The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Publication: “History of Colchester,” by Morant, Philip antiquary
Publication: “Ockley, however, was firmly of opinion, that it could serve nothing at all to his purpose; as appears from a printed letter of his to Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Thirl by, in which are the following words:” by Ockley, Simon an eminent Orientalist
Publication: “Origeniana,” by Origen an illustrious father of the church
Died: Fabius Maximus, Quintus, Surnamed Verrucosus And Cunctator a noble Roman
Died: Nævius, Cneius of Campania
Born: Plotinus philosopher
Died: Pantænus philosopher
Publication: “De Usura,” by Jewel, John prelate
Publication: “Antichita Romane,” by Piranesi, John Baptist architect
Publication: “Supplement,” by Patrick, Simon prelate
Publication: “The Literary Repository, 1765,” by Richardson, Samuel writer
Publication: “One also hath made a booke of the Spider and the Flie, wherein he dealeth so profoundlie, and beyond all measure of skill, that neither he himselfe that made it, neither anie one that readeth it, can reach unto the meaning thereof.” by Heywood, John one of the oldest English dramatic writers
Publication: “On the errors of Surveyors, arising from the variation of the Magnetic-needle,” by Molyneux, William, Esq. astronomer
Publication: “Europe Sçavante” by Moreri, Lewis divine (?–1680)
Publication: “In the year 880, being the eighth of his reign, king Alfred founded this city.” by Alfred, The Great the youngest son of Æthelwolf king of the West Saxons
Died: Africanus, Junus historian
Publication: “L‘Amant rendu Cordelier de l’observance d' Amour;” by Martial, D'Auvergne poet
Publication: “Of an Irishman of an extraordinary size, viz. Edward Mallone, nineteen years old, seven feet six inches high,” by Plot, Robert eminent for being the first who formed a plan for a natural history of England
Publication: “A Catalogue of Electrical Bodies,” by Plot, Robert eminent for being the first who formed a plan for a natural history of England
Publication: “Notices et Extraits des manuscrits de la bibliotheque de Paris” by Alkmar, Henry writer
Died: Crates philosopher
Publication: “the freezing and thawing of several short speeches which sir John made in the territories of Nova Zembla.” by Mandevile, Sir John traveller
Publication: “Philosophical Transactions,” by Freind, John physician
Died: Cyprian, Thascius Cæcilius a principal father of the Christian church
Died: Plotinus philosopher
Died: Longinus, Dlonysius Cassius the author of an admired work “On the Sublime
Born: Eratosthenes a Greek of Cyrene
Publication: “In times of danger it is better that the public purse should be plundered, than the state betrayed to the enemy.” by Fabricius, Caius sirnamed Luscinus
Born: Euclid mathematician
Publication: “Synopsis,” by Pool, Matthew a learned Nonconformist
Died: Menedemus philosopher
Born: Hilarion the founder of the monastic life in Palestine
Born: Pachomius, St. abbot