
heretic. Fortunately for Buchanan, these letters fell into
the hands of some of his friends, who found means to prevent their effects: and the state of public affairs in Scotland, in consequence of the death of king James V. gave
the cardinal so much employment, as to prevent any farther prosecution of his rancour against Buchanan.
his corpse where they pleased.” Accordingly, he was buried at the expence of the city of Edinburgh. Archbishop Spotswood says of Buchanan, that “in his old age he applied
During his residence in England, he wrote some encomiastic verses in honour of queen Elizabeth, and several
English ladies of rank, from whom he received presents.
He appears to have been very ready to receive favours of
that kind; and, like Erasmus, not to have been at all
backward in making his, wants known, or taking proper
measures to procure occasional benefactions from the great.
In 1571 he published his “Detectio Marise Reginae,
” in
which he very severely arraigned the conduct and character of queen Mary, and expressly charged her with
being concerned in the murder of her husband lord
Darnly. At the beginning of 1570, his pupil, the earl
of Murray, regent of Scotland, was assassinated, which,
Mackenzie says, “was a heavy stroke to him, for he loved
him as his own life.
” He continued, however, to be in
favour with some of those who were invested with power
in Scotland; for, after the death of the earl of Murray, he
was appointed one of the lords of the council, and lord
privy seal. It appears also that he had a pension of one
hundred pounds a year, settled on him by queen Elizabeth. In 1579 he published his famous treatise “De Jure
Regni apud Scotos;
” which he dedicated to king James.
In History of Scotland,
” in twenty books, on which he had chiefiy employed the last twelve or thirteen years of his life. He
died at Edinburgh the same year, on the 5th of December,
in the seventy-sixth year of his age. Towards the close of
his life, he had sometimes resided at Stirling. Ife is said,
that when he was upon his death-bed, he was informed
that the king was highly incensed against him for writing
his book “De Jure Regni,
” and his “History of Scotland;
” to which he replied, that “he was not much conterned about that; for he was shortly going to a place
where there were few kings.
” We are also told, that when
he was dying, he called for his servant, whose name was
Young, and asked him how much money he had of his;
and finding that it was not sufficient to defray the expences
of his burial, he commanded him to distribute it amongst
the poor. His servant thereupon asked him: “Who then
would be at'the charge of burying him?
” Buchanan replied, “That he was very indifferent about that; for if
he were once dead, if they would not bury him, they
might let him lie where he was, or throw his corpse where
they pleased.
” Accordingly, he was buried at the expence of the city of Edinburgh. Archbishop Spotswood
says of Buchanan, that “in his old age he applied himself
to write the Scots History, which he renewed with such
judgment and eloquence, as no country can shew a better:
only in this he is justly blamed, that he sided with the
factions of the time, and to justify the proceedings of the
noblemen against the queen, he went so far in depressing
the royal authority of princes, and allowing their controulment by subjects; his bitterness also in writing of the
queen, and of the times, all wise men have disliked; but
otherwise no man hath merited better of his country for
learning, nor thereby did bring to it more glory. He was
buried in the common burial-place, though worthy to have
been laid in marble, and to have had some statue erected
to his memory; but such pompous monuments in his life
he was wont to scorn and despise, esteeming it a greater
credit, as it was said of the Roman Cato, to have it asked,
Why doth he lack a statue? than to have had one, though
never so glorious, erected.
ctor of North Fambridge in Essex, and of North Kiiworth in Leicestershire, and was afterwards one of archbishop Whitgii't’s chaplains, and made prebendary of Hereford, and
, an eminent English prelate, was the son of William Buckeridge, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Thomas Keblewhyte of Basilden in Berks, son of John Keblewhyte, uncle to sir Thomas White, founder of St. John’s college, Oxford. He was educated in Merchant Taylors’ school, and thence sent to St. John’s college, Oxon, in 1578, where he was chosen fellow, and proceeded, through other degrees, to D. D. in the latter end of 1596. After leaving the university, he became chaplain to Robert earl of Essex, and was rector of North Fambridge in Essex, and of North Kiiworth in Leicestershire, and was afterwards one of archbishop Whitgii't’s chaplains, and made prebendary of Hereford, and of Rochester. In 1604, he was preferred to the archdeaconry of Northampton; and the same year, Nov. 5, was presented by king James to the vicarage of St. Giles’s, Cripplegate, in which he succeeded Dr. Andrews, then made bishop of Chichester. About the same time he was chaplain to the king; was elected president of St. John’s college, 1605, and installed canon of Windsor, April 15, 1606. His eminent abilities in the pulpit were greatly esteemed at court; insomuch that he was chosen to be one of the four (Dr. Andrews, bishop of Chichester, Dr. Barlow of Rochester, and Dr. John King, dean of Christ-church, Oxford, being the other three) who were appointed to preach before the king at Hampton-court in September 1606, in order to bring the two Melvins and other presbyterians of Scotland to a right understanding of the church of England. He took his text out of Romans xiii. 1. and managed the discourse (as archbishop Spotswood, who was present, relates), both soundly and learnedly, to the satisfaction of all the hearers, only it grieved the Scotch ministers to hear the pope and presbytery so often equalled in their opposition to sovereign princes.
flame, with four lamentations, composed in the hard times of queen Elizabeth,” 12mo. From this book, archbishop Usher, in a sermon preached in 1640, on Nov. 5, produced some
, a popish divine of some note^
was born at West Harptre, the seat of an ancient family
of his name in Somersetshire, about 1564. In 1579, he
was admitted commoner in Magdalen college, Oxford, and
afterwards passed some years in one of the inns of court.
Having at last embraced the popish religion, he spent seven years in Doway college, and being ordained priest,
returned to England, acted as a missionary for about twenty
years, and died in 1611. He published, 1. A translation
of the “Lives of the Saints
” from Surius. 2. “A Per.
suasive against frequenting Protestant Churches,
” 12mo.
3. “Seven sparks of the enkindled flame, with four lamentations, composed in the hard times of queen Elizabeth,
12mo. From this book, archbishop Usher, in a sermon
preached in 1640, on Nov. 5, produced some passages
hinting at the gun-powder plot. The passages are not,
perhaps, very clearly in point, nor can we suppose any
person privy to the design fool enough at the same time to
give warning of it. This Buckland also wrote “De Persecutione Vandalica,
” a translation from the Latin of Victor, bishop of Biserte, or Utica.
held to be entitled to fellowships in All-Souls college, Oxford, by virtue of their consanguinity to archbishop Chichele, the founder,” Oxford, 1765, 4to. The college having
Dr. Buckler, who was an able antiquary, assisted his
friend and contemporary, Mr. Justice Blackstone, in his
researches respecting the right of fellowships, &c. in AllSouls college, and drew up that valuable work, the “Stemmata Chicheleana; or, a genealogical account of some of
the families derived from Thomas Chichele, of HighamFerrers, in the county of Northampton; all whose
descendants are held to be entitled to fellowships in All-Souls
college, Oxford, by virtue of their consanguinity to archbishop Chichele, the founder,
” Oxford, 1765, 4to. The
college having afterwards purchased, at Mr. Anstis’s sale,
many large ms volumes by him, relating to the history
and constitution of this college, and the case of founder’s
kindred, Dr. Buckler published “A Supplement to the
” Oxford, A reply to Dr. Huddesford’s observations relating to the delegates of the press, with a narrative of the
proceedings of the proctors with regard to their nomination
of a delegate,
” Oxford,
otations, ingurgitations, and other enormities, from their first settlement till their visitation by archbishop Cranmer. Part III. The subject of the second part continued
Long before this, Dr. Buckler afforded a proof of excellent humour. Mr. Pointer having in his account of the
antiquities of Oxford, a superficial and incorrect work,
degraded the famous mallard of All-Souls into a goose,
Buckler published, but without his name, “A complete
vindication of the Mallard of All-Souls college against the
injurious suggestions of the rev. Mr. Pointer,
” Lond. Proposals for printing by subscription, the History of the Mallardians,
” This
was to have been executed in three parts, the contents of
which will give the reader some idea of Mr. Bilson’s humour, and that of Rowe Mores, who assisted him in drawing
up the proposals, and bore the expence of some engravings
which accompany it. “Part I. Of the origin of the Mallardians. Of the foundation of the house of Mallardians.
The intent of that foundation, and how far it has been
answered. Of the affinity between the Mallardians and
the order of the Thelemites. Of the library of the Mallardians; and of the cat that was starved to death in it.
Part II. Of the manners of the Mallardians. Of their comessations, compotations, ingurgitations, and other enormities, from their first settlement till their visitation by
archbishop Cranmer. Part III. The subject of the second
part continued from the death of archbishop Cranmer to
the dissolution of Bradgate-Hall, alias les Tunnys, (i.e. the Three Tuns Tavern). To the whole will be added, a
full account of the annual festival of the Mallardians. Of
the adventures common at this festival. Of the presidents,
or lords of this festival, with their characters drawn at
length. Of the Swopping-Song of the Mallardians, with
annotations on the same. Of the progress of the Mallardians to Long Crendon, and of their demeanour to Damosels. And, lastly, a true history of their doughty champion Pentrapolin a Calamo, usually styled by way of eminence, The Buckler of the Mallardians.
” Dr. Buckler
published also two occasional sermons in 1759.
nflete,” founder of Magdalen college, in Latin, Oxon, 1602, 4to, reprinted in “Batesii Vitæ” and of “ Archbishop Morton,” London, 1607, 8vo. He also made the Latin translation
, a civilian of Oxford, the son of John
Budden of Canford, in Dorsetshire, was born in that
county in 1566, and entered Merton college in 1582, but
was admitted scholar of Trinity college in May of the fol
lowing year, where he took his bachelor’s degree. He
was soon after ivmoved to Gloucester hall, where he took
his master’s degree, but chiefly studied civil law. He was
at length made philosophy reader of Magdalen college,
and took his bachelor and doctor’s degrees in civil law in
1602. In 1609 he was made principal of New-inn, and
soon after king’s professor of civil law, and principal of
Broadgate’s hall, where he died June 11, 1620, and was
buried in the chancel of St. Aldate’s church. Wood says
he was a person of great eloquence, an excellent rhetorician, philosopher, and civilian. He wrote the lives of
“William of Wainflete,
” founder of Magdalen college, in
Latin, Oxon, Batesii Vitæ
” and
of “Archbishop Morton,
” London, Common Wealth
of England;
” and from the French of P. Frodius, a civilian,
“A Discourse for Parents’ Honour and Authority over their
” Loud.
ving of Woodhill. Here he remained for twenty-one years, until he was silenced for non-conformity by archbishop Laud. On this he converted his estate into money, and went to
, an English divine, wa<s born at
Woodhill, in Bedfordshire, 1582, and educated at St.
John’s college, Cambridge, where he obtained a fellowship.
He had an estate left to him by his father, whom he succeeded in the living of Woodhill. Here he remained for
twenty-one years, until he was silenced for non-conformity
by archbishop Laud. On this he converted his estate into
money, and went to New England in 1635, and carrying
with him some planters, they settled at a place which they
called Concord, and where they succeeded better than
Mr. Bulkley did, who sunk his property in improvements.
He died there March 9, 1658—9. His only publication
was entitled “The Gospel Covenant opened,
cordial love and affection towards him. He had not been long at Avening, before he was promoted, by archbishop Sancroft, to the archdeaconry of Landaff, in which he was installed
Whilst he remained minister of this parish, the providence of God wonderfully interposed for the preservation
of his life; for his lodgings being near a powder-mill, Mr.
Morgan, a gentleman of the parish, represented to him.
the danger of his situation, and at the same time invited
him to his own house. Mr. Bull, at first, modestly declined the offer, but after some importunity accepted it;
and, not many days after his removal to Mr. Morgan’s, the
mill was blown up, and his apartment with it. In this part
of his life he took a journey once a year to Oxford, where
he stayed about two months, to enjoy the benefit of the
public libraries. In his way to and from Oxford, he always
paid a visit to sir William Masters, of Cirencester, by
which means he contracted an intimacy with Mr. Alexander pregory, the minister of the place, and after some
time married Bridget, one of his daughters, on the 20th
of May, 1658. The same year he was presented by the
lady Pool, to the rectory of Suddington St. Mary, near
Cirencester, in Gloucestershire. The next year, 1659,
he was made privy to the design of a general insurrection in favour of king Charles II. and several gentlemen
of that neighbourhood who were in the secret, chose
his house at Suddington for one of the places of their
meeting. Upon the restoration, Mr. Bull frequently
preached for his father-in-law, Mr. Gregory, at Cirencester, where there was a large and populous congregation; and his sermons gave such general satisfaction,
that, upon a vacancy, the people were very solicitous to
have procured for him the presentation; but the largeness
of the parish, and the great duty attending it, deterred
him Trom consenting to the endeavours they were making
for that purpose. In 1662, he was presented by the lord
high-chancellor, the earl of Clarendon, to the vicarage of
Suddington St. Peter, which lay contiguous to Suddington
St. Mary, at the request of his diocesan Dr. Nicholson,
bishop of Gloucester, both livings not exceeding 100l. a
year. When Mr. Bull came first to the rectory of Suddington, he began to be more open in the use of the liturgy of the church of England, though it was not yet
restored by the return of the king; for, being desired to
marry a couple, he performed the ceremony, on a Sunday
morning, in the face of the whole congregation, according
to the form prescribed by the book of common -prayer.
He took the same method in governing these parishes, as
in that of St. George’s, and with the same success; applying himself with great diligence to the discharge of his
pastoral functions, and setting the people an admirable
example in the government and œconomy of his own
family. During his residence here, he had an opportunity of confirming two ladies of quality in the protestant
communion, who were reduced to a wavering state of mind
by the arts and subtleties of the Romish missionaries. The
only dissenters he had in his parish were quakers; whose
extravagances often gave him no small uneasiness. In
this part of his life, Mr. Bull prosecuted his studies with
great application, and composed most of his works during
the twenty-seven years that he was rector of Suddington.
Several tracts, indeed, which cost him much pains, are entirely lost, through his own neglect in preserving them;
particularly a treatise on the posture used by the ancient
Christians in receiving the Eucharist; a letter to Dr. Pearson concerning the genuineness of St. Ignatius’ s epistles; a
long one to Mr. Glanvil, formerly minister of Bath, concerning the eternity of future punishments; and another,
on the subject of popery, to a person of very great quality.
In 1669, he published his Apostolical Harmony, with a
view to settle the peace of the church, upon a point of the
utmost importance to all its members; and he dedicated it
to Dn William Nicholson, bishop of Gloucester. This
performance was greatly disliked, at first, by many of the
clergy, and others, on account of the author’s departing
therein from the private opinions of some doctors of the
church, and his manner of reconciling the two apostles St.
Paul and St. James, as to the doctrine of justification. It
was particularly opposed by Dr. Morley, bishop of
WinChester; Dr. Barlow, Margaret-professor of divinity at Oxford; Mr. Charles Gataker, a presbyterian divine; Mr. Joseph Truman, a non-conformist minister; Dr. Tully, principal of St. Edmund’s-hall; Mr. John Tombes, a famous
anabaptist preacher; Dr. Lewis Du Moulin, an independent; and by M. De Marets, a French writer, who tells
us, “that the author, though a professed priest of the
church of England, was more addicted to the papists, remonstrants, and Socinians, than to the orthodox party.
Towards the end of 1675, Mr. Bull published his “Examen Censuræ,
” &c. in answer to Mr. Gataker, and his
“Apologia pro Harmonia,
” &c. in reply to Dr. Tully. Mr.
Bull’s notion on this subject was “That good works, which
proceed from faith, and are conjoined with faith, are a
necessary condition required from us by God, to the end
that by the new and evangelical covenant, obtained by
and sealed in the blood of Christ the Mediator of it, we
may be justified according to his free and unmerited
” In this doctrine, and throughout the whole book,
Mr. Bull absolutely excludes all pretensions to merit on
the part of men; but the work nevertheless excited the
jealousy of many able divines both in the church and
among the dissenters, as appears from the above list.
About three years after, he was promoted by the earl of
Nottingham, then lord chancellor, to a prebend in the
church of Gloucester, in which he was installed the 9th of
October, 1678. In 1680, he finished his “Defence of
the Nicene Faith,
” of which he had given a hint five years
before in his Apology. This performance, which is levelled
against the Arians and Socinians on one hand, and the
Tritheists and Sabellians on the other, was received with
universal applause, and its fame spread into foreign countries, where it was highly esteemed by the best judges of
antiquity, though of different persuasions. Five years after
its publication, the author was presented, by Philip Sheppard, esq. to the rectory of Avening in Gloucestershire, a
very large parish, and worth two hundred pounds per annum. The people of this parish, being many of them
very dissolute and immoral, and many more disaffected to
the church of England, gave him for some time great trouble and uneasiness; but, by his prudent conduct and diligent discharge of his duty, he at last got the better of their
prejudices, and converted their dislike iuto the most cordial love and affection towards him. He had not been
long at Avening, before he was promoted, by archbishop
Sancroft, to the archdeaconry of Landaff, in which he was
installed the 20th of June, 1686. He was invited soon
after to Oxford, where the degree of doctor in divinity
was conferred upon him by that university, without the
payment of the usual fees, in consideration of the great
and eminent services he had done the church. During the
reign of James II. the doctor preached very warmly against
popery, with which the nation was then threatened. Some
time after the revolution, he was put into the commission
of the peace, and continued in it, with some little interruption, till he was made a bishop. In 1694, whilst he
continued rector of Avening, he published his “Judicium
Ecclesia? Catholicse, &c.
” in defence of the “Anathema,
as his former book had been of the Faith, decreed by the
first council of Nice. The last treatise which Dr. Bull
wrote, was his “Primitive Apostolical Tradition,
” &c.
against Daniel Zwicker, a Prussian. All Dr. Bull’s Latin
works, which he had published by himself at different times,
were collected together, and printed in 1703, in one volume in folio, under the care and inspection of Dr. John
Ernest Grabe, the author’s age and infirmities disabling
him from undertaking this edition. The ingenious editor
illustrated the work with many learned annotations, and
ushered it into the world with an excellent preface. Dr,
Bull was in the seventy-first year of his age, when he was
acquainted with her majesty’s gracious intention of conferring on him the bishopric of St. David’s; which promotion he at first declined, on account of his ill state of health
and advanced years; but, by the importunity of his friends,
and strong solicitations from the governors o*f the church,
he was at last prevailed upon to accept it, and was accordingly consecrated in Lambeth-chapel, the 29th of April,
1705. Two years after, he lost his eldest son, Mr. George
Bull, who died of the small-pox the 11th of May, 1707, in,
the thirty-seventh year of his age. Our prelate took his
seat in the house of lords in that memorable session, when
the bill passed for the union of the two kingdoms, and
spoke in a debate which happened upon that occasion, in
favour of the church of England. About July after his
consecration, he went into his diocese, and was received
with all imaginable demonstrations of respect by the gentry and clergy. The episcopal palace at Aberguilly being
much out of repair, he chose the town of Brecknock for
the place of his residence; but was obliged, about half a
year before his death, to remove from thence to Abermarless, for the benefit of a freer air. He resided constantly in his diocese, and carefully discharged all the episcopal functions. Though bishop Bull was a great admirer
of our ecclesiastical constitution, yet he would often lament the distressed state of the church of England, chiefly
owing to the decay of ancient discipline, and the great
number of lay-impropriations, which he considered as a
species of sacrilege, and insinuated that he had known instances of its being punished by the secret curse which
hangs over sacrilegious persons. Some time before his
last sickness, he entertained thoughts of addressing a circular letter to all his clergy; and, after his death, there was
found among his papers one drawn up to that purpose. He
had greatly impaired his health, by too intense and unseasonable an application to his studies, and, on the 27th of
September, 1709, was taken with a violent fit of coughing,
which brought on a spitting of blood. About the beginning of February following, he was seized with a distemper, supposed to be an ulcer, or what they call the inward
piles; of which he died the 17th of the same month, and
was buried, about a week after his death, at Brecknock/
leaving behind him but two children out of eleven.
y described by Ames. This book was held in high estimation in the reign of queen Elizabeth. In 1586, archbishop Whitgift, in full convocation, procured an order to be made
, one of the reformers, was born,
at Bremgarten, “a village near Zurich, in Switzerland,
July 18, 1504. At the age of twelve he was sent by his
father to Emmeric, to be instructed in grammar-learning,
and here he remained three years, during which his father,
to make him feel for the distresses of others, and be more
frugal and modest in his dress, and temperate in his diet,
withdrew that money with which he was wont to supply
him; so that Bullinger was forced, according to the custom of those times, to subsist on the alms he got by singing from door to door. While here, he was strongly inclined to enter among the Carthusians, but was dissuaded
from it by an elder brother. At fifteen years of age he
was sent to Cologn, where he studied logic, and commenced
B. A. at sixteen years old. He afterwards betook himself
to the study of divinity and canon law, and to the reading
of the fathers, and conceived such a dislike to the schooldivines, as in 1520, to write some dialogues against them;
and about the same time he began to see the errors of the
church of Rome, from which, however, he did not immediately separate. In 1522, he commenced M. A. and returning home, he spent a year in his father’s house, wholly
employing himself in his studies. The year after, he was
called by the abbot of La Chapelle, a Cistercian abbey
near Zurich, to teach in that place, which he did with great
reputation for four years, and was very instrumental in
causing the reformation of Zuinglius to be received. It is
very remarkable that while thus teaching and changing the
sentiments of the Cistercians in this place, it does not appear that he was a clergyman in the communion of the see
of Rome, nor that he had any share in the monastic
observances of the house. Zuinglius, assisted by Oecolampadius and Bucer, had established the reformed doctrines
at Zurich in 1523; and in 1527, Bullinger attended the
lectures of Zuinglius in that city, for some months, renewed his acquaintance with Greek, and began the study
of Hebrew. He preached also publicly by a licence from
the synod, and accompanied Zuinglius at the famous disputation held at Bern in 1528. The year following, he
was called to be minister of the protestant church, in his
native place at Bremgarten, and married a wife, who
brought him six sons and five daughters, and died in 1564.
He met with great opposition from the papists and anabaptists in his parish, but disputed publicly, and wrote several
books against them. The victory gained by the Romish
cantons over the protestants in a battle fought 1531, forced
him, together with his father, brother, and colleague, to
fly to Zurich, where he was chosen pastor in the room of
Zninglius, slain in the late battle. He was also employed
in several ecclesiastical negociations, with a view to reconcile the Zuiuglians and Lutherans, and to reply to the,
harsh censures which were published by Luther against the
doctrine of the Swiss churches respecting the sacrament.
In 1549, he concurred with Calvin in drawing up a formulary, expressing the conformity of belief which subsisted
between the churches of Zurich and Geneva, and intended
on the part of Calvin, for obviating any suspicions that he
inclined to the opinion of Luther with respect to the sacra,
ment. He greatly assisted the English divines who fled
into Switzerland from the persecution raised in England
by queen Mary, and ably confuted the pope’s bull excommunicating queen Elizabeth. The magistrates of Zurich,
by his persuasion, erected a new college in 1538. He
also prevailed with them to erect, in a place that had formerly been a nunnery, a new school, in which fifteen
youths were trained up under an able master, and supplied
with food, raiment, and other necessaries. In 1549, he
by his influence hindered the Swiss from renewing their
league with Henry It. of France; representing to them,
that it was neither just nor lawful for a man to suffer himself to be hired to shed another man’s blood, from whom
himself had never received any injury. In 1551 he wrote
a book, the purport of which was to shew, that the council
of Trent had no other design than to oppress the professors
of sound religion; and, therefore, that the cantons should
pay no regard to the invitations of the pope, which solicited their sending deputies to that council. In 1561 he
commenced a controversy with Brentius concerning the
ubiquity of the body of Christ, zealously maintained by
Brentius, and as vehemently opposed by Bullinger, which
Continued till his death, on the 17th of September, 1575.
His funeral oration was pronounced by John Stukius, and
his life was written by Josias Simler (who had married one of his daughters), and was published at Zurich in 1575,
4to, with Stukius’s oration, and the poetical tributes of
many eminent men of his time. Bullinger' s printed works
are very numerous, doctrinal, practical, and controversial,
but no collection has ever been made of them. His high
reputation in England, during the progress of the reformation, occasioned the following to be either translated into
English, or published here: 1.
” A hundred Sermons
upon the Apocalypse,“1561, 4to. 2.
” Bullae papisticae
contra reginam Elizabetham, refutatio,“1571, 4to. 3.
” The Judgment of Bullinger, declaring it to be lawful for the ministers of the church of England to wear the
apparel prescribed by the laws, &c.“Eng. and Lat. 1566,
8vo. 4.
” Twenty-six Sermons on Jeremiah,“1583. 5.
” An epistle on the Mass, with one of Calvin’s,“1548, 8vo.
” A treatise or sermon, concerning Magistrates and
Obedience of Subjects, also concerning the affairs of War,“1549, 8vo. 7,
” Tragedies of Tyrants, exercised upon
the church of God from the birth of Christ unto this present year 1572,“translated by Tho. Twine, 1575, 8vo. 8.
” Exhortation to the ministers of God’s Word, &c.“1575,
8vo. 9.
” Two Sermons on the end of the World,“1596,
8vo. 10.
” Questions of religion cast abroad in Helvetia
by the adversaries of the same, and answered by M. H. Bullinger of Zurich, reduced into seventeen common places,“1572, 8vo. 11.
” Common places of Christian Religion,“1572 and 158J, 8vo. 12.
” Bullinger’s Decades, in Latin,“1586. 13.
” The Summe of the Four Evangelists,“1582,
8vo. 14.
” The Sum or Substance pf St. Paul’s Epistle to
the Thessalonians,“1538, 8vo. 15.
” Three Dialogues
between the seditious Libertine or rebel Anabaptist, and
the true obedient Christian,“1551, 8vo. 16.
” Fifty godly
and learned Sermons, divided into five decades, containing the chief and principal points of Christian religion," a
very thick 4to vol. 1577, particularly described by Ames.
This book was held in high estimation in the reign of queen
Elizabeth. In 1586, archbishop Whitgift, in full convocation, procured an order to be made that every clergyman of
a certain standing should procure a copy of them, read one
of the sermons contained in them every week, and make
notes of the principal matters.
In 1570 he was admitted to the reading of the sentences, and about the same time became chaplain to ' archbishop Grindall, who gave him a prebend in that church, and the rectory
, descended from an ancient family in Yorkshire, was born at a house called the Vache,
near Chalfont St. Giles’s, in Buckinghamshire, in 1540,
and when sixteen years old was sent to Oxford, and having
taken his bachelor’s degree, was elected probationer fellow of Magdalen college. He was at this time distinguished for his knowledge of logic and philosophy, and
soon after went to Staple’s Inn, and then to Gray’s Inn,
where he spent about two years in the study of the law,
which profession his father wished him to follow. His own
inclination, however, was for the study of divinity, which
displeased his father so much, that, to use his own words,
he “cast him off,
” although a man of piety himself, and
one that had fled for his religion in queen Mary’s days.
He returned accordingly to Oxford, and took his master’s
degree in 1564. In, the year following he was elected fellow of Merton college, an irregular act of the society,
which, however, Wood says was absolutely necessary, as
there was no person then in Merton college able to preach
any public sermon in the college turn; and not only there,
but throughout the university at large, there was a great
scarcity of theologists. In 1570 he was admitted to the
reading of the sentences, and about the same time became
chaplain to 'archbishop Grindall, who gave him a prebend
in that church, and the rectory of Bolton-Percy about six
miles distant. This rectory he held twenty-five years, and
then resigned it, but retained his prebend. In 1570 we
also find that he was subdean of York, which he resigned
in 1579. In 1585 he was collated, being then B. D. to a
prebend in Carlisle, and had likewise, although we know
not at what period, a prebend in St. Paul’s. It appears
that he preached and catechised very frequently, both in
Oxford and in many other places, travelling over a considerable part of the kingdom, and preaching wherever
there appeared a want of clergy. This zeal, his being a
Calvinist, and his preaching extempore, brought him under the imputation of being too forward and meddling,
against which he vindicated himself in “A Defence of his
labours in the work of the Ministry,
” written Jan. 20, 1602,
but circulated only in manuscript. He died at Cawood in
Yorkshire, Feb. 26 (on his monument, but 27 in archbishop Matthews’s ms diary) 1617, and was buried in
York cathedral. He published, 1. “The Sum of Christian
” Lond. Abridgment of Calvin’s Institutions,
” from May’s translation, ibid. Sceptre of Judah,
” &c. ibid. The
Coronation of King David, &c.
” 4to, The Corner Stone, or a form of teaching Jesus Christ
out of the Scriptures,
” ibid.
certain expected preferments, as Wood insinuates, or from being vexed, as Calamy says, for opposing archbishop Laud’s party, he became a powerful advocate for the principles
, D. D. another Nonconformist, but of a very different stamp, was descended from the Burgesses of Batcomb, in Somersetshire. In 1611 he was entered at Oxford, but in what college is uncertain. He translated himself, however, to Wadham, and afterwards to Lincoln. When he took orders, he had the rectory of St. Magnus, London-bridge, the date of which promotion is not mentioned, and the living of Watford, in Hertfordshire, in 1618. In the beginning of Charles the First’s reign he became one of his chaplains in ordinary, and in 1627 took both degrees in divinity, at which time Dr. Prideaux, the regius professor, told him he was a sorry disputant, but might make a good preacher. At this time and for several years after he was a zealous friend to the church of England, but either from being disappointed in certain expected preferments, as Wood insinuates, or from being vexed, as Calamy says, for opposing archbishop Laud’s party, he became a powerful advocate for the principles which soon overthrew church and state; and particularly directed his attacks against the revenues of deans and chapters, and bishops. He procured, however, that St. Paul’s cathedral might be opened, and himself appointed lecturer there, with a salary of 400l. and the dean’s house to reside in. Enriched by this and similar advantages, he not only purchased church lands, but even wrote a book in vindication of such purchases. On the restoration, however, he lost all this plunder, to the amount of many thousand pounds, and died in extreme poverty, June 9, 1665. Calamy, his continuator, and Mr. Neal, find great difficulty in refuting Wood’s account of this Dr. Burgess. Their strongest plea is, that he was against the king’s murder, and drew up the paper signed by the London ministers to prevent that act. At his death, although he had been obliged from poverty to dispose of his library, he left some curious editions of the Prayer-book to the university of Oxford. He wrote some devotional tracts, enumerated by Calamy, and several of the controversial kind.
the late George lord Lyttelton, the right honourable William Gerard Hamilton, the late Dr. Markham, archbishop of York, Dr. Johnson, sir Joshua Reynolds, and many other eminent
The celebrity of such works soon made Mr. Burke known to the literati; amongst whom were the late George lord Lyttelton, the right honourable William Gerard Hamilton, the late Dr. Markham, archbishop of York, Dr. Johnson, sir Joshua Reynolds, and many other eminent characters, who were proud to patronize a young man of such good private character, and such very distinguished talents. It was in consequence of these connections that we soon after find Mr. Burke in the suite of the earl of Halifax, appointed lord lieutenant of Ireland, October 1761. Here, by his talents, as well as by his convivial and agreeable manners, he made himself not only useful at the castle, but renewed and formed several valuable acquaintances.
to preach one of the consecration -sermons at Bow-church; but, being detained by some accident, the archbishop of Canterbury desired our author, then bishop of Sarum, to supply
About six months after he returned to Scotland, where
he declined accepting the living of Saltoun, offered him
by sir Robert Fletcher of that place, resolving to travel for
some time on the continent, in 1664, he went over into
Holland; where, after he had seen what was remarkable
in the Seven Provinces, he resided for some time at Amsterdam, and afterwards at Paris. At Amsterdam, by the
help of a learned Rabbi, he increased his knowledge in
the Hebrew language, and likewise x became acquainted
with the leading men of the different persuasions tolerated
in that country: among each of whom, he used frequently
to declare, he had met with men of such real piety and
virtue, that he contracted a strong principle of universal
charity. At Paris he conversed with the two famous
ministers of Charenton, Dailie and Morus. His stay in
France was the longer, on account of the great kindness
with which he was treated by the lord Holies, then ambassador at the French court. Towards the end of the
year he returned to Scotland, passing through Londo/rr,
where he was introduced, by the president sir Robert
Murray, to be a member of the royal society. In 1665,
he was ordained a priest by the bishop of Edinburgh, and
presented by sir Robert Fletcher to the living of Saitoun,
which had been kept vacant during his absence. He soon
gained the affections of his whole parish, not excepting the
presbyterians, though he was the only clergyman in Scotland that made use of the prayers in the liturgy of the
church of England. During the five years he remained at
Saitoun, he preached twice every Sunday, and once on
one of the week-days; he catechized three times a-week,
so as to examine every parishioner, old or young, three
times in the compass of a year: he went round the parish
from house to house, instructing, reproving, or comforting
them, as occasion required: the sick he visited twice a
day: he administered the sacrament four times a year, and
personally instructed all such as gave notice of their intention to receive it. All that remained above his own necessary subsistence (in which he was very frugal), he gave
away in charity. A particular instance of his generosity
is thus related: one of his parishioners had been in execution for debt, and applied to our author for some small
relief; who inquired of him, how much would again set
him up in his trade: the man named the sum, and he as
readily called to his servant to pay it him: “Sir,” said he,
“it is all we have in the house.” “Well,” said Mr. Burnet, “pay it this poor man: you do not know the pleasure
there is in making a man glad.” This may be a proper
place to mention our author’s practice of preaching extempore, in which he attained an ease chiefly by allotting many
hours of the day to meditation upon all sorts of subjects,
and by accustoming himself, at those times, to speak his
thoughts aloud, studying always to render his expressions
correct. His biographer gives us here two remarkable
instances of his preaching without book. In 1691, when
the sees, vacant by the deprivation of the nonjuring
bishops, were filled up, bishop Williams was appointed to
preach one of the consecration -sermons at Bow-church;
but, being detained by some accident, the archbishop of
Canterbury desired our author, then bishop of Sarum, to
supply his place; which he readily did, to the general satisfaction of all present. In 1705, he was appointed to preach
the thanksgiving-sermon before the queen at St. Paul’s; and
as it was the only discourse he had ever written before-hand,
it was the only time that he ever made a pause in preaching, which on that occasion lasted above a minute. The
same year, he drew up a memorial of the abuses of the
Scotch bishops, which exposed him to the resentments of
that order: upon which, resolving to confine himself to
study, and the duties of his function, he practised such a
retired and abstemious course, as greatly impaired his
health. About 1668, the government of Scotland being in
the hands of moderate men, of whom the principal was sir
Robert Murray, he was frequently consulted by them; and
it was through his advice that some of the more moderate
presbyterians were put into the vacant churches; a step
which he himself has since condemned as indiscreet. In
1669, he was made professor of divinity at Glasgow; in
which station he executed the following plan of study.
On Mondays, he made each of the students, in their turn,
explain a head of divinity in Latin, and propound such
theses from it as he was to defend against the rest of the
scholars; and this exercise concluded with our professor’s
decision of the point in a Latin oration. On Tuesdays, he
gave them a prelection in the same language, in which he
proposed, in the course of eight years, to have gone
through a complete system of divinity. On Wednesdays,
he read them a lecture, for above an hour, by way of a
critical commentary on St. Matthew’s Gospel;' which he
finished before he quitted the chair. On Thursdays, the
exercise was alternate; one Thursday, he expounded a
Hebrew Psalm, comparing it with the Septuagint, the
Vulgar, and the English version; and the next Thursday,
he explained some portion of the ritual and constitution
of the primitive church, making the apostolical canons his
text, and reducing every article of practice under the head
of one or other of those canons. On Fridays, he made
each of his scholars, in course, preach a short sermon upon
some text he assigned; and, when it was ended, he observed upon any thing that was defective or amiss in the
handling of the subject. This was the labour of the mornings: in the evenings, after prayer, he every day read
some parcel of scripture, on which he made a short
discourse; and, when that was over, he examined into
the progress of their several studies. Ail this he performed
during the whole time the schools were open; and, in
order to acquit himself with credit, he was obliged to study
hard from four till ten in the morning; the rest of the day
being of necessity allotted, either to the care of his pupils,
or to hearing the complaints of the clergy, who, rinding he
had an interest with men of power, were not sparing in
their applications to him. In this situation he continued
four years and a half, exposed, through his principles of
moderation, to the censure both of the episcopal and presbyterian parties. The same year he published his “Modest and free Conference between a Conformist and a Nonconformist.
” About this time he was entrusted, by the
duchess of Hamilton, with the perusal and arrangement
of all the papers relating to her father’s and uncle’s
ministry; which induced him to compile “Memoirs of the
Dukes of Hamilton,
” and occasioned his being invited to
London, to receive farther information, concerning the
transactions of those times, by the earl of Lauderdale; between whom and the duke of Hamilton he brought about
a reconciliation. During his stay in London, he was offered a Scotch bishopric, which he refused. Soon after
his return to Glasgow, he married the lady Margaret Kennedy, daughter of the earl of Cassilis. In 1672, he published his “Vindication of the Authority, Constitution, and
Laws, of the Church and State of Scotland,
” against the
principles of Buchanan and others; which was thought, at
that juncture, such a public service, that he was again
courted to accept of a bishopric, with a promise of the
next vacant archbishopric, but he persisted in his refusal
of that dignity. In 1673, he took another journey to
London; where, at the express nomination of the king,
after hearing him preach, he was sworn one of his majesty’s
chaplains in ordinary. He became likewise in high favour
with his majesty and the duke of York . At his return to
Edinburgh, finding the animosities between the dukes of
Hamilton and Lauderdale revived, he retired to his station
at Glasgow; but was obliged the next year to return to
court, to justify himself against the accusations of the duke
of Lauderdale, who had represented him as the cause and
instrument of all the opposition the measures of the court
had met with in the Scotch parliament. Thus he lost the
favour of the court; and, to avoid putting himself into the
hands of his enemies, he resigned the professor’s chair at
Glasgow, and resolved to settle in London, being now
about thirty years of age. Soon after, he was offered the
living of St. Giles’s Cripplegate, which he declined accepting, because he heard that it was intended for Dr.
Fowler, afterwards bishop of Gloucester. In 1675, our
author, at the recommendation of lord Holies, and notwithstanding the interposition of the court against him, was
appointed preacher at the Rolls chapel by sir Harbottle
Grimstone, master of the Rolls. The same year he was
examined before the house of commons in relation to the
duke of Lauderdale, whose conduct the parliament was
then inquiring into. He was soon after chosen lecturer of
St. Clement’s, and became a very popular preacher. In
1676, he published his “Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton;
” and the same year, “An account of a Conference
between himself, Dr. Stillingfleet, and Coleman.
” About
this time, the apprehensions of popery increasing daily, he
undertook to write the “History of the Reformation of the
Church of England.
” The rise and progress of this his
greatest and 'most useful work, is an object of too great
curiosity to require any apology on account of its length.
His own account of it is as follows: “Some time after I
had printed the ‘ Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton,’
which were favourably received, the reading of these got
me the acquaintance and friendship of sir William Jones,
then attorney-general. My way of writing history pleased
him; and so he pressed me to undertake the History of
England. But Sanders’s book, that was then translated
into French, and cried up much in France, made all my
friends press me to answer it, by writing the History of
the Reformation. So now all my thoughts were turned
that way. I laid out for manuscripts, and searched into
all offices. I got for some days into the Cotton Library.
But duke Lauderdale hearing of my design, and apprehending it might succeed in my hands, got Dolben, bishop
of Rochester, to divert sir John Cotton from suffering me
to search into his library. He told him, I was a great
enemy to the prerogative, to which Cotton was devoted,
even to slavery. So he said, I would certainly make an ill
use of all 1 had found. This wrought so much on him,
that I was no more admitted, till my first volume was published. And then, when he saw how I had composed it,
he gave me free access to it.
” The first volume of this
work lay near a year after it was finished, for the perusal
and correction of friends; so that it was not published tiii
the year 1679, when the affair of the popish plot was in
agitation. This book procured our author an honour never
before or since paid to any writer: he had the thanks of
both houses of parliament, with a desire that he would
prosecute the undertaking, and complete that valuable
work. Accordingly, in less than two years after, he
printed the second volume, which met with the same general approbation as the first: and such was his readiness
in composing, that he wrote the historical part in the
compass of six weeks, after all his materials were laid in
order. The third volume, containing a supplement to the
two former, was published in 1714. “The defects of
Peter Heylyn’s
” History of the Reformation,“as bishop
Kicolson observes,
” are abundantly supplied in our
author’s more complete history. He gives a punctual account of all the affairs of the reformation, from its beginning in the reign of Henry VIII. to its final establishment
under queen Elizabeth, A. D. 1559. And the whole is
penned in a masculine style, such as becomes an historian,
and is the property of this author in all his writings. The
collection of records^ which he gives at the end of each
volume, are good vouchers of the truth of what he delivers
in the body of the history, and are much more perfect than
could reasonably be expected, after the pains taken, in
queen Mary’s days, to suppress every thing that carried
the marks of the reformation upon it.“Our author’s performance met with a very favourable, reception abroad, and
was translated into most of the European languages; and
even the keenest of his enemies, Henry Wharton, allows it
to have
” a reputation firmly and deservedly established.“The most eminent of the French writers who have attacked
it, M. Varillas and M. Le Grand, have received satisfactory
replies from -the author himself. At home it was attacked
by Mr. S. Lowth, who censured the account Dr. Burnet
had given of some of archbishop Cranmer’s opinions, asserting that both our historian and Dr. Stillingfleet had imposed upon the world in that particular, and had
” unfaithfully joined together“in their endeavours to lessen
episcopal ordination. Our author replied to Mr. Lowth,
in some
” letters. in answer“to his book. The next assailant was Henry Wharton, who, under the name of Anthony
Harrner, published
” A specimen of some Errors and
Defects in the History of the Reformation,“1693, 8vo, a
performance of no great candour; to which, however, our
historian vouchsafed a short answer, in a
” Letter to the
Bishop of Lichfield.“A third attack on this History was
made by Dr. Hickes in
” Discourses on Dr. Burnet and
Dr. Tillotson;“in which the whole charge amounts to no
more than this, that,
” in a matter of no great consequence,
there was too little care had in copying or examining a
letter writ in a very bad hand,“and that there was some
probability that Dr. Burnet
” was mistaken in one of his
conjectures.“Our author answered this piece, in a
” Vindication“of his History. The two first parts were translated into French by M. de Rosemond, and into Latin by
Melchior Mittelhorzer. There is likewise a Dutch translation of it. In 1682, our author published
” An abridgment of his History of the Reformation," in 8vo, in which
he tells us, he had wholly waved every thing that belonged
to the records, and the proof of what he relates, or to the
confutation of the falsehoods that run through the popish
historians; all which is to be found in the History at large.
And therefore, in this abridgment, he says, every thing is
to be taken upon trust; and those who desire a fuller satisfaction, are referred to the volumes he had before published.
s “Four Discourses to the Clergy of his Diocese.” In 1694, our author preached the funeral sermon of archbishop Tillotson, with whom he had long kept up an intimate acquaintance
In 1692, he published a treatise, entitled “The Pastoral
” in which the duties of the clergy are laid down with
great strictness, and enforced with no less zeal and warmth.
The next year came out his “Four Discourses to the
Clergy of his Diocese.
” In A Vindication of Abp.
” Essay on her character,
” which her uncommon talents
merited at the hands of a person who enjoyed so high a
degree of her favour and confidence. After the decease
of that princess, through whose hands the affairs and promotions of the church had wholly passed, our prelate was
one of the ecclesiastical commission appointed by the king
to recommend to all bishoprics, deanries, and other vacant
benefices in his majesty’s gift.
hed by Dr. Burnet in 1689. After the revolution, he was introduced to court by his tutor and friend, archbishop Tillotson, and was made chaplain to the king, and soon after,
On May 19, 1685, he was made master of the Charterhouse, by the interest of the duke of Ormond; and soon
after commenced LL. D. At what time he entered into
orders is not exactly known; but it is plain that he was a
clergyman at his election to this mastership, from the objection then made against him by some of the bishops who
were governors, namely, “that he generally appeared in
a lay-habit,
” which was over-ruled by his patron the duke
of Ormond, by asserting in his favour, that he had no
living or other ecclesiastical preferment; and that his life
and conversation were in all respects suitable to the clerical character. In the latter end of 1686, Dr. Burnet’s
integrity, prudence, and resolution, were fully tried in
his new station, upon the following occasion: one Andrew
Popham, a Roman Catholic, came to the Charter-house,
with a letter from king James to the governors, requiring
them to choose and admit him the said Andrew Popham a
pensioner thereof, “without tendering any oath or oaths
unto him, or requiring of him any subscription, recognition, or other act or acts, in conformity to the doctrine
and discipline of the church of England as the same is now
established; and notwithstanding any statute, order, or
constitution, of or in the said hospital; with which, says
his majesty, we are graciously disposed to dispense in his
” On the meeting of the governors, the king’s
letter was read, and the lord chancellor Jefferies moved,
that without any debate they should proceed to vote whether Andrew Popham should be admitted a pensioner of
the hospital, according to the king’s letter. The master,
Dr. Burnet, as the junior, was to vote first, but he told
the governors, that he thought it was his duty to acquaint
their lordships with the state and constitution of that hospital; and, though this was opposed by some, yet, after
a little debate, he proceeded to observe, that to admit a
pensioner into the hospital without his taking the oaths of
allegiance and supremacy, was not only contrary to the
constitution of the ho&pital, but to an express act of parliament for the better establishment thereof. One of the
governors asked what this was to the purpose? The duke
of Ormond replied, that he thought it much to the purpose; for an act of parliament was not so slight a thing as
not to deserve a consideration. After some other discourse, the question was put, whether Popham should be
admitted? and passed in the negative. A second letter
from the king was afterwards sent; to which the governors,
in a letter addressed to his majesty, humbly replied, and
gave their reasons why they could not admit Andrew Popham as a pensioner of the hospital. This not satisfying
king James, he ordered chancellor Jefferies to find out a
way how he might compel their submission, and the master
was particularly threatened to be summoned before the ecclesiastical commissioners. But his subsequent quarrels
with the universities, and the commotions which followed,
prevented any farther proceeding on the part of the king.
This was the first stand made against the dispensing power
of that reign, by any society in England, and was of great
importance to the public, A relation of the Charter-house
proceedings upon this occasion was published by Dr. Burnet in 1689.
After the revolution, he was introduced to court by his
tutor and friend, archbishop Tillotson, and was made
chaplain to the king, and soon after, clerk of the closet.
He was now considered as in the high road to great preferment, and had certainly a fine prospect before him; when
he ruined all by some unadvised strokes of his pen. In
1692 he published “Archæologiæ philosophiæ; sive doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus,
” 4to, with a dedication
to king William, whose character he diws with great
strength of genius and art, and in that beautiful style
which was peculiar to himself. But neither the high rank
and authority of his patron, nor the elegance and learning
displayed throughout the work, could protect the author
from the clamours raised against him for allegorizing in a
very indelicate manner the scripture account of the fall of
Adam and Eve. In consequence of which, as appears
from a Latin letter written by himself to Walters, a bookseller at Amsterdam, dated Sept. 14, 1694, he desires to
have the most offensive parts omitted in the future editions
of that work. He had expressed himself to the same purpose, some time before the date of this letter, in a Latin
epistle, “Ad virum clarissimum circa nuper editum de
Archæologiis Philosophicis libellum;
” where he says, that
he cheerfully wished that any passages which have given
offence to the pious and wise, and particularly the dialogue
between Eve and the Serpent, may be expunged. The
person to whom this letter is addressed, and also a second
afterwards upon the same subject, was generally understood to be archbishop Tillotson. Both the letters are
subjoined to the second edition of “Archæologiæ philosophicæ,
” printed in
ion, in church and state, than his persecutors. Humbly dedicated to the most reverend and worthy the archbishop of Canterbury, late of York (Herring). With a proper preface,
, M.D. and F. R. S. and F. S.A. an
eminent antiquary, of whom our accounts are very scanty,
was born at Rjppon in Yorkshire 1697, and educated hi
Christ church college in Oxford for some time, but took
his degree in some foreign university; and on his settling
at York, became very eminent in his profession. In 1745
it is said that he proposed joining himself to the pretender,
then at Manchester; but that his friends had interest sufficient to dissuade him from a measure which must have terminated in his ruin. His conduct, therefore, appears to
have unjustly exposed him to censure, if his own account
may be relied on, to this purpose, that “going out of
York, with leave of the mayor, &c. to take care of his estates, on the approach of the rebels, he was taken by
them, and in consequence of that was apprehended Dec. 3,
1745, and detained till March 25, 1746—7.
” This is explained in “British liberty endangered, demonstrated by
the following narrative, wherein is proved from facts, that
J. B. has hitherto been a better friend to the English constitution, in church and state, than his persecutors. Humbly dedicated to the most reverend and worthy the archbishop of Canterbury, late of York (Herring). With a
proper preface, by John Burton, of York, M. D.
” London,
3 749. There was afterwards published “An account of
what passed between Mr. George Thomson of York, and
doctor John Burton of that city, physician and manmidwife, at Mr. sheriff Jubb’s entertainment, and the consequences thereon, by Mr. George Thomson,
” London,
A Treatise on the Non-naturals, in which the
great influence they have on human bodies is set forth, and
mechanically accounted for. To which is subjoined, a
short Essay on the Chin-Cough, with a new method of
treating that obstinate distemper,
” York, 1738, 8vo. In
the title of this work, he calls himself “M. B. Cant, and
M. D. Rhem.
” by which it would appear that his bachelor’s
was a Lambeth degree, and that he graduated as doctor at
Rheims. In 1751, he published “An Essay towards a
complete new system of Midwifery,
” 8vo, and in A Letter to William Smellie, M. D. containing critical
and practical remarks upon his Treatise on the theory and
practice of Midwifery,
” 8vo. But the work by which he is
principally known, and for which he was employed in
making collections during his latter years, was, his “Monasticon Eboracense; and the Ecclesiastical History of Yorkshire, &c.
” the first volume of which was published in
n in Luxemburgh, in the sixteenth century, owed his success in life to his brother Francis, who died archbishop of Besangon in 1500. By his interest he became master of requests,
, a native of Arlon in Luxemburgh, in the sixteenth century, owed his success in life to his brother Francis, who died archbishop of Besangon in 1500. By his interest he became master of requests, a member of the sovereign council of Mechlin, and held several ecclesiastical benefices. His genius and learning recommended him to the friendship and correspondence of many of the learned men of his time, particularly Erasmus and sir Thomas More. He was employed in embassies to pope Julius II. Francis I. of France, and Henry VIII. of England; and in 1517, he was sent into Spain by Charles V. but falling sick at Bourdeaux, he died August 26 of that year. He left a considerable property to found three professorships at Louvain for Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, which composed what was called the Collegium Trilingue. Erasmus says this institution gave much disgust to the illiterate members of the church there, who, he adds, were vexed that three tongues should be in request. Several verses, speeches, and epistles written by Buslidius, were found after his death, but the only piece published is a letter prefixed to sir Thomas More’s Utopia.
inchtey, in Middlesex, but king James claiming the wardship of him, he was put under the tuition of. archbishop Abbot, who instilled in him that love for the protestant religion
, duke of Ormond, an eminent statesman, the son of Thomas Butler, esq. a branch of the Ormond family, was born at Newcastle house, in Clerkenwell, 1610. Oh the decease of Thomas, earl, of Ormond, his grandfather Sir Walter Butler, of Kilcash, assumed the title, and his father was styled by courtesy viscount Thurles. After the death of his father, in 1619, who left a widow and seven children in embarrassed circumstances, this title devolved upon him. In 1620 he was sent over to England by his mother, and educated partly at a school at Finchtey, in Middlesex, but king James claiming the wardship of him, he was put under the tuition of. archbishop Abbot, who instilled in him that love for the protestant religion which he afterwards displayed on so many occasions. On the death of king James he was taken home by his grandfather the carl of Ormond; and in 1629 he married his cousin, lady Elizabeth Preston, a match which terminated some disputes that had long been agitated between the families. In 1630 he purchased a troop of horse in Ireland, and two years after succeeded, by the death of his grandfather, to the earldom of Ormond. During the earl of Stratford’s viceroyalty in Ireland, his talents were much noticed by that nobleman, who predicted his future fame. On the commencement of the rebellion in Ireland in 1641, he was appointed lieutenant-generaJ and commander in chief of an army of only 3000 men, but with this inconsiderable force, and a few additional troops raised by himself, he resisted the progress of the rebels, and in 1642 dislodged them from the Naes near Dublin, raised the blockade of Drogheda, and routed them at Kiirush. His exertions, however, being impeded by the jealousies of the lords justices and of the lord lieutenant, the king, that he might act without controui, gave him an independent commission under the great seal, and created him marquis of Ormond. In 1643 he obtained a considerable victory with a very inferior force over the rebels under the command of the Irish general Preston, but for want of suitable encouragement, he was under a necessity of concluding a cessation of hostilities, for which measure he was much blamed in England; though he availed himself of it by sending over troops to the assistance of the king, who was then at war with the parliament. His majesty, however, duly appreciating his services, appointed him lord lieutenant of Ireland, in the room of the earl of Leicester, in the beginning of the year 1644; but in the exercise of this office, he had to contend both with the rebellious spirit of the old Irish, and the machinations of the English parliament, and after maintaining an unsuccessful struggle for three years, he was, in 1647, obliged to sign a treaty with the parliament’s commissioners, and to come over to England, where he waited on 'the king at Hampton-court, and obtained his majesty’s full approbation of all his proceedings; but in the hazardous state of public affairs he thought it most prudent to provide for his own safety by embarking for France.
f these services, he was n^ade archdeacon of Surrey, and procured-a Lambeth degree of D. D. from the archbishop of Canterbury. His next promotion was to the see of Oxford,
, late bishop of Hereford, was born at Hamburgh, probably of English parents, Dec. 1717. In his early days he acted as private tutor in the family of Mr. Child the banker. He was then a popular preacher in London, and possessed of sound parts, indefatigable industry, a good figure, and agreeable manners. Being introduced to Mr. Bilson Legge, he assisted that gentleman in the political controversy with lord Bute^ and rendered him farther services in calculations on public finance. It was probably through this connection that Dr^Hayter, bishop of London, appointed Mr. Butler his first chaplain, who obtained also the living of Everley in Wiltshire, about the same time. On the recommendation of lord Onslow, he was constituted one of the king’s chaplains, and obtained a prebend in Winchester cathedral. Commencing a political writer, he espoused the cause of lord North in all the measures of administration, and particularly in that of the American war, which he endeavoured to justify in several pamphlets. In reward of these services, he was n^ade archdeacon of Surrey, and procured-a Lambeth degree of D. D. from the archbishop of Canterbury. His next promotion was to the see of Oxford, which was given him by the minister (lord North) in 1777, on the advancement of Dn Lowth to the bishoprick of London; and the living of Cuddesden was held by Dr. Butler at the same time, being annexed to the see of Oxford; but this preferment was rendered locally unpleasant from the circumstance of his not having been regularly graduated at either of the universities. He, however, retained it till 1788, when he was advanced to the bishopric of Hereford, over which he presided until his death at his palace at Hereford, Dec. 10, 1802. He was twice married. His first wife was the mistress of a boarding-school in Westminster; his second, the sister and one of the coheiresses of sir Charles Vernon, of Farnham in Surrey; but he had issue by neither. He underwent the operation of lithotomy at the age of sixty, which he long survived, although in his latter days he was kept alive by great care and attention. Although charitable and even munificent in his lifetime, he left a very considerable fortune to his executors and friends. He was an eloquent, pleasing, and impressive preacher, always from short-hand notes, and very distinct and audible in his delivery, although his voice was weak.
id she thought he had been dead. Mr. Seeker assured her he was not. Yet her majesty afterwards asked archbishop Blackburne if he was not dead? His answer was, “No, madam, but
, a prelate of the most distinguished
character and abilities, was born at Wantage in Berkshire,
in 1692. His father, Mr. Thomas Butler, who was a reputable shopkeeper in that town, observing in his son
Joseph an excellent genius and inclination for learning,
determined to educate him for the ministry, among the
protestant dissenters of the presbyterian denomination.
For this purpose, after he had gone through a proper
course of grammatical literature, at the free grammarschool of his native place, under the care of the rev. Mr.
Philip Barton, a clergyman of the church of England,
he was sent to a dissenting academy, then kept at Gloucester, but which was soon afterwards removed to Tewkesbury, the principal tutor of which was Mr. Jones, a man of
uncommon abilities and knowledge. At Tewkesbury, Mr.
Butler made an extraordinary progress in the study of divinity; of which he gave a remarkable proof in the letters
addressed by him, whilst he resided at Tewkesbury, to
Dr. Samuel Clarke, laying before him the doubts that
had arisen in his mind concerning the conclusiveness of
some arguments in the doctor’s “Demonstration of the
Being and Attributes of God.
” The first of these letters
was dated November the 4th, 1713; and the sagacity and
depth of thought displayed in it immediately excited Dr.
Clarke’s particular notice. This condescension encouraged Mr. Butler to address the doctor again upon the
same subject, which, ^likewise, was answered by him; and
the correspondence being carried on in three other letters,
the whole was annexed to the celebrated treatise before
mentioned, and the collection has been retained in all the
subsequent editions of that work. The management of
this correspondence was entrusted by Mr. Butler to his
friend and fellow-pupil Mr. Seeker, who, in order to
conceal the affair, undertook to convey the letters to the
post-office at Gloucester, and to bring back Dr. Clarke’s
answers. When Mr. Butler’s name was discovered to the
doctor, the candour, modesty, and good sense with which
he had written, immediately procured him his friendship.
Our young student was not, however, during his continuance at Tewkesbury, solely employed in metaphysical
speculations and inquiries. Another subject of his serious
consideration was, the propriety of his becoming a dissenting minister. Accordingly, he entered into an examination of the principles of non-conformity; the result of
which was, such a dissatisfaction with them, as determined
him to conform to the established church. This intention
was at first very disagreeable to his father, who endeavoured to divert him from his purpose; and with that view
called in the assistance of some eminent presbyterian divines; but finding his son’s resolution to be fixed, heat
length suffered him to be removed to Oxford, where he
was admitted a commoner of Oriel college, on the 17th of
March, 1714. At what time he took orders is uncertain,
but it must have been soon after his admission at Oxford,
if it be true, as is asserted, that he sometimes assisted Mr.
Edward Talbot in the divine service, at his living of Hendred near Wantage. With this gentleman, who was the.
second son of Dr. William Talbot, successively bishop of
Oxford, Salisbury, and Durham, Mr. Butler formed an
intimate friendship at Oriel college, which laid the foundation of all his subsequent preferments, and procured for
him a very honourable situation when he was only twentysix years of age. In 1718, at the recommendation of Mr.
Talbot and Dr. Clarke, he was appointed by sir Joseph
Jekyll to be preacher at the Rolls. This was three years
before he had taken any degree at the university, where
he did not go out bachelor of law till the 10th of June,
1721, which, however, was as soon as that degree could
statutably be conferred upon him. Mr. Butler continued
at the Rolls till 1726, in the beginning of which year he
published, in one volume 8vo, “Fifteen Sermons preached
at that Chapel.
” In the mean time, by the patronage of
Dr. Talbot, bishop of Durham, to whose notice he had
been recommended (together with Mr. Benson and Mr. Seeker) by Mr. Edward Talbot on his death-bed, our author had been presented first to the rectory of Haughton,
near Darlington, in 1722, and afterwards to that of Stanhope in the same diocese, in 1725, At Haughton there
was a necessity for rebuilding a great part of the parsonagehouse, and Mr. Butler had neither money nor talents for
that work. Mr. Seeker, therefore, who had always the
interest of his friends at heart, and had acquired a very
considerable influence with bishop Talbot, persuaded that
prelate to give Mr. Butler, in exchange for Haughton,
the rectory of Stanhope, which was not only free from any
such incumbrance, but was likewise of much superior
value, being indeed one of the richest parsonages in England. Whilst our author continued preacher at the Rolls
chapel, he divided his time between his duty in town and
country; but when he quitted the Rolls, he resided, during seven years, wholly at Stanhope, in the conscientious
discharge of every obligation appertaining to a good parish
priest. This retirement, however^ was too solitary for his
disposition, which had in it a natural cast of gloominess:
and though his recluse hours were by no means lost either
to private improvement or public utility, yet he felt at
times very painfully the want of that select society of
friends to which he had been accustomed, and which could
inspire him with the greatest chearfulness. Mr. Seeker,
therefore, who knew this, was extremely anxious to draw
him out into a more active and conspicuous scene, and
omitted no opportunity of expressing this desire to such as
he thought capable of promoting it. Having himself been,
appointed king’s chaplain in 1732, he took occasion, in a
conversation which he had the honour of holding with
queen Caroline, to mention to her his friend Mr. Butler.
The queen said she thought he had been dead. Mr.
Seeker assured her he was not. Yet her majesty afterwards asked archbishop Blackburne if he was not dead?
His answer was, “No, madam, but he is buried.
” Mr.
Seeker, continuing his purpose of endeavouring to bring
his friend out of his retirement, found means, upon Mr.
Charles Talbot' s being made lord chancellor, to have Mr.
Butler recommended to him for his chaplain. His lordship accepted and sent for him; and this promotion calling
him to town, he took Oxford in his way, and was admitted
there to the degree of doctor of law, on the 8th of December, 1733. The lord chancellor, who gave him also a
prebend in the church of Rochester, had consented that
he should reside at his parish of Stanhope one half of the
than to transcribe what the worthy and learned Dr. Porteus has written concerning it, in his Life of Archbishop Seeker. “This strange slander, founded on the weakest pretences
Dr. Butler being thus brought back into the world, his
merit and talents soon introduced him to particular notice,
and paved the way for his rising to those high dignities
which he afterwards enjoyed. In 1736, he was appointed
clerk of the closet to queen Caroline; and, in the same
year, he presented to her majesty a copy of his celebrated
treatise, entitled “The Analogy of Religion, natural and
revealed, to the constitution and course of Nature.
” His
attendance upon his royal mistress, by her especial command, was from seven to nine in the evening every day;
and though this was interrupted by her death in 1737, yet
he had been so effectually recommended by her, as well
as by the late lord chancellor Talbot, to his majesty’s favour, that, in the next year, he was raised to the highest
order of the church, by a nomination to the bishopric of
Bristol; to which see he was consecrated on the 3d of
December, 1738. King George II. not being satisfied with
this proof of his regard to Dr. Butler, promoted him, in
1740, to the deanry of St. Paul’s London; into which he
was installed on the 24th of May in that year, and finding
the demands of this dignity to be incompatible with his
parish duty at Stanhope, he immediately resigned that
rich benefice. Besides our prelate’s unremitted attention
to his peculiar obligations, he was called on to preach several discourses on public occasions, which were afterwards
separately printed, and have since been annexed to the
later editions of the Sermons at the Rolls chapel. In 1746,
upon the death of Dr. Egerton, bishop of Hereford, Dr. But>
ler was made clerk of the closet to the king; and in 1750, he
received another distinguished mark of his majesty’s favour,
by being translated to the see of Durham on the 16th of October in that year, upon the decease of Dr. Edward
Chandler. Our prelate, being thus appointed to preside
over a diocese with which he had long been connected,
delivered his first, and indeed his last charge to his clergy,
at his primary visitation in 1751. The principal subject
of it was, “External Religion.
” The bishop having observed, with deep concern, the great and growing neglect
of serious piety in the kingdom, insisted strongly on the
usefulness of outward forms and institutions, in fixing and
preserving a sense of devotion and duty in the minds of
men. In doing this, he was thought by several persons to
speak too favourably of pagan and popish ceremonies, and
to countenance, in a certain degree, the cause of superstition. 'Under that apprehension, an able and spirited
writer, who was understood to be a clergyman of the
church of England, published in 1752, a pamphlet, entitled “A serious inquiry into the use and importance of
External Religion: occasioned by some passages in the
right reverend the lord bishop of Durham’s Charge to the
Clergy of that diocese; humbly addressed to his lordship.
” Many persons, however, and, we believe, the greater
part of the clergy of the diocese, did not think our prelate’s
charge so exceptionable as it appeared to this author.
The charge, which was first printed at Durham, was afterwards annexed to Dr. Butler’s other works, by Dr. Halifax.
By his promotion to the see of Durham, our worthy bishop
was furnished with ample means of exerting the virtue of
charity, the exercise of which was his highest delight. But
this gratification he did not long enjoy. He had been but
a short time seated in his new bishopric, when his health
began visibly to decline; and having been complimented,
during his indisposition, upon account of his great resignation to the divine will, he is said to have expressed some
regret, that he should be taken from the present world so
soon after he had been rendered capable of becoming
much more useful in it. In his last illness, he was carried
to Bristol, to try the waters of that place; but, these proving ineffectual, he removed to Bath, where, being past
recovery, he died on the 16th of June, 1752. His corpse
was conveyed to Bristol, and interred in the cathedral
there, where a monument, with an inscription, is erected
to his memory. On the greatness of bishop Butler’s intellectual character we need not enlarge; for his profound
knowledge, and the prodigious strength of his mind, are
amply displayed in his incomparable writings. His piety
was of the most serious and fervent, and perhaps somewhat
of the ascetic kind. His benevolence was warm, generous,
and diffusive. Whilst he was bishop of Bristol, he expended, in repairing and improving the episcopal palace,
four thousand pounds, which is said to have been more
than the whole revenues of the bishopric amounted to,
during his continuance in that see. Indeed he used to say
that the deanery of St. Paul’s paid for it. Besides his
private benefactions, he was a contributor to the' Infirmary
at Bristol, and a subscriber to three of the Hospitals at
London. He was, likewise, a principal promoter, though
not the first founder, of the Infirmary at Newcastle, in
Northumberland. lu supporting the hospitality and
dignity of the rich and powerful diocese of Durham, he was
desirous of imitating the spirit of his patron, bishop Talbot. In this spirit, he set apart three clays every week for
the reception and entertainment of the principal gentry of
the country. Nor were even the clergy who had the
poorest benefices neglected by him. He not only occasionally invited them to dine with him, but condescended
to visit them at their respective parishes. By his will, he
left five hundred pounds to the society for propagating the
gospel in foreign parts, and some legacies to his friends
and domestics. His executor was his chaplain, the rev.
Dr. Nathaniel Forster, a divine of distinguished literature,
who was especially charged to destroy all his manuscript
sermons, letters, and papers. Bishop Butler was never
married. The bishop’s disposition, which had in it a natural ca’st of gloominess, was supposed to give a tincture
to his devotion. As a proof of this, and that he had even
acquired somewhat of a superstitious turn of mind, it was
alleged, that he had put a. cross in his chapel at Bristol.
The cross was a plain piece of marble inlaid. This circumstance, together with the offence which some persons had
taken at his charge delivered at Durham, might possibly
give rise to a calumny, that, almost fifteen years after his
death, was advanced concerning him, in an obscure and
anonymous pamphlet, entitled “The Root of Protestant
Errors examined.
” It was there said, that our prelate died
in the communion of the church of Rome. Of this absurd
and groundless charge, we shall take no other notice, than
to transcribe what the worthy and learned Dr. Porteus has
written concerning it, in his Life of Archbishop Seeker.
“This strange slander, founded on the weakest pretences
and most trivial circumstances that can be imagined, no
one was better qualified to confute than the archbishop;
as well from his long and intimate knowledge of bishop
Butler, as from the information given him at the time by
those who attended his lordship in his last illness, and
were with him when he died. Accordingly, by an article
in a newspaper, signed Misopseudes, his grace challenged
the author of that pamphlet to produce his authority for
what he had advanced; and in a second article defended
the bishop against him; and in a third (all with the same signature) confuted another writer, who, under the name
of ‘A real Protestant,’ still maintained that ridiculous
calumy. His antagonists were effectually subdued, and
his superiority to them was publicly acknowledged by a
sensible and candid man, who signed himself, and who
really was ‘A dissenting Minister.’ Surely, it is a very
unwise piece of policy, in those who profess themselves
enemies to popery, to take so much pains to bring the
most respectable names within its pale; and to give it the
merit of having gained over those who were the brightest
ornaments and firmest supports of the protestant cause.
turning his attention that way arose from his acquaintance with Mr. Sharp of Trinity college, son to archbishop Sharp. Mr. Sharp had been advised by his father to study the
In this dilemma, however, Mr. Byrom had recourse to
the teaching of short-hand writing, as a means of supporting himself and his wife, who adhered to him with affectionate tenderness in all his vicissitudes. Dr. Nichols informs us, that he had invented his short-hand at Cambridge
on the following occasion: Some manuscript sermons being
communicated to him, written in short-hand, he easily discovered the true reading, but observing the method to be
clumsy and ill-contrived, he set about inventing a better.
The account given by the editor of his System, published
in 1764, is somewhat different. It is said that the first occasion of his turning his attention that way arose from his
acquaintance with Mr. Sharp of Trinity college, son to
archbishop Sharp. Mr. Sharp had been advised by his
father to study the art, and Mr. Byrom joined him. All
the systems then in vogue appearing inadequate to the
end, he devised that which now goes by his name. This
discovery was made, not without considerable exultation,
and provoked Weston, then the chief stenographer, to a
trial of skill, or rather a controversy, which terminated in
favour of Byrom. Weston published his system in 1725,
and the dispute was carried on probably about that time.
Into the respective merits of these systems, it is unnecessary to enter. Angel, another professor of the art, who
prefixed a short history of Stenographers to his own system
(published in 1758) considers Weston' s method as one
that few have either capacity, patience, or leisure to learn.
He also tells us that Dr. Byrom “so far distinguished himself as a professor or teacher of the art of short-writing,
that about the year 1734, he obtained an act of parliament,
(perhaps he means a patent) for that purpose, as presuming he had discovered a wonderful secret; and great
care has since been taken to preserve it inviolably such,
except to his pupils, in hopes that by exciting a greater
curiosity, it might increase their number;
” and, as Mr.
Angel had a new system to propose, it was necessary for
him to add, “that he could discover no peculiar excellence
in Byrom’s, either in the form of the letters, the rules, or
the application of them.
” Byrom, however, preserved his
system in manuscript as long as he lived. When his friends
wished to publish it after his death, they found no part of
it finished for the press, although he had made some
progress in drawing it up in form, enoilgh, says his editor, to
show the plan upon which he intended to proceed. Among
his pupils, of whom an ample list is given, in honour of
his system, we find the names of many distinguished scholars, of Isaac Hawkins Browne, Martin Folkes, Dr. Hoadley, Dr. Hartley, lord Camden, &c. Lord Chesterfield,
according to Dr. Nichols, was likewise taught by him,
which appears to be doubtful. The same biographer informs us, that it was Byrom’s practice to read a lecture to
his scholars upon the history and utility of short-hand, interspersed with strokes of wit that rendered it very entertaining. About the same time he became acquainted with
that irregular genius Dr. Byfield, with whom he used to
have skirmishes of humour and repartee at the Rainbow
coffee-house, near Temple Bar. Upon that chemist’s decease, who was the inventor of the Sal volatile oleosum, Byrom wrote the following impromptu:
, archbishop of Thessalonica in the fourteenth century, under the empire
, archbishop of Thessalonica in
the fourteenth century, under the empire of the Andronicus’s, wrgainst the Latins; the first to prove
that the division between the Greek and Latin churches
is owing in a great measure to the conduct of the Pope, who
wishes to act independently of an œcumenical council, contrary to the usage of the church the second is a 'more
direct attack on the infallibility of the Pope, and reduces
his primacy to merely a primacy of honour; and he urges
many arguments against the assumed power of the pope
which are perfectly consistent with the opinions on which
the reformers afterwards proceeded. These treatises, Du
Pin says, are written with method, perspicuity, and learning. They were at first printed at London in Greek, without date, according to Du Pin, but we have not been able
to discover this edition. They were, however, published in
English at London, in 1560; or at least the latter of them,
under the title “A Treatise containing a declaration of the
Pope’s usurped primacie; written in Greek above seven
hundred yeares since by Nilus archbishop of Thessalonica.
Translated by Thomas Gressop, student in Oxford,
” 8vo.
There are also editions in Greek and Latin at Basil, 1544,
Francfort, 1555, and with Salmasius’s notes, 1608. Our
author also wrote a large work on the procession of the
Holy Ghost, in opposition to the Latins.
he could not hold two livings without being a master of arts, that degree was conferred upon him by archbishop Cornwallis and in the following year, being then of sufficient
, grand nephew of the preceding, and second son of Charles Sloan Cadogan, third baron, and first earl Cadogan of the new creation (1800), was born Jan. 22, 1751, at his father’s house in Bruton-street, and was educated at Westminster-school, whence he was removed to Christ church college, Oxford, where he took the degree of B. A. At this university, he distinguished himself by obtaining several prizes for classical learning, and by a diligent application to the study of the holy scriptures. In 1774, the vicarage of St. Giles’s, Reading, became vacant, by the death of the rev. William Talbot, a very popular preacher of Calvinistic principles, and was conferred on Mr. Cadogan, unsolicited, in the following manner. Lord Bathurst, who was then chancellor, called at lord Cadogan’s house in Privy Gardens, and desired to see him. Lord Cadogan was not at home; and the servants, seeing lord Bathurst plainly dressed, admitted him no farther than the hall, on the table of which he wrote a note, requesting lord Cadogan to accept the vicarage of St. Giles’s for his son. The offer of so valuable a preferment, and so near to the family seat at Caversham, was peculiarly acceptable to lord Cadogan: but his son not being in priest’s orders, it was held by sequestration till he was ordained priest in 1775. Soon after, he was presented by lord Cadogan to the rectory of Chelsea, but as he could not hold two livings without being a master of arts, that degree was conferred upon him by archbishop Cornwallis and in the following year, being then of sufficient standing in the university, he was regularly admitted to the same degree of Oxford.
nt Taylors, where he contracted a close friendship with Mr. Dawes, afterwards sir William Dawes, and archbishop of York, as also with Mr. Hugh Boulter, the primate of Ireland,
, a very eminent divine among the
nonconformists, grandson to Mr. Edmund Calamy, minister
of Aldermanbury, by his eldest son Mr. Edmund Calamy
(who was ejected out of the living of Moreton in Essex, on St. Bartholomew’s day, 1662), was born April 5, 1671.
Having made a considerable progress in grammar learning
at several private schools, and under Mr. Hartcliffe at Merchant Taylors, where he contracted a close friendship with
Mr. Dawes, afterwards sir William Dawes, and archbishop
of York, as also with Mr. Hugh Boulter, the primate of
Ireland, he went through a course of logic, natural philosophy, and metaphysics, under the tuition of Mr. Samuel
Craddock at the academy kept by him at Wickham Brook
in Suffolk. In March 1688, he went over to the university of Utrecht, where he studied philosophy under De
Vries, and civil law under Vander Muyden, and attended
Graevius’s lectures upon Sophocles and Puffendorf’s Introduction. His application to his studies at this place
was so great, that he spent one whole night every week
among his books; and his proficiency gained him -the
friendship of two of his countrymen at that university, who
rose afterwards to very high stations in church and state,
lord Charles Spencer, the famous earl of Sunderland, and
his tutor Mr. Charles Trimnell, afterwards successively
bishop of Norwich and of Winchester, with both of whom
he kept up his acquaintance as long as he and they lived.
Whilst he resided in Holland, an oiler of a professor’s chair
in the university of Edinburgh was made him by Mr. Carstairs, principal of that university, sent over on purpose to
find a person properly qualified lor such an office; which
he declined, and returned to England in 1691, bringing
with him letters from Graevius to Dr. Pocock, canon of
Christ-church, and regius professor of Hebrew, and to Dr.
Edward Bernard, Savilian professor of astronomy, who obtained leave for him to prosecute his studies in the Bodleian
library; and his resilience at Oxford procured him the acquaintance of the learned Mr. Henry Dodvvell. Having
resolved to make divinity his principal study, he entered
into an examination of the controversy between the conformists and nonconformists, and was led to join the latter.
Coming to London in 1692, he was unanimously chosen
assistant to Mr. Matthew Sylvester at Blackfriars; and oa
June 22, 1694, was ordained at Mr. Annesley’s meetinghouse in Little St. Helen’s, which was the first public transaction of the kind, after the passing of the act of uniformity, and was not undertaken without some timidity on
the part of the elder nonconformists, such as Mr. Howe
and Dr. Bates, who seemed afraid of giving offence to government. Six other young ministers were ordained at
the same time, and the ceremony lasted from ten o'clock
in the morning to six in the evening. He was soon after
invited to become assistant to Mr. Daniel Williams in
Hand-alley, Bishupsgate-street. Oct. 20, 1702, he was chosen
one of the lecturers at Salters’-lmll, and in 1703 succeeded
Mr. Vincent Alsop, as pastor of v. congregation in Westminster. He drew up the table of contents to Mr. Baxter’s
History of his life and times, which was sent to the press
in 1696, made some remarks on the work itself, and added
to it an index; and reflecting on the usefulness of the
book, he saw the expediency of continuing it, for Mr.
Baxter’s history came no lower than 1684. Accordingly
he composed an abridgment of it; with an account of many
others of those ministers who were ejected after the restoration of Charles II. their apology for themselves and their
adherents; containing the grounds of their nonconformity
and practice, as to stated and occasional communion witlx
the church of England; and a continuation of their history
till the year 1691. This work was published in 1702. The
following year Mr. Hoadly (afterwards bishop of
Winchckter) published the two parts of his “Reasonableness of
Conformity to the Church of England, &c. in answer to Mr.
Calamy’s Abridgement of Mr. Baxter’s history, &c.
” As a
reply to these treatises, Mr. Calamy published the same
year, “A Defence of moderate Nonconformity;
” and soon
after Mr. Hoadly sent abroad, “A serious admonition to
Mr Calamy,
” occasioned by the first part of his “Defence,
of moderate Nonconformity.
ccess much at heart, sent the earl of Dunbar, then high-treasurer of Scotland, Dr. Abbot, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, and two other divines, into that kingdom, with
, a famous divine of the
church of Scotland, and a distinguished writer in behalf
of the presbyterians, was descended of a good family in
that kingdom, and born in 1575. Being early designed
for the ministry, he applied with great diligence to the
study of the scriptures in their original tongues, the works
of the fathers, the councils, and the best writers of church
history. He was settled, about 1604, at Crailing, not far
from Jedburgh, in the south of Scotland. James VI. of
that country, and the first of Great Britain, being desirous
of bringing the church of Scotland to a near conformity
with that of England, laboured earnestly to restore the
episcopal authority, and enlarge the powers of the bishops
in that kingdom; but this design was very warmly opposed
by many of the ministers, and particularly by David Calderwood, who, when James Law, bishop of Orkney, came
to visit the presbyteries of the Merse and Teviotdale, declined his jurisdiction, by a paper under his hand, dated
May 5, 1603. The king, however, having its success
much at heart, sent the earl of Dunbar, then high-treasurer of Scotland, Dr. Abbot, afterwards archbishop of
Canterbury, and two other divines, into that kingdom,
with instructions to employ every method to persuade both
the clergy and the laity, of his majesty’s sincere desire to
promote the good of the church, and of his zeal for the
Protestant religion, in which they succeeded. Calderwood, however, did not assist at the general assembly held at
Glasgow, June 8, 1610, in which lord Dunbar presided as
commissioner; and it appears from his writings, that he
looked upon every thing transacted in it as null and void.
Exceptions were also taken by him and his party, against
a great part of the proceedings of another general assembly >
held with much solemnity at Aberdeen, Aug. 13, 1616.
In May following, king James went to Scotland, and in
June held a parliament at Edinburgh; at the same time
the clergy met in one of the churches, to hear and advise with the bishops; which kind of assembly, it seems,
was contrived in imitation of the English convocation. Mr.
Calderwood was present at it, but declared publicly that
he did not take any such meetings to resemble a convocation; and being opposed by Dr. Whitford and Dr. Hamilton, who were friends to the bishops, he took his leave
of them in these words: “It is absurd to see men sitting
in silks and satins, and to cry poverty in the kirk, when
purity is departing.
” The parliament proceeded mean
while in the dispatch of business; and Calderwood, with
several other ministers, being informed that a bill was depending to empower the king, with advice of the archbishops, bishops, and such a number of the ministry as his
majesty should think proper, to consider and conclude, as
to matters decent for the external policy of the church,
not repugnant to the word of God; and that such conclusions should have the strength and power of ecclesiastical
laws: against this they protested for four reasons: 1. Because their church was so perfect, that, instead of needing
reformation, it might be a pattern to others. 2. General
assemblies, as now established by law, and which ought
always to continue, might by this means be overthrown.
3. Because it might be a means of creating schism, and
disturb the tranquillity of the church. 4. Because they
had received assurances, that no attempts should be made
to bring them to a conformity with the church of England.
They desired, therefore, that for these and other reasons,
all thoughts of passing any such law may be laid aside; but
in case this be not done, they protest, for themselves and
their brethren who shall adhere to them, that they can
yield no obedience to this law when it shall be enacted,
because it is destructive of the liberty of the church; and
therefore shall submit to such penalties, and think
themselves obliged to undergo such punishments, as may be
inflicted for disobeying that law. This protest was signed
by Archibald Simpson, on behalf of the members, who subscribed another separate roll, which he kept for his justification. It was delivered to Peter Hewet, who had a seat
in parliament, in order to be presented; and another copy
remained in Simpson’s hands, to be presented in case of
any accident happening to the other. The affair making
a great noise, Dr. Spotswood, archbishop of St. Andrew’s,
asked a sight of the protest from Hewet, one day at court
and, upon some dispute between them, it was torn. The
other copy was actually presented by Simpson to the
clerk register, who refused to read it before the states in
parliament. However, the protest, though not read, had
its effect; for although the bill before-mentioned, or, as
the Scottish phrase is, the article, had the consent of parliament, yet the king thought fit to cause it to be laid
aside; and not long after called a general assembly at St.
Andrew’s. Soon after, the parliament was dissolved, and
Simpson was summoned before the high commission court,
where the roll of names which he had kept for his justification, was demanded from him; and upon his declaring
that he had given it to Harrison, who had since delivered
it to Calderwood, he was sent prisoner to the castle of
Edinburgh; and Calderwood was summoned to appear before the high commission court at St. Andrew’s, on the 8th
of July following, to exhibit the said protest, and to answer for his mutinous and seditious behaviour.
nce pronounced against him, together with a congratulatory letter from the doctors at Louvain to the archbishop of St. Andrew’s, on the occasion of his death. Amongst those
It may be necessary to say somewhat more of his manuscript history, which is contained in six large folio volumes,
in the Glasgow library. In the first volume, immediately
after the title-page, there is the following note. “This
work, comprehended in pages, is collected out of
Mr. Knox’s History, and his Memorials gathered for the
continuation of his History, out of Mr. James Melvil’s Observations, Mr. John Davidson his Diary, the Acts of the
General Assemblies, and Acts of Parliament, and out of
several Proclamations, and Scrolls of diverse; and comprehendeth an History from the beginning of the reign of
king James V. to the death of king James VI. but is contracted and digested in a better order, in a work of three
volumes, bound in parchment, and is comprehended in
2013 pages. Out of which work contracted, is extracted
another, in lesser bounds, but wanting nothing in substance, and comprehended in pages, which the author
desireth only to be communicated to others, and this with
the other, contracted into three volumes, to serve only for
the defence of the third, and preservation of the History,
in case it be lost.
” The first of the six volumes gives a
large introduction, in which the author undertakes to
inform us of the time when, and the persons by whom
the island of Great Britain was first inhabited; and afterwards brings down the Scottish Civil History as well
as the Ecclesiastical, from the first planting of Christianity to the end of James the Fourth’s reign. After
his account of the affairs of the state and the church,
we have a view of all the most considerable wars and
battles (domestic and foreign) wherein the people of
Scotland have been engaged before the said period, as
also of the ancient honorary titles, and their institution.
On this last head he quotes an old manuscript, sent from
Icolmkill to Mr. George Buchanan, which testifies that a
parliament was held at Forfar, in the year 1061, wherein
surnames are appointed to be taken, and several earls,
barons, lords, and knights, were created. After this general preface he begins his proper work, The History of
the Scottish Reformation. And in this volume advances as
far as the marriage of queen Mary with the lord Darnley,
in 1565. In his story of Mr. Patrick Hamilton, the protomartyr in this cause, he gives a copy of the sentence
pronounced against him, together with a congratulatory
letter from the doctors at Louvain to the archbishop of St.
Andrew’s, on the occasion of his death. Amongst those
learned men, who upon the first persecution fled into Germany, he reckons Mr. George Buchanan. In his large
account of the disputes and sufferings of the reformers,
under the administration of cardinal Beaton and the queen
regent, we have the particulars of the contentions at Frankfurt, which are mostly taken out of a book entitled “A
brief discovery of the Troubles of Mr. John Knox, for opposing the English Service Book, in 1554.
” After which
we have Knox’s Appeal from the sentence of the clergy,
to the nobility, estates, and community of Scotland, with
a great many letters from the nobility to the queen-regent
and him, on the subject of religion. All this part of the
history, which in the printed book makes no more than
thirteen pages, ends at page 57 1; from whence (to the end of the book at page 902) there is a good collection of
curious letters, remonstrances, &c. which are not in the
prints, either of Knox or Calderwood. The second volume contains the history from 1565 to the arraignment of
the earl of Moreton for treason, in December 15 So, and
contains 614 pages, wherein are many valuable discoveries
relating to the practices of David Rizzio, the king’s murder, Bothweil’s marriage and flight, &c. and a more periect narrative of the proceedings in the general assemblies,
than the printed history will afford us. The third volume
comprehends the entire history of both church and state,
from the beginning of January 1581 to July 1586, when
queen Mary’s letter to Babington was intercepted. Under
the year 1584, there is a severe character of Mr. Patrick
Adamson, archbishop of St. Andrew’s; which, in the conclusion, refers us for a farther account of him to a poem
made by one Robert Semple, and entitled “The Legend
of the Limmer’s Life.
” Here is also “An account of the
State and Church of Scotland to the Church of Geneva,
which was written by Andrew Melvil, in answer to the misrepresentations of the Scottish discipline scattered in foreign countries, by the said archbishop Adamson. The
fourth gives the like mixed history of affairs, from July 1586
to the beginning of 1596. Here we have a full collection
of papers relating to the trial, condemnation, and execution, of the unfortunate queen Mary, with abundance of
others, touching the most remarkable transactions of this
Decennium. In 1587 there is a large account of the
coming of the sieur du Bartas into Scotland; of his being
carried by king James to the university of St. Andrew’s, his
hearing of the lectures of Mr. A. Melvil there, and the
great opinion he had of the abilities of that professor, &c.
In 1590 there are some smart reflections on Dr. Bancroft’s
sermon at Paul’s Cross, censuring the proceedings of J.
Knox, and others of the northern reformers, with the assembly’s letter to queen Elizabeth about that sermon. The
fifth volume reaches from the beginning of January 1596,
to the same month in 1607. After the accounts of the
proceedings of the assembly in 1596, the author subjoins
this pathetic epiphonema: “Here end all the sincere assemblies general of the kirk of Scotland, enjoying the liberty
of the gospel under the free government of Christ.
” The
new and constant Platt of Planting all the Kirks of Scotland
(written by Mr. David Lindsay, one of the Octavians) is
here inserted at large, as it was presented to the king and
states in the said year 1596. The history of the conspiracy
of the Cowries, and the manner of its discovery, is likewise
here recorded at length, in the same order, wherein the
king commanded it to be published. The new form of
ojmination to bishoprics, the protestation in parliament
against the restitution of episcopacy, and the reasons offered against it by others, are the remaining matters of
consideration in this book. The sixth concludes with the
death of king James VI.
Shropshire, in 1530. Strype, however, says he was a Scotchman, and cousin to Toby Malhew, afterwards archbishop of York. He received his education at Eton school, and from
, a learned divine of
the sixteenth century, otherwise named Calfield, Cawfield,
Chalfhill, or Calfed, was born in Shropshire, in 1530.
Strype, however, says he was a Scotchman, and cousin to
Toby Malhew, afterwards archbishop of York. He received his education at Eton school, and from thence was
sent, in 1545, to King’s college in Cambridge, from which
he was removed, with many Other Cambridge men, in 1548,
to Christ Church in Oxford, newly founded by king Henry
VIII. Here be shewed himself to be a person of quick
wit and great capacity; being an excellent poet and author of a tragedy, with other theatrical performances. In
1549, he took his degree of bachelor of arts; and that of
master in 1552, being junior of the act celebrated in St.
Mary’s church, July 18. He was made, in 1560, canon of
the second canonry in Christ Church cathedral, Oxon; and,
On the 12th of December 1561, took the degree of bachelor
of divinity. In 1562 he was proctor for the clergy of London and the chapter of Oxford in the convocation that
made the XXXIX Articles and on the 16th of May, the
same year, was admitted to the rectory of St. Andrew
Wardrobe, London. The 4th of October following, he
was presented by the crown to the prebend of St. Pancras,
in the cathedral church of St. Paul; and May 4, 1565, was
collated by Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury, to
the rectory of Booking, in Essex; and on July 16th following, to the archdeaconry of Colchester in Essex, by
Edmund Grindal, bishop of London. The same year, December 17th, he took the degree of doctor in divinity. In
1568, he preached two sermpns in Bristol cathedral, on purpose to confute Dr. Cheney, who held that see in commendam, and who had spoken disrespectfully of certain opinions of Luther and Calvin. In 1569 he made application
to secretary Cecil, chancellor of the university of Cambridge, for the provostship of king’s college, but Dr.
Goad’s interest prevailed. Upon the translation of.Dr. Edwin Sandys from the bishopric of Worcester to that of
London in 1570, Dr. Calfhiil was nominated by queen
Elizabeth to succeed him 3 but before his consecration he
died, about the beginning of August (having a little before resigned his canonry of Christ Church, and rectory of St. Andrew Wardrobe), and was buried in the chancel of
Bocking church. His works were, 1. “Querela Oxoniensis Academise ad Cantabrigiam,
” Lond. Historia de exhumatione Catherines nuper
uxoris Pet. Martyris;
” or, The History of the digging up
the body of Catherine late wife of Peter Martyr, Lond.
1562, 8vo. The remains of this lady had been deposited
in the cathedral of Christ Church, near to the relics of St.
Frideswide, and in queen Mary’s reign were dug up and
buried in the dunghill near the stables belonging to the
dean; but on the accession of queen Elizabeth, an order
was given to replace them with suitable solemnity. This
order our author partly executed, and the remains of
Martyr’s wife were on this occasion purposely mixed with
those of St. Frideswide, that the superstitious worshippers
of the latter might never be able to distinguish or separate
them. 3. Answer to John Martiall’s “Treatise of the Cross,
gathered out of the Scriptures, Councils, and ancient Fathers of the primitive Church,
” Lond. Progne,
” a tragedy, in Latin; whichprobably was never
printed. It was acted before que^n Elizabeth at Oxford
in 1566, in Christ Church hall; but, says Wood, “it did
not take half so well as the much admired play of Palsemon
and Arcyte,
” written by Edwards. 5. “Poemata varia.
As to his character, we are informed, that he was in his
younger days a noted poet and comedian and in his elder,
an exact disputant, and had an excellent faculty in speaking and preaching. One who had heard him preach, gives
this account of him: “His excellent tongue, and rhetorical tale, tilled with good and wholesome doctrine, so
ravished the minds of the hearers, that they were all in
admiration of his eloquence.
” One John Calfhill, chaplain to Dr. Matthew, archbishop of York, a prebendary of
Durham, &c. who died in 1619, was probably son to our
at, the Hebrew professor, who did not approve of them, nor did Anquetille, the librarian of Tellier, archbishop of Rheims, nor were they published until eighteen or twenty
, a learned Benedictine of the
college of St. Vanncs, was born at Mesnil-la-Horgue, near
Commercy, Feb. 26, 1672, and was first educated in the
priory of Breuii. In 1687 he went to study at the
university of Pont-a-Mousson, where he was taught a course of
rhetoric. On leaving this class, he entered among the
Benedictines in the abbey of St. Mansuy, in the fauxbourg
of Toul, Oct. 17, 1688, and mad,e profession in the same
place Oct. 23, 1689. He began his philosophical course
in the abbey of fcfe. Evre, and completed that and his theological studies in the abbey of St. Munster. At his leisure
hours he studied the Hebrew language with great attention
and success, and likewise improved his knowledge of the
Greek. In 1696 he was sent with some of his companions
to the abbey of Moyenmoutier, where they studied the
Holy Scriptures under P. D. Hyacinthe Alliot. Two years
aftef, in 1698, Calmet was appointed to teach philosophy
and theology to the young religious of that monastery, an
employment which he filled until 1704, when he was sent,
with the rank of sub-prior, to the abbey of Munster. There
he was at the head of an academy of eight or ten religious,
with whom he pursued his biblical studies, and having,
while at Moyenmoutier written commentaries and dissertations, on various parts of the Bible, he here retouched and
improved these, although without any other design, at this
time, than his own instruction. During a visit, however,
at Paris, in 1706, he was advised by the abbe Duguet, to
whom he had been recommended by Mabillon, to publish
his commentaries in French, and the first volume accordingly appeared in 1707. In 1715 he became prior of Lay,
and in 1718 the chapter-general appointed bim abb 6 of
St. Leopold, of Nancy, and the year following he was
made visitor of the congregation. In 1728 he was chosen
abbe* of Senones, on which occasion he resigned his priory
of Lay. When pope Benedict XIII. confirmed his election, the cardinals proposed to his holiness that Calmet
should also have the title of bishop in partibus infiddium,
with power to exercise the episcopal functions in those
parts of the province which are exempt from the jurisdiction of the ordinary; but this Calmet refused, and wrote
on the subject to Rome. The pope in Sept. 1729, addressed a brief to him, accepting of his excuses, and some
time after sent him a present of his works, in 3 vols. fol.
Calmet took possession of the abbey of Senones, January
3, 1729, and continued his studies, and increased the library and museum belonging to the abbey with several
valuable purchases, particularly of the medals of the deceased M. de Corberon, secretary of slate, and of the
natural curiosities of M, Voile. Here be died Oct. 25, 1757,
respected by all ranks, Roman catholics and Protestants,
for his learning and candour, and by his more particular
friends and those of his own order, for his amiable temper
and personal virtues. His learning, indeed, was most extensive, as the greater part of his long life was devoted to
study, but amidst such vast accumulation of materials, we
are not surprized that he was sometimes deficient in selection, and appears rather as a collector of facts, than as
an original thinker. His principal works are, 1. “Commentaire litteral sur tous les livres de l'Aneten et da Nouyeau Testament,
” Dissertations and Prefaces
” belonging to his commentary,
published separately with nineteen new Dissertations,
Paris, 1720, 2 vols. 4to. 3. “Histoire de PAncien et du
Nouveau Testament,
” intended as an introduction to Fleury’s “Ecclesiastical History,
” 2 and 4 vols. 4to; and 5 and
7 vols. 12mo. 4. “Dictionnaire historique, critique, et
chronologique de la Bible.
” Paris, Histoire ecclesiasiique et civile de la Lorraine,
” 3 vols.
fol. reprinted 1745, in 5 vols. fol. 6. “Bibliotheque des
Ecrivains de Lorraine,
” fol, Histoire
universelle sacrée et profane,
” 15 vols. 4to. This Calmet did not
live to finish, and in other respects it is not his best work.
7. “Dissertations sur les apparitions des Anges, des Demons,
et des Esprits, et sur les Revenans et Vampires de Hongrie,
Paris, 1754, 2 vols. 4to. 10.
” De la Poesie et Musique des anciens Hebreux," Amst. 1723, 8vo. His conjectures on this subject, Dr. Burney thinks, are perhaps as
probable as those of any one of the numerous authors who
have exercised their skill in expounding and defining what
some have long since thought involved in Cimmerian darkness. Calmet also left a vast number of manuscripts, or
rather manuscript collections, as it had long been his practice to copy, or employ others to copy, whatever he found
curious in books. In 1733, he deposited in the royal
library, a correct transcript of the Vedam, a work which
the natives of Hiudostan attribute to their legislator Brama,
who received it, according to their tradition, from God
himself. This copy came into Calmet' s possession by means
of a bramin who had been converted by the Jesuit missionaries. Calmet’s life was written by Dom Fange, his
nephew and successor in the abbey of Senones, and published in 8vo. It was afterwards translated into Italian by
Benedetto Passionei, and published at Rome in 1770.
t all who knew him applauded him, and none that had any thing to do with him complained of him.” But archbishop Abbot, in a letter to sir Thomas Roe (Roe’s Letters, p. 372)
George, the first lord, was buried in the chancel of Su
Dunstan’s in the west, in Fleet-street. As to his character,
Lloyd says, “he was the only statesman, that, being engaged to a decried party (the Roman catholics), managed
his business with that great respect for all sides, that all
who knew him applauded him, and none that had any
thing to do with him complained of him.
” But archbishop
Abbot, in a letter to sir Thomas Roe (Roe’s Letters, p. 372) seems to impute his turning Roman catholic to political discontent. This nobleman wrote, 1. “Carmen funebre in D. Hen. Untonum ad Gallos bis h-gatuiu, ibique
nuper fato functum.
” 2. “Speeches in Parliament.
” 3.
“Various Letters of State.
” 4. “The Answer of Tom
Tell Truth.
” 5. “The Practice of Princes
” and 6. “The
Lamentation of the Kirk.
” There are some of his letters
in the Harleian ms collection, and some in Howard’s
collection, 4to, p. 53—61.
at ancient city. He was educated at Clare-hall, Cambridge, where he was contemporary with the famous archbishop Tillotson. He was bred up under Mr. David Clarkson, and was
, the son of Robert Calvert, a grocer and sheriff of York, was born on the Pavement in that
ancient city. He was educated at Clare-hall, Cambridge,
where he was contemporary with the famous archbishop
Tillotson. He was bred up under Mr. David Clarkson,
and was a graduate in the university. He had been for
several years at Topcliff, when he was silenced by the act
of uniformity after which he retired to York, lived privately, but studied hard; and there it was that he wrote
his learned book concerning the ten tribes, entitled “Naphthali, seu colluctatio theologica de reditu decem tribuum,
conversione Judaeorum et mens. Ezekielis,
” Lond.
in on the steps they were to pursue. The court of England in particular, Edward VI. queen Elizabeth, archbishop Cranmer, and the leading prelates and reformers here, expressed
The character of Calvin, like that of Luther, and the other more eminent reformers, has been grossly calumniated by the adherents of popery, but the testimonies in its favour are too numerous to permit us for a moment to doubt that he was not only one of the greatest, but one of the best men of his time, and the deduction which necessarily must be made from this praise, with respect to his conduct towards Servetus and others, must at the same time in candour be referred to the age in which he lived, and in which the principles of toleration were not understood . On the other hand his uncommon talents have been acknowledged not only by the most eminent persons of his age, but by all who have studied his works, or have traced the vast and overpowering influence he possessed in every country in Europe, where the work of reformation was carrying on. Every society, every church, every district, every nation that had in any degree adopted the principles of the reformers, were glad to consult and correspond with Calvin on the steps they were to pursue. The court of England in particular, Edward VI. queen Elizabeth, archbishop Cranmer, and the leading prelates and reformers here, expressed their high respect for him, and frequently asked and followed his advice. In France perhaps he was yet more consulted, and at Geneva he was an ecclesiastical dictator, whose doctrines and discipline became the regular church establishment, and were afterwards adopted and still remain in full force in Scotland. Calvinism was also extensively propagated in Germany, the United Provinces, and England. In France it was abolished, as well as every other species of protestantism, by the revocation of the edict >f Nantz in 1685. During the reign of Edward VI. it entered much into the writings of the eminent divines of that period; in queen Elizabeth’s time, although many of her' divines were of the same sentiments, it was discouraged as far as it showed itself in a dislike of the ceremonies, habits, &c. of the church. In the early part of Charles Ts time it was yet more discouraged, Arminiamsm being the favourite system of Laud; but during the interregnum it revived in an uncommon degree, and was perhaps the persuasion of the majority of the divines of that period, all others having been silenced and thrown out of their livings by the power of parliament. How far it now exists in the church of England, in her articles and homilies, has recently been the subject of a very long and perhaps undecided controversy, into which it is not our intention to enter, nor could we, indeed, make the attempt within any moderate compass. One excellent effect of this controversy has been to inform those of the real principles of Calvinism, who have frequently used that word to express a something which they did not understand. Perhaps it would be well if the word itself were less used, and the thing signified referred to the decision of more than human authority. It may be added, however, that the distinguishing theological tenets of Calvinism, as the term is now generally applied, respect the doctrines of Predestination, or particular Election and Reprobation, original Sin, particular Redemption, effectual, or, as some have called it, irresistible Grace in Regeneration, Justification by faith, Perseverance, and the Trinity. Besides the doctrinal part of Calvin’s system, which, so far as it differs from that of other reformers of the same period, principally regarded the absolute decree of God, whereby the future and eternal condition of the human race was determined out of mere sovereign pleasure and free-will; it extended likewise to the discipline and government of the Christian church, the nature of the Eucharist, and the qualification of those who were entitled to the participation of it. Calvin considered every church as a separate and independent body, invested with the power of legislation for itself. He proposed that it should be governed by presbyteries and synods, composed of clergy and laity, without bishops, or any clerical subordination; and maintained, that the province of the civil magistrate extended only to its protec-r tion and outward accommodation. In order to facilitate an union with the Lutheran church, he acknowledged a Vol. VIII. H renl, though spiritual, presence of Christ in the Eucharist; that true Christians were united to the man Christ in this ordinance; and that divine grace was conferred upon them, and sealed to them, in the celebration of it: and he confined the privilege of communion to pious and regenerate believers. In France the Calvinists are distinguished by the name of Huguenots; and, among the common people, by that of Parpaillots. In Germany they are confounded with the Lutherans, under the general title Protestants; only sometimes distinguished by the name Reformed.
bove 400 years. The few written remains of it were almost divided between three collections; that of archbishop Parker, now at Bene't college, Cambridge; that of archbishop
Upon leaving the university, he seems to have made the
tour of great part of England; and in 1575, by the interest of his friend Dr. Gabriel Goodman, dean of Westnii nster, he obtained the place of second master of Westminster school. The little leisure he could spare from this
important charge he devoted to his favourite study. He
was not content with pursuing it in his closet, but made
excursions over the kingdom every vacation. In 1582, for
example, he took a journey through Suffolk into Yorkshire, and returned by Lancaster. When at home he
searched into the manuscript collections of our own writers, and the published writings of foreigners respecting
us. At this time too, he meditated his great work, the
” and as his reputation engaged him in an extensive correspondence both at home and abroad, Ortelius, whom he terms the great restorer of geography, happening to come over into England, applied himself to Mr.
Camden for information respecting this country. His solicitations, and the regard our author had for his native
country, prevailed on him to improve and digest the collections, which he seems to have made at first only for private satisfaction and curiosity. He entered upon this task
with every difficulty and disadvantage. It was a new
science, which was to amuse and inform an age which had
just began to recover itself from the heat and perplexity of
philosophy and school divinity. The study of geography
had been first attended to in Italy for the facilitating the
reading of Roman history. The names of places there, and
even in the rest of Europe, where the Romans had so long
kept possession, were not greatly altered; but in Britain,
which they subdued so late, and held so precariously, a
great degree of obscurity prevailed. The Roman orthography and terminations had obscured in some instances
the British names; but the Saxons, who succeeded the
Romans here, as they gained a firmer possession, made an
almost total change in these as in every thing else. Upon
their expulsion by the Normans, their language ceased to
be a living one, while that of the Britons was preserved in
a corner of the island. Very soon after the coiiquesj there
were few who could read the Saxon characters. In tracing
the Roman geography of Britain, Mr. Camden might he
assisted by Ptolemy, Antoninus’s Itinerary, and the Notitia; but before he could become acquainted with the
Saxon geography, it was necessary for him to make himself master of a language which had ceased for above 400
years. The few written remains of it were almost divided
between three collections; that of archbishop Parker, now
at Bene't college, Cambridge; that of archbishop Laud,
now at Oxford; and that of sir Robert Cotton, now in the
British Museum.
eland thought proper to publish of their own conduct, we have the letters he wrote on the subject to archbishop Usher and others and it had this effect on him, that he declined
His impartiality has been attacked on several parts of this work. He has been charged with being influenced in his account of the queen of Scots by complaisance for her son, and with contradictions in the information given by him to M. deThou, and his own account of the same particulars. It is not to be wondered if James made his own corrections on the ms. which his warrant sets forth he had perused before he permitted it to be published. It was no easy matter to speak the truth in that reign of flattery in points where filial piety and mean ambition divided the mind of the reigning monarch. An English historian in such a reign could not indulge the same freedom as Thuanus. The calumnies cast upon him for his detail of Irish affairs were thought by him beneath the notice his friends wanted to take of them. But though he declined adding his own justification to that which the government of Ireland thought proper to publish of their own conduct, we have the letters he wrote on the subject to archbishop Usher and others and it had this effect on him, that he declined publishing in his life-time the second part of his history, which he completed in 1617. He kept the original by him, which was preserved in the Cottonian library, and sent an exact copy of it to his friend Mr. Dupuy, who had given him the strongest assurances that he would punctually perform the duty of this important trust, and faithfully kept his word. It was first printed at Leyden, 1625, 8vo, again London, 1627, folio, Leyden, 1639, 8vo, &c. But the most correct edition of the whole is that by Hearne from Dr. Smith’s copy corrected by Mr. Camden’s own hand, collated with another ms. in Mr. Rawlinson’s library. Both parts were translated into French by M. Paul de Belligent, advocate in the parliament of Paris; and from thence into English with many errors, by one Abraham D'Arcy, who did not understand English. The materials whence Camden compiled this history are most of them to be found in the Cottonian library. We learn from a ms letter of Dr. Goodman’s, that he desired them as a legacy, but received for answer, that they had been promised to archbishop Bancroft, upon whose death he transferred them to his successor Abbot, and archbishop Laud said they were deposited in the palace at Lambeth, but whereever they were archbishop Sancroft could not find one of them.
his books and papers, Dr. John Williams, then dean of Westminster, and bishop of Lincoln, afterwards archbishop of York, procured all the printed books for the new library
In his last testament, after a devout introduction, and bequeathing eight pounds to the poor of the parish in which
he should happen to die, he bequeaths to sir Fulke Grevile,
lord Brooke, who preferred him gratis to his office, a piece
of plate of ten pounds; to the company of painter stainers
of London, he gave sixteen pounds to buy them a piece of
plate, upon which he directed this inscription, “Gul. Camdenus Clarenceux filius Sampsonjs, Pictoris Londinensis,
dono dedit;
” he bestowed the sum of twelve pounds on the
company of cordwainers, or shoemakers of London, to
purchase them a piece of plate, on which the same inscription was to be engraved. Then follow the legacies to his
private friends. As to his books and papers, he directs
that sir Robert Cotton of Conington, should take out such
as he had borrowed of him, and then he bequeaths to him
all his printed books and manuscripts, excepting such as
concern arms and heraldry, which, with his ancient seals,
he bequeaths to his successor in the office of Clarenceux,
provided, because they cost him a considerable sum of
money, he gave to his cousin John Wyat, what the kings
at arms Garter and Norroy for the time being should
think fit, and agreed also to leave them to his successor.
But notwithstanding this disposition of his books and papers,
Dr. John Williams, then dean of Westminster, and bishop
of Lincoln, afterwards archbishop of York, procured all
the printed books for the new library erected in the church
of Westminster. It is understood, that his collections in
support of his History, with respect to civil affairs, were
before this time deposited in the Cotton library; for as to
those that related to ecclesiastical matters, when asked for
them by Dr. Goodman, son to his great benefactor, he declared he stood engaged to Dr. Bancroft, archbishop of Canterbury. They came afterwards to archbishop Laud, and are
supposed to have been destroyed when his papers fell into the
hands of Mr. Prynne, Mr. Scot, and Hugh Peters; for upon
a diligent search made by Dr. Sancroft, soon after his promotion to that see, there was not a line of them to be found,
as we have already mentioned. His body was removed to
his house in London, and on the 19th of November, carried
in great pomp to Westminster abbey, and after a sermon
preached by Dr. Christopher Sutton, was deposited in the
south aile, near the learned Casaubon, and over against
Chaucer. Near the spot was erected a handsome monument of white marble, with an inscription, erroneous as to
his age, which is stated to be seventy-four, whereas he
wanted almost six months of seventy-three. At Oxford,
Zouch Townley, of Christ Church, who was esteemed a
perfect master of the Latin tongue in all its purity and elegance, was appointed to pronounce his funeral oration in
public, which is printed by Dr. Smith. The verses written
on his death were collected and printed in a thin quarto,
entitled “Insignia Camdeni,
” Ox.
mong his countrymen, dean Goodman and his brother, lord Burleigh, sir Robert Cotton, Dr. (afterwards archbishop) Usher, sir Philip Sidney, and archbishop Parker, were the patrons
Carnden’s personal character is drawn by bishop Gibson
in few words: that he was “easy and innocent in his conversation, and in his whole life even and exemplary.
” We
have seen him unruffled by the attacks of envy, which his merit and good fortune drew upon him. He seems to have studied that tranquillity of temper which the love of letters generally superinduces, and to which one may, perhaps, rationally ascribe his extended life. The point of view in
which we are to set him, is as a writer; and here he stands
foremost among British antiquaries. Varro, Strabo, and
Pausanias, among the ancients, fall short in the comparison; and however we may be obliged to the two latter for
their descriptions of the world, or a small portion of it, Camden’s description of Britain must be allowed the pre-eminence, even though we should admit that Leland marked
out the plan, of which he filled up the outlines. A crowd
of contemporaries, all admirable judges of literary merit,
and his correspondents, bear testimony to his merit. Among
these may be reckoned Ortelius, Lipsius, Scaliger, Casaubon, Merula, De Thou, Du Chesne, Peiresc, Bignon,
Jaque Godefre, Gruter, Hottoman, Du Laet, Chytraeus,
Gevartius, Lindenbrogius, Mercator, Pontanus, Du Puy,
Rutgersius, Schottus, Sweertius, Liinier, with many others
of inferior note. Among his countrymen, dean Goodman
and his brother, lord Burleigh, sir Robert Cotton, Dr.
(afterwards archbishop) Usher, sir Philip Sidney, and archbishop Parker, were the patrons of his literary pursuits, as
the first two had befriended him in earliest life: and if
to these we add the names of Allen, Carleton, Saville,
Stradling, Carew, Johnston, Lambarde, Mathews, Spelroan, Twyne, Wheare, Owen, Spenser, Stowe, Thomas
James, Henry Parry, afterwards bishop of Worcester,
Miles Smith, afterwards bishop of Gloucester, Richard
Hackluyt, Henry Cuff, Albericus Gentilis, John Hanmer,
sir William Beecher, Dr. Budden, Dr. Case, sir Christopher Hey don, bishop Godwin, Richard Parker, Thomas
Ryves, besides others whose assistance he acknowledges
in the course of his Britannia, we shall find no inconsiderable bede-roll of associates, every one of them more or
less eminent in the very study in which they assisted Mr.
Camden, or were assisted by him.
lle de Maniban, sister of the first president of Toulouse, and of the bishop of Mirepoix, afterwards archbishop of Bourdeaux; and there he died May 11, 1723, of an apoplexy,
, was born at Toulouse
in 1656, and shewed an early taste for poetry, whichwas
improved by a good education, and when he came to
Paris, he took Racine for his guide in the dramatic career.
But, though it may be allowed that Campistron approached
his merit in the conduct of his pieces, yet he could never
equal him in the beauties of composition, nor in his enchanting versification. Too feeble to avoid the defects of
Racine, and unable like him to atone for them by beautiful strokes of the sublime, he copied him in his soft manner of delineating the love of his heroes, of whom, it must
be confessed, he sometimes made inamoratos fitter for the
most comic scenes than for tragedy, in which passion
ought always to assume an elevated style. Racine, while
he was forming Campistron for the drama, was not inattentive to promote the fortune of the young* poet. Having
proposed him to the duke de Vendome for the composition
of the heroic pastoral of “Acis and Galatea,
” which he designed should be represented at his chateau of Anet, that
prince, well satisfied both with his character and his talents, first made him secretary of his orders, and then secretary general of the gallies. He afterwards got him
made knight of the military order of St. James in Spain,
commandant of Chimene, and marquis of Penange in Italy.
The poet, now become necessary to the prince, by the
cheerfulness of his temper and the vivacity of his imagination, attended him on his travels into various countries.
Campistron, some time after his return, retired to his own
country; where he married mademoiselle de Maniban,
sister of the first president of Toulouse, and of the bishop
of Mirepoix, afterwards archbishop of Bourdeaux; and
there he died May 11, 1723, of an apoplexy, at the age
of 67. This stroke was brought on by a fit of passion excited by two chairmen who refused to carry him on account of his great weight. Campistron kept good company, loved good cheer, and had all the indolence of a
man of pleasure. While secretary to the duke de Vendome, he found it a more expeditious way to burn the letters that were written to that prince than to answer them.
Accordingly, the duke, seeing him one day before a large
fire, in which he was casting a heap of papers: “There
its Campistron,
” said he, “employed in answering my
” He followed the duke even to the field
of battle. At the battle of Steinkerque, the duke seeing
him always beside him, said, “What do you do here,
” “Mon seigneur,
” answered he, “I am
waiting to go back with you.
” This sedateness of mind in
a moment of so much danger was highly pleasing to the
bero. His plays, 1750, 3 vols. 12mo. have been nearly
as often printed as those of Corneille, Racine, Crebillon,
and Voltaire. The most popular of them are his “Andronicus,
” “Alcibiades,
” “Acis and Galatea,
” “Phocion,
” “Tiridates,
” “Phraates,
” and “Jaloux Desabuseé.
at he might pass the remainder of his days in retirement, in the abbey of Cluny in Normandy, but the archbishop of Rouen, unwilling that so active a member of the church should
, an exemplary French prelate,
was born at Paris in 1582, and on account of his excellent
character and talents, was nominated to the bishopric of
Bellay by Henry IV. in 1609, before he was of age, but
having obtained the pope’s dispensation, he was consecrated
on Dec. 30th of the same year. From this time he appears to have devoted his time and talents to the edification
of his flock, and of the people at large, by frequent preaching, and more frequent publication of numerous works calculated to divert their attention to the concerns of an immortal life. In his time romances began to be the favourite
books with all who would be thought readers of taste; and
Camus, considering that it would not be easy to persuade
them to leave off such books without supplying them with
some kind of substitute, published several works of practical piety with a mixture of romantic narrative, by which
he hoped to attract and amuse the attention of romancereaders, and draw them on insensibly to matters of religious
importance. He contrived, therefore, that the lovers, in
these novels, while they encountered the usual perplexities,
should be led to see the vanity and perishable nature of all
human enjoyments, and to form resolutions of renouncing
worldly delights, and embracing a religious life. Among
these works we find enumerated, 1. “Dorothee, ou recit
de la pitoyable issue d'une volorite violentee,
” Paris, Alexis,
” 1^22, 3 vols. 8vo. 3. L'Hyacinte, histoire
Catalane,“ibid. 1627, 8yo. 4.
” Alcime, relation funeste,
&c.“ibid. 12mo, 1625, &c. But the principal object of
his reforming spirit was the conduct of the rnonks, or mendicant friars, against whom he wrote various severe remonstrances, and preached against them with a mixture
of religious fervour and satirical humour. Among the
works he published against them are, 1.
” Le Directeur
desinteresse,“Paris, 1632, 12mo. 2.
” Desappropriation
claustrale,“Besangon, 1634. 3.
” Le Rabat-joy e du triomphe monagal.“4.
” L'anti-Moine bien prepare,“1632,
&c. &c. These monks teazed the cardinal Richelieu to
silence him, and the cardinal told him,
” I really find no
other fault with you but this horrible bitterness against
the monks; were it not for that, I would canonize you.“”I wish that may come to pass,“said the bishop,
” “for
then we should both have our wish; you would be pope,
and I a saint.
” Many of his bons-mots were long in
circulation, and show that he had the courage to reprove
vices and absurdities among the highest classes. In 1620
he established in the city of Bellay a convent of capuchins,
and in 1622 one for the nuns of the visitation, instituted
by St. Francis de Sales. In 1629 he resigned his bishopric
that he might pass the remainder of his days in retirement,
in the abbey of Cluny in Normandy, but the archbishop of
Rouen, unwilling that so active a member of the church
should not be employed in public services, associated him
in his episcopal cares, by appointing him his grand vicar.
At length he finally retired to the hospital of incurables in
Paris, where he died April 26, 1652. Moreri has enumerated a large catalogue of his works, the principal of
which, besides what we have enumerated, are, “L' Esprit
de S. Frangois de Sales,
” 6 vols. 8vo, reduced to one by a
doctor of the Sorbonne; and “L'Avoisinement des Protestans avec TEglise Romaine,
” republished in Moyens de reunir les
Protestans avec l'Eglise Romaine.
” Simon asserted, that
Bossuet’s exposition of the catholic faith was no more than
this work in a new dress.
was tutor to several young men who afterwards rose to high reputation, particularly Accepted Frewen, archbishop of York, Will. Pemble, &c. He left college on obtaining the
, son of Christopher Capel, an alderman of Gloucester, was born 1586 in that city, and
after being educated there in grammar, became a commoner of Aiban hall, Oxford, in 1601, and soon after was
elected demy of Magdalen-college. In 160.9 he was made
perpetual fellow, being then M. A. the highest degree
which he took at the university. While there, Wood says,
“his eminence was great, and he was resorted to by noted
men, especially of the Calvinist persuasion,
” and was tutor
to several young men who afterwards rose to high reputation, particularly Accepted Frewen, archbishop of York,
Will. Pemble, &c. He left college on obtaining the rectory of Eastington in Gloucestershire, and became highly
popular as a plain and practical preacher, and a man of
exemplary life and conversation. In 1633, when the Book
of Sports on the Lord’s day was ordered to be read in all
churches, he refused, and resigned his rectory. He then
obtained licence from the bishop of Gloucester to practise
physic, which he did with much success for some years,
residing at Pitchcomb, near Stroud, where he had an
estate. In the commencement of the rebellion, he was
called to be one of the assembly of divines, but did not
accept the offer. Wood thinks he was restored to his benefice at this time, or had another conferred upon him,
which we believe was Pitchcomb, where he died Sept. 21,
1656, and was buried in the church there. Clarke informs
us that for some time he attended the court of James I.
until the death of sir Thomas Overbury, who was his particular friend. His principal works are, 1. “Temptations,
their nature, danger, and cure, &c.
” Lond. Apology
” against some exceptions, Remains, being an useful Appendix to the former,
Tentamen medicum de variolis,
” and some other tracts.
pondence with the learned Usher may be seen in Parr’s valuable collection of letters to and from the archbishop, p. 559, 562, 568, 569, and 587. 8. “Chronologia Sacra,” Paris,
It has hitherto escaped the notice of Capellus’s biographers, that England had a considerable share in his education. He came to Oxford in 1610, and resided for some
time at Exeter college, attracted by the fame of those
eminent rectors of that house, Dr. Holland and Dr. Prideaux. Wood says that he wore a gown, and in February
of the above year answered in certain disputations in the
divinity school, and performed other exercises in order to
take the degree of bachelor in divinity; but his name does
not appear in the register. In 1612, out of gratitude for
the assistance he had enjoyed in his studies, he presented
some books to the library; and it was after his return from
Oxford that he was appointed Hebrew professor at Saumur.
Capellus’s other works are, 1. “Historia Apostolica
” Genev. 1634, 4to, inserted afterwards in vol. L
of the “Critici Sacri,
” London, Spicilegium post messem;
” a collection of criticisms on the New
Testament, Gen. 1632, 4to, and added afterwards to Canieroif s “Myrothecium Evangeiicum,
” of which we have
already mentioned Capellus was the editor. 3. “Diatribae duoe,
” also in the Spicilegium. 4. “Templi Hierosolymitani Delineatio triplex,
” in vol. I. of the “Critici
” 5. “Ad novam Davidis lyram animadversiones,
” Salmur. Diatriba de veris et antiquis Ebraeorum literis,
” Amst. De critica nuper a se edita, ad rev. virum
D. Jacob. Usserium Armacanum in Hibernia Episcopum,
Epistola apologetica, in qua Arnoldi Bootii temeraria Criticae censura refellitur,
” Salm. Chronologia Sacra,
we find that it was likewise very extensive, for in 1552, he was invited into Scotland by Hamilton, archbishop of St. Andrew’s, who had consulted the most eminent physicians
In 1547, an offer was made to him of the honourable
post of physician to the king of Denmark, with an annual
salary of eight hundred crowns, and a free table, which he
refused on account of the climate and the religion of the
country. This offer, which was made by the advice of
Vesalius, is a proof that his medical reputation was considerably high; and we find that it was likewise very extensive, for in 1552, he was invited into Scotland by Hamilton, archbishop of St. Andrew’s, who had consulted the
most eminent physicians in Europe without effect. Of
his disease, which was of the asthmatic kind, he began to
recover from the time that Cardan prescribed for him; and
in less than two months Cardan left him with fair prospects of recovery, and gave him some prescriptions, which
in two years effected a complete cure. For this he was
amply rewarded by his patient, and great offers were made
to persuade him to reside in Scotland. These, however,
he rejected, and took an opportunity to visit France and
Germany, from which he passed into England, and' at
London he exercised his astrological knowledge in calculating the nativity of Edward VI. The most remarkable
part of it was, that the young monarch should die a violent
death; for which reason, he says, he left the kingdom for
fear of further danger which might follow on it. He drew
a very favourable character of Edward, which was probably just and sincere, because it was afterwards published
in one of his works, in Italy, where Edward was detested
as a heretic, and where Cardan could have no motive for
flattering his memory. While at the English court Edward was solicitous to retain him in England, and appears
to have honoured him with frequent conferences; but Cardan refused sril his offers, and returned to Milan, after an
absence, in all, of only ten months, and resided there until 1559, practising physic and teaching the mathematics.
He then went to Pavia, where he filled the chair of professor of medicine until 1562, when he removed to Bologna, and there likewise became professor of medicine
until 1570. About this time he was, for some reason with
which we are unacquainted, thrown into prison, which was
exchanged soon after for a milder confinement in his own
house. On his release, he was invited to Rome, and admitted into the college of physicians there, with a pension
from the pope. Here he died Sept. 21, 1576, “more,
says Brucker, “like a maniac than a philosopher.
” Thuanus and Scaliger both are of opinion that he starved himself, in order to verify his own prediction of his death.
omestic concerns were no part of his province, but entirely managed by the lord treasurer Weston and archbishop Laud. He held the pen singly in foreign affairs, and was regretted
With regard to the general abilities and character of
lord Dorchester, it appears from alt his political remains,
that he was a judicious, faithful, and diligent minister, and
better qualified for his department than any who were his
immediate predecessors or successors in the same office.
King Charles himself, who was a good judge of his servants’ abilities, used to say, as sir P. Warwick relates in
his Memoirs, “that he had two secretaries of state, the
lords Dorchester and Falkland; one of whom was a dull
man in comparison of the other, and yet pleased him the
best for he always brought him his own thoughts in his
own woreds: the latter cloathed them in so fine a dress, that
he did not always know them again.
” Allowing for some
defects of stiffness and circumlocution, which are common
to all the writings of that time, lord Dorchester’s dispatches
are drawn up in that plain, perspicuous, and unaffected
stile which was fittest for business. Domestic concerns
were no part of his province, but entirely managed by the
lord treasurer Weston and archbishop Laud. He held the
pen singly in foreign affairs, and was regretted by those
who were used to receive the instructions of government
from a secretary of state, upon whom they could depend
that he would make a just report of their services, and that
he would not mislead or misrepresent the ministers with
whom he corresponded. That he died much lamented by
the public in general, and with the reputation of an honest
and well-deserving statesman, is declared by sir Thomas
Roe, in a manuscript letter to a friend in Holland. The
earl of Clarendon’s assertion, that lord Dorchester was
unacquainted with the government, laws, and customs of
his own country, and the nature of the people, is disputed
by Dr. Birch, in his “Review of the Negociations,
” who
considers it as absolutely incompatible with the experience
which he must have acquired in the house of commons.
But, not to mention that the noble historian, who had no
prejudice against his lordship, could not well be deceived
in the fact, it is, we think, confirmed by the figure he
made in the parliament of 1626, and by his acquiescence
in all the obnoxious measures of Buckingham, Weston,
and Laud. The following articles are attributed to his
pen, by Anthony Wood and lord Orford: 1. “Balance
pour peser en toute equite & droicture la Harangue fait
vagueres en L'Assemblee des illustres & puissans Seignoures
Messeigneurs les Estats generaux des Provinces Unies du
Pais has, &c.
” Harangue fait au Counseile
de Mess, les Estats generaux des Provinces Unies, touchant le Discord & le Troubles de PEglise & la Police,
causes par la Doctrine d'Arminius,
” 6 Oct. 1617, printed
with the former. 3. Various Letters in the “Cabala, or
Scrinia sacra,
” London, Cabala, or Mysteries of
” London, Ger. Jo. Vossii
& clarorum Virorum ad.eum Epistoiae,
” London, Sir Ralph Winwood’s Memorials,
” published at
London, in folio, Howard’s Collection.
” 9. Memoirs
for Dispatches of political Affairs relating to Holland and
England, arm. 1618; with several Propositions made to the
States. Manuscript. 10. Particular Observations of the
military Affairs in the Palatinate, and the Low Countries,
annis 1621, 1622. Manuscript. 11. Letters relating to
State Affairs, written to the king and viscount Rochester,
from Venice, ann. 1613. Manuscript. The manuscript
pieces here mentioned, are probably no more than parts of
the collections preserved in the Paper office. The letters
from and to sir Dudley Carleton, during his embassy in
Holland, from January 1615-16, to December 1620, properly selected, and as occasion required, abridged, or only
noted, were published by the late earl of Hardwicke, in
1757, in one vol. 4to, with an historical preface. The second edition of the same work, with large additions to the
historical preface, appeared in 1775, and has been twice
reprinted since. These letters, if some allowances be made
for party violences and prejudices, contain more clear,
accurate, and interesting accounts of that remarkable period of Dutch history to which they relate, than are anj
where extant. There are, likewise, discussed in the
course of them, many points of great importance, at that
time, to the English commerce. Lord Hardwicke’s excellent preface has furnished the materials of the present
ived the honour of knighthood from the emperor Charles V. In 1530 he was joined in a commission with archbishop Cranmer and others, the purpose of which was to argue the matter
, an
eminent civilian of the sixteenth century, was of a Glamorganshire family, and educated at Oxford. Here he
chiefly studied the civil law, of which he took the degree
of doctor in June 1524, being about that time principal of
Greek-hall in St. Edward’s parish. He was admitted at
Doctors’ Commons Nov. 13, 1625, and his talents being
known at court, he was sent abroad on public affairs, and
received the honour of knighthood from the emperor
Charles V. In 1530 he was joined in a commission with
archbishop Cranmer and others, the purpose of which was
to argue the matter of king Henry VIII.'s memorable divorce at the courts of France, Italy, and Germany. Sir
Edward Carne afterwards remained at Rome as “a sort of
standing agent for Henry, and appears likewise to have
continued there during the reign of Edward VI. and had
no concern in the reformation. During queen Mary’s
reign, he was her agent in the same situation; but on the
accession of Elizabeth, the pope ordered him to relinquish
that employment. When he was recalled by the queen,
with offers of preferment, he thought proper to remain at
Rome, and was employed by the pope as director of the
English hospital in that city. He was so far a patriot as
to inform Elizabeth of the machinations of the catholic
powers against her, but he continued inflexible in his attachment to popery, and died in that communion Jan. 18,
1561. Several of his letters relating to the divorce are in
” History of the Reformation." Wood remarks
that sir Edward Carne was accounted the last ambassador
of the kings of England to the pope, until Roger earl of
Castlemain was sent to him by king James II.
r, or in 1628, according to Wood. Dr. Robert Usher, afterwards bishop of Kildare, and brother to the archbishop, preached his funeral sermon, and gave a high character of him,
1 Gen. Diet. Biog. Brit. Richardsoniana, p. 259. See also an account of
his conduct in Scotland in “A true relation of the Pursuit of the Rebels in the
North, and of their Surrender at Preston to lieutenant-general Carpenter, commanding in chief his majesty’s forces there,
” joined to a plan published under
this title, “An exact Plan of the Town of Preston, with the barricades of the
Rebels, and the disposition of the king’s forces, under the command of lieutenant-general Carpenter and major-general Wills.
” See likewise “The
Poltarchbishop Usher, then at Oxford, who admired his talents
and piety, took him with him to Ireland, and made him
one of his chaplains, and tutor to the king’s wards in
Dublin. These king’s wards were the sons of Roman catholics who had fled for their religion, leaving them in
their minority; and Mr. Carpenter’s charge was to bring
them up in the protestant religion. Soon after he came
to Ireland he was advanced to a deanery, but what deanery
is not mentioned. He died at Dublin in 1635, according
to Fuller, or in 1628, according to Wood. Dr. Robert
Usher, afterwards bishop of Kildare, and brother to the
archbishop, preached his funeral sermon, and gave a high
character of him, which seems to be confirmed by all his
contemporaries. He published, 1.
” Philosophia libera,
triplici exercitationum decade proposita,“Francfort, 1621,
under the name of Cosmopolitanus London, 1622, 8vo,
with additions, Oxford, 1636, 1675. This was considered
as a very ingenious work, and one of the earliest attacks
on the Aristotelian philosophy. Brucker, who has given
our author a place among the
” modern attempters to
improve natural philosophy/* adds, that he has advanced
many paradoxical notions, sufficiently remote from the received doctrines of the schools. 2. “Geography,
” in
two books, Oxford, Achitophel or the picture of a wicked Politician, in three parts,
Dublin, The scene,
” says the
writer in a dedication to archbishop Usher, “wherein I
have bounded my discourse, presents unto your grace a
sacred tragedy, consisting of four chief actors, viz. David,
an anointed king; Absalom, an ambitious prince Achitophel, a wicked politician and Cushay, a loyal subject
a passage of history, for variety pleasant, for instruction
useful* for event admirable.
” He inveighs in general
against the inordinate ambition and subtle practices of
courts and courtiers. Mr. Malone takes more pains than
necessary to prove that Dry den adopted no hint from it
for his “Absalom and Achitophel.
” 4. “Chorazin and
Bethsaida’s woe and warning,
” Oxford, Treatise of Optics,
” of which there were some
imperfect copies in Mss. but the original was by some
means lost.
yment he continued somewhat above a year, then returned to the protestant religion, and, through the archbishop of Canterbury’s interest, obtained the small vicarage of Poling
, a divine and poet of the seventeenth century, was educated at Eton college, and thence elected scholar of King’s college in Cambridge, in 1622. About three years after, he left England, and studied in Flanders, Artois, France, Spain, and Italy; and at length received holy orders at Rome from the hands of the pope’s substitute. Soon after, having taken upon him the order of St. Benedict, he was sent into England to make proselytes; in which employment he continued somewhat above a year, then returned to the protestant religion, and, through the archbishop of Canterbury’s interest, obtained the small vicarage of Poling by the seaside, near Arundel castle, in Sussex. Here he was exposed to the insults of the Romish party, particularly one Francis a S. Clara, living in that neighbourhood under the name of Hunt, who used to expose him to scorn before his parishioners. In the time, however, of the civil war, he quitted his living, retired to Paris, and reconciling himself to the Romish church, he made it his business to rail against the protestants. Afterwards, returning to England, he settled at Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, where he had some relations; and, being once more a protestant, he would often preach there in a very fantastical manner, to the great mirth of his auditors. He was living there in 1670; but before his death he returned a third time to popery, causing his pretended wife to embrace that persuasion; and in that faith he died. He was generally esteemed a man of an absurd character, one that changed his opinions as often as his cloaths, and, for his juggles and tricks in religion, a theological mountebank.
o laboured to restore the Catholic religion there, and pleased Philip so much, that he appointed him archbishop of Toledo 1557. This illustrious prelate was, however, accused
, a Dominican, born in
1504 at Miranda in Navarre, appeared with great distinction at the council of Trent, where he composed a treatise
on trie residence of bishops, which he held to be of divine
right, treating the contrary opinion as diabolical. Philip II.
king of Spain, having married queen Mary in 1554, took
Carranza with him into England, who laboured to restore
the Catholic religion there, and pleased Philip so much,
that he appointed him archbishop of Toledo 1557. This
illustrious prelate was, however, accused before the Inquisition, 1559, and carried as a heretic to Rome, where he
was thrown into prison, and suffered greatly during ten
years, notwithstanding the solicitations of his friend Navarre, who openly undertook his defence. At length the
Inquisition declared by a sentence passed 1576, that there
was not any certain proof that Carranza was a heretic.
They condemned him nevertheless to abjure the errors
which had been imputed to him, and confined him to la
Minerve, a monastery of his order, where he died the same
year, aged 72. His principal works are, 1. “Summary
of the Councils
” in Latin, A Treatise on the residence of Bishops,
” A Catechism
” in Spanish,
in addition to this, it procured a friendship with Dr. Seeker, then bishop of Oxford, and afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, with whom Miss Talbot resided, which extended
In 1739, she translated “The Critique of Crousaz on
Pope’s Essay on Man;
” and in the same year gave a translation of “Algarotti’s Explanation of Newton’s Philosophy
for the use of the Ladies.
” These publications extended
her acquaintance among the literati of her own country
and her fame reached the continent, where Baratier bestowed high praises on her talents and genius. In 1741
she formed an intimacy with Miss Catherine Talbot, niece
to the lord chancellor Talbot, and a young lady of considerable genius and most amiable disposition. This was an
important event of Miss Carter’s life on many accounts.
The intimacy of their friendship, the importance of their
correspondence, and the exalted piety of both, made it the
main ingredient of their mutual happiness: and in addition
to this, it procured a friendship with Dr. Seeker, then
bishop of Oxford, and afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, with whom Miss Talbot resided, which extended
her knowledge of the world, cherished her profound learning, and exercised the piety of her thoughts. To this
event is to be traced her undertaking and completing the
work by which her fame has been most known abroad, and
will longest be remembered by scholars at home, her
“Translation of Epictetus.
” It was not, however, till the
beginning of
ep concern. In August 1768, she had an additional loss in the death of her revered friend and patron archbishop Seeker. Two years after she sustained a more severe deprivation
In 1763, Mrs. Carter accompanied lord Bath, and Mr.
and Mrs. Montague, with Dr. Douglas (afterwards bishop of Salisbury, but then lord Bath’s chaplain) to Spa. They
landed at Calais June 4; and after visiting Spa, made a
short tour in Germany; and then proceeded down the
Rhine into Holland; whence through Brussels, Ghent,
Bruges, and Dunkirk, they came again to Calais, and returned to Dover Sept. 19. Lord Bath’s health seemed
improved by this tour; but appearances were fallacious,
for he died in the summer of 1764. His death gave Mrs.
Carter deep concern. In August 1768, she had an additional loss in the death of her revered friend and patron
archbishop Seeker. Two years after she sustained a more
severe deprivation in the loss of her bosom friend Miss
Talbot, of whom, among other praises dictated by sense
and feeling, she says, “Never surely was there a more
perfect pattern of evangelical goodness, decorated by all
the ornaments of a highly-improved understanding; and
recommended by a sweetness of temper, and an elegance
and politeness of manners, of a peculiar and more engaging kind than in any other character I ever knew.
close to him, exceedingly admiring him; though some of them, better informed, fell off afterwards.” Archbishop Grindal wrote a letter to sir William Cecil, chancellor of the
Mr. Cartwright took occasion, in his lectures, to deliver his sentiments on church-discipline; which being unfavourable to the established hierarchy, public accusations
were soon exhibited against him though Mr. Strype says,
“that he had indeed a great party in the university, and
some of them men of learning, who stuck close to him,
exceedingly admiring him; though some of them, better
informed, fell off afterwards.
” Archbishop Grindal wrote
a letter to sir William Cecil, chancellor of the university,
on the 23d of June 1570, requesting him to take some
speedy course against Mr. Cartwright; alleging, that in
his readings he daily made invectives against the external
policy, and distinction of states, in the ecclesiastical government in consequence of which the youth of the
university, who frequented his lectures in great numbers,
“were in danger to be poisoned with a love of contention
and a liking of novelty.
” He therefore recommended,
that the chancellor should write to the vice-chancellor, to
enjoin silence upon Cartvvright and all his adherents, both
in schools and pulpits; and afterwards, upon examination,
and hearing of the matters before him, and some of the
heads of houses, to reduce the offenders to conformity, or
to expel them out of the colleges, or the university, as the
cause should require; and also that the vice-chancellor
should not suffer Mr. Cartwright to take his degree of
D. D. at the approaching commencement, for which he
had applied. Dr. Whitgift also zealously opposed Cartwright, and wrote another letter to the chancellor upon
the occasion, communicating to him not only what Cartwright had “openly taught,
” but also “what he had uttered to him in private conference.
the expences of the work. He accordingly engaged in it; but after some time received a mandate from archbishop Whitgift, prohibiting him from prosecuting the work any farther.
Very severe measures had now been adopted for several
years against the puritans; on whose behalf a piece was
published, intituled, “An admonition to the parliament;
to which were annexed, A letter from Beza to the earl of
Leicester, and another from Gualter to bishop Parkhurst,
recommending a reformation of church discipline. This
work contained what was called the “platform of a
” the manner of electing ministers; their several
duties; and arguments to prove their equality in government. It also attacked the hierarchy, and the proceedings
of the bishops, with much severity of language. The admonition was concluded with a petition to the two houses,
that a discipline more consonant to the word of God, and
agreeing with the foreign reformed churches, might be established by law. Mr. Field and Mr. Wilcox, authors of the
admonition, and who attempted to present it to parliament,
were committed to Newgate on the second of October
1572. Notwithstanding which, Mr. Cartwright, after his
return to England,“wrote
” a second admonition to the
parliament,“with an humble petition to the two houses,
for relief against the subscription required by the ecclesiastical commissioners. The same year Dr. Whitgift published
an answer to the admonition: to which Mr. Cartwright
published a reply in 1573; and aboat this time a proclamation was issued for apprehending him. In 1574 Dr.
Whitgift published, in folio,
” A defence of the answer to
the admonition, against the reply of T. C.“In 1575
Mr. Cartwright published a second reply to Dr. Whitgift;
and in 1577 appeared,
” the rest of the second reply of
Thomas Cartwright, against master Doctor Whitgift’s
answer, touching the church discipline.“This seems to have
been printed in Scotland; and it is certain, that before its
publication Mr. Cartwright had found it necessary to leave
the kingdom, whilst his opponent was raised to the bishopric
of Worcester. Mr. Cartwright continued abroad about
five years, during which time he officiated as a minister to
some of the English factories. About the year 1580
James VI. king of Scotland, having a high opinion of his
learning and abilities, sent to him, and offered him a professorship in the university of St. Andrew’s; but this he
'thought proper to decline. Upon his return to England,
officers w.e re sent to apprehend him, as a promoter of sedition,
and he was thrown into prison. He probably obtained his li* berty through the interest of the lord treasurer Burleigh, and
the earl of Leicester, by both of whom he was favoured: and
the latter conferred upon him the mastership of the hospital
which he had founded in Warwick. In 1583 he was earnestly persuaded, by several learned protestant divines, to
write against the Rhemish translation of the New Testament.
He was likewise encouraged in this design by the earl of
Leicester and sir Francis Walsingham: and the latter sent
him a hundred pounds towards the expences of the work.
He accordingly engaged in it; but after some time received
a mandate from archbishop Whitgift, prohibiting him from
prosecuting the work any farther. Though he was much
discouraged by this, he nearly completed the performance;
but it was not published till many years after his death in
1618, fol. under the title
” A Confutation of the Rhemish
Translation, Glosses, and Annotations on the New Testament.“It is said, that queen Elizabeth sent to Beza,
requesting him to undertake a work of this kind; but he
declined it, declaring that Cartwright was much more capable of the task than himself. Notwithstanding the high
estimation in which he was held, and his many admirers,
in the year 1585 he was again committed to prison by
Dr. Aylmer, bfshop of London; and that prelate gave some
offence to the queen by making use of her majesty’s name
on the occasion. When he obtained his liberty is not
mentioned: but we find that in 1590, when he was at
Warwick, he received a citation to appear in the starchamber, together with Edmund Snape, and some other
puritan ministers, being charged with setting up a new
discipline, and a new form of worship, and subscribing
their names to stand to it. This was interpreted an
opposition and disobedience to the established laws. Mr. Cartwright was also called upon to take the oath ex officio; but
this he refused, and was committed to the Fleet. In May
1591 ije was sent for by bishop Ay liner to appear before
him, and some others of the ecclesiastical commissioners,
at that prelate’s house. He had no previous notice given
him, to prevent any concourse of his adherents upon the
occasion. The bishop threw out some reproaches against
him, and again required him to take the oath ex officio.
The attorney general did the same, and represented to him
” how dangerous a thing it was that men should, upon the
conceits of their own heads, and yet under colour of conscience, refuse the things that had been received for laws
for a long time.“Mr. Cartwright assigned sundry reasons
for refusing to take the oath; and afterwards desired to be
permitted to vindicate himself from some reflections that
had been thrown out against him by the bishop and the
attorney general. But to this bishop Aylmer would not
consent, alleging,
” that he had no leisure to hear his
answer,“but that he might defend himself from the public
charges that he had brought against him, by a private letter
to his lordship. With this Mr. Cartwright was obliged to
be contented, and was immediately after again committed
to the Fleet. In August 1591 he wrote a letter to lady
Russel, stating some of the grievances under which he
laboured, and soliciting her interest with lord Burleigh to
procure him better treatment. The same year king James
wrote a letter to queen Elizabeth, requesting her majesty
to shew favour to Mr. Cartwright and his brethren, on account of their great learning and faithful labours in the
gospel. But he did not obtain his liberty till about the
middle of the year 1592, when he was restored to his
hospital at Warwick, and was again permitted to preach:
but his health appears to have been much impaired by his
long confinement and close application to study. He died
on the 27th of December 1603, in the 68th year of his age,
having preached a sermon ou mortality but two days before.
He was buried in the hospital at Warwick. He was pious,
learned, and laborious; an acute disputant, and an admired
preacher; of a disinterested disposition, generous and
charitable, and particularly liberal to poor scholars. It is
much to be regretted that such a man should have incurred
the censure of the superiors either in church or state; but
inuovations like those he proposed, and adhered to with
obstinacy, could not be tolerated in the case of a church
establishment so recently formed, and which required every
effort bf its supporters to maintain it. How far, therefore,
the reflections which have been cast on a the prelates who
prosecuted him are just, may be safely left to the consideration of the reader. There is reason also to think,
that before his death Cartwright himself thought differently
of his past conduct. Sir Henry Yelverton, in his epistle to
the reader, prefixed to bishop Moreton’s
” Episcopacy justified,“says that the last words of Thomas Cartwright, on his
death-bed, were, that he sorely lamented the unnecessary
troubles he had caused in the church, by the schism, of
which he had been the great fomenter; and that be wished
he was to begin his life again, that he might testify to the
world the dislike he had of his former ways In tnis opinion, says sir Henry, he died; and it appears certain, that
he abated something of the warmth of his spirit towards
the close of his days. When he had obtained his pardon,
of the queen, which, as sir George Paule asserts, was at
the instance of aichbishop Whitgilt, Cartwright, in his
letters of acknowledgment to that prelate, vouchsafed to
stile him a
” Right Reverend Fatner in God, and his Lord
the Archbishop’s Grace of Canterbury.“This title of
Grace he often yielded to Whitgift in the course of their
correspondence. Nay, the archbishop was heard to say,
that if Mr. Cartwright had not so far engaged himself as
he did in the beginning, he verily thought tnat he would,
in his letter time, have been drawn to conformity: for
when he was freed from his troubles, he often repaired to
the archbishop, who used him kindly, and was contented
to tolerate his preaching at Warwick for several years,
upon his promise that he would not impugn the laws, orders,
and government of the church of England, but persuade
and procure, as much as he could, both publicly and privately, the estimation and peace of the same. With these
terms he complied; notwithstanding which, when queen
Elizabeth understood that he preached again, though in
the temperate manner which had been prescribed, she
would not permit him to do it any longer without subscription; and was not a little displeased with the archbishop,
for his having connived at his so doing. Sir George Paule
farther adds, that, by the benevolence and bounty of his
followers, Mr Cartwright was said to have died rich. Besides the pieces already mentioned, Mr. Cartwright was
author of the following works: 1.
” Commentaria practica
in totam historiam evangelicam, ex quatuor evangelistis
harmonice concinnatam,“1630, 4to. An elegant edition
of this was printed at Amsterdam, by Lewis Elzevir, in
1647, under the following title:
” Harmonia evangelica
commentario analytico, metaphrastico, practice, illustrata,“&c. 2.
” Commentarii succincti & dilucidi in proverbia
Salomonis,“Amst. 1638, 4to. 3.
” Metaphrasis & homiliae in librum Salomonis qui inscribitur Ecclesiastes,“Amst. 1647, 4to. 4.
” A Directory of Church Government,“1644, 4to. 5.
” A Body of Divinity," Lond. 1616,
in the next article), is not known. In 1612, he had a son born in England, to which the king and the archbishop of Canterbury were godfathers, and sir George Gary’s lady, godmother.
Casaubon is to be ranked amongst those learned men
who, in the beginning of the last century, were very solicitous to have an union formed between the popish and
protestant religions. This is expressly asserted by Burigny, in his life of Grotius. According to that biographer, Casaubon, who wished to see all Christians united in
one faith, ardently desired a re-union of the protestants
with the Roman catholics, and would have set about it,
had he lived longer in France. He greatly respected the
opinions of the ancient church, and was persuaded that its
sentiments were more sound than those of the ministers of,
Charentou. Grotius and he had imparted their sentiments
to each other before the voyage to England, which we are
to mention, and Arminius had a project of the same kind,
which he communicated to Casaubon, by whom it was approved. In the year 1610 two things happened that afflicted Casaubou extremely; one was the murder of king
Henry IV. which deprived him of all hopes of keeping his
place; the other, his eldest son’s embracing popery. This
made him resolve to come over into England, where he
had often been invited by king James I.; and having obtained leave of absence from the queen-regent of France,
he arrived in England October 1610,along with sir Henry
Wotton, ambassador-extraordinary from king James I. and
was received with the utmost civility, by most persons of
learning and distinction, although he complains of being
ill used by the rabble in the streets. He waited upon
the king, who took great pleasure in discoursing with him,
and even did him the honour of admitting him several times
to eat at his own table. His majesty likewise made him a
present of a hundred and fifty pounds, to enable him to
visit the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. On the
Christmas day after he arrived in England, he received
the communion in the king’s chapel, though he did not
understand the language. In his diary he says, that he had
carefully considered the office for the sacrament the day
before, and preferred it and the manner of receiving to that
of other churches. The 3d ofJanuary, 1611, he was naturalized, and the 19th of the same month, the king
granted him a pension of three hundred pounds; as also
two prebends, one at Canterbury, and the other at Westminster. He likewise wrote to the queen regent of Franc*-,
to desire Casaubon might stay longer in England than she
had at first allowed him. But Casaubon did not long enjoy
these great advantages, as a painful distemper in the bladder proved fatal July 1, 1614, in the 55th year of his
age. He was buried in Westminster-abbey, where a monument was erected to his memory, with a Latin epitaph
in a high style of panegyric. Of his twenty children, John,
the eldest, turned Roman catholic, as has been mentioned
above. Another, named Augustin, became a capuchin,
at Calais, where he was poisoned, with eleven oihers of
the same order. Mr. Dupin relates, upon the authority
of Mr. Cotelier, that before he took the vow of capuchiu,
/he went to ask his father’s blessing, which the father readily
granted him; adding, “My son, I do not condemn thee;
nor do thou condemn me; we shall both appear before the
tribunal of Jesus Christ.
” What became of the rest of his
children (except Meric, mentioned in the next article),
is not known. In 1612, he had a son born in England,
to which the king and the archbishop of Canterbury were
godfathers, and sir George Gary’s lady, godmother. This
great man received the highest encomiums from persons
of learning in his time, which he amply deserved by his
extensive knowledge, modesty, sincerity, and probity.
d by some accident. At length, when he came to maturity of years for such a work, and had acquainted archbishop Laud, his great friend and patron, with his design, who was
, son of the preceding, was born
at Geneva, August 14, 1599, and had the name of Meric
from Meric de Vicq, a great friend and benefactor to his
father. His first education he received at Sedan, but
coming to England with his father, in the year 1610, he
was instructed by a private master till 1614, when he was
sent to Christ Church, Oxford; and being put there under
a most careful tutor, Dr. Edward Meetkirk (afterwards Regius Hebrew professor), was soon after elected a student
of that house. He took the degree of bachelor of arts,
May 8, 1618, and that of master, June 14, 1621, being
even then eminent for his extensive learning; and the
same year, though he was but two and twenty, he published a book in defence of his father, against the calumnies of certain Roman catholics, entitled “Pietas contra
maledicos, &c.
” Loud. Vindicatio Patris, &c.
” Exercitations against Baronius’s Annals,
” but was diverted
by some accident. At length, when he came to maturity
of years for such a work, and had acquainted archbishop
Laud, his great friend and patron, with his design, who
was very ready to place him conveniently in Oxford or
London, according to his desire, that he might be furnished
with books necessary for such a purpose, the rebellion
broke out in England. Having now no fixed habitation, he
was forced to sell a good part of his books; and, after
about twenty years’ sufferings, became so infirm, that he
could not expect to live many years, and was obliged to
relinquish his design. Before this, however, in June
1628, he was made prebendary of Canterbury, through
the interest of bishop Laud; and when that prelate was
promoted to the archbishopric of Canterbury, he collated
him, in Oct. 1634, to the vicarage of Minster, in the Isle
of Thanet; and in the same month, he was inducted into
the vicarage of Monckton, in that island. In August 1636,
he was created doctor in divinity, by order of king
Charles I. who was entertained at the same time, with his
queen, by the university of Oxford. About the year 1644,
during the heat of the civil wars, he was deprived of his
preferments, abused, fined, and imprisoned. In 1649,
one Mr. Greaves, of Gray’s inn, an intimate acquaintance
of his, brought him a message from Oliver Cromwell, then
lieutenant-general of the parliament forces, desiring him to
come to Whitehall, on purpose to confer with him about
matters of moment; but his wife being lately dead, and
not, as he said, buried, he desired to be excused. Greaves
came again afterwards, and Dr. Casaubon being somewhat
alarmed, desired him to tell him the meaning of the matter; but Greaves refusing, went away the second time.
At length he returned again, and told him, that the lieutenant-general intended his good and advancement; and
his particular errand was, that he would make use of his
pen to write the history of the late war; desiring withal,
that nothing but matters of fact should be impartially set
down. The doctor answered, that he desired his humble
service and hearty thanks should be returned for the great
honour done unto him; but that he was uncapable in several respects for such an employment, and could not so
impartially engage in it, as to avoid such reflections as
would be ungrateful, if not injurious, to his lordship.
Notwithstanding this answer, Cromwell seemed so sensible
of his worth, that he acknowledged a great respect for him;
and, as a testimony of it, ordered, that upon the first demand there should be delivered to him three or four hundred pounds, by a bookseller in London, whose name was
Cromwell, whenever his occasions should require, without
acknowledging, at the receipt of it, who was his benefactor.
But this ofter he rejected, although almost in want. At
the same time, it was proposed by Mr. Greaves, who belonged to the library at St. James’s, that if our author
would gratify him in the foregoing request, Cromwell
would restore to him all his father’s books, which were then
in the royal library, having been purchased by king James;
and withal give him a patent for three hundred pounds a
year, to be paid to the family as long as the youngest sou
of Dr. Casaubon should live, but this also was refused.
Not long after, it was intimated to him, by the ambassador
of Christiana, queen of Sweden, that the queen wished
him to come over, and take upon him the government of
one, or inspection of all her universities; and, as an encouragement, she proposed not only an honourable salary
for himself, but offered to settle three hundred pounds a
year upon his eldest son during life: but this also he
waved, being fully determined to spend the remainder of
his days in England. At the restoration of king Charles II.
he recovered his preferments; namely, his prebend of
Canterbury in July 1660, and his vicarages of Monckton
and Minster the same year: but, two years after, he exchanged this last for the rectory of Ickham, near Canterbury, to which he was admitted Oct. 4, 1662. He had a
design, in the latter part of his days, of writing his own
life; and would often confess, that he thought himself
obliged to do it, out of gratitude to the Divine Providence,
which had preserved and delivered him from more hazardous occurrences than ever any man (as he thought) besides
himself had encountered with; particularly in his escape
from a fire in the night-time, which happened in the house
where he lived, at Geneva, while he was a boy: in his recovery from a sickness at Christ Church, in Oxford, when
he was given over for dead, by a chemical preparation administered to him by a young physician: in his wonderful
preservation from drowning, when overset in a boat on the
Thames near London, the two watermen being drowned,
and himself buoyed up by his priest’s coat: and in his
bearing several abuses, fines, imprisonments, &c. laid
upon him by the republicans in the time of his sequestration: but this he did not execute. He died July 14, 1671,
in the seventy-second year of his age, and was buried in the
south part of the first south cross aile of Canterbury cathedral. Over his grave was soon after erected a handsome
monument with an inscription. He left by will a great
number of manuscripts to the university of Oxford. His
character is thus represented. He was a general scholar,
but not of particular excellence, unless in criticism, in
which probably he was assisted by his father’s notes and
papers. According to the custom of the times he lived in,
he displays his extensive reading by an extraordinary mixture of Greek and Latin quotations and phrases. He was
wont to ascribe to Descartes’s philosophy, the little inclination people had in his time for polite learning. Sir William Temple very highly praises his work, hereafter mentioned, on “Enthusiasm;
” and unquestionably it contains
in any curious and learned remarks; buthisbeingamaintainer
of the reality of witches and apparitions, shews that he was
not more free from one species of enthusiasm than most of
his contemporaries. In his private character he was eminent for his piety, charity to the poor, and his courteous
and affable disposition towards scholars. He had several
children, but none made any figure in the learned world;
one, named John, was a surgeon at Canterbury .
iefly an answer to “Labyrinthus Cantuariensis,” printed at Paris in 1658; which pretends to confute “ Archbishop Laud’s relation of a conference with Fisher the Jesuit.” 24.
1660, 4to. 21. “The Question to whom it belonged anciently to preach? And whether all priests might or did?
Discussed out of antiquity. Occasioned by the late directions concerning preachers,
” Lond. Notse & emendationes in Diogenem Laertium de
Vitis, &c. Philosophorum
” added to those of his father,
in the editions of Laertius printed at London 1664, fol.
and Amsterdam in 1692, 4to. 23. “Of the necessity of
Reformation in and before Luther’s time, and what visibly
hath most hindered the progress of it Occasioned by some
late virulent books written by papists, but especially by
that, entitled, Labyrinthus Cantuariensis,
” Lond. 1664, 4to.
This is chiefly an answer to “Labyrinthus Cantuariensis,
printed at Paris in Archbishop Laud’s relation of a conference with Fisher
the Jesuit.
” 24. “An answer concerning the new way of
Infallibility lately devised to uphold the Roman cause; the
ancient fathers and councils laid aside, against J. S. (the author of Sure-footing) his Letter lately published,
” Lond.
Of the necessity of Reformation,
” &c. and was printed at the end of Sarjeant’s Surefooting in Christianity. 25. “A Letter of Meric Casaubon, D.D. &c. to Peter du Moulin, I). D. &c. concerning
natural experimental philosophy, and some books lately
set out about it,
” Cambridge, Of Credulity and Incredulity in things natural, civil, and divine;
wherein, among other things, the sadducism of these
times in denying spirits, witches, and supernatural operations, by pregnant instances and evidences is fully
confuted; Epicurus his cause discussed, and the juggling and false dealing lately used to bring him and
atheism into credit, clearly discovered; the use and necessity of ancient learning against the innovating humour
all along proved and asserted^
” Lond. Of Credulity and Incredulity in things divine
and spiritual: wherein (among other things) a true and
faithful account is given of the Platonic philosophy, as it
hath reference to Christianity: as also the business of
witches and witchcraft, against a late writer, fully argued
and disputed.
” The late writer, attacked only in the two
last sheets of this book, was Mr. John Wag-staff, who published “The question of Witchcraft debated; or a discourse
against their opinion, that affirm witches,
” Lond. A treatise proving Spirits, Witches, and supernatural
operations by pregnant instances and evidences, &c.
London, Notse in Polybium,
” printed for the
first time in Gronovius’s edition, Amsterdam, 1670, 8vo.
28. “Epistolae, Dedicationes, Prsefationes, Prolegomena,
& Tractatus quidam rariores. Curante Theodore Janson
ab Almeloveen;
” printed at the end of Isaac Casaubon’s
Letters, Roterodami, 1709. 29. “De Jure concionandi
apud antiques.
” This seems to be the same as the treatise
mentioned above No. 22, or perhaps it was a Latin translation of it.
n 1598 or 1599, and became student of Christ church, Oxford, upon the recommendation of Toby Mathew, archbishop of York, in 1616. After taking his degrees in arts, he went
, an eminent nonconformist divine, the
son of George Case, vicar of Boxley in Kent, was born
there in 1598 or 1599, and became student of Christ church,
Oxford, upon the recommendation of Toby Mathew, archbishop of York, in 1616. After taking his degrees in arts,
he went into the church, and preached for some time in
Oxfordshire and Kent, and held the living of Erpingham in
Norfolk, from which he was ejected for nonconformity. In
1641, he joined in principle and practice with the parliament, and about that time was minister of St. Mary Magdalen, Milk-street, London, in the room of a sequestered
loyalist. One of the party jour nafs of the time informs us
that in administering the sacrament, he used to say, instead
of “Ye that do truly and earnestly repent, &c.
” “Ye that
have freely and liberally contributed to the parliament,
” but this was probably the squib of the day. Case,
with all his republican zeal, was a man of real piety but
the former certainly betrayed him into extreme violence in
his discourses, which is poorly excused by his biographer
telling us of his having been ejected from his living by
bishop Wren. When in London he wasthe institutor of
the Morning Exercise, which was kept up in the city many
years after, and produced some of the ablest sermons of
the nonconformist clergy. From the living of Milk-street
he was turned out, for refusing the engagement, and was
afterwards lecturer at Aldermanbury and St. Giles’s Cripplegate. He was imprisoned six months in the Tower,
for being implicated in Love’s plot, but Love only was
made a sacrifice, and Mr. Case and his fellow-prisoners
Mr. Jenkyn, Mr. Watson, &c. were released and restored
to their livings. He was afterwards rector of St. Giles’s in
the Fields. In 1660, he was one of the ministers deputed
to wait on the king at the Hague; and in 1661, one of the
commissioners at the fruitless Savoy conference. He appears to have retained his living in Milk-street after the
restoration, as it was from that he was finally ejected. He
died May 30, 1682, and was buried in Christ church, Newgate-street. Dr. Jacomb, who preached his funeral sermon, gives him an excellent and probably a just character:
and it is certain that he lived to repent of the intemperance
of his harangues at the commencement of the rebellion.
This led him to subscribe the two papers declaring against
the proceedings of the parliament in 1648, and the bringing king Charles to a trial. His works consist chiefly of
sermons preached on public occasions, before the parliament and at funerals, enumerated by Calamy.
t to attend his corpse to the principal church there; and the funeral offices were celebrated by the archbishop with such solemnity and pomp as was never permitted to any one
A little before this misfortune, the marquis of Mantua sent him to Leo X. as his ambassador; and after the death of Leo he continued at Rome in that capacity, under Hadrian VI. and Clement VII. Clement sent him to the emperor Charles the Fifth’s court in quality of legate; where affairs were to be transacted of the highest importance, not only to the pontifical see, but to all Italy. He went into Spain, Oct. 1524; and in his negotiations and transactions not only answered the pope’s expectations, but also acquired the good-will of the emperor, by whom he was soon received as a favourite counsellor and friend, as well as an ambassador. Among other marks of affection which the emperor shewed Castiglione, one was rather singular, that being then at war with Francis I. of FVance, he always desired him to be present at the military councils of that war and, when it was supposed that the war would be ended by a single combat between Charles V. and Francis I. with only three knights attending them, the emperor chose Castiglione to be one of the number. He also made him 'a free denizen of Spain; and soon alter nominated him to the bishopric of Avila. And because this happeped at the juncture of the sacking of Rome, some took occasion to reflect upon Castiglicwie, as if he had neglected the affairs of the court of Rome, for the sake of gratifying the inclinations of the emperor; at least such was indeed the current opinion at Rome; but Castiglione defended himself from the imputation in his letter to Clement VII. It is probable that there were no real grounds for it, since Clement himself does not appear to have given the least credit to it. Paul Jovius says, that if Castiglione had lived, the pope intended to have made him a cardinal; and after his death, in two of his holiness" briefs, both of condolence to his mother, there are the strongest expressions of his unblemished fidelity and devotion to the see of Rome. The imputation, however, affected Castiglione so sensibly, that it was supposed in some measure to have contributed to his death. His constitution was already impaired with the continual fatigues, civil as well as military, in which he had always been engaged; and falling at length sick at Toledo, he died Feb. 2, 1529. The emperor, who was then at Toledo, was extremely grieved, and commanded all the prelates and lords of his court to attend his corpse to the principal church there; and the funeral offices were celebrated by the archbishop with such solemnity and pomp as was never permitted to any one before, the princes of the blood excepted. Sixteen months after, his body was removed by his mother from Toledo to Mantua, and interred in a church of her own building; where a sumptuous monument was raised, and a Latin epitaph inscribed, which was written by cardinal Bern bo.
has never affected their solidity. la 1729, he was appointed surgeon and physician to M. de Tressan, archbishop of Rouen. He did not take his degree, however, until 1732, when
, an eminent French physician and surgeon, was born at Blerancourt, between Noyon and Coucy, Sept. 6, 1700. If chirurgical skill be hereditary, his claims were considerable, as he was descended both by the father’s and mother’s side from eminent practitioners. His parents, however, first intended him for the church; but after completing his philosophy course, he applied himself to the study of medicine, not altogether with his inclination. From his infancy he had amused himself with making geometrical figures, and without the aid of a master, used to make drawings of military architecture with considerable accuracy, and at one time seems to have had an inclination for the bar, but at last he had no alternative but the church, or the profession of his ancestors, and having determined in favour of the latter, he went to Paris for education in the different branches of the healing art. The first publication by which he was known, was a curious dissertation, which he printed in his twenty-fourth year, on the mechanism of the buttresses of the church of St. Nicaise at Rheuns: these buttresses have always been an object of curiosity, as a motion is perceptible in them, which has never affected their solidity. la 1729, he was appointed surgeon and physician to M. de Tressan, archbishop of Rouen. He did not take his degree, however, until 1732, when he took it at Rheims, to avoid the heavy expence of 6000 livres, which it would have cost at Paris. In 1733, he settled at Rouen, and began to give a course of anatomical lectures, and there first he established a high reputation for his dextrous method of operation for the stone. In 1731 he obtained the reversion of the place of surgeon-major to the hospital at Rouen; and when the royal academy of surgery was established, he gained the first prize, and continued to gain all the prizes of that academy to the year 17:58 inclusive, when they paid him the high compliment of requesting that he would no longer become a candidate, but leave to others a chance of obtaining these rewards. Flattering as this seemed, M. Le Cat was aware that the academicians had it in their power to prevent his contending for prizes in a more effectual way, by electing him one of their body, and accordingly stood for the prize of 1739 with his usual success: about the end of the year, however, he was elected into the academy, and pursued his career of fame by those numerous publications on which it was so justly founded.
e English ministers, put into their hands a commission to Wolsey, as legate, in conjunction with the archbishop of Canterbury, or any other English prelate, to examine the
, Queen Of England, and first consort of Henry VIII. was the fourth daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, king and queen of Castile and Arragon. She was born in 1485. In the sixteenth year of her age, Nov. 14, 1501, she was married to Arthur, prince of Wales, son of Henry VII. who died a few months after. The king, either from political reasons, or, as some think, because he was unwilling to restore Catherine’s dowry, which was 200,000 ducats, obliged his second son Henry, whom he created prince of Wales, and who was then in his twelfth year, to be contracted to the infanta. The prince resisted this injunction to the utmost of his power; but the king was invincible, and the espousals were at length, by means of the pope’s dispensation, contracted between the parties. Immediately after the accession of Henry VIII. to the crown, in 1509, the king began to deliberate on his former engagements, to which he had many objections, but his privy council, though contrary to the opinion of the primate, gave him their advice for celebrating the marriage. Even the prejudices of the people were averse to an union betwixt such near relations as Henry and his brother’s widow; and the late king is thought to have had an intention to avail himself of a proper opportunity of annulling the contract. In 1527 several circumstances occurred which combined to excite scruples in the king’s mind concerning the lawfulness of his marriage, but probably the chief were what arose from his own passions. The queen was six years older than the king; and the decay of her beauty, together with particular infn-mities and diseases, had contributed, notwithstanding her blameless character and deportment, to render her person unacceptable to him. Though she had borne him several children, they all died in early infancy, except one daughter, Mary; and it was apprehended, that if doubts of Mary’s legitimacy concurred with the weakness of her sex, the king of Scots, the next heir, would advance his pretensions, and might throw the kingdom into confusion. But most of all, Anne Boleyn had acquired an entire ascendant over his affections, and he was now determined on a divorce, and upon consulting them, all the prelates of England, except Fisher, bishop of Rochester, unanimously declared that they deemed his marriage unlawful. In this they were supported by cardinal Wolsey, who had political purposes to answer in breaking off the match with Catherine, although he was no friend to Anne Boleyn. Accordingly Henry determined to apply to the pope, Clement VII. for a divorce, who, though at first disposed to favour Henry’s application, and had actually concerted measures for its successful issue, was overawed by the interference of the emperor, Charles V. Catherine’s nephew; and when the negociation was protracted to such a length as to tire Henry’s patience, the pope, importuned by the English ministers, put into their hands a commission to Wolsey, as legate, in conjunction with the archbishop of Canterbury, or any other English prelate, to examine the validity of the king’s marriage, and of the late pope’s dispensation. He also granted them a provisional dispensation for the king’s marriage with any other person; and promised to issue a decretal bull, annulling the marriage with Catherine; but he enjoined secrecy, and conjured them not to publish these papers, or to make any farther use of them, till his afflxirs with regard to the emperor were in such a train as to secure his liberty and independence. After considerable hesitation and delay, the legates, Campeggio and Wolsey, to whom the pope had granted a new commission for the trial of the king’s marriage, opened their court in London, May 31, 1529, and cited the king and queen to appear before it. They both presented themselves, and the king answered to his name, when called; but the queen, instead of answering to her’s, threw herself at the king’s feet, and appealed to his justice, declaring that she would not submit her cause to be tried by the members of a court who depended on her enemies; and making the king a low reverence, she departed, and never would again appear in that court.
h him in the like thanksgiving. But this proved a very short-lived satisfaction, for the jiext clay, archbishop Cranmer came to him with information that the queen had been
, queen of England, and fifth wife of Henry VIII. was daughter of lord Edmund Howard (third son of Thomas duke of Norfolk, and grandson of John first duke of Norfolk), by Joyce, daughter of sir Richard Culpepper, of Holingbourne in Kent, knight. Her mother dying while she was young, she was educated under the care of her grandmother, the duchess dowager of Norfolk; and when she grew up, the charms of her person soon captivated the affections of Henry VIII, who, upon his divorce from Anne of Cleves, married her, and shewed her publicly as queen, Aug. 8, 1540, But this marriage proved of the utmost prejudice to the cause of the reformation, which had begun to spread itself in the kingdom. ' The queen being absolutely guided by the counsels of the duke of Norfolk, her uncle, and Gardiner bishop of Winchester, used all the power she had over the king to support the credit of the enemies of the protestants, In the summer of 1541, she attended his majesty to York, to meet his nephew the king of Scotland, who had promised to give him an interview in that city, but was diverted by his clergy, and a message from the court of France, from that resolution; and during that progress she gained so entire an ascendant over the king’s heart, that at his return to London, on All-Saints day, when he received the sacrament, he gave public thanks to God for the happiness which he enjoyed by her means and desired his confessor, the bishop of Lincoln, to join with him in the like thanksgiving. But this proved a very short-lived satisfaction, for the jiext clay, archbishop Cranmer came to him with information that the queen had been unfaithful to his bed. By the advice of the lord chancellor and other privy counsellors, the archbishop wrote the particulars on a paper, which he delivered to the king, being at a loss how to open so delicate a matter in conversation. When the king read it, he was much confounded, and his attachment to the queen made him at first consider the story as a forgery, but having full proof, the persons with whom the queen Jiad been guilty, Dierham and Mannoch, two of the duchess dowager of Norfolk’s domestics, were apprehended, and not only confessed what was laid to their charge, but revealed some other circumstances, which placed the guilt of the queen in a most heinous light. The report of this struck the king so forcibly, that he lamented his misfortune with a flood of tears. The archbishop and some other counsellors were sent to examine the queen, who at first denied every thing, but finding that her crime was known, confessed all, and subscribed the paper. It appeared likewise, that she had intended to continue in that scandalous course of life; for as she had brought Dierham into her service, she had also retained one of the women, who had formerly been privy to their familiarities, to attend upon her in her bed-chamber; and while the king was at Lincoln, by the lady Rochford’s means, one Culpepper was brought to her at eleven at night, and stayed with her till four next morning; and at his departure received from her a gold chain. Culpepper being examined, confessed the crime: for which he, with Dierham, suffered death on the 1 Oth of December.
This unfortunate affair occasioned a new parliament to be summoned on Jan. 16, 1541-2, in which the archbishop, the duke of Suffolk, the earl of Southampton, and the bishop
This unfortunate affair occasioned a new parliament to be summoned on Jan. 16, 1541-2, in which the archbishop, the duke of Suffolk, the earl of Southampton, and the bishop of Winchester, were appointed to examine the queen; which they did on the 28th of that month. Their report is recorded only in general, that she confessed; but no particulars are mentioned. Upon this the parliament passed an act in the form of a petition, in which, after desiring the king not to be grieved at this misfortune, they requested, that the queen and her accomplices, with her procuress the lady Rochford, might be attainted of high treason; and that all those, who knew of the queen’s Vicious course before her marriage, and had concealed it, as the duchess dowager of Norfolk her grandmother, the countess of Bridgwater, the lord William Howard her uncle, and his kidy, with the four other men and five women, who were already attainted by the course of common law (except the duchess of Norfolk and the countess of Bridgwater), might be attainted of misprision of treason. It was enacted also, that whoever knew any thing of the incontinence of the queen for the time being, should reveal it with all possible speed, under the pains of treason: and that if the king, or his successors, should incline to marry any woman, whom they took to be a virgin, if she, not being so, did not declare the same to the king, it should be high treason; and all, who knew it, and did not reveal it, were guilty of misprision of treason: and if the queen, or the prince’s wife, should procure any person, by messages or words, to have criminal conversation with her; or any other, by messages or words, should solicit them; they, their counsellors and abettors, were to be adjudged guilty of high treason.
sm was fresh in the minds of her troops and subjects, she was crowned in the church of Kazan, by the archbishop of Novogorod, who proclaimed her with a loud voice, sovereign
Peter’s conduct, on the other hand, was mere infatuation.
He permitted his mistress the countess Woronzoff to have
the most complete ascendancy over him, and this woman
had the hardihood to claim the performance of a promise
which he had made when grand duke, to marry her, place
her, in the room of Catherine, on the throne, and bastardize his son Paul, whose place he was to supply by
adopting prince Ivan, who had been dethroned by the empress Elizabeth. Whatever ground he might have for
expecting success to this wild project, he had not the sense
to conceal it; and his mistress openly made her boast of it.
Such indiscretion was, no doubt, in favour of Catherine^
but still the part she had to play required all her skill. It
was no less than a plot to counteract that of her husband,
and dethrone him. The minute details of this would extend too far in a sketch like the present; her conspirators
were numerous, secret, and well prepared, and by their
means she, who had been confined at Peterhof by her husband, was enabled to enter Petersburgh July 9, 1762,
where she was received as empress, and where, while the
enthusiasm was fresh in the minds of her troops and subjects, she was crowned in the church of Kazan, by the
archbishop of Novogorod, who proclaimed her with a loud
voice, sovereign of all the Russias, by the title of Catherine II. and declared at the same time the young grand
duke, Paul Petrovitch, her successor. But of all this
Peter III. had yet no suspicion. Such was his security,
that he set out, after having received some intimations of
the conspiracy, from Oranienbaum in a calash with his
mistress, his favourites, and the women of his court, for
Peterhof; but in the way, Gudovitch, the general aidede-camp, met one of the chamberlains of the empress, by
whom he was informed of her escape from Peterhof; and
upon his communicating the intelligence to Peter, he
turned pale, and appeared much agitated. On his arrival
at Peterhof, his agitation and confusion increased, when
he found that the empress had actually left the palace,
and he soon received the certain tidings of the revolution
that had been accomplished; and the chancellor Worouzof
offered his services to hasten to Petersburgh, engaging to
bring the empress back. The chancellor, on entering the
palace, found Catherine surrounded by a multitude of
people in the act of doing homage; and forgetting his
duty, he took the oath with the rest. He was permitted,
however, at his earnest request, to return to his house,
under the guard of some trusty officers; and thus secured
himself from the vindictive spirit of the partisans of Catherine, and from the suspicions of the czar. After the departure of the chancellor, Peter became a prey to the most
distressing anxieties, and he every instant received some
fresh intelligence of the progress of the revolution, but
knew not what steps to pursue. Although his Holstein
guards were firmly attached to him, and the veteran marshal Munich offered to risk every thing for his service, he
remained hesitating and undetermined; and after some
fruitless attempts, he found it absolutely necessary to submit unconditionally to her will, in consequence of which
he was compelled to sign a most humiliating act of abdication, in which he declared his conviction of his inability
to govern the empire, either as a sovereign, or in any other
capacity, and his sense of the distress in which his continuance at the head of affairs would inevitably involve it,
and in the evening an officer with a strong escort came
and conveyed him prisoner to Ropscha, a small imperial
palace, at the distance of about 20 versts from Peterhof.
He now sent a message to Catherine, requesting, that he
might retain in his service the negro who had been attached
to him, and who amused him with his singularities, together with a dog, of which he was fond, his violin, a Bible,
and a few romances; assuring her, that, disgusted at the
wickedness of mankind, he would henceforward devote
himself to a philosophical life. Not one of these requests
was granted. After he had been at Ropscha six days without the knowledge of any persons besides the chiefs of the
conspirators, and the soldiers by whom he was guarded,
Alexius Orlof, accompanied by Teplof, came to him with
the news of his speedy deliverance, and asked permission
to dine with him. While the officer amused the czar with
some trifling discourse, his chief rilled the wine-glasses,
which are usually brought in the northern countries before
dinner, and poured a poisonous mixture into that which
he intended for the prince. The czar, without distrust,
swallowed the potion; on which he was seized with the
most excruciating pains; and on his being offered a second glass, on pretence of its giving him relief, he refused
it with reproaches on him that offered it. Being pressed
to take another glass, when he called for milk, a French
valet-de-chamhre, who was greatly attached to him, ran
in; and throwing himself into his arms, he said in a faint
tone of \oice, “It was not enough, then, to prevent me
from reigning in Sweden, and to deprive me of the crown
of Russia! I must also be put to death.
” The valet-dechamhre interceded in his behalf; but the two miscreant
forced him out of the room, and continued their ill treatment of him. In the midst of the tumult, the younger of
the princes Baratinsky, who commanded the guard, entered; Orlof, who in a struggle had thrown down the emperor, was pressing upon his breast with both his knees,
and firmly griping his throat with his hand. In this situation the two other assassins threw a napkin with a running knot round his neck, and put an end to his life by
suffocation, July 17th, just one week after the revolution;
and it was announced to the nation, that Peter had died
of an haemorrhoidal colic. When Catherine received the
news of Peter’s death, she appeared at court, whither she
was going, with a tranquil air; and afterwards shut herself
up with Orlof, Panin, Rasumofsky, and others who had
been concerned in her counterplot, and resolved to inform
the senate and people next day of the death of the emperor. On this occasion she did not forget her part, but
rose from her seat with her eyes full of tears, and for some
days exhibited all the marks of profound grief. The best
part of her conduct was, that she showed no resentment to
the adherents of Peter, and even pardoned the countess
minent; appeared with great distinction at the council of Trent, was made bishop of Minori 1547, and archbishop of Conza 1551. He died 1553, aged 70, leaving several works,
, a celebrated divine of the
sixteenth century, was born in 1487 at Sienna, and taught
law, till the age of thirty, under the name of Lancelot
Politi, but took that of Catharinus upon turning Dominican
in 1515. He then applied to the study of divinity, and became very eminent; appeared with great distinction at the
council of Trent, was made bishop of Minori 1547, and
archbishop of Conza 1551. He died 1553, aged 70, leaving several works, printed at Lyons, 1542, 8vo and at
the end of his “Enarrationes in Genesim,
” Rome, Commentaries on St. Paul’s,
and the other canonical epistles, Venice, Remedio alia pestilente Dottrina d'Ochino,
les 11. He took the degree of D. D. in 1672, and on the 16th of September, 1679, was collated by the archbishop of Canterbury to the rectory of Allhallows the Great, in Th
, a very learned divine, was born at
Pickwell, in Leicestershire, of which parish his father was
rector, Dec. 30, 1637. On the 9th of May, 1653, he was
admitted into St. JohnVcollege, in Cambridge, where he
took the degree of B. A. in 1656, and that of M. A. in 1660.
In August 1662, he was admitted to the vicarage of Islington, in Middlesex-, and some time after became chaplain
in ordinary to king Charles 11. He took the degree of
D. D. in 1672, and on the 16th of September, 1679, was
collated by the archbishop of Canterbury to the rectory of
Allhallows the Great, in Thames-street, London. In July
1681, he was incorporated D. D. at Oxford, and in
November 1684, he was installed canon of Windsor, upon
the death of Mr. John Rosewell; about which time, as
Mr. Wood tells us r he became rector of Hasely, in Oxfordshire; but that seems to be a mistake, as the rectory
of Hasely is annexed to the deanery of Windsor. He
resigned his rectory of Allhallows in 1689, and the vicarage of Islington in 1691; but on the 19th of November
before, namely, in 1690, he was admitted to the vicarage
of Isleworth, in Middlesex, which being a quiet and retired place, probably suited best his most studious temper.
He published: 1. “Primitive Christianity; or the Religion of the ancient Christians in the first ages of the Gospel,
” London, Tabulae Ecclesiastics,
” tables of the ecclesiastical
writers, Lond. Antiquitates Apostolicae:
or the history of the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of the
holy apostles of our Saviour, and the two evangelists, St.
Mark and St. Luke. To which is added an introductory
Discourse concerning the three great dispensations of the
church, Patriarchal, Mosaical, and Evangelical. Being a
continuation of `Antiquitates Christianas,' or the Life and
Death of Holy Jesus,
” written by Jeremy Taylor, afterward bishop of Down and Connor, Lond. 1676, fol. 4.
“Apostolici, or the History of the lives, acts, deaths, and
martyrdomsof those who were contemporaries with or
immediately succeeded the Apostles as also of the
most eminent of the primitive fathers for the first three
hundred years. To which is added, a Chronology of the
three first ages of the Church,
” Lond. A
Sermon preached before the right honourable the lordmayor, aldermen, and citizens of London, at St. Mary-leBuw, on the fifth of November, M.DC.LXXX.
” London,
1680, 4to. 6. “A Dissertation concerning the Government of the Ancient Church, by bishops, metropolitans,
and patriarchs. More particularly concerning the ancient
power and jurisdiction of the bishops of Rome, and the
encroachments of that upon other sees, especially the see
of Constantinople;
” Lond. Ecclesiastic!,
or the History of the lives, acts, deaths, and writings of
the most eminent Fathers of the Church that flourished in
the fourth century. Wherein, among other things, an
account is given of the rise, growth, and progress of
Arianism, and all other sects of that age descending from
it. Together with an Introduction, containing an historical account of the state of Paganism under the first
Christian emperor,
” Lond. 1682, fol. 8. “A Sermon
preached before the king at Whitehall, on Sunday, January 18, 1684-5, on Psalm iv. 7. Publisheo 1 by his majesties special command,
” Lond. Chartopbylax Ecclesiasticus,
” Lond. Tabulae Ecclesiastics,
” above-mentioned, and a kind of abridgment of the “Historia Literaria,
” and contams a short account of most of the ecclesiastical writers from the birth of Christ to 1517. 1O.
“Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria i. e. A
Literary History of Ecclesiastical Writers, in two parts,
fol. the first printed at Lond. A Serious Exhortation, with some important advices
relating to the late cases about Conformity, recommended
to the present dissenters from the Church of England.
” It
is the twenty-second in the “London Cases.
” This very
learned person died at Windsor, on the 4th of August,
1713, and was buried in Islington church, where a monument was erected to his memory. He was an excellent
pud universal scholar, an elegant and polite writer, and a
florid and very eloquent preacher. He was thoroughly
acquainted with the history and constitution of the Christian church. His works, particularly his Lives of the
apostles, Lives of the fathers, and Primitive Christianity,
evince his great knowledge of antiquity, and are justly esteemed the best books written upon those important subjects. Yet the “Historia Literaria
” is perhaps the work
on which his fume will now be thought principally to depend. This very useful work was reprinted at Geneva, in
1705 and 1720, but the best edition is that printed at the
Clarendon press, by subscription, in 2 vols. fol, 1740—
1743, which contains the author’s last corrections and additions, and additions by other hands. What share Mr.
Henry Wharton had in this work will be noticed in our life
of that writer. From a manuscript letter of Cave’s in our
possession, it appears that he had much reason to complain
of Wharton. During the last twelve years of his life Cave
had repeatedly revised this history, and made alterations
and additions equal to one third part of the work, all which
were carefully incorporated in the new edition. The copy
thus improved, he left in the hands of his executors, the
lord chief justice Reeve, and the rev. Dr. Jones, canon of
Windsor, but they both dying soon after the work went
to press, Dr. Daniel Waterland undertook the care of it.
The venerable Dr. Watson, bishop of Llandaff, observes,
that “Casimiri Oudini Commentarius de Scriptoribus Ecclesix, &c.
” Leipsic, Historia Literaria,
” and other works of
the same kind.
4to; and as the chief object of the publication was to institute a parallel between the cardinal and archbishop Laud, in order to reconcile the public to the murder of that
Sir William Cavendish xvrote the life of his old master
cardinal Wolsey, and therein gives him a very high character; affirming that, in his judgment, he never saw the
kingdom in better obedience and quiet than during the time
of his authority, or justice better administered. Indeed, impartial inquirers into the history of Wolsey will be ready to
conclude that he was not the worst man in the court of
Henry VIII. No work, however, has experienced a more
singular fate than sir William Cavendish’s “Life of' Wolsey.
” It was long known only by manuscripts, and by
the large extracts from it, inserted by Stowe in his “Annals,
” and in this state it remained from the reign of queen
Mary in which it was composed, until 1641, when it was
first printed under the title of “The Negociations of
Thomas Wolsey,
” &c. 4to; and as the chief object of the
publication was to institute a parallel between the cardinal
and archbishop Laud, in order to reconcile the public to
the murder of that prelate, the manuscript was mutilated
and interpolated without shame or scruple, and no pains
having been taken to compare the printed edition with the
original, the former passed for genuine above a century,
and was reprinted, with a slight variation in the title, in
1667 and 1706, besides being inserted in the Harleian
Miscellany. At length Dr. Wordsworth printed a correct
transcript in his valuable “Ecclesiastical Biography,
of probability. His lordship drew up also a number of pedigrees, some of which are preserved in the archbishop of Canterbury’s library at Lambeth. These contain the genealogies
Besides these lesser failings of this great man, he has
been accused of illiberality to the poet Spenser, which
perhaps may be attributed to his dislike of Leicester, under
whose patronage Spenser had come forward, but perhaps
more to his want of relish for poetry. On the other hand,
our historians are generally agreed in their praises of his
high character. Smollett only has endeavoured to lessen
it, but as this is coupled with a disregard for historical
truth, the attempt is entitled to little regard, and the advocates for Mary queen of Scots cannot be supposed to
forgive the share he had in her fate. Lord Orford has
given lord Burleigh a place among his “Royal and Noble
” but at the same time justly observes, that he is one
of those great names, better known in the annals of his country than in those of the republic of letters. Besides lord
Burleigh’s answer to a Latin libel published abroad, which
he entitled “Slanders and Lies,
” and “A Meditation of
the State of England, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth,
lord Orford mentions “La Complainte de PAme pecheresse,
” in French verse, extant in the king’s library; “Car
mina duo Latina in Obitum Margaretae Nevillee, Reginoe
Catherine a Cubiculis;
” “Carmen Latinum in Memoriain
Tho. Challoneri Equitis aurati, prsefixum ejusdem Libro de
restaurata Republica;
” “A Preface to Queen Catherine
Parr’s Lamentation of a Sinner.
” When sir William Cecil
accompanied the duke of Somerset on his expedition to
Scotland, he furnished materials for an account of that
war, which was published by William Patten, under the
title of “Diarium Expeditions Scoticae,
” London, The first paper or memorial of sir William Cecil \
anno primo Eliz.
” This, which is only a paper of memorandums, is printed in Somers’s tracts, from a manuscript
in the Cotton library. “A Speech in Parliament, 1592.
This was first published by Strype in his Annals, and has
since been inserted in the Parliamentary History. “Lord
Burleigh’s Precepts, or directions for the well-ordering and
carriage of a man’s life,
” A Meditation on the
Death of his Lady.
” Mr. Ballard, in his Memoirs of British Ladies, has printed this Meditation from an original
formerly in the possession of James West, esq. but now in
the British Museum. Lord Burleigh was supposed to be
the author of a thin pamphlet, in defence of the punishments inflicted on the Roman catholics in the reign of
queen Elizabeth: it is called “The Execution of Justice
in England, for maintenance of public and Christian peace,
against certain stirrers of sedition, and adherents to the
traitors and enemies of the realm, without any persecution
of them for questions of religion, as it is falsely reported,
” London, Leicester’s Commonwealth,
” It was asserted, that
the hints, at least, were furnished by him for that
composition. But no proof has been given of this assertion,
and it was not founded on any degree of probability. His
lordship drew up also a number of pedigrees, some of
which are preserved in the archbishop of Canterbury’s
library at Lambeth. These contain the genealogies of the
kings of England, from William the Conqueror to Edward
the Fourth; of queen Anne Boleyn; and of several princely
houses in Germany.
and three months, Celestine was unanimoifsly chosen pope on account of the fame of his sanctity. The archbishop of Lyons, presenting him with the instrument of his election,
, Pope, and the only one of
his name who seems to deserve much notice, was born in
Apulia about the year 1221, and lived as a hermit in a little cell. He was admitted into holy orders; but after that,
he lived five years in a cave on mount Morroni near Sulmona, where he founded a monastery in 1274. The see
of Rome having been vacant two years and three months,
Celestine was unanimoifsly chosen pope on account of the
fame of his sanctity. The archbishop of Lyons, presenting him with the instrument of his election, conjured him
to submit to the vocation. Peter, in astonishment, prostrated himself on the ground: and after he had continued
in prayer for a considerable time, consented to his election,
and' took the name of Celestine V. Since the days of the
fir* Gregory, no pope had ever assumed the pontifical
dignity with more purity of intention. But he had not
Gregory’s talents for business and government; apd the
Roman see was far more corrupt in the thirteenth than it
was in the sixth century. Celestine soon became sensible
of his incapacity. He attempted to reform abuses, to retrench the luxury of the clergy, to do, in short, what he
found totally impracticable. He committed mistakes, and
exposed himself to ridicule. His conscience, in the mean
time, was kept on the rack through a variety of scruples,
from which he could not extricate himself; and from his
ignorance of the world and of canon law, he began to think
he had done wrong in accepting the office. He spent much
of his time in retirement; nor was he easy there, because
his conscience told him, that he ought to be discharging
the pastoral office. In this dilemma he consulted cardinal
Cajetan, who told him he might abdicate, which he accordingly did in 1294, after having endeavoured to support the
rank of pope for only four or five months, and before his
abdication made a constitution that the pontiff might be
allowed to abdicate, if he pleased; but there has been no
example since of any pope taking the benefit of this constitution. Cajetan succeeded him under the title of Boniface VIII. and immediately imprisoned him in the castle
of Fumone, lest he should revoke his resignation, although
nothing was more improbable, and treated him with such
harshness as brought him to his grave, after ten months
imprisonment, in 1296. Clement V. canonized him in
1313. Several of his “Opuscula
” are in the Bibl. Patrum. The order of the Celestins, which takes its name
from him, still subsists.
e continued to him his protection and liberality: and the cardinal don Bernardo de Sandoval y Rojas, archbishop of Toledo, after the example of his cousin the count of Lemos,
In 1606, Cervantes returned from Valladolid to Madrid,
where he passed the last ten years of his life. In 1610, his
second patron, don Pedro Fernandez de Castro, count of
Lemos, was named viceroy of Naples, and from thence
continued to him his protection and liberality: and the
cardinal don Bernardo de Sandoval y Rojas, archbishop of
Toledo, after the example of his cousin the count of Lemos, assigned him a pension, that he might bear with less
inconvenience the troubles of old age. Although Madrid
was now Cerva:es’s home, he passed certain seasons in
Esquivias, either to take care of some effects of his wife, or
to avoid the noise of the court, and to enjoy the quiet of
the village, which afforded him opportunity to write more
at his ease. Availing himself of this convenience, he hastened, as he was advanced in years, to publish the greater
part of his works. He printed his “Novels
” in Journey tq Parnassus
” in 16 14-; his “Comedies and
” in Don Quixote.
” He finished also his “Persilas and Sigismunda,
” which was not published till after
his death. In the mean time an incurable dropsy seized
him, and gave him notice of his approaching dissolution,
which he saw with Christian constancy and with a cheerful
countenance. He has minutely described this in the prologue to his posthumous work. One of his late biographers says, that good-nature and candour, charity, humanity, and compassion for the infirmities of man in his
abject state, and consequently an abhorrence of cruelty,
persecution, and violence, the principal moral he seems to
inculcate in his great work, were the glorious virtues and
predominant good qualities of his soul, and must transmit
his name to the latest ages with every eulogium due to so
exalted a character. At length, on the same nominal day
with his equally great and amiable contemporary Shakspeare, on the 23d of April, 16 16, died Miguel de Cervantes
Saavedra, in the sixty-ninth year of his age, and was buried
in the church of the Trinitarian nuns in Madrid.
of Mr. Jones, were Mr. Joseph Butler, afterwards bishop of Durham, and Mr. Thomas Seeker, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, with whom he contracted a friendship that continued
, an eminent dissenting minister, was born at Hungerford, in Berkshire, in 1693, where his father was then pastor of a congregation of protestant dissenters. He early discovered a genius for literature, which was carefully cultivated; and being placed under proper masters, he made a very uncommon progress in classical learning, and especially in the Greek tongue. As it was intended by his friends to bring him up for the ministry, he was sent to an academy at Bridgewater; but was sbort removed to Gloucester, that he might become a pupil to Mr. Samuel Jones, a dissenting minister of great erudition and abilities, who had opened an academy in that city, afterwards transferred to Tewkesbury. Such was the attention of that gentleman to the morals of his pupils, and to their progress in literature, and such the skill and discernment with which he directed their studies, that it was a singular advantage to be placed under so able and accomplished a tutor. Chandler made the proper use of so happy a situation, applying himself to his studies with great assiduity, and particularly to critical, biblical, and oriental learning. Among the pupils of Mr. Jones, were Mr. Joseph Butler, afterwards bishop of Durham, and Mr. Thomas Seeker, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, with whom he contracted a friendship that continued to the end of their lives, notwithstanding the different views by which their conduct was afterwards directed, and the different situations in which they were placed.
ourse on the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion.” Having presented a copy of this book to archbishop Wake, his grace expressed his sense of the value of the favour,
While Mr. Chandler was minister of the congregation at
Peckham, some gentlemen of the several denominations
of dissenters in the city, came to a resolution to set up and
support a weekly evening lecture at the Old Jewry, for the
winter half year. The subjects to be treated in this lecture were the evidences of natural and revealed religion,
and answers to the principal objections against them. Two
of the most eminent young ministers among the dissenters
were appointed for the execution of this design, of which
Mr. Chandler was one, and Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Lardner,
who is so justly celebrated for his learned writings, was
another. But after some time this lecture was dropped,
and another of the same kind set up, to be preached by
one person only, it being judged that it might then be
conducted with more consistency of reason and uniformity
of design; and Mr. Chandler was appointed for this service. In the course of this lecture he preached some
sermons on the confirmation which miracles gave to the
divine mission of Christ, and the truth of his religion; and
vindicated the argument against the objections of Collins,
in his “Discourse of the grounds and reasons of the
Christian religion.
” These sermons, by the advice of a
friend, he enlarged, and threw into the form of a continued treatise, and published in 1725, 8vo, under the
following title: “A Vindication of the Christian Religion,
in two parts, I. A discourse on the nature and use of Miracles II. An answer to a late book,entitled a Discourse
on the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion.
Having presented a copy of this book to archbishop Wake,
his grace expressed his sense of the value of the favour,
in a letter, which is an honourable testimony to Mr.
Chandler’s merit. It appears from the letter, that the
archbishop did not then know that the author was any other
than a bookseller; for he says: “I cannot but own myself
to be surprised to see so much good learning and just reasoning in a person of your profession; and do think it a
pity you should not rather spend your time in writing books
than in selling them. But I am glad, since your circumstances oblige you to the latter, that you do not wholly
omit the former.
” Besides gaining the archbishop’s
approbation, Mr. Chandler’s performance considerably advanced his reputation in general, and contributed to his
receiving an invitation, about 1726, to settle as a minister
with the congregation in the Old Jewry, which was one of
the most respectable in London. Here he continued, first
as assistant, and afterwards as pastor, for the space of forty
years, and discharged the duties of the ministerial office
with great assiduity and ability, being much esteemed and
regarded by his own congregation, and acquiring a distinguished reputation, both as a preacher and a writer.
th the chapel of Smeeth; to which he was appointed in 1739 and 1744, being then domestic chaplain to archbishop Potter. He was also archdeacon of Sudbury, and treasurer of
, D. D. was the son of the rev. William Chapman, rector of Stratfield-say in Hampshire,
where he was probably born in 1704. He was educated at
King’s college, Cambridge, A. B. 1727, and A. M. 1731.
His first promotion was the rectory of Mersham in Kent,
and of Alderton, with the chapel of Smeeth; to which he
was appointed in 1739 and 1744, being then domestic
chaplain to archbishop Potter. He was also archdeacon
of Sudbury, and treasurer of Chichester, two options.
Being educated at Eton, he was a candidate for the provostship of that college, and lost it by a small majority,
and after a most severe contest with Dr. George. Among
his pupils he had the honour to class the first lord Camden, Dr. Ashton, Horace Walpole, Jacob Bryant, sir W.
Draper, sir George Baker, and others who afterwards attained to considerable distinction in literature. His first
publication was entitled “The Objections of a late anonymous writer (Collins) against the book of Daniel, considered/' Cambridge, 1728, 8vo. This was followed by his
” Remarks on Dr. Middleton’s celebrated Letter to Dr.
Waterland,“published in 1731, and which has passed
through three editions. In his
” Eusebius,“2 vols. 8vo,
he defended Christianity against the objections of Mor-gan, and against those of Tindal in his
” Primitive Antiquity explained and vindicated.“The first volume of
Eusebius, published in 1739, was dedicated to archbishop
Potter; and when the second appeared, in 1741, Mr.
Chapman styled himself chaplain to his grace. In the
same year he was made archdeacon of Sudbury, and was
honoured with the diploma of D. D. by the university of
Oxford. He is at this time said to have published the
” History of the ancient Hebrews vindicated, by Theophanes Cantabrigiensis,“8vo but this was the production
of Dr. Squire. He published two tracts relating to
” Phlegon,“in answer to Dr. Sykes, who had maintained
that the eclipse mentioned by that writer had no relation to
the wonderful darkness that happened at our Saviour’s crucifixion. In 1738 Dr. Chapman published a sermon
preached at the consecration of bishop Mavvson, and four
other single sermons, 1739, 1743, 1748, and 1752. In a
dissertation written in elegant Latin, and addressed to
Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Tunstall, then public orator of the
university of Cambridge, and published with his Latin
epistle to Dr. Middleton concerning the genuineness of
some of Cicero’s epistles, 1741, Dr. Chapman proved that
Cicero published two editions of his Academics; an original thought that had escaped all former commentators,
and which has been applauded by Dr. Ross, bishop of Exeter, in his edition of Cicero’s
” Epistolse ad familiares,“1749. In 1744 Mr. Tunstall published
” Observations on
the present Collection of Epistles between Cicero and M.
Brutus, representing several evident marks of forgery in
those epistles,“&c. to which was added a
” Letter from
Dr. Chapman, on the ancient numeral characters of the
Roman legions.“Dr. Middleton had asserted, that the
Roman generals, when they had occasion to raise new
legions in distant parts of the empire, used to name them
according to the order in which they themselves had raised
them, without regard to any other legions whatever. This
notion Dr. Chapman controverts and confutes. According
to Dr. Middleton there might have been two thirtieth legions in the empire. This Dr. Chapman denies to have
been customary from the foundation of the city to the time
when Brutus was acting against Anthony, but affirms nothing of the practice after the death of Brutus. To this
Dr. Middleton made no reply. In 1745 Dr. Chapman was
employed in assisting Dr. Pearce, afterwards bishop of
Rochester, in his edition of
” Cicero de Officiis.“About
this time Dr. Chapman introduced Mr. Tunstall and Mr.
Hall to archbishop Potter, the one as his librarian, the
other as his chaplain, and therefore had some reason to
resent their taking an active part against him in the option
cause, though they both afterwards dropped it. Dr. Chapman’s above-mentioned attack on Dr. Middleton, which he
could not parry, and his interposition in defence of his
much-esteemed friend Dr. Waterland, provoked Dr. Middleton to retaliate in 1746, by assailing him in what he
thought a much more vulnerable part, in his Charge to the
archdeaconry of Sudbury, entitled <e Popery the true bane
of letters.
” In would wash him as white
as snow.
” Thinking his case partially stated by Dr. Burn,
in his “Ecclesiastical Law,' 1 vol. I. (article Bishops), as
it was taken from the briefs of his adversaries, he expostulated with him on the subject by letter, to which the doctor
candidly replied,
” that he by no means thought him criminal, and in the next edition of his work would certainly
add his own representation." On this affair, however, Dr.
Hurd passes a very severe sentence in his correspondence
with Warburton lately published. Dr. Chapman died the
34th of October, 1784, in the 80th year of his age.
servation was made with the necessary precision, in presence of M. Ismailof, count Poushkin, and the archbishop of Tobolsk: and the academy of sciences at Paris, as well as
The abbe set out for the place of his destination in the month of November 1760. After encountering a variety of almost incredible difficulties, he arrived at Tobolsk, where ignorance and superstition prepared new danger for him. The simple Russians, attentive to all his actions, beheld his preparations with the utmost terror; the observatory which he caused to be erected, and the instruments he transported thither, increased their alarm; and the overflowing of the river Irtish, which inundated part of the city, a natural consequence of the thaw that took place, served still more to confirm them in their suspicions. The governor of Tobolsk, a man of education, to whom the world is indebted for a correct chart of the Caspian, was obliged to give the abb a guard for his protection. The moment so long wished for, and purchased by such fatigue and peril, being at length arrived, the abbe", on the 5th of June, made every necessary preparation for observing the transit; but the pleasure which he anticipated from the success of his expedition was not free from a mixture of pain, for the sky, during the night, became quite overcast. This was a new source of uneasiness to the abbe; but luckily for science, a favourable wind, which sprung up at sun-rise, revived his hopes, by withdrawing the veil that obscured the object of his researches. The observation was made with the necessary precision, in presence of M. Ismailof, count Poushkin, and the archbishop of Tobolsk: and the academy of sciences at Paris, as well as that of Petersburg, received the particulars of this event soon after by a courier whom M. Ismailof immediately dispatched. The glory of this observation had preceded the abbé, and prepared new honours for him at St. Petersburg. The empress, with a view of inducing him to settle there, made him an offer, by means of baron de Breteuil, of the distinguished place which had been occupied by M. Delisle. But choosing rather to pass his days at home, he rejected the offers made him. On his arrival in France hebegan, to prepare an account of his journey, which was published in 1768, in 3 vols. 4to, elegantly printed and adorned with engravings. Besides the account of the particular object of his journey, the philosopher finds in it the history of mankind and of nature; and the statesman the political system and interest of nations. The great labour required to prepare this work for publication did not interrupt the abba’s astronomical pursuits. He enriched the memoirs of the academy with several instructive pieces; and that which he presented in 1767 is the more valuable, as it confirms the experiments made upon electricity at Tobolsk, and demonstrates the identity of the electric fluid with lightning.
installed August 20, 1633. Soon after he was made provost of Trinity-college, Dublin, by Laud, then archbishop of Canterbury, and chancellor of the university of Dublin, who,
It is probable that he would have spent his days in college, if he had not received an unexpected offer from Laud, then bishop of London, of the deanery of Cashel, in Ireland; which preferment, though he was much disturbed at Cambridge by the calumnies of some who envied his reputation, he was yet very unwilling to accept. For being a man of a quiet easy temper, he had no inclination to stir, nor was at all ambitious of dignities; but he determined at length to accept the offer, went over to Ireland accordingly, and was installed August 20, 1633. Soon after he was made provost of Trinity-college, Dublin, by Laud, then archbishop of Canterbury, and chancellor of the university of Dublin, who, desirous of giving a new form to the university, looked upon Chappel as the fittest person to settle the establishment that was proposed. Chappel took great pains to decline this charge, the burden of which he thought too heavy, and for this purpose returned to England in May 1634, but in vain. Upon this he went down to Cambridge, and resigned his fellowship; which to him, as himself says, was the sweetest of earthly preferments. He also visited his native country, and taking his last leave of his ancient and pious mother, he returned to Ireland in August. He was elected provost of Trinity-college, and had the care of it immediately committed to him; though he was not sworn into it till June 5, 1637, on account of the new statutes not being sooner settled and received. The exercises of the university were never more strictly looked to, nor the discipline better observed than in his time; only the lecture for teaching Irish was, after his admission, wholly waved. Yet, that he might mix something of the pleasant with the profitable, and that young minds might not be oppressed with too much severity, he instituted, as sir James Ware tells us, among the juniors, a Roman commonwealth, which continued during the Christmas vacation, and in which they had their dictators, consuls, censors, and other officers of state in great splendour. And this single circumstance may serve to give us a true idea of the man, who was remarkable for uniting in his disposition two very different qualities, sweetness of temper, and severity of manners.
In 1638 his patrons, the earl of Strafford, and the archbishop of Canterbury, preferred him to the bishoprics of Cork, Cloyne,
In 1638 his patrons, the earl of Strafford, and the archbishop of Canterbury, preferred him to the bishoprics of
Cork, Cloyne, and Ross; and he was consecrated at St.
Patrick’s, Dublin, Nov. 11, though he had done all he
could to avoid this honour. By the king’s command he
continued in his provostship till July 20, 1640; before
which time he had endeavoured to obtain a small bishopric
in England, that he might return to his native country, as
he tells us, and die in peace. But his endeavours were
fruitless; and he was left in Ireland to feel all the fury of
the storm, which he had long foreseen. He was attacked
in the house of commons with great bitterness by the puritan party, and obliged to come to Dublin from Cork,
and to put in sureties for his appearance. June 1641,
articles of impeachment were exhibited against him to the
house of peers, consisting of fourteen, though the substance
of them was reduced to two; the first, perjury, on a supposed breach of his oath as provost; the second, malice
towards the Irish, founded on discontinuing the Irish lecture during the time of his being provost. The prosecution was urged with great violence, and, as is supposed,
for no other reason but because he had enforced uniformity
and strict church discipline in the college. This divine’s
fate was somewhat peculiar, for although his conduct was
consistent, he was abused at Cambridge for being a puritan, and in Ireland for being a papist. Yet as we find the
name of archbishop Usher among his opponents in Ireland,
there seems reason to think that there was some foundation
for his unpopularity, independent of what was explicitly
stated. While, however, he laboured under these troubles,
he was exposed to still greater, by the breaking out of the
rebellion in the latter end of that year. He was under a
kind of confinement at Dublin, on account of the impeachment which was still depending; but at length obtained
leave to embark for England, for the sake of returning
thence to Cork, which, from Dublin, as things stood, he
could not safely do. He embarked Dec. 26, 1641, and
the next day landed at Milford-haven, after a double
escape, as himself phrases it, from the Irish wolves and
the Irish sea. He went from Milford-haven to Pembroke,
and thence to Tenby, where information was made of him
to the mayor, who committed him to gaol Jan. 25. After
lying there seven weeks, he was set at liberty by the interest of sir Hugh Owen, a member of parliament, upon
giving bond in 1000l. for his appearance; and March 16,
set out for Bristol. Here he learnt that the ship bound
from Cork to England, with a great part of his effects, was
lost near Minehead; and by this, among other things, he
lost his choice collection of books. After such a series of
misfortunes, and the civil confusions increasing, he withdrew to his native soil, where he spent the remainder of
his life in retirement and study; and died at Derby, where
he had some time resided, upon Whitsunday, 1649.
He published the year before his death, “Methodus
” that is, the method of preaching, which for
its usefulness was also translated into English. His “Use
of Holy Scripture,
” was printed afterwards in ’Tis
certain ‘The whole Duty of Man’ was written by one who
suffered by the troubles in Ireland; and some lines in this
piece give great grounds to conjecture that bishop Chappel
was the author. March 3, 1734.
” Thus we see this
prelate, as well as many other great and good persons,
comes in for part of the credit of that excellent book; yet
there is no explicit evidence of his having been the author
of it. It appears indeed to have been written before the
death of Charles I. although it was not published till 1657,
and the manner of it is agreeable enough to this prelate’s
plain and easy way of writing; but then there can be no
reason given why his name should be suppressed in the
title-page, when a posthumous work of his was actually
published with it but a few years before.
occasion to reprint it with the full right and property of them to his executor, bishop (afterwards archbishop) Tenison, who bequeathed them to the university of Cambridge,
, an eminent oriental scholar,
of whom we regret that our information is so scanty, was
born in 1683, and educated at St. John’s college, Cambridge, where he took his bachelor’s degree in 1712, his
master’s in 1716, and that of B. D. in 1723. To his other
studies he united an uncommon application to oriental
languages, in which such was his reputation, that he was
chosen to succeed the learned Simon Ockley in 1720, as
Arabic professor. He held also a fellowship in his college,
until they bestowed on him the livings of Great and Little
Hormead, in Hertfordshire. To this fellowship he was
chosen in 1717, in the room of a Mr. Tomkinson, one of
the nonjuror-fellows ejected at that time by act of parliament. The celebrated Mr. Baker was another, and always
afterwards designated himself “Socius ejectus.
” In February De Legibus Hebraeorum Ritualibus.
” Spencer, after the first publication of this capital
work in 1685, had continued to make improvements in it,
and by will left such of his papers and writings as were
perfect, to be added in their proper places, if ever there
should be occasion to reprint it with the full right and
property of them to his executor, bishop (afterwards archbishop) Tenison, who bequeathed them to the university of
Cambridge, after having caused them to be prepared for
the press, with fifty pounds towards the expences of
printing. These the senate, by grace, gave leave to Mr.
Chappelow to publish, and as an encouragement, bestowed
upon him the archbishop’s benefaction likewise. The work
was accordingly executed in 1727, 2 vols. fol. by a subscription of two guineas the small, and three guineas the
large paper, begun in 1725. B en e't college, on this occasion, was at the expence of prefixing an elegant engraving of the author, as a small testimony of gratitude to
their munificent benefactor. In 1730, he published “Elementa Linguae Arabicae,
” chiefly from Erpenius.
es round Toledo were innoxious, ever since they were deprived of their venom by the fiat of a famous archbishop. The French doctor endeavoured to combat this error, and the
, a skilful apothecary, born at Usez,
in Upper Languedoc, in 1618, followed ins profession at
Orange, from whence he went and settled at Paris. Having
obtained a considerable share of reputation by his treatise
on the virtues and properties of treacle, he was chosen
to deliver a course of chemistry at the royal garden of
plants at Paris, in which he acquitted himself with general
applause during nine years. His “Pharmacopeia,
he caused himself to be declared of age at 15 and at his coronation, he snatched the crown from the archbishop of Upsal, and put it upon his head himself, with an air of grandeur
, was born June 27,
1682 and set off in the style and with the spirit of Alexander the Great. His preceptor asking him, what he
thought of that hero? “I think,
” says Charles, “that I
should choose to be like him.
” Ay, but, says the tutor,
he only lived 32 years: “Oh, answered the prince, that
is long enough, when a man has conquered kingdoms.
Impatient to reign, he caused himself to be declared of
age at 15 and at his coronation, he snatched the crown
from the archbishop of Upsal, and put it upon his head
himself, with an air of grandeur which struck the people.
Frederic IV. king of Denmark, Augustus king of Poland,
and Peter tzar of Muscovy, taking advantage of his minority, entered into a confederacy against this youth.
Charles, aware of it, though scarce 18, attacked them one
after another. He hastened first to Denmark, besieged
Copenhagen, forced the Danes into their entrenchments, and
caused a declaration to be made to king Frederic, that,
“if he did not justice to the duke of Holstein, his brotherin-law, against whom he had committed hostilities, he must
prepare to see Copenhagen destroyed, and his kingdom
laid waste by fire and sword.
” These menaces brought on
the treaty of Frawendal; in which, without any advantages to himself, but quite content with humbling his enemy, he demanded and obtained all he wished for his ally.
o which he was first initiated at Emanuel college, Cambridge, by his tutor, Dr. Sancroft, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury.
, son of Richard Charnock an.
attorney, descended from an ancier.t family of that name
in Lancashire, was born in London in 1628, and educated
first in Emanuel college in Cambridge, from whence be
removed to New college, Oxford, in 1649, and obtained a
fellowship by the parliamentarian interest. Afterwards he
went into Ireland, where he preached, and was much admired by the presbyterians and independents. Upon the
restoration of king Charles II. he refused to conform, but
returned into England, and lived mostly in London, where
adhering to the principles of the nonconformists, he
preached in private meetings, and had the reputation of a
man of good parts, learning, and elocution. He died in
July 27, 1680. He printed only a single sermon in his
life-time, which is in the “Morning Exercise;
” but after
his death, two folio volumes from his manuscripts were
published in 1683, and still bear a high price. Wood says
that those who differed from him in opinion, admired his
extensive learning, into which he was first initiated at
Emanuel college, Cambridge, by his tutor, Dr. Sancroft,
afterwards archbishop of Canterbury.
eputation for learning was such as gained him the esteem and friendship of the celebrated Dr. Usher, archbishop of Armagh. In consequence of his distinguished skill in Oriental
, an eminent nonconformist,
and great uncle to the historian of Hertfordshire, was the
fifth and youngest son of George Chauncy, esq. of Yardley-bury and New-place in Hertfordshire, by Agnes, the
daughter of Edward Welch, and widow of Edward Humberstone, and was born in 1592. He was educated at
Westminster school, from which he went to Trinity college,
Cambridge, where he was admitted to his several degrees,
till he became bachelor of divinity. His reputation for
learning was such as gained him the esteem and friendship
of the celebrated Dr. Usher, archbishop of Armagh. In
consequence of his distinguished skill in Oriental literature, he was chosen, by the heads of houses, Hebrew professor; but Dr. Williams, the vice-chancellor, preferring
a relation of his own, Mr. Chauncy resigned his pretensions, and was appointed to the Greek professorship. He
was the author of the sTriKpuris which is prefixed to Leigh’s
“Critica Sacra' 7 upon the New Testament. When Mr.
Chauncy quitted the university, he became vicar of Ware
in Hertfordshire. Being of puritanical principles, he was
jnuch offended with the
” Book of Sports;“and opposed,
although with less reason, the railing in of the Communion
table. Besides this, he had the indiscretion to say in a
sermon, that idolatry was admitted into the church; that
much Atheism, Popery, Arminianism, and Heresy had
crept into it; and that the preaching of the gospel would
be suppressed. Having by these things excited the indignation of the ruling powers, he was questioned in the high
commission; and the cause being referred, by order of
that court, to the determination of his ordinary, he was
imprisoned, condemned in costs of suit, and obliged to
make a recantation; which, as it had been extorted from
him through fear, lay heavy on his mind. He continued,
indeed, some years in his native country, and officiated at
Marston Lawrence, in the diocese of Peterborough; but
at length retired to New England, where he made an
open acknowledgment of his crime in signing a recantation contrary to the dictates of his conscience. For some
considerable time succeeding his arrival at New England
in 1637, he assisted Mr. Reyner, the minister of that
place; after which he removed to a town at a little distance, called
” Scituate," where he continued twelve
years in the discharge of his pastoral office. When the
republican party became predominant in England, Mr.
Chauncy was invited, by his old parishioners at Ware, to
return back to his native country, and had thoughts of
complying, but was so earnestly pressed by the trustees of
Harvard college, in Cambridge, which then wanted a president, to accept of the government of that society, that
he could not resist their solicitations. This event took
place in 1654; and from that time to his death, which
happened on the 19th of February, 1671-2, in the 80th
year of his age, Mr. Chauncy continued with great reputation at the head of the college, discharging the duties of
his station with distinguished attention, diligence, and
ability. So high was the esteem in which he was held,
that when he had resided about two years in Cambridge,
the church of that town, to whom he was united, and
among whom he preached, kept a whole day of thanksgiving to God, for the mercy they enjoyed in their connection
with him. Mr. Chauncy, by his wife Catherine, whose
life was published, had six sons, all of whom were brought
up for the ministry. Isaac the eldest of them, became
pastor of a nonconformist society in London, and wrote
several treatises . Mr. Charles Chauncy had a number of
descendants, who long flourished both in Old and New
England. One of them was the late Dr. Chauncy the physician, who died in 1777, well known for his skill and
taste in pictures, and for his choice collection of them,
afterwards in the possession of his brother, Nathaniel
Chauncy, esq. of Castle-street, Leicester-fields, who died
in 1790.
was a native of Bretany, descended from a noble and ancient family, and born in 1632. He was titular archbishop of Csesarea, to exercise the episcopal office in the diocese
, in Latin, a Capite
Fontium, a learned divine, fifty-fifth general of the
cordeliers, was a native of Bretany, descended from a noble
and ancient family, and born in 1632. He was titular
archbishop of Csesarea, to exercise the episcopal office in
the diocese of Sens, in the absence of cardinal de Peleve.
He died May 26, 1595, at Rome, leaving several theological works; among them, “De necessaria Theologian
Scholasticse correctione,
” Paris, Confutation du Point d'Honneur,
” De Virgiuitate Marias et Josephi,
and eight in Harrington’s “Nugae antiquae,” and perhaps in other places. 10. A Latin translation of Archbishop Cranmer’s book on the Lord’s Supper, was also done by sir John
His works are: 1. A Latin translation of two of St.
Chrysostom’s Homilies, never before published, “Contra
observatores novilunii;
” and “De dormientibus in Christo,
” London, De Fato,
” and “Providentia
” Lond. The hurt of Sedition, how grievous it is to a commonwealth.
” The running title is,
“The true subject to the rebel*
” It was published in
done for the use of M. Bucer, and printed among Bucer’s
“Opuscula Angiicana.
” 5. “De obitu doctissimi et sanctissimi Theologi domini Martini Buceri, &c. Epistolae
” Lond. Scripta Angiicana.
” He also wrote an epicedium on the death of that
learned man. 6. “Carmen heroicum, or Epitaphium, in
Antonium Deneium clarissimum virum,
” Lond. 4to. This
sir Anthony Denny was originally of St. John’s college in
Cambridge, and a learned man: afterwards he became one
of the gentlemen of the privy chamber, and groom of the
stole to Henry VIII. and one of the executors of his will.
7. “De Pronuntiatione Graecse potissimum linguae disputationes,
” &c. containing his dispute on this subject with
Gardiner, Basil, 1555, 8vo. 8. “De superstitione ad regem Henricum.
” This discourse on superstition was drawn
up for king Henry’s use, in order to excite that prince to a
thorough reformation of religion. It is written in very elegant Latin, and was prefixed by the author, as a dedicar
tion to a Latin translation of his, of Plutarch’s book of Superstition. A copy of this discourse, in manuscript, is still
preserved in the library of University college, Oxon, curiously written, and bound up in cloth* of silver, which
makes it probable, that it was the veiy book that was presented to the king. An English translation of it, done by
the learned W. Elstob, formerly fellow of that college, was
published by Mr. Strype, at the end of his Life of sir John
Cheke. 9. Several “Letters
” of his are published in the
Life just now mentioned, and eight in Harrington’s “Nugae
” and perhaps in other places. 10. A Latin translation of Archbishop Cranmer’s book on the Lord’s Supper,
was also done by sir John Cheke, and printed in 1553. 11.
He likewise translated “Leo de apparatu bellico,
” Basil,
seu Electarum Lectionum et Antiquitatum liber.” The same year he dedicated another to M. de Cerisy, archbishop of Tours, entitled “Januariae Kalendae, seu de solemnitate anni
Du Chesne’s first attempt as an author, was a duodecimo
volume, printed in 1602, and dedicated to Boulanger,
entitled “Egregiarum seu Electarum Lectionum et Antiquitatum liber.
” The same year he dedicated another to
M. de Cerisy, archbishop of Tours, entitled “Januariae
Kalendae, seu de solemnitate anni tain Ethnica quam
Christiana brevis tractatus,
” with a Latin poem “Gryphus
de Ternario numero.
” In Les figures mystiques
du riche et precieux Cabinet des Dames,
” apparently a
moral work. In his twenty-third year he began a translation of Juvenal, which he published with notes, in 1607.
This is a work of very rare occurrence. In 16-09 he published “Antiquitez et Recherches de la grandeur et
majeste des Rois de France,
” dedicated to Louis XIII. then
dauphin. In 1610 he wrote a poem, “Chandelier de
” and also a panegyrical discourse on the ceremonies of the coronation of queen Mary of Medicis, with
a treatise on the ampulla and fleur-de-lys, &c. but owing
to the assassination of the king, which happened after this
ceremony, these productions were lost. The same year
he published a funeral discourse on king Henry IV. and
the first edition of his “Antiquitez et Recherches des
Villes et Chateaux de France,
” which has been often reprinted. In Histoire d'Angleterre,
” the first edition of which was
published in Bibliotheca Cluniacensis.
” This was followed in Histoire des Papes,
” fol. reprinted in Works of Abelard,
with a preface and notes/ which are rarely found together.
tion, or rather paraphrase of the “Grand Canon de l'Eglise Grecque,” written by Andrew of Jerusalem, archbishop of Candy, Paris, 1699, 12mo. He also published in 1664, a Latin
, a doctor and librarian of the
Sorbonne, was born at Pontoise in the isle of France in
1636, of poor parents. One of his uncles, a clergyman of
Veaux in the diocese of Rouen, undertook his education,
and afterwards sent him to Paris, where he took his degrees
in divinity, and he was received into the house and society
of the Sorbonne in 1658, where he was equally admired
for learning, piety, and charity, often stripping himself to
clothe the poor, and even selling his books to relieve them,
which, all book-collectors will agree, was no small stretch of
benevolence. Having been appointed librarian to the Sorbonne, his studies in that collection produced a valuable
work, well known to bibliographers, entitled “Origine de
I'lmprimerie de Paris, dissertation historique et critique,
Paris, Grand Canon de l'Eglise Grecque,
” written by Andrew of
Jerusalem, archbishop of Candy, Paris, 1699, 12mo. He
also published in 1664, a Latin dissertation on the council
of Chalcedon, on formularies of faith, and had some hand
in the catalogue of prohibited books which appeared in
1685. Chevillier died Sept. 8, 1700.
written, as we are told in the title-page, with a view of detecting a most horrid plot formed by the archbishop and his adherents against the pure Protestant religion. In this
Dr. Cheynell (for he had taken his doctor’s degree) was
a man of considerable parts and learning, and published a
great many sermons and other works; but now he is chiefly
memorable for his conduct to the celebrated Chillingworth,
in which he betrayed a degree of bigotry that has not been
defended by any of the nonconformist biographers. In
1643, when Laud was a prisoner in the Tower, there was
printed by authority a book of Cheynell’s, entitled “The
rise, growth, and danger of Socinianism,” and unquestionably one of his best works. This came out about six
years after Chillingworth' s more famous work called “The
Religion of Protestants,
” &c. and was written, as we are
told in the title-page, with a view of detecting a most
horrid plot formed by the archbishop and his adherents
against the pure Protestant religion. In this book the
arcfrbishop, Hales of Eton, Chillingworth, and other eminent divines of those times, were strongly charged with
Socinianism. The year after, 1644, when Chillingworth
was dead, there came out another piece of CheyneJPs with
this strange title, “Chillingworthi Novissima; or, the sickness, heresy, death and burial of William Chillingworth.
This was also printed by authority and is, as the writer
of Chillingworth’s life truly observes, a most ludicrous
as well as melancholy instance of fanaticism, or religious
madness. To this is prefixed a dedication to Dr. Bayly,
Dr. Prideaux, Dr. Fell, &c. of the university of Oxford,
who had given their imprimatur to Chillingworth’s book;
in which those divines are abused not a little, for giving
so much countenance to the use of reason in religious matters, as they had given by their approbation of Chillingworth’s book. After the dedication follows the relation
itself; in which Cheynell gives an account how he came
acquainted with this man of reason, as he calls Chillingworth; what care he took of him; and how, as his illness
increased, “they remembered him in their prayers, and
prayed heartily that God would be pleased to bestow saving
graces as well as excellent gifts upon him; that He would
give him new light and new eyes, that he might see and
acknowledge, and recant his error; that he might deny
his carnal reason, and submit to faith:
” in all which he is
supposed to have related nothing but what was true. For
he is allowed by bishop Hoadly to have been as sincere, as
honest, and as charitable as his religion would suffer him
to be; and, in the case of Chillingworth, while he thought
it his duty to consign his soul to hell, was led by his humanity to take care of his body. Chillingworth at length
died; and Cheynell, though he refused, as he tells us, to
bury his body, yet conceived it very fitting to bury his
book. For this purpose he met Chillingworth' s friends at
the grave with his book in his hand; and, after a short
preamble to the people, in which he assured them “how
happy it would be for the kingdom, if this book and
all its fellows could be so buried that they might never rise
more, unless it were for a confutation,
” he exclaimed,
“Get thee gone, thou cursed book, which has seduced so
many precious souls: get thee gone, thou corrupt rotten
book, earth to earth, and dust: to dust get thee gone into
the place of rottenness, that thou mayest rot with thy
author, and see corruption.
, archbishop of Canterbury, and founder of All Souls college, Oxford, was
, archbishop of Canterbury, and founder of All Souls college, Oxford, was born, probably in 1362, at Higham-Ferrars in Northamptonshire, of parents who, if not distinguished by their opulence, were at least enabled to place their children in situations which qualified them for promotion in civil and political life. Their sons, Robert and Thomas, rose to the highest dignities in the magistracy of London; and Henry, the subject of this memoir, was, at a suitable age, placed at Winchester school, and thence removed to New college, where he studied the civil and canon law. Of his proficiency here, we have little information, but the progress of his advancement indicates that he soon acquired distinction, and conciliated the affection of the first patrons of the age. From 1392 to 1407, he can be traced through . various ecclesiastical preferments and dignities, for some at least of which he was indebted to Richard Metford, bishop of Salisbury. This valuable friend he had the misfortune to lose in the last mentioned year; but his reputation was so firmly established, that king Henry IV. about this time employed him on an embassy to pope Innocent VII. on another to the court of France, and on a third to pope Gregory XII. who was so much pleased with his conduct as to present him to the bishopric of St. David’s, which happened to become vacant during his residence at the apostolic court in 1408. In the following year he was deputed, along with Hallum, bishop of Salisbury, and Chillingdon, prior of Canterbury, to represent England in the council of Pisa, which was convoked to settle the disputed pretensions of the popes Gregory and Benedict, both of whom were deposed, and Alexander V. chosen in their room, who had once studied at Oxford.
In the spring of 1414, Chichele succeeded Arundel as archbishop of Canterbury, which he at first refused in- deference to the
In the spring of 1414, Chichele succeeded Arundel as archbishop of Canterbury, which he at first refused in- deference to the pope but on the pontiff’s acceding to the election made by the prior and monks, he was put in complete possession, and soon had occasion to exert the whole of his talents and influence to preserve the revenues of the church, which the parliament had more than once advised the king to take into his own hands. The time was critical; the king bad made demands on the court of France, wlrch promised to end in hostilities, and large supplies were wanted. The clergy, alarmed for the whole, agreed to give up a part of their possessions, and Chichele undertook to lay their offer before parliament, and as far as eloquence could go, to render it satisfactory to that assembly. It is here that historians have taken occasion to censure his conduct, and to represent him as precipitating the king into a war with France, in order to divert his attention from the church. But while it is certain that he strongly recommended the recovery of Henry’s hereditary dominions in France, and the vindication of his title to that crown, it is equally certain that this was a disposition which he rather found than created; and in what manner he could have thwarted it, if such is to be supposed the wiser and better course, cannot be determined without a more intimate knowledge of the state of parties than is now practicable. The war, however, was eminently successful, and the battle of Azincourt gratified the utmost hopes of the nation, and has ever since been a proud memento of its valour. During this period, besides taking the lead in political and ecclesiastical measures at home, Chichele twice accompanied the king’s camp in France.
was dropped without concessions on either side, and the death of this pope, soon after, relieved the archbishop from farther vexation.
After the death of Henry V. in 1422, and the appointment of Humphrey duke of Gloucester to be regent during
the minority of Henry VI., Chichele retired to his province, and began to visit the several dioceses included in
it, carefully inquiring into the state of morals and religion.
The principles of Wickliffe had made considerable progress, and it was to them chiefly that the indifference of
the public towards the established clergy, and the efforts
which had been made to alienate their revenues, were
attributed. Officially, therefore, we are not to wonder that
Chichele, educated in all the prejudices of the times, endeavoured to check the growing heresy, as it was called;
but from the silence of Fox on the subject, there is reason
to hope that his personal interference was far more gentle
than that of his predecessor Arundel. On the other hand,
history has done ample justice to the spirit with which he
resisted the assumed power of the pope in the disposition
of ecclesiastical preferments, and asserted the privileges
of the English church. In all this he was supported by
the nation at large, by a majority of the bishops, and by
the university of Oxford, nor at this time was more zeal
shown against the Lollards, or first protestants, than against
the capricious and degrading encroachments of the court
of Home. Among the vindications of Chichele’s character
from the imputations thrown upon it by the agents of the
pope, that of the university of Oxford must not be omitted.
They told the pope, that “Chichele stood in the sanctuary of God as a firm wall that heresy could not shake, nor
simony undermine, and that he was the darling of the
people, and the foster parent of the clergy.
” These remonstrances, however, were unsatisfactory to the proud
and restless spirit of Martin V. but after he had for some
time kept the terrors of an interdict hanging over the nation, the dispute was dropped without concessions on either
side, and the death of this pope, soon after, relieved the
archbishop from farther vexation.
pope in the following year. In the charter, the king, Henry VI. assumed the title of founder, at the archbishop’s solicitation, who appears to have paid him this compliment
At what time he first conceived this plan is not recorded. It appears, however, to have been in his old age, when he obtained a release from interference in public measures. The purchases he made for his college consisted chiefly of Berford hall, or Cherleton’s Inn, St. Thomas’s hall, Tingewick hall, and Godknave hall,- comprising a space of one hundred and seventy-two feet in length in the High street, ana one hundred and sixty-two in breadth in Cat, or Catherine street, which runs between the High street and Hertford college: to these additions were afterwards made, which enlarged the front in the High street. The foundation stone was laid with great solemnity, Feb. 10, 1437. John Druell, archdeacon of Exeter, and Roger Keyes, both afterwards fellows of the college, were the principal architects, and the charter was obtained of the king in 1438, and confirmed by the pope in the following year. In the charter, the king, Henry VI. assumed the title of founder, at the archbishop’s solicitation, who appears to have paid him this compliment to secure his patronage for the institution, while the full exercise of legislative authority was reserved to Chichele as co-founder.
derstood from the obligation imposed on the society to pray for the good estate of Henry VI. and the archbishop during their lives, and for their souls after their decease;
According to this charter, the society was to consist of a warden and twenty fellows, with power in the warden to increase their number to forty, and to be called The warden and college of the souls of all the faithful deceased, Collegium Omnium slnimarum Fiddium defunctorum de Oxon. The precise meaning of this may be understood from the obligation imposed on the society to pray for the good estate of Henry VI. and the archbishop during their lives, and for their souls after their decease; also for the souls of Henry V. and the duke of Clarence, together with those of all the dukes, earls, barons, knights, esquires, and other subjects of the crown of England, who had fallen in the war with France; and for the souls of all the faithful deceased.
It was not till within a few days of his death that the archbishop gave a body of statutes for the regulation of his college, modelled
It was not till within a few days of his death that the archbishop gave a body of statutes for the regulation of his college, modelled after the statutes of his illustrious precursor Wykeham. After the appointment of the number of fellows, already noticed, he ordains that they should be born in lawful wedlock, in the province of Canterbury, with a preference to the next of kin, descended from his brothers Robert and William Chichele*. To the society were also added chaplains, clerks, and choristers, who appear to have been included in the foundation, although they are not mentioned in the charter.
ced through nearly plete, the matter was re-heard, and the twelve hundred families; but this, former archbishop’s decree ratified and which seems at first to administer faci-
* This part of the founder’s statutes puted and disputable claims. In 1776,
has occasioned much litigation, as the on an application to Cornwallis, archfarther the time is removed from his bishop of Canterbury, as visitor, he
age, the difficulty of ascertaining con- decreed that the number of fellows to
sanguinity becomes almost insupera- be admkted on claim of kindred should
ble. According- to the “Stemmata be limited to twenty. In 1792, on the
” published in