Events noted in 0100

The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.



Publication: “Instrumentum Sinuum, sive Prinii Mobilis,” by Apian, Peter called in German Brenkwitz

Publication: “Lond. 1721, &c. 4 vols. fol. 7.” by Chamberlayne, John was admitted into Trinity college

Publication: “The Christian’s Magazine,” by Dodd, Dr. William divine

Publication: “The Chew-Gazette,” by Glanvil, Joseph writer

Publication: “Tutti i trionfi, carri, mascherate o canti carnasciaj^schi dal tempo di Lorenzo de Medici a questoanno 1559,” by Grazzini, Antony Francis poet

Publication: “Rodrigo,” by Handel, George Frederic composer

Publication: “Nova Britan^­nia,” by Hudson, Captain Henky was an eminent English navigator

Died: Martialis, Marcus Valerius poet

Publication: “An Introduction to Algebra; translated out of the High Dutch into English by Thomas Branker, much altered and augmented by D. P. (Dr. Pell).” by Pell, John mathematician


Publication: “Moral Reflections,” by Noailles, Louis Antony De archbishop (?–1729)


Publication: “Thomas Vainall,” by Boyle, John earl of Cork and Orrery

Born: Theophrastus philosopher


Publication: “Vindiciac praedestinationis et gratiæ,” by Erigena, John Scotus scholar


Born: Apollodorus architect


Publication: “Anatomia humani corporis,” by Bidloo, Godfrey writer

Born: Pompey surnamed Magnus


Died: Frontinus, Sextus Julius writer


Publication: “Prsedi an Rusticum,” by Belsunce, Henry Francis Xavier De bishop


Publication: “Bibliotheque Portugaise,” by Macedo, Francis Jesuit


Publication: “L'abus decouverte,” by Garasse, Francis Jesuit

Publication: “Carmina in matrimon. Philippi Regis, cum Maria Regina Anglise,” by White, John bishop


Born: Hillel the elder

Publication: “Description of a Collection of Prints in imitation of drawings, to which are annexed, Lives of their authors, with explanatory and critical notes.” by Rogers, Charles antiquary


Publication: “Le club des bonnes gens,” by Reigny, Louis Abel Beffroi commonly called Cousin Jaques


Born: Antoninus Philosophus, Marcus Aurelius the Roman emperor (121180)


Publication: “Passion of Jesus Christ,” by Langton, Stephen archbishop


Died: Basilides one of the chief leaders of the Egyptian Gnostics

Born: Gellius, Autus or

Publication: “History of St. Louis,” by Joinville, John, Sire De statesman

Publication: “Antiquities of Padua,” by Mussato, Albertin historian and poet


Publication: “British Zoology,” by Pennant, Thomas traveller


Publication: “Nam prosterquam quod,” by Nevile, Alexander writer


Died: Marcion a heretic


Publication: “History of the Order of the Garter,” by Vertue, George antiquary


Died: Adrian, Publius Æliuvs the Roman emperor


Publication: “World,” by Dalrymple, David antiquary


Publication: “Restituta,” by Owen, Lewis writer


Publication: “Philosophical Transactions,” by Plot, Robert eminent for being the first who formed a plan for a natural history of England


Publication: “What is the square of 12” by Lagny, Thomas Fantet De mathematician


Publication: “The Formation of Salt and Sand from Brine,” by Plot, Robert eminent for being the first who formed a plan for a natural history of England


Born: Lucilius, Caius poet


Publication: “Observations on Lincoln Cathedral,” by Essex, Jamks a man whose astonishing knowledge of gothic architecture could only be equalled by his modesty


Publication: “Essay towards the Na-r tural History of the Earth, his Defence of it, his Discourse of Vegetation, and his State of Physic;” by Woodward, John philosopher


Publication: “Genuine Remains,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius


Publication: “Ad Archangeli Mercenarii Disputationem de Putredine responsioj” by Erastus, Thomas physician


Publication: “Hes.iod,” by Trincavelli, Victor physician


Publication: “De la maniere de celebrer le Concile general,” by Durand, William one of the most learned lawyers of the thirteenth century

Publication: “Method of Reading Histories,” by Langhorne, John poet

Publication: “Lettere Amorose di M. Girolamo Parabosco,” by Parabosco, Jerome writer


Publication: “Paradoxes ou propos contre la commune opinion, debattus en forme de declamations forenses, pour exciter les jeunes esprits en causes difficiles,” by Stephanus, Charles and third son of Henry


Publication: “Letters to Gregorio Pauli,” by Alciati, John Paul a native of Milan

Died: Bissat, Patrick professor of canon law in the university of Bononia in Italy


Publication: “Angelographia,” by Casman, Otto divine


Died: Comes, Natalis writer

Publication: “Description of Lough Neagh, in Ireland,” by Molyneux, William, Esq. astronomer

Publication: “Metaphrasis poetica librorum sacrorum aliquot,” by Thou, James Augustus historian


Publication: “Nuove Invenzioni sopra il modo di Navigare,” by Agrippa, Camille architect

Publication: “News both from heaven and hell,” by Greene, Robert poet

Publication: “Notse ad leges Decemvirorum in xii tabulas,” by White, Richard historian (1540–?)


Born: Ælian, Claudius historian

Born: Hipparchus astronomer

Publication: “Anecdotes of Bowyer,” by Richardson, Samuel writer

Publication: “Adelphi, or Brothers,” by Terentius, Publius writer

Died: Valentinus author of the heretical sect called Valeutinians


Died: Antoninus Pius, Titus Aurelius Fulvius Boionus Antoninus was born at Lanuvium in Italy (68161)

Publication: “Hist. Litt. de ia ville d' Amiens,” by Baudouin, Benedict divine

Publication: “A treatise of good and evil Genii,” by Gaffarell, James writer

Publication: “Disputationes Theologica; d praecipuis horum temporum controversies,” by Gerlach, Stephen divine

Publication: “Epistles,” by Silvester Ii., Pope a man of great talents and influence in the tenth century


Publication: “Coxe’s Travels,” by Guldenstaedt, John Antony traveller

Publication: “Exercitatio Anatomico-Medica, de Glandulis Intestinorum, SchatFhausse, 1677,” by Peyer, John Conrad a native of Schaffhausen in Switzerland

Publication: “Historia Navalis,” by Ryves, Sir Thomas son of John Ryves of Damery Court

Died: Sutcliffe, Matthew divine


Publication: “M. Aurelius Antoninus’s Meditations concerning himself, with notes,” by Casaubon, Meric was born at Geneva

Publication: “Negociations” by Feuquieres, Manasses De Pas, Marquis De one of the bravest French officers in the seventeenth century

Publication: “Isaiae prophetae vetus et nova ex Hebraico versio, cum commentario, &c.” by Foreiro, Francis a learned Portuguese ecclesiastic

Publication: “The Plea of the Innocents,” by Whitgift, John archbishop


Publication: “Peace makes the Gospel way,” by Dury, John in Latin Duroeus

Publication: “A Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline, wherein the way of the churches of New England is warranted,” by Hooker, Thomas divine

Publication: “Memoirs” by Joly, Guy king’s counsellor at the Chatelet

Publication: “Observations of Eclipses.” by Molyneux, William, Esq. astronomer

Publication: “Simplicii commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti,” by Salmasius, Claude one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century


Publication: “Meditations of the mirth of a Christian Life,” by Bogan, Zachary writer

Publication: “The Psalms of David, from the new translation of the Bible, turned into Metre, &c.” by King, Henry bishop

Publication: “Bibliotheca Antitrinitariorum,” by Lubienietski, Stanislaus in Latin Lubieniecius

Born: Pfaff, John Christopher divine

Publication: “Discourse concerning the Effects of the great Frost on Trees and other Plants, in 1683,” by Plot, Robert eminent for being the first who formed a plan for a natural history of England


Publication: “Of the antiquity of Coats of Arms.” by Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce antiquary

Publication: “The Statesmen and favourites of England since the Reformation, &c.” by Lloyd, David historian

Publication: “A Discourse of perpetual Lamps,” by Plot, Robert eminent for being the first who formed a plan for a natural history of England

Publication: “Chronologiae infallibilis de annis Christi, &c. demonstrationes,” by Ravis, Christian a learned orientalist


Publication: “Biblioth. Nov. libror. Manuscr.” by Abydenus which signifies a native

Publication: “Sir Salomon, or the cautious coxcomb,” by Caryl, John probably a native of Sussex

Publication: “Philosophical Transactions,” by Musgrave, Dr. William antiquary


Publication: “Summary view of the Controversy between the Papists and the Author,” by Bower, Archibald a person of a very celebrated

Publication: “On the Connaught worm,” by Molyneux, William, Esq. astronomer

Publication: “Plato Redivivus: or a Dialogue concerning Government,” by Nevile, Henry writer


Publication: “Opera Critica,” by Gataker, Thomas critic

Publication: “Janua Hebraismi aperta,” by Hasenmuller, Daniel a native of Holstein

Publication: “The History of the Weather at Oxford, in 1684 or the Observations of a full Year, made by Order of the Philosophical Society at Oxford,” by Plot, Robert eminent for being the first who formed a plan for a natural history of England


Publication: “Preface,” by Atterbury, Francis bishop

Publication: “The Life and Passion of archbishop Becket.” by Fitzstephen, William historian

Publication: “Review of the Transactions of the present Reign,” by Kippis, Andrew divine

Publication: “The Second Part, being the relative part of it; wherein the intelligible World is considered with relation to human understanding; whereof some account is here attempted and proposed,” by Norris, John divine


Publication: “Storia della vita di Catterina Vizzani, trovata puscella nella sezione del suo caclavero,” by Bianchi, John naturalist

Died: Eberhard, John Augustine divine


Publication: “Description of a new hygrometer,” by Molyneux, William, Esq. astronomer


Died: Arrivabene, Hyppolito a descendant of the same family

Publication: “Letters occasioned by the account of Quietism given by M. Phelipeaux,” by Bleterie, John Philip Rene De La was born at Rennes

Publication: “Questiones Philosophic^ in usum juventiitis academics,” by Johnson, Thomas scholar

Publication: “De eruditione Ap<~,stolorum liber singularis,” by Lami, John an Italian ecclesiastic

Publication: “Commentary on the Prophets,” by Smith, John divine


Publication: “Poesies de l'abbé de FAttaignant,” by Attaignant, Gabriel Charles De L' poet

Publication: “Confessions d'un Fat,” by Bastide, John Francis De La writer

Publication: “Eight sermons on the doctrine of the Trinity, at lady Moyer’s lecture,” by Bedford, Arthur clergyman

Publication: “A schema to reconcile the fourth and fifth verses of the thirty-fifth chapter of the book of Numbers.” by Canton, John philosopher

Publication: “A Treatise of Theoretic and Practical Geometry,” by Clerc, Sebastian Le engraver

Publication: “Concio ad Clerum,” by Denne, John antiquary

Publication: “Mercury,” by Fuzelier, Lewis a native of Paris

Publication: “Hymns for the use of the Brethren” by Gambold, John bishop

Publication: “Philosophical Transactions” by Pepusch, John Christopher one of the greatest theoretic musicians of modern times

Publication: “Vitae Pontificum Romanorum,” by Sandini, Anthony historian

Publication: “Essays on several curious and useful subjects in speculative and mixed Mathematics. Dedicated to Francis Blake, esq. since fellow of the Royal Society, and his very good Friend and Patron,” by Simpson, Thomas professor of mathematics in the king’s academy at Woolwich

Publication: “An Essay on the Balance of Civil Power in England,” by Squire, Samuel divine

Publication: “On Natural Philosophy,” by Torre, John Maria De La philosopher

Publication: “Mahomet,” by Voltaire, Marie-Francis Arouet De the greatest literary character which France produced in the last century

Publication: “Progress of Discontent,” by Warton, Thomas historian


Born: Papinian lawyer

Publication: “Prosperi Martiani Annotationes in csecas praenotationes synopsis,” by Schomberg, Isaac one of a family of physicians of some note in their day (?–1780)


Publication: “Buronagium Genealogicum, or The Pedigree of English Peers,” by Edmondson, Joseph Mowbray herald extraordinary


Publication: “Traité sur la science de l'exploitation des Mines,” by Delius, Christopehr Traugott a learned German mineralogist

Publication: “On the cause of winds and the change of weather, c.” by Molyneux, William, Esq. astronomer

Publication: “Appendiculum notarum in Suidam,” by Toup, Jonathan critic


Publication: “Translation of Bergman’s essay on Elective Attractions,” by Beddoes, Thomas a gentleman of Welch extraction

Died: Carter, Francis Of this gentleman we have litde information

Publication: “A Retrospective View of the Ancient System of the Blast India Company, with a Plan of Regulation,” by Dalrymple, Alexander an eminent hydrographer


Publication: “A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Sturges, &c.” by Dodson, Michael an English barrister


Died: Hegesippus historian

Born: Pollux, Julius an ancient Greek grammarian


Publication: “Why bodies dissolved swim in menstrua specifically lighter than themselves,” by Molyneux, William, Esq. astronomer


Publication: “A Discourse concerning the Observations of the Eclipses of the Satellites of Jupiter,” by Rooke, Sir George a brave naval officer


Publication: “On the Tides,” by Molyneux, William, Esq. astronomer


Born: Origen an illustrious father of the church


Publication: “Why celestial objects appear greatest near the horizon.” by Molyneux, William, Esq. astronomer


Died: Eleutherius bishop

Publication: “Discourse concerning the most seasonable Time of felling Timber, written at the request of Samuel Pepys,esq. secretary of the admiralty,” by Plot, Robert eminent for being the first who formed a plan for a natural history of England